irkomatose · 2 months
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more jinnie
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starcandybby · 1 year
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fic recs: bts ii
disclaimer: some fics contain mature content, so minors DNI!!!!
on the ropes @raplinesmoon a | s - wc: 18k
ex-boxer!jin, lawyer!reader, infidelity!au
stay with me @bts-trash-blog f
long-distance relationship, established relationship
give me love @taleasnewastime s | f - wc: 6.1k
established relationship!, pwp
night drive @minimonojoon f - wc: 3k
best friends to lovers!au, groomsmen!jin x bridesmaid!reader
i’m all yours @sailoryooons f - wc: 2.3k
best friends to lovers!au, idiots to lovers!au, so so soft!!
forever @oddinary4bts a | f | s - wc: 25.2k
ex-fiancées to lovers!au
speak now @vminity21 a | s - wc: 2.4k
friends to lovers!au, bride-to-be!reader
almost @bluewhale52 f - wc: 1.9k
established relationship!au, idol!au, wife!oc
like flowers we bloom @cupofteaguk f - wc: 5k
bad boy!au
no rebounds (series) @joheunsaram a | f | s - wc: 16k
swing life away @aphrodijin a | f | s - wc: 5.2k
married!au, first anniversary, pregnancy!au
the ick @taleasnewastime f - wc. 6k
friends to lovers!au
first christmas @spideyjimin f - wc: 2.2k
established relationship!au, christmas!au, parents!au
how i love you @ahundredtimesover a | f | s - wc: 28.3k
established relationship!au, husband!namjoon
cruise control @lavienjin s | f | slight a - wc: 13.6k
street racer!au, doctor!reader
somewhere between the lines @caelesjjk s | a | slight f - wc: 9.8k
divorce!au, exes to lovers??
i love you @ughseoks f - wc: 1.8k
established relationship!au, slice(s) of life!au
doom boy @raplinesmoon a | s | slight fluff - wc: 14.2k
mafia!au, established relationship!au, namjoon thought he escaped his past…
class act @jvngkook97 f | s | a - wc: 4.7k
college!au, jock!namjoon, introverted!reader, strangers to lovers!au
an affair of the art @raplinesmoon f | slight a - wc: 1.3k
husband!namjoon, new parents!au, dad!namjoon, art enthusiasts!au
lovely demons @kpopfanfictrash a | s - wc: 41.7k
fantasy!au, enemies to lovers!au
serendipity (series) @sopebubbles a | f
idol!au, pregnancy!au, smau and written
lust @adonis-koo s - wc. 11k
demon!au, strangers to lovers
heart of the flame (series) @chateautae a | s | f
roommates!au, friends to lovers!au
in bloom @untaemedqueen a | f | s - wc: 6.2k
tattooed&pierced!taehyung, tattoo artist!taehyung, florist!reader, married!au, family!au
farmer boy, i love you @strawberrynamjoon a | f | s - wc: 35k
farming!au, enemies to lovers
breath of spring @cupofteaguk f - wc: 9k
florist!au, strangers to lovers
girl code @allysonhope f | slight a - wc: 7.4k
friends to lovers!au, oc tries to respect girl code
come back home (series) @another-army-spot a | s | f
dad!taehyung, teen parents, exes to lovers
the odds on us @jimilter a | s | slight f - wc: 15.5k
exes to lovers!au
crush @jungxk light a | f | s - wc: 5.1k
memory loss!au, established relationship!au, dad!au
a lover’s bond @latetaektalk heavy a | f - wc: 18.7k
greek mythology! AU- specifically orpheus and eurydice! AU
marry me? @bebejungkook f - wc: 0.7k
established relationship!au, gamer!jk, crybaby!reader
this is how you fall in love @jeonqkooks s | f - wc: 9.3k
rockstar!jk, established relationship!au
down and down @koorara a | f - wc: 12k
mma fighter!jk, exes au
put your head on my shoulder @koorara slight a | f | s - wc: 10k
married!au, husband!jk
alien invasion @nocturnal-jeon f
fiancée!jk, new dad!jk
the reconnect @bonny-kookoo s | a | f - wc: 12.5k
exes to lovers!au, one night stand!au, dad!jungkook
bleeding for you @mercurygguk a | f - wc: 3.3k
EMT!jk, fiancé!au, car crash
inkling @gguksgalaxy a | s - wc: 17.7k
tattoo artist!jungkook
love in the dark @spideyjimin s | a f - wc: 18k
ceo au, forbidden romance au, established relationship au, exes to lovers
the truth untold @crispy-chan a | f - wc: 26k
royal!au, forbidden love, arranged marriage, knight!jungkook x princess!reader
lover @wnderkoo f - wc: 2.1k
established relationship!au, break up!au (BUT NOT REALLY)
the manliest @kookslastbutton s | f - wc: 1.2k
established relationship!au, crack, jk tries to be hard dom
under your skin @bonny-kookoo s | f | slight a
strangers to lovers!au, tattoo artist!jk, shy!reader
what if i love you too much? @taleasnewastime s | f | a - wc: 20.6k
neighborhood!au, single mom!reader
busted @btsgotjams27 f | slight smut (suggestive) - wc: 0.8
husband!jk, biker!jk (enough said)
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mizldrizl · 10 months
Some pieces of information -- mostly about Dong Sik and Joo Won -- I've learned from the scriptbook.
(Note: The content of the scriptbook might not be 100% same with the canon facts.)
- Dong Sik was born on May 30, 1981 at 7 AM in Manyang. Joo Won was born on August 13, 1994 at 7 AM in Seoul.
- Dong Sik is good at Taekwondo and boxing.
- Dong Sik started his military service in November, 2000, shortly after Yu Yeon went missing. He was still serving when his father died. Dong Sik received a special leave to arrange his funeral.
- Dong Sik started working as a police officer at Munju Station in November, 2007. He was transferred to RIU of Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency in May, 2015 and worked there till October, 2017. He was on leave for the whole year of 2018 before he started working at Manyang Substation in January, 2019.
- Dong Sik killed Song Ji Oh, the murderer of Lee Sang Yeop, at the scene. He told this to the EMT and later in his report, but Nam Sang Bae got rid of the statement from the official documents and took the responsibility himself. As a punishment, Nam Sang Bae, who was soon to be promoted to be a Unit Leader, transferred from Seoul to Manyang and became the Chief of the substation.
- Joo Won's apartment is in Mapo-gu, Seoul. The room number is 2701, which means his place is on the 27th floor.
- Joo Won graduated from Westminster Under School and Eton College. He finished high school in Korea.
- Joo Won was exempted from military service as he got admitted to Korean National Police University. (He got into the university in 2013. For that year, the number of places was 120 and 7,641 people applied, which makes the admission rate approximately 1.57%.)
- Joo Won started working at Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency in March, 2017. (Meaning, he and Dong Sik technically worked in the same building for about eight months.)
- Joo Won speaks Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese. He is also good at Judo and Kendo.
- Manyang Garden (만양가든) was a kalbi (갈비) restaurant.
- Chief Nam was alive when he was attacked in the junkyard, all the way to the port. In the trunk of Lee Chang Jin's car, he sang, almost whispered, the song to himself. "I feel lonely leaving without you, I feel so lonely... Don't cry, don't cry tonight..."
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Back on this a bit, just. The “Jin showing up at the Todoroki residence covered in wounds, scaring the crap out of everyone” And how they all handle that.
Like. Enji was at work. He probably had stuff to deal with for the Toga case, or maybe the HPSC’s fuck up interviewing Himiko. But also, public support is very much in Himiko’s favour. Himiko herself is starting to look MUCH healthier, to settle in. Toya is starting to remember more, his last appointment with the memory therapist went pretty good. Things are kind of looking up.
Dabi is officially alive again, is officially “Toya” again, and decided to use this as a day to try and reconnect with his old school friends - Enji probably gave Burnin time off specifically so she could go too. Sirius got shore leave for this. Manual drove down to see them. All three are wondering if this is about what they THINK it is, and are both relieved and apprehensive to find out Toya just wants to know why he remembers so much about Twilight. (The pictures of the school play are hilarious).
Fuyumi decided to take Himiko for a Girls Day Out, both to try and bond with her, and to try and distract the poor girl from the legal shit show U.A. Is waging against her parents on her behalf. They Encountered Shoto out with friends, and it wasn’t even that awkward! Himiko had a fairly nice conversation with them all! The invisible girl even called her cute! Heck, maybe they even went to visit Rei! Her and Himiko get to meet! It’s sweet! Like, it was a GOOD day!
Then they get back, and discover Natsuo and Yosuke’s calm, at-home date has gotten wildly derailed by Jin nearly dying on the front porch.
Natsuo and Yosuke get him stable, but he CLEARLY needs proper medical attention, and given the givens, they are all justifiably leery about just taking him to a random hospital. So like. Fuyumi called Enji first, say he pulls some strings, gets them an ambulance that drives them to a hospital that Recovery Girl has admittance permissions at. Yosuke ends up in the ambulance helping the EMTs, while Fuyumi drives Natsuo and Himiko right behind them. They Probably still have all the shopping bags.
Himiko is having some sort of panic attack, but also her mind is racing. Cause Jin’s Quirk is GONE, which means it was stolen, which means AfO, who is currently IN PRISON. What does this mean? Did he escape? Is the prison compromised? Does AfO have another means of stealing Quirks? Good god, does someone ELSE have AfO’s Quirk???
(Is Himiko safe? Is Dabi? Will he come after them?)
(Oh lord, are the others safe? Did he hurt Magne or Kurogiri, or Spinner, or Tomura, or Compress? What if they’re just in a ditch somewhere-!?)
Dabi was in the middle of working up his courage to ask why all his friends seem so jumpy, when Natsuo calls, and suddenly that’s the last thing on his mind. Manual ends up having to drive, cause Dabi doesn’t have his license back yet and Manual is the only one with a car. Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Himiko are already in the emergency room when they get there. Yosuke gets kicked out to the waiting room around the time Enji shows up.
The wait is terrible. Recovery Girl sprints in about ten minutes after Jin arrives, but can’t tell anyone anything. A few local heroes show up to try and get answers about why an injured villain showed up on the Todoroki doorstep, and Natsuo almost starts a fistfight with one who accuses Dabi and Himiko of “faking” their Heel-Turn, and supplying info to the LoV. Enji tries to deescalate and get the guy to leave, but then the guy decides to imply similar (and possibly worse) about Fuyumi and Natsuo. Aizawa and Nezu showing up were the only thing that prevented a headline about Endeavour burning a man to death.
Jin is in surgery for hours. Its close to 1 in the morning when RG finally hobbles out, tells them he’s stable. They have to monitor him for the next few days, but he’ll make it. Himiko nearly faints from relief. Dabi hugs Natsuo and Yosuke, thanks them for likely saving Jin’s life. ( Shoto asks if this means they DO have to clean out the rest of the spare rooms. He can see a pattern forming here.)
Of course, Himiko and Dabi want to go in and see him, but RG puts her foot down. They’ve been in the waiting room for HOURS, she’s pretty sure none of them have eaten, Jin’s going to be out for at LEAST another day or so, they have to go home and rest. They can come back later. It takes some arguing, but eventually, everyone heads out. Though not before Enji calls his agency, makes sure THEY are in charge of the investigation, and that a few sidekicks will come to the hospital to guard Jin.
Which turns out to be smart, because one of them calls in not an hour later that the HPSC goon tried to enter Jin’s hospital room. RG suddenly decides that U.A. IS the best place for Jin, actually, so they have to move him. So, there’s a mess of legal shit, and paperwork, and they have to guard Jin pretty heavily during the move, so it’s actually 4 days later that Himiko and Dabi get to see Jin, after he’s already woken up.
Of course, the first thing that happens is crying. Himiko and Jin end up clinging to each other, sobbing all over one another, while Dabi tries in vain to pretend he isn’t two seconds from joining them. But they manage to calm down - or approach something resembling it - and talk. Some of it is basic. “We’re so glad you’re ok” and “Are they treating you good?” and “So … Endeavour’s kid?” and “I missed you” and “I’m sorry you were hurt”. Telling Himiko how HEALTHY she looks, telling Dabi they hope he remembers more good things than bad. 
But most of what Jin says. It’s. It’s bad. At some point, They call in Aizawa and Yagi, so Jin doesn’t have to repeat himself.
Jin got sent on a simple “pick up” mission. He got to the spot, and got teleported. Jin saw Kurogiri, but he looked … wrong. Empty. Vacant. Jin called out, and Kurogiri didn’t seem to hear him. Didn’t seem to even know where he was. He looked … lost.
There was a lab. Dr. Garaki. Jin’s speech tics get worse, as he talks about the … “procedure”. Himiko and Dabi have to translate a bit, so the meaning gets across. Either Jin got his Quirk working “properly” … or they’d give it to someone who would. 
Jin doesn’t know how long he was there. He can’t quite remember what was done, or how. He only knows when it was over. When he knew his Quirk was gone. (When he knew he was REAL and by God almost wished he WASN’T-)
He CAN remember escaping. A loose restraint. Getting out. Twisty hallways, a passage onto the street. The location is easily identified, Aizawa calls it in to be investigated (though it’ll be empty by the time anyone gets there). Staggering in the general direction of the Todoroki house, cause. Dabi would help, right? Dabi and Himiko were safe there, Jin would be safe too?
There’s more crying as Himiko tries to promise, yes, it’s safe, so safe Jin, we’re ok. No one’s going to hurt us here. Dabi tries too, but his mind is elsewhere. He meets Aizawa and Yagi’s gazes, sees they’re thinking it too.
Jin’s Quirk just got stolen. AfO is in prison. He is still in prison, they checked. Either AfO’s doc did it on his orders, or independently, but he has a method of stealing Quirks that doesn’t require AfO. 
This isn’t over.
The EVERYTHING aboutt this just
It hurts! But also they’re together again! But at what cost????
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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Fic Finder
1. For the Next Fic Finder:
Looking for a time travel fic in which older WWX travels back to past Lotus Pier, the Jiang family then decides it would be better to have older xian be introduced as younger xians older brother. Older!WWX also comes with them at CR in which he befriended LXC and later NMJ and change both of their opinions regarding resentful energy.
P.S I think there was also a chapter where he went "missing" but he was just with the Dafan Wens and just really missed them in his depressed state.
FOUND! MingYu by Fino_Al_Cielo (T, 87k, WWX & LWJ, YL WWX, yunmeng siblings, Fix-It of Sorts, Time Travel, Canon Divergence, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, PTSD, References to Depression, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Trauma)
2. Hello! Looking for two specific modern AU fics
A) Posted on twitter where Wei Ying kept bothering LWJ on the length of her skirt (it was a genderbend fic)
B) Posted on instagram. LWJ and WWX were both models, WWX were kidnapped and tortured at one point because of jealous Jin Zixun
Thank you in advance for the help! @hid9884
FOUND? this thread by @/3neetee
3. Hi can you help me find a fanfic?? um wei wuxian works at a sex shop and lan wangji comes in to close it down bc his parents own it but end up falling in love where as jiang cheng works at a bar where lan xichen fall inlove w/ him and wei wuxian crazy ex (jenny I think) tries to kill him??
4. hiii ! i’m looking for a fic where it’s set in post canon, i think, and it’s about wei changze confronting jiang cheng about everything wei wuxian went through. There was a scene where he talks about experiencing being whipped by zidian through wwx bc at his desperate times, wwx unknowingly calls for his parents and wcz was able to connect with him somehow and that’s how he saw the things that happened in wwx’s life. tysm!!! @makkachiin
FOUND! Chapter 24 of Short Prompts by Vrishchika
5. I'm looking for a shapeshifting fic. LWJ was a rabbit and WWX a fox. LWJ ended up transforming out of stress, and bumped into WWX who took him home on his fox back and later kept visiting him. WWX was also staying in the woods and keeping things at NHS's house. I've searched through my history but I can't find it so I'm scared it's been deleted. @flaxenhairedsamurai
I don't remember what 5 is called but someone else was looking for it semi recently
FOUND! This Twitter fic by @/Zizzani
6. I'm looking for a modern AU where the characters work in various emergency services. I remember that the first chapters focused a lot on WWX, and I *think* that later chapters switched to a focus on Meng Yao/JGY. I specifically remember a scene where WWX climbs up a stuck rollercoaster or Ferris wheel, and someone he tries to save falls and dies. He was maybe a firefighter? And LWJ was maybe an EMT?
FOUND! 🧡 Like a House on Fire by KouriArashi (T, 82k, WangXian, Modern au, Paramedics, Firefighters, Light angst, Mutual pining, Kid fic, Past drug use, Past child abuse, Families of choice, Domestic fluff)
7. I want to find a Wangxian A/B/O fanfic It was very long and angsty about Wei Wuxian being an Omega Cultivator where they are expected to be locked up inside. It had a one-sided Jin Zixuan x Wei Wuxian and a really bad scene with Wen Chao. Its no longer in ao3 but i cant remember the author reposted it
FOUND? and the calm is deep where the quiet waters flow (Prologue – Index) (E, 303k, off-screen rape, oppression, violence, sexual assault, grief/mourning, unwanted pregnancy., A/B/O)
8. looking for a modern au fic, cant remember the title but the description on ao3 had something about a taxi driver noticing a bruise on wei ying and mentioning that the person will hurt him again. there was a suicide attempt i think, due to the jiang family abuse, and lan zhan was his neighbour!
FOUND? like a fox in tall grass by notinamillionyears, starcrushedjewels (notinamillionyears) (E, 93k, WIP, WangXian, Suicide Attempt, Drug Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Strangers to Lovers, Neighbors, College/University, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Depression, Anxiety Attacks, Pianist LWJ, Smoking, Trauma, Explicit Sexual Content, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Caretaking, Identity Issues, Age Difference, Power Dynamics, Dom/sub Undertones, Eating Disorders, Mutual Pining, Consensual Non-Consent, Sleeping Together, Suicidal Ideation, Bipolar Disorder, implied manic depression)
9. hello im looking for a fic where jzx asks wangxian for help and there's a cursed building? and mxy is in it or in the center of it and they rescue him. that's about all i remember sorry. appreciate any help tho ♥️
hello im the last ff anon #9. sorry but the suggestion isn't it. i distinctly remember it being a cursed building, or maybe a watch tower maybe? and mxy was inside it. wangxian are already married iirc also a bunch of jins died in that building i think? bc of the resentful energy?
hello ff anon #9 again. to answer anon's question, mxy isn't a spirit. he's alive in the fic and i think he follows wangxian after he was rescued? i appreciate all the help that's coming y'all are so cool
NOT FOUND! 9 sounds like it might be Aftermath by KouriArashi (T, 57k, JYL/JZX, wangxian, LXC/JGY, canon divergence, fix-it, everyone lives au, romance, developing relationship, family, sibling bonding, light angst, politics, attempted sexual assault, some murder, people talking about their feelings, trauma processing) although the rescue is in a mine not a building
for #9, is MXY a ghost/spirit that needed liberating/sending off?
FOUND? quiet, blooming hours by Sanguis (T, 13k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Modern AU, Magical Realism, Established Relationship, Married Couple, Family Feels, Background Relationships, Resurrection, Adoption) Idk if #9 could be ...the house is somewhat cursed and the jins are involved but not the way anon describes. Wangxian is established though
10. Hi, I hope you can find me find this wonderful fic where WWX used an array to make everyone forget about him. He succeeded with his plan but the people who initially knew him (JC, JFM, JYL, even Madam Yu, basically everyone) always subconsiously thinks of him like something or someone is missing in their lives. Eventually, JC, LWJ, and LXC realized that someone must've erased their memory of that person so they tried their best to undo the curse or the array.
FOUND? Remember by Amona (T, 57k, JC & WWX, wangxian, Canon Divergence, self-sacrifice, erasing oneself from history, colored souls, sword spirits, major angst w happy ending, implied/referenced rape/non-con, minor character death, WIP)
11. Hi, I'm searching for a modern au fic where WWX was gonna have an abortion, and LWJ offered to drive him to his appointment. He said that he'd help him because his mother had no choice or something like that. It's a one shot, I think, not much happens, appart from that.
FOUND! baby let's take the long way home by plonk (Not rated, 10k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, abortion, mpreg, with a twist, enemies to lovers)
12. Does anyone remember that fic where lwj is a goth DJ at a bar? And wwx keeps trying to meet him or hang out with him? Lwj is ruder than usual I think. I might be mixing up two different fics but in the one I’m thinking of lwj gives wwx a ride home late at night… it’s driving me crazy- I thought I had saved it!
FOUND! The Quiet Room by trickybonmot (M, 39k, wangxian, modern, 1990s, goth LWJ, cellist LWJ, college student WWX, house hunting, dating, clubbing, implied/referenced past child abuse, mental health issues, academic disaster aftermath, getting together, homelessness)
13. First of all, thank you for all your work, you're awesome!! Second, I'd like to ask for your help to find a fic. it's ABO where omegas are like really rare and sacred in the cultivation world, wwx is an omega but for some reason he hides it until it all comes out about the time he's in the burial mounds with the Wen, and that's when the sects finally believe him and take his side bc omegas always stand for what's right and true or smt. Thanks!!
FOUND! Woven fates by apathyinreverie (T, 10k, wangxian, ABO, alpha LWJ, omega WWX, fix-it, fluff, family, romance, mates) it has the "omegas always stand for what’s right and true," but wwx wasn't hiding it, he just didn't present until he felt safe and then ran into lwj again / WWX wasn't actively hiding being an omega though, but only presented while in the burial mounds.
14. Hello i'm looking for a fic where wei ying enters a mating run on a dare(or bet) and if you survive the run you get $50,000 if lan Wanji chooses you, you get $1 million. There is also some orginized crime aspects to the fic
FOUND? Five Fifteen by 3neetee (M, 11k, wangxian, rape/non-con, ABO, modern, alpha LWJ, alpha WWX, mating runs, graphic descriptions of violence, dom/sub undertones, light bondage, implied mpreg, dark LWJ, betrayal, smut, dark lans, unreliable narrator WWX) locked
15. Hello for the next fic finder can you please help me find a fic where Wei Wuxian loses his memories after an accident. I remember WWX and LWJ were engaged and they were going to marry and LQR hired a private investigator and the accuses WWX of cheating and everyone believes him. But it was actually WWX meeting Wen Qing to discuss adopting A-Yuan. WWX keeps it a secret because he wanted to surprise LWJ when they get married with the adoption papers. Anyways after they accuse him of cheating WWX runs out and gets hits by a vehicle and loses his memories. It was a modern AU.
Thank you for all the help you do for us. @mybestfriendisacinnamonroll​
FOUND? (Un)forgettable by Edens_Cat & VividestList (E, 67k, wangxian, LWJ & LSZ & WWX, WWX & WQ, modern, misunderstandings, angst w/ happy ending, kid fic, teacher WWX, single parent WWX, amnesia, protective WQ, protective LSZ, smut)
16. Hi! I am not sure if this has been asked before but I'm looking for this fic where Lan Yuan grew up as the Jiang sect heir because Jiang Cheng got to him before Lan Zhan. I could remember there are several kids in the Burial Mounds and one of them was adopted into the Lan sect as a healer. And the rest (there were three of them ig???) were basically hiding in the Jiang sect unbeknownst to Jiang Cheng. I really really loved that fic but I can't remember much from it and I want to read it again. Thaaaaanks!!
FOUND? Until The End by abCEE (M, 365k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, war changes people, resulting to OOC, no pinning, Established Relationship, Mpreg, Good Uncle LQR, a little grey LWJ, a bit of JC bashing from LWJ, BAMF JYL, 16 years of yearning, mainly CQL verse but has scenes from the novel as well, LSZ is WangXian's Child, WWX Has a New Golden Core, Canon Rewrite, Happy Ending, Fix-It of Sorts) sounds like this one, but a-yuan is still with the Lan. The kids at the Jiang sect and the healer at the Lan sect match though
17. I think it was very Nie Huaisang centric and short, but I can’t remember anything other than a few lines near the end where NHS was remembering that JGY hadn’t taken into account that LXC had known him since he was a kid and would trust and defend him.
The line I remember is something like “NHS remembers being passed back and forth between LXC and NMJ like a particularly beloved parcel” referring to LXC practically adopting him as a second little brother.
Thank you!
FOUND! Chapter 32 of Twelve Moons and a Fortnight by stiltonbasket (M, 290k, WangXian, Humor, Slow Burn, Post-Canon Fix-It, Long-Distance Relationship, Epistolary, Love Letters, Family Feels, a-qing lives, teenage romance, Adoption, Romantic Comedy, Happy Ending, Weddings, Case Fic, Parenthood, Politics) you're looking for chapter 32 of twelve moons and a fortnight by stilton basket.
18. Hello, can you help find this fic? The back story in this fic is yzy is cheating with wcz and wwx is yzy'son with wcz. After wwx born he was cast aside and yzy pregnant with soon after with jfm as the fathet. Wcz become a rogue cultivator while raising wwx and he meet csr. In the first chapter i think wwx is kinda kicked out by bssr to make him meet with his sibling in cloud recesses and make a peace with them. I think he introduce himself as a-xian (or it is a-ying? But i think it was a-xian). I think that's all i can remember. Thank you!
FOUND! The Undesirable Son by FragranceLotion97 (G, 34k, WangXian, CQL but WWX is Madam Yu's Bastard Son, It goes differently from the beginning, WWX becomes sworn brother with lxc then becomes his in law, LWJ is still whipped, There is Yin Iron, Heavily CQL with a little mix from the novel, Adding donghua into the fandom because i decide to use a lot of things from there)
19. For the next fic finder: can you help me find a fic where wwx falls in the lake when they’re fighting the abyss, and everyone believes he dies. Weeks (or maybe months) pass, and then he washes up on the shore of the lake, somehow still alive. I think it might have been Lan Xichen pov, and he was blaming himself for losing wwx since he was in charge of the hunt.
20. Looking for a fic where WWX was Baoshan Sanren’s disciple (I think) and they were doing demonstrations. WWX went through all major sects’. The one I remember clearly is that the Lan style was war
FOUND! Become Tomorrow by  ShanaStoryteller (Not rated, 39k, wangxian, cloud recesses study arc, BSSR's disciple WWX)
120 notes · View notes
Hi Jin. How are you doing? I have a question for you: Have you ever been called mom or big sister? I understand the question sounds strange, but curiosity aroused 😅
And if you know about the others, have they ever had these situations?
Well I haven't been called a mother for sure. Sister? Not directly but almost everyone in towns says that me and Helly would make for really good siblings if the were the same "species".
As for others. There was that one time when Amber was attending the EMT seminars or something like that.
Takes a quiet sip of coffee.
So basically there was this mom rescuer who was bringing her son with her. Because she and Amber share a similar color coats the boy got confused. He would follow Amber around calling her mom until they found his actual mom. Amber didn't mind, in fact she still keeps in touch with that family.
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High risk, high reward
🥂🚨🚑 ahem preferably wwx centric but like i love every single thing you've written so hehe <3
There is a saying in my country that's roughly translated as "either the ball [as in, the prom/banquet], or the hospital", and it means taking the leap no matter the risks because everything could either go terribly wrong or terribly right. It's an elegant way of saying "fuck it" before doing a high risk activity.
This prompt made me think of that.
Wei Wuxian likes risks. He likes the thrill of it, and the fact that, most often, he gets the reward that's made him take the risk in the first place. Whether it's a dare or an idea he wants to see if he can put into practice, he doesn't shy away from anything.
However, there are times when the risks he takes aren't necessarily calculated, and land him in trouble - nothing major, most often with getting yelled at by Madam Yu and having to replace whatever he broke or damaged using his own money... but this time, it's a bit more... difficult to do that.
Because Wei Wuxian won a bet he made with Jin Zixun just to shut him up - but now, Wei Wuxian is feeling like he's going to die. Or puke his guts and his soul out.
The bet was about Wei Wuxian being able to take 10 flutes of champagne at once. They're at this afterparty of some high class gala of the four great families, and since the parents and the uncles have retired for the night already, the younger generation has been left to have fun freely, without any formalities. It was uncle Jiang's idea, bless him, but Wei Wuxian kind of wishes it hadn't been.
Cause even with his massive alcohol tolerance, he's pretty sure he's well on his way towards alcohol poisoning.
"Huaisang, I think we need to call an ambulance..."
"An am- Wei-xiong, are you dying?!"
Wei Wuxian rolls his eyes. "I will if you don't call the ambulance. Just tell them what happened and to send in someone quick. I don't know, a doctor, a nurse, a priest..."
"Serves you right for getting into it with Jin Zixun." Jiang Cheng says, handing Wei Wuxian another glass of water. "You'd sooner die than mind your business."
"I'm really not in the mood for any of your lectures right now. Yell at me when I feel better. Or when I die."
Wei Wuxian closes his eyes and decides to try and at least get himself in a stable state of mind. Last thing he needs is to panic, so he tries to take in deep breaths and ignore the nausea and the impending sense of doom he's feeling.
He knows he's going to have to pay his own hospital bills, and he's going to also have to do Nie Huaisang's homework for months to cover the cost of the ambulance ride (which he has been generous enough to offer to cover), but at least he won't be dead. He'll wish he was when Madam Yu finds out about this, but that's a given.
If she ends up kicking Wei Wuxian out this time, like she threatened she would if he got into trouble again, he'll have to figure out how to make himself useful enough to convince one of his friends to take him in. He's pretty good in the kitchen and he can do a decent job cleaning, so maybe he could be their live-in maid or something... Well, didn't Madam Yu say he'll end up just like his father?
The sound of the ambulance alarm pulls him out of his thoughts. Right, the hospital. He almost forgot about it, which isn't necessarily a good sign of his mental state right now.
"Wangji-xiong, he's right there, I think he's almost passed out and I really don't know-"
Wangji-xiong? Oh, right, Lan Zhan is working the night shift as an EMT tonight, that's why he couldn't come to the gala... What a coincidence...
Wei Wuxian feels himself gently lifted in a pair of very strong arms, and he makes the herculean effort to open his eyes. "Lan... Zhan...?"
"I am here. You'll be okay."
"Mm... if you'll take care of me, I will..."
Lan Wangji tells Jiang Cheng something but Wei Wuxian doesn't really hear it. He's focused on trying not to throw up on his crush, who's so strong and smells so good and is holding him like a bride, and maybe it's the alcohol but Wei Wuxian really wants to kiss him, but...
"Lan Zhan..."
"I like you..."
"I like you too, Wei Ying."
"No, like you as in I want you to be my boyfriend."
"Ask me again when you're sober."
"Will you say yes?"
"I will."
"Lan Zhan?"
"I think I'm about to throw up."
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sopebubbles · 1 year
Hi! I've found your blog because of the Lone Wolf and I can't wait to see the next chapters of this series as well as reading your other works, I think I fell in love with your writing 🥺❤️
There's one thing that has been bothering me and I don't know if it's because I'm an easily distracted reader and I tend to miss some details, or it's just that this information is yet to be revealed: what's Yoongi's profession in LW? 🧐 I'd be grateful if you'd help me organize my thoughts!
I'm really excited to get to know the characters and the story more in the next chapters 👉👈
Sending lots of love 💕
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Thank you so much for loving my work! I love sharing it 🥰
And for sure! I think it's mentioned and will definitely come up again but heres a run down of all the members!
Jin: lawyer, mostly does pro-bono work for lykos
Yoongi: EMT
Hoseok is a stay at home omega
Namjoon: teacher
Jimin: social worker
Taehyung: artist, has sold several big pieces but is fairly reclusive and stays at home with hoseok
Jungkook: cop
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jungshookz · 4 years
omg it’s me again i just thought of sth and only you can make it so good;; EMT seokjiN and this prompt i saw sth like “will you stop flirting with me? you just got seriously injured and I’m the emt trying to tend to your wounds, i don’t give a fuck that i look cute when i’m concerned, you’re lucky you’re not dead you dipshit”
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➺ pairing; emt!seokjin x reader 
➺ genre; sfw!! namjoon is clumsy!! y/n is particularly cheeky that even i was like :0!! and handsome seokjin is simply handsome!! 
➺ wordcount; 4.9k
➺ what to expect; “i’m just checking out your pupils, darling. trust me. you’ll know when i’m about to kiss you.” 
➺ note; i thought i’d kick off the christmas with cee event with a jin drabble seeing as it was recently his birthday!! also i hope this drabble pumps you UP for the other drabbles that’ll be posted this month <3 happy deceember!! 
                                       »»————- ❄ ————-««
“i just don’t think this is a super good idea, you know?” namjoon mutters sheepishly, looking down at you while you busy yourself with tightening his laces, “i mean, i can barely walk three steps without tripping over a normal floor, so i don’t know if me on ice is going to be any better-”
“oh, will you please give it a break? i’ve got you!” you get up off the ground before dusting your knees off, “besides, you were the one who said you wanted to try ice-skating - and it’s not like the ice skating rink is as steep as a mountain or anything. it’s all nice and flat! see?” you gesture towards the zamboni currently making its rounds on the ice, “and we came here just in time for a nice, clean layer of ice for us to skate on. there’s nothing that could go wrong!”
“nothing that could go wrong?!” namjoon gawks, hoisting his foot up so he can rest his ankle across his knee, “look at this thing, y/n! what kind of a shoe is this?” he taps his fingernail against the metal blade before quickly retracting his hand and shuddering, “these things are literal weapons- why can’t i just skate without the skates?”
“because that... wouldn’t be ice-skating anymore? that’d just be... ice-walking. and your sneakers won’t do you any good on the ice, anyway,” you shake your head before shrugging, “the blades are supposed to help you, like- they get a… solid grip on the ice and it helps you move around better, you know? something like that.”
namjoon scoffs and leans back on the bench, “please explain to me how a thin metal blade is supposed to get a solid grip on ice-”
“look, the offer to get you one of those little kiddie things for you to hold onto still stands.” you point over to the front counter, “they have one that looks like a penguin! it’s adorable! i mean, i think it’s a little shorter than your knees so you might have to crouch down a little if i get one for you-”
“wha-” namjoon immediately frowns before crossing his arms, “y/n, i am a grown man. i don’t need to hold onto a penguin-”
“okay, suit yourself!” you chirp, sticking your hand out for him, “c’mon, you manly man. i wanna get on the ice! i’ve been waiting all week for this-”
namjoon grumbles curses under his breath as he pushes himself up off the bench
he doesn’t need a penguin!
how dare you!!!!!
you can’t help but giggle as you watch him waddle towards you, being very careful not to fall over and twist an ankle
admittedly, bringing namjoon to an ice skating rink probably wasn’t the best idea
one time he sprained his ankle after tripping over literally nothing and he had to use a crutch for like two weeks
he’s verY susceptible to injuries 
when he first brought up the idea of going to an ice-skating rink you were going to turn him down and suggest something safer and more namjoon friendly...
but it’s december!
and december is literally the time to go ice-skating!
and there’s always a hot chocolate truck that’s parked right by the rink so hopefully you’ll be able to soothe namjoon’s bruised bum (you’re betting that namjoon’s bum will be all sorts of bruised after ten minutes on the ice) with extra whipped cream and marshmallows
hopefully he won’t be as grumpy as he is now when he’s sipping on a big ol mug of rich, creamy hot chocolate
“we’re going to have so much fun! the last time i went skating, i-” as soon as you slide onto the ice, namjoon suddenly yanks you backwards
you turn to look at him only to see him gripping onto the railing for dear life
he’s not even on the ice yet!
big ol’ wimp
“what’s the matter? cold feet?” you joke, namjoon giving you an unimpressed frown, “what?? you have to admit that was a good joke-”
“that was an awful joke-”
“namjoon…” you purse your lips and place your free hand on your hip, “you know that you have to be on the ice in order to ice skate, right?” you give his hand a reassuring squeeze, “i’m not going to let you fall. i promise! but in the rare case that you do fall, feel free to fall on top of me to cushion your blow. i’ll gladly break a couple of ribs just to keep you from hitting the ground!”
“what happens if you skate circles around me and end up cutting a circle into the ice and then i fall in??”
oh god
here we go
“that’s not going to happen, namjoon.” you shake your head, “because we’re not in a cartoon.”
“what happens if i accidentally fall backwards and end up stabbing myself in the eye with the blade?”
“that’s not going to happen, namjoon- first of all, the tip of the blade is rounded off, so you won’t be stabbing anything at all, and second of all, we both know you’re not nearly flexible enough for your body to be able to bend in half like that-
“what happens if i fall to the ground and someone skates over my fingers and slices them off?!”
“that’s not going to-” you pause for a split second, “well, that could happen, so maybe just don’t fall and remember to keep your hands off the ice-”
“okay, well- i don’t want to do this anymore!!!” namjoon lets go of your hand and you resist the urge to fall to the ground and let out a primal screech of rage, “if there’s even a chance that i’m going to lose the tip of one finger today, there’s no way in hell i’m getting onto the ice-”
“you’re not going to lose any fingers-”
“how can you be so sure?!”
you immediately shut up before reaching up to pinch the bridge of your nose
you love namjoon with all your heart but sometimes he’s just.., a little much
he’s not very big on risk-taking
he’s always been very content just staying within his comfort zone which is fine! 
you never pressure him into doing anything if he very clearly is uncomfortable with it
with that being said, it’s just that whenever you even try to nudge him like a centimetre out of his safety bubble, he flips out on you just like how he’s flipping out right now
like that one time you made him try a vanilla bean frappucino (arguably the plainest most basic frappucino flavour on the starbucks menu) instead of his usual iced americano and after he took a sip he accused you of trying to make him get diabetes
it’s not like you’re purposely trying to torment him by forcing him to ice skate
you just wanted to come here and have a good time with your friend!
“namjoon, you seriously need to calm down-”
“i am calm! i am so calm! in fact, i’ve never been MORE CALM-!”
it doesn’t take long for you and namjoon to start bickering with each other, the both of you too wrapped up in yelling at each other to notice the weird glances you’re getting from everyone
“all i’m trying to say is that the only reason why we’re here in the first place is because you said that you wanted to try-”
“yeah, and now i change my mind! what, are you saying i’m not allowed to change my mind?”
“i never- i never said you weren’t allowed to change your mind, i just want you to try to understand that it can be a little frustrating for me to set everything up for you only for you to chicken out at the end-”
“chicken out?! how dare you?! i am not chickening- i’m backing out for the safety of my eyeballs and my hands-”
“i said i would hold your hand the whole time!”
“that’s not secure enough! you holding my hand on slippery ice as a form of safety is equivalent to me getting on a rollercoaster using flimsy shoelaces to tie me to the seat-”
“that’s why i said i would get you the penguin so that you have two handles to hold onto-”
“i don’t want the friggin’ penguin!” namjoon snaps, stepping aside when a little kid nudges past him only to immediately glide onto the ice
the two of you pause to watch him and you gawk when he starts zipping back and forth like a maniac
that could be you right now
you, too, could be having a blast on the ice right now if it weren’t for your manbaby friend over here
you gesture to the random child currently twirling around on the ice before scoffing, “namjoon! look at him! if that literal toddler can do that on the ice, you can at least step forward to stand on the ice-”
“that is not a child, that is just a very tiny professional ice skater-”
you press your lips together in frustration as namjoon continues to list off reasons why the two of you should just go for hot chocolate and then go straight home
and for a second you think about giving up and just giving him what he wants but...
no way!
you are noT letting him talk himself out of this one this time
you wanna go ice skating today and you’re going to figure out a way to make both you and namjoon happy
so he doesn’t want to hold your hand
he doesn’t want the penguin
what other options do you have??
you twiddle with the end of your scarf before pausing and looking down at it
                                        »»————- ❄ ————-««
“alrighty… how does that feel?” you tighten the knot before giving namjoon’s stomach a pat, “nice and secure?”
that’s right
you ended up tying your scarf around namjoon’s waist like some kind of a leash
you’re really hoping people won’t think this is one of those pet-play situations where namjoon is your human puppy and you’re his BDSM dominatrix
you’re not shaminG the kink or anything!!!
you’re just not into the whole arf arf roll over thing
it probably didn’t help that you wore a leather trench coat today
the weather’s finally cooled down enough for you to wear it so obviouSLY you had to wear your super cool leather trench coat but now you feel like you should take it off just in case it makes you look like you’re... into barking
namjoon hooks a finger into the scarf and gives it a little tug, “…i suppose… this is better than nothing…”
“great!” you sigh in relief, “so… i’m gonna take it nice and slow, okay? we’ll start off with some basic gliding and then we’ll go from there.”
unfortunately the ice is a little rougher now because it took like twenty minutes for namjoon to practice just standing on the ice without toppling over
you’re just glad that he’s now willing to actually give skating a try instead of giving up and going home
this is progress!!
you wonder if you’ll ever be able to convince him to go skydiving with you one day
...baby steps
“so, gliding is kind of like… it’s kind of like marching, i guess?” you hum, “it’ll help you transition into skating. you’re gonna march two steps forward and then let yourself just glide forward…” you wrap the end of the scarf around your fist to really make sure that it won’t slip from your fingers (because you’re 100% sure that namjoon will have a meltdown if you let go of it) as you continue to skate backwards slowly, watching namjoon’s feet like a hawk
you’re surprised he hasn’t fallen yet what with his wobbly knees
“am i… am i doing it??” namjoon asks dumbly and you can’t help but grin when he starts to pick up the movement
thank god he’s a fast learner
“hey, look at you go!” you laugh lightly, giving him a thumbs up, “you’re doing it! i mean, we’re going pretty slowly... but you’re doing it!”
namjoon reaches forward to grab onto the scarf when he wobbles a little and you immediately stop so that he can rebalance himself
(you don’t know how you’re going to catch him if he falls because he’s definitely going to end up crushing you and breaking all the bones in your body)
the two of you spend the next twenty minutes or so slowly making your way around the rink
for the most part, namjoon does just fine
there was one point where a little kid knocked into him from behind and he nearly fell over buT luckily he grabbed onto the railing before anything happened
he looked like he was fully ready to chase after the kid to strangle him but that’s beside the point
you let out an impatient little sigh as people continue to whiz past you
you wanna do some whizzing too!
“are you…” you trail off, looking back over at namjoon, “okay to move on to stroking?”
namjoon’s brows furrow as he lets go of the scarf after regaining his balance, “stroking?”
“mhm!” you nod, turning to glance over your shoulder for a second to make sure there’s no one behind you, subtly skating backwards a tiny bit quicker, “it’s literally just, like, a longer version of gliding. you just extend the same motion for a longer period of time, that’s all.”
“oh... like... like this?” namjoon pushes off a little harder and you nod enthusiastically at the smooth movement
“yeah, there you go!” you laugh when namjoon picks it up with no problem, “look at you! you’re a natural... you might even be better than that tiny professional ice skater from earlier- make sure to lean forward a little…”
namjoon grins excitedly as he continues to glide left and right all while you (unbeknownst to him) gradually pick up your pace while pulling him towards you
he’s doing it!
this wasn’t as hard as he thought it’d be
he’s doing it!!!!!
and he’s going waY quicker than he originally was, which is probably a good sign, right?
“can i take the lead?” namjoon stands up a little straighter and puffs his chest out, “i wanna lead you now!”
you slow down a little and look down at the scarf that you’re still clutching onto for dear life, “you wanna take th- okay, well, do you want me to untie you?”
“oh no, i think you should still hold onto it just in case, but i wanna lead the way!” namjoon bounces up and down excitedly and clasps his hands together, “please, y/n? you’ve seen how fast i can go now!”
he can go super fasT on his own and it’s not because you’ve been pulling him along like a little wagon
you know what
it’s fine
you’re not worried about namjoon leading the way mainly because you know he’s just going to go around and around in slow circles
you could probably get away with closing your eyes while he pulls you around  
you snort before nodding and sliding to the side so that he can skate past you, “alright, hotshot. you take the lead. now it’s really going to look like this is a leash- woAH-” your eyes widen in surprise when namjoon suddenly surges forward, his legs going left and right and left and right at a consistent pace-
oh god
you speed yourself up as well to try to keep up with him, keeping your grip tight around your poor stretched out scarf
“namjoon-!” you laugh uneasily, “take it easy, you speed demon-”
“we should go ice skating all the time!” namjoon cheers, raising both his hands up in the air as he continues gliding like a maniac, “isn’t this fun?!”
“oh shit, sorry, excuse me-” you try your best noT to collide with people as you skate past them, “namjoon, i know you think this is fun but i really think you should slow down a little- oh, frick-” you curse to yourself when you notice that your scarf is caught in the clasp of your bracelet
this scarf was expensive!!!!
there’s no way you’re going to accidentally yanK out the threads and ruin it
“c’mon, stupid thing...” you look up for a brief second to make sure that namjoon’s still going straight and that he’s not about to round a corner or anything before looking back down to try to unhook the thread
you could try tugging on it but you’re worried that it’s going to mess up your scarf and you are noT willing to take that chance
“i’m turning here!”
“uh-huh, yeah...” your tongue pokes out in concentration as you use your nail to try to pluck it out and...
there we go
no destroyed scarves today!
“what did you just sa-!” your eyes widen in surprise when suddenly the scarf disappears from your fist and you look up to see that the-
                                       »»————- ❄ ————-««
my head hurts
my ass hurts too
you peel an eye open slowly before closing it again
holy moly
your head is spinning and your ears are ringing and you’re pretty sure your eyes are permanently crossed because you can’t seem to get your vision to focus
is it possible to feel like you want to throw up and pass out at the same time?
you squeeze your eyes shut before shaking your head a little in a poor attempt to shakE the pain away
what happened??
the last thing you remember is going full speed on the ice and then everything went black
you push yourself up onto your elbows before looking around
you… are in a van that smells like bleach for some reason
why are you in a van??
oh god
were you kidnapped???
were you chloroformed and kidnapped???
you jump when one of the doors suddenly swings open and you immediately pull your legs up and away so that your kidnapper can’t reach over and drag you out by the legs
“hey, you! how are you feeling?”
“i- um-” you sit up all the way before turning and leaning back against the metal bench screwed into the side of the van, “i think i’m oka- a..a...aaaaaayyyy....?” you trail off dumbly, finding yourself being unable to shut your TRAP 
you blink owlishly at the very handsome kidnapper before tilting your head to the side a little
the corners of his mouth twitch in a smile and he mimics your movements, tilting his head as well
maybe… you weren’t kidnapped
you just died and went to heaven, that’s all!
this is heaven
heaven is the back of an impeccably clean van and you are currently staring at a real-life angel
“sorry you woke up all alone, by the way- i just had to ask your friend a couple of questions as to what happened... i also had to comfort him a little because i’m pretty sure he thinks he killed you-”
“i’m sorry, am i not dead? is this not, like, the bus to heaven or something?” you ask, looking around at your surroundings
there’s a lot of medical-related tools and gadgets in here considering the fact that this is heaven
apparently heaven has heart defibrillators which doesn’t make much sense
“hey, hey- relax!” you jump when you feel him wrap his fingers around your ankle to get your attention, “you’re not dead. this isn’t the bus to heaven. you’re just in the back of an ambulance. you got into a little collision with the plexiglass barriers.”
that makes more sense
“oh, thank god.” you breathe out, “because if i did die, then body slamming into plexiglass would’ve been a humiliating way to go.”  
“mm, i totally agree. i would’ve been embarrassed having to drag your dead body away from the plexiglass.” mr probably-not-here-to-kidnap-you laughs lightly and opens the door a little wider for himself, “i just wanna patch you up. will you let me do that?”
you feel your mouth go dry when he takes his jacket off
hello broad shoulders
“you can do anything you want to me.” you blurt out, watching in awe as he steps into the ambulance to join you
you’re pretty sure the fact that you might have a mild concussion has something to do with it but your filter has just completely disappeared because jesus christ you want this man to ram into you harder than you rammed into the wall
you just don’t get it
how can one man be so... attractive?
the soft, perfectly tousled hair is right!
the pillowy, cherry-coloured lips are right!
the twinkling brown eyes are right!
the low, soothing voice is right!
the broad shoulders and equally as broad chest... veRY right
everything is just so RIGHT
you swallow thickly when he sits down across from you and crosses his legs, his knees practically pressed right up against yours
you’re certainly not complaining about being so close to him but you’re definitely going to cramp up like this and you always make really weird faces when you get pins and needles shooting up your legs
you move your legs so that your ankles are on either side of his thighs before scooting your bum a little closer towards him
heh >:-) 
“can you tell me what your name is?” he asks, pulling a first-aid kit out from under the bench
“y/n y/l/n.” you answer almost instantaneously, keeping your eyes glued on his face as he rummages through the box
“mhm… very good…”
“what’s your name?” you watch as he rips open a little gauze pad
even his fingers are pretty
“seokjin.” seokjin smiles sweetly, your heart skipping a beat when he reaches up to brush some hair away from your forehead, “i’m just going to clean your cut up a little bit. stay still for me, yeah?”
you nod obediently and find yourself leaning forward a little bit even though you know you probably don’t need to
“what’s your last name?” you ask, seokjin looking down at you for a brief second before focusing back on the cut on your forehead
“kim. why?”
“just wanted to know what my future surname is going to be, that’s all.”
seokjin snorts before raising a brow, “quite the charmer, aren’t you?”
“it’s not every day that i get to talk to a very handsome ambulance man.”
seokjin chuckles, smoothing his fingers over the pad to make sure that it’s secure before pulling away, “mm, that’s fair. can you tell me what day it is?”
“saturday. which i think is the perfect day out of all of the days to go out on a date, because if we get super drunk and have crazy sex tonight, we can wake up late tomorrow and go out for brunch-!”
seokjin suddenly pinches your lips in between his fingers before frowning in concern, “your bottom lip is a little busted.”
“pheel vfree to kiss it bhetter.” you murmur, seokjin pulling away to rummage through his little kit again, “you look really cute when you’re concerned, by the way.”
“is that so?” seokjin hums, pulling a q-tip out and a tube of what looks to be some kind of a gel, “you can’t go around kissing strangers, you know.”
“you’re an exception.” you grin, dodging the q-tip when seokjin tries to dab some gel on your lip, “i was serious about the date, though. what do you think?”
“i think-” seokjin tries again only for you to turn your head the other way, “i think that you need to stop flirting with me so that i can do my job-”
“i’m letting you do your job!” you argue, “i’m just asking you an innocent question, that’s all-”
“if you were letting me do my job, you would be all patched up by now-” seokjin laughs lightly, shaking his head and leaning backwards when you move your head again, “okay, how about this? i will happily go out with you if you just stay still and let me clean up your lip.”
you perk up immediately, “for real?”
“for real.” he nods, holding the q-tip up, “are you willing to cooperate now?”
“mhm.” you hum contently, leaning forward and immediately pursing your lips, “please fix my lips so they’ll be nice and healed by the time we go out on our date.”
“why? are you planning to do a lot of kissing on our date?” seokjin teases, applying the gel before using the other end to dab off the excess
“that’s for me to know and for you to find out.”
seokjin presses his lips together to hold back a smirk
you are... awfully cheeky, aren’t you?
he’s verY into that
and bonus points because you’re very attractive and definitely his type
“okay, lemme just do one last thing here.” seokjin reaches into his shirt pocket for a little flashlight before reaching over and pinching your chin in between his fingers gently and bringing your face closer to his 
“you’re not even going to wait until after our first date to kiss me?” you murmur, your eyes widening slightly, “and i thought i was coming on strong.”
“i’m just checking out your pupils, darling.” seokjin hums, “trust me. you’ll know when i’m about to kiss you.”
you shift in your spot a little as you feel youR cheeks starting to heat up now
oh,.,. how the tables have turned.,,.
seokjin’s just glad that he finally figured out how to get you to stay still so that he can get along with his procedures smoothly
“hi, pretty girl…” seokjin coos, raising your eyelid gently so that he can get a good look at your pupils, “mhm, that’s right… just keep your eyes on me…”
you’d keep your eyes on seokjin for the rest of your liFE if you could  
“is this finally the part where you kiss me?”
“nice try, cheeky.”
                                      »»————- ❄ ————-««
“so y/n’s going to be okay?” namjoon chews on his thumbnail anxiously and you reach over to pat his knee reassuringly
the poor thing is going to chew his entire hand off if he doesn’t stop soon
he joined you on the ambulance ten minutes ago but for eight whole minutes was just profusely apologizing to you (“i’ll never put on another pair of skates for as long as i’ll live!” “namjoon, it’s fine-” “for as long aS I LIVE-”)
seokjin nods as he packs up his kit and slides it back underneath the bench, “y/n’s going to be just fine. you can relax!”
“namjoon - you’re acting like you ran me over with a monster truck. i’m fine!”
“how many fingers am i holding up?” namjoon holds up three fingers and you blink at him before raising a brow
“obviously five.”
namjoon’s eyes widen in panic and he turns back to look at seokjin, “y-you said she was fine!”
“three! three fingers, you’re holding up three fingers-” you giggle, reaching forward to push namjoon’s hand back down, “seriously, joon... i’m fine! i swear.”
“alright, all you have to do is keep her company during the ride.” seokjin clears his throat, “i want to do a couple of scans at the hospital just in case!”
“aw, but i don’t want namjoon to keep me company-” you whine quietly, leaning against namjoon’s shoulder as you look up at jin, “why can’t you keep me company instead?”
“someone has to drive the ambulance.” seokjin teases, reaching down to pinch the apple of your cheek gently, “i’m all yours at the hospital.”
“namjoon can drive.” you push your bottom lip out in a pout before batting your lashes at him, “don’t you wanna hang out with me?”
“if namjoon’s driving skills are as good as his skating skills, i think i’m going to have to pass.” jin laughs lightly, sliding back into his jacket “we can hang out once we get to the hospital.”
namjoon narrows his eyes suspiciously as he glances back and forth between the two of you
..,.,...the energy in here...,.,..
.,,.,.,,the vibes,.,..,  
someone definitely wants to fuck someone
seokjin sighs to himself as he hops into the driver’s seat before slamming the door shut
he pulls his phone out to check the time before smiling to himself because :-) your number is on his phone :-)
he wasn’t expecting to get a cute girl’s number today but he welcomes this surprise with open arms! 
“y/n y/l/n...” he murmurs under his breath, reaching up to adjust the mirror
your name does seem like it’d fit with his surname
his ears prickle when he hears your muffled voice through the thin partition and he leans back a little so he can do some sneaky eavesdropping
“i am planning... to have so much sex with that man. but in like a romantic way, you know? because i’m classy like that.”
seokjin snorts to himself before shoving the key into the ignition
(for the record: he feels the exact same way as you do).
christmas with cee 2020 masterlist 
🎁what would you like from ceenta this year? 🎁
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omniotaku · 5 years
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Assassins Pride II Williams Jin
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Yo Han and Ga On really went all out in these last two episodes with their love and not wanting to live without the other.
Episode 15:
Ga On: If you want to kill me, please do.
Yo Han: I can die if that’s what you want.
Ga On: *realized he’s been played and betrayed Yo Han* That’s when I decided to die.
Episode 16:
Ga On: *tries to get himself arrested when getting Yo Han out doesn’t work*
Ga On: *goes into the Dream Village with no escape plan to clear Yo Han’s name*
Ga On: *leaves a goodbye note to Elijah thinking he’s about to die, to make sure she knows Yo Han loves her*
Ga On: *thinks Yo Han is dead and straps a bomb to his chest to kill the man who manipulated him most into betraying Yo Han and also helped the woman who had Su Hyeon killed, all in the judges office*
Yo Han: *gets to Ga On in the nick of time and stops him from blowing himself up*
Ga On: *realizes Yo Han is alive and decides Jungho living with his guilt and shame is a better revenge*
Yo Han: *still thinking of himself as a devil, going to “the stage” where they worked to blow himself up and go to hell with the villains*
Ga On: *realizes Yo Han’s plan and tries to stop him from blowing himself up*
Ga On: *realizes he can’t stop Yo Han, and so decides* I’ll go with you!
Yo Han: *shoves Ga On out the door so he doesn’t die because he actually thought his plan through*
Ga On: *thinks Yo Han is dead again and stops processing everything so much so that Jin Ju has to break out a kids voice to try to get him to see an EMT*
Ga On: *learns once again that Yo Han is alive and is overjoyed*
Yo Han: *can’t help but come back to whisper a threat (promise) in Ga On’s ear to come back to Korea (to Ga On)*
Ga On: *is so deep in thought about justice and Yo Han that he doesn’t realize Yo Han was right behind him and then runs all over the place just to call out to him and stare at him, miss an opportunity for a hug just like earlier in the season, and then let him walk away, but it’s okay because he’s alive, so he won’t be separated from Yo Han and Elijah for long.*
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pain-suffering-even · 3 years
modern AU jobs for the gang
what jobs/positions/etc would they have if the rulers and monarchs were never a thing? well...
(this list is a little long, just a heads up)
Choi Jong-In: arsonist Forensic scientist
Baek Yoon-Ho: I know in canon they mention him being a firefighter? which i kinda see, since he seems like the type to want to help people. but, besides that, I could also see him as a EMT or something along those lines
Min Byung-Gyu: He would 100% be a nurse. He gives me tired and slightly unhinged med student vibes
Cha Hae-In: Personal trainer perhaps? Or a martial arts teacher?
Lim Tae-Gyu: Competitive archer (probably won a few silvers and a gold at the olympics and afterwards he immediately retired)
Woo Jin-Chul: Accountant. or! or a math teacher! but i imagine he'd be too tired to deal with kids, so
Go Gun-Hee: The korean equivalent of a DA. i was gonna say judge but that doesn't seem up his alley, so
Yoo Jin-Ho: I mean... he's rich... that aside, he'd probably start a company with his money, probably for bioengineering research stuff. anything to help people, yeah?
Sung Jin-Woo: Well, he'd still be how he was at chapter 1, so... hm... maybe a librarian or something like that? i'd imagine he likes books a lot
Thomas Andre: Can you imagine this man in the real estate market... selling houses... "oh you're the construction worker?" "nah im sellin this house!" and the buyer would like. visibly pale. because this man would still be built like a brickhouse i can guarantee it
Laura: Architect/interior designer (she probably flips houses with Thomas and he splits the profits with her)
Christopher Reed: Marine biologist + animal/environment activist
Lennart Niermann: Hair stylist
Liu Zhigang: Blacksmith. he'd be so good at creating swords
Goto Ryuiji: Grumpy but diligent manager at an office
Reiji Sugimoto: Aspiring musician/singer
Akari Shimizu: Either an entomologist or a pediatrician, though i feel like the latter is too obvious since she's a healer
Kenzo Tanaka: PE teacher + school counselor
Atsushi Kumamoto: Probably part of a cleaning service
Ippei Izawa: Twitch streamer. he just. gives me those vibes. gaemer
Kei: Psychologist + profiler
Kanae Tawata: Tattoo artist
Minoru Hoshino: Works at the same office as Goto. one of the few to put up with his grumpiness
Mari Ishida: Lawyer. she'd either be loved or hated since she's a stickler for rules and procedures
Tatsumi Fujishima: He'd work as an engineer for NASA perhaps, or maybe try and start his own robotics company. You know those robot dogs? yeah. yup. he'd love that
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bisexualrapline · 3 years
can u tell i think about jin’s wink a lot
and how he’s got his stage wink which is so lovely and fun
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but also the one he gives when he’s proud of himself or the members and it’s literally a blink and you’ll miss it kinda moment but just makes my heart explode
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in conclusion i love this man more than i love air to breathe thank u
not to stop being Soft for a second but can i just say the second type of wink you described is just so sexy to me
and might i pose the theory of a third type of wink i.e. "someone in the audience is about to pass out emts please stand by"
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juliemolinaz · 3 years
So, my question is this: we see Yun Gyeong finally deliver her baby when it’s sunny and calm outside. I know the roads ended up being flood/blocked, but why didn’t an EMT/doctor/someone who could deliver a baby come to Hye Jin’s house to help out?
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thebiscuiteternal · 4 years
Yet another idea brought over from my twitter... okay, so, you will pry Animal Rescue Worker!Huaisang from my cold dead fingers, but imagine the delightful irony of a modern au where he’s a grief counselor. 
Like, fully credentialed with degrees and everything. 
He works with the city coroner’s office where Wei Ying is one of the medical examiners. They both have completely fucked hours because death doesn’t take 9-5. Whenever a particularly difficult body comes in and they both know they’re in for hell, Huaisang always goes and gets the ridiculously expensive sugar bomb coffee thing that his buddy would never drink otherwise and personally delivers it to the morgue.
In between cases, they friendly bitch about well-meaning family (Huaisang’s EMT brother is trying to set him up with a lawyer and the guy’s cute, but he has a brother Huaisang is fairly sure will murder him if he gets any closer. Wei Ying’s parents are trying to set him up with the daughter of their best friend, and she’s pretty, but he thinks her grouchy brother is hotter).
At some point the body of local shady politician/probable-mob-boss Jin Guangshan shows up. Poor Huaisang has to break the news to the wife and a bunch of adults/kids who all somewhat resemble him, but only one of them looks anything like her.
He gets as far as “I’m sorry for your loss-” when she, with the most bored expression in existence, grabs the son who looks like her and one who decidedly doesn’t, shoves them forward, and says they’re handling the issue.
It’s gonna be a long week, at the very least.
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jungshookz · 4 years
Cee I’m going ice skating today should I risk brain damage for a possible y/n moment 🤔🤔🤔
“Don’t do it. My bottom lip is still swollen and not in a cute Bratz doll kind of way!”
talk to my characters!
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