#emd raph
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evenmoreofadisaster · 1 year ago
I sure hope you guys weren't expecting something hardcore for this one
Winner two: ELOM animatic
I found this audio on reels and could not get this out of my head until i made it
When Raph finds Two in ELOM
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v-albion · 8 months ago
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We did it
Finally after months of work and scheduling, we present our giant collab!
Ok get ready for lots of tags and credits: @tangledinink @onionninjasstuff @less-depresso-more-espresso @dianagj-art @y0unginhumans @intotheelliwoods @red-rover-au @heckitall @bluesgras
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From first image, we have
Villain pb&j duo Mikey by @onionninjasstuff
EMD Leo by @evenmoreofadisaster
Gemini Leo and Donnie by @tangledinink
Red Rover Raph by @red-rover-au
True Colors Donnie by @v-albion
Mutant Manhunt Raph by @baskeigh-ball
Spirits Reborn Mikey by @cokoweee
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cupcakeslushie · 11 months ago
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My contribution to the baby saga over in the Separated Council Discord!
Everyone but Sprout is getting baby-fied, Red and One will as well, but before that, they’ll cause as much mischief as possible.
Labels for everyone below! 👇
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EW is mine!
Annnd *deep breath*
Separated Leo AU @dianagj-art
Two Arms Left @intotheelliwoods
Red Rover AU @red-rover-au
Same as it never will be @heckitall
Gemini AU @tangledinink
The Little Prince @beannary
Tiz Sep AU @tizeline
Never Better @less-depresso-more-espresso
True Colors @v-albion
Even More Disaster @teaableu and @3lectricinsomnia
Tentative Devotee @s0fti3w1tch
The Night @y0unginhumans
Villain PB&J @onionninjasstuff
SnapDragon @bluesgras
Little Brother @sharkfinn
Mutant Manhunt @brainrottmnt
Life Mission @daedelweiss
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teaableu · 8 months ago
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sep au crossover doodles
Gemini Leo belongs to @tangledinink
EW! Donnie belongs to @cupcakeslushie
and Never Better Red belongs to @less-depresso-more-espresso
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2aceofspades · 11 months ago
Art trade with the lovely @3lectricinsomnia !!
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We really went for it 🌟
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3lectricinsomnia · 1 year ago
1D’s grand entrance for the @tmntaucompetition
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khlegacynexus · 7 months ago
Little one shot I made for the EDM ALT Beta AU. Based on an Ask I made here
Leo groaned, his head thumping badly as he looked up and saw himself in a small cell. He went to get up but immediately yelped as he was pulled back down. He couldn’t move his arms either. They had been chained behind him. The last thing Leo remembered was Mikey being grabbed in a net by 2-D. Then 1-D clocking him. It had just been after they had escaped Big Mama.
He couldn’t find his Odachi or Mikey. Not good. He then suddenly heard large lumbering. Yet familiar footsteps. Entering was 1-D who stood above him and glared down at the slider.
“Ahh Good! you can give your number! Mr. Bus.” Leo joked.
“Classy.” 1-D Grunted. “It’s insulting that it was too easy to get you.”
“I’d thought you’d like an easy day. You were complaining about having to track us down and all.” Leo snarked.
1-D let out a low growl. “You really don’t get it do you! You have the mind of a master tactician. And Mystic Powers that allow you to teleport whatever you want! You could’ve been the leader! You could’ve been great! Instead, you’re just some lazy ass clown! Who takes nothin’ seriously!” he roared glaring down at Leo.
“Uh huh.” Leo replied unimpressed. “Cry me a river big guy! Now tell me where my brother is!?”
“Oh, so you do care about more things than your looks. He’s safe.” 1-D replied crossing his arms before smirking under his mask. He then let out a dark chuckle. “Actually, the Commander has taken a special interest in Number Three. Having you locked up makes him a lot cooperative. So I guess you’re useful for that. Ha ha ha.” He laughed.
Leo just glared. “Yeah? Well Remember. Draxum, like the worst Dad ever he is. Has a Ranking system. So how long till you’re Number Three?” Leo asked.
1-D seemed to Freeze he could hear a low animalistic snarl. The Alligator Snapper turned with hate blazing in his eyes. “If you know what’s good for you. You’ll sit there quietly and look pretty! That’s all you’re good at!” he snarled with sheer unadulterated venom. He then stormed out  and slammed the door so loud. That it ringed loudly in Leo’s ears.
Once he was sure 1-D was gone he mimicked his threat in a high-pitched voice. He then took a breath and started thinking.
“Okay Leon time to put that big brain he says you have to good use.” Leo looked around the room, it was kind of dark. But it was empty other than him. The shackles around his wrist weren’t exactly long. They only went around his wrists. Maybe with enough effort he could slip them out. Although he’d probably tear them up.
“This is not gonna be fun.” Leo thought to himself. But if he could just get his Odachi and get to Mikey they’d be home free.
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reagi-df · 1 year ago
Master Post
Welcome to my updated master post <3
its subject to change
Forgive Me - Master Post
They thought having to live and die in a kraang-invested future would be the least of their problems. But having found themselves in the past, a past where the kraang were stopped in time, brings up secrets and lies that had meant to have stayed buried.
With threats looming above their heads while their family becomes fractured, they try so hard to keep their lives from unravelling
But it’s falling apart quicker than they realise. And Donnie isn’t sure he can fix it, but like hell is he going to lose his family again.
Prodigy (RuntVers) - Master Post
Sep!Leo au where he was raised by the council of heads and becomes one of their assassins.
Unlucky Rabbits Foot
Unlucky rabbits foot
MeggaHamicide - Sagi
Bifractured Timeline
Disaster twins
Resident Evil x TMNT - The twins / Twins concept / Leo and Chris
LeoSagi/ichi - Lifetime - LeoSagi/Leoichi
Cleo and Vermin - Crossover - Cleo and Vermin
Leo & unicorns - EW!Leo / EMD / Gemini / Vermin
Cleo and Leon - au competition / Bad timeline Raph and Donnie - au comp / Cleo and Leon P2 - au com lost and found / Cleo and Leon P3 - au comp adopt a Leo today
Runaway bad guy, this is your retribution
Runnin’ from the daylight / sketches
Years we’ve lost - old art / 1 / 2 / NEW concept
Jr’s home video - Donnie / Leo,
Armageddon Brothers - Fic / turtles and beast concept / Death and Reaper / Co @kinky-asexual, @devotedtosadpoetr, @ninjaneonleon / Sneak peak / Pestilence & Plague
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hitwiththefandomz · 9 months ago
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To celebrate the beginning of the Family Reunion Summer Camp, we (cabin 8) decided to offer every other participant and cabin a little something!
(Art and Mind’ O Wave AU by @liya4kar
EMD AU by @evenmoreofadisaster
Big Mama’s Favorite by @usernameneon)
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Tag - I’m it (òvóˇ)
@sarahthewhat No Biting! Raph
@curlyquest Tmnt:Clan Raph
Cabin #7 (7 Wonders of the Turtleverse)
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bambiraptorx · 9 months ago
To celebrate the beginning of the Family Reunion Summer Camp, we (cabin 8) decided to offer every other participant and cabin a little something!
(Art and Mind’ O Wave AU by @liya4kar
EMD AU by @evenmoreofadisaster
Big Mama’s Favorite by @usernameneon)
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[I.D. copied from Alt Text: the first image is described as follows. 2012 Mikey, 2003 Donnie and Rise Raph, all in black and white except for their masks, are standing in line from left to right respectively. They are all from Mind' O Wave AU (by Liyada). Mikey has his eyes closed, a big smile, and his hands behind him. Donny is smiling and handing a gift box with a green ribbon and a tag in which "From Cabin 8" is written. Raph is also smiling, with his hands on his hips. The text, said by the three of them, says "To celebrate the beginning of the Camp, cabin 8 wants to give you a gift!".
For the second image: in the foreground, One and Two (Leo and Donnie) from @/evenmoreofadisaster and Venus from @/usernameneon are hiding behind a bush, laughing and smug. One and Two are both holding phones to film what is happening. In the background, behind the bush, an anonymous silhouette (supposed to represent the receiver of the ask) has the gift box from the previous image open in their hands. A big quantity of green ooze is going out and splashing the receiver. In front of them, Mind' O Wave Rise Raph, 2003 Donny and 2012 Mikey are dying of laugher. On the right top, it is written, in green: "Get Ooze! Cabin 8 <3". End I.D. 1.]
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[I.D. Digital drawing of Ragnarok, an AU version of ROTTMNT Raph from MCMT. He holds the open gift box with an expression of shock and dismay, green ooze covering his chest and face. He wears glasses with red frames, which currently have ooze splatter covering them. Tears pool in the corners of his eyes. End I.D.]
he can't see anymore his glasses are dirty :(
[Thanks for the ask!!]
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itzzaira · 9 months ago
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To celebrate the beginning of the Family Reunion Summer Camp, we (cabin 8) decided to offer every other participant and cabin a little something!
(Art and Mind’ O Wave AU by @liya4kar
EMD AU by @evenmoreofadisaster
Big Mama’s Favorite by @usernameneon)
(I apologize- I was going to draw a response but my pencil and phone aren't agreeing with me qwq)
"A gift?" Leonardo looked interested- though he wasn't sure if he could trust it. A version or not... that was a version of his Mikey. And if he knew Mikey...
"Aw come on, old me." Leo rolled his eyes, thanking the three with a sweet smile and taking the gift. "That's a version of my Raph! And my Hermano would never ever do anything mean! He's just nice like that."
"...Uhhh... you might want to reconsider that, Baby Blue." The older turtle did not trust that grin on the other Donnie's face.
"Ugh." Leon rolled his eyes, and undid the ribbon on the box. "Look- I get it, you think you're Batman, broody and untrusting of everything around you- but come on! You're a version of me! Surely you can stop the Batman act just for a-"
The three turtles from cabin 8 burst into hysterical laughter.
Leonardo looked shocked at his counterpart- who was covered in green ooze from head to toe. Leo seemed to be horrified, frozen in place.
"...Did they just- did they just slime me?!" He cried out, finally looking himself over, then turning his gaze to the other snapping turtle. A version of Raph? Raph?!
And Leonardo-
He couldn't help the shocked laughter, covering his mouth and looking away, trying his hardest to hold it in but failing. The slider turned to him, offended. "Are you laughing at me?! This is- my skincare is ruined!"
Leo's head snapped back so fast- just in time to see another turtle filming him. And that offended look?
Leonardo could barely keep it together, sinking on his knees and laughing quietly. Fuming, Leo stormed off, ignoring the four turtles behind him. He needed a shower. He needed a shower right now and then he was getting payback.
...And yet.
Once he was far enough... he stopped.
Leo turned back, for a moment... and looked at that version of his older brother, who was now laughing without a care in the world. Clearly having fun. By something his Raph would never even think about.
"..." Leo snorted. He smiled softly, shaking his head and folding hid hands behind his head- even though the ooze slipped inside his shell because of it.
Well. At least they were having fun.
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evenmoreofadisaster · 1 year ago
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Draxum’s rude af kids are making their way through the @tmntaucompetition
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Sorry you caught him at a bad time :/ Context
this sets up 1D joining the competition brawl
(also check out all the additions to that post cause they're pretty neat :))
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3lectricinsomnia · 2 months ago
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my contribution lolol
Let's go another collab!
Totally not an excuse for me to get their eye colour refs nope
Inspired by this Donnie art by @v3sporth3glaytix
Guess the turtle game part 153684 tags below!
EMD @evenmoreofadisaster
True Colors @v-albion
Gemini AU @tangledinink
The Little Prince @beannary
Never Better @less-depresso-more-espresso
Empyrean Weeping @cupcakeslushie
PbnJ Duo @onionninjasstuff
Separated Leo AU @dianagj-art
Trainee and CWMF @s0fti3w1tch
2AL @intotheelliwoods
Snapdragon @bluesgras
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wingstobetorn · 9 months ago
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To celebrate the beginning of the Family Reunion Summer Camp, we (cabin 8) decided to offer every other participant and cabin a little something!
(Art and Mind’ O Wave AU by @liya4kar
EMD AU by @evenmoreofadisaster
Big Mama’s Favorite by @usernameneon)
Meo: "OH. OH WOW! A present already??? I mean, that's so thoughtful. thank you-"
Mikey: "OPEN IT LEO!!"
Leo: "You guys are really excited, huh? Okay, here I go-"
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Not pictured: Leo's brothers laughing their asses off at his misery.... well played, cabin 8, well played. Leo shall have his revenge as soon as he's done sulking. (@tmnt-fandom-family-reunion )
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teaableu · 1 year ago
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It's Electric Music Dance's grand entrance
Did this before class so it's a bit messy
Edit: One's entrance :)
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3lectricinsomnia · 1 year ago
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I had this one ready
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