#enjoy my dumb shit lmao
qprstobin · 1 year
I want a Steve who genuinely doesn't want to play DnD because it's just not his thing! He enjoys watching and thinks some of it seems fun, but just isn't interested in the time commitment, or the math, or various other parts of it.
HOWEVER he does demand, like a child when they find out someone is writing a book, to be put in every single campaign as a random npc. He doesn't want to sit down for hours roleplaying, but he does want that seductress in the tavern to have good hair and be named Stevana.
And this isn't like, something the others don't know about, it's very obvious who it is each campaign. Sometimes Eddie even convinces Steve to do the voice for the character if it's a fun one and Steve isn't at work. Steve enjoys how much it both amuses and gets on various Hellfire members nerves, especially because his characters are always... Pretty out there.
Gareth and Jeff tend to be amused by Steve's characters, unless they are actively getting in their way and even then Jeff at least normally just finds them hilarious. Freak continues to want to study Steve like a bug. A crowd favorite for the CC members but a point of annoyance for the Party was the character that Steve pitched that was infatuated with that quest's main villain and would appear randomly just to say something really suggestive about the big bad, inconvenience them somehow even in a really minor way, and then dip. They were definitely supposed to be rescuing Stefano at one point but he was basically kidnapping himself at several points. Dustin is perpetually annoyed because Steve won't play with them for real, but he WILL play a random bimbo that starts them on a quest and enjoys flirting with the older members characters.
(Will and Lucas are... Maybe a little disappointed he's never flirted with their characters but also, Steve would never do that lol.)
Eddie is fine with it, he thinks this is a great compromise. He gets that Steve doesn't want to do hours long storytelling sessions, but this way he still gets to enjoy time with Steve doing one of his favorite things - creating characters and writing the most annoying stories possible. He loves that Steve is participating in even just a small way, and honestly only having him participate for a little bit at a time is better for Eddie's ability to stay on task anyway. He knows Steve wouldn't have fun being a player but he also knows Steve loves being a problem.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
ive come to realise that i dont actually hate kubokai, i just hate the way people write them
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cyber-neptune · 1 month
Can't believe my most popular warframe posts are about bullet jumping with the baby, Stalker visiting us from afar with the baby and Hildryn scissoring
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lil--nuggett · 6 months
(warning: this clip can be a bit loud, i made sure to make it quieter when editing it, but i figured i'd warn you just in case)
this is one of the dumbest things i think i've ever edited, even though it's from like a year ago and i just never posted it for some reason lmao
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rowanisawriter · 4 months
i am literally always writing or thinking about writing the most irrelevant and niche fic known to man
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linkedin-corp · 2 months
wait i love ilaw actuslly hes so little guycore. tell us more
EEEEE HIIII . im so glad u asked abt him cuz for the past week or so ive been frothing at the mouth thinking about him and his little gaggle of freaks . tho tbh he is Not really little guy and moreso shadow the hedgehog but in sky:cotl form. its hilarious and i hate him (affectionate)
however unfortunately im one of those people who if i dont know everything there is to know about the lore of a media im super into i just start making stuff up . and sky is one of those occasions . so bare with me
so starting off explaining some sky:cotl lore for those that know absolutely nothing about it . basically . in the lore, wayyy before you (the player) exist , the world of sky was prosperous and full of life and everything was running smoothly like silk butter
but eventually a corrupt fella came around and became a dictator and ruined everything for everyone, dark dragons began to show up and basically strip everyone of their light (which turns them to stone or just straight up kills you)
so (starting to make things up from here on out bcus im not sure if its true to canon or not), when the darkness started to fall, the wasteland elder was at the frontlines of the war that ended up happening, and got sealed away like all the other elders after the war was lost but not killed completely.
ilaw was a high ranking soldier under the wasteland elder and considered them one of his greatest friends (totally not in a gay way) , and it was hard to ever find them apart
ilaw tried to protect his elder (i use the name 'tsadi' for the wasteland elder even though thats confirmed not canon, i still like that its a thing thats in the wiki and its a nice name) tsadi, but ended up failing
tsadi gave light to ilaw so he could continue going on and fighting the war (well. moreso 'run away and save yourself',) but ilaw didint want to leave tsadi behind, and ended up falling right before tsadi did
fast forward to current day (like. hundreds or thousands of years in the future, im unsure how long of time had passed between the shattering and current day in sky), a colleague of ilaw that was revived finds him and offers him light so he isnt trapped anymore
cue ilaw having a massive identity crisis about the fact he fucked up and did not keep himself safe like tsadi wanted OR keep tsadi safe , and failed his duties to keep his people safe in general
so he ends up spending mostly ALL of his time in wasteland, brooding over the fact that pretty much everything is different now and everyone he used to know is either dead or missing
bcuz of this though , he ends up meeting a moth (what people call "new players") there, after saving them from a krill (dark dragon). this of course causes said moth to become attached at his heel and they never leave after that. accidental moth adoption
it helps him heal somewhat, because for awhile he was very closed off and secluded and would only really talk to his colleague, or others that he considered close friends (which. at the time after his revival, wasnt very many)
eventually, said moth heads back to wasteland after building up the courage and makes it through. though, when she returns, they tell ilaw that they saw tsadi there in the temple. it does make him go into shock for awhile and for a bit after that he doesnt head back into the wastelands due to immense terror. 💔 aand the healing process restarts
so. lots of war trauma and gay longing and tragedy . ive cried over these idiots a few times and i love them to death .
but i do have a couple more small facts about ilaw ! or other thoughts i had written down ect ..
he finds the skykids of current day a tad bit annoying right after he gets revived but eventually softens because the hustle and bustle is comforting . something something lots of background noise so he doesnt have to think about his own problems
i also often imagine him easily beating the shit out of the krill in wasteland . but he wouldnt attempt that in current day because i doubt he trusts himself not to get fucked up again plus hes too busy thinking about tsadi
just. sits utop the crumbled forts and grumbles to himself while imagining himself beating up krill . hes literally shadow the hedgehog but in sky form . if he knew what kinning was he would kin that guy
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toastsnaffler · 11 months
sometimes I wish I was a more interesting + charismatic person just so I could keep conversations going bc I like sharing space with other ppl but they routinely lose all interest and leave once I run out of things to say/start talking abt things that don't concern them :-(
#and boy do I run out of things to say so fast when I'm talking to friends who ik dont give a fuck abt any of my interests...#theres only so much i can make small talk or ask them questions abt their own interests/lives yknow. man#it just makes me feel like im constantly competing with smth else for other ppls attention all the time + constantly losing#eg. when i say smth + my flatmate reaches for her headphones a little dark souls banner appears across my vision like INTERACTION FAILED#and i can feel my rsd + insecurities praying on it like the more i feel this way the more it prophetically fulfils itself#by making me less willing to try and take up space so i become a smaller and smaller person around others#it frustrates me a lot sometimes and i dont rly have the will rn to undo that and force myself to take up more space regardless#ik this sounds like a water is wet complaint like oh nooo woe is me people get bored of me when i talk abt boring things (!!)#but when im spending time w ppl i like i enjoy listening to them talk even if im not interested in the subject bc its Them talking#and if they care abt smth then its worth hearing abt!! to me anyway. but it rly feels like no one reciprocates that idk#oh well not that it matters. at least i like the shit im into so i can talk to myself abt it in my head or on this site lmao#and i like myself as a person even if other people dont so theres always that. ur no 1 should always be urself <3#voicing this makes me feel so stupid + embarrassed urgh. i hate being anxious abt dumb shit i hate being the sort of person who worries#that their friends privately dislike/just tolerate them or whatever bc id never want a friend to worry abt whether i thought that abt them#and im not naturally a very insecure person!! i think im just feeling particularly vulnerable atm bc of the season + jobhunting so long#+ the fact im dissatisfied with my current social life + still feel very wobbly from not having other ppl i can trust or rely on etcetcetc#and thats just bleeding into other areas. and it sucks a lot. but theres nothing to be done abt it rn bc im not going to communicate it#to other ppl bc im not pathetic enough to make my anxieties someone elses problem + beg for pity attention im too proud for that 👍#anyway. gonna play some noita + then i rly need to work out today bc thats probs part of why im feeling so shite#if ur reading this ignore me im just venting itll pass. i hope youre having a nice day :^)#.vent#.diaries
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soadscrawl · 2 years
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you guys seemed to really like my medic steve, so i decided to expand on it. apparently im not the first person to think of this concept, and i think its so funny we all collectively saw this violent teenage boy who punches everything and were like “what if he did the opposite of that” lmao. some notes:
-this is what i imagine his outfit for wizards would be. he still hangs out with the knights, but thats becasue hes a medic who keeps having to patch them up during the tournament and stuff
-i imagine a running gag where everyone in the past thinks steve is a medical genius bc he knows about things like washing your hands before doing a medical procedure and boiling water to purify it. a big chunk of his arc would be about him liking to feel like hes smart and not wanting to leave the past bc he feels special there since he has so much more knowledge than them.
-the longer hair is for two reasons: 1) its in some concept art and i thought it was cute, 2) in the rewrite of TOA that lives in my head theres a timeskip between the end of 3below and wizards, so it also shows the progression of time, and represents how steve has changed since the beginning of 3below.
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waluigisgaybf · 10 months
Because i sent the ask before seeing the Dark Urge version of the list, here's the adjusted list: 1, 10, 13 or 7. Also the Durge list doesn't have a hobby question but feel free to answer that one too if you want!
I was legit about to answer the Tav one for my Durge before I saw this second ask 👀
Ive actually kind of thought about these a lot and have small little ideas of what I go with so Im def about to use these to solidify and piece together things for me boy- (and will still answer the hobbies one cause Id already typed it but I’ll put it in the tags cause Im incapable of not using SO many words for things.
1.) What circumstances led to your Dark Urge becoming their Class/Subclass?
Nalnor is a College of Swords Bard, the subclass just made the most sense for his style cause hes a show offy hacky slashy type of guy- but subclass aside, when Nal was young he probably realized fairly quickly how much joy he got out of telling storys or playing music, almost anything that would wow a crowd or even just a single person.
Part of its because ever since he was a child, before and after the urge took hold- he had this need for approval and acceptance, so seeing that he had the ability to even just trick people into it made him really stick to it- Once the urge began to take even more of a hold and finally became fully who he was- it brought a new element in, the ability to control someone emotions and reactions with just a simple tune brought him a whole new level of excitement, the power his words could have, to lull people into a fall sense of comfort even before killing them- After the loss of memories and tadpole its come back full circle though, he just really loves singing and humming and playing instrument, and he LOVES moving people with his music and making people smile— and it’s debatable if he can even kind of remember or will remember- but the true actual reason he ever even started humming or singing as a child was because his adoptive mother used to sing before the urge made him kill his foster family and it quickly rubbed off on him.
10.) What motivates your Dark Urge to either embrace or resist the tadpole?
At first he’s really really hesitant and to nervous to fuck with any of it- cause hes already got some weird shit going on in his head- he’s not gonna risk adding anything else, but as “The Dream Guardian” starts showing up more and more- Nalnor slowly kind of starts to trust him and also becomes more desperate to figure out what the fucks going on so he slowly starts using the powers and the tadpole more- once the Astral-touched tadpole is brought up he once again because extremely hesitant because hes literally just figured out who he actually is and who he thinks he wants to be and the thought of becoming even semi Illithid scares the fuck out of him- but the hes slowly realizing it might actually be the only way to make sure his friends hes come to cherish live and are safe- and the fear isnt going away, but hes becoming slowly more tempted to do just to help them all better 😳😳
13.) How does your Dark Urge feel about killing? AND 7.) Did your Dark Urge recall any childhood memories? If yes, how do they feel about the revelations? If no, was it by choice or lack of options?
(Imma try do a two in one answer cause they kinda work together lmao)
He did actually get one of the two in game childhood memories- his first actual murder(s) where he’s standing over the body of his foster family.
It was triggered when Heal was cast on him so he definitely was NOT expecting it, and was NOT happy about it 😳 The details are still so foggy but he remembers he had a sibling, and that his parents were kind and sweet, but he remembers their blood on his hands, the absolute confusion he felt when realizing what he’d done and the terrifying speed in which is guilt subsided and turned into excitement and the looks on their faces. It is not a memory he is happy about, and he cant stop wondering how many other friends or family he may have killed.
Ever since he woke up in that pod he’s been horrified of the joy, excitement, and fulfillment killing fills him with, he struggles greatly especially at first to resist, and catches himself in moments where he swears he didnt feel the urge but definitely acted out on it in some way.
The killing scares him because he wants you to do it so bad and because hes scared of whatever part of him seems to be fighting for control.
Slowly after more shits uncovered and he gets to coping more, he feels less scared of killing, hes more confident he can resist letting it consume him, but still feels this small fear from the satisfaction it brings him each time, and is still quietly scared of it sneaking up on him and consuming him because he cant how much of it feels like its because of Baahl in his blood and how much of it is just- who he is.
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boxofthings · 11 months
I have pages and pages of notes plotting out the shadow!Roach fic and I still haven't even reached the half way point of the plot how do big fic writers DO this???
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nocylipcowa · 1 year
ok no amount of private posts will fix me!!!!!!!!!!! tag vent now!!!!
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panb1mbo · 1 year
i made carbonara with the leftover chicken!!
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recipe linked in green but good luck charlie cause i added a million things so i would eat it ngl
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
like i really like tears of the kingdom cause this game is so creative with its ability system
but also im far too dumb for this 💀
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Tierlist made by @intrulogical
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imwritesometimes · 1 year
I love being into media that is old and has pretty much no following here I love feeling like I'm contributing nothing but irritation and annoyance even in my clown enclosure
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werewolf4vampire · 2 years
seeing that they're remaking silent hill 2 and then seeing that it's gonna be a ps5 exclusive made me go from elated to enraged
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