#emma x f!oc
emma-nation · 1 year
The Curse Of Hackett's Quarry
Chapter 2 - The Hermit
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Summary: After the events of a traumatic night, Emma Mountebank finds out she still a werewolf. While she learns how to deal with this new reality, new problems and feelings come to surface. Pairings: Emma/Abi, Emma/f!OC
Notes: Thanks for the comments and likes. It means a lot to me as it's the first fic I'm writing after a long break. I hope you enjoy what I've been planning for the next chapters! :)
Full Story:
The Hermit card generally indicates a period of soul-searching, introspection and solitude. A period of isolation attempting to heal from a difficult situation. 
The morning after her first transformation, Emma had a hard time cleaning herself before heading back to her dorm in college. She was so exhausted and sick that she missed classes for the next two days.
The second transformation by the end of October wasn't any easier, but she was more prepared this time. She knew what to expect and had enough time to improve the safety measures.
The third transformation was a little less painful. Emma started working out regularly, increasing it significantly by the week of the transformation. She wanted to run a few tests and it worked. The impact of the shifting was more bearable when her body was in a better shape. 
The last full moon of 2021 was the most terrible of all, considering Emma got very sick after waking up in the woods with her clothes torn off, during a cold Winter morning. 
She had never escaped from her restraints, so far. And with her mother being a dentist surgeon, she had no trouble stealing sedatives to keep the creature drowsy. Her priority at the moment was to find somewhere safe and warm where she could transform without any risks to herself or to other people. 
In her old bedroom, at her parents' house, she felt comfortable recording a video again. Not to post online or to show anyone. But she had to vent about everything that was going on.
"People are finally starting to forget about that fucking incident at that cursed Summer Camp. My respects to Mr. H and his family - I hope they found peace, but…" It was sincere. Emma liked Chris and his kids. She lamented their Summer ended in such a tragedy. She didn't know the rest of the family, but the other counselors, who had closer encounters with them, were scared. They seemed kinda dangerous. "I haven't. I'm not allowed to move on. That night will never end, at least for me."
At least the journalists stopped trying to contact Emma or her parents again. The negative comments about her around the internet decreased too. After an episode of the 'Bizarre Yet Bonafide' podcast about Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp, more people started to believe their innocence.
"Everyone else is moving on with their lives - Abi is going to Art School, Kaitlyn is traveling the world, Ryan has started his own podcast, Nick is taking a sabbatical year, Dylan is studying quantum physics and Jacob… well, fuck Jacob. I blocked him everywhere. The thing is, I wish I could do the same. But instead I'm… surviving. I'm learning to adapt to this new fucked up reality."
She hadn't told any of the other counselors she was still infected. No one had called her in months. Yet, she'd check their socials on a daily basis, searching for signs any of them could be struggling with the same issue. Which wasn't happening, after all she was the only one who was bitten by Silas Vorez. 
"And the question remains… if Silas is dead, why am I still infected?"
January 2022
There was a reminder flashing on Emma's cell phone screen. Full Moon. That was the reason why she had spent the whole morning working out hard. Now, she was starving and ready to devour as much food as she could. Her appetite had increased significantly that one time. 
"Hey, Abi," Emma attempted to call her best friend again while she followed to the campus restaurant. "How have you been? I… I'd love to hear from you. I can't wait to hear everything about Art School. Call me."
"Hello, Red Hood," she heard a familiar voice right behind her. Penelope Dalton. One of the popular girls who wouldn't leave Emma alone. "Who's Abi?"
She ignored the question. Back in High School, she used to be one of the popular girls too and she knew exactly how annoying and cruel they could be.
"Maybe she hasn't called yet because she was taken by the Big Bad Wolf," added Christina, one of Penelope's friends, raising giggles from the rest of their cliqué.
"Or maybe," Penelope continued, "she's a decent person who stood up by her friend, Jacob. After all, we know who caused that bloody fight in the camp, after a Truth or Dare game."
The incoming transformation always triggered Emma's worst moods. The mention of Jacob's name still ignited something inside her, feelings she was trying to bury. She automatically felt her skin burning, as well as the adrenaline pumping in her veins.
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up."
Emma attempted to close her eyes and take a deep breath, fighting the urge to go feral and teach that girl a lesson. 
"Or what? Are you going to kill me and cry wolf ?"
Her attempt to be funny raised laughs. People were starting to reunite around them to watch the fight. 
Less than one second later, Emma's fist hit Penelope right in the eye. It'd certainly leave a nasty bruise.
"Your psychotic bitch! Look what you've done!"
Penelope advanced in her direction, pinning her to the ground, where she started pulling her hair. Emma's reflexes were increased due to her incoming transformation. Although Penelope was taller, soon Emma managed to switch positions and get on top of the girl, slapping her face hard.
It didn't take long for the campus security to arrive. In the end, Penelope only signed an incident report and Emma was punished with a disciplinary suspension. She was also warned about her recurring absences. 
During High School, Emma spent all those four years dreaming of college. Now, she didn't know if she wanted to be there anymore. She still could pursue her acting career without that.
After that Full Moon, she decided she wanted a break to find herself again. She decided to quit college and find herself a job. 
It wasn't an easy task. Not because she wasn't skilled, but whenever people ran a background check, she'd get rejected. People were still afraid of the negative attention her presence could bring.
That small diner in the heart of New York City was her last resort. 
"Name?" The owner, Addison Davies, asked while taking notes on a paper.
"Emma," she told, making a pause before adding her last name. "Mountebank."
The woman didn't seem to be paying too much attention, what gave her some hope. Maybe she wouldn't research her criminal records after all. 
"Do you have any experience as a waitress, Emma?"
"No, but I'm a quick learner. I'm also an aspiring actress, which means I have a lot of charisma dealing with people."
She was about to speak about her experience as counselor, where all the kids adored her. But she stopped herself. 
"An aspiring actress?"
"Yes. I signed up for a few auditions but while I don't have anything in sight, I need another source of income."
"When can you start?"
"Right now?" Emma furrowed her brows, already expecting another rejection.
It didn't happen. Either that woman didn't read the news or she really didn't care. 
"Great, come with me and I'll show you what to do."
Addison was very satisfied to see how good she was doing and how quick she learned. She never asked any questions about Emma's past. She even agreed to give her an extra day off, during one specific day of the month. 
Getting a new place to live was Emma's next goal. Her parents weren't happy when she dropped out of college. Living under the same roof was becoming impossible. They argued most part of the time. For many years, Emma did everything to please her parents and fulfill their expectations, but right now, she had other priorities in mind.  
During her free time at the diner, she'd check the newspaper for announcements.
"Looking for a place to live?" Jenna was Emma's co-worker. She treated her well since the first day, giving her some useful tips. They were becoming good friends. 
"Yes, do you happen to know any?"
"One of my roommates just moved out after graduating. Ben and I could really use somebody else to help with rent."
Benjamin also worked on the diner. He was more quiet and introspective, but very friendly. 
"Do you mind if I check it tonight?"
They lived in a studio apartment. The bedroom was large and comfortable, but what caught Emma's attention the most was the basement she noticed once she entered the building. According to Jenna, it was always locked and never used by anyone. That could be the solution to all of her problems. During the Full Moon nights, she could just lock herself in there.
"Do you think the landlord would rent it for me?"
"I don't know, you could speak to him but… why?"
"I… uh… I could use some space to record my videos and rehearse for my auditions, you know?"
Jenna didn't ask any further questions. Emma spoke to the landlord in the same week she moved to the studio. After selling her car, she paid him some cash to have exclusive access to the basement. As well as the permission to make a few adjustments.
Emma had everything prepared for the next Full Moon. Metal chains to restrain her body were installed in the basement. She didn't want the risk of an accident, in case somebody ever decided to open that door to investigate possible noises. There was also a small bathroom in there that she could use to clean herself when she became human again.
"What kind of videos are you recording down here?" Ben was in the basement, holding one of the chains attached to the walls. Wondering if she had forgotten to lock the door, Emma almost dropped the supplies she was carrying downstairs - snacks, water and fresh clothes.
"Horror. I'm really into horror movies and… I've been doing some auditions for a role in the genre."
"Every once in a month?"
She let out a breath. It was obvious they'd notice someday, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.
"Huh?" In that moment, Emma prayed she was really a good actress. She forced a confused expression. "What are you talking about? I come here everyday. When you're still at the diner."
"You were in a terrible mood earlier today," Ben crossed his arms, staring at her with a suspicious look on his face. "And you're the most cheerful and energetic person I've ever met."
"Have you ever heard of PMS?"
Benjamin let out a small laugh, before adding:
"You lost control of your strength and accidentally smashed a glass in your hand this morning."
"I'm a little clumsy sometimes," Emma lied again. 
"You made a deal with our boss that you couldn't take night shifts on one specific day of the month and the following morning," she never assumed they'd notice that one detail. "Each one of these nights have Full Moons."
She raised her hands defeated. Ben didn't look scared or even upset. He didn't even show any surprise.
"Don't tell anyone. Please? I'll find another place to live. I just need some time."
"I can help you, Em."
"What?! Why?! Are you out of your mind? I have no control of myself. I'll kill you."
Benjamin sat on a chair and asked Emma to sit too, in front of him.
"West Virginia. My uncle. One night he was hunting in the woods, when he got bitten," he started telling. "At first we assumed it was an animal, but… after that he'd transform every Full Moon. We had to keep an eye on him, to prevent him from slaughtering people."
"And…" Emma stared into his eyes. "Is he cured now? Did you find a way to break the curse?"
"He went missing," Ben answered after a mournful pause. "Dead. Most likely. The neighbors started noticing something was off."
Emma swallowed dry. If she wasn't careful enough, that could be her fate too.
"Do you think anybody else noticed something is wrong about me?"
"No, I only noticed because I became familiar with the signs. But you should tell Jenna. She's at nursing school, she could help you with the tranquilizers."
And like that, her roommates became her 'Wolf Pack', as Emma liked to call them. They didn't mind covering her shifts or staying awake monitoring her werewolf form through the cameras they installed in the basement. A shotgun with silver shells was always prepared in case the worse scenario happened. 
The mornings after her transformation were the worst. Emma would feel exhausted and sore. She'd spend hours under the shower, where she'd let her emotions flow. No one had seen her crying yet. All the time, she acted tough and confident. No one could tell there was something so traumatic going on in her life. But in the loneliness of the early hours of those mornings, she felt like a scared lonely child.
April, 2022
After months of agony and misery, everything seemed to be falling in place, but Emma still couldn't feel like herself. She'd still attempt to record videos as she used to do in the past. But it wasn't the same. Her venting always came back to the same subject. She couldn't even post that online - people would assume she had definitely lost her sanity. But at least it was a good kind of therapy.
Ben and Jenna were helping her with an extensive research, but she couldn't find any clues that lead to an explanation of why she was still infected.
"Ugh," she placed her laptop away from her. "Not even the detective I hired could find any information about Eliza and Silas Vorez. It's like they never existed."
"They were probably using fake names," Ben suggested. "The woman kept the guy caged like an animal. That's certainly illegal."
"We should try a psychic someday," Jenna said. "Do you think they'd know anything about werewolves?"
"I doubt it."
"The Deep Web?"
"Oh, no. Ben taught me how to access it and I found some very… disturbing stuff there."
"I warned you about the werewolf kink," Ben said, letting out a laugh.
"Please, don't say it again," Emma made a disgusted face. "I wish I could unsee it."
"Anyways, it's your birthday tonight and we should definitely go out to celebrate."
It was the first time Emma wasn't excited for her birthday. All the previous years she'd throw wild parties and crowd her house with friends. Now, she barely left the apartment. She was either working at the diner, researching werewolves and once in a while, she'd sign up for auditions. So far, her only work as an actress was a small internet ad she did to promote Addison's diner.
"Happy birthday to me," Emma spoke to her cell phone's camera later, when she was lying in bed. "I turned nineteen today. Yay!"
"It was different from my other birthdays. I didn't get so many messages or gifts. No wild parties either. No, crazy parties actually. I don't like the word 'wild' anymore, now it reminds me of…"
She didn't finish. It was always hard to say it aloud. Even to herself. 
"I went out with Ben and Jenna to try to forget about… that thing . Sometimes I can allow myself to act like a normal girl and have some fun. I met some people during our night outs. Guys and girls too. But dating is not an option right now."
"I mean… how am I supposed to even squeeze a relationship among all this crazy shit that has been happening to me? I know some freaks have a werewolf kink but I bet they'd run away the second I burst into that bloody mess of a monster."
"There's one person though… nevermind."
She turned off the camera. The person she had in mind hadn't even called her yet. Not even to wish her a happy birthday. 
June, 2022
It was the beginning of another Summer. Almost one year had passed since that last night at Summer Camp. Emma was on her lunch break when got a call from an unknown number. Her heart skipped a beat - she was expecting a call about an audition she had done a few days later. But she never imagined the voice on the other side of the line would ruin that little balance she was attempting to keep in her inner world.
"Emma? It's me, Abi."
"A-Abi?" The corners of her mouth curled up in a smile. "It's… uh… it's been a long time. How have you been?"
"I'm home from college and I was wondering if you'd like to hangout."
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Free, bees!
Thank you so much for the ask!
free: If you have kids, how do you spend time with them if they’re out for the summer?
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We... don't have any kids. We are both quite young, after all.
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It's true.
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However, we would love to adopt in the future!
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It would appear a child is tugging on Emma's sleeve.
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How did you-
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I think this girl is a fan of yours...
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Miss Magorobi, I'm such a big fan of your work! Can I have your autograph?!
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Why of course you can! What's your name, little one?
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My name's Kotoko! I'm the Li'l Ultimate Drama!
Emma signs the autograph.
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Thank you so much!
The girl skips away.
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...I hope she makes it home safely...
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...(Something is very wrong...)
bees: How do you and your f/o like the new wildlife that surface when it gets warm?
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Truth be told, neither of us are very fond of the wilderness.
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There are just so many pests...
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I don't like bugs...
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And...I don't recommend wearing a flannel in 90 degree weather...
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*Whispering* She does have a summer outfit though, it's really cute~
Once again, thank you so much for asking! Have a wonderful day!
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jerzwriter · 19 days
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I have had this ask sitting in my inbox for far, far too long, and this one, too. lol I finally had an idea—and I have one for the Carricks coming soon! I hope you enjoy it!
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan x Kaycee (F!MC) Featuring: Emma Ramsey (F!OC) Rating: General Words: Summary: Ethan wonders what happened to his sweet little girl, who thought he could do no wrong. It seems all he and Kaycee get these days are eye rolls and sighs. So when she asks her "embarrassing" parents for a favor, they begin to conspire.
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Emma woke up at the crack of dawn, nothing short of a miracle given the tween definitely took after her mother when it came to mornings. There was only one early bird in this family, and he was chuckling at his sleepy daughter as she stumbled into the kitchen, where he had been enjoying his coffee while reading the news.
“Well, well, well,” he grinned. “What’s the miracle that you’re up this early.”
Emma stopped pouring her cereal at once. “Dad!” she groaned.
Ethan watched her with a small smile, wondering what happened to the little girl who thought he could do no wrong, the one who made him feel like a hero when he so much as found her lost toy. But she was in her tween years now, and nothing was the same. Suddenly, everything he said, wore or did was embarrassing and bound to ruin Emma's image for life. He missed the simpler days; those precious memories now felt like they were a lifetime away.
“Excited for the last day of school?” he asked, already knowing the answer. Of course, she was. She had been talking about the end-of-the-year party for weeks. It was a tradition at her school, and Emma’s classmates were only looking forward to one thing more than summer vacation – and that was the appearance of the Ramsey family’s brownies at the party.
“Dad, you and Mom made the brownies, right?” Emma asked, a tinge of nervousness in her voice.
Just then, a half-asleep Kaycee shuffled into the kitchen. “Morning,” she yawned as she stretched her arms over her head, startled when she saw Emma awake. “And what are you doing up so early, young lady?”
“Ugh,” Emma grimaced as Kaycee received a sympathetic look from Ethan.
“What did I say?”
Ethan shrugged as he rose to his feet and made his wife a cup of tea. “It’s the year-end party, and Emma is concerned that we won't fulfill our obligation and make her class brownies.”
“When have we let you down?” Kaycee smiled. “We’re going to make them this morning so they’re nice and fresh when Daddy and I bring them to school after lunch.”
Emma’s eyes went wide with panic. “What if you don’t have time! Everyone's looking forward to them!”
“Emma,” Ethan assured. “Your Mom and I have it under control. We’ll have them at your class right on time.”
Emma narrowed her eyes, sensing something was off, but shrugged it off. “All right. Just…please don’t be weird, OK?”
Kaycee smiled sweetly. “We’ll try, dear. We'll try.”
Before they knew it, it was party time! Ethan and Kaycee walked into Emma’s classroom, each carrying a baking dish covered in aluminum foil. The kids rushed over to them, eyes wide with excitement. Emma stood up front, trying to act aloof but clearly pleased that her parents had come through.
“Alright, everyone,” Kaycee announced, placing her tray on the table. “Emma told us you’ve all been so excited for these.”
“That’s right,” Ethan chimed in. “We worked really hard on these, didn’t we, sweetheart?”
Emma rolled her eyes the second Ethan said sweetheart, and Kaycee stifled a giggle.
“We worked very hard, honey bun,” she added. “We decided to make them a little differently this time, so we hope you like them!"
The kids all but squealed when she pulled the foil off her dish with a dramatic flourish to reveal… dozens of brown paper cutouts of the letter E. The room fell silent for a moment as the kids stared in confusion. Then, one by one, they started to understand, and the laughter began... for everyone except Emma.
“Mooooom! Daaaaad!” She groaned.
But her parents feigned surprise. “What?” Ethan asked. “You asked for brownies, and we came through. Brown E’s, just like you asked!”
Emma crossed her arms, trying to look annoyed, but the corners of her mouth were twitching into a smile.
Ethan, who had been holding back his own laughter, stepped forward with the second tray. “Don’t worry, Emma. We brought the real brownies, too.”
The kids cheered as he cut the gooey brownies into neat squares, placing one on each child’s plate. Only then did Emma join in on the fun.
“OK, OK, that was actually pretty funny,” she admitted.
Ethan ruffled her hair. “See? We’re more than just embarrassing.”
Kaycee leaned in, giving Emma a quick kiss on the cheek. “And you wouldn’t want us any other way.”
Emma, still chewing on her brownie, giggled. “Yeah, yeah. You’re all right. Thanks, Mom and Dad.”
And she meant it. As the kids sat in a circle devouring their brownies, Emma kept sneaking peeks at her parents, laughing and chatting with the other adults in the room. Even with her eye rolls and exasperated sighs, she knew she loved them with all her heart and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
She might, however, change a few items in her dad's wardrobe....
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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lov3-lik3-ghosts · 24 days
Hello! First off, congrats on your mum’s business🙂‍↕️
Here’s a one shot request that you can shape to your liking:
f!reader overhears Enoch talk badly about her and an argument arises. The classic miscommunication trip hahah
have fun and thanks🍝
Leak Death
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Pairing: Enoch O’Connor x fem!reader.
Summary: Enoch has refused to let anyone else know of your relationship for months but still acts out when someone else takes an interest.
Warnings: Not beta or proofread. Use of Y/n. Slight mentions of an OC character.
Word Count: 2.4k
Note: Hi, lovely! You’re so kind, I’ll be sure to pass your congratulations along <3 First time writing Enoch dialogue so I hope you enjoy!
request guidelines | mother m-list
“Y/n?” His fist rapped against the wood of your door, each tap sounding through your room with the same erratic pounding of your heart. You don’t answer him, huddling deeper into the corner of your bed, against the wall.
He doesn’t let up.
Your name is called two times more, said through a gradually thickening accent. Your bottom lip wobbles. The longer he speaks the more his words echo through you, forming half collerative truths.
Enoch had always told you the truth, harshly said or not and he’d always been able to read you like a book. It was lovely when you’d been new to the loop, something you could easily latch onto and take comfort in. But now, when he knew everything about you, spilled from your lips and dripped from your soul… Enoch couldn’t keep your secrets, only his own.
“Y/n, please!” He pleads, his knocks fading into silence.
“She’s pathetic.”
Pathetic. That’s what he thought of you and Enoch never lied. Never to you, never about you.
“I’m s- I’m sorry.” The apology is forced through gritted teeth, as foreign to your ears as it was his tongue and to you, nothing but insincere. “Please just open the door?”
“Her peculiarity was intriguing to me at first too. Now I know it’s nothing but an inconvenience to us, a curse really.”
You are cursed. One touch of your body in the wrong place and you risk the possibility of unintentionally taking someone’s life. Poison runs through your ulnar veins and produces a slick substance on your wrists, never ending and never washing away, no matter how hard you scrub it always comes right back. A brush of the skin there or a leak through your gloves, everything becomes unsafe.
“There’s been countless times we’ve had to spend the day out just because she caught her glove on something. You think you’d be safe kissing her? Holding her hand? You’d die quick and painful. The loop couldn’t save you.”
The poison acts quick, leaking through most fabrics and seeping right through the pores of any skin it touches. Death is almost instantaneous once it’s been touched.
“She’s a walking hazard.” He scoffed. “She leaks death.”
You are always a hazard. You’ll always leak death.
You don’t always have to be pathetic.
Your door shakes under the weight of his fist once again. His voice has stayed quiet until now, speaking as though you were conversing face to face. “Y/n,” He pleads louder. “Please. If you just open the door, I can explain. Or- or don’t open it and just let me know you’re listening.”
You scoot to the edge of your bed, shoving your blanket to the side. The mattress squeaks lightly under you and you cringe, praying he didn’t hear and take it as a sign to keep talking. Trying your hardest to stay quiet, you shuffle over to the door.
The brass of the door handle makes a funny noise against the leather of your glove, squeaking as your fingers curl around it.
Enoch is silent on the other side and you wonder for a second if maybe he’d given up like you’d earlier knew he would but then his voice sounds again, only this time he’s not speaking to you.
“What do you want, Emma?” He spits, a dagger of defence spearing through the silence.
You pause, every breath feeling too loud, too incriminating.
“You’re a jerk, Enoch.” Emma claims. You can almost picture how she stands, tall with her shoulders back and frowning in the way only she can, sure and disappointed. “I can’t believe you.”
“Leave. This has nothing to do with you.” Enoch snarls.
This Enoch was more familiar to you, angry and defensive always. This was the Enoch you’d met way back when, fresh to the loop and in need of a friend. This was the Enoch who could only ever keep his own secrets, have his own back.
“Y/n is my friend. This has everything to do with me.” Emma defends, scoffing loud enough for you to hear. “You’re a jerk. How many times did Miss Peregrine have to convince us that there was nothing wrong with our peculiarities despite what non-peculiars had to say about them? All for you to become a part of the problem.”
“You don’t think I know that?” He spits. “I’m trying to apologise, so just go away, Emma.”
“No!” She exclaims. “You do this all the time! You’ve treated her badly since you met her, the only difference this time was that she didn’t just let it happen.”
Your heart pangs. They all knew. They all knew how much of a pushover you are, how pathetic you are. Embarrassment gnaws at your gut.
“Y/n is more than capable of sticking up for herself.” Enoch says firmly, his accent twanging into a growl. “Don’t make her out to be stupid. You're not around to see it.”
Emma stays silent for a moment. “You think that makes what you say acceptable?”
It’s a rhetorical question really but Enoch answers anyway, with words you never expected to roll off his tongue. “No.” He grits. “But my girlfriend is more than capable of telling me if she has a problem, she doesn’t need your help.”
Your breath catches in your throat. Your hold on the handle tightening.
There’s a collective gasp through the hallway that causes your eyebrows to furrow, the sound much too loud to be only Emma.
You open the door before you can really think about what you’re doing, coming face to face with the wide eyes of your loop-mates. Miss Peregrine stands behind them, her sharp gaze flitting sternly between you and Enoch. When her eyes catch yours she stares for a long moment, one that has your heart pausing for a whole new reason, before she smiles softly.
“Come along, children,” She beckons, gesturing to the stairs beside her. “I think Enoch and Y/n have some things to discuss.”
The youngest of the children go without question, muttering between themselves as they glance between you and Enoch with unbidden excitement. Olive gives you a long glance before she follows, one that you can’t quite decipher the meaning of but don’t yet care much for.
Jacob, Emma and Sam all linger. Emma’s mouth gapes and snaps shut twice before she turns to you. “Y/n?” Her wide eyes glimmer with question, straying only to further scan you. You shuffle uncomfortably, her eyes scorching your skin.
“Emma?” You murmur back, avoiding her piercing gaze.
“I-“ You take a deep, grounding breath. “Maybe? I’m– I’m sorry for not… telling you.”
Emma clenches her jaw. “Why didn’t you?” She spits.
You ignore the tightening of your throat. Jacob steps forward, resting a grounding hand in the crook of her shoulder. Emma seems to sense something in the touch, taking a small step back into his chest.
You stammer over a few words, trying to scramble together a response that wouldn’t paint Enoch in a bad light.
You’re not sure why you’re still trying to protect him, still defending his case even when you didn’t agree, didn’t understand it but you are; you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to stop.
Words fail you.
But like he always does, Enoch reads you like a yawning book, wide and full of secrets. He does something he’s only ever done once. “It’s my fault,” He takes the blame. “I didn’t want anyone to know. It wasn’t anyone’s business.” Even if it was his fault.
“Of course it was.” Emma says, exasperated. Raising and dropping her arm in his direction for full effect.
You see Enoch’s jaw clench in the corner of your eye, pulling taught in the way you’ve always loved, but he doesn’t respond. You look away.
“Emma,” Miss Peregrine interrupts, tone as firm as always. “Take a minute to cool down before you get ready for super. Jake, go with her.” She instructs.
Emma takes a breath, lips forming a would be argument. One look from Miss Peregrine has her quickly relenting, her lead boots clanging roughly with the floor as she stomped down the stairs, Jacob scurrying after her without so much as a glance in your direction.
“Sam.” The ymbryne calls sternly. Sam doesn’t look away from you, hasn’t once since you opened the door but he tilts his ear in her direction. “Downstairs to get your hands washed. Super will be ready in precisely five minutes.”
He stands dead still a few seconds longer, staring right through you with something unnerving lighting his gaze. Your skin crawls. Enoch steps before you, his shoulder shielding your face from Sam’s watching eyes. As angry as you are with Enoch right now, you couldn’t help but feel safer with him before you.
Sam’s smile is sharp as he finally looks away, something malicious gleaming his teeth as he finally pivots and travels down the creaky stairs, muttering a ‘yes, Miss Peregrine’ along the way.
“Don’t take too long, children.” Miss Peregrine says as she steps towards the stairs. “We wouldn’t want you to be too late to super, would we?”
“No, Miss Peregrine.” You and Enoch murmur simultaneously.
Enoch turns to you the second you can no longer hear her footsteps, gripping you by the waist and walking you backwards into your room before you can protest. The door clicks shut loudly behind you, forced closed by the toe of his shoe.
“I know you don’t want to talk to me right now,” He rushes out. “But please just listen before you start scolding.”
You choose to stay silent out of pure curiosity to what excuse he could pull together, ready and willing to call him out. If anything, he’d buttered you up by believing you were capable of scolding him.
“The others were playing one of their undeniably idiotic games again and he- Sam expressed a… liking for you.” He spat like the words were poison in his mouth.
You furrowed your brows, waiting. Nothing more came from him. “That’s it?” You scoff.
“That’s it.” He confirms, fingers twitching against your sides. You shove him off in frustration.
“Are you pulling my leg?” You frown. “You said all that you said because Sam might like me? That’s it? Are you kidding me, Enoch?”
Enoch narrows his eyes at you. “Might? He might as well have had Fiona grow you a flower garden.”
“I don’t care!” You snarl, exasperated. “You called me pathetic, a walking hazard! You said I leak death! You humiliated me, you backstabbed me. You used my words to make me look bad. I trusted you! I trusted you and you took advantage of it!”
“I was trying to make him leave you alone!” Enoch’s bellow echoes through your room, loud enough that you’re sure the others heard him too.
You inhale deeply, your shoulders dropping with defeat. “What does it matter anyway?” You heave a rough sigh.
He pauses, chest rising and falling erratically. “What?”
“What does it matter?” You repeat, swallowing. “He didn’t know we were together. No one knows we’re together. Hell, half the time I don't even know if we’re together!”
“I-“ He starts, face dark with anger before taking a deep breath. “You’re right. You’re right, I’m sorry.”
“You said I was cursed, Enoch.” You whisper. His frown deepens. “Is that what you think of me? You think holding my hand and kissing me is nothing but dangerous? Is that why you won’t let me tell, so you don’t have to do those things?”
“No!” He exclaims, stepping forward with an outstretched hand. “No. You think I would be with you if I thought all those things? You think death through love scares me? I-”
“You said those things, Enoch, not me.” You interrupt, pointing an accusing finger into his chest.
“I know!” He snarls. “I was just trying to get him to leave you alone. I know he makes you worry. I was saying the things I thought would scare him, not me.”
“It had to come from somewhere, Enoch O’Connor.” You growl back, fisting his shirt. “You think those things. Probably always have. Stop treating me like I’m naive.”
“You’re not naive, Y/n.” His tongue pokes out to softly wet his lips, a subtle nervous gesture you’d never been able to take your eyes away from. “I- I have thought them.” He looks away from you, guilty.
Your heart hurts as you take a step back, unfisting his shirt. It was different to hear it come from his mouth than you just thinking it; it cut much deeper. Your eyes water quickly, clouding over with pooling tears that spill down your cheeks quicker than you can stop them.
“In the beginning,” He rushes to continue, his voice thick and frantic. “When we first got together. I couldn’t help it, it was a possibility. Is a possibility. But you’re worth the risk — and more than.”
Your lip wobbles once more, trembling uncontrollably against your words. “What you said was downright nasty.” You cry. “I don’t think it was just the beginning.”
“It was.” He almost pleads. “It was. I don’t care about your peculiarity because you don’t care about mine. You take all the precautions, you make it safe. My peculiarity is all about the dead, I could hardly be scared of you.”
“Don’t brag.” You scoff, trying to smother your emotions back down into the chest box through distraction. “You do enough of that already.”
Enoch huffs a chuckle. “Whatever.”
“You have a lot of making up to do for that.” You sniffle, finally glancing over at him.
“You forgive me?” He swallows lightly, almost unnoticeable if not for the bob of his throat.
You shrug. “Are we still a secret?”
“I don’t think that’s possible anymore.” He shakes his head, dark curls ruffling with the motion.
“Your fault.” You pursue your lips.
“Never said it wasn’t.” He smirks lightly. “I’ll fix it. All of it.” He promises.
You relent into his lure, awaiting the upcoming weeks of him making it up to you in all the best ways with bode excitement. “I want at least a week of fights between my favourite homuncoli.”
Enoch steps up to you, the toes of his shoes meeting yours. His hands find home on your hips, pulling you flush against himself. Your cheeks flush pink.
“Deal.” He grins, leaning his head down to yours, connecting your lips with a tender passion.
~ 𐀔 ~ 𐀔 ~ 𐀔 ~
I’m beating writers blocks ass over here!
Like, comments and reblogs are extremely appreciated and very encouraging!
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sofasoap · 2 years
Interlude: Here comes the insertion specialist
Pairing: König x  f!Reader ( OC aka Mini MacTavish )
Summary: Don't give König ANY alcohol.
Warning: M Rated. INNUENDO, INNUENDO!  Alcohol consumption ( be responsible people), swearing, sexual theme. Slight crack fic. English isn’t my first language, there will be a lot of grammatical and tense mistake.
A/N: This is part of the world what I dubbed “ Mini MacTavish Universe”. Inspired by  @saltofmercury ’s “ “The Favorite MacTavish”. Praise her for lending me her character and universe * starry eye *. Go read her brilliant stories!
 “masterlist” for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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You know König doesn't drink alcohol. No big deal. Each to their own. Maybe he just doesn't like the taste of it. What you didn't realise is he has ZERO tolerance to alcohol.
Kortac was in UK again after a successful joint operation with the SAS. To your surprise, Johnny rang you and ask if you want to travel to  Credenhill  to join the party. "That's rare, usually I have to beg you to let me tag along!"
"... The team was asking for you." " They are asking for their FAVOURITE MacTavish you mean?"
" Jesus Christ, do you want to come or not?"
" Just give me the date and I'll check my shift timetable."
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You were secretly excited you will get to see König again after the chance meeting which turned into, according to Emma, a coffee date. Was that a date? You don't know. Do you like him? Maybe. For the moment you are just enjoying your time texting back and forth. ( or mainly him sending pictures of what his current little carving projects are or interesting things he notice while on mission. It's quite adorable really. )
Dropping off your luggage at the airbnb near the barrack, you make your way towards the bar frequently attended by the team. Walking in, loud noises hits you instantly. The pub was packed full of people, it's a popular spot for the SAS soldiers since the barrack isn't far off. You look around trying to find your brother. Soon enough you spot Ghost's tall figure with Johnny and Gaz playing a round of snooker. You ran up to your brother and tackled him from behind.
"Mini! you made it!" Gaz exclaimed. "What's a gathering without me livening up the atmosphere?" You high fived each other. Johnny turned around and gave you a big hug.
" How was the train ride here?" "Busy. Lucky I booked my ticket as soon as you told me about the gathering." Pointing at Ghost, " Am I allow to greet him? or is the no Ghosting rule still apply?" "What are you planning." he look at you deadpan expression. " Nothing. I am just being friendly." " Why does this sound familiar." You turned and smiled at Ghost, " Hey Simon. "
" ... Hey." " Mini." " Hey Uncle Price!" You left Johnny's embrace and went in for a hug with Price. Why does Ghost look slightly disappointed?
"Who else is here?"
Price pointed towards the table near the bar. "Some of the KorTac members are over there, the rest are scattered around." "OHh I see new people I haven't met." " MINI" Johnny and Simon chimed in same time with warning tone.
" Yes Sir, I know Sir, I will behave Sir.” You gave the boys your best salute and wondered towards the bar to order a beer. While standing at the bar, you see König, per usual, hiding at the edge of the room, trying to make himself invisible with a glass of what looks like a coke in his hand, listening to his teammate's conversation. Doing your best you try to wave to him, he spotted you, his eyes lit up and timidly waved back. Horangi saw the interaction, elbowed König and teased him a little. König duck his head down, blushing. You felt a set of eyes on you, turning around you can see Ghost looking at your direction, eyes narrowed. What's his problem?
Soon you find yourself mixing with the ladies from both teams, gossiping away. They sure have fascinating stories to tell, tales of war to suitors or love interests they meet during their missions.
".... and would you believe, their pick up line was, "“I’ve lost my teddy bear! Can I sleep with you instead?”" You laughed, " Oh gosh, that sounded like me from last time!" " Look, if it comes from you, it sounds cute, but coming from that person??" Nova made a face. " Mini, come on, got any stories to tell? Any strange pick up lines?" " Sadly no. All the boys that wants to approach me been scared off by Johnny." " Pfft, for a casanova like him, it's bit contradicting. no offense Mini."
" None taken Kleo. I know my brother is a manwhore. A gentlemanly manwhore." Everyone burst out laughing. Out of corner of your eyes, you saw König swaying a bit in his seat. No one else seems to notice. His drink nearly finish. Maybe he is tired? All of sudden, he stood up, startling the people around him, and proceed to swagger towards you, full of purpose, you will be lying if it doesn't stir the heat up a little bit down there. Cocking an eyebrow, you turned your chair towards him. Waiting for his next move. Stopping right in front of you, he leans down, hands on both side of you on the table, trapping you. Gosh, he does have beautiful blue eyes, the piercing blue eyes.... wait, is that bit of alcohol you can smell from his breath?
"Hello Schatz." He purred. "Do you know why they call me insertion specialist? because I am VERY GOOD at ramming... " his eyes flickers down towards his crotch, " THINGS... especially into people." The whole pub just went dead silent. Your jaw dropped. Is he trying to flirt with you? Hearing a loud clank noise, your eyes darts towards the snooker table, Johnny had dropped his cue, eyes wide with shock, while Ghost looks like he was about to murder certain someone with veins popping out of his forehead. Gaz was laughing his head off, smacking Price's back, making him choke. " WHO THE FUCK ADDED RUM INTO HIS COKE!!!!"
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Just think of the way König walks at the character intro screen. mmmmm.
lack of sleep does this to you. Oops.
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metaphoricgibberish · 9 months
Sanctuary [ javier peña ]
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summary: Takes place after the third season-- Javier moves to San Francisco to escape what he'd witnessed in Colombia over the past several years. The DEA is desperate to get him down to Mexico to help take down the Guadalajara Cartel, but Javier isn't so sure he wants to continue down that path. His decision only becomes increasingly more difficult when he meets a bartender named Emma, whose commitment issues seem to mirror his own.
pairing: javier peña x f!oc rating: 18+ minors dni word count: 93k
see tags and warnings on ao3
Javier Peña meets his match in the form of a little bartender in San Francisco.
Read on AO3
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melswifeasf · 1 year
Safest in your arms pt 3
previous chapter || next chapter || series page
Pairing: Georgia Miller x Fem!OC
Summary: it’s Samanthas 18th birthday, meaning she’s legal now…
Warnings: (18+) MDNI, Cursing, Drug use, alcohol consumption, age gap relationships (18 and 30) grooming, sexual themes.
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FALLING BACK INTO A ROUTINE WAS HARD FOR ANYONE. that was especially true for Samantha. she wasn't always the best at facing change, so when she went from working and hanging out with her friends all summer - as well as going to the beach with her parents, she wasn't used to having to deal with school and the stress of having to turn in her school work before a deadline.
it was why she needed to completely let go of herself Friday and she did. she got a lot more intoxicated then what she planned, she lost count of how many shots she took at the party and when a blonde with pretty blue eyes looked at her from across the room, she just couldn't let the opportunity run past her.
the sex was amazing and Emma even left the next morning like Samantha had told her. it was why she asked Marcus to leave the door unlocked, as soon as the clock hit six, Emma got up and left. no one was supposed to see her and yet someone did.
Samantha spent most of her Saturday hungover and watching movies with her blinds closed and her lights off the whole day. even her friends were recovering from the day before so she didn't see them until it got dark out. Nia and Jade brought her tacos and put on a 2000s romcom movie. they didn't even get through half of it though, as soon as they were done eating they all fell asleep. Sunday was as lazy as Saturday, they didn't have any plans so they all just hung out at Samanthas place until Ellen told them they should head home.
it was just easier to be at Samantha's house, the twins moms were a bit strict when it came the hours they could have company, Natalies house was always off limits because Brodie would have his friends over and Jade had three annoying little brothers that would make it their job to annoy the shit out of them. they sometimes hung out in Matthews basement but Samantha did not want to leave her house.
Wednesday rolled around pretty quickly. Monday was slow and Samantha had a long shift, Tuesday she had to tutor some freshman for extra credit and had yet another long shift at work so as soon as her head hit her pillow she was out like a light. that meant she hadn't seen Georgia since the second time they got high together. she didn't have much time to really think about the blonde, her schedule was filled to the point in which she didn't have time to think about anything, really.
the front door swung open and in walked Samantha with the twins and Matthew trailing behind her. their talking died down when they were in the house, the topic of conversation far too inappropriate for Samanthas parents to hear. "hello lads" she called out as she saw her dad and brother watching something on the tv. Marcus only glanced at her in acknowledgement and then turned his attention back to the screen. her dad shot her a warm smile that she quickly recuperated.
her friends signed hello to him, a gesture that always warmed her heart. growing up it was hard introducing her friends to her dad so when they first became friends she made sure they never hung out at her place. it wasn't that she was embarrassed because she could never be but she just found it complicated, up until the day they found out on their own and they all learned how to sign greetings and goodbyes. after time they would ask her how to say different things and even though they were a bit botchy, it was the fact that they even made the effort that was enough for her.
she walked into the kitchen as happy as ever but the smile on her lips twitched at the sight in front of her. Georgia, her hot neighbor was in her kitchen and talking to her mom like they were old friends, sipping on wine. the two women looked at Samantha and then at her friends as they followed her into the kitchen. it wasn't noticeable that Samantha stopped for a split second, processing the sight before her and then she continued walking toward the fridge.
"hey Georgia, mom" she said as she opened the fridge and grabbed a couple of gatorade's.
"Mrs Baker, lovely to see you" she heard Matthew say making her snort out a laugh, it was a wonder why her mom liked the kid so much. the fridge closed with Samantha's foot and she turned back toward her friends. she threw each bottle to each teen and they each caught it swiftly.
"we're all gonna chill for a while" Samantha said her eyes glancing at the blonde woman who was sipping on the red wine in her glass, all whilst watching her. it was almost like deja vu from Friday.
Ellen nodded, "okay, there's left overs in the fridge if you guys would like some" she said and turned slightly to indicate she was also talking to the other three teens in her kitchen.
"thank you" they all said at the same time it was almost comical.
Samantha chuckled, "thanks mom. i'm gonna head up though" she said and began to uncap the purple gatorade in her hand, Ellen nodded as Samantha walked past them. she was about join her friends and walk upstairs when her moms voice stopped her.
"hey, wait" she said making the girl freeze in her spot, the tone in which her mom spoke made her believe this was either going to end with her in trouble or her having to get one of her siblings in trouble.
"what's up?" she asked now turning to face the two women. she tried her best to not glance at Georgia but it was getting really hard with the blonde being so close to her and the smell of her perfume was starting to intoxicate her.
"do you have a finsta?" Ellen asked bluntly. Samantha's eyebrows furrowed and she let out a confused chuckle, why was she asking this?
"you should leave while you still can" Marcus called out from the living room making Ellen turn to look at him in annoyance before turning back toward her daughter.
"do you?" Ellen repeated with a raised brow.
Samantha glanced at Georgia who had her usual smile, her eyes narrowed on the blonde. "why do i get the feeling you have something to do with this?" she asked Georgia who shrugged.
"im not sure what you mean"
"uh huh" Samantha nodded and then turned toward her mom. she could see her friends looking between each other from the corner of her eye. she had two options in this, she could either be honest and possibly have to deal with her mom seeing her private post or she could lie and have Georgia crack the truth out of her. "i don't, im confused on why you're asking me this though" she said looking at her mom.
Ellen watched her daughters facial features, trying to see if she was lying but she didn't find any sign of it so she let out a sigh. "i just found out your sister has a finsta and she's been keeping quite a lot of stuff from me" she said and grabbed the phone that was sitting on the countertop between her and Georgia. "did you know she threw a party in the house in Maine?"
the raven haired girls eyebrows shot up in fake surprise, "really? Max? i would expect that from Marcus but not her" she answered earning a groan from her brother. she was obviously lying but she was always able to trick her mom into believing otherwise.
"i said the same thing" Ellen said with a shake of her head. "but okay, you can go now" she said and grabbed the glass on wine in front of her before downing the liquid inside.
Samantha looked at her mom slightly shocked and then glanced at Georgia who was already looking at her. memories of Friday night flashed through her mind like a bucket of hot water was poured on her. the taste of Emma's lips, the feeling of someone watching them.. god it was too much.
she cleared her throat and walked away, not sparing Georgia or her mom another glance as she led her friends upstairs and into her room. she felt bad for lying to her mom but it's not like her finsta had anything all that bad, mostly just pictures of her at parties, drunk off her ass or beach pictures of her in a bikini that she did not want her mom to ever see.
a notification echoing throughout the room pulled Samanthas attention away from her friends phone and to her own. her and Nia were laying on her bed whilst watching Tiktok's, Matthew and Oliver had left already. Oliver had to pick up Natalie and Matthew didn't want to third wheel with two girls. by now Max was home and Samantha and Nia quietly eavesdropped on the stairs. after they went outside to smoke since Nia was going to spend the night.
"who is it?" Nia asked watching as Samantha searched for her phone on the bed, once she finally found it the bright light illuminated her face.
"i dont know" she mumbled, it was a friend request on instagram. her thumb pressed on the app and she clicked on the account that had just followed her. "do you know a Viviane Leigh?" she asked and threw her head back onto her pillow. Samantha felt her friend shake her head as she rested her own head on the girls shoulder.
"i don't think so," Nia said and watched as her friend scrolled through the account, "it looks like one of those weird burner accounts though" she said earning a laugh from her friend.
"that's your paranoia"
"or maybe it's that blondie you hooked up with," Nia said bumping her friends arm with her own. Samantha shook her head.
"her names Emma" she clarified.
"okay. well, why didn't you ever text her back? she seemed really nice and pretty. your mom would love her" Nia said making her friend let out a chuckle.
"don't get me wrong, the sex was amazing but that's pretty much it. it was so awkward when we were talking at the party" she said. the memories of that night made her cringe even just thinking about it, when they first introduced themselves it was fine then Emma lingered and tried to spark a conversation but all she really talked about was cheer and tried to figure out if they had any friends i common which they did not.
whilst Nia expressed how her friend was emotionally unavailable, the shorter girl was accepting the friend request. not even a minute later a DM was sent from that account. her eyebrows furrowed and she clicked on the message.
Vivian Leigh
i thought you didn't have a finsta?
a toothy grin appeared on the girls face as she read the message. it didn't take a genius to know who it was. her thumbs tapped against the screen as she quickly came up with a response.
Sams life
i didn't peg you for a stalker, Miller
Vivian Leigh
i see we're using last names now?
Sams life
nah. just yours. pls tell me you didn't
tell my mom about this though??
Vivian Leigh
don't worry, your secret is safe with me.
Sams life
well that's a relief
Sams life
why Vivian Leigh, though?
Vivian Leigh
seriously?? gone with the wind?
Sams life
what now?
Vivian Leigh
oh god, i forget you're still a child.
Sams life
haha, i'll have you know i'm gonna be
legal in two days
Vivian Leigh
your birthday is on Friday?
Sams life
yes ma'am
Sams life
id invite you to my party but we
don't rlly let boomers in
Vivian Leigh
i'm a boomer now? ouch.
Sams life
lmao i think your a millennial actually
Sams life
same thing, really
Vivian Leigh
i think i'm okay with that, i'd be doomed
not knowing gone with the wind.
Sams life
Vivian Leigh
and using whatever that means every message
Sams life
okay now im the offended one
Sams life
lmao stands for l=laughing m=my a=ass
Sams life
your welcome for the grammar lesson
Vivian Leigh
wow your an amazing teacher.
Sams life
okay, i know your being sarcastic but
i'll take it!
Vivian Leigh
oh and your using punctuation, even better.
Sams life
Sams life
i'm assuming you know what that means
the raven haired girl was smiling so wide she had to bite her lip in order to disguise herself a bit. of course there was no hiding anything from her best friend who had been staring at her ever since she started texting Georgia. Samantha was so caught up on her phone and watching the typing.. to even realize her friend was watching her extremely confused. Nia expected her friend to realize she had been staring at her for the past five minutes but Samantha was still staring at the device in her hand.
"so it wasn't Emma but by shit eating grin you have right now i'm guessing it's another hottie?" the curly haired brunette said making her friends eyes slowly leave her screen and turn to her. Samantha's eyes seemed distant as she processed her words until finally she shook her head.
"it's just Georgia" she said and turned back to her phone.
Vivian Leigh
okay wow, i'm thirty but not stupid.
Sams life
okay yeah, my bad
Sams life
have you missed our smoke seshs?
Nia rolled her eyes at her friend and waved a hand in front of the girls face, Samanthas attention went from her phone to Nia. "what?" she chuckled, her phone was now laying on her bed, screen up shinning light on the ceiling.
"why is she texting you?" Nia questioned.
Samantha shrugged, "i don't know. she just found my private account and that's it" she explained and picked her phone back up.
"don't you think it's weird she's texting you?"
"nah. she's just being friendly" Samantha explained and waited for Georgia to message her back. the girl beside her examined Samanthas face, her eyes were shinning and they weren't a cause of the light on her phone, she had her lip in between her teeth and she could tell it was to hide a smile. she really hoped Samantha wasn't dumb enough to fall in love with an older woman - especially not the mother of her sisters best friend. she didn't want to burst her friends bubble, not yet at least so she simply turned her own phone back on and went back to her social media.
Vivan Leigh
is that what we're calling it?
Sams life
that's what everyone calls it
Vivian Leigh
right. sure.
Sams life
so you have missed me?
Vivian Leigh
i missed the free weed.
Sams life
fine, i'll take it.
Sams life
oh and btw, i loved your top today;)
Vivian Leigh
goodnight Samantha
Sams life
night Georgia
but Samantha couldn't sleep, no matter how much she tossed and turned, she simply could not get her mind to stop thinking about the woman across the street. even when her best friend held her close, usually that would be enough for her to fall asleep immediately but this time around it wasn't enough.
she knew she was playing a dangerous game. one that could potentially get them both in a lot of trouble but she simply craved Georgia. everything about her, the way she laughed, her accent that always gave Samantha chills, or the way she always knew what to say and do to make others feel more comfortable. it was the way she looked at her, the perfume she would always wear that at this point it was Samanthas favorite smell, even just her smile. it was all so addicting and Samantha was scared there wouldn't be a way out of this, afraid she'd end up falling for yet another straight girl.
birthdays weren't always Samanthas favorite. she didn't really like celebrating it when she was younger, she wasn't used to being the center of attention so it was always awkward. to top it off she never had any friends to celebrate with which just always reminded her how alone she really was. until her twelfth birthday, it was when she had met the twins and it was also the first year she had gone out to celebrate without her parents. they had gone the simple route and went to the movies. on her thirteenth birthday, they went to the pool, on her fourteenth they threw a small party with just them and it was the first time they ever tasted alcohol. on her fifteenth birthday, she spent it with her parents, her sixteenth they threw her a surprise party and on her seventeenth, she was so drunk she couldn't even remember it.
this time around it would be the same as the year before. Matthew would be throwing a party at his house, his mom was going on a business trip meaning he had an empty house and enough room to invite almost every senior. there was no doubt in anyone's mind that they'd all come, Samantha had a way of making friend unintentionally. even when she was younger, she always thought she didn't have any friends when she reality was she just never cared to pay attention to the people around her.
that morning Samantha was woken up by loud whispers. she thought she was dreaming at first, a weird dream with familiar voices whispering over one another followed by them hushing each other because they were talking too loud. she groaned lowly, her eyelids felt heavy and she wasn't supposed to be awake yet considering her alarm hadn't sounded. who the hell was waking her up then?
that question was answers pretty quickly, Samantha blinked one eye open, afraid that if she opened both she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. when she adjusted to the light coming from the curtains and the blobs above her she realized they weren't blobs, it was her friends all sporting huge grins.
"happy birthday!" they all said at the same time making the girls eyes widen and her body shot up, her heart was beating fast and her eyes were wide.
"holy shit" she muttered lowly, it took her a couple of seconds before her mind caught up to her body and a smile formed on her lips. "guys" she said her voice a lot softer now. "what the hell?"
they were each still smiling at her, Matthew was holding balloons in one hand and Nia was holding a cupcake with a single candle. "we know you hate when we sing happy birthday so here, blow it out" Nia said bringing the cupcake closer to the shorter girl. Samantha smiled at that, they were always thoughtful, all of them.
"but you still have to make a wish" Oliver said pointing at her making the girl roll her eyes with a small smile. she didn't fight his words, knowing if she did they would just light the candle again and make her blow it out for a second time. the latina girl closed her eyes, she made a quick wish and then opened them and blew out the candle.
"hell yeah" Matthew clapped and began to whistle, Samantha rolled her eyes once more and a breathy giggle left her lips at his actions.
"you're so annoying" she said but her happy tone of voice said otherwise.
"come on, get ready. Ellen's making breakfast" Oliver said rubbing his hands together.
"okay fine" Samantha said and threw the blankets off of her, she was about to go to her dresser and pick out an outfit when a bunch of hands were pulling her into a tight embrace.
"cant forget about our annual group hug!" Matthew exclaimed. no one seemed to be protesting though, Samantha laughed with a slight shake of her head.
"im being suffocated" she said dramatically and they all laughed before pulling away.
"you know you can't escape it" Oliver said with a wink.
"oh, i know"
a shower and a half an hour long conversation later Samantha was walking down the stairs with her friends on her heel. footsteps echoed throughout pretty much the whole house as well as loud chatter, having five teens over was bound to get noisy and at this point Ellen and Clint were used to it.
the raven haired girl was wearing light washed jeans that were slightly baggy and a white tank top that showed most of her stomach. once they reached the bottom of the stairs Samantha could see her mom and siblings in the kitchen most likely already eating breakfast.
"good morning and happy birthday!" Ellen said happily rushing over to daughter and pulling her into a tight hug. Samantha giggled as she accepted her mothers hug, recuperating it with as much as strength as she was receiving.
"thanks, mom" she responded with a slight laugh. Ellen pulled away happily to let her dad go next. he signed the young girl happy birthday and i love you before he pulled the girl into a tight hug, even though this was probably the fifth time she had been hugged in the last hour she hugged her father back with any protest.
once he pulled away Marcus stood from his chair and gave her a side hug, "happy birthday loser"
"awe, thanks Marcus" she cooed teasingly and hugged him with unnecessary strength. even though any other time he would've rolled his eyes and pushed her away, this time he didn't. he let his sister hug her for as long as she wanted and even a small crack of a smile formed on his lips that didn't go unnoticed by his mom who chose to not comment on it, not wanting to ruin the moment between the two.
Maxine was up next in line, she had her usual happy smile and threw her arms around her sister, "happy birthday, happy birthday!" she cheered happily practically bouncing in excitement.
Samantha chuckled, "thank you" she responded and tried to match her sisters excitement but that was practically impossible.
"okay, everyone grab a plate" Ellen said pointing at Samantha's friends as well as Samantha. the young girl saluted her mother and followed her orders, the five teens behind her mimicking her actions.
when breakfast was over Samantha, her friends and the twins walked outside to the car only for her to realize it was all decorated. she wanted to roll her eyes and complain about how it would be a bitch to take out but her friends and siblings were smiling with so much excitement that she didn't. it was also the fact that Marcus nor Max ever really talked to her friends and now they planned this together, just for her.
the words 'it's my bday bitches' was on the back of her car and the right back window had a huge eighteen whilst the other had 'finally legal'. she thought the second one was funny.
at school she was congratulated by a lot of people, some she wasn't aware they cared enough to take time out of their day just to wish her a happy birthday but regardless she was more than thankful. once lunch rolled around they all left school and went to blue farm. Samantha was sitting in between Nia and Jade whilst the other three were across from her.
someone else who said happy birthday? Georgia Miller.
Vivian Leigh 6:00am
happy birthday legal
it was cute that she remembered and it was even cuter that she had sent it exactly at six in the morning. they had been talking for the past two days and in that time Samantha commented on the fact that she was born at that time and in all honesty, it gave Samantha butterflies that she even remembered let alone took the time to text her at that exact time.
"so i got a keg and tequila cause 'you hate vodka' or whatever" Matthew said holding her hands up in quotations earning an amused eye roll from the girl across from him.
"thanks Matty" she answered now making him roll his eyes with an exasperated groan.
"you're just lucky it's your birthday" he said referring to the nickname she had just called him which he had a distaste for.
"it's every year" she shrugged.
Matthew hummed, "uh huh" he leaned back against his chair with his arms crossed.
"anyway," Jade said glancing between the two with slightly narrowed eyes. "what's the plan though? who's driving?" she asked and everyone immediately perked up at her words.
"yeah, i drove last time and i need to get wasted tonight" Nia said desperately.
Matthew shrugged, "everyone could just spend the night" he offered.
"hell yeah, man" Oliver said patting the boy on his shoulder roughly.
Matthew smirked and turned toward Oliver, "my parents room is off limits" he said with a smile. at that Oliver rolled his eyes and his smile was replaced by a disappointed sigh.
"it's okay, we'll just do it in your room" Natalie smirked making Matthews head snap toward her.
"absolutely not"
"why? it's not like your getting laid. didn't you leave at midnight last time?" she asked referring to the one they attended the week before. Matthew stiffened at her words and he subconsciously glanced at Nia who had a light pink coating her cheeks.
no one seemed to notice that other than Samantha though. did something happen? no, otherwise Nia would have told her.. right? they weren't the type to ever keep secrets from each other and thought of her doing so made her chest tighten.
"anyway," Jade cleared her throat, "is that cool with you?" she asked turning toward Samantha.
"yeah" she answered, she'd rather get wasted and know she could just fall asleep where she was rather than have to worry about someone taking her home and trying her best to hide how wasted she is from her parents. plus, she wouldn't have a curfew which was the best part.
"cool so i'll just pick you two up" Nia said glancing at Samantha and Jade who both nodded in agreement.
"question" Natalie spoke, "what are we all wearing"
"im wearing a tux" Matthew smirked widely.
Samantha snorted, "yeah, no." she shook her head at Matthew who glared back at her. "im wearing a dress. i'm thinking red but i'm not sure yet" she said turning her attention back to Natalie who nodded in return.
"so what do i wear" Matthew said sighing dramatically. Samantha raised an eyebrow at him and stirred her coffee in front of her with a straw.
"i don't know," she shrugged. "a button up? a polo? don't you know how to dress yourself?"
Matthew shrugged as well, "i know how to dress myself when i'm not hosting at my place"
"it's really not that different" Jade commented.
"cool, so a button up it is, i guess" he muttered and Oliver nudged him.
"im wearing a white one, so it's off limits"
"oh yeah, just choose the most common color to exist" Matthew nodded. Oliver simply shrugged and threw an arm around his girlfriends shoulder.
after that the girls began to banter about their outfits and who's place they were gonna get ready in when Matthew said they should all just do it at his place since it would be easier. soon their plan for the day was settled, that is until a very important topic of conversation came up.
"please tell me you didn't invite Marcus or Maxine" Jade said looking at her friend. Samantha was sipping on her coffee, not really listening until she realized everyone's eyes were on her.
"huh?" she said confusedly, she back tracked to try and remember what her friend said until finally she did. she put her coffee on the table and shook her head, "of course not. are you kidding? first of all, Max is grounded for lying and Marcus wouldn't be caught dead at a high school party unless it's all his emo friends" she said with a slight laugh.
"okay thank god. no offense but Maxine can be a little.." Jade trialed off.
"dramatic? loud? a ball of energy?" Samantha offered to which Jade simply nodded. "yeah i know. plus she'd just invite all her little friends and i do not want any sophomores at my party" she shook her head at the thought.
she was once a sophomore and knew what it was like to want to get invited to sophomore parties but she really did not want to deal with her sister. not only did she not like any of her friends but she knew she'd end up getting drunk or high and she'd have to spend the whole time sober and keeping an eye on her. she did not need neither one of those things. her friends murmured in agreement.
the door of the restaurant opened earning Samantha's attention, she glanced in the direction of it before turning back around to her table. one.. two.. three seconds later her head whipped around to the door again where she saw Georgia with her usual smile approaching Joe at the cashier. whatever Matthew and Oliver were talking about wasn't being processed by her as she watched the blonde chat with Joe as if they were friends. she assumed they were by now, Joe wasn't the most talkative but he was a nice guy and Samantha's sure Georgia had seen that by now.
Joe nodded at something Georgia had said - Samantha was too far away from them to hear what they were talking about though. once the bearded man was gone Georgia turned her body and leaned her side on the counter a bit as she looked around the place, of course her eyes landed on the girl who was already looking at her. a flash of a smile passed Georgia before she turned back around but that wasn't enough for Samantha. she had to say something.
"i'll be back" she muttered and stood from her chair, the conversation that was going on at the table stopped immediately after as they all watched their friend walk toward the blonde woman.
"hey," Samantha said once she was near her, Georgia turned to look at Samantha with a smile. she looked beautiful but that didn't surprise the raven haired girl, she always looked flawless even late at night when she would sneak into her balcony to smoke with her.
"hey stranger," Georgia answered enthusiastically, much like she always did. "happy birthday" she smiled and Samantha wasn't sure if she was imagining it but the smile seemed so sincere it gave her a wave of butterflies.
"thanks," Samantha said with a matching smile.
"i would give you your present but i don't want you to be disappointed every time you get one after" she said with a fake frown.
Samantha rolled her eyes at her, "is it that good?"
"of course"
"so then you'll have to take it to me tonight" she confirmed taking a step closer the the blonde. it wasn't enough to draw any attention to them but enough for her to smell the perfume she loved so much. it was intoxicating but she craved that feeling, every day. "at Matthews place, by the way"
Georgia raised a perfectly plucked brow, "i thought boomers weren't invited?"
"you're a millennial remember?" Samantha asked ranting a chuckle from the blonde.
"right" she nodded.
the raven haired girl sent her a sly wink and began to walk backwards, "you're not getting out of this"
Georgia laughed, "we'll see about that"
with one last look at the blonde Samantha went back to her friends table and sat down. she tried her best to hide the huge grin but it was almost impossible. she was too busy recollecting her thoughts to even realize that all of her friends were looking at her with confused looks.
it wasn't until Matthew spoke that she snapped out of it, "what the absolute hell was that?" he asked loudly making everyone at the table shush him as questions looks were being thrown their way.
"what?" Samantha asked calmly, "i just went over to say hi" she shrugged as if it weren't a big deal. in truth it wasn't, or she didn't think it was. it's not like she and Georgia were doing anything wrong.
"yeah, sure" Matthew nodded with narrowed eyes, Samantha decided to ignore him and began to talk about what they would be drinking later that night.
loud music echoed throughout the whole house and it was a miracle none of the neighbors had called the cops. it was past midnight - or at least that's what Samantha thinks. she isn't entirely sure. she was way past her limit and she needed to lean on something to even be able to stand.
after blue farm they all went home to get their things ready for the party. Samantha spent half an hour packing her stuff and then she and her family went to dinner to celebrate. it was nice, Marcus and Maxine were on their best behavior and it was actually enjoyable without them bickering and arguing back and forth. after dinner they went home to cut the cake and open presents. Marcus gifted his sister a small stuffed ghost face - she was obsessed with the movies and anyone who really knew her knew that. Maxine had gotten her flowers which she thought was cute. Ellen and Clint bad gifted their daughter a 'Coach' bag that she almost cried when she saw.
later Nia had picked her up and they went straight to Matthews house. they all got ready there which also meant they started drinking as soon as they got there and now after five hours they were all pretty drunk. they all decided to overdress for the occasion, all of the girls in dresses and heels or skirts at the least whilst Matthew and Oliver both had button ups and dress pants. it was Samanthas birthday and she had put that down as a ground rule and who were they to defy her on her birthday.
Samantha wore a red dress that fit her body tightly, it went down to a fourth of her thigh and her black heels made her about two inches taller. she curled her hair and had on red lipstick to match her dress.
most people started arriving at around ten and by midnight it was at full swing. most were in Matthews basement, the lights were off and the speakers were blasting a song that Samantha didn't know the name of. she was sitting on Matthews couch with him, Jade and Nia sitting around her. Matthew was on the ground whilst Jade was beside Samantha and Nia was laying down. by now most of the guests had left, only a handful of them still around but it was mostly just people that were really close to the group. Matthew had a bong in hand and a lighter in the other as he smoked. everyone was wasted so the only two who were also smoking were him and Nia. Jade and Samantha were far too out of it and that combined with weed would just fuck them up even more.
"i really hope Oliver and Natalie arent fucking on my bed" Matthew said with a slight laugh. Nia laughed along with him, she sounded out of breath and she laid her head on Samantha's shoulder.
Samantha grimaced at the thought, "that's disgusting" she shook her head. Matthew and Nia continued to laugh breathily, both completely out of it at this point whilst Jade sang along to the song playing. she had her vape in one hand and every once in a while and cloud of smoke would escape her lips.
Samantha had planned on hooking up with someone, a stranger, preferably but she didn't bring herself to do so. she spent most of her time with the teens around her throughout the whole night and the one time a pretty brunette approached her, she thanked her for complimenting her and said she needed some air. she wasn't sure what was wrong, any other time she would've flirted back and by now would've been hooking up in a bathroom or in one of the many spare bedrooms in the house.
instead she was watching Nia and Matthew try to ghost and fail miserably at it. she wasn't all that sure how they were even still awake by how high they were. Jade laughed at them, her back shaking in the process and her head fell back against the couch.
but she did know why she didn't want to hook up with any of the girls she had seen tonight. it had to do with it a pretty blonde that had been consuming her thoughts ever since she saw her at blue farm. every time she thought about kissing someone else she'd feel a sense of dread in the depths of her stomach and she hated it. how could someone fuck her up this badly when all they've ever done is talk? it was annoying and all she wanted to do was rip her name out of her brain and never have to think about her again.
that was a lie.
of course it was a lie because Georgia was forbidden, every sense and it only made Samantha want her even more. so she did the only thing her drunken mind could think of, even if she might regret it in the morning or even if she wouldn't get a response. the raven haired girl grabbed her phone that was on her lap and turned it on, the time read 3:23am her lock screen staring back at her. it was of her and her friends when they had all gone down to florida last spring break, each of them were all dressed up, makeup and dresses with button ups on the boys. there were all at a fancy restaurant, the girls sitting down with the boys standing behind them, each with huge grins.
she swiped up and went straight to her instagram, she double checked to make sure she was on her private account and went to her dms where she found the one person she wanted by her side.
Sams life
the light shining back at her was bright and it made her squint even after her eyes had adjusted to the bright light. her mind was fuzzy and her thumbs felt heavy but that didn't stop her from waiting for the blonde woman to respond. she stared at her screen for the next five minutes, her eyes occasionally glancing at the time to see how much time had passed and she even went back a couple of messages after a minute or so to distract herself.
finally after those five minutes she saw her message had been read and a second later the word typing.. was displayed on the chat. she pulled her head from one side to another as she waited for a response. finally she got one.
Vivian Leigh
the girl bit her lip as she thought about what to say. she didn't think this far into it, she only wanted a response from the blonde but now that she got one she had no idea what she could even say. the only thing her drunken mind could really think of was how much she wanted Georgia by her side, how much she missed having her close, missed those meaningless conversations that meant the most to her. her thumbs aggressively typed on her phone, a response that could be like a bomb and blow up their whole relationship.
Sams life
i miss you
a second of hesitation.
Vivian Leigh
are you drunk?
Sams life
what if i am?
Vivian Leigh
you should probably be asleep right now.
Sams life
not tired
Vivian Leigh
it's three am.
Sams life
ur point?
Vivian Leigh
seriously, go to sleep. your gonna be
hungover tomorrow
Sams life
sounds like tm Sams problem
Vivian Leigh
the raven haired girl chuckled drunkenly.
Sams life
Vivian Leigh
are you at least safe? do you need a ride home?
a fuzzy feeling formed in the girls stomach at her words. she cared. she had to care otherwise she wouldn't have responded let alone worried for her safety.
Sams life
you worried about me, Miller?
Vivian Leigh
i'm serious, Samantha.
Sams life
yeah, i'm staying at Mattys place.
Vivian Leigh
okay good. make sure to drink water before
you go to sleep
Sams life
so when do i get my present?
Vivian Leigh
what present?
Sams life
the one i was promised at blue farm.
Vivian Leigh
haha i thought we were mutually aware that
i was joking
Samantha's lips tugged into a frown at her words. she didn't care about the present part, she just wanted to see her. if she wasn't this drunk she would've drove over to her house simply just to see her face but she could barely stand let alone drive without killing herself or someone else in the process.
Sams life
pls come over
Vivian Leigh
Samantha. your drunk.
Sams life
pls pls pls
Sams life
i really want to see you
Sams life
it can count at my bday present
Vivian Leigh
it's not your birthday anymore.
Sams life
she felt an overwhelming sensation form in her chest and she wasn't sure why it was happening. she'd never felt this way, not even for her ex and yet here she was, wanting to cry because the woman she had a stupid crush on wouldn't drive to where she was. she felt like crying which at this point she was sure it had to do with the alcohol in her body. regardless her breathing began to grow heavier as she waited for a response, her message had been seen but she wasn't getting a response. she was about to give up and just turn her phone off when finally a message came though.
Vivian Leigh
her eyes widened at the message and for a second she thought it was all in her imagination. she had exited out of the app and went back in just to make sure it was real. it was. she bit her lip to hide back a smile, not wanting her friends to ask why she looked so happy as she typed up a response. she wanted to ask if she was serious but she also didn't want to annoy Georgia to the point in which she changed her mind so she quickly texted back.
Sams life
📍Samanthas location
her message was left on read and the green dot signaling she was online had disappeared. with that Samantha abruptly jumped up from the couch making Nia whine as her she held her cheek where she had just been hit.
"what the hell" she groaned and both Matthew and Jade looked at Samantha confused.
"gotta go to the bathroom" she said and grabbed her vape from Jade who pouted.
"awe," she said but Samantha ignored her.
"gonna go to the bathroom" she repeated drunkenly and stepped over Matthew who simply stared at her. she didn't get a response from any of them but she didn't wait for one either as she rushed up the stairs. the main floor was pretty much empty except for three teenagers who were in the kitchen who looked like they were about to leave. she ignored them and went outside which was empty. there were five cars still parked outside but two of them belonged to Nia and Oliver and she was sure the other three belonged to to at least one of the three friends downstairs - not including Nia Matthew or Jade and the teens in the kitchen.
the raven haired girl stood walked to Nia car and leaned against it as she brought the electronic cigarette up to her lips and inhaled deeply. there was a light breeze and it made her legs cold but she fought against it as she looked back and forth waiting for the bmw to pull into the neighborhood. she wasn't feeling as nervous as sober her would be and the nicotine was helping with her not freaking out as well. her hands were sweating a little and every once in a while she'd run a hand through her hair lazily. her stomach was filled with anticipation, the kind of feeling she'd get when she was waiting in line for a scary rollercoaster or the feeling she got before her first day of middle school.
in the next ten minutes the teens that were once in the kitchen had left, waving goodbye to the teen and wishing her one last happy birthday. until finally the familiar blue car pulled up next to the girl, a smile tugging at her lips as the window rolled down.
"get in" the blonde said simply and the raven haired girl didn't need to be told twice. she opened the car door and got inside in a hurry, she was aware of how no one else could see them together even through her drunken daze so before getting in she looked around her to make sure that no one was witnessing what was going on.
as soon as the door closed behind her Georgia put the car in drive and began to press on the gas. Samantha didn't question where they were going, only leaned her head back against the seat and looked at the road in front of her. they drove for five minutes until they pulled into a parking lot that belonged to the neighborhood park.
once Georgia had put the car in park she turned toward the younger girl with a raised brow. Samantha smiled lazily at her, she had her head turned and her cheek pressed against the leather seat. "i like your car" she said running her hand over the smooth interior.
Georgia let out a sigh, "why am i here Samantha" she said grabbing the younger girls attention. her movements came to a stop and she looked back at the blonde with a slight frown.
"i wanted to see you"
Georgia shook her head, "you're drunk"
her words went completely over the girls head as she took in the woman in front of her for the first time. the blondes hair was slightly wavy like always, she was wearing a long sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans. it looked like she had thrown the clothes on last minute.
"im not drunk" Samantha finally denied with a shake of her head.
"no?" Georgia raised an eyebrow "then why does my car now reek like tequila" she shot back making the raven haired girl giggle softly.
"you're no fun" she said with a fake frown and the action earned an eye roll from the blonde. Samantha rested her hands on her thighs, her dress had hiked up a bit causing her to pull it down which made her realize she had the nicotine stick in her lap so she brought it up to her lips and inhaled deeply.
Georgia sighed and watched as the smoke blew out of the girls nose and mouth filling the car with the smell of watermelon.
"you shouldn't do that" she said.
"do what?" Samantha questioned confused.
"why not? it helps me relax" she said and took another puff out of it. Georgia sighed heavily.
"your eighteen, Samantha. you shouldn't be smoking this young"
Samantha waved her off lazily, "it's okay. the worlds ending anyway" she shrugged as if it weren't a big deal. Georgia hated how a smile tugged at her lips. she'd seen the girl high before but that was nothing like drunk Samantha. when she was high she was calm and collected but drunk her seemed to be clingy, talkative as well but also extremely stubborn. she hated the fact that she found it amusing.
the blonde had her hands resting in her lap and her body was slightly turned to face the raven haired girl. "do you want me to take you home?" she asked.
Samantha shook her head, "nope"
"then why am i here?"
"because i missed you" Samantha shrugged simply.
"Samantha" Georgia sighed out, her hand pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.
"what's wrong?" the younger girl frowned and reached over to grab the blondes hand. Georgia flinched, not expecting to be touched but almost immediately after relaxed.
"i can't just come see you because you miss me. besides, you shouldn't miss me. we both know this is wrong" she said a lot more serious now. Samantha didn't seem to be paying much attention as her eyes were trained on their locked hands.
"we're not doing anything wrong"
Georgias eyes closed and she let out a deep sigh, "that doesn't matter. it would be weird if Ginny and Ellen talked in secret or even smoked weed together, wouldn't it?" she questioned now fully grabbing Samanthas attention.
her eyebrows knit together, "that's different"
"how is that different, Samantha?" she sighed tiredly.
"my mom is like - fifty and Ginny is only fifteen. i'm legal now and your only thirty" she explained stubbornly.
Georgia let out a tired chuckle, "seriously Samantha. "this isn't a j-"
but before she could finish Samantha pulled her hand away from hers and leaned over the console so she's closer to the blonde. there was still a decent amount of space between them but she was closed enough to hear the way Georgia's breath hitched in her throat. "i know what you present to me can be" she whispered lowly. her breath was precious tequila and a slight watermelon smell, both from her vape and the candies she had been snacking on throughout the night.
"what's that?" Georgia whispered her eyes glancing between Samantha's lips and her eyes. the girl inched closer.
the raven haired girls lips were slightly parted and her tongue ran over her bottom lip to try and keep the blondes eyes where they were. her body was started to burn and all she wanted to do was to kiss her. she didn't care about morals or about what everyone would think, she just wanted her. she knew Georgia felt the same way, she had to otherwise she wouldn't have smoked with her, wouldn't have went out of her way to find her instagram and DM her, wouldn't have driven there just because she had said she missed her. wouldn't be letting Samantha invade her personal space the way she was in that moment.
"a kiss" the raven haired girl whispered and pressed her lips against the blondes before Georgia had a chance to react. Samantha cupped the woman's face as she softly pressed their lips together, her bottom lip trapped in between Georgias lips where she froze. she didn't want to move, wanted Georgia to take control of the kiss so she knew she hadn't fucked up by listening to her heart and not the rational side of her.
but that never happened and Samantha felt her heart deflate. she quickly pulled away, a lot sober than she had been just a second ago as she looked at Georgia with regretful eyes. "im so sorry, i shouldn't have done that" she rushed out nervously. her heart was beating so fast and he could hear it pulse in her ears, her breathing was now irregular and she felt as if she was being suffocated in the car.
she expected Georgia to lecture and tell her that what she did was wrong or even just a disappointed head shake like she would get from Ellen when she'd do something wrong - even if it was extremely rare but she got neither. instead she felt a hand grab the back of her head and a pair of soft lips crashing down on her own.
she lot out an inaudible squeak and her eyes widened in complete and utter surprise. was she dreaming? was this really happening? did she pass out on the couch and none of this had eveb happened? her thoughts faded out as she felt Georgia kissing her with a little more force so she'd kiss her back which she did happily.
Georgias right hand was still on the back of the younger girls head whilst the other was resting on the console between them. Samantha blindly grabbed it and placed it on her exposed thigh, her body was abnormally warm and Georgia could feel that heat radiate from Samantha's leg. the raven girl had one hand on the blondes jaw and the other resting on top of Georgias that she had put on her thigh.
the kiss went from slow to needy in a matter of seconds, heavy breathing echoed throughout the car along with the sound of their lips smacking against each other hastily. Samantha whimpered into the blondes mouth and she began to lead her hand further up her thigh but before she could reach her dress Georgia had pulled away completely.
Samantha looked at the blonde with parted and swollen lips, her eyes slightly lidded and her chest heaving up and down. even though the kiss hadn't lasted long, it was filled with so much passion she could barely breathe.
they were so fucked.
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kokoch4n3l · 6 months
˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ works in progress ꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄ (will be updated as I continue writing. ordered by priority)
'•.¸♡ SERIES ♡¸.•'
BUY ME THE MOON, chapter 5 - wip | 2572 words ╰��➤ after hours of persuasion, you attend a lavish masquerade ball with Manjiro and the rest of Bonten as your escorts. Kaya sees an opportunity to force your facade to crack.
DID YOU TAKE MY LOVE AWAY FROM ME?, chapter 1 - wip | 2110 words ╰┈➤ with the help of a friend, you trigger the ending of your first-ever relationship and suffer mental consequences and societal backlash after the details are exposed. It’s a good thing Mikey supports all your rights and your wrongs. You would do the same for him but unfortunately, Shinichiro does not agree with either of you.
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'•.¸♡ ONE-SHOTS ♡¸.•'
i wanna be your girlfriend, (onesided)emma x f!reader, (platonic)mikey x f!reader - wip | 1013 words ╰┈➤ the classic falling in love with your straight best friend trope
[untitled], izana x f!oc - wip ╰┈➤ Izana thinks his pretty girl has been working a little too hard. threatening the professors would no doubt get him in trouble with Shinichiro but maybe he can help take her mind off things...
teen idle, slytherin!mikey x slytherin!reader - wip ╰┈➤ you were perfect, the best girlfriend he can ask for. the only problem was that you were a mudblood.
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
You Belong With Me - DR3 x fem!OC
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Summary: Em’s settling into working with the boys full time, and Renault are treating her with respect so it’s a good time. Even though women want to flirt with Dan, he goes back with her every night. Maybe they do belong with each other after all.
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: Smut (oral sex (f&m receiving), handjobs, fingering, piv sex, not exactly private sex), mentions of alcohol.
A/N: Another race week, another full chapter about these two! Hopefully this is a little more interesting than Baku was. As always, if you’ve got questions or comments let us know, and thank you for loving our Emmy the same way we love her.
October 2019
They’d arrived in Austin from Mexico early on Monday morning, the four of them half stumbling off the plane and being met at arrivals by Scotty. It wasn’t a long flight, but the five am takeoff meant it was before two when they got out of bed. Could they have booked later? Probably, but Dan wanted as much time as possible in Austin and Em wasn’t going to argue about it. They made their way to the hotel and checked in, everyone going to bed for a couple of hours before getting up and meeting for lunch. Em spent half the time they were supposed to be sleeping curled up in Dan’s arms, trading lazy kisses in between naps.
The decision was made to head out that night to Dan’s favourite bar. Monday was chilled out, it was Halloween that week so any other day would be busier, and they didn’t want to deal with loads of people. It involved dirt cheap drinks and good country music. Plus a dance floor that Em knew she’d insist she wasn’t going to get on before Dan pulled her onto it. And then if she played her cards right he’d pull her into a corner to make out before anyone could see them. Just because their friends knew they slept together now didn’t mean they wanted to share all the things they did.
Unusually for a weeknight the bar was busy, a bachelorette party on one side of the bar and a couple of birthday parties there. They’d managed to grab a booth for their first couple of drinks while they teased Scotty about being a Red Bull athlete and sitting in the Racing Point garage that weekend with his girlfriend. It didn’t take long for people to start saying they wanted to dance. Blake insisted he was staying there to keep the table, Em saying she’d do the same. But before long Dan had grabbed her hand and pulled her out to dance to the bluegrass that was playing. They moved to the music, Em letting go of her nerves being in the large crowd.
Everyone was dressed for the occasion in cowboy boots and denim. She had the pearlescent pink boots that Dan had bought her the year before with a matching hat on her head, denim shorts and one of Dan’s flannels over a white tank top. She was cosy and comfy and happy being there with Dan until she could feel eyes staring in the back of her head. The way they went from her to Dan and back again. It was like a sixth sense how she could tell the girl staring at them from across the room. Her outfit looked like it came straight from 2007 Taylor Swift, long blonde hair and legs for days. Her cowboy boots were heeled and black, wearing a white handkerchief dress and a black cowboy hat on her head. Em couldn’t fight against that. She was Emma from Liverpool who’d just started working for Blake and Michael, she wasn’t any better than the beautiful personification of cowgirl Barbie. She could deal with that, she’d go back to her hotel room alone when Dan decided to leave.
But she wasn’t giving up without a fight. The girl was looking at Daniel with a smile on her face and Em decided to do what usually worked for her. She put a hand around Dan’s bicep and pulled, pointing to the bar and he followed. His hands went around her waist, one of her hands on top of his as they made their way across. Usually that stopped girls who were coming to flirt with Dan, but this time it was useless. Even Dan’s arm around her as they stood at the bar did nothing. It was like Em was completely invisible, the blonde taking advantage of them stuck in the same place to stand beside Dan and begin to flirt and all she could do was wait and listen.
“Hey, what’s your name?” Em watched from the corner of her eye as Dan let go of her and turned. She knew him so well, how flirty he was, how kind he was. How he always made people feel like they were the only person he’d ever spoken to.
“I’m Dan, and you?” He was pulling out his politeness, the way he was around sponsors and people he was meeting through work. He always took his time and asked questions and spoke carefully to them. He was raised to be a gentleman - he always was with Em, and usually was with most people - and it was clear to her he was only doing it out of politeness. It meant that she felt more comfortable ducking under his arm, holding on tightly. The clueless look on his face would have been the most adorable thing in the world to her if it wasn’t for how awkward the entire situation was.
“Amber-Lynn. It’s so good to see ya. Do y’all come here often?
“First time here.” Dan raised his eyebrows, the signal that he had no idea what was actually going on. It made her smile anyway because they just wanted their drinks and to get away. Really though, it meant that he just wanted this to be over so they could go sit back down. Get away from Amber-Lynn and spend time together.
It was a total lie that they’d never been there. Dan had discovered it his first year racing in Austin and went every year. He’d dragged her to it nearly as soon as they’d made it to Austin the year before, it was where after his DNF they’d come up with the sex ban to see if she was his bad luck charm.
She didn’t blame Amber-Lynn for flirting with Dan, she had to stop herself from drooling every time she spent time around Dan. He joked about his curls getting the girls and he wasn’t wrong bout it. He was handsome, he knew it, and Em was absolutely crazy about every single part of him. From his big smile to his nose and jaw to his tattoos to his gorgeous tanned skin to his big beautiful neck and the way she just wanted to mark it all up she loved all of him. If it was a different situation she would have tried flirting with him the second she saw him in a bar - she had flirted with him in a bar the week after they’d agreed they weren’t going to sleep together again - but she never would have done it if there was another woman holding his arm and leaning into him. Not when the guy she wanted to flirt with was holding another woman with his arm around her hip.
To everyone else it was just friends when they’d been standing against the wall. None of them realised that his hand wasn’t in the small of her back, but his fingers were inside the dark denim back pocket, cupping the swell of her ass. Nobody got to see how his fingers bounced against her, how his thumb rubbed slow circles just under her waistband to torture her. Part of it was how he kept her grounded and stopped her anxiety when so many people were around and it was a busy place, but it was also a guaranteed way to turn her into a needy mess and ruin the underwear she was wearing. The only times he took his hand away was when they were on the dance floor or going to get drinks at the bar, but then they went back to their old habits. She hated to admit that she loved it, but it was the truth. It was just another way that Dan made it clear he was right there with her.
Once their glasses were finally in front of them they went to leave, heading back to the table Blake was at. But Amber-Lynn followed, trying to get Dan’s number. Em was completely tongue tied at the sight, shocked that even when Dan gave a no she came out with offering her own. This was a new kind of ridiculousness that she had never seen before. She knew girls flirted with Dan, knew they came offering all kinds of promises and to make his dreams come true. But she never saw it so she never got jealous about it before. Generally in the paddock the rumours about her and Dan were enough to keep people away whenever the two of them were together, and it helped.
“No, thank you,” Dan said and he tried turning away but they weren’t fast enough before the blonde spoke again.
“You sure? I can make it worth your while.”
Dan’s jaw dropped and Em just watched his reaction for a moment. He didn’t give a response, instead he turned and pressed a kiss to Em’s lips, deepening it for just a moment before pecking them again and turning back. Amber-Lynn stared for a second before flouncing off and Em leaned against him.
“Did anyone see?” She asked, Dan shaking his head.
“We were behind the pillar, we’re good. A couple of hours and we can go back to the hotel?”
“Sounds nice.”
“You know I only want you, right?” He asked her and Em nodded before they went back to the table.
She slid into the bench after Dan, his hand going straight back to her pocket and rubbing those circles against her hip and upper ass. They chatted with Blake, taking sips of their drinks before Scotty came over with his girlfriend and a tray of shots to share with everyone. It was the first time Em had properly spent time with Chloe, laughing with the other woman and chatting even as she just wanted to leave. The bar was busier than expected, it was noisy, there was too much going on. She started leaning against Dan, her arms around his waist and her head on his shoulder in their universal sign of “I want to go home”. She wasn’t at the press a kiss to his jaw stage yet, but it was coming soon
Everyone always watched as they acted like that, their little ways of communicating so different to the rest of their friends. They could have conversations without words, the two of them communicating through a smile or a raised eyebrow. Even a hand squeeze could mean a million things but they always knew the right one. Michael and Blake thought it was fascinating to watch. Em didn’t fully understand it herself, but she and Dan just knew each other on that level where nothing else mattered.
“Wanna go back to the hotel?” Dan whispered into her ear, Em nodding but trying not to do it too quickly. She was tired and tipsy, and she knew in about twenty minutes she was going to go from being too clingy to being jealous. All she wanted was to be back in their hotel room in Dan’s arms. The blonde’s face was still stuck in her head, the surprise and delight that Dan was going home with Em herself and not a girl throwing herself into his arms. She couldn’t get the image of Amber-Lynn staring at Dan, at the man Emma loved more than anyone in the world, as if she owned him and Em was nothing but a bug on her shoe. But instead it was the opposite, they said goodbye to everyone and walked out, Dan taking her hand as soon as they were outside. He was getting them an Uber and she just buried her face in his chest as he kissed the top of her head.
Even in the car they stayed holding hands, the surreal nature of the situation fully hitting Em there. Dan could have gone back with anyone else that night, but instead she was the one going with him. She didn’t know how she’d become just so lucky. They were going back to the fancy hotel room that Renault had booked, and Dan was going to fuck her brains out because that’s what he always did when he was this clingy as they went back to wherever they were spending that night. It was a beautiful thing in a city she’d grown fond of.
They’d barely made it into the elevator when Dan’s hands were pulling her close, deep kisses as they went to their floor. She was smiling through them, watching Dan’s lust blown eyes stare deeply at her, his lips perking up in a smile.
“You look so fucking pretty,” he murmured in between kisses, only stopping as the doors opened. Em’s hand was wrapped in Dan’s larger one as they half walked, half stumbled to the door. She managed to wave her keycard in front of it and get the door open, laughing at Dan’s movements.
Once the door was closed she was pinned against it. One of Dan’s hands was at her neck, thumb stretching to press against her lips. Em opened her mouth and began to lick softly at the digit. Revelling in the groan Dan let out she pushed against him. Her legs were held apart and need began to run through her as his free hand crept under the tank top she was wearing, pushing the front of it over her head and around her shoulders.
“Danny, don’t tease me. Please, Babe,” she groaned out as the familiar fingers traced the cup of her bra.
“That’s what you were doing all evening. Being so cute. I bet you’re soaked, right?” He let go of her neck to open her shorts, his thumb leaving her mouth with an obscene pop. It took no time at all for two long digits to get inside her underwear and make Em groan. “Let me hear you. You don’t need to be quiet here, promise.”
She couldn’t stop her hips from moving without her realising, pushing against nothing in an attempt to find friction. She felt one finger enter her before the second one joined it, her groan muffled by his shirt. Dan knew every single way to make her body fall apart, keeping her steady as the sound of her wetness pulling him in filled the room.
“More, please?” She asked without realising, a grin on his face as he realised.
“Your clit?” A nod the only response as his lips latched onto her upper chest. Em knew she was a debauched mess, shorts and underwear pulled down around her thighs, tank top up and half over her head. The awkward way it was wrapped around her arms made her tits stick out and Dan took full advantage of his access without her hands able to fist his hair.
Her orgasm grew in her belly, pants and groans mixed with Dan’s non stop pressure. Her head fell back against the door as she opened her mouth in a soundless scream. Pleasure went through every cell in her body, if it wasn’t for Dan holding her up she’d have fallen from the force of it. Once he coaxed her through it he carefully pulled his fingers out and licked them clean of her.
“I told you. I only want you.” She pulled him for a kiss, her boobs pushing against his still clothed torso but she didn’t care. He was there and Dan always did this and always made sure she was happy and satisfied when they had sex. This time she pulled him back towards the bed. She pushed his shirt off and they pulled the others pants down, Dan sitting on the bed and pulling Em into his lap.
“Wanna watch you ride me. Will you do that Baby girl?” Em was unable to deny him anything when he looked like that. She leaned down to take him into her mouth for the shortest few moments, pressing kisses and licks up his dick to make sure he was fully hard. She didn’t actually need to, but she couldn’t resist it purely for the little moan Dan always let out. She crawled up his thighs, her arms around his neck as he slid into her. It was perfect and took her breath away like every single time.
“Missed this,” Em moaned as she took his earlobe between her teeth and nibbled lightly.
“It’s been two days, Baby. You feel so good. So, so good for me. My best girl right here who takes me so well.” His dirty talk continued but Em barely heard it as she was lost in sensation. Her lips moved and pushed kisses up and down his jaw. She wanted to lean in and suck a mark, make him hers, but she stayed away. Dan’s fingers dug into her hips and helped her keep her pace, bouncing up and down in his lap. She let out random noises without meaning to, Dan tightening his grip on her when she did.
“You always make that noise whenever you’re close. Such a cute little squeak from my cute girl. I love hearing it from you Baby.” She pushed faster, her fingers on her clit as Dan kept going. She couldn’t tell when her orgasm hit but she knew Dan’s wasn’t far behind. His hips stuttered against hers as he came, pulling her tight against him. They both fell back against the bed as they realised where they were and what they were doing. Kisses were pushed to her head and she smiled, holding on for a moment before she knew she had to let go and clean up.
But Dan let go of her first, going into the bathroom. A moment later he was back, helping Em off the bed and kissing her cheek. There was a towel and warm water for her to clean up. On the bathroom counter was one of the merch prototypes for her to sleep in. When she got back to the bed she was slightly tipsy and warm and cosy, Dan pulling her in for a final kiss before they were going to sleep.
Tuesday was the second day of her fake weekend so she spent it wandering Austin. There was the offer of a rental car from Renault, but she turned it down in favour of using Uber or buses to really get to grips with the city. There was a store offering custom denim and she decided to go in for a look at it. Instead of just looking, she bought four pairs of jeans that were made to measure for her. The fabric felt good against her skin, and the staff were lovely. Part of her was terrified to spend so much money on clothes. She was a Primark girl at heart even though the bag on her arm was thousands of pounds. Dan had insisted that she got paid a large amount of money because of the work she was doing after their conversation in Russia, and he’d insisted on back pay for her too. Her bank account was healthier than it had been in years.
But she was photographed on a regular basis now, and while Renault let her wear team gear for work she still had eyes on her. People had commented when she wore the same pair of vans to work for a full weekend. This way she could have comfy jeans that worked well for her. She picked up a denim jacket too, and the tailor promised that they’d not only have the clothes ready for her by Friday, but they’d get delivered to COTA to make sure she got them.
“Are you sure? I can try come back in, I think we’re in Austin till Monday,” Em said as her offer was waved away.
“It’s fine. Do you have an office for me to say it’s for?”
“Say it’s for Daniel Ricciardo, care of Emma Smyth. That way it’ll get to me.”
“Of course. And if you need anything let me know.”
She got texts from Dan while she was sitting in a Starbucks. He was working out with Michael before doing interviews for Renault about his new teammate, and she just replied with photos of her drinks. The photo of the barbecue she was eating got a “EMMMMYYYYYY” in response, but she put her phone down and enjoyed it. Smoked chicken, mac and cheese, and a garlic dill pickle were perfect. It was even nicer that none of it was mixed together so she could really enjoy it. From there she walked through the UT campus and found a bench to sit and read on. The last thing on her day off was a trip to Lyndon B Johnson presidential library. It was full of history and fashion and things that happened in the 60s in the US and she loved every minute of it.
Dinner that night was the six of them - her and Dan with Blake, Michael, Scotty, and Chloe. From Thursday Chloe was in the Racing Point garage with her brother which meant they would barely see each other. She was someone Em could see herself being friends with long term and they swapped phone numbers over plates of food. Neither woman spotted the slightly widened eyes that Scotty and Dan gave each other at the rapidly forming friendship. If they had, the response would have just been laughter. It was a good night to have before the chaos of COTA and the US Grand Prix began the following morning.
And begin it did. Her alarm went off at six, Em rolling out of Dan’s arms grumbling. He was getting up too to work out, and when he got back she was showered and changed. Her foundation was nearly finished and she frowned, trying to get the last out of the bottle. She should have gone to Sephora the day before.
“Everything ok?” Dan asked and she held up the almost empty Rimmel tube for him to see. Less than a minute later there was a glass bottle sitting in front of her and Em looked up at him.
“I bought a new party shirt. Figured you could do with new foundation, the sales assistant helped me pick your shade.”
“Danny…” She trailed off looking at the bottle. Accepting something like this felt too much. He was constantly buying her bags or shoes or accessories and it always felt strange to take them.
“Consider it for work. You need new foundation, we’re getting photographed today. It’s the UT stuff before a load of sponsor stuff, right? With my helmet launch?”
“Yeah, it is.” She accepted the work excuse and decided to go with it, opening the bottle and pumping out some of the liquid. He’d gotten her shade perfect, Em spreading the liquid on her skin and patting it in. The rest of her makeup didn’t take long and she was ready to go by the time Dan was showered and changed. His curls looked perfect and she couldn’t help but steal a kiss from him before they left the room.
UT was busy. The deal had been that Dan was showing how much of a football fan he was with a Longhorns inspired helmet, looking almost exactly like a football one. Em was there in the background as his assistant, iPad in her arms as she tracked what they were doing. Dan was in his element while he showed off for the students. The cheerleaders were doing a performance that she watched and Em started feeling self conscious around them.
It was stupid. She was nearly thirty, of course she didn’t look like a teenager. But the night in the bar had started her insecurities going wild and this was nearly as bad again. Just the idea that she and Dan wouldn’t have the same kind of time together. It was weird and kind of hurt and she stood as in the background as her black and yellow shirt would let her.
“You ok?” Dan asked as he came over and she nodded her head.
“Never better Danny. Just tired.”
“Y’know, right? It’s you and me.” He reached out to squeeze her hand and she squeezed back to let his words wash over her.
“I know. You know too?”
“Always, Emmy.”
The next two days just felt like constant work and she was thriving on it. Race weekends had a carefully constructed schedule down to the minute and she knew exactly what she was doing. It was standing in the background watching interviews happen, or running between Renault and the FIA if something was needed. Officially she shouldn’t have, but when Cyril mentioned he needed someone to do something she volunteered when there was time. Everyone had to pitch in together and she was happy to.
During FP2 someone found her in hospitality, depositing a parcel for her. It was her jeans and she grinned before wrapping them back up to bring with her to the hotel. It was constantly running doing things, making sure that the weekend was kept on track for them. Em barely remembered what she was doing between sleeping and back to the track. Her usual broken race weekend sleep continued, but it was a little bit easier than usual. Maybe it was Austin or maybe it was the good mood in the Renault camp but it was everything for her.
It was getting ready for the race when Dan noticed her jeans. Em could feel him eyeing her up from across the hotel room as she slipped her feet back into her cowboy boots. Instead of her traditional Renault gear she’d put a Longhorns jersey on, Dan grinning and pressing a kiss to where her neck and shoulder met.
“Are you sure we have something to do today? We can totally stay here,” he murmured but Em turned around to look at him.
“You have a race, mister. A race where I’m so confident you’re going to get good points today.”
“Oh really? How confident?” A raised eyebrow made Em feel brave.
“Blowjob confident, Baby. Finish above ninth and I’ll give you one the second we’re alone.” Dan squeezed her, pulling her in for a kiss before they had to go be professional and get their shit done. But they squeezed hands before leaving the room, Em’s iPad and schedule firmly in the Kate Spade tote bag she loved. It was the first one Dan had bought her that she accepted from him because it wasn’t too expensive and it fit everything she needed for a busy race day. It didn’t take long for him to get her others, but she still came back to the original one.
The morning of the race was always weird for her. She met Chloe for breakfast in the paddock, feeling awkward sitting in Racing Point hospitality even though she knew it was ok for her to be there. Chloe’s dad introduced himself too, and Em waved at Lance when he spotted her there. She didn’t know the younger Canadian well, but she knew he was friends with Dan’s teammate for next year and Dan got along with him. It was more than enough for her to like him.
Before long it was back to the garage, her earplugs in before she slipped her well used headphones on over them. Em stood beside Blake while everyone went on the grid. Technically her pass let her onto the grid, but she never did it. She’d rather stay there and know she was where she belonged than risk making a mistake. So she watched as everyone started coming in and the formation lap happened, and the Sky F1 commentary was piped into her ears with lights out and away we go.
Every single race meant she worried about Dan. She worried about going into turn one, about racing incidents, about something just breaking mid race. But she watched as he kept going and pushing forward, careful overtakes and following strategy. She stayed there in her spot for the entire 56 laps, eyes on the yellow dot on the map that marked Dan’s car. As long as she lived the adrenaline would never stop, the worry she felt watching him slip into the car. She couldn’t imagine watching him getting into one without the halo on, but she knew he was more used to driving without it than with it.
The final lap her heart was in her throat as Lando seemed to catch up, but Dan managed to get through the chequered flag in sixth. The garage was cheering and she grabbed Blake into a hug as they celebrated. It had been such a hard couple of weeks with races and this was huge. Both drivers in the points, Renault as good as assured fifth in the constructors unless something huge happened. Considering how the season had begun it was good news. Dan grabbed them both in for a hug when he got back after doing his media round, slipping behind a stack of tyres to kiss Em in celebration. Usually she’d refuse, but she couldn’t help kiss him back quickly before he went for a debrief.
The plan was set, they were heading out to a bar Dan knew about for drinks, Scotty declining his and Chloe’s invitation to spend time with her family. While Dan was debriefing Em agreed to pack up Dan’s bag from his driver’s room. She’d gotten everything together and was sitting on the massage table, legs swinging from the height as she waited. Could she head downstairs? Sure. But Dan had completed his end of the bet, she wasn’t going to make him lose out on it.
“Ready to go? I figured we can head out and shower in the hotel before barbecue and drinks.” Dan grinned seeing her, his hands on either side of her hips as he kissed her.
“Nearly. I believe I promised something the second we’re alone.”
“I figured the hotel.”
“Nope.” Em reached up to kiss him before pushing Dan away slightly, sipping off the table and getting onto her knees. His hands moved to the side of her head as Em stared up with wide eyes and puckered lips. Her hands were quick to undo his jeans and pull them and his briefs down so she could pull him out. Dan was half hard without her touching him but once she began kissing up and down his shaft and moving her hand before she began working him fully.
She didn’t know how long she knelt there, head bobbing up and down with Dan’s hands in her hair as he murmured praises to her. Before Dan she’d hated going down on anyone, but the constant praise and support from him meant it had become easy now. She hummed the way she knew made him go insane, feeling him against her throat as his hips thrust shallowly.
“Fuck, Emmy, Baby, I’m gonna cum,” It was a strangled groan as Dan did, Em not moving away until he was finished. She pulled off as he half sagged against the massage table. He helped pull her up from the hard linoleum floor and pulled her in for a hug. Dan leaned in to kiss her as she went to move away, putting himself back together with his free hand.
“Congrats on sixth, Danny.” She grinned and he dove in for a kiss, tasting and holding her closely.
“You’re amazing, you know that right? Like you didn’t need to do that.”
“I wanted to.” They stayed like that making out until a knock on the door disturbed them.
“You two nearly ready? People are starting to wonder where the fuck Dan is!” It was Blake, and Em blushed while she leaned her head against Dan’s chest.
“Yeah Em was filling me in on the off week stuff! We’ll be out in a few.” He looked at her and had a soft smile, pressing another kiss to her forehead. “I swear if we didn’t need to get out of here I’d have you across that table right now. But that’d take at least an hour and we don’t have time for that.”
“Smooth, Ricciardo. Smooth.” She checked herself in the mirror before picking up her bag and making sure she was presentable to leave.
“I try. New jeans?”
“I found a place that does custom denim. Was it a good idea?”
“My emotional support ass looks excellent in them.” She laughed but Dan pulled her back before letting them leave. “You always look good. Do they feel good?”
“They’re soft. Even the seams feel good.”
“It’s what you deserve, Emmy. We can go into it tomorrow to take a look?”
It was a squeeze of her hand before they left, Em slightly ahead of Dan so he could watch her ass move in the dark denim. Talking to everyone was fun, the travelling staff planning on going to the hotel bar for drinks and food before the early flight in the morning. Instead she was heading back to the UK with the boys on Tuesday morning. It was a wave and a promise to talk to people in the factory next time she was in Enstone as she left with everyone.
They stopped at the hotel to change before food, the four of them sitting around a table at a barbecue restaurant with food placed in front of them. All of the sides came in giant baskets to be split between them, but Em’s brisket came on its own plate so she could have that at least. She was happy enough with that, but a few moments later a plate was put in front of her with fries and broccoli just for her. A glance at Dan told her everything she needed to know about the reason she had it.
The bar choice that night was a random place advertising line dancing that they ended up in, a couple of other drivers arriving too. Charles came to their booth with Pierre, the two speaking in French while Em held on a little with them.
“Anglais? Ma français n’est pas bien mais je suis bourré.” She got the words out to make Charles laugh, Pierre surprised at her language skills.
“Je te l’ai dit! Elle dit français. Sorry, Ems, we’ll stick to English. Pear didn’t think you actually spoke French.”
“E tu aiuti l’Italiano! But no, that’s my language skills. How’re you boys doing? Is this as fun as Vegas for you Charles?”
“Eh.” Pierre wriggled his hand and Charles shook his head, so she decided the best thing to do was get a tray of shots for the table. Was it healthy? No. But she knew secondhand what the Red Bull pressure was like and had seen how this year had been for him. If she could make it a little easier she would for the Frenchman.
It wasn’t long until Dan came over to her, pressing kisses to her cheek and holding her tight. She leaned against him and missed his first question until he spoke again.
“Wanna go back, Babe? I think I owe you.” She flushed but the dark of the bar stopped it from being obvious as she said her goodbyes, the two of them leaving to get a cab back to the hotel. Dan’s hands barely left her for the entire trip, and as soon as they made it to the hotel room he had her up on the desk as he got to his knees for one of his favourite things.
After they were both completely satisfied and ready for bed they were curled up, Dan’s arms around her as her head lay on his chest.
“I really like Austin,” Em whispered lowly to not break the calm of the night. “Last year I kind of hated it here after your DNF. But I like the city now I’ve spent time here. You spend more time in LA than here though, right?”
“Yeah. Austin’s great though. I keep thinking I should be here more. Maybe we could go on holiday?”
“That’d be nice. It’s the kind of place I could see bringing our kids. I think they’d like somewhere like this.” Her words slurred as sleep pulled her under, but Dan stayed awake for another half hour running her words through his head. Kids with Emmy? He’d never seen a future with a specific woman in his life. But he could see it with her.
Taglist: @dr3lover @sabrinaselina55 @majx00 @tall-tanned-tattoo @lovingdennishauger @lauehr @msolbesg @f1medlife @idkwtfimdoing2 @leclercsbae @hiphopdancer101universe @mehrmonga @lewispool @saintandrea-droidsmuggler @coldheartedmar @sugarbabygirlofdaddy @nonsensical-nonce @a-distantdreamer @tita010 @leslizzle @javden @mloyer @magical-imagination-kgp @danarysstormborn @kakorrhaphiphobia @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e @elizanav @neiich @luckyladycreator2
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emma-nation · 1 year
The Curse Of Hackett's Quarry
Chapter 1 - The Tower
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Summary: After the events of a traumatic night, Emma Mountebank finds out she still a werewolf. While she learns how to deal with this new reality, new problems and feelings come to surface. Pairings: Emma/Abi, Emma/f!OC
Notes: Set in an Alternate Universe where Emma was bitten by Silas. In this fic all the counselors are alive and all the Hackett's are dead. Pairings are Emma/Abi and Emma/f!OC.
Notes²: English is not my first language, I apologize for any mistakes. This is my first The Quarry fic and also my first Werewolf fic, I hope you guys enjoy it. Like Emma says herself - 'Sub, share and smash that like button. The holy trinity.'
Full Story:
The Tower represents a massive change - destruction and chaos, a personal transformation. The awakening of something new. 
August, 2021
At the police station, Emma observed a tarot card inside an evidence bag that was collected from Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp. The last three days had been a blur. 
When the police cars arrived in the morning, she assumed everything would be okay. She was finally going home and then college. That traumatic night would become a distant memory.
But then she left Mr. H's office and saw that corpse in the lodge. It was not a monster. It did not look like a monster. That was… Caleb Hackett. In that moment, she knew they were in trouble.
"I… I'm not a murderer," she said once she was being taken to the back of a police car. "We were attacked."
The police officer did not answer. 
She and Abi were locked in the same holding cell. Abi was very distressed. She could barely breathe. At some point, she went to the toilet and vomited. 
"It'll be okay, Abi," Emma placed a hand on her shoulder, in an attempt to bring her some relief. "They will only ask us a few questions. And then, we're going home."
"Emma, stop," the girl pushed her hand away and stood up, taking a few anxious steps around their enclosure.
"Do you realize that was a teenage boy that was lying dead in that lodge?! Do you think they'll even believe us when we tell werewolves attacked us?!"
Emma swallowed dry. Yes, she was being ridiculous. Their situation wasn't good at all. But she had to believe that. She couldn't let that optimistic side of her die. Not yet. Otherwise she'd break. 
They called her for an interrogation by the nighttime. At least she was allowed to shower and change her clothes before. She was also given a meal, but she declined. Even if she hadn't eaten for over 24 hours, she wasn't hungry.
"And that's what happened," Emma finished, after telling everything she could remember about that night. 
"Yes. I have a picture on my phone. It was taken as evidence when I arrived, but you can check…"
The officer didn't say anything. Emma stopped talking.
"Ms. Montebank, did you have a relationship with… she checked a paper for information, "Mr. Jacob Custos?"
"Yes. No! I mean… we had a Summer fling, but I broke up with him before all of that."
"So you did not consent when he sabotaged the van to spend one more night with you in the Summer Camp?"
The revelation caught her by surprise. Emma felt a knot in her stomach. She really thought Jacob was acting strange but she didn't want to assume he'd go that far.
"H-He did what ?!"
She returned to the cell, unable to process what she heard. Abi was lying on the bed, facing the wall. She wasn't sleeping, but she didn't feel like talking.
Emma was called back to the interrogation room. Being a lawyer himself, her father had contacts and hired one of the best attorneys in the country.
"So, you did not shoot any of the Hacketts?" He asked.
In fact, she only learned all the other members of Hackett's family were dead when she was taken to the precinct. 
"Then why were your fingerprints on the gun?"
"I took it from Mr. Hackett's storage."
"Why did you take it, Emma?"
"To be honest, I don't know."
Staring at that tarot card, made Emma reflect about her future. She had just signed the papers of her release, after the group was declared innocent of the accusation of murder and didn't know what to expect. Would she be able to recover from that traumatic experience? Would the rest of the world believe that absurd story about werewolves? She definitely wouldn't, if she had seen it for herself. 
She didn't see any of her friends while being escorted outside by her parents, which was good somehow. She didn't want to face Jacob yet. She'd certainly punch him and yell at him, what would bring her even more problems. She wished she had seen Abi though, but she was already gone. Emma feared she blamed her somehow, for what Jacob did. 
As long as she remembered, Emma always felt comfortable being in front of cameras. Ever since she was a kid, she loved being captured through videos and photos. She was a true actress from birth. 
Now, she was learning to hate them. As soon as she left the station, journalists were waiting, shoving microphones on her face, asking inappropriate questions and taking unwanted pictures of her release.
"Ms. Montebank, would you mind saying a few words about the incident?"
"I can't," she attempted to cover her head using her hands. "I'm sorry."
"Emma, is it true you and your friends were under the influence of drugs?"
"Ms. Montebank?!"
"Emma! Emma!"
They didn't stop and the police officers didn't make any efforts to stop them. A few journalists chased her parents' car. Later, they found out their address, staying in front of their house waiting for answers during the next few days.
The journalists weren't the only problem. When Emma finally gathered enough courage to check her social media, she found out she had gained a ton of new followers. Her videos were also bombarded with all kinds of comments - most of them were negative. Sarcastic. Evil. Bits of her videos were taken out of context and each one of her words, each one of her actions were analyzed, misinterpreted and judged.
That was when she decided to deactivate her account. At least for a while. All that fuss couldn't last forever. 
At home, her relationship with her parents had been wrecked too. While they believed her innocence, they seemed resentful, disappointed. Maybe because none of them was allowed a normal life anymore. Her parents wouldn't have a moment of peace even during their work hours.
Emma would spend most of her time locked in the bedroom and her 10 years old sister was the only one who bothered to check on her every once in a while.
"Hey, princess," she smiled when the girl appeared in the bedroom, shortly after her arrival. "I missed you."
"I missed you too, Em," Olivia Mountebank wrapped her arms around her neck. "I'm so glad you're here."
'Me too,' Emma thought without saying it aloud. While she was fighting for her life that night, her little sister was the person who mostly crossed her mind. 
"I believe you. About the werewolves."
"It… it means a lot."
She smiled, attempting to fight the tears that started filling her eyes. She hadn't been able to cry yet. That was the first time.
September, 2021
After two weeks, Emma decided it was time to recompose herself and try to move on with her life. Keeping her mind busy would help her to deal with that whole traumatic experience. She finally started attending classes at NYU and moved to the dorm.
She didn't expect it to be easy. The looks and whispers would follow her anywhere she went. In the better days, people would just ignore her existence. 
"Give it some time," Kaitlyn said when they spoke over the phone. She was the only one of the group who called her. Abi hadn't been answering any of them yet.  "People will eventually forget about it."
And that was what Emma was trying to do, but on that particular morning of September 20, she woke up feeling awful. At first it was only her chest exploding in anxiety. After an hour or so, she noticed her skin felt like it was on fire. Her body temperature was abnormally high.
"What that bitch is doing?" Somehow, she could hear the conversation between her roommates, while she had been sitting under the cold shower. "She has been there for like two hours."
"Maybe she's doing drugs again."
"I hope she didn't kill herself. It'll bring journalists to the campus all over again."
They giggled. And their laughs sounded extremely loud. Emma's ears started to ring in response. She covered them with her hands to muffle the sound.
Once the girls left, she wore some clothes and headed to the student health center. 
"Your temperature is a little bit high, Ms. Montebank," the female doctor examined her. "But it doesn't seem to be anything serious."
"I-I also feel nauseous and… my chest hurts."
"You've been under a lot of stress. I'll prescribe you some tranquilizers."
She asked Emma to return in case her symptoms worsened. After buying the medication, she returned to the dorm and slept.
Her dreams were tormented by memories from that night. She was in the woods all over again, being chased by one of those creatures. This one was different from the others, its skin was much more pale. It seemed stronger and faster somehow. Emma was able to escape. It was only when she was safe inside Chris Hackett's office with Abi that she felt her leg stinging. She didn't say anything. She didn't want to scare her friend. The wound wasn't even deep, more like a scratch. It was also clean, showing no signs the infection was spreading through her bloodstream. When the morning came and she hadn't transformed, she considered herself lucky. 
Emma woke up past lunch time. Her body was aching and her head felt a little foggy. She went to the bathroom to wash her face, but once she stared at her reflection in the mirror she let out a scream. 
Her eyes had turned yellow.
"It can't be," Emma took a deep breath while she drove around the streets. "It can't be!"
Nick returned to normal after Caleb Hackett was killed. So did Ryan, Laura and Max after shooting Chris. 
She later heard the story about a man named Silas, who was rumored to be the one werewolf to infect the Hackett's. But he was also shot to death by Ryan and Laura.
There was absolutely no way that could be happening.
Emma wore shades before entering into the store. Rope. She had to buy rope before heading to the woods. 
"Just in case," she told herself. "Because nothing will happen tonight. It's only… stress. I'm very very stressed."
Along the rope, she bought some other supplies and drove to the park. She waited until it was completely empty before she restrained herself around a tree. She feared she could escape once she transformed. If she transformed. But the creatures didn't appear to be that strong or smart. Back to the camp, the hunters caught them in regular and simple traps.
As the night started to fall, her skin started to turn gray. She also felt her teeth becoming sharp.
It was really happening. And no one was there for her. When the Hackett's transformed, they had each other. When Max transformed, he had Laura. When Nick transformed he had Abi. 
Abi. She wished Abi was there. Sweet, shy and insecure Abi. If only she was answering her calls.
WHY wasn't she answering her calls? Emma started feeling angry. She had done NOTHING wrong! 
Maybe that was him … Jacob. He had manipulated Abi's mind against her. Of course.
That was all Jacob's fault in first place. If only he had respected her when she said no. If only he wasn't so toxic, obsessive and childish. 
The thoughts were becoming too much to handle and Emma resorted to the only thing that could bring her some comfort. She positioned the camera of her cell phone in front of her and started to film.
"September 20, 2021 - 7 PM. It's… uh… it's my first night," her feelings of rage were replaced by fear and anxiety. Some tears started to roll across her cheeks.
"I'm scared. And lonely. I wish… I wish Abi was here. Or even Kaitlyn. S-She is always so brave…"
"Or Dylan. I'd… I'd love to hear one of his awful jokes right now."
God. She missed them terribly.
"Y-You've won, Jacob. Karma has found me! This is the price I'm paying for breaking your heart. I hope you're happy now, motherfucker."
Her conscious was being replaced by something else. Something wild. Something dangerous. Something inhumane. 
Emma swallowed a few pills from the tranquilizer she had bought earlier. Maybe that would weaken the creature inside her.
Then she closed her eyes and waited.
A few minutes later, she was no longer herself.
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OMG TYSM FOR SENDING THIS!!!!!! I might go a little out of order hehe
🍬 I think the fan base would be pretty wholesome, or at least I hope it would be! Maybe some people would view Emma and Fumi as "boring" but that's alright!
🍓 Emma bites her nails when she's nervous.
🍦If you know anything about Emma, she LOVES giving physical affection. Whether its cuddles, kisses, or even just hand holding, she enacts it most of the time. It's a good thing those actions make a certain film student melt like butter...hehe~
🍩 I have a coat that looks like Emma's, so sometimes when I wear it I pretend it's her coat!💕
Once again, thank you for the ask!
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guthooked · 10 days
hey hi! 27nb (he/they) in search of more (21+) discord rp partners! i write queer pairings with a preference for f/f and f/nb. smut, dead dove, and dark themes always a plus! here are a couple things i'm looking for:
a smutty oc x oc bodyguard plot. give me an heiress whose overbearing paranoid parents insist upon hiring live-in muscle, an out of control actor who's started one too many bar fights and is assigned a bodyguard (cough: chaperone) by their manager, or something in a similar vein. give me all the resentment, drama, hate sex, and slow burn codependency pls.
if writing the bodyguard i'd lean towards a katy o'brian, michelle rodriguez, or lesley-ann brandt type. if writing the heiress/actor/what have you i would probably go with someone like olivia cooke, daisy edgar-jones, or chloe bennet.
this plot right here. do revenge. saltburn. the secret history. fucky academia bullshit, heavy on the obsession, emotional manipulation, corruption, and sexual experimentation.
a million dollars to anyone who gives me this one with modern rhaenyra and alicent, or just emma d'arcy and olivia cooke fcs. open to other fcs though! if writing muse b i'd maybe go with daniela melchior or melissa barrera. maybe cailee spaeny or kaylee kaneshiro if i'm writing muse a. fcs are always up for discussion though, just let me know!
like this post if you're interested and i'll send you a message!
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CFWC F/AotW - Jan 28-Feb 3, 2024
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA | 🔹Submitted by creator
Blades MC Fanart 🎨 by @lilyoffandoms
Lost & Found 🎨🔹 | Mal Volari x f!human!mc by @cashweasel (C: @storyofmychoices
Tightrope ✒️🔹| Tyril Starfury x f!human!mc - @petalouda85
Gaius Augustine x MC Fanart 🎨🔹by @gaiuskamilah
Full CoP Masterlist week ending Feb. 3, 2024
Kieran Fanart 🎨🔹by @artbyalz
D&D OC 🎨 by @lilyoffandoms for @noesapphic
Mad Love ✒️🔹| Ernest Sinclaire x MC - @noesapphic
Helios - Emma's Arylu 🎨🔹 by @storyofmychoices
What's it Like Living With the Oretegas? ✒️🔹| Zig Ortega x F!MC by @choiceswithmika
Aiden Zhou x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @lilyoffandoms for @cadybear420
Chronicles of a Crimson Summer 11 ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Cassius Harlow x NB!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Pick a Line 1 ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Cassius Harlow x NB!MC - @aallotarenunelma
ILITW M!OC Fanart 🎨 by @lilyoffandoms for @aallotarenunelma
Full LOA Masterlist week ending Feb. 3, 2024
Guinevere, A Courtesan of Rome, Endless Summer, Getaway Girls, The Heist: Monaco
MC Fanart 🎨by @gaiuskamilah
Slow Burn, LoA, ShipWrecked, WTD, Surrender, CoP
MC Fanart 🎨by @cassiopeaicorvus
Full OH Masterlist week ending Feb. 3, 2024
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You - Part 5✒️| Maxwell Beaumont x Olivia Nevrakis - @alj4890
Side by Side (Series) ✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @ownworldresident Chapter 9: Renewal
Single Again ✒️🔹| Liam Rys x MC - @angelasscribbles
Vancross (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️🔹| Liam Rys x F!OC - @ao719 Chapter 22: My Way Back to You
Brynn 🎨🔹by @lilyoffandoms
Brynn (Zombie) 🎨🔹 by @lilyoffandoms
The Morning ✒️🔹| Eli Sipes x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Sisterly Advice ✒️🔹| Brynn Archer, F!MC - @dutifullynuttywitch
Wake the Dead Fanart🎨🔹by @lilyoffandoms
Zombie Queen🎨🔹 by @lilyoffandoms
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sofasoap · 1 year
Second chance
Pairing: Simon “ Ghost” Riley x f!Reader
Summary:  Your fear that history will repeat itself.
Warning: M rating, slight angsty moments, discussion of past issues. Tw talk of pregnancy and children
A/N : Continuation/parallel universe of @saltofmercury ’s “The Favorite MacTavish” , where the reader/OC is Soap’s little sister. Thanks to her kindness leading me her character :D
“masterlist” for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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"Everything alright love?”
“Mm Hm.”
Simon has noticed you've been extra clingy since he got home from the mission this time round.
Snucking up to him all the time and try to wrap both of your arms around his broad chest from behind.
Plonking yourself into his lap, while he winds down with his book in front of the fireplace at night, after the twins have gone to bed.
You subconsciously bury yourself into his chest middle of night, seeking for his warmth and comfort.
Not that he minds. He secretly enjoys the intimacy, which makes him feel loved,wanted, needed.
Looking down at you, basking in the afterglow of a tender love making session, tracing your finger over his tattoos on his arm.  
Simon calls your name. He notices your movement halt for a second, before curling your fingers up.
You are hiding something from him.
Gently cupping your face, lifting it so he can look you right in the eyes. Noticing tears starting to well up.
“Talk to me. What’s wrong? I know there’s something going on. Tell me.”
“I'm scared Simon.”
“About? What happened?”Simon frowned. Has something happened that he has no knowledge about? Racking his brain trying to go through all the conversation with you, and Soap, and his team mates, nothing triggers his mind.
“... The baby.”
“What happened to the kids?” Simon was ready to get up, to check on the twins. You reach out to grab his arm, stopping him.
“The twins are fine Simon.. I..” You took a deep shuddered breath.
“I am pregnant again.”
Simon is at a loss for words at your reluctance of not telling him sooner. And it suddenly clicked.
He remembered a passing conversation he was having with Soap a week or two ago while they had a drink, when he mentioned to Soap why he is unwilling to have more kids.
“... She suffered too much last time. That’s why I don’t want any more children.”
You must have caught the tail end of the conversation. It dawned on him the expression you had on your face after you came back into the room was a mixture of disappointment and fear.
The disappointment ,he doesn’t want the child.
The fear, he is going to disappear again after hearing the news.
He was the cause of your fear. The pain. AGAIN.
You had to go through the entire pregnancy with the twins, without him by your side, because he was acting like an asshole, refusing to face his demon. And you nearly died from it.  If it wasn’t for Soap and Emma supporting you, shaking his head, he didn’t want to think of the possible “ what if’s.”
Taking his silence and action as rejection, you started sobbing. “I can’t do this alone, Simon. Not again.”
“ I am sorry love..That’s not what I meant..”Caressing your hair and giving you soft kisses while cradling you, “I just don’t want you to go through the pain again…You nearly lost your life.” The guilt is starting to eat through Simon, "I was an utter ass pushing you away and not being there for you.” tightening his hold on you, “I will be here for you, this time. I promise. I wouldn’t ghost you this time.”
You let out a little sobbing laugh. “That is a bad dad joke Simon.” 
Gently wiping your tears away with his thumb,smirking. “I had plenty of practice.”
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True to his words, Simon was there for you all the way.
The first time he attended the ultrasound scan with you, he nearly overcome with emotion. These are all new experiences for him. Looking at the little dot on the screen. A new life. New responsibility. More love to share.
Even with his work commitments and missions taking him away from home, he always checks up on you. Telling the kids to look after their mum and future siblings.
“Yes L.T!”
“.... Did you…” Simon asks with a deadpan expression. 
“Ask Johnny.” You held your hands up. 
The pregnancy went through without a hitch.
He paced up and down the corridor of the hospital outside the operation room, agitated. He wishes he can light up a cigarette, to calm his nerves. He quit smoking years ago, after holding the twins for the first time.
In the end it was his children that gave him the strength.
“It will be alright Da. Ma and the baby will be fine.”
The twins knew this is all new to their father, seeing their mother going through this. You and Simon were honest with them when the children asked one day, out of curiosity, why they took their mother’s surname instead of Simon’s.
“Because your Da was a fool.” Simon was brutally honest. Looking at him after patting his hand, you gave him a tight smile. “Well, your Ma was a fool too.”  After giving the abridged and child friendly version of the story, the twins said nothing, both of them looked at each other, and went up and gave Simon a hug. 
Kylie Kathleen Riley was born with a loud announcement as she entered this world.
“Hot tempered just like her Ma.” you said to Simon with a tired but cheeky smile. 
Gaz walked around the base smiling like a dork days after he knew how you and Simon’s newborn was named after him, showing off his new goddaughter’s photos to everyone he knew.
“You know it’s Mini and I that had the child, not you right?” Simon mocked him once.
Gaz doesn’t care, he dots on his goddaughter so much, you started teasing Simon,
“Careful, now Kylie will say she would wanna marry uncle Gaz when she grows up, just like Aileen wanted to Marry König.”
Gaz was banned from the Riley household for a while.
You shook your head with your husband’s protectiveness with his daughters. It will come back and bite him one day.
And sure it did. 
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Laswell and her wife were pleasantly surprised the child was named after her. They attend her first birthday, and there’s always presents sent to the Riley household if they couldn’t be present for the important events.
Soap named his twins afterwards after Price and Gaz. Big chaos everytime there is a huge gathering, trying to call out names.
"Price? Soap? or Tiny? or this little bub here?"
" There's five of us here.. which one do you want?"
Gaz looked at little Kylie in his lap, "No confusion here between us eh?"
" Gaz, you forgot my son is named after you too?" “And mine.”
Gaz had a hard time trying to name his children when they were born.
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I love to think the 141 and all the members they worked with ended up to be very close together and one big happy family. :)
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julychallenge · 2 months
Masterlist For the July Challenge
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | Kieran x Elam by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Artist: Ainna | Setting Sail for Tomorrow (and whatever comes next) | Calli x Flynn by @storyofmychoices
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | Zig x Mikaylyn for @choiceswithmika
Artist: @callmebeem Neon Glow | Bryce x Olivia by @storyofmychoices
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | Grant Emerson
Artist: @oh-so-youre-a-nerd | Warmth & Security - Martin Vanderweil x Wind Velez
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | Naomi Silverhawk
Artist: @oh-so-youre-a-nerd | Charming/Independent - Enid Mendoza x Joaquin Morales
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | Kate O’Malley
Artist: @whispersleo | Bryce & Olivia enjoy a quiet moment at an afternoon picnic | Bryce Lahela (M!MC) x Olivia Hadley (F!OC)
Artist: Ainna Places in Paradise | Thomas Hunt (M!MC) x Alex Spencer (F!OC)
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | King Arthur
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | Lancelot
Artist: Ainna | Happy Birthday, Baby! | Tobias Carrick (M!MC) x F!MC (Casey Carrick)
Artist: @storyofmychoices | Kate O'Malley for @rosesnink
Artist: @lilyoffandoms | Luna Auclair for @peonierose
Friendship & Fashion by @jerzwriter| Tobias (M!MC) & Merida (F!MC)
Special Delivery by @jerzwriter| Tobias Carrick (M!MC) x Casey Carrick (F!MC)
Movie? What Movie? by @jerzwriter| Tobias Carick (M!MC) x Casey MacTavish (F!MC)
Summer Haze - @jerzwriter| Tobias Carrick x F!OC
A Place to Stay - by @jerzwriter | Troy Hasan & Eli Sipes
Elmo's Special Visit by @storyofmychoices | Olivia Hadley (F!OC), Tobias Carrick
Beautiful Day by @liaromancewriter | Kyra Santana & F!MC (Cassie Valentine)
Chancing it by @jerzwriter | Tobias Carrick (M!MC) x Casey MacTavish (F!MC)
First Impressions by @jerzwriter | Tobias Carrick (M!MC) x Casey MacTavish (F!MC)
A Late Night Picnic by @storyofmychoices | Mal Volari (M!MC) x Daenarya (F!OC)
Mine by @liaromancewriter | Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) x F!MC (Cassie Valentine)
Mono~poly Chapter 3: Propositions by @jerzwriter | Tobias Carrick (M!MC) x Casey MacTavish (F!MC)
Summertime by @jerzwriter | Trystan Thorne (M!MC) x Carolina Rose (F!MC)
Fair Game by @jerzwriter | Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) x Kaycee MacClennan (F!MC)
Seeking Shelter by @jerzwriter | Eli Sipes (M!MC) x Zoe Rivera (F!MC)
Of Cloudless Climes and Starry Skies (4/?) | Sebastyan Thorne x Emma Rose (F!MC)
Happy Birthday, Baby! | Tobias Carrick (M!MC) x F!MC (Casey Carrick)
A Simple Wish by @jerzwriter | Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) x Kaycee MacClennan (F!MC)
His Barbie, Her Ken by @ladylamrian | F!MC × White! NikRyder
Hot Tea by @liaromancewriter | Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) x F!MC (Cassie Valentine); feat. Max Valentine
To be a Nighthunter by @ladylamrian | F!MC × NikRyder
Romantic, much? by @liaromancewriter | Sienna Trinh (F!MC) x M!OC (Max Valentine)
Sweet Morning by @ladylamrian | (F!MC × Tobias)
Jun: The Bodyguard by @storyofmychoices | Jun Seong
Paper Hearts by @jerzwriter | Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) x Kaycee MacClennan (F!MC)
Shades of Grey by @liaromancewriter | Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) x F!MC (Cassie Valentine)
@choicesmonthlychallenge It was my pleasure and honor to host this months challenge, despite the loss I had I still had fun hosting this challenge.
Thank you to everyone who’s participated I hope you enjoyed the July challenge and its prompts. I hope it brought you some joy and some fun.
But the fun is not over. You can head over to choicesaugustchallenge and check out what cool and fun prompts they have 🩷
All the best
- PR 🩷🌸
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asa-writes · 1 year
Asa’s Masterlist
Because my Fics and Oneshots got buried in my main account (@asa-do-your-thing) I have started this account for easier access. 
My requests are open for fics atm.
Please check this post for who I write for, my rules and further info :)
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House of the Dragon 
Prince Aemond Targaryen Masterlist​
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Lord Cregan Stark Masterlist
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My Marble Statue - Otto Hightower x F!Reader
Otto with a corruption kink... gets, well, fucked. Requested by Anon.
Rest Your Love on Me - Alicent Hightower x F!Reader
Alicent rediscovers her lust for women when Helaena gets a new lady-in-waiting. Requested by Anon.
Headaches - Aegon x F!Reader
You are called in to help the Prince with his headache. 
Game of Thrones / ASOIAF
Dreams - Jon Snow x F!OC / Robb Stark x F!OC
On Ao3
“My Sweet” - Robb x Lucie Templeton
They all need each other, though each in their own seperate way. Growing up and loving in times of war isn't easy at all. Especially when you have to fight for the lives of the people you thought you loved - when you have to abandon everything for the greater good, when you have to choose between sexual, familiar and romantic love.
The Second First Time - Jon Snow x F!Reader
Reader wants to experience her first time again.
The rainbow trout - Robb Stark x Frey Reader
The Maiden’s Voyage
Chapter 1: Yara Greyjoy x F!OC
Set me on Fire - Eddard Stark x F!Tyrell OC
Eddard remarries - Lady Emma Tyrell - and enjoys his wedding night. 
The Game - Robert Baratheon x F!Reader x Eddard Stark
Ned rips your dress at the Tourney at Harrenhal and you have to take shelter in Robert’s tent.  
Restraint - Roose Bolton x F!Reader
Roose tests reader’s obedience.
Aphrodite of Old Hall - Anthony x F!OC / Benedict x F!OC
Wattpad Story 
Part 1 ¦ Part 2 ¦ Part 3 ¦ Part 4 ¦ Part 5 ¦ Part 6 ¦ Part 7 ¦ Part 8 ¦ Part 9 ¦ Part 10 ¦ Part 11 ¦ Part 12 ¦ Part 13 ¦ Part 14 
1814 - Lady Elisabeth de Gressy arrives in London shortly before the social season starts, sponsored by her older Brother, the Earl of Brenton. Her talents, maturity and her language skills set her up to be the season's incomparable... and, if she's lucky, to become a Bridgerton.
Love, Betrayal, Lust and Betrothal... May god have mercy on the Ton; this one is as salacious as it gets. => FINISHED! 
Baldur’s Gate 3
Among the ferns - Halsin x F!Reader
Halsin is shocked when he finds out that Tav has never had sex before. 
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