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chokethelight · 4 years ago
Human form was not something he enjoyed, but the Aspect of Earth knew that it was necessary at times. That sometimes it was easier to get around. He did it before, so did his daughter, and his own son. Granted, that was years ago, and even they had been discovered.
In this case, discovery was going to come, but not by mortals. No, he was here to talk. Advice if you will; not an action of war. No, he wasn’t going to go that far. His own time would come soon enough. Just . ..  not right now. Not before he was prepared for an all out war.
Breath was sucked in as eyes closed tightly. To many, he would appear as a random mortal; an adventurer, but he was anything but. Anyone with a brain knew that with how the earth trembled before him.  How it heard his call and acted accordingly.
He may have been corrupted, but even he knew what it was like before hand. Before things were changed; the plating infused on his body because he was coming apart. Because of what he heard and found in the deeps of the very earth.
“The point I must emphasize is that you should be prepared for anything.” Words were spoken lowly, speaking to something out of sight, but not out of mind. Not entirely.
“Up to and including visits from long lost friends,” he says, this time much louder . . . as if formally announcing his arrival.
( @emeraldaspect )
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terraforged · 5 years ago
"Dearest Wrathion, how are you feeling?" Tranquility followed the sound of the former aspects voice. Her presence was that of unspoken support, dear was her nephew to her heart. "I heard of what happened."
Dearest Wrathion.
Endearment comes from her easily, warmly, and where in any other upon Azeroth he might doubt it from her he sees honesty enough in it not to raise his hackles in agitated defense. From another he would take it as vicious lie, as something patronizing, something to hook beneath his scales and pull in hopes of finding something vulnerable beneath.
Ysera was no other though, and whilst he faces her as ever with the carefully hidden bemusement of one who doesn’t understand such softness he blessedly accepts it without barbs.
“Yes, well. I suppose it cannot be helped that people should know, though it is quite embarrassing as I am sure you can appreciate.” It was not. It was the cold chill of seeing corpses of all flights strung up like cattle, of eggs broken, defiled, of dragons twisted as he had been except impossibly worse. It turned his stomach in ways he cared not to admit, paled his dark skin ever so with the sickness it lurched in him. Worse was it that they had intended to us him too, as if he were a mere component to the vile machine they ran.
Sigh puffed from him, fingers racking through curled locks until clawed nails came to tap upon horns. “But I thank you for your concern. I’m quite alright, as you can see. There’s certainly nothing to worry yourself over, Dreamer.”
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shadowsblades · 5 years ago
No matter how much the young elf tried to shoo him away the whelpling pulled at her long hair. Moving around just out of reach with her hair still in its mouth. He wants to play!
UNSOLICITED ASKS↳ @emeraldaspect
         First thought is that her hair has snagged on a branch overlooked in the shadowed forest she skulks through —— baffling, for Valeera is rarely so careless to let herself be ensnared by anything, inherent awareness of her body extended scrupulously to include the jagged spikes of her spaulders as well as the long tail of her hair. Anything less would be unbecoming of one of her skill. But if she is fastidious in that regard, she is just as vigilant against sounds suggesting her detection. Long ears twitch towards quiet flapping where she perceives her hair to be caught. A bird? She has heard of some filching shiny materials for their nest, and her hair certainly fits that category…
          She turns cautiously, loath to send the thing squawking into the skies to betray her position —— only for the creature, a green blur, to dart behind her. With her hair in its mouth!
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          “Hey!” Protest hisses even as her sight marks the shape too bizarre to be a bird. Next glimpse reveals something featherless, so chubby as to be barely held aloft by tiny wings, and apparently undaunted by the fact that its prize is attached to something wielding knives.
          Kael’s teeth —— an infant dragon is chewing on her hair!
          “That isn’t edible,” she mutters fiercely, arms reaching behind herself to swat at the rascal as it swerves this way and that, jerking her head around as if a puppet on a string. Thank the Sun she had come to Val’sharah alone rather than accompanied by others of the Uncrowned who would surely relish in her humiliation.
          Feint as if to move in one direction followed by a quick turn in the other tricks the whelp into flying right into her clutches. One hand firmly encircles its rotund belly, the other holding up a finger in warning before its reptilian face ( is it smiling? ), “Don’t you dare burn it —— or whatever it is you do.”
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diguerra-moved · 5 years ago
emeraldaspect  A little green Whelp with exhausted wings perched...
// you are the chosen one
alleria vc: why am I a chosen one what am I a chosen one of what do dragons want with me I need answers
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sasorikigai · 5 years ago
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Random Inbox Shenanigans || @emeraldaspect​ || always accepting! 
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The intimidating, severe-expressioned statue that had always welcomed the pathway leading towards the Lin Kuei Temple always granted him the importance of the human fate; a slow, conscious decay, while it also serves as a cherished reminder of its once-granted salvation. There were days when even idealistic Kuai Liang sank with his swelling torment; bitter-sweet and unbearable at times, yet, it is a night like this when the unperturbed tapestry of the night became evermore clear and crisp, and the stars in the black sky burned coldly with their all-perceiving lights. Kuai Liang’s pale, well-sculpted form sits in the stacked, unperturbed snow; cross-legged and immovable like the very sculpture mirroring his position as his arms are spread out as if encompassing the gelidity of Artcikan weather, as swirling mists of his cryomancy wrap him about like saturated crystals clinging on a geode. 
How thankful he becomes, even with all of his tribulations and agony, that he’s reminded of his own strength and resilience to withstand. Being alive and sustaining hope isn’t easy, but he’s grateful for the granted lives of the clan and those who hold him together while he pushes beyond what his human body can take. With a little dragon playing around with Sub-Zero’s own dragonlings, one of his eyes snap open, to witness such valiant effort to stay balanced in equilibrium not to take its moderate plunge. “Tundra, if you would, please. Let me meditate in unperturbed peace.” Much larger, mature dragon’s vehement form shifts accordingly, as she too, remains tranquil and braced in peace as her youngs frolicked on the snow. 
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hubristik · 5 years ago
@emeraldaspect liked for an audience with the Kahn.
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     Wide  awake  ,  yet  walking  in  dreamy  scenery.  Caught  in  an  unknown  realm  ,  the  only  way  to  proceed  is  forward.  Which  he  does  ,  usually  heavy  footsteps  having  no  echo  to  them  nor  requiring  physical  effort.  Yet  ,  in  this  haze  he  can  still  smell  the  essence  of  magic  crafts  along  its  POWER.  So  comes  across  whom  he  can  rightfully  assume  to  be  the  SOURCE  of  such  tricks.  Ethereal  just  like  the  rest  of  the  place  ,  but  no  less  real.
       “  What  is  this  place  ?  Did  YOU  bring  me  here ?  “
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redeeming-sun · 5 years ago
“You. Rest. Now.”
Exhausted starters // Accepting
“I’m fine.” Arator stressed to her before trying to stand up and show that he was indeed fine. An attempt he failed miserably because he barely stood up before darkness began to encroach on his vision. Vertigo struck Arator and he wobbled before sitting back down on the boulder. There were doubts swirling in his woozy head regarding if he was going to make it, or instead unceremoniously fall to the dirt beneath his feet. 
He felt her hand on his shoulder, guiding him to a sitting position. “Thank you.”
Okay maybe he wasn’t exactly fine but in this situation, it was to be expected. His armor still showed signs of the fight he had engaged in to help her and, though he could not confirm it, Arator suspected he was ever so slightly concussed. 
It wasn’t a hobby, just a personality quirk that caused him to intervene when someone needed help. So had there really been any choice for Arator when he heard the sounds of fighting and discovered a handful of satyrs attacking a lone night elf? The chains they had been carrying, each large enough to haul a ship, seemed excessive for capturing her.
Arator had not waited to find out what their problem was with her before he attacked. There were five of them and one of him. Catching them off guard had been the only way he would gain an advantage. Sure enough, he had killed three of them before the other two ran, but as skilled as he was...they had outnumbered Arator. Victory was his but not for free.
As he sat there, stomach turning and head fuzzy, all he could think about was a nap and if she was a druid of some type. That would explain the horns, wouldn’t it?
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
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frstbiitten · 6 years ago
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Not to be frivolous against a stranger, but her senses could betray her sometimes. The sight of the other woman makes her feel almost weak as if she is seeing an Elder God in their full power. “I don’t receive visits often, speak your mind, and I might not use you as my practice partner.”
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eldingaesir · 6 years ago
Send 💕 and see how compatible they are. || Accepting!
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“I had hoped for better. But there is much time for improvement.”
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lifereigned-blog · 6 years ago
A gentle hand stroked the scales of the Lifebinder's snout. Gentle like spring as she hummed an old lullaby forgotten to time. The Dreamer's eyes reminded closed as she soothed her sister's pain. Allowing an escaped from her capturers for just a little while in dream. Yet the Emerald One did not raise a finger to end her sister's imprisonment, content to allow nature to take its course. It would be years later that Ysera would regret her inaction. In part The Black One was to blame - fear.
RANDOM IC ASKS // always accepting.
      Sometimes (too few and far in between, too brief) she’s allowed the escape sleep provides. Sleep itself does not come easy, even when they do let her rest; when it comes, it is often uneasy and filled with nightmares that did not scare her any more than the reality she would always wake up to. Other times, it will be sleep borne of exhaustion, and her mind and body and spirit will all be too tired to wander anywhere. Then her sleep is deep, if short, and there is nothing but this blackness so akin to what she imagines death would be like (not unwelcome, still; truth be told, Alexstrasza has longed to not wake up again for many months, knowing that only death would bring her freedom).
      Few are the times she is blessed with dreams; even fewer when they are so sweet. Enveloped in sounds as ancient as they were welcome, there is a semblance of comfort, as if the soft humming of a lullaby would be enough to give her protection and make her untouchable again (it won’t, some part of her warns, and when you wake everything will be as it was, and you will be chained still, and there will be nothing to protect you and yours from this seemingly endless torture; but she quietens such thoughts, forces them into silence, for if she’s not allowed some happiness in dreams, then she is already dead in every way but one).
      Ysera. Thinking of her sister is enough to choke and tear up her dream self as it would her real one. That her sister was the Mother of Dreams had less to do with recognition that fills her with sorrow and gratitude in equal measures; no, she knows it is Ysera because none other would have the power to soothe her so, to ease her pains and rest her mind in similar way. 
      There was no resent, no anger or hatred or blame; Alexstrasza did not blame her, did not blame any of them. Best the others stay away, do not try to rescue her at all, lest they too are imprisoned and share of her fate (how could she ask them to risk themselves so?). The Lifebinder suffers the cruelty the younger races are capable of in pursuit of power, and she wouldn’t wish it upon none. 
      This would be her grave, likely, as it had been to so many of her children, as it would be to most of her flight. If death came soon, she would not mind. It was all she could hope for, to have her sister to give her solace; even if only in sweet dreams.
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chokethelight · 3 years ago
Not everything was crystal cut, there was failure, but in that failure came another chance. Xavius was told and he’d spent far too much of his life alone. He needed someone else … a reason to why he brought her back.
He used what little magic he had at his disposal in a last minute attempt to save her. True, the amount was vast, but it still was so little. If he had others, there may have been more time to do preparation … alas he did what he could.
Everyone had betrayed them … deserted them. The nightmare still remained. It would always be there … part of the balance now. Always fighting it, but Xavius was not going to be as idiotic as he did in the past. He’d allow the druids to fight the nightmare, he’d build a wall to keep them out … thinking they are shrinking his domain, but it simply would get larger.
It’s own place in the dream where no one could bother him for quite some time.
“Correct,” he says, clawed hand moving to rest calmly by an ear. “You live whereas others do not. Defeated, but worry not. It was only a set back.” One that he disliked, but  . . . it would work out in the end he was sure about it.
“How do you feel?”
( @emeraldaspect xxx )
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terraforged · 5 years ago
The emerald whelpling was scared. Soft little whimpers escaped it's maw. Tiny taloned paws covering closed eyelids. It was dark and scary!
For all mortal form was so oft garbed in luxury such was hardly inherent to vagabond, life spent more as he was now as true form of drake curled upon himself in dark cave nestled in the midst of seemingly nowhere. He would have expected solitude, desired it even beyond the twinges at the periphery of his conscience that were the bright spark existences of his Blacktalons. Or merely their gems, but such was near synonymous really.
It was first whimper that gave away child, echoing in shrill relief until ever glowing eye slid open, body heaving as it unfurled to stand. The sound, one so foreign to him, tugged him along as if here were a moth to its light. A flame unexpected at huddled whelp, one scared and really quite alone. A fact he finds terribly, terribly irresponsible. The greens were a flight he’d interacted with little enough, but perhaps he had expected better than this. To allow hapless lamb to wander to carelessly into potential maw of a lion’s den.
Yet, for all his annoyance, he finds himself at a loss for words. The sharp and cutting way he addressed all others falling short here, because perhaps he knows better than most what it is to be a lonely child in a world which is nothing but terrifying. And so he sighs, a heaving thing as he sits before lithe form settles to lay a ways off, eyes a slow blink as he regarded whelp.
“Come here.” Whether it would or would not he hardly knows, and that is a choice only it might make. “Where is your.... caretaker?”
Inevitably he feels he is likely to be blamed for this, and what a headache he can already feel brewing at such a notion.
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fatalistyc · 4 years ago
@emeraldaspect continued from here
To be the guardian and crafter of time itself never meant she wouldn’t be affected at any point by the destruction or the amusing nature of her element. It could lead to herself as well at any point, as Kronika could fall victim to her own machinations. There’s the action of returning the favor, the balance in life itself. Could it be that the times now flow against her? Being so close to the Sands of Time for eons, with the first breath of life in the universe, might now be seeming like a harsh experience comparable to the ones she writes exclusively for the mortals and gods.
Perhaps a helping hand could liberate the stress she experiences with every breath now if it can be called that. Her features seem unmoved once the Titan returns her sight towards Ysera, her realm is much less affected by external circumstances.
“My dear, your arrival might have come in the ideal moment.” Her voice remains calm for now. “However, I believe that I will take some drastic decisions, my son, the Elder God Shinnok, has been defeated, this wasn’t supposed to happen, and the mortals from Earthrealm are the ones to blame for this.”
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diguerra-moved · 6 years ago
“Please don’t go.” for Tyrande
         “Have I not bothered you enough?” It lacks lightness, even as she means her words to be lighthearted. Ysera’s face is no less serene than it usually is, her request soft sounding. Truth be told, Tyrande did not know how it made her feel. If she did not have any true desire to be apart of the other, the priestess also knew best than to take too much of the dragon’s time. She was only mortal, after all; Ysera had been an Aspect, and was still one of this world’s most powerful and most important creatures.
          (Indisputably, though, she was the most beautiful; of this Tyrande was certain, silver eyes gazing upon her figure with gentleness.)
          It felt unfair that Ysera would spend so much time with her, if the High Priestess was grateful to even be in her presence as often as she was. It gave her both solace and made the grief she still carried within her chest more bearable. Alone, it was much harder to bear the consequences of her choice, to deal with a world devoid of him. Tyrande tried not to waver in front of her people, but it was not easy, in spite of months passing. And she knew none of what they had been through had been simple for Ysera herself, almost lost to demonic corruption. There was still healing to be done; but beside her, Tyrande did not feel it hurt as much.
         “I have no wish to trouble you in any way, Ysera.” There is no attempt to joke then, but if tone is more serious, it is softspoken and quiet also. Truthfully, she would be more than glad to comply to the former Aspect’s request. “Do you really wish me to stay?”
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lady-proudmoore · 4 years ago
when you get your soft, italicized, “Oh.”   
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the missed opportunity this one comes with a pang. it is the wrinkled brow of something unpleasant sinking in. they've left to find some new adventure. or they've met someone else. and you have only just begun to understand their true importance to you. you watch them drift toward a future without you, and in that stark numbness of their absence, it hits you. Oh. oh, you want them close. you hopelessly, selfishly want them all to yourself. you'll support them no matter what, but you don't want them to want a future that doesn't involve you. you want them to read the near-invisible signs of your love and decide to take a chance on you. you never want to say that you *used* to know each other. so what are you going to do?
tagged by: @lamentaticn​ <33 tagging: @cloakoflame @shoresofacheron @theveneratedwolf @twiceandforeverqueen @summysparklesprocket @drunkenworgen @kalistra-heartpride @anierous-sunblade @asharinhun  @undeadhighelf @ask-the-time-assassin @ask-cerus @earelloxtiruvai @torbeen @auraine-zara @lupusvenari @emeraldaspect @weavefate @purplemanasparkles @irrfahrer @shadowsblades @lightsblade​  @thchildoflight​
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ladywindrunner · 6 years ago
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Oh shit. Look at ya’ll, bunch of beautiful people. Shining bright, silver flecks against the backdrop of darkness that is the eclipsing void of the internet. It’s an absolute blessing how what started off as a few guiding stars has expanded into my own private constellation.
I’ll admit, diving into the World of Warcraft Roleplay Community was absolutely terrifying. I hadn’t played Warcraft in some time (--years--), and my fondness for the Banshee Queen was kept alive only by her snarky comments and disapproving scowls provided by Heroes of the Storm.  
My muse has grown a lot since I first arrived, and every rp I have has contributed to that. To all my rp partners, I am immensely grateful. Thank you for putting up with my nonsense, and listening to my silly interpretation of the Warchief of the Horde.
A few of you in particular have been overwhelmingly thoughtful, pure fun to interact with, and very influential. For that, there are a few that shall be named Sylvanas’ true champions, and no longer have to suffer through the indignity of Nathanos’ insults (or, at least, maybe less of them…)
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@fatesblades :: you’re the first person I followed and I’m so glad I got the courage to message you. You’re hilarious, kind-hearted, and it’s a treat to talk to you every day. Won’t lie, coming into a community and seeing two names that reflect one another was terrifying. You write Valeera brilliantly, capturing her inner struggles, stubbornness, and valour effortlessly.
Also, we need more threads. Don’t worry though, I’m on it.
@lightsblade :: you’re absolutely opinionated, and it is the best thing I’ve ever encountered. You’re sassy, funny, kind, and thank you utterly for putting up with my nonsense. You’ve taught me much about various communities. Your interpretation of Lady Liadrin is on point. Courageous, devoted, disciplined, and does not suffer fools. I love it. Explain to an anon again what lesbian means. It was wondrous.
Lady Liadrin for Regent Lord 2k19.
@diguerra :: you’re so unbelievably sweet, patient, and wonderful to talk to. I followed you before you really embraced a multi-muse, and I’m delighted I was brave enough to interact with you once you had formed the elven conglomerate (you rp as half of the notable elf population, do not deny). All your muses are expertly written, and I adore the threads we have. c: the level of sass between Sylvanas and Alleria gives me life.
‘Cuse you, there are still more elves to add to your muse list…
@lady-proudmoore :: you! You precious human-being who slunk out of the dark, bringing reassurance and compassion. I’m so glad you returned from hiatus, and that I messaged you. Thank you for your endless advice, and patience. It means the world to me! Your Jaina is perfect, written with passion, knowledge, and understanding. She’s a complicated character, and you capture her depth and inner turmoil wonderfully.
Thank you for healing me through all my poor-ass decisions. ❤
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@darkdabbling, @sparrowglas, @emeraldaspect, @terraforged, & @holyforged
RULES UPDATED: My rules have been updated in regards to shipping, smut, personal blogs, and general things.
VERSES UPDATED: Removed Abomination (Dragon Age) verse due to inactivity. The verse still exists, but it will no longer be listed.
Defender of Quel’Thalas (Ranger-General) & Lady Moon (Survivor) verses added to verse tabs after sufficient testing. ❤
PSA: My responses have slowed down recently due to work, and novel writing. Apologies if things slip my mind!
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