void-tiger · 1 year
Hi! I hope it is alright if i ask you this but do you happen to have or know posts with Shiro and/or Black Lion meta? I struggle to understand their characters since i am more biased towards others but i really do want to understand them better (and if it is alright could they be more ship neutral or from people who are more ship neutral? Most metas i had seen claim to be about Shiro, only to end up as sk ship manifestos and no hate against the shippers but i dont care about sk and it has gotten really goddamn annoying) thank you!!!
I know I’ve made some, but they’re closer to headcanon territory vs proper meta. Check my takashi shirogane, vld shiro, black paladin shiro/bp shiro, blacktashi, and black lion tags. (It’s been probably a few years since I posted or reposted them though.)
I also know @headspacedad has made and reblogged others proper meta, and I often see @mckinlily and @noisypaintersong with Black Paladin Shiro stuff on my dash as well.
I’m trying to remember who else is active who might know—feel free to jump in y’all!
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thus-spoke-lo · 19 days
the problem with dialing back my time spent on here is having to catch up on blocking ageless blogs. please, i don't think it's too much to ask to have some sort of age indicator in your bio, pinned, etc. and if you don't, that's also fine but you get the block.
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deathlonging · 1 year
i sound like a broken record but genuinely i love billie lurk's character so much. i love that the person she loves most is someone with a ticking clock and shes counting down. i love that she watches daud slowly and inefficiently come to the realization that he has a choice as an assassin and decides to kill him for this difference between them. i love that your choices as daud in the dlcs are never free from her judgement even after she leaves. i love that her exit from the whalers is the final straw for the gang's lifespan even though she wasn't close to any of them except daud bc its her and not daud that represents who the whalers truly are. i love that with all the hints of daud having had a bloody and messy manner of doing his job shes canonically a ghost and excels above all at plotting and recon. if she'd gotten the mark she'd have had an entirely different more violent set of powers despite being less chaotic than daud ever was on all fronts. she accompanies daud everywhere through the first dlc and never once intervenes in a fight on her own. shes even gay. who is doing it like her
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borifem · 1 month
hi, I'm bori, I'm gonna turn this into a proper intro when I have time but in short! i'm a 21yo girl, I have noticed my views started to shift, and I made this account to explore the ideas of radical feminism, open up a dialog and seek out the opinions and guidance of other women. so far, I've always been in very q*eer circles both irl and on line. a huge portion of my irl friends and close ones are trans/q*eer - this change of views is truly a huge deal to me. i feel as I am betraying those I love, but the internal conflict is gnawing at me, thus driving me to make this account. I hope it'll bring me peace; a conclusion.
besides that: im bi, a slav, vegan, i love nature, birds, reading, some fandoms I dabble in, being silly, kindness in the face of struggle and so on and so forth. i am mentally ill, and a SA victim, but I'm not disclosing more than that for now. toxic yuri can save the world. bye! :)
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yazthebookish · 1 year
If they actually have evidence for people targeting their "month" they won't hesitate from barking names and posting screenshots. But they don't have evidence because like the list of Elr*el names that was made up before, it's utter bullshit.
It's easier to do things anonymously after all. There is no accountability.
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marswasnothere · 7 months
I think I must have hallucinated a picture of Daniel where it looks like he has massive pussy lips cause I thought I saved it but can’t find it ANYWHERE
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sees a new follower notification and loads shotgun
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danikatze · 1 year
I blocked nearly 200 spam bot blogs (or whatever you call them) yesterday and I have 200+ more to scan through now.. I feel really bad if I blocked someone who wasn't a fake blog, but I don't have the mental capacity to check whether a blog is real or not.
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jorvikzelda · 2 years
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void-tiger · 2 years
Sorry this is late but you are so right in the tags (the memes for post se8 au one)!!! Like Kuron didnt deserve any of that shit both in canon and story wise. Like there is doomed by the narrative and then there is whatever this was, like freaking Haxus was given a moment of silence and Allura reminding Zarkon of his shit was treated as more morally wrong then this. And just half the reason i have this au is because i want Jiro to be angry about this like he deserves. Like he did nothing wrong but my good he should have, he deserves to bite people. He 100% deserve to be angry at Shiro and Allura (and Keith. Keith was the one most assertive that he was Shiro, Keith was the one that basically got him killed. Jiro is taping up Keith and Haggars and a bunch of other people's pictures on a dartboard and throws darts at it as stress relief as we speak)
Ohh I am SO angry at Keith.
“The Black Lion Roared! It claims Keith as BP!”
NO, fools. The Black Lion wants to save the damn clone who quite literally threw his bayard away—at Allura; if anyone was “next in line” it should’ve been her. We all know it. Mir practically animated it that way in addition to him wiping the floor with them but nobody actually got hurt. HELL even while possessed he gave them TIME to Get The Fuck OUT. And Allura had to blow up her castle to fix Lotor’s Major Fuckup, anyway. He could’ve easily crippled the paladins or Voltron by killing them Right Then or taking the bayard or Black Lion with him.
He didn’t. He’s literally playing 3D chess in a split second—while possessed—and he largely goes unsung, anyway.
He keeps the showdown against Keith largely in Keith’s Favor and deliberately missing shots and destroying the cloning facility (rip to the clones. They are innocents in this too.) and. Keith still nearly gets himself killed, anyway.
Black Lion’s the one to save Jiro when he’s finally close enough in-range for the Lion to sense him—despite them not having a true Lion-Paladin bond.
Black Lion saves Shiro (and Green Lion saves Pidge) VERY early on.
Black Lion saves Shiro again—while being the most damaged by that S1 Fight against Zarkon and Haggar—by teaming up with Keith very briefly (then has to go offline again; they need a Castle Pickup.)
Black Lion saves Shiro by uploading him—you mean to tell me a Teleporting Lion who clearly adores THIS Paladin and does not come back online until Every Single Character (save Coran) tries bonding with it would just Lose his body like that? NAH. That’s NOT how the scifi tropes for transporters or transporter delays/accidents even work.
As horrific as it is, if the issue was really Shiro needing a body verses Black Lion wanting to save a clone trying so hard and loving so much, too, um. [gestures at It’s Raining Men errr Shiro Clones.] Black Lion had options. I am not a fan of this particular fanon fix. Those clones deserve a chance to live, too. BUT it does point out the even more obvious flaw in what actually happened canonically.
Buuuuuut, Monsantos didn’t care about that. They just wanted their Officially Bastardized Version Of Keith to be their grimdark edgelord BP self insert. (Oh, and make Allura their Narrative Tool to do it.)
…soooo…yeah. Jiro deserves to be fucking pissed at Allura, Shiro, the paladins, and especially Keith.
Shiro has every right to be upset with Jiro. (Misdirected, sure. But, imo he’s allowed to be imperfect without getting villainized for it, y’know? Trauma and processing trauma and healing isn’t tidy whatsoever.)
(And Allura should NEVER have been used by the writers for what happened. Or framed as “just as bad as the galra! Teehee!!” in s8, apparently—I staunchly refuse to watch it.)
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equalseleventhirds · 2 years
some of the bots now have baller fuckin names and i'm honestly kinda mad abt it. like who let u do this. stoppit.
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shanklin · 2 years
it seems like it's been a while since you've been on here but I just recently found this. Does the name Ford Shanklin mean anything to you? If you read this please respond I would really appreciate it
Hmm, nope.
[Wait lemme google]
I guess there's someone[s] on facebook and tiktok with that name.
Oohh and hey wanna buy some used cars in Shanklin, UK? 😅
Should i know someone with that name? Is there GF lore im unaware of? 🥺
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kazz-matazz · 1 year
does anyone else have a fucking influx of bots following them because i swear i woke up to 5 and then 2 more came in and one of them had some not so great stuff on their blog. love waking up and having to block bots. so awesome.
PLEASE change headers and profile pictures and make your blog TITLED or else you will look like a bot.
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cero-sleep · 2 years
Hiya Glitchy Here! Do you have any rooms in your place? Since I'm living with you and stuff! (An hour has passed btw and I haven't even started writing instead I was watching sherlock holmes I think on Bamsara's stream) (Also yeah I don't have a account not one to find a habit in posting and stuff-)
That happens to me as well when I watch their streams lol, I get distracted with whatever’s going on, so it’s a mood
I’m lining a shitposty Eclipse drawing rn, was lowkey suffering with the rays as always shsjdbsnbdn
As for the room,
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make yourself at home! ovo
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isatoru · 2 months
literally nothing more embarrassing and humbling than u accidentally double tapping when scrolling as u lurk on someone’s blog (that u had history with/ex mutual) LMFAOOO 😭 THE SHEER PANIC TO UNLIKE SO FAST LIKE THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN
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voidd-essence · 2 months
what would u do if I started posting on here
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