#enhypen hybrid series
filmbyjy · 2 months
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SUMMARY: ni-ki wasn’t acting the way you thought he would, he seemed more…cuddly? less mysterious. you never expected him to act this way but you kinda like this. he was adorable.
WORD COUNT: 1.4K words
a/n: ohohoho i know you guys missed this series. well, everyone was having a very overwhelming response to ni-ki’s one and i am so thankful for that. i really enjoy writing ni-ki’s one. he’s too cute and since the baby says he’s a puma then he is a puma but for this he is still a cool black panther. not a duck, even though he is one
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on the previous episode of ‘Black Panther Ni-Ki’,
there is no way he turned into his human form. your mouth was wide opened.
“(name).” he says.
even his voice was deep. this is just the start of living together, how would you survive?
— and now we continue…
“ni-ki, you’re-”
he shyly looks away, “the clothes is a bit small for me.”
”oh, we can go shopping for some clothes for you.” you quickly went to open the gate. “how about we go to the mall now before i bring you home?”
he shakes his head, black tail swishing downwards. which meant, he didn’t like the thought of it. “i want to go home, our home.”
you blushed. “s-sure.” you cleared your throat and start to walk a little. “let’s go.” ni-ki jogs slightly to catch up with you.
the other workers were in shock to see ni-ki in his human form. in fact, they were even more in shock to see him sticking so close to you.
“(name), is that who i think it is?” one of your co-workers say. ni-ki growled lowly, it scares your co-worker.
“yes, it is. I'm sorry he's acting this way. he's just a little hungry.” you made up an excuse, knowing it was almost his dinner time. your co-worker’s eyes widened, they knew how feisty ni-ki got when he didn’t get to eat on time.
“oh, go ahead. it’s bad if he doesn’t get to eat.” you nod at your co-worker’s words and excused yourself to clock out of your shift.
once that was done, you start to walk out of the shop and towards the direction of your home. ni-ki followed, there wasn’t any words exchanged between the both of you but yet, in a way it was comforting. you had made it to your apartment building, it wasn’t exactly the nicest place but it did the job for you since you were only 19.
“welcome to my home, it’s kinda small but i tried to make it cozy.” you had pointed to the bedroom, “that’s the only room i have and it’s my bedroom. umm, maybe we can last here for a bit until i get a promotion for my job. how about you can take my bed and i’ll sleep on the couch.”
ni-ki shakes his head, he clings onto you as his tail wraps around your calf. “let’s sleep in bed together. it’s lonely to sleep alone.” he buries his head at the crook of your neck and starts to rub his head against the spot. his black panther ears twitching a little as it touches the fabric of your shirt.
this was definitely shocking to you because you’ve never seen him act like this. small purrs were heard as he gets more comfortable with you. you had rubbed his back. “okay, we can share a bed together.” you had declared. however, you weren’t too sure if you could even survive being in the same bed as the big cat. he may be a cat but he is still part human, you’ve never done such intimate things with someone of the opposite gender.
“i’m hungry.” he says. he looks up at you and you had noticed his hair was a little messy due to rubbing against you. you had reached up and smoothen it out but he was still a little too tall. instead of having you tiptoe, he bent down slightly for you. he purrs slightly, shivering as you were smoothening out his hair.
“what do you want to eat?” you had asked. the boy sighs out of content, his eyes were shut.
“i’m okay with anything.”
you had stopped touching his hair and retracted your hand. he frowns a little, moving closer and hiding his face at the crook of your neck. “i don’t have much at home, mmm. how about jajangmyeon?”
he nods but doesn’t move. “ni-ki, I have to make food.”
he lets out a soft growl, slightly threatening but not enough to scare you. “can we cuddle? I dont feel like moving around too much.”
“cuddling is for mated couples though…” you whisper quietly but ni-ki seems to have heard. he huffs and doesn't move.
“then we can become a couple.” he states.
your eyes widened. “what?” ni-ki still doesn't move from the crook of your neck.
“i-i like you. ever since you had started work at the shelter. I had seen you and you looked pretty.” his black panther ears twitches.
“oh, ni-ki…that's too cute.” you had hold up at arms length to look at his face. he was blushing, couldn't even stare at you properly.
his black tail swishes from left to right, clearly showing how embarrassed he was. you had scratched one particular spot that ni-ki really loves and he starts purring. he didn’t shy away from it. his tail wrapping around your calf.
“we should eat first. let’s talk about this later, hmm?” you cooed as he his purring gets louder. he was enjoying the attention.
and so, you went to the kitchen to make jajangmyeon for the both of you. ni-ki looks at the food, his stomach growling as he smells the strong scent. his little tooth pokes out. “enjoy your food.” you say. ni-ki digs in and finishes it within minutes. he really enjoyed it. however, you had to remember. he was not a normal house cat, which meant he had to eat more.
“i need more food.” he huffs. alright. you really have to remind yourself that you had a big cat in the house. note to self: buy more food during grocery week.
”oh, i have some milk. maybe that might fill your hunger a little.” you poured him a glass and he happily drinks it. just like a hungry kitten. he wipes his mouth and looked super satisfied after drinking the glass of milk.
“can we cuddle now?” ni-ki says. his ears perked up and his black tail swishes.
“oh, umm. sure.” with that permission, ni-ki grabs your hand and pulls you to your bedroom. you could feel your face heat up.
you had laid in bed with him. it felt awkward because honestly, what were you supposed to do it in this situation? a cute hybrid boy, who confessed to you like an hour ago that he liked you and wanted to cuddle with you.
“did you remember when you first joined the team, everyone warned you about me?” ni-ki voices out.
you hummed, “i found their words very mean. i was sure you were misunderstood.”
“when i was first brought into this world. my mom, she didn’t understand anything as she was young herself. well, in cat years. she was young and afraid. she had nobody to care for her as she was a stray panther hybrid. people took advantage of her and she was too kind for this world. they ended up hurting her a lot and experimenting on her. her body couldn’t handle these experiments and she…she was gone. i was only a pup and so it scared me a lot.” ni-ki carefully tells you his story.
“they couldn’t experiment on me as i was still a baby so they just waited and waited until i grew older. i somehow managed to escape and some people found me before putting me in the adoption centre for hybrids. i closed myself off, i was afraid that the people that adopted me would hurt me. then, when you came…i had a sense that you wouldn’t hurt me. something about you was attracting me, it made me curious. which is why, i spent 2-3 years trying to gain trust on you to see if you’d be the best person to take care of me.”
ni-ki turns to face you, “i’m honestly scared that you might leave me. i don’t have anyone else.”
you had cupped his face and he leans into the touch, “don’t worry. i won’t leave you. i’ll be by your side. as your owner and…as your partner.” he closes his eyes in content. “i’ll accompany you to the trainings too. you need to get used to being a human and also be careful around everyone.”
“okay, i’ll go for those trainings as long as you’re there.”
“i will. you don’t have to worry about a thing.”
with that, ni-ki brings you close and he wraps his arms around you. he falls asleep and so do you. the both of you slept peacefully in each others arms, it was a safe space for the both of you and ni-ki wouldn’t have it any other way.
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taglist[open]: @nyfwyeonjun @luvkait @hello-stranger24 @cowsidfk @tzuyusluv @beans-and-jeanes @andromedawillburryyou @belovedxiao @thefangirloncrack @annoyingbitch83 @jswnnie @byu @rosabella1009 @jihoon-is-my-angel @stinkoscope @60astrophile27 @ira-sumi @whoiss4m @enhypen-scholarship @enhapocketz @sweetjaemss @hees-gf-ela @haerinism @llyunall @bekiss-world @Haze-hh @mitchikeli @ajayke-reads @yanagisprettygf @certified-niki-lover @darlingz99 @hanjisunginc @jnnyy @cypherxmyg @sovlidago @brityoo @yizhoutv @laurradoesloveu @iamliacamila @hongjoongsbowlcut @nanabbg @laurradoesloveu @sofiasber @yunjinhuhjennifer @jeulan @mylettterstoyou
(bolded can’t be tagged)
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panjakes · 1 year
Can I get dad!Yoongi comes back from tour and his daughter and black wife come pick him up from the airport? Also I love your writing❤️
Thank you!!!❤️🫶🏼
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Yoongi couldn’t wait for this damn plane to land and everyone could tell. Jimin who was sitting next to him smirked before nudging him a bit.
“Can’t wait too see the family?” He asks
“It’s been a while since I’ve physically seen them…and I just wanna be in my bed” he mumbles making jimin laugh
“Yeah I feel you” jimin says making yoongi side eye him
“Well, on the bed part” jimin says making yoongi nod and chuckle
Before he could respond the flight attendant announced they would be landing soon. Yoongi didn’t wait to pull out his phone sending you a quick text.
Not wasting time to get his overhead bag and getting into the isle to get off the plane. The rest of the members laughing at his excitement
After being the first person off the plane, yoongi did wait for his members who met him inside the airport.
Staring down at the watch on his wrist looking at the time
“Are you going to eat? I want food” jungkook says as the rest of the members walk over to yoongi
“Took you long enough” yoongi mumbles taking the sunglasses off his face
“We get it! You miss the family! Gosh” Jin says rolling his eyes as they start to walk
“Don’t be upset because you don’t have your own family to go home to.” Yoongi mumbles
Yoongi looked around the empty airport. It was slightly dark outside and there was surprisingly no cameras and no army inside which he was glad for
He looked down at his phone to see where you parked.
Stepping outside in front of the airport yoongi and the guys looked around for you and the tiny angel.
Yoongi couldn’t help but smile when he looked over across the street and seen you holding your three year old daughter who was holding a sign with different colors and sparkles.
“Mommy!! It’s daddy!” He heard her scream
“I know babygirl! Let’s go get him” you say smiling at her
Yoongi waited for the two of you to cross the street. Your daughter kicked her legs ready to get out your arms and into yoongi's.
"daddy!! Hi!" She shouts waving her tiny hand
"Hi princess" Yoongi says pulling you and the small child into a hug. Leaning over to kiss your forehead then your daughters. Yoongi sighs in relief at finally being home
"Look!" Your daughter says holding up the sign she made almost hitting you with it
"she insisited that we make you a sign" You say playfully rolling your eyes
"It pretty?" she ask looking at yoongi with her big wide eyes. He chuckles before running his hand through her curls
"Very pretty princess. Whats going on with your hair?" Yoongi asks noticing her hair wasnt in its usual twist or braids with beads
"She gave me a hard time when I tried to do it. So shes rocking the baby fro" You say
"Hey yn you cooking?" Jungkook asks walking over to the three of you
"Excuse you? Cant say hello to my wife?" Yoongi asks
"Dont do that, me and yn are cool like that. I'm just hungry" Jungkook says waving yoongi off
"Uncle Kookie!"
"Hi pea! Where you good for mommy?" He asks taking your daughter from yoongi,
"Yeah!" She screams excitedly
"Yeah Im cooking but it'll be later. Me and ava had pancakes" You say pushing her air out of her face
"Yeah later, now go away so I can have my family to myself" Yoongi says grabbing ava from jungkook
Jungkook glares at him before smacking his lips and looking over at you.
"He cried the third day on tour because he said he missed you guys" Jungkook says pointing at yoongi who smacks his lips
"I did not" Yoongi says
"He did, the stylist had to redo his makeup he was crying so much" Jungkook says making yoongi push him a little bit
"Get out of here" He says making jungkook laugh and leave
"I did not cry" Yoongi mumbles
"well Ava did" you say making her gasp
“Mommy! Stop!” She says feeling embarrassed
“Yeah mommy stop! She’s a big girl” yoongi says making your daughter agree
“Yeah whatever, get in the car I know your tired” you say patting his back
“Daddy can we play?” Ava asks
“Ava daddy’s tired you can play tomorrow” you say walking over to the car
“No tomorrow” she says pouting as yoongi puts her into her car seat
“It’s okay princess we can play all night” yoongi says kissing her forehead making her giggle
You shrug going over to the drivers side to open it but yoongi quickly shuts it and shakes his head
“What’re you doing?” You ask
“I’m driving” he says
“No baby your tired. I can drive” you say
Yoongi ignores you taking the keys from your hand and pushes you over to the passenger. You sigh and obey anyway.
The car ride home was filled with you filling yoongi in on what happened while he was gone. Everything was about Ava but yoongi was glad to hear.
Once you three were settled inside the house, Ava immediately pulled yoongi too her big pink purple and yellow room filled with every toy a three year old could have
While you were in the kitchen you couldn’t help but smile as you heard Ava’s loud giggles. Sooner or later the giggles were no longer heard.
Just as you turned off the stove, you walk upstairs to Ava’s room to find yoongi in her tiny bed and her in his lap. You take out your phone taking a pictures smiling. You knew he was tired.
Before you could wake him up you heard someone knock on the door. You go down the stairs to open it to find jungkook
“Oh so you was serious about getting this plate” you say letting him in
“Of course! Where’s yonngi and Pea?” He asks
“Asleep. They played for about two hours” you say going to make his plate
“Really? Alright I won’t bother y’all. I’ll get my plate and go” jungkook says following you too the kitchen
“Take some to jimin and taehyung” you say handing him the extra plates
“Nah I think I’ll keep them to myself” he says laughing
“Bye jungkook” you say laughing
“Bye Yn! Thanks for the food” he says opening the door and leaving.
You make yoongi and Ava’s plate putting them in the microwave knowing they’d probably wake up at the same time and want to eat.
After cleaning the kitchen you go back to Ava’s room to check on the two. They were still sleeping just in a new position that made you laugh.
Yoongi was on his back with his feet hanging off the end off the tiny bed with Ava laying on his back.
You don’t say anything. You just take another picture and go to your bedroom. Quickly showering and getting dressed.
Getting into the bed yoongi wasn’t far behind
“Wassup baby” you say making him glare at you
“Ain’t no wassup, why didn’t you wake me up to get in the REAL bed” he says making you chuckle
“You looked comfortable so I left you alone” you say shrugging
“Bullshit. You know that plastic bullcrap isn’t comfortable. Plus Ava kicked me in the mouth” he says rubbing at his jaw
“How?” You ask chuckling
“I don’t know but I do know I’m going to bed” he says climbing into the bed throwing his arm around your waist
“Okay goodnight” you say turning off your lamp and turning you attention back to Netflix
Soon enough yoongi was back lightly snoring and you were watching some reality show on Netflix. Not even 25 minutes later Ava came into the room with a pout
“Mommy!! Daddy left again!” She says sadly
“No he didn’t he’s right here baby” you say pointing to the sleeping man
She peeks over and immediately runs over to the big king size bed. She tries her hardest to get into the bed but she just couldn’t so she pats yoongis leg
“Daddy! Help” she says making you giggle at her cute little voice
Yoongi groans grabbing her from under her arms and putting her in between the two off you. He kisses her forehead and pats her stomach
“Go to sleep pea” he mumbles
“Okay” she mumbles snuggling closer to yoongi
You smile at the two before turning the tv off and snuggle into your daughter and yoongi.
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kpopandmusicpassion · 4 months
Andra walked into the room the pack was staying in. “Hi. My name is Andra and I am here to help you get back to a normal life.” She gave them a kind smile before hearing a growl and getting pushed against the wall before being bitten. When he let go of her he nuzzled into her neck. She was shocked and just kinda stood there as he held her while the rest of the pack looked just as surprised as she felt. Well she had heard of hybrids meeting someone for the first and becoming extremely possessive of them claiming them upon the first meeting. “So I guess it would be better for me to help you at home then. I’ll have to tell my boss about the situation. Thank goodness Chan is a hybrid himself.” She said pulling the hybrid away enough to see him. “Do you want to come with me while I explain what happened?” The panther hybrid nodded. “Sorry about this. We didn’t expect this either.” A wolf hybrid said. “It’s unexpected but something we can get used to. I inherited a huge house anyway and I’m the only one living there so this isn’t too bad. I’d appreciate the company honestly.” She gave the pack a reassuring smile before making her way to Chan’s office with the panther. She entered the office about to explain when the panther growled at the wolf saying,”Mine.” He put her behind him. “Oh, I see you have been claimed. Easy there friend she’s an employee and like a sister to me. I’m Bang Chan leader of the Stray Kids pack and one of the founders of the Wolfgang Hybrid Center. You are?” “I’m MingHao of the Seventeen pack.” “I take it they are going home with you then, Andra?” “Yes, Chan.” “Go on. Take one of the buses and get them settled in. I’ll have Minho and Changbin come get it tomorrow. Take the month off okay?” “Thanks for understanding, Wolfman.” Chan just rolled his eyes as they left. She gathered the rest of the pack grabbing bus keys and leading them outside. “This is one of the buses used to bring in hybrids that were rescued from difficult situations. Two of Chan’s pack mates will stop by tomorrow to pick it up. One of the others will probably bring my car home too and leave with the others. You guys ready to go home?” “Yes! I’m so excited!” A young coyote said. “I’m glad. We’ll need proper introductions when we get there though.” She told them as everyone got in.
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lani-heart · 5 months
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genre(s) -> hybrid au, non-idol au, university au paring(s) -> ehyphen ( individually ) x reader(s) warning(s) -> angst, violence, crimes, bullying, drinking, etc.
abstract -> what can go wrong in a world of hybrids?
-> uploading will start May 18 //Schedule tbd -> taglist open !!
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abstract -> Freshman in college and put to socialize with the other kids from wealthy families. y/n and Riki Nishimura being childhood friends and hybrid / master weren’t anything like other owners. Instead, Riki misbehaves and is rude when around others wanting his owner for himself. Getting her in trouble a few too many times had got him worried that he’d be replaced like her father had warned him. So instead of waiting to be replaced… There's a new etiquette class available at the same school as his owner. How convenient… now was that gonna guarantee him a spot by her side forever?
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COMPLETE -> preview
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CHAPTER ONE || “perfect hybrid” CHAPTER TWO || etiquette CHAPTER THREE || misunderstandings  CHAPTER FOUR || fake relationship CHAPTER FIVE || for you
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abstract -> Seeing how Riki is treated, Jake, jealous and tired, runs away from the adoption center. Only to save a girl from the predatory men on the streets of Seoul. Not knowing he’s a hybrid, they both have the time of their lives… while he pretends to be human. How scandalous… the daughter of a wealthy known CEO to be caught with a stray hybrid?
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COMPLETE -> preview
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CHAPTER ONE || outcasts CHAPTER TWO || luxury CHAPTER THREE || abandonment CHAPTER FOUR || forbidden  CHAPTER FIVE || anything
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abstract -> Haechan always liked to interfere where he didn’t belong. Making a scholarship student take a hybrid and making a bet she’ll regret wasn’t on this year's calendar. Especially with how mean and rude he was… no way he was the well-behaved and sought-after hybrid the rich kids wanted. But… was sweet and caring, at the end of the day, however, he wouldn’t turn his life from riches to rags… right?
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ON GOING -> preview
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CHAPTER ONE || temporary CHAPTER TWO || scholarship  CHAPTER THREE || mean CHAPTER FOUR || insecurities CHAPTER FIVE || forever
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abstract -> The principal's spoiled daughter returns from her trip to China only to find that her artist's block hasn't gotten any better. Who knew a cute and innocent fox would fix that? However… she swore never to own a hybrid so she could only admire him from afar as his owner turned out to be everything Sunoo hated. Even through that hatred and pain… she still saw him worthy enough to be her muse. 
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COMING SOON -> preview
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CHAPTER ONE || artist block CHAPTER TWO || exhibition CHAPTER THREE || envy CHAPTER FOUR || disappointed CHAPTER FIVE || muse
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abstract -> Never adopted… I mean who would want to adopt a hybrid with big antlers on his head? It was a shame that such a pretty face had such an ugly thing growing out of his head. Would you want to adopt him? Even after he tried to cut them off risking his life in the process? Even after your parent's threats?
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COMING SOON -> preview
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CHAPTER ONE || ugly CHAPTER TWO || doe eyes CHAPTER THREE || antlers CHAPTER FOUR || empty CHAPTER FIVE || pretty
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abstract -> The figure skater hybrid was sought after being sold for millions… but he met his match to take care of a clumsy woman. He was famous after all why should he have to take care of an idiotic woman like you who forgets to look both ways when crossing the street? Especially when you’ll end up forgetting him… all over again? 
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COMING SOON -> preview
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CHAPTER ONE || spring CHAPTER TWO || lies CHAPTER THREE || hate CHAPTER FOUR || truth CHAPTER FIVE || winter
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abstract -> Daughter of two renowned lawyers who just busted a case on the black mart hybrid traffickers damned their daughter with a hybrid. They thought it was a good thing to have someone to go home to after a long day… well that wasn’t true when he tried to run away every day. Until… one day she decided to not go find him.
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COMING SOON -> preview
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CHAPTER ONE || service CHAPTER TWO || escape CHAPTER THREE || law CHAPTER FOUR || riot CHAPTER FIVE || liberty
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if you would like to be on the taglist please send an ask or comment under this post. If you message me there might be a chance I don't see if and if you ask on another post such as in one of the chapters it'll be hard to keep up with.
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taglist -> @ilovecheese09 @gudkc @nikisvanillaccola @blossominghunnie @mheretoreadff @k1ttylvr @starzniiky @kibs-and-bits @b3tt7boop @in-somnias-world @lol6sposts @xiaoderrrr @jihyosgfremade @b-a-nshee-blog @mimisamisasa @katsukis1wife @eggomi @thunderous-wolf @tinyteezer @lilactangerine @starfallia @sousydive @bearseulgs
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please don't be a silent reader !! reblog, comment, and like <3
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sehodreams · 3 months
hi hi ! idk if you’ve been asked/answered this already but do u have any recs for blogs/works like yours?? i love your works!! but its so hard for me to find other ones like them, thanks !!
Blogs like mine? 🫠 Uhm I have no idea hahaha, I don't feel my work has the same vibes of the masterpieces I like here, I could give recommendations of blogs/works I like here tho! I don't feel comfortable tagging them because they might not like it, sorry but after one situation I went through I prefer to just mention them like this or perhaps putting the link, just to make sure I don't bother anyone 🫥👌
1. @/muntitled has a ton of fanfics I love, her Sungchan fics are top tier, and the possessive! jealous!Sungchan is like a blueprint here in the community ❤️‍🔥 (darkish content)
3. @/riizeblr I enjoy all their work a lot! Like I'm sure I'm one of her biggest fans, I always have my notifications for her on and everything she writes is a masterpiece (I have a ton of respect for her too because she writes mostly drabbles and how the hell do people do that and put plots too??? She's fucking awesome!). Also, pretty sure you know her already because she's got a steady place in the community (she was the first dark!riize writer if I'm not wrong) but I'll still mention her haha (dark content)
4. @/snoopyana is taking a bit of a break after an accident, and she's also known so you probably know her (damn riize Tumblr writers are all pretty known I fear 😫), but I like her Anton fics a lot! Maybe so you can repeat them hahaha (dark/darkish content)
5. @/tonisbabydoll is still fairly new, she just started a Wonbin series! But I'll be honest, I'm sure she's mostly known as the riize Twitter link girl too 😂, I have a lot of respect because she can come with things so fast???? Like I have no idea how her brain works but she has a ton of ideas for her asks. Also, she's mostly into hard hours. (Sometimes darkish but she's more into tame stuff)
6. @/b1mbodoll writes for many groups (no riize) and it might not be your taste since she has a lot of hybrid!aus but I ADORE HER WORK. She's one of the few blogs I've seen write for &team and I'm a big Nicholas fan so she saved me 😭😭😭 (dark)
7. @/dr0wnme0ut has great fics too! However she's not a riize writer (she writes for Enhypen). Lately I've been reading more stuff from other fandoms because I've also been having problems finding riize fics my taste 😫 but Enhypen is a great option! I love them so much just because of their fanfiction lol, it has that little weirdness I adore 😍❤️‍🩹 (dark blog too)
8. @/teasteeper writes for wayv and I adore her loser!yangyang, it gave me reason to live too and I tried to write for him but I'm afraid I don't know them that well and the fic got abandoned 😫 (darkish content)
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eeunoia · 1 year
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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E N H Y P E N as Greek Myths
pairings: kim sunoo x reader
synopsis: you’ve always been love struck with kim sunoo’s beauty. your love for him is undying and once said, its like echo that kept on repeating and repeating. what happens when finally, you caught his attention? this time in a good way.
word count: 10k
important note: i originally planned to write enhypen as greek gods but then i didn’t find some love stories that i like so i end up using some love stories that aren’t greek gods. also these are like modern versions of greek mythology love stories.
warnings: grammar errors, not proof read, very rude kim sunoo, curses and foul words, angst. let me know if i missed some!
note📎: inspired by a walk to remember movie. if you haven’t watched that yet, check it out! i hope you guys liked it! it really means a lot to me whenever you let me know what you think about them, re-blogs and comments are well appreciated. btw, i love you guys and thank you for supporting me up until now. have a nice day/night! 🤍
permanent tag-list:
@rubyanne @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @crjwon @love13tter @classicroyalty @angel-hybrid @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @hime98 @moonsclover @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamyenskz @minamoons @clar-iii @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @one16core @soobin-chois @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @kimmchijjajang @hoonbrry @axartia @all4haru @hiqhkey @sta-rie @purplepuppychild @iceeee @wtfhyuck @tobiosbbyghorl @edensgardenn @nikililmj @ayayiiie @moonlightisland @simpforniki
© 2023 eeunoia — all rights reserved.
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"Good morning students of Hybe University. This is the president of your Radio club wishing you a wonderful day. And for that I have a short message for everyone." you have a small smile over your lips as you read those lines for the morning message for the students. It was a project of the audio-visual club to have this messages at morning to spread good vibes.
"Quote of the day, 'Love the person inside you.'" after you utter those words, one of the club members then played a short sound as an effect.
You are the president of this club and was voted to be the voice behind it. The first time it was announced to you still lingers over your head. It was a memorable one. You feel really honored.
"And to end this, I want to leave a special message for our sunshine Kim Sunoo," a bigger and warmer smile appears over your lips after saying his name.
A lot of students, if not everyone yet, knows how head over heels you are to the campus crush. Of course, a lot of students admires him and the line is just up to the mount everest. So you do these routine in order to somehow cut in that line. Work smarter, not harder, that's what they say.
"Remember to smile!" you said hoping that short message do remind him to smile like how thinking of him makes you smile.
‘✓ Give short messages for Sunoo.’
You had this list you made that consist of things you wanted to do. There’s a lot of them and most of it involves Kim Sunoo. You’ve read somewhere that having this lists can help you feel more motivated in life. To have things to look forward for.
The session got wrapped up like how it always do. You complimented your team for doing such an amazing job for assisting you and they did the same thing back to you. As you all walk back to your own classes, you try to roam your eyes around to look for someone.
Your eyes found him too easily as he have this different aura from anybody else. It was too easy for you to tell that it was him even if he's not facing. Just by looking at his hair, the way he stands, his broad shoulders and good body proportions. Not to mention the eyes of the students around glued at him completely. Some people who passes by even greets him just to catch his attention even just for a while.
"Hi Sunoo!" your tone sounded too energetic. He glanced at you and his eyes were emotionless as always. His stare didn't even last for a long time and it teared off of you then back to his friend who greeted you back.
You gave him a wave and focused on Sunoo once again. He's back on getting his morning books from his locker to prepare for class.
You trapped your lower lip over your teeth and hesitated whether to talk again or not. In the end, you decided to try and bother him once again.
"How was your sleep last night?" you asked and even rested over the lockers to get a grip over his stare.
'He responded!' you almost scream in joy. It was just one word and he was definitely pissed, but who cares? The fact that he responded to you is already a progress.
You cannot hide your smile. "Why? What happened? Do you need anything?" you said continuously, questions followed by another questions.
He lets out a strained sigh before facing you. His cold eyes intimidated you, but you kept your stand. He was always like this and you're already used to it.
"Do you want me to get you anyth-"
"I want you to fuck off." his rude remark made your smile fade. You can feel your eyes starting to water and your mind slowly floating out of embarrassment. Eyes of students around that heard what he said watched you with shame and pity.
Jungwon, Sunoo's friend, quickly grabbed him over his shoulder to calm him down. "Hey, don't be rude." you heard him whispered over his friend.
Sunoo shrugged his hold off while keeping his cold stares right at you. He rolled his eyes and then started walking off. Jungwon tries to call him, but as expected he didn't listen. He turned over you and smiled apologetically.
You quickly flashed him a soft smile despite the tears forming at the side of your eyes.
"I'm sorry about him, Y/n. Seems like he woke up in the wrong side of the bed." he said.
You gave him a nod, "No problem! I'm at fault to for being too pushy. I should've gave him space after he said that he slept terrible."
Jungwon smiled a little, "No, he still have no reason to be that rude." he draws in a sigh, "Anyway, see you at class." and he waved before he exits himself.
You waved and your smile slowly faded after he started to walk away. The words Sunoo said kept lingering over your brain. He's always rude to you, yes. But he seems to be get more rude as days passes by.
Your friend arrived minutes after and you both walked towards your class without her knowing what happened. You decided not to tell her to avoid any more commotion. Your friend is a little troublemaker and she hates it whenever you're getting bad treatment from anybody. She will mess with them with no hesitation.
When you entered the room, your eyes darted automatically at Sunoo's chair. He have this serious face while girls from your class surrounds him. They were giving him some things they probably prepared for him. He seemed uninterested and just trying to kept his cool.
"Ooh, Mr. Popular is surrounded by hyenas again." your friend commented and even pointed his direction. You put her hand down and shush her.
"What? You won't go and join?" she teased. If only she knows what happened a while ago, she's probably storming over Sunoo to start a fight without and not like this. But you guess this is better than having her fight with Sunoo.
"Kim Sunoo really do look like an angel, right?" your stares remained at the said boy while waiting for what's your friend is going to say.
She scoffed lightly and took another sip from her juicebox before talking. "Angel with evil inside?" she says.
Your smile faded at her remark and slowly turns your head at the side to face her. She doesn't seem bothered by your glaring eyes and just kept this innocent looking face like as if she didn't just bad mouth the love of your life.
"He doesn't have evil in him!" you defended the poor, innocent kim sunoo.
She gave you this unamused look, "Come on! He's so rude to anyone and you know that." she puff out a sigh then looked back at him. "Having a face like that is not an excuse on having a foul attitude. I don't even know why you like him, Y/n."
You pouted and rested your chin at the back of your hand then resumed on admiring him from afar. The view from the third floor sure is perfect for you to watch him play soccer without getting noticed or mistaken as a creep. It's p.e and you are excused due to medical issues. Your friend here gave an excuse that she's having terrible menstrual cramps just so she can skip it and be with you. Best best friend in the world, everyone.
"I wish he can notice me." you mumble, eyes not leaving Sunoo. He's to busy focusing on that stupid ball that you bet he doesn't have time to give care to those girls gawking at him.
He's indeed if not the most then one of the most popular guy here in your campus. He came from a good family, like the having multiple businesses and living in a big mansion type of good family. He's also pretty talented and active on school activities. Smart and to top it all up, he's drop dead gorgeous. No words could make a justice on how he looks good. Some people even says God really took his time on making him. You will surely agree. He's so perfect for you. Only, he's not that friendly and like what your friend already said, he's a little evil.
"What do you mean you wish? He does notice you, y/n. He already rejected you for.." she raised her hand and started counting with her fingers. You rolled your eyes and swat it away to stop her.
She chuckles, "..so many times! Just enough with him."
As obvious as it was, your friend is really not that supportive of your undying love for Sunoo. Ever since you made her aware of this feelings, she's already against it. Insisting that he will cause you nothing but pain. So far, you must say she's right. He's been so rude to you.
But your mother didn't raise a quitter! You will keep on trying and trying. After all, life is short. You just have to live it how you want it. Live it the best way you can.
After the p.e class, your classmates storms inside. They all looked exhausted and freshly showered. You pulled your warm smile when you see Sunoo walks inside beside Jungwon. His friend was busy talking about something while he's attentively listening.
Without wasting any time, you marched towards him while holding a water and gatorade just incase he wanted something with flavor. The class gave no care for your approach to the said boy as they were probably used to it. This isn't the first time you'll be doing this and honestly, it still make you nervous.
"Hi Sunoo! How's p.e?" you say full of energy.
Both of them snaps their head at your direction. Jungwon kept his smile and waved at you while the other one shows no expression over his face.
"Uhm, water or gatorade?" you asked and even raise both of your hands to show him the things you prepared for him.
Jungwon looked at Sunoo awkwardly then back at you. He didn't respond right away, but later on lets out a sigh before rolling his eyes.
"I already had water." he coldly said then walked away from where you are. He even slightly bumped over your shoulder.
You got stoned from your position and your shoulder fell together with both of your hands. You looked over your shoulder and saw him heading straight to his chair.
"Sorry about him, y/n. You know he's always grumpy after p.e class." he's giving you this apologetic smile for you.
You shake your head to let him know that its totally fine. You raised your hand and offered him the drinks instead. His eyes grew and shine after what you said then accepts the gatorade. He said thank you before you head towards your seat.
"What? You like Jungwon now?" your head snaps towards your friend when she asked that.
You frowned at her.
"No! Sunoo already had water so I offered him the drink."
She scoffed, "Why don't you go for Jungwon instead? He's nicer and looks so cute!"
You raised a brow at her, "(friend's name), you can't dictate what the heart wants."
She showed this disgusted face and roamed her eyes all over you.
"Wow. That's disgusting."
You draw another sigh and settle the bottle of water just beside your table. The next class pretty much started a few minutes after. It somehow made you occupied. Honestly, you aren't the studious type, but since Sunoo is so smart and always part of the honor students, you don't want to be left out. You try to study as hard as you can. Hard work sure pays you off since you aren't at the top of the class.
"Sunoo! Are you going to eat at the cafeteria today?" right after the bell rang, you quickly went to approach him.
He didn't glance at you, but you heard him let out a strained sigh. He fixed his notebooks neatly, "I always eat there, you don't even have to ask that every time." he answered with full sarcasm.
You pursed your lips and fidgets with your fingers. You felt embarrassed and hurt with the way he respond to you, but you try hard to shove it away. Pulling another warm smile, you nodded your head.
You saw a slight glint of amusement over his eyes. It vanished right away, but you saw it.
"O-Okay. Eat well, Sunoo!" his stares remained at you for a while before he tears it off from you.
He left the room without saying anything to you again. Your eyes followed him silently and you felt a presence behind you.
"You know what? I wish he choke on his food-"
"(friend's name)!" you shouts her name. She quickly raised both of her hands then lets out chuckles.
"Just kidding! Let's go eat already." she threw her arms over your shoulder then leads you back to the garden at the rooftop.
It was decorated by your batch and you are confused why no one spends time here. It's cool up there, have the best view of the school field and also peaceful. So in order to give justice in the beautiful place, you and your friend usually spends your breaktimes and vacants there.
"How was your check up last saturday?" your friend asked after you both open your lunch boxes.
Your eyes dropped to your food and unconsciously start to play with it. Her eyes remained at you and watches you carefully.
You puff a small sigh then smile at her. "Its still the same, (friend's name). I don't get why you guys still hope that something will change. We just need to accept it." you can feel the air slowly being stripped away from your lungs.
You hate talking about this thing as it always kills the mood. It makes your chest tightening as you saw sadness flickering through her eyes. You understand how she feels and all the people close to you. But these things aren't something you can control.
You sighed and lets go of your utensil to reach over her hand. You gave her a small squeeze then smiled at her assuringly.
"Please, let's just accept it and let me live the rest of my life happily. I don't want you guys sad, please." she gulps and the corner of her eyes started to water.
She closed her eyes and tears started streaming down her face.
"I just.." she says, "..don't understand why it has to be you. You're too kind and perfect. Why... you?"
You pursed your lips then reached over her face to cup it, "Everything happens for a reason."
"Whatever that reason is, its unexpected."
You chuckled and tears streams down your eyes as well. "Let's stop crying and just eat."
She sniffs and wiped off the tears a little aggressive. "You're the only one who made me cry." she mumbles before starting to eat her food.
You chuckles, "I'll take that as a compliment."
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"Do you want to walk together?" you approached Sunoo's table after dismissal.
‘— Walk home with Kim Sunoo.’
This is honestly one of the hardest things written at your list. Not just because Sunoo doesn’t like you, but also because its impossible for him to walk with people other than his friends.
He was putting his things inside his bag before he glanced at you, eyes emotionless. He seemed unbothered and bothered at the same time by your presence.
"No." he coldly rejected you.
You pursed your lips. "Why?"
"Why do you have a lot of questions?" he started to sound pissed.
"I just want to walk with you." and you lower your head.
He stood up towering in front of you then smoothly hangs his bag over his shoulder. You raised your head to look at his pretty face. The corner of his lips slowly lifts, "Well I don't." his response make you feel like someone prickled your heart using a needle.
"Sunoo! Let's go?" his eyes shifted over to the person behind you. Probably one of his friends. He nodded his head and started going to that person without even glancing at you.
Your eyes silently follows him like old times until he totally disappears from your sight. The only thing that snapped you back to reality was when an arm suddenly rest over your shoulder. When you twist your head to look at the person, it was your friend.
“If he doesn’t want to walk with you, then I will!” she says, her tone sound a little pissed but you’re just glad she didn’t caused a scene. She must have been watching from a far.
You two then headed home, starting to chat about random things. It was always like this with her. Just pure fun and all. Whenever you’re with her, you don’t have to worry too much or feel awkward because she treats you differently. This is what you want. For everyone to act normal and not weird around you.
When you arrived at your street, your laugh slowly faded along with your smile when you saw a familiar built. He isn’t alone. A girl is smiling brightly while walking beside him. He still have this serious face, but it seems like he’s listening to her.
Your friend notice the sudden change on your mood and quickly followed your line of sight. She rolled her eyes and scoffed before gently grabbing your arm to pull you towards a different direction.
“Hey, calm down.” she says in a soft voice and handed you a water.
Your mind was still full with the memory of Sunoo and that girl. To some, it may seem like its just normal. But for you, its already a big deal. Sunoo isn’t the type of person who walks home together with someone other than his friends. He isn’t that friendly.
So to see him with her right after rejecting you really made you upset. Your friend sighs and taps your shoulder. “Don’t overthink it, y/n! I’m she forced him or something! Did you see his face? It was obvious that he didn’t like it.” she tries to comfort you.
A pout appears over your lips as your eyes slowly trails towards her. “At least she managed to walk with him.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes. “So? There’s always tomorrow! We have a lot of days left for school so don’t get down over it. Hmm?” she hummed and tried to encourage you.
A small smile slowly creeped over your lips. You are very thankful that you have her. Yes there are times she obviously shows how she disagrees with your craziness over Sunoo, but she still tries to be supportive whenever you need it.
You two walked towards your home after you finally calmed down. Thankfully, she managed to divert your attention towards something else. It didn’t spoil your whole evening.
The next day, you went early to school like usual and went straight towards the audio-visual room to prepare for your morning broadcast. You pull the paper containing your speech then you added your daily quotes and your message for Kim Sunoo.
When the clock strikes 8 am, you started the broadcast with some reminders for school activities and ended it with a short quote.
“And to our sunshine, Kim Sunoo. You’re four days away from your quizbee. Keep going and I know you can do it!” a small spread over your face after you finished your short message.
You wrapped it up and told everyone that they did a good job before you exits the club room to head over the lockers area. A lot of students are scattered around the hallways, but it was easy to spot Sunoo. You don’t have any idea how you can manage to do that all the time. Maybe it was a skill you developed for always looking for him.
“Hi Sunoo!” you greeted full of energy and with your bright smile. You act like as if you didn’t saw him with that girl yesterday and proceed on greeting him.
He didn’t spared you a glance, but you heard him letting out a strained sigh while continuing getting something from his locker. You shrugged it off and kept your smile.
You remembered the cookies you baked last night for him.
“Sunoo, please accept my—”
“Didn’t I rejected you already? Get lost.” your hand was stopped midway when he once again turned you down. It wasn’t something new, but his words still sting like a bee.
A small smile made it your lips, chest tightening. Even you yourself think you are no good for Kim Sunoo himself. It’s just, you wanted to feel something while you’re still here, while you’re still alive.
“I made this just for you. I figured you may be hungry while studying—” he snaps his head at your direction once again and glared. His jaw clenched.
“What language do you speak that you can’t understand a simple ‘no’?” he rudely hissed at you.
Here he is again, being rude to you. Just today was a little bit more harsher. It’s fine, you kept telling yourself but deep inside you know, it’s not okay.
“Get lost, I say!” he said.
You kept your eyes darted straight to his cold ones. They didn’t show any remorse despite the tears forming at the corners of your eyes.
Someone then interrupted and tugged him over his shoulder. “Dude! Say sorry to her.” it was Jungwon. His eyes looked so worried and apologetic when he glanced at your direction.
Sunoo clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes before closing his locker. “Whatever.” he mumbled then started walking away.
Your eyes followed him while still standing at your position. You are in shock. Embarrasment and pity plays through your mind. He’s always snobby with you, but this is actually the first time he’s been this rude towards you.
Jungwon walks closer and handed you some tissues. You quickly flashed him a smile and chuckles to make the atmosphere lighter.
“I’m sorry about him, y/n. He’s just really tired because he stayed late last night.” he said looking really sorry for what his friend did.
You shook your head after accepting the tissues he was handing. “It’s okay! Maybe I am really pushing myself too much.”
Jungwon pursed his lips, amused at how kind and understand you can be. He sighed and just smiled a little.
“Still, he shouldn’t be rude.” after he says that and comforted you for a while he left to go to class.
Your smile fell the moment he turned his back. You really don’t want to give up on Sunoo and you did said you aren’t the type who gives up easily but it sure hard. Really hard.
Just in time your head snaps over to your back when you heard someone screaming your name. It was your friend and she was running towards you. Chuckles escaped your lips while watching her struggle and almost stumble across the floor.
“Phew!” she sighed heavily and tried catching her breath. “I thought I'm going to be late!” she exclaimed with relief.
You help her get her stuff before you two head towards the classroom. When you arrived inside, you saw that girls from your class are around Sunoo. They’re trying so hard to get any response from him. You pouted a little, thinking that you probably looked the same.
You let out a small sigh then head towards your table that made her tilt her head in confusion. She took quick steps to catch up with you.
“Wait, you’ll just let them?” she sounded so surprised.
“I feel a little tired.” you tried to reason out and gave her a small smile.
Thankfully she read the room and diverted the topic to somewhere else.
The whole day was pretty much busy for you since you had a lot of things to do. Even if you want to approach Sunoo, you tried your best not to for two reasons. One, because of what happened at the locker’s area and number two, he’s busy preparing for the quizbee.
At the end of the day, you still asked him if he wants to walk home with you. The answer was the same so you just walked home with your friend. You have no problem with it because you do enjoy every time with her, but a small part of you really wants for him to walk with you. If he do it once, you’ll be more than happy. Not just because it was on  your bucket list, but also because you really like him.
“Cheer up! You can always try tomorrow, y/n.” your friend threw her arms around your shoulder to start pulling you towards the direction of the gate.
You just smile a little and nodded your head. That’s the point. How long will you waste your time? You don’t have a long time remaining to this world. You are not sure if this whole idea is still wise. Is Kim Sunoo worth it?
After spacing out a little, you shrug and shove that negative thought away. You let out a big heavy sigh before smiling again.
Of course Kim Sunoo is worth it! He will always be worth it.
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Weeks passed by with the same routine. And today, you ran a little late because you weren’t feeling well last night and slept too much. Thankfully, you made it before you morning broadcast. As always you read some reminders for the day and then your short quote for everyone.
“And to our sunshine, Sunoo. You make my dopamine levels go silly.” and with that you wrapped the broadcast then bid your clubmates to go at the locker’s area.
You pouted and glanced at the direction of his locker. He’s there surrounded and talking with his friends. You wanted to go approach them, but you have no enough time since you need to get your books for your class.
Someone approached you that made you tear your gaze away from Sunoo and his friends. You smiled brightly at the sight of your friend and she had her hand laid in front of you. Like as if asking you to lend her something.
You gave your a confused look and she did stared at you for a while before letting out a sigh.
“Give me your locker keys so I can get your workbooks for you. You can go and approach Mr. Popular.” she said in almost a monotonous way.
You giggled and hugged her before giving her your keys. She just shoo you away, acting like she’s not that affectionate over you.
You didn’t waste any time and just go approach Sunoo. He was listening to what his friends are talking about. He doesn’t seem bored, but he also not a talker.
The first one to see you approaching was Jungwon who quickly smiled and waved at you. That caused everyoneof them to turn and look at you, making you feel shy. Sunoo’s stare didn’t last long and he teared it off to go busy himself with rummaging through his locker. You sent Jungwon a small wave then looked at Sunoo.
“Hi Sunoo!” you greeted happily before trailing your eyes back over to his friends who are now watching you two.
“Hi guys!” you greeted them so just it wouldn’t be awkward and also to avoid being rude.
“Y/n, can you give me messages tomorrow as well?” your eyes darted Sunghoon when he said those words. He have this smile that makes you wonder if he’s teasing or being sincere.
Either way you gave him a smile, “Sure! I will surely read one for you tomorrow.”
“Me too! We have a basketball match tomorrow. Wish me luck, y/n.” this time it was Lee Heeseung, the captain ball of your basketball team who requested a message from you.
Even before you can say yes to his request, someone talked once again.
“Me too! We’re also part of the team!” Jake and Ni-ki said in unison that made you chuckle. They’re so cute.
‘✓ Make new friends.’
You smiled widely as you crossed that out of your list. It was so happy to have these type of conversation with new people.
“Sure! I’ll wish you good luck tomorrow.” you said with a sincere warm smile. The boys even cheered together that made you laugh once again.
While you are busy interacting with his friends, Sunoo suddenly felt irritated for an unknown reason. You are annoying already, but when you are like this around his friends you get more annoying. He isn’t sure why and he doesn’t know if he wants to know the reason.
You jolted when he abruptly closed his locker. It was a little aggressive that made you jump a bit. You followed him with your eyes as his friends tried to call him. He ignored them and just proceeded on going to class.
“What’s gotten into him?” Jake asked, totally clueless.
Jay shrugged his shoulders off then smoothly hangs the strap of his bag over his shoulder, “I’ll go to my class. See you at class, y/n.” he says and even playfully winked at you.
It made you chuckle and you bid good-bye to them too so you can go to your friend. She was done when you saw her and is watching from afar. She have this smirk over her lips that made you confuse.
“What’s with the smirk?” you asked curious.
She shakes her head side to side, “Nothing! I just realized its more fun watching from a distance because you get to observe things better.”
You didn’t totally get what she said, but she quickly dismissed the thought and start telling you about this movie she watched last night.
When you arrive inside the room, the whole class is still rowdy. Your eyes automatically searched for Sunoo and you saw him leaning over his table. No girls are around him. They probably realized he’s tired and doesn’t have the energy to deal with them today. You pouted and can’t help but to feel worried for him. Maybe that’s the reason why he reacted like that a while ago. He must’ve been tired. Being a smart student sure is tiring.
You sat down over your chair and your friend follows, still talking about her movie. You listened to her carefully and even comments from time to time. It was interrupted when your homeroom teacher went inside holding a folder over her hand. You looked at your friend and she did the same thing.
For some reasons, you felt a little nervous and curious of what’s inside the folder. The whole class was curious as well as they try to take guess of it. Some says that its your quarterly ranking. It made your heart stop for a while. ‘Isn’t it too early for that?’ you thought to yourself.
The teacher roamed her eyes around the room like as if checking if everybody’s present. When she finally make sure that you are complete she flashes a warm smile.
“I have here the list of pairs for your prom.” she announced that quickly made the whole class noisy. All of you cheered in happiness and relief.
“Omg! Y/n! This is really it! I wish my partner would be Ni-ki!” your friend exclaimed and even dramatically put her hands together then closed her eyes.
You laughed at her and also after seeing how the said boy turned his head at your direction. He probably heard his name being mentioned.
“I wish Sunoo is my partner!” you copied your friend and put your hands together, but unlike her you kept your eyes open then looked at Sunoo.
After a couple of seconds, your heart dropped when your eyes met. He didn’t break your eye contact and just stared at you. Later on, he rolled his eyes then looked away. You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling in victory while your heart thumped loudly. That was so far the longest eye contact with him!
Now, you really wish he will be your prom partner. You know the chance to get him is so small, but you will still hold on to it even if its just .03 percent.
‘— Dance with Sunoo at Prom.’
If you two became partners, this is already sure to happen. That will be the best night of your life. You bet its wonderful to be paired with him. You wanted this because you want to have the most memorable prom. This will only come once in your life and you don’t even know if you’ll ever get the chance to have a dance with Sunoo while wearing a pretty dress.
You jolted when your friend suddenly held your arm and shakes you continuously. She got this excited look on her face while you have this confused look.
“W-What?! What is it? What happened?!” you asks a bit in panic. You roamed your eyes around to see if there’s something odd, but nothing. Some of your girl classmates are eyeing you with their mean look, but you didn’t give much care about it. The teacher in front are also busy reading the pairs for your class.
“You got paired with Sunoo!” she announced that caught you off-guard.
You gave her this look like as if you’ve been casted a spell and couldn’t react anything. She chuckled, finding you funny.
“You’re shitting me..” you said to her, trying to wait for her to say that she just got you fooled.
She rolled her eyes. Even if she hates Sunoo because of how he treats you, she still wants you to he happy and if it means having him as your prom partner then be it. She will always be supportive of you.
“I swear with my life, you are paired with Sunoo!” she even pulls Jay’s uniform who's sitting in front of her to catch his attention.
“Please tell her that her partner is Sunoo. She doesn’t believe me.” she says then smiled at Jay.
The boy looked confused at first, but then he gave you a smile. “You are paired with Sunoo. Good luck with that.” and he even lets out a taunting chuckle.
Your friend shoot him glares and even kicked his chair lightly causing him to stop laughing.
On the other hand, your mind is slowly going blank and you feel like you are floating. You couldn’t believe it. Maybe God really listened to your prayers and gave you this opportunity to finish your bucket list.
That explains the glares you are getting from the girls at your class. They proabably envy you for having him as your partner. A victory smile flashes your lips. You are so lucky.
Your have this smile on your face all day and you feel like nothing can even make your day bad. Just by thinking about having him as your pair is enough for you to be in a good mood the whole day.
Kim Sunoo as your prom partner. The Kim Sunoo. Wow. You are very excited.
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Smoothly the week passed and now, you are very excited because its time for your prom practice to start. You are even hopping cutely on your way to the audio-visual room for your morning broadcasts. It was very obvious how happy you are.
“And to our sunshine, Kim Sunoo. You give me feeling I can’t put into words.” and then you wrapped the session up like usual.
Your friend was already waiting for you by the locker’s area when you arrived. She couldn’t help but to roll her eyes after seeing how wide your smile is.
“Well someone’s in a good mood.” she said in a taunting way.
“Of course! The practice for prom starts today! I can’t wait for it.” you sounded so excited as you start to go get your things.
She lets out a frustrated groan and leaned over the lockers beside you.
“Don’t even remind me about it! I feel so heart broken that I am not paired with Ni-ki.” she says, pouting.
You mirrored her face and slightly taps her shoulder, “Awe! That’s all right. You can just go and ask him to dance with you!” you tried encouraging her.
She smirked, “You are right! I won't let him rest. We’ll dance all night!” the plan of her made you giggled and shake your head side to side. The sound of determination made it even funnier.
“Oh poor Ni-ki’s feet. I feel bad for them.” you joked. She glanced at you then scoffed.
“Oh poor Sunoo’s feet. I feel bad for them too.”
You both laughed and teased each other even more, time slipped out of your mind. When the bell rang, your eyes grew and head looked over your shoulder to check if Sunoo was there. No. He’s nowhere to be found. Maybe he already went to class. A pout makes it way your lips when you realized you didn’t even greet him.
Your friend dragged you towards your classroom and your class then started. It went by too slow for you.
Finally, your most awaited time of the day came. The whole class was asked to go to the auditorium to go meet the dance instructor for the prom dance. You went there with a big smile and your friend couldn’t help but to tease you about it. Upon arrival, the instructor asked you all to listen about the orientation for the dance.
She walked you guys through the whole plan she have for the dance. It was wonderful. For you, its perfect.
“Okay! Everyone please go to your respective partners!” she says and even clapped her hands to make you move.
You stood up and started roaming your eyes around to look for Sunoo. It was easy. He’s heading your way as well, eyes looked serious and both of his hands inside his pocket. He looked handsome as always.
“H-Hi.” you greeted after he managed to get close to you.
He draws in a sigh then nodded at you. It was enough to make you feel crazy inside. Both of you listens to what the teacher will ask you to do next.
“Now hold your partners hand. You have to get used to it from now on because you’ll be holding that for a long time.”
The first task made you feel like you’re up in the clouds already. It was unexpected. You gulped feeling very nervous. You’ve never held his hand. It is one of your dreams to hold it tho and also part of your list.
Your eyes slowly trailed over Sunoo. When he faced you with that bored look, you couldn’t help but to bite your lower lip. He sighs and laid his hand in front of you, waiting for you to take it.
Carefully, you lift your arm and placed your hand on top of his. He rolled his eyes and held your hand tightly making your stomach churns, butterflies flying all over.
“Just try not to be annoying.” Sunoo mumbles and glanced away to avoid the awkwardness.
You giggled, “I promise to do good, Sunoo.”
‘✓ Hold Sunoo’s hand.’
And you are trying so hard to do that. While the instructor starts to teach you guys, you have your whole focus on her and to the dance. You shoved away the thought of having Sunoo as your partner for a while so you can give your whole attention to the dance.
On the other hand, Sunoo’s the one to give his attention towards you. He can’t help but stare at your serious face. A small smirk appeared his lips before he rolled his eyes off of you. He couldn’t believe what he’s thinking right now. He actually think you are pretty cute.
And that’s how the first day of your practice ended. The whole week, you just practiced and as day passed by, Sunoo came to observe you silently while you are too occupied by the dance. You are totally unaware of it. You are unaware that Sunoo, the cold hearted guy from your class starts to notice you more often.
“Where’s y/n?” he asks his friend when he noticed that your chair was vacant again for the fifth time. It was odd for him because its nothing like you to skip school for a long time.
“Worried?” Jungwon asked in a teasing tone.
Sunoo rolled his eyes at him then settles down to his own chair. “No. Its because I don’t have a partner again.” he made it sound so believable that his friend just nods his head.
As the class starts, his friend’s attention drift off of him. He trailed his eyes over to your empty chair feeling something in him missing.
The following week, your ranking was announced and sadly Sunoo’s rank went down. He seemed down because of it. You feel bad and wants to cheer him up so bad.
“And to our sunshine, Kim Sunoo. For me, you are sill the best.”
After the session, you bid good-bye to your club members and head over the lockers. You waved to your friend and quickly get your things to come and greet Sunoo for a bit.
“Hi Sunoo!” you greeted that made him glance at you.
Before he can shoo you away you raised your hand, showing your palm at him. He looked confused.
“Before you can send me away, I just want to personally tell you that you are doing really great. I am proud of you!” you said that made him surprised.
He’s been wanting to hear those words from someone for a long time. He was totally stunned. He looked at you, feeling this unknown emotion that occupying his chest after seeing you again.
You smiled, “I’ll take my leave now! See you at class Sunoo!” and you started heading towards the class without even glancing back.
Sunoo kept his stares at you, feeling a warmth that he was searching for. A smile made it over his lips and he closed his locker.
The discussion started when you arrived and you tried to focus hard because you missed a lot. You groaned lightly staring at the clock too often to check if its time for practice already.
“Ouch.” you gasped and quickly moved away from Sunoo when you heard him utter that for the third time now.
Its your prom practice again and you’ve been messing up the dance because you are out for a while. You glanced at Sunoo with a worried face.
“Sorry! I’m so sorry, Sunoo!” you said.
Normally, he would’ve been so pissed right now. But Sunoo doesn’t feel like that, instead he’s starting to get bothered by how you really got more pale after you missed school for a while.
He gulped and tried to shove it off your mind. Since when did he became so good at observing?
“That’s what you get for missing practices.” he says in a low tone.
You pouted and lowered your head, feeling guilty. Its not like you have a choice. You are sick. But of course, you didn’t told him that. You draws in another sigh to apologize again, but suddenly a pair of hands gently tugged yours. He held them placing one hand to his shoulder, then holding the other one.
When you lift your head, you saw him staring down at his hand that was holding your waist. His cheeks and ears red. You bit your lower lip, admiring Kim Sunoo.
“Next time, don’t leave me alone.” he mumbled and slowly stares at your eyes.
You blushed like crazy as you smile widely at him.
“I won’t!” you exclaimed.
He rolled his eyes then looked at the instructor to wait for the next step. Your smile then fell when something dawned on you. He may not mean to not leave him forever, he may just meant about the dance, but your heart aches after realizing you are leaving. You are leaving Kim Sunoo and everyone else in this world.
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“Y/n! Sunoo is downstairs.” you heard your Mom said.
You abruptly stood up from your bed and eyes grew big at what she said. Did you really heard that right? Kim Sunoo? He’s outside your house?
You quickly head towards the window and you really saw him in front. With hurry, you checked yourself in the mirror and slight grunts after you notice how pale you looks. You grabbed your tint and put some on your lips.
“Sunoo! Hello!” you greeted him with a big smile.
Sunoo licked his lower lip and stared at you seriously. “Are you okay? You skipped school again.” he says straight to the point.
Your smile faltered. Its been three days of you skipping schools again. Sunoo can’t wait anymore and just went to check on you. He doesn’t care what you think about this or if you think he cares for you. He does! And he’s going crazy because you aren’t attending class.
“U-Uhm, sorry. Am I giving you troubles for prom practice?”
He didn’t respond right away and just stared at you. “Do you want to walk around?” he asks, licking his lower lip. He can feel his throat getting dry.
You roamed your eyes and it was dark already. “Okay, I will just get my jacket.” and he just nodded his head then waits for you patiently.
Sunoo tries to calm himself down. Its been a whole month after he starts feeling this way with you. At first, he tries to ignore it and tells himself that he’s probably just misunderstanding things. He can’t like you, moreso fall in love with you. He’s annoyed with you. That was the last thing he remembers. How come he’s here to come see you just because you skipped school? Why does he looks for you all the time? Why does he feel incomplete without hearing your short messages for him every morning?
“I’m here!” you announced happily and walked your way towards Sunoo with a big wide smile.
Sunoo gulped, ‘Yep. He’s definitely in love with you.’
You two walked towards the park and since it was already dark, there are less people around. Sunoo asked you to sit down by the swing beside him which you quickly obliged.
As you both stares at the sky above, you can feel your heart hammering. You can’t believe you are here with him, staring at the stars. You should’ve included this to your list.
“Sorry again for the practice. It must have been hard to learn the dances without a pair.” you apologized again after you remembered about it.
Sunoo seemed unbothered tho, he’s just staring at you with this unexplained expression. You tilt your head to check on him.
“Sunoo?” you tried to call his attention.
He gulped, “Do you want me to teach you what you missed?” he asked that made you excited.
“Sure! Is that okay?”
He nodded and stood up from the swing so he can stand in front of you. He laid his hand in front of you then you accepted it. Both of you stood at the middle part of the playground. You are smiling and blushing so hard at the moment.
He hums and placed you in front of him. Making sure he holds onto you very gently. It made your heart flutters and like butterflies flew out of your stomach. You can’t truly explain what you are actually feeling.
He continues to teach you the dance steps you ‘missed’. At one part of the said choreo, he turns you and then tugs you closer right after. He takes you over his arms, your distance were not evident anymore. Your nose almost touching his and if he leaned an inch closer, you are sure that your lips would touch yours. The thought made your heart thumper in both anticipation and fear. Anticipation because its Kim Sunoo. Fear, because you’re afraid once you get a taste you’ll crave more of it.
Sunoo stared at your eyes then he gulped, “I n-need to tell you something.” he says that made you nervous right away.
You are uttering a silent prayer that what he was about to say is not what you are dreaming and hoping for. It may sound weird, but that will seriously make you happy and sad at the same time.
“W-What is it?” No. You are not ready to hear it. Suddenly, a rejection sounds more okay, than an actual confession. Silly you, you thought to yourself, how can you think that Sunoo will actually confess and have feelings for you? He wouldn’t, right?
“I love you, Y/n.” he says that made your ears rings and your heart fell.
It happened. It did happened.
Your eyes burns of tears at the sides as you try to compose and get a hold of yourself. This isn’t what you planned for. And this is definitely what you expected for.
You slowly withdraws yourself from his hold, making the color drains out of Sunoo’s face. It made him wonder if he had said or done anything wrong for you to act like how you just did.
“N-No. Tell me you’re joking.” a pool of tears can be seen at your eyes and its honestly making Sunoo worried.
“I am not.” he says too firmly as he tries to get a hold of you once again. He didn’t succeed as you shove it away, making a small but hurtful emotion prickling over his heart. He couldn’t understand.
You stepped away with horror on your face.
“Y-You can’t love me.” you manage to say.
Sunoo furrowed his brows and his jaw sets, “Why not? Tell me!” he demands and grabbed your arm, this time succeeding.
“I am sick!” you burst out to him, tears now flowing freely over your face.
He was stunned and just stared at you, waiting for what you’re going to say next.
“I am sick and I am dying, Sunoo. Y-You can’t...” you cried, unable to even finish the words you are saying.
Sunoo on the other hand was at complete shock. Couldn’t find any words to say. His mind wanders off to somewhere far, but his hold over your arm didn’t loosened.
He shut his eyes after he snapped back to reality with your soft cries. He sighed heavily, trying to get rid of that heavy filling over his chest. He slowly takes you over in his arms and pressed his lips at your head, eyes starting to water as well.
“I am not going anywhere. You can’t tell me I can’t love.” he uttered seriously that made you cry even more while wrapping your arms around his waist.
The next morning, you haven’t slept good because what happened last night still lingers to your mind like as if it was a dream. Sunoo knew about your sickness. He confessed.
Your heart aches at the thought of it. How come one simple thing can change your view in life? How come one person can affect you this much?
“Took you long enough.” your eyes softens when you saw him waiting outside of your house.
He smiled and walks closer to come get your things from you. You watch him silently, wondering what he’s doing here right now.
“If you’re doing this out of pity—”
“What do you mean? I literally said I love you last night. What I’m doing is mainly an act of love and not for pity.” he says and gently grabs your hand.
You two started walking towards the school and your eyes can’t leave your intertwined hands. For some reasons, you have always imagined you two doing these things and now that it is happening beneath your eyes, you couldn’t believe it.
“Are we really walking towards the school while holding each other’s hands?” you can’t stop yourself from asking.
Sunoo scoffed, “Yes. What? Dreams really do come true, huh?” he tried teasing you.
To his surprise, you didn’t take offense out of it and just nodded your head. He smirked and caress your hand softly.
“We’ll do this every time you want.” and he leans in to place a soft sweet kiss at your forehead.
You arrived at the school and he walks you over to the audio-visual room so you can do your broadcasts.
“And to our sunshine, Kim Sunoo. You’re the best thing I have ever waited for.” and this time you felt your heart tugs. There’s this unknown satisfaction right after you said those words. Like you are very certain that he is the best thing, because he is.
When you went out of the audio-visual room, your eyes grew big seeing him leaning over the wall. He was waiting for you. He pushed himself off then walks towards you to get your things again.
“Hi.” he greets and then held your hand tightly. Your heart beats so fast and unconsciously roamed your eyes around the hallways. Students are eyeing you like they’d seen a ghost. Who wouldn’t be surprised?
Arriving at the locker’s area, he accompanied you and then you two walked towards class hand in hand. Everyone who you walk pass by are shock of the sight they are seeing. It was overwhelming for you.
You can’t believe you are capable of being this happy. Too happy, that you are slowly becoming more scared of tomorrow. Slowly you are starting to ask God of what’s his plan, what’s his reason for taking you the opportunity to live and long and spend it with your love ones. His reason why he let you meet Sunoo and fell in love.
The time came. Your body drops down and you are taken to the hospital. It was dreadful. Not only for you, but for your family and the people who cares for you.
Sunoo didn’t left your side. He just stayed there with you, accompanied and helped your parents to take care of you. They were beyond thankful. They can see how genuine his love for you.
“Hey, pretty.” he greets when he arrived your hospital room. He went close and dropped a quick kiss at your forehead then at your lips.
You smiled and his eyes roamed around, confused why your things are packed.
“You’re moving rooms? Are you all right?” he asked, alarmed of the situation.
You smiled and caress his face, “I’m going home. I’ll be resting there until...”
Your mouth hangs and words can’t come out of your lips. He pursed his lips and you can clearly see that he’s scared. Very scared. He sighed and cupped your face then pressed his forehead at yours. You raised your hand and pressed your hands over his.
“I love you. I love you so much.” he mumbles softly that made your heart crack.
“I love you.” you responded.
You stayed like that for a while before you’re ready to go move at your house for home medication. He helped you and your family settling down. Now, he comes visit you at your house every time. You are starting to be worried of his own health because he seemed to sleep less. He even have school.
“Sorry I can’t be your partner at prom.” you uttered one afternoon while you two rests at your balcony, staring at the stars.
He caress your shoulder while staring at the pretty stars above. His tears slowly forming at the corner of his eyes.
“Its fine, baby.” he says and kissed your forehead. “Its fine.”
The next day, it was prom night and you are brushing your hair in front of your mirror. Your mind is filled with nothing but Sunoo. He’s probably off to school for your prom night. He wanted to skip and just be with you, but you insisted for him to go. Its a one in a lifetime experience. If you can’t have it, at least he should.
Your head snaps over to your door when it opened. Your Mom enters and you can see that even if she’s smiling she have tears at the corner of her eyes.
“Hi Mom.” you smiled, just so she can feel better.
She approaches and just then, you noticed this pink lower part of a dress. Your brows furrowed as to why she have that thing with her. She asked you to stand up, and with no further questions you did. She made you wear that part of the dress. It was a detachable one. It’s your favorite color too.
You both looked over your full length mirror and she stared at you through it. This time, a tear successfully escaped her eyes.
“I love you sweetheart.” she mumbled that made you want to cry as well. If you’re having a hard time, you bet your parents did as well.
You hugged her and told her that you love her too. After calming down a bit, she asks you to come with her. Slowly, she guided you towards the backyard.
Your mouth fell when you saw that it was decorated. Some pretty lights surround it and a couple of tables and chairs were placed around. Its like as if there is a party.
Sunoo then appeared at the side and you couldn’t find a word to say. Sunoo, who supposed to be on his way to prom is now standing right in front of you. He’s wearing his tux and looking so gorgeous as ever.
“W-What...” you managed to say.
He smiles, “I wouldn’t go anywhere without my partner.” he says and put this flower over your wrist before kissing your hand.
Then his friends and their dates appeared too. They are all smiling and you can’t help but to tear up even more.
“Our prom is where you are, y/n!” Jungwon says happily. When you glance at your best friend, she was waving crazily while crying. Ni-ki is standing behind her, towering over her.
Sunoo guided you at the center and the familiar waltz you practiced back then played. Thankfully, you managed to remember the dance.
“Thank you so much, Sunoo. I love you. You make me the happiest. You are my angel.”
He smiles, “I love you, y/n. You make me happy.” and he leans in to seal your love for each other.
‘✓ Dance with Sunoo at Prom.’
The days and weeks after are magical with Sunoo. You can’t ask for more. You are contented and happy with him. Somehow, you’re slowly understanding why all of these happened.
Love made you question God’s plans for you, and its also Love that made you realized what its meant for. You are meant to meet Sunoo because he’s the one who can make you the happiest on your remaining days, and Sunoo met you because you are the one to heal him. You are each other’s soulmates.
“I will be part of them once I leave this place. I will be always pretty and looking out for you.” you utter, even if you are feeling very weak.
Sunoo caress your shoulders and trying to look at the stars you are pointing at. He smiles, but tears formed at the corner of his eyes.
“You are always beautiful.”
You turns your head and look at him. You stared at his face, trying to memorize each and every inch of it. You don’t want to miss anything.
“I love you so much.”
Sunoo cries gently, couldn’t hold it anymore. He placed a kiss a your forehead before pressing it to yours.
“I love you more than words can say.” and with that he kissed your lips.
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Everybody else already left and only some of your family members remains, but Sunoo didn’t mind. He sat there silently. He promised you he won’t be sad all the time, but that promise are already broken right after the day you left him.
He pursed his lips and caress your gravestone gently. A light taps over his shoulder sends a little comfort for him. He received those from your family, his family and his friends.
“Here, Sunoo.” he glanced over your friend when she’s handing him this c.d. Her eyes are puffy from crying too much, just like him.
He accepted it and stared at it blankly.
“Y/n asked me to compile all her morning messages for you before and she records more. She said so you can have something to listen to. She knew you’ll be very sad for a while.” she said, crying more.
Sunoo smiled a little and caress the thing that will be his savior and comfort while you two are away from each other. He stood up and once he was home, he went to play it.
First time he heard your voice again, days after you left was heartbreaking for him. He mourning and nothing can really comforts him, but your voice.
This audio record of your messages has become his source of strength. Your voice that he used to hear everytime, but now only an echo that serves as a reminder of your undying love for him.
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filmbyjy · 2 years
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welcome to the HYBRID UNIVERSE. in here, we have editions of each boys as HYBRIDS. join me in experiencing how each HYBRID grows!
this is a hybrid!enhypen with a human!reader
SCHEDULE: I’ll try to write whenever I can probably when i’m feeling stressed with school🥲
warnings: mostly fluff, little angst. really light hearted so it’s safe for reading. I will add warnings to each chapter if there are any. overall, enjoy reading :D
want to be added into the taglist? just send an ask or go here!
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you’ve adopted a new friend!
meet lee heeseung, a boy with adorable fluffy ears. be careful not to scare him though :( he gets startled easily.
would you like to meet him?
more to come…
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oh? you’ve just stumbled upon a stray black cat
meet park jongseong also known as jay. he had been abandoned as a kitten and was now fending for himself. poor jay :(
would you like to befriend him?
more to come…
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there were warnings but you didn’t listen to them. why should you? when you’ve grown up with an adorable puppy-like werewolf?
many were terrified of jake. simply because he was a werewolf. werewolf hybrids tend to be known as threatening and high maintenance but not jake though. your parents have been caring for him since he was a pup.
do you wish to love him forever and treat him well?
more to come…
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whoops! you bumped into a toy poodle
his name is park sunghoon! he is usually really quiet but really playful once you get to know him! it’s weird because he likes the cold air of the skating rink. normally toy poodles don’t like the cold air.
would you like to train with him?
more to come…
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oh? a small fox whimpering on a cold night? you had to save the poor thing.
meet kim sunoo, the desert fox you saved. he was thankful you had saved him and now he repays by helping you out at home! problem is…he was really hyper and active and you just did not have energy to keep up with him.
would you like to stay up with him?
more to come…
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your parents have just adopted you a new white cat!
his name is yang jungwon. he loves lazing around under the sun in his cat form and he also loves you.
would you like to continue to care for him?
more to come…
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a growl was what you heard from the cage. he was wary of you but you could tell…in his eyes, he is terrified. a black panther in a hybrid pound
his name is nishimura riki. he unfortunately has been abandoned as a cub and has lived in the hybrid pound since then…living conditions were harsh and you felt bad. he deserved the best after all.
would you like to bring him home?
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panjakes · 1 year
T Ch.2 NMR
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Pairing: Puma Hybrid!Niki × Black panther hybrid black!Fem reader
Genre: angst, fluff, crack; strangers to friends to lovers au
Ch. Warnings: aggressive behavior, hostility, sibling beef, cursing , mentions of injuries
next chapter. Previous chapter.
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“So how was your first day?” Yn’s dad ask looking at her from the rear view mirror
“It was okay” she says flatly looking out the window
“Doesn’t sound like it was okay” he says frowning
“She’s mad I called shot gun and embarrassed her in front of her boyfriend” her brother says laughing causing her to scoff
“Boyfriend?!?!” Her dad says
“Kameron shut the hell up. Nobody cares about the front seat. And he isn’t my boyfriend I hardly even know him” she says rolling her eyes again
“You shut the hell up! Bitter ass” he says turning around in his seat to look Yn up and down
“Nobody’s bitter just leave me the fuck alone” Yn says shaking her head
“Stop all that cursing! Damn! Why can’t you guys just get along?” Her dad asks parking the car as they pull up to the house
“She makes it really hard to get along with her” Kameron says rolling his eyes
“Trust I don’t want to get along with you either. Even being in the same fucking car as you is suffocating” Yn says getting out the car before her dad or brother could respond
Her dad sighs as she slams the door extra hard marching up to the front door also slamming that.
“What’s the issue between you and your sister? You two use to be attached at the hip” Their dad says making the boy shrug
“People change and they drift apart. Me and Yn just don’t mix anymore” he says shrugging
“How can you say that she’s your sister” the man asks lightly hitting the sterling wheel
It was quiet before Kameron shrugged making his father sigh
“Gon get, I have to get back to work” the man says
“Alright bye dad” Kameron says getting out the car
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“Soooo how was school?” Niki’s mom asks with a smile
“It was actually pretty good! I guess you could say I have to new friends” Niki says throwing his bookbag on the ground
“How many times has mom told you not to throw your things down?” Nikis sister asks
“Too many too count” Niki says plopping down at the island
“If Hana comes in and trip over your stuff again you know she’s gonna be pissed” emi says giggling
“So what’s the name of your friends?” Niki’s mom asks
“Jungwon and Yn”.
“Yn sounds like a girl” emi says smirking
“Yn is a girl” Niki says making his sister and mother ouuuu at him
“Stop! Why’re y’all doing that!?” He asks
“Is she your girlfriend?” Emi asks nudging him
“Emi no! Stop it! We just met today!” He says pushing her back
“What does she look like?” His mom asks
“Uh she’s almost tall as me, she has brown eyes oh! And she’s a panther” Niki says
“Ouuu a panther? Your made for each other” emi says making kissey faces and noise making Niki blush
“Emi quit it!” He mumbles making his mom laugh
“Ow! Niki!! I’m gonna kick your ass!” Hana shouts causing Niki to jump down from his seat at the island
“Uh oh” he says running up the stairs
“Run Niki run!” Emi shouts as Hana runs past her to get to Niki.
She wasn’t fast enough because Niki was able to make it to his room, slamming the door and locking it.
“Ugh! You still have to come out at some point! I’ll get you then!” She says kicking the door
Niki giggles as he hears his mom yell at her for kicking the door. He takes his phone out his pocket jumping onto his bed.
Opening the instagram app, just scrolling through the notifications. He had gained a few new followers from school(only 6). As he was scrolling he came across the “people you may know” section and spotted what looked like Yn.
“Lmao.yn” Niki mumbles to himself
He clicks onto the profile opening it up to see at least 4 pictures of yn. His eyes widen at the amount of followers she had
“2589 followers?! Whoa” he says remembering his 728 followers
Scrolling back to the top of the page, he bites down on his lip debating if he should press the follow button or not.
The intrusive thoughts won and he pressed the button. When he realized what he did, he turned the phone off throwing it down on and jumping up from his bed.
He his over to his desk and starts on his homework. About 20 minutes later his phone went off. He looks over his shoulder at the phone debating if he should check it or not.
After debating for 5 minutes he got up and checked
“Lmao.yn has followed you.”
Niki smiles before putting his phone on the charger and going back to his homework.
He’s definitely going to like highschool.
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The next day…
Yn woke up with the same throbbing in her ear and she was only blaming Kameron. She groans going to the bathroom too look at her ear in the mirror.
It looked a little limp and red. She groans running her hands down her face
“Hurry up and get out the bathroom rat!” Kameron says knocking on the door
“Go use mom and dads bathroom I just got in here” Yn shouts
“Your taking too long! It’s my bathroom too!” He shouts
The bathroom had to doors which led to both of their rooms but Yn didn’t feel like sharing this morning so she locked the doors on both sides.
“Yn unlock the door!” She hear her dad shout. She decided to ignore him and continue to do her morning routine. When she was done she unlocked the door to her brothers room and he instantly snatches it open pushing Yn almost making her fall
“Get out” he says turning on the shower
She didn’t feel like arguing so that’s exactly what she did. She went into her room and got dressed and ready.
Grabbing her bookbag and phone she heads downstairs
“Dad have you seen my watch-oh thank you” she says as the man hands her the Apple Watch
“Yn why did you lock your brother out the bathroom? That’s his bathroom too” her mother asks causing her to roll her eyes
“We literally have two other bathrooms tell him stop crying” Yn says grabbing the plate of toast
“Tell her stop being a bitch” Kameron says coming down the stairs
“Boy watch yo mouth, don’t call your sister the B word” her dad says glaring at the boy
“I don’t feel like dealing with this rivalry shit this morning- Yn what’s wrong with your ear?” Her mother asks
“Kameron pulled at it” Yn mumbles
“She started it! She pulled at my tail!” Kameron says
“Now your hurting each other? Just get out! Go to school” their mom says sighing
Kameron shrugs taking his toast going to the car.
“You guys need to work things out” her dad says grabbing his keys and brief case
“It’s too late he hates me” Yn says walking out the door
“Now why would she say that!” Her mom says in disbelief
“She’s angry and you know how she gets when she’s upset” the man says kissing his wife before bidding her goodbye
The ride to school was silent. Nobody talked about what was said this morning it’s was silent. When they pulled up to the school Kameron was the first to jump out and run to his friends.
“Your moms picking you two up, I have to stay at the firm late” he says making Yn nod
“Okay. Love you dad” she says getting out
“Yn!” Her dad shouts causing her too turn around
“Try and have a good day” he says Making the girl nod
Yn turns around looking over at all the different cliques. Her brother and the delinquents. The athletes. The robotics kids. The popular kids.
She didn’t have a clique. Her only friend didn’t even attend this school. She sighs walking slowly to the school.
“Yn!! Ynie!!”
Yn looks up seeing Niki running over to her with a big smile
“Hey Ynie!” He says out of breath from running
“Hi Riki” Yn says smiling back.
Just niki smiling made her morning a whole lot better.
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A/N: This was WAAAAY over due but I’m kinda liking the Niki story line now that I have idea
Also this was not proof read so sorry for any mistakes🧍🏽‍♀️
NB! Chapter 2 will be posted on @brownsugarbaybee ‘s blog! So follow her and the tag #HYBED HYBRID SERIES, to stay caught up.
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Note- so im only going to have x reader fics here please make sure to read all triggers each author puts before the fic cause some may have triggering topics i will also mark each fic by what is included and yes my guilty pleasure is poly and hybrid fics dont @ me also if your looking for certain genre of fics don’t be afraid to send me an ask for them and ill respond with a few
Hybrid au=🦊
Abundance (series)🦊❤️‍🩹🌸🔥
Trouville(series )🦊🔥🌸
You will fully bloom 🔥
Loving you isnt hard to learn 🌸
American mate🦊🌸🔥
namjoon-to be loved 🦊❤️‍🩹🌸(short series)
Jimin-the pitfalls of silk🔥🌸🌸
Jungkook-Will it fit?🔥
The boyz
Sangyeon-eyes on me
Redemption of love (ft new ) [phantom of the opera au]
New- redemption of love (ft sangyeon)[phantom of the opera au ]
Stray kids
bangchan- Mr.firefighter 🌸
(I will not be including jaeil fics and for any poly pics with him I'll put a warning )
Scoups: dark protecter 🔥🔥❤️‍🩹
Golden child
Monsta x
Joohoney-all of me 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Hueningkai as your boyfriend
Ot9-A manor of shadow and blood
When eight becomes nine🌸
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qetalos · 1 year
⎙ masterlist ー
note before reading or interacting : everything is fictional and any topic I address is not intended to offend anyone, if you desire to give any type of criticism please do but respectfully. All of the writings you'll find here are my property.
what i don't write : nsfw, pregnancy, parental hcs (depends) and pls nothing abt hybrids or that stuff (weird asf for me).
what I write : sfw, bf/bff hcs, angst, slightly suggestive topics or situations (legal line only)
genre: ♡: fluff ☆: angst 💌: author's favorite
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enhypen ー
enhypen x nwjns songs series! (OT7)
one shots and headcannons (individual)
희승 ー
it's better with you beside me | ♡
i never existed | ☆ 💌
제이 ー
just for me ! | ☆ (?)
제이크 ー
enchanted | ☆
try again | ☆ ♡
bad idea, right? | ☆
성훈 ー
daydreaming | ♡
선우 ー
caramel macchiato, please! | ♡
leave b4 u love me! | ☆
정원 ー
willow | ♡ 💌
니키 ー
nothing here yet!
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do not copy, repost on other socials or translate. all rights reserved to @/stqrlite.
- 🏷️
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lani-heart · 7 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously
parings -> ( eventually ) enhypen x reader genre -> soulmate au, fantasy au, angst warnings -> angst, rejection word count -> 2.2k
abstract -> are second chances deserved?
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sunghoon's perspective
Who did he think he was?! y/n wasn’t his soulmate! Sooha was and he still rejected her even after everything that has happened?!
I decided to take her stupid potion… and here I was staring angrily at the moon. My wolf was gone… It felt a bit lonely.
“And here I thought you wouldn't take the potion” I heard a voice that made my heart jump… I could only look at her.
She still wore bandages on her neck… Jake really did a number on her. He went too far.
“By the looks of it also, Solon isn’t present anymore. I guess the medicine is the reason?” she aside and she was right.
“That's not healthy for a wolf… but you are a hybrid so there are exceptions,” she said and I knew that. It was in the books she let me borrow… that I still haven’t given back.
“Jungwon and Sunoo are worried about you,” she said and I was shocked. I was happy they still cared, I thought they didn’t anymore…
“K! Slow down!” I heard as I saw a brown wolf and the vampire-human hybrid chase after him. He seemed to run straight at me and y/n as she now hid behind them making me growl.
“Get away from her!” I said and he scoffed. “How about we switch? y/n for Sooha?” he asked and I should have said yes but instead I declined.
“K, please you can’t do this,” Sooha said with tears in his eyes. “Sooha, you should be in your dorm, a werewolf can bite–” “Why should I?! I thought you were my friend! Friends tell each other how mad they are and don't take each other's soulmates!” she yelled.
I hate to admit but that was hypocritical…
“Then take your own advice,. K I’ll help you find EJ,” she said angrily. I huffed and jumped up trying to get her attention but not hurting her. 
“I’ll help… just stay with Sunghoon. He doesn’t deserve you rejecting him… I don’t like either of them like that y/n. Please give them a chance” Sooha said and the witch seemed to know that…
“Does she know K is her soulmate?” she asked and I was shocked. SHE KNEW?! I nodded and she sighed… “K can stop hiding from her now,” she said and it made sense as to why Riverfield didn’t talk to her anymore.
“Act like a werewolf and actually embrace this side of you,” she said as started walking away but I followed… which made her quite annoyed…
“I don’t think you want to follow me back to my dorm as a wolf,” she said bluntly and I whined, making her sigh.
“Go find Sooha… surely you want to be around her more than me,” she said and I knew I was annoyed about what that Riverfield werewolf did but… I wanted to be around her.
“Just because she rejected you, you think you can now come to me? Just because I'm your soulmate?” she asked and I shook my head. Was she right though?
“I’m not your backup option, Sunghoon”
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It’s been hours since she left me…
The eclipse was wearing off now and I was now in my vampire form… I had to find her. I couldn’t let her think that lowly of me.
When I was in the student council… was she always working? I knocked when she scoffed at the sight of me. “Whatever you want to ask, take it up with Wonyoung,” she said and I chuckled. 
“I don’t think she can accept my apology,” I said and she sighed waiting for me to talk. “I liked Sooha your right. But I’ve been miserable for weeks now… I thought at first it was fine ‘cause I liked Sooha but I guess I don’t if I’m bothered that K has a crush on you!” I ranted and her eyes widened. “What?” she asked and I didn’t really care at this point.
“Sooha and K are soulmates… but he rejected her because he likes you,” I said and she shook her head. “K doesn’t like me. He’s known about Sooha being his soulmate longer than he’s known me, he probably doesn’t want to interfere with the four of you” she said and in reality, it made the most sense.
Part of me though hopede it was... cause if he had to compete with a Riverfield wolf he was actually
“y/n… I want a chance. I want to be happy like Jungwon, Sunoo, and Niki are.” I begged her and she only stared at me with blank eyes. “I’m not your–” “I know you aren’t! I don’t think you ever were?!” I said really unsure of myself
“Sunghoon if you’re not sure why are–” “I don’t know! I just… I'm jealous of them. I wanna be happy too and I thought Sooha made me happy but I guess she doesn’t if–”
“Sunghoon you’re ranting… you need to calm down, especially after an eclipse” she said and I shook my head. 
“y/n… I felt horrible for weeks. I deserve it because I would’ve done the same to you, but it opened my eyes… and I’ll be honest. I don’t think I ever felt these feelings for Sooha like I feel with you. Everything is just... intense? Amplified?” I said and I could see that she didn’t believe me. 
“Sunghoon, Jay is waiting for you in the dorm” I heard the aggressive voice of Sunoo… he’s been annoyed by all of us recently.
“Sunoo please?” I asked and he shook his head. “Hyung you should leave,” he asked and I felt defeated. “You know how I was… you witnessed it. Sunoo, I’m asking you to trust me… I think I genuinely want to accept the bond” I asked and he was silent for a while.
“Do you still like Sooha?” he asked and I knew he used his power…. “Not romantically” I answered and I felt my thoughts run free again
His eyes widened before they softened… “Sunoo?” I heard her ask confused about what was happening. He smiled at her in a way that I hadn’t seen in a while… “Remember about my power? He’s telling the truth” he said and she looked conflicted.
She must’ve not realized how she put her hand around her throat… “I’m not Jake, I never want to hurt you. All of us were shocked at what he did and it was out of line” I said and she nodded. 
“Let me think about it”
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I went back to my dorm… Sunoo said he’d talk to y/n about it but I was sure of my decision. No more rejecting my wolf nor more rejecting my soulmate.
“You’re being immature Jungwon!” I heard as I opened the door revealing Jake arguing with Jungwon… “Jake, stop. It’s his decision so stop arguing” Jay tried to reason. 
“Jay, come on! Even Heeseung is annoyed he’s overworking himself because of the immaturity of Jungwon! Just for y/n?” he argued and I sighed.
Out of all of us, he was the blindest... even I could admit that. He's always been obsessed with Sooha.
“Sunghoon-hyung!” I heard as I saw Niki. Despite him being on y/n’s side he did try calming everyone down. “Are you okay?” he asked and I nodded. 
“I decided to stop ignoring Solon,” I said and he looked shocked. 
“But what about his constant comments of wanting to be why y/n?” Jay asked and I sighed. “I think I’m ready to accept her if she accepts me. She is our soulmate… and Sooha isn’t” I said not wanting to tell them about last night…
“Now Sunghoon has been bewitched,” Jake said and Jay followed to try to calm him down… “Why the sudden change?” Jungwon asked and I sighed. “When she rejected me I thought it was just my wolf sadness but then I realized it was because of me also… when you guys were with her and even when Niki got accepted by her I was jealous. I want a chance to be with my soulmate like how you guys are” I confessed without mentioning that stupid Riverfield wolf and they nodded. 
“But I thought you liked Sooha?” Niki asked and I sighed “I thought I did too” I confessed… 
“Maybe I’ve been ignoring my feelings for too long” 
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y/n’s perspective
“I just don’t understand why the sudden change?” I asked and Sunoo smiled softly. “He has been very bad these last few weeks… moping and dazed more than usual. Something must’ve pushed him to finally snap?” he said and I wondered…
“He said something about Sooha and K being soulmates,” I said, knowing Sunoo would keep it a secret. “THEY'RE–” “SHHH… K told me when we first met that he found out about Heeseung rejecting me. He rejected her though and said he liked me–” As I said it I noticed his angry look…
“He won’t take you away,” He said with a serious tone and face. “He won’t… I’ve already accepted you, Jungwon, and Niki as my soulmates” I reassured and he nodded as he hugged me 
“Maybe jealousy finally showed him what he was feeling?” Sunoo suggested and thought so too…
“What did you do to Sunghoon?!” I heard as I saw Jake rush into the council room. I felt my body freeze a bit still weary of him but Sunoo rushed in front of me. “Jake, leave,” he said and I heard him scoff.
“Yah! She bewitched Sunghoon!” he accused but before we could say anything Jay was rushing in. “Jake, stop!” he yelled… he was the only soulmate who I hadn’t touched, but he was also blinded by his feelings also
“I just want to talk to her so she can tell me what kind of spell she did to all of you! So get out of my way, Sunoo!” Jake yelled but before anyone could say anything else… 
“Jake, you should stop before Sunoo decides to control you,” Heeseung said… I peeked from behind Sunoo and he looked tired and pale.
“Heeseung! Sunghoon wants to accept the soulmate bond–""Then let him” Heeseung answered quickly… 
“Sooha officially found her soulmate,” he said and I was shocked he would just rip off the bandaid. “What?” Jake said… I saw sadness in his face, almost like he just lost something…
“Her soulmate is K from Riverfield and he apparently likes a certain witch,” he said as we made eye contact. Sunoo covered his view and mine… 
“That doesn’t concern you… the both of you rejected her, and you don’t plan on accepting her either” Sunoo said.
“Why the hell is the council room filled with vampires this early in the morning?!” I heard a familiar annoyed voice. 
“This doesn’t concern you–” “You’re literally in the witch council room where I have work to do, I don’t care what type of love affair crap is happening,” Wonyoung said making me laugh a bit. 
“I have to agree with you. y/n we have a lot of work to do, but I’m guessing the vampires have time to spare?” EJ said. “EJ I thought you weren’t coming in today?” I asked and he smiled softly. 
“I’ll be fine, but I’m the only one in today,” he said and he seemed to ignore the glares from Jake effortlessly. “Sooha!” I soon heard Jake say and I saw how his eyes lit up but then died down at her tear-stained face. 
“Jake?” she said confused…
“We need vampire repellent,” Wonyoung said. “Maybe some stakes, garlic, and holy water?” EJ suggested. These two stayed unbothered…
“Ooh maybe–” “Everything you're suggesting is myths,” Sunoo said and they laughed. 
“Maybe you’re just saying that to trick us!”
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After the incident in the morning, today was a busy day…
Now I had to go to the human / vampire council to help Sangyeon with some paperwork and suggestions he had. 
I went with Niki who was my bodyguard for the moment as he proclaimed.
“Ah, y/n!” I heard as soon as the door opened to the council room. “Regarding the upcoming Summer dance, I've done the paperwork and approved some stuff you need to look over,” he said and I nodded as he continued to explain but it was quite hard while being glared at by Jake and eyed by Sunghoon.
“Niki, wanna actually help us?” I heard Jake say but I decided not to get into their own conflicts… and I guess Niki has nothing to say either.
“y/n!” I heard two voices say… Sunghoon and Sooha who I didn’t notice until now. “I… I wanted to talk to her” Sunghoon said to the girl and she sighed and muttered ‘me too’
“Um… im going back to the council room where I don’t think either of you are welcome unfortunately,” I said and Sooha visibily deflated as Jay patted her back whilst Sunghoon stood up otherwise. 
“I’ll walk you there!” he offered like a puppy… I looked at Niki who gave him an unamused look… 
“Come on!” he said, not letting me decline. 
I decided to allow it and we walked together in silence… but not peaceful silence, it’s almost as if I could feel Sunghoon’s anxiety radiating off him.
“Hyung,” Niki muttered, annoyed and almost embarrassed. “Ah! I’m not making you uncomfortable right?! That's the last–''Sunghoon calm down” I said to stop his fast talking.
“You want to ask something right?” I asked and he nodded. 
“Have you thought about it?” he asked and I smiled softly. “Sunoo says you're telling the truth… but I don’t want you to separate from your friends. I feel guilty as it is–" "So that's a yes!” he said with a grin not caring for what I had to say about his friends…
I laughed silently and nodded. 
“You’re my soulmate… I should give you another chance Park Sunghoon”
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aglist -> @sunus-sun @loumin908 @on-1ce @shinkenprincess-oh @b-a-nshee-blog @bnnyniky @sakuxxi @chiiiiiiiiis @cncreams @pre1ttyies @justanunstablefrog @graythecoffeebean @starzniiky @singlepringle4you @chirokookie @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @imtoanonymousforyou @lovgfrd @ilovecheese09 @sousydive @pink-but-rosie @kyleebob @jihyosgf @in-somnias-world @jilxxasu @bee-the-loser @mitchikeli @cyberpunksunwoo @lhspeachie
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please don't be a silent reader !! reblog, comment, and like <3
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219 notes · View notes
dalivanmagritte · 1 year
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kim seunghun
you're my fireflower (fav!, fluff, angst, knight!au, witch!au, warrior!au, hybrid!au)
panty line crime and punishment (smut, office!au, ceo!au)
bae jinyoung
camboy (smut, camboy!au)
never forever (fluff, angst, royal!au)
yoon hyunsuk
bunny effect (smut)
kinky tarot reading (astrology, smut)
first (fluffy smut)
sim jake
not off limits (fluff, bestfriend's brother!au)
lee heeseung
vipers touch (smut, warlock!au)
park sunghoon
pervy! sunghoon (fav, smut)
eric sohn
san francisco vapor (fluff, angst, reincarnation!au, greekmythology!au)
sunburnt (fluff, pharmacist!au)
batter up! (luff, baseball!au)
all good boys (fluff)
coffee, waffles & the boy next door (fluff, neighbour!au)
summer nights (fluff)
endless race (finished serie, streetracer!au, mechanic!au, angst, fluff)
lee juyeon
splash! (fluff, lifeguard!au)
first flight to hongkong (freaky ver) (basically a gangbang)
cleopatra part.1 (all members)
déjà vu: i want you so bad (smut, fluff, college!au)
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deadduvznap · 2 years
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House Rules
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mostly dom!male!reader
main post
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do NOT bring up any controversy i will block you this is a safe space for others and myself.
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Who i write for
Enhypen (all members)
TXT (all members)
Stray Kids (all members)
Seventeen (all members)
c! Dream
c! and cc! Sapnap
c! Jschlatt
c! karl (only gummy karl)
c! slimecicle
c! jack manifold
(subject to change)
Geto, Sukuna, Inumaki (more to be added)
Luffy, Sanji, Ace, Zoro, Law, Corazon, Koby, Smoker, Mihawk (more to be added)
Harry Potter series
Ron, Neville, Fred, George (more to be added)
Super heroes (mcu, dc, and comics)
Spider-men (Peter Parker, Miguel O'hara, Miles Morales, etc)
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What i write
(not limited to)
any dead dove, shipping, poly, watersport, cnc/dubcon/noncon, gore, somno, monster fucker stuff, hybrid stuff, heavy knife play, heavy blood play, necro, (light) vomit, vore (eh), heavy sadism/masochism (not accurate depictions of BDSM), extreme object insertion, mutilation, non conventional things as lube, selfcest/incest, gunplay, drugs (hard and light), voyeurism, boypussy, (more to be added)
What i DONT write
scat, heavy vomit, anything super physically gross, public sex, orgys (idk how), women (im a gay man), exhibitionism, mpreg/pregnancy in general, cheating (more to be added)
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everything is set as
cw (insert thing here)
cw twincest
cw inc*st
cw knife play
cw hybrid
and so on
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86 notes · View notes
eeunoia · 1 year
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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E N H Y P E N as Greek Myths
pairings: nishimura riki x reader
synopsis: like any other artists, nishimura riki, loves his sketches. but he grew fond of this one sketch of girl he sees in his dream. what will happen if suddenly, she appreared right in front of him? this time in real time, not in dreams land.
word count: 10k
important note: i originally planned to write enhypen as greek gods but then i didn’t find some love stories that i like so i end up using some love stories that aren’t greek gods. also these are like modern versions of greek mythology love stories.
warnings: grammar errors, not proof read, a dead relative. let me know if i missed some!
note📎: you have come to the end of this series. i can’t believe i finished this one already. i hope you guys liked it! it really means a lot to me whenever you let me know what you think about them, re-blogs and comments are well appreciated. btw, i love you guys and thank you for supporting me up until now. have a nice day/night! 🤍
permanent tag-list:
@rubyanne @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @crjwon @love13tter @edensgardenn @simpforniki @classicroyalty @angel-hybrid @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @hime98 @moonsclover @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamyenskz @minamoons @clar-iii @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @one16core @soobin-chois @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @kimmchijjajang @hoonbrry @axartia @all4haru @hiqhkey @sta-rie @purplepuppychild @iceeee @wtfhyuck @tobiosbbyghorl @nikililmj @ayayiiie @moonlightisland @aeyeree
© 2023 eeunoia — all rights reserved.
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“But seriously, do you think I’m the wrong one? I really think she’s the one at fault!” Ni-ki smirks while listening to his friend ranting. He heard he had a fight with his girlfriend and now he’s here ranting about it.
He offered to accompany him to go buy some art stuff. If only he knew his friend will just be like this, he would’ve gone alone. He can’t focus on picking the right materials with him talking and talking.
“I think you are the wrong one.” he spat just to piss his friend off. The look of betrayal flashes through his face that made Ni-ki laugh before continuing on checking the rack of color pastels in front of him.
“What? Dude! She literally just got mad at me because—”
“Because you didn’t told her you will go out with us yesterday.” Ni-ki finished off his sentence for him. He picks up one pack of pastel of a well known brand and looks throughly over it.
Jungwon sighs, “So? Does she have to know everything that I’m doing?”
Ni-ki shrugs his shoulders off. “I don’t know. Do I look like I’m in a relationship to know?” the sarcasm over his tone made Jungwon shut up for a while. He looked at him with pitiful eyes. It made Ni-ki roll his eyes and look at him, abandoning his pastels for a while.
“Look, hyung. Let me put it this way,” he starts. ”If she goes with her friends and she didn’t inform you at all. You just found out when you saw her story and you’ve been waiting for her text for hours, what would you feel?”
Jungwon furrowed his brows, “I will be worried and pissed.”
Ni-ki nodded his head, “That answers your question on who's at fault.” and he now moves on to go look for a new sketchbook, holding the chosen pastel in one of his hands.
His friend sighs and leaned over a rack before unconsciously picking one, eyes scanning it randomly.
“Fine. I’ll say sorry to her later.”
Ni-ki rolled his eyes and just grabbed his usual sketchbook before walking towards the cashier. He can feel his friend following behind him, he’s not ranting anymore. Probably realized he’s the wrong one.
“Ah right!” Jungwon jogs so he can catch up with Ni-ki. “Do you want to come with me tomorrow? My girlfriend says she will take her best friend with her tomorrow to keep her off from her books.”
Ni-ki falls in line before he glance at his friend with a tired look over his face.
Jungwon’s girl goes to the other school and so they often go on dates during weekends. He doesn’t even know how the two ended up meeting each other.
“I’m not interested.” he coldly rejected it.
Jungwon rolled his eyes, “Come on! One date?”
Ni-ki sighs and shakes his head for his friend. “Dude, why do you guys keep on forcing me to date? I’m all good.”
His friend draws in a strained sigh, “So you will stop spending too much with your sketchbook. Seriously, dude? Are you going after Da vinci’s steps?” he joked and even told him that he will just step out of the store to call his girlfriend. He will wait for him outside.
Ni-ki nodded his head and just waits patiently for his turn. His mind are now slowly floating, getting filled by thoughts of what his friend said. He do spends so much time with his sketchbook. He loves arts and drawing stuff. Ever since he was a child, he’s always been interested about it. But that’s not the only reason.
There’s this girl. She kept on appearing inside his dreams. He don’t remember when it started, but all he knows is that she appeared often that he find her already familiar even if he haven’t met her yet.
He also have a lot of sketch of her face. As times pass by, he almost perfected it. The sketches was always beautiful. Well, she is very beautiful.
He smiled at the counter and muttered a low ‘thanks’ after he grabs his stuff then the change. He slowly walks out of the store and saw his friend smiling slightly while talking to his girlfriend. Ni-ki scoffed, couldn’t believe what he’s currently seeing. He approaches him silently and he signalled wait before finally ending the call.
“Done?” he asks him. Ni-ki gave a short nod before they both walked together to head home.
“Are you still having dreams about that girl?” the question made Ni-ki glanced over his friend.
“Its not like I have it everyday, Won hyung.” he smirks.
Jungwon stole a glance before shrugging his shoulders off and putting his hands inside his pocket. “I mean we still think that one of the reasons why you don’t want to date is because of her.”
Ni-ki gulped and tried to keep his smirk. “What?” he let out a scoff. Making it seem like what his friend just said is very funny.
“No. I haven’t even seen her, we don’t even know if she’s true or my mind just created her..” he says, letting out his thoughts.
“Exactly.” Jungwon stated and taps his shoulder, “Then come come with me with the double date.” he even gave his friend this smile that he thinks can convince him. He looked pretty confident.
Ni-ki lets out a sigh. He knew how his friend can be persistent at times and even if he spare him today, he will try again some other day. He don’t want him annoying him about this matter again. One date won’t hurt him, right? Besides, he didn’t really told him that he should be in a relationship with that person. They will just go on a date and hang out.
“One date?” he tries to make sure his friend ain’t bating him into something funny.
Jungwon scoffed, “Yes, one date. Unless of course if you end up liking her and stuff.”
Ni-ki rolls his eyes and stood up once he saw their bus approaching. “That’s impossible.” he replied. Jungwon didn’t said anything else then just get on the bus with Ni-ki.
Once settled in, they both started talking about other stuff like video games and basketball. The date long forgotten.
Saturday came and Ni-ki was suddenly called in an emergency basketball practice. He cursed while trying to grab his gym bag and also his jersey. While going down the stairs, he almost missed one and fell. His mom furrowed her brows as she try to check on him. She got bothered by the noise he makes with all this rush.
“Ni-ki? I thought you will go out with Jungwon?” she asks, confused as to why he’s wearing a jersey.
“Oh shit.” he got stoned over his position right after remembering about the date he agreed to go to yesterday. It totally slipped off his mind because of the sudden call for practice.
“Language Nishimura Riki.” his Mom said strictly. He gave her a smile before kissing her forehead then jogged out of the house waving her good-bye.
“Sorry, bye Mom!” he says and continues.
While in a hurry, he fished his phone from his duffle bag and dialled his friend’s number. Jungwon picks up after two rings.
“Hey, where are you? I’m on my way to the meeting place right now.”
Ni-ki gulped, feeling slightly guilty for cancelling at the last minute. It’s not like he planned to ditch this date. It just happened that they were called in an unexpected practice because their coach will be gone the next day so he couldn’t train them. He moved the practice today.
“About that...” he started and stood over the waiting shed to wait for the bus.
“I can’t make it today, hyung. I’m sorry. We were called in for basketball practice.”
“What? I thought that's tomorrow?” his tone sound confused.
“Yes. But coached ask for us today since he’ll be going somewhere tomorrow.”
“Ah, is he going to the seminar too? I heard our school sends some of the teachers for it.” he mentions. He’s part of the student body, so it isn’t surprise anymore that he knows about this things.
“Probably.” Ni-ki sighs and silently cheered as he saw the bus driving close. He gets on right after it stopped in front of him. He clicked his card and sat down at one of the vacant seats.
“I’m really sorry, hyung. I didn’t mean to cancel on this.” he felt really bad. Not because he wanted to go, but he hates it whenever he couldn’t keep his word.
“That’s fine. I understand. I will just tell my girlfriend and her friend about it.” he seemed okay with it. Jungwon knows Ni-ki and he will never make an excuse just to get away on something.
Ni-ki glanced outside the window with blank thoughts. For some reasons, he felt something on his chest because he won’t go on that date. Its a little weird because he’s not really into it. He shrugged it off and focused back on talking to his hyung.
“Tell them I’m sorry too.”
Jungwon assured him that he will let them know which somehow made him felt relieved. He doesn’t want to look like a jerk who just ditch dates. That’s an asshole move. He ended the call with his friend and just spaced out the whole ride towards the school.
On the other hand, you let out a small groan when your friend dragged you towards somewhere. You can’t help but to imagine how good it would’ve been if you just stayed in your house today. Your books are probably waiting for you right now, but instead you are here with your friend. Going to a double date with his boyfriend’s friend.
She always brags about how good-looking his boyfriend is and that his circle of friends are all eye candy. She said none of them are ugly that she finds hard to believe. Well, due to being a book worm and a sucker for love stories, you kind of sets the standard high. Boys in your school find it hard to impress you, and that’s why you can’t seem to see yourself to date.
“I should be just in my room, reading my book.” you mumbled while she continues dragging you.
“No! I won’t let you be miserable today.” she says sounding so determined to make a change in your life.
You rolled your eyes and just let her do what she wants. When you arrived near the place she told you, you looked bored. As you roam your eyes around, you can see a lot of couple around. It seems like its a hot place to date nowadays. Your friend roams her eyes around, probably looking for her boyfriend.
You’ve seen his picture already. But this will be the first time for you to meet him in person and hangs out with him. Usually he just picks your friend at school and stuff. You can say he is pretty attractive. Even some students from your school knows him. Seems like he really is famous. Your friend is very beautiful as well so you can’t really blame him for falling for her.
“Baby!” she screams and even waved her hand crazily. You scoffed and slightly find it funny how she’s like this towards him.
She started dragging her towards somewhere once again. When you looked at the guy she hugged, he is tall, neat, have this pretty eyes and all. Just like how she usually describes him. But he ain’t your ideal type. His visual is too soft for you. You’re more on a mysterious vibes.
“Where’s your friend Ni-ki?” she asks and even tried to look for someone.
Ni-ki? Is that suppose to be the guy she was talking about? No offense but his name sounds like a girl’s name. You sighs and tried to stop yourself from overthinking before you spoil the mood.
Jungwon smiled apologetically and just by that you already figured out what he was about to say next.
“He had an emergency so he couldn’t make it today.” he sounded so sorry.
“What? But y/n is here...” she sounded a bit disappointed. She’s really excited to have you meet his friend, but now its not going to happen because he didn’t come.
A part of you are happy, because now you can escape from here. But a part of you is also pissed because you just wasted your time coming here. Three or four chapters are already finished if you didn’t come.
“It’s fine, (friend’s name).” you gently grab her arm and smiled at the two of them. She pouted at you, feeling bad that she dragged you all the way here for nothing.
When you looked at Jungwon, he's staring at you. He seemed drowned with his own thoughts, but when you met his eyes he then composed himself. You can see how his cheeks tinted red after getting caught staring.
“I’m sorry, y/n. My friend also said sorry. He didn’t really expect that he couldn’t make it today.”
You quickly smiled and assured him that it was alright. He’s not at fault and there’s no reason for you to be upset over him.
“It’s totally fine. You guys enjoy your date. I’ll go stop by at a bookstore.” you waved at him and gave your friend a hug.
“I’m sorry, y/n. If you want you can come with us.” she says pouting.
“No, spend quality time with each other. I’ll be good, don’t worry.” and you tapped her shoulder.
You glanced at Jungwon and you saw him staring at you again. “Keep her safe.” he nodded and reached for your friend’s hand. Honestly, you aren’t worried at all because you are sure that he will take care of her.
She waves cutely before you finally walked away. You suddenly felt annoyed once again, but comforts yourself that you can go stop by at one of the bookstores you wanted to check out.
Suddenly, the thought of that boys name popped out of your mind.
You scoffed and tried to shove the thought of it away.
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“Waah, you’re painting again?” Ni-ki glanced over his friend when he suddenly appeared at the rooftop where he usually spends his free time. Jungwon have this amused look over his face before plopping himself down beside him.
Ni-ki nodded his head and resumes to what he was doing. He did mention his fondness over sketching and drawing people’s portrait. He just finds it interesting how he can put it into arts. He draws landscapes too, but he’s more on sketching people. For him, he enjoys it because he can notice how different one individual can be.
Out of all the portraits he had drawn, the portrait of the girl in his dreams is his favorite. Funny, because he never seen her before yet her portrait is what he likes the most.
He’s actually pretty sad about it because its been weeks ever since he saw her in his dreams. It doesn’t occur to often, but also not this long. A part of him is worried that she won’t show up anymore and that he’ll slowly forget about what she looks like.
“I can’t wait for later.” Jungwon says with a big smile over his lips, eyes glued at his phone screen.
Ni-ki scoffed and teared his gaze away from his friend. He perfectly knew what’s behind those big smiles of him.
“I’m actually surprised you’re not the one who transferred to her school. You’re the simp in the relationship.” he commented that made him snap his head at his direction. A frown was present over his face that made Ni-ki chuckle.
“No I’m not.” he denied.
“Yeah, and pigs fly.” he says before resuming on scribbling through his sketchbook.
He had practice before class so he went to school very early. He’s actually just got off from practice and he went straight here after taking a bath. His hair is even slightly damp.
“Oh, by the way.” Jungwon catches his attention once again. “Did I mention that her friend transferred with her?”
Ni-ki furrowed his brows. “What friend?” he asks, acting curious before he slowly went back on sketching.
Jungwon sighs, “The one you ditched last month, dude!” he exclaimed, finding it unbelievable how he already forgot abour ‘that friend’.
Ni-ki’s hand halts from moving and he was stoned at his position. For some reasons, he got a weird feeling about it. He felt his chest tightens and stomach churns. He couldn’t explain what it is, but he just shrugged it off thinking that maybe its just because he was too tired of practice.
After a couple of minutes, the bell rang and so both of them went down to their class. The hallway was packed with students trying to hurry themselves towards their respective rooms. Jungwon and Ni-ki arrived at class just in time. They sat down at their chairs and soon enough, their homeroom teacher arrived.
Ni-ki glanced over his friend while he pulls out his notebook and scoffed when he saw how excited he looked.
“Dude, your lips will rip any minute now. Cut it out.” he teased because he was smiling crazy.
Jungwon ignored him and he just shakes his head side by side. His eyes darted towards the front as their teacher started to orient them about the newcomers. He wasn’t surprised about ir anymore because his friend spoiled the news to him already. His gaze dropped down to the notebook and he flip the pages over the back of it. He grabbed his pencil and started sketching.
He can hear all the commotion inside the classroom, but he ignored them when he’s slowly getting drowned with his own world. The face of that girl popped up inside his mind. It was so random but he was used to it. Maybe, Ni-ki is missing her in his dreams already.
“Okay, please come in. Don’t be shy.” you heard the teacher says while you and your friend pushes each other who will go first.
She was left with no choice but to go first because you are too shy. When you both entered you can hear some of the students reaction. This is totally nerve wracking for you. You usually feel anxious around a new environment. When you roam your eyes around, you can see all of them looking at the two of you. It made you feel nervous.
One student tho, caught your attention. Unlike all of them, his focus is at whatever he was doing. For that moment, the teacher talking beside you suddenly became muffled. The boy just have this aura that pulled you to stare at him. You can’t help but to feel your stomach turning. These scenes are pretty familiar for you. As someone who loves reading books, you had imagined experiencing moments like this. To actually have it now is amusing for you.
“Ms. y/n?” you snapped back to reality and your stare got teared from the said boy. You looked over the homeroom teacher and they are staring at her.
You blushed, feeling embarrassed for spacing out. “U-Uhm,” you cleared your throat because you felt it slightly drying. “I’m Y/n L/n.”
They welcomed you warmly and after the teacher gave you few reminders, she started assigning you to your respective seats.
“And y/n, please sit down beside Mr. Nishimura.” she says and you roamed your eyes around to see who she’s referring to.
“Nishimura, raise your hand.” she instructed and your chest almost fell when you saw the boy from a while ago raising his hand. He was still busy with what he was scribbling so he didn’t turn his head to look at you.
The teacher just sighs out and asked you to take your seat. You thanked her and you slowly made your way. The boy still kept his attention to his notebook. When you pass by Jungwon, he gave you a wave and so you waved at him as well.
After settling down beside him, he still didn’t spared you any glance. You pursed your lips into a pout and suddenly, you felt like being friendly. He seemed very quiet and you planned to have a good school year.
“Hello, I’m y/n! I hope you take good care of me.” you said excitedly the moment you sat down beside this quiet kid. You noticed him not paying attention when you introduced yourself and so you did him a favor and repeat it for him.
Ni-ki lifts his gaze and was ready to accept your hand but he was stunned when he saw the exact girl he drew a portrait of. The one in his dreams.
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“Hyung! I can’t believe you!” Ni-ki grabbed his hair out of frustration while leaning over the railings.
His friends are all watching him. Some are staring at him in a weird way and some are just smirking. He couldn’t pay attention to them teasing him because he have a much better thing to discuss.
Jungwon silently munches over his food and looked at Ni-ki. “I didn’t know it was her, okay? Maybe that’s why I found her familiar when I first saw her.” he says trying to defend himself.
“Wait, wait. So you’ve known the girl Ni-ki’s delulu about and you didn’t remember her?” Jay tries to summarize everything.
Jungwon frowned, “It’s not like I know her, hyung! I've met her once. The day when I set Ni-ki up a date with her.”
Ni-ki groaned and feel more frustrated. He couldn’t believe that he just missed that opportunity. The fact that he met the girl he was sketching for months and that you suddenly appeared out of nowhere is still unbelievable for him. Its like he’s laying in clouds right now.
Heeseung snorted, “The one you ditched because you have practice?” he asks Ni-ki and the boy just nodded his head. He and Jake laughed even more, giving each other's shoulders tugs.
“Ugh! What am I going to do? She seems upset when she heard my name. She didn’t talk to me after that too!” Ni-ki stated that earned more chuckles from his hyungs. They were clearly enjoying teasing the youngest. They’ve never seen him this stressed over something like this.
“Well, you’re already a bad shot that’s for sure.” Sunghoon says with a smirk.
Ni-ki stayed silent as his mind slowly and stared blankly. He looked pretty funny for his friends. Sunoo sighed and rolled his eyes while the others kept on teasing Ni-ki.
“What are your plans now, Ni-ki?” he asks. Out of all of them, he’s the one who seems pretty determined to help him first rather than laughing at his misery. They said real friends do that often. Sunoo’s real with Ni-ki, he just left that job to their other friends. He felt bad for him, he really is bothered about it.
“What do you mean?” the younger one looked clueless.
Sunoo rolled his eyes again.
“We all know how much you’re into her. Now, we may not understand how did it happened that the girl you are sketching which you never seen before, just happen to really exist, but what do you plan to do?” he stated.
Ni-ki is just listening carefully to him.
“She’s a new meat and you know what happens whenever there’s a new face at the campus.” Sunoo smirked. The boys got his point right away.
“Oh yeah, I’m sure she’ll be the talk of town for a while.”Jay.
Ni-ki furrowed his brows lightly and realized that they were right. That’s what usually happened. Now, he got more things to worry about.
“What about Jungwon hyung's girl? She’s new too.” he stated.
That made Jungwon furrow his brows. “They all know she’s very much taken so nobody would dare to even try.”
“Honestly, all I can think of doing is to make up to her since I ditched her and made myself look like a total jerk.” his tone sounded so stressed.
“That’s a good idea.” Jake stated, he finally managed to say something after laughing at his younger friend.
“Although I couldn’t seem to think what’s your fault since Jungwon already said that you are called in an emergency practice.” Sunghoon.
Ni-ki shrugs his shoulders off and throw his head back, staring at the clouds above them. They looked so peaceful and somehow ease his frustration. He couldn’t think of anything but you. He’s still amused at what just happened. He can’t believe that you actually exist. There’s no definite explanation to any of this. At the back of his mind, he do wish you are true. But now that he had come face to face to you, he can’t help but to have mixed emotions.
“I should’ve went there and told her myself that I was called in.”
“You were running late already that time, man.” Heeseung.
“Then be it.” the firmness of his tone just made them realized that he is sincerely sorry of what happened.
“What? Nishimura Riki? Will have himself late for basketball practice just so he can tell a girl that he’s called in?” Sunghoon's smirk are wide and wildly teasing. He let out a big sigh.
“Waah, is that really you? Basketball dude. We’re talking about basketball here.” he added.
Ni-ki rolled his eyes and his ears are starting to get red. His friends are well aware of how fond he is over to the girl in his sketches, now it just shows how much he really is into her. And he even just saw her today. Even him think its a little crazy.
On the other hand, you are thinking of Ni-ki as much as he’s thinking of you. His face truly is ethereal. The visual can pass as someone stripped out from one of the books you have read. His proportions are perfect as well, tall and long legged. His aura is slightly mysterious as well, although you still find it odd how he reacted when he looked at you a while ago.
Maybe because he knew he stood you up before. You scoffed lightly. You aren’t really mad about him and you know he isn’t at fault. But you can’t help but to feel a bit of disappointed, because that’s the first time you actually tried to go on a date with someone. You thought that fate already made a move on not making you two meet that time. Maybe that’s already a sign.
“He’s good looking, isn’t he? I told you!” she’s been talking about this one for 15 minutes already.
You can’t help but to roll your eyes. Ni-ki is indeed very good looking, but of course you won’t say that. She will surely tease you so much and you don’t need it for today.
“Do you like him?” she sounded like she’s expecting so much from your answer. Her eyes sparkles in excitement.
You stared at her in disbelief, “Do you actually think that I will like someone just because they’re good looking? Books don’t raised me to be like that.”
Instead of showing a disappointed expression, her smiled grew bigger and started pointing at you like she caught you or something.
“So you do think he is good looking!”
You got stunned by what she said. It was too late to realize what you have said and you can’t take it back or else you will look defensive.
“Whatever.” You just looked down your lunch and started to silently eat it. She started to tease you, but you chose to ignore her.
When you both returned to class, you felt so nervous of seeing him again. You actually don’t understand why, but you just did. Some of your classmates greeted you and you smiled at them, a little shy. Your eyes darted at your seat and the chair beside it is vacant.
You walked over and you even saw Jungwon rushing his way to his girlfriend. You sat down and your eyes took a short glance at Ni-ki’s seat. For an unknown reason, you felt a little sad. You shrugged it off and just grabbed your textbook for the next class.
“Hi y/n!” your eyes darted over to the guy who approached your table. He’s one of your classmates and also part of Ni-ki’s circle. Jungwon introduced the two of you a while ago to his friends, so you know.
You flash him a small smile and your eyes follows his hand as he put a banana milk on your desk. You stared at it a bit, confused then you eyed him.
“I’m Sunoo and that’s from Ni-ki! He asked me to give it to you since they’re called in practice.” he said and your eyes darted back at the banana milk.
The class then started to go seat at their chairs when the teacher for that subject arrived.
“Nice meeting you, bye!” he bid and quickly went to go sit down.
You didn’t even manage to say something to him. While the teacher starts his discussion, your eyes are still glued back to the drink on your desk. You slowly grabbed it and checked the note sticked to it.
‘Hope you enjoy this! :) — Ni-ki’
Your attention was called by your teacher. She asked you and your friend to introduce yourselves because you are new. Then she welcomed you both with a warm smile. After that, she asked you to take a seat so she can start the lesson already.
“Kindly turn your book to page 378.”
As you grab your textbook and start to turn its page, your eyes darted at the drink once again. You scoffed and a ghost smile appeared over your lips before you tried to concentrate to the lesson.
Dismissal came faster than you expected and Ni-ki didn’t showed up in class anymore that whole afternoon. You heard that they’re preparing for the big game and that Ni-ki is actually one of the star players. He really is important in the team. Somehow, you now really understand why he needs to ditch that day.
“Hello,” your heart almost fell when you saw Ni-ki standing right beside you. He’s wearing a plain black shirt and sweats while his duffel bag hangs over his shoulders. His hair looked a little damp, you assume he just finished practice.
You tried to keep your cool and glanced back at your locker. “Hi.” you shortly replied. It made him smile a little.
“Did you receive the banana milk?” he asks and leaned over the lockers. He glanced over the students passing by that greets him.
“Yes. What’s it for?”
He smiles, “I just want to give you one.”
You stared at him for a while before you resumed on arranging your things.
“If this is still about that day, you know you don’t have to give me one.”
He sighs then put his hands inside his pockets. He looked so attractive. Its so crazy to even think of it that way, but its just how it is. You don’t even understand how someone can look this good in just wearing plain black shirt and sweats.
“I know, I just want to.”
You kept his stares at you for a while before you nod your head and glance away. After closing your locker you start walking towards your friend. She’s smiling when she glanced at you and her eyes shifted at the person behind you. That’s when you realized Ni-ki followed you. Your heart races, but you still tried to keep your cool.
“I’ll g-go first. See you guys tomorrow.” you said and gave her a hug. She nods and waved at you telling you to stay safe.
While you’re walking out of the school, you looked over your shoulder because you can still feel someone following you. He smiled innocently and pulled his hand out of his pocket to wave.
“Are you following me?” you tilt your head over to the side.
“Why? Do you need anything?”
He pursed his lips, trying to suppress a smile. “Nah, I just want to walk you home. Can I do that?”
You blushed and quickly glanced away like as if you can get answer from somewhere. He kept his stares at you and Ni-ki can’t help but to admire how adorable you look.
“Uhm, I take a bus ride home.”
He nods, “Then I’ll wait for your bus with you. Is that all right?”
Your stomach turns while staring at his innocent looking eyes. The way that he kept asking for permission does something in your heart. How can he looked so intimidating, but be super soft? It’s crazy. You gulped and left with no choice but to let him do it.
He grins and slowly reach for your things so he can help you. That action definitely caught you off-guard, while he looks cool with it. It was almost like he’s very used to doing such things. Is he just really a gentlemen or a playboy? You can’t decide.
You walk beside him, slightly trying your best to keep up. When he noticed, he chuckled softly and stopped so he can wait for you. With a pout, you shoot him glares. “You walk so fast.” you mumble.
He let out another chuckle, “I’m sorry. Let’s go?”
You nodded your head and you both walked towards where your bus usually stops. Ni-ki was the one initiating the conversation which you find very nice because you are shy and you have no idea how to start it. Surprisingly, he isn’t that boring and also not that overwhelming for you. He’s actually very fun to talk to. You cannot believe you actually said it. That he’s fun to talk to.
When you saw the bus driving close, you glanced at him and awkwardly smiled.
“U-Uh, thank you for waiting with me.”
He nodded and gently passes you your bag. “You’re welcome. Get home safe.” and he waved his hand.
You nodded and quickly went to ride the bus. After settling down, you looked over Ni-ki who's still standing where you left him. He glanced at you then smiled when you two met eyes. You signalled him to go and he mouthed something like ‘After your bus left’ and even pointed at the bus.
When the bus started to go, he waved one last time. As it drove away, your mind was left with him. You don’t understand. This was the first time you met Ni-ki and his first impression was even not good for you, then why does it seem like its something else? You can’t point what really is it. All you know is that he made you feel things nobody else does before.
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A week has already passed and Ni-ki continued on joining you while you wait for your bus at dismissal. Sometimes he eat lunch with you and your friend, together with their group of friends. They’re all cool and funny. Its obvious how they get along pretty well.
“Here,” your eyes darted over to Ni-ki when he pulls out something from his pocket.
“What..?” he handed you this bookmark that left you a little speechless. It was a sketch of you. The one when you both are studying at the library.
You glanced at him with amused eyes, “Did you draw this?”
He smiled and nodded, “Yes. I told you I do sketches.”
You are still amazed at how good he is so you couldn’t really say anything right away. Your eyes dropped at the pretty bookmare once again and you stared at it. He’s very good, very talented.
“I didn’t know you are this good.”
He chuckles, “Thank you.”
You glanced back at him and smiled, “Thank you for this. I will use this.”
He smirked happily, feeling his heart jumped after knowing you enjoyed and appreciated his small gift for you.
“You better.” he joked that made you chuckle.
As you spend more time with him, the more you get to know Ni-ki. He’s not just amazing, he’s very ideal for you. He’s funny, playful, caring and so much more. You can’t believe you’re actually getting interested over somebody. Fictional characters usually makes you blush, but he’s a real person. He’s real and making your stomach go crazy because of his actions.
“Hi beautiful.” your head snaps over to your side when someone sat down.
A smile quickly made its way over your lips when you saw who it is. It’s Ni-ki and he’s wearing a plain white t-shiry, paired by a black slacks. His hair still a bit damp while he put his duffel bag down at floor. He pulled out a banana milk from it and put it on your table.
“Good morning, how’s practice?” you gently asked and even before you can stop yourself, your hand reached over his hair and softly brush it away from his eyes.
Ni-ki gulped and felt his heart thumping by the affection. You pursed your lips and instantly got shy when your eyes met. You glanced away and pulled your hand away from his hair. He smirks and bite his lower lip.
“It was good. Coach is being a little rough with us tho, because the competition is next month.” he says and you nodded.
“Good luck with your games.” you tried hard to maintain an eye contact even if you can feel your whole face heating up.
“You’ll watch, right?”
Your eyes roamed over his handsome face. They looked so soft, almost hypnotizing you into agreeing to watch his games. You caught your lower lip between your teeth and again, you stretch your hand to brush his hair off.
“Yeah, I’ll watch.” and his stares soften more, if that’s possible. He looked so good. Ni-ki looked so handsome right in front of you. You can’t explain the feeling that you are having right now. It’s uncomfy, how your stomach churns but if he was the reason of it, you’ll want to experience it over and over again.
“Good.” he says and kept the eye contact before gently grabbing your hand to slightly intertwin your hands.
He pulled it closer to his face and placed a small kiss over your hand, “You look so beautiful.” he mumbled.
You gasped lightly and glanced away. He chuckled lightly then he helped you opening the banana milk. Soon enough, your classmates arrived and your day continued. The days passes by too quickly and you just grew closer with Ni-ki.
Another week passed by after that. You mostly spent it with your friend and Ni-ki. He’s usually around you, accompanying you. Some even said that you two are starting to get inseparable. Of course your friend couldn’t stop teasing you about it. She wants you and Ni-ki to be together so bad. Before you get annoyed by her constantly talking about it, but now the idea doesn’t seem to be bad for you. Its just, Ni-ki isn’t saying anything about it. You don’t know if he likes you the way you like him.
“Ni-ki! Valo later?” a smile appeared across your face when you heard a voice from somewhere says that. Soon, you can feel a figure approaching close to you and a hand gently reaching for your bag.
“I don’t know. I’m busy later.” Ni-ki responded. You heard his friend complained about something that he don't join them anymore and somehow you felt guilty, because you clearly know what keeps him ‘busy’.
A hand rests over the small of your back, asking for attention. You turn your head and smiled at him.
“Hi. How’s practice?”
“Good. Was the food good?” he asks curious, his hand now caressing your back gently.
“Yes. Thank your Mom for me.” he gave you lunch a while ago and he said that his Mom cooked it for you.
He nods and smiled then waits patiently until you can go. After a couple of minutes, both of you are off to go at your bus stop. It’s Saturday tomorrow, so you don’t really know what to do. Maybe you’ll just read some books or go out to look for more books.
“What are you up to tomorrow?”
Your head snaps at his direction while the two of you walks side by side. “Nothing. Maybe read some books.” and you even shrug your shoulders off.
“Do you want to go with me?” he glanced away while his ears turns red. He’s incredibly cute so you can’t help but to smile.
“Go with you? Where?”
“Double date.” his eyes dropped over his hands before he slowly raised to look at you.
“Are you asking me out?” your lips almost trembled because of the idea. It excites you.
You pursed your lips and jokingly squinted your eyes at him, “Do you promise not to ditch me again?”
He chuckles, “I promise.” and even raised his left hand. Your smile fell and you shoot him glares.
“Its suppose to be your right hand!” and you swat his arm. He laughs and fixed it, “Oh my bad, I’m left handed.” he joked.
“So is that a yes?” and he stretch his hand to brush some of your hair off of your face. The slight touch of his skin to yours makes you blush right away.
“Yes.” and you even nodded.
This time, you're the one who reach for his face to pinch his nose lightly.
“All right.” he smiled and held your hand to intertwin your hands.
“Let’s call later?” he asks that made you pout. Your eyes looked over your holding hands. Ni-ki noticed that its a bit cold so he took your hands and put it inside his pocket.
“You should join your friends on playing valo. We’ve been facetiming each other every night.”
He shakes his head, “Nah, I’m not in the mood to play anyway.”
“They’ll start to be suspicious.”
He shrugged his shoulders off, “They know I’m talking to you.”
Your eyes grew a bit big and you blushed just by thinking his friends are aware of it. Ni-ki smirked.
“You’re so beautiful.” he mumbled and just in time, your bus arrived.
Your mind is still occupied even after you ride your bus and it left. His actions and his words all leads to one conclusion, but you still keep yourself from assuming things.
The next day, you woke up early to prepare. You don’t understand, but you are so excited to see Ni-ki. Not that you don’t see him at school, its just different to hang out on weekends.
When you arrived the place where you are suppose to meet the first time, your brows slightly furrowed. All you can see is Jungwon and your friend. No Ni-ki can be seen.
“Where’s Ni-ki? Is he late?” you asked right away.
“Huh? No! He’s...” your friend roamed her eyes around. “right there!” she added.
You looked over your shoulder and saw him walking closer while holding a cup of coffee. He's smiling so big and so you did too, but your eyes trailed down to what he's wearing. It's his jersey.
“You have practice?” you asked, confused.
He nods his head, “I’ll take you with me.”
Your eyes grew big, “To your practice?”
He nodded again, finding you adorable.
“B-But are you even allowed to take me?” you are worried, but you want so bad to go. You’ve never been in their practice.
“Yes. Then after that, we’ll go check some bookstores.” he says excitedly.
He pulled out a piece of paper that shows a list of bookstores around. You pursed your lips into a pout, completely moved over what he did. You hugged him and he was caught off-guard.
“Thank you!”
He broke into a soft smile and dropped a kiss at your forehead, “Anything for you.”
You both bid good-bye to your friend and Jungwon before you walk hand in hand towards the bus stop. Ni-ki assists you to ride and ask you to take a sit while he beep his card to pay for the two of you.
While on the way to school, you enjoy the coffee he ordered for you. He enjoys watching you at the same time. You offered him a sip, but he declined. Soon enough, you both arrived the school. You can barely see people inside, just some maintenance people and some school personels.
You two went straight to the gym. You can already hear the sound of shoes and basketball echoing inside. He gently guided you inside and you started feeling shy when you felt them eyeing you. Once they seen who it was, they started teasing Ni-ki. He can’t help but smile while he guides you at the benches. He sets his bag down beside you and ask if you’re all right. You nodded, despite the blushing cheeks.
“You can watch or read your books.” you nodded and he started jogging towards the court after he took off his plain t-shirt.
You don’t know much about basketball, but surprisingly you enjoyed watching him play. He’s very attentive and you can really tell how he pour everything to things he like doing. He’s full of passion over it.
A loud honk errupted all over the gym, signalling that the practice is now over. Their coach blew the whistle then asked them over. They all approached him and you think he started telling them about the things he noticed. After a couple of reminders, they let them go.
“I’ll just take a quick shower.” he said and you nodded your head before he goes and left you.
While waiting for him, you noticed that a group of players stormed inside. Base on their uniform, they seem like the volleyball team. You didn’t mind them and just busy yourself with your phone.
A pair of shoes caught your attention when it enters your line of sight.
“Hi!” a guy wearing a jersey with a number ‘04’ smiled in front of you. He have this clean haircut and a pretty set of teeth.
“U-Uhm, hello.” you awkwardly greeted.
“Why are you here? Practice? Or waiting for someone who had practice?”
“Waiting for someone.” you answered right away.
He nodded his head while pursing his lips, “Who?”
“Me.” both of you turn your head over to the side.
Ni-ki’s walking closer while having both of his hands inside his pocket, duffle bag hangs over his shoulder and his hair a bit damp. His eyes looked so serious while staring straight to the guy who approached you.
“Nishimura, huh?” he sounds a bit amused.
Your view of him got covered when Ni-ki stood in front of you. He tilt his head, “What do you want?” he asked him straightly.
“What is this? Are you finally over with your dream girl?” his tone taunting him. Your brows furrowed at what he said, confused and curious at the same time as to what he was talking about.
“Shut up.” Ni-ki took advance, but you are quick to grab him by his arm. He glanced at you and his eyes soften.
“Let’s just go.” you plead lightly.
He clenched his jaw hard before he glanced back at the guy. His friends approached closer as well so you somehow you felt at ease.
Thankfully, none of them engaged into a much more trouble and decided to just go leave each other. Ni-ki bid good bye to his hyungs before gently grabbing your hand to take you away. Your mind is still occupied about what that guy said a while ago. The one with Ni-ki’s dream girl. What was that? A part of you felt curious and a part of you doesn’t want to ask about it. You’re afraid to know what his answer would be.
When you arrived at the bus stop, he draws in a strained sigh. He looked a little frustrated.
“I’m sorry that you have to see that.” he apologized, probably referring to him almost getting caught in fight.
You pursed your lips, trying to get rid of that thought and focus on what he is saying right now. “It's f-fine.” was all you can respond.
You wanted to say more, so he wouldn’t caught on you overthinking and stuff, but none came out from your mouth. Your mind couldn’t process anything. Are you that comfortable with Ni-ki that you’ll just let him see through you?
He pursed his lips and sighed once again. You watch him do that and look a bit nervous. He’s obviously holding back on telling you something. It made you nervous as well, what it may be.
“About what he said a while ago,” he started that caught your whole attention. Your thoughts instantly pushed at the back of your mind and the noises around suddenly muffled.
He gulped and his hand plays through your hand that he was holding. Ni-ki’s very nervous to how you will react about this. He knew better than to keep this and make you overthink.
“Promise me first that you won’t find it weird.” he stared straight to your eyes, hopeful.
You nodded your head unconsciously.
“This may sound crazy, but I’ve seen you in my dreams before.” he says and kept his stares at you.
You blinked, confused. Totally confused. You almost think that you’ve heard it wrong or he’s trying to pull a prank on you. But his serious face and the fear in his eyes says otherwise. He’s completely serious, leaving you in wonder of what he was talking about.
“O-Okay..?” you tried to say something that better than it, but you failed.
Ni-ki sighed and lets go of your hand, embarrassed. “You think I’m weird.” he mumbled.
A smile crossed your lips and you quickly took a hold of his hand, now holding it. “No, I don't!” he looked at you and you try hard to suppress a smile.
“You’re laughing.”
That caused a chuckle to escape from your lips, “It’s because you’re cute!” you try to pull him again because he’s trying to turn his back so you wouldn’t see his blushing face.
“Cute? Stop kidding me, y/n.” he says and glanced away, cheeks tinted red and so does his ears.
Soon, your bus arrived so you hold your conversation first. Both of you went inside and sat down at a vacant chairs. He was still avoiding your eyes and you’re trying to catch them.
“So, you dreamt of me?” you tried opening the topic again. He groaned, embarrassed still.
“If you’ll just going to make fun—”
“No! I’m really curious about it. I promise, I’m not making fun of you.” and you tried to look as serious as you can. He sighed and nodded his head.
“How do I look like in your dreams? Do I look just like this?” you asked, curious.
He stared at you, his embarrassment now long forgotten. His eyes stared over your eyes, down to your nose, your cupid's bow and your lips. He carefully scanned each and every one of your features, admiring them.
“You looked more beautiful in person. My drawings can’t do justice in that face of yours.” he said in a very sincere and serious tone.
This time, you’re the one to get shy because of his compliment. He always tell you that you’re pretty, but this time its a little more intimate. You can’t help but to blush a bit more than normal.
Ni-ki took your silence as an opportunity and gently held your hand. Your eyes dropped over them for a while before you glanced back to his eyes.
“I don’t want you to think that I liked you only because you look like the girl in my dreams. I admit, that was one of the reason why I got interested, but you as a person is what made me like you.”
“You l-like me?” you are totally caught off guard.
He smirked then chuckled, “Isn’t it obvious?” he then leaned over to give your cheeks a light kiss. “I like you very much.”
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“When are you going to show me your drawings?” you asked him one afternoon. You’re at the rooftop, hanging out since its your vacant hour. He decided to take you here with him. He says its his most favorite spot in school and he’s sharing it with you because you’re his most favorite person.
“Probably soon, baby.” he glanced at you and smiled when he saw your pout before leaning in to give you a kiss at your cheeks.
“But I want to see it.”
“Soon.” he gave your cheeks a light tap before he continues to draw again. This time, you sighed and just let it slide. You don’t want to force him even if you’re already dying out of curiosity.
Its already been two weeks ever since you knew about these drawings and Ni-ki’s confession. You haven’t told him yet that you like him as well, you’re waiting for a perfect time.
You focused on reading once again. You read one sentence. Read it again. Again. And again. You put your book down when you realized you couldn’t understand anything. Ni-ki on the other hand looked too hooked over his drawings. A smile forms your lips just by watching him too focused. He looked so ethereal. How can he call you pretty all the time when he’s the one looking like this?
While you’re spacing out, you had come up with a bright idea to confess toda with Ni-ki. Of course, you don’t want it to be just plain. So you came up with a plan to take Ni-ki to your special place.
“Do you want to go with me later?”
He lift his gaze from his sketchbook towards you, “Where are you taking me?” he even gave you this funny face, like as if he’s scared and that you’re planning something horrible to him.
You rolles your eyes and leaned in to place a peck over his cheeks, “Don’t be dramatic. I’ll tell you where later.” you stood up and flattened your skirt, Ni-ki helped on fixing it because it strides up while you’re sitting.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“Going to buy something and look for (friend’s name). You want something?”
He shakes his head, “Do you want me to come with you?”
You told him you’re good and he just nodded his head. Ni-ki have no clue that you are planning to confess to him. You are too excited when you told your friend about your plan and she was as excited as you. She thinks the two of you are perfect for each other.
“Bye, y/n!” she waves and smiles meaningfully at you.
Ni-ki nods at her way and to his hyung while putting his arms around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. You are waiting for the bus because you told him you will take him somewhere. He even teases you that you are planning something to him which you just respond with an eye roll.
“So where are we going?” he asks for nth time when you rode the bus.
“Can you just stop asking and wait?” you spat at him that made him chuckle.
“All right. I can’t help but to feel excited, this is the first time you asked me out on a date.”
You gave him a teasing smile, “Who said this is a date?”
His smile fell, “Okay, I’m going down at the next stop.”
You chuckled and grabbed his arm tighter, “I’m kidding! You’re such a baby.”
He smirked and leaned his cheek at you, asking for a kiss. You rolled your eyes and gave in, giving him a peck before you two slowly talk about something.
Arriving at your stop, Ni-ki furrowed his brows when you took him at a memorial park. He didn’t ask anything and just followed behind silently. He held your hand tighter when he noticed how your eyes flashes sadness and longing.
You glanced at his direction after you felt him tugging your hand. The worry over his eyes touches your heart. “Let’s go.” and you started pulling him towards the grave of one of the most important person in your life. Your Dad.
“Hi Dad!” you smiled and waved before you crouched down to take out some leaves all over his gravestone. Ni-ki didn’t waste any time and quickly helped you. A warm smile spread across your face.
“Hello, Sir. I’m Nishimura Riki.” he introduced himself and even bowed.
Your eyes got teary just by seeing him paying respect. You draws in a big sigh then glanced at your Dad’s grave.
“Remember when I cried here, Dad? Because I feel like nobody will take care of me and love me. Well, I am back.” you smiled as your eyes heats up and form tears. “But this time I’m with Ni-ki.” you looked over him and he’s staring at you with that worried and affectionate eyes of his.
You laid your hand and he hold your hand tightly before placing a sweet kiss. “He takes care of me, Dad.”
Ni-ki leaned in and kissed your cheeks this time before turning to your Dad’s grave. “You don’t have to worry about her too much, Sir. I will make sure she’s okay. I will take care and love her with all of me.”
Your eyes grew a bit big and you stared at him in awe. He smiled and raised his hand to wipe your tears away.
“I love you.” he said sincerely that made you teary even more.
“I love you too, Ni-ki.” this time, it was his turn to be surprised.
He cupped your face, “Say it again.”
You chuckled, “I love you.”
“I love you more.” and he lean to give you a peck over your lips. He pulled away after a couple of kisses then he rests his forehead at yours.
“Do you think your Dad will be mad that I kissed you?” that made you chuckle so you pull away a bit to look at his eyes.
“I guess so.” you joked and this time, you leaned in to give him a kiss. Ni-ki closed his eyes and even followed your lips for more.
“That’s her. She kissed me.” and he even pointed at you like a kid.
You rolled your eyes and you rest your head over his shoulder. The two of you stayed like that for a while. After that, you pulled Ni-ki to the place near the memorial park, its like a cliff where you can see the whole city lights below.
You walked over the railings and you let the breeze blew over your hair while you stare blankly at the pretty view. On the other hand, Ni-ki was stunned. He was stoned at his position while he stare at you. This scene is very familiar to him.
You glanced over him as the air blow over your hair and Ni-ki’s heart thumped faster. It was the scene in his dreams. Now, he was certain that it was really you and he was destined to meet you.
He smiled, a tear left his eye before he caged you in a tight embrace. He enjoys his passion and the art he was doing, but you made him fell deeper to it. You are his favorite art piece and now, his favorite person.
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hisnowbie2 · 1 year
♤ ♡ 𝔼𝕟𝕙𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕟 ◇ ♧
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Welcome to Alasta Ice Wons: ENHYPEN, whereby you will be visiting ENHYPEN with individual universes, telling their stories. Be sure to buckle your seatbelt and drive through emotions within each series and oneshots~
💠 - Finished | ⚕️ - SMAU | 🖇 - Drabble | ⚠️ - On hold | ☣️ - Discontinued | ♻️ - Planning | 🔆 - Written | ❄️ - TBA
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Insecurities 🖇
¤ With a help from Beomgyu, Heeseung managed to get Y/N to be hers, but with her insecurities because of her boyfriend's visual, what can Heeseung do to make her feel comfortable? ¤
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
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Last Pursuit 🖇
¤ "Last Pursuit" is a game whereby a bunch of random people get involved either being a Tracker, or a prey. It is just lucky that they only get to play one day. Not that it cause people's death... right? ¤
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
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A Pair of Sparks 🖇
¤ Subway stations are always the best way to meet a person. Even in dramas, main characters tend to walk past each other, and directors did them a good job by making them meet again. But Y/N and Jake meet at their first time, and they already feel a connection between them. ¤
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Furry You ⚕️💠
¤ You adopted one furry, and one furry is enough, because eversince your history with furry wasn't nice, you still decided why not? Not all furries are the same. Even your friends whined you to have one, since you couldn't pull a boyfriend for your last 24 years. And so you did adopt one furry, a golden retriever hybrid. Things might not have start out well, but at least it's going to be good in the end, right? ... Right? ¤
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Pure Nape of Hers ⚕️♻️
¤ A vampire that supposedly everyone thinks they do not exist, clearly exist in her world. Pretend is a key to survive, though no vampire hunter. The world is obviously not open-minded either.
A human that has nothing with the vampire, came across with each other one day at school, but the contact surely isn't good at all. By right, no one can even understand what happened.
"Stare at me deep down." As the vampire was then forcefully clicked with the human.
"Invite me in." As the human wants to get in the vampire's life. ¤
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Pseudonym racer⚕️♻️ ❄️
The roar of legal racers fills the night, keeping it vibrant and bustling as they compete under the cover of darkness. But Seolhee remains unfazed. As a home-schooled girl with little social interaction beyond her tuition teacher, she becomes intrigued when she notices a striking similarity between her tutor's voice and that of one of the seven racers. Despite being a model student with top grades and government approval for her tutor's academic pursuits, could Seolhee be unknowingly entangled in the world of legal racing? One thing's for sure: she's determined to find out.
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Criminal's Lover 🖇
¤ Kim Haneul, Kim Haneul, Kim Haneul. A girl born in a yandere family. Well, it was actually her father that has the yandere trait, and her mother being the victim. But no one knows. Now that Kim Haneul has a target, she will never leave him alone, checking out every, single, detail, of him. By right also helping him achieve something that he longs for. ¤
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Play a song to listen
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gamjanim · 1 year
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Halo, aku Gamja (@gamjanuim on Twitter) dan aku membuka fanfic writing commission untuk mewujudkan ide cerita yang kamu punya di kepala! ★
Aku hanya menerima commission dalam bentuk narasi berbahasa Indonesia. Terbuka untuk SFW dan NSFW (no minor); bxb, gxg, dan bxg.
Ide cerita 100% akan berasal dari kamu, tugasku adalah menyusunnya saja. Jadi semakin detail prompt yang kamu sampaikan, akan semakin mudah buat aku menuliskannya.
Aku berhak menolak ide ceritamu jika aku tidak bisa mengeksekusinya.
Waktu menulisku ada di rentang 7-50 hari, bisa lebih cepat atau lambat tergantung tingkat kesulitan, tapi aku akan terus mengabari kamu terkait hal ini.
Hasil commission akan dikirim dalam bentuk PDF lewat email dan sifatnya privat sampai kamu mengizinkan aku mempublikasikannya.
Jika dipublikasikan, aku akan mengunggahnya lewat AO3 (SFW) dan Trakteer (NSFW). Adapun jika kamu menghendaki adanya password, aku akan mengunggahnya lewat protectedtext.com, kemudian mencantumkan link write.as/PDF. Password sendiri akan ditentukan oleh kamu.
Kamu boleh memintaku merahasiakan identitasmu. Kamu juga boleh menghadiahkan tulisan itu ke orang kesayangan dan aku akan bantu tag mereka.
Hasil commission hanya boleh digunakan untuk kepentingan pribadi. Dilarang keras menjual atau menggunggah kembali tulisanku di manapun, dalam bentuk apapun.
"Kali ini, yang mana yang akan kamu bawa pulang?"
Narasi berupa puisi atau surat sebanyak 200-500 kata. Untuk beberapa contohnya, kamu bisa lihat di Padlet bagian 'Camilan sekali lahap'.
One-shot sebanyak 800 kata atau lebih. Contohnya bisa kamu lihat di AO3.
All pairings of ENHYPEN**, THE BOYZ, Le Sserafim, aespa, IVE, Newjeans, STAYC, X1, RIIZE.
* Jika pairing yang kamu mau tidak ada di list, kamu bisa tanya aku dulu apa aku mampu menulisnya atau tidak. Jika iya dan ternyata aku tidak familiar, harap bersedia menjelaskan dinamikanya, ya. Pairing juga boleh berasal dari anime, series dan film.
** Untuk ENHYPEN, aku menerima semua pairing kecuali Riki x Hyungline.
Aku percaya diri dan bisa menulis:
rom-com, college/school life, smut, fluff, hurt/comfort, family, song fiction, angst, drama, slice of life, coming of age, fantasy.
Aku menolak menulis:
hybrid!au, mpreg, boypussy, aboverse, horror, gore, rape/non-con, dub-con, dead dove: do not eat (incest, infidelity/cheating, pedophillia, underage/co-dependency, blasphemy), religion fic, genderswitch, history fic, excessive mental illness, self harm, suicide.
Trope yang aku sukai:
enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers, fake dating, arranged marriage, situationship lengkap dengan segala misunderstanding-nya, friends to lovers, friends with benefit, roommates, next door neighbors, found family di tongkrongan, highschool au, college au.
Preferensiku dalam tulisan NSFW:
protected sex, non penetrative sex, masturbation, hand job, blow job, praise kink, angry/rushed sex, bathroom sex, dry humping, hands kink, oral kink, hyung kink, dirty talk, porn with feeling/making love.
Rp. 50.000 per satu buah puisi atau surat yang terdiri dari 200-500 kata.
Rp. 100 per kata untuk narasi one-shot SFW. (minimal 800 kata.)
Rp. 150 per kata untuk narasi one-shot NSFW. (minimal 800 kata dan untuk saat ini, narasi full NSFW/Porn Without Plot aku batasi maksimal 3000 kata.)
* Jika di akhir jumlah kata yang kutulis melampaui jumlah yang disepakati, kamu tidak perlu membayar kelebihannya. (berlaku untuk kedua kategori commission)
** One-shot di atas 4999 kata akan dikenakan biaya tambahan Rp. 10.000/seribu kata selanjutnya. Jadi semisal kamu minta 5000 kata, berarti (5000 x 100) + 10.000 = 510.000
*** Untuk one-shot, akan dikenakan biaya tambahan Rp. 10.000 jika prompt cerita yang kamu mau mengharuskan aku untuk melakukan research mendalam atau mengkonsumsi media tertentu.
Pastikan kamu sudah melihat status ketersediaan commision di bagian atas postingan ini. Jika tersedia, silakan DM aku dengan ide cerita/prompt, pairing, beserta jumlah kata jika yang kamu inginkan adalah commission one-shot. Kamu juga boleh memberikan lagu, penggalan lirik, atau foto sebagai tambahan inspirasiku menulis. Sampaikan juga detail-detail trivia yang kamu mau lihat dalam tulisan jika ada.
Pembayaran commission one-shot akan dilakukan dalam dua tahap, yakni DP dan pelunasan. Sebelum aku mulai menulis, kamu bisa mengirim DP 50% dari estimasi harga total, kemudian melunasinya ketika tulisan sudah seluruhnya jadi. Perlu dicatat bahwa aku baru akan mengirimkan tulisan jika pesananmu sudah terbayar penuh.
Pembayaran commission puisi dan surat akan langsung dilakukan penuh setelah aku selesai menulis. Tapi seperti one-shot, aku baru akan mengirimkan hasilnya setelah transaksi masuk.
Pembayaran melalui Trakteer dan DANA. Jika melalui Trakteer, harga di akhir akan ditambah 5% dari total keseluruhan sebagai biaya admin website. Pembayaran yang sudah masuk tidak bisa di-refund.
Aku punya gaya menulis yang cukup fleksibel. Baku dan puitis sampai lowercase crack, kamu boleh request sesuai preferensimu.
Pengerjaan commission akan dikerjakan sesuai urutan yang masuk. Milikmu baru akan kutulis setelah pesanan yang sebelumnya selesai. Tolong jadikan ini pertimbangan, terutama jika kamu ingin pesananmu cepat jadi.
Jika di tengah proses diskusi ataupun pengerjaan kamu tidak merespons dalam kurun waktu lebih dari 1x24 jam, pesanan lain akan otomatis didahulukan.
Jika setelah tulisan selesai dan kamu tidak merespons dalam kurun waktu lebih dari 3x24 jam, pesananmu akan langsung kuunggah melalui Trakteer. Username-mu juga akan ditampilkan sebagai sanksi.
Jika ada kendala dalam menghubungiku lewat DM Twitter, kamu bisa reach out ke Telegram.
Aku menerima commission dengan karakter dari universe yang aku punya, tapi aku tidak menerima request untuk menuliskan ending ceritanya.
Dalam menulis, aku cenderung tidak mempedulikan posisi dominan dan submisif. Pun kamu bisa mengatakan preferensimu soal ini, terutama jika yang kamu mau adalah narasi NSFW.
1. Gamja, aku mau pacaran sama biasku! Kamu bisa nulis BIM nggak?
Bisa dongs. Tinggal sebut aja orangnya yang mana dan mau pacaran kayak gimana, lewat tanganku kalian bakal jadi pasangan paling manis sedunia parsos.
2. Kalo aku mau cerita yang bukan naksir-naksiran gimana? Misal tentang temen platonik atau keluarga gitu?
Gak masalah. Toh cinta banyak bentuknya.
3. Kamu bersedia nulis karakter idol yang masih minor gak, Ja? Kalo iya, bisa request ada adegan cium-ciumnya?
Bersedia, selama ceritanya gak mengandung seks dan minum alkohol alias cuma cinta-cintaan gemes. Buat adegan ciuman, aku membatasi adek-adek ini sampe kecup pipi dan bibir sekali aja ya. Anak kecil dilarang cium brutal.
Reminder, usia legal secara politik di Indonesia adalah 18 tahun dan batas usia minimum konsumsi alkohol adalah 21 tahun.
4. Ja, mabu-mabu tipsy kan bisa masuk dubious consent, kalo aku request kegiatan ranjang habis mereka minum, kamu bisa nulisnya gak?
Hm, aku ragu hasilnya bakal sememuaskan seks full consent karena aku cenderung menempatkan diri jadi karakternya ketika nulis. Merinding dikit sebenernya, tapi mungkin beberapa bisa kutulis tergantung nanti jalan ceritanya gimana. Pokoknya komunikasikan aja sama aku. Semisal gak bisa, kita cari jalan keluarnya sama-sama.
5. Aku mau commis cerita yang karakternya penuh trauma, min. Boleh gak?
Jadi lucu dong ntar karena orang lucu biasanya banyak traumanya. Tapi bercanda. Spesifik traumanya karena apa? Kalo bukan yang aku alami sendiri kayak family issue atau toxic environment, aku gak yakin bisa paham penuh gimana responnya. Pun bisa, kemungkinan besar aku harus research dulu. Lengkapnya nanti tanya aja ke aku, tapi jangan lupa ya kalau aku menolak nulis adegan melukai diri sendiri secara fisik.
6. Aku lagi sedih hebat, kalo aku mau ceritanya ikut sad ending gimana?
Gapapa, di sini semua boleh sedih sebebas-bebasnya.
7. Soal commission surat nih, Ja! Ini untuk idol aja atau boleh siapa aja? Kalo aku mau minta tolong buatin surat yang isinya puisi buat mamaku bisa gak?
Asal itu orang yang kamu sayang dan kamu seneng ngasih mereka hadiah, puisi dan surat boleh ditujukan ke siapapun. <3
8. Di atas, one-shot tulisannya minimal 800 kata meanwhile puisi dan surat maksimal 500 kata. Kalo aku mau commis narasi 600-700 kata gimana?
Aku menaikkan minimal jumlah kata untuk one-shot karena setelah introspeksi diri, ternyata aku punya tendensi buat membacot di tulisan fiksi. Kalo kamu mau commis dengan range kata segitu, berarti kita belum jodoh, hehe. Sebagai gantinya, aku bisa jodohin kamu ke penulis lain yang nyediain jasa sesuai yang kamu mau!
9. Aku pengen ceritaku dibaca juga sama yang lain, Ja! Bayar gak kalo di-upload di Twitter?
No need to ya, Cakep. Justru kalo diunggah, aku akan ngasih kamu bonus cover sebagai visualisasi ceritanya. Itung-itung ucapan terima kasih karena portofolioku sekarang ketambahan karya baru. :)
10. Terakhir, Gamjanim ada rencana nerima commission yang bentuknya socmed au gak?
Sekarang belum ada karena aku masih bingung mau kayak gimana sistemnya. Temen-temen yang punya saran tentang ini, boleh cuap-cuap ke aku ya!
Pertanyaan lain terkait commission bisa disampaikan ke retrospring atau DM.
Aku bukan profesional dalam bidang kepenulisan, tapi aku suka menulis dan belajar sastra. Jadi aku akan berusaha mengoptimalkan hasil kerjaku sesuai dengan kaidah yang berlaku. Jika kamu mempercayakan ide ceritamu untuk kutulis, terima kasih banyak! ♥︎
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