#emf training
insomnianoctem · 4 months
No more Savannah Woodham, give me a game where we get to talk to John Grey even as just a phone contact
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yanban-san · 1 year
SCPMas - AU-Tober #2
I wrote the two as SCPs for the second day. I tried to keep it like a typical SCP document, so it was very interesting to try and keep it in the style of SCP writing! I hope y'all like. :3
(Tags: Submas, Slight, implied X-reader) Item #: SCP-9018
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
Instances of SCP-9018-W and SCP-9018-B spotted are to be reported to the supervising officials immediately. Containment procedures are in place at locations of previous manifestations of SCP-9018, and any and all locations noted on "station" maps are to be secured following encounters with SCP-9018.
Chainlink fences are established around the perimeters of all locations where SCP-9018 have manifested. Due to the potential for re-appearances, all buildings and areas surrounding previous instances are to be monitored closely and inspected once a month by Foundation personnel for signs of re-establishment. Security cameras and EMF detectors are also to be placed strategically across designated areas and monitored for anomalous activity.
SCP-9018-B and SCP-9018-W are to be contained in the abandoned Northern branch of the [REDACTED] platform of the New York Subway System. Containment procedures are to be carried out by Foundation Personnel with Psionic Training Level III at minimum. Refer to Incident reports 9018-A-19900317 and 9018-A-19960401 for further information. Electrified fences lining the perimeter of the containment area are primarily for the prevention of explorers from reaching the containment area.
In the event of a containment breach, all personnel are to communicate purely through electronic means. Any personnel attempting to communicate through physical talking and actions are to be treated as SCP-9018-B and SCP-9018-W causing psychic distortions to prevent themselves from being perceived. The full limits of SCP-9018-B and SCP-9018-W's psionic manipulative abilities are yet to be studied following the previous containment breach.
SCP-9018 is an anomalous Subway Station that manifests within abandoned structures and and buildings and potentially other locations. [Refer to Interview Log 9018-Int-002] On the surface, it functions almost identically to a regular subway station. During the day, the station is devoid of any life forms outside of instances designated as 9018-A, who resemble and act as regular human employees of the station. [Refer to Interview Log 9018-Int-001] Upon approaching the ticket counter, an individual will be presented with a schedule of stations to go to. Should a ticket be purchased, the individual becomes an instance now designated as 9018-P, for passenger. At this point, the individual is compelled by unknown reasons to wait for their train and board it. Beyond that, 9018-P holds all of their original cognitive functions, but any attempts to get them to leave the station with the ticket will result in them attempting to rationalize a reason why they cannot. No tickets have been recovered to date.
Within 4-12 minutes after purchasing a ticket, a train will appear to take 9018-P to their chosen destination. These locations occasionally match to actual, existent railway stations and stops across the world- However, other stations with no known match have been documented appearing. [Refer to Experiment Log 9018-Ex-101] Upon arrival at an actual station, 9018-P will appear stepping out of a regular arriving train or on the train they departed on, depending on the liveliness and schedule of current trains at the station. If the station is a non-existent, communication is typically lost with 9018-P for the duration of their trip. [Refer to Experiment Log 9018-Ex-101]
At night, SCP-9018 suddenly springs to "life", with trains arriving and dropping off hundreds of instances of 9018-P-D, which were originally thought to be other human passengers disembarking at a random station- However, Experiment Log-9018-Ex-101 reveals that the individuals disembarking typically resemble both recent and long deceased persons within the local area. At this point, two individuals identified as 9018-B and 9018-W emerge from any trains within the vicinity, and attempt to leave the station. Instances of 9018-A have been observed chatting with and engaging in friendly actions towards instances of 9018-P-D- At this point, any human individuals within the station are encouraged to engage and talk with 9018-P-D and 9018-A, typically by 9018-A.
SCP-9018-B and SCP-9018-W appear to be two train conductors, and in particular, two twins, who control the entirety of SCP-9018. [Refer to Interview Log 9018-Int-001]. They have the ability to set train schedules and determine where SCP-9018 will manifest next. Instances of 9018-A obey their orders, as well as instances of 9018-P, which they are amicable towards.
9018-B and 9018-W at this point attempt to leave SCP-9018 entirely and enter any local population center. Their actions in cities and towns have not been observed, but they have been observed returning to SCP-9018 with humans. However, these humans are later observed walking around their town with no recollection of any supposed interaction with 9018-B and 9018-W. Typically within one to two weeks of this interaction, however, the individual dies by any multitude of means. After this, these individuals can be seen among the litany of 9018-P-D instances.
[Interview Log 9018-Int-001] Interviewed: SCP-9018-W. Interviewer: Junior Researcher █████. Foreword: SCP-9018-B and 9018-W were seen leaving an instance of SCP-9018 and were apprehended by Foundation Security Personnel. This begins the first interview with a junior researcher who happened to be present during an observation of SCP-9018. [Begin Log] Interviewer: Hello, is this uh- On? SCP-9018-W: Hello. Who are you? My brother and I must get back to work. Interviewer: Please identify yourself. SCP-9018-W: Mm. I don't think I want to. Interviewer: So… Uh, well, we can hold you here indefinitely if we choose to, so I would- I would suggest you do that. SCP-9018-W: Oh dear. That is verrry not nice. Interviewer: I would appreciate if you would answer my question. Now, who are you? SCP-9018-W: I am Emmet. I am a Subway Boss. I run the Subway with my Brother, yup! It is verrry fun. But you won't call me Emmet, will you? Those people like to give us silly names. Interviewer: You will probably receive a classification of some kind. Thank you for introducing yourself, Emmet. I am █████. Can I ask where this train station came from? SCP-9018-W: It comes and goes as needed. Like the trains. We take our passengers where they are needed, or wanted, and then they disembark. Interviewer: Where do they go once they disembark? SCP-9018-W: They stay in the station. They don't like to go far. That's another one of our jobs! Interviewer: What do you mean? SCP-9018-W: Hmmhmm. We help them sometimes. That is all I will say. Interviewer: …Alright, I'll leave that there… SCP-9018-W: Would you like to ride our train? Interviewer: Excuse me? SCP-9018-W: Yup! You seem like you could use a ride, yup. Our trains are verrrry nice. Interviewer: Uh- No, thank you- Er- What did you say your title was again? You're a… "Subway Boss?" SCP-9018-W: That is correct. And you won't ride? That makes me sad. Interviewer: Er- No, Sorry- But what does that mean? Are you employed at the Subway? Er- What duties do you carry out, exactly? SCP-9018-W: Mm. No. I won't tell you that. Brother and I keep it secret. If you want to know, you should ride our Subway! Interviewer: …No, thank you. [End Log.] Closing Statement: [Despite Researcher █████'s inexperience, they handled the interview well. However, SCP-9018-W refused to talk anymore on the subject, instead insisting on offering researcher █████ free tickets if they rode on SCP-9018's trains.]
Interviewed: SCP-9018-B. Interviewer: Junior Researcher █████. Foreword: SCP-9018-B and 9018-W were seen leaving an instance of SCP-9018 and were apprehended by Foundation Security Personnel. This begins the second interview with a junior researcher who happened to be present during an observation of SCP-9018. Interviewer: Alright, let's begin with your- SCP-9018-B: Who are you? Why did those men attack me and my brother? Where is he? I won't speak with you until I've seen him! Interviewer: I can't let you see your brother right now, but he is safe. I uh- I've spoken to him myself. SCP-9018-B: And how can I trust you? You… Interviewer: You'll have to trust me. If you answer my questions, we should be able to reunite you both. SCP-9018-B: Very well. I am Ingo. I am a Subway Boss, alongside my brother. We run the trains you've been- Or, well, those men have been spying on. Your group refuses to let us alone, you know? We're not doing anything wrong. Interviewer: I- I can understand that, but- Well, we don't know exactly what you're doing anyway. How does your train system even work? SCP-9018-B: Simple; trains go places. People wish to go places. We take people where they wish to go- And make a few stops along the way. If you like, you may ride our trains too- In spite of the abhorrent way your… company have treated us. Interviewer: Again, I'm sorry about that- SCP-9018-B: Would you like to ride our train? I'm quite sure you would find it lovely. Interviewer: I'm quite alright, thank you- I'm more curious about your train, and the work you and your brother do. Where did you guys find your employees? SCP-9018-B: Our train is a train. I'm not quite sure how to explain it anymore than that. And… The work we do… Well, we keep the trains running on schedule, and going wherever people might want them to go. Our employees… I'm not sure why you would be interested in them. They, like us, work for the railway company. Interviewer: The Railway company? SCP-9018-B: Yes! They employ us. I'm certain the Company would not be happy if our schedule was delayed; Ergo, you should let me and my brother go. Interviewer: We'll get back to that. For now, can you tell me… Where do your passengers come from? SCP-9018-B: You should ride our train. The passengers we carry… They do love to tell their stories, and I'm certain you would find more answers talking to them than with us. Interviewer: [laugh.] I doubt they'd have anything to say to me. SCP-9018-B: You would be surprised. [End Log.] Closing Statement: [Recording Equipment shut off at this point, and researcher █████ requested the pair be released after concluding the interview. █████ was sent for a full medical and psychological examination following the events of whatever interview took place with SCP-9018-B. Researcher █████ was later provided with class-b amnesiacs per request.]
Experiment Log 9018-Ex-101
D-Class Personnel Serial Number 247187, Name █████ █████- Subject 9018-001. Sent into SCP-9018 to ascertain anomalous properties of SCP-9018. Subject 9018-001 is guided by Dr. Martin. [Note of Interest: Subject 9018-001's criminal record was subject to particular scrutiny. Subject 9018-001 refused association or responsibility for all criminal activity that resulted in their subsequent life sentencing. Subject 9018-001 was particularly interested in redeeming themselves and removing their resultant record.] Subject 9018-001 enters SCP-9018. Subject 9018-001 remarks on the "cleanliness" of the station and how they did not expect to see such a station down here. Subject 9018-001 is instructed to purchase a ticket from the ticket booth. Subject 9018-001 does so. Subject 9018-001 engages in conversation with an instance of SCP-9018-A. SCP-9018-A appears to be aware of Subject 9018-001's criminal record. SCP-9018-A expresses pity and offers Subject 9018-001 a "special ticket" and rate. Despite orders not to, Subject 9018-001 agrees after viewing SCP-9018-A's map (not available from recorded footage) Upon purchase of the ticket, Dr. Martin insisted that Subject 9018-001 exit SCP-9018 immediately. Subject 9018-001 at this point became an instance of SCP-9018-P, and refused. Subject 9018-001 proceeds to wait for their train to arrive. Ticket information is displayed to their personal camera. [Boarding Station: [REDACTED] Destination: [REDACTED]] After approximately eight minutes and thirty-two seconds, a train rolls into station. Subject 9018-001 asks if they have permission to board, and begins walking towards the train before receiving Dr. Martin's Approval.
SCP-9018-W greets 9018-001 at the door of the train. SCP-9018-W expresses interest in Subject 9018-001's physical appearance. SCP-9018-W is joined by SCP-9018-B. 9018-B also remarks on the acceptability of their appearance. Both instances take hold of Subject 9018-001's ticket and begin conversing with Subject 9018-001 on the subject of their criminal record and subsequent service to the SCP Foundation. Subject 9018-001 sits down in a passenger cabin and SCP-9018-B leaves the cart, presumably to drive the train. SCP-9018-W continues conversing with Subject 9018-001. SCP-9018-W reveals [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] to Subject 9018-001, causing the subject to enter a slight panic. SCP-9018-W offers Subject 9018-001 a position working for their "Railway Company." Subject 9018-001 is heard accepting after several seconds of silence. Dr. Martin is unable to communicate with Subject 9018-001 at this point. SCP-9018-W addresses Dr. Martin from Subject 9018-001's personal camera and microphone. SCP-9018-W informs Dr. Martin that they will be "keeping" Subject 9018-001 for the "foreseeable future." At this point, communication with Subject 9018-001 ceases. Subject 9018-001 has not been recovered to date, nor seen among the passengers of SCP-9018. [End Log.]
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angelsdean · 11 days
Which hobbies do you see canon Cas do and why? I am interested in your perspective on his character. Do you think he would still like physical hobbies because they remind him of humanity and the reality of being in control while being connected to the world he fell in love with, or do you think he would stay away from more physical hobbies because they remind him of his time as a machine and soldier? Or something completely different from those reasons? Like Vic, please, I wanna know what you think about his interests, about the way he moves on earth post-canon and how his perspective on things might change, or not.
Hi, Val !! I'm sooo sorry it took me so long to get to this ask. I did the silly adhd thing where i told myself "i'll get to this later when i have more time to answer properly" and then....my brain forgor :(
Anyways I have a cas hobbies tag and I really really think he would actually enjoy sports a lot!! For some of the reasons you listed but also because it's a way for him to use a lot of the stuff he was trained for in a new and fun, recreational way instead of as a weapon.
Cas has a very strategic mind, he's spent billions of years being a soldier and he's also charismatic and someone we've seen other angels turn to as leader (like during s9). I think a lot of his skills would transfer well from battlefield to sports field. I also think Cas likes to do and be active and in motion. We see him get very impatient with things that take time. He doesn't like waiting for doors to be unlocked lol, he abandons cars when they "suddenly stop working", he needs stuff to happen now. Which is why, contrary to popular fanon I really don't see Cas doing more meditative hobbies like knitting and gardening. In 15x06, when Cas is talking about fishing, he says he "had a friend (Dean) who always praised fishing for its meditative qualities. Wish I found it more relaxing." Dean loves quiet, slow, meditative hobbies. He loves fishing. He loves working on cars. Building things (emf reader, ma'lak box), even stuff like cleaning out his guns, taking them apart and putting them back together. It's a lot of doing stuff with your hands and also being alone with your thoughts. I think Cas would, perhaps eventually, come to enjoy some of those types of hobbies too, but I think he still leans toward more physical hobbies. I said it in this post but I really think Dean would be the one more interested in knitting (adhd boy needs to keep his hands busy) and gardening (similar vibe to fishing -- meditative, outdoors).
Aside from sports, I think Cas would also enjoy some more unconventional or risky hobbies. I can see him getting into making weird art, sculptures out of found objects, glass-blowing, welding, skydiving (to Dean's horror), deep-sea diving, cave exploring, probably some illegal stuff too like this post suggests, and idk leading a heist, you know normal stuff.
While I totally understand the idea behind giving Cas peaceful meditative hobbies post-canon, and I think he would enjoy some of them for a time, Cas would eventually grow bored / frustrated and want to try something new. I can totally see him being a "serial hobby starter" and just constantly getting into "new" hobbies and buying all the supplies and gear and then like, a week later he's over it and Dean is throwing his hands up exasperated (but fond) like "CAS! Where the hell am I supposed to put all your mosaic crap now??? The garage is already full!"
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theangrycomet-art · 1 month
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Inferno's Rookies: QuickStrike and Tagger
There so cute, it's a good thing they have an older, somewhat-responsible bot making sure they stay out of any REAL danger. >:)
the two recruits I mentioned in Inferno's post
Random Tidbits:
Jumpy & hyperaware of his surroundings
slightly paranoid, my
tendency to think outloud has led to a bad a muttering habit
was assigned to Inferno because he has experience with working with nervous bots
itchy trigger finger
earned his designation/name after unintentionally starting a brawl when one of his barrack buddies bumped into him
went to the same boot camp as Moonracer, but the two have lost touch over the years
signed up for search and rescue under Rodimus' recommendation, as he would be able to think of any potential spot any bot might have ended up waiting for help (trying to turn his weakness into a strength)
greatly admires Inferno and enjoys his job but wishes Tagger would quick messing with him
weapons: bolo cannon, spear & net
grumpy workaholic
didn't want to work in search and rescue and is still bitter about her reassignment
she'd wanted to be an elite guard but was expelled from the Academy, for her temper (more specifically, she assaulted a professor when a debate got too heated)
she had been training under Novastar before she took her new position on Elita's squadron
she was transferred to Inferno, seeing as he was friends with NS and had only one recruit in training at the time
overcharged spark
symptoms: processor migraines, overreactive EMF field, t-cog jamming, yellowed optics
like most with O!Sparks, her body wasn't able to build a proper outlet for the excess energy before fully developing
takes specially filtered energon to minimize her symptoms
from ports in her palms she's able to place trackers on any metallic surface
the target can be tracked anywhere so long as they are on the same planet from the gps on her wrists
likes to mess with Quickstrike's head
weapons: laser knuckleduster, retractable blades in her heel and toe
she loves getting into brawls more than her mentor does, not that her line of work allows much for that
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Sword gays showdown - preliminaries
For Corinne D'Artagnan:
the only barbie to study the blade. the only barbie to have three gfs. gee barbie! how come your mom lets you have three girlfriends? vote corinne for polycules. vote corinne for pepperoni. for EMF. for tumblr user @mynqzo’s AU. and above all vote corinne for feminism. 
Corinne is the daughter of D’Artagnan from the original book by Dumas. She wants to follow in her father’s footsteps and become a musketeer, but oh no it’s the antagonist Period-Typical Misogyny. She ends up working for the palace anyway, as a maid, where she meets three other girls with her same dream and a badass old lady who trains them. The training montages are fun! They save the prince’s life a few times, uncover the plot to murder him at a masked ball they shouldn’t be attending in the first place, save his life one final time, defeat the other Big Bad of the movie (the prince’s evil cousin, but I guess they defeat sexism too), and then he promotes them to the royal guard. It’s just a good movie, one of my favorites from the Barbie franchise, honestly amazing soundtrack, jokes that land, the musketeers are all very gay for each other, and OF COURSE I have to talk more about the icon herself, Corinne. What can I say? She’s strong, stubborn, determined, hot-blooded, sticks to her principles, and has not one but TWO animal sidekicks: her cat, Miette, and her horse, Alexander. Yeah, she’s a horsegirl. She’s a country bumpkin in the big city (Paris). Her working class rizz pulls the prince (who literally doesn’t deserve her, Corinne x Renée forever, Louis you will die by my sword). She taunts the antagonist while he’s dangling from a rooftop (in the smuggest voice possible: “still believe a girl doesn’t possess the proper skills?”) she doesn’t even try to save his life lol. He does survive because it’s a movie for kids but no thanks to her. The film concludes with Corinne riding into the sunset with her gal pals, swords drawn, leaving the prince behind. 
For Youmu Konpaku:
Two swords. Therefore twice the awesomeness. She is half-ghost, which is cool. Also she so has a crush on Yuyuko.
Uhhh she's sick as fuccckk
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object-vault-9 · 28 days
Character Spotlight 1: EMF Meter's History
OOC: I was trying to plan more art or a narrative approach, but with the chaos upcoming in the next weeks in comic and my art program deleting the pens and textures I was using for this several times.... I'd like to go back and refine it better ! Its a little vague and weird in places but I didn't want to put off EMF stuff too much longer Anyway here's a summary of EMF's time at the vault, for people who missed his short duration here, plus his back story! Like always he's open for questions Under the cut since this was really long and wordy
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The 18th week after opening the vault, EMF Meter was found with a severe head wound. He was discovered by Red Ball and Push Pin, and brought back to the vault to be cared for by Mousetrap. He wasn't able to determine what happened to him. Week 22 is when he regained consciousness. The exposed portion of his circuitry were still not healing over even as he started to recover. He was back on his feet by Week 24, though still suffered frequent headaches. He reported starting to see and hear things around the vault, but struggled to describe what exactly it was. His original electric field detecting capabilities became less effective, and he got a lot of false positives that messed with his perception. Being a very deeply spiritual person, he interpreted many of these things to be ghosts, and later, possibly demons. Especially after learning of the many losses the vault suffered recently, and prior to its opening. His time in the vault he always came off as quiet and secretive. He was really close with Mousetrap and no one else, and he didn't bring up his past much. He offered to help around the clinic, and to Mousetrap's surprise he was a trained doctor, and familiar with a lot of the pre-war techniques passed down from the vault. The clinic was extremely busy at the time, and some of the vault dwellers injuries were dire, especially Timer's infected leg after she had fallen from a cliff. With supplies dwindling, on week 30 EMF took off on his own to scavenge supplies from the boarded off hospital. To enter the building he climbed to the roof, but slipped on his way back down, surviving the fall but shattering the plastic casing making up his back. Having not told anyone where he had gone, it took the vault a while to locate him after his disappearance was noticed. He luckily made it back to the vault alive and in one piece. He survived a few more weeks due to Mousetrap's careful medical attention, but he wasn't able to make a recovery this time. On his death bed he urged Mousetrap not to blame herself. But how did he get here?
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Many miles away from the vault, Emerald City, named after the fantastical city in The Wizard of Oz, is the one of the most stable settlements in the commonwealth. Known to many as simply the 'Walled City", it is notoriously difficult to get in and out of. Though well defended from bandits and wasteland threats, the city is rampant with deep rooted corruption. EMF Meter was born and raised there, and trained as a doctor. If he had stayed he'd have become an affluent figure, but he was really unhappy. The corruption that poisoned the city was prevalent in his family too, leading to both his success and his depression. Leaving behind his old life, he left the city. His journey led him to a church and cemetery. A huge, old world cathedral, barely damaged, and holding up well with its heavy stone foundation. As a doctor he was able to provide help for them that no one had been able to before. And without any survival skills, he felt he had lucked out finding a more genuine community out here, where he could really make a difference. While he provided the community with medical care, they guided him spiritually, with a strange religion unlike any of the beliefs held by objects pre-war. On the first day he was encouraged to throw everything he owned, besides the things he needed for his job, into the hole in the wooden flooring of the church. Freeing himself from its hold on him. He did so readily, believing fate had led him there. Even after leaving, he still believed deeply in things like fate, and more abstractly, demons.
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He spent several years there, where he saw the group take in many more lost souls like him. Though he noticed, that as many people as they took in, the population size remained somewhat stagnant. A lot of his friends would leave without telling him. At night, the foundation of the building would groan, giving him nightmares. He was usually advised against using his electric field detection while there. When he did use it, like when assessing the health of other gadget objects like him, he'd pick up weird readings under the building. Despite being told not to approach the hole without another convert, one night he couldn't ignore it any longer. Layers upon layers of items filled up the floor of the cavernous basement under the floorboards of the cathedral. The bones and flesh of hunted animals, the possessions of the community, and...corpses. The whole church was built on a den of an enormous mutated creature, obscured by shadows. The whole church had been occupied solely to keep it dormant, at the expense of the resources, possession and even the lives of the people around it. The people who benefitted most were the high priests that took him in...and people like EMF who could provide rarer services. EMF's skills gave him a value the other passerbyers couldn't afford. He left that night.
EMF Meter was not a man built for survival in the wasteland. Generations of almost stable city life, even if the city was nothing like a modern one, and then further years where he was taken care of at the castle, he struggled a lot with finding food and fighting off beasts. He suffered a severe injury, and fell into a near coma. When he came to, he was a lot quieter and more solemn of a man. He was suspicious of the vault's intentions, and stayed mostly close to his fellow doctor and the person who remained by his side all that time, Mousetrap. For a final fun fact, in game they shared a mutual crush
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ultimatenomi · 5 months
A Ted Lasso Supernatural AU in which Ted and Beard go around saving people and hunting things- except that most of the time they (Ted) manages to smooth things over with the Supernatural beings and get them to calm the heck down and just believe in themselves the rest of the time Beard takes care of things as Ted sighs and hangs his head he hates when it comes to that
bonus if they still arrive at AFC Richmond as coaches- but they accepted the job because there really were 400 ghosts and they couldn't pass up the opportunity to interact with 'British ghosts, Beard! imagine all their fancy British EMF readin's!' haha like most everything in canon remains the same except that Ted and Beard go around 'hunting' between training/games
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[The following recording was taken from head-mounted cameras, worn by trained professional ghost hunters. Untrained individuals should not attempt to attempt any of the activities shown in this video.]
Testing, testing, 1-2-3?
You don't need to do that, you know. I didn't mess with the sound settings at all.
I was just checking, Bri.
Thanks, I guess.
Check it out, Daithi, infinite Kevins.
God, as if one wasn't annoying enough as it is.
Kevin, stop making a fool of yourself in front of my monitor, and listen up. This is a big job, and we need to be professional so we never have to do this again. The sooner we finish the recording, the sooner we can end the recording, got it?
Wow, great pep talk, coach. I feel so much more enthused about doing this.
I thought Seán was the leader? How come Brian's the one doing the shitty motivational speeches?
Lads, come on. Let's just do what Brian said; get in, get some footage, get the ghost, get out.
I'll be using footage from all three of your headcams, so don't try to goof off. Got it?
Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's get this over with.
Try not to die, fuckers.
The office building's cold and uninviting exterior matched the interior perfectly; with only the dim emergency lights illuminating the otherwise dark and empty hallways. Seán glanced at the two next to him, who already had their respective EMF Reader and thermometer out. Taking out his own EMF Reader, he nodded towards the stairway ahead of them. "Daithi, you sweep this floor, I'll take the second... Kev, do you mind taking the third?" His teammate gave him a thumbs-up, and a smile to match. "I've got it. Radio if you all find anything, yeah?" Daithi held up his radio in response, before clipping it back to his belt and opening a door to the side. "Hopefully this gets done quick."
Kevin flicked on another light as he wandered into yet another meeting room, not bothering to turn the one out behind him. Luckily, Brian was there to scold him, almost immediately. "You all need to remember not to blow the breaker, it's in a bit of an inconvenient location. Over." His voice crackled over the radio, and Kevin was glad that his friend couldn't see his eye-roll as he strode back and flipped off the light. There wasn't anything in this room, either, and he made a point to over-exaggerate turning the light switch off before finding himself face-to-face with a large [UNDER CONSTRUCTION] sign hanging on another door. "Hey, Seán," Kevin radioed, testing the doorknob and peering into the darkness as the door opened. "Did they ever actually finish rebuilding this place, or no?"
It took a few seconds for Seán to respond, and as he did Kevin swept his flashlight over the room. "No, they only got the first couple floors actually done. Construction stopped when the ghost started messing with the computers and things." His flashlight beam passed over the noticeably darker walls, before resting on a desk with a surprisingly unbroken computer on top. Kevin slowly crept closer to it, and as he approached the computer blinked to life on an empty Word document. A quick glance at his EMF Reader, blinking at a steady 2, and the cold temperature that seemed to fall over the room almost immediately, was more than enough proof for him to lift the radio to his mouth once again.
"We've got our ghost up here, lads. In the unfinished section."
Seán finished setting up the tripod that held the video camera, and peered through it as Daithi placed an empty book in plain view of it. He nodded, and stepped back from the camera. "That's a pretty good view. So, what's the plan now?" With a slight smirk creeping onto his face, Daithi took out his thermometer, slowly panning it over the room. It felt fucking freezing in here (good thing their suits were made to hold warmth), and he could see his breath in small puffs, but it was still good to check. "What, you don't have a plan, Seán?" He taunted, sweeping the thermometer over the desks until he stopped short at the computer that had turned on. "Temps just dipped down to freezing. We've got our first piece of evidence, gentlemen!" Kevin grinned, before grabbing his Spirit Box. "That's great. Now, you two go get some salt for the corridors, maybe look for some dirty water or ghost orbs, and leave me to do my job." The other two nodded and moved to leave, but Seán hesitated by the door for a second. "Be careful, okay Kevin?" Resisting the urge to tease him about his familiar worrying, he waved off Seán's concerns confidently. "Pffft, 'careful' is my middle name. Go on now, I'll be fine." Seemingly satisfied, Seán left, leaving Kevin alone in the room with a ghost.
He wasn't quiet for long, moving back over to the desk with the opened computer. "So, you're at the computer, huh?" The Word document still blinked up at him, and Kevin hesitated for a second before moving his hands down to the keyboard. The keys themselves were ice cold, and he had to try hard to try not to flinch as he typed out a message. "Let's try talking this way first, before we try the Spirit Box. Okay?"
Hello? Are you here?|
Kevin waited impatiently, but a minute went by without a response. He turned away to check if there was any writing in the book - nothing, unfortunately - but when he looked back, his breath caught in his throat. There was a message written under his own.
Yes, I am. Are you here to kill me?|
He gasped, turning back to the video camera even though Brian could see him through the headset. "Did you see that?!" Kevin said excitedly to the camera, and his response came through the radio. "Yes, I did. Keep talking to it, this will make great footage. I'm keeping Daithi and Seán here with me so we don't disturb you, and we're looking for ghost orbs. Over." Kevin gave the camera a thumbs-up, before going back to the computer.
Don't worry, we're not here to kill you. I promise.
What's your name?|
It wasn't exactly nice to lie to the ghost, but Kevin figured that saying "well yes, that's my job" would probably piss it off. And that wasn't a good idea. Luckily, the ghost seemed to believe him, responding quicker this time.
Aren't you ghost hunters normally told the ghost's name? I guess a lot of people did die here, so it makes sense that you wouldn’t be able to pinpoint just one name.
My name was Daniel, Daniel Condren. What’s your name?|
Kevin looked down at the two messages, more than a little confused. The ghost knew about how ghost hunting worked? It (he?) was right; they did normally receive the ghost’s name. But there was no way that he should’ve been able to know that, even if he had been hunted before. Well, the easiest way to figure out the answer was to ask, right?
I’m Kevin. How did you know we get the ghost’s name?|
The ghost - Daniel - seemed to hesitate this time, with the message taking longer to appear. And when it did, the words seemed to be shaky, and the occasional backspace needed to be pressed. Clearly, this was a touchy subject, and it showed in the message.
I… I don’t know, exactly. It’s just something that I do know. Like how I know that you’re going to see my ghost orbs through that video camera, and how I’m going to be able to talk through the Spirit Box. What ghost type does that make me, again?|
Once again looking at the video camera for a quick confirmation that the other lads were seeing this, Kevin opened up his journal and flicked through the pages, before eventually settling on a page that matched the evidences they had so far… “The Onryo.” He read out loud, not wanting to type out the entire thing. Hey, Daniel could hear him, there wasn’t really any point to typing in response. “Evidence is Spirit Box, Ghost Orbs, and Freezing Temperatures. The Onryo is known as the…” Feck, that didn’t look good. “The ‘Wrathful Spirit’. This ghost has been known to fear any form of fire, and will do anything to be far from it.” The two were silent for a moment (well - in Daniel’s case, silent meaning he didn’t type anything), until a breathy sound caught Kevin's ears. Was the ghost... Laughing?
Well, I guarantee I'm not a wrathful spirit. More like a lonely one. And that whole 'fearing any kind of fire' is definitely right. Considering the fact that I literally died in a fire, I'm not exactly on the biggest fan of it.|
Okay, no, he definitely heard something there. The words that were typed were being echoed back to him, as if Daniel was quietly murmuring them to himself before actually typing them. He already knew that they could communicate through the Spirit Box and electronics, but actually being able to talk directly with each other? That was something they had never seen before. Kevin opened his mouth to ask Daniel more questions, maybe ask him to show himself, but he was distracted by another message appearing on the screen. One that made him freeze on the spot.
So, now that you know about me, and my ghost type for sure, are you going to kill me? That's your job, isn't it?|
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hibiscusheir · 2 years
Bakusquad Playing Specter (Roblox) with game-experienced!reader
a/n: ty for the support on my last post :]] it means a lot to me. a lot of this may not be accurate, as I haven't written for this fandom in about a year's time, so it may suck, or it may not! -heir
Characters: Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido
CW: cursing, getting scared, probably terribly translated Spanish on Sero's part
Katsuki Bakugo
At first, he denied your request to play.
"The fuck-? No way, that sounds stupid."
After a bit of convincing, he complies, and you teach him the simple ropes of the game.
He doesn't really get it, but he wants to win.
"What's this-"
"That's an EMF reader. If it goes up to five (5), we write that down, and it narrows down our selection to figure out the ghost."
"And this-?"
"...Bakugo, that's a flashlight-"
If a hunt starts, and you two are together, you'll lead him to a closet to hide and wait.
(He makes fun of the ghost through the closet)
If you're split up, however, he'll rage when he either gets in the closet too late or he can't find one and the ghost kills him.
"You didn't hide fast enough."
"Dude. It's a video game. Chill."
He wins sometimes, but you need to keep him grounded, otherwise, he'll get cocky.
Eijirou Kirishima
He would never turn down a game request from you!
"Hell yeah, sounds manly!"
I think he'd know some stuff, like what an EMF or a thermometer does.
But anything else, he doesn't know what he's doing, and you will have to explain to him.
He would try to address the ghost by the first name, even though it's chat and that's not how it works.
"*Insert name*! Y/N, why aren't they responding-???"
"It doesn't work like that, Kiri."
":( that's not nice."
When hunts roll around, you two are always in the closet together.
(Probably because he never leaves your side.)
On the rare chance he's not with you, he knows where to hide because you showed him.
You guys usually win.
If you don't you're alright with it!
Even if it's just a dumb glitch.
Denki Kaminari
He's so jumpy about the game.
Even the sound of running water makes him jump in his seat if it's sudden enough.
He'd need the flashlight if the lights went out/the generator was turned off.
Always hiding in either the closets or in the van
But if he gets the courage, he'll venture with you, solving the case together.
You gotta do most of the work, sorry. 🤷
Probably short circuits when jumpscared.
Would be the one to turn off jumpscares.
Though, he'd be pretty good about getting to the generator quickly to turn it back on!
(Because he's scared lol-)
You guys usually equally win and lose, most of the time, he dies though.
Hanta Sero
I think he'd be down to play, despite not knowing the game.
He's eager to learn, though!
Once you explain to him how to play, he's actually quite good.
He stays on track, doesn't get too cocky, and does well on his own.
...on easy mode.
On any other mode, however, the ghosts always scare the shit outta him.
Like during hunts, if he rounds a corner and sees the ghost, he yelps.
But he dies since there's nothing you can do
(unless you use a crucifix or sacrifice yourself lol)
Overall, you two make a pretty good team as long as the mode stays on easy!
"*High fives you* Ayyyeeee, we did it!"
Mina Ashido
(Disclaimer, this is my first time writing for Mina, so if its OOC, then I'm sorry T-T)
She'd be down!
Lowkey think she'd know what she was doing.
Like, she'd know what an EMF is, know how to use a crucifix, know where to put the book, etc.
She strikes me as the type of girl to look up paranormal things in her spare time, especially since she's training to become a hero! There could be a villain who is like one of these ghosts!
She may have played this game before you asked her to play with you.
May even be a higher level than you~
She may get a little surprised by the jumpscares, but not super freaked out by them.
And definitely not scared enough to turn them off, hehe.
A/N: ayyyyyyyyy that's the end of that one :) I'm sorry if the last three seemed shorter and if they were a lil (or a lot) OOC but i still hope you liked this! like, reblog, and follow if you enjoy this and want more content from me! my requests are open as well :)
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My reactions to @fandom-hoarder about tw lmao enjoy people.
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Me–Ok so the stationary of the letter John has its MOL so....maybe Sam? Then again I've never seen Sam write in cursive.
Oof ok the acting is rough and wtf a soldier boy line? Jensen mijo you were on for a partial season, calmate lol
Bestie–Lmao oh wait, i didn't catch the soldier boy line, what was it?
Me–"See you around soldier boy" the pacing is so weird.
Bestie– Ah oh yeah lmao. I didn't catch it cuz it smacked me in the face
It is!!
Me–It feels like watching something in fast forward
The goofy John who can't fight is dumb
Bestie–Hahh it has slower bits too so that's fun 👀👀👀👀👀👀
Yes, thank you omg
Me–Omg Dads on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days
This legit feels like an ao3 story brought to life
Drake overreacts a bit and so does Meg. This isn't Disney Channel mija
Bestie– Yes, god it's very disney channel
Me–Omg your right anti possession charm bracelet like whyyyyy
Bestie–There's waaay too many conveniences like that charm in one episode.
You're right, it's soooo fanfictiony
Me–Really overacted and the monster under the bed line????
I'm like c'mon just say you wanted Drake to be Sam Jensen jfc
Bestie–Yeah! Also I'm so annoyed about his version 9f the story
Me–You don't want any part of this life. Like bitch you just pulled him into this lmao
Bestie–Cuz if john had a memory like that from his dad it puts his version with sam in even WORSE light
Me–Ok I love patsy cline
Why is no one wearing the anti possession charm as a necklace
Like yeah Mary had a charm bracelet before but dear lord
Bestie–A question for the ages, bestie
Me–Ok the line of I hated my dad but I love him is such a Sam line
Me–Ok John did have ptsd, I would think so even during the og series
Omfg mary has an emf reader🤦🏾‍♀️Jensen honey just say that you wanted to do a samdean not related au
Omfg the van scene from the trailer 😂😂😂😂
Bestie–Lol yeah
Me–Omfg the lines are terrible
Ugh the menu but is too stupid
Bestie–Jensen's first fanfic
Me–It feels like it lol
"There's no secrets in our family" bitch that's the og show. Secrets build everything lol
Ugh cheating hippie hispanic
Bestie–Yeah :(
Me–What the fuck is with this pacing?
Bestie–I wish i knew!!! 🤣🤣🤣
They should've taken more pacing notes from spn pilot lol
Me–Omfg Samuel left coordinates how original Ackles
Dude yes. This is so rushed
Who the fuck is Maggie
Bestie–Right?!? OUT OF NOWHERE!
Me–Why do they give the demons the "venom" distorted voice lol
Yes yes we get it no happy ending for hunters it's been established
Fucking Scooby-Doo shit
Bestie–Did they do that voice to the first airplane demon?
Me–And yeah that's the actresses real voice. For Lata.
I can't remember lmao
Bestie–Ok.. that makes it ok then. It is so proper that it kinda annoys me but as long as it's not fake it's fine
All the girls seem to have major enunciation that gets on my nerves, though, so it might be an acting training thing
Me–Ok so Maggie was her cousin who was killed by a vampire. No pos wow Jensen lol and mary just had a Sam line "They put a knife in my hand before I could walk" "Dad gave me a .45 for the monster under my bed"
Yeah she really enunciates
This is "Hey idk you but our dads are missing and there's weird shit out there so let's hop in our Scooby van with our stereotypical counterparts and go on a trip"
The casts lacks chemistry
It's given off Disney Channel/Nickolodeon vibes
Since when did John have a scar???
Oh and here with the self sacrificing
God that thing is bad
It's like great value brand lycan
Bestie–Yes, thank you wtf
The van scene also made me think of argyle from stranger things
Me– What in the 13 ghost of Scooby-Doo was that bullshit
Me–Ok so John's mom knew
When you have kids you'll understand oh honey
Bestie–Like. Wtf 😑
Me–Jensen should have just made an account on ao3
After seeing this I suddenly feel a lot better about my writing
Saving people hunting things????
Nothings sacred huh
God megs acting is really forced
Bestie–Yeah. Dude, seriously, so many fanfiction writers could've done better, even WITH THIS PREMISE. Including you and me
Me–A monster not of this world trying to invade. Pos chingao
Just say aliens 🤦🏾‍♀️
Omfg please don't tell me the pinche tentacle monster from the late seasons 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
Bestie–They can get away with not saying aliens if it comes through an au portal 😒
Omfgg i did not even make that connection
Me–Omfg but why is he writing? Dean has hated it, said it was more Sam's thing and the I'll keep picking the music
Ugh yeah terrible.
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So, the wonderful @marisferasiop gave, what I think, is very spot on for the Moon Knight system especially with their college education in psychology.
I love character studies. >.> I really like to understand why people are the way they are and what that means for their strength’s and weaknesses.
I just wanted to see what @marisferasiop view is on Dean, for rn.
I bring this up with their permission for discussion as they have watched Supernatural.
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Dean and Sam being brothers and referenced having a very “weird” or “messed up” relationship.
When it really isn’t, it is that Dean had his father in grain into him he was Sam’s protector and caretaker. This is in addition to being “Daddy’s little soldier.” Dean as a child remembers what it means to have a home and what that feels like which is why when they discover the Men of Letter’s bunker, Dean is like I am home. He was exposed to this terrible toxic masculinity as a child thanks to his Dad, a former Marine (navy) and Vietnam veteran. His father trained him from four years old to be a soldier, truly a killer which he excels at. He also is commonly quoted for “no chick-flic moments” (or calls it gay which eventually became socially unacceptable so the show stopped) which the brothers are both terrible at when it comes to dealing with and expressing emotions in a healthy manner and hugging. Seriously, hugs. Does this mean that unless they were little kids, their Dad barely hugged them? They only seem to do hugs when it’s been a while, when it’s omg you’re injured, or something similar. He doesn’t do relationships unless wholly platonic except for Lisa Bradley which I never fully understood that.
I need to rewatch and get a better understanding of the background because it seems like it was the only time the brothers are ever happy are when they’re with a partner or each other. It’s not surprising that being alone is something neither can handle. With the way things were in grained in them, they still end up sleeping reaching out for each other, their arms hanging off the bed, since they were their only comfort growing up. It’s a lot to ask anyone, let alone a child.
He, in reality, is a complete geek; I love this about him. All of his pop culture references, including Disney, and even some of the amazing books he quotes or references, such as Kurt Vonnegut and Tolstoy. He knows Aesop and actually knows his Christian Bible. The man is extremely intellectual and intelligent, such as the first episode where the voicemail their Dad left had EMF on the background which Dean had to lean what is and how to use Goldwave in order to better identify and understand the voice leading them to the “Woman in White” case.
Dean’s mental health is wholly other issue, omfg. I was originally going to do an entire post on his mental health but thought I would discuss here instead. I think Dean has PTSD, Adhd, depression and general anxiety disorder. I’m sure could be more or something different but I am most knowledgeable with these. He self-medicates— alcohol — which is probably partially taught from his father, John. With the amount of loss/grief he has experienced, I feel he has compartmentalized his experiences as a hunter, a trauma response, to allow him to function. This would mean his brain separates the actual experience (fighting/killing) from the emotions he experiences during this which could include sadness. I do think Dean was raised, essentially poor which is why he eats so much and eats what he loves instead of what is good for him, like Sam. Dean had to sacrifice for Sam and this is how he dealt with it. As an adult, he is a glutton for what makes him feel good from food to sex to watching Scooby Doo, a leftover from his childhood as well.
He was forced to grow up to take care of his little brother who was allowed a sort of childhood, and I feel like due to network rules that what really happened when their father was away was actually worse than what could be told like the stealing and thieving. I feel like Dean is an ex-smoker. I feel like Dean should have tattoos as a form of rebellion against his Dad’s expectations of him or as a way to individualize/separate himself from his father. I also wonder if he would have taken abuse from others in order to provide for his little brother.
I mean he was physically abused by John when Sam ran away as a kid and even as an adult in his mid-20s (at the time), he was upset about it but it was never discussed further. He doesn’t deal with his mental health unless it is forced upon him.
When he was with Lisa Bradley, he still drank heavily because of all his trauma and mental health issues that he attempted to ignore. He still was paranoid that something would happen to his family. He still kept weaponry and taught his adopted son how to use it as precaution. He was always the last to go to bed because being a protector has been so in grained into his identity, it is second nature.
Sam is next
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severingt · 8 days
(End of) Summertime Hits Show 12th October 2012
Let Me Entertain You - Robbie Williams
Unbelieveable - EMF
Single Ladies - Beyonce
Miss You _ Rolling Stones
Dancing in the Moonlight - Toploader
America - Razorlight
Whatcha Think Aboout That? - Pussycat Dolls ft  Missy Elliot
Brethe Slow - Aleisha Dixon
Broken Strings - James Morrison feat. Nelly Furtado
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
Heroes and Villains - Beach Boys
Lipstick on Your Collar - Connie Francis
Lost In France - Bonnie Tyler
Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me) - Cockney Rebel  
Pride (In The Name Of Love) - U2
I've Got The Music In Me - Kiki Dee Band
Rocks - Primal Scream
Road Rage - Catatonia
Roll Away The Stone - Mott the Hoople
Sylvia - Focus
The Day We Caught the Train - Ocean Colour Scene
Town Called Malice - Jam
Walkaway - Cast
The Guitar Man - Bread
Everybody Hurts - REM
Life Of Riley - Lightning Seeds
Drive My Car - Beatles
Hold On - Wilson Phillips
Panic - Smiths
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Magnetoreceptive Perception Theory
In the world of the supernatural, that humans might possess a magnetic sense opens up fascinating possibilities. While scientific research has recently provided evidence of human magnetoreception, the implications of this discovery stretch far beyond the realm of biology. What if this hidden sense could explain certain paranormal phenomena, such as psychic abilities, ghostly encounters, and the mysterious sense of direction some individuals seem to possess?
Magnetoreception and Psychic Abilities
The ability to sense the Earth's magnetic field might be the key to understanding various psychic phenomena. If humans can detect magnetic fields subconsciously, it is plausible that some individuals might have an enhanced sensitivity, allowing them to perceive magnetic anomalies more acutely. This heightened sensitivity could manifest as:
Clairvoyance: The ability to gain information about an object, person, or event without using the known senses. Enhanced magnetoreception might enable certain individuals to "see" or sense events or objects based on subtle magnetic cues.
Telepathy: The direct transmission of thoughts or feelings from one person to another. Magnetic fields could theoretically influence brain waves, facilitating communication that bypasses traditional sensory channels.
Precognition: Foreseeing future events. If the brain can detect changes in magnetic fields, it might predict shifts in environmental conditions, giving the impression of foreseeing future occurrences.
Ghostly Encounters and Geomagnetic Anomalies
Hauntings are often associated with locations exhibiting unusual magnetic activity. The discovery of human magnetoreception provides an explanation for these observations:
Ghost Sightings: In places with significant geomagnetic anomalies, such as old buildings or sites with a history of lightning strikes, heightened magnetic fields could influence the brain's perception, leading to visual or auditory hallucinations. These magnetic influences might be misinterpreted as ghostly apparitions or supernatural occurrences.
Cold Spots: Paranormal enthusiasts often report sudden drops in temperature, known as cold spots, during ghost encounters. These cold spots are often recorded using thermal imaging devices and other instruments, suggesting a real, measurable phenomenon. Magnetic field variations in these locations might influence local atmospheric conditions, causing temperature drops that can be detected both subjectively and with equipment.
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs): High EMF levels are commonly reported in haunted locations. If humans can sense magnetic fields, these high EMF areas could heighten feelings of unease or fear, contributing to the sensation of a supernatural presence.
The Supernatural Sense of Direction
Stories abound of individuals with an uncanny ability to navigate or find their way in seemingly impossible situations. Individuals with an uncanny ability to navigate or find their way in impossible situations might have this "sixth sense" grounded in an enhanced magnetoreceptive ability.
Navigational Intuition: Some people have a remarkable sense of direction, even in unfamiliar environments. Enhanced sensitivity to the Earth's magnetic field could explain this navigational intuition, allowing them to align their movements with geomagnetic cues subconsciously.
Lost and Found: Tales of people finding lost objects or animals returning home over vast distances could be attributed to a finely tuned magnetic sense, helping them to orient and navigate using the Earth's magnetic field.
Exploring the Paranormal Potential
The link between magnetoreception and the paranormal is ripe for exploration. Future research could investigate:
Magnetic Sensitivity Training: Developing techniques to enhance an individual's sensitivity to magnetic fields, potentially unlocking latent psychic abilities or improving navigational skills.
Paranormal Hotspots: Conducting detailed magnetic field studies in locations known for paranormal activity to identify correlations between geomagnetic anomalies and reported supernatural phenomena.
Brain-Magnetic Field Interaction: Further examining how magnetic fields influence brain activity and perception, providing deeper insights into the mechanisms behind reported psychic experiences.
The discovery of human magnetoreception offers a tantalizing glimpse into the potential for supernatural and paranormal explanations rooted in biological phenomena. As we continue to explore the mysteries of the human brain and its interaction with the Earth's magnetic field, we may uncover scientific foundations for experiences long considered beyond the natural world. This intersection of science and the supernatural opens exciting possibilities for understanding the full extent of human sensory capabilities and the enigmatic phenomena they may explain.
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shopofthemoment · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Nintendo Wii 🜸 We Cheer Game 🜸 Original Case 🜸 Instruction Booklet 🜸 Tested.
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paranormaleye · 4 months
Ethereal Encounters Ghost Hunting Adventures
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In the dim light of the moon, amidst the rustle of leaves and the creak of old floorboards, lies a realm shrouded in mystery and intrigue—the world of Ghost Hunts. "Ethereal Encounters" beckons daring souls to embark on a journey into the supernatural, where the veil between the living and the dead is thin, and the echoes of the past linger in the shadows. Join us as we delve into the heart of paranormal exploration and uncover the secrets of haunted realms.
The Call of the Unknown:
For centuries, humans have been drawn to the enigma of the afterlife, captivated by tales of restless spirits and haunted locations. "Ethereal Encounters" embraces this timeless fascination, offering adventurers the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of ghost hunting. From ancient ruins to abandoned asylums, each location holds the promise of ethereal encounters, where the line between reality and the supernatural blurs, and the whispers of the departed echo through the corridors of time.
Preparation for the Paranormal:
Before venturing into the unknown, ghost hunters must prepare themselves mentally and physically for the challenges that lie ahead. "Ethereal Encounters" provides comprehensive training and guidance, equipping participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the paranormal realm safely. From understanding the principles of EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) to mastering the use of EMF (Electromagnetic Field) meters, every aspect of ghost hunting is covered, ensuring that adventurers are well-prepared for the ethereal encounters that await them.
The Thrill of the Chase:
As night descends and the world grows still, the adventure begins. Guided by experienced paranormal investigators, participants set out to explore haunted locations, their senses heightened and their hearts racing with anticipation. Every shadow, every whisper, holds the promise of a spectral encounter, as adventurers immerse themselves in the eerie atmosphere of their surroundings. With each step, they draw closer to the truth, unearthing the secrets of the supernatural world and forging a connection with the spirits that dwell within.
Documenting the Supernatural:
In the quest for evidence of the paranormal, documentation is paramount. "Ethereal Encounters" encourages participants to document their findings using a variety of techniques, from audio recordings to thermal imaging, capturing any anomalies that may indicate the presence of spirits. Every EVP, every unexplained shadow caught on camera, serves as a testament to the reality of the supernatural, offering a glimpse into the unseen world that lies beyond the veil.
Reflections on the Journey:
As the night draws to a close and the investigation concludes, participants gather to reflect on their experiences. Whether they encountered apparitions or felt the chill of an unseen presence, each ethereal encounter leaves an indelible mark on their psyche, challenging their perceptions of reality and expanding their understanding of the afterlife. For many, "Ethereal Encounters" is not just a ghost hunting adventure but a transformative journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, offering insights into the mysteries of existence and the enduring power of the human spirit.
"Ethereal Encounters" offers adventurers a glimpse into the unknown, inviting them to embark on a ghost hunting adventure like no other. Through exploration, investigation, and reflection, participants confront the mysteries of the afterlife, forging connections with the spirits that linger in the shadows. As they navigate the darkness, armed with courage and curiosity, they discover that the realm of the paranormal is not to be feared but embraced, offering insights into the nature of existence and the enduring power of the human spirit.
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ageosny · 6 months
EMF Brisbane
Brisbane based, Furlani Fitness is a personal training and performance coaching business specialising in fat loss, muscle gain, biohacking and nootropics
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