#endeavour: overture
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oeuvrinarydurian · 6 months ago
Good afternoon, delightful Tumblr people. It’s a gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous weekend in upstate New York in the Catskills. I’ve had Morse on the brain all weekend. Between writing that little vignette, and trying to explain to my mother why the show is so amazing, and our season seven project, I’ve been talking a lot and thinking a lot about his various life stages and iterations. It made me think of the very very very beginning. This scene never fails to move me. There’s so much emotion in it, and yet he isn’t even shot from the front. We barely see an entire profile. And of course, his eye roll…it says so much. it’s hard to believe this was supposed to be a one off, and he’d never played the character before. It’s just remarkable. The music is everything here too.
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morsesnotes · 9 months ago
To add onto this point, I keep thinking about this line: "You saved my life. The place I grew up was a grey, unfeeling nothing. And then I heard your voice and I knew for the first time that there was beauty in the world." (Morse to Rosalind in Overture)
I like to joke to about Endeavour being in many ways the Frasier of detective shows (and I stand by it!), but one way it's different is Morse's relationship with opera and classical music.
Opera especially is often associated with elitism, and like I said about the potential for a posh actor to have been cast, Morse could've easily come across as a pretentious fop due to his interests and going to Oxford.
But I don't think he does. Instead, his passion is really moving and relatable to me. It's not about him having some kind of cultural superiority over people. It's about the power of art to save lives and give people an avenue for emotional expression. No matter their backgrounds.
Endeavour's use of opera and classical music allows you to get a sense of the deep romantic streak and pain in his heart, and it actually made me finally understand the appeal of opera.
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alias71 · 1 year ago
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Endeavour | Overture (Pilot)
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xserpx · 4 months ago
They've taken the Endeavour pilot episode down from ITVX 😭😭😭
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oeuvrinarydurian · 8 months ago
Re-blogging purely for the pantomime and the capital letters in a very large font. Well done.
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When you realise you have forgotten your pipe
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geese-in-a-frock-coat · 1 year ago
Rocket is one of my favourite episodes of endeavour and one of the big reasons is that it's one of the few episodes that are actually solveable. Like in most of the episodes, when Morse catches the killer a piece of information is revealed as he is discovering how they did it, so that up until that point there's really no way you could have figured it out. Like in overture there's really no way you can figure out that the wife was having an affair with the victims boyfriend until it's revealed (it's been a hot minute I can't remember their names). But in Rocket you can watch the video at the same time as Morse and deduce - for yourself- that the killer might have got paint on their jacket and actually had to remove it. I love that show but I especially love when ALL the clues are available throughout the epsiode so that, at least in theory, you could have gotten to the conclusion yourself.
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dewdrip · 4 months ago
[MAKE-A-MELUSINE] - A hot new product has hit the market and it's selling out quick! Customizable Melusine plushies for yourself or for a friend, and you can even dress them up! (for an extra charge, of course.)
The melusines he's interacted with are undoubtedly cute, so seeing them turned into the mascots of the nation standing atop the tides was of little surprise when he was liable to do the same in the position of their Iudex. Still, running into the Dragon Lady of the Luofu had been even more of a surprise, not unwelcomed of course, not when she reminded him so much of Joey and Himself at the equivalent age. The morning crowds had barely begun to amass, which mercifully meant the stall he'd found her before was calm for his liking.
"Would you like one Bailu?" A fond, grandfatherly, tone that he can't help but allow to seep into his voice as his head tilts towards her. It's nice, the feeling swelling up that is, one that allows him to shed the all business demeanour he'd adopted for trailblazing and embrace the carefree attitude of the festivities in all their forms. If that meant, he spent time making a Melusine with the lively Vidyadhara, well there was no longer anyone in the vicinity that could quell the slacker inside of him.
A chuckle as he turns to face her properly, a warm smile on his features as he leans further on the weapon turned cane he was rarely seen without. "As the people of my home would say... when in Rome." Laughter at an inside joke, turning slightly to acknowledge the vendor prepping the myriad materials needed for their shared endeavour.
"My treat."
overture 2024
Had she been staring so intently so as to give off the impression of interest? Bailu doesn't think so—then again, she's not sure if this is so much a facsimile curiosity as it is the actual emotion. The large-eyed, tube-shaped Melusine hold her attention far longer than she might care to admit. Plushes simply aren't the sorts of toys she feels she should be interested in. Yet still, she stares—yet still, interest stirs.
Enough so that it comes to be noticed by an older gentleman—Welt, she vaguely recalls, one of the Nameless of the Astral Express. She blinks when he speaks to her, startled out of whatever haze had been brought about by the stuffed dolls.
"You're getting one for me…?" she says, a little surprised. Somehow, she feels as though Welt was more thrilled at the prospect of making a Melusine than she was. But a treat is a treat—and while she doesn't know what Rome is, she thinks they must have good traditions if this is what they do.
"Sure. I'd like a Melusine doll. Let's go make one together!" Bailu nods, returning his smile with a large grin of her own. She cranes her neck upward to view the stall's pickings more clearly, brows weaving together as she ponders her choice.
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"Can you reach for that one over there?" she looks up at Welt, then points to the purple Melusine hooked up to one of the boards, "And can you ask if they have any doctor costumes? Ooh, or a train conductor costume! Or a soldier costume..."
A small prick of enthusiasm needles into her heart, only growing as she continues to visualize their Melusine. Maybe she's starting to turn around on these things...
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sirowsky · 2 years ago
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Part 28 - The Overture
Pero Tovar and Female Reader (nicknamed Bee) Modern AU
Changes are coming on several fronts, putting all of you in the starting blocks of a brand new future.
Creator chooses not to use Warnings! This is 18+ONLY!
Word Count: 4658 Masterlist (this story) Author’s Masterlist
Link to Part 29
   Abby was an angel. That much you’d known pretty much forever, but it became even more noticeable when she took your entire family to see your new studio for the first time.    Because it wasn’t just that she’d exceeded your expectations in terms of how the actual building would look or how she would decorate it. It was the way that she’d turned it into something that wasn’t just an artist’s studio, but a sort of artistic playground.
   Instead of trying to replace what you’d lost, she’d created something completely new and wonderful, because she knew that there was no turning back time. That nothing would’ve ever felt right to you if she’d simply tried to recreate the past.    But it still had to be a place where creativity was celebrated and encouraged, even if you couldn’t be the creator anymore, because that was still who you were at heart.
   “So, my idea is that anyone can come in and make a request for anything art related, and what we can create here, like invitation cards or prints, 3D models, centrepieces made of flowers or food or whatever, we’ll make. And if it’s something we can’t make, we’ll commission other artists and take a small percentage of the cost.    And I’m thinking that there’s really no limit to how much we could expand if we want to, but there also won’t be anything preventing us from keeping it small and local and just the two of us.    What do you think, Beebs?”
   You were walking around the room, no longer divided by a reception area and a work area, instead the entire place was one open room, where all the different stations for various types of creative endeavours were fully visible from the moment someone stepped in.    It felt a bit like walking through Santa’s workshop, and it was so different to how your studio had looked that it didn’t even prompt a comparison in your mind.
   “I love it,” you said with a wide grin as you turned to look at her, seeing her breathe a big sigh of relief at your approval.
   “Really?” she still asked, needing confirmation that you weren’t just being the kind bestie, even though she knew that you always told her the truth.
   “It’s perfect, Abs… I mean it. I don’t how it could’ve ever been more perfect than this and I don’t know how to thank you enough,” you laughed and stepped over to her for a long and tight hug.
   “Just promise me we’re never selling it, that’s all I need to hear,” she chuckled in return.
   “I promise.”
   Mae cooed then, drawing your attention, so you went to Pero to steal her away from him, because you really wanted to share this moment with her.    She still fit so perfectly in your arms when you held her, and the way she smelled still made your hormones go all needy, wanting to care for and dote and protect.    And standing there, in the middle of this new chapter, you knew that without her, you never would’ve been able to take this new step with such ease.
   That day in your room two weeks earlier had crushed you, but not all of you. The part that wanted to cling to the past and keep hoping for miracles had been devastated, but the mother and daughter and partner in you hadn’t been affected much at all.    You knew that Pero had worried himself sick in the days that followed, thinking that you’d need a lot of time to process and get through that bitter realization, but he’d been wrong.
   You’d needed that breaking point, sure, but once you’d stepped over that threshold and accepted that your life as a sketch artist was over, every other part of you had stood ready and waiting to take over.    Like a river breaking a dam you’d crashed over the edge, only to flush away all the stale and dead parts of yourself, before becoming a calm waterway once more.
   Your daughter opened her eyes and met yours, and a big smile filled her little features, automatically making you mirror her as your heart swelled at the sight.
   “Welcome to the future, Mae-Mae,” you whispered.
   Pero watched you stand there with your little baby in your arms, swaying slightly as though there was music playing, both of you smiling so sweetly at each other, when the sight suddenly made him feel something stir inside his chest.    He wasn’t sure what it was at first, but it overwhelmed him, making his eyes sting with the abrupt arrival of hot tears, and his lungs burn with each breath.
   But as he kept looking at you, kept searching your features for clues, he began to understand that it was the future that was flooding his heart with sensations.    The knowledge that you’d be there, no matter what. He would always have you and you would always love and want and share yourself him.    It was simply the purest joy and gratitude in existence that had gripped him.
   And before he knew it, he’d already made up his mind about two things, and he needed to share them with you as soon as possible.    But not right that minute.    That moment was too precious to interfere with, even though the things he wanted to tell you were good things. He just felt that they deserved their own moment.
   So, instead, he walked up to you and hugged you from behind, wrapped his arms around yours and kissed the top of your shoulder.
   “I am so happy that you like this new place, mi amor. I look forward to getting to see you enjoy working again.”
   “I look forward to it so much, I can’t even describe it,” you offered, still smiling as you leaned into his chest. “I don’t think I even realized how lost I’ve felt, not having that responsibility for so long, because I always loved that part the most. Just the privilege of being a creator.”
   “How soon will you be opening?” he asked, directing the question to both you and Abby.
   “Whenever you’re ready, Bee,” your best friend answered with a wink.
   “Then I say let’s open the doors first thing Monday the 12th,” you cheerfully declared.
   That gave you a week and a half to get everything, and yourself, ready. But honestly, you’d never felt more ready for anything.    The only reason you hadn’t suggested the coming Monday, just three days away, was because you needed time to put an ad in the paper and get the word out to the community, and the world. You’d always had an international client base, and there was no reason why you couldn’t keep that up.
   “Done!” Abby cheerfully agreed. “Everything’s ready, I’ve got a full-page ad ready and waiting, as well as flyers that we can give out, all that’s left is really just you and me, so there’s no reason to put it off.”
   “In that case,” Dean piped up from the back of the room, “I’ll spend the weekend baking cookies for the grand opening, and calling everyone I know to come and help you celebrate.”
   “Aw, dad… That’s so sweet, you’re gonna make me cry,” you chuckled, but your father just smiled in return.
   “Happy tears are just angel kisses,” he said, and your expression softened even more.
   You’d told Pero once that your mother had always said that whenever you’d been emotional about something positive.    She’d been a Buddhist and not actually believed in angels, but it had been her philosophy that an angel didn’t have to be a religious figure, but rather anything good that a person needed to put a name to. A beacon of hope, life and happiness.
   It was Friday that day, so that only left ten days for all of you to prepare for the new routines of returning to work, which would mean some adjustments for you, since Mae wasn’t even seven months yet.    Sitting down at one of the desks, you all started discussing how you’d go about this.
   “Since you’re still breastfeeding, Mae’s gonna have to be here for most of the workday, right?” Abby started.
   “Yeah, but I figure that since Pero is still unemployed, maybe you’ll wanna be here with us and help keep an eye on her while I work, and on the customers whenever she needs feeding?” you suggested, turning to your partner to see if he approved of your thinking.
   “I would love that, pintora,” he smiled back. “I have always loved watching you work.”
   “Great! And should you find a job in the middle of it all, we’ll work it out,” you chirped, seeming more positive in general than you had in a what felt like a long time.
   You and Pero had discussed the predicament of income a few days earlier, when Abbie had first announced that she was only days away from the big reveal.    You’d always been good at saving money and your previous work had earned you quite a good living, so you’d been able to support your little family ever since the studio had burned down, and you still had a significant amount left.
   But he wanted to help. He wanted to be able to at least support his daughter, not just right now, but in the future as well, so that she could go to whatever school she wanted and live the life she dreamed.    And to that end, he’d announced that he was going to start actively looking for work. He had plenty of skills, he just needed to find someone that might have a use for them.
   Dean had promised to keep helping you look after Will, so as long as you still made regular visits and kept working with him, his rehab shouldn’t be affected.    And after Pero’s progress with the first outing, it probably wouldn’t be that long until you’d feel confident enough to cut him loose.    In the weeks since, he’d taken Will on another four walks, one of which you’d accompanied them on, and you’d told your partner afterwards how amazed you were at his progress.
   He seemed so relieved somehow. As if he’d always known that the conditioning had been a negative force on his soul, and that being able to shed it had gradually made him see that he was actually a better person than he’d thought.    That the monster Lang had made him believe that he was, had never actually existed. That he was a free man (aside from the chain around his waist) and that he was permitted to feel good and have fun.
   It always made Pero feel bad now, whenever he watched him in that cell, tethered to a wall and confined to a six-by-eight-foot room, like a caged animal.    He was doing so well that the monster who had first been locked up in there, was no longer in him, as far as he could see, but there was a downside to that.    Because it made you want to set him free, despite the lingering risks.
   On that topic, it was your partner who was the rational one, cautioning and holding you back from taking the win before you’d even crossed the finish line. Because he still remembered.    Within his mind were the memories of everything that it had taken, every dime of the cost of getting William to this point, and he wasn’t prepared to jeopardise the progress which had been so gruesomely earned, on something as easily avoidable as moving too fast.
   After all… it wasn’t just the captive who had suffered.    And even more important was the fact that while Will still believed that he didn’t have much more than his own life left to lose, Pero stood to lose a brother, a friend, and the only connection he had left to the entire history of his life.    So, as much as he understood how your heart ached for the man, he still made sure to hold you back for now.
   The weekend passed in a rush, with you and Pero finally putting up new wallpaper in the nursery (you’d had to order it and the delivery service had misplaced it, hence the delay), walking around town to hand out flyers and put them up on every public billboard that you could think of, and finally taking a drive into the city to put some up there as well.    You also spent some time on updating your website and getting started on calling all of your clients, to once again apologize for the delay and deliver the unfortunate news that you wouldn’t be able to complete any commissions.
   Thankfully, no one was angry with you. Some were sad but understanding, others heartbroken, while most were just disappointed, but everyone was polite about it. Which in a way, was quite the testament to your professionalism and customer approach, given that no one seemed to feel mistreated, as far as you could tell.    It helped to ease your guilt about having to refer them to other artists.
   Then, on the following Monday, one week away from the grand re-opening, you and Pero packed yourselves, Mae and Groot into the car, heading out to the country house as usual, but for the last time as a continuous stay.    Starting next week, you were only going to be able to visit on weekends or holidays, and while it was nice to know that there would be solid routines in place, you were also quite certain that you’d miss being out there so much.
   And not just because you loved seeing grandpa Dean grow more and more into his new role, but just because of the quiet and inherent calm of the ranch. The grazing horses in the summer, the way the birdsongs were so much louder and clearer in the surrounding woods, the harmony that it brought to your soul to go for walks in the wilderness.    You loved your house, there was no doubt about that, but the country house had a magic to it that you just couldn’t find anywhere else.
   You were driving, and when you came to a stop on your usual spot by the front veranda, you couldn’t help but remember the first time you’d brought Pero there.    The way he and your father had so effortlessly become friends.    Looking back on it now, it seemed almost impossible that everything you’d gone through had never managed to break you all down, individually or as a family.    It was downright miraculous that you were all still here, and stronger than ever.
   “Thank you, Pero,” you said as you turned the engine off and pulled the key out of the ignition.
   “For what?” he questioned, understandably puzzled since he had no idea what you were thinking about.
   “For stalking me,” you started, seeing his eyes go from confused to understanding to loving. “For staying and fighting for us, for choosing me over your fears. All of it.”
   He smiled then, the kind of smile that still took your breath away with the sheer light and beauty that it radiated into the world, filling the entire cabin of the car with the enormity of his soul.
   “You are welcome, my love. And thank you for inviting me,” he said, making you almost teary-eyed as you watched him.
   As always, your father came out to meet you, breaking the magic of the moment when he opened the rear door to steal Mae for a few welcoming kisses. Not that either of you were upset with him for it.
   “I missed you all,” he boomed happily and used his free arm to tug Pero in for a hug as he stepped out of the car.
   “We missed you too, abuelo,” your partner grinned at him, then stepped back to let him hug you too.
   “Hello, how are my favourite Bees today?” he hummed as he embraced you.
   “Mama-Bee is doing good, but Babybee had a restless night, so she’s a little tired.”
   “Oh, well in that case, we’re gonna be doing a little sleepy-dance and see if we can’t get her to nap properly today, while mom and dad are out.”
   That caught your attention, and Pero’s as well, because you usually didn’t go to see William first thing after arriving, and you typically didn’t both go either, which was what Dean seemed to be suggesting.
   “Did something happen this weekend?” your partner asked, sounding concerned now, because he probably thought that the older man would’ve called to let him know if something had gone wrong.
   “No, not this weekend, this morning. And since you were coming here anyway, I didn’t see the need to worry you beforehand,” your father explained, and suddenly you were concerned as well.
   He turned and started heading inside as he began to elaborate, so you both grabbed your bags and followed him, almost forgetting to let Groot out of the trunk in your sudden rush.
   “When I went to give him his breakfast this morning, he was back to sitting in the corner, like he used to before he started improving, so I stepped in to check on him.    I asked if he was feeling okay and he said that everything was fine, but there was a look in his eyes like he was just trying to appease me, you know? Genuine, but not entirely true, and hiding the most important part.    I wouldn’t have thought that much of it, people have bad days and sometimes it’s just not the right time to talk about it, but…”
   He paused then, and there was something in his tone for that last part which made you feel like a precipice was getting ready to open up underneath you.    You’d gotten to the kitchen by then and put your things down, so you stepped closer to him and crossed your arms protectively over your waist, preparing for bad news. And you felt Pero tense beside you, reacting as much to your reaction as he was to what Dean was telling you.
   He sighed and scratched the back of his neck for a moment, before meeting your eyes.
   “I’ve seen people prepare to die far too many times to not recognize it. I don’t know what might’ve triggered it, but I think he’s giving up.”
   You and Pero looked at each other then, and you knew that he was thinking the exact same thing that you were, which was that you needed to go.    Without a word, you both turned back towards the door and started the familiar hike through the woods, not a single word spoken between you as you quickly made your way to the bunker. But dread was somehow filling the air between you.    It wasn’t that you didn’t have anything to say, it was that every thought in your heads was a bad one, and sharing those wouldn’t help anything.
   Getting there, you were suddenly convinced that you were going to walk down there and find the man dead. Just like he’d supposedly died in the cemetery, without a mark on him, no longer alive simply because that was what he’d wanted.    Desperate to have your fear dispelled, you all but ran down the stairs and straight to the viewing glass on his cell.
   Pero was right on your heels, and you felt him exhale sharply with relief as his brother came into view, alive, but looking exactly as Dean had described him.
   “Thank god…” you sighed as the stress in your system ebbed out. “Do you have any idea what might’ve brought this on?” you then asked your partner, who was still tense, observing the man before him with a troubled set in his brows.
   “Maybe,” was all he said, and his silence dragged on for long enough that you began to wonder if he intended to elaborate at all.
   Or, if perhaps this was one of those things that he couldn’t quite explain.
   “Is it something I can understand?” you asked, and after another long pause, he finally answered.
   “If his head is where I think it is… then, no. Probably not.”
   “Then I’ll stay out here,” you replied, smiling gently at him as he met your eyes, to let him know that you weren’t offended.
   He nodded in return and then turned to the door, unlocking it and stepping inside.    You stayed out there and watched, not so much because you thought you might learn something new, but mostly just so that Pero would know that you were there and would support him no matter where this went.    Will looked up when he entered, but neither man said anything at first. Not until your partner had taken a seat on the floor in front of Will, who was huddled into the corner.
   “It is the dream, right?” Pero started, and immediately, the other man turned sad.
   He didn’t answer, but he nodded as his eyes filled with tears, and the younger man had no trouble understanding why.    When they were still boys, Will had been plagued by a recurring nightmare for almost an entire year, and even long after it had finally stopped, Pero had sometimes found him hiding away in a closet, crying his eyes out because something had reminded him of it.
   He had never been able to convince his brother to tell him what the dream was about, but with time, he had also learned that it didn’t really matter. Because anything that had scarred the man enough to still affect him a decade later, when they were in their twenties and at the top of their game, had to be just about the worst things imaginable.
   “What can I do?” Pero asked in a whisper, because when these episodes had happened in the past, Will had sometimes become extremely sensitive to sounds.
   “I… I-I don’t think-…” he tried, but his voice wouldn’t carry the words at first, and he had to stop and just breathe for a bit. “I don’t think… that I was supposed to survive…”
   “What do you mean? We’ve had dozens of brushes with death, if you were not supposed to live, then why did you walk away from all of them?” the Spaniard questioned, but his brother just shook his head.
   “No… I mean before.”
   “Before what?”
   “All of it…” Will whispered, and there was a tremor in his voice that was more than just fear. “The dream… I never understood it, it was just heart-stoppingly frightening. But now I think… I think it means that I was never supposed to survive the fire.”
   The blaze which had killed his parents had happened when he was just five years old, how could he think that something like that could’ve been part of some grand plan? That such a small child shouldn’t have been allowed to survive.
   “Come on, hermano. You have never believed that the universe works that way.”
   “Not before I met her,” he said, and his voice broke at the mere mention of Lin Mae. “But ever since then…… If I’d never met her, none of this would’ve happened.”
   “Maybe not. But then I never would’ve met you either, and without you, I could never have become this person that Bee loves,” Pero reminded him. “It is never as simple as changing one thing. Life is complicated and hard, full of choices, good and bad, and your choices have affected a great many things and hundreds of people over the years.    You don’t get to decide that suddenly none of that matters anymore. No one does.”
   Will seemed a little stumped at first, hearing that, but he was in a low and dark place and his mind wasn’t going to come out of it that easily.
   “Do you really think… that my time on this Earth makes any difference in the end? In the grand scheme of things, we’re all just mayflies,” he grumbled, but that perspective had quite a profound flipside, which he was ignoring.
   “If you truly believe this, then you must also accept the reality that you have not done any harm to this world either. Is that not also true, hm?” Pero challenged, forcing the man before him to confront his own thinking.
   And it worked.    He gave up the subject, meekly throwing his arms out to the sides in hopelessness.
   “Then tell me what to do?” he all but cried, and the Spaniard could hear all the unspoken parts of that question.
   The man had no purpose, no reason for living beyond an old friend that he owed too much to ever repay. He carried too much shame and regret to have any hope of being able to shed it all in just one lifetime, and even if he did somehow find a way to live an honest and at least somewhat fulfilling life, it was possible that he would never be truly happy again.    That harmony was something he would never get to experience anymore.
   “Love,” your soft voice came from the doorway, where you’d just appeared, and as always, your presence affected William in a positive way. “Dare to love your brother, and me, and this family, because that’s what your family would want you to do.”
   He didn’t answer you, and you didn’t push. You stayed right there on the threshold, with a body that radiated peace and affection into the room. And whether he allowed himself to feel it or not, your energy got to him.    Just like your shine had captured Pero in your orbit, your gravity now made an impression on his brother that he couldn’t hide from, dragging him closer no matter how much his brain tried to tell him that he was unworthy.
   “Unlock him,” you suddenly said, still just as softly, meeting your partner’s eyes as he shifted nervously, unsure of what your intentions were. “He’s coming to the house with us for lunch,” you elaborated, and even though your tone was still warm and caring, it was also unshakeable.
   Even though he wanted to object and insist on discussing this with you first, he knew that there would be no point in even suggesting that.    Just like that first time, when you’d walked into the cell with that Amazonian confidence, you had apparently decided that this was happening, and nothing was going to stop it.    He admired that side of you perhaps most of all, but he also could not fathom where it came from or how it worked.
   So, without arguing, he reached forwards and unlocked the six-digit coded padlock that kept the chain fastened tightly around Will’s waist, sending the whole thing rumbling to the floor.
   “Okay. Let’s go,” you calmly ordered while stepping into the room and holding a hand out towards the man.
   For a good five seconds, he merely stared at it, and then lifted his head to meet your gaze. Maybe he too simply realized that there was no option to be explored when you were in this kind of mood, or maybe he just found it comforting to follow orders and not have to think for himself for a while.    But whatever the reason, he took your hand and allowed you to pull him to his feet and then out of the room.
   And somehow, even though there was nothing stopping him, Pero knew that William wasn’t going to try and run as you left the bunker.    He stayed behind his brother while you took the lead and brought them outside, not even pausing once you’d stepped out, heading for the house with determined strides, knowing that the men would follow because where the fuck else were they gonna go.
   Cold and inhospitable woods, or a warm house with a loving family, ready and willing to take in even the most badly wounded strays?    Yeah. No contest.
Link to Part 29
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging, I would dearly appreciate it.
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oeuvrinarydurian · 9 months ago
I can hear the Requiem playing as I look at this. I can feel his anxiety and trepidation. I love Baby Endeavour. This pilot is sublime. It’s perfect. It’s hard to believe he nailed as much range and emotion and heft and gravitas as he did. 
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nativestarwrites · 2 years ago
This is partly inspired by the Den of Geek article about the top 10 Endeavour episodes, I'm curious as to which episodes are the fan favourites. I'm planning to do a poll for each series and then doing a final showdown of the favourites.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 11 months ago
"Why, indeed; he does seem to have had some filial scruples on that head, as you will hear."
Hunsford, near Westerham, Kent,
15th October.
Dear Sir,
The disagreement subsisting between yourself and my late honoured father always gave me much uneasiness, and since I have had the misfortune to lose him, I have frequently wished to heal the breach; but for some time I was kept back by my own doubts, fearing lest it might seem disrespectful to his memory for me to be on good terms with anyone with whom it had always pleased him to be at variance. –
'There, Mrs. Bennet.'
– My mind, however, is now made up on the subject, for having received ordination at Easter, I have been so fortunate as to be distinguished by the patronage of the Right Honourable Lady Catherine de Bourgh, widow of Sir Lewis de Bourgh, whose bounty and beneficence has preferred me to the valuable rectory of this parish, where it shall be my earnest endeavour to demean myself with grateful respect towards her ladyship, and be ever ready to perform those rites and ceremonies which are instituted by the Church of England. As a clergyman, moreover, I feel it my duty to promote and establish the blessing of peace in all families within the reach of my influence; and on these grounds I flatter myself that my present overtures are highly commendable, and that the circumstance of my being next in the entail of Longbourn estate will be kindly overlooked on your side, and not lead you to reject the offered olive-branch. I cannot be otherwise than concerned at being the means of injuring your amiable daughters, and beg leave to apologise for it, as well as to assure you of my readiness to make them ever possible amends – but of this hereafter. If you should have no objection to receive me into your house, I propose myself the satisfaction of waiting on you and your family, Monday, November 18th, by four o'clock, and shall probably trespass on your hospitality till the Saturday se'ennight following, which I can do without any inconvenience, as Lady Catherine is far from objecting to my occasional absence on a Sunday, provided some other clergyman is engaged to do the duty of the day. – I remain, dear sir, with respectful compliments to your lady and daughters, your well-wisher and friend,
William Collins
"Pride and Prejudice" - Jane Austen
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oeuvrinarydurian · 8 months ago
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Fermentation for Fidgety Finger Friday.
Please enjoy the multiple finger fidgets, under glass, if you please.
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morsesnotes · 6 months ago
If you were to pick 5 episodes of Endeavour to sum it up to someone, which ones would you choose?
You can interpret this any way you wish.
After probably too much thought, this is what I came up with:
The Pilot/Overture - It does a perfect job of setting up the format of the show, the characters, and introducing you to many key plot elements which are relevant right to the end.
Sway - This might seem like an odd choice, but there's so much great character development bubbling under the surface of this episode, and it perfectly captures the melancholic romance of Endeavour. You have the hectic/questionable atmosphere of Cowley station which emphasizes how low down in the totem pole Morse is, maybe the strongest written support cast in Burridges, Thursday's backstory and how Morse learning about it bonds them closer together, Joan and Win foreshadowing, and much more. Plus clever use of music and Morse overthinking the case.
Prey - The total opposite of Sway. Goofy, vibrant, and full of pop culture references, it shows how fun and entertaining Endeavour can be.
Lazaretto - This episode has one of the best murder mysteries imo, a bit of the gangster plotline, the murderer leaves you with complicated feelings, and it excellently lays out Morse's tragic love life.
Pylon - Morse/Thursday tension, police corruption, Morse isolated and compromising his morals for Thursday, that wonderful scene with Max, Strange coming into his own, Bright being a gem, a tragic case, gorgeous cinematography, the Morsetache, and an unsettling underbelly. Pylon has it all!
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dstechblog · 1 year ago
Pushkar: Where the Spirit of Serenity Meets the Pulse of Investment
Nestled within the cradle of the western Aravalli Range, Pushkar emerges as a serene haven that intertwines spirituality with the rhythms of modern investment. This timeless town, embraced by the tranquil Pushkar Lake and the undulating hills, isn't merely a destination; it's a tapestry of experiences waiting to be unravelled.
A Journey of Faith and Discovery Pushkar's sacred aura is etched in the devotion that graces its numerous temples, with the legendary Lord Brahma Temple being a jewel in its crown. But beyond its spiritual echoes, Pushkar resonates with a kaleidoscope of experiences that appeal to the soul and the discerning investor.
Tradition and Modernity: A Harmonious Blend What sets Pushkar apart is its seamless blend of historical resonance with contemporary vibrancy. It beckons not only the devout but also the curious traveller, offering a spectrum of encounters – from camel safaris that touch the ancient sands to tranquil boat rides on the lake that reflect the modern soul.
Colours, Culture, and Fervour Pushkar's canvas comes alive with vivid hues, particularly during its iconic Pushkar Mela. This vibrant cattle fair amplifies the town's cultural richness, inviting both locals and visitors to partake in folk performances, trades, and the shared spirit of celebration.
Entrepreneurial Symphony: Crafting Opportunities In the heart of Pushkar, a new symphony plays – that of entrepreneurial aspirations. Amidst the backdrop of spirituality, Pushkar's hospitality industry flourishes, offering a range of experiences that cater to all pockets. This creates an investment environment where every stakeholder finds their melody.
Investment: A Voyage of Enrichment Investing in Pushkar parallels the essence of a pilgrimage – it's a journey fuelled by hope and potential. As tourism flourishes in this tranquil haven, it paints an investment horizon that mirrors the town's growth, echoing the fusion of spiritual depth with financial promise.
A Symphony in Every Season The pulse of Pushkar thrives year-round, but it resonates most profoundly from October to March. These months usher in the most delightful weather, coaxing visitors to explore its myriad facets and echoing the sentiment that investment here is equally ripe and rewarding.
Unity in Diversity, Growth in Collaboration Much like Pushkar's welcoming spirit, investment here nurtures diversity, bringing together local essence and global aspirations. As stakeholders collaborate, the town evolves, presenting an evolving narrative that encapsulates the town's ethos of unity and progress.
Beyond Today: Illuminating Tomorrow The journey to Pushkar is a perpetual exploration, just as investment in its potential is a commitment to a thriving future. Each endeavour intertwines tradition with modernity, crafting a narrative that resonates with the town's legacy and its promising tomorrows.
An Overture of Infinite Possibilities Pushkar's horizons extend beyond the horizon, mirroring its boundless potential. To invest here is to compose an overture of growth – one that echoes the rich heritage while composing a melody that resonates with contemporary allure.
Investment: Crafting a Legacy Investing in Pushkar isn't merely about numbers; it's about scripting a legacy. Just as devotees seek blessings, investors seek value. Pushkar's embrace holds the promise of both, weaving a narrative that weaves spirituality and prosperity into a single thread.
Pushkar: A Journey Awaits Pushkar isn't just a location; it's a journey of possibilities. Each moment here echoes with tales of adventure, spirituality, and untold investment prospects. As the town thrives in its uniqueness, investing here is an ode to its vibrant tapestry.
#InvestmentInPushkar #SerenityMeetsOpportunity #CraftingTomorrow
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xserpx · 1 month ago
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Shaun Evans as Endeavour Morse
ENDEAVOUR 1.0 Overture
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spectaculardistractions · 1 year ago
Not only was Corinth at length openly hostile, but Perdiccas, son of Alexander, king of the Macedonians, had from an old friend and ally been made an enemy. He had been made an enemy by the Athenians entering into alliance with his brother Philip and Derdas, who were in league against him. In his alarm he had sent to Lacedaemon to try and involve the Athenians in a war with the Peloponnesians, and was endeavouring to win over Corinth in order to bring about the revolt of Potidaea. He also made overtures to the Chalcidians in the direction of Thrace, and to the Bottiaeans, to persuade them to join in the revolt; for he thought that if these places on the border could be made his allies, it would be easier to carry on the war with their co-operation.
Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
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