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andrepitz · 5 months ago
Es gibt keine Vision, nur ein verwässertes Erbe, das offenbar einfach nicht losgelassen werden kann. https://letterboxd.com/andrepitz/film/ghostbusters-frozen-empire/
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duranduratulsa · 3 months ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Blockbuster Cinema...Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024) on Netflix #movie #movies #horror #scifi #comedy #actionadventure #ghostbusters #ghostbustersfrozenempire #mckennagrace #emilyalynlind #CarrieCoon #finnwolfhard #anniepotts #billmurray #paulrudd #Kumailali #danaykroyd #Williamatherton #logankim #pattonoswalt #erniehudson #JohnRothman #CelesteOConnor #2020s #Netflix
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iammissmanga · 4 years ago
Gossip Girl Reboot Trailer and Episode One Thoughts.
“Did you miss me? I know I’ve missed you.” After hearing about the Gossip Girl reboot, I wasn’t sure I would watch it as I have never actually watched the original series before. But after watching the trailer that premiered on June 10th, I am now really excited to watch the first episode. Even though I have never watched the original series, I’ve done my research, watched clips and have even…
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Newt Coldwell played by Jensen Ackles
Lillian Coldwell played by Danneel Ackles (Recast)
Beckett ‘Beck’ Coldwell played by Jonathan Whitesell
Delia Coldwell played by Emily Alyn Lind
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 years ago
The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020)
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The Babysitter: Killer Queen desperately tries to emulate what worked in the first and fails just about every single time. Even those who hated 2017's The Babysitter would classify it as a masterpiece after this.
Two years after the events of the first film, Cole (Judah Lewis) is unable to convince anyone that his babysitter, Bee (Samara Weaving), was the leader of a murderous satanic cult. His parents (Leslie Bibb and Ken Marino) think he’s nuts and he’s been friend-zoned by his childhood sweetheart, Melanie (Emily Alyn Lind). When she invites him to a party, he’s shocked to discover she and her friends are planning to use his blood for the same kind of ritual he narrowly escaped. Worse, Bee’s apostles (played by Andrew Bachelor, Hana Mae Lee, Bella Thorne, and Robbie Amell) have returned from the dead.
It’s the same movie we saw before but with twice the killers. Not even new killers either. Melanie (now unconvincingly turned into a villain) is the new Bee. The misfit girl who happens to be at the party, Phoebe (Jenna Ortega), is the new Melanie. The other partygoers are carbon copies of the cultists who tried to kill Cole the first time. Because when we see a sequel, what we really want is a remake, right? The deaths are slightly different but none are surprising, which takes away any punch (comedic or otherwise) they might’ve had. You sit there, as quiet as a corpse while the plot move along in obvious ways. There isn’t a scare to be found.
But maybe you weren’t expecting to wet your pants in terror. You came for the blood-soaked laughs. Tough luck. Written by Dan Lagana, Brad Morris, Jimmy Warden and McG (who directs again), Killer Queen tries hard to duplicate Brian Duffield’s humour. Their attempts are embarrassing to watch, like a couple of kids trying to act out The Babysitter to convince you that it was soooo good. You think it can’t get any worse than the same gags copied and pasted? Just wait until you get to the end. This whole time, you’ve been wondering where Samara Weaving is hiding. There’s no way they’d make the movie without her. She was integral to the original’s success! Killer Queen found a convoluted way to bring everyone else back. Her too. It requires hackneyed, contradicting and nonsensical retcons, but McG assumes you'll be so happy to see her again you won't care. Did the people who made this movie not think we’d seen the first one? Did they even see it?
A scene during the end credits hints at yet be more to come, which is a scary thought. The Babysitter: Killer Queen is the Men in Black II of this series. The premise is a flower pot smashed onto the head of fans. Each joke it a shard of glass you have to pick out of your bloodied scalp. Best to avoid the whole thing and pretend like it doesn’t exist. (September 15, 2020)
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sam-jack-loveforever · 3 years ago
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Gossip Girl 2021 || 🇺🇲 #gossipgirl #newgossipgirl #teendrama #jordanalexander #whitneypeak #tavigevinson #edbrown #thomasdoherty #emilyalynlind #evanmock https://www.instagram.com/p/ChiI6Xyj4hh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jopinetfilmjournal · 3 years ago
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mbloginfo · 4 years ago
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Who is Emily Alyn Lind? Audrey H. has entered the chat, a... https://mblogs.info/who-is-emily-alyn-lind/?feed_id=13144&_unique_id=60e65e29780b5 #emilyalynlind #gossipgirlrebootstar #gossipgirlstar #whoisemilyalynlind #whoisingossipgirlreboot #fashion #food #lifestyle #tech #politics #business #travel #animals #celebrities #vip #hollywood
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darthtalon89 · 5 years ago
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#TheBabysitterKillerQueen #TheBabysitterKillerQueenMovie #TheBabysitterKillerQueenFilm #comedy #McG #TheBabysitter #TheBabysitterMovie #TheBabysitterFilm #JudahLewis #EmilyAlynLind #JennaOrtega #RobbieAmell #AndrewBachelor #LeslieBibb #HanaMaeLee #BellaThorne #SamaraWeaving #KenMarino ##Horror #HorrorMovie #HorrorFan #horrorgirl #horrorcollector #HorrorAddict #instahorror #horrorgram #horrorobsessed #terror #peliculadeterror #horrorfilm https://www.instagram.com/p/CFXxGHLHqjC/?igshid=oalbjmcg9tda
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awesomebeasy · 5 years ago
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The world will shine again. Dare to go back. After years of downplaying his ability to shine, a grownup Dan Torrance must come to terms with his past to save a young girl with similar powers from a group that targets people like them. #RebeccaFerguson did a fantastic job as Rose the Hat, chilling and just charming enough you can understand how they were able to get enough “steam” to survive all those years. The scenes of the characters shining (Dan, Abra seeing the kid’s baseball game and the aftermath, Rose finding Abra and her house, their own representations of what the insides of their minds look like), the traps for Rose’s followers, the cat and mouse with her at The Overlook, were all cool to watch, like first time I watched I was all like “Omg whaaat?!” but watching it the second time let me actually see what was happening which was really cool to watch; they way they get Craw Daddy 👌🏼👌🏼 The scenes from the past, while enlightening for Danny’s history, were a little jolting for me because they weren’t Shelley Duval or Danny Lloyd. There were a bunch of throwbacks to the original - Halloran throughout Danny’s life, the office Danny’s interviewed by Dr. John is the same one (or looks like it) Jack was interviewed in by Ullman, and things inside the hotel from a slightly different perspective, the hedge maze, the typewriter, the bloody elevator.... the only thing I really missed from the book was something about an email she gives to Dan, cadabra@something .com, which plays off her name Abra. - something small and inconsequential - but still! 😆 #lategram #ssmovieof2019 #drama #fantasy #horror #thriller #EwanMcGregor #KylieghCurran #CliffCurtis #ZahnMcClarnon #SelenaAnduze #EmilyAlynLind #RobertCongstreet #CarelStruycken #CatherineParker #CarlLumbly #HenryThomas #BruceGreenwood #AlexEssoe #RogerDaleFloyd #JacobTwemblay #SadieHeim #KkHeim writers: #MikeFlanagan (screenplay) #StephenKing (based on the novel by) director: Mike Flanagan movie of 2019 number 32) #DoctorSleep https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ScbZjH092/?igshid=1tiouxfhecan2
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doomonfilm · 5 years ago
Review : Doctor Sleep (2019)
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When you think about authors that have made an impact on the film industry, it’s hard to think of a name more prolific that Stephen King.  Countless books of his have been adapted into films, with scores more waiting in the wings.  Several of his books went from being single entries to series, and recently, one of his most famous books, The Shining, received a follow-up entry.  2019 saw this follow-up hit the big screen in the form of Mike Flanagan’s Doctor Sleep. 
In the wake of the Overlook Hotel tragedy, Wendy Torrance (Alex Essoe) and her young son Danny (Roger Dale Floyd) have moved to Florida to try and bring normalcy back to their lives.  Danny, who is in a state of shock due to narrowly escaping the Overlook with his life, has not spoken since the incident, but with the help of Dick Hallorann (Carl Lumbly), Danny learns how to trap the ghosts from the Overlook in his head.  Meanwhile, a group known as the True Knot, led by the mysterious Rose the Hat (Rebecca Ferguson), seeks those with the Shining in hopes of capturing their essence, which they refer to as Steam.  In 2011, Dan (Ewan McGregor) finds himself in a worse alcoholic state than his father, wandering from city to city in hopes of escaping rock bottom and himself.  As he settles into a small New Hampshire town, he meets Billy (Cliff Curtis), who helps Dan secure work and join an AA group in hopes of cleaning up his life.  At this time, Rose the Hat and her group discover Snakebite Andi (Emily Alyn Lind), a young and talented drifter who uses her Shining talents to teach men who prey on young girls a dangerous lesson, and after a little convincing, Rose convinces Andi to join the True Knot fold.  Eight years pass by, and while Dan is thriving in his attempt at a new life, the True Knot finds themselves starving due to a lack of discovering sources of Steam.  In a drastic measure, the group kidnaps a young boy named Bradley (Jacob Tremblay) and tortures and murders him for Steam, which awakens a young and powerful Shining user named Abra (Kyliegh Curran), causing a ripple effect that connects Abra to Dan.  As Abra urges Dan to assist her in discovering the whereabouts of Bradley and the True Knot, she also makes attempts at getting into Rose’s head, causing a collision course between Dan, Abra, the True Knot, and eventually, the Overlook Hotel.
The way that this film manages to play fan service to both Stephen King and Stanley Kubrick fans is a truly fascinating feat.  Instantly, we are immersed into the familiar world of the Overlook hotel, and the choice to cast actors who resemble the original cast of The Shining immediately washes the viewer in a sense of familiarity.  Much of the expositional backstory need is eliminated because we under the circumstances that led up to where the story begins, and with a basic understanding of what practitioners of the Shining are capable of, the table is set for a wide range of new characters with a wide range of Shining-based powers to explore.  The sense of familiarity to a horror of the past permeates throughout the story, with references from Danny’s past finding their way back into his life, as well as echoes of the past occurring constantly, with Dan replacing Jack Torrance in plenty of iconic situations.
The film pays tons of respect to both King and Kubrick in terms of lore expansion and callback moments.  Giving the Shining an almost Force-like need for balance creates a mystical tug of war between Dan and Abra and the True Knot, with tons of psychic psychological warfare taking place between Shining users in the form of trickery, deception and dangerous traps with real world consequences.  Several interesting ideas are presented during the course of the narrative, many of which I am still dwelling on at the moment.  For example, the idea that technology and medication can dull the gift of the Shining, while not an original idea in terms of ‘mysticism’ and evolution, is presented without the need for heavy-handed examples to be shown.  One line of dialogue that stuck with me involved Dan mentioning to Abra about Tony being his imaginary friend, to which Abra responds that she thought Dan was her imaginary friend... does this mean that Tony is a real person that Dan never got the opportunity to cross paths with, simply because he didn’t understand his power at the time?  The idea that the Overlook cycles its victims through the numerous roles it casts its ghost in is also a fascinating one, as Jack replaces Lloyd, and Dan ultimately replaces Jack.
Normally, I wouldn’t go for what could be boiled down to big-budget fan-fiction, but execution of Doctor Sleep checks every box I imagine I would have.  The use of a nearly identical score keeps the ominous energy of The Shining present, but the bigger world expands the sense of danger.  Watching characters in the film return to the Overlook is crazy, as the callbacks to locations throughout are stunning and startling in terms of the way the original look and energy is re-created... sort of like a nostalgia aesthetic was the idea.  For fans of Kubrick’s interpretation of The Shining, and those who noticed its obvious influence on King’s dive into Doctor Sleep as a novel, this film is an answer to their prayers.
Ewan McGregor and his attempts at controlling his fear of what he’s capable of are portrayed well, especially with the red herring of alcoholism being the possible issue in his life (at least to strangers).  Kyliegh Curran does a great job of exuding confidence and curiosity in her powers that she does not fully understand, which in turn gets her in over her head before she realizes.  Rebecca Ferguson is captivating as Rose the Hat, using a magnetic personality to draw people into her fold.  Cliff Curtis is a solid representation for the support system that McGregor seeks, as well as serving as an audience avatar in a world full of mystic characters.  Emily Alyn Lind and Zahn McClarmon are standout members of the True Knot, paralleling off of one another as a showboat and someone who plays their cards close to the chest.  Carl Lumbly, Alex Essoe, Henry Thomas and Roger Dale Floyd manage to ring the bells of familiarity in their roles as the iconic characters from The Shining, and do so without upsetting our train of thought or enjoyment of the film.  Appearances by Bruce Greenwood, Jocelin Donahue, Zackary Momoh, Jacob Tremblay, the numerous members of the True Knot, and a cameo by Danny Lloyd round things out.
This film surprised me, despite there not being much definitive out in terms of critical or crowd reaction.  I went into it expecting to enjoy the experience, but I was surprised that Doctor Sleep left the impression on me that it did.  Look for this one to more than likely end up in my top ten of the year.
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mansetmalatya · 5 years ago
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Sinemaseverler bu hafta hangi filmlerin vizyona gireceğini büyük bir merakla araştırıyor. 'Bu hafta hangi filmler var?' sorusunun cevabı netlik kazandı. Türkiye'deki sinema salonlarında bu hafta 1'i yerli 3 film vizyona girecek. Ünlü sporcu Naim Süleymanoğlu'nun hayat hikayesini anlatan "Cep Herkülü: Naim Süleymanoğlu" izleyiciyle buluşacak. Ewan McGregor ve Rebecca Ferguson'un oynadığı "Doktor Uyku", gerilim meraklılarının ilgisini çekmeye aday. İşte, sinemaseverlerin merakla beklediği haftanın filmleri... BU HAFTA VİZYONA GİRECEK FİLMLER - "CEP HERKÜLÜ: NAİM SÜLEYMANOĞLU" Türk spor tarihine damga vuran Naim Süleymanoğlu'nun hayatını anlatan "Cep Herkülü: Naim Süleymanoğlu" izleyiciyle buluşacak. Naim Süleymanoğlu'nu Hayat Van Eck'in canlandırdığı filmde Yetkin Dikinciler, Selen Öztürk, Gürkan Uygun, Uğur Güneş, İsmail Hacıoğlu, Renan Bilek ve Bülent Alkış da rol aldı. Yönetmenliğini Özer Feyzioğlu'nun yaptığı filmin yapımcılığını Mustafa Uslu üstlendi. Spor kariyerine 47 dünya rekoru, üç farklı olimpiyatta kazandığı 3 olimpiyat altın madalyası, 6 Avrupa şampiyonluğu ile 7 dünya şampiyonluğu sığdıran, kendi ağırlığının üç katı ağırlık kaldırabilen tek sporcu olarak da tarihe geçen sporcunun hikayesi Özer Feyzioğlu tarafından senaryolaştırdı.  - "DOKTOR UYKU" Stanley Kubrick'in Stephen King'in ünlü eserinden uyarladığı "Doktor Uyku", Overlook Otel'de yaşanan dehşetin üzerinden 40 yıl geçmesine rağmen o travmayı tam olarak üzerinden atamayan Dan Torrance'ın, kendisinde olan özel güce sahip genç kız Abra ile tanışması sonrası gelişen olayları konu ediniyor. Mike Flanagan'ın yönetmen koltuğunda oturduğu filmin başrollerinde Ewan McGregor, Rebecca Ferguson, Kyliegh Curran, Cliff Curtis, Zahn McClarnon ve Emily Alyn Lind oynuyor. - "ÜZGÜNÜZ, SİZE ULAŞAMADIK" Ken Loach'un yönettiği "Üzgünüz, Size Ulaşamadık", giderek çoğalan borçlarla baş etmeye çalışan Ricky-Abbie çifti ve çocuklarının, Ricky'nin bir teslimat işine başlaması sonrası hayatlarının değişimini odağına alıyor. Kris Hitchen, Debbie Honeywood, Rhys Stone ve Katie Proctor'un rol aldığı filmin senaryosunu Paul Laverty kaleme aldı.  Read the full article
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timmymyluv · 3 years ago
power couple
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fc: park chaeyoung/rose of blackpink 
pt.2 (or could be read alone) of kpopidol!fem!reader x timothee chalamet
these are so fun ngl i love making them. <33
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liked by conangray, louispartridge, dojacat, jessicachastain, barrykeogan and 18,654,332 others
greatuser he's so lucky
usernamehere dk if he's luckier or she is
yourusername and i am yours. 
      liked by tchalamet
ynfanskorea oh my god i want what they have
oliviarodrigo adopt me pls
yourusername my sweet childe
tchalamet hello daughter
oliviarodrigo parents
alexademie that's my bestie!
yourusername and ur my bestie! 🤗
gigihadid gorgeous girl
yourusername xoxo to u and khai my godchild
savannahsmith a goddess
yourusername says a goddess herself
haileybieber beautiful
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liked by rebeccaferguson, oscarisaac, tomholland2013, taylorswift and 13,877,100 others
had me in theatres like this the whole time
(promise I read the books)
taken by _jeongjaehyun
username7 GIRL HELP
datuser NOT WITH PAUL?!! he's about to do bad things babe
zendaya can u behave for ONCE!?! 😭😭
yourusername IM TRYING if he wasn't so fine 😭
johnnyjsuh couldn't even watch the movie in peace WITHOUT UR FINGERS IN THE WAY
onyour__mark cmon sheesh yn
arianagrande GIRL STAND UP!
dunefans99 the movie was amazing I don't blame u girlie
madisonbeer come on yn
dojacat same
lilnasx @tchalamet come get ur girl
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liked by ynfan2, randomusername, blablauser, and 2,983,221 others
this year's coachella has been spiced up - esp with this lovey dovey sighting of sweethearts timothée chalamet and blackpink's (y/n).
will this honeymoon period last forever or is this just a phase? word on the street is that miss (y/n) is being offered multiple million dollar contracts for leading roles in top billing movies. or timothee’s massive movie runs this year got him up for a second oscar nom? will their careers get in the way? we'll wait and see.
userhere BRO FUCK OFF leave them aloneeee
everyusername YALL timmy is super private and it took so much for him to even reveal this much to us don't fuck it up for us
bpforlife yn defends her personal life to the core so leave them alone
datblink ok when's the album
sassyuser if anyone is ON THE GROUND rn it's me I'm on my knees at a walmart
usernamehere alexa play loser lover by together x tomorrow
bpfanbase sorry im an anti-romantic (not)
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liked by emilyalynlind, thomasdoherty, simoneashley, evanmock and 10,776,322 others
somisomi309 alexa play call it fate, call it karma by the strokes
fans2334 this has to be one of their couple songs i swear
dazedkorea 🌟
timo.fan bet he’ll be on dazed korea next month
miyayeah cuties
daraxxi guapo (handsome)
yourusername diba? (right?)
userhere OMG yn knows tagalog too come on multilingual queen
kieltutin lovebirds
callmebyyouruser oh my god if only my scrapbooking looked like this 
inaboxuser if the image looked like that im sure it would
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liked by edsheeran, noahcyrus, asabopp, iamhalsey, juliamichaels, oliviaobrien, charlieputh and 23,334,987 others
look at you. now look at me. 
comments are off under this post. 
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liked by tchalamet, theweeknd, jacobelordi, anthonyvaccarello, whitneypeak and 32,972,913 others
“colors���. track eight. 
tagged yourusername
timofan timmy is living the dream being besties with cudi and ur gf collabing with him?? HELLO WAKE HIM UP
somisomi309 SO EXCITEDDDDDD track of the year
madisonhu presaved! 
jimmyfallon can’t wait for their performance together at late night! 
userfan23 omg when
eltonjohn some of the most talented artists today. <3
zedd upcoming hit!! 
lauvsongs going to be in my playlist i already know it 
popfan23 this is going to win a grammy i bet
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liked by renebaebae, bambam1a, zkdlin, somisomi309, maudeapatow, and 20,983,221 others
this week's mood
itz.lia had so much fun last night girlie!!
yourusername me too!!! luv u my jisu
username god hope that drink timmy had was not alcohol 
paulinechalamet i love that photo
yourusername me too! <33 thanks for sending it to me 
paulinechalamet always ^^
tchalamet HEY
fansyn omg i loved their nyc show 
ynforever her nyc encore look was so cutee 
oppafans bp concerts never miss i feel like this too 
ninefans im having post-concert sadness god bring me back :((
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h-a-j-i-m-e-ru · 5 years ago
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I've finally watched this one and I just loved it!👏🏻👏🏻👌🏻 (not the gore scenes ofc) the movie #theshining doesn't speak that much to me as it does to my sister but this movie, wow👀🛎🌬🚪🔨🗝🥃🎩👧🏾🧔🏼🥶🤯
All the actors did such an amazing job, carrying us to that world! #StephenKing 's world🙊
It also made me feel divided between my favorite movies of Stephen King😲🤔 (idk if I like IT more or Doctor Sleep🙈)
#notmuchtosay #justwow #recommend #movie #lovedit #doctorsleep #haventreadthebook #horrormovies #review #doctorsleepmovie #doctorsleepreview #ewanmcgregor #rebeccaferguson #kylieghcurran #carllumbly #zahnmcclarnon #emilyalynlind #cliffcurtis #jacobtremblay #allcast #amazingwork #amazingcast #lovedthecatscenestoo #azzie
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brwc · 4 years ago
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Emily Alyn Lind. • • • • • #cinema #movie #movies #film #films #actor #cinematography #filmphotography #filmisnotdead #instaflicks #dvd #instamovies #moviestar #analog #filmmaking #actress #hollywood #ishootfilm #cinephile #goodmovie #director #theatre #filmmaker #flick #filmcamera #flicks #instaflick #brwc #believeinfilm #EmilyAlynLind https://instagr.am/p/CFmdHQxFn_v/
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futur-z · 6 years ago
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HIDDEN (2015) Written & Directed by the Duffer Brothers #movie #thriller #hiddenmovie #director #screenwriter #screenplay #dufferbrothers #actor #actress #alexanderskarsgard #andreariseborough #emilyalynlind #soundtrack #davidjulyan #producer #lawrencegrey #roylee #masonnovick #richarddzanuck (à Pau, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqfGAodneLg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=a9hnw2ca2u22
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