#end: yes steve is now courting tony. yep.
capxtony · 6 years
43 please
Part 3/3 of prompts. AO3 link here.
“Squeeze my hand if you can hear me.”
Steve said, quietly but so it could clearly be heard in thesmall hospital room, with light pouring in the window, showing the countrysideoutside.
But Tony’s form remained unmoving.
Tony, however, was very much conscious. Just not in the waySteve would know. He wished he could squeeze his hand back, or ask him, rather,why the fuck are you holding my hand with your clammy fingers as if you’re nevergoing to let go? But he couldn’t do anything. He was paralysed, like in adream, like he was dying, even floating in a bottomless pit sometimes, andother times contrastingly rigidly still, and it was maddening.
He drifted in and out of consciousness, which was reallyannoying, because he could finally be able to understand what people in theroom were talking about, and then things would become fuzzy, and quieter, andthen he’d be out like a light, and had no clue how to tell how much time hadpassed by the next time he ‘woke up’ which was different to them to what itmeant to him.
One time, Tony called out to Steve, and Steve had smiledbrightly and come over to him, but then it went blurry and fuzzy and herealised it was probably a dream. His mind was getting achy. And when he wasawake, he also realised he was in pain in several parts of his body, and hedamn hoped they had him on pain meds.
“…Feel pain?” Someone’s voice. It was familiar.
“Not sure…don’t want to administer unnecessary…morphine.” Adoctor (presumably) said.
NO, put the damn morphine ON! He would have actually pleadedif he were able to.
“We’ll keep it on a low dose though, just in case.”
He could hear them more clearly now. His chest hurt andthere were throbbing pains throughout his stomach, at least he thinks it’sthere anyway; his throat is uncomfortably filled with a tube, so everything’stouch and go. He tried to wiggle his toes. He thought he did, and he gotexcited, but he heard voices around him, and they still sounded glum, and faraway, and he’d assumed he probably hadn’t moved, otherwise they would have gotexcited.
“It’s ok, I’ll stay with him.” Steve’s voice. His deepvelvety voice is close, which for some reason made Tony smile. Or want tosmile. Or smile in his head – whatever.
“You sure?” Romanoff?
“Ok, well as long as you’re not guilt-laden and you don’tsulk for too long…”
Steve let out a little huff and smiled at Natasha. “No,really. I just wanna stay in case he wakes up.”
“Which he will,” she reassured, squeezing his shoulder.
Steve nodded, and grimaced goodbye as she left the room andhe was left alone, looking out the window on the other side of the room, andshuffling his hands on the bed next to Tony’s limp hands, hoping, waiting, notknowing what to do or what to say.
Steve had only gone to get some coffee, and was talking withHappy, who was here with Rhodey, when machines from inside Tony’s room wasbeeping where a doctor was already monitoring him. The doctor snapped toattention and called for his team, and before they knew what was happening theywere being ushered out of the way as multiple staff went in Tony’s room andswarmed him with machines, and they couldn’t see what was happening. Happy wasshouting at some staff, asking them worriedly what was going on, and Rhodey wastrying to get a peek in the window. Steve just stood there, frozen to the spot,his heart feeling like it had stopped, as he watched them carefully do theirjobs. Most of what they were saying was lost on him, but he still listened.
“BP’s dropping…He’s drowning!”“Drowning?” Rhodey said incredulously, “What the hell? What’s happening?”Steve felt sick, and gripped onto a chair, his hands clenching with dread.
Tony knew there was pain. Distantly, he felt the scorchingthrough his lungs and throat, and the bile in his stomach. But then he luckilypassed out.
He didn’t know how much time had passed, but he was awarethat his dream about introducing Steve to his parents while he was on morphineand in considerable pain, was, well, a dream. Then Bruce helped him out of it, thankfully,and he woke up. The first thing he noticed was the hospital smell of the sheetsnext to him, and then someone who smelled a bit sweaty. Steve was talking, and thenTony realised there was a big sweaty hand clamped around his tightly.
“…So I just, um. I hope y-you get better. Even if it isjust to shout at me. To reject me. I don’t care. Just wake up. Please,” Steve said mournfully, and thensniffed, and Tony realised he was crying. He was trying to decipher what he wassaying. He seemed to be the only person in the room.
“You will be worth saving every time and er…” Steve triedto regain his voice, swallowing thickly, taking a deep breath. “And Ireally…I just wish you could hear me now, hell, maybe you can, but I need youto know that. And I know this sounds like I’m a teenage boy pining, but…forsome reason, I don’t think I can do this without…No. I don’t think I want to do it without you. I mean, beinglove with you ain’t easy you know, so, er, come back to me. When you can. So wecan talk and you can make fun of me or…But know that I’m here. And I sure ashell ain’t going anywhere, not as long as you need someone to remind you howmuch you’re needed, wanted, loved.”
Tony felt like he was choking on air.
Steve was still holding onto Tony’s hand the next day. Hehad gone to get some sleep, but he didn’t feel well rested.
Steve gasped and looked up, seeing that Tony’s lips hadmoved; it wasn’t his imagination.
“Tony? Oh my god. Nurse! Please…” He called out, andpressed the button on his bed to get their attention.
Tony began to choke around the tube down his throat.
“Hey, hey, it’s ok, don’t talk, it’s ok, they’re coming,”Steve said in a rush, wide-eyed, trying to reassure Tony, whose scared eyeswere now open and looking around.
A nurse and a doctor came in and slowly removed the tubefrom his throat. Steve had to move out of the way for them to do their thing, tomake sure he was okay.
Rhodey and the others came immediately and the doctors weretalking to them and Tony, who was responding well, they said. There was aproblem with his lung they had fixed, which happened during the explosion, buthe still needed to be monitored in the hospital for a little while. The doctorstold Steve it was a miracle that he was able to revive Tony, and it was becauseof him that he was alive, even if not in great shape. Steve had been thinkingthere was more that could have been done. But he was just hit with the realityof it all – that Tony really could have, honestly, died. For good. Lung toodamaged beyond repair.
After a while, Tony wanted to talk to Steve.
Tony grabbed onto his hand as he came to stand next to hisbed, which made him smile.
“Steve,” his voice was still small, which annoyed him.“Eheh,” he cleared his throat, tapping his chest. “Um, I er, this might be abit awkward, but…I heard what you said. Well, some things anyway.”
“They told me I’ve been in a coma for like three weeks.Felt like it, too.”
“So, you were…you could hear me?”
Tony nodded.
“Yea.”“Um…” Steve sat down, and dragged the chair closer to Tony, looking into hiseyes, as he smiled back, his hair ruffled, with a thin tube attached throughhis nose. He was doing better.
“How are you? How do you feel?”
Tony nodded, “Yea, I mean, not bad, considering.”
Steve nodded as well, swallowing. “I meant what I said.”
Tony looked at him for a beat, and he looked vulnerable.
“So…you’re really. Not going anywhere?” Tony asked.
Steve softened. “No. I – not if you don’t want me to.”“I don’t want you to.”
“Well, good, cause that…would have been a little awkward.”
Tony smiled at him, enjoying the adorable look on Steve’sface.
“You really…think you love me.”
“I don’t think. I’m pretty sure I know. It’s like – like Ican’t escape it, now I’ve realised it, you know what I mean?”
Tony nodded, though he didn’t know entirely what he meant.
“Do you want to like-” Tony was stuck for words somehow.Gosh, this whole thing was awkward.
“What?” Steve asked. Just then, Rhodey knocked on thewindow and they turned to look at him. Turns out he’d been listening a bit inon their conversation, with the door being a little open.
“He means he wants you too, you dumbass!” Rhodey said, “Youtwo have serious communication issues. Honestly,” Rhodey turned to the others,who laughed as he rolled his eyes, and then they filtered away to give themsome privacy as Tony glared at them.
“He’s right.”
Steve held up Tony’s hand and kissed it tenderly.
“That’s how it’s gonna be, huh?” Tony asked, lifting aneyebrow.
Steve smiled joyfully, “Oh, that’s how it’s gonna be.”
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carelessannie · 3 years
maybe it goes like this: tony courts peter (part 4)
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Epilogue
Read on A03
Read the Stuckony backstory
Starker focus (Tony x Peter), Stuckony (Steve x Bucky x Tony), (Clint x Peter x OFC), also a bit of WinterHawk and SpiderHawk
Starker first date goes about as well as expected with Bucky and Clint as their chaperones...
Major warnings: D/S Au, A/B/O Au, Panic Attacks, Clint Barton is a mess
Maybe it goes like this:
“Alright Petey, you wanna quiz me?”
Peter rolls his eyes, and gives Clint a little push, “Are you sure it’s me going on this date, and not you? You’re literally incorrigible.”
“And you love me.”
“And I love you, you whore.”
Clint cackles, “I’ll take it.”
They decided to walk from their apartment to the coffee shop, Peter insisting that the chilly walk in the early November air would bring a natural blush to their complexion and wind-swept quality to their hair. Clint can’t complain— he loves Washington Square and walking around with a pretty Omega on his arm. Sue him.
“— packmates?”
And no one ever gave him an award for a stellar attention span.
“Sorry Pete, what was that?”
“I asked, what are the names of Tony’s packmates?”
Clint pretends to think as Peter gives him a searching look, “Steve and James. But James likes to go by Bucky.”
Peter does a small skip-hop in joy, “Yes! Perfect!” and reaches up on his tiptoes to dot a kiss on Clint’s cheek. Making Peter happy and receiving little kisses has been the biggest incentive to learn trivia about the Omega’s new boyfriend.
“Okay, okay, next one: how old is Tony?”
“Yes! And as a bonus, how old are his packmates?” Peter gives him a smug grin, playfully challenging Clint to answer right.
“Steve is twenty-five and Bucky is twenty-four.”
Peter claps his tiny hands together, with a little squeal of joy, and stops Clint in his tracks, pulling him down for a peck right on his lips.
He ducks his head, sheepish from the affection of his gorgeous packmate, and a blush blooms red across his cheeks. Peter doesn’t give him a moment to recover, quickly tugging him along as they finish their trek across the Park.
“Alright, last one, C.” Peter presses the crosswalk button, even though the way is clear, but before he can ask the question Clint squeezes his hand and pulls him across the street. Peter lets out a small protest of no, Clint, we can’t as they run, but the crosswalk is short and the street isn’t busy, so they are almost immediately on the other side.
“Clint—” Peter goes to lecture him, probably about road safety and traffic laws, so Clint interrupts him,
“Last question? Look, we’re almost there,” and they are, so it’s a good distraction for his pouty packmate.
“Oh goodness, you’re right. Okay. Last one then: how long have they been together?”
Knowing that Peter has talked about this a few times, and might expect a few different answers, Clint gives him the long one, “Well. You said they’ve been a pack for two years,”
“That Tony met Steve four years ago, and Bucky the year after, but Steve and Bucky were already together,”
“Right again,”
“And Steve and Bucky have known each other since they were kids, but didn’t get together until college.”
“Right, right, right! Gosh, I’m so proud of you, C.” The younger boy looks so happy, and Clint can’t help pulling Peter’s hand up to place a light kiss across his knuckles, waiting for the last crosswalk light to turn.
“I’m proud of you, Pete, and you’re gonna have a great time with him today. You just pretend like we’re invisible, and I’ll just casually pry for personal information and signal to you if we need to run, okay?”
Peter giggles and his smile brightens as he pulls Clint across the street to the coffee shop, “Somehow I feel like we’re gonna be fine.”
It was sheer stupidity to worry about Clint getting along with Bucky.
The moment they enter the coffee shop, Clint can hear a loud voice calling, “Peter,” and looks to his side to gauge Peter’s reaction, realizing the tiny Omega is already halfway across the cafe.
Clint trails along slowly, amused by the handsome, older man cooing over his small, beautiful date. Peter is dwarfed in the larger man’s arms, and Clint has never seen him look this content. And it’s been like twenty seconds.
“Tony! This is my packmate, Clint,” he reaches forward to shake Tony’s hand, exchanging good to meet you’s, as the older man grips tighter and quirks his lips up in a secret smile. The expression elevates his charm even further, and Clint lets his hand be dropped in awe.
“Oh, and this is Bucky,” Tony steps a little to the right to reveal another dark, stunning man, who flashes him a heartbreaking smile. Damn, where does Peter find these guys?
He doesn’t even hesitate, grabbing Bucky’s hand and pulling him a little closer, as Bucky’s smile turns from amused to knowing. Bucky leans closer, and whispers so only he can hear,
“I have a thing for blondes.”
Clint turns to Peter, “Let’s marry them. Please.”
Peter just giggles, turning killer doe-eyes on Tony, and it looks like Tony wants to mate the Omega right then and there. Clint is a horrible chaperone, but glad they all seem to be on the same page.
Bucky claps his hands, pulling all three of them out of their mild trance, and suggests grabbing tables and ordering coffee. He gives a pointed stare to Tony, and then turns it on Clint.
Oh. That’s a hint to get lost.
Tony pats Clint on the shoulder, nodding his head towards the counter as they leave the other two men to acquire tables.
“So Tony,”
“So, Clint. What— uh. What does Pete usually drink?”
They get in line, and Clint gives the menu a critical eye.
“Doesn’t he drink coffee in the lab?”
Tony looks a little uncomfortable, but answers easily, “Sure, but he usually drinks the drip coffee black. I want to get him something special, so I figured you would know what he treats himself to.”
“Alright, make a guess.”
“Huh?” Clint smiles a bit at Tony’s confusion,
“I know what he likes, but I want to see what you would get him, what you think he likes.”
Now it’s Tony’s turn to eye the menu, humming in thought—
“Something sweet, but with a little twist. Maybe salted caramel? Uh. I’m gonna go with salted caramel latte, with extra whipped cream.”
It’s a good guess, and honestly Peter probably would like it, but Clint wants to watch this man be proved wrong.
“Maybe,” immediately Tony’s smile deflates a bit, “but a few months ago he discovered the London Fog, and it’s his guilty pleasure drink. You were right he likes a twist, and the earl grey adds like... a spice, or something, to the sweet vanilla latte— but he actually doesn’t like coffee all that much. He actually prefers tea, but coffee has more caffeine.”
Tony nods, seeming intrigued and distracted, before focusing back on Clint,
“But you like it black, don’t you?” tilting his head, it feels like Tony is answering a question he studied hard for.
And he’s not wrong, “Yeah, I prefer it black, Tony.”
“Okay, good.” and that’s the end of the conversation. Tony steps up to order as Clint waits behind him— just a little irritated when Tony orders for all of them.
In addition to the London Fog and large black coffee, Tony places an order for a small cappuccino and a large dark chocolate iced coffee with extra whipped cream and a doppio shot of espresso. As they carry the orders back to the table, along with a half dozen pastries, Clint is torn between his excitement to see Peter’s reaction and his anticipation to see which drink Tony ended up with— and which one is hot-Bucky’s.
“Here, honey,” Tony hands over the London Fog to a grabby Peter, who inhales deeply and lights up in surprise.
“H— how did you know, Tony? Oh my god, this is my favorite, thank you—”
Clint and Bucky exchange an eye roll at the sappy couple, and Tony swoons, “Honestly, Clint tipped me off. I had no idea that you prefer tea, baby.”
They take this as their cue, and Clint grabs his mug, waiting to see which drink Bucky will take before making their way over to a nearby table.
Naturally, Bucky grabs the iced coffee, smiling softly, and places his hand on Tony’s shoulder, giving him a short kiss on the lips. Both Peter and Clint stare in shock as Tony deepens the kiss, pulling Bucky closer and… yep, that’s his tongue. They pull away, both looking smug, and Tony turns back to Peter as if the world didn’t just stop spinning.
Bucky leads the way back to their table, and Clint has to adjust himself in his pants, thankful for the comfy seat and a table in between them as they sit down.
“Okay, first of all, that was hot.”
He gets a wink in response as Bucky sucks his straw into his mouth, slurping obscenely instead of responding, and Clint quickly takes a swig of his coffee as a distraction, sputtering as it burns his tongue.
“Aw, coffee, no.” and Bucky is laughing now, reaching over to grab his arm as his posture relaxes.
And there’s something else— underneath the coffee shop smell, the scent of Oranges and Milk Chocolate and HappyContentRelaxedOmega.
Oh. Alright then.
Clint’s experience with Omegas is limited to his two packmates, so he lets himself enjoy the calming scent coming from the beautiful man across from him until—
“Hey man, you good?” concerned steel-blue eyes gaze across the table at him, and he feels completely out of his depth.
“Yeah, just burned my tongue,” he takes another sip, mindlessly, and immediately regrets it, “Ow— shit.”
The mug is pulled out of his hands, “Wow, you’re a human wreck, aren’t you?” but Bucky’s expression is indulgent and teasing instead of cruel, so Clint smiles along, grateful.
“All day, every day, gorgeous.”
And after that, conversation flows naturally, both men laid back and enjoying a day to people-watch and drink expensive coffee. Occasionally they turn their attention back to Tony and Peter, the couple sitting close together and feeding each other small bites of pastry.
Bucky and Clint both shudder simultaneously. Gross.
So they mostly ignore their packmates, instead bonding about sports. Like idiots. Clint learns about Bucky’s past in baseball and football, and he shares about his time in the Olympics, to which Bucky—
“You’re shitting me, right? You’re the amazing Hawkeye? I literally followed your career when you were in Rio, and oh my god, you were in Rio,” Bucky looks around frantically, as if he’s trying to find a witness to this story, and Clint just grins.
“Clint fucking Barton—”
“— and that is officially my middle name—”
“— shut up, and you medaled, right?”
Aw, such a cute Omega. “Gold and Silver, hot stuff.”
It’s not often that Clint can make an Omega swoon, and technically there has only been one official occurrence of said event, but he basks in the praise that Bucky gives him for this, thanking the all-powerful archery gods for his performance two years ago.
“Clint, that’s literally so cool. I mean— Tony does cool stuff all day long in the lab, and— and I can flex about my degree and high school sports stats, or my Alpha’s career in the Army, but—”
“Wait,” Clint interrupts, suddenly going still at Bucky’s words, “you had an Alpha?”
Bucky looks confused, “No, I have an Alpha. Tony and I do— didn’t Peter mention Steve?”
He feels the walls closing in around him. Of course he’s heard about Steve, but had no idea—
Drawing his imaginary bow, he catches Peter’s eyes and releases the arrow. Peter signs back a discreet I love you in ASL.
Clint heads for their table, knowing Peter has received his distress signal.
Bucky’s not quite sure what just happened.
He sits at the table, watching silently as Clint walks over to Peter, pulls him to the side, and the two packmates have brief, intense conversation.
Tony looks his way, curiously, and all he can do is shrug his shoulders.
He retraces their conversation quickly— was it the Olympics? No, Clint was perfectly happy to preen about that. Was it about his time in the military? Some people are hesitant to ask about that, but Clint had seemed fine. That is until he mentioned—
“We’re leaving, I’m so sorry, Tony,”
Peter is now tucked protectively underneath Clint’s arm, the Beta avoiding all eye contact, as his packmate apologizes for the inconvenience.
“— we have personal stuff that just came up, pack stuff, and need to cut this short.”
Tony gently strokes the Omega’s concerned face, smoothing out the lines of worry.
“Honey, do whatever you need to, okay? And please call me if you need anything. I swear, Pete.”
Peter nods seriously, “Of course, Tony. And we’ll have our second date soon, right?” a hopeful expression coming over his pretty features as Clint noticeably pulls him closer.
“... of course, Peter. I would love nothing more.”
With a quick kiss to the back of Peter’s hand, Tony lets him go— Clint sweeping the smaller boy out of the coffee shop and back down the street.
Bucky still hasn’t moved, and Tony is frozen with his hand still raised, watching the two men hurry away.
“... What did you say.”
Tony turns slowly, face carefully blank, as he takes a step in Bucky’s direction.
Bucky shakes his head, “I— I don’t know—”
“Don’t lie to me, James. What did you say to Clint?”
His vision is starting to get fuzzy, and all Bucky wants to do is sit, but he’s trapped under the weight of his Beta’s gaze and Dominant voice.
“J— jus’ said. St— Stevie,” he chokes on his next breath, “Stevie’s our… A—alpha.”
He still senses anger from his Beta, and instinctively hunches in his shoulders, making himself smaller, as exposes his neck in submission.
“Shit,” Tony curses, and Bucky whimpers, unsure why his Beta is so displeased with him.
“Someone bring us coffee, please? My mate is dropping—“
Oh, coffee. Coffee is good.
He sips on the warm drink that’s placed in his hands moments later, but then remembers Clint’s FearProtectEscape scent, and the mug almost shakes out of his hands, hitting the table in front of him.
Tony takes it gently, pulling his seat closer, and Bucky is so scared at how easily he’s swung submissive. It’s been years since the last time he made a scene in public, and he can’t get a grip on himself. But it doesn’t matter as everything slips away.
There are suddenly fingers on his chin, lifting his gaze back to Tony, and his Beta stares into his eyes for a moment before cursing again and pulling out his phone, letting Bucky’s head drop.
At the low urgency of his Beta’s voice, he sinks down, down, down, further into his head.
He sinks down, knees hitting the hardwood flooring and face planting firmly into Tony’s thigh. He breathes in deep, and is pleased to feel calloused fingers petting his hair. The rhythm pulls him down, and all he can think about is the steady thrum of his Beta’s pulse and the solid grounding of the wood under his knees. He mouths absently at the fabric in front of him.
And then he’s flying. Up.
But wait. He can’t fly.
Oh— a summer thunderstorm. Maybe he is flying, then. Up, up, up, he’s lifted by strong arms, and a familiar low voice. His vision swims in front of him, brief images flashing and drifting past his subconscious, and he’s content to be wrapped tight in the scent of home.
“A— alpha, please,” he whispers, and feels a low rumble start on his right side, warm and content.
He floats.
Time passes.
But then he’s cold again.
Confused, he feels around for the comforting warmth from before, but can’t find it. He opens his eyes and it’s dark. He tries to move, to climb out of this dark place, but his arms are trapped, pinned by his sides.
His breathing picks up.
“No, no no nooo—” he’s so alone. He tries to think back to what happened, to what he did to be punished this way, and remembers his Beta’s displeasure, the disappointment. He can’t remember, doesn’t understand—
“No, please, ‘m sorry sir, please, no—”
“Dammit Tony, I knew we shouldn’t have left him—”
He cries harder as he’s shifted around, hoping his punishment will be quick.
Instead, his arms are freed, and a merciful, bright light, brings him up, closer to the surface. Warm again, Bucky sobs in the safety of strong arms, whispering sorries into his Alpha’s neck as he’s cradled close.
At some point he must pass out, because he wakes up slowly to the familiar scent of their den at home. He hears low murmurs of his packmates talking nearby, and tries to blink open his eyes. He takes in the feeling of being held, wrapped with both sets of arms around his waist, and hums in appreciation. The voices go silent as one arm lifts to brush his hair off his face,
“Buck, are you coming back up?”
He takes inventory before responding, checking his senses and pushing through the cloudiness in his head to give his Alpha a nod yes.
“Good boy, so proud of you,” the sweet voice croons back to him, and he feels himself smile at the praise. “Tony, grab the tray we set out, two water bottles and the juice.”
He’s moved, sitting now, and blinks open his eyes to watch his Beta place the tray in front of them on the bed and hand a bottle of water their Alpha. The pieces of food on the tray are his favorites, he knows, but doesn’t waste energy figuring it out. His Alpha and Beta will take care of that for him.
“Tony, do you want to hold him or feed him?”
There’s a small pause, and a sigh, before his Alpha is speaking again, “Fine, you’ll hold him.”
He’s picked up, his Alpha scenting him briefly, before setting Bucky in between firm legs, propping him up against a rigid chest.
Bucky tries to curl up again, already feeling the hesitation and rejection coming from his Beta, but a low growl from their Alpha has both packmates stilling, before relaxing together.
“I swear to god Tony, do not put your insecurities on him. Comfort our Omega, or I swear to god I will lock you out of our den for a week, understood?”
Bucky doesn’t have to turn to look to know Tony’s face is scrunching up, even as he answers, “Yes, Alpha,” and Bucky can’t help but laugh a bit, closing his eyes and wiggling back into Tony’s arms as they close around him.
He peeks to look at Steve, and sees the tail end of a fond smile aimed towards both his packmates.
The water bottle is opened with an audible snap and gently pressed up against his lips as Steve murmurs drink, baby and he obeys, the cool liquid bringing him up even further and satisfying his thirst.
After a few moments, the bottle is empty and Steve is praising him again as he replaces the water with a few pieces of cheese and sweet chocolate. Bucky watches as Steve gathers each piece intentionally, before feeding them to Bucky— each time praising him for the simple task of chewing and swallowing.
With the fourth bite, Bucky sucks one of Steve’s fingers into his mouth, giving it a light nip before Steve pulls it free, be good falling from his lips, even as his eyes darken and stay glued to Bucky’s mouth.
“Feeling better, love?” Tony whispers into his shoulder, dropping a small kiss onto the skin right above his Alpha’s sweatshirt— the one they like to wrap him in when he floats after a scene. Bucky tries to twist and see Tony’s face, but the Beta keeps him facing forward as he confesses, “I feel horrible that I dropped you in public like that. You were there, helping me out, and I really hurt you. I’m so sorry, baby—”
Now Bucky really breaks the hold, turning in his Beta’s lap to see his face— pulling Tony’s hands out of the way,
“Tony, it's okay now. I’m safe, and you did the best that you could. ’m not mad at you.”
If anything, Tony’s face looks even more upset and devastated, “But I didn’t, though. I yelled and left you alone in the car and was way too focused on the Omega that I’m trying to court, and completely forgot that it’s you I’m committed to, and you I’m responsible for—”
“— okay, first of all, you are not responsible for me,” Bucky cuts in, “Yeah, we’re mates and look after each other, but even Stevie here isn’t responsible for me. I’m in charge of that, got it? We scene together and look after each other, but just because you’re my Dom doesn’t give you control of my life,” Steve rubs his back in encouragement, and this gives him the strength to finish, “Second, sweetheart, I had the best time meeting Peter and Clint. It’s my fault Clint freaked out, and I don’t know… something about that caused me to swing really fast.”
Steve speaks before Tony can, “Wait, what happened with Clint?”
“Oh, I guess I didn’t mention,” Tony answers, pulling Bucky to his side and throwing an arm over his shoulder, “something freaked Clint out and he left early with Peter.”
“But what—”
“Steve,” Bucky grabs his mate’s hand, “I think it had something to do with you being pack Alpha.”
Even Tony tenses up at Bucky’s words, and before Steve can say anything else, he tries to explain, “I don’t know what happened. One minute we were talking about the Olympics— which, Stevie, he’s like a crazy talented archer, you wouldn’t even believe it— but I mention our pack Alpha and he flips. He makes some sort of signal to Peter, and the two of them practically ran outta there.”
“Oh man,” Steve says as Tony curses under his breath, “what do you think— Tony, did you know about this at all?”
“I swear, I had no idea. Pete said his whole Ado-pack was excited to meet you guys, so I assumed…”
The Alpha shakes his head, “No, I get it. He must have some sort of trauma— maybe a previous pack with an abusive pack Alpha.”
Bucky reaches forward, pulling their Alpha’s hand in a silent invitation. They readjust, letting Steve lay in the middle, and curl up on either side of him. He traces a finger around Steve’s abs, teasing a little lower until he hears a throat clear, and Tony laces their fingers together instead. Bucky shakes with laughter, and kisses Steve’s side, “Baby, there’s nothing you can do. It wasn’t you.”
“Love you, Steve,” Tony adds, "I’ll talk to Petey, see what the damage is. You guys come first— Peter knows that.” he sounds resigned, so Bucky squeezes his hand, sending over an empathetic smile.
Steve strokes both of their heads, protective and affectionate, “I love you guys,” leaning down, Steve brushes a kiss over Tony’s forehead, “Don’t worry, my Beta, I have a feeling you won’t have to choose.”
Tony’s mouth ticks upward in a grin as he lets his eyes close, “I hope so, Alpha.”
A few hours earlier
Clint measures his steps, walking fast without drawing unnecessary attention, as he approaches Peter and Tony’s table. He grabs Peter’s arm, and the younger man is already standing, looking up at him with concern and fear in his eyes.
“We need to leave, now.”
“What happened? Did Bucky—”
“No, Bucky’s fine, it’s me. I have to get out of here.”
“Do I need to call Annie? Are you gonna drop?”
“Maybe. I don’t know,” it’s now taking physical effort to breathe normally, “please, Pete.”
Peter nods once, studying Clint’s face for a moment before tucking himself under Clint’s arm, and he focuses on the glass window, pretending he’s outside and far away from this place. He hears Peter’s voice, and Tony’s voice, but all of it muddles together as he concentrates on keeping his head clear.
“... nothing more,” Tony’s saying, giving a brief kiss to Peter’s delicate hand, and Clint pulls the Omega closer, mind focusing on the singularity of getting them home, keeping his pack safe.
He steers Peter through the door, walking them in a haze back across the busy streets, park sidewalks, and a few blocks further to their apartment. His Omega is obediently silent, beautifully pliant, and Clint instinctively rewards him, stroking through his hair and kissing his fingers as they work their way through the building and up the stairs to their apartment.
They stop in front of the door and Clint grunts open it, sweet Omega and keys jingle in the lock, his Omega perfectly opening the door and letting them through. He wraps his Omega in both arms, scenting deeply, and enjoying HappyContentRelaxedOmega.  
But he’s on a mission.
He grabs his Omega, “Nest.” and waits for the verbal confirmation, “Yes, Beta.” before continuing, trusting his Omega to follow his order.
He scents the apartment, walking through the rooms at a steady prowl until he catches sweet Strawberries and Salted Caramel coming from the kitchen.
He sees his Omega in the kitchen, gathering food and water for their nest. She sees him standing at the entrance, but doesn’t submit. He growls at her in warning, but she just returns his gaze.
“Omega.” he gives one more warning, and she finally drops her eyes. Good.
He stalks closer, moving her hair to the side, and scenting her thoroughly, offering his own wrist for her to use. A few kisses to her neck, and he enjoys the scent of HappyContentRelaxedOmega for the third time tonight, silently urging her to gather the materials for their nest and follow him to find their Omega.
He makes his way toward the bedroom. His Omega has built a beautiful nest, warm and inviting, with perfect lighting and ample protection from outside threats. Both Omegas finish setting up the fortress, and start to strip.
He growls slightly, and they stop obediently, submitting to his wishes. He steps forward, slowly pulls both of them out of shirts, shoes, and pants, leaving intimate parts covered and perfect skin unveiled.
“Me.” he commands, and both Omegas move quickly, stripping his shirt and pants until all of them stand in a similar state of dress.
He steps forward to inspect the nest, already having approved of it thus far, and crawls towards the center, checking the scent distribution.
“More. Annie.” and a shirt is tossed his way. He scents the item and places it in their nest, continuing his path to the center.
One at a time, his pack joins him in their nest, and he settles them next to each other, covering their vulnerable areas with soft blankets, and cushioning their heads with pillows.
He joins them, sliding in between so that they are curled into his side, protected under his arms. Safe. Warm. Home.
“Sleep.” he growls, letting himself drift now that his pack is safe.
A few hours later, he starts to climb back into consciousness.
He can hear his pack talking near him, but it’s mostly nonsense. His mind feels heavy and blank, and all he can think about is keeping them safe. Keeping himself safe.
He opens his eyes, sitting up suddenly, and his packmates turn to look at him.
He goes to command them, needing control over the situation, but his Omega sits up taller, refusing to bare her throat to him.
“Apple,” she stares into his eyes, gripping his jaw, firm, and coaxing his mouth open. She slides the fruit between his lips and he knows— it’s familiar—
“Chew, Clint. C’mon.” and he obeys, taking a crisp bite. As he chews, he enjoys the sweet and tangy flavors, grounding him. He swallows.
“Banana,” oh, he knows now, and opens his lips to let Annie feed him a small bite of banana, letting the sweet and soft tastes contrast clearly in his mouth, and he hums appreciatively.
“Last one, Clint. You’re doing great, and I need you to answer. What is this?” Annie holds the last piece up to his lips, and Clint gives her a sweet smile,
“Carrot,” and Annie slips it into his mouth, letting him crunch down on it. So different from the fruits, Clint feels the hard veggie pull him back to the present, and he blinks in awareness.
Oh, shit.
Clint feels tears sting his eyes, as he looks for Peter,
“Pete, I’m... oh my god, I'm s-so sorry, I don’t even know what happened—”
The small Omega crawls towards him on the nest, making sure not to show his neck and continues to maintain eye contact, cupping his cheek tenderly,
“Hush. We’ll talk about it in a minute— but... Clint, you dropped in the coffee shop, I think, and you swung dominant.”
He knew it was something bad, and Clint starts to pull away, terrified of hurting his pack further—
“Ow!” Clint grabs at the stinging on his temple, right where Annie just flicked him,
“You absolute idiot,” she chastises, turning his face to look her way, “Clint do you even know how wonderful of a Dom you were this afternoon? Even in your drop you protected us so well, so of course we kept you safe.”
He stays silent, dropping his eyes, and Peter presses up against his side in solid comfort.
Annie continues, “I know swinging dominant is hard for you, I get it. But you’re not like him, okay? You kept us safe, and we kept you safe. Give yourself a break.”
It’s hard to believe, but he nods anyway, murmuring a quiet thanks to his packmates.
They are content to sit in silence for a few moments, filling their nest with Happy and Home.  
Annie breaks the silence again,
“So— who’s gonna tell me what happened?”
Clint defers to Peter, hoping to get their smaller packmate to gush about his date, but Peter doesn’t take the hint,
“I’m drinking tea with Tony, talking about improving efficiency of hydroelectricity in international power exchange, and suddenly Clint is giving me the panic sign and we’re running out of there,” he takes a sip of his tea, “okay, it’s your turn, C.”
Damn the pretty minx.
“I— okay, it’s not all clear to me. One minute, I’m hitting it off with this gorgeous Omega— yeah, Pete, you were right— and then he mentions his pack Alpha and I just lost it,” he turns to Peter, feeling hurt again, “why didn’t you tell me they had a pack Alpha?”
“C—clint I honestly… I had no idea. Tony never even mentioned that Bucky was an Omega, I guess I thought— I’m honestly so sorry, I assumed they were both Omegas, like our pack. Tony’s just so dominant—”
“No, it’s not— it’s not your fault, Petey.”
“How dominant?” throwing a sly smile, Annie redirects the conversation innocently, and Peter lets out a scandalous gasp.
She laughs, grabbing at him to tickle his sides which makes him squeal,
“I wanna hear all about our future pack, guys, so tell me: how dominant is this guy? You said he’s a Beta, right?”
Clint and Peter exchange a hesitant look, and Peter speaks up, “Future pack?”
Annie looks between them and rolls her eyes,
“Well, you had a compatible memory with Tony, right? And Bucky sounds like a whole snack. We’ll work up to meeting Steve, but for now, it’s a definite possibility.”
Clint wants to protest this, upset at how his best friend is so easily dismissing his past trauma, but takes a moment to think. He did really like Bucky, and Tony is incredibly handsome and charming. Oh, and he looked like Peter’s second half— even on their first date.
While he’s silent, thinking over the options, Peter has been sharing details about his admirer with Annie, who is looking more and more intrigued by the second.
“— so he brought you your all time favorite drink—”
“— by Clint’s suggestion—”
Annie waves it off, “and then what?”
Ah, Clint almost forgot about that kiss.
He moans, dramatically and indecently, but it gets Annie’s attention,
“Watching Tony and Bucky kiss almost had me fucking coming in my pants, Annie—” she snorts a laugh, and Peter shakes his head, interrupting—
“No, Annie, it was so hot. You know how you like it when I make out with Clint?” she nods, mouth hanging wide open, “like that— but it was Tony.”
At that, Clint rolls his eyes, “It was Toneeyyy,” he mocks, getting both Omegas to laugh as Peter throws a pillow at him.
“Shut up, Clint,” Annie smacks him in the arm lightly, “leave the horny Omega alone.”
Peter gasps again, “Betrayal!”
Both of them cackle and pull Peter close, ignoring his pouty face and snuggling him close. Clint relaxes around his pack, thankful again to have them so close to him tonight, and is surprised when Annie, and then Peter, start purring.
Clint hums, “You two are my favorites.” and his packmates both press closer.
He’s unsure about the future. Unsure about things changing so fast. But as long as these two stick next to him, he can face his fears, knowing he’s not alone.
“Good,” Peter whispers, “because I want Tony to visit soon, and formally meet our pack.”
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thefrenchyavenger · 5 years
First date (part 1)
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Of course ! You had to sprain your knee ! You felt like a level one agent ! You were ashamed of yourself. You had thank your opponent by breaking his nose. But according to the doctor, you had to rest for at least two weeks, which meant two weeks off for you ! You didn’t had the right to move so you might go crazy but hey … 
You met Clint on your way to the parking lot, who offered to give you a ride home. Clint went as far as to stop to do your shopping. Your fridge was always empty. Clint knew you enough to know that you would rather order take away food than ask for help. He couldn’t let his friend like this.
You barely made it into your flat that, once on your floor, you saw a gigantic bouquet of flowers in front of your door. It was way too big. You opened the door before taking the flowers.  You closed the door behind you and sighed. You put the flowers on the kitchen counter and saw a hand-written card :
« See you in ten ! Tony »
What the hell ?! Okay you did try to avoid him, and you did pretty well … until now. You knew Tony had a thing for you. You had received dozens of alerts, saying someone had tried to access your files. He had tried to read your personal file and the reports of your missions. You also knew that the food which was delivered to you, everyday at the same hour wasn’t from Clint. You understood that after seing him eating some of it in your office. 
You sort of liked the fact that he wasn’t giving you the choice, it was somewhat thrilling. You wanted someone who would fight for you and your attention. You wanted to know if Tony was serious or if he was just enjoying the chase . You weren’t about to be a trophy for his collection.
The only bad side of Tony’s plan, was that you were definitely not ready for a date ! You took a look at your jeans, top, blazer, boots and your … splint. It’ll do. You drank some water and for the first time in a while you felt anxious. Your heart leaped when someone knocked on your door. You took a deep breath before opening it :
« Hey y/n » Said Tony with his famous smirk. 
« Stark » 
« Come on ! Call me Tony ! »
« For that too I won’t have a choice ? »
« Yep »
« Okay then … let’s go » You said, trying to keep your emotions in check as would do every top agents of the SHIELD. 
Clint :
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« The simulation has failed … I don’t like that » You said, watching your computer as if the answer would magically appeared on the screen. 
You turned to watch one of your many screens to start a new simulation. These new armors were driving you nuts. You had been working on it for weeks now and no results. Nothing, absolutely nothing. One part of the issue was that you weren’t entirely focused. Because of what ? No ! Because of whom ! Clint Barton was your issue, him and his kindness and his arms that were too good to be true ! You almost got a heart attack when someone entered your lab. You almost dropped your tablet, the one you created yourself, when Clint appeared :
« Hi »
You slowly turned towards him, your heart almost jumping out of your chest. He was there, resting against door, hands in his pockets. He was the perfect representation of relaxed. 
But Clint wasn’t relaxed at all ! He was acting like seeing you did nothing to his heart, like his head wasn’t a mess imagining how many children you should have, or where you should get married … 
« Clint ? What are you doing here ? »
« I came to see how you were doing » He answered before sitting right next you. 
You were doing your maximum not to hyperventilate when Clint’s shoulder touched yours. You did everything you could not to show the effect he had on you. 
« If you keep coming here I might start to think that you can’t live without me » 
« Which is not exactly wrong. » He confirmed.
When he saw the red on your cheeks he had to stop himself from jumping with happiness. 
« I thought you had a mission today ? »
« It was yesterday … When was the last time you saw the sun ? » He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Clint was worried, he knew you were a workaholic , which was a difficult fact to miss when the equipment of the agents was improving under his eyes. His equipment too. 
« Well … maybe two or three days ago. I’m working on this prototype but it’s not going the way I want ! » You said frustrated, once more focused on your work.
« You need a break » declared Clint before taking your hand, forcing you to follow him. 
« What are you doing ?! » You shouted, trying to escape his grasp. 
« We’re going on our first date ! »
« Excuse-me ?! »
« I repeat : we’re going on our first date ! »
« Because there will be more than one ?! »
« Unless you don’t want to » Said Clint, suddenly shy.
« I want to, but I might need to change my clothes »
« No need, you’re prefect the way  you are »
« Can I at least take a shower … »
« You have 20 minutes »
« Sir, yes Sir »
Steve :
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« All good agent, you’re free to go but be careful in the future » You said.
You saw your patient leave before noticing Steve with an impressive cut on his forearm. Now that you were thinking about it, he did everything he could to avoid every medical exam but for a few weeks now, it was the reverse. Strange. 
« Hello y/n » Said Steve with a small smile, his eyes barely meeting yours. 
« Hey Steve. What happened this time ? »
« My training turned wrong » He explained, not wanting to tell you what really happened, too scared of what you might think. 
« Again ?! It’s the fourth time this week ! » 
« It was a though one »
« As usual ! Okay, sit down, let me get my tools »
« Yes ma’am »
« By the way, how was your last mission ? » 
« Quite good, but my ‘colleagues » laughed at me a few times.
« Why ? » You asked, astonished that anyone would make fun of Captain America during a mission. 
« Because I was not entirely focused »
« I see, who’s in your mind ? »
« How do you know it was someone ?! » He shouted, his cheeks turning red.
« My sixth sens » You laughed, enjoying how quickly Steve could change his attitude. 
« You »
« Excuse-me ? »
« I was thinking of you » He explained, watching the floor.
« I… I don’t know what to say. I admit I don’t have the words. »
« I was trying to … find a way to invite you for diner, or whatever »
« Wait a minute ! Is that why you were hurt so manny times this week ?! Don’t tell me it was on purpose ! Please ! »
« Yeah … » He admitted « So ? »
« So what ? »
« Do you … want to go out … with me ? »
« On one condition, that you stop hurting yourself just to see me, even during a mission ! Focus ! Not on me ! I don’t want to be blamed for Captain America’s death ! » 
« Okay, I’ll do my best then, I can’t promise anything … » He said, a happy smile on his face « There’s a jazz concert in Central Park this Friday, would you be interested ? »
« I would love to »
Thor :
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It was almost midnight when you found Thor sitting outside, watching the stars. He looked so peaceful. Not wanting to disturb him, you decided to leave. You knew Thor had a lot going on, between Earth and Midgard, his duty as a prince. But there was also the fact that you were scared to do something stupid in front of him. Of course, he saw you before you could leave :
« Lady y/n ? » 
« Sorry, I was about to leave. »
« Stay ! Please ? » Said Thor with a welcoming smile.
« I don’t want to disturb you »
« You don’t, it’s quite the contrary » Smiled Thor, taking your hand in his. 
« Very well then »
You sat down next to him, circling your knees with your arms to protect yourself from the cold night air. Thor noticed it and put his arm around you. You thanked him with a smile. Thor was good, making you feel safe so easily was impressive; 
« You seem tired »
« I’m not sleeping well, too much stress I think »
You were not about to admit that because of him you were almost insomniac !  And the perspective of your next mission was not helping. Sleep had abandoned you. 
« Why ? »
« I have to leave at the end of the week for a mission and I don’t get along well with the team »
« I’m sure everything will be fine, but if not I’ll gladly come and help, just call for Heimdall, he’ll tell me »
« Thank you » You said shyly, kissing his cheek quickly. 
« When will you be back ? » He asked, hiding the happiness he felt at your kiss.
« It’s in Spain, so … next friday I think »
« I see. I recently discovered a wonderful greenhouse here on earth, you would like to visit it with me ? » He asked you, trying to make you understand that he wanted to « court » you. 
« Like a date ? »
« Yes » 
« That … That would be wonderful »
Loki :
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You were in office, reading your notes about your patients, that was part of your job as a psychiatrist for important agents, doctors and all. Even Fury confided in you a few times ! You were mad. You couldn’t calm down since your last meeting with the god of mischief. God that you had nicely baptized as « immature idiot and first class moron ». 
You were writing your last report for the day, when the walls and the ceiling of your office turned into a starry-sky. It felt like your were in the middle of a meadow. A voice broke the charm, getting your attention :
« This will be visible tonight, the better spot will on the west hill » Said Loki.
« So ? »
« I want you to watch it with me tonight »
« No thank you, I just saw it. »
« This is just a pitiful representation of what it will be » He tried. 
« So, you are saying that your magic isn’t that extraordinary ? » You teased.
Loki tried to keep his calm. He knew what you were doing. You wanted him to loose control, to give you a good reason to avoid him. Strangely, Natasha Romanoff gave him some tips about you. She must had had her reasons to do so. She told him that you were a big tease with people who weren’t your patients. 
« I just want to spend some times with you, is that too much to ask ? » He explained with a bit of despair in his eyes.
« Alright, I might come »
« See you tonight then »
« I said I ‘might’, there’s nothing sure here ! »
« I’m pretty confident that you’ll come »
« Is that so ? »
« I think you like me but you don’t want to admit it. So you’re trying to push me away. But let me tell you a secret, it won’t work. Not today, not ever, not with me. »
« You are awfully confident, has anyone ever told you that ? »
« Once or twice, but I don’t really care » 
« I noticed »
« If you don’t come, I’ll personally take you there »
« Oh god helps me ! I’m terrified » You sassed.
« You should be » He said with a smirk.
Bucky :
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 In the end, after getting Bucky back. He and Steve were back to normal, like nothing happened. Steve had noticed Bucky’s interest for you. He was always asking about you, how you were doing, keeping an eye on you. He also took care of a few agents who were out of line with you, and you were blind to all of it. Basically, Bucky was following like a lost puppy would. 
As soon as he had joined the SHIELD, you were the only person capable to calm him down when he had a nightmare or a crisis. With your help, he was doing better everyday. You even trained together because Steve was too scared to hurt you. 
One day, when Bucky was more like himself like ever before, you decided to make this sparring session even more interesting. The first one on the floor loose and the winner could ask whatever he wanted. Bucky had no intentions to loose, it was the perfect opportunity. He was finally feeling confident enough to ask you out. 
Obviously, he won, but you did pretty well, he had some bruises to prove it. Not everyone had a super-strength … well, Steve’s nose still remembered your fist so … But it was his fault ! 
« So, what do you want from his sergeant ? »
« Diner, you and me in this Italian restaurant in Brooklyn »
« Is that a date ? »
« It is. Pick you up at 7 ! »
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barnes-dameron · 6 years
James Barnes v. the U.S.
Part I: The Lawyers
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*not my gif*
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: It was inevitable that Bucky Barnes would have to stand before court and face the crimes that the Winter Soldier has done. He didn’t think that it would be this soon. While imprisoned, Steve and the reader scramble to find Bucky a lawyer and win the case that determines his life. 
Word Count: 1.6k
Author’s Note: Celebrating a small milestones in followers, decided to write this 5 part series. Timeline and story is bit sketchy, but takes place kind of after Civil War before Infinity War. 
December 7th
It’s been over a week since they took Bucky, and they wouldn’t even let you visit him. You thought he would be released on bail, but apparently they deemed Bucky as “dangerous.” It broke your heart to know that he was behind bars. A couple of days after Bucky was taken, police officers came to ransack the place. They looked through Bucky’s room, and got a copy of the security tapes from the past months. 
You were waiting in living area, sitting on the couch and looking out the window, waiting for Steve. You didn’t know who he was talking to, but you knew it was important. You two were currently trying your best to find a defense lawyer for Bucky, and it was extremely difficult. You went to multiple lawyers and they were either no good or refused to defend Bucky. 
A loud sigh brought you back from your thoughts to the dread of reality. You watched as Steve walked in from the hallway, running a hand through his hair. He sat himself next to you, looking down at the phone in his head. 
“What was that about?” you asked curiously. 
Steve sighed again. 
“Tony,” Steve said, before throwing his phone on the coffee table set before you. “He said that he won’t help Bucky, and because of the Sokovian Accords we can’t use our salary to pay off the lawyer.” 
Your heart sank in your chest. Can’t pay the lawyer? How the hell are you going to pay a lawyer? You ran a hand through your hair, and leaned on the back of the couch. 
“I have some savings before the Avengers,” you pondered. “We can use it, and try to find a decent lawyer who’s willing to defend him.” 
“That’s seems to be our only option,” Steve said. “I have some money, not a lot. We can’t ask the others to pinch in, Tony said it violates the Accords somehow-”
“What!” you exclaimed, anger bubbling up inside you. “How’s that violating the Accords?” 
“Something about how it interferes with the investigation, and it’s like the Avengers are purposely trying to overthrow it.”
You rolled your eyes. You hated these Accords.
“So it’s just us then?” you asked. 
“Yep,” Steve said, looking down at his hands. You saw the tension building up in his shoulders, a vein popping out of his bicep. “We’re the closest to Bucky, so he gave us the responsibility of getting him a lawyer.” 
December 10th
After a couple of days of intense research, you and Steve were your making way through a part of New York you’ve never been to. You and Steve went to a law firm that was perfect, but you two had to leave after hearing the ball park price. The law firm that you left was your choice, so now you were making your way to Steve’s choice. 
Apparently it was a small firm that focused on defending the innocent, Steve thought it was perfect. You squeezed your jacket closer to your body, trying your best to shield off the cold. You followed Steve into the building, forgetting to check the name of the firm. The walls were dirty and yellowing, the white wood frames were peeling and chipping. 
You walked close to Steve. You weren’t scared, you were just extremely uncomfortable. The two of you stood in front of a door with a piece of paper taped to it, reading Nelson and Murdock. 
You weren’t familiar with this firm, stationed in a place like this. Steve knocked then entered into the office. You followed him, digging your hands further into your pockets. Rays of sun poured into the quiet room, providing the central lighting. A young blonde woman was writing on her desk, finally looking up to stare at Steve. You didn’t blame her, but she’s in a somewhat professional place. It’s not the best time to admire Captain America. You witnessed a pink color crawling up her face from her neck. 
“H-Hi,” she stammered out, straightening herself in her chair. “H-How can I help you?” 
Steve stood in front of her desk, and began to explain to her the situation. You heard the story in a nutshell about a dozen times, so at this point you were bored. You looked through the window to your side, and watched a man skimming his fingertips over blank paper. Strange. 
The woman, Karen, as she introduced herself as, led you and Steve to a conference room to wait. You leaned towards Steve. 
“Are you sure about this firm?” you asked in a hushed voice, looking around at the seemingly plain walls and plain office. 
“What choice do we have?” he asked. “Nobody else will take on Bucky, and he gave us this one job to do for him.” 
The door opened and two men, one blond and the other wearing glasses, entered the room and took a seat in front of you and Steve. 
“Mr. Rogers, Miss L/N,” the blond said. “I’m Foggy Nelson and this is my partner Matt Murdock.”
“Thank you for meeting with us,” you heard Steve’s deep voice say. “I assume you know of our little situation involving my friend.”
“We were updated yes and-,” Foggy said, shuffling through some papers. 
“You believe that he is innocent?” Matt asked, cutting off his partner. 
You tried to be positive throughout the day after being rejected multiple times. You tried your best to keep happy thoughts about the firm, but you didn’t know what happened. Something just snapped. You glared at Matt, the anger bubbling up inside you. You hated that Bucky was going through this, and you hated how these lawyers were having doubts about this. 
“Of course,” you replied in an instant. 
“He’s on record for being behind about a dozen assassinations,” Matt retorted. “The chances of him winning this case are very slim.”
“As slim as the Punisher’s?” you snapped. After seeing their names and now hearing what Matt said, you remembered what you read about these guys and the trial they were famous for... the trial that they lost. And you so wanted the satisfaction of throwing that back in their faces. “Maybe we should find another firm since this one can’t handle big cases.” 
You watched how Matt’s jaw locked, his lips forming a straight line. You couldn’t help but mentally high five yourself. But that imaginary moment was short lived since Steve kicked you under the table. The pain of your soon to be bruised shin caused your face to scrunch up. 
“Listen,” Steve said. “I know that we have a slim chance, but we’re willing to take that chance. If you win this, you can turn around your reputation and go down in the history books as winning the trial of the century.”
“Please,” you whimpered. You hated to admit it, but you were at the end of the line in finding a firm. Nelson and Murdock would be the last somewhat good firm until you and Steve would have to go and look at strip mall lawyers. “Believe it or not, you two are our only hope.” 
“If you’ll excuse us,” Foggy said, pushing his chair out. “We’ll talk about it-”
“We’ll take it,” Matt said without hesitation. 
December 12th
You hated being at the prison. You hated being in the private room for your meeting with Bucky. He was held in a secluded cell, being labeled as “dangerous” and “a threat to anyone within a 10 feet radius.” What you hated more was seeing Bucky in an orange jumpsuit and his metal arm chained to his side. You gripped the phone in your hand, listening intently to Bucky’s voice. 
“I hate it here,” he said, his sad eyes staring into yours. “With the soldiers, the restraints, the cold cell, it all just reminds me of the days in Hydra.” 
You felt your heart crack and scatter into a million pieces in that very moment. Tears were stinging in the back of your eyes, threatening to spill over onto your cheeks. You blinked them away, trying to keep your composure for Bucky’s sake. 
“I can’t imagine Buck,” you said, swallowing a sob in the process. “But Steve and I found you a lawyer.”
It warmed you a bit to see Bucky crack a slight smile. 
“Really?” he asked. “You found somebody to represent me?”
“Yeah,” you said with a nod. “Nelson and Murdock, defense attorneys-”
“Wait,” Bucky interrupted you. “The guys that lost the Frank Castle case that you told me about?” 
Your stomach sank to the floor. Damn, you did tell him about that. 
“Yes,” you replied, looking down at the area where the glass met the tabletop. “It was our last option...” 
“Time’s almost out,” you heard the gruff voice of the security guard behind you say. 
You nodded your head, and watched as Bucky did the same. 
“Doll,” he said, leaning forward on the table. “Whatever happens and whatever you find out, just know that-” 
You didn’t catch the last part. Guards came and grabbed Bucky by the shoulders, forcing him out of the chair. Bucky was struggling, trying to get back to the phone. The steady pounding of your heart increased from watching him struggle. You pounded your clenched fists on the glass, yelling at them to let him go. But another officer came behind you, pulling you away from the glass. 
Seeing you and the officer only triggered Bucky more. You couldn’t hear him, but you saw him yelling, continuing to fight off the officers. 
You didn’t know what was going to happen to Bucky when they get him out of the room. And you certainly didn’t know what was going to happen after the trial. 
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minimin1993 · 5 years
B/L 11
Tumblr media
Warning: Violence.
“Steve what are you doing?” Linda said after following Steve into the weapons room.
“Linda, don’t fucken sneak up on me.” Steve said holding his chest. 
“Language. 21st century catching up on you already.” Linda said with a smirk on her face opening the cases Steve was just standing in front of.  
“Oh shut up Linda, I am trying to find out what Fury is hiding. Stark is right, why didn’t he call us in sooner. Why now?” 
“Steve… I think you figured out why.” Linda said looking at the hydra symbol.
“Of course.” Steve said grabbing one of the weapons and walks out pissed off. 
“So What is PHASE 2?” They heard Tony asked when they reached the lab. 
“PHASE 2 is SHIELD uses the cube to make weapons.” Steve said dropping the Hydra assault rifle on the table, “Sorry, the computer was moving a little slow.” 
“Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean that we're…” Fury tried to explained.
“I'm sorry, Nick.” Tony said turning the screen over showing the weapons they plan on using the tesseract to make. “What were you lying?”
“I was wrong, director. The world hasn't changed a bit.” Steve said looking at Fury pissed.  
At that moment, Thor and Natasha walk into the lab. Natasha keeps her eyes right on Banner. Banner looks at her, pissed. 
“Did you know about this?” Banner said toward her. 
“You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?” Natasha asked making him scoff. 
“I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed.” 
“Loki's manipulating you.” She said getting closer to banner 
“And you've been doing what exactly?” 
“You didn't come here because I batted my eyelashes at you.”
“Yes, and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy. I'd like to know why SHIELD is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction.” Banner asked turning the screen pointing at it. 
“Because of him.” Fury said pointing to Thor 
“Me?” Thor asked stunned 
“Last year earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned.” Fury explained looking at us. 
“My people want nothing but peace with your planet.” 
“Said the son of the man who banished me to this world.” Linda said quietly rolling her eyes.
“Luna, what my father did...” 
“Its LINDA!! One more time and I will turn you into Mead.” Linda/Luna growled flashing her eyes at him causing Steve to hold her shoulder calming her down.  
“But you're not the only people out there, are you? And, you're not the only threat. The world's filling up with people who can't be matched, they can't be controlled.” 
“Like you controlled the cube?” Steve asked 
“You're work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is the signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for a higher form of war.” Thor said 
“A higher form?” Steved asked 
“You forced our hand. We had to come up with something.” Fury explained.
“Nuclear deterrent. `Cause that always calms everything right down.” Tony said 
“Remind me again how you made your fortune, Stark?”
“I'm sure if he still made Wait! Wait! Hold on! How is weapons, Stark would be neck this now about me? deep... I'm sorry, isn't THOR everything? I thought humans were more evolved than this.” Steve and Tony went back to back then Thor and Fury.
“Excuse me, did WE come to YOUR planet and blow stuff up?” Fury asked Thor 
“Did you always give your champions such mistrust?”
“Are you all really that naive? S.H.I.E.L.D monitors potential threat potential threats? watch list?” 
“I swear to God, Stark, one You're on that list? Are you more crack... above or below angry bees? Threatening! I feel threatened!”  
“You speak of control, yet you court chaos.” Thor said 
“It's his M.O., isn't it? I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no. We're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're... we're a time-bomb.” Banner said 
“You need to step away.” Fury said to Banner.
“Why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?” Tony said putting his arm on Steve. 
“You know damn well why! Back off!” Steve answered pushing his arm off 
“Oh, I'm starting to want you to make me.” Tony said getting into Steve face making Linda pissed. 
“Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?” 
“Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.” Tony answered making Linda scoff. 
“God he’s more arrogant than his father.” Linda said shaking her head making Natasha smirk.
“I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. Yeah, I've seen the footage.  The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.” Steve said 
“I think I would just cut the wire.” Tony said making them smirk. 
“Always a way out... You know, you may not be a threat, but you better stop pretending to be a hero.” Steve said smugly  
“A hero? Like you? You're a lab rat, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle!” 
“Put on the suit, let's go a few rounds.” Steve said looking at Tony. 
“Tony. Steve. That’s enough.” Linda said getting pissed. 
“Oh don’t let me get started on you sweetcakes. I read and heard all about your ability but yet you choose not to use it claiming you’re too unstable.” Tony said turning to look at Linda. 
“Oh Tony, you don’t want to start with me.” Linda/Luna said, her eyes turning black. 
“Linda, calm down.” Steve warned. 
“Yeah and if I do what are you going to do? All you need right now is a good time, maybe you and Cap can do us a favor and get it each other off and save us som……” Tony never finished as Linda put her finger on his lips muting him. Tony tried to talk more but nothing comes out, he start to grab his throat confused making Linda smirk.
“Oh what is that, I can’t hear you.” Linda said putting her hand to her ears making Thor laugh remember all the tricks she used to play before she slaps Tony head again walking away from him. 
“That was so uncalled for.” Tony said with his voice back.
“Worked on your father.” Linda said giving him a middle finger. 
“Yeah, this is a team” Banner said 
“Agent Romanoff, would you escort  Dr.Banner back to his…” Fury said 
“Where? You rented my room.” 
“ The cell was just in case…” 
“In case you needed to kill me, but you can't! I know! I tried!” Banner started making everyone look at him. “I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out! So I moved on. I  focused on helping other people. I was good, until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone at risk! You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?” Banner said getting more angry before Romanoff and Fury hands went to their gun 
“Doctor Banner... put down the scepter.” Steve said calmly, Banner looks down to his hand shocked to see he was indeed holding the Scepter. Not long before the computer beeped, causing everyone to look at the screen, Banner put down the Scepter and walked over to the computer. “Sorry, kids. You don't get to see my little party trick after all.” 
“Located the Tesseract?”
“I can get there fastest.” Tony said 
“The Tesseract belongs on Asgard, no human is a match for it.” Thor said making Linda roll her eyes.
“You're not going alone!” Steve said stopping Tony.
“You gonna stop me?” 
“Put on the suit, let's find out.” Steve said as Tony walked up to his face.
“I'm not afraid to hit an old man.” 
“Put on the suit.” 
“Oh, my God!” Banner said looking at the screen realizing something before engine exploded on the carrier dropping Natasha, Banner and Linda down a level.
“Put on the suit!” Steve said to Tony. 
“Linda are you okay?” Steve asked over the com as she struggles to stand up with a pipe lodged into her side. 
“Yup I am okay.” Linda said grunting pulling the pipe out as her body regenerates.  
“That doesn’t sound good.” Steve said worried.
“Fast healing remember Cap. Go I got this.” Linda said staring at Natasha and Banner who was about to Hulk out.
“We’re okay right?” Natasha said  “Doctor... Bruce, you gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're gonna be okay. Listen to me.” 
“Are you hurt?” Two Shield soldiers arrives to check on them but Linda waves them away. 
“We're gonna be okay. Right? I swear on my life I will get you out of this, you will walk away, and never…” 
“Your life?”Bruce screamed with his voice morphing into a growled threat before falling off the platform. 
“Bruce” Natasha plead when he looked her in the eyes before turning Hulk. Linda took this as an opportunity to help Natasha stuck leg out of the fallen pipe. They got off the platform looking at the Hulk, he turns and stares at them. 
“Run.” Linda said pulling Natasha up the stairs. Linda and her was bolting, jumping the pipes and each time they land seems like the Hulk was right under them. “Up we should go up.” 
When they seem to lose the Hulk he appeared out of nowhere roaring at them causing Natasha to shoot one of the pipes near him. 
“I think you pissed him off.” Linda said before they started to run in the opposite direction as him with him chasing after them destroying everything in his path. Linda was far ahead of Natasha when the Hulk caught up to her and smashed her to the wall. Linda turned back about to tackle the Hulk but Thor came out of nowhere smashing Hulk into the wall next to them into the next room . 
“Agent Romanoff can you walk?” Linda said running over to her. 
“Yeah I am fine.” She said. 
“Okay I am going to Cap.” Linda said running off. 
“Yup, you go do that.” She said trying to catch her breathe “Stupid super soldiers.” 
On the way to engine three  Linda hears Tony on the com calling Steve for the lever but Steve sounds like he was struggling along with gunshots. She ran faster to the door seeing an agent shooting upward before turning to her and she does a roundabout kick knocking him out on the floor, just in time for Tony to say help as Steve pulls the lever sitting down catching his breath. 
“Can your timing be anymore perfect?” Steve said looking at Linda stand with one arm on her hips. 
“Till the end of the line pal.” She said with a smirk on her face. 
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a7xlizardqueen · 7 years
A Life to Remember
TITLE: A Life to Remember CHAPTER NUMBER: 5/? AUTHOR: a7xlizardqueen GENRE: DRAMA/ROMANCE FIC SUMMARY: A woman is found alongside Captain America in Antarctica. Who, and what, she is is a mystery. RATINGS: M (violence, language, eventual sex) WARNINGS: None
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4 Chapter Five
"So this Poison Ivy uses toxins from plants to incapacitate her enemies?" Sylvie confirmed with Tony and Bruce. They each nodded their heads, "You know, that's actually not a bad idea."
"Gosh, I'm really liking you," Tony said. "But get your feet off my desk."
"Sorry," Sylvie muttered, taking her bare feet off the desk Tony was working at. As soon as she'd decided to stay in the lab with Bruce and Tony she'd shed her shoes and jacket, leaving her in a thin white cotton button-up. "Do you think Fury could get me access to seeds from all around the world?"
"I don't see why not," Bruce answered, "He seems to have access to anything he wants."
"What kind of plants we talking here?" Tony asked.
"Oh there are several that can cause severe abdominal discomfort, seizures, and depending on the dose, death. Cicuta maculata, atropa belladona, ricinus communis."
"And you lost me," Tony said.
"Um, water hemlock, nightshade, and castor bean. All very poisonous if ingested. There is also the manchineel tree, whose sap, when touched, can cause severe blistering of the skin."
"How do you know so much about these plants?" Bruce asked curiously.
Sylvie shrugged, "I know of every plant and animal on this Earth. I always have."
"Tell me something, Miss De La Mer, are you nervous?" Tony asked suddenly.
"No," Sylvie frowned. "Why?"
"You keep pulling on the collar of your shirt. Kind of the same way Bruce rubs his hands together."
"Oh, that, well, I'm not exactly comfortable. But I'm not nervous."
"Why aren't you comfortable?" Tony asked. Apparently he needed something to keep him entertained while he waited for his encryption to finish. "Is it because of Bruce?"
Bruce raised his head to look over at them at the sound of his name.
"Bruce doesn't make me nervous. That's an odd thing to say. Far from it, I find him rather fascinating."
"Fascinating," Tony repeated, mulling over the word, "Hmm. So why are you uncomfortable, then?"
"For all S.H.I.E.L.D.'s efforts in finding me suitable clothing, I just don't feel right wearing them."
"Then why do you?"
"Because Steve has informed me that it is not proper to be nude in public."
Tony snorted, "What does he know, he's been frozen for seventy years."
Sylvie gasped, "It wouldn't bother you?"
"We're all human," Tony shrugged nonchalantly.
"Oh, Tony, you're amazing!" Sylvie cried, promptly removing her white shirt and jeans. "This feels so much better."
"Wait, wait, wait a second," Bruce tried to interrupt but Sylvie hadn't been listening. She stretched her arms above her head, savouring the feeling of the air soothing her skin. She hadn't had to wear clothing for that long of a period of time since she'd woken from the ice. It felt wonderful to be herself around other people.
Sylvie pulled one of the seeds from her pocket and allowed the Morning Glory vine to grow up her arm, down her chest and up into her hair. She took her seat again between Tony and Bruce, ready to watch their work, and she idly braided the vines through her hair. It wasn't for another few moments that she realized neither of the men were working. Tony was staring openly at her and Bruce was trying his best not to.
Tony smirked, "Yep. Just what I needed."
Sylvie rolled her eyes and then looked at Bruce expectantly. He finally looked over at her, his eyes glazed over.
He gulped slowly, "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
Sylvie smiled and upon noticing Bruce's watch beeping steadily faster drew another seed from her pocket. The lavender bloomed brightly and it's fragrant scent calmed him. Slowly the men went back to working and Sylvie returned to watching them.
"What are you doing, Mr. Stark?" Fury bellowed as he rushed in to the lab.
Tony was seated on the desk, Bruce standing behind him, both still nice and calm from the effects of the lavender. Sylvie lounged behind them on a chair. Tony's encryption was done, and Bruce had finally finished his equation to track down the Cube. They were now going through various files on the S.H.I.E.L.D. database and had just come across one named Phase 2.
"Kind of been wondering the same about you," Tony replied.
"You're supposed to be locating the Tesseract."
"We are. The model's locked and we're sweeping for the signature now." Bruce said. "When we get a hit, we'll have the location within half a mile."
"Yeah, then you'll get your Cube back. No muss, no fuss." Tony added. "What's Phase 2?"
A loud thud echoed from the other end of the room as Steve appeared, with what seemed to be a large weapon. "Phase 2 is S.H.I.E.L.D. uses the Cube to make weapons. Sylvie, why are you naked?"
Sylvie rushed to hide herself behind Bruce who quickly raised his hands in the air.
"Sorry, Steve, I didn't know you were coming back right away," she apologized, grabbing her discarded shirt and jeans and quickly pulling them on, "Tony said it was okay."
Steve sighed and glared at Tony, "Sylvie, some men will say that with the express purpose of seeing you naked."
Sylvie smirked at Tony who did nothing to hide the fact that Steve's statement was true.
"Tony, all you had to do was ask."
"I really like this girl," Tony quipped.
"Any way," Steve said, getting back on track, "Computer was moving a little slow for me."
"Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean that we're making -"
"I'm sorry, Nick," Tony said, pulling up the Phase 2 file, showing blue prints for various types of weaponry, "What were you lying?"
"I was wrong Director. The world hasn't changed a bit," Steve said as Thor and Natasha joined them.
"Did you know about this?" Bruce asked Natasha.
"You want to think about removing yourself from this environment, Doctor?" she suggested.
"I was in Calcutta. I was pretty well removed."
"Loki is manipulating you."
"And you've been doing what, exactly?"
"You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you."
"Yes, and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy. I'd like to know why S.H.I.E.L.D. is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction."
"Because of him," Fury finally answered, pointing at Thor.
"Me?" Thor asked, confused.
"Last year, Earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously outgunned."
"My people want nothing but peace with your planet."
"But you aren't the only people out there, are you? And you're not the only threat. The world's filling up with people who can't be matched, that can't be controlled."
"Like you controlled the Cube?" Steve asked.
"Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies," Thor said. "It is a signal to all the realms that the Earth is ready for a higher form of war."
"A higher form?" Fury exclaimed. "You forced our hand. We had to come up with something."
"A nuclear deterrent. Because that always calms everything right down." Tony quipped.
"Remind me again how you made your fortune, Stark?"
"I'm sure if he still made weapons, Stark would be neck-deep -" Steve began to say before he was interrupted by Tony.
"Hold on, how is this now about me?"
"I'm sorry, isn't everything?"
"I thought humans were more evolved than this," Thor butt in.
"Excuse me, did we come to your planet and blow stuff up?" Fury retorted.
"You treat your champions with such mistrust."
"Are you boys really that naive?" Natasha interrupted. "S.H.I.E.L.D. monitors potential threats."
"Captain America's on threat watch?" Bruce snorted.
"We all are," Natasha replied.
"Wait, you're on that list?" Tony asked Steve, "Are you above or below angry bees?"
"Stark, so help me God if you make one more wisecrack," Steve warned.
"Threat!" Tony exclaimed. "Verbal threat. I feel threatened."
"Show some respect."
"Respect what?"
Sylvie watched as each person in the room continued to argue. The room seemed to buzz with tension. Why didn't she feel angry? Perhaps it had something to do with her plants still snaked around her, or the lavender that was still in the air.
"Everybody calm down!" Sylvie tried to call out but the noise created by their voices speaking over one another was too great.
"You speak of control, yet you court chaos," Thor said.
"That's his M.O., isn't it?" Bruce pointed out. "I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no, we're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're a time bomb."
Sylvie stiffened as she realized Bruce was creeping closer to the sceptre. He wasn't calming down and if he got his hands on the sceptre, who knew what he would do.
"You need to step away," Fury stated.
"Why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?" Tony asked, placing his hand on Steve's shoulder.
Steve batted him away, "You know damn well why. Back off!"
"Oh, I'm starting to want you to make me."
"Yeah. Big man in a suit of armour. Take that off, what are you?"
"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."
"I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. I've seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you."
"I think I would just cut the wire."
Steve smiled, "Always a way out. You know, you may not be a threat but you better stop pretending to be a hero."
"A hero? Like you? You're a laboratory experiment, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle."
"Put on the suit. Let's go a few rounds."
Sylvie rushed forward, placing herself in between the two men. "Stop. Both of you. Can't you realize that the sceptre is twisting your minds? Steve, you would never speak this way to anyone."
"You people are so petty and tiny," Thor chuckled.
"Yeah, this is a team," Sylvie muttered, rolling her eyes.
"Agent Romanoff, would you escort Dr. Banner back to his -"
"Where? You rented my room," Banner scoffed.
"The cell was just in case -"
"In case you needed to kill me. But you can't. I know, I've tried."
The room became utterly silent after Bruce's confession. Sylvie felt an ache in her heart at the thought of Bruce hating himself so much that he would try to end his life.
"I got low. I didn't see an end. So, I put a bullet in my mouth, and the other guy spit it out. So I moved on. I focused on helping other people. I was good. Until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk." Bruce's hand reached out for the sceptre. "You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You want to know how I stay calm?"
Bruce's fingers closed around the sceptre and began to bring it in front of him. Sylvie noticed both Fury and Natasha unlock their gun holsters. Before anything else could happen she slowly stepped forward, shrugged off Steve's attempt to hold her back and had a fresh lavender bloom on her shoulder.
"Bruce," she said softly, bringing his attention to her. This time his eyes didn't glaze over with what Sylvie was sure was lust, he remained angry. "Put down the sceptre."
And with just those four words the trance on Bruce was gone. He looked down at his hand in confusion, wondering when and how the sceptre had gotten there. His computer chimed, signalling that the Tesseract had been found. Slowly and carefully, Bruce set the sceptre back down on the table.
"I got it," he said, moving towards the computer screens, "Sorry, kids, you don't get to see my party trick after all."
"You located the Tesseract?" Natasha asked, following him.
"I could get there fastest," Tony announced.
"The Tesseract belongs on Asgard. No human is a match for it." Thor declared.
Steve grabbed Tony's arm when he attempted to depart. "You're not going alone."
"You're gonna stop me?"
"Put on the suit, let's find out."
"I'm not afraid to hit an old man."
"Put on the suit."
"Boys, come on!" Sylvie yelled, frustrated.
"Oh, my God," Bruce exclaimed just before a blast ripped in to the helicarrier, sending a stream of fire up from under their feet, scattering them all apart.
When Sylvie looked up she was sprawled out between Tony and Steve. They looked at each other over her head and for a moment she was afraid they would start bickering again.
"Put on the suit," Steve said scrambling to his feet.
"Yeah," Tony agreed.
Steve held on to one of Sylvie's arms to help keep her steady. She grabbed her jacket, throwing it over her shoulders and followed them through the maze of hallways.
"There's an engine down. I need to get to it outside. Care to give me a hand, Cap?"
Steve nodded.
"I don't think I'll be much help," Sylvie said, "I'll go see if I can find Natasha and Bruce."
"Be careful," Steve said.
With a grin Sylvie reached up to snake her fingers behind Steve's neck. She pulled him down towards her so fast he had no time to react. Her lips met his in a hungry kiss. When she pulled away Steve had a far-off look on his face.
"What was that for?" he smirked.
"Well, seeing as I can't remember whether I've kissed anyone or not, I figured I'd do it now. You know, just in case I die today."
"You're not dying today, Sylvie," Steve said.
"That means you can't die today, either, soldier," Sylvie said before jogging off in search of the fiery red head and her favourite scientist.
Sylvie found Natasha staring in to a giant hole in a wall. She checked to make sure Natasha was all right before she peered through. On the other side was Thor battling Hulk in the cargo hold. Nothing could have prepared Sylvie for seeing Bruce as Hulk, whether she had her memories or not. He stood at least a foot taller than Thor. Thor was trying his best not to be squashed by Hulk's massive fist. Sylvie watched in awe and fright as Hulk's other fist came crashing in to Thor's side, sending him flying back in to several large crates. Without a second thought Sylvie raced forwards just as Thor burst from the crates. Thor smiled and held his hand out. Sylvie could see Hulk running towards them at full speed.
"Thor?" she called warily, "Please tell me you have a plan."
Hulk was getting closer, and Sylvie didn't know what to do. Why hadn't she taken Natasha to get medical aid, why had she jumped in here, without any training whatsoever in combat? Well, none that she could remember. She was strong, yes, but to go against this massive creature of rage was surely beyond her ken.
Finally Thor's plan came to fruition by the appearance of his hammer. With one great swipe of Mjolnir Thor hit Hulk in the jaw. Hulk landed on a jet. Fury wouldn't be happy about that. Thor and Sylvie ran forward as Hulk tore the wing off the jet, sending it straight for their heads. They dodged it easily, Thor threw the hammer, Hulk caught it, and as he was stuck to the ground Sylvie rushed forward, dodging Hulk's fists to clench her thighs around Hulk's neck. She forced a lavender bloom, hoping that it would calm him. Of course it didn't, and as Hulk thrashed about sending Sylvie flying, Thor jumped up to hit him in the face with his knee. Upon landing he picked up Mjolnir and took Sylvie's place on Hulk's back, trying to choke him with the hammer.
Hulk jumped and Sylvie grabbed on to his foot. They came up through the ceiling in to a research lab. The breath had been knocked out of her and Sylvie gasped as Hulk grabbed her around the midsection, Thor in the other hand. He threw Sylvie in to a wall and smashed Thor in to the floor. The he grabbed Sylvie again and punched her in the face before sending her across the room. He picked up Thor and threw him against her. Sylvie heard the rain of bullets rather than saw them, her face was buried in Thor's chest. A very nice chest, she noted. Thor easily and strategically moved them to the side of the room where they would hopefully be out of the way of the gunfire. Hulk roared and before she knew what had happened Hulk had thrown himself out of the helicarrier and on to the jet.
"Are you all right, Lady Sylvie?" Thor asked, his golden hair tickling her face.
Sylvie threw her arms around him and pulled him in to a sloppy, yet completely satisfying kiss. She pulled away and took a deep breath, smiling, "I'm great now."
Thor chuckled and helped her to her feet, "You are a most formidable warrior."
"I dunno about that," Sylvie scoffed, "But apparently I don't hurt too easily."
"No, you wouldn't," Thor smiled.
"Seriously, do you and Loki know me, or what?"
Thor's face fell, "Loki."
They ran out of the lab, heading for Loki's cage. Surely they would have helped him to escape by now. But no, he was still in the cage when they arrived. The door was only just being opened. Thor ran forward with a yell, intending on tackling Loki back in to the cage. He threw himself at Loki who disintegrated around him, sending Thor alone in to the cage. The door shut behind him.
"Thor!" Sylvie cried, rushing forward.
Loki appeared behind her, wrapping an arm around her chest, pining her arms to her side, and pulling her back flush against his chest. He buried his nose in her hair, taking a long sniff.
Loki sighed and then addressed Thor, "Are you ever not going to fall for that?"
Thor bashed his hammer against the glass wall of the cage.
"No!" she cried, but Loki wrapped his long, cool fingers around her throat, silencing her.
The cage rattled, causing Thor to pause. Loki chuckled.
"The humans think us immortal," Loki said cheerily, moving towards the control panel for the cage, "Should we test that?"
They heard Loki's henchman gasp and fall to the floor. Agent Coulson stood behind him with a large, loaded weapon.
"Move away, please."
Sylvie took her moment to elbow Loki in the ribs and slam her heel down on his toes, but he recovered quickly. He grabbed the hand she had sent towards his face and threw her towards Coulson as if she were a feather. She fell on to the ground with a thud between them. Loki backed away from the control panel.
"You like this?" Coulson asked, stepping towards Loki.
Loki himself moved forward a few steps, hands raised at his waistline.
"We started working on the prototype after you sent the destroyer. Even I don't know what it does."
Coulson engaged the weapon and it began to glow a reddish-gold, very similar to fire. Sylvie could do nothing but watch from the ground as the two men came closer and closer together. She wanted to tell Coulson to move away, that he was no match for Loki, but she couldn't speak.
"Do you want to find out?" Coulson asked.
Then suddenly Loki was behind Coulson, not in front of him. Sylvie screamed at the sound of the sceptre punching through Coulson's suit, and then his skin.
"No!" Thor yelled, slamming himself against the glass of the cage.
The Loki that was still standing in front of Coulson disappeared in a golden light and Coulson fell back against the wall, still clutching the weapon. Loki stepped past him without so much as a glance. He grabbed Sylvie by a fistful of hair and dragged her back towards the control panel. She scrambled after him on hands on knees, desperately, impossibly trying to pry his fingers from her.
Loki looked at Thor with a chuckle before opening the case that covered the button to send the cage down. In one last futile attempt Sylvie sent her fists flying at Loki but he released her hair and kicked her to the floor, resting the sceptre on her neck. Sylvie felt Coulson's blood dripping from the sceptre down on to her chest. She watched helplessly as Loki opened the hatch. He seemed, for a moment, to hesitate, his hand shaking over the button that would release Thor. But whatever was causing him to be this way won. He slammed his fingers on to the red button and the cage, with Thor inside, was sent plummeting.
Loki watched for a few seconds before he grabbed Sylvie, gasping on the floor, and began to make his way from the room.
"You're going to lose," Coulson's voice came from behind them.
Loki turned, "Am I?"
"It's in your nature."
"Your heroes are scattered," Loki said, taking a step towards Coulson. "Your floating fortress falls from the sky." A few more steps. "Where is my disadvantage?" A few more steps.
"You lack conviction."
"I don't think I'm -"
Coulson fired the gun suddenly, sending Loki flying back. His hold on Sylvie was still strong and she found herself pushed back with him. They tore through the side of the room, rolling in to a hall. Loki's hold on Sylvie was gone, she sprung up, facing him with her hands up, ready for a fight. She felt adrenaline rushing through her veins. Loki smirked and slowly got to his feet.
Before he could make a move on her Sylvie swung her leg out in a high-arching kick. Her body seemed to know how to fight before her brain could even register that she should. Loki dodged but Sylvie moved in again, her fist landing in his stomach. Loki smiled appreciatively before he swung around, narrowly missing her neck with the sceptre. She kicked it out of the way, jumping and getting him in the side of the head with her other foot.
Loki clenched his jaw, looking irritated. When Sylvie went to swing her fist forward she found it stopped. Loki was now behind her, and in front of her. Normally she would have found this intriguing, but under current circumstances, not so much. Loki grabbed her leg when she tried to swing around and slammed her head against the wall. Black spots began to appear in the edges of Sylvie's vision.
"You're no match for me," Loki whispered in her ear, "No matter who you were before, I still have more experience than you. You've no idea the things you could be capable of. I could show you. You could be my queen."
"Va te faire foutre," Sylvie hissed.
Loki slammed her head against the wall again and Sylvie lost consciousness.
Va te faire foutre - Fuck off
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lothirielswan · 5 years
The History of Author & Deadpool
Hia Awesome Adventurers! So now that Deadpool is back to his schemes in my WoW novels, I decided to post some of our old confrontations in one of my old...disgraceful Marvel Fanfics. Where the Avengers adopted a turtle called Bromine and Iron Man’s and Black Widow’s (not romantically involved) adopted daughter, Catwoman, goes off with Deadpool and Quicksilver into space. Needless to say, the best thing from this novel were the Author’s Notes. Please enjoy the weirdness.
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Deadpool: Look at that majestic red man on the cover of that book c,: just takes your breath away
A/N: We're almost to space!! Yay–it's been a amazing journey, and I'm sorry for all of the bumps, but it's awesome that we came this far!
Deadpool: Yeah, can we hurry this up? I'm not even in the book yet. I have other fanfics to be in, Author :/
Pietro: You mean the Spiderman fanfics you write?
Deadpool: Btw, you read my fanfics? :)) Thoughts?
Pietro: Disgusting. Wanda does, and if I'm being honest, it's not your best work. The Iron Man/Captain America ones are better.
Wanda: I told you, Pietro, that was from an AD.
Pietro: Yes, sister: Adolescent Dummy.
Shuri: I came to this disgraceful, medieval part of the world to complain. My brother is evil incarnate.
Wanda: ....
Wanda: I like you.
Shuri: I found the powerful witch of these medieval lands, perhaps everything outside of Wakanda isn't so bad.
Wanda: Would you like to get coffee? I have tons of black magic c;
Shuri: Of course! ;3
T'Challa: ...This cannot be good.
Pietro: We need to stop this!!
T'Challa: Agreed! For the good of Wakanda, and the poor villagers that live outside of it.
Deadpool: I'm becoming the fifth wheel here. What am I, Leo Valdez?
Author: Keep being awesome, people!!
Deadpool: Darn. It's so hard to find work as a Marvel Comic character.
Deadpool's Note: Lols, I killed the Author :3 I'm in charge of the book now. PEETIE, FRONT AND CENTER! And time for this very special spoiler production–
Professor X: Mr. Wilson!
Wade the Awesome: Wait, are you McAvoy or Stewart? I can't tell because you're only words.
Professor X: You are messing with time streams, Mr. Wilson. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
Wade is Better Than Wolverine: Be happy I am, pal. I've seen what's in store for you. Believe me, I'm saving you emotional trauma. In two books you'll be–
Bruce Banner: Hold on...what if Bromine's near-death experience wasn't Scott's fault...IT WAS YOURS :O YOU MONSTER!
Professor X: The Avengers have a pet? Fascinating. I usually consider Beast as ours, but perhaps we should go more basic.
Wade is da Best: Yep, you're Stewart, Mr. Spock. And I do not need another animal shitting on my lawn.
Bruce Banner: ...
Professor X: ...
Wade is Peetie's Besty: What?
Bruce Banner: The word...
Wade the King of Fan-Fiction: What? Oh. You mean the new absence of these: #$%^. Yeah. Those are gone now. If you'll excuse me, I have to write my grand entrance. It's gonna be fucking amazeballs. Go be amazing, readers, and spread the revolution!
Peter Parker: ...
Peter Parker: We're doomed.
DP/N: Mhm, that's right, ladies. I'm here to fix this fanfic CAT-astrophe.
Pietro: Really? The fate of my life is in your hands now??? I should have stayed dead.
Pietro: Because I like you more :3
Deadpool: This is such a healthy relationship. It makes me cry :,) and if we're gonna talk crap about womb neighbors, how about Selina's–
Magneto: WADE!
Deadpool: Gandalf! Is that you? Have you come to take Peter, my hobbit, away? You're still words, this is so confuzzling.
Mag-neat-o: Charles rattled my cage, so I'm rattling yours! Leave the fabric of the Universe alone!
Pietro: ...Who are you
Wanda: Yeah, who is this weirdo?
T-erik-fic: :( that's not nice.
Deadpool the Awesome: And all of you readers should go see my movie, DP2! Really. Do it. Now. I'm watching you. And put a vote on this baby, my fingers are burnin. Keep being your amazing selves!
DP/N: Hello amazing people. Sorry for the wait, I'm prepping myself for Ant-Man and the Wasp–I've been stocking up on raid cans and swatters for the occasion. Keep being amazing!
Rocket the Raccoon: *sniffs the air* I smell something...the smell of another humie traveling across space listening to crappy music.
Peter Quill: Huh? Who is it–
Deadpool: Keep it cool, DP, keep it cool. How's it hanging, Prattzel?
Rocket: Ew, this is a weird human. Not as weird as Quill, but weird.
Deadpool: Watch it, Garbage-Eater. I can erase you! But I need you for the next chapter. Shit. I have to figure this out...
Shockingly Alive Author: WADE WILSON!
Deadpool: Oh sh*t.
Bruce Banner: He hurt my Bromine!!
Author: :o Wade, how could you
Deadpool: It wasn't intentional!! Personally, I prefer cats as pets. They have no sense of boundaries and are cuddly and cute. Like a Tribble.
Selina: ....For some reason, that feels offensive.
Author: Wade, no more taking over the story!!
Professor X: Author, if I may....he mentioned something about my untimely demise...
Author: Oh.
Author: Um.
Author: Keep being awesome, awesome people c:
Peter Parker: ...
Peter Parker: Is it safe to come out yet?
Deadpool: I'm everywhere ;)
A/N: Yay! The Black Order is here!
Bruce Banner: Since when do 'Black Order' and 'yay' go together in the same line?
Tony: You don't get to speak, traitor.
Bruce: What? Because I'm all about that Bass? #NoTribbles
Tony: That hit me harder than Jar Jar Binks.
Deadpool: Author, did you just make me miss the first action scene because I took over your book?
Author: I'm not talking to you.
Deadpool: There's still things I don't understand. I am positive I killed the Author–I still have your guts in Al's fridge.
Author: No more questions.
Deadpool: Hmm.
*Deadpool drags Peter Parker into conversation*
Deadpool: Watson, we have a new case to solve! Onward!
Peter Parker: #NoTribblesNoService
Deadpool: I thought it was #NoStrippersNoService
Bruce Banner: What is wrong with you?
Deadpool: I was a bottle baby.
Deadpool: Beer bottle.
Author: Go be awesome!
Deadpool: Hmm...I feel a storm brewing....#CueX-FilesThemeSong
Peter Parker: #SomeoneHelpMe
A/N: I'm sorry, readers, but I have to interrupt your regularly scheduled program for the following message:
Peter Parker: ...
Peter Parker: Can everyone sign my petition to make Wade stop calling me 'Watson', please?
Deadpool: I ship Johnlock ;3
Peter Parker: Huh?
Deadpool: Such a pure blogger...so innocent...
Tony Stark: *MY KID.
Tony Stark: **MY...SOMETHING.
Steve Rogers: Tony. You're wrong.
Bruce Banner & Wanda Maximoff: GASP.
Wanda Maximoff: How come we're always in the middle of these things?
Bruce Banner: Usually I just watch from a distance...it's more fun that way.
Author: Is that the end of the message?
Peter Parker: I guess...now I have to get a court order for my superdads. They're fighting over me like Democrats and Republicans over the United States.
Author: ...I think they're done. Keep being awesome!!
A/N: Hey awesome people! Thanks for reading, and credit to the amazing outfit designs above to LotusLumino! She's fantastic and has a bunch of amazing ideas, so when you get a spare moment, google her for more awesome art!
Author: Huh?
Wade: You. Are. Not. The. Author.
Author: Why, whatever do you mean...
Peter Parker: He's right! I've seen the evidence–gross evidence, but still evidence! You're not her!
Author: Oh Peter, you couldn't just stay quiet. It would've been so much easier...for you...if you stayed that way.
Peter Parker: What–
Author: Enjoy yourselves, readers. I have some matters to attend to.
Wade: Somebody get out the shockblankets!!!
Deadpool: What have you done with the real Author???
Author: Do not question me, Wade Wilson.
Deadpool: I know you're not the real Author! She wouldn't bother typing out my full name, she's too lazy!
Peter Parker: WHO are you???
*Author ripples, and true form is revealed*
Deadpool: :O
Peter Parker: :O
Bromine the Turtle: :O
Pietro: :o I did not see that coming.
Deadpool: Wait, what's a skrull? Some nerd educate me here.
Dr. Strange: A Skrull is an alien race that can morph their appearance–usually they bother the Fantastic Four. We prefer to leave it that way.
Clint & Selina: ???
Deadpool: Be almighty and awesome readers as I save this story and slay the evil green man!!
Bruce Banner: Seriously there are so many green people can everybody stop stealing my color? There's gold and silver and purple and brown and pink–orange too!
*Deadpool kills the Skrull. It collapses onto the ground like mushed-up guacamole*
Thor: Should I be delighted or disgusted by this human?
Bruce Banner: Disgusted. Definitely disgusted.
Peter Parker: Okay, the Skrull's gone. What now?
Deadpool: Well, Tortilla chips of course. Free guacamole is a once-in-a-lifetime deal, my fellow grasshopper.
Peter Parker: I mean about the Author! She's still gone! I miss how she says be awesome :c it brightens up my day after Flash floods my locker with Coke.
Bruce Banner: Wait, if the Author's dead, then who's writing what is up above...?
Everyone: ...
Deadpool: Time to use my sixth sense....
Author: Hello everyone!
Everyone: GASP!
Author: I'm back ;) stay tuned for more, awesome readers, and keep being awesome!!!
Author: Peter you are an awesome, precious cinnamon roll.
Peter Parker: c: I'm just your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Milady!
*Whole Universe and Deadpool swoon*
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