#empress leia organa
shannon-foraker · 2 years
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Hey, I've got a new game for people! It's called the Favorite Tag Game!
Post your favorite Ao3 tags (can be ones you've favved for the homepage, but they don't have to be), either in tags, text or photo form!
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dalekofchaos · 1 year
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Imperial Skywalker family by Rezeren
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saphronethaleph · 2 months
“I never wanted you dead,” Sheev said, smiling in a grandfatherly sort of way, which he was terrible at. “I wanted you here… Empress Palpatine.”
He gestured. “You will take the throne. It is your birthright to rule here. It is in your blood. Our blood.”
“I haven’t come to lead the Sith,” Rey replied, then there was a loud doom doom doom sound of someone knocking on a door.
“Who is that?” Palpatine asked.
Then Luke Skywalker entered the room, limned with blue light.
So did his father, Anakin Skywalker, and Leia Organa Solo. And Yoda, hovering along on a spectral hoverchair, and Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Count Dooku.
“...um,” Rey began. “Master…s?”
“Rey,” Luke replied, with a nod. “You were right, by the way.”
“What is this?” Palpatine asked, his voice hushed and touched with fear. “What are you doing?”
“You never heard the story of Master Qui-Gon the Insightful?” Anakin asked.
“I’m insightful?” Qui-Gon said, sounding pleased.
“You are certainly something,” Dooku said, as Yoda chuckled.
Palpatine looked like he might be about to have an aneurysm.
“It’s not a story the Sith would have told you,” Anakin went on, with a terrible glee in his tone. “You see, the Light Side is a path to many abilities some would consider to be… supernatural.”
“Got that out of your system?” Obi-Wan asked.
“For now,” Anakin shrugged.
“What-” Palpatine sputtered. “What are you – this isn’t possible! You are dead! It is the Sith who can defy death!”
“The evidence suggests otherwise,” Leia smiled, then cleared her throat. “Sheev Palpatine. We are formally accusing you of-”
“Um,” Rey said, a bit hesitantly. “Sorry to interrupt… I recognize most of you as Jedi, but what is Count Dooku doing here?”
“Probation,” Yoda stated. “Very nicely, he has asked.”
“We are formally,” Leia stressed, “accusing you of, among other assorted crimes, thirty-seven thousand, eight hundred and twenty-seven counts of murder by use of a blunt instrument – to whit, a Clone Army – counting only those who were members of the Jedi Order in good standing at the time of their respective deaths, though we acknowledge that the number murdered on your orders is beyond easy counting. You are accused of treason in times of war and peace alike, of enforced disappearances, of enslavement, of wilful torture, of assorted Crimes Against Sapience, and of Consorting With Ye Powers Of Darknesse, which to my surprise was still on the books of the Old Republic.”
“There are, as the Princess says, many other crimes,” Dooku added. “But we believe those should be enough to be getting on with. For a start.”
Palpatine stared, then laughed.
“You – you are trying me?” he asked. “In what court? By what authority? I am authority! I reject your powerless, toothless threats! I am above punishment!”
“I think we’ll consider that a plea of ‘guilty’, then,” Obi-Wan said. “Wouldn’t you say?”
“That sounds reasonable enough to me,” Qui-Gon agreed. “All right. Grandmaster, if you would do the honours?”
Yoda raised his gimmer stick, and a bolt of lightning hit Palpatine on the head.
The Sith half-stood half-fell out of his chair, trying to hide behind it, then scowled at his own reaction and shot lightning at one of the Force Ghosts.
It passed right through Leia without doing anything at all.
Rey raised her hand.
“Am I still needed here?” she asked.
“You know, I think we can handle this ourselves?” Count Dooku said, courteously, then turned to Palpatine. “Know this, Sidious. You destroyed the Jedi Order, and now the Order will destroy you. If you return, you will be destroyed again. And again. Forty thousand angry ghosts cry out for vengeance.”
Qui-Gon coughed.
“Terminology, Master,” he said.
“Forty thousand annoyed ghosts seek justice,” Count Dooku corrected, as more Force Ghosts began to enter the chamber – walking through the walls in ranks, their ghostly lightsabers held high. “Is that better?”
“It’ll do,” Obi-Wan decided. “We appreciate you making the effort.”
Palpatine did not appreciate him making the effort.
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a-k-a-l-i · 10 days
The Skywalker Invasion
Family Revelations
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The Jedi Council Chambers was filled with Jedi Knights, masters, and senators. Yoda’s eyes were closed, focusing on the Force.
The newcomers were occupying different rooms at the temple, as the Jedi Masters believed they shouldn’t have the time travelers interact.
“We need the names of the people you met,” Mace Windu asked, a frown forming on his lips.
“I met two men, both claiming their name to be Skywalker,” Plo Koon said slowly, turning to look at a certain Jedi Knight who was surprised.
“That’s impossible, I mean no disrespect, Master, but I too have met someone claiming to be a Skywalker,” Aayla was quick to inform them.
Anakin crossed his arms, “I would also like to join this confusing conversation, my padawan and I met this boy, going by the name ‘Ben Skywalker’ I’m now curious to know who these others are.”
Ahsoka nodded her head in agreement.
Obi-wan stroked his beard.
Padmé came forward, “Jedi Masters, I have met two women, a young girl, and a young man, one of the women says she is the empress of the Fel Empire, which just happens to be our galaxy.”
Yoda now hummed, “the last names, I need, yes, to uncover the truth. Your hand you must raise, if you met one, going by the name Skywalker, you must.”
Four people raise their hands.
Aayla Secura.
Anakin Skywalker.
Plo Koon.
Master Yoda.
“Going by the name Solo,” Yoda continued.
Padmé Amidala.
Bail Organa.
Adi Gallia.
Mon Mothma.
Obi-wan Kenobi.
Each raised their hand.
“By the name Fel.”
Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa were the only ones.
“And do not forget the young one who goes by the name ‘Jade’, she was in the company of one ‘Luke Skywalker’.” Mace Windu reminded. Yoda nodded.
Anakin’s brows furrowed, more Skywalkers?
“Something on your mind, young Skywalker?” Yoda prompted, his face softening.
“The…other Skywalkers, I’m curious,” Anakin sighed.
The old green Jedi Master chuckled, “revealed, everything will be, with time.”
“I believe we should gather everyone and question them all at once, they must be very powerful if the Force reacted this way,” Ki-Adi Mundi proposed.
“Agree, I do, talk with them, gain their trust, we will.”
Gathering the newcomers, the Jedi Council led them all to a large room where privacy can be assured.
Luke and Leia found each other and crashed into each other’s arms, happy to know that the other was safe. Mara and Han only laughed quietly at the sight.
Ania looked around, noticing that she shared certain features with other people in the room. Her eyes stopped on a woman.
Marasiah turned, her face broke out into a grin. The two girls ran forward and brought each other into a hug.
“It has been so long, cousin, I am delighted to know that I will have a familiar face with me here,” Marasiah exclaimed. Someone cleared their throat behind them, and Ania saw her other cousin.
“Why, Cade, this is turning out to be a family reunion.”
Cade chuckled, “a very weird one, the Force is a tricky one.”
Now confused, the Jedi Council watched as Ania, Marasiah, and Cade all chatted together.
“You’re…related?” Adi Gallia wondered, her eyes wide. Ania nodded. 
Now this just got more interesting.
“But, how?” Obi-wan asked, his face scrunched.
“We have the same ancestor,” Cade crossed his arms.
“And who would that be?” Mace narrowed his eyes.
“Anakin Skywalker.”
Said man faltered, “w-what.”
Luke, was just as confused, they too were related to his father?
“Anakin Skywalker? Here?” Han groaned.
Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker came forward, his arms crossed against his chest. The time travelers’ eyes widened comically, gasps were heard, and disbelief rang throughout the Force.
Bail Organa coughed softly, “maybe you can tell us what Knight Skywalker means to you.”
Luke casted his gaze over to the man who claims to be Anakin Skywalker, and there he is, standing in all his glory. Anakin Skywalker.
“He…well…Anakin Skywalker is my father.”
Ahsoka’s eyes grew, oh dear, how is Master going to get out of this one?
Leia nodded, “He is…my biological father, Luke and I are twins,” her face soured slightly as she admitted the fact. She had not forgiven him yet, but in the light of things, she believed it was best to just go along with it.
Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin giggled, “we’re his grandchildren!”
“Jacen is the eldest, then it’s me, Jaina, and our younger brother, Anakin!”
The elder Skywalker felt his face grow hot, his heart racing a mile a minute. He caught the gaze of his wife, who sent him a reassuring smile, she too, was having a difficult time handling this.
“Your last names?” Kit Fisto asked politely.
Han sputtered, “what!? How do you kids have my last name!?”
Jacen looked unimpressed, “it’s cause we’re your kids.”
Anakin Jr. put his hands on his hips, “and Leia is our mother.”
Leia and Han paled at the thought, scooting away from each other.
Mon Mothma could only sigh. A red headed boy stepped up, blue eyes twinkled when he saw his grandfather pale.
“The name’s Ben Skywalker, I’m Luke Skywalker’s son.”
Luke turned sharply to stare at the red headed boy. But, who is the mother? The only woman who popped in his head was the one who was standing next to him. Mara Jade.
Ki-Adi Mundi put his hand under his chin in thought, strange.
Nat and Kol also stepped up, introducing themselves, garnering another round of surprise coming from the Jedi of the Old Republic.
Allana quietly said her name, stating who her father was, making Jacen go red and Jaina to laugh quite loudly, teasing him relentlessly. Ania had a small on her face, watching the smaller versions of the first Skywalker-Solo lineages goof off. 
“What about Marasiah Fel then? If I remember correctly, you said Ania was your cousin,” Mon spoke, trying hard to ignore the fact that the people of the future are Jedi Skywalker’s descendants. Does he ever follow the rules?
“My great great grandmother is Jaina Solo. Ania is Jacen’s descendant, and I, Jaina’s. Making us cousins,” explained the future empress, her hands folded neatly across her stomach.
Ahsoka now only had one question remaining on her mind and she was sure it was on everyone else’s.
“Who’s the mother of Master Skywalker’s children then?”
Several pairs of eyes snapped to her direction making her fix her posture, not wanting everyone to see her as only a child padawan.
The senators and Jedi Masters looked at the future Skywalkers who looked anywhere but at the front of the room where the people of the Old Republic stood.
“W-we don’t know,” Leia finally spoke up, “we thought…well, we thought that our father had a one night stand.”
The people of old looked highly skeptical of this theory.
The other time travelers muttered their own theories, some stating that they thought she was also a Jedi, possibly a smuggler, and other crazy stories.
“We just know she would have to look like Leia, since I look like my father, at least according to Be–I mean Obi-wan Kenobi,” Luke explained.
The auburn haired master coughed as he was now put in the spotlight.
“I’ve noticed that Miss Leia Skywalker,” Shaak Ti started, making Leia sour instantly, “young Allana Solo, young Jacen Solo and Miss Ania Solo all share close resemblances to Senator Amidala.”
The young female senator was now under scrutiny of her colleagues, the Masters of the Jedi Council, and the people of the future.
“Master Ti is right,” Aayla said in her heavy accent.
“Skywalker, do you have anything to say about this?” the face of Mace Windu was clouded, as his anger seeped through. The ones bearing the last name Skywalker all turned to the Korun master.
“What did I do?” The Skywalkers exclaimed in unison, making Mace quickly back track his words.
Anakin wisely kept quiet, his own thoughts getting to the better of him. I have a family…Padmé  and I made a legacy oh how I wish we could talk in private.
Padmé, feeling a headache coming on, could not help the joy that spread through her. She and Anakin made a family, their family made a family and so forth. She was excited and words could not describe the feeling. Oh no, the Jedi Council, she forgot about them in the heat of the moment.
She took a glance to her husband, giving him an unnoticeable nod.
The blonde Jedi Knight coughed, making the attention come his way. 
“Contrary to your…beliefs, I’m married.”
The entire room was not prepared, as a matter in fact, those weren’t the words that they expected to come out of the patriarch of the Skywalker clan’s mouth.
“To who?”
“Me,” Padmé stepped up, her head held high, this wasn’t how she imagined she would reveal their marriage, but no time like the present, right?
Bail and Mon were extremely surprised, their colleague, who had no interest in romantic relationships, was married? They had told her to pursue such things, saying that it was a wonderful thing to be connected to a person, who would love and cherish you. Yet, here she was, steps ahead of them.
“Hm, how many months, were you?” Yoda asked, his glimmer stick thumping softly. 
“Two and a half years, just after the Battle of Geonosis,” Anakin answered, his voice firm, Obi-wan pinched the bridge of his nose.
Force, help me.
“This is going against the Code–”
“What code?” Luke was now confused, while he was thrilled to know that he was a product of his parents’ love, at least he hoped so, he wondered about the code they seem to obsess and worship.
“The Jedi Code states that one should not hold romantic attachments,” Anakin explained to his son.
Kol was now laughing, “that wasn’t in the Code, as a Jedi Master myself and knowing history, Luke Skywalker made the Code after he rebuilt the Order and it never stated that.”
“How can one person, especially a Skywalker, change a code that existed well over two thousand years?” An angered Agen Kolar grit out.
“Rebuilt the Order?” Anakin had a bad feeling about this. Mara rolled her eyes, this was becoming too much, they’ve been here for hours and she needed some rest.
“The Jedi Order was destroyed, Jedi were killed and an empire, under the rule of the sith,  rose the day Luke and I were born, allegedly,” coughed Leia.
There was nothing but silence.
Pure unadulterated silence.
“Take a break we will, come back later, we must, to your rooms, the padawans will take you,” Yoda finally decided, he needed the Force to show him the way.
There were no signs or sounds of disagreement, they moved out of the room, leaving only a few Jedi left in the room.
“Skywalker,” Yoda called out to Anakin, “expel you, I will not, need you here, the Force demands. Until the agenda of the Force is finished, your status of your knighthood, you may keep,” he hobbled away with Mace Windu, Obi-wan Kenobi, and Shaak Ti.
 Anakin slumped against the wall in relief.
Obi-wan was disappointed. That much was obvious.
But he couldn’t place it.
Was he disappointed at his padawan? At himself? At the Code?
What had happened?
When Yoda had called a recess break, he inwardly refused, he wanted answers.
What happened to him? Anakin? The padawans?
Sitting in a meditation position, he searched the Force for guidance.
Though a small part of him was happy, happy that Anakin had a family, though the Code absolutely refuses such a thing. Spending the small amount of time with the Solo children, he could already feel fondness growing, and knowing it was his padawan’s great offspring, made his fondness grow.
Somewhere in his mind, he was proud that the Skywalker lineage were accomplished Jedi Masters, or politicians.
At least he found the answers to that, knowing how much Anakin hated politics.
Padmé was–is–good for him, no doubt about that, she grounded Anakin when he could not, she gave him peace, peace that the Jedi Knight so often searched for, looked for, meditated for.
He only hoped that it did not end in disaster.
Opening his eyes, he left his room and went to the cafeteria. Already there was talk about the strange occurrence of the strange beings who appeared out of nowhere.
Force help him.
Force help Anakin.
Force help the galaxy.
The appearance of the Skywalkers could either mean two things.
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sansaorgana · 6 months
Ugh just loving your fic so much!!
What are your fav female characters from other media who are strong in the more feminine sense?
These type of characters are such a breath of fresh air from the usual cool strong girl archetype
thank you so much, love! 💗 I was actually thinking of making a post like that... but I thought meh, no one would care 😂 and now you sent this ask and I'm like sdfghjkl people gonna think I sent it to myself 😭🥴
so, obviously – look at my url – Sansa Stark. I actually liked her from the beginning and I don't mean to pit the sisters against one another but I could just see myself more in her than in Arya. I love her growth and her strength.
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another woman from my url is Princess Leia Organa. she actually knows how to fight but she is not like spectacular at it + she is force sensitive so it makes sense why she can do it. but she remains feminine and later she is a strong political figure more than a fighter.
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another character from Game of Thrones – Cersei Lannister. I don't really like her but I admire her scheming and the way she loves her children and despite not rooting for her while watching the show, she inspires me when I create my own stories.
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I think Margaery Tyrell also counts – and so does her grandmother lol
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now, last but not least from Game of Thrones universe – THE mother, THE queen, THAT bitch... Alicent Hightower.
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now, from a different type of media... Linda Shelby. she's so 🛐🛐🛐 and I hate how she is treated by the fans. 😭
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you may laugh at me but – Portia Featherington – not only she's a MILF but also the way she schemes in the society is soooo good. and at the same time she chooses her girls over everything else. 😌
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Elizabeth of York from The White Princess is one of my favourite characters ever and I love love love this show because it has all the best things about the arranged marriage trope.
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Speaking of these tv shows (The White Queen / The White Princess / The Spanish Princess), there's one more character that I really like and she's a religious fanatic and she's crazy but she's also a traumatised woman and she won't stop from putting her son on the throne... that woman is Margaret Beaufort.
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there's this tv show about Sissi that is called The Empress and I really love her mother-in-law there lmao not only she's a super MILF but I also love how cunty she is – Archduchess Sophie.
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I also can't forget to mention Agnes van Rhijn from The Gilded Age because she might be my favourite character in the show lmao
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I might have forgotten about someone – I most certainly did lmao – but this post is already long and I feel sorry for people who had to scroll through it on their dash 🔪
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Fic bit:
You didn't just go swanning up to an ISD leading a task force, knock at the door and ask to speak to the boss. Unless you're Han Solo, in the Millennium Falcon, and your wife says so. ISD Snowdragon, the symbol of the same etched on her ventral, with a surviving member of the Seventh on the transponder as Flag Captain, name of Pyrondi. They were, of course, not allowed aboard.
The holo over the chessboard showed a woman as cold of eye as any Imp captain they'd ever seen.
"State your business, then get off my hull or I will take you off my hull."
Luke stood out of sight, but the look on his face was disturbed.
"In the name of the Galactic Republic, I'm here to find out what business you think you have here, Lieutenant." Leia leaned on the title. "The Seventh was routed at Lothal ten years ago."
"The Galactic Republic, Princess Organa?" The title made Leia's hands tighten in the sleeves of her senatorial gown. "Fair enough. We are here at the invitation of the system governors, who were promised protection and aid that you failed to deliver. You cannot govern, or rule, or enforce, or provide. You are flailing and failing for the reason that independent systems fail - it's a good deal for the wealthy worlds of the Core and Inner Rim - it's a shit deal for everyone else struggling with pirates, slavers, smugglers, and criminals."
"I didn't notice the Imperials taking home gold stars on their governance work, your Captainship," Han jibed. "Last I looked, we ran you out."
"Lothal's defense forces were wiped out in a fight with the Black Sun. They asked us for aid." A pause and a vicious smile. "We declined."
"And who is 'us' - exactly? Palpatine is dead, the Imperial remnants scattered and decimating each other in power grabs." Leia tilted her head, still smarting from being addressed as Princess. "The Empire is over, Captain."
"Han there's a charge building on the Snowdragon's hull-" Luke murmured. "She's going to-
"An empire need not have an emperor, an empress, or even a royal line." The ISD's shields spiked and flicked the Falcon clear of the docking collar and sent her tumbling into space. "All an empire needs is an heir. I serve the Heir to the Empire. That is all you need to know."
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cherrybloosomgirl29 · 11 months
Empress Chapter 3
Anakin’s first day at work gets interrupted when Padme is in trouble…
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(Anakin’s POV)
Padme is still sleeping peacefully when I get out bed. I order a servant to prepare a breakfast for her when she wakes up, prepare her a comfortable outfit for the day, and pull an extra blanket over the bed to cover her. She stirs as a bit as I move around our bedroom.
“Ani… where are you going?” She says clearly still groggy as she rubs her eyes a bit.
I lean down and kiss her forehead as I pull the blanket over her. “I am going to work my love, I have a big job to do.” Her eyes go down a bit as she looks away from me nervously. “What’s wrong sweetheart?” I ask quietly.
“I just… this is still so new to me Anakin.” She lets out a quiet breath. “I haven’t even left this room since giving birth. Where am I allowed to go? What do I do today?”
I can’t help but let out a small chuckle as she says this. “My love… you are my empress you can do whatever you want and go wherever you please, but I suggest you rest here today my love. You are still hurting from giving birth to our little ones I can sense it.” I give her another kiss on the forehead as I get up from my place kneeling beside the bed. “There is only one request I have of you my love…”
“Yes Ani?” She says
“Don’t ever hesitate to reach out to my comm channel if you need anything at all. I promise you won’t ever be annoying me my love.”
She gives me a small nod as she meets my gaze. I pull on my black outer robes and strap my belt on with my lightsaber on it. I give her a tender kiss goodbye then I step out our private quarters. Yes I will miss my love, but I have an important job to do, for her, and for our children.
(Padme’s POV)
I roll out of bed still feeling a tender pain in my abdomen. Anakin was right about needing the rest. A small happy giggle meets my ears after I lift my baby girl, Leia out of her crib. I hold both her and my son, Luke for what seems like hours. I see my husband’s blue eyes reflected in my son’s face, Anakin was innocent like this too once… I don’t know how to feel about my husband. When he is with me he is all there he is tender, loving, and kind. He holds me and loves me the way a husband was meant to, but when the other side of him shows, the darker side he gets this look in his eyes they turn a sith yellow and when they do I can feel his whole brain rearrange itself. I have never been particularly force sensitive but what happens to my husband when he is overcome with obsession over me and achieving political perfection is something even one blind to the force would be able to sense.
Anakin told me I could do whatever I want and explore the palace with ease, and I know he means this because he sees me as an equal in every way, both him and I know that without me and political knowledge Anakin’s new rule will fall in a second. Despite what he has said I feel trepidation about exploring the palace… the thought of running into an angry senator or politician scares me to death. They will think I have betrayed them, for I am the one that has pushed and defended the democracy of the Republic, and the truth is I don’t really think they would be wrong…
“Empress Skywalker… your husband has requested we bring you breakfast this morning.” The servant hands me a platter of traditional Naboo breakfast food and blue milk. I thank her generously and begin to eat my meal. Being called “Skywalker” is certainly unfamiliar to me as before this I always used the surname Amidala which I took on during my time as Queen of Naboo. I agreed to change it finally when Anakin took over as Emperor, this is my way of publically coming out as his wife for the first time, and however unfamiliar it may be I’ll admit it feels good.
(Anakin’s POV)
“Senator Organa are you trying to question my power?” I say to the insipid senator from Alderraan. Most of these spoiled politicians think I am a fool I can tell. They think I am too young, too fantical, too obsessed in perfection.
I get up in a fury and head to my private office to check on Padme. I send her a com message but I get no reply. I send her another, again no reply. I start to get nervous. Did I do something wrong? Is she hurt? Sick? Did my efforts to ease her birthing process fail? The room spins around as I feel my breath start to get shallow.
I quickly walk out of my office and to my private quarter. I open the door using my private code and burst into the room. I look around to find Padme and our children gone.
(Padme’s POV)
My heart pounds against my chest as I hug my two children close to my chest. My back hits a wall and I realize I cannot back up anymore I am stuck. This is why I was scared to go out, I knew this would happen. I am being cornered by two senators one a woman from Corellia and the other a young man from the core world of Kuat.
“TRAITOR!” The woman yells vehemently. She pushes me against the wall in the hallway.
“You sold us out for THAT?” The man says pointing to a holo of Anakin on the news. “Democracy huh? We all looked up to you Amidala. You were brave and noble you served your people well during the Clone Wars… and you threw it all away what a weak woman you are, what a traitor.”
The woman continues to hold me against the wall showing no signs of letting up. I hear my son’s fearful cries and I cover his ears to protect him from the sound. I try to fight back against her hold attempting to use my hand to hand combat skills to break her grip. As I attempt to break out of her grip, however the man forcefully lowers my arms and holds me tighter against the wall.
Suddenly I hear the storming of boots and armor coming down the hallway. I hear the slightly robotic voice of the imperial stormtroopers calling for the two senators to stand down. The two are forced off of my and they get cuffed by the stormtroopers.
I don’t like this… not at all. The coldness of the hallway, the red marks the two senators left on my skin, the crying babies, and the cold presence of the stormtroopers make me break out in a cold sweat. I attempt to regain my lost breath as while trying to calm my babies.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” I scream as one of the stormtroopers lays a hand on me. I know they are on my side, but I can’t take it, I don’t want to be here, I never should’ve left my quarters.
He lays another hand on me and I flinch away. I just want to walk alone.
“Get off of her. I got this, take the prisoners to a holding cell I will deal with it later.” I hear Anakin say as he lifts me up in his arms. he kisses my forehand and looks down at me. He looks at me with love, but I can see the fury lying slightly beneath the surface.
“My, love…” he says “We have a lot to talk about it terms of security when we get back to our quarters.”
All I can do is lean into his embrace and nod.
A/N: Comment any ideas or feedback :)
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nicki0kaye · 8 months
Was reading your time travel Luke post and I had an idea. Leia becomes Padme's new weirdly aggressive handmaiden. Appearance-wise she fits in a little too well, but she has quite a knack for knowing which senators to trust and which are scum. Luke is watching over Dad, and Leia has their mom.
That makes perfect sense. I think she's a little too old for handmaiden? I'm not sure, but iirc, Padme became Empress around 14 or 16, while OT had them start at 17-18 and they're like 19-20 when the Empire falls, and I assume they'd have their adventure to the past after the New Republic is either about to be established or was just established, but I can definitely see her becoming involved with both Padme and the Organas bc...they were her family as much as Obi-wan and Shmi's second son were for Luke. Even just becoming political allies--Leia posing as someone from a regal background despite having to barter or straight up gamble for enough money to wear something new to every event, perhaps sleeping in the temple but swearing everyone to secrecy when she fucks off each day to some new Senate party. Getting put up in a Shadow safehouse on Coruscant and appointing herself spy for the Jedi Order whether they want it or Fucking Not
honestly? you know what? Fuck Luke helping Yaddle, that's now Leia. She doesn't have any saber training but fuck you, her blaster works fine and she WILL be playing bad cop, today, you disillusioned sad sack. Come back to the Order or die a dumbass. Qui-gon's force ghost is so fucking disappointed in you right now, she knows that for Certain.
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ladystoneboobs · 1 year
got prequels on the brain lately, and i think i can explain padme in rots, even if it might not be exactly what lucas was thinking of. see, it's not just that she loves her husband and wants to believe there must be still be some good in him, it's also that she is now not just anakin's wife, but the mother of his child(ren) too. like, literally about to pop right as obi-wan/yoda have decided anakin needs to be killed. she doesn't feel she can stay on coruscant anymore as a senator under the emperor's reign, she was already doubting doing that job as a working mom. then she learns the jedi have all been deemed traitors and their order outlawed, while she's carrying offspring very likely to be highly force sensitive since the force itself is pretty much the paternal grandfather there. so, she herself is a potential political target as someone who opposed palpatine's war efforts from the beginning in a more public way than bail organa or mon mothma, and her child(ren) would also be targeted just for existing as potential jedi before ever really using the force against the empire. being a single mom to outlawed and untrained but very powerful l'il jedi while the both of you are being targeted and hunted down on the run/in exile without the skills really needed to protect any jedi child, that's just a no-go. her only anti-palps and anti-anakin alternatives would have to include never being a mother after giving birth, whether going into exile alone somewhere or wearing a mask and playing the long game like bail organa. (even if he still adopted leia as in otl, how much time could she really spend with her without drawing more suspicion from palps? how painful would it be to watch someone else raise your child while possibly never even knowing if your other child is ok?) in that sense, knowing how wanted that unplanned pregnancy was, is it any wonder that she chose to make a last attempt to save their family instead? to run away with her husband, who happened to be the only man strong and powerful enough to protect them all from the empire, the only man she could trust and wanted to trust, with the safety of their whole unsplit secret little family. so it is only after he refuses to run away with her, when he insists that he's only interested in using his new dark powers to protect her, and when he reveals that his only idea of defying palpatine is to replace him, making padme into a new dark empress, a dictator rather than the public servant she once thought she could be, only then that she starts feeling he may just be lost to her after all. but when you've gone so far together already, brushing off his first massacre, marrying him mere days later, and then truly tying yourself to him permanently through pregnancy, it's really too late to ever go back to your ol' "normal" life either.
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thewriterowl · 2 years
Ok but can you imagine a fic where it's not Anakin but Obi-Wan that turns to protect everyone? Like maybe he was the only one to be sent to rescue Palpatine and Dooku tells him that Palpatine was grooming Anakin to be a Sith and Obi-Wan goes ABSOLUTELY NOT & tries to kill Palps then & there to protect his padawan? But Palpatine's always one step ahead & tells him if he dies that the bombs 'mysteriously' rigged in Senator Amidala's apartment would go off while Anakin was on Coruscant? So Obi would reluctantly agrees to continue on like nothings happened but planning to tell Mace the second he gets back, but Palps decides to set off Order 66 while he still has the upper hand.
Anakin & Padmé see what's happening to all the Jedi across the galaxy, & Anakin tries to go out to help but Padmé convinces him he can't save anyone if he's dead so they sneak off Coruscant to run to Alderaan to meet up with Bail but Padmé goes into labor halfway through so they have to land to have the twins. Ahsoka finds them, and has just enough time to introduce herself as their aunty before both her & Anakin sense Obi-Wan landing on the planet. Anakin tells Ahsoka to stay behind to take care of the twins bc something feels off about Obi & tells her to get everyone back to Alderaan if something goes wrong.
Turns out something was wrong with Obi, who now has bright yellow eyes & carries himself like someone who's still learning how to be in control of their body & tells Anakin he has no choice but to turn or lose the only things he has left. Anakin, who already told Ahsoka to hightail it out of there, tells him he won't kill him, but would rather die than call a Sith his master.
Bada Bing bada boom, they fight. Anakin refuses to go on the offensive & ends up losing his lightsaber somewhere & gets cornered by Obi.
All the way into hyperspace, Ahsoka can feel the moment Anakin dies. Luke & Leia start crying, & she tries to comfort them through her own pain. Eventually, they all get to Alderaan where Yoda & Mace are waiting for them with Bail. Everyone agrees that the twins should still be split up, even just for a little bit while they learn to shield to make sure the new Emporer doesn't find them. The Organa's still take Leia, but since Obi-Wan is not there to suggest Tatooine, Luke is brought to Naboo to live with the Naberries.
Eventually the twins do meet up a few years later as the new King of Naboo & Senator Organa, while Sith Obi watches them & mourns over the 15th year anniversary of his padawan & grandchild's death.
Eventually when the Death Star is completed 2 years early & the twins work together to steal the plans & end up getting caught together while doing so, Obi interrogates Luke first & finds they're something familiar about his presence in the Force. Later when the two of them escape together, Obi-Wan swears he sees the blond, adopted son of the Naberries perform a trick very familiar to the man who raised Anakin Skywalker.
He has worked and tried so hard all his life and has suffered and strained and still, in the end, his fall comes from his love and need to protect Anakin and his family of the Jedi Order. It's heart-shattering.
But also...evil Obi-Wan has some sexiness to it too...
But the thing is--I don't see Obi-Wan staying as a Vader type for long. Palpatine takes him out of greed, which blinds him, but it was foolish to try and fully control the Negotiator.
I say Obi-Wan is now the new Emperor of a very different Empire.
The twins, Ahsoka, and all the others would have to work together to have a chance to defeat him and even then...can they?
And also, cause I am trash:
he finds and raises a young Din Djarin who is now his heir and is eyeing this unusual, beautiful man from Naboo.
And cause I am even more trash:
Dark Obi-Wan as Emperor, Dark Padme who thinks she lost her babies as Empress, (Dark?) Anakin as the beloved guard dog of them both, Din Djarin as the adopted son of this group who is raised to be the next Emperor
All the Clones live and follow their royal family with intense loyalty and love. Mandalore, who the Emperor is fond of, slowly becomes the new center of the galaxy and the prince's world which he rules with an iron fist that his people thrive from
Ugh, that's the good stuff
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Ooh, a Star Wars/Hinataverse crossover? Tell me more.
Is it exploring Jedi as child soldiers? I really like your take on Naruto's child soldiers, and I think you could do fun stuff with the Jedi. I don't even know what time period the fic is set in, though.
ooh that WOULD be interesting!! but no, it's a Mandalorian!Hinata fic set in the OT era. there was going to be, like, a plot where she gets involved in the rebellion but most of what i've actually written is in the "postcanon" where Empress Leia Organa (who is extremely busy de-empire-ifying the empire) makes Hinata the Moff of Mandalore as a reward for distinguished service; she kicks Moff Gideon's ass to take the Darksaber and discovers rapidly that being the Mand'alor is a massive goddamn pain. and then Itachi shows up
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skygxl · 1 year
“I know you don’t do it on purpose, but I wish you’d stop coming home bruised.” -@theamidalaa
Natasha bows her head, hiding behind her messy blonde waves. Her mother, the Empress of the Galaxy, beautiful and elegant, must be growing tired of telling her youngest off by now. Out of the triplets, it was Natasha who was the most quiet. But she could be the most chaotic as well. Outdoing Leia who was a force to be reckoned with.
“Leia is worse than me.” She defended. “And it’s not my fault I was pushed!”
Nakia, a trusted force sister and the Skywalkers chosen babysitter, had lost it when she realised her youngest charge had been shoved by senator Organa’s nephew, who was wound up so tight by Leia.
“I punched him like I know daddy would’ve wanted me to.” It was either that, or force choke him. And they needed to remain on good terms with Alderaan. So the latter had to be avoided. “I defended myself like Luke and Leia would’ve.”
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ao3feed--reylo · 2 years
Princess / Empress
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ebg9tdI
by Anonymous
"You've met this man for all of one minute, my lady. You haven't even seen him for seven years -"
"And either way, I'll be married to him tomorrow - so why must I do this too?"
A political engagement formed between children of the Palpatine and Organa households must now be finalised with a wedding. On the night before, tradition dictates that the bride will let the groom braid her hair - and will not turn around once.
Words: 5080, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Rose Tico, Leia Organa, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Arranged Marriage, Underage Engagement No Marriage Until Adults, No Hanky Panky Like None At All, Suggestive Hair Braiding Is As Good As It Gets, Ben Solo Braids Hair, Teenage Ben Solo
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ebg9tdI
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
The Force is just done with you
“Long have I waited… for my grandchild to come home,” Palpatine said, with a smile. “I never wanted you dead-”
“Oh, shut up!” Rey snapped. “Do you have any idea how much trouble you’ve caused?”
Whatever Palpatine had been expecting from her, it apparently wasn’t that, and Rey glowered at the Dark Lord of the Sith.
“Well?” she asked. “Do you?”
“...I have only done what is necessary for my own success,” Palpatine said, with some hesitation. “What do I care what inconvenience I cause?”
“The Force cares!” Rey replied, little flecks of white light dancing around her fingertips for a moment before she shook them off. “I know technically not everything that happened was you, because some of it was Plagueis, but you’ve not exactly been making things better!”
“The Force is a tool!” Palpatine said. “It cannot care! The Dark Side-”
“Out of you and the Force I know which one is the tool,” Rey interrupted. “Just… this is the problem with the Sith, you know. It’s incredibly obvious now I’m able to pay attention.”
Palpatine shook his head.
“You are talking nonsense, girl,” he said. “But you have power. So much power! Take your rightful place as Empress Palpatine, take the throne, and…”
His voice trailed off a little, as he saw that Rey was just glaring at him.
“Let’s recap,” she said. “Your master, Darth Plagueis, worked out how to manipulate the midi-chlorians to create life, in a direct violation of how the Force works. All things have a beginning and all things have an end – it is the cycle that is eternal, not one individual. Darth Plagueis violated that, and to put the galaxy to rights came the Chosen One, to bring balance. That being Anakin Skywalker, who was born of the Force itself.”
Palpatine frowned slightly.
“You seem to consider yourself extremely well informed on topics you know absolutely nothing about,” he said.
“The Force is telling me this,” Rey replied. “Yes, I know, I haven’t got to how that works yet, I’m getting there. Because Anakin Skywalker was the one to bring balance to the Force, and this is where you enter the story because you turned him to the Dark Side, twisted him around over years and years for your own selfish gain. And what do you think happened then?”
The former Emperor glared at her.
“I can assure you, I remember my greatest triumph very well,” he said. “The Jedi were broken, scattered. They had failed.”
“Because of you,” Rey replied. “The Jedi, guardians of peace and justice, stewards of the Force, were broken and destroyed because of you, because you forced them into an impossible situation by hiding who you were and acting in direct defiance of the will of the Force. And the Force responded… by making Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa powerful and strong. Strong in the Force, strong of will, strong of character. The fusion of the best of the old and the new. Luke did what everyone told him was impossible, and his faith in his father did not waver. Not when his master, his sister, his father, and you told him it was impossible, he made the impossible possible.”
She made a gesture with the hand holding Leia’s lightsaber. “And Leia – she was just as strong, just as much of a shining presence in the Force – and she gave up the role of a Jedi to be something else. Leia rejected the Force as the guiding principle of her life, and that was all right as well.”
“I assume that at some point there will be a reason for this nauseating story?” Palpatine asked, somewhat waspishly. “I do not need to hear about the dead.”
“Luke and Leia defeated you,” Rey pointed out. “In different ways, and not alone, but they were the catalyst for your defeat and destruction and death in the exploding remains of your battle station… and the Force was in balance.”
She pointed at him. “Until you came back as a clone and turned Ben Solo to the Dark Side, broke Luke’s faith in himself and Leia’s marriage, destroyed the Jedi Order once more. How do you think the Force reacted to that?”
Palpatine just kind of stared at her.
“...the Force,” he said, slowly, “is not… alive.”
“It’s made of all life,” Rey replied. “It’s an energy field that surrounds and connects all living things. It is the gestalt combination of all life in the galaxy, in the universe. You seem awfully sure that such a thing couldn’t be alive… and besides, that’s how I know all this. Because the Force threw up its metaphorical hands and just plugged me directly into itself. The Force itself has had enough of the Sith.”
“The Sith are eternal!” Palpatine said. “I am eternal! If you have so much power, then you will give it to me!”
Little lightning bolts flickered around his hand, and he reached out towards her. Energy fizzed and crackled, then Palpatine splayed out his fingers to draw power out of her and into himself.
Absolutely nothing happened.
“...what?” Palpatine asked, with a frown. “Why didn’t that work? That’s impossible!”
He clenched his hand into a fist. “Nobody can deny me! Especially no… scavenger girl! There is no way you should be that powerful, it’s completely unjustified!”
Rey tilted her head to the side slightly.
“...you,” she said, patiently. “Came. Back. From. The. Dead. At this point you have no justification to complain.”
The white light that had been glowing faintly around her for the entire conversation lit up, gradually more brightly, until it was seething off her skin like smoke from a grass fire.
“Are you going to kill me, then?” Palpatine asked. “Do you think that will work? If you strike me down, you will inherit all the powers of the Sith!”
“I’m not going to kill you,” Rey replied, as the smoke-light grew brighter. “That would be a mercy. By the will and urging of the Force, I will do to you what was done in ages past to Ulic Quel-Droma and Exar Kun.”
Palpatine’s expression immediately changed.
“You couldn’t,” he said, unable to keep a hint of fear out of his voice.
As Rey promptly demonstrated, she could.
Then there was the sound of running feet at the entrance to the room, and Ben Solo came racing in with all of his former followers stampeding behind him.
“Please tell me you’ve got a lightsaber!” he said, then skidded to a halt as he spotted Palpatine. “Ew. What happened to him?”
Rey wasn’t actually sure, because Palpatine had compressed to roughly the size, shape and texture of a charcoalized raisin.
“...I cut him off from the Force,” she said. “Apparently that’s what happens.”
By the time she’d looked up again, the Knights of Ren had all run away.
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captainsupernoodle · 2 years
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no boys allowed by pukner - Stranger Things, 7k, G, complete
Robin Buckley has her very first Girls' Day. She gets her hair braided, consoles her heartbroken best friend, and everyone muddies the water a bit on the exact definition of what a Girl is.
Steve Harrington has a good cry about Eddie Munson.
White Orchid by husborth, Kieron_ODuibhir - Star Wars (Original Trilogy), series, 29k, T
Emperor Palpatine dies unexpectedly a year before the Death Star would be deemed operational. His heir apparent, Darth Vader, startles the galaxy by passing up the throne, and then passing it on to the newly-elected Senator of Alderaan, Leia Organa, after the Force leads him to directly to her. The new Empress inherits a terrorized galaxy, a broken Empire to tear down from the inside, and the weirdest second-in-command anyone can imagine.
Or, Vader accidentally hands the galaxy to his rebel daughter, Bail Organa panics professionally, Leia attempts not to get assassinated, and Palpatine rolls in his grave.
Drifting by astolat - Person of Interest/Pacific Rim, complete, 13k, M
"I don't feel the need to put my tailor and shoemaker out of business in order to demonstrate my recognition of the danger the world is presently facing, Mr. Reese, nor have I considered it appropriate to drink myself to death and save the kaiju the trouble. If that's really the best thing you can imagine doing, I'll leave you to it; if on the other hand you'd be interested in contributing more productively to the defense effort, I can offer you a chance to do so."
What To Make Of Me When I'm Gone by Angel Ascending - Critical Role campaign 3, complete, 2k, G
"Ashton?” Laudna looks up from her work, head tilted slightly in that way she has. “Can I ask you a personal question?”
Oh thank fuck. Not only has the silence been broken, whatever Laudna’s about to ask them can’t possibly  be boring. They grin. “Yes please.”
Laudna grins back, looking like the world’s most friendly sleep paralysis demon. “Do you have bones?”
It's Called a Flush by deniigiq - The Mandalorian, series, 141k, G-M
"Word is that you’ve shacked up with Boba Fett, Mando.”
That tone sent shivers unrelated to the water down Din’s spine. The urge to lash out filled his lungs, but he pushed back on it.
“You two have history,” he said as evenly as he could.
He turned and found the Jedi’s face completely void of emotion. His eyelashes were darker, though. Din could see them clearly even from across the river.
“Do not bring him here,” the Jedi said.
(Din tries to make a family. Now if only the new members didn't hate each other.)
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ao3feed-obikin · 1 year
Mayhem with Mercy
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49672357 by LadyLustful Mayhem - the act of maiming a person originally so as to render them defenceless When Obi-Wan dismembers Anakin, he does not let him burn. His seduction to the Dark Side and into an affair with Padme and Anakin is only beginning. title from Venom Words: 341, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 13 of Epic Crack Plots for Star Wars Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious Relationships: Padmé Amidala/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Vader, Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Vader, Padmé Amidala/Darth Vader Additional Tags: Amputee Darth Vader, Suitless Darth Vader, mentions of violence to a child, mention of slavery, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Non-Canon Relationship, Crack Treated Seriously, Threesome - F/M/M, Sith Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sith Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala Lives, Empress Padmé Amidala, Falling In Love, Seduction to the Dark Side, Mentioned Luke Skywalker, Mentioned Leia Organa, Dead Sheev Palpatine, Amputee Anakin Skywalker, Fix-It read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49672357
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