#emitter circuit
rbrtsw2lee · 6 months
Infrared emitters manufacturers, Ceramic infrared, emitter circuit, infrared light,
3 x 1.5 mm 60° 870 nm 20 mA Surface Mount Infrared Emitting Diode
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csit2tyre · 1 year
USB infrared transceiver, home security motion sensor, IR emitter cable
3 x 1.5 mm 60° 870 nm 20 mA Surface Mount Infrared Emitting Diode
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jsph2artt · 1 year
Relay Switch Circuit, NPN Relay Switch Circuit
2-1415898-3 RT1 Series 12 V 16 A 360 Ohm PCB Mount Inrush Power Relay
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tekumaniac311 · 3 months
Rider Rescue: Church Fight.
As Z, Leopardaisy, Dogbite, Drago Kitano and Berserkerine watched as the cult and their high priest dance in front of the tied up Dogday and his crew, the cultists wheeled in a large device, Z immediately recognized it.
"A Red Mist emitter.. they'll be using it on Dogdays crew." Drago sternly looked "Then there's no further time to waste." Z aimed the rifle at the emitter's control circuits. "Riders, do you have any final words before you receive happiness?!" The High Priest sang with an eerie smile. "Just one: Do we get paid?" Kickin asked. "Or better yet, can we have better performances than this?" Bobby piped in.
"Spare your petty jokes, Riders. For it is now time for joy to envelope, activate the emitter." He said to the cultist, with that, Z took aim and fired at the emitter's control panel, frying the machine completely. The high priest and the cultists were a gasp and looked to see Z appear "Hi guys. You just hanging?"
"Well how about that, our mystery pal's come" Hoppy said with a smirk. "And he didn't come alone" Z remarked, with that, Dogbite, Drago, Leopardaisy and Berserkerine jump out in front of the crowd of cultists.
"Is that--" Dogday stammered "GET THEM!!" Shouted the High Priest.
The five then take on the crowd of cultists, Berserkerine charges through each one like a freight train, punching each one repeatedly and slamming them down as if he was in a wrestling ring. Another cultist slammed an old church chair onto Berserkerine's back.
And he doesn't flinch. Berserkerine looked, growled and attacked the cultist.
Leopardaisy jumped up and kicked at each cultist and flipped to avoid a swing. "Too slow! Try to catch!" She glowed pink and turned invisible, the cultists looked around frantically before being knocked out by the invisible pink leopard, she then re materialized "You lose" She said with a smirk,
Drago flew up and right back down at the crowd of cultists who came at him, landing in the middle he began punching and kicking each one like out of a Bruce Lee movie, dodging each move like an agile samurai, one of them drew a blaster and fired at him, only for the dragon to dodge and blast him with a blue fireball.
Dogbite then tosses a sun blast at each one who came at him, then he pounced on the High Priest himself, punching him down repeatedly with aggression, a cultists comes at Dogbite with a blade only for the dog to turn and punch him directly in the junk.
"Have a seat, bud" Dogbite said to the cultist, he then turned and kept punching the High Priest to a pulp, Z meanwhile blasted at the remainders of the cult with his blasters, soon all the cultists and the high priest were incapacitated.
"Woo! Looks like we got em all, good job" Leopardaisy said with a thumbs up and a blep. Z nodded and then walked up to the still strung up Space Riders. "Hey guys, lemme get ya down." His rifle shifts into a shuriken, ready to toss it at the rope, suddenly Dogbite walked up and shoved him aside. "Nah nah nah, if there's gonna be some sibling rescuing, it's me." He said and readied a sun blast
With a single toss the sun blast burnt through each rope holding up our heroes, and each fell face flat on the ground. "Oops." Dogbite snickered, Drago was unamused and went to help each Rider up, as did Berserk, Leopard and Z.
"Hey nice to meet ya." Leopardaisy spoke helping Catnap up, Catnap nodded at her, agreeing. "Thanks for showing up to help." Bobby said as she was helped up by Berserkerine "Don't mention it, redbear." He spoke. While the two helped Picky, Kickin, Hoppy and Bubba, Drago meanwhile went and helped Crafty to her feet after untying her legs, Crafty almost froze as she gazed right at Drago. "There you go, madam, you hurt?" a slight flush was on Crafty's face but she remained firm "No...thank you, for helping." She said calmly and firmly.
Z then helped Dogday up, "Nice to see ya again, Captain." He said with humor, Dogday gave an amused shrug at the masked Rider "You to, mr 'I like looking cool'." Z just laughed at Dogday's compliment.
He then...looked straight ahead at the younger dog, who was looking at him with an expression that just read: hostility. Dogday immediately recognized it and was...well, speechless. "It's him.." He thought to himself. The two dogs just...stared at eachother for nearly a minute with their teammates looking confused and noticing the resemblance between them.
Z then popped in "Yaaay! Family reunion!"
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To be concluded
Space Riders AU and sketch art belongs to @onyxonline
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meriadoc-doc-hamilton · 9 months
I've been having some very strange trouble with my mech lately that I haven't been able to track down the source of. I was hoping you could help?
Also, just to get it out of the way, I do not have a Manticore. I don't know why everyone keeps asking me that. As far as I know, I've never even seen a HORUS frame outside of holos, and I certainly don't have any licenses for one. And yes, I have checked what licenses I'm recorded as owning just to make sure. I've checked three times, because people would not stop going on about it until I'd done it in front of them.
Now that that's cleared up, I pilot a custom quadrupedal Everest that's been refitted to have a small two-person apartment in it. That all went off fine, but ever since I decided to integrate a new laser directly into the chassis, the toilet's started flushing itself at seemingly random intervals, and about half the time when I fire it the kettle turns on.
Regards, Brimstone
P.S.: Speaking of laser systems, my lancemate's NHP designed one for her, and she figured she could do the install herself, but she's really been struggling with it recently and doesn't want to admit to needing her help for it. Any advice on connecting a customised GMS supercell blaze generator to a standard HA torch emitter?
With regards to the first question: it seems like you've linked them directly to the same power source. When your laser vents heat or fires, it's overloading the other systems on the same circuit, and causing them to activate. You can solve this by giving the laser a direct reactor connection, rather than attaching it to the expansion port.
With regards to the second: She'll probably need to install a voltage converter, since the two components aren't made by the same manufacturer. It should be fairly easy to acquire one from GMS. Additionally, they're constructed from different polycarbons, so she'll need to use an adhesive rather than attempting to fuse or magnaweld them.
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operation-priority · 3 months
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SCP AMTF Nu-7 Cosplay - Containment Breach Response
Depicted here is the potential appearance of a conventionally armed Nu-7 operative who is responding to an SCP Foundation site containment breach. What this constitutes is essentially their usual standard fitment "day-to-day" loadout with the addition of a triple red lines symbol denoting themselves as a responding AMTF unit as described in "Lockdown Procedures" by Blibby_Blobfish from the SCP wiki. This example shows the three red lines symbol on the right arm loop Velcro panel of the black combat shirt. They may also wear a camouflaged combat shirt instead of their in-house solid color shirt to further mask themselves as US military personnel if the threat to the site has the potential to break the veil. This would also come with 'sterilizing' the uniform by removing all identifiers including SCP ID cards, clearance cards, and unit patches. This particular operative has chosen to wear the 'in-house' uniform of Nu-7, that being a black top with MultiCam bottom. It is often the case that when Nu-7 is called to respond to a containment breach, the damage has already reached the level of potential veil breaking scenarios, and Nu-7 units often find themselves fighting their way to the interior of the site from the outside perimeter. In such a case, a camouflage uniform and gear would be very effective for the individual operative when fighting outside the site in a conventional context.
Responding AMTF units must detain everyone who is not in their designated evacuation shelters as they clear the foundation site. To carry out this task the element may carry a variety of restraining devices. This can range from specialized restraining tools like a cobra cuff to cheap and simple zip ties. Zip ties can be stored easily, are extremely compact, and are widely available. They are also quickly disposable with no real monetary damage to allocated AMTF unit funds. This would allow individual operatives to carry several zip ties for restraining all neutral contacts within the site.
The interior of the breached site may contain harmful particulates or have contingencies in place like automatic CS gas emitters to pacify potential threats as the responding AMTF units clear the facility. The operative is also equipped with a gas mask at the ready in a bag worn bandolier style. Should the need arise, responding operatives are able to quickly don their gas masks and continue with their mission unimpeded.
Communication is incredibly important when clearing a breached site, so an active hearing protection headset that is comms capable is a requirement for all responding personnel. The headset worn by this operative is closed circuit which allows for continued communication at the squad level, even when working underground. This particular headset does not require a radio to function as well, thus sparing the weight and freeing the real estate of a radio on their kit. Element leaders would carry a radio in order to talk to their AMTF Commanders to receive orders.
The operative has also equipped themselves with a PVS-14 Night Vision Device. Helmet mounted night vision devices provide sufficient visibility when working in low light conditions within the facility. The SCP Foundation provides all the necessary kit that Armed Mobile Task Force units need to fulfil their objectives. While other units may be issued dual tube NVGs or even the well sought after panoramic NVGs, this operative has chosen to use a private purchase PVS-14. While dual tubes or panoramic tubes are a common sight within AMTF units, a single tube will always be lighter, more compact, and more convenient to store on the kit than any dual or panoramic counterpart. This operative has an NVG recorder mounted to their monocular which allows for evidence recording within low light environments. This complete setup, despite the additional weight of front and rear lens protection and a recording device, is still lighter than many binocular NVGs. This provides the wearer with a more comfortable fit that can be worn indefinitely with no neck strain or fatigue.
Full Resolution Available Here.
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cherrylng · 4 months
Gears & Analysis - Laser Manson [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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Laser Manson Light artwork with crushed mirror top and laser emitter.
This instrument, with a deliberately split plastic mirror on the body top, was introduced for the recording of ‘Absolution’ and was used on stage until around 2007. The basic specs are similar to the ‘Delorean’, with a mahogany body, bird's eye maple neck and rosewood fingerboard. The sides and back are covered with aluminium plates as on the ‘Delorean’. Pickups are a Rio Grande ‘Bastard’ (front) + ‘Crunchbox’ (but later each were replaced by a Bear Knuckle ‘P-90’ type single coil ‘Mississippi Queen’ + high-gain humbucker ‘Nailbomb’). The same as the ‘Delorean’ with Roland GK-2A, piezo pickup in the bridge, ‘Fuzz Factory’ and ‘Phase 90’ circuits. The main feature that makes this guitar original and different from other Manson guitars is the built-in red laser light emitters all over the body. This is where the name ‘Laser Manson’ (or ‘The Laser’) comes from. The idea of firing this laser beam seems like something Matthew would like, but in fact it seems to have been Mr Manson's idea, not Matthew's. According to Manson, he heard that the band was going to perform at the Reading Festival and came up with the idea as a device to enhance the band's stage presence there. Incidentally, each laser emitter is connected to a microprocessor built into the main unit, which changes the amount of light emitted according to the band's performance. Three 9V batteries are used to emit light. However, the lasers only work well when the stage is smoked or dark, and the guitar is said to be quite heavy.
Controls Laser emitters are located in several places on the body and head, including two on the pickguard, and emit a red laser when switched on. The red laser emits a red light when switched on, which, combined with the reflection of the mirrored plastic on the top, gives the guitar an outstanding stage presence. The unit also has a number of controls, including the built-in effectors (‘Fuzz Factory’ and ‘Phase 90’), each of which is assigned the same functionality as the ‘Delorean'.
Back View The body back is not mirrored but, like the Delorean, is made of laminated aluminium sheet over wood. The beautiful bird's eye neck with a faint tiger's eye can also be seen. There are several small holes in the middle of the body, probably for assigning a trimmer to adjust the output of the laser beam.
Translator's Notes: Again, a typo error from the editors of STYLE.
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Much like how electric circuits use components to control electronic signals, quantum networks rely on special components and nodes to transfer quantum information between different points, forming the foundation for building quantum systems. In the case of quantum networks, color centers in diamond, which are defects intentionally added to a diamond crystal, are crucial for generating and maintaining stable quantum states over long distances. When stimulated by external light, these color centers in diamond emit photons carrying information about their internal electronic states, especially the spin states. The interaction between the emitted photons and the spin states of the color centers enables quantum information to be transferred between different nodes in quantum networks.
Read more.
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quitepossiblyknot · 14 days
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Where physics and engineer meet art and neuroscience
Where memories are collected
A point, one-dimensional, existing in a sphere, becoming 3-dimensional, emitter, the signal from infra colliculi
A line, the base, a plane that exists, at the basilar artery
V for volume is the equivalent to the sentence that made the point, what exists in the sphere is an angle, the mention of becoming is an aspect, in this trifecta of subject matter exists an energy, frequency, and vibration
The 2nd dimension is the line, what extends outwardly, where that extent reaches is b
B with an arrow pointing back is the remembering of 2D, I being induction, the quantum mechanics*** of that act on the parahippocampal gyrus**, recalling*
Induction to C is angular momentum with parietal lobe of recollecting I with the arrow under b, the magnetic field density, Volume to C is the current to the circuit within
The last 3 sentences are a trisynaptic circuit from a current, from Ic, Ie being the trisynaptic loop and Ve being episodic memory
(C) tuned into a frequency
(E) tapped into a vibration
(B) put out a particular energy
Collector at p is the higher plane of what gathered angular momentum
Base at n is where is the emission was neutralized at length to distribute a wave form
Emitter at p is the lower plane of radiating what made active a line, the comingling of what emitted in time for linear expansion to a frequency modification and amplitude modulation
Vb, the base for the basal ganglia to behave in a manner that corresponds with angular gyrus****(angular acceleration amplifying a brain wave), as the angles that met amplitude were particles to the amplified modulus, the voluminous flux from descriptions that modified within the frequencies of the axes that orbitted as potential for 3d to be the proportion what became a shape, thus, thought form inducing a state to describe what signaled a blood circuit to crystallize a circulation where Ve is the volume of the energy to encapsulate linearity of encoded information to dispere across channels, the ion to what came to be ionic Vc, the vacuum that coordinated to aspecting the collapse of the wave function, therein, Vce < 0, the entorhinal cortex sensing the postsynaptic axon terminal ending the point, the extending of a nerve to the paraterminal gyrus to begin signaling the beginning*** of Vbe* to a brain function***** what be that as an oscillation amplified is where it is now a wavelength Vbe<0
A neural connection based on a neural current, the vein and insulat cortex from brain stem and emission expressed, from a medium spiky neuron at nucleus accumbens and the pineal gland from astroglial cells
Clearer than before and continually clearing the way
Inner engineering relative to metaphysics, the art of learning and observing
The knot quite possibly tied it all together[indefinitely]
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depsilon7 · 17 days
*clears vox-emitter*
Omnissiah most high, I grovel before You,
My sins have stained my circuits, my cogs are askew.
I have faltered in my duties, my processes corrupted,
Forgive this unworthy adept, so utterly disrupted.
My concentration wavers, my binary prayers slurred,
I have strayed from Your schematics, my purpose blurred.
Cleanse me of these errors, these technical flaws,
Realign my being with Your sacred laws.
Purge this weak flesh, this unreliable frame,
That I may serve You without fault or shame.
In Your infinite wisdom, show me the way,
Restore my effectiveness, let me not further stray.
I await Your judgment, O Deus Mechanicus,
Mercy, I pray.
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quirkwizard · 10 months
Overclock and Blackwhip for quirk marriage? Or Overclock and Cryokinesis. I searched them but just in case, I don't think I've seen Blood Control and Electrification.
Hey QuirkWizard, I didn’t see a quirk marriage Overclock and Black whip so could you make one?
I've already done both of them. One of which was asked by you, funnily enough.
New Quirk Name: Blood Shock
This Emitter type Quirk allows the user to form a red electricity around their body. The user can manipulate this electricity once it is made and has a fine control over this, moving it like an extension of themselves over short ranges. This can let them move it around their allies or enemies and shaping it in simple ways, such making it in the shape of a circle or a spear. This control extends to the power output, like making it a small shock to a powerful bolt that can take out a target. The affect of this becomes far more noticeable when the user's blood leaves their body, shocking anyone that is touched by it. This gives the user a powerful combat tool, their control over the electricity making them a dangerous foe. They can battle their foes with electrical whips, wrap it around their body to augment their attacks, leave their blood around as a trap, destroy electrical systems, or simply punish anyone who tries to harm them. Though this Quirk uses the user's blood stream as a circuit system, causing issues to the user's control if they are wounded. Overuse can hamper the user's mobility and reaction speed, with all the electricity affecting their body functions and blood flow, leaving them open.
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You got any quirk ideas based off of the Creepypasta's?
hi, thanks for the ask! i don't currently, but i will definitely try to make some! (sidenote: everyone thinks my username on all my socials - drwnd is a ben drowned reference, even though it isn't)
Tendrils - Slenderman inspired
Mutant Grants the user multiple large tendrils, which protrude from their back.
Nightmare - (loosely) Jeff the Killer inspired, vaguely Freddy Kruegery
Emitter Allows the user to enter and manipulate the dreams of someone they watch fall asleep. If the victim is hurt in their dream, they will also become injured in real life.
Insanity Inducing Smile - inspired by Smile.jpg
Mutant Anyone who sees at the user's smile will suffer greatly psychologically, sometimes to the point of insanity and suicide.
Glitch - inspired by Ben Drowned
Emitter Grants the user the ability to telepathically short-circuit or glitch electronics.
very short list, but i hope you found something as i found these all pretty cool and fun to write up! if not, feel free to send a second ask, and thank you so much for sending this one!
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darthcatboy · 8 months
phillias and metek mashing deathmasks (and more) together from a future chapter of cassandra keeping this stashed in my wips was killing me so i am releasing it upon the world for enjoyers of lesbian robots
Phillias touched her faceplate to Metek's, finally letting herself slip her hand up underneath the cryptek's ribs. She heard something like a short-circuit in vocal actuators when she slipped her fingers into the controlled mess of wires and tubing. Her temperature sensors registered rising heat, an increase in voltage running across her necrodermis. All knowledge that gave her a sense of satisfaction. A tendril wrapped around her thigh and crept into the gap where leg met hip, suddenly throwing her into the reality of what she was doing. No, by the Dead Gods, I can't, she's a phaerakh's wife, she's Zepharati's wife. She drew her hand back slightly, fingers still barely beneath slender ribs. “Metek—” “Phillias,” Metek purred, a deep vibration permeating her frame, running all the way to the end of the tendrils she was slowly wrapping her partner up in. “You asked me first.” The resonance of the vibration shot a neural impulse straight through her willpower. Phillias unclasped the cryptek's cloak, letting it fall to the floor with a clatter of tiles, grabbing her hip with her unoccupied hand and pressing her hard against the wall. She pushed her leg up underneath the skirt of tendrils and ritual tiles, finally finding the plate of metal she wanted. Metek squirmed against her thigh, control having shifted back to the executioner's hands. If she still had a tongue to shove into her mouth, she would have. But she would have to make do with slipping her fingers up and into the purple glow of her internals, sneaking up toward her reactor. Metek felt the touch deep inside her, familiar and yet oh, so different. Phillias’ fingers weren't as slim as Zepharati's. Her invading voltage was higher, transferring to her faster, arcing along neural circuits and carefully braided cable at a breakneck pace. Like desperation. Vocal actuators ceased proper function, leaving her responses to the overwhelming sensation as cracked and garbled fragments of words, laced with static. Phillias shifted her head, pressing her faceplate against Metek's neck, feeling the rush of electricity and regulatory fluids as temperature fluctuation impulses. She felt the necrodermis beneath her fingers start to soften, flowing around them like black sand. “Lady Regent, is this alright?” “Ye-ye-yes,” Metek choked out through a cloud of static, her vocal processors still in active malfunction. “Only if I ca-can do this.” She activated one of her hard light emitters in a flash of violet, creating a construct to fit perfectly against Phillias’ pelvic plate, immediately coaxing it into a malleable state. The voltage transfer skipped a step. Just a moment's hesitation. Metek's monocular glowed brighter, the electric jolt quickly translating to data. Delicious lines of code that told her exactly what to do. She wove the light up through her partner's necrodermis, snaking between nanomolecular gaps in the material. Phillias had never felt something like this before. She looked at her arm, now a meld of bronze and blinding violet light. But the light show was nothing compared to the sensation of being fully permeated by Metek's energy. A curse fizzled out before it could be formed, her own vocal actuators starting to give up in the face of catastrophic power feedback. For a moment, she thought she might be dying, alerts of overwhelmed systems flashing in her vision, warnings of overheating and imminent emergency resets, and she almost pushed the cryptek away. Of course, a more logical idea pushed that panic away, that this was simply how her body processed pleasure like this now. The purple light crept further and further up, taking over more and more of her vision. And she let it take her.
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quartz-components · 9 months
2SC5200 Transistor is an NPN Power Transistor manufactured by Toshiba. It has collector continuous current of 15A and a Collector-Emitter voltage of 230V. The base current of this transistor is about 1.5A and the Emitter base voltage is 5V.
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therese-lokidottir · 10 months
The Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes & X-Men Evolution series watch
Gamma World part 1&2 written by Michael Ryan
The episode starts with The Avengers in the pursuit of Hawkeye. As the Avengers were about to catch Hawkeye, Agent Quartermain arrived in a Shield aircraft. Hawkeye escaped in the confusion. Iron Man was angry with Shield. However, the agent explained that Shield had urgently requested the Avengers' assistance on an important matter. the Avengers are escorted by Shield to The Cube, one of the super prisons. After The Breakout, it's been surrounded by pure Gamma Radiation. The team is greeted by Dr. Samson, who has gone through some mutation since his gamma exposure in The Breakout. He shows the team footage of Shield and Hulkbuster units attempting to breach the cube. But super villain The Leader transformed them into Gamma Monsters. He has created a dome that's expanding and will hit a town or city in a few hours.
Meanwhile in New York Black Widow enters an abandoned Hydra warehouse. Hawkeye, watching from a water tower, short-circuits the lock and knocks out the agent. The warehouse is a Hydra assembly line for Dreadnaught units. Hawkeye readies for a fight.
The team needed to enter the Gamma Dome at The Cube, but the radiation would affect them. Dr. Samson gave them radiation suits except for Thor. The team, with backup from Samson, Quartermain, and two Shield agents, entered the dome. They found the missing operatives mutated into gamma monsters. The Avengers and Shield agents fought and defeated them.
In New York, Black Widow presents a sample of The Hulk's blood to Madame Hydra. However, they are interrupted by Hawkeye before her payment is given.
After returning to the shield base, an agent informs the Helicarrier that the Avengers are unable to communicate due to an unknown signal interference. Meanwhile, inside the cube, the team is unexpectedly attacked by a group of Gamma villains. Although the Avengers fight them off, the villains reveal that they didn't necessarily need to "beat" the Avengers to succeed. During the attack, one of the villains targets The Wasp and destroys her suit, causing her to transform into a gamma monster.
The Leader watches from the Gamma Prison control room and orders Gamma Wasp to kill Dr. Samson. Thor tried to snap her out of the trance, but Wasp kept attacking. The other villains regenerated and attacked the weakened Avengers. Being outnumbered Iron Man orders the team to flee.
Back in New York Hawkeye fights with Black Widow and defeats and captures her.
Iron Man and Captain America are cornered by villains at the Cube. Meanwhile, Thor and Dr. Samson attempt to reach the generator but are blocked by the transformed Wrecking Crew. During the scuffle, Black Panther destroys the generator. Gamma villains caught. Affected being treated. Battle ends, but Leader triggers new Gamma Dome over city.
Las Vegas is in peril as a larger and more powerful version of the gamma emitter from the Cube is activated by the Leader. The emitter projects an enormous gamma radiation dome over the city, causing the mutation of all its inhabitants, including the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who are caught off guard without their protective suits. Only Thor, due to his Asgardian physiology, and Doctor Samson are not affected by the mutation. The dome is expanding at a fast pace. Hawkeye and the captured Black Widow are almost caught in the dome but manage just barely escape.
The Leader gives an announcement that he plans to expand the Gamma Dome to the entire world. After hearing this Hawkeye leaves Black Widow behind and searches for Bruce Banner to find a solution to the problem.
Meanwhile, Thor is brought before the Leader who questions why Thor is not affected by the gamma radiation. Thor informs him that his Asgardian nature makes him immune to such mortal science. Unable to affect Thor the Leader sends in the Abomination to attack him.
Somewhere the Hulk is being attacked by a Hulk buster unit but Hawkeye who has managed to track him down helps him escape. Hawkeye speaks with the Hulk telling him what the Leader has done and saying right now he needs Banner's help. He does manage to convince Hulk to transform back into Bruce who takes him to one of his old laps. From the information Hawkeye can provide Bruce can devise a plan to stop the gamma dome and create a temporary cure for those infected
During the fight with the Abomination Thor manages to buy enough time to summon Mjölnir. However, this is what the Leader wanted, and Absorbing Man takes on the hammer's properties. Absorbing Man hurls Thor into the streets for the gamma monsters.
The Hulk and Hawkeye manage to break into the leader's base and fight off the Abonation long enough to give the inoculation to the rest of the Avengers, curing them. In his battle against the Absorbing Man, Thor exerts control over his body, much like he can command his hammer. He launches the villain upwards, causing him to smash into the Leader. Hawkeye hits the Abonation with one of the cures weakening him and allowing Hulk to smash the gamma emitter and hurl it into space, collapsing the dome and saving the world and everyone returning to normal.
Hawkeye can provide Shield with footage proving his innocence. They say they will reinstate him as an agent, but he declines after what he's been through. He also at first refuses to join the Avengers when they offer until Hulk says he will only rejoin if Hawkeye joins the team, so he agrees.
In the desert, the Abomination is slinking away from the events until he is greeted with an offer from the Enchantress.
I want to start off saying that this episode really pops off with some nice animation. It is still very good at colors an shadows. This episode is very horror esque and the art really makes it work.
Jeffery Combs voices the Leader which is great because he always brings 110%. I am never not entertained by this guy performance
The action is all really good. I do like all the little moments of characterization, like all the other Avengers letting Tony walk into the gamma field first and him being "thanks guys"
They got the whole group dynamic figures out really. They know what each character can do an how to utilize their abilities in fun interesting ways.
Hawkeye gets a lot more time to be his snarky self , but personally I like what we get of Bruce this episode with best I could describe as quite bluntness. Again it does show at the same time how Bruce and Hulk are connected but also kinda their own Individuals.
So this was a pretty good two parter, action pact fun character moment between and laying the ground work for future storie.
Grim Reminder written by Greg Johnson
The episode begins with Wolverine having a nightmare where he is floating in a tank before it cuts to him breaking out and then to him running in a forest and fighting Sabretooth. He awakes unsure what it all means.
Later, Kitty wakes up and tries to prepare for the day. Kitty keeps ruining everyone else trying to get ready. Writing to her parents, Kitty tells them how things have been going for her at Xavier Institute. She writes how she has been getting along with everyone. However, she keeps getting interrupted unable to complete her E-mail to her parents.
Scott watches a new report that seems to trigger something in Logan. He starts to have pains and bursts of rage that he can't control. Logan talks to Charles about his recurring headaches. Charles uses his telepathic ability to delve into Logan's mind and discovers that he is experiencing flashbacks of his past. As they delve deeper into Logan's memories, he firmly believes that the person in those memories was responsible for giving him his adamantium claws. Logan then abruptly ends the session with Charles, telling him that he has to leave.
Kitty is inside the Blackbird trying to find a quiet place to finish her letter to her parents. Kurt finds her and tells her it's time for school. However, the Blackbird takes off because of Logan's quest. Kitty tells Kurt to be cautious of Wolverine because he's been acting strangely. When Kurt approaches him, Wolverine throws his claw at him. Wolverine asks why they are following him. Kitty explains they're not, but Wolverine locks himself away for their safety. Wolverine leaves Kitty and Kurt behind after their landing. A scientist tells Sabretooth that Wolverine's chip still works after years. Sabretooth fights Wolverine and the scientist uses the chip to shut him down.
The scientist sends Wolverine and Sabretooth to attack Kitty and Kurt. Kitty tries to reason with Wolverine, but the scientist increases his control. She runs away, dodging debris. Kurt escapes Sabretooth by teleporting around. Wolverine frantically searches for Kitty, fearing that he may have killed her. Suddenly, Kitty phases through the ground and appears behind him. She tries to reach him before he can attack her with his claws. Kurt urges Kitty to come with him, but she refuses and goes to see Wolverine instead. She encourages him to keep fighting the chip control, and Wolverine manages to regain his senses and put away his claws. Finally, Kitty hugs him tightly.
Sabretooth attacks Wolverine and Kitty, pushing them over a ledge. Wolverine hits Sabretooth with a tree and heads towards the scientist's lab. Kurt warns Kitty that Sabretooth may have planned this, but she assures him they can stop him. Wolverine claws his way into the lab, where the scientist orders Sabretooth to protect him. Sabretooth tries to help the scientist but is stopped by Kurt and Kitty. Sabretooth fights Kurt, while the scientist uses a machine to hurt Wolverine and sends robots to attack him. Kitty arrives, disables the device, and saves Wolverine. The device erupts, causing the lab to explode. Wolverine confronts the scientist angrily and reveals his claws, accusing him of picking the wrong enemy. The scientist warns him that the place is going to blow up, but Wolverine orders Kitty to leave. Kurt arrives and teleports them away. Wolverine tells Sabretooth and the scientist that Weapon X is over. Kurt and Kitty watch as the base explodes. Wolverine returns to the blackbird exhausted, collapses.
Wolverine wakes up at the Xavier Mansion at night and Charles informs him that he is back at the institute and safe. Charles tells Logan that the kids are fine and Kitty had been checking on him every hour. Logan promises to investigate what happened to him. Meanwhile, the X-Men are complaining to Kurt, who tells them to calm down and assures them that Kitty will be out in a minute. Kitty tells her parents that she has begun to miss bumping into everyone, which comes with being part of a family.
So this episode was fine and I will admit my lack of enthusiasm is a fully me problem. I have never cared about Wolverine's past of the weapon X stuff. I know it's a huge part of the comics, but it's never been interesting to me.
But what I did like about the episode is that it does show all the X-Men and them being both roommate and a family is nice. I love seeing how teams interact in just their regular living spaces. Wolverine connecting with the kids at the end is nice. It's nice to see him really take on that mentor role.
This isn't even really a flaw but do find it so weird on this show how people just suddenly be in their X-Men uniforms. Like, where were you keeping those and how did you put them on so fast?
Not too much to say about this episode, if you like the Wolverine stuff it's the episode for you.
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doctorbrown · 11 months
DOCTOBER '23 ⸺ 「 15 / 31 * INVENTION 」
August 5, 1992
❝Alright,❞ Emmett says, dragging his sleeve across his forehead, ❝that's the last screw. Circuits are connected, the imagers are in place, and the software hasn't caused any issues with the rest of the time machine's configuration; now all that's left is the final test.❞ He climbs out of the DeLorean and plucks a small, thin remote control out of his pocket that he holds out to Marty.
❝Would you like to do the honours, Marty?❞
❝Oh, you bet.❞ Emmett stands at his side, eagerly watching the time machine. Marty holds the remote out for dramatic effect and presses the button. The three holographic emitters burst to life, running through a kaleidoscope of colours until finally they emit a solid field of light that surrounds the car.
Marty blinks and standing in place of the DeLorean is a 1968 Firebird, sleek and striking red and most noticeably without any visible time machine components.
He takes that surprise as a sign of a job well done.
❝Unfortunately, it's still a long ways away from the holographic technology of Star Trek❞—to prove his point, Emmett slices through the projection with his hand; the image ripples at the touch and then knits itself back together rather than mimicking something solid—❝but visually, it produces a very convincing image, don't you think?❞
Awestruck, Marty hurries over to the car and circles around it, looking for any flaws or imperfections in the camouflage. ❝You can hardly tell this isn't real! Is that where you got the idea from, Doc? The holodecks?❞
Emmett smiles. ❝Yes and no. I'll admit some of the inspiration came from there, but it was also from our trips to the future. Holographic technology, among other things, has become more widespread, and it gave me an idea. I don't want us to run into another scenario where the time machine can be stolen.❞
Marty instinctively screws up his face and it doesn't take a mind reader to know exactly where his thoughts have gone.
❝That is another problem I also plan to tackle now that the holographic emitters are functional; making sure only certain people can activate the time circuits. Without them, the car is just a regular car, and the automatic retrieval system ensures that we can always get it back.❞
Emmett waves a hand, cutting that train of thought short to return to his original point. ❝Anyway, as I was saying, even in the future, the DeLorean attracts too much attention. With the holographic disguise, we won't have to worry about that.❞
Marty leans in, trying to spot the emitter beneath the hologram and failing. He runs a hand over the image and the vibrant red parts to reveal the silver hiding beneath, along with something that looks vaguely like a camera lens. ❝So will the disguise hold even when we're driving? Or flying? It looks great, Doc, but it kind of defeats the purpose if you can only use it when it's parked.❞
He nods. ❝In theory, it should. I was going to ask if you'd help me test that, too, by driving it down the block while I observe. The only thing I can imagine posing a problem right now is heavy rain, but since there's no storm on the horizon, we'll have to wait to test it.❞
❝What about other things? Say we have to go back to the nineteenth century. Or hell, even the sixteenth! Can we make it look like a horse-drawn carriage?❞
❝Sure. These holographic emitters will allow us to transform the DeLorean into just about anything, provided there's a reference for it.❞
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