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Robert "Bobby" Hackett - Gray Asexual Biromantic Monogamous Cis Male - 44 - FC: Ethan Suplee/Game Model
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Name: Robert Jason Hackett
Nicknames: Bobby
Faceclaim: Ethan Suplee/Game Model
Age: 44
Height: 6'9″
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Gray Asexual Biromantic, Monogamous
Species: Human
Werepire AU Species: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Occupation: Unemployed, Receives Veteran SSI Benefits; Hunter; Works in the Junkyard on-and-off
Headcanon Masterlist
Bobby is a very sweet man if he knows and cares for you. He wants to help others rather than cause harm, as he'd had enough of that when he was enlisted. All he wants is to help his family, and he feels as though he cannot do that without getting involved in the hunting. He wants to protect the councilors, but he knows he cannot do it with all of them. He is very strong and resilient, and can take several shotgun blasts to his body.
Christopher "Chris" Hackett - Heterosexual Heteroromantic Monogamous Cis Male - 47 - FC: David Arquette/Game Model
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Name: Christopher Martin Hackett
Nicknames: Chris
Faceclaim: David Arquette/Game Model
Age: 47
Height: 5'9″
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual Heteroromantic Monogamous
Species: Human
Werepire AU Species: Werewolf
Hair Color: Brown, salt and pepper
Eye Color: Brown
Occupation: Runs a summer camp, also runs the quarry as a hunting/fishing spot
Headcanon Masterlist
Chris loves his family dearly and wants them to be safe. When he wolfed out and was dropped into the room with Bobby, Travis, Laura, and Ryan, he was knocked unconscious by Bobby. Laura was caged by Travis and Bobby, and Ryan was enlisted to help with Chris. He remained in the cage until it was over, and he didn't want to see his family for what he'd done. He mourned his children for a long time, knowing that they passed so suddenly without him there to ease their pain.
Dylan Lenivy - Homosexual Homoromantic Ambigamous Cis Male - 20 - FC: Miles Robbins/Game Model
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Name: Dylan Michael Lenivy
Nicknames: DJ Dylan, Dylan-Dylan
Faceclaim: Miles Robbins/Game Model
Age: 20
Height: 5'11″
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Homosexual Homoromantic, Ambigamous
Species: Human
Werepire AU Species: Werewolf
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Occupation: Ex-College Student; Podcast/Radio Host
Headcanon Masterlist
Dylan has always been a bit of a bookworm but fell into his persona of an edgy, funny socialite at camp due to nerves. He can put on a great show but still loves his alone time and time to tinker with this. During their last night at Camp, Ryan ultimately cut off his left hand to prevent the infection from spreading, and it is a constant reminder to Dylan that he went through something pretty harrowing. He is still close with Ryan and really likes him, though his fear of rejection keeps him from making any concrete moves on him. He still flirts despite this, and is always game if Ryan initiates, but his boldness wanes if Ryan isn't giving him 100% Good Signals.
Jacob "Jake" Custos - Pansexual Panromantic Ambigamous Transmale - 21 - FC: Zach Tinker
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Name: Jacob Michael Custos
Nicknames: Jake, Jakey, Jakey Boy, Hurricane Jake, Assclown (Laura Exclusive)
Faceclaim: Zach Tinker/Game Model
Age: 21
Height: 6'0″
Gender: Transmale
Sexuality: Pansexual Panromantic, Ambigamous
Species: Human
Werepire AU Species: Werewolf
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Occupation: College Student
Headcanon Masterlist
Despite everything, Jacob is still head over heels for Emma. He wants to do whatever he can to hold onto her, even if he's sort of accepted that she has moved on. He remains close to Nick and Dylan, and by extension Ryan. He was bitten by Max on the island with Emma, and has a draw to him when he turns, and slowly when they aren't turned. His mark is on the back of his neck, and acts as something of a pseudo-mating mark. Being so helplessly romantic, he's willing to accept anyone's attention, as long as they will love him. Emma made him wonder if he's just unloveable, and he took it to heart.
Maxwell "Max" Brinly - Bisexual Biromantic Ambigamous Transmale - 22 - FC: Skyler Gisondo/Game Model
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Name: Maxwell Carson Brinly
Nicknames: Max, Honey, Mister, Golden Thunder
Faceclaim: Skyler Gisondo/Game Model
Age: 22
Height: 5′11″
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Bisexual Biromantic, Ambigamous
Species: Human
Werepire AU Species: Werewolf
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Slate Blue
Headcanon Masterlist
After becoming a werewolf, Max got a little colder around strangers. He feels like a monster and tries to avoid people in the days leading up to the full moon. He hates how aggressive and wild he becomes without thinking because he's always been a sweet, nonconfrontational kind of guy. He and Laura drive around looking for an alternate cure for his affliction, occasionally making pitstops away from people so he can wolf out. He still loves Laura to the moon and back, but he struggles with trusting her.
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improveoverme · 5 months ago
Apparently this whole cult started because she wanted me to have everything because I've never had anything but suffering and pain and people abandoning me... Maybe I should re apply for SSI epoxy poisoning... Maybe I should I hire a bounty hunter to find Kristen and Gabbi who both hired psycho analyzers and private eyes just to make sure they don't lose me... Also the Emma... Since you wanna detest me 24/7 and annoy me through any moment of peace you can't stop these Psy ops they will get me home no matter what you people stole hundreds of millions of dollars from me and I can't do shit about it go to another theme park...
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rollercoaster59 · 2 years ago
Ssi rain Emma Watson, yea,
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sunwinea · 5 years ago
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emma can’t help how smile grows when hyejung walks into the bakery.   moving to pull on new gloves does she walk closer towards the front counter,   beaming  smile curling pink lips upward.    ‘  hey,   hyejung - ssi.   what can i get you today?  ’    emma inquires with a head tilt.
@hyejvng​,    emma  &  hyejung!
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writersrealmbts · 6 years ago
Through Thick and Thin
Description: A Little Quirky: Part 4- Through Thick and Thin: Joining this crazy family isn’t going to be a walk in the park, and you knew that. But being part of Jimin’s family means you’re that much closer to Jimin, and with the wedding approaching, you couldn’t be more grateful to be by his side. Reposting because of accidental deletion.
Warnings: N/A.
Originally Posted: 06/25/2019? Reposted: 06/29/2019
Tags: Jimin, Hybrid!Jimin
Fluff and Angst?: 2,265 words
A/N: Six months later we actually have another post for this series…anyway, I threw this together so if it’s messy I’m sorry. I was just going to do the first part of it, but it felt short for how long you guys have waited. Finally home to repost this after the fiasco.
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“Okay, we’re agreed, no matter how much Jungkook begs, we don’t go on that thing,” Jimin said, pointing to the ride that was going upside down and spinning and looked like a puke-fest. “Completely agreed.” “Jimin-ssi!” “Speak of the devil. Is that his current girlfriend?” “Yes.” “Do we like her?” “No.” “So if she’s against going on that ride?” “We go on. All of us.” “Right,” You muttered, shaking your head and waving to Jungkook since Jimin was tying his shoe. Jungkook bounced up with a bunny-hybrid at his side. “Guys this is—” “Oh. My. God! Y/n?!” She grinned. You could only stare at your least favorite person in the entire world. “Wow. Kameron.” “It is sooo good to see you!” Too soon to claw her eyes out? “And you! Let’s go on that ride first!” You pointed to puke-fest. Jimin looked at you in surprise. “Are you sure? I mean,” Jungkook started, looking a little confused. “I’m sure. If anything is going to give us that thrill that amusement parks are famous for, it would be that one.” Jungkook looked at Jimin, concerned. “Hyung, you don’t have to go. It might hurt your neck and make you sick.” “Um, actually, why don’t you and Kameron go do what rides you want to and we’ll do ours and we can meet back up for lunch?” Jimin suggested instead. “Besides, I wanted to start with the log flume ride and you hate that one.” Jungkook’s nose scrunched and he nodded. “That sounds fair. Meet back up at noon-ish near the water park?” “Sounds great,” Jimin said, steering you toward the log flume. Once Jungkook and Kameron disappeared he muttered, “What the heck was that? You know her?” “We were neighbors before my parents moved. She’s a bitch if there ever was one. She used to pull on my tail and call me a monster. Scared all the human kids with stories about me eating my last owner.” You growled slightly, pouting. “I never wanted to see her ever again. How did Kook even meet her?” “Some party that he got dragged to by his friend. I thought it would be good for him to socialize. I regret that now.” Jimin pulled you into the line for the log flume. “Why doesn’t Jungkook like this ride?” “Oh, he does. We’ve just been brothers long enough that he accepts when I make excuses like that. He’s oblivious, but not dumb. He probably thought that I was doing it to avoid the big roller coasters that he would want to go on, avoiding getting any teasing from you, though I’m more concerned about her teasing me. I’ll tell him about you and Kameron if I get the chance.” “He could do so much better.” “Enough about them. We’re here to have fun!” He nuzzled your cheek. “You know this place well, don’t you?” You smiled at him. “It was the first hybrid-friendly amusement park. Eomma brought us here every summer after. Micheal and Becca would watch the triplets. This is the first year we haven’t planned to come together.” “She is pregnant with twins,” You pointed out. “She can’t exactly go on any rides. And what about Hoseok?” “He’s helping with the triplets. We invited him, but he said something about already agreeing to take care of the triplets today. And something about a cute girl.” He shrugged. “Yoongi is busy with his job and Euny, same with Taehyung, they were going to that baby physical therapist you recommended today. And Namjoon, well, he said he might make it out but he wasn’t sure.” “Well, maybe later this summer.” You kissed his cheek. “But we still have a lot of wedding preperations to do. And there is no way Kameron is invited. Not even as a plus one. I’ll tell Jungkook if I have to.” “Please? He’ll take it better from you.” You nodded, then sighed to clear your head. “Okay. Fun. We can do that. Let’s have fun.” “That’s my girl,” He said teasingly, hugging onto you before you both got into the log. The two of you had a lot of fun going on different ride, mostly the low-key ones, though you did go on one or two regular roller coasters. You glimpsed Jungkook and Kameron now and then and steered clear. They weren’t there yet when noon hit, and Jimin was looking at all the different food carts to get an idea and report back since the crowds were a little overwhelming for you and you didn’t dare move from the table you had claimed. Jungkook came up first. “Hey! Nice job getting a table.” “Where is she?” You asked. “Bathroom. You okay?” He tilted his head. “Fine. But Kook?” “Yes, noona?” “Don’t even think about bringing her to my wedding.” His eyes widened in surprise. “Why?” “Because she terrorized me when we were kids and I won’t be dealing with those memories on what’s supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life. She’s not invited. I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings, but that’s how it is.” He was quiet for a moment. “Jimin doesn’t like her either.” You shrugged slightly, not confirming or denying. “I don’t think Eomma liked her either. It’s not like this is permanent. It’s just…nice having someone to go places with.” “I know. But she’s over there making out with someone,” You said, horror rising in you. He looked and didn’t really even react. “Okay. We can ditch her now.” “That’s not very kind, Jungkook. Take the high road. Tell her you’re ditching her.” He snorted, laughing a little. “That’s a very low high road.” “What can I say? I’m a bit bitter.” “I’ll be right back.” You watched him go over to her, then flinched as cotton candy appeared in your face. “Hello.” Jimin grinned at you. “It’s orange flavored! Your favorite!” You grinned back. “Dessert before lunch.” “Of course! It’s a special day!” You laughed and started picking at the cotton candy, humming happily. “That’s perfect!” He kissed you a couple times. “Good.” “Well, that’s over,” Jungkook took a tuft of cotton candy as he said it, sounding relieved. “And she’s getting a ride home.” Jimin looked confused for a moment, then glanced between you and Kook as you patted his brother on the shoulder. “You dumped her? Here?” “She was kissing another guy.” Jimin got a stony look to his face. “That’s just wrong.” “It’s okay, hyung. I don’t really care. Let’s just have fun together now, okay?” Jimin nodded, grinning. “Sounds like a plan. Besides, y/n wanted doesn’t want to go on a couple of the water slides so we can do those while she’s at the lazy river.” You grinned as they started talking excitedly over the different slides, picking at the cotton candy. You were marrying into a great family. Jimin stole another kiss, pulling you out of the sugar-sweet haze you had drifted into, and you realized you were purring in your garbled way. He rubbed his nose against yours. “We should take some cotton candy home too.” “Ah, come on, don’t get all weird.” You giggled and swatted Jimin away. “Let’s get some real food.” “Please!” Jungkook looked around. Jimin stole another kiss then started talking about the different options available for food. But you were still thinking about his kisses were sweeter than the cotton candy that melted in your mouth, and far more addictive. ———— You opened the door when someone knocked on it frantically. “Jimin? You have a—why do you smell like smoke? And is that blood on your face? Jungkook?” Jimin pulled you into a tight embrace. “Get a bag, pack some stuff. Call your parents and tell them that someone is coming after my family and they might be in danger. There’s an officer waiting downstairs to take us to the Sanctuary. It’s the safest place right now.” You blinked rapidly and hurried to do as he said, grabbing a few important things you didn’t want to just leave in case someone broke in. “Explain on the way?” “As much as I can.” You grabbed your pillow and nodded. “Ready.” He already had your bag and you detoured to grab your makeup bag and travel first aid kit. The officer had Jungkook take the passenger seat and you and Jimin got into the back seat. After you were on the road toward the sancutary, Jimin sighed anf finally let you clean the blood from his face. “What happened?” “Yesterday Hobi showed up with that girl, Ren, that they’ve been taking care of since the tornado, and the triplets. There was some sort of threat to our family. We’ve had a few of them throughout the years, but we didn’t think this was a major one until I was on my way to work and I found these guy setting fire to the apartments. That’s how I got the bloody nose. Hoseok took the triplets and they’re heading somewhere way off the grid. Right now the safest place for us is at the Sanctuary. I called into my work already and explained the situation. They go after the people we care about. I can’t risk you.” “I should call my parents,” You murmured. You met Jimin’s gaze. “But I don’t know what to tell them?” “I can talk to them,” He said gently. You handed him your phone, leaning your head on his shoulder, a little worried about what was happening. You’d experienced some of the threats to his family before. You’d been with him for almost a year. There had been a threat just a couple months before, in April, where some stupid anti-hybrid activist had threatened Emma and Jin. Broke into their house and the news reporters were very amused that the person that did the most damage to him when he was found in playroom had been done by Emma. Jin had stopped her, and tied him up until the police could get there but she had hit the intruder in the head with the dollhouse before chucking the hardest toys in the room at him until he was curled up in a ball. At the trial, he had gotten scared when one of the triplets (that his lawyer had decided were witnesses and forced to be there) had strayed to close to him when getting the toy they had dropped, to the point where he was screeching apologies while the kid was looking at him in confusion. The judge had the triplets excused from the trial. This threat was far worse. Jimin finished the call with your parents. “They said they were going on a road trip anyway. Said to tell you to call and update them on things.” You nodded. “They also said to let them know if we wanted to delay the wedding.” You shivered and glanced up at him. He looked tired, probably from the stress. You’d learned that stress and fear exhausted Jimin more than anything else, and could tell that he’d had a stressful morning from the way he blinked a little longer. “Not that I want to. I want to marry you. But maybe keep in mind postponing it at least until we know the threat has passed. It should only take a couple days.” You nodded, kissing his cheek. “Try and sleep, Jimin-ah.” He nodded, leaning against the window and closing his eyes. “Can’t smell anything. Driving me crazy.” “It’ll be okay.” It was probably a good thing, honestly. He didn’t need to smell the fear that filled the vehicle. The two hour drive was fairly quiet, mostly just the chatter from the radio and the officer checking in so that his bosses knew he was still en route. Once at the Sanctuary you could see that there was quite the fuss going on with this new threat. There were two distinct mobs. One pro-hybrid rights and one anti-hybrid rights. But everything seemed peaceful once past the gate of the sanctuary. Jin was there to greet you, standing up and hugging Jungkook, then Jimin and you. “Hobi?” “Safe. They’re going off-grid with the triplets. Figured it was too dangerous to come here with them.” “They’d have never made it in,” He agreed, shuddering. Kook hugged onto Jin, probably to comfort him. “Eomma?” “She’s fine. She’s calm. Way calmer than me. She’s got us all settled into one of the empty houses, Micheal, Becca, and Timothy too.” “What happened?” “It started as a small-scale protest, and some whispered threats of hurting us. Then…they broke someone out of jail. The man that hurt Hobi.” Both of the younger boys froze in place and then Jungkook’s foot thumped a couple times before he could resist the urge. Jin smoothed a hand over Jungkook’s hair and ears. “We’re safe here. Hobi is safe as long as no one knows where he is or who he is. And he won’t let anything happen to the triplets either.” “You going to keep saying that until you believe it?” Jimin asked, managing a tight smile. Jin nodded. “Have to. I trust him. Let’s go inside. Sorry you got dragged into this, y/n.” “It’s fine. I go where Jimin goes,” You said easily, taking Jimin’s hand. “If he’s in danger, I’m there with him. Right?” He leaned in and nuzzled your cheek. “Yeah. It’s scary, but yeah. We’re in this together. For better or worse.” You leaned into him. “For better or worse.”
Previous Part.  Next Part.
Masterlist.  Series Masterpost. 
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somethoughtsonme-blog · 6 years ago
Entonces, son actualmente las dos de la tarde aqui en el congelador de la Ciudad de México y escribo esto con el fin de acomodarme, organizarme. Llevo aproximadamente 6 meses sin escuela y sin propósito y no puedo soportar un minuto más sin siquiera haber tomado la decisión de que chingados voy a estudiar. Asi que, para que puedan entender mejor, he aqui mis conflictos y problemas al intentar tomar una decisión:
Quiero ser inteligente. Podría sonar muy pretencioso o podría sonar muy infantil, pero quiero elegir una carrera que me estimule y me ponga retos.
Quiero amar lo que esté aprendiendo. Este es mi problema por ejemplo con ciencias, AMO las ciencias, bueno no tal vez amar es un poco fuerte: las disfruto. 
Tal vez lo que disfruto es la idea de aprender ciencias y que mis amigos digan ooohhhh ciencias, woooow.
Me gustaría saber ciencias y aprenderlas y estudiarlas porque el mundo esta jodido y lo quiero ayudar.
Quiero cambiar el mundo. Quiero ser un líder y una persona que haga que el mundo sea un lugar mejor, no se si esto es por ego o por buena fé pero es de lo único que estoy segura.
Quiero divertirme. Cuando pienso en la universidad me encantaría estudiar materias dificiles y teóricas, pero también necesito una clase de arte o de crear algo.
El arte lo puedo sacar de afuera, no necesita estar en mi carrera?
No hay ninguna carrera que sea arte+literatura o un pedo asi
Chance estoy muy influenciada porque acabo de leer acerca de esa carrera
Quiero ser como Emma Watson+Marthin Luther KIng+Elon Musk+amaplantas
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Elon Musk estudio Física
Emma Watson estudio literatura
Martin Luther King estudio sociología (Bachelor of Arts)
Amaplantas tienes que estudiar ciencias ambientales (?)
Quiero estudiar muchas cosas pero no quiero ser una estudiante para SIEMPRE
Bueno a ver, que quiero estudiar ahorita? ESA ES LA PREGUNTA
pero no, no es la pregunta. Tengo una meta: Irme al extranjero a vivir por unos años
Pero eso lo puedo hacer de todas las carreras
Pero Oxford y Cmabridge es más facil en ciencias
NO, es igual de dificil en todas las carreras
ok, entonces. ¿Que se me antoja?
..........................................break para ver otras carreras y asegurarme de que no estoy siendo influenciada.........................................
8.45 pm
Pues regresando a esto, me gustaron también otras cosas
sociología se ve padre, hablas del comunismo, Marx y varias cosas así, podría trabajar en una ONG , pero si suena un poco aburrido.
Filosofía esta bueno, pero NO QUIERO SER MAESTRA . 
literatura se ve padre
Literatura y letras inglesas
Arte y diseño
Comunicación y periodismo
me estoy volviendo loca
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duallygirl178 · 4 years ago
Dearest O'Malley Chapter 3
Chapter 3
When Gladys got too old to drive, I began to get antsy for a workout. Gladys retired in 1980 and by 1992; Nathan was born in Farmington New Mexico. I was handed over to Joe Popplewell to be driven and just to be a back up guy. Joe sure couldn’t drive me because he had to look so far up and out passed the hood to see the road, which frustrated him to the max. When I got a good look at Nathan as a baby. I was filled with joy. I’ve never been a father but at least I got to see what a baby is and what it looked like. Jan and Randy sure went through some trouble and back just to save him. I had heard something was going on with his heart or something that he had to be rushed to the Albuquerque hospital. I distinctively remember that I sure was worried-to-parts about this baby needing to be put in the ER. I smoked so many Pyramid full flavor 100 cigarettes that it took at least 8 butts just to calm me down. I had my suspicions that if Nathan never made it alive, I would be beaten down by Erik who was soon to be a careless pain in my prat and I would never see my life happy again. I was nervous that I wanted to know how the baby was doing. I had became so determined to hear the news on Nathan that I made a nasty habit of smoking cigarettes every day. When the day that Nathan came home, I was so relieved to know he was okay. After Nathan’s recovery, I knew I could quit smoking but I craved a butt and the taste drew me into an unhealthy lifestyle. I tried leaning towards working out and other distractions that was healthy but I wanted a cigarette. Finally, Joe got me on a quitter’s cycle; gum, patches, and hemp seed oil. It worked! I didn’t crave nicotine. When Jan would drive and smoke butts inside me, I didn’t even want a cig. At this time, Jan was working and living at Acacia Street, I was the only transportation Jan and Randy borrowed just until Jan had the resources to get another car. One morning, on my good mood, I was cruising down the road whistling “King of the whole wide world” by Elvis Presley, when people started to stare at me. I would just smile and wink just because I was in a good mood. While Jan was cleaning a house for a couple just down the road, I was waiting on the curb minding my own business. I seemed to be interesting to the sight of a glossy blue 1968 blue Chevrolet Impala. She seemed to be really interested. I was somewhat interested in her because I could tell when a female is interested in me because when she’s looking my way, she finds faults and quirks endearing and she realized my attraction was something she could learn. She had that sweet smell of heated oil and exhaust fumes radiating off her tailpipe. She had serious eyes for me that summer of 1993. The fumes caressed around my tailpipe and it made me feel crazy. Her name was Emma-Sue as she was leaning into me while she came closer into my personal space. She put on quite a revving roaring mating call with her huge V8 motor rumbled as she circled me. I held still as she was looking me over while I was getting a drippy stiffy. I was enjoying this interesting female’s attention and when Jan was all done cleaning house, the moment disappeared. Emma-Sue stopped and went back to the driveway. Jan got in and started me up steadily. Emma-Sue watched me leave until I was far away. I knew she was going to sneak over to my driveway to make heat and romance raise up tonight. Still in joy, I listened to many songs about love on tapes that included Elvis.
Many years into the future, it was the 15th year of that summer, I still hadn’t heard from Gonzo nor have I seen him. I missed him. I remembered when was Nathan was 2 years old, I had began to read him children’s stories using my talented voice to role in the characters even though I knew well that they had their dark origins when they were told. Boy, I really could entertain him when I did the right voices, and I loved it when Nathan laughed. It brought the flow of delight in my weekend days. While the parents were at work and Nathan was a curious little creature. He and I were spending time together and like every other two year old, Nathan pulled off one of my do-haws on the dashboard. It hurt but innocence comes in small packages. It was aright, I had pulled a few whiskers from my old man’s face and that’s just because I was a baby and wondered if the hairs would come off. When I would spend time with Nathan and when, I felt like I was already a dad. Nathan had started talking and he had called me “Papa” once a few times. Those were the days that were good to me.
Randy would drive me with Nathan along and the three of us would scoot ourselves into town when the parents had an off day. It was rare that Randy would take me out to town but we always had fun. I’d get comments of “I like your car” and “Nice car” which was aright. Every other day, I would get a car wash on my birthday and get detailed in August. I got wool seat covers one year on my birthday. After those days, I didn’t really care about presents on my birthdays. While Nathan was first home schooled, I’d sit in the carport to protect me from the weather’s rain and storms. I would always be up here once or twice a month to keep Ozzy company. Back in 2000, Joe bought him from PESCO, a place where he used to work at. Ozzy was a 1991 Ford explorer just sitting in the parking lot. He basically was used for lifting Carol in and out because Carol couldn’t stand on her feet any longer. Ozzy was there for the job. I had no envy towards Ozzy and since he was a sweet little bugger, I got along better after a break from the hectic storm with the morons living outside. Before, I knew it Ozzy was my little roommate. When I asked Ozzy how much he was sold for, the results shocked me. He was 4 grand and like many old things, there has to be a second wheel to accompany the leader. Ozzy’s lift was very useful because every time, Carol had a doctor’s appointment, Ozzy just picked her up with his ramp and he was ready to scoot. I basically came up there to get away while Ol’ Reliable was giving me attitude. I’d be invited in and I’d park next to the fireplace. I watched a little bit of the news with Joe and Jimmy Swaggart with Carol for 30 minutes tops until I fall asleep. Every hour or so, I’d make myself at home on the couch. Sometimes Nathan would come up to visit and sit with me to check on things.
Some time that Fall, Randy couldn’t get me to start up because now that Jan had the resources to afford a secondary car. It was a Jeep Liberty that I didn’t like. Jan had a loan on it and that could lead to rough road later in the future. Randy had bought a Plymouth voyager van and that was all I could accept. But whenever Randy would visit Joe if I was giving him issues, Joe would come to the rescue. I liked Joe because he could fix anything. Often Joe would fuss at Randy because he smoked and asked him to quit. I knew Randy wanted to quit tobacco butts but he couldn’t give it up on how much he had to follow. Jan tried to get her husband to stop, but Randy was antsy to have a butt to smoke. At night, when I was ready to get back to Jan’s house, Nathan and Randy would watch TV together because he couldn’t sleep. I sure didn’t mind staying up late because I could sleep with noise. Even when Nathan had a school night. The couch I was just as comfy as a bed was.
I remember when Nathan was a kid and every Easter, I dressed my best, in that horrid bowtie. I had thought I would never wear it again as long as I lived. But it wasn’t the last time I wore it. I had to wear it again for occasions later. I also remember when Nathan got candy but tucked it away never to be seen again. He didn’t used to eat a lot of candy. I had been in my wild 30s and I had a tradition of burning a little rubber off for the spring seasons to hype up my jive. Each Monday was fill the fridge and cupboard day and which I had to carry 23 bags of groceries from the store and it was my work out for the week. I could always tell when it was time to go shopping. So one Monday night, I had just zoomed in loaded with groceries, I noticed my shocks were getting sore and bad as much as my wheel bearings were creaky but at least it was nice to see Miss Gizmo who was always there to greet everyone. Now for Tuesdays, which were my resting days to take it easy and do what I want. A day to recover. I got to relax at Randy’s work and take the weight off my sores and pains. Even though he worked at a quality building between Aztec and Bloomfield, Randy had gotten on SSI to help pay for his health and that took more of the pain off my joints. It was a matter of time before he could stop working and rest.
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rmolid · 5 years ago
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lowvintagesims · 5 years ago
okay sorry to be a commie on main but these anons either have NO idea about any of the logistics of getting disability or they support the extermination of disabled people because those are the only options to have an opinion like that.
on top of the bullshit process that melunn already talked about briefly that prevents people usually people from low income backgrounds and poc from even getting it if they want it, the nonmedical qualifications for disability benefits suck major ass.
idk where melunn lives but where i live, the cutoff to get your disability benefits taken away from you are laughably low: $2,000 for a single person and $3000 if you’re married.
but emma, you may be thinking, not all of your assets are counted in that. you can have a car and a house, and what more could disabled people possible need?
yeah, good luck ever getting those things if you don’t already have them. literally good luck saving up for anything. you need to save up more than $2000-$3000 in cash at once to buy a car or put a down payment on a house? benefits denied.
you want to just have a safety net of cash in your bank account in case there’s an emergency? benefits denied.
you and your partner have 2 clunker vehicles, one of which exceeds $3000 in value? benefits denied.
you have a nice power wheelchair that you own instead of rent that exceeds $4000 in value? benefits denied.
you think you can work part time but you still really need help making ends meet? well you better not make over ~$1200~ a month because according to the US government, that’s too much. benefits denied.
and i haven’t even dipped my toe into the cool, refreshing waters of ssdi vs ssi benefits. because the above figures were for ssdi benefits, meaning that you’ve already worked a bunch of years (and tends to be the kind you have if you become disabled because of the higher thresholds)
if you haven’t worked enough years for the federal government to deem you worthy of aid, the values are all SIGNIFICANTLY less. as in if you have more than $700 and change in your bank account/more than one car/a wheelchair, you’re screwed.
not to mention there’s a waiting period if you even qualify for ssdi benefits, so you have to survive unil your benefits activate (i believe it’s 5 months - or somewhere thereabouts - idk sorry it’s summer, my brain is no thoughts head empty) and if it’s possible for you to do that (i.e. you can still work some, you have savings, you have family support, etc.) you probably didn’t qualify for benefits in the first place.
anyway it makes me fucking sick to my stomach that these people are slithering around interacting with our normal sims posts like they aren’t scum. and i agree with @elisabettasims. a big giant fuck you to those anons. two giant middle fingers
Honestly, I completely agree with the anon. You said you wont get disability money and then continue to type out all the reasons you should get it. Does not make sense. Get some help, please. We all love you. And the anon wasnt rude, they were saying straight up facts.
Do you understand that my father who is dying from cancer can’t even get on disability right now? It’s a bullshit process and takes so long. It’s not just a hop, skip and jump away. It’s months of paper work, phone calls, and bullshit. I can’t wait that long for help. Trust me, I’m trying, I don’t want to fucking be homeless and without my heart medication.
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小禎深V比基尼曬北半球 網驚「有草莓」釣出本尊秒回
台灣丸榮持久液專賣 持久液 延時噴劑 持久液屈臣氏 持久液原理
持久液副作用 持久液用法 持久液評價 持久液價格 持久液效果
持久液哪裡買 持久液有效嗎 2H2D 威馬持久液
日本2H2D持久液 Climax Spray印度神油 日本JOKER持久液 倍耐力持久液
德國EROS101持久液 德國PJUR植物持久液 德國黑金剛持久液 路易十六持久液
印度神油GOD OIL紅色版
日本Drywell 澀井持久液
Play&Joy狂潮‧PJ1 男士勁能延時液
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automaticpostinfluencer · 5 years ago
New Jersey shuts down nonessential businesses
This is CNBC’s 24-hour blog covering all the latest news on the coronavirus outbreak. All times below are in Eastern time. This live blog will be updated throughout the day as the news breaks. 
Global cases: More than 287,00
Global deaths: At least 11,921
U.S. cases: At least 19,931
U.S. deaths: At least 275
The data above is from Johns Hopkins University.
1:50 pm: Amazon will ‘double hourly’ overtime pay for warehouse workers
Amazon said its doubling hourly wages for its associates working overtime in its U.S. warehouses as demand continues to grow due to the coronavirus.
“All hourly associates working in the U.S. Ops network will receive double their regular hourly rate for every overtime hour worked in a workweek,” Amazon said in a statement to CNBC. “This temporary increased overtime pay is effective March 15, 2020, and will continue through May 9, 2020.”
Reuters was first to report the news. Amazon said hourly workers will qualify to receive double pay after 40 hours. The announcement following similar one on Monday, when the e-commerce giant hiked the hourly rate for associates from $15 to $17. —Jade Scipioni
1:36 pm: NJ Governor orders nonessential retail businesses to close, issues stay-at-home order for nearly all residents
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy
Scott Mlyn | CNBC
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed an executive order mandating that “nearly all” state residents stay at home, NBC New York reported.
“All gatherings are canceled,” Murphy tweeted. “ALL non-essential retail businesses must indefinitely close their physical stores to the public effective 9:00 p.m. [Saturday night].
In New Jersey, 1,327 people have tested positive for COVID-19, Murphy said Saturday, 442 more cases than the previous day. To date, 16 people have died from the virus, Murphy said. —Terri Cullen
1:25 pm: Italy’s number of cases, deaths continue to soar
Italy’s grim tally of coronavirus cases and deaths continues to soar, with officials on Saturday announcing new day-to-day highs: 793 dead and 6,557 cases.
The country, at the heart of western Europe’s rampaging outbreak, now counts 53,578 known cases.
More than 60 percent of the latest deaths occurred in the northern region of Lombardy, whose hospitals have been reeling under a staggering caseload that has left intensive care beds hard to find and respirators in dire supply. The new increases come nearly two weeks into a national lockdown in a desperate bid to contain the contagion. —Associated Press
1:23 pm: UAE shuts beaches, parks, pools, cinemas, and gyms
The United Arab Emirates is shutting beaches, parks, pools, cinemas and gyms from Sunday for two weeks over coronavirus concerns, the state news agency WAM said on Saturday.
Restaurants and cafes will be allowed to operate for the same period at 20% of capacity, and as long as customers are at least two metres apart, and for delivery services, subject to review. —Reuters
1:02 pm: Kudlow says coronavirus relief package worth more than $2 trillion
Larry Kudlow, director of the U.S. National Economic Council, speaks during a television interview at the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S. on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2020.
Alex Edelman | Bloomberg | Getty Images
The stimulus package under negotiation in the Senate to combat the economic damage from the coronavirus pandemic will likely total more than $2 trillion, White House Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow said on Saturday. The package is equal to about 10% of U.S. economic output, Kudlow told reporters as he went to a meeting with Republican senators on Capitol Hill. “We’re just trying to cover the right bases,” Kudlow said. —Emma Newburger 
12:55 pm: Coronavirus relief must include expanded Social Security payments, Sens. Warren and Wyden say 
The next coronavirus economic relief package must include increased payments for Social Security recipients, U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, wrote Saturday in a CNBC op-ed. “These Americans are scared about their heightened risk for severe illness — and scared about the future as they watch their retirement savings disappear as the pandemic shocks the U.S. economy,” they wrote.
The senators are calling for $200 increase in the monthly benefit payments through the end of 2021. In addition to Social Security recipients, Warren and Wyden wanted monthly payment increases for Veterans and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries. —Kevin Stankiewicz 
12:06 pm: USA Track joins swimming in pushing for Olympic postponement
U.S. Olympic leaders face a growing rebellion after the USA Track and Field chief added to the call for a postponement of the Tokyo Games because of the mushrooming coronavirus crisis.
CEO Max Siegel sent a two-page note to his counterpart at the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, Sarah Hirshland, asking the federation to advocate for a delay. It came late Friday, only a few hours after USA Swimming’s CEO sent a similar letter.
The national committees in Norway and Brazil also have each went public with requests to postpone. —The Associated Press 
11:44 am: Stitch Fix temporarily closes two distribution centers due to coronavirus
Katrina Lake, CEO of Stitch Fix
Adam Jeffery | CNBC
Stitch Fix announced Friday that it will temporarily close two of its distribution centers, one in California and the other in Pennsylvania, due to the coronavirus.
“As a result, please bear with us if your Fix arrives a little later or your return is processed later than planned while we manage through these changes. We will be doing our best to communicate with you individually in these cases, please know our team is working hard to make sure your experience is still the best it can possibly be,” Stitch Fix CEO Katrina Lake said in a statement.
The online personal styling service has four other facilities in the U.S. The company also said it plans to pay its employees impacted by the closures in the near term and “will continue to evaluate doing so if the closures are extended.” Founded in 2011, Stitch Fix went public in 2017. —Amanda Lasky, Jade Scipioni 
10:50 am: Facebook’s response to coronavirus could improve its reputation 
10:17 am: Google launches coronavirus information site to help find testing  
Google dropped its much-anticipated website for coronavirus testing on Friday night. The platform allows users to fill out a questionnaire and learn how to obtain a test for the virus. It also provides resources for safety and prevention and a donation option to the UN Foundation’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organization. —Emma Newburger  
10:05 am: Congress is working on a $1 trillion rescue package, but it might not be enough for US businesses
Congress is scrambling to put together a third coronavirus relief package − and lobbyists are flooding the phones. 
Lawmakers this weekend are pushing to meet the White House’s Monday deadline of coming to an agreement on a rescue package likely to top $1 trillion. Executives have zeroed in on language in Senate Republicans’ initial proposal allocating a portion of those funds to Big Business.
The proposed bill funnels $50 billion to airlines, $8 billion to cargo air carriers, and $150 billion for other “distressed businesses” — a category it leaves notably undefined. But companies have no interest in leaving the definition of “severely distressed business” up to Treasury. —Lauren Hirsch 
10:04 am: S&P 500 could post record highs early next year, JPM says 
The S&P 500 could return to record highs by early next year if U.S. efforts to contain the coronavirus outbreak work and the government can quickly move forward with fiscal stimulus to cushion the impending economic blow, JPMorgan‘s chief U.S. equity strategist said Friday. Dubravko Lakos-Bujas wrote in a note to clients he expects the S&P 500 to reach 3,400 in early 2021. That would top an all-time high of 3,386 set on Feb. 19. —Fred Imbert 
9:19 am: German cases rise by more than 2,000
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Germany has risen by 2,705 within a day to reach 16,662, the Robert Koch Institute for infectious diseases said on Saturday.
It said a total of 47 people had died after testing positive, an increase of 16 from a tally of 31 published on Friday. —Reuters
8:30 am: WHO offers tips for living under quarantine
Don’t smoke, limit drinking, exercise and try not to watch too much news.
These are some of the recommendations from the World Health Organization to stay physically and mentally healthy while living under quarantine. The new coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China less than three months ago has spread to more than 300,000 people in nearly every country across the world. 
More than 100 million people across the world are living under some form of social confinement as public officials struggle to contain the COVID-19 outbreak that’s already claimed more than 12,000 lives. —Dawn Kopecki
8:15 am: Hospitals seek emergency credit and $100 billion in US aid
Medical workers and other officials gather outside of the Brooklyn Hospital Center where testing for the coronavirus has started on March 19, 2020 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City.
Spencer Platt | Getty Images
U.S. hospitals are setting up coronavirus wards and tents, seeking emergency credit lines and lobbying Washington for a $100 billion stabilization fund to help meet an expected onslaught of patients as the pandemic sweeps the nation.
“We believe hospitals and health systems should be top priority number one for the Congress, at this moment,” said Robyn Bash, vice president for government relations at the American Hospital Association. 
The AHA estimates that some hospital systems are losing up to $1 million a day, and the costs are mounting. In many states hospitals have been forced to cancel all elective surgeries, along with non-emergency procedures which generate higher revenues for their facilities. At the same time, they are ramping up staffing to handle the expected influx of acute care patients and spending on as much acute care equipment as they can find.  —Bertha Coombs
7:43 am: Confirmed cases in Spain nears 25,000 as more than 1,300 people die
The Spanish health ministry said Saturday that 1,326 people had now died from the coronavirus in the country, a rise of 324 on the day before.  The total number of confirmed cases now stands at 24,926. 
It comes after Isabel Diaz Ayuso, the president of the region of Madrid, said Friday that the majority of people in Spain’s capital city will get the coronavirus. Speaking to state radio Thursday, she said eight out of 10 people in the city would contract COVID-19.
Spain is second only to Italy for coronavirus-related cases and deaths in Europe, which has become the epicenter of the outbreak. The WHO has advised all countries to adopt a mix of interventions based on an analysis of the local situation and context, with containment as a major pillar. —Katrina Bishop and Sam Meredith
6:21 am: Iran’s death toll tops 1,500 as confirmed cases in the country continue to rise
The number of people who have died from the coronavirus in Iran has reached 1,556 — a rise of more than 100, a health ministry spokesman said on Saturday, Reuters reported.
Speaking on state TV, Kianoush Jahanpour said the total number of confirmed cases was now at 20,610.
Iran has the fifth-highest number of cases of the virus in the world, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. It comes behind China, Italy, Spain, and Germany.
Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said Saturday that the country had to “do everything necessary to return economic production to normal,” Reuters reported. Rouhani said that social distancing measures would likely be lifted in two-to-three weeks. —Katrina Bishop
2:40 am: Starbucks to shut most cafes in US and Canada
Starbucks said it will close most company-operated cafes across North America for two weeks, and service will be limited to drive-throughs, in helping to slow the spread of the virus, according to a Reuters report.
Cafes in or near hospitals and health care centers will be exempted from closing, it said. —Weizhen Tan
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from WordPress http://justtoosilly.com/2020/03/21/new-jersey-shuts-down-nonessential-businesses/
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lcmndearch · 6 years ago
new canon degra/ssi muses !!! 
darcy (lyndsy fonseca) 
katie (with an alt of lily collins) 
fitz (nick robinson) 
emma (margot robbie)
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writersrealmbts · 6 years ago
Cranberry Kisses
Description: One of the Thanksgiving story raffle submissions, Purr-fect Kiss Sequel. Safe with Me Universe. Y/n meets Jimin’s family for thanksgiving.
Warnings: N/A.
Posted: 11/19/2018
Tags: Jimin, Hybrid!Jimin
Fluff: 1,785 words
A/N: It’s not my best work. Seriously. I’m sorry. I struggled with this a lot. 
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“Are you sure about this? What if they don’t like me?” “Y/n, relax. Hoseok already likes you, and I love you so Eomma and Appa will love you too. So will Jungkookie and the triplets.” “Oh gosh, the triplets. What are their names again?” You asked, wringing your hands in the passenger seat. “Minsu, Nari, and Kaemon. Minsu doesn’t have a tail, Kaemon has human ears, that’s how you tell them apart. Relax, the triplets love easily. Kae is the only one you need to be careful around. He’ll warm up to you after a while, just respect his space. He’ll come to you.” Jimin pulled up to the house and parked in his spot, then turned to you. You looked back at him, chewing your lip nervously. “Maybe I shouldn’t have—” “Then you’d be spending Thanksgiving alone. Your parents are on the other side of the country. I love you. You’ll be fine. I’ll be right beside you all day.” Jimin leaned over with a purr and kissed you. “Come on. I want you to meet my family.” You finally got out of the car, carrying the cheesecake you had made for today. He kept purring, trying to comfort you. “It’ll be fine. I promise.” He opened the door and held it for you. You hesitantly stepped inside, immediately inhaling the mouth-watering scent of turkey cooked to perfection and the subtle undertones of a fire in a fireplace. Jimin’s purr got even louder. “Eomma? Appa? I’m home and I brought y/n!” You heard the soft murmur of conversation suddenly turn excited and you gave Jimin a panicked look before a small, knee-high blur of black hair and a red sweater hit Jimin’s legs. “Jimin-ssi!” “You little gremlin, that’s hyung to you,” Jimin laughed, scooping up the child and tossing him into the air before cuddling up with him. “Jimin-ssi!” The boy said again, grinning and then rubbing his nose against Jimin’s. Jimin then tucked the boy up to his neck, both of them scenting each other lovingly. “Missed you, Min-min.” Your heart was bubbling over with warmth at seeing how loving Jimin was with the child and your mind drifted to wondering what he might be like when he was a father. Your head was screeching in panic at meeting his family. Your stomach felt like a stone. Jimin turned with Minsu toward you. “Minsu, this is y/n. My girlfriend.” The boy smiled at you. “Hi!” He was waving. You managed to smile and wave back. Both Jimin and Minsu looked concerned. Minsu beat Jimin to speaking. “Are you scared? We’re not scary! I promise! Well, Yoongi-hyung can be scary. So can Namjoon-hyung. And Appa, when we’ve been naughty. But we’re not scary.” You looked at Jimin. “Does it really show?” He purred with slight amusement. “Come here, y/n. We’ll go out there together.” He set Minsu down. You let him tuck you into his side, and the two of you following Minsu into the kitchen and living room. “Eomma!” Minsu called, running over to the only other woman in the room. A human. Right. Jimin had said she was a human. She looked over and smiled softly, coming over and hugging Jimin. Kissing his cheek, then turning to you and smiling welcomingly. “Y/n? I’m Emma. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Jimin has told us so much about you.” “I brought cheesecake,” You squeaked out, holding out the carrier. She grinned. “Great! I’ll put it in the kitchen.” She took it carefully and walked toward the kitchen. Jimin’s father came over and greeted you, and it wasn’t as scary since you had met him before. “Y/n, we’re so happy you’re joining us for Thanksgiving! We were actually just asking Jimin when we would meet you.” Jimin hissed in embarrassment. “Appa—” Hoseok came over, laughing. “Really, we were. Last friday when Yoongi-hyung got here we didn’t know we would have the pleasure of you joining us.” “Yoongi’s still here, right?” Jimin suddenly was searching the room. “He’s upstairs with the baby,” Jin replied, hand brushing through Minsu’s hair, the child clinging happily to his leg now. A bunny-hybrid (Jungkook, right?) peeked over Hoseok’s shoulder. He looked at you then nodded. “You’re right. She’s even prettier in person, hyung.” You blushed, glancing at Jimin. “Yah! What’s wrong with you?!” Jimin lunged at his brothers, leaving you looking at the three men playfully wrestling with a little surprise. Minsu dove onto the pile, followed by a little girl and another boy and it turned into a tickle fight, the three older boys tickling the younger three kids. Jin chuckled. Soon the pile was just the triplets cuddling and scenting Jimin as if he hadn’t been there in forever when he had just been there yesterday. Kae was the first to frown and pull away, wrinkling his nose. “You have a funny smell on you.” Minsu batted his brother. “It’s his girlfriend, silly. Smells good.” Kaemon’s gaze shifted to you and he shrunk back, hiding behind Hoseok. “It’s okay, Kaemonnie,” Jimin murmured softly. “Take your time. She’s just going to join us for dinner.” Kaemon slowly nodded after he saw you nod and gently smile at him. He studied you from behind Hoseok for a couple minutes, then scrambled behind the other canine-hybrid that came over with a monkey-hybrid that was grinning. Jimin got to his feet. “Uh, anyway. Y/n, this is Jungkook, Namjoon, Taehyung, Kaemon, and this little pup is Nari!” He scooped up the little girl and cuddled her lovingly. She relaxed into his arms, making soft noises of happiness. The soft smell of lilac wafted through the room. You dipped your head. “Nice to meet you all.” Namjoon smiled back at you. Jimin came back to your side, taking your hand. “They don’t normally live here. Just during the holidays. Yoongi-hyung will be down soon. He just adopted the cutest little kitten. Poor thing was abandoned.” Jimin had a slight growl in his voice at the last word. “It’s in the past now,” A new voice said. You turned toward the cat-hybrid that must have been Yoongi. He had a small baby in his arms, and a small giggle came from the bundle along with the smell of vanilla and sugar cookies. Yoongi purred happily. “Hyung, this is y/n. My girlfriend.” Yoongi smiled softly. “Pleased to meet you.” You hesitantly nodded toward the baby. “May I?” He nodded, letting you go over and look at the baby. You could see injuries on her, starting to heal now, but still far too recent. You could smell the medicine that was put on some injury you couldn’t see. “She’s a maine coon and american shorthair mix,” You said, finger tracing over the infant’s ear. He looked at you in surprise. “Y/n specializes in hybrid breeds. Specifically medical anomalies associated with mixing breeds and species in infants,” Jimin explained, rubbing his head against your shoulder. “She’s really good at identifying breeds, even mixed ones.” Yoongi looked at you curiously. “You sure?” “The shape of her ears, her markings, the fact that her fur is between short and long-hair. It narrows it down to a few species. What about her tail?” You asked, knowing it was one of the best confirmations. He tensed. “Got cut off halfway down.” You felt your eyes narrow, and Jimin’s arms around your waist tightened when a growl slowly started in your throat. “What? Who would…ugh. Never mind. I know. She’s obviously better with you. Listen to that healthy purr.” You heard your own voice soften and the purr that came from Jimin said he found the change adorable. “Food’s ready. Hands washed. Jimin, find out what y/n would like for a drink?” Emma called out, taking dishes to the table. Jimin nuzzled into your neck. “What do you want, baby?” “Water. Just water.” You cuddled back into him. “Am I doing okay?” “You’re doing great, baby. Go take a seat, I’ll be there in a second.” You went over somewhat nervously, taking a seat on one side. Jimin came with glasses of water for both of you and sat down on one side. His tail wrapping around your ankle to comfort you a little. He seemed to know that while you found his family nice and welcoming you were still nervous about making a good impression. Kaemon clambered into the seat next to you, perching on the seat and offering you a shy smile. “I sit here?” You smiled back, then nodded. You knew it took him a lot to build up the courage to sit there next to you. Minsu leaned on his elbows. “Are you and Jimin-hyung going to get married?” Emma lightly whapped the pre-schooler’s arms. “No elbows on the table.” You were sure your face looked like a tomato. At the very least you felt like you could fry an egg on your face. Jimin chuckled, purring slightly. “Maybe.” He caught your eye. “What do you think, baby?” You trapped his tail against your ankle with your other foot, making your threat clear. He cleared his throat, suddenly looking nervous. “Uh, right. Anyway, Kae, do you need help?” You looked over saw him struggling to cut some of his turkey. He looked up at you, then offered the utensils to you. You took them, cutting the meat up for him. “There.” The boy caught your hand and rubbed his cheek against the back of it. “Thank you.” You swallowed your weird purr, smiling at him. “You’re welcome.” He gave you a sweet smile, and you could see both of his parents in him. Adorable. Way too adorable. Minsu started talking to you about his lessons and about Jimin, telling you stories in an adorable way that had Jimin blushing and complaining weakly. Minsu just seemed to draw encouragement from his older brother’s protests and the chuckles of the rest of his family. Kaemon kept looking to you when he needed help, even though his Mom was sitting on his other side. You made it through the dinner, following Jimin and two cuddly pre-schoolers into the living room. Jimin sat with you, pulling both boys up to sit with the two of you. They were out before you two even finished getting comfortable. Jimin leaned over and kissed you. He tasted like the cranberry sauce that he appeared to love so much. “See? Told you it’d be fine. They love you.” He was purring and he kissed you again. You leaned into the kiss, finally letting your own garbled purr out.
Masterlist.   Series Masterpost.  Purr-fect Kiss.  Marshmallow World.
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seeyourmysticworld-blog · 7 years ago
Il y a 9 heures (9), il était 3h20 p.m.à San Francisco le 29 mai 2018. Rectification, à l'heure de ma précédente publication :" Il y a 7 heures et 23 minutes,  il était  3h20 p.m. à San Francisco le 28 mai 2018. Dans 17 minutes et 5 heures (17/5), il sera le 30 mai 2018 à Samoa ." Mika se produit au Paléo Festival Nyon, en Suisse, le samedi 23 juillet 2011, pour remplacer Amy Winehouse. C'était il y a 6 jours et 10 mois et 6 ans. (6106) https://twitter.com/EmmanuelMacron/status/935836661610614785(9) (61)(6106) publié le 29 nov. 2017, il y a 6 mois et 1 jour (61) à l'heure du Burkina Faso le 30 mai 2018. Il y a 61 ans (61), commençait l'Eurovision en Suisse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQcXKQQyfXk Публикуван на 17.05.2013 г.(17/5), il y a 13 jours et 5 ans.(13/5) Stop Montagne d'or Précédemment dans ma publication sur skyrock : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1uWunCcU6Y ((l))((1)) ( Y est la 11 ème  données  après   =   ) Публикуван на 11.01.2018 г. (11), il y a 19 jours et 4 mois. (19/4 sainte Emma) à l'heure de Samoa le 30 mai 2018. La vidéo a La Durée de 7:43. Il est 7h 43 a.m.en France le 29 mai 2018." La date de lancement du SSI est le 20 novembre 1998. C'était il y a 19 ans et 6 mois et 9 jours. (1969) ABC a acréé une série de courte durée sur les survivants d'un crash d'avion en 1969 appelée The New People dont l'épisode pilote a été écrit par Rod Serling. (1969) Un  volcan en Antarctique, qui se trouve sur l'île de la Déception, est devenu célèbre à la suite d'une gigantesque éruption en février 1969. (1969) https://twitter.com/NASA/status/941276330586451969 (1969) publié le 14 déc. 2017, il y a 15 jours et 5 mois. (5:15) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAS2XAvINtc La vidéo a La Durée de 5:15. (5:15) ( c est la 11 ème données après   =    ) ajoutée le 2/9/2011, il y a 27 jours et 6 ans et 8 mois (2768) https://twitter.com/FeteLumieres/status/941668546022727680 (2768) publié le 15 déc. 2017, il y a 15 jours et 5 mois. (5:15) La phase lunaire dans ma précédente publication sur skyrock était calculée  il y a 7h43 - 1h22 = 6h21.(21/6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_V2kVebUFPc ( c est la 11 ème données après   =    ) Публикуван на 21.06.2017 г.(21/6), il y a 8 jours et 11 mois.(8/11) https://twitter.com/francediplo/status/1001373087600914434 Lancement ce 29 mai 2018 de la #semaineALC par @JBLemoyne au #QuaidOrsay avec le Séminaire : "Les Energies renouvelables de la Ville durable, nouveaux modèles de partenariats entre l'Amérique latine, les Caraïbes et la France."
La souris a été inventée en 1963 par Douglas Engelbart du Stanford Research Institute et présentée au public en 1968. Le sigle URL (url) (Uniform Resource Locator, littéralement « localisateur uniforme de ressource »), désigne une chaîne de caractères utilisée pour identifier les ressources du World Wide Web : document HTML, image, son, forum Usenet, boîte aux lettres électronique, entre autres. La syntaxe d'une URL est décrite dans la RFC 39861. (61) https://www.monprojetpourlaplanete.gouv.fr/ (url)(a)(p) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa079L5kDbI (a) (5) Публикуван на 17.10.2013 г., il y a 14 jours (14) et 7 mois et 4 ans. (74) à l'heure de Samoa le 31 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5P1neQKN-1k (p) (5) Публикуван на 24.03.2010 г. (24), il y a 5 jours (5) et 2 mois et 8 ans. (2/8) La vidéo a La Durée de 3:03. (3)(3) https://twitter.com/reesmarc/status/1001435369940967424 (14)(3)(5)(3) (74)(24) le 29 mai 2018 29 mai 1453 : La chute de Constantinople, dernier rempart de la chrétienté contre l'islam, met fin au Moyen-Âge. Le commerce avec la Chine est rompu, ce qui encouragera les grandes explorations. 29 mai 1453 en Turquie a eu lieu la première prière musulmane  dans la basilique Sainte-Sophie devenue jusqu'à ce jour mosquée Hagia Sophia d'Istanbul. C'était il y a 565 ans. (565) https://twitter.com/France2tv/status/922856552649936896 (2/8)(565)(5/2)(26)(499)(36) publié le 24 oct. 2017, il y a 7 mois (7) et (5) jours à l'heure de San Francisco le 29 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOIjdy75YqE&t=208s (7)(5)  (2/8) (8 est le dernier chiffre du lien https   ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XIkFDPCatg   ( d est la 6 ème données après   =     ) Публикуван на 5.02.2012 г.(5/2), il y a 26 jours (26) et 3 mois (3m)(oi)(s) et 6 ans.(36) à l'heure de Samoa le 31 mai 2018. (26/6) ou (26/3) https://twitter.com/Axeljumahong1/status/926732490944995328  (26)(499) (2/8) (8 est le dernier chiffre du lien https   ) publié le 4 nov. 2017, il y a 26 jours (26) et 6 mois. (26/6) à l'heure de la Chine le 30 mai 2018. (La 11 ème données après  le 5 ème / est 4 ) (11/5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u_PTd3MWuw (1) (3m) ( d est la 6 ème données (6) après   =     )   (6 est la 10 ème données après   =      ) Публикуван на 8.11.2016 г.(8/11), il y a  1 an (1) et 22 jours et 6 mois (6) .à l'heure de l'Europe le 30 mai 2018. (2:26) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiTiKOy59o4 (oi)  (4) (5)(9) (La 11 ème données après =   est 4 ) ( i est la 4 ème données après  =    ) Публикуван на 4.09.2013 г., il y a 25 jours et 8 mois (25/8) et 4 ans.(4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yD9NpUUlKE (5)(9) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPTIgILtna8  (8) ( i est la 4 ème données (4/) après  =    ) ( P est la 2 ème données (/2) après   =   ) Публикуван на 11.05.2010 г.(11/5) (11/)(/5), il y a 18 jours et 8 ans (8). (18/8) est la date de naissance de Mika  à l'heure de Los Angeles le 29 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP7cPWT_Yuk  (s) ( P est la 2 ème données après   =   )  (6 est la 10 ème données après   =      ) ( w est la 6 ème données après   =    ) Публикуван на 3.06.2014 г., il y a 26 jours et 11 mois (11/) et 3 ans. (26/3) à l'heure de San Francisco le 29 mai 2018. (11)/3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p5mcg4Kp8c ( P est la 2 ème données après   =   ) Публикуван на 4.02.2013 г.(4/)(/2), il y a 26 jours (26) et 3 mois (26/3) et 5 ans (/5). à l'heure de l'Europe le 30 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ASbOUdfCaw ((7)) ( w est la 11 ème données (11) après   =      )  ( S est la 3 ème données (/3) après   =     ) Публикуван на 6.03.2012 г.(6/3), il y a 24 jours (2)(4) et 2 mois et 6 ans (26) à l'heure de la Turquie le 30 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5qN3zUF3Rw   ( w est la 11 ème données (11) après   =      ) Публикуван на 6.11.2014 г. (11), il y a 24 jours (2)(4) et 6 mois et 3 ans. (6/3) à l'heure de l'Antarctique le 30 mai 2018. (6/)(/11) La vidéo a La Durée de 2:26. (2:26) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2x4owkLD_g   (2)(4) ( w est la 6 ème données après   =    )  (D est la 9 ème données après  =   ) (D9) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NksS40bMD94  (D9) (D est la 9 ème données (9/) après  =   ) (D9)   ( S est la 3 ème données (/3) après   =     ) Публикуван на 15.03.2011 г., il y a 15 jours et 2 mois (15/2 saint Claude) et 7 ans ((7)) à l'heure de la France le 30 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgkUxWEstKA ((F)) ( w est la 6 ème données (6/) après   =    )  ( A est la 11 ème données (/11) après   =    ) Публикуван на 20.06.2016 г. (20/6), il y a 11 mois et 9 jours et 1 an (1191)  à l'heure de San Francisco le 29 mai 2018 ou à l'heure de San Andreas le 29 mai 2018. La vidéo a La Durée de 2:26. (2:26) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23VflsU3kZE (23) Публикуван на 9.03.2015 г.(9/)(/3), il y a 20 jours ((20)) et 2 mois et 3 ans (23) à l'heure de San Andreas le 29 mai 2018. Le film est sorti au cinéma un 29 mai. https://www.economie.gouv.fr/files/files/PLF2018/DP_PLF_2018.pdf  (PL)((F))((20)) Le budget protège et prépare l'avenir. La mesure du temps en Chine suit le cycle sexagésimal (LX) chinois entre 1191  ((1191) et 1154 av. J.-C . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPL_qGqSJxA (PL) ( A est la 11 ème données (11/) après   =    ) ( L est la 3 ème données (/3)  après   =    ) Публикуван на 9.11.2017 г.(119), il y a 20 jours ((20)) et 6 mois à l'heure de San Francisco le 29 mai 2018. (20/6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjlXu_MW6a4 (LX) ( L est la 3 ème données  après   =    ) Публикуван на 13.03.2017 г., il y a 15 jours et 2 mois (15/2)  et 1 an ou (1/2) à l'heure de San Francisco le 29 mai 2018, il y a 24 heures. (2)(4) ou il y a 1 an et et 15 jours et 2 mois à l'heure de San Francisco il y a 24 heures (2)(4). (1152) (1154 - 1152 ) = 2 ans (2 ans) Marcellie (m)(ar)(ce)(ll) est le nom de Marseille en 1152. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_mPE9gcQJo (m) (  La 5 ème  donnée après  =    est 9  ) Публикуван на 7.01.2016 г., il y a 24 jours (2)(4) et  2 ans (2 ans) et 4 mois (2)(4) à l'heure de Samoa le 31 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCHy9ariWQ8  (ar) (8/9) ou (9) (8) (  La 5 ème  donnée après  =    est 9  )  ( H est la 3 ème données après    =     ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjhCEhWiKXk (ce) ( H est la 3 ème données après    =     ) Публикуван на 8.09.2010 г.(8/9), il y a 21 jours et 8 mois (21/8) et 7 ans ((7)) à l'heure de San Francisco le 29 mai 2018. Il y a 9 mois et 8 jours (9) (8), c'était l'éclipse totale de Soleil aux USA le 21/8/2017. (21/8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtV-zqFLLpg (F)(ll) Публикуван на 20.07.2017 г. (20/7), il y a 10 jours et 10 mois.(10/10) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF2dYBR2JF4  (F) (2)(4) ( F est la 10 ème données (10/) après   =     ) Публикуван на 10.10.2017 г.(10/10) (10/)(/10), il y a 20 jours et 7 mois. (20/7) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiEWZcE0wY0 (ie) ( e est la 7 ème données ((7)) après   =    )  c'était au cinéma un 13 mai. (13/5) Публикуван на 29.03.2017 г., il y a 1 an et 2 mois. (1/2) à l'heure de San Francisco le 29 mai 2018 ou il y a 2 mois et 1 an et 0 jour. (2:10) à l'heure des Samoa américaines le 29 mai 2018 ou il y a 2 mois et 1 jour et 1 an (2:11) à l'heure de Marseille le 30 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUC7Ow1h4fU  ((7)) ( F est la 10 ème données (/10) après   =     ) Публикуван на 29.06.2013 г., il y a 4 ans et 11 mois. (4:11) à l'heure des Samoa américaines le 30 mai 2018. La vidéo a La Durée de 2:10. (2:10) Le film est sorti au cinéma un 6 mai. (6/5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MPtXUeUznY ( e est la 7 ème données ((7)) après   =    ) La vidéo a La Durée de 4:11. (4:11) Публикуван на 7.07.2014 г.((7)) ((7)), il y a 22 jours et  3 ans et 10 mois.(22310) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTf3ivUFEKM Публикуван на 29.03.2013 г., il y a 2 mois et 0 jour et 5 ans (205) à l'heure de San Francisco le 29 mai 2018. (205) est le numéro de la porte d'Emma............. dans la saison 7 ((7)) de Once upon a time. https://twitter.com/Arianespace/status/930462223109185536  (22310) (3/6) publié le 14 nov. 2017, il y a 15 jours et 6 mois. (156) https://twitter.com/mikasounds/status/899943523851567104 (89)(99)(156) publié le  22 août 2017, il y a 8 jours et 9 mois (89) ou (9)(8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99_BOsxIt6w (99) Публикуван на 28.02.2009 г, il y a 2 jour et 3 mois et 8 ans.(23/8 sainte Rose)  ou (2:38) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1Kpp6RJZFg (205) est le numéro de la porte d'.............. dans la saison 7 de la série Once upon a time. Публикуван на 24.07.2017 г., il y a 10 mois et 5 jours. (1:05) à l'heure de Los Angeles le 29 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm5lKmzG1dc ( m est la 6 ème données  après   =      ) La vidéo a La Durée de 2:38. (2:38) Публикуван на 17.03.2016 г., il y a 12 jours et 2 mois et 2 ans. (1222) https://twitter.com/AtmoHdF/status/975672251898122240 (9/7)(5) (518)(9)(8)(1222) (815) est le numéro de la porte de ........... dans la saison 7 de la série Once upon a time. publié le 19 mars 2018, il y a 2 mois et 11 jours. (2:11) à l'heure de l'Océanie le 30 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkHi1WmTs_s ( m est la 6 ème données  après   =      ) Публикуван на 14.12.2015 г., il y a 15 jours et 5 mois (5) et 2 ans. (15/2 saint Claude) à l'heure de San Francisco le 29 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUKshaJsKVk (V) = (5) ( a est la 6 ème données après   =     ) Публикуван на 9.07.2009 г.(9/7), il y a 21 jours et 10 mois (10) (10 mois) et 8 ans. (21/8) à l'heure de l'Europe le 30 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7IZ4ADD9gc ( a est la 6 ème données après   =     ) Публикуван на 3.04.2018 г., il y a 57 jours (5)(7) à l'heure de San Francisco le 29 mai 2018. La vidéo a La Durée de 10:35. (10) (3/5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N7DQOCrfbQ  (5)(7) L’Organisation hydrographique internationale (OHI) est une organisation intergouvernementale consultative et technique, établie par une convention signée à Monaco le 3 mai 1967  (3/5). C'était il y a  51 ans et 27 jours. (51)(27) L'OHI  (OH)(I)concrétise une coopération commencée au début du xxe siècle entre les États qui disposaient d'une capacité à réaliser des levées hydrographiques et à publier des cartes marines. https://www.facebook.com/canneseries/videos/340910759751278/ (3)  (9/7)(51)(27) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHwMyZtDocw (OH) vidéo non disponible le 30 mai 2018 ajoutée le 21 juin 2016, il y a 11 mois et 1 an et 9 jours (1119) à l'heure de l'Arctique le 30 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWjnlMAVr60 (I)  (6) (V ) =  (5) ( v est la 8 ème données  après    =     ) Публикуван на 15.09.2014 г., il y a 8 mois (8) et 15 jours (815) et 3 ans (3) à l'heure de la Russie le 30 mai 2018. (8/3) ou (3:15) La vidéo a La Durée de 1:05. (1:05) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ6-asFmbYk  (6)  (6/) ( m est la 8 ème données (8)  après    =    ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3b8btcCmL0c (3)  (/3) ( m est la 8 ème données (8)  après    =    ) Публикуван на 21.11.2012 г., il y a 8 jours (8) et 6 mois et 5 ans. (6/5) à l'heure de Los Angeles le 29 mai 2018 ou il y a 6 mois (6) et 5 ans et 8 jours (5/8) ou il y a 5 ans (5) et (8/6) ou il  y a 5 ans (V) et (6/8). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHQg51mvyHA (15) ( v est la 8 ème données (8)  après    =     ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgLKjliScaE (v) ( E est la 11 ème données  après   =     ) Публикуван на 14.07.2015 г., il y a 15 jours (15) et 10 mois (10 mois) et 2 ans. (15/2 saint Claude) à l'heure de San Francisco le 29 mai 2018. (2:10) Le film est sorti au cinéma un 5 août. (5/8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu3Wfx-mgjE ( E est la 11 ème données (11/)  après   =     )  ( f est la 5 ème données (/5) après   =    ) Публикуван на 8.06.2017 г.(8/6),  il y a 21 jours et 11 mois. (1121) https://twitter.com/CANNESERIES/status/982652128413061121 (52)(12/8) (3/6)(1121) publié le 7 avr. 2018, il y a 52 jours. (52) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRWFf5f6q7g  (5) ( f est la 5 ème données (5) après   =    ) Публикуван на 12.08.2014 г.(12/8), il y a 17 jours et 9 mois et 3 ans. (1793) L'évolution du nombre d'habitants à Marseille est connue à travers les recensements de la population effectués dans la commune depuis 1793. (1793) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gPrNpHaFX8 ( P est la 3 ème données  après    =     ) Публикуван на 7.05.2014 г., il y a 23 jours et 4 ans. (23/4 saint Georges ) à l'heure de Marseille le 30 mai 2018. C'est  la Pleine Lune  le Mardi 29 Mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7PPkDyb0RE ( E est la 11 ème données (11/)   après   =     )   ( P est la 3 ème données (/3)  après    =     ) ( y est la 7 ème données ((7)) après   =     ) Публикуван на 8.03.2007 г.(8/3), il y a 21 jours et 2 mois et 11 ans. (2:11) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CGVgAYJyjk ( y est la 7 ème données ((7)) après   =     ) La vidéo a La Durée de 3:15. (3:15) Публикуван на 23.12.2009 г., il y a 6 jours et 8 ans (6/8) et 5 mois.(5/8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWUY5hQomOA  (5) Публикуван на 21.02.2017 г.(21/2), il y a 8 jours (8) et 3 mois et 1 an. (13/8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHs5DAG76HY Публикуван на 13.08.2012 г.(13/8), il y a 15 jours et 9 mois (1:59) et 5 ans. (5) , il y a 24 heures. à l'heure de San Francisco le 29 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lMAKswiKZA ( Z est la 10 ème données  après   =      ) Публикуван на 20.08.2010 г., il y a 11 jours et 9 mois et 7 ans. (9/7) à l'heure de Samoa le 31 mai 2018. (11/7) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2uXfhTmc8g Публикуван на 11.07.2015 г.(11/7), il y a 19 jours (19) et 2 ans et 10 mois. (2:10) à l'heure de l'Europe le 30 mai 2018. Il y a 19 ans (19) commençait la série Charmed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJ5zUzVUMZE ( Z est la 10 ème données  après   =      ) Публикуван на 29.08.2013 г., il y a 9 mois et 0 jour et 0 décennie et  4 ans .(9004) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HntMvr2-JM ( M est la 11 ème  données  après    =      ) Публикуван на 30.10.2017 г., il y a 0 jour et 0 an et 7 mois (7 mois).à l'heure de San Francisco le 30 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ2DVwSVIIo Публикуван на 2.10.2009 г.(2:10), il y a 28 jours et 7 mois (7 mois)  et 8 ans. (28/8) à l'heure de l'Europe le 30 mai 2018. (28/8 est la sortie de l'album La rencontre ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mxH0NtC0c4 (9004) Публикуван на 2.07.2015 г.(2/7), il y a 27 jours (2/7) et 2 ans et 10 mois. (2/10) (2:10) à l'heure de San Francisco le 29 mai 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFkSMHle8-M ( M est la 11 ème  données  après    =      ) La vidéo a La Durée de 3:40. (3:40) Dans 3h40 minutes (3:40), il sera le 31 mai à Samoa. Публикуван на 23.11.2009 г., il y a 0 décennie et 0 siècle et  7 jours (007) (7h00) et 6 mois et 8 ans. (6/8) à l'heure de Los Angeles le 30 mai 2018. (6/8) est la date de sortie au cinéma du film Lucy. Dans 20 minutes, il sera 3h40 a.m. à New York le 30 mai 2018. Il est 7h00 dans la vidéo de Mika. Il y a 20 minutes, il était 7h00 à Abidjan et au Burkina Faso le 30 mai 2018.
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dewypanda-blog · 13 years ago
You know your friend likes K-Pop too much when the first thing you think when you see his new haircut is "He looks like one of those boys from Emma-ssi's blog"
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doctoraliceharvey · 13 years ago
Rule 1- Post the rules.
Rule 2- Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3- Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4- Let them know you tagged them.
What’s your favourite band of all time?
Probably Muse
If you could do one thing, right now, what would it be and why?
Write, well, I mean, I can write, I guess I'm trying to say.....inspiration? XD
When were you at your happiest?
Right now. "Right now" being the past six months or so, when I discovered tumblr and wonderful people and found out more about myself.
5 people you’d want to meet most from tumblr?
Margot, Dany, Emma, You, Rebeca
Who would you like to meet, dead or alive?
Queen Victoria
Which country would you most like to live in?
Right now? Turkey.
What you find most attractive in people?
Eyes usually and humor after that.
Have you ever had a pen pal from another country?
Yup, I did, an email Tudor pen pal from Vancouver, Canada.
Favourite TV show of all time?
Battlestar Galactica, I will never give up on this show.
Most prized possession?
Right now, my computer.
Sexiest person alive?
Beacause I've been looking at her pictures recently: Cate Blanchett.
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