#england fanfic
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somehow-a-writer · 5 months ago
A Curious Flying Friend {England X Reader}
It was a cool autumn day, not too warm nor cool with a gentle breeze and few clouds scattered through the beautiful blue sky. (F/N) decided to take a walk through the woods behind your house, you had taken plenty of walks through there while exploring it and had found a waterfall that you loved to sit by to get away from everything and relax. Today was one of those days you decided to walk there and sit against the trunk of a large willow tree. Along the way, (F/N) made sure to be careful of the surroundings, not just your typical tree root but also anything of the supernatural variety, after all, you did not want to upset anything—especially any fae in the surrounding woods. Upon making it to the waterfall, you sigh contently while any tension in your shoulders slowly melted away, no matter how many times you visited it was always a breathtaking sight.
(F/N) walked to the giant willow tree, sitting down at the base of the trunk before pulling a thick book from your bag and opening it. With only the sounds of the waterfall, the surrounding nature, and your heartbeat. It was true bliss. A few fae appeared, coming out from the forest, from the other side of the lake, and began gathering different items. Upon noticing (F/N) they smiled and waved at the familiar human. Having looked up at the noise, you returned their smile, waving back at the few fae that you had grown used to seeing around this area of the forest. (F/N) was quite accustomed to anything to do with the mythological at quite a young age, that was after you had learned at least the basics of most creatures.
Before you could return to your book, you felt something land on your head. Well, more like it plopped down on your head. You glance up, trying to see what it could've been aside from hearing it trying to catch its breath, the poor thing sounded tired. From what you could tell it had long ears and was a mint color, your best guess was it was some type of mythological creature but couldn't place anything with just those two things. Setting your book to the side, you very carefully and gently picked the creature up and brought it down in front of you for a better look. As (F/N) brought it down, the creature perked up slightly, watching the female curiously the mint-colored animal tilted its head while its ears perked up. After looking over for a moment while taking in its looks,  your (e/c) eyes filled with genuine curiosity, you noted it looked like a typical bunny but it had mings and was completely colored like mint ice cream. You giggle softly as you set it on your lap, petting it lightly while watching it nuzzling into your touch. It warmed up to you surprisingly fast, (F/N) took notice and assumed it was somehow used to people, though you still had absolutely no idea what it could be. Well aside from being rather cute that is, that was definitely obvious.
(F/N) went back to the book that was temporarily forgotten about, still petting the flying bunny in your lap. A few minutes passed by before you could hear distant shouting, it was still too faint to make out so you continued on your book, making sure to keep to also pay attention to the yells for if they got closer. They did in fact after a little bit more, it sounded like a male's voice shouting a name. "-BUNNY!? WHERE DID YOU GET TO!?" 'Bunny? Could they potentially be looking for this cutie? Hmmm... It doesn't seem fazed, I'll wait a bit longer...' You thought to yourself, scratching under the mystical bunny's chin, which it replied happily to.
The voice eventually grew louder till before you knew it a figure was bursting from the forest, a few feet from where you were sitting. You look up towards the sound of the noise, not having much time to get up earlier due to getting slightly distracted with your book, you notice a male looking around. He had shaggy blonde hair, his clothes slightly messy and torn from running through the forest but nothing that couldn't be easily fixed. He sighs, scratching the back of his neck as he makes sure to slowly take in his surroundings, obviously looking for something or someone. "Flying Mint Bunny where could you have possibly gone this time?" Upon hearing the voice, the creature in your lap sits up, looking towards the male. "Oh? Do you know him, little one?" You look between the two, standing up while holding the fluffy winged bunny close to you, and began walking over to the mysterious male. 
"Excuse me, i-is this who you c-could be looking for, sir?" (F/N) asks, trying to hold back the nervous stutter which was difficult around new people. The male turned around studying you for a moment, a small blush growing as he started into your (e/c) orbs, (h/l) (h/c) blowing in the gentle breeze, almost forgetting to respond. "O-Oh, apologies for staring... To answer your question though, yes, that is precisely who I was looking for. She loves to fly off to distract me, essentially forcing me to take a break. Thank you for watching her. What is your name?" He states with a friendly smile, his English accent making you blush a little. "I-It was no problem... My n-name is (F/N) (L/N), may I ask yours as well?" You ask, sticking your hands out with Flying Mint Bunny in them towards the British male, who carefully takes her, scratching her head a little. "Oh my, excuse me how ungentlemanly of me, my apologies dear. I'm Arthur Kirkland, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." You shake your head, smiling at the two with a little chuckle, thinking about how cute they looked together. "It's fine, no need to worry. The pleasure is all mine Arthur.”
"If I may ask dear, you can see Flying Mint Bunny, can you do magic or see any other mythological things?" Arthur asks, tilting his head slightly. "I don't do magic but I can see mythological creatures and such, basically my whole life. What about you, Mr. Kirkland." You nod, despite Arthur looking around your age, it seemed right to use mister when referring to him. With a light chuckle upon hearing himself being called 'mister', he responds. "There's no need for formalities, please just call me Arthur, (F/N). Also, I can do magic as well as see different creatures. Most of my friends don't take me seriously about it... It's nice meeting someone else who can see, however. U-Um... I-If you're not busy, would you be i-interested in having some company?" A  blush quickly spread across his face, glancing away at the end. Arthur understood if you didn't but was honestly hoping you would, you had piqued his interest immediately and it only grew. "Hm? O-Oh yes, that's completely fine! I would actually enjoy that quite a bit, you seem like an interesting guy, Arthur." You replied, blushing as well with a small smile. Arthur nods, following you back to where you were sitting under the willow prior to his arrival.
The two of you talked for hours, continuing until you noticed it was starting to become nightfall, and agreed it was a good idea to start heading back. Arthur and (F/N) carefully walked together through the woods towards the town, continuing to chat along the way. As it grew darker through the walk in the forest, Arthur kept (F/N) close, making sure nothing happened to his new friend. After a bit, they made it out and to the other side of the forest. "Hey um... If you'd like, you can stay at my house for the night, we have a spare room you can use. O-Only if you want to though! J-Just thought I would o-offer because it's right over here and I wasn't sure how far your house was and-" Arthur cut off your rambles before you got the chance to panic anymore over a potential misunderstanding. "Thank you for the offer, dear, I would greatly appreciate it. That is, as long as it's no trouble to you or anyone else." "It's no problem! I share it with my friend, and we have an extra room. I'm not sure if it's occupied already or not, but we can always figure something out if that's the case." You explain, taking his hand in your own without thinking as you lead him towards your house. Arthur's face instantly flushed at the contact, thankful that the night and staying behind you could mostly hide this. 
After you both had entered the house, you took off your coat and shoes, setting them aside, Arthur did the same, following your lead. "Are you hungry? I think we have some leftovers or I can make something quick?" "N-Now that you mention it, I am hungry. I'm fine with whatever you choose, love." (F/N) nods, heading towards the kitchen as Arthur and Flying Mint Bunny follow, you open the fridge and scan its contents for something, anything. "How about some (f/f)?" Arthur nods, you take it out and put some on two plates, warming them up quickly before setting them on the nearby table. "Would you like anything to drink?" "Water is fine. Thank you for dinner, you're quite the sweetheart." Arthur compliments, taking a seat at the table while smiling at you. Now it was your turn to blush as a shy smile creeps its way to your lips while you get a couple of glasses of water. "Y-You're welcome a-and t-thank you as well. You're quite lovely yourself." You state, returning to the table and setting the drinks down before sitting. You ate in a comfortable silence and once you were finished, Arthur helped you wash up the few dishes you used.
"Would you like a shower or anything? I might have some clothes that my brother gave me that you could wear if you wanted. One moment while I check if the guest room is available." Arthur nods as you walk down the hall, left in the living room to consider your polite offers. You heard your friend talking to a couple of people in their room, stopping before the door you gave it a knock. "Come in, (nickname)!" You heard a voice shout from the other side, you open the door and peer in, noticing a couple of friends of your friend in there as well, meaning the guest room would most likely be unavailable. "Hey, just a quick question. Was anyone planning on using the guest room tonight?" "Yeah, these two were. Why, what's up?" "Oh nothing, I offered to let a friend stay over since it had gotten dark out when we returned and just trying to plan where they could stay. Thanks (friend's nickname), see y'all later then. Have a nice night!" You say before closing the door again and heading back towards Arthur, you had a gut feeling this would happen but had to check anyway.
Arthur looked up from Flying Mint Bunny quickly once you returned, cheeks tinted red. "I'm sorry to say that the guest room will be occupied soon tonight... You can sleep in my room or the couch if you prefer, I-I'm sure we can set something up quickly either way." "No worries love, it's quite alright." Before Arthur could continue, Flying Mint Bunny whispered something in his ear, causing his blush to turn a few shades darker. "What are you saying, I couldn't possibly ask something like that of her!" "Hmmm? What did she say?" You tilted your head, walking closer. Arthur shook his head, quite embarrassed, as he mumbled barely loud enough for you to hear. "She said I should ask to sleep in your room... I couldn't possibly, we just met and it doesn't seem very gentlemanly of me to bother you like that..." "Ooh. It's no trouble, really. As long as you're comfortable with it I don't mind. It's not like anything will really happen." You giggle a little, but your cheeks were tinted pink. Arthur hesitates for a moment before nodding. "It you say so, love. If you don't mind, I would like to take you up on the shower offer. I would hate to dirty your sheets, I was running through the forest after all..." Arthur chuckles slightly, rubbing the back of his neck as he stands. "Of course, let me grab some clothes for you and show you the way." Walking back down the hall you showed Arthur where the bathroom was before grabbing some towels as well as a change of clothes that you got from your older brother. (F/N) returned and passed Arthur the times before explaining where your room was and the door would be open for him when he was finished. Exchanging nods, you left for your room as Arthur closed the door and did what he need to.
After a bit, Arthur walks toward your room with the clothes he was wearing neatly folded in his hands. His hair was still pretty wet as the towel hung closely over his head while the shirt you gave him was in his other hand, he wasn't one to wear shirts to bed due to comfortability. As he walked in you glanced up, the heat rising to your face again quickly. You looked him over, noticing he was fairly in shape, not the type to have abs but the type to tell he did occasionally work out. 'Shit, he's quite the looker, isn't he. Fuck, look away, look away, don't let him catch you checking him out!' You scold yourself mentally almost immediately, glancing away as he sets his clothes on the floor. "Um here's the shirt you added, I can put it on if you want but I typically don't wear them to bed due to comfortability." Arthur explains, setting the shirt at the end of your bed before trying to dry his hair off as much as he could. 
You shake your head, picking up the shirt before getting up and putting it away. "It's o-okay, you don't have to especially if you're more comfortable like this. We don't have any air mattresses and the floor isn't terribly comfortable... My bed has enough room for two and some extra space as well, i-if you don't mind sharing for a night..." You say, growing quieter at the last sentence, a blush returning to both your faces. "I-I don't mind. A-And I promise, I-I wouldn't dream of doing anything to you, love!" Arthur says, nerves taking over a bit. You giggle a little as you turn out the lights and climb into bed. "It's alright, I didn't think you would. After all, you're quite the gentleman Arthur. Goodnight, I hope you rest well." You say sleepily, exhaustion suddenly hitting you as your head hit the pillow. Arthur smiles, climbing into bed and laying down beside you. "Thank you, love. You're quite wonderful. Goodnight and sweet dreams, (F/N)." You smile as sleep over takes you before you could respond. 'He really is a gentleman. I hope we can become better friends, maybe more one day. Maybe...' Was the last thing you remember thinking before being completely overtaken by sleep. Flying Mint Bunny curled up near some of the plushies on your bed, happy her friend seemed to have found someone he could connect with so quickly. Her curiosity finally about this person seemed to finally pay off with this meeting earlier that day. She was grateful to finally meet this curious (h/c) finally after seeing them pass through the forest so often.
Note: This was inspired by a friend's suggestion for the plot. They had no idea what fandom it was for, the only premise given was "cute fluffy shit" xD to which they responded with "a curious bunny." Which wasn't really mentioned till the end, slightly cause I forgot but oh well. It's in there and makes it seem like Flying Mind Bunny is some kind of adorable mastermind lmao
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months ago
Idol II
England Lionesses x Teen!Reader
Summary: Your first call up to the Lionesses
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It wasn't you that Sarina had come to evaluate.
It was Grace.
She'd heard great things about Grace Clinton and the idea of putting her into the World Cup squad was tempting which was why she was sat in the freezing cold winter weather in Bristol, trying to see if she could find a way to fit Grace into her midfield at her current level.
But Grace is on the bench, having picked up a slight niggle in the warm up.
So instead of Grace, Sarina finds herself evaluating you instead.
You're by far the smallest and youngest on the pitch, at least two heads shorter than the next smallest and your round baby face makes it clear that you're not anywhere near the next youngest too.
"Er...y/n l/n," One of the staff members replies when Sarina asks who you are," She's currently being looked at for the Under-23s. She's an Under-17 right now."
Sarina frowns. "How old is she?"
"She turned fifteen this August. Her inclusion in the Bristol City team was a surprise to everyone."
Sarina sips on her coffee thoughtfully just as you dance between two defenders and your shot is deflected by the keeper.
The Championship doesn't have the greatest access to camera footage so Sarina's mainly condemned to old youth team footage that's a little unfocussed and shaky.
She hums to herself, fingernails clicking against her desk.
"Hello? Is this Mrs l/n? Hi, this is Sarina Wiegman. I'm calling on behalf of the Lionesses. Yes, about your daughter."
Your coat is two sizes too big and the legs of your trousers have been rolled up a few times, that's one of the first things Keira notices.
The second thing is that your eyes are wide and the smile on your face holds excitement with a hint of nervousness.
She's never seen you before in her life and to even see someone like you at camp is shocking.
She'd been shocked to see a name on the camp list that she didn't recognise, even more shocked when she'd asked around and found that no one really knew who you were.
You walk in with Sarina, tucked under her arm as the introductions are made.
The nervousness is another thing Keira notes, your awkward smile does nothing to hide the way your eyes dart around the area.
"That's the kid Jona was talking about," Lucy says one morning randomly, scoffing down a piece of toast," He said that La Masia were looking to bring her in. She's still on an Academy contract with Bristol City."
"Really?" Georgia asks," You'd think they'd have moved her onto a professional one. Apparently, she's like an integral part to their system. Bristol City are gunning for promotion, I heard."
"She's good," Lucy says as Keira glances over her shoulder to watch you push at your eggs with a wrinkled nose," But her talents are wasted at Bristol."
Georgia flicks a bit of mushroom at her. "Maybe Bayern will have to grab her before you do."
Lucy laughs, pushing herself out from the table. "Well, maybe I should just go and ask her now, shall I? Because I guarantee you, she's going to want to trade England's weather for sunny Spain over Germany."
Georgia stands up too. "Funny. I was going to say that she'd much prefer the food in Germany to the food in Spain. I don't think she likes rice much so she won't like paella."
You're sitting alone at your table, wondering if it's alright to leave the now cold scrambled egg on your plate or if you should force it down so the catering staff don't feel annoyed at your for wasting it.
You practically jump out of your skin as Lucy Bronze and Georgia Stanway slam into the chairs opposite you.
You couldn't look at them - not after meeting Georgia for the first time and mindlessly blurting out her statistics from this season right in front of her.
"So," Lucy says, drumming her fingers on the table," How do you like Spain?"
"Ever been to Germany?" Georgia cuts in," Because, you know, Munich is beautiful this time of year."
"Because I was thinking," Lucy continues like Georgia hadn't even spoken," Barcelona is just so nice and warm. You could work on your tan there."
"And of course, there's so many great Christmas markets in the winter," Georgia says," And sometimes we go and visit them as a big team and buy each other stuff."
"Well we do that at Barcelona too. Ingrid has a great list of coffee shops if you're into that kind of thing."
"Sydney knows the best places to grab a bite in the middle of the night."
"Aitana knows-"
A body slumps down into the seat next to you, an arm swung casually over your shoulder.
"You know, Chelsea's the place to be," Millie Bright says," Great manager. Great staff. Great team. We've got it all."
"And how many Champion's Leagues is that?" Lucy asks and Millie kicks her under the table.
"She's not going to any of your teams," Mary interrupts, swinging her feet up and onto the table as she leans back in the chair she stole," Because United are going to have this girl on lock."
The table erupts into laughter and Mary's face drops.
"Hey! It's not funny! We'll see who's laughing next season!"
"Still us," Georgia says," There's no way a kid with this level of talent is going to United! Just you wait, after the World Cup, she's going to have offers flooding in from everywhere.
"Really?" You ask, voice quiet," You really think so?"
You hadn't ever really thought of you future outside of the now. You don't know if you had ever really considered that you were good enough for other people to want. You hadn't ever really considered anyone would take a chance on you like Bristol City did.
"Are you kidding?" Lucy scoffs," Kid, your skills are off the charts at this age! Just you wait, people are going to be clamouring to get you!" She winks. "Just remember to choose the right one."
"The right one being Bayern," Georgia says with grin," Think of the Christmas markets."
"Think of the Barcelona sun."
"Think of being on the best English team."
"Think of..." Mary throws her hands up. "Well how am I supposed to compete with that?!"
"You can't," Lucy laughs with a shrug," Which is why United was never part of the conversation. Face it, Mary, you can't compete with that."
Mary waves her finger around. "Just you wait, I'll have this kid moving to Manchester before this World Cup is over."
A hand falls onto your shoulder and you look up to see Keira standing there, an eye roll already half completed on her face.
"The kid can make her own decisions," She says," She doesn't need you lot badgering her to make one before she has to."
"It's just a bit of fun, Kie," Georgia complains with an eye roll of her own," Sue me if I don't want Barcelona to collect all the best midfielders in the world."
The gentle teasing continues but all you can think of is Georgia's words.
'Collect all the best midfielders in the world'.
She meant you in that conversation as well. She meant to put you in the same bracket as Keira and Bonmatí and Guijarro and Putellas, the staples of Barcelona's midfield.
You stare down at your plate, that stupid bit of cold scrambled egg still sitting on it. You don't know how to react to that.
Say thank you?
Or would that make it weird?
You've already embarrassed yourself enough this week. You don't need to do it all over again.
So you just kind of sit there with a shy smile on your face as the older players tease each other around you.
"Don't listen to them," Keira says," Where you go and what you do with your career is all up to you." She winks. "But I wouldn't be opposed if you wanted to come along to Barcelona."
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enwoso · 1 month ago
PLAYING FOR KEEPS | leah williamson
💌 happy valentine’s day my loves x
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leah had always been proud to wear the captain armband from the moment she'd been handed it. it was everything she'd ever dreamed of as a little girl kicking a ball around with her brother in her back garden.
leading england, inspiring a nation and being part of something bigger than herself was everything she dreamed of. but as of lately the weight of that armband felt heavier than ever.
the loss to germany at wembley was still fresh, the sting of it sharp in her chest as she slumped in the changing room. around her the team moved in a haze - some quietly packing up while others tried to life the mood with half hearted jokes.
leah felt their disappointment as if it were solely her own and she knew it was her responsibility to rally them, even now. that was the job of the captain: to carry the burden, life everyone else, out the team above everything.
but everything included people like you, her girlfriend and leah wasn't sure when she stopped realising that.
leah glanced to her phone which was sat face down on the bench beside her. she hadn't checked it since halftime, knowing there'd be a text from you.
you not being able to make the match at wembley due to other work commitments but leah knew and understood and knew if you could've been you would've been the loudest one there cheering her on.
you made as many matches as you could, encouraging, supportive and loving. you were her anchor, always there to steady the blonde when the world sometimes became too much.
but anchors can only hold so much weight before they snapped.
leah sighed, running a hand through her wet hair as she grabbed her bag and muttered a quick goodbye to her teammates who barely noticed as she slipped out of the room.
mary was stood leaning against the white walls of wembley outside scrolling through her phone more than likely waiting for some of the other girls. glancing up when leah passed an eyebrow raised, "heading out already?"
"yeah" leah muttered, "need some air."
mary nodded as her expression softened but she said nothing. letting leah wander off down the hallway, wash bag slung under her arm.
as leah walked through the winding halls of wembley, her mind racing. she didn't want to go home, not yet. there'd be a post-match debrief tomorrow, tactics to dissect, strategies to reevaluate.
it was all consuming, but it had to be. the team relied on her.
except someone else relied on her too and the blonde had been neglecting that part of her life for a couple of weeks now.
you sat curled up on the sofa, having caught the last thirty minutes of the match but you were not able to sit with a hot mug of tea as your eyes flicked between the clock and your phone which sat perked on the arm of the chair.
the match now, had ended a couple hours ago. leah still wasn't home. but she'd sent a text earlier in the evening:
leah❤️ | 'sorry baby. be home soon, captain stuff. you understand x'
except with each moment when this would happen you were starting to understand less and less.
you'd been understanding for months, years even. you'd cheered leah on from the stands every minute you could, celebrated her victories and comforted her after each loss.
you'd sacrificed evening, weekends, and family commitments to make room for leah's hectic schedule. but the balance that once made your relationship with the blonde so special had shifted and now it felt like you were the only one willing to make the sacrifices.
finally after a few hours, longer than you expected her to be. leah closed the door to the apartment with a sigh, her body heavy from the loss and her mind reeling with what could've gone differently on the pitch.
the blonde barely having time to drop her bag before you appeared in the doorway of the living room, your arms crossed as you leaned against the doorframe, your expression a mixture of frustration and sadness.
"baby-" leah began but you cut her off before she even had the chance to give you another word. 
"no. don't. don't you dare try and act like everything is fine, leah."
leah froze, taken aback by the sharpness in your tone, "what are you talking about? i just-"
"no, you just ignored me again," you snapped. "i've been waiting all week for us to have some time together after you've been on camp, but you didn't even ask if i needed you after the match. instead i just got some generic excuse about 'captain duties' and left me here alone. again."
leah frowned, her defenses but also her stubbornness kicking in, "y/n, it not like i wanted to. but i had responsibilities-" 
"and what about your responsibility to me?" you interupted, your voice cracking. "what about us leah? or have we become less important than a post-match briefing?"
leah's jaw tightened, "no, no thats not fair. you know how much pressure i'm under. i'm doing this for the team - for the country! i don't have the luxury to just drop everything."
"and i'm not asking you to. you know i'm always proud of you, your biggest fan." your voice rising slightly as your frustration was beginning to build and start to spill over. "all i'm asking is for you to see me. to care enough to put me first sometimes. but instead, you keep proving over and over that everything else seems to come first; football, the team, being the perfect captain. i'm tired, leah."
you stopped as you sighed, your voice starting to feel a little shaky, "i'm tired of always coming in second."
leah stepped closer, her hands outstreched as if to physically hold you back from walking away. "y/n, please. don't say that. you're not second - i love you. i'm just.. i'm trying to do everything. i'm trying to be everthing for everyone.”
your eyes softened for a moment, but your voice remained steady. "you don't have to be everything for everyone, leah. you just have to be there for those who love you. but right now, i don't think you know how to do that and i don't think i can keep pretending like i'm okay with being left behind."
leah could feel her throat getting tighter and tighter by the second, panic beginning to set in with each word that left your lips. "so, i- what are you saying? you're leaving? baby? don't- please, don't do this." leah stutter out as she tried to reach out for you again as you brushed her off. 
you shook your head, a tear slipping down your cheek. "i'm not leaving, leah. i'm gonna go and spend the weekend at my mum's, i need some space. time to figure out if i can keep doing this, if we can keep doing this. i'll be back sometime on monday, but for now, i just need to breathe."
leah reached out grabbing your hand, her voice breaking. "y/n, please. i can't lose you. i'll do better - i promise. just.. don't go, please."
you gently pulled her hand away, you voice low and soft but firm. "i'm not leaving to punish you, leah. i just need some space. i'll see you on monday."
leah stood frozen as she watched you grab your bag which you'd obviously packed while she was taking hours to come home, as you grabbed your coat and left. the sound of the door shutting being and echoing in the now-empty apartment.
as you walked along the street towards the tube station, on route to your mum's house as the streets were gloomy lit as a cold breeze hitting your hands as your mind filled with thoughts but it was short lived as the sound of you phone buzzing snapped you out of your thoughts, glancing at the screen to see a message from beth. a link to no doubt another tiktok she'd found funny.
you hesitated before picking your phone up and typing a response, liking the message with the link before your thumbs moved quickly across the screen.
you | 'can we meet for coffee tomorrow?'
meado🐾 | 'course! the usual place at 10?'
meado🐾 | 'everything okay?'
you | 👍🏻
you walked into the usual coffee shop, your coat pulled tight around you protecting you from the winter air. as you spotted beth sitting at a small table near the back two cups of steaming cup of tea in front of her as she waved you over.
"you alright?" she asked as you sat down.
you paused for a minute, opening your mouth to try and say something before you shook your head, "not really," you voice heavy with emotion.
beth gave you a sympathetic smile, "figured as much, what's happened?"
you took a deep breath, your hands fiddling with the edge of your jumper. "it's le, she's.. i dunno. she's, just so caught up in every. being captain, the team, the media. i know it's important to her beth, i really do. but, but i feel like i don't exist in her world anymore.."
beth frowned, leaning forward. "she's has been distant, hasn't she?"
you nodded, your voice shaking. "she used to make so much time for us even when timings weren't great. but now? i'm lucky if i get five minutes with her where she's not thinking about football. and last night, she said she would be home straight away after the match but then she just.. disappeared. captain duties apparently."
beth let out a slow breath, the girl being out in a difficult position. leah was one of her best friends and admittedly had known the blonde longer but she knew you and how much her best friend was in love with you.
"that.. that sounds like leah. she's not the best at juggling things when she's under pressure. it's like sometimes she forgets there's a life away from the pitch"
you eyes filling with tears, "i’ve tried to be patient, beth. i've tried to understand but i feel like im screaming into the void. she keep saying she'll do better but it's always the same. and i- i don't know if i can keep doing this.."
beth reached across the table, giving your hand a squeeze, "listen, i love leah to bits but she can be stupid and stubborn but she's lucky to have you and she needs to realise that before it's too late. but just be honest with her, your not asking too much. your asking for what you deserve."
you sniffed, trying to hold back a sob. "what is she doesn't change? what if this is just.. who she is now?"
beth's expression hardened, "if she doesn't change she's the one whose going to lose but if i know leah, she's not going to let that happen."
you sighed, staring into the tea in front of you, "i feel like i'm failing her by even thinking about walking away. like i'm giving up on her.."
beth shook her head, "no your not failing her, your asking for what you need. relationships aren't supposed to be one-sided and if leah can't see how much this is hurting you. she's the one that needs to wake up."
you hesitated, you voice barely a whisper, "and if she doesn't?"
beth leaned back in her chair, her expression thoughtful. after a long pause, she said, "then that's a question only you can answer. but if there's not thing leah doesn't do and that's give up on those she loves. sometimes she just needs a little push in the right direction."
your lips twitched into a faint smile, "you really believe that?"
beth grinned, "i do and if she doesn't get it together then i'll personally give her a good kick up the backside for you"
that pulled a small laugh out of you, the tension in your shoulders easing slightly, "thanks beth, i needed this."
"of course," beth said raising her mug in a mock toast, "just remember your not asking for anything y/n, your asking for enough and leah? she'll figure it out."
leah sat on the sofa, where she'd spent the past day and a half. her head in her hands as her phone lay o her chest, her mind replaying the argument from saturday night, over and over in her mind. her chest ached with guilt and frustration and for the first time, she didn't have an immediate solution to fix what she had so clearly broken.
she'd spent the entire today, sunday, in her thoughts. she hadn't moved all day, nothing in the apartment had been touched or moved as the spent it just moping around as she checked her phone every ten minutes just in case you had messaged to say you were on your way home.
you hadn't. the last message from you was: 'got to my mum's okay.'
so simple and to the point. no usual goodnight message or a simple 'i love you' nothing. and while leah knew she deserved it, she would be lying if she said it didn't sting a bit as she stared back at the bright screen.
this time her when her phone buzzed she leaped up to grab it, it must be you. it was embarrassing really how fast she scrambled to get to her phone as it sat on the coffee table. but as she saw beths name, a little part of her sunk as she sighed and picked it up reading the message.
beth | 'you better be writing a long love letter and ways to apologise before i personally mess you up, williamson!'
leah | 'not now beth. i'm already miserable."
beth | 'good, as you should be. that poor girl. y/n deserves better than the leah williamson that you've been giving her. you need to get it together before she decides she's better off without you.'
leah stared at the message, her heart sinking with each word of beth's message she read. it was ture though. beth wasn't the type to sugarcoat thing, which is something as to why the two got along for so long. 
she set her phone down, her mind racing. she couldn't afford to lose you - not when you were the one thing that made all the chaos in her life go quiet. when she was with you, the whole world stopped and leah was at peace. but promises wouldn't be enough this time. she ahd to show you that she could change, that she could be the partner you needed and wanted.
for the first time in weeks, leah wasn't thinking about tactics or training. she was thinking about the person she loved and hoped she would get to spend the rest of her life with - and how she could win you back.
leah didn't sleep thay night. she lay in the bed, the one you usually shared together. the bed which usually felt too small as you'd cling to leah throughout the night as if she was you personal heater. the bed feeling that little bit more bigger now you weren't in it with her.
as she stared at the ceiling, the sound of your voice from the argument playing on repeat in her head.
'you don't see me anymore, leah. you see england. you see the armband. but you forget to see me.'
every word had been a dagger to the heart. a reality check for the blonde. and for the first time in her life, leah felt truly lost in herself. she had always prided herself on being a leader, someone who could hold everything together. but she was beginning to see that her leadership had coem at a cost and a big one at that and it was one she couldn't afford to pay.
by the time the sun began to rise, leah had already been pacing the apartment scribbling notes in a notebook she'd found lying on the dinner table. pages were filled with ideas, crossed out apologies and half-formed plans to fix what she'd broken.
flowers? no, too cliché.
a handwritten letter? maybe, but it wouldn't be enough on its own.
a proper date? but what would that even look like when you were still so hurt?
leah was mid-sentence in her brainstorming when her phone buzzed.
beth | 'have you started groveling yet, or do i need to come over and supervise?'
leah | 'i'm working on it. give me a break.'
beth | 'breaks are for those who didn't mess up. times a ticking williamson.'
leah couldn't help but laugh at the message, though the weight in her chest didn't lift. she stared at her notebook again, willing herself to come up with something that would show you just how much she cared.
you returned to the apartment late that same monday night, keeping your promise just like you said you would. but as you walked through the door, you stopped in your tracks as your bag slid down your arm. the living room looked completely different.
the coffee table had been cleared as it had been previously stacked with empty water bottles. now was covered with a neatly folded tablecloth and two plates of what appeared to be your favourite pasta dish. soft candlelights flickered as faint sound of music played from the speaker in the corner.
leah stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, wringling her hands. "i, uh.. i wanted to apologise properly." the blonde said, her voice usually so confident and full of herself was quiet and so uncharacteristically nervous.
you raised an eyebrow, your eyes scanning around at the setup, "you did all this?"
"yeah" leah shifted her weight from one foot to another as she looked more like a nervous schoolgirl than the captain of england.
“i know i've messed up, y/n. i realise now i've been putting everything else above us and it's not fair to you. you're the best thing in my life and i've been treating you like an afterthought. i'm so, so sorry my love."
your arms crossed, your expression unreadable to the blonde, "le, this isn't something you can fix with dinner and candles."
leah nodded quickly, "i know, i know this is just a small step. but i'm trying, y/n. i'm trying to show you that i want to be better, i want to put you first. but i can't just say it - i have to show it.”
you hesitated, your eyes softening just a inch, "but what's changed, leah? what makes you think this time is going to be different?”
leah took a deep breath, taking a second to steady her voice, “‘cause i’m not trying to be better for you, i’m trying to be better with you. i know i’ve so focused on being captain that i’ve forgotten how to be a girlfriend. but i don’t want to lose you, y/n. you mean far too much to me.”
you looked at her for a long moment before finally sighing, “your lucky i love you, le. but this isn’t fixed yet, it’s going to take time for me to trust that things will actually change.”
leah stepped closer, pulling you closer to her wanting to feel some sort of comfort in your presence which had been missing the past day and a half. “i know. and i’ll wait as long as it takes, as long as you let me prove it to you.”
later on that night after many stolen kisses and mumbled apologies, you were sat at the table slowly eating the pasta leah had made. leah’s phone buzzing with another message from beth.
beth | ‘so? did you manage to not screw up anymore?’
leah | ‘she’s giving me a chance, but i’ve got a long way to go.’
beth | ‘good, keep groveling or i’m still coming to mess you up!’
leah | ‘noted!’
leah looked up from her face a small smile tugging at the side of her lips as your brows furrowed in curiosity. “what’s tickled you?” you asked, the sound of your fork dropping to the side of the plate as leah put her phone to one side.
“just beth threatening to mess me up if i screw up again. but i’m serious about making this work” leah said her tone getting quieter as she looked for an expression in your face as an amused look appeared on your face.
“i know” you smiled, your tone softer, “but if you do screw up, i’ll mess you up first before beth..”
a small chuckle left leah’s lips but she knew from your tone you were serious but she wasn’t planning on screwing up so in reality she had nothing to worry about.
“noted!” leah nodded, determination settling in her chest. as she moved to your side of the table and planting her lips onto yours, “i love you” she mumbled against them before pulling you back in.
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trentsgirl · 8 months ago
— 🤍 ⋆⭒˚。⋆
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⟡ summary: you play a prank on your husband by asking him to step out of the room so you can change.
⟡ content(s): pure fluff, jude!dad!husband, quite brief, 400 words at most, so not proofread.
⟡ note: just a little scrabble, hope you enjoy. requests are open.
⟡ playing: idk tbh
⟡ masterlist.
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FETCHING THE DRESS FROM THE CLOSET, you spun to face jude, who was sprawled out on the bed with little theo perched on his belly, attempting to wrestle with the buttons on his shirt, but failing miserably.
“babe, what do you think of this?” you inquired, showing off the fancy cocktail dress.
jude’s eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. he knew he’d be a complete idiot to suggest any other dress. even theo chimed in with a “pretty” comment, clearly a fan of the dress too.
“oh yeah, that’s the one,” jude nodded, his smug grin already giving away his stamp of approval.
with a suppressed smile, you playfully nibbled on your lip before requesting, “would you mind leaving so i could get changed?”
jude’s attention was initially occupied by theo, causing him to miss your question. however, as you repeated it, he snapped out of his daze and looked at you with a puzzled expression.
“what? why?” he raised an eyebrow in confusion.
you shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant. “no reason, i just prefer not to change in front of you.”
jude’s eyebrows furrowed in concern. had he done something to upset you? did he unknowingly cross a line? after all, you had never shown any hesitation about changing in front of him before. heck, you didn’t even mind walking naked around him .
“what’s that supposed to mean?” he pressed gently, careful not to startle theo with his tone.
once again, you shrugged indifferently. “i don’t know... i just don’t want you watching.”
jude couldn’t help but find this whole situation ridiculous, considering he had seen you naked countless times. nevertheless, if you wanted him to leave, he would comply. but he still wanted to understand why all of a sudden it was an issue for him to watch.
“uh, did i do something wrong?” he asked innocently, giving you those irresistible puppy eyes.
your heart melted, unable to bear witness to his adorable confusion and distress. you sighed, struggling to maintain your composure.
he let out a huff, “come on, love, i witnessed you giving birth. this is nothing compared to that!”
unable to hold it in any longer, you burst into laughter, causing theo to join in with quiet giggles, but still audible enough for both of you.
“i’m just messing with you!” you exclaimed, hint of mockery laced your voice. he responded by rolling his eyes, knowing he should have seen that coming.
“i didn’t expect of you to take it so seriously,” you added, giggling even more, which only annoyed jude further.
clearly, he didn’t appreciate your little prank.
“you’re so mean, you know that?” he retorted, his voice tinged with sarcasm. he glanced down at theo, shaking his head. “your mother is so mean.” he told him, dead serious.
“oh, stop that or he’ll end up believing you,”
“i’m stating nothing but the truth.”
it was your turn to roll your eyes.
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mysunshinetemptress · 3 months ago
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Fix This
Leah Williamson x reader x Alessia Russo
Warnings: Basic writing first one back so be nice yeah
“I-I miss you, bo-both of you”
You feel your heart break as you watch tears pool at the bottom of Alessia’s eyes and theres nothing you or Leah can do about it over this stupid facetime call, but its not like Alessias only up the road, shes four hours away in Manchester, four hours away from a hug, a kiss a cuddle, a hand running through her hair telling her everything is going to be ok.
If this was any other night you would get in your car and drive those four hours to her, to hug her, kiss her, cuddle her, run your hand through her bright blonde hair and tell her its going to be ok but its not any other night, its the night before the new season, the night before you play Brighton at Meadow park.
Your heart hurts more and more as you watch the older girl wipe her red eyes with her (Leah's) jumper sleeve, sniffling and hiccuping still.
"We will see you soon love we promise."
Alessia knows thats the best the both of you can do but it still hurts, the distance still hurts.
"Don't hang up the phone please." You shake your head, "Never Less, we are on this end for as long as you need." Alessia nods softly her voice quite "Just until i fall asleep at least." Leah nodds "Of course Darlin as long as you need."
You fall asleep first, it happens every time, your head perched on Leah's chest so you could still see Alessia but the sound of the older pair talking in hushed voices always sends you to sleep sooner than you'd like, you've tried many times to stay awake for less's sake you say, but you can't, as soon as the hushed voices are brought in your out like a light.
"Go to sleep Darlin, you look exhausted.`' Alessia only hums at Leah's reguest her eyes fixated on you, she misses you, misses you falling asleep on her as she combs her fingers through your hair talking about the most random thing, she misses Leah too, she misses the way Leah entertains her random thoughts, how she always knows the right things to say, when she needs to be held and not let go of, or when she eventually does need to be let go of, she misses playing house with the two of you, misses lying around the house, running silly little errands, cooking dinner, movie nights, late mornings spent wrapped in bed together, the things she can only do during the short breaks the seasons allow.
"Don't hang up" Leah smiled softly at the younger girl "Never" Alessia nodds adjusting herself "Tell her I love her" Leah sighs her eyes flicking to you. "Trust me pretty girl, she knows." Alessia nods "But still." Leah agrees whispering a soft goodnight as Alessias eyes begin to shut.
International breaks were the best times for the three of you to get together, to be together happy in a relationship that wasn’t miles apart.
None of you shared rooms Leah stayed with Georgia, Less with Tooney and you with Alex. The girls had their roommates by the time you got called up to the senior squad, you being a couple years younger then Less and so even though you had all been together a couple of months you didn’t want to disrupt their camp routines and instead stayed with Alex, the older girl being sure to look after you at every opportunity.
Still during down time your teammates could find the three of you stuck together, either in the chill room, squished on someone’s bed asleep as a movie played in the background or wandering the grounds. These camps were no different and as you headed to your second last camp of the year you prepared to be joint at the hip with your blondies.
Only Less didn’t seek you or Leah out on your arrival like she normally did and when you found her she simply gave you a hug and a quick kiss before wandering off with her United girls.
As the days passed during the international camp, your heart ached with growing concern. Alessia's usual bubbly energy seemed subdued, her laughter replaced by a quiet melancholy. Leah noticed it too, her worried glances mirroring your own.
"Are you okay?" Leah asked one evening as you sat together in the team's lounge.
You shrugged. "I guess. It's just... why won't she talk to us."
Leah knew what you meant. The season was ramping up, and the pressure was on. But she also knew that something else was bothering you.
"I don't know love, maybe theres things happening with Marc that she just doesn't want to talk to us about yet, but she'll come when shes ready ok."
You hesitated. "hmm. I don't know. I'm worried about her Le."
Leah reached out and took your hand. "It's okay to be worried but Less knows we're here."
You sighed. "I just miss her. And I'm worried about her. She's been working really hard, and I know she's stressed."
Leah nodded. "I understand. I do. I feel the the same way."
You flop your head on to Leah's shoulder "I love you."
Leah kissed your fair squeezing you tightly “I love you too, she does too darling she’s just having a hard time showing it.”
The international break was supposed to be a respite, a chance for the three of you to reconnect and recharge. But the weight of distance and unspoken worries hung heavy in the air. Alessia's usual vibrant spirit was dimmed, replaced by a quiet melancholy that worried you and Leah.
The following day, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Alessia was still distant, her smiles forced and her laughter absent. During a training session, you caught her staring into space, a far-off look in her eyes.
After practice, you approached her cautiously. "Less, can we talk?"
She nodded, her voice barely a whisper. "What."
You found a quiet corner of the training ground, the two of you sitting side by side. "What's wrong, love? You've been off."
Alessia hesitated, her eyes darting away, but her voice harsh and cold. "It's nothing. Just a lot going on."
You knew that wasn't the whole truth. "Is it Marc? Something with the team?"
Alessia turns snapping immediately "It's none of your business!" You flinch at her harshness, Leah placing a hand on your back rubbing gentle circles trying to calm you. "I'm fine okay? Just leave me alone." She stands up and walks off, leaving you and Leah stunned.
"Less, please," Leah interjected, her voice gentle but firm. "We're just worried about you."
Alessia scoffed. "Worried? You? You're worried about me? You're worried about your own careers, your own lives. You don't care about me."
Your heart sank. You knew that wasn't true, but you couldn't argue with her. She was hurting, and she was lashing out.
"I'm sorry, Less," you managed to say, your voice barely a whisper. "We just want to help."
Alessia stood up abruptly, her eyes filled with tears. "Just leave me alone."
She turned and walked away, leaving you and Leah stunned and heartbroken.
The silence between you and Leah was heavy, the weight of Alessia's words hanging in the air. You both knew she was hurting, but her words had cut deep.
"I don't understand," Leah murmured, her voice filled with confusion. "We're trying to help her."
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "I know, but she's shutting us out."
"Maybe she just needs some space," Leah suggested, though her voice lacked conviction.
Alex watched you return heartbroken. "She…something is really wrong Ale, I…we don't know what to do." Alex lay with you as you racked your brain for every possible reason, tears streaming down your face as your heart broke for the younger blond.
You don't remeber falling asleep but you wake up tucked into Alex's bed, the older girl up and getting ready for the day. "Hey sleepy, I thought i'd let you sleep longer, but we should head for breakfast before I get a warning." You groaned rolling out of the bed you already hated today.
The weight of Alessia's words still hung heavy in the air, as you entered the foodhall. You and Leah exchanged worried glances, unsure of how to approach her. The tension between you was palpable, a stark contrast to the usual camaraderie you shared.
After training, you decided to take a chance. You found Alessia sitting alone on a bench, her gaze fixed on the field. You hesitated, unsure of how she would react.
"Less," you began, your voice soft. "Can we talk?"
She turned to you, her eyes filled with a mixture of anger and sadness. "What do you want?"
You took a deep breath. "I just want to understand. What's going on?"
Alessia stood up abruptly. "There's nothing to understand. I'm fine."
You reached out to her, but she pulled away. "Don't touch me," she said coldly.
Your heart ached. You knew she was hurting, but she was pushing everyone away.
"Less, please," you interjected, your voice gentle. "We're just worried about you."
By now half the team was watching you both as Leah stepped forward ready to mediate you both.
Alessia scoffed. "Why don't you go worry about your new girlfriend, was two not enough for you, you have to whore yourself out to Alex too."
The air crackled with tension as Alessia's words hung heavy in the air. You felt a wave of shock wash over you, followed by a deep hurt. You loved Alessia, and you knew she loved you back, but her words were like daggers, cutting deep into your heart.
"Hey, you better step the fuck down Alessia that is no way to speak to her no matter how hurt you are, Y/n's just trying to make sure your ok."
Alessia huffed "Like hell she is, to busy cuddling up to Alex, and stringin you along too, pathetic."
Your heart shattered into a million pieces. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You had always been honest with Alessia, with both of them. You loved them both, and you had never hidden that fact. But now, in her pain, she was accusing you of something you hadn't done.
"Alessia," you began, your voice barely a whisper. "That's not fair. You know that's not true."
But she wouldn't listen. She continued to lash out, her words cutting deeper with each passing moment. You felt a wave of despair wash over you. You had tried to help her, to understand her, but she was pushing you away.
"Oh, really? Then explain why you're always with her, why you're always cuddling up to her. You're just using me, using us both."
Your heart ached as you tried to explain, but your words were lost in the storm of Alessia's accusations. You felt helpless, trapped in a nightmare that you couldn't wake up from.
"Just leave me alone," Alessia finally said, her voice filled with anger and despair. "I don't want to see you anymore."
In the end, you turned and walked away, tears brimming your eyes as you will them not to fall. She doesn't mean it, she doesn't mean it.
You feel numb, You know shes hurting, that shes hiding something from you, but you never thought she would be so mean, shouting at you infront of your friends/teamates, accusing you of wanting to get with Alex.
"I can't believe she said that," you finally managed to say, your voice barely a whisper. 
Leah stands against the wall in your room, her eyes scan your everymove waiting for you to break.
"It's not true."
Leah crouched down putting a comforting hand on your knee. "I know, love. It's not true."
"Will you go check on her please Le." Leahs eyes softened nodding "You sure."
You nod squeezing her hand, "Please baby she needs you, I'm ok"
Leah found Less in the rec room her head in her hands as Tooney talked to her quietly.
"Less," Leah began, her voice gentle, Alessia shot up throwing her self at the defender, Leah held her tight rubbing soft circles on her back. "I know you're hurting, but what you said to Y/n was unfair."
Alessia's eyes filled with tears. "I know, I know. I didn't mean it. I'm just so messed up right now."
Leah sat down beside her, her hand resting on Alessia's. "What's going on? Is there something you're not telling us?"
Alessia hesitated, her eyes darting away. "He won't let me leave Leah, I want to leave but Marc he..."
Alessia's voice trailed off, her eyes filled with fear and despair. Leah's heart sank. She knew Marc, the Manchester United manager, was a demanding figure, but she hadn't imagined anything like this.
"Oh, darling," Leah said, pulling Alessia into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry."
Alessia sobbed into Leah's shoulder, her body shaking with emotion. Leah held her tightly, offering comfort and support.
"We'll figure this out," Leah assured her. "We'll get you out of there."
After a while, Alessia calmed down, her sobs subsiding into quiet sniffles. She looked up at Leah, her eyes red and swollen.
"I don't know what to do," she whispered.
Leah sighed, pulling Alessia into another hug. "We'll figure it out together," she promised.
Alessia nodded, "I...I was so mean to her."
Leah nodded "You were, shes upset and hurt but you are too and she knows that"
"I'm going to go check on her." Alessia said gently pulling away from Leah.
Less found you sitting on the edge of your bed, your eyes red and puffy. You looked up as Less entered the room, quickly wipping your eyes.
"Hey" Y/n asked, her voice barely a whisper.
Alessia walked over to you and sat down beside you, taking your hand. 
"Hey," Alessia replied, her voice soft. "I'm so sorry."
Her voice filled with remorse. "what I said was horrible, I was horrible."
You looked at her, your heart softening. "It's okay, Less. I know you didn't mean it."
Alessia shook her head. "No, I did. I was so selfish and angry. I took it out on you, and I hurt you."
You reached out and pulled her into a hug. "It's okay," you said softly. 
The dam broke then as Alessia sobbed as you wrapped your arms around her tightly. "It's ok, we are ok."
Alessia hesitated, then took a deep breath. "It's Marc," she said, her voice barely audible. " He won't let me leave. i want to leave United, I want to move closer to you, to Leah. But i can't "
Your heart sank. You knew Marc was a tough manager, but you had no idea he was a straight up asshole.
Alessia sobbed into your shoulder. "I know. I'm so sorry for taking it out on you."
You held her tightly, trying to offer comfort. "It's okay. I understand."
After a while, Alessia pulled away. "I need to leave," she said. "I need to get out of there."
You nodded "You will, we will get you out of there, I'll get on to Luca, I..I'll talk to Jonas, Leah will to, we will get you out of there."
Less fell asleep a short while later head tucked into the crook of your neck.
Leah opened the door slowly scared to wake you but surprised to see you wide awake your hands softly combing through the younger blonded hair.
"Sorted?" Leah asked quietly, You smiled softly opening your other arm inviting her to join.
"not yet but it will be, we'll get her out won't we." Leah nodded kissing below your chin before kissing Lesses head "Of course we will."
"You ok though." Leah asked shuffling to lie down more comfortably with you both.
"I knew she never meant it, doesn't mean it didn't hurt but as long as you both know im not a slag i'll be ok."
Leah let out a soft laugh "You a slag, the girl who couldn't talk to either of us without stuttering, I think your safe."
"Good" you let out barley above a whisper as your eyes began to drop.
"Go to sleep love, we'll be here when you wake up."
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mercurycft · 4 months ago
## reader x awfc !!
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hi all!! finally releasing this, which is in honour of jonas finally pissing off away from our girls and our team! i hope you enjoy! love always, RGx
warnings: angsty team x management arguments, mentions of mental health!
3.6k words.
“i’m sure the team will be buzzing with joy this evening after tonight’s win, but how are the girls and yourself taking the recent and surprising departure of a lifelong gunner?”
“yeah, as you said we’re all pleased with the result tonight - it was a great match with a good side and i think the score reflects the determination we took onto the pitch with us.” you watch as beth pauses, like she is searching for words that will do her feelings justice. “she was the best of us, not just the team but the best of us and our friends. i think she was and is destined for great things, but life and people unfortunately happened to get in the way. but i’m happy, we’re all, happy for her.”
you've known beth long enough to know when she is lying and it pains you to realise how the tone of her voice drops at the mention of you. it stings momentarily, but you shake it off and allow pride to take over you as the camera pans to the rest of the team taking their victory lap.
you find yourself smiling absentmindedly at your phone, having sat through the entire match with your eyes glued to your phone - watching your girls on the pitch from your home, instead of beside them for the first time in years. your stomach filled with a cocktail of emotions that you can’t seem to process at this very moment. a toxic mixture of sadness and despair, twisted and twined with anger and hatred for what the situation had become.
its been two weeks since your statement went out, three since you made the decision and four since the argument. in an ideal world, it wouldn’t have gone this way - you would’ve stomached your feelings for longer and swallowed your bubbling anger, bit your tongue and carried on as usual. but for some reason, you just couldn’t.
1 month ago.
a 3-0 win should be celebrated. it should fill you with joy and overwhelming excitement - but it doesn't. instead, it fills you with nothing but anger and resentment for the club you once loved, you used to love. in place of congratulations and pats on the back, is a lecture. a plethora of critiques and corrections despite the effort and conviction everyone had shown.
you and the rest of the girls stand huddled in a group in the locker room, stood in an agonising silence. your hair is still wet, from the sickly british rain that decided to visit, your face still tinted red and your chest still heaving.
you tune out to jonas' voice, watching absentmindedly as he paces ahead of the group - volume above his usual decibel as he tears into the group, pushing further and further. you don't listen, allowing your mind to wander. no one dares talk back, instead choosing to take his words. you, however, fail to be as nonchalant as them - swallowing the bubble of anger in your throat and biting your tongue to the best of your ability.
your mind is brought back into the tiled room at the snap of your name from the front of the group. you look up to be met with jonas' eyes on you - his eyebrows raised and seemingly awaiting an answer. "what?" you mumble through gritted teeth, eyes locked on his.
"do you care to fill the rest of us in on what is so important besides my feedback right now?"
you shake your head, matched with a sarcastic looking, sickly-sweet smile and lift your hand top gesture towards him. "oh please, carry on."
"i dont appreciate your attitude," he quips back, screwing his facial features together, feining disgust.
"whatever," you scoff, rolling your eyes and peeling yourself away from the bodies beside you - now overly aware of their eyes on you.
"i'm out." pause. "i'm going to leave, and have a glass of wine and celebrate a fucking win." you turn away from them, too busy to take off your kit and instead scrunching your clothes and belongings into your kit bag. "which by the way, is what we should all be doing! instead of standing here taking shit because he didn't like how we were moving on the pitch!"
there was a shift from him, and a deep red tint crept up his neck as he shot daggers at you from across the tiles. “i do everything for this team! maybe once in a while, it would be nice for you to do the same if you think you know better! please, do tell us, what makes you think you have done anything of significance for this team? for arsenal!”
it changed, then. the small shred of sympathy you had, the small shred of guilt - gone. ripped from inside you and splattered across the walls of your home stadium locker room. the girls around you seemed shocked at his words, confused and unsure of what to expect next.
you paused. taking a deep breath and halting your shoving of clothes and shoes into your bag, and turning to face him directly through the sea of red and white kits in front of you.
“what do i do, for this team?” the question sounded almost broken, like you couldn’t actually believe he was playing this card. you searched for the answer deep within yourself for a few seconds, allowing the hurt to build in your throat and fuel the fire burning deep behind your eyes and in the pit of your stomach. your eyes flicked over each of the faces now looking at you and a small smile teased at the corners of your lips as you looked at their concerned expressions.
after a few more moments of silence, you inhaled deeply and began. “i’ve given my life, to this club. to this team. i put in the work, i trained day and night in the academy, until i was enough for the senior team. and when i made it here, i made a difference. i stepped up when kim was out, when leah was out. when laura first moved here, i took her in.” you paused, taking another shaky breath, cautious of the tears held back by nothing more than your water line. “i don’t expect you to give a shit. but whilst you were too busy tearing this team down. katie for her aggression, kim for her captaining style, leah for her rehabilitation, viv for her performance, beth for her drive, lia for training hours and every other fucking player in this building. i was building them back up, i was trying to make this right.”
silence fell over the room, and you shook your head. “im done.” you all but whispered, slinging your bag over your shoulder and moving towards the large doors leading away from the locker room. “i can’t do this anymore, this club is my home - and i will not watch you tear it down.” you shoved the door, a single teare slipping down your cheek the second you heard the door swing back on its latch and close again. you didn't stop to say goodbye to the familiar faces in the building, instead, with your head down and focused on the floor beneath you - you walked straight into the carpark, got into your car and drove home.
as you drove away, the weight of your decision settled in your chest. you couldn't believe it had come to this, that you had walked away from the team you had poured your heart and soul into. all the emotions you had been burying for weeks and weeks on end were now uncontrollable, tears streaming as you contemplated your actions but you knew you couldn't bear to stay in an environment where your efforts were belittled and unappreciated.
after a 40 minute drive, you found solace and refuge in the familiar walls of your apartment. the silence enveloped you as you sank onto the sofa, reaching for your phone. you hestitated in pulling it out of your bag, unsure of what may be waiting for you when you unlock it.
but still, you did, heaving a deep breath when your screen lit up with a message from beth. her words expressing concern and confusion about what had transpired in the locker room. as you read beth's message, a mix of emotions washed over you - relief that someone cared enough to reach out, but also a pang of guilt for leaving without saying a proper goodbye. to her, to any of the girls in the room. you quickly typed out a response, skipping over the details of your motives - instead opting for a light hearted message, apologising for your abrupt exit and apologising for not controlling your temper.
minutes turned into hours as you sat there, staring at your phone, the weight of your actions heavy on your shoulders. you hadn’t moved, still sat in your jacket and kit, boots still tied to your feet. the sound of a familiar notification pinged through the room - like it had been doing on repeat since that first message from beth, and you saw more messages popping up from your now ex-teammates.
1 week later - 3 weeks ago.
the days blurred into a week as you settled into a routine without the training sessions, team meetings, and the constant thoughts of upcoming matches that used to consume your time. you found freedom in the quiet moments alone, the weight of expectation now lifted off your shoulders, a sense of liberation starting to bloom within you. you finally felt like a person, not just a player.
you had been speaking to the girls everyday, each of them keeping you up to date on life behind the scenes of the club. the drama and tension seemed to have escalated in your absence, with rumors swirling about disputes between jonas and some of the other players. your decision to leave had sent shockwaves through the team, but it also seemed to have sparked a newfound sense of unity among everyone.
it was a miserable london evening when you got your first unexpected visit, darkness just creeping across the clouds when a knock at the door interrupted your law and order binge.
to your surprise, standing on your doorstep was leah, with a hesitant smile on her face.
a flood of questions and uncertainties raced through your mind as you stood frozen in the doorway, unsure of what to say or how to react to her unexpected visit.
"hey," leah began, her voice soft yet laced with underlying tension. "uh, can I come in?"
you hesitated for a moment, the inner turmoil evident on your face as you considered whether to welcome her inside. finally, you stepped back, wordlessly opening the door wider to allow her entry. leah entered cautiously, taking in the familiar surroundings of your apartment with a mix of nostalgia and apprehension.
there was a palpable tension in the air as you both stood in the living room, the silence stretching between you like a taut wire. you shared the quiet for a second or two before leah spoke up, her words carefully measured. "i know things have been rough lately... for all of us, you especially, i wanted to come here and talk, clear the air maybe?”
you studied her face, searching for any hint of insincerity, but all you found was genuine concern etched in the furrow of her brow. with a sigh, you nodded, gesturing towards the couch for her to sit. as she settled on the edge of the cushion, you perched on the arm beside her, like you used to.
"i just... i wanted to say that i'm sorry. sorry for not speaking up before, for not standing by you when things blew up. i let my own fears and doubts cloud my judgment, and i should have been there for you, we all should have been there for you."
her words hung heavy in the air, mingling with the unspoken tension that had plagued your relationship for months. you could sense the sincerity in her voice, the raw vulnerability that she rarely showed to anyone.
“i appreciate it, but it wasn’t your fight, le.”
“your fights are our fights, you’re one of us, you always have been. you always will be”
you gave her a half smile in response, and moved closer to her on the sofa - opening your arms to her. she mirrored your smile, allowing your arms to wrap around her and hers around you.
after a few moments, you pulled away, looking at her directly. “thank you, for coming round. and for looking after me for all these years. but i think,” you paused, sniffling and turning your attention to the fabric of the sofa below you. “i think its time,”
she nodded along with you, taking a deep breath before smiling at you. “if that’s what you want to do, then do it, and we will support you. i promise.”
“i don’t know how to tell the girls, i haven’t seen any of them since i left. i don’t want them to find out through social media,” you rambled.
“we’re all meeting at mine tomorrow, why dont you come along? i know they want to see you, and i think you deserve a night to relax with us - gunner style.” you share a laugh at her comment, agreeing to see the girls. a small shred of anxiety tore through the depths of your stomach, but you shook it off; determined to do the right thing.
the next day seemed to fly by, seeming to disappear from you as you spent the hours doing odd jobs - attempting to distract yourself from the uneasiness gnawing at your insides.
now, you find yourself outside leah’s flat. she said 7, but you underestimated the traffic at this time in this part of the city - so you’re late, as per usual, and composing of yourself on the door step. after a deep breath, you raise your hand to knock.
once, twice, then the door flies open. a smiley young aussie waiting to greet you, her arms immediately around you and pulling you tight to her frame. “jesus, i missed you,” she whispers into your shoulder. “i missed you too, k.” you pull apart and she grabs your hand, pulling you from the now closed door and into the living area. it’s littered with everyone you know and love.
they greet you like nothing has changed, arms wrapped around you and whispers, comments and remarks of support. you slip into the group like you never left.
after you’ve eaten, and have returned to the living area, you stand up - allowing everyone’s eyes to fall on you. you take a deep breath, smiling at them then looking down at your thumbs. you twiddle them and enterlock your hands as you search for the best way to say it.
“i wanted you to hear it from me, that next week, a statement will be released. a statement explaining my temporary contract termination from arsenal. i love you all, like my family. i don’t want any of you to feel like any of this is your fault, but i just feel like i’m at a different point in my life right now - a point where my views, and the clubs managment’s views no longer align. i can’t jeopardise my mental health, for people who can’t seem to put me, or my friends, first.”
you say it in one, your mouth and words moving faster than your brain can comprehend. you finish with a shallow breath, looking up to the group. they take it well, a few of them shedding tears at the offical loss of their friend and teammate, others hugging you and sharing comforting smiles. you know it needs to happen, but this is the part that kills you. leaving behind your family, your people.
the night draws to an end and you begin saying your goodbyes, promising to keep in touch and arranging plans to meet up soon. as you start making your way out of the room and towards the door, kim pulls you aside. you can’t read her expression, a sickening mixture of sadness and happiness for you.
“i’ll miss you,” she says softly, reaching out to squeeze your hand. “but I know you’re doing what’s best for you. just don’t be a stranger, okay?”
you nod, feeling a lump form in your throat as you hug her tightly one last time before heading out the door.
1 week later - 2 weeks ago.
3pm. your phone dings with a notification from the arsenal woman’s football club instagram and app, giving you and thousands of others the news of a new and important post. you hover your finger over the notification, hestitating.
you open it eventually, propping your phone up as the video loads onto the screen. you cringe at the sight of you, expectant of whats to come.
“hi gooners, it’s so nice to sit down and speak to you. this year marks my 15th year at arsenal, if we’re taking it all the way back to my first academy scouting when i was 8. i have nothing my fondness and admiration for this club, these people and this community. to be apart of this team and to watch the growth of woman’s football has been an honour and a pleasure i will forever be grateful for. when i think back on my years here, i have nothing but happy memories. memories of friends, of wins and of losses, of meeting fans and selling out stadiums. some of these things we never believed would be possible, but you, every last one of you, have made it possible. after 15 years of my life dedicated to the game, i think it’s time to take a break. temporarily and indefinitely, i will be taking a step back from the club. thank you all for your unwaivering support, it means the world to me. this is a special club, which remains my home. but my health and wellbeing needs to be my number one priority. thank you.”
you watch as the video comes to an end, and the messages, comments and likes begin. you switch off your phone after a few minutes, tucking it under a cushion on your sofa and resuming your show - tuning out the constant buzzing.
present day.
you watch until the live recording of the match ends, you watch all of the post-match interviews, with nothing other than a smile on your face. when the stream finally does end, you feel like you can breathe again, switching to your messages app and drafting a text into the groupchat to congratulate the girls on their win. you press send, then abandon your phone beside you somewhere on the sofa. paying it no mind and you lean back into the comfort of the cushions and pillows surrounding you.
as you sink deeper into the softness, you let out a content sigh, feeling a sense of peace wash over you. you close your eyes and let the sounds of the television fade into the background, relishing in the quiet of your own thoughts.
you dozed off, allowing the safety of sleep to engulf you for a few hours. you lay peacefully until the doorbell rings, jolting you awake. you groan in annoyance, wondering who could possibly be bothering you at this hour. you reach for your phone as you stand, 9pm. reluctantly, you shuffle away from the sofa and make your way to the door, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
as you swing open the door, you are met with a pair of familiar faces that brings an instant smile to your lips. beth and viv, stand on your doorstep with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"surprise!" beth exclaims, holding up a bottle of wine and a bunch of flowers. "we come bearing gifts. can we come in?"
you step aside, allowing them to enter, still slightly taken aback by their unexpected visit. they both breeze past the threshold, only stopping for a moment to give you a hug before making themselves at home on your sofa.
“i didn’t know you were back in london, viv!” you exclaim, watching her set the flowers on the counter. “and shouldn’t you be out celebrating?” you ask beth with a laugh, shutting the door and joining them on the sofa.
“there’s no where we would rather be, mijn liefje.”
its the later end of midnight when you all start to tire, spread across the sofa and floor with eyes barely open and focusing on the movie playing.
“do you guys want to just stay here tonight? i don’t wan’t you driving home tired.” you say through a yawn, stretching your back out and turning to look at the both of them cuddled up beside you. both of their eyes closed and chests rising peacefully. you smile to yourself, moving to grab a blanket from the basket beside you and cover them both up. you switch off the tv, turn off the big light and make your way to your bedroom.
it isn’t long before you’re asleep too.
the next morning you wake to a persistant buzzing sound, your phone rattling on your bedside table. notifications from twitter and instagram flood your lockscreen, along with messages from the arsenal groupchat and from distant friends.
your eyes are just barely open when you reach for it, giving your eyes a moment to adjust before looking at the screen. you swing yourself off the bed, feet finding the cold of the floor as you pad through the flat until you find beth and viv.
they’re awake, both sharing the same expression as they look at you in the doorway between the two rooms.
you begin to read from your phone. “we can confirm that jonas eidevall has resigned from his position as head coach of our women’s first team and leaves us with immediate effect.”
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mbsneur · 6 months ago
Heated Night
Leah Williamson x Reader
Hey, my loves! I'm so sorry I haven't posted all week. I've been really sick and I'm still not 100% but I really hope you like the fic! I'm open to feedback and your opinion. I'd also love to hear your ideas about which players I should write about (and the topics) my requests are always open. Thanks so much! 🩵
Warnings: Smut18+ minors DNI, Virgin Lesbian sex
My Masterlist
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The night is hot and hazy. Arsenal won the WSL Cup with a goal from Stina in the 116th minute. You went to a nearby club to celebrate. You and your win are the talk of the town. You're the chick from Arsenal. Everyone looks out for you more than themselves. That's how it is when you're 19 and moving from a small country to a big one.
There are a few of you out there who can't hold it in and are already visibly drunk, including Leah.
Leah was the first person to take you in a few months ago, she showed you the city, the best cafes, the best restaurants, she has become something of a confidante to you, she was very self-absorbed that night, she drank a lot, and every time you wanted a little more, Katie took the glass from your hand and gave you something with less alcohol in it.
Kyra has pulled you away from Katie and towards the bar, "I'm sure you need more alcohol," she says, grinning and ordering two Daiquiris without hesitating.
You had a few more cocktails, she literally wanted to get you drunk, when you had more alcohol in your system, Kyra pulled you onto the dance floor and occasionally uttered chopped up words.
She stumbled over her own feet a few times, which made you laugh. Every now and then, Alessia came to you to bring you more and more alcohol. You got warm, your blood got thicker in your veins, your body got heavier and more excited. You haven't been this drunk for a long time.
Kyra was right there with you the whole time, and you saw Leah swaying in Laia's arms. She lifted her head from Laia's shoulder and met your gaze. Before you could react, Alessia nudged you and gave you another drink.
The time flew by until Kim pulled you into the group by your arm and Beth held Leah "You're both drunk, go to bed and sleep it off, mh" Kim said caringly and Leah's eyes rolled in annoyance "Leah, you're going to take Y/N to her room safe and sound, can you do that? Can you take care of her?" Beth frowned and looked at Leah, Leah's eyes widened, "Yes, I'll take her to her room safe and sound," Leah said with a smile, "Come on, sweetheart," she added, taking you by the hand.
"Take care of her," Beth calls after you, she pulled you out of the party crowd and was visibly unsteady on her feet, your hotel had no lift as you reached the stairs, Leah looked over at you, "can you manage on your own," she says, mumbling and stuttering, your vision spins and you shrug your shoulders. "Get on my back," she says with a grin, and you start to laugh out loud.
"Ey, why are you laughing, I'm strong," she says, frowning, "you're drunk," you stammer, and Leah starts to laugh at you.
You grip the railing and Leah leans forward. "Come jump and hold on tight." You move over to her and put your hands on her shoulders. You jump up slightly and her hands wrap tightly around your thighs. Leah starts to wiggle on her legs and you hold on to the railing with a jerk. You laugh and say, "Are you sure you can do this?"
Leah leans up and puts one foot on the step. "I'm drunk, but I can carry 60kg up the stairs."
You laugh at her words.
The walk up took half an eternity and when you got to the top, Leah let you down gently, "What room are you in?" she asks, looking straight into your eyes, "3048," you say shakily, your eyes flickering, "I'm taking you, I told Kim and Beth you'd be fine in your room," she says, holding your arm lightly, you nod and head for your room.
You hold your card against the sensor, and Leah helps you into the room. She wraps her arms around your waist and kicks the door shut with her foot. She takes you to your bed and sits you down. You look at her with puppy dog eyes and she say "I'll help you undress." She laughs and says, "Okay i start with your shoes." She bends down and helps you remove your shoes.
Leah bends up again and asks, "Do you want to sleep without a shirt?" You nod, and she grabs the hem of your shirt and pulls it up. You lift your arms up, and she comes closer to you. She removes the shirt from your head and almost falls on top of you. She starts laughing and looks deep into your eyes. Her gaze is bold, fixed on your full breasts in a red lacy bra. Her eyes darken, and her lower lip slips between her teeth. Your jaw drops, and Leah looks back into your eyes.
"You'd better not look at me like that," she says hoarsely, your eyes rolling from the alcohol at the back of your head, and you reply hazily, "What happens if I do?
Leah's teeth clench tightly before she presses her lips firmly against yours. Your kiss is firm and lasts for a few seconds until Leah pulls away first and rests her forehead against yours. You grab her neck and pull her lips back onto yours.
Your kiss is more intense this time and your tongue presses against her lips, as if asking for entrance. Leah, let your tongues play with each other. You let out a little moan until Leah lets go of you. "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel like a woman for a one night stand," she says, mumbling and looking at you confused.
"I've never had sex with a woman before," you say, blushing. Leah smirks slightly at you. "Do you want me to be the first woman to fuck you?" she says, her voice harsh. Her index finger plays with your bra strap.
"Please leah, fuck me," you demand, and Leah moves away from you. "You'll be good for me. You understand. You'll undress and wait for me. I'll be right back." She turns her back to you, takes your and her room card, and stumbles out of your room.
You did as you were told and stripped naked. Your vision is blurred and your head is spinning.
After a few minutes the door to your room opens and Leah returns with her strap-on in her hand, "Listen carefully, I am going to tell you some of my rules since you are a virgin," she says with a slight smile, sitting down next to you on the bed.
You nod and lean against the headboard. Leah now hovers over you and slowly begins to kiss your shoulder blade. "Tell me if you want me to be gentle with you or if you want me to be rough," she says between kisses. Your breathing is heavy and you try to find the right words. "I want you to be rough. Don't hold back," you say, moaning slightly and feeling Leah's teeth on your bone.
"You'll tell me if it's too much for you and if you want me to stop, I don't want to push you into anything, OK?" she says looking up at you briefly you nod eagerly and Leah's brow furrows "That's another rule, when I ask you something I expect an answer, use your words," she says now taking your breast in her hand, your back arching slightly from the bed "Oh, is someone sensitive? she asks with a grin
She takes your other nipple between her teeth and nibbles lightly on it. You spread your legs without hesitation and Leah's head now wanders over your belly. Your fingers claw into the sheets and your muscles twitch with every kiss.
She grabs your thighs and spreads them wide open, giving her better access to you. She looks at you one last time and asks, "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Now, please, just fuck me," you say, your voice desperate. Leah smirks at that, her tongue shooting out right against your core.
You haven't had sex for a long time, Leah explores every inch of your pussy and eats you out. Your hips bounce against her mouth and your legs start to wriggle. Leah's muscles push your legs apart again and she hits every spot that is celebrating inside you.
She's teasing you with her tongue, making your head roll back and turning your whimper into a moan. You're experiencing sensations you've never felt before, and you're a moaning mess.
Leah knows exactly how to drive you to the edge. With every suck, snap, and lick, her movements bring you closer and, You're already dangerously close. You try to find words, but they fail you. Instead, you moan and press your hips closer to her face. And try to tell her somehow that you are coming, Leah will look at you and hum to you, take it as confirmation and let your body respond to your orgasm.
You moan her name as she takes you through your long orgasm, your legs trying to close but held in place by Leah. You're consumed by her, and you don't know when the new orgasm started and the old one stopped. Your moans turn into whimpers, Leah. Let's go from you. You cry out from the sudden separation. She looks at you. Her lips are swollen and wet. Her eyes are darkened and her breathing is heavy.
She slowly comes up to you and you feel her breath on your lips. "Can I kiss you?" she asks in a low voice. You answer with a simple yes and,Leah's lips immediately land on yours
You let out a low growl at the taste on Leah's lips. After a few minutes, she looks at you again. "Are you riding me? Do you think you can do that for me?" she demands, her grin smug and confident.
I don't know if I can do this," you say, blushing, and Leah smiles at you, "You will, you will be a good girl, I will help you," she says, brushing a strand of hair from your face. You nod and wait for the next move. Leah gets up to put on the strap. You watch her every move. Her body is sweaty and her nipples are visible through her sports bra. Her veins are popping out. Her stomach muscles twitch with every movement. Her ponytail is all messed up, and individual hairs stick to her temples.Your eyes light up when you look at her. That was always the case, there was something about Leah that fascinated you.
When she's finished, you slide to the side to make more room for Leah. She sits down right next to you, leans against the headboard and hits her thighs as a sign for you to sit on her lap. You do as you're told and swing one leg over her muscular belly. She moans slightly as she feels your still-wet pussy on her stomach. She puts her hands on your hips and looks at you. "Are you ready?" she says, her voice firm. She lifts you slightly, her eyes sharp. "Your words, darling," she says, her tone assertive. Your eyelids twitch. "Yes, Leah, I'm ready," you reply, your voice steady. She smiles, her gaze warm. "Good girl," she whispers.
She guides you to sit on the tip of her strap and you moan in pleasure. Your hands find their way to her belly to support yourself. Leah's gaze is fixed on your pussy until she lets you close her strap completely. You whimper against her, and she starts to move your hips forwards and backwards. Her mouth is open, but you just sit up and want to ride her yourself. You don't need Leah's help. You want to prove something to her.
she keep her hands on your hips as you place yours on hers, moving a little faster than Leah has instructed. You rock back and forth quickly, which makes Leah let out a little whimper. Her hands loosen and reach for your arse, and your hands move up to her breasts, gently squeezing them. You lean forward ever so gently.
Leah's moans get louder and so do yours, your hips moving in time, your stomach muscles beginning to tense and your legs trembling "You look so hot right now," Leah says moaning, grabbing your neck to make you look at her. "Oh my, Leah, it feels so good," you say, your cheeks flushed and a little whimper escaping your lips. Your eyes roll back in your head, and Leah's grip on your neck tightens. You dig your nails into her sports bra, and Leah slowly starts to move her hips.
You feel Leah's legs cramping underneath you, your pussy tightening around her strap and you let out the loudest moan of the night "I'm so close" you manage to say "come on my cock make a mess" Leah says moaning as she pulls you closer to her by the neck. After a few seconds, you come loudly on her cock. You feel your juices running down your thighs. Your legs shake and wobble uncontrollably. You can't hold yourself properly anymore. Leah's hand leaves your neck and goes to your hips again. She holds you tight and sits up, pressing her upper body against yours so you can hold on to her neck.
"I need a little more. Don't stop moving," she demands, moaning. Your noises become oversensitive. Your legs are still shaking, and Leah's lips are on your shoulder to hold back her moans. She pushes you against her again and again. After a few pushes, Leah comes too. She comes silently, her teeth biting into your shoulder. Her legs are weak, and she lets herself fall on her back.
Her strap is still inside you and she is out of breath. You move off her slowly and deliberately, taking care not to overstimulate yourself. You sit down next to her, and when she wants to take off her strap, you grab her hand.
"Leah, wait, I want to clean you up," you say through clenched teeth, and Leah laughs devilishly at you, "You want to do that, yes, then I hope you will make an effort," she says again bossily. There is no time to waste and you immediately kneel down between her legs as Leah's hands grab hold of your hair and guide you closer to her strap.
You take her cock a bit into your mouth and Leah pushes your head further down. Your hands rest on her thighs. Your mouth starts to get faster. With every thrust, the strap hits Leah's clitoris. You look up at her. You have never seen her as vulnerable as she is at this moment. Her mouth opens and out of it comes a lot of little whimpers.
Leah pushes your head down deeper and faster. You gag and spit flows out of your mouth and lands on Leah's stomach. Tears come to your eyes and Leah starts to moan properly this time. "You're doing so well. You're gonna make me cum," she says. You take it as an incentive and let the strap slide deeper into your throat with a deep moan. Leah cums.
„Are you sure this is the first time you've had sex with a woman?" she says laughing and looks at you, "Are you calling me a liar?" you say snappishly, "Bathtub?" Leah asks and you agree.
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lovemomhatepolice · 10 months ago
jude bellingham nswf alphabet (part 1) (minors DNI!)
navigation taglist requests
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Oh, Jude is very adhesive after sex. He likes to cuddle with you until you both fall asleep. He places gentle kisses on your head, shoulders and arms, in fact wherever he can. He always talks to you for a long time, whether everything was okay, how you feel, if you need anything…. Well, Jude is a great guy
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) Jude is well aware that he is damn handsome. And not since he started being famous, oh no, Jude was already aware of that before. However, what he likes most about himself is his face, I think. He really likes the fact that he is similar with his family, which is so important to him, and he likes his looks. He is very fond of his dark brown eyes and his lips, which, according to him, have the perfect shape (to kiss you!!). As far as you are concerned, I think Jude is definitely an ass man. Of course, he loves your breasts, but your ass is definitely something Jude always looks past when he sees you. He loves to squeeze it, kiss it, everything, really. He always has his hands on her when you're somewhere together, and he's not ashamed to show it. Unfortunately, on the contrary, sometimes you have to correct him so he doesn't get caught up. And besides, he loves your whole face. He thinks everything matches perfectly - your nose size, eye color and lip shape, ay, this boy is drowning.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) Jude Bellingham looks like a total creampie fan. I think he repeatedly stopped his seed at your entrance to watch it mix with your juices and slowly leave your body. But I also think he's too delicate to let his cum linger on your face, which is why he's not a fan of it. Even if you asked, there's no chance he'll let himself cum in your face
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) I think he likes it when you take the initiative. He often does a lot on his own, but the sight of you having fun with him in a way that no one else has ever done before, god. Jude is already on his knees and begging for more
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Nah, Jude is not very experienced. Well, after all, he's only 21 years old and hasn't scored any major ones on his relationship record. Therefore, everything you experience together is quite new to him. It was with you that he lost his virginity and began to discover what he likes and what he doesn't quite like But nevertheless he is a fast learner, he has become so skilled that if you met him for the first time, you would not be able to say that he is a fresher in these matters
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) Jude likes to have you on top. Really, that's why the cowgirl position is just right for him. He likes you to take the initiative, however, alone from below he can also do a lot, especially since compared to him, you are in his hands like a feather. Another option is standing up - as I mentioned before, Jude is a fan of sex in the shower, so the standing option had to be practiced to perfection to make both of you comfortable and perfect
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) It depends on the moment. Jude is hardly a person who is against any jokes in bed or giggles, on the contrary, it even happens to him often. However, when your sex is heavily geared towards romance and the heat rising around your bodies, he rather tries to be serious and committed to the situation
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) I think Jude is not completely shaved, but it is trimmed so that it is neat and not too much. He has dark curly hair, so I'm betting he has that all over his body too, so it might be hard to eliminate it. As for you, I think similarly. Either completely shaved or trimmed so that everything is neat and not too much.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) Bellingham can be truly romantic. He may not look like it, but he loves to plan your entire evening. First take you out for an expensive dinner with wine, then prepare you a joint bath with petals of your favorite flowers, followed by the intense sex you've both been waiting for all day. And then long conversations in bed and gentle touches...
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) This often happens to him - mainly due to the fact that you often don't see each other through his constant trips to matches and life in other countries. He's not averse to pornographic movies, but since you've been together, he tends not to watch them. You prefer to connect together on the webcam and experience it from a distance, or he copes by simply thinking about the fact that you could be you next to him…
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Honestly, I can't find any sensible kink to match Jude. He does not seem to be a person who is drawn in any particular direction. Maybe a creampie? Hm, I think he could watch with fascination as your shared juices of fulfillment come out of you…. Oh, and combined it with breeding kink? Well, what? He's young, but he can definitely see you with a pregnant belly in your future home together in Madrid
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) Shower. Jude Bellingham shouts shower. Or possibly a bathtub, but definitely something on the toilet. I honestly don't know why, but it's what I associate with so damn much. Sex after the game? In the toilet. Sex with romantic candles and rose petals? In the bathtub. Sex without any occasion? In the shower. Well, don't say no. Jude definitely looks like a man who loves to take a bath together with you, and the opportunity to get close is even better
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) After the match. I don't know why. It's just that after a match, Jude is always, and I mean always, somehow more horny, and that's when you turn him on the most. Whether it's won or lost, Jude just needs to have his girlfriend in his arms after it Or the other option that turns him on is you in mini dresses. Well begging, the boy is already on his knees in front of you (or rather, behind you too)
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A/N: next part will be here soon! i will be very pleased if you leave something behind - orders are open!
please do not copy and translate my works! in case of any issues related to this - I invite you to discuss privately :)
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dorabellingham · 5 months ago
I'm all yours.
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warnings: none
characters: jude x fem!reader
summary: when your husband becomes jealous of you during a real madrid party.
may contain spelling and translation errors!
The event was in full swing, with twinkling lights and soft background music creating a sophisticated atmosphere. Jude Bellingham, in a perfectly tailored suit, looked like the center of attention as always. But, that night, what really caught attention was not his imposing presence, but that of his wife, who looked absolutely stunning in a long black dress. You shined more than anyone else in the room, and that was starting to irritate Jude more than he thought possible, but not because you were attracting attention, never, he loved seeing his wife shine, but he hated strangers devouring you with their eyes.
As soon as you arrived, you were bombarded with compliments from all sides, men and women who could barely contain their admiration. Jude, always very protective and with a quiet sense of ownership, was beginning to lose his patience. With each new compliment you received, his smile became a little more requested, his jaw clenched as his hand remained firmly on your waist.
You couldn't walk two meters without someone stopping you to tell you how beautiful you looked. A group of teammates, who always maintained a friendly attitude, now seemed to go overboard with their jokes. One of them even commented:
—Man, you're so lucky. Your wife is amazing. You really outdid yourself.
The comment wasn't exactly mean, but the joking tone got to him. Bellingham squeezed your waist lightly and gave his friend a cold look.
—Yes, I know that.
He responded dryly, without humor, and continued walking with you, who laughed softly at his reaction.
When you finally arrived at a slightly calmer area, another group, this time of businessmen who worked with the club, approached. One of them, particularly insistent, looked directly at you, ignoring your husband completely.
—You are absolutely stunning, Y/n. I bet it attracts attention wherever it goes.
The man said, smiling exaggeratedly, while you tried to be polite and just thanked him. Jude, arms crossed at your side, let out an audible sigh, his gaze turning into a mixture of boredom and irritation. He took a step forward, positioning himself so that the man would have to acknowledge his presence.
—She attracts attention, yes. But guess what? She's here with me too, so you better tune in!
He said, his tone dry and full of jealousy. The man got nervous and walked away with some excuse, but that didn't ease the tension that was growing inside Jude. You, always perceptive, saw his mood and were excited about the situation.
—Babe, relax. It's just an event, no one is trying anything. You know I'm yours.
But your calmness seemed to make Jude even more irritated by the constant attention. When you were chatting with some more formal guests, another man, clearly enchanted by your beauty, arrived and made a bold compliment about how you looked like a "movie star". Jude interrupted a conversation on the spot.
—What did you say?
He asked, interrupting a conversation, his gaze sharp as a blade. The businesswoman was a little disconcerted, but tried to hide it.
—I was just saying that your wife has a... a special sparkle.
Jude let out a short, ironic laugh.
—Yes, I know that. She is special. So, you'd better keep the compliments a little more... discreet.
The tension in the air was evident, and the woman, slightly uncomfortable, hurriedly said goodbye. You, who was watching everything, crossed your arms and looked at your husband with an expression of someone who was having fun.
—You are impossible today. There will be no one left at the event, Bellingham.
You commented jokingly.
He shrugged, still frowning.
—They need to understand that there is no chance.
You laughed, holding his hand and stroking his fingers with yours.
—Nobody here has it, Babe. You know that. But it hasn't been improved yet.
You walked around the room together again, and whenever a longer look fell on you, he visibly tensed. People noticed the atmosphere and, little by little, they became more restrained when approaching her. Still, Jude kept his guard up throughout the event.
When he finally reached his car, after a long night of compliments and prying eyes, Bellingham let out a heavy sigh as he climbed into the passenger seat.
—I don't like it when people look at you like that. Like, you were ogling you and I wasn't there.
You, who was already more used to his protective posture, radiated and leaned towards him.
—You were there, yes. And me too. With you, always with you. And no one here can change that.
Jude looked at you, finally relaxing.
—I know... But it's hard not to be jealous when you're so... perfect.
You smile, kissing him softly on the lips.
—And I'm all yours. I didn't forget that.
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taurasiluvr · 8 months ago
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how you can help palestine
★ been thinking about fwb!jude, blame ev for the filth you're all about to read.
 ⠀ ── ⠀warnings ;; nsfw under the cut, minors dni. friends with benefits, smut with plot, p in v, unprotected sex, cheating (on r's bf), nothing too insane
 ⠀ ── ⠀rylin's notes ;; i am sooooo down bad for jude, he's my husband. also why do 80% of my fics have to do with cheating ummmm
 ⠀ ── ⠀word count ;; 5.5k
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you didn't really know how this arrangement had began, all you knew was that it was very much due to jude's very evident commitment issues.
okay, maybe commitment issues were a stretch. you'd seen how he treated his friends and family with unwavering loyalty. but when it came to relationships, there was always a barrier, an unspoken rule that he couldn't let anyone get too close. or maybe he just didn't want to ─ you weren't too sure.
it all started innocently enough.
you and jude had been friends for a while, always hanging out with the same group, always finding yourselves paired off in conversations or at the same end of the couch during movie nights. there was a comfort in your friendship, a kind of ease that made everything feel natural and genuine.
one night, after a particularly intense game and a few too many drinks, you found yourselves alone in his apartment. the air was thick with a tension that had been building for months. one thing led to another, and suddenly you were waking up in his bed, sheets tangled around your legs and his arm draped over your waist.
the next morning, you both agreed it was a one-time thing, a slip-up that wouldn't happen again.
but it did. over and over, until it wasn't just an accident anymore. it became an unspoken arrangement, a way for both of you to satisfy needs without the complications of a real relationship.
you knew it wasn't ideal. you knew that every time you woke up in his bed, you were getting a little more attached, a little more hopeful that maybe he would see you as more than just a friend with benefits. but you also knew that jude had his walls up for a reason, and trying to tear them down could end up ruining everything.
so, you kept going. you played your role, took what you could get, and tried not to think about what it meant for the future.
because as long as you had him in some way, it was better than not having him at all.
seeing him with other women was the worst part of it all. now you knew you didn't really have any rational reason to be mad because he wasn't your boyfriend ─ he was just... well, it was complicated.
you hated the gut-wrenching feeling when you saw him talking to a beautiful girl at a party, his charming smile lighting up his face in a way that made your heart ache. tt was a reminder that while you had a piece of him, it wasn’t enough to keep him from seeking out others.
you tried to mask your feelings, laughing along with your friends and pretending not to notice when he slipped away with someone new. But inside, you were screaming. the rational part of you understood that you had no claim over him, no right to be jealous. yet, the emotional part couldn't help but feel a sting of betrayal every time.
 ⠀ ── ⠀
one night, it got to be too much. you saw him at a club, his arm around a girl's waist as he whispered something into her ear, making her giggle. your stomach churned, and before you knew it, you were outside, gulping in the cool night air to calm the nausea.
when you had come back inside, your initial hurt turned into bitterness. now you usually weren't so petty ─ but if jude was allowed to go and flirt with other people, why couldn't you?
you sat down at the bar, finding some solace with the alcohol you were drinking. you knew your bait had worked when you felt someone eyeing you in your peripheral, a small smile on your face.
he had a slight accent, his voice was gruff and sent a shiver down your spine. you turned to face him, taking in his rugged features and confident demeanor. he was attractive, no doubt, and the way he looked at you made you feel a flicker of excitement.
"hi," you replied, your voice steady despite the storm of emotions brewing inside you.
he leaned against the bar, his gaze never leaving yours. "can i buy you a drink?"
you nodded, pushing aside the guilt that tugged at your conscience. "sure, why not?"
as you sipped the cocktail he ordered for you, you couldn't help but steal glances across the room, where jude was still engrossed in conversation with the girl. the sight fueled your determination to go through with this. if jude could have his fun, so could you.
"so, what brings you here tonight?" the man asked, his eyes glinting with interest.
you shrugged, taking another sip. "my friends told me i needed to get out, they say i've been stuck in the office for too long."
he chuckled, a low sound that made your skin tingle. "i get that. they're some good friends."
the conversation flowed easily, and you found yourself relaxing in his company. he was charming and attentive, qualities that made you feel desired in a way jude never fully did. but even as you laughed at his jokes and flirted back, a part of you remained painfully aware that this was all a distraction, a way to numb the hurt.
as the night wore on, he moved closer, his hand resting on your lower back. you allowed it, leaning into the touch, craving the comfort it provided. but just as he leaned in to whisper something in your ear, you caught sight of jude watching you from across the room, his expression unreadable.
your heart skipped a beat, a mix of triumph and regret flooding through you. you had his attention now, but at what cost? you broke away from jude's gaze, your attention fully on the man next to you.
however, before you knew it ─ you two were interrupted.
"y/n," jude's voice seemed steady but as you turned to face him, his expression nothing short of intense. his eyes bore into yours, a mixture of frustration and something else you couldn't quite place.
"jude," you replied, trying to sound casual but failing miserably. the man next to you shifted awkwardly, sensing the tension.
jude's jaw tightened as he glanced at the guy beside you, then back at you. "it's getting late, let's get outta here."
"that's funny, i was just about to ask her that." the man spoke, a hint of amusement in his voice before he cleared his throat, noting that his commentary was certainly not needed.
you blinked up at him, your lips curving into a sarcastic smile. "why don't you go ask the girl who's been keeping you busy all night?"
"that's what this is about?" jude let out a huff, his gaze boring into yours. "jealousy?"
"oh, you shouldn't be talking." you shot back, your voice tinged with bitterness. "you’ve been parading around with other women all night. don’t act like you’re innocent."
jude's eyes flashed with anger. "i wasn’t doing anything different than what we've been doing all along. you knew what this was from the start."
"yeah, i did," you snapped. "but it doesn't make it any easier to watch you with someone else."
the man next to you awkwardly excused himself, sensing the argument escalating. jude barely noticed as he took a step closer to you, his frustration palpable. "so, what? you decided to flirt with some random guy to get back at me? i don't like pettiness, you know that."
you crossed your arms, trying to hold your ground. "no, not everything is about you. maybe you just don't do it for me anymore, have you thought about that? you're not everyone's ideal man, jude."
jude stared back at you, trying to process what you just said. "oh really?" he let out a laugh but it was void of the usual amusement. were you really trying to come for his ego now?
"really," you responded, standing your ground.
"so i don't do it for you anymore, is that right?" jude glared back at you as he walked closer, his tall frame towering over you. "what's it, exactly? cause i know you're not coming for my bedroom skills."
"bingo," you answered with a smirk, grabbing the drink from the table as you took a sip. "you're exactly right."
he let out a soft chuckle as his gaze darkened. "really that guy could fuck you like i do? nobody could fuck you like i do."
you felt excitement in his words, knowing you were hitting him where it hurts. and you'd hoped it'll pay off at the end of the night. "you really think you're that good?"
"i know it,"
"cocky, jude. very cocky," you purred, stepping closer to him.
the heat between you was palpable, the air thick with unresolved tension. you could feel the intensity of his gaze as it roamed over your face, down your body, and back up to meet your eyes.
"confident," he corrected, his voice low and husky. "there's a difference."
you raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at your lips. "is that right?"
he leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke. "you know it is. and i'll can prove it to you."
a shiver ran down your spine at the closeness of his body, the warmth of his breath on your skin. you set your drink down and placed a hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat quicken under your touch.
"prove it, then," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the pounding of your own heart.
jude's eyes darkened further, a predatory gleam in them as he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you flush against him. his other hand cupped your cheek, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. "i will, make you remember who fucks you the best."
you licked your lips, your breath hitching as his thumb traced your lower lip. "i'm counting on it,"
with a growl, he captured your lips in a searing kiss, his hand tightening around your waist as he deepened the kiss. you melted into him, all the anger and frustration from earlier dissipating in the heat of the moment. his lips were demanding, his touch possessive, as if he was claiming you all over again.
your hands found his shoulders, pulling him closer, needing more. jude responded by lifting you effortlessly, your legs wrapping around his waist as he carried you toward the exit. the world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you and the electricity sparking between your bodies.
as he pushed open the door to his car and placed you inside, you couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something new. something real. but you knew that was wishful thinking.
jude climbed in after you as he started the car and drove toward his place. the journey was a blur of heated kisses and whispered promises, both of you unable to keep your hands off each other.
and by the time you reached his apartment, the anticipation was nearly unbearable. he carried you inside, kicking the door shut behind him before setting you down and pinning you against the wall, his mouth trailing hot kisses down your neck.
"still think that guy could compare to me?" he murmured against your skin, his hands roaming over your body.
you moaned softly, arching into his touch. "no," you admitted breathlessly.
he smiled against your neck, his hands finding the hem of your shirt and tugging it over your head. "good. cause you’re mine, and i’m going to show you just how much you mean to me."
he carried you toward the bed, placing you down gently before hovering over you, his eyes burning with desire. you could feel the tension in the air, the electricity between you crackling with intensity.
jude's hands moved with a possessive urgency, trailing over your skin as if he needed to memorize every inch of you. your breath hitched as he leaned in, capturing your lips in another passionate kiss.
his hands were deft and skilled, knowing exactly how to make you gasp and shiver under his touch. clothes were discarded in a frenzy, the need to feel each other skin-to-skin overwhelming, leaving you naked. when he finally pushed into you, it felt like coming home, a perfect fit that made you both moan in unison.
"all mine," he whispered against your lips, his thrusts steady and deep. "don't ever forget that."
you clung to him, nails digging into his back as you matched his rhythm, losing yourself in the sensation. the way he moved, the way he touched you, it was like he was trying to prove a point with every thrust. and maybe he was. maybe this was his way of showing you just how much you meant to him, how much he needed you.
he pulled your hips upward, sitting up as he fucked into you like a starved man. his grip on your hips was firm, almost bruising, as he pulled you closer, thrusting deeper with each movement.
the intensity of his gaze bore into you, a mix of lust and possessiveness that made your heart race. your body arched off the bed, meeting him halfway, every sensation amplified by the sheer need radiating between you.
"god, you're so perfect," he groaned, his hands sliding up your sides to cup your breasts, thumbs brushing over your hardened nipples. the combination of pleasure and the raw intensity in his voice made you shiver, your body responding eagerly to his touch.
you were completely at his mercy, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through you, building higher and higher. his pace quickened, a desperate edge to his movements as if he couldn't get enough of you. you could feel the tension coiling in your core, your breaths coming in short gasps as you neared the edge.
"cum for me," he demanded, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down your spine.
the command was all it took. your body tensed, the pleasure cresting in a powerful wave that crashed over you, leaving you trembling and breathless. jude's eyes darkened with satisfaction as he watched you, his own control slipping as he followed you over the edge, his release spilling into you with a groan.
for a moment, the room was filled with nothing but the sound of your mingled breaths, the aftermath of your shared intensity leaving you both spent and sated. jude collapsed beside you, pulling you into his arms, his hold gentle now, almost tender.
"mine," he murmured again, his lips brushing your temple. "always."
you nestled against him, your fingers tracing idle patterns on his chest. "always," you echoed, the word a promise and a reminder of the connection that bound you together, for better or worse.
after that night, sex was how you fixed every little dispute you had. sure it wasn't healthy but sure as hell worked, he made sure you forgot all about why you were angry in the first place. yeah, he was cocky but it was for a reason.
 ⠀ ── ⠀
you still yearned for more.
you knew that was wishful thinking, jude was too focused on his career to even think about girls. you were the only one that he kept and you didn't know why, but you couldn't deny that it made you feel special, even if it wasn't in the way you truly wanted.
you were his escape, his relief from the pressures of his demanding life, and while you cherished the moments you had together, you couldn't shake the longing for something deeper, something more meaningful.
you often found yourself lying awake at night, replaying your conversations and encounters, searching for any sign that he might feel the same way. but jude was a closed book, his intentions unclear. it was both frustrating and intoxicating, leaving you constantly on edge, hoping for more but never quite sure if it would ever come.
one evening, after another intense round of making up, you lay in his arms, the room quiet except for the sound of your mingled breaths. jude's fingers traced lazy patterns on your skin, a touch of tenderness that made your heart ache.
"jude," you began hesitantly, unsure if you should voice the thoughts that had been plaguing you. "do you ever think about what this... what we could be if things were different?"
he stiffened slightly, his hand pausing its movements. "what do you mean?"
you took a deep breath, steeling yourself. "i mean, if you weren't so focused on football, do you think we could be more than just... this?"
jude was silent for a long moment, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. When he finally spoke, his voice was quiet, almost distant. "i don't know. my career is everything to me. it's what i've worked for my whole life."
"i get that," you said softly, turning to look at him. "but it doesn't mean you can't have something more, someone who supports you and is there for you."
he sighed, his eyes meeting yours with a mixture of regret and something else you couldn't quite decipher. "if... if things were different, sure. but not right now, i don't have time for all that right now."
all that, he called it, as if your feelings and the possibility of a deeper relationship were just another burden on his already full plate. the sting of his words was sharp, but you tried to keep your voice steady.
"all that," you repeated, a bitter smile tugging at your lips.
jude's expression softened, his hand gently cupping your cheek. "y/n, it's not that i don't want it. it's just... i can't handle more than i already have. my career, the constant travel, the pressure — it's overwhelming."
you leaned into his touch, closing your eyes briefly before opening them again to meet his gaze. "i get it, it's okay."
having some of him is better than have none of him, you kept reminding yourself as he sighed in relief, closing his eyes as he drifted off to sleep. you lay there for a while, listening to the sound of his breathing and feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest against your back.
the reality of your situation weighed heavily on you, the knowledge that you would always come second to his career. but in those quiet moments, it was hard to focus on the negative. there was something so peaceful about being in his arms, so right, that made it difficult to let go.
days turned into weeks, and the cycle continued. you took what you could get, savoring the good moments and enduring the difficult ones. your friends started to notice the change in you, the way your mood would swing based on your interactions with jude. they would offer concerned looks and ask if everything was okay, but you always brushed them off with a smile and a nonchalant "i'm fine."
deep down, you knew they were right to worry. the emotional toll of your arrangement with jude was starting to wear on you, and you were constantly on edge, wondering when the next blow would come. you tried to distract yourself with work and hobbies, but nothing seemed to fill the void that jude left when he wasn't around.
 ⠀ ── ⠀
 ⠀ ── ⠀
it's crazy how much could change within 3 months. after a while, you stopped talking to jude and he understood why ─ you were hurting and you needed time. you found a boyfriend and of course jude wasn't too happy about that, but he couldn't really do anything about it.
you met your boyfriend at a friend’s birthday party. he was charming, attentive, and most importantly, he was ready for a relationship. things moved quickly, and soon enough, you found yourself in a stable, happy relationship. he treated you with the care you had longed for, and for the first time in a while, you felt like you were moving forward.
it didn't stop you from missing jude. the excitement you got from the way his presence made your heart race, was something you couldn’t easily forget. despite your boyfriend's kindness and the stability he offered, there was a lingering sense of something unfulfilled, a part of you that still yearned for the intensity you once had with jude.
one evening, as you and your boyfriend were having dinner at your favorite restaurant, your phone buzzed with a message. you glanced at it, your heart skipping a beat when you saw jude's name.
jude: miss you.
you quickly turned your phone face down, trying to focus on the conversation with ben, but the message stayed with you, echoing in your mind. you couldn’t deny that a part of you missed him too, missed the thrill and the connection you shared.
 ⠀ ── ⠀
the euros had came and your friends had bought tickets to go see england in the quarterfinals versus switzerland, they eventually convinced you to come. the thought of seeing jude on the pitch, representing his country, filled you with a mix of excitement and nerves.
on the day of the match, the stadium was buzzing with energy. you and your friends found your seats, the sea of england fans creating a vibrant atmosphere. as the players took to the field, your eyes were immediately drawn to jude. he looked focused, determined, and undeniably handsome in his england kit.
the match was intense, with both teams fighting hard for a place in the semifinals. you cheered along with the crowd, your emotions swinging with every close call and near miss. seeing jude play with such passion and skill reminded you why you had fallen for him in the first place.
when the final whistle blew, signaling england's victory, the celebration in the stadium was electric. you watched as jude and his teammates hugged, their faces alight with joy. you couldn't take your eyes off him, feeling a deep sense of connection despite the physical distance between you.
after the match, your friends had gotten invited to the celebratory party due to their connections to the english players. you knew you'd eventually be seeing jude and you just had to trust yourself to not fall in his trap once again.
well, you were wrong.
your legs tightened around jude's waist as he pushed the door of his hotel room open, his lips never leaving yours. he closed the door with his foot, pushing you against it when it closed.
you moaned against his lips as his hands roamed over your body, his touch igniting a fire within you. his kisses were demanding, filled with a hunger that mirrored your own. you could feel the intensity of his desire, the way he held you close as if afraid you might slip away.
"jude," you breathed, your fingers tangling in his hair. "we shouldn’t be doing this."
"i know," he murmured against your skin, his lips trailing down your neck. "can’t help it. i need you, y/n. how can i celebrate without you?"
his words sent a shiver down your spine, and any resolve you had left melted away. you had tried to move on, to build a new life with your boyfriend, but being in jude's arms again felt like coming home.
"just this once," you whispered, your voice barely audible.
he pulled back slightly, his eyes searching yours. "just this once," he agreed, though you both knew it was a lie.
with a growl, he captured your lips again, his hands gripping your hips as he carried you to the bed. he laid you down gently, his body pressing against yours as he deepened the kiss. you could feel the heat between you growing, the familiar ache of desire spreading through you.
"god, i’ve missed this," he groaned, his hands sliding under your shirt. "missed you."
"me too," you admitted, your breath hitching as his fingers brushed against your skin.
clothes were quickly discarded until you were in left in your bra and underwear, the urgency between you leaving little room for hesitation. jude's touch was both familiar and electrifying, every caress reminding you of the connection you had tried so hard to forget. he moved with a confidence that made your heart race, his hands and lips worshipping your body as if making up for lost time.
"mine," he murmured against your ear, his voice rough with emotion. "no one else can make you feel like this."
"yes," you gasped, arching into his touch. "i’m yours, jude. always."
his eyes darkened with possessiveness, a primal satisfaction evident in his gaze. "i’ll never let you go again," he promised, his lips crashing into yours with renewed fervor.
his hands found your hips as he pushed you into the mattress, you let out another moan at his roughness. something your boyfriend never managed to do, you were never satisfied with the sexual part of your relationship.
he began rubbing his finger against your clothed core, his ego skyrocketing at the wetness that was already soaking through your panties. "look at you," he murmured, his voice dripping with pride. "so wet for me."
you whimpered in response, your hips bucking against his hand. "jude, please," you begged, the need in your voice unmistakable.
"please what?" he teased, his fingers slipping under the fabric to stroke you directly. "tell me what you want, y/n."
"i want you," you gasped, your body trembling with anticipation. "i need you inside me, jude. now."
"oh yeah?" his voice was hoarse as he gazed down at you, taking in your form. he stopped his movements as he licked his lips, "does he fuck you like i do? tell me."
jude was teasing and you hated it. you also loved it, loved the way he made you work for it.
"no," you admitted breathlessly, your hips moving in a desperate attempt to find some friction. "no one fucks me like you do, jude. only you."
a satisfied smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth. "that's what i thought," he murmured, his fingers resuming their torturous movements. "you're mine, y/n. always have been, always will be."
"please," you begged, your voice breaking with need. "i need you, jude. please."
"aw, poor baby. bet you haven't cum in a while, right? he looks like he doesn't know how to fuck, right?" jude mocked as he leaned in closer to press a soft kiss to your forehead. "he's a damn loser. let me show you how a real man fucks, yeah?"
"please," you repeated as you nodded, too lost in the pleasure to think clearly.
he chuckled softly, clearly relishing the power he held over you. "since you asked so nicely," he said, positioning himself at your entrance. with a single, powerful thrust, he filled you completely, drawing a loud moan from your lips.
the sensation was overwhelming, the pleasure so intense that it bordered on pain. jude moved with a possessiveness that left you breathless, each thrust driving you closer to the edge.
his hands found your hips as he began fucking into you, your body arching to meet his every thrust. each movement was deliberate and intense, a reminder of the connection you shared and the passion that had never truly faded.
"god, you feel so good," he groaned, his grip tightening as he quickened his pace. "so tight, fuck. like you were made for me."
"yes," you gasped, your nails digging into his shoulders as you clung to him. "only you, jude. no one else."
the words seemed to drive him wild, his thrusts becoming even more frantic as he pushed you both closer to the edge. the room was filled with the sounds of your bodies, each moan and gasp a testament to the intensity of the moment.
"can't get enough of you," he muttered, his voice rough with emotion. "i need you, y/n. always."
"always," you echoed, your own voice trembling with the force of your feelings. "i'm all yours, jude."
the coil of pleasure inside you tightened with each thrust, building to a crescendo that left you breathless and desperate for release. jude's movements became almost frenzied, his own need evident as he chased his climax.
"cum for me," he commanded, his voice a low growl. "wanna feel you come around me."
the words sent you over the edge, your body convulsing with the intensity of your orgasm. you cried out his name, the pleasure washing over you in waves that left you trembling and gasping for breath.
jude followed moments later, his own release hitting him with the force of a tidal wave. he buried himself deep inside you, his body shuddering as he spilled into you, as if he was reclaiming all over again. for a long moment, you both lay there, tangled together and utterly spent.
finally, he shifted, rolling onto his side and pulling you into his arms. you nestled against him, savoring the warmth and closeness. his fingers traced lazy patterns on your back, a tender gesture that made your heart ache with longing.
"break up with him," he spoke, his voice was hoarse.
"jude..." you moved your head so you could face him, a frown curving your lips. "it's not that easy,"
"you just cheated on him and all it took were a couple drinks." he replied nonchalantly, his voice tinged with annoyance. "obviously he doesn't fuck you well, cause you felt this the moment i touched you."
"it's not just about that," you protested, your voice a mixture of guilt and frustration. "he's a good guy. he treats me well, and i do care about him."
"but you don't love him," jude shot back, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. "not the way you love me."
the truth in his words stung, and you knew he was right. but breaking up with your boyfriend wasn't just about ending a relationship; it meant facing the reality of your feelings for jude and the complicated situation you found yourselves in.
"i don't want to hurt him," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
"but you can't keep pretending." he spoke, his gaze never leaving yours. "look, i know... i was selfish."
was, as in past tense. you noted.
"i wasn't thinking about what you wanted and... i knew i wasn't fulfilling your emotional needs. i didn't know what i had til you left," jude continued, his voice sincere. "god, nobody does it like you. i've looked but nobody feels like you and it's deeper than just sex it's..."
he paused, feeling vulnerable as he sighed. where was he even going with this?
"it's everything," jude finally said, his voice softening. "it's the way you make me feel, the way you understand me without me having to say a word. it's the way you laugh, the way you support me, the way you just... get me."
you felt your heart swell at his words, the sincerity in his eyes making you believe every word. it was everything you had wanted to hear, but the reality of your situation made it hard to fully embrace it.
"jude, i need you to understand that this isn't just about you and me," you said gently, trying to convey the complexity of your feelings. "i do care about ben, and breaking up with him is going to hurt him. i can't just ignore that."
"i know," he replied, his hand cupping your cheek. "and i'm not asking you to ignore it. i'm asking you to be honest with yourself and with him. you deserve to be happy, and so does he. even if it means going through some pain first."
you sighed, knowing he was right. it was a difficult decision, but staying in a relationship where your heart wasn't fully invested was unfair to both you and ben.
"okay," you said softly, leaning into his touch. "i'll talk to him. but jude, i need you to promise me something."
"anything," he replied, his eyes full of determination.
"i need you to be all in," you said, your voice steady despite the emotion in your chest. "if we're going to do this, i need to know that you're committed, that this isn't just about the thrill or the sex. i need to know that you're ready for something real."
jude's eyes softened, and he nodded, his hand gently squeezing yours. "i promise, y/n. i'm all in. i want this to work, more than anything. and i'll do whatever it takes to make sure you know that."
with those words, a sense of resolve settled over you. it wouldn't be easy, and there would be challenges ahead, but for the first time, you felt like you were moving in the right direction.
as you lay back in his arms, feeling the warmth and security of his embrace, you knew that this was the beginning of a new chapter. one where you were finally choosing to follow your heart, no matter where it led.
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if you enjoyed, any interaction is greatly appreciated!
with love, rylin 𝜗𝜚
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pitchsidestories · 9 days ago
Dancing Through Life II Lucy Bronze x Reader
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romantic masterlist | platonic masterlist | word count: 1314
summary: after the training camp you finally got to spend some time alone with your girlfriend.
author's note: hi everyone we hope you'll like the oneshot. Any form of feedback is appreciated. 🫶🏻🫶🏻
disclaimer: everything in this fanfiction is purely fictional and nothing corresponds to reality.
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“Finally, home.”, a happy sigh escaped your lips as you stepped inside.
Shortly after you, your girlfriend entered your shared flat. The two of you dropped your bags on the floor at the same time.
A broad grin lit up Lucy’s face: “I can’t wait for our own kitchen, bed and Narla of course.”
You couldn’t help but to notice that the Portuguese sun had brought out her freckles even more, which looked adorable in your eyes.
“And some time for us.”, you added in a delighted tone.
The defender's warm laughter filled the room: “Oh yes, I lost count on how many times we were interrupted during game.”
“Way too often.”, you agreed smiling.
Memories of the England camp came back to you in waves. The first half in the Algarve has remained a fond impression, even if it was equally exhausting. You both didn't plan it, but as the more experienced footballers in the team, the younger players naturally gravitated towards Lucy and you.
At this, Lucy grimaced: “We didn’t have a single minute alone.”
Whenever you two thought you had a moment just for the two of you, Maya, Grace, Lauren, Aggie or Jess came. The time as a couple was cut short between their intervention, the training drills and the Nations League games.
And yet you were grateful for the pictures the young Manchester United captain took at the beach, the picturesque sunsets forever captured on film.
“True.”, you said quietly.
One quick glance later, an excited West Highland Terrier ran out of the bedroom and wagged its tail excitedly to greet you.
Immediately Lucy got down on her knees, the pain forgotten at the sight of her beloved dog, whom she began to cuddle: “Hello, Narla. We missed you too.”
“Very much.”, you admitted and joined in the cuddling. While Narla pressed wet kisses onto your face, which you tried to escape with a laugh.
Smirking, Lucy remarked: “She missed you too.”
“I can tell.”, you giggled.
More seriously, your girlfriend looked up at you and asked you a question that made your stomach growl:” Are you hungry?”
“Hungry? More like starving.”, you replied amusedly, placing a hand dramatically on your empty stomach.
Determined, she slapped her thighs before slowly standing up, the intense weeks having left their mark: “I’ll cook.”
“That's like music to our ears, isn't it, Narla?”, you winked at the small Westie who seemed to agree with you on this point. With a quick flick of the hand, you connected your mobile phone to the speakers and the first harmonious tones rang out within your four walls.
Lucy watched as the little dog wagged her tail with excitement.
“I think she agrees.”, she smirked.
“Oh yes, clearly a yes from her.”, you laughed, petting Narla.
Lucy opened the fridge, taking ingredients out and got to work. You studied every movement with curious excitement. Whatever she touched, it promised to be a delicious meal.
“What are you cooking, Chef Lucy?”, you asked innocently.
She turned to you, smug as ever: “It’s a surprise.”
“Sounds amazing.”
“It will be.”
A delicious smell filled the kitchen within minutes, making you almost as impatient has Narla who sat in front of Lucy, hoping that she would drop something.
You realised that you were no better than your dog when you got up and snuck up to Lucy. You distracted her by wrapping your arms around her waist and inconspicuously grabbed a spoon full of sauce to taste.
“Hmm, delicious.”, you hummed, deliberately ignoring your girlfriends protests.
Lucy rolled her eyes with a gentle smile: “Hey, it’s not done yet.”
You blinked at her with puppy eyes: “Sorry.”
Lucy opened her mouth, about to playfully scold you as she always did but nothing came out. She paused.
It took you a few seconds until you realised that she was listing to the music.
“That’s our song!”, she announced suddenly.
“Oh, you recognised it?”
“Of course.”
The food on the stove was suddenly forgotten.
You studied Lucys face, her eyes softened.
“Do you remember when it first became our song?”
“I do.”, she nodded.
You both stood there, remembering how this song played whenever you met. At every bar, every restaurant and every shop. Your friends used to play it at parties too because they knew it was a safe way to get you two on the dance floor. You hadn’t actively listened to that song in a while.
“It’s a nice memory, dont you think?”
Lucy didn’t reply. Instead, she reached for your arms and pulled you in.
“Dance with me.”
You laughed in surprise: “What? In the kitchen?”
“Of course. Where else?”, she said and started swaying you to the rhythm of the music.
“Okay.”, you finally agreed.
You gave in, fully moving your body in sync to hers. Her hands rested on your waist as you stepped and turned, your hands lingered on her shoulders. It was easy to follow each other’s movements.
You stared into your girlfriends’ eyes and a pleasant warmth spread through your body. Your heartbeat sped up. It was almost like falling in love all over again.
“We should do that more often.”, you smiled at her.
A mischievous smile played on Lucy’s lips: “Dancing?”
“Yes. Although the dancing sessions with the team during camp were fun too.”, you admitted with a wink.
The defender couldn't help bursting out in a hearty laugh: “I wouldn’t count that as dancing.”
“No and how would you call this here?”, you asked teasingly.
“This? That’s called cooking.”, she replied with a cheeky grin.
It was only now that you noticed the bubbling on the hob, you had both been too engrossed in dancing beforehand.
“Oh my god the food!”, you exclaimed.  
Unlike you, Lucy remained calm and waved away your worries: “Don’t worry, I’ve got everything under control.”
Despite her assurances, you opened the window to let in some fresh air. “Are you sure?”, you questioned.  
“Yeah, you know I don’t play when it comes to food.”
You knew that she prided herself on being a good cook and that when something like this happened, it was in the right hands. Slowly you began to relax again as you watched her put the finishing touches to the food with practised grips.
Whilst doing so, you couldn't help chuckling at a memory: “Yes, it's a bit of a shame you don't wear glasses anymore, they looked funny when they got cloudy from the hot steam.”
“You know what? I don’t miss that at all.”, Lucy shook her head in amusement. The defender had to worry too often that her contact lenses would fall out during a game or that she would lose her glasses in a strange hotel room.
Only sometimes, on a long day, did the older woman caught herself longing for poorer eyesight, where she would rather not see so sharply because the world had lost its softness with it.
While you knew how her answer came about, you'll love your friend's glasses forever because you met her for the first time with them on her nose: “I thought you might say that.”
“Yeah, I can finally see what I’m doing.”
“Dinner’s ready?”
Lucy confirmed it with a simple yes.
“Perfect, I’ll set the table.”, you announced satisfied. Afterwards you lit some candles and dimmed the overhead lightning to create a cozier atmosphere.
“Romantic. I like that.”, Lucy remarked as she brought the cooked meal, which already smelled heavenly, to the table.
With a knowing smile you responded: “Oh, I know you do.”
“It’s finally just us.”, your girlfriend said.
Quickly, you added: “Us plus Narla.”
“Exactly.”, she grinned.
After you had taken the first bite and absorbed everything, you realised: ”It’s perfect.”
“I agree.”, Lucy hummed.
One thing was for certain, there was no one you would rather dance through life with than her.
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gif source: https://www.tumblr.com/glimmerofawesome/691333988304977921?source=share
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jade4956 · 20 days ago
“I just lost Lucy the World Cup”
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The 2023 Women’s World Cup Final: England vs. Spain
85:12 on the clock.
England were running out of time.
Spain had taken an early lead in the first half, and despite England’s relentless pressure, the score remained 1-0. The Lionesses had thrown everything at them, attacks down the flanks, long-range efforts, set pieces, but Spain’s defense refused to break.
And now, with less than five minutes of normal time left, the world was watching as England desperately searched for an equalizer.
Tahlia Bliss could barely hear herself think over the roar of the crowd.
Her lungs burned, her legs felt like lead, but she couldn’t stop now. Not when they were this close. Not when Lucy Bronze—one of the greatest players England had ever seen—was still out there, still fighting, still chasing the trophy she had dreamed about her entire career.
And then, in a flash, the moment came.
Lauren Hemp had the ball on the right flank, driving forward with pure determination. She cut inside, slipping a pass into the box. Alessia Russo let it run, a brilliant dummy that fooled the Spanish defence.
And suddenly, Tahlia was there.
Inside the box.
Completely unmarked.
Her body reacted before her mind could catch up. She took a touch, set herself, and then struck the ball with everything she had.
Time slowed.
The Spanish goalkeeper dived the wrong way.
The ball sailed past her fingertips only to crash against the top right corner of the goalpost.
Tahlia watched, horrified, as the ball bounced away from the net instead of in.
Gasps filled the stadium.
The commentators were stunned.
Tahlia held her knees in disbelief and her head stayed down.
“That was the moment.” The commentator’s voice was almost breathless. “That was the equalizer—if it had been a fraction lower, England would be level. But instead, the post denies them. Unbelievable.”
She barely registered the Spanish defense scrambling to clear the ball.
Barely noticed the way Lucy Bronze had turned around, hands on her head in disbelief.
Barely heard the cries of frustration from her teammates.
Because all she could focus on was the reality settling in her chest like a boulder—
She had just missed England’s best chance to save the World Cup.
England didn’t stop fighting.
They kept pushing, desperate to break through, desperate to find one last opportunity.
87 minutes.
88 minutes.
Spain packed their defense, forcing England to take rushed shots from distance. None of them came close.
90 minutes.
The fourth official lifted the board: 6 minutes of stoppage time.
There was still a chance.
Tahlia forced herself to push past the exhaustion, tried to block out the noise, the pressure, the missed shot still replaying in her mind like a cruel joke.
91 minutes.
Lauren James won a corner. The entire stadium held its breath as the ball swung into the box, only for Spain’s keeper to punch it away.
93 minutes.
A counterattack from Spain. England’s defense barely managed to scramble it clear.
95 minutes.
One last attack.
Tahlia sprinted into the box, waiting for the cross,
But it never came.
The ball was intercepted.
And then—
The final whistle blew.
Spain were World Champions.
Tahlia froze.
Around her, the Spanish players collapsed in joy. Some fell to the ground, others sprinted to their teammates in celebration. The roar of their fans was deafening.
And England?
Lucy Bronze dropped to her knees. Rachel Daly covered her face with her hands. Keira Walsh stood motionless, staring blankly at the field.
Tahlia’s vision blurred.
Her breath hitched—
And suddenly, the weight of everything crashed down on her.
Tahlia broke.
Tears spilled down her face before she could stop them. She tried to breathe, tried to hold it together, but she couldn’t.
She had let Lucy down.
She had let England down.
She barely noticed the Spanish players coming over, offering their condolences. A few of them gave her reassuring pats on the back, whispering words of comfort in Spanish, but she barely heard them.
Her body shook with sobs.
And then—
Lotte Wubben-Moy was there.
She didn’t say anything at first. Just knelt down next to Tahlia, pulling her into a hug.
Tahlia tried to speak, tried to say something, but the words wouldn’t come out properly.
Lotte just held her, letting her cry into her shoulder.
And then, one of the cameras nearby accidentally picked up her voice.
Through her tears, through the overwhelming grief, Tahlia choked out,
“I just lost Lucy the World Cup.”
The world stopped.
The commentators fell silent.
The words echoed across the broadcast, and suddenly, it wasn’t just Tahlia’s heartbreak, it was everyone’s heartbreak.
Fans around the world felt it.
Lucy Bronze, who was still on her knees nearby, heard it too.
And without hesitation, she was by Tahlia’s side.
Lucy didn’t care about her own devastation. She didn’t care about the cameras, or the fact that Spain were celebrating just meters away.
All she cared about was the young player in front of her, the one who had given everything for this tournament, the one who was now blaming herself for something that wasn’t her fault.
She crouched down, resting a hand on Tahlia’s back.
“No.” Her voice was firm, but gentle. “You didn’t lose me the World Cup. We win together, we lose together. Don’t you ever put that on yourself.”
Tahlia just sobbed harder.
And Lucy pulled her into a hug.
The world saw it all.
The way Tahlia completely shattered.
The way Lotte refused to leave her side and staying in close with other players.
The way England, despite their heartbreak, still held onto each other.
And as the Spanish players lifted the trophy, as England gathered for their silver medals, there was one image that stood out more than anything else.
Not the celebrations.
Not the trophy lift.
But Tahlia Bliss, still crying in Lotte’s arms, with Lucy Bronze bent down on her knees.
Because everyone knew how much Lucy had wanted this.
And everyone knew, Tahlia had wanted to win it for her even more.
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months ago
Blood Sugar II
England Lionesses x Teen!Reader
Summary: You go on Bake Off
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"This time, on the Great Stand Up To Cancer Bake Off, it's Lioness time. Four of the England Lionesses brave the tent in the name of charity to tackle three challenges in the hope of securing, not the Euros trophy, but the star baker apron. This week's celebrities are: Leah Williamson, England captain and defender, Alessia Russo, goal scorer for England, Keira Walsh, England's midfield maestro and y/n l/n, England's youngest star."
You stand in front of your countertop, drumming your fingers against the wood as you look at all of the ingredients in front of you.
"Now, for your signature challenge, Paul and Prue would like you each to make a baker's dozen of sugar cookies," Noel Fielding says and you contemplate slamming your head onto the counter.
You knew agreeing to be on this was a bad idea.
"Each cookie must be hand-shaped," Alison Hammond continues," And made with love. You've got one hour. On your marks."
"Get set."
"So," Leah says suddenly," Is this a good time to mention I don't know what a baker's dozen is?"
You've never really been a bigger baker. It wasn't really your speciality like a lot of other things like cooking your own meals and doing your own laundry.
There was also the added thing of the fact that no one in your family baked because you couldn't eat it. Well, you could, but it would send your sugar levels through the roof and you hated injecting more insulin than normal because it always stressed you out.
"Less!" You yell out," How much sugar is too much sugar?"
"I'm not helping you!" She yells back and you stick your tongue out at her.
"This is discrimination!" You declare as you start pouring your sugar in, hoping for the best.
The judges leave it ten minutes or so before they start walking around.
They got to Leah first, congratulating her on captaining the team to victory which she graciously waves off before getting way too competitive over a baking show.
Keira is next and it's hard not to be endeared by Keira, clearly the only sane person in the tent.
Alessia ends up accidentally breaking the electric mixer and tries to get everyone to ignore it by throwing a dish towel over it.
Then, it's your turn.
"So, y/n," Paul says," Do you have much experience with baking?"
"No," You reply.
"Did you prepare at all for this?"
"Do you have much hope you'll win?"
"What I'm hoping for is someone else does extremely badly so I don't come last."
Prue laughs. "Well that's honest of you. So, you have done no preparation at all?"
"I'm planning on just winging it," You admit," I'm diabetic so I don't really eat sugary things so I'm just hoping that they're edible."
"So you're not going to be tasting as you go?"
You eyes go wide. "Am I meant to do that?" You hand goes to cover your mouth. "No, are you joking? Am I meant to be doing that?"
The judges have a little laugh as they back away.
"Wait! Don't go! Am I meant to taste as I go?!"
Even though you don't taste as you go, you don't end up losing the challenge (not with plain tastebuds Leah Williamson in the running) but you don't win either.
Clearly, Keira's just good at everything.
The technical round is a disaster for everyone involved, even Keira and somehow, after burning her first set of fondant fancies, Alessia manages to win.
Leah continues to be the worst, which is what everyone expects so even though you don't taste anything, you're not the worst and, honestly, that's what you're aiming for.
You're here to provide the jokes and not to humiliate yourself on national tv and, you know, also to show that diabetics can bake too - not that you really knew that was a big issue until you signed up for this but apparently it is.
The only one that you actually practiced for was your showstopper.
'Your Biggest Triumph' was the theme and you'd had to practice for this one.
"Leah!" Keira shrieks suddenly and you whip your head around to see Leah with her hand in Keira's bowl of batter.
"I'm sorry Kei," Leah says, sounding not very sorry at all," But you're going to win if I don't sabotage you. I'm sure you understand."
You hold your breath as Keira's eyes dart towards Leah's bowl of unsupervised batter, leaping over the countertop to do the same.
"Wait, Kei! Keira, stop!"
Keira doesn't stop and you notice from the corner of your eyes Alessia moving as well.
You snatch your bowl up before she can grab it, sprinting to the other side of the tent.
Alessia follows you until you're backed up against the fridges.
"Less, Less!" You shriek, voice panicky as Leah and Keira wrestle at Leah's counter," Don't do this! You don't have to do this!"
"I'm sorry." Like Leah, Alessia doesn't sound sorry at all. "But it's for the greater good."
"Greater good! This is pure selfishness!"
"This is baking!"
"This is sabotage. Stay away from my bowl!"
"Come on. Don't make this hard than it needs to be."
An almighty crash sounds as Keira and Leah accidentally knock a mixer off the table and in the confusion, you manage to shove Alessia away to pour your batter into the pan.
The carnage continues throughout the time limit, only dampening when a truce is called so you can all decorate your cakes. Apart from that, it's a free-for-all as you find yourself standing on Leah's countertop, throwing wooden spoons at Keira and Alessia whenever they try to approach the pair of you.
"Alright, y/n," Prue says at the end of the time limit," Tell us about your greatest triumph."
"Okay." You point at the various decorations on your cake. "So this cake is a representation of my Dexcom. I know everyone else is choosing football stuff and all that but when I was six, I started feeling really bad. I couldn't focus and I was sweating and I couldn't really move well and I felt tired. It went on for a few days."
You point at one of the little marshmallow figures you made.
"I was playing in Alessia's garden with her and I threw up everywhere and she insisted on having her parents take me to the hospital. I'd developed DKA and was about an hour or so from going into a coma. The doctors ran tests and stuff and found that my pancreas had shut down. So, my biggest triumph was being diagnosed with diabetes."
You give a little shrug, pointing out the way you'd shaped your cake to look like your Dexcom and how on top you'd decorated it with marshmallow versions of you and Alessia and the doctor that you still went to get check-ups from.
"That's a lovely story, y/n," Paul says," But let's see if the actual cake tastes good. What kind is it?"
"Victoria Sponge because it's my mum's favourite."
Each judge takes a slice and you hold your breath.
Paul holds his hand out to you.
Your eyes go wide. "Are you serious?"
"Shake my hand."
You do that gleefully. Getting a Paul Hollywood handshakes means a lot.
"I mean, there's not much I can say," He says," The sponge is perfect. The filling is perfect. The flavours work well. The story to go with it is fantastic."
"And you never tasted any of it?" Prue asks and you shrug with a grin.
"I'm on a strict diet."
"Well...I mean if football doesn't work it then baking certainly will."
The Star Baker Apron you win at the end hangs up on your wall with your Euro's medal.
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enwoso · 2 months ago
Hellooo could you maybe write Alessia Russo x Reader
Where r is the new signing and Alessia simps for r and then Alessia finds out that they have to share a room for the pre season in the US
And there is just like this weird and sexual tension for the whole stay (you can make it smut if you want to but you can dicide and if your comfortable but if you do so could you please make Alessia dom)
SHARED SPACES | alessia russo
i uh may have got a little too carried away with this one, hence it being 5.1k words… but enjoy the slow burn😉
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masterlist | contains slightly suggestive content!
you’d been at arsenal less than a month and were already the talk of the team. you were a shock move in the summer months of the transfer window — a one the media nor your teammates had expected.
you'd been happy at your former club of manchester city but you wanted a change, a challenge, a new environment.
you carried yourself with confidence and ease which is what set you apart from other players. you didn't like the attention all you wanted to was just play football.
alessia however couldn't seem to carry herself at all whenever you were around. from the first team meeting, your presence had thrown alessia askew.
your bright smile and effortless charm lit up the room, your laugh lingering in alessia's ears long after you'd left the room.
but it was more than that. you exuded an energy that alessia couldn't explain — a magnetic, undeniable and slightly maddening type of energy.
alessia had spent the better part of the last few weeks since your arrival fumbling through conversations, blushing at your casual compliment as she mentally berated herself for acting like a lovestruck teenager.
but now as the team had landed for their pre-season tour in the united states, alessia had one thing in her mind and that was to keep her cool.
two weeks in close quarters, across one city, with you? she'd manage.
or so she thought she would..
the team was sorting rooms for the next two week while on the coach to the hotel, alessia being handed the sheet which had everyone's name on and there roommate. the blonde expecting, kyra or lotte to be side by side her name.
so when she saw the sheet of paper, her heart sank, and leapt, at the same time when she saw whose name was next to hers.
your name written next to hers in bold black letters, taunting her. you were her roommate. for two whole weeks..
alessia caught herself staring at the paper for a beat too long, her brain trying to process what it actually meant.
you, the new summer star signing. you, who had walked into the first team with such quiet confidence, wearing it like it was a second skin. you, who was now alessia's roommate.
the blondes mind was racing, sharing a room with you meant sharing everything — space, conversations, moments of vulnerability, early mornings, late nights.
it meant seeing you at your most casual, relaxed and probably in tiny shorts or oversized shirts. you long legs stretched out on your bed. alessia's chest tightening just at the mere thought.
"less? you okay?" leah's voice jolted the blonde from her thoughts. turning slightly to face leah as she was watching with a smirk that suggested she knew what was going on, and had definitely played a part in it.
"i- yeah" alessia said quickly, folding the paper and tucking it into her pocket, "all good!" she smiled grabbing her water bottle to have a sip from.
"sure you are," leah said as her smirk widened, "don't worry i'm sure y/n doesn't bite- well not unless you ask her to"
"leah!" alessia hissed, her cheeks flaming as she grumbled words of complaint that were completely coherent to leah.
"relax" leah laughed as she assured the younger blonde girl she was just joking as she raised her hands in mock surrender, "just saying maybe it's fate"
"fate." alessia repeated flatly, knowing leah had something to do with the room arrangements but still her pulse was racing.
leah winked, "two weeks in close comfort, anything can happen!"
the nervous energy lingered for the rest of the day, by the time the team arrived at the hotel, alessia's stomach was a knot of anticipation and dread.
she waited by the door of the room, clutching the key card like it was a lifeline. you appearing a moment later, rolling a black suitcase behind you.
your hair tied up in a messy ponytail as you wore a loose tank top that clung to you in all the right places.
"looks like it's you and me" you said with a small smile, you voice tinged with amusement. you weren't stupid, you'd heard the teasing comments slung to the blonde who was now your roommate over the past weeks since you’d arrived. so part of you was excited for what the next two weeks had in store.
alessia managed a weak laugh as she waited for the key card to scan and the light turn green, "yeah, should be.. fun"
you pushed the door open and stepped inside, alessia now the one trailing behind. the room was modest, two twin beds pushed to opposite walls and a window that overlooked the city skyline. it was nothing special, but to alessia, it suddenly felt rather small.
you tossed your bag onto the bed closest to the window, stretching out as your arms reached over your head.
alessia tried her best not to stare, but her eyes betrayed her. her eyes tracing the lines of your arms, the subtle curve of your waist where your tank top rode up.
"clean space," you said casually, your eyes looking around the room until your were facing alessia, "you okay with this bed?"
"huh?" alessia blinked now realising she hadn't moved from the doorway, "oh- uh yeah, totally" she stuttered out as she hurried over to the other bed, tripping over her suitcase slightly in the process.
you chuckled softly, "you sure you're good?"
"i'm fine!" alessia squeaked, her voice going higher than she intended.
you didn't press, but alessia could tell you were watching her every move as she unpacked her beg with unnecessary precision, carefully fold and refolding her clothes just to give herself something to do.
while you lay in your bed, on your phone. glancing over ever so often as a silence filled the room. but not an awkward one, exactly but it was heavy and charged with an undercurrent which you couldn't quite name yourself.
every small sound - the zip of alessia's suitcase, the rustle of the sheets as you moved into a move comfy position, the faint tap of your fingers against your phone they all felt amplified.
alessia's pulse was a constant drumbeat in your ears, her mind was racing with thoughts as she desperately tried to suppress them. trying to not let herself get distracted. you were a teammate, nothing more.
a teammate who happened to be gorgeous, charming and as you currently lounged on your bed like a goddess who had descended from mount olympus.
"less," you said suddenly, your soft voice cutting through the thick silence. alessia turning, the sound of your sudden voice startling her, "yeah?"
you tilting your head slightly as your lips curved into a faint smile, "your actin' strange"
"i'm not acting strange" alessia echoed, but even she could hear the lie in her own voice.
your face changed as your brow raised, you weren't fully convinced. you'd seen the blonde around her friends and she didn't act in the way she was with you right now. "if you say so"
you lay back against the pillows, one leg bent, the other stretched out as you held your phone loosely in one hand. the glow from the bedside lamp casting soft shadows across your face, it highlighting your sharp jawline and curve of your cheek.
alessia forcing herself to look away as she pretending to fiddle with her suitcase again, finding herself wanting to say something but no words would leave her mouth.
"relax, less" you said after a moment, your voice calm and soft "i don't bite"
alessia's breath hitched, her stomach flipping at the words. which also happen to be the exact words leah had said to her just a few hours ago.
risking a glance at you as you watched her with an expression that was equal parts teasing and curiosity.
the air was thick and even heavier than before and alessia couldn't tell if she was imagining it or if it was real but your gaze lingered and your eyes had turned, dark and suddenly unreadable.
"right." alessia said finally, the words stumbling from her lips bearly above a whisper, "good to know."
your lips twitched as you were going to say something else but you let the moment pass as you settled back into your pillows with a sigh.
alessia finally climbed into her own bed, pulling the covers up to her chin and even though the room was warm. as she squeezed her eyes shut willing herself to fall asleep.
but her mind wouldn't stop racing, you voice, your smile and the way you looked at her — it was all too much, too close, too everything.
alessia had no idea how she was going to survive the two weeks..
after the first night of sharing room which to alessia had felt suffocating. but she could pin point if it was because of the summer heat, the jet lag or your very presence that had her heart racing and skin flushed.
probably definitely the last one..
the morning had started off slow, the team had been given the chance to adjust to the time zone so had the day off but with most of the girls not wanting to go out till later on in the day you found yourself lounging on your bed.
wearing nothing but an oversized arsenal training shirt and shorts which left far too much of your legs on show. your hair was still messy from your nights sleep as loose strands framed your face.
you phone in your hand, lazily scrolling as the faint glow illuminated your features and every once in a while your hum quietly to yourself, the sound low and soft enough to send shivers down alessia's spine.
alessia, in contrast was a wreck. she'd spent the morning unpacking, repacking and then unpacking — purely just to keep herself busy and anything to avoid looking at you for too long.
"less" you said suddenly, "will you sit down"
alessia didn't say anything just nodded but you weren't making it easy.
anytime alessia let herself glance over you were doing something harmless that somehow felt charged, whether that was stretching out on the bed, your shirt riding up just enough to reveal a strip of skin; biting you bottom lip as you focused on your screen or running a hand through your hair — a motion somehow effortlessly seductive.
"no less, seriously sit down. your makin' me dizzy" your tone changed as your phone flopped down on your chest as you looked over at the blonde who couldn't of gotten further from you if she tried.
alessia froze, "how?"
you sat up, your legs swinging over the side of the bed, "your pacing back and forth and your actin' as if you don't want to get within five feet of me, what's that about?"
"i'm- i'm not" alessia's mouth went dry as she stood up slowly.
"less have you seen where you've been sat-" you leaned forward as you pointed to the further corner in the room from where you were sat. resting your elbows on your knees as alessia looked down at her feet. "if i didn't know better, id say you were nervous"
"i'm not nervous-" alessia said quickly, too quickly as her tone of voice betrayed her.
your lips curved into a slow but teasing smile, "really.. then why are you blushing.” a loud groan left alessia's lips as she dragged her hands over her face, "i'm not-"
"you totally are" you voice was now soft, almost a purr, "its cute"
alessia stomach flipped, as she turned to face you fully trying to summon some resemblance of composure, "you're enjoying this aren't you?"
your smile widened as you grabbed your sliders, "maybe a little" you shrugged standing up from the bed.
alessia rolled her eyes, but the heat in her cheeks gave her away. she crossed the room to her bed picking up her phone.
"come on beth says everyone's waiting"
since you had arrived the teasing had began subtly but the past few days since landing in the in the us, it's had been relentless.
during training, the girls had seemed to have made it their collective mission to put both you and alessia on the spot. their remarks growing bolder with each passing day.
it wasn't exactly helping that you seemed completely unfazed by it all, brushing off the comments with a quick shake of the head with a smile which only made alessia's reactions stand out even more.
the team was running passing drills under the blazing american sun, alessia's focus was already fraying. you as usual was calm and composed as you slotted passes effortlessly as you laughed with beth and steph.
alessia on the other hand couldn't get through a single play without glancing in your direction which obviously didn't go unnoticed.
"less, your looking distracted" leah called out from the opposite side of the pitch, her voice dripping with mischief.
"i'm not!" alessia yelled back but her flushed cheeks betrayed her once again.
"oh leave her alone, leah!" katie chimed in smirking, "she's just tryin' to impress y/n!"
the ball was rolled to alessia and in her flustered state, she misjudged the pass as she sent it careening towards lia instead of kim. a chorus of laughter erupting around her.
"nice one less!" lia teased, passing the ball on, "maybe if y/n compliments you, you'll focus better"
alessia groaned, running a hand through her hair. "can we not?”
but the girls and their teasing were far from done. the group regrouped for the next set of drills, beth took her chance to join in.
"you know, y/n," beth said loudly enough for everyone to hear, "you might be arsenal's best signing in years. i mean, alessia's practically speechless around you."
you stood a few feet away, taking a big drink of your water as a chuckle came from you but you didn't even look up from where alessia was adjusting her shin pads. "speechless ay?" you said lightly, your tone as casual as ever.
"exactly that!" beth continued, the grin not leaving her lips. "you've got her all shy and blushing. poor less hasn't been the same since you arrived"
alessia was frozen in place, the heat rising from her chest to her face within seconds. feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on her and it only made it more flustered.
"i'm not- she's not-" alessia stuttered, her voice cracking slightly as she struggled to from a coherent sentence. "can we just focus on training.."
beth cackled and leah stepped in, her smirk was just as big as the grin on beth's face. "oh c'mon less. just admit it"
by now the coaches were looking over with mild curiosity but wisely stayed out of the conversation but still urging the players to get back in with the drills after an extra long water break.
you however remained completely composed. finally standing and stretching leisurely as you tossed a casual glance in alessia's direction.
"you lot love to wind her up?" you said, your tone light but your lips curved into a faint smirk, "poor lessi is just tryin' to focus"
"that's what makes it so fun!" leah replied, earning more laughter from the group.
alessia utterly mortified turned away and pretended to go and tie her laces hoping the ground would swallow her whole. but she could feel your gaze on her, warm and teasing but not unkind.
as they resumed the drill, you jogged over to alessia's side close enough that your shoulders almost brushed. "you okay?" you asked softly, you voice filled with care as you spoke loud enough only for alessia to hear.
"i'm fine." alessia muttered, though her cheeks were still red and flushed. you smiled, tilting your head slightly, "you know, you're cute when you're flustered"
alessia felt her breath get caught in throat and for a moment all she could do was stare at you as her heart hammered into her chest.
you winked at the blonde before jogging off to join the next group as you left alessia standing there, a stuttering, blushing mess as the teams laughter echoed across the training fields.
the team had just finished dinner and the players had been told to have some off-feet time ensuring they were fully rested before the game later tomorrow afternoon. the dinner of course had been filled with teasing comments but you had managed to escape the worst of it.
now you both were alone, back in the hotel room that had become a pressure cooker of unresolved tension over the past two weeks.
alessia was laid on her side, facing the opposite direction to you as she pretended to scroll through her phone, but her mind was elsewhere.
you were in front of the mirror, re-tying your hair into a loose bun. your reflection catching alessia's attention more than it should.
the room felt heavier than usual, the air thick with everything you both hadn't said, everything alessia had been too scared to admit to herself.
"your doin' that thing again" you said suddenly, breaking the silence as alessia looked up, startled.
"what thing?"
you turned to face her, leaning against the dresser with your arms crossed, you were still in your dinner clothes — a black fitted shirt which hugged you in all the right places and jeans that alessia definitely hadn't started at for too long earlier.
"where you don't speak, granted your a little shy," you teased, your lip curving into a small smile, "but tonight, you're on a whole new level"
alessia's face burned as she forced herself to look back at her phone, trying to ignore the way your gaze seemed to strip every ounce of composure she had.
"i'm just.. tired"
you hummed, "right" your tone was light and alessia could hear the hint of amusement, "so it has nothing to do with the fact that the team has been non stop teasin' us"
alessia let out a loud groan as she dragged a hand over her face, "they are the worst."
"or the best" you countered, pushing off the dresser and walking closer, "depends on how you look at it"
alessia glanced up as her breath caught. you were standing at the edge of your bed now, looking down at the blonde with an expression which was equal parts playful and serious.
"what do you mean?" alessia asked her voice barely above a whisper.
you tilted your head, your eyes searching alessia's face, "i mean, they're not wrong are they." alessia's heart stopping momentarily, "about what?”
you smirked as you sat your set down on the edge of alessia's bed, close enough that you were a mere few cm from the blonde. "about this" you smiled, festering between the two of you.
alessia felt her brain had short-circuited. she opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out.
"relax lessi," you said softly, you hand reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind the blondes ear. "you don't have to say anything."
your touch was gentle and almost hesitant but it sent a jolt of electricity through alessia's body. she looked up at you, her cheeks flaming as her heart was pounding so loudly she was sure you could hear it.
then before you could overthink it, you leaned in, slowly.
the kiss was soft at first, a tentative brush of the lips as if you were giving alessia a chance to pull away, to change her mind.
but alessia had no intention of pulling away, her heart racing in her chest, a wild, short beat that echoed in her ears. slowly, she leaned into the kiss, her fingers trembling as they found your waist.
the warmth of your skin through the fabric of your shirt grounding her and without hesitation alessia pulled you close the space between the tow of you dissolving.
the kiss deepening as your lips moved in a rhythm that felt familiar as though they'd been doing this forever even though it was the first time.
alessia's pulse is quickened as her sense sharpened, the faint smell of your vanilla shampoo and the way your breath kitchen when alessia's hand slipped up your side and the soft and almost inaudible sight that escaped your lips.
it was intoxicating and a moment which suspended in time and a world reduce to just the two of them.
when they finally broke apart, it wasn't out of hesitation but necessity. foreheads resting together as your breaths intermingled in the narrow space which was between the two of you.
alessia's eyes fluttering open and taking in the way your cheeks were flushed as your lips were slightly swollen from the kiss. she'd swear she's never seen anything more beautiful.
"you okay?" you asked, your voice low and slightly hoarse as if the words would cost you something to speak.
alessia nodded, her lips curving into a shy but undeniable smile. her voice was nearly above a whisper the words carrying an honesty she couldn't hide, "more than okay"
your gaze lingered on the blonde for a moment longer, your fingers brushing alessia's cheek in a gesture so tender it sent a shiver down her spine.
and for the first time in a long while, alessia felt completely seen as though you had unlocked a part of her she didn’t even know she'd been hiding. alessia couldn’t help but laugh softly, the sound light and nervous but also full of joy.
you smiled too, your thumb tracing absent circles on alessia's hip, "good" you murmured your lips quirking up into a grin that was equal parts relief and mischief. "because i have been waiting to do that since the start of the trip-“
alessia felt her chest tighten a mix of disbelief and elation, "you could have said something you know"
you giggled, "could've" as you slipped your fingers through alessia's hair, threading through the soft blonde strands, "but part of me kind of liked watching you squirm"
alessia shook her head with disbelief as a light giggle came from her as she melted into your touch, "your the worst."
"yeah but you love it" you grinned, kissing her hair as alessia rolled her eyes playfully, cuddling tighter into your built frame.
the two of stayed like that for a while, tangled together on the bed as the word outside seemed to fade away stealing kisses from one another.
the tension that had been building between them for weeks — glances held for a moment too long, casual touches which lingered, unspoken words hanging in the air had finally crack and given way to something softer, something warmer and something that felt like coming home.
you hands moved with a purpose yet there was such tenderness in your touch. you fingers brushing against alessia's neck tracing a delicate path up to your jaw before it slipped back down to the blondes collarbone.
your lips followed, leaving a trail of kisses, slow and deliberate each one pressing heat into alessia's skin. your kissing growing bolder as your lips left faint marks littler declaration of ownership and affection.
alessia shivered beneath you touch, both exhilarated and slightly exasperated. her mind trailing to picture the looks she'd no doubt get tomorrow.
"y/n" alessia murmured, her voice a blend of a whine and a laugh she couldn't hold back. she tilted her head slightly to meet your gaze, her warm blue eyes warm despite her words, "the girls are gonna have a field day with this tomorrow"
you pulled back just enough to look at her, an impish grin spreading across your face as you shrugged, mumbling a 'let them'
"you'll look so beautiful in the kit, plus i think the girls will love the evidence" your tone was smug as your hands now resting lightly against alessia's cheek.
alessia rolled her eyes, though the smile tugging at her lips betrayed her amusement. she reached up to tangle her fingers in your hair, gently tugging her closer.
"your impossible" she said through her voice was filled with such affection rather than annoyance.
"maybe," you whispered, your lips hovering teasingly close to alessia's, her breath warm against your skin, "but your stuck with me now"
the words hung in the air for a moment, not as a threat but as a promise, one that alessia found herself wanting to keep. without hesitation alessia pulled you down into another kiss, the kiss this time was softer, less urgent but no less meaningful. a slow unraveling of the walls alessia had built around herself.
the pillows around them had fell into a comforting space, as their laughter bubbled up between kisses. the sound mingled with the whispered promise they exchanged in the quiet room, the kind of promises you make in moments of vulnerability and trust.
as they lay there, limbs entwined and hearts beating in sync, alessia let herself smile. she could feel you tracing lazy patterns along her arms, a silence remind that this, whatever it was, is real.
she looked at you, who was looking at her with a mix of mischief and something deeper, something that made alessia's breath hitch. "i don't actually mind being stuck with you." the blonde admitted softly, her voice carrying the weight of truth she hadn't expected to say out loud.
you grin softened as you leaned down to press another kiss to alessia's forehead, "good"
the hotel breakfast buffet was bustling the next morning, with players milling around loading their plates and nursing cups of coffee.
alessia entered the room last, her hair slightly damp from her shower and her arsenal training hoodie zipper halfway up. the blonde keeping her head down as she made her way to the food, hoping to blend into the background.
but she could feel the girls' eyes in her almost instantly.
"morning less" beth's cheerful voice rang out from across the room, far too loud for alessia's liking at that hour of the morning.
"morning" alessia mumbled, not looking up as she grabbed a plate and began piling it with fruit she didn't even want.
beth and leah exchanged glances, kyra seated at the table closest to the buffet, leaned back in her shake her arms crossed.
“less" she called casually her tone dripping with her usually mischief antics. "did you get into a fight with the vaccum cleaner?" kyra trailed off, a teasing grin on her lips.
alessia froze in place, a peice of watermelon halfway to her plate, "what?"
beth smirked pointing to her own neck as if to indicate something, "you've got a little.. something.. right there"
alessia's eyes widened and her hand short up to her neck. her fingers brushed over the faint marks which you'd left the night before — marks she thought she'd covered with a bit of concealer but clearly hadn't done a good enough job as they still peeked through.
"oh god" she muttered under her breath, quickly zipping her hoodie all the way up, her cheeks burning.
too late. the table erupted into laughter.
“no way” katie said, grinning as she leaned close to inspect alessia’s neck, “is that-? oh it is!”
beth clapped her hands together and cheered, “i knew it, leah you owe me my ten quid!” a small grumble coming from the english captain as a small chuckle came from you from the side of the table at the fact they had been betting on when it was finally going to happen.
while alessia was ready to sink through the floor, grabbing her plate and darting to the nearest empty seat which just so happend to be next to you. as in the blondes humble opinion, you were looking far too composed for someone who had caused all the chaos.
“you could’ve warned me” alessia hissed under her breath as she sat down, you just shrugging as you took a sip of your coffee before turning to look at the blonde with your usual small and amused smile, “i think you look gorgeous”
alessia glared at you but the effect was ruined by the way your words affected her making her blush deeper, “your so annoying at times”
you giggled a little leaning in close to her as your voice was low enough only she would hear what you were about to say, “that’s not what you were saying last night lessi”
alessia opened her mouth to quip a response back but before she could beth’s voice rang out again. “so, y/n we need answers” beth said with a wicked grin on her face, “you finally made a move, didn’t you!”
the entire table turned to look at you as you shrugged nonchalantly as you took another sip of your coffee as if this was the most normal conversation in the world.
“maybe?” leah echoed, gaping at you, “that’s all we get?”
you just smirked, your gaze flicking over to alessia as she was burying her face in her hands, “what can i say, better to keep you all guessing”
“unbelievable” katie said shaking her head but still laughing, “you two are the worst-kept secret on the team”
alessia let out a groan finally peeking out from behind her hands, “can we just eat breakfast without all this?”
the was a chorus of no’s from the table, “are you joking we’ve been waiting for this for weeks” kyra said smirking as beth leaned forward, her eyes were sparkling with mischief.
“so what do we get next? the soft launch on insta? matching tattoos, oo maybe a-“
“beth!” alessia squeaked, her face somehow turning even redder as beth stopped her list mid way with a small frown as she muttered how nobody seemed to appreciate her efforts.
you were clearly enjoying every second of this as you sat back in your seat, actually enjoying your breakfast. reaching over to grab alessia’s hand under the table and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“relax” you whispered, your voice warm and reassuring, “they’ll get bored eventually”
alessia mumbled a response but she couldn’t help the small smile that crept into her lips as your thumb traced gentle circle on the back of her hand.
leah raising her glass of juice in a mock toast, “to y/n and less! may their love and our endless teasing never fade!”
and once again the table burst into laughter and despite the embarrassment that filled alessia she couldn’t help laugh along with them.
your hand in hers grounding her a silent that even with all the teasing and chaos that it was worth it — whatever the two of you were.
and as she glanced at you, who was smiling at her like she was the only person in the room, alessia decided she could live with the teasing.
after all, she’d gotten the you.
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footballmadness · 3 months ago
Barca x teen lionesses reader
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Liked by _hannahhampton,bethmead_ and 35,678 others
Y/n_08 Alexa play left outside alone by Anastacia
Ingrid_engen be careful we need you for the final
Y/n_08 sorry ingrid
marialeonn16 yeah y/n be careful
Y/n_08 shut up mapi
Alexiaputellas don't know why you want me to play that song but you spelt my name wrong
Y/n_08 @lucybronze can you explain it to her please
Lucybronze on it
Y/n'sfuturewife yn will you marry me
Y/n_08 no sorry I'm already taken just waiting for @billieeilish to pop the question
vickylopezz._ girl she doesn't know you
Y/n_08 A girl can dream vicky Minaj
keirawalsh did ellie lock you out again
ellieroebuck_ not my fault you forgot your key
Y/n_08 you haven't gave me a key
ellieroebuck_ oh shit
Y/n_08 to busy with your boyfriend to notice
graceclinton_x just shoulder bardge the door down I've done that before when celin locked me out
Y/n_08 of course you've done that your a scouser you don't get knocked out
graceclinton_x alright paddy
Lionesses don't get sick
fcbfemeni i agree
Yn_08 don't gang up on me now
First story don't know what it is but enjoy I guess
236 notes · View notes
helen-with-an-a · 1 day ago
I love your recent angst fic. Could you do one where reader is Alessia or Alexia's sister and maybe was in the army and her parents hate her for than and then she was deployed and injured like life threatening or amputated whatever, and know her days are counted but when she meet her sister she realised her parents didn't want to talk o see her and angsssttttt. Or another idea, where reader are Alessia or Alexia's sister and her sister gets all attention and her parents are neglected her and one day they threw her out of their house and she keeps living in the street but not addicted and get sick to death and she just wanna see her family one more time and same old, they don't wanna see her
So I've changed this slightly cos I wanted it angsty but not too deep, ya get me? But anyways. I hope you enjoy.
Alessia Russo x sister!Reader
Description: R has always been outshone but Alessia
Word Count: 6.1k
TW: none really - glass child?
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Age: 8 months
“Maaaaa,” you gurgled, a smile lighting up your face as you clapped your chubby hands together. You watched as your mum bounced up and down, your sister cradled in her arms, giggling at the noises your mum was making.
“That’s right, baby. That is your mummy,” your dad chimed in, his voice gentle and reassuring as he wiped the drool from your chin with a soft cloth. “And that’s your sister, Alessia. Can you say Lessi?” His eyes sparkled with pride as he looked between you and your sister.
“Mama,” Alessia babbled, her tiny voice a sweet melody.
“Mario, Mario!” your mum squealed, her excitement causing you to startle slightly. The surprise made your heart race. “Lessi just said her first words!”
“Mamamamama,” Alessia repeated, her little hand smacking playfully against your mum’s cheek.
“Oh, such a clever girl, Lessi!” Your dad stood up, abandoning you to shower your sister with affection. He pressed a flurry of kisses onto her soft cheek, his face full of pure adoration.
You felt a strange, unfamiliar sensation bubbling up in your chest. Something that felt heavy and confusing. You watched your parents showering attention on Alessia, and the warmth that had filled you moments ago began to fade.
“Maaaaa,” you tried again, a cute little frown knitting your brows together as you concentrated on mimicking the sounds your sister had just made. Your heart sank as this time, there was no chorus of congratulations, no happy smiles, no warm kisses on your cheeks. Instead, you felt tears welling up in your eyes, and a small sob escaped your lips, the sound surprising you with its suddenness.
“Luca, baby, see to your sister, will you?” Your mum called, her back turned as she walked away, and your dad followed her, his attention still captivated by Alessia as he began to play peekaboo, hiding his face and then popping out with exaggerated surprise.
Age: 15 months
You stared at the soft toy, the teddy bear just slightly too far out of reach. You looked up at your brothers, but they were too engrossed with Alessia to notice. Like always. Alessia had her hands gripped tightly around Luca's fingers, using him to take cautious steps toward Giorgio.
“Mum, mum, come on! Lessi’s walking!” Giorgio cheered; his voice filled with excitement. The sound was like a bell, calling everyone to attention. A flurry of footsteps followed his announcement, the commotion growing as your parents rushed in.
You watched as your mum and dad came running, expressions of delight and happiness etched on their faces. They were captivated by their youngest daughter, marvelling at her determination as she slowly stepped along in sync with her brother.
“Oh, sweet girl. Look at you!” your dad called, his voice rich with warmth and pride, a cheerful laugh escaping his lips.
You twisted your body, trying to see what all the fuss was about, but your teddy was still too far away. Frustration bubbled inside you, and you huffed, clearly realising no one was coming to help you. You shuffled a little, pushing yourself onto your knees and then gradually to your feet, determination replacing your annoyance.
With a shaky step, you put one little foot in front of the other, wobbling slightly as you found your balance. It wasn’t much, but it was just enough to propel you forward. You felt a thrill of excitement course through you, but then gravity took over, and you flopped back down heavily against the soft carpet, the plush fibres breaking your fall.
You reached out eagerly, hugging the teddy to your chest, the familiar softness bringing you comfort. As you looked up to see if anyone was watching you, you found Luca and Giorgio posing with Alessia for a photo, their faces lit up with joy. Your mum and dad stood just behind them, capturing the moment, their proud smiles directed toward the trio.
You huffed again, your eyes rolling in frustration as you turned back to the colourful blocks scattered in front of you. With a sigh, you grabbed a block, throwing it weakly to the floor.
"Y/N, stop that, you'll dent the floor."
Age: 3 years
“Such a grown-up girl,” Mummy cooed, her voice full of pride as she smoothed Alessia’s blonde bunches. You watched as Alessia’s eyes sparkled, radiating the confidence you wished you had.
“I big now,” Alessia beamed, her small hands grasping each of your brothers. “I go to school!”
“I big too,” you tried, a frown creasing your forehead as you pressed down on the Velcro of your shoes, wishing someone could see just how big you are.
“A very big girl,” Giorgio smiled encouragingly at you, extending his spare hand for you to take. You looked back at him, hesitating for a moment before a shy smile spread across your face.
“Ok, everyone, look this way!” Mummy called out, her voice full of excitement as she adjusted the camera. You were standing outside your front door, the early morning sun making you squint. The blue gingham dress was a little too big on you, handing around your mid-shin as you stood next to your brothers, who both wore perfectly fitting white polo shirts.
Alessia, however, stood taller than you, her dress fitting perfectly. Mummy had only bought the dresses in her size, leaving you with the oversized ones that felt more like when you would steal your older cousin's dress-up clothes than something meant for big school.
“Just until you grow, honey,” Mummy insisted with a soft smile that tried to hide her impatience. “You can share with Lessi.” You couldn’t help but feel a strange bubble in your chest, one that tightened whenever you thought of Alessia.
“But they no fit,” you protested, confused as to why Alessia got to wear clothes that fit her and you didn't.
“Yes, but they fit Lessi,” Mummy sighed, her patience thinning. “And I’m not buying two packs of dresses when she doesn’t fit into the other size.”
So here you were on the first day of school, standing awkwardly in a dress that was too big and with hair that wasn’t smooth or done nicely because Alessia had insisted on wearing hers in two bunches instead of the one ponytail she had originally planned.
As you looked around at your family, the bubble in your chest tightened again. You tugged at the skirt of your dress, wishing for just a moment that you could feel as confident and ready as your sister looked.
Age: 6
“Ok, Mr. and Mrs. Russo. Let’s start with Alessia, yes?” Carole nodded eagerly, a bright smile spreading across her face at the mention of her daughter. “Well, she’s doing really well. She’s a very confident and happy little girl.” The teacher's voice was warm and reassuring as she continued, “Her English and Maths are really good. She’s getting the basics down solidly, and I’m really pleased with her start to Year Two.”
Mario beamed with pride, his heart swelling as he listened to the teacher praise his daughter. “She’s absolutely excelling in PE and really loves football. Mrs. Daniels, the PE teacher, has recommended that you might want to look for an extra-curricular club outside of school.”
“Really?” Mario asked, his excitement rising at the thought of Alessia following in his sporting footsteps.
“Oh, yes. Mrs. Daniels has nothing but praise for little Lessi,” the teacher confirmed, her eyes sparkling.
“We’ll definitely be looking into it,” Carole agreed, her tone full of determination.
“Wonderful. Now, we don’t have much time left, unfortunately; the troubles of only five-minute slots, I’m afraid,” the teacher continued, her voice slightly apologetic. “But I just wanted to talk about your other little one, Y-Y/N? is it?”
“Oh, yes,” Carole replied, her smile dropping ever so slightly as she shifted her focus to you.
“Well, everything seems okay. Very middle of the road, nothing really to report on. A little shy, perhaps, but yeah, she’s fine. English and Maths are fine, no other issues have been raised. So, I’m not concerned about anything.” Mario and Carole nodded, smiling gently.
“Anything you wanted to raise to me?” The teacher asked.
“No, we’re just so happy Lessi’s doing well,” Carole beamed.
“And we’ll definitely be putting her in football as soon as we can,” Mario added with a chuckle.
“That sounds great! I’m sure she will continue to excel.”
Age 10
“Now, Less. Are you sure?” Your dad’s voice was a mix of concern and encouragement as he watched Alessia adjust her blonde ponytail.
“Yes, Dad,” Alessia whined, her excitement bubbling over as she bounced on her toes.
“Alright, alright. Knock ‘em dead, angioletta.” His words filled the air with pride as he watched her run onto the pitch, her energy infectious.
You looked up at your dad, your eyes wide with admiration, but a hint of envy crept in as you watched him focus on Alessia, her small figure sprinting toward the other girls. This was a big moment for her – Chelsea trials – and the weight of it felt heavy.
You couldn’t help but remember the celebratory meal you had all shared the night the email had come through for Alessia. The joy radiated from her in waves as she chose her favourite Chinese takeaway. You couldn't tell which she was more excited for, to be honest. You had tried not to let it bother you that it had been your night to choose the takeaway. After all, the thought of causing a scene only made you retreat further into your shell. It didn’t matter anyway; sitting in silence had become a norm for you. You couldn't remember the last time Alessia or Mum had let you say more than 10 words over dinner.
“You alright?” Luca nudged you, pulling you back to the present. His concern flickered in his eyes, and you nodded, a sigh escaping involuntarily as you shifted your gaze back to the pitch.
“You want a hot chocolate?” Luca asked, his smile warm, like a little ray of sunshine piercing through your cloud of thoughts. You nodded shyly. He winked at you, smiling when he saw your tentative grin.
“Dad, I’m just getting some hot chocolate,” Luca called out, waving to the van a little further down the field. Dad just nodded, far too engrossed in Alessia to take much notice.
“Hey, you not wanting to join in?” A man in his late twenties approached, clipboard in hand.
“Oh, she’s not trialling,” your dad dismissed lightly, waving a hand toward you. “My other daughter, Alessia. She’s already on the pitch.” He pointed to where Alessia was sitting, focused and determined as she laced up her boots, oblivious to the world around her.
“Right,” the man said slowly, raising an eyebrow as he took in your presence. “Well, if you wanted to give it a go…?” he offered, trying to coax you into the spotlight.
“Yeh, right. She’s never even kicked a ball, I don’t think,” Dad laughed. You tried not to let the hurt well up in your chest at the insinuation. You're not good enough.
“First time for everything, am I right?” The man’s smile was encouraging, and you mulled it over, contemplating the idea. Maybe if you played football, your parents would pay more attention to you. They’d notice you, and perhaps the silence at the dinner table would break, even if just a little.
“Nah, she’s okay, right, squirt? She’ll just trip and hurt herself anyway,” your dad joked, shrugging off the man’s suggestion. You shrugged, too, somewhat agreeing with him as you glanced back at the field.
“Well, the offer stands all session if you want to give it a go,” the man said, nodding at you before walking off toward the group of girls.
You weren't quite sure how to feel. Maybe if you started football, then mum and dad would pay attention to you. Or maybe, Mum and Dad would get annoyed at you for taking away attention from Alessia. You blinked harshly, forcing the stinging to stop, waiting for Luca to appear with your hot chocolate.
Age: 14
“Um, Mum. I just need you to sign this thing for school. It’s about the gifted and talen–” You handed the letter out to her, trying to catch her attention.
“Oh my god!” Alessia’s scream sliced through the air cutting you off.
“What?” Mum asked, turning to face the blonde.
“I got into the England squad!” Alessia announced, her voice bursting with pure elation, her cheeks flushed with happiness as she bounced on her toes.
“Oh, Lessi, I’m so proud of you!” Mum exclaimed; her voice thick as she dropped everything to gather Alessia into a tight hug.
You felt a knot form in your stomach, it wasn't exactly an unfamiliar feeling. You had felt it before, when she made the Chelsea team, when she got her tests back at school, when she got exactly what she wanted for your birthday. You worked hard too, why couldn't Mum be that proud of you as well?
You looked down at the permission slip. You had been pretty excited to go. The trip up to Oxford seemed like fun, a change to meet some leading researchers had sparked something inside you, and who knows, maybe you were going to go to Oxford for uni? But that was a while away yet, and a lot of change in 4 years.
Age: 16
“Now then, whatever those results say, just remember, we are so proud of you.” Dad squeezed Alessia’s shoulders gently, her GCSE results clutched tightly in her hands.
“And remember, you’ve achieved so much both within and outside of school,” Mum added, her voice filled with love, her eyes shining with pride as she looked at her daughter.
You stood a few steps back, trying to imagine those words being said to you, trying to convince yourself that it didn’t matter what the results were. That you had achieved so much, too. But deep down, you knew it did matter, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that you hadn’t achieved much at all. You had worked hard, really hard, putting in late nights and early mornings, pouring your heart into your studies. But no matter how hard you tried, you felt like you could never be as brilliant as Alessia.
Taking a deep breath, you finally opened the envelope, your heart racing with anticipation.
A*, A*, A*, A*, A*, A*, A*, A*, A*, A*, A*,
You read it again and again, your mind spinning as you processed the information. You let out a steady breath, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. You had done it. Maybe this would finally mean your parents would tell you they were proud. You glanced back over at Alessia, who had tears streaming down her cheeks, a smile so wide it seemed to hurt her cheeks,
“Oh, Lessi. We’re so proud,” Mum cooed as she pressed a kiss to her daughter’s cheek, squeezing her tightly.
“What’s it looking like?” Luca asked you as he stepped closer. You didn’t reply right away; instead, you held out the letter for him to read, your heart pounding in your chest.
“What the fuck? That’s so good!” he cheered, his face lighting up as he pulled you into a tight hug, lifting you off the ground for a moment.
“Thanks, Lu,” you mumbled, you wanted to be happy for yourself, but you couldn't help but wish for a hug from your parents as well.
“They might not say it, but I’m proud of you,” he whispered in your ear, his voice low. You nodded, swallowing down the lump in your throat, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill over. It felt good to hear those words, even if they weren’t coming from your parents.
Maybe it was okay to be proud of yourself. If they weren't going to be proud of you, you might as well be.
Age: 18
“So, you’re going to America then?” You asked, standing by Alessia’s bedroom door. You had always liked Alessia’s room; it always felt warm, with a comfy bed draped in soft blankets and a plush seat by the window where she often did her homework. The walls were adorned with posters of her favourite footballers and travel destinations. Hundreds of photos of her friends littered the walls above her desk.
“Oh, uh, yeh. Yeh, North Carolina,” Alessia replied, her eyes glued to her phone as she scrolled through messages.
“Wow, I mean, um … well done?” You offered, your gaze dropping to your sock-covered feet. Why was it so awkward to talk to your own sister? Your twin sister?
“Thanks.” She glanced up from her phone briefly, throwing a weak smile your way that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Do you know when you’re leaving?” You asked, struggling to carry the conversation.
“Um, pretty much as soon as the A-level results come out, really.” She shrugged, and your heart sank a little more. That wasn’t very long at all – only a few weeks away.
“Mum’s coming to help set up and stuff. And Lotte will be there. And Lois. You remember them, right?” Alessia continued. You remembered Lotte vaguely; she was nice, a kind and gentle soul who had spoken to you for a solid twenty minutes at your birthday before being pulled away by Georgia and some of the other England girls.
“Mmhmm,” you replied, the word feeling heavy on your tongue.
“What are you doing in September then?” Alessia asked, her curiosity genuine ... as if she hadn’t been in the room when you received the UCAS email last month.
“Oh, I, um, I got in to –”
“Lessi, baby, food’s ready! I made your favourite!” Mum’s voice floated up from downstairs, interrupting you.
“Coming!” Alessia called back, climbing off the bed and brushing past you. “C’mon, Mum made our favourite.”
No, Alessia, you thought, she made your favourite. You were fairly sure Mum didn’t even remember your full name, let alone what your favourite meal was. The thought stung, but you pushed it aside somewhat used to it by now. You took a moment, standing in the doorway, grappling with your feelings, and wishing that just once, someone would make your favourite meal for dinner.
Age: 23
“What do you mean you aren’t coming?” Alessia shouted down the phone. You could almost picture her pacing back and forth, frustration written all over her face.
“I … I just can’t.” You hesitated, knowing that you weren’t going to explain the whole situation to her. It was your graduation day. You were finally a doctor. Dr Russo. You couldn't help the smile on your face whenever you thought about it.
“But it’s the Euro final … at Wembley. You’ve got to come,” she insisted, her tone desperate as if she truly wanted you there.
“Jeez, Alessia, that changes everything then.” You rolled your eyes.
“So, you’re coming?” she pressed.
“No, Alessia. I can’t make it.” You sighed. You hadn't even bothered ting your family when the graduation was. You knew from the moment you got the date through that they would be with Alessia, even if England hadn't made it to the final.
“But you’re always at my matches,” she said incredulously.
“Alessia, I haven’t been to a match since we were fifteen.” You didn’t mean to sound harsh, but the memory of those days felt bittersweet. You had tried to be the supportive sister, clapping and cheering, but watching your parents gushing over Alessia for hours had left a painful sting. When you finally reached an age where you could be left alone for a full day, you had stopped going to matches unless you were dragged along. When she started playing professionally in the league, you were almost always working on the wards, unable to get the weekends off to go watch her play.
“What? Yes, you are! You’re always in the friends and family box with Gio and Luca and Mum and Dad,” she countered.
“Nope,” you popped the “p” for emphasis, flopping down on your couch with a huff. "I can't make your matches."
“Oh,” she said dejectedly, a realisation dawning on her. It seemed she could have sworn you were at the matches, but then again, she hadn’t really been looking for you; she just assumed you were there, quiet in the background like you always had been.
“Will you at least watch it on the telly?” she asked, shaking her head at Tooney, who looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, sensing the tension in the air.
“Uh, sure, yeh,” you conceded like you always did when faced with anything Alessia-related.
“I’ll text you, okay?” Her voice softened, and if you didn’t know any better, you would have guessed she sounded almost … sad. But you did know better, right?
“Yeh, good luck, Alessia. I know you can do it,” you said. "Just, trust your feet, yeah?"
“Yeah, thanks,” she replied quietly, and you could almost hear the small ball of hurt blooming in her chest as the dial tone rang. "Bye then."
Age: 24
“Oh, honey. It’s okay,” Carole cooed softly, bringing a tearful Alessia into a warm hug.
“You played so well, angioletta,” Mario added, smoothing down the blonde ponytail.
“Thanks,” Alessia sniffled dejectedly, her voice cracking.
“Hey, c’mon! Give ya big brother a hug,” Luca joked, trying to lighten the mood as he flashed a teasing smile. Alessia flopped into his arms, closing her eyes against the world.
“Ya did good, star girl,” Gio chimed in, joining the huddle.
“W-where’s Y/N?” Alessia asked, looking around with wide eyes, searching for your familiar face in the crowd of fans and family members. It was the first time Alessia had actively sought you out after a match, but something in her needed to see her twin.
Gio and Luca exchanged a glance, tension forming around the family in a little bubble.
“She said she was busy,” Carole snapped tersely, her irritation bubbling just beneath the surface.
“Busy?” Alessia echoed, shocked. “She's too busy to attend the World Cup final?” Her voice was tinged with disbelief. Alessia couldn't help the sting that rose in her chest.
“Mum, that’s not how it went, and you know it,” Luca chided gently. “England, FIFA, whoever’s in charge, said they could only supply us with four family tickets for the tournament. And with the new Junior Doctors starting in August, she couldn’t really afford the time off anyway, so she volunteered not to come.” His voice softened, wincing at his words.
“Wait, so she isn’t here at all? Like, she's still in England?” Alessia looked over to her parents, her heart sinking further. Surely, they wouldn't have left you there ... would they?
“Like Luca said, she wasn't able to get time off. And she said she couldn’t afford all the flights and stuff, and the match tickets were very expensive,” Carole protested, her voice rising slightly.
“What? Why didn’t you tell me?” Alessia exclaimed, her voice growing more frantic. “I could’ve organised something, or spoken to the management team, or…” Her mind raced with realisation.
“Lessi, you were preparing for a World Cup; that was extra work on your end,” Mario interjected.
“Then why didn’t you split the costs with her? You came here for free! You could’ve split the costs between you, and it wouldn’t have been too much.” Alessia’s voice trembled with frustration.
“It’s fine, Lessi. Like Luca said, she volunteered not to come” Carole dismissed, waving her hand flippantly, as if trying to brush away the reality of the situation.
“Oh, Ella, darling. Come here,” she called out, smiling sadly as Tooney walked past the small group.
Alessia blinked up at her brothers. Shame bubbled up in her in chest at the realisation that she didn't really know you at all. How had it taken her this long to realise that you weren't here? That you weren't in the country at all?
Age: 24
A knock at your door jolted you out of your not-quite-sleep. You huffed in annoyance, irritated that sleep had been snatched from you once again. The knock came again, more insistent this time. With a groan, you slipped off the couch and padded over to the door, the carpet soft beneath your feet.
“What?” you snapped, the annoyance creeping into your tone as you flung the door open.
“Oh, um, hi?” Alessia stood in front of you, a small bag resting at her feet, her expression sheepish.
“Alessia?” You raised an eyebrow, surprised to see her at your door.
“Y’know, you’re the only one that calls me ‘Alessia’,” she remarked quietly, almost as if it was a confession.
“That’s your name, isn’t it?” you shot back, not really in the mood. You had just come off a block of nights, and you really wanted to be tucked up in bed.
“Right, yeah. It’s just ... everyone else calls me Lessi or Less." You’d never felt comfortable calling her Lessi; that was a name reserved for people she liked, and you definitely weren’t on that list.
“Um … so, what are you doing here?” you asked, still confused about her unplanned visit.
“Right, um, can I come in? I want to talk to you.” Alessia’s eyes darted around the hallway, and you instinctively looked down, avoiding her gaze.
“Uh, sure. Yeah, come on in. Sorry about the mess, I've been on nights.” you mumbled, laughing humourlessly, like you would with a stranger entering your home for the first time. You stepped aside, letting her pass as you closed the door behind her.
You both settled onto the couch, the silence stretching awkwardly between you.
“You weren’t in Australia,” Alessia stated bluntly.
“Um, yeah. Sorry, I just … things didn’t …” you trailed off, your voice faltering as you searched for the right words. How could you explain to her that you couldn’t take time off, that you couldn't afford the tickets and that your parents had refused to help out?
“Gio and Luca explained everything,” Alessia said softly, her expression sheepish.
“Oh,” you replied, feeling a mix of relief and embarrassment. You felt a blush rise on your cheeks.
“I’m really sorry. For everything. Mum and Dad focused so much on me that they barely had time for you. And now … it’s like you’re a stranger or something.” Alessia’s voice trembled.
“It’s fine, Alessia,” you said defensively, the words slipping out before you could catch them. You didn’t want to show her how deeply this had affected you.
“No, it’s not.” She leaned closer.
“Most of my issues aren’t with you,” you mumbled.
“How do you mean?” Alessia’s brow furrowed, genuine confusion mingling with hurt.
“Mum loves you more,” you said bluntly, shrugging slightly. “Dad loves you more too.”
“That’s not true.” She shook her head, disbelief flashing across her face.
“Yes, it is.” You shrugged, trying to downplay the impact of your admission. But even as you spoke, you could feel your heart cracking. You had never said it out loud before, even if you had known it for all of your life.
“Mum and Dad love you,” Alessia promised, her voice a mix of desperation and sincerity.
“Yeah, but they love you more.” Your gaze fell to the floor, avoiding her eyes. You could see that Alessia was struggling to digest the information, her mind racing as she grappled with the implications.
“It’s always been about the star girl, Alessia Russo. And I’m not her. And that’s fine.” The last part felt like a lie. You could be a star girl too
“No, it’s not.” She whispered.
“No, it’s not, but it is what it is.” You tried to lighten the mood with a joke, but it fell flat. She gawked slightly, how was this not affecting you?
“Look, Alessia. It’s not your fault. Mum and Dad were just shite at remembering they had a fourth kid.”
“But we’re twins.” Alessia protested, her voice softer now, the hurt audible.
“I know. Doesn’t change anything though.” You smiled weakly.
“But ... surely Mum and Dad ... they ... ” Alessia trailed off, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
“Look, Alessia, all parents have favourites. No matter how hard they try to deny it. They do. I don't doubt they love you, and Gio, and Luca.” You replied, the words tasting bitter on your tongue. “It's just sometimes it feels like there’s just not enough love to go around.”
"But ... mum and dad love you too. You know that, right?" Alessia blinked rapidly, trying to hold back the tears.
"Sometimes." You shrugged. "But you and the boys came first. I got used to it."
"But you shouldn't have had to." Alessia protested.
"Can't disagree with you there." You smiled weakly.
An awkward silence settled on you both. "You ... you said you were on nights? W-what do you do for work?" Alessia felt stupid asking the question. What kind of person doesn't know what her sister does for work?
"I work in A&E at the moment. At Watford General."
"You're a doctor?" Alessia's eyes grew wide.
"Yeah, just started my second year as a Junior Doctor."
"Oh, that's so cool. I didn't know that you wanted to be a doctor."
You smiled weakly. "D-do you want a cuppa? We could have a chat and stuff?" You suggested, pointing to the kitchen table.
"That ... that would be nice, yeah." Alessia smiled back at you.
"Cool." You winced at how awkward you sounded. "Um ... milk? Sugar?"
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