#energy star washing machine
avonengineering · 3 months
Best washing Machine For Laundry Use
When it comes to selecting the best washing machine for your laundry needs, Avon Engineering washing machines stand out as a top choice. Here's why:
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Experience hassle-free laundry days with our Washing Machine’s intelligent features. Moreover, from automated water levels to precise wash cycles, it ensures optimal cleaning while conserving resources.
Trust in the gentle touch of our machine. Additionally, with carefully crafted wash programs and drum movement, it ensures your clothes are treated with care, preserving their quality and extending their lifespan.
Say goodbye to stubborn stains. Furthermore, our Washing Machine boasts advanced stain removal technology, effectively targeting and eliminating even the toughest marks, giving your clothes a fresh lease on life.
We understand the importance of sustainability. Consequently, our machine is designed to optimize energy consumption without compromising on performance, reducing your environmental footprint and utility bills.
Whether you have a small load or a hefty batch, our Washing Machine’s generous capacity can handle it all. Regardless, there’s no need to compromise on laundry volume or quality.
Simplifying laundry chores, our machine features an intuitive interface. As a result, easily select wash cycles, customize settings, and monitor progress with just a few taps.
Bid farewell to noisy laundry sessions. In addition, our machine operates quietly.
Crafted with precision engineering and quality materials, our Washing Machine is built to withstand the rigors of frequent use. Therefore, it’s a reliable companion for years to come.
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starfleetwitch · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @isqueedmyself ! :D 
3 ships: 
The top ones: Bernie/ Serena (Holby City), 
Frankie/ Zoe (Frankie)
Kate Stewart/ Sarah Jane Smith or Osgood or Tegan or Ace or River (WOMAN JUST REALLY NEEDS A GIRLFRIENDO!)
1st ever ship: 
Genuinely cant remember if it was Sailor Neptune/ Sailor Uranus (Sailor moon) or Janeway/ Chakotay (Star Trek: Voyager)
Last song: 
For The Damaged Coda - Epic Version (I was feeling dramatic tonight whilst I glared at the washing machine wondering if this would be my villain origin story)
Last movie: 
The School for Good and Evil
Currently reading:
Hold me closer (tiny dancer) by serenacampbell 
Irish Witchcraft and demonology by John D. Seymour
Currently watching: 
The world burn...
The washing machine spin cause I desperately want to go to bed but cant until it finishes...
Good omens with a little bit of Frankie again 😅
Currently consuming: 
Banana Wheatabix (because as an adult I’ve realised I can have cereal WHENEVER I want)
Currently craving: Some raw sweaty...
My laundry to be magically done...
A working charger so I can start drawing again and new fanfiction of my Blorbos
Ayyyy consider yourself tagged and officially part of my villain origin story @akaanonymouth @batnbreakfast @ktlsyrtis @shippingsincebeforeyouwereborn @backjustforberena @dont-be-a-bitch2003 @sapphicdbc @lapalfruity @might-be-a-zygon
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tenrose · 7 months
My ability to read after work is intricately linked to my ability to perform a house chores during the week in a way I can't explain 🤷
0 notes
sykestarot · 9 months
what transformations will happen for you in 2024
1-2-3 (left to right)
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Hi guys! I took a break due to the holidays but I hope all of you guys had a great holiday and new year!! Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!
Pile 1
"are there still beautiful things?" (Temperance; The High Priestess (rx); two of swords (rx); page of swords; The Star; queen of cups (rx)) Hi pile 1 for you guys I feel a very youthful energy, maybe you just graduated highschool? I feel a sudden sense of responsibility that’s washed over you. Like life has just begun but you long so much to go back to a simpler time. Even if you are older and have been out of high school for some years I can see you being stuck in a corporate machine and working long hours just to not enjoy life outside of work. For the people who chose this pile that are older you’re struggling with work life balance and that this year that can be changed. I see you being able to go on vacation and relax with family this year. For the people who have just graduated high school I see you are feeling like you won’t be able to handle the balance of adult life or working like that. For you I see that you’ll do just fine and you should remember that no one was just perfect at being an adult right out of the gate. Everyone makes mistakes but few learn from them. Let yourself learn from your mistakes, don't let your ego get in the way of your growth. As far as this pile goes I see that you are in the very beginning of your transformations and you will be frustrated but it will all workout in the end. You will be able to transform and grow the way that you feel like you need to.  For this reading I also pulled out some messages from your guides from an oracle deck! For you guys there is “Be Peace”, “Make your dreams real”, “be open to compromise”, and “give yourself time”. Your guides want to tell you to be open and patient. They believe in you even when you don't, so please continue to work hard. If others in your waking don’t believe in what you’re doing you have to be your biggest fan! Also remember to take deep breaths!! Signs: growing up; major milestones; bare feet in dirt; balance; ying yang (tattoo?); cycles; circle of life; less freedom; tired; doves; spiders; spider webs; pearls; purple; 9
Pile 2
(10 of cups; The Star; queen of pentacles; queen of wands; 10 of swords; 3 of pentacles) Hi Pile 2! For this pile I am getting that what will transform the most in your life is the way you approach relationships. I feel like you didn't want your 2024 transformations to be centered around other people and that's not necessarily what this message means. For you I see that you've hung onto people who aren't good for you for a long time and its time to let them leave if they want . I see that your idea of love is giving yourself away so much that you don't even remember who you are anymore. So in that way changing how you approach relationships will actually serve you by bringing you closer to your soul and who you are without outer validation. Which is such an albeit cool journey to be on it is painful as well, but I see you turning all the pain and suffering into strength to persevere. I feel as though you lost your identity and individualism in a group were a part of. I also feel like you have always wanted to go back to how you were before them, but there is no going back, only going forward and creating new. You can always pull inspiration from the past and incorporate it in the future but you won't be able to be exactly who you were before and that in itself is okay. I feel so much pain in you pile 2 because of what others have done to you, you feel like you will always be the person you are, but you don't have to be. you always have the free will and the choice to change. Stay strong! For this reading I also pulled out some messages from your guides! Your guides Pile 2, want you to remember how much you can rely on the universe and how much you yourself create! (“magic works through you”; “the abundant universe will provide”) I also see that they highly encourage you to stand your ground and keep your boundaries when others ask you to do things for them that you are either uncomfortable with or just plainly don’t want to do! Your guides really love you and feel so sad with the way you feel about yourself. Sending you love and light pile 2! <3 Signs: green; fresh cut grass; 777; fresh crisp air; fresh rain; fresh; apples; breeze; scenic views; iron gate; the ocean from far away
Pile 3
"but things are just different since she cut her blue hair off"
(7 of swords; The Lovers; page of pentacles (rx); page of wands; 8 of pentacles; king of swords (rx)) Hi pile 3! So for your pile I see as far as transformations go you also have a sense of responsibility this year or a need to grow up. I feel like you guys are still young but not fresh out of high school young. I get maybe mid to late twenties. For you guys I see that you are tired of working at passion projects and feel the need to get a “big girl/boy job”. I feel like most of you have degrees in something but you didn’t like the fields and ended up chasing other dreams, but because they haven’t worked out you’re ready to surrender and go to the career that you chose to study in. Or maybe you just continued to go to the minimum wage job you had because you knew everybody and the money was easy and the situation of everything was comfortable to you. But if that’s the case I see you itching for something different and more mature. For you I feel like the idea of working in a corporate job was actually the signifier that your youth was over. LOL. I feel now though that your ready for this change and you might be fighting with yourself that you won’t be as fun anymore because of where you’ll be working, but that’s just not true. Just because your job will change doesn’t mean your identity will. Anyways for you guys I feel a much more lighthearted energy because I feel as though you’ve been anticipating it and already been sitting in your cocoon for a minute just waiting for the right moment to emerge with your beautiful wings! Good job pile 3, keep it up!!  For this reading I pulled messages from your guides as well! For you guys I see that your guides are encouraging you to take the lead and be an active participant in the change that happens in your life. They also are insistent that there will be a rebirth in your life and as I said earlier I feel like you are aware of it to some degree if not fully. (“take the lead”; “a rebirth is assured”) I also see them emphasizing not to listen to others telling you not to make this change and that their words only hurt your ego and not to let them have too much of an effect on your choices, as well as taking time to think before you do anything is recommended! Signs: carnival; pier; plushies; tattoos; patterned tights; two high ponytails; black lipstick; alternative fashion; cats; hearts
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aceofstars16 · 11 months
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Here we go! I finished the cover the same day I finished the rough draft of the fic, and now I edited the next chapter and posted it!
You can read the whole thing on AO3!
But I will also include the next chapter under the cut here in case you don't want to use AO3 (though I don't have the energy to find the previous chapters on here, there are links to the tumblr posts on AO3 though!)
Chapter 8 - Old Food and Old Friends
Tensions rise as Ford realizes he may need help in fixing the time machine.
Darkness. It was everywhere, sticking to everything. Ford could feel it, clinging to him, trying to suffocate him, to pull him under. And it was succeeding. Laughter echoed around him, laughter that he had heard for weeks on end, mocking him for his stupidity.
“Just leave me alone for one minute!” He screamed, knowing it wouldn’t do anything, but unable to face the suffocating darkness anymore.
“Fine. I can make it on my own! I don't need you! I don't need anyone!”
The darkness vanished in the blink of an eye, replaced by the light of a lamp, sitting on a desk that Ford hadn’t seen in ages. Tires screeched outside of the closed curtains. Curtains he had closed only a few moments ago, or at least – that’s what his mind told him. In reality, it had been years ago, but dreams had a way of making everything seem real again.
Glancing down at the pamphlet in his hands, Ford let out a sigh, desperately wanting to throw it in the corner of the room for all the good it did him. That dream was gone, ruined by a brother who couldn’t let go of a childish fantasy that hadn’t been a possibility for ages.
Ruining lives, that’s what Stan did.
The thought came out of nowhere. It was almost in line with his own feelings, his own thoughts and emotions. But something about it wasn’t quite right.
Stan only cares about his own dreams; he never wanted you to succeed.
Anger rushed through Ford at the thought, but he couldn’t figure out if he was mad at himself for thinking it, or at Stan or…at something else. That unsettling feeling. He knew it, but his brain seemed to be failing him, as if something was stopping him from identifying it.
You can’t trust Stan. You can’t trust anyone.
Fiddleford leaving, townsfolk starring at him. Something about their eyes sent a chill down his spine.
You are the only one you can rely on, everyone else will fail you.
Right…that’s what he had learned. If he ever wanted to succeed, he could only trust himself. He had to do it himself, had to fix it. No matter how hard it was, not matter how lonely…
That’s right. Besides, you don’t need anyone. You are strong enough on your own.
“You are going to change the world one day.”
Pa was looking at him. It was the last time Ford had ever seen him, at some celebration that must not have been very important because every inch of the background was blurry.
“You’ll make me proud. You’ll be someone. You’ll change the world.”
A shiver ran down Ford’s back. He didn’t know why, but something felt…wrong.
Then it was gone and Pa nodded and walked away.
One blink, and he was back in reality, staring at the ceiling of his cabin in Gravity Falls. He was shivering, and his head was throbbing, he didn’t feel sick, just…off.
Coffee, that’s what he needed. Caffeine always helped clear his head. Did he have any coffee left? Only one way to find out.
Sit up, swing his legs over the edge of the bed. That’s what he told himself to do, but his limbs didn’t respond, not because of exhaustion, but because something was keeping him there.
Panic overcame him and he started pulling, trying to yank his hands free. His muddled brain was still half in the dream, still feeling like something was there, just out of sight.
The thought washed over him and his brain slowly recalled the last time he had been conscious, and the agreement he had come to with Stan. Tie him up. Right. But now he was stuck, and despite rationalizing that he must not have done anything since he was still tied up, the anxiety that had sparked a moment ago grew at the inability to move.
Turning his head as much as he could, another flash of anxiety hit him when he didn’t see Stan anywhere?
No response.
Oh gosh, what if Bill had taken over…what if…
“Huh, what?”
A second later, Stan was stumbling to his feet, looking around quickly, as if ready for a fight.
“Were…were you sleeping???” Ford stared at Stan with his uncovered eye, his worry being replaced by annoyance. After everything Ford had said, Stan had slept?
“Uh, just closed my eyes for a bit that’s all,” Stand said, his shoulders relaxing a little as he looked at Ford, but he almost immediately looked away again.
“You were supposed to be keeping an eye out on things!” Ford couldn’t help the outburst. He had trusted Stan and what did he go and do? Sleep.
“I was! And nothing happened, okay?”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do. You haven’t moved an inch.” Anger flashed in Stan’s eyes for a moment, but almost immediately fizzled out. “Now if you don’t mind me, I’m going to go check on the kids even though nothing happened to them because you didn’t move.”
“What? I told you-”
“I’m still tied up…” Ford said, trying to move his hand as if to prove that he was stuck and needed some help if he wanted to do anything.
It only took a few minutes - minutes of complete silence aside from Stan mumbling under his breath as he struggled with one of the knots - but soon, Ford was able to move freely again.
Rubbing his wrists, which were slightly scuffed up from the ropes, he let out a breath, knowing he should thank Stan, but when he looked up, his brother had already left. Okay then…guess no thank you was needed. Or Stan just really didn’t want to be around Ford.
The back of Ford’s neck prickled as his dream came back to him. It was Bill, that was the only explanation. He was messing with him. But glancing at the ropes, he felt doubt creeping into his mind. Stan had come, he had tied Ford up, but he also didn’t seem to grasp the severity of the situation. Of Bill and his plans. Not that Ford had been able to explain too much but deep down, he couldn’t help but wonder…could he really trust his brother?
Stan shut the door, not fazed by the loud banging it created. Who cared if Ford got mad? Stan hadn’t done anything wrong; nothing had happened. But the words that his brother – or really the creature controlling him – had spoken rang in his mind. Why had Ford sent him the post card?
Shaking his head, Stan pushed the thought away. Considering Ford’s reaction upon waking, he didn’t seem to be in the mood to talk to Stan. And Stan wasn’t in the mood to talk to him either. He’d rather talk to his other family members. Which, to be honest, he was still trying to wrap his head around, but it did make some sense seeing as Mabel had been so keen to stay with him and trust him so quickly.
As he walked into the living room, he saw the kids. They were talking quietly and Stan ignored the memories that popped into his mind of him and Ford as kids. They had shared everything with each other back then, back when they trusted each other. But not anymore. Those kids were long gone.
Mabel grinned at him and Stan couldn’t hold back a smile. “Hey, kiddo.” He glanced at Dipper - the brother that she had tried so hard to find again - and ignored the pang of hurt that came with knowing Ford had never searched for him like Mabel had for her brother.
“How’s Ford?” Dipper asked.
“I’m fine.”
Stan opened his mouth, only to be cut off when his brother walked into the room. Despite not wanting to, Stan found himself glancing at him, but Ford didn’t return the gaze, he just walked to the table where they had left the time machine, plopping down some tools before fiddling around with it. He still looked tired, but at least he wasn’t a second away from collapsing anymore.
Letting out a breath, Stan caught sight of Mabel looking at him questioningly, but he just smiled. “How’d you sleep, kiddo?”
Mabel glanced at Dipper, who was watching Ford cautiously. “Good.”
“Glad to have your brother back, huh?”
“Yeah…how are you and Ford-” She started, but Stan cut her off before she could finish her question.
“Hey, you know what, I’m kind of hungry. Want to help me rummage up some food?” Stan grinned and started heading out of the room.
A moment later, Mabel was next to him, grabbing his hand to lead him despite him knowing where the kitchen was - though he supposed she didn't know he had been there last night. “It’s this way, but there isn’t much food. Me and Dipper could only find some crackers last night.”
“I’m sure we can find something.” Stan said, hoping it was true. At this point, he was starving - the handful of crackers he ate last night had barely been a snack, let alone a filling meal. And while sleep had helped a little with his exhaustion, he knew food would help even more.
They rummaged around in the kitchen for a while, but Mabel was right, there wasn’t any food left, at least not anything edible. Why didn’t Ford have any food? Sure, he definitely wasn’t in his right mind, but it was still concerning.
“Ew.” Mabel made a face as she sniffed a pack of cheese in the fridge.
Stan chuckled, more to cover over his unease than out of amusement. “Yeah…I’m thinking a trip to the store is in order.”
“What about the snow?”
Frowning, Stan walked to the window. Snow was covering most of the sill, but he could see outside. “I think it’s calmed down some. It should be safe enough to drive.”
“Maybe we can all go to the store! A family outing!”
This time, the laugh that escaped Stan’s mouth was genuine. Mabel sure had a way of bringing excitement and joy to any situation, even one as…confusing as theirs. And Stan was grateful for it. “Yeah, maybe so.”
Dipper was vaguely aware of Mabel and Stan leaving the room, but he didn’t follow. Sure, Ford said he was fine and he did seem a little more coherent than before but after the encounter with Bill…
Shaking his head, Dipper focused on what Ford was doing. He was using some small tools to try to fit the time machine back together. If anyone could fix it, the author could…well, at least if he was at the top of his game.
For a moment, Dipper thought he hadn’t heard him, but then Ford sighed, though he didn’t look away from his project. “Yes?”
“You look uh…”
Ford glanced at him for a second, and Dipper suddenly felt embarrassed, but he was curious about what had happened last night.
“It looks like you slept, but you told me that when you did, Bill would…”
Waving with his hand, Ford focused back on the measuring tape. “He didn’t. Stan tied me up, so Bill didn’t do anything.” For a moment, Ford’s eyes narrowed and he muttered under his breath, but Dipper still heard it. “At least I don’t think he did.”
“Wh-what do you mean?” Dipper scooted slightly away from Ford and unfortunately Ford looked up right as he did. For a split second, Dipper saw guilt cross his face, but then it vanished.
“Apparently Stan fell asleep at some point too.” Ford’s gaze hardened as he returned focus on his work before muttering to himself again. “But I suppose if something had happened, I wouldn’t have still been tied up when I awoke.”
Dipper frowned. Ford and Stan’s relationship seemed…strained, to say the least. And sure, Stan from the future wasn’t always the most trustworthy guy, but…he didn’t seem too bad. And this 80s Stan seemed fine too. So why was Ford so cold towards him? Sure, he had been brash with Dipper at first but Stan was his brother, not only that but his twin.
Ford didn’t look up from his work. “I need to focus, if I want to fix this.” His voice had an edge to it, which immediately set off Dipper’s anxiety.
 “Oh…right…” Dipper fiddled with his hands, not wanting to anger Ford further. But after a few moments, curiosity got the better of him. “Are you mad at Stan?”
Closing his eyes for a moment, Ford took a deep breath, then opened them again before continuing his work. Despite expecting it, Dipper was still disappointed. He had so many questions about what had happened to create the future he knew, but if he didn’t know anything about the past, he wouldn’t be able to answer them.
Dipper sat up straight at the word. Ford still wasn’t looking at him, but the frustration on his face was evident.
“It’s a long story.” Ford muttered.
“But he’s here. Wait, why is he here?” Dipper was hit with the realization that he didn’t know how Stan had even known how to get to Gravity Falls. Unless he lived here too, but from Ford’s interactions with him, that seemed unlikely.
“Because I asked him to come… Gah!”
Dipper jumped as Ford threw his screwdriver on the table. “Wh-”
“This blasted thing doesn’t make sense. If I had some blueprints, I might be able to figure it out. But this machinery is too complex even for me.” Ford glared at the time machine.
Dread grew in the pit of Dipper’s stomach. “You…you can’t fix it?”
For a moment, Ford was quiet, his brow furrowed in thought. Then he straightened up, only to deflate again. “I…don’t think I can…but…I might know someone who…could help.”
“Really?” For a moment, Dipper was confused, then he remembered the journal and he straightened up. “Wait, your assistant? He’s good with machines, right?”
Ford glanced at him and sighed. “Yes, I just…have to find him.”
“You don’t know where he is?” The hope that had grown in Dipper’s chest deflated.
“I…have a few ideas...I just hope he’ll actually talk to me this time.”
“Absolutely not.” Ford frowned at Mabel and Stan, who had just asked about going into town together to get food.
Mabel felt disappointment worming its way into her chest, but she pushed it back. “Why not? It’ll be fun!”
Ford stared at her for a moment, as if she was some kind of puzzle. “It’s too dangerous. I’m not going to leave the por-my house without supervision.”
“What, you don’t have a lock?” Stan grumbled.
The glare that Ford shot at Stan was painful to look at, despite it not even being directed at her. “I’m not leaving my work for anyth-one to mess with.”
“You mean the big thing in the basement?” Mabel asked, which she regretted as Ford shot her a suspicious look.
“How do you-?”
“Dipper told me.”
Ford glanced at Dipper who looked at him sheepishly. Sighing, Ford shook his head. “Like I said, I don’t want to leave the house unsupervised.”
“Okay, fine, then I can just go with the kids and-” Stan started but Ford quickly held up his hand.
“Unfortunately, I need to go into town myself.”
“Why? Don’t trust us to get the right food?” Stan countered.
For a moment, Ford just glared at Stan, and Mabel hated how icy his look was.
“No, I have to find someone if we want a chance at fixing the time machine and I’m the only one who knows him. And where to find him.” 
Stan made a dismissive sound, but before he could say anything, Mabel piped in, not wanting Stan to get even more annoyed. “How about we split up!”
Everyone turned to look at her and Mabel gave her biggest grin. “Me and Dipper can go with Ford and Stan can stay to watch things.”
Mabel tried her best not to be disappointed when she saw the deep frown that grew on Ford’s face.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, I should just go into town myself and-”
“Oh yeah, it’s not like you’re seriously sleep deprived or anything,” Stan muttered.
“Well, if you-”
“Hold up!” Dipper raised his voice, and Mabel had a feeling that he wasn’t a huge fan of the brothers arguing either. “Why can’t me and Mabel go with Ford while Stan stays here to watch the house?”
A grin grew on Mabel’s face and she gave Dipper a thumbs up at his support of her plan. As much as she hated the idea of leaving Stan, she couldn’t help but feel excited to have some quality time with Dipper and maybe figure out what was going on between Stan and Ford.
“I suppose it could work but...I’m still not a fan of it…” Ford glanced at Stan for a moment, and unfortunately Stan saw it.
“What, you don’t think I can sit in a house?” Stan deadpanned.
Clutching his hands behind his back, Ford’s gaze flickered away from Stan. “No, it’s not that it’s just…there are things that you don’t understand, and if anything went wrong…”
“You don’t trust me.” It was an accusation, but Mabel didn’t miss the hurt that crossed Stan’s face.
“I didn’t…look we’re wasting time. I’ll just go into town.” Ford glanced at Mabel. “You can come if you’d like, but Dipper has more experience with supernatural occurrences so he should stay here in case anything…happens.”
Stan opened his mouth, probably about to argue some point, but Mabel quickly jumped in. “Sounds good to me!” In reality, she would rather Dipper go with her or she stay with Stan, but she was tired of the arguing and it wasn’t the worst solution.
“Are you sure, Mabel?” Stan asked, glancing at his brother with uncertainty.  
Dipper was looking at her in concern too, but she just grinned and looked at Ford. “Yup! It’ll be fun!”
For a moment, Ford just stared at her, then sighed. “Alright then, we should get going.” He held out his hand towards Stan.
For a moment, Stan looked confused, then understanding crossed his face and he sighed, reluctantly pulling out his keys. “You better not crash her Ford; I know your luck with cars. And with that eyepatch you’re bound to be even worse.”
Grabbing the keys, Ford let out a huff. “I still know how to drive, Stanley. And I can still see. Come along, Mabel.”
Mabel gave her brother and grunkle a smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on him. We’ll be back soon!” Then she headed after the author. Sure, she didn’t really know him, and he did seem a little…cold, but it would totally be fine! It was just an opportunity to get to know Ford. And maybe, just maybe, she could get him to tell her what was going on between him and Stan so she could help fix it.
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m1d-45 · 2 years
reverse isekai but it’s me at 6:45 pm in a car
-> warnings: spoilers for inazuma archon quest, depictions of modern organized religion(none are specified, none are in great detail, but talks of restrictions within those are mentioned. it’s only one paragraph but still), this is unedited and with zero (0) plot to it :))
-> lowercase intended
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky
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your world is loud.
from the moment the favored could see it, this was clear. it was loud, filling with screaming machinery that left trails of dust and buildings so tall it made their neck hurt to view.
it was bright, with lights that shone through the darkest of nights, reflecting off glass and the speeding machines and reflecting reflecting reflecting back into eyes to sting. your sun is so harsh, so unpleasant and overbearing, hot instead of warm and burning instead of soothing.
it’s cluttered, wires suspending from towers and running along your roads. glittering signs point out things they can’t read, the sacred script only giving them a headache. at night, they can find no comfort in the stars, something that sends them into a panic the first time they see it. it’s not clouds, it’s not anything worldly blocking their view, it’s that they’re gone, the ones they can see washed out and faded. they wonder how anybody can live like this, and if you blessed them with a night sky of such beauty because yours was so…
they can recognize some of it, the plants and trees and flowers, wild or not, call to them in recognition, but so much is frighteningly new. the style of the clothing, the kinds of jewelry on the people you pass. try as they might, they can’t locate a single vision anywhere, not even on you. they wonder if people hide them, like during the vision hunt decree, but even at home you don’t reach for it, you start fires with odd devices and plants grow slowly, the air and stone unmoving to your desires. you spill drinks. you freeze water using more strange machinery.
it’s so strange, because they can feel your world brim with elemental energy. their vision beams, shining so brightly with all of the potential suspended in your world. no matter how poor their elemental sight, your world glows, the air itself carrying a blue tinge. they try, in a world without visions, to use theirs, and their power springs in an instant to their fingertips. it dances across their hands, enveloping when they barely intended for a small spark, a small flame jumping across the dry grass of unspent energy in your world. they extinguish it quickly, tightening their hand into a fist to stamp it out before they damage something, and something like awe shines in their eyes. there’s so much, their vision so eagerly lapping it up, and you.. don’t use it?
you have machines for everything, devices to harness the wind and waves, boats to travel across water at impossible speeds, strange flying machines that you can hear from the ground, mere specks in the sky, and yet… you have yet to capture them in their most essential forms. you speak of elements, sometimes, but you use different names and there seems to be many, many more. you say that the air holds ‘nitrogen’, that you seal things with foil of ‘aluminum’, and you even say that water itself is composed of ‘hydrogen’ and ‘oxygen’, something that they struggle to understand. how can water be made of something else? how can hydro users bend more than one thing to their will? how can anemo wielders command such a broad spectrum of things? you speak of other elements in the earth, and though some are familiar, such as iron and gold, others’ names hold no meaning. you say potassium is in fruit, that there’s multicolored rocks called bismuth and poisonous liquids named mercury. you say that there’s 118 elements, when all they’ve known is 7.
it takes them a while to come to terms with that one, and even then they settle on it being inherently outside of their understanding. after all, they are in a world crafted by a god.
speaking of..
there are multiple religions in your world?
and it’s not as if they’re different ways or interpretations of the same god, no, it’s entirely different ones. not in the ways of teyvat, where everybody’s aware of all seven and follows the one of their nation, not even that much. they’re wildly different, with different policies and ways of worship, some with multiple gods and others with just one. some are strict, ways of lifestyle chosen and laid out, whilst others are lax. and even within the same religion, it varies from one place of worship to another? somehow? some religions specify clothing, disallowing certain parts of the body to be exposed- which they can understand to an extent. it’s when they learn of religions that police love, ones that write in harsh lines where and when and who somebody can love, that they need to take a step away.
so many parts of your world are confusing. so bright, flashy, new, rumbling in the walls and barreling down the roads with nothing but a scream to warn. lights are everywhere, every sign and post and building vying for your attention. this they could understand, as who wouldn’t wish to be the object of your interest, but the most dizzying fact that they learn during their stay is that you are no different than anybody else. everybody is subject to these sights, everybody is pulled in by a particular shade or cut of cloth, everybody is startled by the bright lights and loud announcements. everybody. you’re lost in the ocean of people so different and yet endlessly identical, nobody’s eyes lingering on you or calling your name specifically. when you step into a crowd, nobody notices you, save for the select, precious few to whom you are known. you have to carve out a place in your world, go out of your way to make sure your name, your face, your interests are kept in somebody’s mind, and even then people dare to forget.
that’s the worst of all. overwhelming lights, sounds, smells: nothing. it makes sense that they’d be out of their depth in a world built for the divine. but to know that you’re not receiving any of the recognition you deserve, to know that nobody thinks highly of your work in teyvat, to know that you were kind enough descend and build yourself a new life amongst the world, and to share your creation across said world, only for nobody to appreciate it. nobody thinks twice. people dare to complain over something you’ve hand-crafted, over something that, even after completion, you revisited with a traveller, doing your best to save one sibling and fix the problems that had cropped up in your wake. you’ve done so much, you’ve cared after it so lovingly, and you boosted the power of some of those you granted a vision to. as somebody who had experienced this love first hand, the favored could not find the words to express their anger at the situation. your world was wrong, it was cruel, and though they found beauty in the most hidden of places, it didn’t change the fact that it didn’t love you.
it only strengthened their desire to take you back to teyvat, where you would be truly loved.
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starlightkun · 8 months
the soulmate factory ➥ teaser [sungchan]
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➥ teaser word count: 1.3k | full fic: 28.9k ➥ warnings: none for the teaser! ➥ genre: angst heavy at the beginning then fluff, science fantasy au, soulmate au (red string), speculative fiction, star crossed lovers, a little mystery-ish, artist sungchan ➥ estimated release: wednesday, february 14, 2024 6:00 p.m. eastern time
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Swiping your badge at the access panel, the door clicked to unlock, and you pushed it open. There were a couple of other matchmakers already in there, who didn’t offer you a single glance or any indication that they were even aware of your presence. Sitting at your station, you were face-to-face with a quaintly archaic-looking computer. Compared to the newest monitors at every desk in the main bullpen, which could display images in a resolution so crisp it was hard to tell the difference between that and real life, the small, square glass and pixelated text that was in front of you seemed so out of place. But this was the system.
Pressing the Enter button on your keyboard, your screen came to life, already giving you your first match.
‘Matchmaker’ was a misnomer, really. You didn’t set people up to be soulmates whatsoever. The computer gave you the results, all you did was read them. Take the seemingly random string of letters, numbers, and characters, and parse out the meaning. Your training consisted of watching other matchmakers work, then trying your hand at doing some on your own, being told that you were wrong or right, with no explanation as to why either way—until you stopped getting them wrong. And whenever it would be your turn to train a matchmaker, that would be exactly how you’d train them. Because there was no way to tell them what exactly you were seeing, or how to do it. They just had to do.
The longest part was looking up the profile numbers in the program, selecting them, and sending off the match results. As soon as you submitted that one, your next match came up.
Your body moved as if by itself, in understanding with the machine, the program. The matchmakers often talked about entering a sort of trance when working, becoming one mind with the computer, completely unaware of their surroundings, time, or bodily needs. Only the next match.
That’s why all of your screens had to be simultaneously forced into a shut-off at lunchtime, or else none of you would take a lunch break, then again at the end of the workday.
Blinking a few times to readjust from the hours spent interfacing with the program, you looked around you at the other matchmakers slowly getting up from their seats as well. With a sigh, you stood up and shuffled out after them. Jaemin was still at his desk when you got back to yours, fervently clacking away at his keyboard.
You grabbed your coffee mug, went to wash it out in the breakroom and set it up to dry, then returned to your desk. Swallowing in an attempt to wet your dry throat, you asked him, “So how was your thrilling day of data synthesis?”
“Not over yet,” he groaned, scrolling down in his spreadsheet. “Hey, wait up a minute, would you?”
Checking the time on your watch, you nodded. “My bus doesn’t come for another twenty-five. They let us out early again.”
“Yeah, I heard the Director on the phone to somebody a while ago. He sounded pissed. Apparently, there’s some concerns over the Factory’s energy usage. They must be cutting you guys a few minutes early every day to try to help since you still use old hardware, right?”
“Mm,” you hummed thoughtfully. “Yeah, could be.”
“You’d think we’d be the one agency that wouldn’t be hit with budget cuts,” he scoffed, clicking a few things before his monitor displayed the login screen again. He spun around in his chair, giving you a wide smile. “Alright, ready?”
“Sure.” You grabbed your backpack from your seat.
Jaemin and you headed down the stairs, awash in pinks and oranges from the sunset streaming in from outside.
“So, I already know what the answer is going to be, but I have to be able to say that I asked, alright?” Your coworker began, making you scrunch up your face in confusion.
“My sister wanted me to ask if you’ve done hers yet? Na Minhee?”
You sighed, “Jaemin, you know I don’t know any of that—”
“I know—”
“—it’s all just… stuff. And you’ve compiled profiles, those are completely anonymous.”
“I know, I know,” he reassured you. “I just needed to be able to tell her that I asked, and that’s what you said. She wouldn’t take my word for it.”
“She’d know if hers has already been done, anyway.” You held up your hand, wiggling your pinky finger. “Why ask you?”
“Because she’s impatient.”
“Well, I can’t help her.” You shrugged. “It’ll happen when it happens.”
“I’ll tell her that. Thanks!”
“Yeah, no problem, dude.”
“When does your bus come?”
You checked the time again. “Fifteen minutes or so.”
“You want me to wait with you?” He offered, looking around the empty bus stop. “Kind of dark.”
“I’m alright, thanks. Go break your sister’s heart, champ.” You gave him a mock punch on the shoulder.
“Right.” Your coworker shook his head. “See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
“See you tomorrow, Jaemin.”
On your own again, you took your phone and headphones out, popping one earbud in your ear as you went to choose your playlist. As you scrolled, tapped, and swiped through your phone to try to pick the perfect song, some fuzz fell from your jumpsuit onto your right pinky finger, and you absentmindedly shook it off as your focus stayed on your music library. But it was stubborn, and the red fleck didn’t budge. You wiped the digit on your pants, eyes on where you had finally gotten the perfect choice, the song starting up as you lifted your now-clean hand back up.
Except it was still there. You looked at your hand for the first time, really looked at it, and felt your stomach drop. A thin, bright red string, the same color as your jumpsuit, was tied around your right pinky finger, just above the juncture where the finger met your hand. The string hung off in the air, becoming transparent and disappearing altogether less than a finger’s length away. You turned your hand over, palm to back to palm to back, and the string moved with it, the end fluttering with each of your movements. Stupidly, you tried to grab it, as if to pull it off, but when you took hold of the silken thread and gave it a yank, it didn’t budge. For a split second, amputation came to mind, but you quickly pushed those thoughts away. There were stories of people losing fingers or entire limbs and their strings reappearing on the other hand, or in new places altogether if they had no hands at all.
You looked around for any of your coworkers. Nobody else except the two people on either end of the string could see it, but you still didn’t want anybody to be observing your behavior, and then have to try to explain said behavior right now. It was easy to explain why you were doing what you were doing—you just got a red string; but not how—you weren’t supposed to get one. Ever.
The area around you was empty, the majority of your coworkers driving, taking the subway, or not having left work yet. You looked over your shoulder, at the pink marble building looming in the distance.
The squeal of brakes and hiss of compressed air as the doors of a bus were flung open made you turn around. Rushing up the steps onto the bus, you then plopped into your usual seat, keeping your backpack on your lap and instinctively tucking your right hand between the bag and your body to keep the string hidden. You didn’t know who could possibly be your soulmate now, you had to be vigilant.
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➥ masterlist
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miasmaclockworks · 7 months
Inhale (killk me)
kinito pet au ideas (all mine now)
Pirate au, swap/opposite au, frenzy au, beach vally au, valentines au, broken computer virus (BCV) au, house care au, real virus au, mimic au, best friend au, candyland au, light's out au, time traveler au, steam punk au, ghost au, phasmophobia au, dragon barrier au, librarian au, magical forest au, fruit au, fruit au, furry au, sailor moon au, pride au, obsessed au, ice cream au, midnight starlight au, AHIT au, star collector au, broken heart au, rejected friend au, accepted friend au, Poppy Playtime au, Five Nights At Freddys au, Warrior cats au, Midnight driver, killer au, prince of the night au, pool swimmer, Magical boy au, Critical au, Escape room au, god au, AU god au, Au hunter AU, scream au, Mii au, plane crash au, pilot au, mc donalds worker au, driver au, smile tapes au, nightmare au, night gamer au, artist au, over eater au, roblox au, creator au, caseoh au, wii au, wand au, childhood friend au, possessed au, apple core au, string worm au, drunkie au, caretaker au, love maniac au, drier au, washing machine au, Im a pretty princess au, venting au, among us au, gentle man au, Youtuber au, Actual axolotl au, you are what you eat au, mince meat butcher au, butcher au, doxxed au, sally the witch au, autistic au, ADHD au, Autistic and ADHD au, Motherborn au, alien au, Mother Mother au, soul au, dragon born au, vampire au, vampire hunter au, it was all just a dream? au, sunshine au, digital circus au, clockwork au, gymnastics au, rainbow factory au, twisted and turned au, patchworks au, unseen au, joker au, minimum wage worker au, skinwalker au, kinito darling au, forever and ever, everlasting pain, story teller au, time teller au, zoo keeper au, smiling critter au, truth be told au, rizzler au, farmer au, anthro au, Digital pop up au, backfired au, chef au, cuphead au, BABQFTIM au, carnival au, internet explorer au, kidnapper au, robber au, parental figure au, parent au, father au, apple picker au, trans au, siren au, mermaid au, cloud critters, monster energy au, emo au, goth au, alt goth, prince au, princess au, priest au, reality au, Epic the musical au, bass voice au, prince of the sea au, stranger au, never used au, stranger things au, abandoned au, hazbin hotel au, lemon and lime au, softie au, grunge au, sugar crush au, rainbow friends au, block break friends au, sugar crush au, sweet tooth au, undertale au, heartless au, toxic au, waist au, epic au, error au, fresh au, reaper au, horror au, other sans aus, medical au, high school au, ruby and max au, little horrors au, planter au, plant au, crystal au, glass crystal au, rockstar au, ancient Greek au, mario au, shroomba au, sonic the hedgehog au, snowday au, cave monster au, dinosaur au, game show hoster au, lunar moon au, bloodmoon au, eclipse au, sundrop au, moondrop au, dignity au, angels gaurd au, demons gaurd au, king of hell, king of the sea au, mother nature au, king of the land, landlord au, your boyfriend au, planetary au, leopard gecko au, leopard au, train conductor au, mountain lion au, polar bear au, Mad Scientist au, don't die au, raindrops au, seraph au, always watching au, teacher au, birthday party au, husk au, royal au, gummy bear au, cannibal au, discord au, My little pony au, bumblebee au, cat au, animal au, sweet treat au, warzone au, warframe au, roblox au, unicorn au, factory worker au, you au, dihedra au, pee au, every au I forget, Deleted forever au (not really), sleep tight au, Fire borne, dragon au, mythical animals au, goodbye friend, rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles au, Replicate au, smartie pants au, femboy au, backrooms au, gurlie au, too silly au, silly au, TADC au, lovesick au, grand master au, crazy au, lab monster au, (insert every animal here) au, Monster under your bed au, sloozy au, nightmare monster au, aroace king au, your imagination au, salamander au, desktop pet au, ukagaka au, he knows what you are au, roller blades au, you can run but you can't hide au, poison rain au, dementia au, mr worldwide mr 305 au, anime au, welcome home au, Yume Nikki au, gacha life au, gacha club au, Battle blocks au,
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Would it just be perfect timing if MK had decided it was time to hatch during the trial for Macaque's soul? Like, Wukong be there spinning this sob story (that's actually mostly true for once) about how he jsut wanted to ensure his child could comenintot he world safely and it would be so very cruel to drag his Bama to Diyu before be even has a chance to see their precious little one! Then Wukong suddenly freezes, ever god and goddess of childbirth, motherhood, and children present suddenly tenses, and the court goes silent.
Wikong jsut whispers out: Oh... the baby.
And suddenly, they're all hurrying to get Wukong to the infirmary or his quarters (the original ones built for him when he first became the Great Sage and before he ruined the festival, nobkdy had bothered to remodel them), anywhere really so long as it's not in the middle of the FREAKING THRONE ROOM!! The good news, literally every maternity god and goddess is there to play wetnurse and tend to Wukong or help keep Macaque calmed (a job that mainly falls to Nez Ha because Macaque is very much freaking out). Bad news is that Wukogn was REALLY hoping his egg would have picked a better time and place because the Heavenly Court and being tended to by the Queen Mother herself (she's THE mother goddess of China, guys, she'llhe involved alongside Guanyin) and every other god remotely related to his child wasn't in his list things he wanted to do. One unexpected benefit of this was that after all was said and done, Sun Qi Xiaoation's arrival had actually helped to push the trial into Wukong's favor since not a lot of people are willing to separate a new mother from her mate right after giving birth, although Wukong will be forced to spend several weeks if not months in the Celestial Realm afterwards during his recovery.
referencing SWK in Heaven's Court.
Oh gosh just imagine. The Stone Egg has been comfortably baking for nearly 500 years, it's parent is awake and has been reunited with their mate, and they're being exposed to a lot of healthy divine magical energy.
So when Wukong steps into the Jade Palace, its like a countdown to when the Egg decides "Hey Imma hatch like right now."
More writting under read more cus talk of childbirth stuff;
The trial for Macaque's soul and LBD's contract takes hours to resolve, and Wukong is getting more and more frustrated as it drags on, even with Fire Star's amazing lawyer-ing.
Doesn't help that Wukong's stomach has been feeling like a washing machine all day and he seems to have mega indigestion that won't go away. A bunch of gods also keep looking at him with weird concerned glances - Weirdos.
Then, after Wukong is forced to explain his condition/why he sought out immortality in the first place - a small trickle is heard in the quiet courtroom.
Wukong quickly looks down, super embarassed thinking he's lost control of his body - only for him and the witnesses to notice that the liquid is clear.
Complete and utter chaos breaks out in the Throne Room as the situation sinks in.
Someone is giving birth in the Throne Room of the Jade Emperor. And it's THE MONKEY KING!!!
Guanyin, in the defence's side: "BED. NOW." (*Wukong is lifted up by Pigsy and Sandy into a soft cloud-like bed and is brought to the nearest guest room. A bunch of maternity gods follow them, including the Queen Mother herself. Nezha escorts Macaque in seeing how the Shadow Monkey is handcuffed.*) Wukong: "H-hey! I thought the water breaking can still mean a few hours to go!" Guanyin: "Normally yes. But it seems you've been in active labor since the trial started. Your baby wants out now." Wukong: "You sure-OW!" *contractions get stronger* "Yep! It's trying to bust out all right!"
The room has to be closed off from lookyloos as it's already stuffed with at least ten people - most family or gods. Nezha and Sandy are helping Macaque breathe slowly as the shadow monkey/other parent of the baby (at least according to what was heard in the trial) is panicking like any other bama would.
Tang and Princess Iron Fan are at Wukong's side, holding his hand as any good family would, wondering how thrilled DBK would have been to be here. PIF is glad that the Ao-Long couple agreed to babysit little Redson on earth during the Trial, as she's certain that her fireball would have bitten and charged at anyone that came close to his favorite monkey. Pigsy is outside the guest room with all the royal court members, offering to make them some coffee and noodles as he makes some calls to earth - they agree but are a bit confused why Marshal Tianpeng is here and why his cooking is so good?
The Queen Mother is ultimately the one who catches the cracking egg-shaped thing as Wukong pushes it out into the world. Within seconds of touching the air, the shell of the egg practically explodes, leaving a tiny, screaming newborn in the Goddess's palm.
Wukong is sobbing with joy as he hears the healthy crying chirps coming from his baby. He sees them squirming as Guanyin washes remnants of the Stone Egg from their body. His little one is so strong and perfect already.
Macaque escapes his bindings via shadow portal (Nezha: "Hey!") to join his mate on the bed, no god moves to stop him. Mac doesn't last long before he's crying into Wukong's neck at the sight of *their* cub. The cub is quickly wrapped in the shadow monkey's (thankfully laundered) red scarf before being passed into Wukong's excited arms.
The baby isn't a direct copy of the Monkey King. Their face marking is a brownish half-heart that scatters into freckles at their chubby cheeks. Their fur is a silky brown-black almost the texture and shade of Macaque's(!!). They keep their eyes closed for the moment, far more interested in latching on to their birth parent's chest for their first meal.
And if Wukong doesn't feel like he's holding a little piece of heaven in his arms right now, he'd be lying to himself.
Wukong: "Xiaotian. You are my Xiaotian."
A series of quiet Awws ripples through the room and into the hallway beyond the closed doors. The Queen Mother even smiles.
SWK wins his case against Heaven and Diyu for his mate's soul. Even the gods can't bare to separate this new family. Preparations are made to apprehend the Lady Bone Demon for creating a geas that violated Diyu's laws.
PIF pays Fire Star generously for their lawyering.
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thescarlettbitch · 3 months
Modern witch tips ✨️
Vehicle edition!
I know it's hard to connect with nature when you're in urban/densely populated areas, or in a big man made machine, but here are some tips that have helped me.
But first, please, please, please if you are feminine/fem presenting, know the dangers of having your car too feminine looking!
Your car is an extension of yourself! Keep it clean, to the best of your abilities. Go through a car wash and imagine it washing away the negativity as well.
Protective stones/spell bottles/sigils. If you're in the broom closet or are worried about the people who frequent your car being weirded out, stick them in the glove compartment, the console, the little door compartments. Use things meant to protect travelers, or just generic protection things.
Air fresheners can be witchy! You can find a hundred shops on Etsy or TikTok that make special air fresheners (for star signs, deities, fictional characters, manifestation, etc), and you can charge them with certain intent or whatever, or make your own!
Playlists that embody the feeling you want for the day. Have a bad bitch Playlist to manifest confidence and play it on your drive. Make a deity playlist and play that to feel them with you as you drive.
Roll down those windows (if safe)! Let the fresh wind wash away your negativity and breathe in the scent of the earth (if it's safe!)
Take backroads, stay off main drags, take in the natural surroundings. (Again, if safe) don't be afraid to use a GPS so you don't get lost
Park your car in a park, if possible, as often as you can. Visit parks, they can help you reconnect.
Go for a litter drive, as I call it, don protective clothing (like gloves) and pick up bits of litter you find SAFELY and dispose of it correctly.
Key chains made with protective crystals, rear view mirror hanging witches ladder, Decals with sigils, stickers on the dash, etc. (Remember, it can be dangerous to have your car be clearly owned by a woman, so be careful, I personally take my overly fem seeming decorations down when I am parking in urban areas.
Lock your mirrors! Make sure no bad energy can get trapped in there and that nothing can come out.
And I think that's all I got! Feel free to drop more. Stay safe, drive safe, be witchy, blessed be <3
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
Incorrect Quotes
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck here!
Rules: use this incorrect quotes generator to make some incorrect quotes for your OCs!
Jedi: I can’t do this, it’s against my moral compass.
Jedi: …Your point?
Maddie: Hey, Jedi?
Jedi: Yeah?
Maddie: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?
Jedi: Where’s Ash?
Carmen: Robbie...
Robbie: I can tell by the tone of your voice that you are disappointed. Alas, I must further disappoint you by affirming how little I give a fuck.
Akash: I can do anything I put my mind to. I once figured out Noelle's phone number just by choosing random numbers.
Robbie: God has let me live another day and I'm going to make it everyone's problem.
Rose: Would you take a bullet for me?
Jedi: ...yes?
*Maddie angrily burst into the room*
Rose: *running away* Great, thanks!
Jedi: I’m a multitasker!
Jedi: I can disappoint fifteen people at once.
Jedi: I may be antisocial and unattractive.
Carmen: ...but?
Jedi: That's all.
Gwen: Isn’t it weird how we pay money to see other people?
Robbie: You mean movies?
Maddie: Concerts?
Ash: Prostitutes?
Gwen: Wha…N-no, I mean glasses, what the fuck-
Maddie: How do ethical philosophers feel about murder?
Lexi: Well, it’s frowned upon.
Maddie: Okay, but what if the reason you want to murder someone is to make your life easier?
Maddie: That’s okay, right?
Rose: Hey.
Kelsey: Hey?
Rose: I can't sleep. :/
Kelsey: I can. Goodnight.
Akash: You have your weirdly sincere humility.
Kelsey: I prefer the term "self-loathing", actually.
Ash: All the sudden I got a random burst of energy, and I think it's my body's last hurrah before it completely shuts down.
Lexi: Okay, can you do the dishes?
Rose: No!
Gwen: Am I going to far?
Lexi: No, no, no. You went too far about 7 hours ago. Now you’re going to prison.
Maddie: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Lexi: Those are wanted posters!
Gwen: Guys it’s a shooting star, let’s make a wish!
Rose: I wish for good grades.
Maddie: Nerd.
Rose: Nevermind, I wish upon the shooting star to fall down at a 30° velocity aiming for Maddie. :)
Gwen: Rose…
Lexi: Sorry it took so long to bail you out of jail.
Robbie: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have used my phone call to prank call the police station.
This was fun!
I'll tag @happypup-kitcat24 @monstrouswrites @museandquill @pluppsauthor @pluto-murphy-writes
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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defiantcurse · 8 months
just the beginning of something i wrote! i also don’t know if it’s going to break it on its own or if i have to put stuff under the break anyway college au, literature student!dazai & skater!chuuya
His day started like any other, at 11am oversleeping and nearly missing his bus to university for what was probably the dozenth time already that semester. Dazai took a calculated risk by staying up all night to finish his paper but he was never one for mathematics. He could answer the problems but never had the ability to explain how he got his answers. He thanked his lucky stars that he'd already earned his math credits.
It's at this point that he realized he forgot to grab coffee before hopping on the bus and he was going to have to buy an energy drink on campus. He wondered if Kunikida would chastise him about it again or if he could get away with it.
Hopping off the bus he hurried along the sidewalks, not ready for his second semester midterms which were rapidly approaching. It was crunch time and that's why he'd been up so late anyway. Editing his rough draft for a midterm paper.
Fatigue started washing over him as he entered the campus building, beelining for the hallway with the vending machines where it appeared someone was trying to hijack the machine. The redhead stood little more than five feet tall and had his little arm halfway up the machine to get the can that was stuck. Dazai couldn't help the small snicker at the other man's predicament. He also ignored the part of him that admitted he'd do the same thing to get his hands on caffeine.
"Oh sure laugh at me now asshole, what about the drink you came to get for yourself? You can't get it out if this one's stuck," the shrimp said from where he was crouched on the floor.
Dazai leaned in and said, "Well if you would be so nice as to move out of the way I can solve both of our problems."
The man to his credit seemed a little sheepish as he extracted his arm from the vending machine, standing up and stepping back to allow Dazai access. Dazai then grips the top of the vending machine with one hand, the other on the side of it as he swings his hip out and into the machine, successfully dislodging the can inside. Dazai reached down and grabbed the soda, handing it to the surprised redhead.
"See? Good things come to those who wait Chibi,"He said with a shit eating grin.
"Excuse me Chibi? What kind of nickname is that for someone you just met??" The redhead said indignantly.
Dazai puts a hand out and squishes the air atop the other man's head and said, "You're chibi sized! Of course I'm going to call you Chibi!"
"Well if you had cared to ask my NAME is Chuuya, call me that instead. Anything but Chibi."
"Chuuuya~" Dazai rolled his name over his lips like smoke from a dragon's maw, a notable singsong effect to the name. "What a fitting name."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Chuuya said defiantly, already popping off again.
Dazai's watch buzzed then, letting him know he only had five minutes to make it to class.
"Unfortunately for you, slug, I've got class, catch you later!"
Chuuya's indignant shout of "SLUG?" follows behind him as he runs to not be late to class. As he sits in his seat he realizes he never got caffeine and that this was going to be a long morning in lab with Kunikida.
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dexter-doll · 4 months
Twilight: I’m telling you, my team is competent.
Estella, rushing in: Twilight! Soul tried to make pasta in the coffee pot and now it's broken!
Soul, to Twilight and Estella: *holding trident out in front of them* {Are you or are you not an enemy of the people?!}
Twilight: ...
Estella: ...
Twilight: That is such an open-ended question.
Estella: Yeah, it really depends on a lot of different factors-
Twilight, watching Estella do something stupid: Soul, you're officially only the second highest risk here.
Soul: {Hell yeah! I'm gonna—}
Twilight: Don't finish that sentence, you'll move back up.
Estella: Soul and I were crossing the street, and this person drove by and honked at us.
Twilight: What did you do?
Estella: He chased them to the next red light, and reached into their window, and-
Soul: *walking in* {Who wants a steering wheel?}
Soul: {I have so much energy, I want to run a marathon or commit a crime... which should I do?}
Twilight: Please don’t get arrested.
Soul: {No promises! <3}
Estella: Why not both? Get creative!
Soul: {Wonderful suggestion, thank you.}
Twilight: Please don’t encourage him, Estella.
Twilight: It's locked. You got a lock pick?
Estella: Yeah-
Soul: *kicks in the door*
Twilight: It’s Pride Month, you know what that means!
Estella: I get to eat as many Skittles as I want?
Twilight: What? No! What has Soul been telling you?
Soul, walking in, pouring Skittles into his mouth: {Taste the rainbow, bitch.}
*Something crashes*
Estella: Shoot-
Twilight: *running into the room in a panic* WHAT FELL?!
Soul: *walking by the room calmly* {What died?}
Soul: {Uh, I think I got your lunch.} *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Twilight’*
Estella: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of God, Please be good.’*
Twilight: Soul, you’re in charge!
Estella: Soul, can we start a fire?
Soul: {Don't worry, I've got a few knives up my sleeve.}
Twilight: I think you mean cards.
Estella: He didn’t.
Soul, pulling out knives: {I did not.}
Soul, in a high voice, holding Barbie: {Hey, Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!}
Estella, in a deep voice, holding Ken: Nonsense, Barbie. You’re staying home and having my kids.
Twilight: What the buck are you guys doing?
Soul: {Playing systemic oppression.}
Estella: Why does Twilight always do the laundry so loudly?
Soul: {So everyone knows that no one helps her out in the house.}
Twilight, in the distance: *slams the washing machine shut*
*Soul rushes by with an armful of water bottles*
Estella: What's going on?
Twilight: Soul wouldn't drink water.
Estella: ...And?
Twilight: And I asked him how fast he could chug an entire bottle.
Estella: How did you even get in here?
Soul: {Twilight's window! Or, as I like to call it, "Soul's door"!}
Twilight: I’m closing the window.
Twilight: And here we see Soul and Estella in their natural habitat. Texting eachother variations of the word "garlic bread" to try to make eachother laugh.
Soul: {Gaelic bread.}
Estella: Grueling brad.
Soul: {Ha ha, glamorous beans.}
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theevilpickler · 4 months
Songs that remind me of characters 2/?
I'm doing multiple fandoms in this post so I'll sort them.
Stupid for you-Waterparks
This isn't a character one but a ship song. Mainly just the lyrics
"I'm color-coding my moods, you're yellow, I'm natural blue Let's get together and be green like my insides"
Sweater Weather- The Neighbourhood
Another Byler one. Someone once said that this was Byler as teens hanging out in Castle Byers and now I think about that every time I hear it.
Army Dreamers- Kate Bush
This might be just me seeing too many edits with this song but it reminds me of the scraps
"(What could he do? Should have been a rock star) But he didn't have the money for a guitar" - Vinnie, got rockstar energy "(What could he do? Should have been a politician) But he never had a proper education" - Stone, might just be the rich past though "(What could he do? Should have been a father) But he never even made it to his twenties"- Skipp because he was great with maggot, but I hope he doesn't die!
I have no clue why but this kind of rules me of Pomni
Washing Machine Heart- Mitski
Same reasoning as Pomni's, but this song just has Ragatha vibes
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candidscape · 26 days
Eco-Friendly Interior Design: Sustainable Solutions for Your Home
As awareness of environmental issues grows, eco-friendly interior design is becoming increasingly popular. This approach not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also contributes to a more sustainable and healthier environment. Here’s how you can embrace sustainable solutions in your interior design:
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1. Choose Sustainable Materials
Opt for materials that are eco-friendly and have a minimal environmental impact. Look for:
Bamboo: A rapidly renewable resource used for flooring, furniture, and decor.
Recycled Glass: Ideal for countertops and tiles, recycled glass reduces waste and adds a unique touch.
Reclaimed Wood: Salvaged from old buildings or furniture, reclaimed wood offers a rustic charm and helps reduce deforestation.
2. Opt for Low-VOC Paints
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in traditional paints can negatively impact indoor air quality. Choose low-VOC or no-VOC paints that are less harmful and contribute to a healthier living environment. Many eco-friendly paint options come in a wide range of colors and finishes, so you don’t have to compromise on style.
3. Incorporate Energy-Efficient Lighting
Energy-efficient lighting solutions not only reduce your energy bills but also minimize your environmental footprint. Consider:
LED Bulbs: They use up to 90% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and have a longer lifespan.
Smart Lighting Systems: These systems allow you to control lighting remotely and set schedules to minimize energy use.
4. Use Sustainable Fabrics
When selecting textiles for your home, choose fabrics that are both stylish and sustainable. Options include:
Organic Cotton: Grown without harmful chemicals, organic cotton is soft and eco-friendly.
Hemp: A durable and versatile fabric that requires minimal water and pesticides.
Recycled Polyester: Made from recycled plastic bottles, it helps reduce waste and can be used for upholstery and curtains.
5. Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances
Modern appliances that are ENERGY STAR® rated use less energy and water, helping you reduce your household’s carbon footprint. Look for energy-efficient models for your refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine, and other appliances.
6. Embrace Upcycling and Repurposing
Give old furniture and decor a new life through upcycling and repurposing. This approach reduces waste and adds unique character to your home. Consider:
Painting or Reupholstering Furniture: Transform outdated pieces into stylish, custom creations.
Repurposing Materials: Use reclaimed materials for DIY projects, such as creating a coffee table from an old door or shelves from wooden pallets.
7. Integrate Indoor Plants
Indoor plants not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home but also improve air quality by filtering pollutants. Opt for low-maintenance plants like snake plants, pothos, or peace lilies, which are known for their air-purifying properties.
8. Choose Sustainable Flooring Options
Eco-friendly flooring options can dramatically change the look and feel of your space. Consider:
Cork Flooring: Made from the bark of cork oak trees, it’s renewable and offers natural insulation.
Linoleum: Made from natural materials like linseed oil and wood flour, it’s biodegradable and comes in various colors and patterns.
Recycled Carpet: Made from recycled materials, such as plastic bottles, it provides comfort while reducing waste.
9. Implement Water-Saving Fixtures
Conserving water is an essential aspect of eco-friendly design. Install:
Low-Flow Faucets and Showerheads: These fixtures reduce water usage without sacrificing performance.
Dual-Flush Toilets: Offer two flushing options to minimize water consumption.
10. Support Local and Artisan Products
Choose locally-made and artisan products to reduce transportation emissions and support local economies. Local artisans often use sustainable practices and materials, adding a unique touch to your home while minimizing your environmental impact.
By integrating these eco-friendly interior design solutions, you can create a home that reflects your commitment to sustainability while enjoying a stylish and comfortable living space. Embracing these practices not only benefits the environment but also promotes a healthier lifestyle for you and your family.
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softlantern · 11 months
Hello! I stumbled upon your blog, saw Layra, amd immediately wanted to know more about the star bean!
What are some fun facts about her?
Also, have some cookies for you and Layra.
Hey, hi!!:D Thank you very much for your question. It's so nice when someone is interested in learning about your OC. 😌💖Sorry for so much of text, I couldn't stop, phphph-
Thanks for the cookies! Layra happily shares it with you. I imagined it with chocolate chips.🍪
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General facts:
- Layra's voice sounds like Sofia the First's.👸
- When she laughs, it feels like someone is playing on glasses.
- She chose the child form because she is energetic, open, childish and cute. Although psychologically speaking, she behaves and thinks far from like an ordinary child. She can suddenly become very serious and tell you quite wise conscious words.
- Speaking about her awareness, she has it at its best from the very beginning. I wish I had her sense of reality.:"D
- Terrible sweet tooth. She especially likes sweets that would make people's teeth hurt from the amount of sugar in them.🍬🧁
- When she is very excited she begins to vibrate. Like a washing machine at high speed. At the same time, she heats up significantly and starts to shine more. You may think that she begins to look like a mirage in the desert.🏜
- Everyone who has ever heard her sing asks her not to do it again. The sound is certainly very pleasant, but the side effect is that it affects the energy of the people around. And you just sit there and think, “Holy stars, why is this making me feel like I’m on a emotional roller coaster??”. Makes you feel extremely intense emotions.💗
- Very tactile. Her primary love language is touch. Plus, she likes to touch everything around her, especially if it’s something soft, fluffy and warm.🧣
- She has a collection of blankets.
- Always open and honest, can be painfully straightforward.
- Adapts very quickly to the environment, adapting sufficiently to its norms, but always maintaining her core and basic principles. Very useful, since she often deals with inhabitants from different worlds.
Facts about her in Collector Wally AU:
- she often has two roses in her hair, since she accidentally got into the Collector’s pocket dimension and fell on his bushes with roses. A couple of them got stuck in her hair, and when she looked in the mirror she decided that it suited her very well.:D 🌹
- tries to help Helper around the house as best as she can. It doesn't work out very well. He tries to keep her mostly away from dishes and window cleaning. But she cleans the floors very quickly and well. Everything is sparkling all around.🌟
- since she has never had a family relationship before, she does not understand that someone can become attached to her in return, love her or be worried for her. She was very surprised to learn that she is important to Helper and  Collector. But also very happy. :) 💞💗
- When Collector has nightmares, she can drive them away, but for this she needs to be nearby. He doesn’t know that she does this and thinks that she’s just very clingy, finding her next to him in the morning. :"D
- Also, before Helper pointed out that her hair is weird it was like that. Unstable and so beautiful🌌:
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