#~resoucers aplenty
borifem · 1 month
hi, I'm bori, I'm gonna turn this into a proper intro when I have time but in short! i'm a 21yo girl, I have noticed my views started to shift, and I made this account to explore the ideas of radical feminism, open up a dialog and seek out the opinions and guidance of other women. so far, I've always been in very q*eer circles both irl and on line. a huge portion of my irl friends and close ones are trans/q*eer - this change of views is truly a huge deal to me. i feel as I am betraying those I love, but the internal conflict is gnawing at me, thus driving me to make this account. I hope it'll bring me peace; a conclusion.
besides that: im bi, a slav, vegan, i love nature, birds, reading, some fandoms I dabble in, being silly, kindness in the face of struggle and so on and so forth. i am mentally ill, and a SA victim, but I'm not disclosing more than that for now. toxic yuri can save the world. bye! :)
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