#enbyphobia cw
Alright fellas, I apparently have to say this:
CW for possible sexism, enbyphobia and boundary violation
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Please do not send me asks like this. I have three reasons for this:
1) I am a minor
2) Asks like this one make me feel uncomfortable
3) Asks like this one aren't even relevant, and they feel mildly sexist, transphobic, and enbyphobic. Like why the hell do you want to know a nonbinary character's breast size?
Asks like this make me think that someone is gonna draw NSFW of my characters, and I am extremely uncomfortable with that thought, especially since I'm mildly sex-repulsed.
I have deleted this ask and blocked the anon, this post is a fair warning about what will happen if I get asks like this one.
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randomscropio · 11 months
Finding Out and Coming Out
A pre-cannon Inanimate Insanity fic I made from a writing prompt generator. Warnings: Humanized Object Shows (II), yelling, doctors, mild swear words (I think they're mild at least), anxiety (mentioned), gender dysmorphia (I don't think I wrote it very well, I'm sorry!), enbyphobia (in the sense that the character with it thinks that there are only two genders (male and female) and that other genders are unessassary and are just people who want to be labeled), she/her Paintbrush (only until they realize they're nonbinary, then they use they/them pronouns)
"What the hell is the condition of my child?" Paintbrush's father yelled, Paintbrush flinched and pulled the hood of her hoodie over her head.
"Look, sir. There is nothing wrong with your child, other than the fact that she may have anxiety." The doctor said in a voice that was calm but firm.
"This was a waste of time." Paintbrush's father muttered to himself.
"Whatever! I don't need a goddamn doctor!" He yelled.
Yeah, it's not like they spend years earning their degrees and know more about the human body than you do. Paintbrush thought sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
"Come on, Paintbrush." Paintbrush's father grabbed her wrist.
She looked in the mirror. "God, my body looks wrong. What's wrong with me?" She asked herself. She had been asking herself this for a while. She didn't feel like a girl or a guy. Was there a secret third option that she didn't know about?
"This is your fault, Paintbrush." She told herself. She blew a piece of blond hair out of her face, the purple that she died her tips was fading out.
Maybe she should die it again. That wasn't the point. She went into her room and pulled out her phone. "Why don't I feel like a girl or a guy?" She said slowly, typing the words into Google. As usual, there were many results. She looked at one of the terms ", "nonbinary, and copied and pasted it into the serch bar.
She clicked a drop-down on one of the "people also ask" things that read "What is the literal meaning of nonbinary?" genders that don't fit into two categories, male or female." She muttered. Her eyes widened.
Am I nonbinary? She asked herself. I don't feel like a girl or a guy, so I am nonbinary, right?
"Hey, Lightbulb?" "What's up?" Lightbulb asked. "I did some research last night and, well..."
"What is it?"
"So, you know how you were born a guy but feel like a girl? Not that you aren't a girl, you are it's just!-"
"Painty, I understand what you're saying. Continue on!"
"Well, I don't feel like a girl or a guy, and my body just looks... wrong. Again, I don't feel like a guy or a girl! It's just, ugh! It's so confusing!" She made a lot of big motions while speaking, which happened whenever she felt strong emotions.
"Ooooh! It's c isnt it!?" Lightbulb asked.
"...what?" She asked. Her voice was soft. She hated how her volume immediately lowered whenever she asked a question.
"It's another way to say nonbinary. Which, I'm pretty sure, is what you are!"
Paintbrush nodded. "Okay, thanks. I wasn't sure if I am or not..."
"No problem, Painty!" Lightbuld patted Paintbrush on the back. "Are you still comfortable with she/her or..?"
"Honesty? I don't know why but, whenever she/her is used on me it doesn't feel right, but it's the same thing with he/him, and I don't know if there are any other pronouns!"
"There are tons more! But how about they/them?"
"That sounds a lot better." Paintbrush nodded
"They/them it is then! Make sure to tell your parents."
Paintbrush sighed.
"Come on, you can do this." They whispered to themself. "Mom? Dad?"
"Yeah?" The two parents said at the same time.
"Can we... talk?"
"Sure, Paintbrush." Their mom responded, for both herself and Paintbrush's dad.
"Okay, meet me upstairs, please." A few moments after Paintbrush sat down on the couch, their parents came in. "Okay, so I've been questioning what my gender is for a while and finally figured it out." They took a deep breath. "I'm nonbinary."
"...what the hell does that mean?"
Paintbrush's mom looked at their father, mouth agape. "Pallet!" She said.
"It means that I'm not a girl or a boy."
"Those are the only two genders, though!"
"No, they aren't! There are many more!"
"Ugh, whatever. They're all unnecessary."
"Well, please use they/them on me..."
"No." Their dad said simply. "Paintbrush, you are either a girl or a boy."
Paintbrush wanted to cry. "Forget this, forget I said anything." They said, walking down the stairs and to their room. They curled their knees up to their chest.
"Paintbrush? Are you okay in there?"
"Leave me alone, please." They said, just barely loud enough to hear through the door.
"What's going on with her?" One of Paintbrush's two younger brothers, Acrylic, asked.
"Them." Their mom corrected gently. "Your father said that they shouldn't be referred to as they/them, he thinks it's unnecessary."
"Oh. Are they going to be okay?"
"Yeah." Painrbrush muttered to themself, "hopefully"
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enbyhyena · 9 months
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Shame on you Cal. Shame on you.
It's not a "world view". It's the objective existence of an entire classification of people. You can't just say that black people don't exist because you don't agree with "their views"; it's the same for trans people. We exist whether or not you "believe" in us. And hiding behind your religion is a weak excuse. Fuck outta here.
Instead of giving Cal engagement, feel free to spread this post around. It's also useful in case they try to dirty delete or backtrack their statement. Don't say anything to them, just unfollow and block.
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I am tired of being nice about people pulling a trans version of “we’re still going to call it women’s issues”
You are not including all trans people (either as a whole or of given agab) when you’re saying transmasc/transfem
You are not even including all trans people (either as a whole or of given agab) when you’re saying stuff like transmasc/transfem and unaligned because someone can be exlusively aligned to their agab and still face the same fucking transphobia! And yes they are trans, if they themself define themself as such, and not a cis person receiving “misdirected” transphobia!
I am tired of seeing stuff and wanting to say hey this affects us too but thinking, I’m doing whataboutism, but I’m not fucking doing whataboutism I am being excluded, purposefully or not
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cartoonscientist · 9 days
I think a big issue people on twitter have when they debate border wars stuff as compared to tumblr users is that they can’t seem to understand that a person can be a man and a woman at the same time, or neither, because gender isn’t based on external values, it’s a mindset
honestly I see a lot of young queer people in general really struggling to fully understand that gender is not determined in any way by how other people perceive you or treat you, it is not determined by how your body looks or how you dress (although you can use these things to SIGNAL your gender or modify them to reduce dysphoria), gender is a fully internal concept separate from gender presentation
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aronarchy · 1 year
We’re at this level of transphobia now.
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crystalsandbubbletea · 9 months
Vent post
(CW: Negative thoughts, acephobia, arophobia, enbyphobia, polyamphobia, swearing)
There are sometimes where I hate that I'm Demisexual and Demiromantic, sometimes it makes me feel alone, and sometimes it feels like I may die alone.
I came out as Demiromantic and Demisexual to some people, and they refused to try to understand.
I didn't ask to be part of the aromantic spectrum, I didn't ask to be part of the asexual spectrum. I was born this way.
I don't want a romantic relationship until I form a close emotional bond with people.
I hate that I'm polyamorous. I get called a 'cheater' because of it.
I have never been in a relationship in my life, how the fuck am I a cheater?
My mom also refuses to hear me out about it.
I hate that I'm nonbinary. I feel like I don't belong anywhere. I live in the Southeastern US and I never feel included, I only feel included whenever I'm around my friends who are also LGBTQIA+. Other than that, I never feel seen.
I hate that I'm Trixic. I'm sorry that 'lesbian' didn't feel like the correct term for me..? I'm sorry that I saw what Trixic was and thought 'Huh, this sounds like me?'
I hate being a polyamorous, Trixic, Demisexual, Demiromantic, Nonbinary... I feel like I'm alone sometimes, and I feel like I'm going to die alone...
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touch-starved-lurker · 9 months
lowkey transphobic moment from a classmate living rent free in my head rn (she tried to explain that singular they/them is grammatically incorrect in writing)(i didnt say anything back at the time)(but here i am lowkey crying about it)
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cobwebbed-crow · 2 years
A transmasc nonbinary person could:
-Cut off all their hair
-Change their name and pronouns
-Go exclusively by masculine terms
-Wear only men's clothing
but people will still say: "You can't complain about being misgendered. You're AFAB and FEMME presenting. Of course you get misgendered."
Just because that person can't/doesn't bind and/or medically transition.
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thorne1435 · 1 year
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Reblog if you're a loser themlet. <3
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Content Warning: Transphobia, Radical Feminism, etc.
Please do not interact with any of the tags mentioned here, or their sibling tags that fall within the same community. Just add them to your filter. It’ll be better for your mental health.
So, I just fell down an unfortunate rabbit hole.
Found a blog using Sylveon (the Pokémon) to represent anti-LGBTQ ideals. (Because the “For You” page thought I needed variety, I guess.) The logic was so fucked that I didn’t even understand it was meant as hate at first. I looked at their blog to try and understand, and quickly did. Started blocking them and the people who had interacted with them. A lot of pro-Israel stuff in their orbit too, unsurprisingly.
Then I noticed some of the tags. “Terfblr.” “Proud radfem.”
A TERF is a Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist, for anyone who doesn’t know what the acronym means.
It confused me that people used these tags. Why would someone want to make exclusion a part of their identity? Why would anyone call themselves a radical feminist? Definitions 2-4 on Dictionary.com explicitly describe the word as being used in regards to extreme beliefs:
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Not “extreme” like LGBTQIA+ people wanting to have basic human rights and self-determination, but “extreme” like Trump’s views on the place of blacks and immigrants in society. “Extreme” like toxic masculine views on where women belong. “Extreme” like the feminists who indiscriminately hate men. “Extreme” like Nazi Germany’s views on the place of the ‘lesser races’ in society.
Those are the kind of “extreme” views that the word ‘radical’ describes. Not the “extreme” of Palestinians wanting Israel to stop committing genocide against them. Not the “extreme” of black Americans that took measures to defend themselves from police brutality like the Black Panther Party. Not the “extreme” of the USSR’s satellite states wanting their autonomy.
It makes me think they’re of the mindset that they’re being called “extremists” as an attack on feminism and not that they’re being called extremists because the beliefs they propagate are actively harmful and inherently hateful in nature.
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There were tons of posts like this I found. Where transgender people were being demonized as men seeking to prey on women — largely ignoring that transmascs even existed (probably seen as “traitors” or some other bs logic). Demonizing them as people trying to use self identification as a means to invade safe spaces. And they always referred to us exclusively as “transsexual” from what I saw. Because ‘my gender is not your costume,’ and everybody seemed to be firmly rooted in a gender-binary mindset. That our identity was irrevocably determined by the circumstances of our birth. I even saw one post saying how disgusted they were by drag, because it was “a man’s mockery of a woman’s image.”
They called us monsters. For existing. For trying to be happy. For occasionally finding happiness.
They made it out as though transgenders could only be happy at the expense of the safety of women and children.
I don’t have a “point” to make with this. I just… wanted to express this.
This hate.
Because I have discovered what it feels like to truly hate someone, having seen what these disgusting humans consider “progressive.”
I hate it.
I hate you.
I hate that I understand this feeling now.
TERFs, for teaching me hate, I will never forgive you.
I will never forgive how I have been warped by you.
How you have twisted me.
And I’m getting off this hellsite for the day, for my own good.
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segasister · 2 years
Pansexuality is an inherently biphobic label. Pan people think bi people are only attracted to two genders and they're the only people capable of being attracted to NB people, which erases lived bi experiences and history. Pan people have enbyphobia and biphobia baked into their identity, you can't be a safe space for both those assholes and bi people, because by siding with pan people you're invalidating bi people by default.
I literally have never met a single pan person, either personally or in passing, who thinks this way. In fact, the only place I’ve seen this harmful mindset is in fucking Big Mouth of all shows. Honestly, this mindset you yourself are presenting reads as queerphobic in and of itself. It’s like saying that asexual people are homophobic just for being ace, or binary transgender people are enbyphobic just for falling into the binary gender spectrum. (Hell, I myself faced this while I identified as pan.)
I’m not one to debate a person’s own labels, so if they choose to use it, then I won’t argue. However, if they do have those views, then their label isn’t at fault. Just like you, I don’t doubt, have had an experience just like you’ve described, perhaps they have met a single bi person who was transphobic or enbyphobic, and that’s also not okay.
What I’m saying is that attacking each other isn’t the answer. That’s just what TERFs want, what the LGB Alliance wants, what any exclusionist wants. They want us to be divided and fight with each other so we’re too distracted to notice actual harm being done. The generalization of people identifying with a label isn’t the problem; the queerphobia is.
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Some of you don't even fucking try to hide that you see afab nonbinary people as slightly spicy cis women
Also by the way because I know how some will see this post: I am pretty fucking sure that those people see amab nonbinary people as either slightly spicy trans women or Predatory Cis Men Invaders.
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shimbongulus · 1 year
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They didn’t go to Ebbott for a very happy reason either.
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jupiter-nwn · 2 years
(I'm gonna be angry in this post so feel free to skip if you don't wanna read it!!!!! /gen)
I opened tiktok and this was the first video.
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I hate it here, I hate it here, I HATE IT HERE.
I just blocked them and moved on but fucking god. This is literally part of the reason why I don't feel safe when someone says they're lgbt friendly, because that support suddenly disappears when it's something they're not used to.
I don't even know. What the fuck. I hate it here.
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crystalsandbubbletea · 6 months
(Cw: Polyamphobia, enbyphobia)
Love how my mom says she'll support me no matter what and then the minute I come out as polyamorous she tries to convince me that I'm monogamous and just pretending to be polyamorous.
Then again, I shouldn't be surprised. I came out as nonbinary twice to her and the first time I did she said the most enbyphobic things and I had to pretend to be genderfluid. Then the second time I come out as nonbinary she begrudgingly accepted it.
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