ansusanns-blog · 2 years
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rosy2k · 10 months
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You know how small children, especially toddlers who just started walking and talking could be, so I'm curious how the turtles would handle their oldest kidd at this age especially since they never got to interact and take care of kids before this. From my personal experience, toddlers can be either innocent and cute little angels or annoying devils who bother everyone in public if they don't get what they want
First Steps or Words (Fluff)
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
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A/N: I’m not fully sure what you mean with toddlers just having learned to walk and talk, as kids typically take their first step or say their first word during the infant stage, but it could very well be my limited English that is getting in the way here😅 Anyway, in my internship I work with kids in the age group of 3 - 5, so I agree and disagree. Kids have a limited knowledge, both of themselves and their surroundings. Oftentimes they don’t think of how their actions can affect others, which is then my job to help them understand, and at the same time help them verbalize their emotions in a better way. But boy, sometimes the last thing you need is 4 year old that’s crying over something so simple as a toy, even though to them it's their whole world at that moment😭 Enough of that, time for some cute stuff💙❤️💜🧡
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Warnings: I already had baby fever before this, so I don’t know if you guys will get it too😭💚
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Never had Leo thought he would get to experience something like this. You and him in your shared bedroom, relaxing after a long day of working, with little baby Romeo smiling and giggling in the bed, kicking around in his little onesie. Your son had been a giggling delight all day, making all sorts of sounds from his play pen, almost distracting you, Leo and the first of the turtles in your work, building to extend the lair so that there would be space for your growing family.
Recently, Romeo had learned of a new sound to make, showing it off proudly with or  without a crowd to watch or hear him. Pressing his lips together with his tongue poking out, Romeo would blow out air, creating what sounded like a fart noise, with bubbles of spit forming where the air came out.
This was nothing new to you, having seen many human babies do things like that, either on the internet or in real life. You didn’t find it any less cute however, you had just known that Romeo would start doing it at some point. Leo however, was totally mesmerized. He had never seen nor heard a baby make noises like that, even though he watched hundreds of baby videos after the day he learned you were pregnant. But nothing prepared Leo for how fast it was going. In less than a year, Romeo had gotten from this little emobile green bean with big staring eyes, to this little bundle of loud noises and kicking limbs. Leo’s heart swelled, and as he watched Romeo kick around on your shared bed as you and Leo was cleaning up for the night, Leo couldn’t stop himself from hovering over your son, nuzzling his beak against his little stomach, causing the young boy to let out a high pitch scream of laughter. Leo lifted his head from Romeo’s stomach, looking down at his smiling son as he pressed his lips together around his tongue, kicking his legs as he made the noise he had been making for the last few days.
“Bbrrrrrrr”, Romeo let out, small bubbles forming around his mouth, making it impossible for Leo not to smile.
“Bbbrrrrrrrr”, Leo said back to your son, the small child laughing at his mimicking, reaching out for him, his small hands touching Leo’s face.
“Is daddy being silly?”, you asked in a baby voice, smiling with a chuckle as Romeo continued his small sounds, only for Leo to say them back to him. Romeo let out a high pitched shriek with a big smile, holding on to Leo’s face as his bright small eyes started at him. You wouldn’t help but smile as you watched the two of them, feeling warm throughout your body. It was wonderful to see Leo be so calm and loose around his child. He was truly at peace. “I think daddy’s being silly”, you teased, causing Leo to poke his tongue out at you as Romeo rambled on.
“No, daddy is having fun”, he said, turning his attention back towards the rambling Romeo.
“Brrrr, ba, babababa, dadadadada”.
You and Leo stared at each other in shock. Did you hear right? Did Romeo just say what you thought he said? All of your questions were soon answered when Romeo reached out for Leo once more, continuing his newly learned word.
“That’s right!”, Leo exclaimed, picking up the happily screaming Romeo. “I’m dada! I’m your dada! Did you hear that mama?! He said dada!”
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There was nothing more entertaining than watching Joan crawl around the floor, trying to get from one place to another, closely following behind either you or Raph as you walked around the lair. With her small arms and legs and what you could only describe as a happy battle cry, she tried to keep you the best she could, soon gaining very strong leg muscles that could push her around the floor with ease. It was just a matter of time before she would start walking, and Raph was more than ready for that.
Everyday, Raph watched Joan intently, waiting for the moment she would start walking around on her small legs. He was fully intended to see her first steps, especially after having heard Leo complain more than once that he wasn’t home to watch his own son’s first steps. Raph wouldn’t make the same mistake. He would be there with a front row view when his first born started walking. But so far, she had only been crawling or sitting on her but, screaming loudly before following people around.
But Raph never once gave up hope, continuing to watch Joan each and every day, for the moment she would start carrying herself around on only two limbs. Which was one of the many reasons why he now sat on your shared bedroom floor on Joan’s playmate, with the young child between his legs, hoping that she would support herself on him and start walking. You sat on the bed, watching them with a smile, feeling your heart swell as Raph baby talked with your daughter.
You could have stayed there and watched them for hours, had your parents not called, asking about the next time they could come and visit you and Raph, and see their adorable little granddaughter. Therefore you stood up with your mother on the phone, heading towards the living area, in order to hear the other turtles and their partners, if they were okay with your parents coming over that following weekend.
And just like any other time, when either you or Raph stood up around little Joan, she looked in your direction, let out a high pitch sound before following you, supporting herself on Raph’s legs. Raph held his breath, waiting for the moment Joan would let go, and follow without anything supporting her. But as soon as she let go of Raph, she fell to her knees and started crawling for the door.
Raph chuckled, only slightly disappointed that Joan didn’t walk, but highly amused by her determination. “Don’t worry sweetpea”, he said. “Mommy will be back in just a moment”.
Joan sat back on her butt, looking at Raph for a moment with her fingers in her mouth, before she let out another sound, crawling back towards him. Or that was what Raph thought she was going to do. As she placed her hands on the ground, just like she usually did when she crawled, she did not start to move forward. Instead she used them to push herself off the ground, before wopling on her own two feet.
Raph let out the biggest shriek you had never heard, making you stop and turn in the living area, your mother still on the phone. Flailing around on the ground with his arms open, as if to tell her to come to him, Raph called out for you. “Babe! She’s walking! (Y/N)! She’s walking!”
You almost fell back into the room at the sound of Raph’s shriek, almost forgetting about your mother on the phone, not hearing her concerned questions, fearing that the roof was falling down on top of Raph and Joan. So did you for a moment, not registering the words Raph had yelled, but the sight of Joan taking small hesitant steps towards Raph was almost enough to make you fall to your knees with your arms open as well.
“Mom!”, you yelled into the phone, turning on the camera so she could follow along. “She’s walking! Joan’s walking!”, you continued to yell, capturing the moment Joan walked straight into Raph’s arms with a bright smile.
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Have you ever seen a baby get mad, when they can’t do the things people around them can? Well, that was Galileo when it came to walking. Watching his parents, uncles, ants, grandparents and cousins walk, while he was stuck on the floor was enough to make him angry, supporting himself on everything, trying his best to walk on his own. But it was the same story every time. As soon as Gali let go of whatever he was holding onto, he fell to the ground with a sad and angry expression. He wanted to walk!
You and Donnie did your best, lending him a helping hand whenever he wanted to walk, feeling pure happiness when you saw the big smile upon his face and heard his loud happy noises. But there were times where you couldn’t help him, or walk him in circles around the living area for hours. But Gali wanted that. He wanted to walk so bad, almost to the point where he got hysterical when he was tired. So you and Donnie did what you could do and helped him practice, enjoying his laughter and smile and how it brightened your world up.
One day, you and Donnie found yourselves sitting in the middle of the living area, sitting on the floor in front of each other with your legs out scratched. You held Gali’s hands in yours, his infectious laughter making both you and Donnie break out in bright smiles as you watched your son stand on his wobbly legs, holding onto you in order to stay up.
“Come on, Gali”, you said, fighting not to break into another fit of laughter. “Go over to daddy”.
You slowly guided Gali forward with the help of your arms, Gali laughing all the way, even as Donnie took his hands from yours, helping him all the way into his embrace.
“Hey, big boy!”, Donnie smiled, causing Gali to throw his head back in further laughter. It was adorable. Donnie held Gali close in a hug, looking at his hysterically laughing son, taking off his own glasses in order to rub his eyes, that had glossed over in tears due to his own laughter. “I’ll never get enough of this!”
“Imagine how much he will laugh when he can walk on his own”, you said, massaging your cheeks as they started to hurt from all that laughing.
“I can’t wait to find out”, Donnie said, turning Gali back towards you, holding him by the sides. Still smiling wide, Gali looked back over his shoulder, smiling at Donnie, a little bit of drool running from the side of his mouth. “Go to mommy, Gali. It’s mommy’s turn”.
Gali started laughing again, his legs giving out under him, letting him fall down into Donnie’s lap. However Gali kept laughing, causing Donnie to hide his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking from his own chuckles.
Gali stopped laughing, and grabbed onto Donnie’s arm, pulling himself up on his feet. Donnie quickly recovered, ready to hold on to his son once more, only to find that Gali had already taken a few steps away from him, still holding onto his arm. And then Gali let go. Both you and Donnie expected him to fall to the ground, followed by loud crying, but that did not happen. Instead Gali continued to walk towards you, laughing and screaming happily as he did so, before almost falling into your arms, you and Donnie staring at each other in shock.
“Gali’s walking!”, Donnie exclaimed, as if he did not fully believe it.
“He is”, you said, letting go of your young son, only for him to walk back to Donnie with more happy screaming.
“You’re walking!”, Donnie yelled excitedly, lifting Gali up for a bear hug, the young boy screaming and laughing all the way.
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Nothing could beat mornings like this. You and Mikey in the kitchen with Sunny in her high chair, eating alone together before the rest of the family woke up. Who would have thought that you and Mikey ever would become morning people? Well, neither you nor Mikey, but then you gave birth to a daughter that tended to rise with the sun every day, and there was nothing that would make her go back to sleep. But both of you had to admit it was nice, sitting just you three in the kitchen, engaging Sunny in small conversation, her small sounds and her finger that kept pointing everywhere with curiosity, without the rest of the family around. It wasn’t because you didn’t want the others around, no not all, but because when Mikey’s brothers and their partners woke up, then so did their toddlers. And as much as you loved your nephews and niece, it was nice with some time only for your little family, enjoying your early breakfast together.
Once all of you had finished eating, you would stay in the kitchen for a moment, waiting for the rest of the lair to wake up. During those moments, Mikey tended to take Sunny out of her highchair and set her on his lap, letting her play with his hands, the tails of his bandana, or whatever caught her wandering attention that morning. And today it was his thumb, her small fingers holding onto it as she made all the sounds she could think of.
“Mmmmm”, Sunny hummed, her small hands grabbing onto Mikey’s thumb, before putting it into her mouth with a small grin. “Mmmmmm”.
“Do you think she’s about to say her first word?”, Mikey asked, wiggling his thumb a little, making Sunny giggle. “I think she’ll say her first word today”.
“Yesterday you thought she was going to say her first word”, you smiled, chuckling at the drool that dripped from her mouth.
“Mmmmmm”, she continued, her bright blue eyes looking up at her father.
“What’s that?”, he asked, bouncing his leg slightly, making her giggle once again. “Are you about to say mommy?”
You rolled your eyes. For the past few weeks, Mikey had tried and tried his best, wanting Sunny’s first words to be your parental title. And why exactly? Well, because Mikey thought you deserved it. You gave birth to her, so at least her first words could be mommy.
“Mikey, she isn’t going to say mommy”, you said with a smile, shaking your head at your husband.
“Bet”, Mikey said, lifting Sunny up so that she was standing on his thigh with both his hands under her arms. “Come on, Sunshine, say mommy”.
“Mikey”, you said in a teasing warning.
“Mmmmmm”, Sunny continued.
“Nono babe, she almost got it”, he said, his eyes never leaving her small face. “Come on, Sunny, say mommy. I know you can do it”.
“Mmmmm”, she said one more time, and then, suddenly. “Mikey!”
Mikey stared at Sunny in confusion while you broke out in laughter, Sunny giggling in the way she always did.
“No, no, Sunshine”, Mikey said with a chuckle of disbelief. “I’m daddy, not Mikey”.
“Mikey!”, she said with a big and bright smile, giggling even more at his confused expression. This was definitely not what he had expected, nor did he fully know how to react. But for a long time afterwards, no one was allowed to call him Mikey, until Sunny started calling him daddy.
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funbonded · 2 years
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Out  on  the  loose,  or  rendered  emobile  in  Millie  Fitzsimmon's  Grandfather's  workshop.  Funfred  at  least  is  no  longer  within  the  confines  of  a  pizzeria.  primarily  he  is  stuck  to  a  workbench  within  a  workshop  where  his  only  plausible  victim  is  a  one  Millie  Fitzsimmons.
Though  this  verse  is  flexible.  After  the  encounter  with  Millie  it  can  be  said  Grandpa  discovered  a  horrible  smell  coming  from  the  Freddy  animatronic  within  his  workshop.**  Distraught  when  the  truth  of  what  happened  to  his  Granddaughter  Millie  comes  to  light**  he  chucks  the  animatronic  back  out  into  the  scrap  heap.
Funtime  Freddy has  a  more  distorted  and  worn  out  look  in  this  verse.  If  he  can  move  it  would  only  be  through  staggered  lurching  **due  to  the  condition  of  his  pistons  being  rusty**.  He  has  more  instruments  of  torture  than  usual.   
An  alternative  route  for  this  verse  proposes  a  way  for  which  Funtime  Freddy  and  Millie  could  learn  to  become  friends  in  time.  **LOTS  OF  TIME**  perhaps  by  striking  a  deal  that  he  shall  take  her  life  in  the  end  but  first  she  has  to  convince  Grandpa  to  fix  him  or  fix  him  herself  in  exchange  for  a  longer  life.  Though  through  learning  more  about  one  another  a  friendship  is  formed  and  Funfred  ultimately  changes  his  mind.
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forumelettrico · 1 month
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Le colonnine Da Emobil High-Power presso il Golf Club di Appiano sulla Strada del Vino BZ: situate nel parcheggio del campo da golf, dove troviamo anche altre colonnine di diversi gestori ed un ristorante che fa anche da bar https://www.forumelettrico.it/forum/colonnine-da-emobil-high-power-golf-club-eppan-via-riva-di-sotto-74-appiano-sulla-strada-del-vino-bz-t38719.html #daemobil #AppianoSullaStradaDelVino #bolzano
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imoim36news · 2 years
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10/01/2023 13:39 Nhân lúc năm mới nhất 2023 và Xuân Quý Mão, nhằm khách hàng sản phẩm mua hàng thả ga, không phải lo ngại về giá bán, Agribank kết hợp Vnpay khai triển lịch trình “Xuân phát tài - Lộc đầy tay” cùng với độ quý hiếm thiên lí lên tới mức 888.000 đồng lúc mua rinh trực tuyến bên trên phần mềm Agribank E-Mobile Banking. Đơn cử, từ thời điểm ngày 5-1-2023 tới không còn 9-1-2023, khách hàng sản phẩm chỉ cần thiết vào tác dụng Mua sắm và chọn lựa trực tuyến bên trên Agribank E-Mobile Banking và đặt hàng đạt độ quý hiếm kể từ 488.000 đồng tiếp tục được trao tức thì cụm ưu đãi lịch trình “Xuân phát tài - Lộc đầy tay”, đơn cử: - Tặng mã VNSHOPLIXI888 - Ưu đãi 88.000 đồng, được áp dụng mang lại lô hàng kể từ 488.000 đồng - Tặng mã VNSHOPLIXI188 - Ưu đãi 188.000 đồng, được áp dụng mang lại lô hàng kể từ 688.000 đồng - Tặng mã VNSHOPLIXI888 - Ưu đãi 888.000 đồng, được áp dụng mang lại lô hàng kể từ 2.888.000 đồng Ngoại giả, kể từ ni cho tới ngày 16-1-2023, trên tiện lợi Mua sắm và chọn lựa trực tuyến bên trên Agribank E-Mobile Banking đang dần sở hữu biết bao lịch trình ưu đãi lôi cuốn không giống cùng với nấc khuyến mại sở hữu "1-0-2" đến từ cụm tên thương hiệu, cụm ngành sản phẩm đáng tin tưởng: 4 bước mua hàng trực tuyến bên trên Agribank E-Mobile Banking - Cách 1: Singin Agribank E-Mobile Banking – Lựa chọn “Mua sắm trực tuyến” - Cách 2: Lựa chọn hàng hóa có nhu cầu – Thêm vô giỏ sản phẩm - Cách 3: Vào giỏ sản phẩm, lựa chọn mã ưu đãi (nếu như sở hữu) - Cách 4: Nhập vị trí - Thanh toán giao dịch – Nhận sản phẩm Mua sắm và chọn lựa trực tuyến bên trên Agribank E-Mobile Banking nhằm săn ưu đãi tức thì thời điểm ngày hôm nay. Đường dây nóng tư vấn mua hàng trực tuyến: 1800 5888 59 (8 - 22 giờ kể từ loại Nhị tới Nhà nhật) hoặc gửi về tin nhắn: [email protected] Mua sắm và chọn lựa trực tuyến là tác dụng ở trong HST) tiện lợi bên trên phần mềm Agribank E-Mobile Banking chiếm hữu 100% hàng hóa chất lượng không quá tồi tệ, đích thị, đa chủng loại ngành sản phẩm kể từ mức độ khỏe mạnh, thực hiện đẹp mắt, đồ gia dụng năng lượng điện gia dụng, u & ốm, năng động phụ khiếu nại, đồ gia dụng công nghệ tiên tiến… Tác dụng này không chỉ là chóng vánh cung ứng mỗi đòi hỏi mua hàng, giao dịch thanh toán thuận lợi tiện lợi mà còn phải tư vấn khách hàng sản phẩm tối ưu ngân sách với khá nhiều lịch trình ưu đãi lôi cuốn update thường ngày. #Tránh #tức thì #đồng #Lúc #mua sắm #rinh #trực #tuyến #bên trên #Agribank #EMobile Địa chỉ tin tức " news.google.com
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fabrolli · 2 years
Imuscle app wikipedia
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#Imuscle app wikipedia trial#
As seen in the video above, anecdotal evidence is strongly in favor of the technology, however, and that’s enough to get educators asking how they can best utilize the iPad in the classroom. It’s much too soon to objectively know if tablet computers are a path towards dramatically better education. Yet that’s not really the concern of the Palm Beach Pilot Program. While there is little doubt that using digital textbooks (or other eBooks) removes the burden of physically caring books in a backpack, there’s little conclusive data that fun, friendly apps will really capture student’s attention and improve their learning. Engaging students with multimedia rich, self-directed learning experiences is at the core of the tablet education craze, and feedback from pilot programs across the US have been enthusiastic to say the least: Among the many apps explored by the Palm Beach Pilot Program are titles like Shakespeare in Bits (which gives an interactive look through the play MacBeth), iMuscle (an anatomical exploration), Sentence Builder (a basic grammar instructor that teaches through exciting visuals) and Pocket Penguins (real time look at the penguins at the California Academy of Sciences). As this school district seeks to expand their tablet computer program, others are following suit, and a practical guide may be just what the education industry needs to finally give digital education a chance.Īpp-based education promises to invigorate classroom learning by providing students with engrossing experiences that still provide solid instruction. Battery life, app selection, iPad purchasing, security, training, compatibility – Palm Beach County took a look at it all, and shared their findings. Starting with a relatively small group, just nine schools and about 150 iPads, the Palm Beack Pilot Program, and its sister project, eMobilize (5 classrooms, each with 22 iPads) explored the practical details of getting kids on tablets.
#Imuscle app wikipedia trial#
Now, their exhaustive Wiki on that trial is garnering awards, gaining media attention, and possibly pointing the way towards successfully transforming the modern classroom. The Palm Beach School District in Florida finished their Pilot Program for iPad integration last year. They were popular to say the least - more than 90% of students polled expressed feelings of comfort and joy at incorporating the iPad into their classrooms.įailing national school system? iPad might have an App for that. Palm Beach School District gave students in elementary, middle, and high school settings iPads.
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avialbikes · 3 years
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Netherlands-based EV mobility has introduced a three-wheeled, fully-enclosed LEF electric vehicle for one passenger with body is made of recyclable polyethylene. The 100% electrically powered vehicle has a cabin covered by the unique movable windshield, which keeps you always dry and out of the wind https://www.inceptivemind.com/ev-mobilitys-lef-3-wheeled-halfway-between-an-e-bike-electric-car/17361/
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trendingnews958 · 4 years
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saiiboat · 2 years
ok i know yall like boats so: top 5 boats
okay okay okay hihihihi
1. Shamrock V. i love her so much. shes a j-class yacht and her birthday is tomorrow. she was launched on 14 April 1930. i love her. she was also originally owned by sir thomas lipton. you know. from lipton tea. wild. She's also one of the few remaining J-class boats, most of which are wooden-hulled!! most if not all of the metal-hulled J-class boats were scrapped for parts during WWII :(( but!!! she is still sailing!!! she's about to turn 92.
okay the rest of these are production boat makes and types. i just really love Shamrock V.
2. sunfish 14'. we dragged our dad's sunfish from when he was a kid out of the barn and learned how to sail and repair boats on one of these! we have a very strong emotional attachment to red sunfish with white stripes and might cry if we see one (ours was backed into by a construction worker while she was in the driveway for repairs. sorry for traumadumping. i miss her)
3. o'day mariner 19 2+2. this was our dream daysailer all throughout highschool and we're looking at bigger boats now that we have the means to do so and put the work in, but the o'day mariner will always have a place in our heart fr fr. its our discord and pluralkit system icon if you ever see that.
4. Flying Junior. We raced these!!! They're like a narrower 420 (hehe) and are super fun. It was also the first boat we ever single-handed!!! This is the kinda boat that WILL capsize but is easy to get back up and get moving again. one time during a race one of the boats on the opposing team called us out on kinetics (rocking boat to generate movement without sails) while we were just trying to catch the wind (bad day for race. no wind. it sucked.) and so me n my crew said. yeah okay. and did a penalty circle and the gibe gave us enough momentum to pass them and win the race. suck it.
okay ik we said it was all production boats after Shamrock V but we have another non-production boat we're attached to
5. Schooner America 2.0. a BEAUTIFUL schooner down in Key West that we once sailed on. We bought a ticket for civilian day cruise bc we're autistic and she's modeled after the first winner of the America's Cup and we ended up talking to the captain for a while and anyways thats how we ended up as the helmsman of a 105' racing schooner for a couple hours. it was possibly one of the best days of our life. it was so fucking windy.
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posthumanwanderings · 7 years
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kabuwu · 5 years
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@bumble-bitch-sanders Perhaps I see some merit in Sketchbook Pro,
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planetbass · 5 years
tumblr if ur gonna introducce group chats can u at LEAST make them available on desktop i stg
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oldieliebe · 6 years
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Der I.D. BUZZ geht in Serie 👍🏼
2022 soll es soweit sein, dass der rein elektrische Bulli-Nachfolger kommt.
Details: https://www.volkswagenag.com/de/news/stories/2017/09/id-buzz-goes-into-production.html#
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=-f3Ay9DasXM
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tapchibanker · 4 years
MSB ra mắt phiên bản M-emobile hoàn toàn mới cho khách hàng doanh nghiệp
MSB ra mắt phiên bản M-emobile hoàn toàn mới cho khách hàng doanh nghiệp
Ngân hàng TMCP Hàng Hải Việt Nam (MSB) vừa ra mắt phiên bản ứng dụng M-emobile hoàn toàn mới dành cho doanh nghiệp với nhiều thay đổi cả về thiết kế và tính năng, mang lại trải nghiệm khác biệt cho người sử dụng. Mobile Banking (Mobile App) là một trong những kênh giao dịch thuộc M-Banking – dịch vụ ngân hàng điện tử của MSB dành cho khách hàng doanh nghiệp. M-Banking gồm: Internet Banking,…
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avialbikes · 5 years
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The Orca is very suitable for daily commuting and long vacation trips. The biggest advantage of the Orca is the roof, which protects the rider and the luggage against the weather. Possible version with electrical support for long distances, hills or just for comfort. Look at http://www.flevobike.nl/Orca/orca.html #citymobile #velomobile #emobile #electricvehicle https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw2Lpg6lwqn/?igshid=ga5nn2ujg7pw
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