goth-i-c · 2 years
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What are your favourite books to read during spooky season? I've always loved Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, reading them as a young teen was definitely to blame for my whole aesthetic! 🎃
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etiennelouisjuste · 2 years
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✅Sa tout fanm dwe konnen nou toujou tande yap di'w egzanp "Dam sa an Pèdisyon ". Pataje ! Pataje ! Pataje Pou enfòme yon lòt moun. ➡️Nòmalman yon fanm ki ansent pa dwe depase 42 semèn maksimòm. ➡️Pèdisyon se fòm granmoun yo itilize tankou lè Yon fanm ansent san vide Sou li ki tradwi an Fransè "La femme perd du Sang". ➡️Nap raple'w fenomèn pèdisyon an lasyans pa rekonèt li , se "Femme sage" ki plis itilize mo sa men an reyalite ki pa egziste. ➡️Kilè'w ka di'w an pèdisyon :Se lè'w yon tès gwosès li pozitif ou byen doktè fè emogram pou ou li revele'w ansent .Nan ka sa'a fi'a konn rive sou 2 mwa , 3 mwa san vide Sou li petèt paske li te fè yon fo mouvman , oubyen li te tonbe , oubyen senti'l ouvri oubyen li manje yon bagay ki fè San an vide Sou li , san an ap vide san rete se la yo di'w fanm nan an pèdisyon . ➡️Gen pakèt fanm kap di'w yo an pèdisyon poutan yo pat janm fè tès gwosès Yon jou ki pozitif, yo pat janm konsilte doktè Yon fwa ki Di yo poutan se Yon "Femme sage" ki manyen yo ki yo yo ansent ki pa gen anyen pou wè avèk reyalite la Medsin . Yo toujou di'w yo santi bagay ap sote nan vant yo "Femme sage" di yo se timoun alò jodia Mwen nou sispann repete betiz imèn sa . ➡️Gen ka fi'a konn ansent tou li pa janm wè san , men li pa janm kapab akouche pitit la , ki gen rapò avèk pwoblèm fetich , Dyab rasyal oubyen yon matlòt oswa yon fanm mari'l te frekante ou byen Moun ki fè Yon maji pou anpeche timoun sa grandi nan vant fi'a fenomèn sa pa rele pèdisyon se pwoblèm fetich, se Yon pwoblèm ki kapab rezoud fasilman avèk fèy nan bwa. Nan ka Doktè pap wè timoun Nan paske se yon bagay mistik yo fè Pou detounen'w. ➡️Èske gen remèd Natirèl pou fanm ki gen pitit ki paka grandi nan Vant yo ? Wi gen remèd natirèl. ➡️ Prekosyon pou pran évite frekante mari Moun , évite pran mari Moun pafwa pwoblèm tou konn depann de mari'a ki te frekante Yon fanm li kite'l lal marye avèk Yon lòt épi fanmiy fanm sa di se Kay vwazen an misye ap wey pitit Pou derespektan sa li fè'a. ➡️Pitit paka grandi nan vant fanm pa gen anyen pou wè avèk pèdisyon. Depi'w pat fè tès gwosès oubyen emogram (Sonografi) ki di'w ansent konnen'w pa janm ansent pa okipe okenn "Femme sage" kap Mete mit nan tèt ou https://www.instagram.com/p/ClBZchjLA0R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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terenceleclere · 5 years
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🇬🇧 My family almost moved us to London when I was about 14. I remember being sad at saying goodbye to friends in NY, and then super embarrassed at seeing them again when we ended up not moving. That same sad and embarrassed summer I had a few D&D friends that were so happy i was staying, and my brother who gave me confidence, and though dismayed at this non-move this was also the summer that I went to an acting camp at SUNY Purchase which started a chain of events that set course for pretty much who I am today. And though we didn’t move I would for years after imagine what my life would’ve been like if we had, and after a couple of decades since the last time I set foot here, many things have changed and yet I’m still me, and it honestly doesn’t feel anymore like my life would’ve been that different tbh (maybe an accent? idk). Life is long and just weird man, and beautiful if you just live it long enough. Love your story, and accept all your crazy twists and turns, and let those become the winding streets that make your city life so unique ;) #story #life #emogram #getadiary #thanksforreading #learnaboutT #london #magic (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1PAmuzh1jx/?igshid=1sivcllbm19bh
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diabolicalrabbit · 5 years
Art Direction - Hello Emograms By Kissmiklos.
Art Direction – Hello Emograms By Kissmiklos.
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Art Direction – Hello Emograms By Kissmiklos. For Ball.Room.
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Top of Pop •  Popsicle ‘COOL’ emogram! Have a great weekend! @kissmiklos
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playburo · 4 years
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natushi12 · 4 years
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emogram x CQIFS / 2020 by kissmiklos
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trustyourblood · 5 years
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leztat15 · 6 years
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Pain change people. #pain #pushingmeaway #numb #emogram #fakesmile #clowns (at Darkside)
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day 1
Arrived in Allmeera. 
I must confess, the city is intimidating. It’s larger than Ironhaust, much larger, but it is not the noise and the crowd that makes me wary. Since the day I was born, I was told stories of the Men of Anderos: the people that took our ancient lands and ruined the ecosystem with their greed and ignorance, then hunted us down and stole Freymire too. I was raised on stories of evil, men with grasping claws and hollow eyes -- the fire they brought that turned us into what we are today, forged hard as steel and twice as battle-scarred.
But these people don’t know those stories. Or, at the very least, they don’t recognize a Freymirran on sight, not like Ironhaust does. They are removed from their own history, and I am allowed to walk in Allmeera as... just another person. I am not stared at, I am not sneered at. It is strange.
On a brighter note: I met the other members of this quest!
Some of them are like something out of a storybook. Elves and wizards, hobbits and noble warriors. I fear I am hardly fit to be in their company.
I cannot yet remember all their names off-hand, but I will write them here to keep a note and imprint them in my memory.
day 2
The party, in no particular order:
Faunalyn Amaranthae, whose name I had to ask for the spelling of three times. She’s an elf, and Bigs is absolutely entranced by her. Admittedly I’ve been a bit too nervous to speak to her much as of yet, as she is beautiful and composed and likely older than I could possibly imagine.
Yaphier, a wizard. A WIZARD!!!
Rosalyn Greenwood, a hobbit. I hadn’t thought that hobbits were even real! I had heard stories, but I scarcely believed them until I met her -- and even then, I immediately thought she was a child. But she is an adult, with a wild mass of red hair and bright eyes, cheerful and curious. I feel I will get on very well with her.
Kieran Argent, an elf?? Perhaps half-elf? I have not asked, and I’m loathe to do so. For all that Kieran is tall and willowy and graceful, he is very shy. Perhaps even more nervous than me, haha! 
Théodore, our leader, though you would not think it to look at him -- he does not have the seasoned look of a warrior that I expected, more the bearing of nobility, a face that seems far more suited for smiling than shouting orders. I am petrified that he will decide I am of no use in this quest. He seems cordial, though, so I am doing everything I can to prove to him that I can be useful.
Harlowe Reed, a fellow human. I hardly need to write about Harlowe here, as he is mentioned frequently in my journals back home, haha! He has been my best friend since we were very young, and his presence on his journey gives me great comfort.
Brego Fastredson, another half-elf, and every inch of him a warrior. He reminds me of the hardier fighters of my clan, and I have no doubt that with him by our side, this quest will be a success.
Prince Elas Eilrieth of Ironhaust. Needless to say, it is... somewhat surprising that he is on this trip. When I met him, I was barely able to communicate. No doubt he thinks me an idiot.
Allyria Vennel, an elf and a healer. There is something very melancholy about her, and I am not quite sure what, yet.
Arion Xyrrie, an elf. Reserved and quiet, I have not had a chance to speak with him yet, though I hope to in the future. He is possessed of what looks like a beautiful bow, and seems very handy with it!
day 6
She suggested that we do some sort of show together, her magic and my card tricks, and I honestly don’t think I’ve ever felt more honored in my life. She is amazing and I very much look forward to spending more time with her. 
day 8
Brief conversation with Kieran. Suspicions confirmed: he is exceedingly shy, and very wary about personal space. I accidentally got too close when Bigs ran at him, and he retreated very quickly.
I wonder why he is so defensive? It did not seem an angry sort of defense, more a cautious one -- a defense born of negative experience. I showed him how to pat Bigs in the way Bigs likes best, and Kieran seemed thrilled. I will have to teach Kieran Bigs’ signals, because I anticipate that Bigs will be following him around quite a lot.
day 10
I’ve invented an amazing idea!!!
With the combination of various punctuation marks like brackets and commas, one can make rudimentary faces with writing! Like so!
Tipped sideways, a smiling face! :( is a sad face! >:( is an angry face!
I am calling them emograms (emotion + pictograms).
day 14
The herbs and spices sold in the markets of Allmeera are completely inferior and I’ve a mind to write some sort of letter of complaint.
day 20
We’re due to leave tomorrow. I am nervous, to say the least.
I spoke briefly with Théodore. He was lifting heavy packs onto his horse, and in haste, I snatched one from him to put it on Donkey. My logic was as follows: he is the leader, therefore he should have the ability to travel swiftly without his horse getting overly tired, and as Donkey is a draft horse bred for hauling heavy cargo, I wanted to make myself (and Donkey!) useful.
I fear that I came off like a thief, though. Théodore did not immediately evict me from the group, though, like I halfway expected him to. 
day 21
Today, the journey begun. We set out from Allmeera, and I was glad to see the city slowly grow smaller behind us. Though the people did not treat me any differently there, my people’s stories kept circling the forefront of my mind. I know that the people of today’s Allmeera had nothing to do with the persecution of my ancestors, but I was still happy to leave. Is that uncharitable of me?
I put my foot in my mouth and asked Allyria if she was afraid of humans. I had noticed that she sort of... hunches up around myself, Harlowe and Elas, but not the others. 
She confirmed my curiosity, but she did not expand on why. I suspect that humans have treated her very badly in the past, though for what reasons, I do not know. I want to make her something to help. I know that I cannot solve her fear by myself, but perhaps if I make her an entertaining trinket of some sort, she might be able to use it to distract herself from the fear?
It would have to be a toy dragon. Alas, any other animal I attempt to carve comes out quite lumpy.
day 22
Something I did not think would ever happen: I spoke candidly with Prince Elas!
He is hopeful for Ironhaust in a way I did not think he would be. The tales of him are frequent but dubious, as stories passed through many ears tend to twist and warp with repeated tellings. 
But he is... how do I put this. For one thing, he actually seemed amenable to holding a conversation with me. He spoke passionately and hopefully, though he avoided speaking too much of his father. I have decided that I shall do my best to look out for his welfare. No doubt he is a more capable warrior than I, but he is far more important than me.
I saw Allyria and Elas having what looked like an interesting conversation -- I could not make out the words, but there was some very intense staring going on! And Allyria did not look quite as wary around him!
I wonder if this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship :)
day 23
Though Brego and Rosa could not be two more different people, I had two equally enjoyable conversations with them today.
I took it upon myself to cook dinner for everyone, and Rosa helped me pick herbs. She is delightful; cheerful and eager to help, and I am told that hobbits are great lovers of food. No doubt we will be trading recipes soon enough!
I also made Brego laugh tonight, which was unexpected, but entirely welcome. I fretted that I might have accidentally given him meat when he might be a vegetarian, but he reassured me that was not the case. He is kinder than expected. His face is so stern, but he smiles easily, though perhaps he was just amused at my worry. He
[the rest of this entry is an unreadable smear of ink, marked by a large pawprint]
day 25
I have taken to writing during the evenings, normally, but we have stopped for a meal at noon, so I have a quick opportunity to write!
Bigs has been sniffing the ground all day today and growling. I am not sure why, but he seems very on edge?
Perhaps he, like me, is just cautious of being in a strange land. So far the journey has been peaceful, and quite beautiful.
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goth-i-c · 2 years
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Do you all have Halloween wedding anniversaries coming up or something?! This card is selling like hot cakes at the moment! 🎃
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anthrfrmt · 4 years
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emogram x CQIFS / 2020 https://ift.tt/3iSxsW7
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nxycult · 5 years
emograms with LOVE exhibition / 2020
emograms with LOVE exhibition / 2020
emograms with LOVE exhibition / 2020 emograms with LOVE My first international solo exhibition, Lotte Gallery, Incheon
The exhibition is consists of two parts. The first room is built around emograms and Ball.Room. The second contains a new installation, the LOVE field, and a typography-based sculpture.
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Ball Room, 2019 
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clubjoe · 5 years
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Ball.Room. - Hello emograms By Kissmiklos
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BALL ROOM | Hello Emograms | Gwangju Design Biennale 2019 By Kissmiklos, Budapest, Hungary
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