#end roll spoilers
the-mighty-mittens · 2 months
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Get these kids some hugs asap
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awkwardlyfangirly · 1 year
I love the Dreamsend, Inc. characters from End Roll SO MUCH. I love their relationships I love their personalities I love their designs I LOVE THEM. and so I wrote a fic about Raymond and Walter after the events of the game :P
(ignore the way I get lost and incoherent when I have to figure out how to end a story)
end roll fanfiction ~ takes place after the game so big spoilers lolol you've been warned ~ takes place after the true ending ~ tw/cw: mentions of suicide
Maybe the news shouldn't have been so much of a shock. Raymond had talked to the boy - stood right in front of him - seen the haunted darkness in his eyes. He'd seen how much guilt the boy carried on his shoulders.
He kept trying to tell himself not to feel so… responsible for it. It wasn't his fault that Russell had killed himself. If anyone had seen it coming or had been able to prevent it, they would have. No one was happy with this outcome. No one ever wanted it to happen.
But still. Raymond felt the guilt, gnawing at him like it must have gnawed at Russell. If only he’d talked to him longer. If only he’d held the boy by the shoulders and really dug into him - how are you doing. really. do you need anything? we don’t want your mind to crack.
No one had even considered that Russell’s mind might snap under the pressure. All they thought about was succeeding. All they thought about was get him to repent.
Raymond missed the kid. He’d been a little odd, sure, but he’d been so brave, and so smart. There had been a lot going on in that boy’s head.
And now it was all gone.
It was haunting, really, to remember that bright and vibrant world; and then to remember how completely and utterly it had been destroyed. There was no trace left of it. None at all.
Raymond had been looking forward to talking to the kid after he’d gotten out. He had so many questions for him. That place had been messed up. And he wanted to see the kid’s face relax for once. He wanted to see him smile, for once.
Well, it was getting late. Walter would be on his back tomorrow for not finishing all of the paperwork he’d been handed; but it had been such a thick, aggressive stack slammed down on his desk so early in the morning, and Raymond had never thrived in an office. This was his max. No more paperwork tonight. His head was fuzzy. He needed a drink.
Raymond switched off his office light and trudged down the hall. The air had been so tense, so gloomy, ever since the incident, as everyone called it in hushed whispers. Dreamsend, Inc. had just taken a major hit. And no one was taking it well.
There were several other employees still in the building this late. They ignored Raymond. He did the same.
A gust of hot, wet wind hit Raymond as soon as he opened the door. It was stormy tonight. There wasn’t much rain yet, thankfully. Only a few drizzly droplets.
Raymond tugged his hat down firmer on his head and marched on. The bar was only a few drops away. He’d be fine.
He was drenched by the time he finally got inside the bar. Out of breath and dripping. Now, at least, he looked as gross as he felt.
The bartender knew him. She waved as he approached.
“Pretty stormy out there, huh?”
“Don’t remind me.” He ordered and glanced around himself.
There was a blond man two seats down from him at the bar, staring at his own glass and obviously trying not to notice Raymond.
The man got up to leave.
“What are you doing here?” Walter at a bar was somehow the last thing Raymond could have expected. Walter seemed like he’d drink wine alone in his living room. Or drink coffee in his office, late at night. Honestly, that’s where Raymond expected him to be. Bent over a desk, stressing about the public nightmare that Russell’s situation was turning into. Filing hundreds and hundreds of pages of paperwork. Eyebrows sharp and fingers flying.
Walter sighed and finally looked over at Raymond, his eyes narrowed and angry.
“None of your concern,” he huffed. “I was just leaving, anyway.”
“No, you weren’t. Hey. Sit down. I’ll buy you a drink.”
Walter wavered.
“C’mon. I could use the company.”
Walter let out another long sigh and sat down, still a seat away.
The bartender brought him a fresh drink and he stared down at it, running his fingers over the glass.
Raymond hadn’t seen Walter in a few days; they’d both been so caught up in the chaos that had erupted ever since they’d received the panicked screams over the intercom. He took advantage of this moment to study him.
His eyes were sunken, rimmed with black; his lips chapped and shaky; his complexion pale and dry. The skin around his fingernails was chewed raw.
Raymond bit his lip. He knew Walter was upset about everything - but he hadn’t expected to see him rattled like this. Walter didn’t get rattled. He just got stressed.
But the man sitting next to him right now had obviously not slept in a few days, or eaten a solid meal, or even drawn a proper breath. He was beyond stressed. He was disturbed. Haunted.
“You good?” Raymond asked, softly.
Walter glared at him.
“Obviously not,” he snapped. “That kid - that kid was supposed to be our first success. Our first ever success. I was so proud. So excited. But he - he -”
Walter curled his fist tight around the glass and thumped his head against the bartop.
He stayed like that for a while. Raymond sipped his drink.
Walter lifted his head again.
“He was supposed to be the one,” he mumbled. “The only one to actually work. I had so much faith in him.”
Raymond ran his fingers along the wet ring on the bartop.
“You know he wasn’t, like, just a test subject, right?” he said, softly.
“Hm? Yeah, yeah, of course.”
“I mean it. He was fourteen, you know. He was just a kid. And - and we made him feel so guilty he offed himself. We did our job a little too well. Don’t you feel bad about that, Walter? Stop blaming him for dying. We were the ones who killed him.”
“We didn’t kill him, you idiot -”
“Yes, we did! We did and you know it!!”
The bartender shot them both a dirty look. Raymond fell silent.
“I’m so disgusted at myself,” he said, quietly. “At the both of us, really, if I’m being honest.”
Walter didn’t reply.
“Don’t you feel guilty about it, Walter? Even a little? You have to realize the hand you played in it.”
Walter bit at his fingernail.
It was getting hot and loud in Raymond’s chest. If he looked at Walter any longer, he’d start yelling. And then he’d get kicked out.
He left some money for the bartender and stood up. He was almost dry now. Maybe it wouldn’t be raining outside anymore. He could only hope, right?
Walter was bent over the bartop again when he left. His shoulders were shaky.
Raymond stepped into the hot, musky air outside. The door slammed behind him.
For a moment, he considered heading back to the office to finish the paperwork. Don’t worry, Russell. I won’t forget about you. I’ll do the paperwork for you.
But in the end, he just turned around and went home.
It didn’t rain for the rest of the night.
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kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
kid bitiinggnging!!!!!!
the kantnera the jizo statues after kiklling the granddpa or osmehting the statues eyes? or osmehting. the russell when the guilt level the eyes the trees. i ever say athat ruseles and kantenra sibligns imlvoe?
yeahahhasahh!!!!!! so ture arhcher!! i was rewtathcing what happen after when choosing kantnenra guy itnereisntg. palrlrlelel!!! you think aboutwhen kill exatc same way he say goofdngiht not goodbye? i think he and russell play knife game chochcochcochcop imlvoe kepeing traxck of guilt level specifically there im staing sosooshard with my mind...... after kilgling grandpa wodener if kanternnas guilt level too thatd be sislly he chekcing everyday jizo stautues pls tell i didnt ntoice arhcher btitingng!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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egophiliac · 3 months
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was this anyone else's first thought, or
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hinamie · 15 days
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emiliagrant · 4 months
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Buck and Tommy ♡ flirty, kinky and in love
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utterdrip · 8 months
(act i) that’s what you want, isn’t it? to lose yourself in me?
(act iii) i’ll be free. truly, completely free. isn’t that what you want?
(ascendant) i love you. that’s what you’ve been waiting to hear, isn’t it? that’s what you want?
(ascendant) that’s what you want, isn’t it? to be mine? forever?
(spawn) is that what you want? is this what you want?
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old-desert · 5 months
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Getting in touch
Made for an art trade with a friend <3
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a2zillustration · 5 months
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paladinmain · 11 days
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💊 cradle pharmaceuticals
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the-mighty-mittens · 2 months
Im only partway through end roll (3rd night I think? I'm stuck on the tree lady fight, I think I might be a bit underleveled oops) but I had the urge to draw Russel (tbh, I think he's growing on me just a little)
(cw/ tw: needles)
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He's just a quirky guy
I haven't been able to play for a little while but now that I think about it I think the medication was changing color? It was orange last time I checked but I swear it was pinkish the first time, I could be crazy though.
I think this whole experiment is pretty messed up, especially using it on a literal child. I also dislike the lady calling Russel a "deranged maniac" every morning. But I wonder if, by calling him a deranged maniac and throwing all the stuff he's done onto me without much other info about his personality, the game is trying to dehumanize him in a way? Maybe to make the player care less about him? To make him care less about himself? Idk
Earlier I said I think he knows what he's done and doesn't care, (based on his diary stating he doesn't feel guilty), but I'm not entirely sure if that's the case now? I still don't know, I don't think it's like in Omori where Sunny just forgets, but I feel like I was maybe a little too quick to judge the kid.
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awkwardlyfangirly · 1 year
so my sister got into end roll's bonus room today and
the way yumi can't even go into the bath room where the Toxic One is. the way russell isn't even allowing her the chance to get hurt again. the way she can't. even. enter. the. room. because there's no one there to protect her. but russell is there to protect her, isn't he? by keeping her out? keeping her away? keeping her safe? in the only way he can, he's protecting her. even in the real world, he tried his best to protect her. and he couldn't protect her but that doesn't stop him from trying now. because all he wants now is to make things good and make things better. but he can never make things better ever, ever, ever. and. I can't deal with this ~
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thecrowslullaby · 5 months
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Don't get me wrong, i love all the fanart of Satine and Obi during their teen years, but alas, i still remember how awkward i used to look as a teen and i refuse to believe they didn't suffer the same fate.
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fonixen · 4 months
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Saw this post and needed to draw them
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Orginal post :3
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teehee-vibes · 6 months
Agonized over the fact that when Chip reunites with Arlin, no matter how it happens, whether Arlin is dead or alive, corrupted or stable, preserved as he was or aged by time and magic… whether it’s a moment of joy and relief at a long-awaited reunion or a heart-shattering episode of grief because Chip is too late, Chip can’t even cry about it.
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razberrypuck · 2 months
thoughts on troy
he's playing nice with blink and runt exclusively because he needs them to get back up to the surface. I'm 100% sure the three of them are gonna get roped into some larger thing and forced to spend more time around each other, but if that WEREN'T the case, he would drop them the moment they stopped being useful to him. MAYBE he'd keep up the "yea I'll get u medical supplies whatevs" part of his deal with blink, but after that he wouldn't spare a single fucking thought to them, or to anyone else living down there. at the end of the day, he doesn't give a shit. like say what you will about him being stupid (he is) but he sure as hell knows how to walk the line between "vaguely decent guy, probably fun to party with," and "selfish piece of garbage"
the most blatant example being his interactions with runt; asking for her name bc that's generally what you do when you meet someone, runt saying it doesn't matter bc he's drunk and won't remember it, and troy going yk I'm glad you said that bc I don't actually give a fuck :) in response. like he does his best to sound friendly when he asks, but the moment she disregards it, he drops it. because she doesn't mean anything to him! blink is the one he's stuck with.
this is what he does! this is what he's good at! he's clearly charismatic, but he doesn't have any "friends" besides lint, because this is how he is with everyone. this is how he treats every relationship he's ever had. his friendship with lint is one of convenience, because lint just goes with everything he does. and that's useful! who needs real friends when your personal doormat will listen to you rant about whatever the fuck AND validate your feelings?
I do think getting stuck with blink and runt could get the idea that a person's value isn't determined by how useful they are to him through his thick fucking skull. I do think he could actually forge a real bond with them. but to do that, he has to acknowledge that his behavior is fucked up, and he has to be willing to change.
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