#emilia atkins
huntsvillegossip · 4 months
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Hello Lovelies~
Apologies for the scrap paper this is printed on, the place has finally been dried out but we’re making do with what we can. The clinic is managing to offer treatment and ointment available to take home for those of you still dealing with skin issues. Do take a second and see the back of this issue where we have a list of those still missing. If you saw any of those listed please do inform the sheriff’s office.
Now with all that dreadful news out of the way I was sent in quite the news updates. Recently at the Sasquatch, Giovanni Rossi was spotted storming in and yelling at Tricky Gallagher. It was confirmed by Tricky that he had slept with Giovanni’s much younger sister, Giulia Rossi, which made the elder Rossi angry enough to punch him not only once but twice. Thankfully, other bar patrons separated them. Keep that in mind to any other suitors trying to romance Giulia—her brother packs quite the punch!
Now as much I love being the voice to fill you all in, my hands are in fact redder than a freshly boiled lobster, so just this once I’m going to let you all fill the town in using your own words.
Love, Auntie G ~
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“So like people know the drama is supposed to be just on stage right? Like I saw the writer, Edgar right? I saw him and some guy like screaming at each other. Think his name is Christian? Like damn guys save the drama for the show, you know? Then like Joey Albright and Jordan Young were super in each other’s faces. Like really thought they were finally gonna make out, the sexual tension was like…tense. I don’t know I’m buying a ticket just to see if they can make it through the whole show.”  - ShakespearWasaHack648
“Hey so can we just get any kind of private show from the performers at Sammie’s? Saw Syd or uh Candice, taking some fancy looking guy to one of the back rooms. How much that cost?” - SplendaDaddy69
“So like do the rangers do background checks…like at all? I saw one of em, the one with the busted leg like just grab a woman and have her near tears. Flashed a badge but last I checked he ain’t a cop here. Like poor lady, some friend of his also came over to harass her. Thought I was gonna have to grab security, but guy just seems unhinged.” -Justwantedtodancewithsomebody
“Man how bad is my love life if even Draven Bowers can get a girl? Saw him making out with Leia Tolentino in between some of the booths.” - Anon (M22)
“Totally saw Noah Kasprak eat shit after talking with Amber Ryan, not sure what she said to him. Never seen a guy go sheet white like that then pass out. Seemed pretty happy with her once he came to? I don’t know maybe they’re having a kid now? Congrats to them, hope the other Ryans don’t flay him alive.” - Anon (F25)
“Getting some serious whiplash from Nico Garcia. Wasn’t dude over the moon about being a dad or whatever? Guy looks like he’s having a crisis being that high, surprised he didn’t get swept away during everything.” - ISwearIt’sOregano420
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thirtecnth · 4 months
@lxvenderhxzehv / closed starter / emilia atkins setting: the daily grind
It had only been a day since he arrived and Tommy was already confused with the ration system. Sure, money was a factor in his life in NYC, but definitely not like this. It was just too early to slowly figure this out and he wanted any kind of coffee to get through.
So he held up a finger to the poor cashier, laughing awkwardly as he tried to make sense of what he had and what he could give. Some of it slipped from his grip to the floor and as he began to pick it up, cursing under his breath, he came face to face with yet another Atkins.
"Emi..." He said, sighing in relief. "I swear, I will explain but I'm losing it." He shook his head, wrapping his arms around his friend quickly before pulling away with an exasperated expression. "Please help me."
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lxvenderhxzehv · 5 months
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Emilia Atkins ~ Outfit for the Art Ball
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huntsvillehq · 7 months
(Sutton Foster) [The Starlet]. Please welcome [Emilia Atkins (She Her)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [47]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [Town]. You may see them around working as a [private Vocal/Acting Coach]. They are looking for [Elijah Atkins] their [Younger Brother] Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. (It's Pixie shhhhh)
WELCOME TO HUNTSVILLE, WV, emilia. Please follow this checklist and submit your account within 48 hours. Do not stay out after dark, and beware the whispers calling you into the woods at dusk.
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nathalieskinoblog · 3 years
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affluencehqs · 3 years
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𝐭𝐨: rye student body 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦: rye university psychology department 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭: valentine’s day questionnaire results 
Happy Valentine’s Day!
On behalf of the department, we’d like to thank you for your diligence and patience in answering the questionnaire posed by psychology students. The results of the questionnaire were most enlightening, and after several days of analyzing the data we are happy to announce that we’ve made quite a few new and exciting observations on the subject of love and compatibility.
As a way to further extend our gratitude and expand this experiment, we’ve added a second phase to our research. Below you will find a list of student pairings that our data has confirmed as having all the markers of a highly successful match. If you find your name on this list, we encourage you to reach out to the other student you’ve been matched with and set up a date! After the conclusion of your date, please report any unique observations and your final findings on the compatibility of the predetermined matches to the department.
Thank you again for your participation! Go with love!
Avery Faulkner & Lorenzo Aleotti Gael Ballesteros & Sage Walsh Mikel Castell & Elyse Kotzen  Grace Saeli-Bancroft & Astoria Melborne Cal Dekker & Brigid Astor Lane King & Bambi Norcross  Choi Na-gil &  Louisa Reyes Natalie Vincent & Sebastian Warren Katherine Wilson & Bianca Navarro Carmen Garcias & Jasper Salvo Ava Turner-Szekely & Calista Reis Rhys Rhodes & Ines Mora Danilo Bianchi & Mckenna Graff Ramiro Palacios & Safiya Aydin Adelaide Atkins & Teddy Berlusconi Emilia Johnson & Dylan Wilcott Kasey Wallace-Sinclair & Leon Taylor-Montague Otto Buch & Mateo Alcantara Yolotl Corcega & Millie Zhang Ahn Minjun & Kit Sawyer
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michaelsheenpt · 4 years
Theatre is at risk of losing a generation of talent: why we set up the Future Theatre Fund with TikTok
It was Michael Sheen who first showed me the power of theatre. His venomous, self-pitying, utterly lost Jimmy in the Royal Exchange’s 1995 production of Look Back in Anger, opened my self-absorbed, 15 year-old eyes – not just to hitherto unconsidered social issues but also to the idea that theatre could be an agent of change, in me, and also in the world. It was a lightbulb moment and I’ve never forgotten it.
That power makes the impact of the pandemic on theatre all the more devastating - and makes today’s announcement of The Evening Standard Future Theatre Fund, in association with TikTok and in partnership with the National Youth Theatre, all the more important. In London alone this was going to be the most incredible year of theatre. Emilia Clarke making her West End debut in a new version of The Seagull by Anya Reiss? Yep. Jake Gyllenhaal and Annaleigh Ashford in Sunday in the Park with George at the Savoy? Oh good God, yes. Timothée Chalamet with Dame Eileen Atkins in 4,000 Miles at the Old Vic? Get me that frow seat. Such amazing talent wasn’t coming to the city for the money, they were coming because London is the most exciting, successful, diverse and envied theatre environment in the world and they wanted to be part of it. That talent, mostly freelance and ineligible for any of the proffered government support, is reduced to “retraining”, despite having spent many years training already, honing skills most of us could only dream of. And those talents who have just emerged from that process into this blasted landscape, are at risk of never making use of their hard-won expertise, drifting instead into teaching, accountancy, yoga – anything that can keep them going. It is these people who will ultimately prove the biggest loss to an industry that needs new blood, new stories and new thinking to live.
That’s why I think the Future Theatre Fund will make a difference. Ten recent graduates from the UK’s top drama schools and nominees from theatre programmes, working across different disciplines from acting to design, will be awarded £10,000 and receive mentoring to help them keep going in their chosen career. In addition, two promising candidates will be selected for the TikTok Breakout Award – the first of its kind to award funding to those who may not have received formal training in drama to begin their career in theatre. If that’s you, visit the website below and please, please apply. We really want to hear your story.
We’ve put together an amazing panel, which will be chaired by the National Youth Theatre’s Paul Roseby and includes the likes of Helen McCrory, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and Kwame Kwei-Armah, extraordinary behind-the-scenes talents such as Amy Ball, Head of Casting at the Royal Court, and the incredible designer Soutra Gilmour, and TikTok’s UK head Richard Waterworth. We cannot ever adequately express our thanks to them.
We care deeply about theatre and we know you do too. So please shout about it, and get involved if you can. Let’s get through this together.
The Evening Standard Future Theatre Fund, in association with TikTok and in partnership with the National Youth Theatre, supports emerging talent in British theatre. Find out more at standard.co.uk/futuretheatrefund or get involved by entering the TikTok Breakout award #FutureTheatreFund #TikTokBreakoutStar
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mariacallous · 4 years
Eileen Atkins as Emilia in Othello: ‘If wives do fall’ | Shakespeare Solos
But I do think it is their husbands’ fault If wives do fall: say that they slack their duties, And pour our treasures into foreign laps, Or else break out in peevish jealousies, Throwing restraint upon us; or say they strike us, Or scant our former having in despite; Why, we have galls, and though we have some grace, Yet have we some revenge. Let husbands know Their wives have sense like them: they see and smell And have their palates both for sweet and sour, As husbands have. What is it that they do When they change us for others? Is it sport? I think it is: and doth affection breed it? I think it doth: is’t frailty that thus errs? It is so too: and have not we affections, Desires for sport, and frailty, as men have? Then let them use us well: else let them know, The ills we do, their ills instruct us so.
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queenie-lexieee · 3 years
My Original Characters 
Olivia Berry (Bi-Modern)
Harrison Hightopp (Gay-Modern)
Christopher Horton (Bi-Marvel)
Oc Post coming soon
Luna Smith (Straight-OUAT)
Ursual Luthier (Bi-Supernatural)
Shannelle Yasmine (Bi-Marvel)
Lois Atkins (Bi-Modern)
Georgia Simmons (Bi-Marvel)
Michael Quinn (Bi-Modern)
Jupiter Gabe (Bi-Marvel)
Emilia Schmidt (Straight-Multiple Universities)
Cora Done (Straight-Star Wars)
Felix Ulazerios (Gay-Fantasy/Medieval)
Sebastian Baglio (Bi-NCIS)
LeAnna Edwards (Lesbian-Fantasy)
Dylan Berry (Gay-Modern)
Willow Green (Straight-Supernatural)
Ruby Williams (Bi-Multiple Universities)
Jinx (Bi-Doctor Who)
Charles Williams (Straight-Multiple Universities)
Kaida Kobayashi (Lesbian-Fantasy/Medieval)
Aurora Casey (Bi-Multiple Universities)
Maggie Jones (Straight-Multiple Universities)
Tiana Lockett (Bi-Multiple Universities)
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wildflowerirwin · 5 years
Runnin’ Just In Case - a.i. (4)
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Previously  Fic Playlist
Summary: It wasn’t love he was chasing, but he’s running just in case.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: just some swearing :/
Words: 1.5k of pure shit
Ashton had been at the Garrison ranch for a little over a month now. He and Bethany hadn’t hung out much since the night of the barn dance. It seemed they both fell into a routine that didn’t include each other. Ashton carried a pail of feed into the barn and poured it out for the cows as Calum milked. “I’m surprised they’re letting you be in here while they’re being milked. Miss Monster down there kicked Michael in the nuts yesterday because he came in while I was milking her.” Calum said, his focus never leaving Flapjack’s udder.
“I think they can sense that I’m not a threat.” Ashton shrugged and patted Monster’s neck gently.
“You know what I think? I think they can sense you’re hurting.” Calum said, finally looking at Ashton.
“Hurting?” Ashton looked back at Calum.
“Yes. You are hurting because you have feelings for Bethany but you can’t tell her because you’re scared but you want to be with her.” Calum said, standing up with the bucket of milk.
“I wouldn’t go that far.” Ashton rolled his eyes. “Sure, I think she’s the most beautiful yeehaw girl I’ve ever met, but I wouldn’t say I’m too scared to tell her how I feel.” Ashton crossed his arms.
“Nah, you’re in love with her and you’re hurting because you’re not constantly telling her how much you love her.”
“Calum, I’m not in love with her. I met her a month ago.” Ashton sighed. “You’re being crazy.”
“I’m not crazy. I know love when I see it.” Calum shrugged and set the bucket of milk in the milk house. “Come on, let’s get inside. I think breakfast is ready.” Ashton sighed softly and followed Calum to the main house, the two of them walking in together.
“Michael, fucking get it!” Bethany screamed from the kitchen, her voice getting higher.
“It’s not gonna hurt you. You’re overreacting.” Michael laughed. Bethany let out a shrill shriek and attempted to climb up on the counter.
“What’s going on in here?” Calum asked as he and Ashton made it into the kitchen.
“Bethany’s scared of the spider.” Luke said and pointed to the orb spider crawling slowly toward her.
“Someone fucking kill it!” Bethany cried, grabbing onto the cupboard.
“It is a helpless creature!” Michael defended, standing back as he watched the spider inch closer to Bethany.
“Jesus, Mike. Killing one spider won’t ruin the world.” Ashton said, stepping on the spider. Bethany sat on the counter and placed her face in her hands as she sniffed.
“You all fucking suck..”
“You’re an ass, mate.” Calum rolled his eyes and sent a smack to Michael’s bicep.
“What? Spiders don’t deserve to die. They eat mosquitoes.” Michael huffed, rubbing his arm.
“So do fucking dragonflies. But, since you love spiders so much.” Ashton shrugged and wiped the spider off his shoe and onto Michael’s shirt.
“Dude, that’s gross.” Michael made a face, wiping the spider off his shirt.
“What’s gross is making someone climb a counter in fear.” Ashton said and wrapped his arm around Bethany’s waist, helping her off the counter.
“The spider wasn’t going to hurt her.” Michael defended.
“We are so not friends anymore.” Bethany sniffed and walked out of the kitchen.
“That wasn’t cool, Mike. You know how scared she is of spiders.” Calum sighed.
“She has to learn sometime that spiders won’t hurt her.” Michael shrugged.
“No, she doesn’t. I’m fairly certain that telling someone not to be scared won’t make them not scared.” Ashton crossed his arms.
“Okay, I get it. I’m an asshole.” Michael rolled his eyes. “Can we just eat breakfast please?”
“Take this to Bethany.” Calum sighed and handed a plate of food to Ashton. Ashton nodded and took the plate to Bethany’s room. He knocked on the door gently before walking in.
“The point of knocking is to wait for a response.” Bethany sniffed and looked up at Ashton.
“Sorry.. Uh, I brought you your food.” He sighed and set her plate down on the nightstand.
“Thanks.. For the food and for killing the spider.” Bethany said, wiping her eyes.
“I used to kill spiders all the time for my wi-.. My younger siblings.” Ashton said, sitting next to her on the bed.
“Well, I appreciate it. A lot.” She sighed, laying her head on his shoulder. Ashton rubbed her back gently.
“Anytime, babe.” He pressed a soft kiss to her head.
*** “Can you stop being stupid for two seconds and help me over here?” Luke said, looking at Michael from under the pick-up.
“I’m not being stupid. I’m watching Bethany and Ashton.” Michael said, crossing his arms. Luke slid out from under the truck and stood up,
“I’m surprised at how close they’ve gotten.” Luke mentioned, watching as Ashton and Bethany picked veggies from the garden.
“What are we staring at?” Calum asked as he walked over.
“Ashton and Bethany.” Michael said, continuing to look at them.
“They fucked.” Calum said, grabbing a wrench from the toolbox and sliding under the truck.
“They what?!” Luke gasped and looked down at Calum.
“At the barn dance. One of you hand me the pipe screw.” Calum said, holding his hand out.
“Bethany!” Michael yelled, catching her attention.
“What do you want?!” Bethany yelled back, looking at Michael.
“Get over here!” He yelled, waving her over. Bethany sighed to herself and looked at Ashton.
“I’ll be right back.” She said, walking over to the shop where Michael was waiting. “What do you want?”
“When were you gonna tell us that you and Ashton hooked up?” Michael asked, crossing his arms.
“Calum! You told them?” Bethany gaped at him.
“They noticed that you and Ashton have been spending a lot of time together and they’re your best friends, so they should know the crazy things that happen.” Calum shrugged. “I’m still waiting on that pipe screw.”
“So, are you and Ashton dating?” Luke asked.
“No, we’re not dating. Just fucking.” Bethany crossed her arms. “If any of you tell my mother about this, I will end you.” Bethany threatened as she walked away.
That afternoon, Ashton was sat at the bar while Calum worked. His foot tapped against the hardwood floors as Calum talked to a patron, wiping out a glass. He finally turned and looked at Ashton. “If you’re bored, just go home.” Calum said.
“It’ll be more boring there. There’s nothing to do when it’s pouring like this.” Ashton sighed.
“Put on an apron and help me out then. I’m the only one here, besides Julius in the kitchen, so I’m pretty swamped.” Calum said, tossing a black apron to Ashton. Ashton stood up and tied it around his waist.
“What do you want me to do?” Ashton asked, walking behind the bar.
“Take orders. You don’t have to make any drinks except tap or fountain. All food orders go to Julius and I’ll take the drink orders.” Calum explained. Ashton nodded and began walking from patron to patron, taking orders. He walked over to a corner booth and looked at the two sitting in the darkened spot. He recognized the woman as Emilia, but he didn’t recognize the man she was with. He was wearing a suit that looked much too expensive to belong to anyone in their small Mississippi town.
“Anything I can get for y’all today?” Ashton asked, looking at them. Emilia looked up at Ashton and gasped softly.
“Ashton Irwin! What on earth are you doin’ here?” Emilia asked, grinning at him.
“Just helpin’ Cal for the day.” He shrugged. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“Vodka martini, please.” Emilia smiled, giving him a wink.
“For you, sir?” Ashton looked at the man, ignoring Emilia.
“Scotch, on the rocks.” The man nodded.
“When you bring them over, have a seat with us.” Emilia smiled up at Ashton. “I promise, it’ll be worth your time.”
“I’m sure.” Ashton said, walking over to the bar. “One vodka martini.” He told Calum as he grabbed a bottle of scotch. He poured the glass as Calum mixed the vodka martini, sliding it down to Ashton. He picked up the drinks and walked them over to Emilia.
“Please, sit.” Emilia pleaded as she took a sip of her martini.
“Just for a minute.” Ashton said, sitting next to the suited man.
“Perfect.” Emilia giggled. “This is Barry Jones, he’s a bigshot from Jackson.”
“Pleasure to meet you. Emilia’s told me a lot about you.” Barry said, holding his hand out to Ashton. Ashton shook it firmly.
“What does she know about me?” Ashton asked.
“She tells me you work at the Garrison ranch.” He said, to which Ashton nodded.
“I live and work there.” Ashton explained.
“Great, I’d love to buy it.” Barry said.
“It’s not for sale.” Ashton said, getting up.
“Well, if Evelyn Garrison can’t afford to pay her mortgage, I’ll have no choice but to take it by force. Here’s my card. Give it some thought.” Barry said, handing Ashton his card. Ashton took the card and walked back to the bar.
“What were you doing at Emilia’s booth? And, who’s that guy?” Calum asked.
“He’s from Jackson. He wants to buy the ranch and if we don’t find some money soon, he’s gonna take it.” Ashton sighed.
“It’s not for sale. Evelyn and Bethany would never let anyone take the ranch from them.” Calum said.
“I know, but look who he’s talking to. Emilia and her family have power here. They want the ranch and its land and they’ll stop at nothing to get it.” Ashton sighed. “I need to get to the ranch and talk to Evelyn.”
“I’ll see you for dinner.” Calum sighed and patted Ashton’s shoulder. Ashton nodded and hung up his apron as he walked out of the bar. He drove home and walked inside, Barry’s business card in his hand.
“Ashton, I wasn’t expecting you back until dinner.” Evelyn said, looking up from her book.
“Yeah, well, I needed to talk to you.” Ashton sighed.
“What’s going on?” Evelyn asked, placing her bookmark in her book and setting the book on the coffee table.
“I met a guy at the bar today. His name is Barry Jones.” He explained, handing her the business card. “He wants to buy the ranch.”
“It’s not for sale.” Evelyn said, looking at the card.
“I know, but he’s working with Emilia. The Atkins are a powerful family, they can manipulate anyone.” Ashton sighed. “If we don’t sell the ranch, they’ll find another way to get it.”
“If they try anything, we’ll get a lawyer to help us out. But, we don’t need to worry right now. The ranch isn’t going anywhere.” Evelyn sighed.
“What’s going on?” Bethany asked, coming inside.
“Some bigshot from Jackson wants to buy the ranch.” Ashton said.
“It’s not for sale.” Bethany said.
“It’s Emilia, dear. Her family probably brought this guy in to try and scare us into selling.” Evelyn sighed.
“Well, we’re not going to.” Bethany said, sitting on the couch next to her mother.
“No, but if we don’t come into a large sum of money, we might have to. The ranch is surviving, but look at all the work that needs to be done. The west barn needs to be almost completely redone, we’ve got the horse stables that are falling apart. It’s gonna take a miracle for us to survive much longer here.” Evelyn worried.
“Then let’s get started. We’ve got a lot to do.” Bethany said, standing up. “What do you say, Ashton?” She asked, looking up at him.
“I’m in.”
Tag List: @lukescherrypie@calumculture@kinglycalum@babylon-corgis@novacanecalum@lfwallscouldtalk@dontdoitluke@isabella10028@calumamongmen@bumblebet-20@lockthisheartinchains@bitterbethany@sublimehood@myloverboyash@ironicallyirwin@lashtoncurls@mukesreject@sanfrancjsco@boytoynamedcalum@opinionatedpisces-official@blahehblah @lukehemmings@calum-uncrowned@findingliam-o @gh0st-0f-y0u-95 
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Us, May 13
Cover: Inside Britney Spears’ brave battle 
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Page 1: First Look -- Olivia Munn 
Page 2: Red Carpet -- high/low hemlines -- Kate Beckinsale, Amandla Stenberg, Alessandra Ambrosio, Ashlee Simpson-Ross 
Page 3: Please don’t wear ostrich feathers, Halsey, Lais Ribeiro, Gemma Chan 
Page 4: Who Wore It Best? Julia Roberts vs. Drew Barrymore, Marcia Gay Harden vs. Christina Hendricks 
Page 6: Loose Talk -- Martha Stewart has no prison tips for Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin, Kim Kardashian on daughter North, Sophia Bush on Beyonce’s Homecoming documentary, Serena Williams on cohosting Meghan Markle’s baby shower, Pitbull on inspiring John Travolta to shave his head 
Page 8: Contents 
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Page 10: Hot Pics -- Premiere of UglyDolls -- Janelle Monae, Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani and kids, Kelly Clarkson and husband and kids 
Page 11: Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Vinny Guadagnino 
Page 12: Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves, Jennifer Garner, Emilia Clarke and Glenn Close and Annie Starke, Rihanna 
Page 13: Vanessa Hudgens, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel 
Page 14: Candace Cameron Bure and Bob Saget, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez, Madonna 
Page 15: Avengers: Endgame premiere -- Danai Gurira, Anthony Mackie, Robert Downey Jr. and Bradley Cooper, Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson 
Page 16: Animal Magnetism -- Paris Jackson and her dog Koa, Miranda Lambert and one of her rescue dogs, Kaley Cuoco and Karl Cook and their dog Blueberry, Andy Cohen with new son and dog Wacha 
Page 18: Stars at Disneyland -- Brenda Song, Miley Cyrus, Gisele Bundchen and daughter, Halsey and Yungblud 
Page 19: Sarah Michelle Gellar and Selma Blair, Milla Jovovich, John Stamos and wife Caitlyn McHugh, Charlize Theron 
Page 20: Globe-trotting celebs -- Atlanta Housewives Shamari DeVoe and NeNe Leakes and Kandi Burruss and Eva Marcille and Cynthia Bailey, John Cena and Hailee Steinfeld, Ivanka Trump, Ja Rule and wife Aisha Atkins, Valentin Chmerkovskiy and Jenna Johnson 
Page 21: Will Smith, Vera Steimberg and Zoe Saldana, Catherine Zeta-Jones and son Dylan 
Page 22: Stars Are Just Like Us -- Wells Adams, Gwen Stefani, Rosario Dawson 
Page 23: Eva Longoria and husband Jose Baston 
Page 24: Hollywood Moms -- Olivia Wilde’s tough crowd 
Page 26: Love Lives -- Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry spend Sunday nights having dinner and watching American Idol 
Page 27: Cat Cora and Nicole Ehrlich wedded bliss, Warren Beatty and Annette Bening’s love affair, Courtney B. Vance and Angela Bassett like watching movies 
Page 28: Katherine Schwarzenegger’s bridal shower��
Page 29: Baby showers -- Kim Kardashian, Arie and Lauren Luyendyk, Lori Loughlin’s daughter Olivia Jade could be facing criminal charges in the college cheating scandal, Taylor Swift’s next single 
Page 30: What’s in My Bag? Sheryl Crow 
Page 31: Carrie Underwood wants a baby girl, Pete Davidson and Kate Beckinsale cool off, VIP Scene -- Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent and Busy Philipps, Lily Collins, J.K Simmons, Matt Damon and wife Luciana Barroso, Kyle Richards, Kid Cudi, Diddy and Usher 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Britney Spears -- to hell and back 
Page 36: Demi Lovato’s mom Dianna De La Garza 
Page 38: Avengers A to Z 
Page 39: L is for Loki played brilliantly by Tom Hiddleston 
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Page 42: Meagan Good -- my healthy day
Page 44: Style -- Denim -- Olivia Munn, Gigi Hadid, Tessa Thompson, Kendall Jenner 
Page 45: Shailene Woodley, Katy Perry, Margot Robbie, Regina Hall 
Page 46: Beauty -- Duchess Meghan Markle’s facialist on how to get a royal glow 
Page 50: Musts -- The Bachelorettes 
Page 53: Buzzzz-o-Meter -- Bella Thorne, Chrissy Teigen, Rachel Zoe, Rebecca Gayheart, Katy Perry 
Page 58: Fashion Police -- Jemima Kirke, Jaime King, Milla Jovovich 
Page 59: Keke Palmer, Rita Ora, Lili Taylor 
Page 60: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me -- Rhea Perlman 
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dalekofchaos · 7 years
Skyrim Fancast
My other video game fancasts
Life Is Strange
Life Is Strange Before The Storm
Assassin’s Creed
Mass Effect
The Force Unleashed
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
God Of War
Mortal Kombat
Bioshock 2
Bioshock Infinite
Dead Rising
The Wolf Among Us
Telltale’s Batman
Telltale’s Game Of Thrones
Telltale’s The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead  The Final Season
Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption
LA Noire
Detroit:Become Human
Red Dead Redemption 2
Main Questline
Chris Hemsworth as The Male Dragonborn
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Eva Green as the Female Dragonborn
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Daisy Ridley as Lydia
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Karl Urban as Hadvar
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Charlie Hunnam as Ralof
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Liam Neeson as Jarl Balgruuf
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Vladimir Kulich as Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak
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Stellan Skarsgaard as Galmar Stone-Fist
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Michael Hogan as General Tullius
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Gwendoline Christie as Legate Rikke
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Alyssa Sutherland as  Jarl Elisif the Fair
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David Wenham as High King Torygg
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Katheryn Winnick as Elenwen
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Charlize Theron as Delphine
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Max von Sydow as Esbern
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Christopher Plummer as Arngeir
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Charles Martinet voicing Parthurnax
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Daniel Riordan voicing Alduin
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Jeff Bridges as Kodlak Whitemane
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Ralph Fiennes as Skjor
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Rose Leslie as Aela The Huntress
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Kit Harrington as Farkas
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Richard Madden as Vilkas
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Kristofer Hivju as Torvar
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Jaime Alexander as Ria
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Aaron Yoo as Athis
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Ashleigh Sumner as Njada Stonearm
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Gabriel Byrne as Eorland Gray-Mane
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Morgan Freeman as Vignar Gray-Mane
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College Of Winterhold
Hugo Weaving as Savos Aren
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Ian McKellen as Tolfdir
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Christoph Waltz as Ancano
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The Dark Brotherhood 
Lena Headey as Astrid
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Clive Standen as Arnbjorn
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Millie Bobby Brown as Babette 
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Giancarlo Esposito as Nazir
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Robert Carlyle as Cicero
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Kristen Stewart as Gabriella
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Peter Capaldi as Festus Krex
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Andy Serkis as Veezara
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Lani Minella voicing The Night Mother
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The Thieves Guild
Robin Atkin Downes as Brynjolf
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Hugh Jackman as Mercer Frey
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Bridget Regan as Karliah
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Mark Sheppard as Delvin Mallory
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Natalie Dormer as Vex
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Kerry Washington as Tonilla
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Emilia Clarke as Sapphire
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Andrew Lincoln as Cynric Endell
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Philip McGinley as Niruin
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James McAvoy as Rune
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Michael C Hall  as Thrynn
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Tom Hiddleston as Vipir The Fleet
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Stephen Moyer as Garthar
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Gustaf Skarsgård as Ravyn Imyan
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Lucy Lawless as Maven Black-Briar
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Terry O’Quinn as Glover Mallory
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Katie McGrath as Serana
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Ian McShane as Lord Harkon
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Helena Bonham Carter as Valerica
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Charles Dennis voicing  Durnehviir
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Idris Elba as Isran
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Julian Glover as  Dexion Evicus
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Ciarán Hinds as  Knight Paladin Gelebor
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Marton Csokas as  Arch Curate Vrythur
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Tom Hardy as Miraak
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Margot Robbie as Frea
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Anthony Hopkins as  Storn Crag-Strider
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Charles Dance as  Neloth
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Matt Ryan  as  Teldryn Sero
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thirtecnth · 2 months
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new business open!
Welcome to McVries Theatre! Where art of all forms is celebrated and encouraged. The theatre will feature matinee performances on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays and the gallery will be open daily from 9am to 6pm to view and purchase. Classes will also be available for singing, stage & camera acting, stage & camera combat, music, art, set design, makeup, fashion, technical, script writing, and more!
Current Shows: (Play) Love, Life, and Little Lies: June 02 (Ballet) Flightless Birds: August 02
Rooms inside include: - Lobby with box office and bar/snack concession stand - Gallery room with a small office and theatre library - Theatre stage with seating for close to 50 - Backstage Area & Wings - Backstage classrooms for hosting private lessons or courses - Two small dressing rooms for leads, two large dressing rooms for supporting, and one more small dressing room for gender-neutral space - Storage / Building room for props, sets, and tools - Control booth & Cat Walk - Green Room - Owner's Office
POSITIONS: (Additional Concessions, Box Office, Janitor, and Security can be added.) Owner - Art McVries Box Office - Leo Madan Concessions - Open Janitor - Open Security - Open
Gallery: (Contact Rory or Sierra to show your art in the Gallery. Additional Sales can be added.) Curator - Stella Hendrix Sales - Nadia Shehadi Librarian - Open Security - Malcolm Reese
Theatre: (There will still be volunteers to assist with building & ensemble. Acting and directing will be on a contract basis! Assistants are available for each Lead. Contact Sierra to direct & put on a show!) Lead Stage Manager - Open Lead Sound Tech - Open Lead Lighting Tech - Open Lead Set Designer - Open Makeup Artist - Ashley Song Makeup Artist - Fleur Villiers Hairstylist - Open Wardrobe - Open
Teachers: (Ideas include: singing, stage acting, camera acting, stage combat, camera combat, music (all kinds), art (all types), set design, makeup, fashion, technical, script writing, puppetry, magic, public speaking, improv, debate, personal wellness, anything you dream of) Directing & Acting - Art McVries Vocal & Acting - Emilia Atkins Piano - Tiffany Royale Shakespeare & Stage Combat - Thomas Ripley Tech - Ciara Winters Pottery & Painting - Rosalie Cox
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lxvenderhxzehv · 7 months
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(Sutton Foster) [The Starlet]. Please welcome [Emilia Atkins (She Her)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [47]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [Town]. You may see them around working as a [private Vocal/Acting Coach]. They are looking for [Elijah Atkins] their [Younger Brother] Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
Name: Emilia "Emi" Atkins
Nicknames: Emi
Age: 43 July 11th 1972
Gender: cis-female she/her
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Personality type: The starlet
Relationship status: single
Occupation: private Vocal/Acting Coach
Destination: Town
Tw: Body Image, Eating Disorder, and financial troubles
Emilia Atkins was the pride and Joy of the Atkins family. Since the day she was born her parents showered her in gifts, and attention. Parading her around like she was a trophy baby. She was given everything she wanted at the snap of her fingers. She went to be best schools and only had the best private teachers. The best Nanny, Everything. And yet Emi still managed to stay had humble as ever. When she was 7 her baby brother Elijah was born. He was her everything. She adored him.
She grew up the daughter of a plastic surgeon always seeing her Fathers patients go in looking one way and coming out looking a different way. Some subtle some not so subtle either way Emilia took notice. So much so that she tired her best to look as best as she could, scared her father would poke and prod at her body and her face. All through High school she struggled with her looks, her weight, and her relationship with food.
She enjoyed the attention that much was obvious and she had herself quite the voice. While her Parents weren't too fond of her fine tuning her talent instead of studying her text books. They figured her little hobby wouldn't hurt. She started in a few community theater productions growing up while she was in high school. She told her friends she was Broadway bound however to her parents they thought she was on track to become a Doctor just like they always had pushed on her since the beginning. It technically wasn't a lie, she was a good student, made good grades while all the while doing what she loved. She got free passes to both schools The NYU School of Medicine and her dream school Julliard.
She backed her things and went to school right after she graduated. She told her parents she was going to NYUSM but in reality she was making waves over at Julliard. She kept the ruse for as long as she could, it wasn't until her parents came to a showing of one of her musicals and there were their daughter front and center of the stage. After the show she had hoped they would phrase her but it only ended up in tears and heart break. They disowned her, took away any money she received from them and cut all contact with her. She was a mess. Her eating disorder was back in full swing, she was drinking, parting, her grades were slipping. She was drowning.
Thankfully, she had Elijah and one night on one of her benders she ran into him. It snapped her back, She broke down in his arms about everything. About their family, about her health, everything. After their encounter she got better, school was good, she was doing amazingly and her career took off.
booking show, after show, after show. Eli would come too a few and they would always have dinner after to catch up. Last time she saw him he was working on a case. He had said something about going to West Virginia to get more clues. It always made her Anxious when he would travel. Something about this particular case gave her a bad feeling. Sure enough she was right.
She hadn't heard from him, and it wasn't like them to go long periods without talking to each other. So While her show was on hiatus she packed her things and took a trip to West Virginia. While on her way to her hotel they came across a rock slide and went the alternate route. Passing by a small town into Huntsville they were stopped by a few people on the street. They were told they'd never get out, their phones didn't work, and they had to be indoors by dusk or they would get killed by monsters.
Emilia arrived on March 1st 2024.
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nathalieskinoblog · 3 years
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wilsonhq · 7 years
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on april 19, 2017, dark skies began looming over fayette county. in the days prior, the storm had been described by meteorologists as a “light round of thunderstorms” that would pass by four in the afternoon. however, this wasn’t the case. winds quickly reached upwards of 60 miles per hour, roads flooded, mass power outages occured, and many cities were ordered to evacuate. wilson, unfortunately, was left without warning of the storm and citizens had no time to leave. instead, the mayor ordered all roads to be shut down to all other than emergency vehicles and citizens were to stay in their current locations until the storm passed and roads ceased flooding. city officials will be sending search and rescue crews out towards local establishments, aiding those who may be in immediate danger as well as dropping off supplies to those who are sheltered away from the storm. 
ooc: this event is will be taking place from april 19th - 23rd ooc, but in character, the storm will only last two days: the 19th and 20th. this is clearly a very stressful time for these characters, so drama and plotting are encouraged. this is a fun way to get out of your comfort zone and figure out why your character may be in this location and how they know the people around them. under the cut are the locations that your characters are at as well as who they are with at those locations. phone signals are weak, but are still there, so you may communicate with other characters that way. please tag your threads with #wilson.blackout for this event. feel free to continue old threads as well during this event. please like this post once you see it !!
joe’s bookshop: alarik baum, tyler ackerman, nate desai, josephine callaghan, logan paine
wilson college: mel alden, jagger collins, william lincoln, kennedy cruz, zander monroe
the roasted bean: grace king, aj sullivan, mabel woods, jason taylors, sophia moore
bennie’s bar: salem kennedy, adelia dupont, bobby james, isaiah baker, charlotte hale
jefferson street diner: hadley mackey, noah hawthorne, phillip carver, cleo hughes
st. francis church: nina alden, denver king, cameron zhou, lydia reinhart, elliot lee, andre romanos
wilson high school: anastasia deveraux, elliot carver, bettie holland, fliss dupont, kai lancaster
the washington: freddy atkins, quinn james, emilia la rosa, brandon reznik
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