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#emotioncodepractitioner #emotioncode #bodycode https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_tZdSs0e9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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atomicreviewstudent · 3 years ago
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Everyone has dark moments, but what matters is how you find sustained expression that help thousands other for many year . That moment ,act ,thought whatever it is , can help people in their hard times. Follow and spread light , cz people always need them most. #emotionalportrait #émotions #emotionalabusesurvivor #emotionaleatingrecovery #motivationalspeaking #emotionalfreedom #motivationalmoments #motivationvideos #emotionalsupportanimal #motivationalposts #emotionalwellbeing #emotionallyunstablepersonalitydisorder #emotionalstorytelling #emotionalvideo #tagify_app #emotionsmatter #emotionalneglect #motivationmondays #emotioncodepractitioner #emotionaleating #motivationalspeech #emotionalliteracy #motivationalpic #motivationsunday #emotionen #emotionart #emotionalresilience #motivationalquotesandsayings #motivationvideo #motivationalthoughts https://www.instagram.com/p/CUIel-PvQiO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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evhealing · 4 years ago
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The healers are coming forward! #energyhealer #energyhealing #reikihealing #reikimaster #emotioncode #emotioncodepractitioner #healers #intuitive (at Kerri Wade, Integrative Healing) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFQp6VBnBhE/?igshid=1luhuuoj5eks4
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aromally · 8 years ago
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My daughter fell off of a horse two years ago, and has been refusing to get back on top. With an awareness of trapped emotions and to move past that trauma, she has regained her confidence. You can conquer any fear. Any age. Any time. Sometimes it's just trapped memories in your head and body you have to remove. #horespower #horseback #workinprogress #positivity #spirituality #emotioncode #emotioncodepractitioner #healing #trauma #aromally (at San Diego, California)
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aromally · 8 years ago
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Get rid of the baggage and live a life full of peace and love. Leave the weight of your past and heal so you can live free!!! #healing #healer #health #emotionalhealth #emotioncodepractitioner #emotionsareheavy #pastpresentfuture #healyourpast #liveyourbestlife #guides #raiseyourvibration #insidelook #aromally
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aromally · 8 years ago
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Negative emotions greatly effect our health and wellbeing. #emotions #emotionalhealing #emotionalwellbeing #emotioncodehealer #healer #healingemotions #emotioncodepractitioner #emotionalhealth #aromally #mentalillness
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aromally · 8 years ago
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What your body looks like in certain emotional states. Emotions play a very large role in how you feel physically. So if you are experiencing physical symptoms, can be from emotional stress. #emotions #emotionsaffecthealth #emotionsaffectyourbody #emotionsarepowerful #emotionalhealing #emotionallydrained😔 #trauma #energy #emotionlintelligence #healer #emotioncodepractitioner #emotioncodehealer #emotioncodecertified #emotionalwreck #emotionalpain #aromally
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aromally · 9 years ago
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True healers of light!! Heavenly Father, Jesus, Angels, Ancestors, and Earths energy all heal us when you tap into their frequency, energy, and vibration. They are who and what you need to call on when you need true healing. #healersoflight #healersoftheworld #jesus #god #angels #ancestors #wehaveeverythingweneed #creation #energy #peace #emotioncode #emotioncodepractitioner #emotioncodehealer #aromally
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aromally · 9 years ago
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It is ok to be happy!! Sometimes we feel happiness isn't obtainable but I'm here to remind you that it is!! Seek happiness!! #seekhappiness #seekhappinesswithin #happy #areyouhappy #loveyourlife #choosehappiness #loveyourselffirst #emotioncode #emotioncodehealer #emotioncodepractitioner #emotions #aromally
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aromally · 9 years ago
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When you ask for your desires to align with your true authentic self they will manifest!! Ask and you shall receive!! For help doing so visit aromally.com and schedule an apt today. #emotioncodehealer #emotioncodepractitioner #emotioncode #aromatherapist #aromatherapy #certified #aromally
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