#emma salts
hellomynameisghostface · 10 months
I never understood why people hate on Amber and Richie's motive when it's far from the worst in the franchise, in my opinion. So here's a little rant of my opinions on all Ghostface motives. Billy Loomis: his motive literally makes no sense to me but because he's one of the original Ghostfaces, everyone puts him on a pedestal. He kills Maureen because she's sleeping with his father, Hank, causing his mother, Nancy, to leave them. Makes sense, he could have stopped there. Instead he targets Sidney for literally nothing. Just simply because she's the daughter of the woman who broke up his family. It would have made more sense to go after Sidney while Maureen was still alive to make her suffer before killing her. Therefore, making his motive one of the dumbest in the franchise for me.
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Stu Macher: his motive is simple yet affective; he has none, or at least as far as we know. Most real life murderers probably don't have much of a motive either so while it's realistic it's not exactly the most creative motive but really, how creative can you really get? There's only so many reasons to want to kill someone especially when the main target is the same unproblematic person just trying to live her life in peace.
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Mickey Altieri: I love Mickey but he has one of the dumbest motives in the franchise and no one says shit. He literally just wants to get caught and blame the movies. Nancy did the right thing shooting him.
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Nancy Loomis: one of the better motives, as Nancy herself says, good old fashion revenge. It's the first time in the franchise that the motive is revenge (no, I don't count Billy's motive as revenge. Maybe when it came to Maureen but not Sidney) so it's a fresh motive in these movies.
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Roman Bridger: another motive I particularly like. I think of his motive less revenge and more resentment. No motive is good enough to kill but his is one of the ones where you could understand how someone who's mentally unstable could snap. Being abandoned by your mother just for her to have another child she loves and cares for and then turns you away once you try to reunite with her? I'd be upset too. I mean...not enough to kill but you get my point.
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Charlie Walker: another dumb motive that no one talks about. As a matter of fact, does he even have one? We know he's a "Stab" fanatic and a simp for Jill so what I get from this is he was easy to persuade because he was already a fan of the movies and a horny teenage boy. I don't think he could've given a fuck less if he got famous from it.
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Jill Roberts: her motive is one of the best and aged like fine wine. In the world we live in today, some people would quite literally kill to be famous. I know some people have complaints about it but it's really not that farfetched, people are mad crazy these days and kill for the stupidest reasons.
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Amber Freeman: like Charlie, I don't know if we really get a motive for Amber. Richie seems so much more passionate about the "Stab" movies and their killing spree becoming a movie then she does (he literally doesn't shut up about it and barely lets Amber give her motive or intentions.) What I got from watching the movie was that Amber was a fan of horror movies in general (she very clearly likes "Psycho," "Halloween" and "Friday The 13th") but she claims she's been obsessed ever since her parents bought Stu Macher's house, where the first murder spree took place, implying she didn't care as much before moving in. She also says her and Richie had similar ideas, not the same. I think her motive was more like Stu's and was to just kill for the fun of it. If her and Richie's motives were in fact the same, it's still a decent motive and original compared to the Ghostfaces before. If her motive was similar to Stu's, it's still a decent motive just unoriginal.
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Richie Kirsch: his motive is a lot more crystal clear than Amber's. As I already mentioned above, he doesn't shut up about it. He hated the recent "Stab" movie and thought creating a new killing spree would provide new source material to make a better movie than the last. Considering how upset people in the "Scream" fandom got about this movie (and how other fandoms get with their respective franchises) just proves that his motive isn't that dumb. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if something like this happened in real life, especially when you take into consideration that these movies inspired real life murders already.
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Jason Carvey: his motive wasn't great but it wasn't terrible. He was just another fanatic (which is repetitive of the last movie) wanting to continue "Richie's film" (fuck Amber, I guess...I hate how this movie down played her when she carried Richie) but since he was an opening kill, his motive probably wasn't meant to be all that great. Had he gotten further with his plan though, I wouldn't have hated it. PS: if you were expecting a Greg Bruckner paragraph, sorry but his bitch ass was killed before the plan was meant to be put into motion so therefore, he wasn't officially a Ghostface in my eyes. His motive would have been the same as Jason's anyway, as far as we know.
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Wayne Bailey, Ethan Landry and Quinn Bailey: I'm going to include them all in one paragraph since their motives are all the same: good old fashion revenge. As Richie's father, brother and sister their only goal was to seek revenge on anyone who was involved in Richie's death. Nothing suggests that any of them had any additional motives. The motive itself is fine, I literally mentioned it was one of the better ones in my Nancy paragraph. The only problem I have with it is now it's become repetitive and unoriginal. It's basically just a knockoff of "Scream 2" with an extra killer. From my point of view, it's the only movie that straight up reuses a motive. To summarize: pansy ass mama's boy who's sad she abandoned him, psycho who was peer pressured, psycho who wants to get caught and taken to trial, mother seeking revenge, son who was abandoned by his mother and has resentment against his sister, simp horror fan, psycho who wants fame, horror fans who want a better installment in their favorite franchise, horror fans who want to continue the last Ghostfaces plans for a better installment in their favorite franchise and a family seeking revenge; notice how only one of these are almost exactly the same to another. (I guess Billy and Roman's could be categized as similar, being abandoned by their mothers, but they're different enough for me and Roman's motive was better and made more sense. Amber and Richie have the same or at least similar motive but because their partners in the same movie I'll allow it. Jason and Gregg's motive was meant to continue what Amber and Richie sought out to do but they were opening kills so their motive was kind of a throwaway and irrelevant anyway.)
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*We never got to see the Paradise Hideout in its proper glory, along with all the characters introduced during that arc
**Isabella being reintroduced back into the story differently in S2e04 but still following the same path she took in the manga (minus her dying)
***The special ops team armed with guns being taken out during the bunker raid by a group of kids thirteen and under armed with a chair and a few bows and arrows and none of the finesse used to escape Grace Field
Wish we had ranked poll choices because all of these are terrible, but what hurts you the worst specifically.
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asscrasher · 6 months
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The new X-Men series were recently announced including a brand new title starring Emma Frost, Kitty Pryde, and a trio of brand new characters called Exceptional X-Men
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We haven’t been teased with much, but I noticed that the new kids resemble the three alchemical primes of Salt, Sulfur and Mercury collectively known as the Tria Prima
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Salt- Melee: Sturdy, Physical
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Sulfur- AXO (Abandoned Explosive Ordnance): Combustion, Fire
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Mercury- Bronze: Mutable, Mailable, Undefined Shape. Also Metallic themed
Kitty and Emma’s powers also create a duality. Emma’s Diamond Form is Super Dense but is also very Clear and even Light Refracting. Kitty’s powered form is Absolute Intangibility, almost like a ‘Shadow’ for which she derives her code name Shadowcat from. I wonder how these ideas might analog symbolically into the narrative.
*This analysis is based on speculation over prerelease teasers.
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flowersandfashion · 2 months
I wanna make a poll of the top classic literature femslash
so far I've got mina murray/lucy westenra, anne shirley/diana barry, and emma woodhouse/harriet smith
who else?
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cirkkaa · 2 years
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What if she had woken up before she was found?
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SGE Movie: Where is the character development? (spoilers obviously)
The following criticizes the characters, NOT the actors as they've done a wonderful job.
Sophie's whole character is meant to be narcissistic and cruel but she hides it because she believes she's Good.
In the books, she chooses Agatha as her "good deed" because it's what princesses do. It's why she hangs around Agatha in the first place and tries to give her a makeover to make Agatha "not a witch" and planned to leave as soon as she did. She didn't mean to become friends with "the witch who lives in the graveyard. Basically Sophie pulled an "I can fix her" and then they grew closer and became friends. I mean c'mon this is the girl that donated beauty products to an orphanage so that they can "be beautiful like her".
In the movies, everything Sophie does is not inherently evil in any way. She smacks a dude in the head with a frying pan to save Agatha. She actually hears Agatha out and promises not to leave Gavaldon (even if she broke it, she was actually sorry). Sophie should have been selfish. Sophie would tell Agatha that she's worrying for nothing and that she's overreacting. She would leave anyway with a "flah-se-dah" on her way out.
The movie only shows her as obsessed with Sophie and that she has low self esteem. That's it. That's her entire character in the movie. The whole point of Agatha (the character concept) was to show that you do not have to look beautiful to be beautiful.
Her character is supposed to be witty and sarcastic, but she's just very dismissive. She brushes off Dovey and doesn't listen to a word she says. She brushes off Tedros whenever he tries to talk to her. She refuses to believe that she belongs at the School for Good way past when she was supposed to.
The only people we see her actually listen to is Gregor and Sophie. Gregor because he was meant to be Agatha's "character development". Sophie because they're close friends.
I'm just going to say it. Being blonde was his personality. He's a lot more calm and level-headed in the movie which I appreciate, but where is the child whose father's throne sits empty too early? That was Tedros' main struggle outside of the two protagonists. I get that the franchise is mainly about Sophie and Agatha but Tedros is a vital character in the series.
From any person's perspective (who has only watched the movie) they can only conclude that he is King Arthur's son and he's spoiled because he doesn't want someone who just bats their eyes at him.
WHY did they give her Evelyn's ambitions and goals? It's not healthy.
They completely stripped her personality and gave her Evelyn's. Evelyn is the one in love with Rafal. Evelyn is the one who causes chaos for fun. Evelyn is the one who delivers Sophie to Rafal. Lesso was made a Reader because of this whole "in love with Rafal" thing. If Movie Lesso was supposed to be a placeholder for Evelyn Sader, why didn't they just add her in instead of swapping out her character?
Lady Lesso is supposed to be a mentor to Sophie, a maternal figure even, but we see NONE of that. Sophie would have had help transitioning and adjusting to being a Never and embracing her inner witch but nooooo make Lesso a Reader and in love with Rafal for d r a m a
She's not a calm and passive old woman we've seen her as in the books which is great because now she has more depth to her character. She's so flighty and jolly to set an example for her students and is down to earth when she realizes that there is real hope for Good in Agatha. But why is she kind of a bitch sometimes? I get that she and Lesso are coworkers on opposite teams with occasional jabs at each other between speaking out, but it's not even the almost-playful kind. It's bitter.
So glad we got more backstory for a side character at the expense of butchering the more important and present characters.
I actually do love that she's not passive and uptight like in the books, but I miss her eccentricity. She shows up in class wearing the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen but she wears enough confidence to make it work.
"Do I look like I give a shit about smiling" is my favorite
School Master/Rafal
One of the greatest mysteries of the books was the identity of the School Master. As great as it was that it was cleared up I really hated the execution. Why is Rafal showing himself to the students? His younger self, no less. He's actively looking for his "true love" and now even the students know. There's no more mystery and that's what made it so intriguing.
The Evergirls
Their behavior is so much worse than what it was in the books. In the movie, they weren't just vain vanity girls gossiping amongst themselves, they were outright bullies. They lock Agatha in her room and laugh as they walk away, Beatrix pushes Kiko away from the Wish Fish pond (kind of violently too), and Beatrix throws an insult to Agatha during Beautification when she tries to smile. I kind of expected them to be more like how Dovey is, flighty and smiling (albeit fake) and trying to act nice despite what's going on in their head.
Lack of Characters
August Sader is probably the character that most book readers notice is missing. No one knows why he's missing as he was one of the most significant characters in the series, even after his death. He's the one who guides Agatha through life in Book One. I personally think that August Sader was Agatha's anchor during her time in the School for Good. Outside of looking for Sophie and a way home, she saw him as an eccentric father figure. He was important to her, and he was important to the story. The reason why the School Master knew his true love was a Reader was because of August Sader's prophecy. Whatever happened to that?
Storyline and Plot
Okay what the fuck is "Blood Magic" and why is it a new thing? "Normal" magic, so to speak, is thought to be powerful enough with the right person. The only outside source of powerful magic was thought to be in spells and ancient artifacts.
The Circus of Talents was completely removed with no mention of it either. It was a groundbreaking event for both protagonists and several side characters. It's where Tedros asks Agatha to the Snow Ball (or I guess Evers' Ball eh) and where Agatha shows both schools the fate of failed students. It's where Witch Sophie makes her grand entrance and declares Agatha her nemesis. So WHY is this scene, one of the most significant, not part of the movie?
The Trial by Tale was completely butchered. Only Sophie and Tedros enter the Blue Forest for a "trial of true love". Of course Agatha is there too but where is the battle royale the Trial by Tale is supposed to be?
I thought the books were meant to be a blueprint, but that could also just be me and my expectations. But they're adding unnecessary things and removing the more important ones so the movie is just really confusing and vague especially to someone who has never read the books. Fuck, even the ones who have read the books are confused.
If their issue was time, it would have been better accepted by the community as a series.
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Agreste-Wayne 17
"Hello again, Paris!" Adrien smiled and waved to the camera.
Sitting next to him was Marinette Wayne. Alya covered her mouth in shock. She wasn't sure how she felt seeing them. She hadn't really seen Adrien much, except for billboards and magazines after college. Marinette left Paris around the same time. It had been years since she had seen her former best friend; she looked so different. She still thought of Marinette as the clumsy girl in pigtails, but that wasn't what she saw on the screen. Marinette sat confident in an off-the-shoulder black top, her hair was now as short as Roses' use to be, but her smile seemed as bright as ever. Alya could barely keep the tears from rushing down her cheeks.
"Today, we invited Adrien Agreste and Marinette Wayne to talk with us. They are calling us from Wayne Manor." the reporter announced, "We were hoping you both could shed some light of Mr. Agreste former model. We know you both went to college with her. Ms. Cesaire wrote a blog denouncing Ms. Rossi and we were wondering if any of it was true."
'They didn't believe me. They thought I was lying; just like with the article.'
"You did send us the link and we have looked over it." Marinette spoke, "We have no problem talking about her."
"We know this all started with an article Ms. Cesaire wrote about the both of you. That you both were having a 'secret affair'. It brought many things into question, including the father of your other children." the reporter stated.
"That is true." Marinette spoke, "We had no idea anything had been published until Damian and I were surrounded by the press, on the way to our lunch date. The only thing we could make out from the press was 'affair', 'child' and 'Adrien'. Damian quickly took control of the situation and we sorted it out. With Adrien's permission, we did speak up about the surrogacy."
"At any point were you going to announce you were carrying his child?" the questioned.
"We planned to keep it a secret until the baby was born." Adrien spoke, "Many people in Gotham have seen me around the Wayne family and they know I'm close to Marinette. I think there was speculation, but the girls called me 'uncle' and that was the end of that. I also go out with Marinette's may brother-in-laws."
"We did ask Alya about what led her to conclusion about Ms. Rossi not tellign the truth." the reporter declared, "Was there any hints for either of you? Adrien, were you caught off guard by your former co-workers behavior?"
Adrien laughs, "I've known she was a liar since the first day I met her back in college. She told this lie about how she 'saved' Jagged Stone's kitten from an airstrip. She claimed to have developed tinnitus. That as an apology for causing a disability, he wrote a song just for her. As a Jagged Stone fan, I knew he hatched a crocodile from an egg and had it for fifteen years. I was really shocked that everyone fell for that lie. Many of them claim to be Jagged Stone fans! Marinette made his Eiffel Tower sunglasses at thirteen! He went to her house on a TV special and she designed his Rock Giant cd cover! I asked for her autograph with other people around; Alya Cesaire was one of them."
"So, that's one disability debunked." the reported spoke.
"Oh, we're disproving disabilities?" Adrien asked, "There was also the time she asked me to help her with piano lessons. Layla told me she wanted to surprise her uncle, but her arthritis made it hard on her wrists. When she told me the name of her uncle, I immediately told her we could be friends if she stopped lying. The 'uncle' in question was a great pianist who had been dead for seven years. He never married, never had children, and many believed he slept with men."
Alya remained silent. She couldn't believe Adrien knew immediatley that Lila had been lying to them. He never called anything she said into question. At the same time, he was right. They knew Marinette help design things for Jagged Stone and when she called Lila a liar; they turned on her. They said she was jealous.
"Marinette, did you know about Layla Rossi being a liar?" the reporter questioned.
"Yes." she admitted.
"Is it possible for you to go into detail about how you knew?" they asked.
"It's not a problem. As children, most of us hear or learn that 'if something sounds to good to be true, it usually is'. It was the same for Layla Rossi. She quickly tried to isolate Adrien from us. Adrien dropped a book he had borrowed from his father, Gabriel Agreste. I saw her move it out of the way and throw it in the trash. I took it out and cleaned it. I planned to return it to him the next day."
"During that time," Adrien interrupted, "she asked me to go with her to the park. I told my girlfriend, at the time, where I would be. She ended up confronting Layla when she attempted to change our meeting into a date. She told her that she was my girlfriend and to leave me alone. Layla started screaming how I set this up to humilate her, but it was no secret to Paris that I dated Kagami Tsurugi."
"Marinette did you have a problem with Ms. Tsurugi?" the reporter questioned, "In the blog, Alya Cesaire states that you had a crush on Adrien Agreste."
Marinette began to laugh and Adrien sighed.
"Why do I feel like we missed a joke?" they prodded.
"I did have a crush on my best friend when I was thirteen. He asked me to help him get with Kagami and I did help them with their first date." she smiled.
"I can only say 'I'm sorry' so many times!" Adrien whined, before hugging her, "I was the oblivious kid, who had no clue what a crush looked like!"
Mari laughed, "I know. I know. Besides, it seems weird now."
"You just had my kid!" he stated.
"Through invitro!" she shouted back, "It's not like we'd- you're basically my brother now. That's what makes it weird. Anyways, she hated me for attempting to out her lies. She ended up bullying me for years in retaliation."
Alya looked down in shame as her old friend told her side of her story. She had to sit there and listen to how her past mistakes affected the girl she once called her best friend.
"She threatened me in the bathroom, when I first called her out." Marinette laughed, "It was so cliché; that's funny to think about now."
"How did she threaten you?" the reporter asked, "Was it with violence or something else?"
"Layla Rossi threatened to take all my friends away and to turn people against me. She said I was less dumb then the other so I had the option of acting as a friend or she'd ruin my life." Mari spoke.
"Did that happen?" they asked.
"Sadly, yes. I hate liars more then anything. I didn't want people I viewed as my friends to be sucked in by a liar, but they were. Layla Rossi managed to get me expelled back in college. Someone planted test answers in my backpack, when I left it in the classroom during lunch. The test had even been graded. At the time, a couple of my classmates stood up for me. The teacher sent us to the principal's office to work out our differences. On the way, she walked down the stairs and laid down on the floor. She began to scream and claimed I pushed her down the stairs. Our principal listned to anyone whose parents were important. He never checked the surveillance footage or listened to my side of the story."
"Is that when you left Paris?" they inquired.
"No. The next day, she claimed to have a lying disease that made her lie uncontrollably whn she was under stress. I was reinstated." Marinette declared, "After that, she turned more and more people against me. She'd claim to have told me something and cry when I never showed up with the promised goods or that I was bullying her for liking Adrien because I had such a massive crush on him, I obviously couldn't think about anything else but him."
Adrien just laughed.
"As more people turned to her side, I decided I didn't want to go through that anymore." she continued, "I stopped caring about the people who use to be my friends and decided to care about myself and my future. I talked with my parents and they agreed. I threw myself into designing, putting out scholarship essays, growing my portfolio, and reached out to every possible art school I could. The next year, I left."
"You mentioned people turning against you." the reported stated.
"Some wised up and apologized later." Mrs. Wayne declared, "Likely, she promised them something and she couldn't deliver. They probably looked into what happened and figured it out from there. Adrien is the only one who has always been by my side. We've been friends for ten years."
"Did any of them try to get back in your good grace; now that you are a Wayne?" the reported prodded.
"A couple. Back then, before Lila, I was who they turned to when they needed help." she admitted, "I assume they thought things would go back to how it was. I flat out told them that just because they apologized, didn't mean we were friends. Nor did it mean I would be at their beck and call to help them. I thanked them for apologizing and that's about it. I haven't talked to any of them since. I know Adrien is in touch with a few of them."
"Let's change the subject." the reporter spoke up, "Adrien Agreste, can explain your reasoning for telling Ms. Rossi about your child?"
"It's not like she wouldn't have figured it out on her own. She went into my private area, where I was reading a baby book. I wasn't expecting to see her there." Adrien answered, "I had hoped that by telling her I was going to be a father, she would leave me alone."
"What about the private call?" the reporter asked, "It's noted on the blog twice: once by Ms. Rossi and Ms. Cesaire and another by your father."
"First off, Lila wasn't in the room when the call took place. She was eavesdropping from outside, so I had no idea she heard our conversation." Adrien began, "When the article came out, my father asked if I spoke with anyone or told them about my child. I named her right away."
"What did you talk about on the phone?" the reporter questioned.
"I mentioned Emma's size, in fruit form." he explained, "In baby books, they say you child is the size of a grapefruit or a small pear. I asked how she was, how the appointments were going, and basically, any news."
The reporter hummed, "Do you think anything could have made her think you were seeing Mrs. Wayne?"
Marinette smiled, "Adrien and I would say 'I love you' at the end of calls. He said it was his way of telling Emma because he wasn't here yet. Adrien is like my brother, so I do love him, just not romantically."
"I believe she no longer wishes to be in my presence." a voice spoke from out of frame.
"Princess!" Adrien cried out and quickly got up.
When he returned to his spot on the couch, he was holding his daughter.
"Paris, meet my little princess." he smiled, "This is Emma Lily Agreste."
Damian took a seat next to his wife, "She's been up for thirty minutes. I had hoped to keep her occupied until you were finished with this."
Emma whimpered and began to cry.
"Oh no!" Adrien fussed, "What's wrong? You don't need to be changed? Mari, how long has it been since she ate?"
"I believe it's that time." she smiled, "I'll take care of her, Adrien. Don't worry."
Adrien passed Emma over to Mari.
"Come on, your highness." Mari giggled, "I'm sure your daddy wants to spend time with you after you eat."
Laughs and babbling could be heard as they left the room.
"Mr. Wayne, is it alright if I ask you a few questions?" the reporter asked.
Damian merely nodded.
"How has everything been since Adrien arrived in Gotham?" they questioned, "Has there been any changes?"
"No." Damian answered, "Marinette shows Emma as much love as she shows our daughters. They understand that the baby needs a little more attention, but we don't love them any less."
"How are they handling Adrien being there in the manor?" they implored.
"They love Uncle Adrien." he smirked, "Adrien has always visited us during the holidays and that was something our daughters were the most excited about."
"We go out in the yard for exercise and play with the animals. We have tea parties." Adrien smiled, "I'll have to post some pictures soon on my social media of me in my fluffy boa, silver sunglasses, and bows in my hair."
"Oh!" Adrien quickly showed his hands to the camera, "Today, the Waynes' daughters did my nails."
Everyone could see each hand had different colors. The people watching couldn't help, but smile. They were seeing a whole new side the former model. In a way, he wasn't Adrien: The model, anymore. He was Adrien: The silly uncle of the Wayne's daughters and a doting father.
"I have no words for how much Damian and Marinette have done for me. I'll never be able to repay their kindness." Adrien spoke, "They didn't just open their home to me; they made me part of their family and gave me my new family."
"We have a couple questions left and we'll be done." the reporter declared, "Have you ever dated Layla Rossi?"
"Ew! Not even if I was paid!" Adrien exclaimed, making Damian chuckle, "In my opinion, Layla was nothing but a fangirl who got to play dress up. The last time I talked to her, was when I told her about me having a child, before the false article. I haven't spoken to her since. I've blocked her on my social medias and changed my number. If she persist, I'm not afraid to get a restraining order. As far as I'm concerned, she's nothing but a stalker. She use to send pictures of me and her together, from our photoshoots, to my ex-girlfriend. She acted like we were dating and was trying to get rid of my actual girlfriend."
"Was Layla the reason you both seperated?" they questioned.
"No." Adrien answered, "We broke up because we didn't see our futures going in the same direction. We wanted different things. Five years ago, I certainly didn't think I'd be here."
Alya hung her head as she listened to Adrien tear into the person she once called her friend. Lila had been a thorn in Adrien's side. It's no wonder that Nino told her Adrien had barely broached the subject to Marinette about apologizing. She had to listen how she made their lives a living hell, since they met her. She had betrayed Marinette, but now she knew, she had also hurt Adrien.
PERMANENT TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer​ @thepaceperson​
AGRESTE-WAYNE TAG LIST: @danielslilangel @pawsitivelymiraculous @crystalangelluna @tomanyfandomsonmymind @sassakitty @ichigorose @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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desendingstar · 10 months
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dragynkeep · 1 year
I saw your post about Injustice Harley, and I agree, hardcore. I'm bigger into Marvel, and I'm a big Emma Frost fan, and seeing some writers and fans lean into this idea that she's just misunderstood, when that's partly true, but also, the woman manipulates, uses, and lies her way to what she wants, and the only reason she's a hero now is because what she wants aligns with the greater good. She's selfish, stuck-up, manipulative and has done some shitty things before, things she herself doesn't know if she deserves to be forgiven for. If I may posit a theory for Harley/Emma/this phenomenon in general? Fandom policing has made people really scared to have "problematic" faves, and so try to scrub them of any fault and wrongdoing, even when that's sometimes what makes them the most compelling, and writers lean into that
no absolutely, it's exactly what it feels like. problematic characters & liking them invite so much harassment in fan spaces nowadays that people will do the most to whitewash their problematic traits & behaviours in order to try & avoid that or convince themselves that they're morally still pure while liking these characters.
which is sad because i love seeing fucked up women characters & it feels like we're going back in regards to the treatment of female characters in a horsehoe effect.
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howhow326 · 2 years
Actually, all of Marinette and Adrien's kids have black hair (because black is a dominant trait and Marinette no one in Marinette's family has blond hair), but when Emma uses the black cat miraculous it dyes her hair Blonde with green highlights like Kitty Noir!
I don't make the rules, sry not sry.
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jackienautism · 1 year
i rant about resident evil and their writing / inclusion of the girls.
i jsut want 2 girls to go on their fucked up little adventures together is that too much to ask
i finally got to the halfway point of code veronica X and GODDDD i fucking knew they were gonna do this goddamn shit w/ steve and claire. i knew from the goddamn beginning even if i didnt want to admoit it...... residetn evil just cant be normal w/ a girl being paired w/ a guy. they just fucking cant
i understand that this is seen more among the older games (ashley + leon from re4 as well) and i cant speak for the og re3 nemesis but the way they wrote carlos and jill? its just.... why make these male characters say such bizarre and degrading and just ? nasty comments towards the female protag? do you really expecvt us to root for them? i just dont fcuking undeerstand, and this occurs in a remake too! they didnt bother to maybe just maaaybe take that bulllshit out. because jill's uncomfortable. IM uncomfortable. its just. godddd who the fuck caaaares STOP THIS TROPE
you see this same thing w/ steve and claire.... not oonly is steve incredibly fucking annoying the first second we meet him, he also continually acts as a nuisance towards her for a good quarter of the game. yeah sure theyre just building up to the Ground Breaking Emo backstory drop later, but. you already made me fucking hate this loser so goddamn much meaning im not gonna give a single shit about his development later. I JUST DONT CARE FOR HIM !!!!!! THEM MAKING HIM SO ANNOYINH RUINED ANY CHANCE OF ME CHANGING MY MIDN LATER.......
and GOD havent even mentioned this yet but. when i saw the little preview thing w/ the 3 characters w/ claire + chris i saw [steve] and went.... [eyeballs] hello whos this? long story short i thoiught he was a butch lesbian and i got SO excite d b c residtn ebil has yet to pair a girl up w/ anothner girl around the same age but noooooo instead i got this pathetic loser of a man (derogatory). the closest we have to 2 girls being fucked up together is mia and zoe in re7. but thats like. mainly a side thing. and mia isnt even the protag so
which leads me to the next thng i wanted to talk about. i think mnmen are super cool ofc and i hate to be that Bitch and pull that Card but good freaking god why must there be a man FOR EVERY SINGLE FEMALE CHARACTER IN THIS GOD FORSAKEN SERIES...... andit woudlnt be huge deal if they were noraml w/ these pairings but theyre NOT..... THEY MAKE IT WEIRD EVERY SINGLE TIME..... STEVE LITERALLY ALMOST KISSES CLAIRE WHILE SHE'S ASLEEP........ CARLOS CONSISTENTLY MAKES UNNECESSARILY WEIRD COMMENTS TOWARD JILL......... ASHLEY RANDOMLY AWSKS FOR SEX AT THE END OF RE4............ WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT AOBUT? good for ashley for shooting her shot i guess though but considering yhe game's previous comments towards ashleu and her figure.... it was blatantly put in to sexualize her furtyher
maybe its thr lesbian in me popping out maybe its the aromantic in me popping out WHO KNOWS all i know is that. resident evil makes me very upset sometimes dflkgnjg i love the games i love the characters (esp the girls big surprise i know) but jesus christ. somethings i just can't ignore. and this is cerrtainly one of them. a girl just can't exist out of a guy according to capcom. and that sort of idea is suuuper evident in how they portray and include their women. you could have a girl protag (re3, recv etc) but theres always a 99% chance theres gonna be a man tagging along + continually saving their asses and theres almost alwaysa an even HIGHER chance that theyre meant to be seen as a romantic interest! and its exhausting@!!!!!
long story short . i get im not resident evil's target audience . but im still gonna be pissed and annoyed . the girls deserve better .
im def gonna have to go more in depth abt resident evil and their writing of relationships (or lack thereof) some other time but just for now. the best written ones are claire + sherry and mia + ethan goodbye
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Hate hate hate how you can’t tell just how strong a scented lotion is on before applying it. My mom bought me some for Christmas last year because she knows I like inhaling scents I like I’m doing cocaine, and it didn’t seem that bad in the tube, but I just put it on and I feel like my prefrontal cortex is wincing
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alittleemo · 3 months
goodnight little gay people ! stay cool or whatever
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yusuke-of-valla · 3 months
Not to be the "haunted by bad takes" person but I'm still thinking of the person who said that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet was the same as every other game in the series because it's still just fighting gym leaders, getting badges, and then becoming champion/the YouTuber that said Scarlet and Violet challenges are easy because the game is basically just a boss rush and like.
I mean if you don't like or don't want to engage with the other 2/3rds of the main story whatever but you don't then get to act like they don't exist
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I think the major characters in this story exemplify mistaken forms of love and conversely its truths.
Emma mistakes her repression for a form of love and learns that it comes from fear for her own state and whether she’ll be alone. The converse of this shows that love is about not fearing for yourself and about willing the good of the other even at personal cost. She embodies “if you love something, set it free; if it doesn’t return, it was never yours to begin with.”
Celeste, too, makes this mistake with Thomas. You could argue that for her, the converse is learning that love is not dependence or power or games or an enabling of bad behavior and that sometimes (more like often) it means that you let the person face the consequences of their actions. Celeste has to will Thomas' good by leaving, because without seeing how he hurt her, he will never change.
Thomas mistakes love for control and fails to recognize that it is respect.
Theo mistakes love for simple attraction and he's aware enough to try and rein himself in, but not enough for it to hold completely. The realization that love is actively protecting others was always present, but his failure to live up to that devastates him. By the end of the show, he comes to mistake love for an imposing, consuming force that demands perfection or, failing that, self-destruction. Celeste’s response to him tries to show that while love does ask for improvement and change and for a person to have the character he or she was meant to have, it also grants grace and forgiveness and mercy when mistakes are made.
Elaine mistakes love for positivity, and while love is a positive thing, it must bear things that aren't so positive. The converse is her learning to bear the harder parts instead of running.
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