#embry’s parents
the-blackrose-reaper · 4 months
A crack animation I made, all of it is a joke 😭
POV: The aftermath of the BloodMoon ending in Crowscare
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arcadekitten · 5 months
Is Rune, Embry’s parents and Mamfusa (If that’s her name… uhh:.. Necrotary’s mom) older than Reginald by ALOT?
Since during the game Here for Sweethearts, we seen Reginald and Mary etc.
But we haven’t seen the parent crew as their ‘teen selves’
Or is it another ‘timeline’ like where Ryo isn’t a full scare crow during trick or treating and where Embry had that basement monster?
(Also a funny comment, when Reginald in Black out Hospital said ‘that isn’t Mary’ my jaw dropped- like ‘TF YOU MEAN THAT’S NOT MARY?? Red Hair ✅ Big beautiful red eyes✅ Amazing hair ✅… WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT’S NOT MARY?!’ And then we find out he was just lying- but that plot was Amazing.
It depends on what you define by a lot! (Also I'm not sure why Reginald is the example character which leads me to clarify Reginald is still in the same age group as his peers and there's no confirmation he's the oldest)
Also the characters chosen for Here for Sweethearts were characters intended to have important roles or more plot relevance in later games. Many character's parents were not chosen because they are not as important as the ones featured.
When it comes to the parents ages I usually intentionally leave them pretty ambiguous. I don't mind too harshly whether they are seen as older parents or younger parents, as again many of them are not as important as the characters they are parenting
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fanfictionroxs · 11 months
Leah's periods come back after 3 or 4 years. The cullens have long since left by then and the pack's territory is safe and calm. Jacob has returned as well because he has to look after his father and he fucking misses Leah like air, but will never admit it. Leah is at peace, her and Emily are best friends again, even Rebecca has returned for a while bringing Leah unknown levels of joy. She has happy dreams about her father who sometimes speaks to her and soothes her. Harry's ghost caresses her wolf's fur lovingly and at times Leah is a spectator in those dream, other times she feels her father's comforting pats. And so her body is slowly calming down, her mind is serene, she feels safe. Only then does her wolf allow herself to descend into a truly horrible week of pain and cramps where her body becomes so weak and she sleeps and sleeps and bleeds and bleeds because it's been years since her last period. But she is safe because Jacob and Seth are there constantly, her little brother turning into her protector for the first time perhaps and they take shifts to watch over the sleeping wolf and bring whatever she needs, and Emily is there helping her mom change her and keep her clean and she doesn't leave her sister once during the entire time.. and so the wolf slumbers and heals in contentment.
Ironically, by the time her periods come back, Leah has had just about enough of kids (as have Sam, Jared, Paul, Jacob, Embry, Quil, Emily and Rachel) because in between raising Brady, Colin and the other 6 pups/baby wolves, the pack was fucking exhausted lol
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colourblind [paul lahote x reader]
AN:// this pushes all of the wolves and new moon plot to summer.
summary: based on this post of how the shift Paul and the others experience would give them physical attributes akin to a wolf, which is being colourblind. Which Paul finds himself in, until of course, he sees you for the first time in months on the first day of summer.
warnings- mature language and themes. one suggestive scene. 18+ word count 10k.
“La Push baby! Its LaPush!”
“Do you have to say that every time we go to LaPush?” I asked, staring at the back of Mike and Eric’s heads in the van. They were singing and screaming into the warm air as we drove down to First Beach.
“He said that to me when I first came to LaPush,” Bella added, meekly. I laughed, lightly pushing against her. She was wearing a white blouse and tan shorts, opposing my dark shorts and tight blue shirt, Angela had gotten me it when she went to the Grand Canyon with her family. It read “visit the Grand Canyon today!” on the back, so ugly I loved it.
“He’s been saying it since we were five and our parents would carpool us in the summer.” I whispered to Bella; we were both laughing at the terrifying attempt from Mike to sing ‘Wanna Be’ by Spice Girls. Butchering the lines didn’t matter to Mike, it was summer. First day of it. Bella was finally out of the pit she had found herself in.
I’d spent almost every Friday and Saturday night of the past seven months sleeping over at the Swan house, waiting for Bella to come through. At first it was scary, the screaming and the vacancy of her mind, but she’s better now. At least I hope she is, Charlie thinks so, but I’m worried she’s becoming dependent on our friend Jacob. Coming to First Beach did mean a far chance we could run into Jacob, but it also means she’s surrounded by other people, and as annoying as Mikes singing is, I can tell she’s enjoying it.
“Are you okay?” I heard Bella say, we’d parked, and the boys were getting their surfing gear on. I hadn’t even noticed; Bella was wide eyed like a little deer and grasping onto my shoulder. “Is it to do with Paul?”
“No,” I laughed uncomfortably shaking her off as I got out of the seat into the back, taking of my clothes to reveal my favourite bikini underneath. “Not even thinking about him.” Which was true, to an extent. I had been thinking about Paul Lahote all morning and all last night and the day before, and every day since three weeks ago but that wasn’t in this moment. So technically… not a lie!
She watched me in clear disbelief but didn’t push it. She knew some rumours about Paul from Jacob, not kind ones but as the days go on, I’m starting to believe them myself. Hall monitors on steroids. “What book are you bringing?” Bella asked, changing the subject.
“The Metamorphosis by Kafka, are you rereading Austen again?” I said, searching through my bag for suncream. The only way id gotten Bella to agree to coming today was to promise I’d stay by her side all day and we can just read on the beach. Which worked out well for me, I always hated getting changed after leaving the ocean, everything stuck to you; clothes, sand, everything. She nodded and sheepishly pulled Persuasion out of her bag. Bella grabbed the towels we were going to lay on as I surveyed the beach for the best spot, there were a lot more people than usual but it’s what I expected. The remote spot in the south corner seemed perfect. Setting down camp, I heard laughter and colliding footsteps coming towards us, Mike, Eric and now Tyler ran to our spot, and all jumped over one another to lay on the sand. Not a single cloud in the sky, not that the boys noticed, too busy apologising to Bella for covering her towel with sand. Laughing it off quietly she shook the towel and threw all the sand on the boys. She stopped laughing as she looked over my shoulder. Standing up I saw, Sam Uley talking with Jared, Paul and Embry? But Embry was huge and at least half a foot taller than when I last saw him. They began kicking a ball around until Paul suddenly turned in my direction. Swivelling quickly, I stared into the sea. Sitting down on my towel that I was apparently sharing with Jess, I looked over at Bella. Giving me a comforting smile, she nodded towards our books that sat in the bag at the foot of her towel.
A few hours had passed when Jacob and Quil had made their way over to us, Jess, Angela, and the boys had all decided to go on an impromptu adventure leaving Bella and I in peace, that is until Quil collapsed on my towel and Jacob calmly sat next to Bella.
“See how normal Jake is?” I asked kicking Quil with my foot, “Be more like Jake.” They all laughed as the fiend on my towel rolled over.
“Figured you needed protecting.” He said, puffing his chest put lightly with a boyish smile.
“From what?” Bella laughed.
“Lahote’s been staring at you for a while,” Jacob said staring at me. Turning around I saw Paul from a distance, I could barely make out his face but saw that he definitely wasn’t happy.
“Well thank you gentlemen, but we can handle ourselves.” I said, laughing when Quil got hit with a rouge baseball.
We spoke for a while, making jokes at each other’s expense and avoiding the subject of Embry completely. Bella and I had come to an unspoken agreement that if they wanted to talk about it, they would. I looked around the beach and saw a stall on the pavement beyond the pavilion, an old lady selling handmade jewellery. I told Bella, Jake, and Quil that I was going to see what she was selling and grabbed my purse from my bag. Making my way over across the hot sand I regretted not grabbing a shirt from Quil or Jake or even making a detour to the van, so many people were looking at me, even if they were wearing the same thing, I felt so exposed.
“Hello dear, having a good day?” The lady asked as I finally reached her stand. We spoke about the weather and then about her creations, one with a beautiful orange crystal in the middle had caught my eye. “Citrine, they bring positivity and happiness” she winked once she caught where I was looking. I grabbed my purse but before I could hand over the $5 someone else passed it to her. Following the tan hand, I saw Paul; he was looking at the lady and explained he’d buy it for me. She smiled and accepted the money, handing him the necklace over. Paul looked at the necklace in his hand and squinted, looking oddly heartbroken.
“I can buy it myself.” I said as he walked a few steps out of earshot of the old lady. He still hadn’t actually looked me in the eye yet. It was infuriating. “You know its super fucking rude of you to ignore me for weeks, replace me with new friends, act like I don’t exist and then pretend like nothings happened.” He tensed at this; I kept going. “And now you won’t even look me in the eye!” I laughed, his large shoulders straightened, God when did he get so big.
As he turned around something shifted, I’m not sure what but it was definitely something. He stared at me wide eyed, speechless and I saw tension fall from him. But I had no patience for him.
“Are you going to give me the necklace or should I just go and buy one for myself.” This seemed to snap him out of it, he passed me the necklace and kept looking at me. Not staring anymore, more of a gaze. Not voyeuristic as the other gazes from men on the beach but an intimate one, one I wanted to avoid. His eyes are a stunning brown, I think to my painting at home, I’d made him sit for hours, waiting for the result when I’d spent twenty minutes alone painting half an eye, he waited.
Tearing myself away from him I look down at the necklace, it was beautiful. I had to not owe him this. I took the $5 out of my purse and pressed it to his chest. He finally caught on and gently pushed my hand away.
“Take it.” I demanded.
“It’s a gift.” He whispered, the way he used to.
“Please take it.” I begged lightly; I couldn’t owe him for this.
“What is going on?” A harsh voice interrupted us. Quil had stood in front of my right shoulder, not hiding me completely but being a clear attempt to shield me. He didn’t know any of the details of what happened between Paul and I, but honestly, I didn’t either. He just knew how broken I was, crying to him when Bella, Jake, and Embry weren’t around. Knowing I couldn’t handle their silent looks.
“None of your fucking business, Ateara.” Paul snapped, his body tightening. Quil pushed him, suddenly Jared was holding Paul back and Sam had appeared in front of us. He had whispered something to Paul that I couldn’t catch but it looked more like a demand. One I wasn’t entirely sure was in Quil and I’s favour or not.
Jacob had arrived by this point, staring at Embry in disbelief who had told Quil to ‘back off’, Embry was normally so sweet and quiet. The way he was acting as he was influenced by the others was a clear sign to the mentality that I didn’t want anything to do with. Paul had caught my eye from over Sam’s shoulder, a pleading sense to him. I looked away, staring at Quil’s back. I couldn’t do this, get caught up in whatever teenage boy bullshit was going on. I was 18, Paul 19, Quil 17. I had no fucking interest. Ignoring the yells of my name I walked back to Bella who had watched the whole affair in bewilderment. I walked back to Bella in more confidence then when I had left, I couldn’t explain it, but I knew the people looking know, weren’t looking at me and if they were it, was a good thing. Sitting on the towel I thanked Bella for staying with the stuff and picked up my book. Not before placing the Citrine necklace in my bag. She watched me as I lied back down but I couldn’t care, knowing I’d have to tell her every detail later anyway. Jess practically ran to us, monopolising my towel once again and demanding to know what she had seen from across the beach.
“I mean not only was he completely eye-fucking you but who were all his friends?!” She practically screamed, I hit her shoulder lightly with my book for ‘eye-fucking’ as Bella blushed, but explained who the boys were.
“Oh, they’re coming over!” Jess said, elated with the drama unfolding right in front of her. My legs slid over Jess so she wouldn’t leave and who ever was coming wouldn’t stay, which thankfully she understood as she grabbed my legs lightly with a comforting rub.
“Can you believe the nerve of Embry?” I heard Jake yell as he was approaching us, Bella’s cheeks were as pink as Jess’ bikini. Jess’ jaw dropped as she ate up Quil and Jake’s physique, I watched her over my book, smirking as she stared at the long haired boys.
Quil called my name, and I looked up, with my head laid down I saw him as a giant, which made me laugh.
“What the fuck was he saying to you.” Quil demanded, staring at me.
“It’s over, don’t worry about it.” I said calmly.
“Don’t worry? He’s a fucked-up dude! Literally almost exploded on me, again!” he gave Jess context, that Paul had almost ‘attacked’ Quil in a convenience store a few weeks ago. She looked down at me in surprise. I still read my book.
“As hot as he is,” Jess said with Quil and Jake protesting as she ignored them, “no boy is worth it if he has anger like that.” She said with the older sister tone she normally used on her younger siblings. Quil and Jake agreed with her, but Bella stayed silent, I looked at her from the corner of my eye and saw her staring at the pavilion.
“Honestly, if you go back to him, I can’t be your fucking friend.” I caught Quil saying. I stood up so quick I dropped my book on the towel, loosing the page. Where did this come from? Bella, Jake and even Jess went quiet. Quil had snapped, he never snapped at me.
“First of all, that would be my decision, second, I wasn’t ‘with’ him in the first place and thirdly you don’t get to be so fucking rude to me.” I snapped, pointing a finger at his chest.
“He’s a bad fucking person and you know it.” His eyes stared into mine, harsh and true.
“You don’t know him how I know him.” I defended Paul, for some unknown reason. I didn’t even fully believe myself I was just so hurt with how Quil was acting everything was blurring out of anger.
“After everything he did, you’re defending him!” Quil yelled, desperation in his eyes, he was looking at me as if I was crazy, which I was beginning to feel.
“You don’t fucking care about me.” I yelled back. Storming away, grabbing only my bag and purse, leaving my book and towel. All but Quil yelled after me.
Opening the van, Mike was sat in the back struggling to get the sand of his feet. “Pass me my clothes.” I said, I couldn’t hear myself due to the anger raising and blurring everything, but I could tell I was being rude, Mike’s smile dropped into a worried expression as he gave me my clothes. I dressed in silence as he asked me if someone did something, like the protective older brother he always acted like. I shook my head, unable to fathom words that weren’t a string of swears. Did Quil really think that lowly of me? Did he think he could just give me an ultimatum like that, and I’d accept it? Fuck this and fuck him.
I told Mike I was going home and as he asked if I wanted a lift, I slammed the door of the van shut too hard and made my way to the back streets of first beach. I knew if I got to the centre of LaPush that I could find the bus stops I used to use when I’d hang out with Paul. Led hit me over the head when I thought about him. I suddenly had an urge to sit by his side unlike the recent weeks where id sworn him off and cried and cried.
A truck pulled up beside me, old and worn I recognised it as Sam Uley’s. I looked over to see him sat in the driver’s seat looking at me.
“I’ll give you a ride.” He said, in a way I felt oddly comforted by as I got in. Normally, I would’ve told him to fuck off, but I felt way too emotional to walk the twenty minute walk to the centre of town. We sat in silence for ten minuets after I’d told him my address. I wanted to ask him about Paul, even about Emily and Leah but it didn’t feel right. This would be the fifth time I’d been near him let alone speak to him, so it just felt wrong. But he must’ve been thinking the same thing.
“It’s not Paul’s fault.”
“What?” I asked, looking at him. He was staring intensely into the road, it was weird, it felt like Sam was effortlessly the comforting older brother figure Mike had tried to be. Yet he seemed guilty like he’d made a mistake, not know but before.  
“I told him to stay away from you, it was my fault. He had no choice.” I decided to listen, to make sense of what he was saying. “There’s somethings you need to know, do you remember Emily?” I nodded, unable to speak in fear he’d stop speaking. “I’ll write her address down for you, visit any time and she’ll help you.” How cryptic could one person be.
“Why did Paul listen to you?” I questioned, staring at him. His dark brown hair was swooped back so he could see the road.
“He had no choice, you’ll understand.”
“I don’t understand anything.” He laughed.
“You will.” He pulled over and stopped driving, we’d reached my house. He pulled a notebook from the glove compartment. “Here’s her address and my number if you need a ride.”
“I can get Bella to drive me.”
“No, Bella can’t know about this, it doesn’t involve her. I’m sorry but you must trust me.”
“I tell Bella everything.” I said, taking the sheet of paper from him.
“But does she tell you everything?” he asked, his tone wasn’t accusatory like Quil’s had been, no Sam asked me like he was genuinely worried about me. He was right, I knew Bella wasn’t telling me something. I couldn’t ask, hoping she’d finally tell me.
“I guess this means don’t tell Jake or… Quil.” He nodded, I got out of the truck, thanking him for the ride.
“You hike a lot, right?” It was my turn to nod. “Take a break for a while, with all those attacks it really isn’t safe.” I agreed, sadly, and went inside, after thanking him again for the ride. “Ever need a lift, just let me know, I’ll sort one out for you.”
I was glad it was summer break. All my free time had been spent on art, painting, sketching, and avoiding literally everything else. I’d been missing all of Bella’s calls and thankfully when she came over to my house I was working. Sam had been giving me lifts to work since I normally did a small hike there. I worked on the other side of Forks at a plant shop and nowhere near Bella. Whatever she was hiding from me had been eating away at me for a while. Summer break had also given me an escape from running into Jess, I loved her, but I had literally no answers for her. And the theories I had were so bat-shit crazy I had feeling no one would believe them.
Quil had called seventeen times. I couldn’t call him back, still angry at the way he spoke to me. Maybe he was right about Paul, but a small voice in the back of my head I’d nicknamed ‘stupid consciousness’ told me I should give Paul a fair chance and listen to Sam. Maybe it was some crazy mastermind ploy to pull down my defences, but id started to befriend Sam, and Emily as she’d joined him a few times to take me to work. I couldn’t figure out why they’d decided to help me out suddenly, but I decided to just go with it, I felt safer, loved and they never brought up Paul.
8:30am on a Tuesday morning I sat in the garden waiting for Sam. My headphones blasting Noah Kahan’s new album. It was chiller then it would be for this time of year, so a loose fleece hung around my body. We had another month of beautiful sun until the constant hood of clouds and rain returned to Forks. I had started worrying this morning that Sam driving me to and from work was an inconvenience, I hadn’t been insecure about this before, but it was daunting on me now. What if I was just pushing him out of his way and annoying him? Annoying Emily? I felt suddenly sick. But the truck in front of me pulled me out of the haze. Sam’s brotherly grin made me smile, my older brother was away at college, and I missed him. He opened my door form his side and I got in, the fear of inconvenience looming over me. Taking off my headphones I heard the soft folk music playing form the old truck. It was a twenty-minute drive to my work; we made nice conversation till Sam said something that struck me.
“Come to Ems tonight, I’ll finally explain it to you.” Weeks had passed since Sam initially asked me, it was clear I didn’t want to ask, so he’d decided to tell me. I nodded, silently looking out the window. Five minutes till we got there.
“Will he be there?”
“Yes.” He was short, sweet, and blunt. I knew I couldn’t hide from this, so I decided to ask what had been looming over me all morning.
“Why do you drive me? You work on the res; this is completely out of your way.” I still held my gaze out of the window. But I heard him grin as he told me.
“Well, I like your company, I always wanted a baby sister,” I scoffed at ‘baby’ which he caught and laughed, “plus it really is not safe if you walk to work, you walk through the bush, it isn’t safe.” His tone was serious at the end. I knew he was telling the truth. When we arrived, he looked over at me, smiling he passed me a brown bag. Holding back a laugh he told me “Em’s worried you aren’t eating enough”.
“She does know I’m an adult right?” I laughed, taking the bag.
“Well do you have any lunch today?” the silence from me made him laugh as I clearly did not, infact, have lunch. I threw a piece of card from the car door at him as I mumbled in protest.
“Pick me up at four?” I asked, putting the brown bag in my own. He nodded, as he drove away, I realised how long today was going to be.
I was right. So annoyingly, right. The day dragged, it felt that five hours had passed when in fact it was only two and I couldn’t even go for my lunch yet. If one more old lady asked me to point her in the direction of the roses, I was going to lose my mind. Not only was it weird that roses were extremely popular among old ladies but that they couldn’t see that the roses were at the front of the store, they were the first things you saw as you walked in.
At 1:25pm I heard a familiar gruff voice echo in the small shop. Charlie Swan. I was praying he was talking to a friend, or that there had been a horrible crime and the shop was under investigation. But as I heard a small, feminine voice I knew I wouldn’t have such luck. Of course, when I was working Chief Swan would decide to finally re-do his front garden. My lunch break was in five minutes if I could just hide here then my 60-year-old co-worker Henry would serve them. Henry was a true one, he’d help me in my hour of need. I hid behind the seeds, staring at Iris in its many forms as I heard Bella ask Henry if I was working too, I wasn’t sure if Henry and I had some super cool intuition or if he had genuinely forgotten I was working as he told her I wasn’t today. As I snuck away for my lunch break, I internally praised Henry for being the best co-worker that has ever lived.
Checking my phone, I noticed a missed call from Sam and a text.
“Can’t pick you up, Em is going to, she’ll be using her truck- its blue same make as Bella’s. Will be there when you arrive. Sorry.”
As weird as that was, I was just thankful I had a ride, I didn’t trust Henry behind the wheel.
The afternoon had passed quicker than the morning, the lunch Emily had made me was embarrassingly good and oddly comforting. As I finished my shift I gave Henry a fist bump, he laughed the way old people do, as a reflex showing that they’ve been laughing all their life. Emily’s blue truck pulled up; it was in a better paint job then Sam’s but I had a feeling Sam worked on her truck more than his own.
“How was your day?” Em gleamed as I got into the car.
“Dull but the lunch was amazing, thank you.” I laughed as she grinned like a fool.
“I knew you’d like it! Paul told me you were vegetarian, and I’ve been dying to pull out those veggie cookbooks! The boys always avoid vegetables, it’s ridiculous!” she laughed as I wound the window down, warm air sifting through. My fleece cocooned in my bag form this morning, abandoned in the heat. I smiled, feeling warm at the casual mentioning of Paul. I’d assumed Sam’s business was something to do with work and that it wasn’t my business but at Em’s odd avoidance of it, something felt different.
I’d told her about Henry and Bella, talking more about Henry then Bella, Em laughed so hard she coughed. Pulling up to her house, I was shocked. It was beautiful. When we got out, I stared at the cabin, two stories and covered in flowers and plants. Wooden furniture, big windows, and open doors. It was beautiful. Em pulled me in, it was even more perfect inside. Bright colours and paintings everywhere. Sitting at a round, wooden table Em beckoned me to join her.
“Your home is… wow just amazing,” I was still looking at everything, the open kitchen and dining room was so homely and comforting. She smiled and grabbed my hand.
Emily was one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen. The scar on her face to her arm didn’t change that. She was even more beautiful; she wore it proudly. When she smiled part of the scar creased at her eye. Her long black hair hung over her shoulders, bangs perfectly trimmed. My hair was almost as long as hers, but she had a few inches on me.
“How are you feeling?” her caring tone standing through.
“Nervous, I have no idea what is about to happen.”
She nodded, squeezing my hand. “I’ll be here the whole time, if you don’t want to be here at any moment just say and we’ll go, no questions asked.” She must’ve noticed the apprehension in my face. “Nothings going to hurt you, Sam and Paul have made sure of that.” I trusted her, more than I trusted the people I grew up with. I knew for certain there was something going on, that involved Paul and Sam, probably Jared and Embry too. Whatever it was I hoped it didn’t involve Quil and Jake too.
Voices came through the door behind us that led out to Emily’s extensive garden. Sam and Paul came in. Both shirtless and only wearing shorts. Which was weird but I guess they felt the heat more than Emily and I, Emily was wearing a stunning white sundress and I white pants and black shirt, my apron from work stuffed in my bag along side the fleece.
Paul looked at me, he looked horrible, dark bags under his eyes, and it looked as if he had to hold himself back from me. Not in a threatening way, not the relief in his eyes told me this was good, that I was safe. Sam rubbed my shoulder as he passed me to Emily. As they hugged and kissed, I saw Paul still watching me, turning back to him I saw the weight in his eyes.
“Are you joining us?” I asked him, an olive branch being thrown in his direction.
He took a moment to process what I asked then silently nodded and sat a chair away from me, which did hurt. But I ignored it and looked to Sam and Emily who had both sat back down. Emily’s hand was once again in mine, Paul looked with an odd… jealousy? Till his eyes trailed up my arm to my neck, where the necklace laid. I’d worn it every day since the beach that I didn’t even think about it anymore.
“So,” Sam started, “there are some things we have to tell you, but I think it’ll be easier if we show you then explain.” Emily’s head snapped to him as Pauls hung in shame. He smiled at her reassuringly and guided us all to the garden where Jared and Embry were talking. They both greeted me with a relaxed voice I was deeply confused as to what was going to happen.
Sam and Paul stood slightly in front of me, Emily’s grip tightened as she held onto my arm. Without warning Jared had… disappeared? And there was a wolf in his place. I looked in frozen shock to Embry who was grinning ear to ear and then his body contorted itself into another oversized wolf. Both started chasing each other and I couldn’t find it in myself to be scared. Instead, I found it hilarious, two boys had just turned into great big wolves, and I was worried about my friend not liking me anymore! All my problems felt so small as I watched them both. Emily pinched me, whipping my head to her in pain I asked her what’s wrong.
“What is wrong? What is wrong! They just shifted into wolves and you’re acting like it’s the most normal thing in the world!” She yelled, trying to grasp anything from me.
“Let’s go inside.” Sam said, leaving Embry and Jared to playfight in the garden. Emily dragged me in, I couldn’t stop watching them. Enamoured by how small it made my problems feel. Everything had been feeling so all-consuming as I experienced every little emotion, it was awesome to feel so insignificant.
“How familiar are you with the tribe’s history?” Sam asked, trying to read me as we sat back in Emily’s kitchen. I finally turned away from the wolves in the garden to face him.
It all hit me, everything Paul had told me growing up and Quil had been telling me before the beach. About the vampires, about the three bloodlines that became protectors. Quil was in that bloodline. So was Jake. Fuck.
“I know a fair bit.” I said. The next ten minutes were spent by Sam monologuing everything they knew so far but I could tell he was leaving something out. Something I knew that I knew. Paul or Quil must have mentioned it. After he had finished, I sat processing, knowing there was something else. The leaches. Was it just the one Sam had mentioned. Oh god. I dropped the glass of water I was holding, Paul caught it.
“The Cullen’s.” I breathed, looking at Sam and Paul in horror.
“You caught that quicker than I thought you would,” Sam laughed, “the treaty doesn’t allow us to tell people what they are.”
“I sat next to them in classes… Bella dated one!” silence. “She knew?” I was bewildered. She knew that Edward Cullen was an ancient old man murderer and dated him? What is wrong with her. I can’t judge her completely, as gross and weirdly necrophiliac as that is, I didn’t know her story. I’m glad Sam warned me that she wasn’t telling me everything.
“Does she know about you guys?” Sam shook his head.
“Only the people in this room, Jared and Embry and the tribe’s elders know. Its safer that way.” I nodded. Embry was 17. He must’ve been so scared.
Suddenly it hit me how cruel I’ve been to Paul; Sam had explained the gag order he’d put on Paul. Thinking about him, I knew there was something else, but I couldn’t help but just feel horrible for how I acted. The way I spoke about him to Quil, not meaning a single word but loving how good it made me feel. Without looking at him I let go of Emily’s hand and held his. He squeezed in and I could practically feel the smile radiating of him. I knew I shouldn’t feel too bad for how I acted; I didn’t know. But I wish I did. Sam explained lightly how his transformation was, how painful and terrified he was. I didn’t want to imagine a similar story leaving Paul’s mouth.
“I’m thankful you told me but why exactly are you telling me?” I asked, Paul stiffened, my thumb absent and idly ran circles around the back of hand as I stared at Sam. He shifted uneasily under my gaze. Which felt wrong, Sam was never uncomfortable. What was he avoiding? What am I forgetting?
A ring ran through the silent kitchen, and I dropped Paul’s hand to look at my phone. Jakes name read across the screen, which was weird. Jake never called me. He texted me when he was picking me up to come hang out and that was it. It’d been radio silence on both ends since I had that argument with Quil.
“Erm, I’m gonna get this.” I went outside to Emily’s front porch rather than the open garden.
“Jake?” I asked to the empty phone line.
“Hello?” He panted; his breaths disjointed.
“Jake what’s wrong?”
“I don’t know, something-” he was cut of by a pained groan. “Somethings wrong.” He sounded like a child, one who couldn’t understand the pain of a broken arm or where a relative had gone and why they wouldn’t come back.
“Jake? Is Quil there?”
“No, I just got back from the movies with Bella.” He screamed again. Then began pleading with me. I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly two wolves ran past me into the Woodline, I turned back to see Sam telling Paul and Emily something as he shifted into the clearly biggest wolf.
“Listen to me okay. Deep breaths Jake, help is coming. You just gotta keep calm. Please, okay?” I asked, figuring out what was going on. Jake was shifting. I was panicking and felt like crying at his screams of pain.
“How are you feeling?” a pained yell was all I got in reply, Emily came to the porch behind me and put a hand to my back, ‘keep going’ she mouthed.
“Focus on- Bella! Think of her okay. Bella she’s going to be an anchor for you. Think about her okay. What shirt was she wearing today?” I asked keeping my voice as calm and steady as I could.
“She was wearing-” another scream through gritted teeth.
“a green jacket, and a white blouse.” I heard crashing through the call, Sam’s voice, more screaming. I hung up the phone. This was too much. Too soon. Emily’s hand ran up and down my back, I was breathing heavily. I only found out about this an hour ago, how was this happening to Jake? Bella had once called him “earthbound sun” and now all I was hearing was his screams of pain playing on repeat.
“Everything will be okay.” She whispered, taking me upstairs into a bedroom. The walls were wooden, and the large bed was plush, and it smelt of lavender when I sat on it. Emily leant in front of me, both my hands in hers as we breathed together, she must’ve gone threw this a few times now. I couldn’t even pinpoint why I was so worried. The idea of Jake or any of them making a mistake and Paul getting hurt was eating me up. As my eyes fell into Emily’s and my breathing matched hers, I remembered the last bit of the story Paul told me years ago.
We were 15, sat cross legged on his lawn. I was making daisy chains as he told the legends to me. He blushed as he mentioned imprinting. The two souls who were destined to meet brought together by fate. How the shifter devotes themselves to their imprint even at the cost of themselves. At the time we both couldn’t comprehend the power of it, we thought it was ludicrous. And it was, a complete lack of agency. But in a selfish way, it was fantastical. My breathing was normal, and Emily sat next to me.
“Did Paul… did he imprint on me?” I asked quietly, scared if I said it any louder id be ridiculed. Emily didn’t say anything, she just squeezed my hands gently.
“Why don’t you stay here tonight? I have some spare pyjamas; I can wash your uniform for tomorrow.” She asked, eyes searching my own. Nodding I waited as she left the room. She told me to start getting changed as she left, stripping down to my underwear I became oddly aware of how insane this was, but I trusted Emily. And I knew now, I was safe. She came in holding a brown tank top and white shorts, they were so soft as I put them on. I was still dazed as the panic left my system; every movement was a cloud in my mind.
“Would you like to join me?” she asked, as I lifted my head up in confusion she continued “I’m going to watch a film, we can watch it together, if you’d like.”
“I’d like that.” I replied, Emily put my clothes in the wash with some of her own and we got comfy on the sofa, I’d learnt the room with the lavender smelling bed was a guest room, and I was welcome to stay over whenever. Emily’s room was just down the hall. Her Gran had left her this house and she spent two years renovating it. She always made sure anyone was welcome here. I texted my parents to let them know I wouldn’t be home tonight, they told me to stay safe and call them if something is wrong. I was an adult, and I knew they liked knowing I was okay.
“Paul stays over most nights,” she said, braiding my hair, “but he sleeps on the couch. I can’t get him to take a room.” I was laying half on her chest half on her the sofa. I felt like a child. It was the most comforting experience of my life. We watched 2005 Pride and Prejudice. Laughing and swooning the whole time. We cried at the love in the film, the hand moments making us kick our feet, giggling. It was relaxing, to be with a friend. One that wasn’t hiding anything. I guess I would be the friend that was hiding something now to all my friends, to Jess, Bella, and Angela. But I couldn’t dwell on that. I told Emily about how I was feeling with Bella, and she told me about Leah, my stomach dropped when she told me Sam gave her that scar.
“I couldn’t be angry at him, what happened to him, to all the boys, it takes away their agency in emotional moments. I forgive him.” She told me, watching the film. Like this was second nature. Merely an afterthought. I knew I was safe here but was that just hysterics? Was I in danger and too naive to notice? No. Sam and Paul care for me. But Sam loves Emily? No. I reassure myself as I fall into a drowsy slumber as Emily ran her fingers through my hair. Sam can control it, so can Paul and Jared and Embry and Jake will be able to.
Warm arms lifted me, I felt the soft plush of the bed beneath me. I wanted to grab onto to the body holding me, my eyes wouldn’t open but I tried. A light chuckle sifted through the air as I finally let go.
A pink sunrise fell over me. I was drenched in the colours. Walking through the house I saw Paul, asleep on the sofa. The pink and purple began to fall onto him, he shifted awake as I made my way to the kitchen.
“Did I wake you?” I froze, looking at him through sleep festered eyes. He shook his head, smiling. We made coffee and cereal in silence, I the coffee and Paul the cereal. As we ate, I asked about Jake.
“He’s better now, the first shift is always the worst. What you did on the phone really helped.”
“All I did was keep him talking till you guys got there,” I said, finishing my cereal.
“He mentioned you called Bella an anchor, that helps more than you know.” He was looking at me intently. Suddenly I remembered my conversation with Emily last night.
“Paul…” Emily and Sam walked in, laughing with each other. I didn’t want to ask Paul with others around. He seemed brighter though, maybe he’d finally had a full night of sleep. Sleep, id fallen asleep with Emily on the couch and woken up in bed. Looking back at Paul, he was already watching me, waiting. “Did you take me to bed last night? You could’ve just woken me.” I laughed, trying to play off my feelings.
Sam laughed, sitting down with a coffee, “You were both sound asleep when we got back, no use waking you.” Emily looked at me, asking if id said anything, lightly shaking my head I pulled myself away from the conversation as they updated Emily on Jacob. From the window I saw the orange sun dance across the green summer leaves, sway through the crisp morning grass. The sun had risen by now, but the early morning was still prevalent in its colourful glory.
Sam called my name, pulling me out of my thoughts. “When do you start work?”
“9am,” I lied. Well, it wasn’t an actual lie, but I had decided. I wasn’t going to go to work today, Henry had been telling me I need to take advantage of the paid sick days we get, so today I will. I need to process what the hell just happened. Alone. As much as I want to be here, I don’t know how much more I can handle. Sam had told us he hadn’t expected Jake to shift so soon and Quil’s grandfather has noticed he has a fever. It’s happening too fast and is still don’t really know why I am involved. Expect I do, which makes it so much worse. I would get dropped of at work, and then catch a bus to First Beach, which yes was counter intuitive, but it felt wrong to tell the people who immediately accepted me I didn’t want to be around them right now. I’d tell them id get a ride home from Henry and just walk back home. No, I shouldn’t walk. I promised Sam I wouldn’t walk. I’ll get the bus home or ask Bella as awkward as it might be.
Paul eyed me, brow furrowing. Sam and Emily didn’t notice but I couldn’t help feeling like Paul could read my mind. It feels weird being known so well. I sat with them for an hour or so before going to get a shower and then get dressed, Emily had layed my clothes on my bed while I was in the shower, and I suddenly felt insanely sick at the thought of lying to her.
Wandering back into the kitchen I saw Paul wearing worker pants that were just wow. I looked away before he caught my gaze. My heart beating in my throat.
“Where are you working?” I asked, he was looking for a job before all of this.
“Sam’s construction, he let Jared and I join after we shifted, he runs the business you know?” he said looking at my clothes. Wide legged white pants and black shirt, I was holding my apron, the ugly thing.
“Actually, Sam’s gone in early, so can I drive you to work?”
I nod, grabbing my bag and kissing Emily’s cheek goodbye as she started working on a wooden chair. Emily sold wooden furniture, I made sure to make note of that since my parents were looking at getting a new kitchen done. As we left, I noticed Sam had taken Emily’s truck and left his own for Paul. Fuckers had planned this.
“you’re a horrible liar, you know.” Paul said as we drove away from Emily’s. Is he psychic? “Sam told me you normally finish early on Wednesday’s, right?”
“Me too. I finish at 12, ill pick you up and explain everything.” I decided to play dumb.
“I thought you explained everything?” his laugh echoed in the car.
“We both know you’re too smart to think that.” The conversation ended, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Not the same feeling as when Sam drove me, this was new.
“You can meet Henry when you pick me up.” I added, laughing at the thought.
“Who?” Paul said, the familiar jealousy peaking in his voice.
“Oh, he’s a real catch, total ladies’ man. I have a conspiracy that we’re psychically linked.” I said nonchalantly, absolutely doing it on purpose.
“That’s cool.” He said, sharply. These three hours were gonna go smoothly.
And they did. I was so excited for Paul to come pick me up I was practically jumping the whole three-hour shift. Henry had been side eyeing me all day, possibly worried I was on drugs or something.
“So, Paul’s going to pick me up and I’d like for you to meet him.” I told Henry as we stocked the shelves, or as I stocked them, and he micromanaged me.
“Eh okay.” He grumbled, I smiled, excited.
As 12 came I was practically glued to the window. Seeing Sam’s truck pull up my chest had a weight lifted off that I didn’t know was there. Pauls stocky figure walked up to the front door, and I beckoned him over to where I stood.
“Where’s this Henry then?” he asked, trying to seem calm.
“This way!” he must’ve been taken back by my excitement as he gasped slightly as I dragged him to the back of the store. “Henry! This is Paul.”
I watched as Pauls deflated face turned quickly into annoyance and relief as he saw Henry, who looked him up and down, grumbled and asked him if he could pick up some boxes for him. Paul agreed, but it didn’t feel like he had much choice in the matter. After ten minutes of Paul moving boxes around for Henry, I finally got him away, saying goodbye we left the store.
“You minx.” He laughed, opening my door for me.
Laughing I asked him what he was talking about.
“All morning. All morning! I spent worrying some hot bachelor called Henry had stolen your heart! Jared was getting annoyed at how pissy I was acting!” he whined, driving to LaPush.
We made it to first beach without Paul ripping my head off from annoyance. I tried not to dwell too hard on his blatant admission to his jealousy. But it made my head spin.
But he went silent as we walked to the rocks on the southside of the beach. Whatever he was about to tell me was very serious, and I was ready to hear. As we sat down, he looked at the necklace I was wearing, the citrine he bought me.
“You know when I bought you that necklace, I had no idea how beautiful it was.” He said, slowly looking up into my eyes.
“What do you mean? The lady handed it to you, I saw you look down at it.” I asked, searching his eyes for whatever he was trying to tell me.
“What do you remember about imprinting?” he asked, his hand lightly holding onto mine, the other splayed against the rocks. He took me off guard which must be visible on my face as he laughed at my expression.
“I remember you telling me about the imprint who saved the tribe from the vampires by sacrificing herself.” It was a harrowing tale, one that even as children Paul and I treaded on lightly.
“Uh huh, anything else?” he probed.
“I know how the elders described the imprint to feel.” At his silence I continued “that the universe centres around them,” I was whispering to him now, “that it is a love of the souls, bonded and combined.” He nodded.
“Anything else?”
“Paul why are you asking me this?” dread filled me, what if he had imprinted on someone else, I would respect it and understand but telling me like this had to be some form of torture. Deep down I knew that wasn’t the case.
“I imprinted on you.” My head whirled. Everything else became singular as I looked at Paul Lahote who became a multitude. “I was scared I’d imprint on someone else, and it’d be me loosing my agency in life you know,” I did, it was what I was worried about. “But I imprinted on you, at the beach. And I’ve always been in love with you. When we were kids and you would always climb the highest tree, never scared if you fell. When we’d braid each other’s hair. It’s always been you, even the fates agree.” The wind was knocked out of his lungs as I practically jumped onto him. My arms around his neck, his around my waist.
I pulled away. Remembering how this conversation started. “What did you mean, when you said you didn’t know how beautiful the necklace was?”
“That’s the other thing, turns out when we shift for the first time, we go colourblind.”
“Wolves, they are naturally colourblind, Sam thinks that’s why we lose it, Jared and I used to think it was just another way the fates could steal life from us.” I listened intently. “That was until Sam imprinted on Emily. He said it was the most overwhelming experience of his life, not only because of the horrible family drama but because it was the first time in months, he had seen colour. We realised then that the only way we could see truly again was when we imprinted. You have to understand how terrifying it was after we’d first shifted, I thought I was dying” He took a deep, steadying breath. “After I first shifted you sent me a picture, do you remember?”
“Not really.” I admitted.
“It was of that cloud with the colours on it.” I nodded, remembering. It was a pileus cloud I’d seen in my back garden; he pulled out his phone. Scrolling sheepishly past the texts from him asking to talk to me and then texts from me, begging for an answer. He landed on a picture I sent, on the pileus cloud, they have colours sitting on them, rainbows laying on the soft clouds of the sky. Had I been taking my sight for granted? Spending my whole life gazing while he had it stolen from him?
“I cried for hours when you sent me this, I couldn’t see it, Sam had told me to cut off all contact with you and all I needed was you to- I don’t know- explain the colours to me since I couldn’t see them.” He breathed heavily; I could see the anger weighing on his shoulders once more. I didn’t interrupt him, just placed a hand on his thigh as an attempt to soothe. He smiled gently at this, still looking at the cloud. “It was two days after I’d shifted for the first time, and I was always so overwhelmed. I kept snapping and shifting in a fit of rage.”
As he waited for a response from me, I finally formed a semi-coherent sentence.
“I would’ve done the same. I can’t imagine how it- losing that- I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be. If it’s anyone’s fault it’s those bloodsuckers.” He laughed. Smiling at me. We spoke for what felt like hours, it probably was but I didn’t mind. “I’m sorry to unload all of this onto you. I didn’t want to drag you into it, but you have to realise you call the shots, all you.”
“Is this why Sam didn’t pick me up yesterday?” I asked, remembering the hasty text Sam had sent me yesterday afternoon.
“Yeah,” he blushed, “I got angry at him, and he spent the whole day trying to convince me.”
“Couldn’t he just demand it?” the authority Sam had over the boys couldn’t be questioned, but it was a natural thing to him I felt it too.
“Yeah, but I know that he wanted me to make the choice, you’re my imprint after all.” He smiled, putting a hair behind my ear.
The sun had begun to set when Paul and I stopped talking, we’d spoke for hours. Catching up on each other’s lives, I told him about my fight with Quil and how I was feeling about Bella, and he listened. He told me about his dad, who’d decided to go work down south for a few months, leaving Paul the house to himself. That even though he gets the entire one-story building to himself he prefers to stay at Emily’s, he’d always hated being alone. He watched the sun set and I watched him. How it reflected on his clear skin, how his short hair was growing back. He’d explained that they’d all cut their hair after their first shift as to now only be practical but because they were grieving, grieving themselves. Paul was growing his hair again, determined to have a piece of himself back again, the hair length only mattered on the first few shifts. No one was sure why.
Going back to Sam’s truck I hold onto Paul’s hand, pulling him to a stop halfway across the beach. Getting closer to him I felt the warmth radiate from him, he couldn’t help but become the sun. The confused look on his face amused me, as I pulled him in and kissed him. His hand let go of mine as he wove his arms around my waist. My hands going to his back and his hair. He didn’t drive back to Emily’s. We spent the night in his house, the blue walls of his bedroom were known better than my own. Making out on his bed I sat on his lap, pulling his shirt of and then my own he grinned up at me.
“You’re so beautiful.” I didn’t say anything as I unhooked my bra, his jaw dropped slightly, and I blushed. He pulled his own jeans off and then switched our positions, so I was on my back as he took my white trousers of, discarding them somewhere in the room. I felt his lips on mine again which stopped me from staring at his well-defined chest, my hands felt him completely. I reached into his boxers as he whined slightly into my mouth at my slow and teasing actions.
“Don’t play with me.” He whispered into my ears as he ripped his boxers off, slowly taking my underwear off. As I felt him align himself, I looked into his eyes, seeing nothing but love.
Three weeks had passed since I found out about Paul’s imprint. Summer had begun to spread itself thinly and form into fall. I’d spoken to Quil, but he could tell I was hiding something. Especially since Jake had abandoned him without word and so did I. I knew he wanted to be apart of whatever was going on, but we all hoped he would never have to know, never feel the pain they all went through.
I spent most nights at Emily’s and some at Pauls but few and few at home. I wasn’t sure why my parents trusted my choices so much, but I figured they trusted Paul and I’d been a well-behaved teen. They did, however, begin to question why Bella Swan was constantly coming over asking for me. I couldn’t tell her. I still wasn’t over her not telling me anything. But Jake had ghosted her, just after I did. After the Cullen did. She had other friends, but it felt like a really shitty thing to do, I knew if I saw her, I’d just tell her everything. Even if she wouldn’t do the same for me.
I was at Emily’s when Embry, Jared, and Bella Swan herself came into the kitchen. She looked at me in shock and I gestured to the seat beside me, she shook her head. As Emily and I were informed on how Bella found herself in this predicament I laughed at the thought of Jake and Paul fighting, it didn’t surprise me. But I was shocked at Bella slapping him, she defended herself explaining she was angry and didn’t know we’d made up at this point. She didn’t know much. Jared told her that the pack was faster and better than the leaches, Bella seemed to feel more comfortable.
Sam, Jake, and Paul came into the house, Bella seemed to stow herself away in the corner. Her face went bright red after Paul apologised to her and kissed me, Sam complimented how well she took seeing two men turn into wolves in front of her and she laughed it off.
“How are you feeling?” Paul asked as I climbed into bed beside him.
“Tired, Bella gave me a hard time about me ignoring her, she’s right I guess.” Facing him in bed I tried to savour how the moon bounced off him. How he seemed to glow in the blue moonlight. He disagreed, but I knew Paul was biased he’d never really trusted Bella.
“What about Quil have you made up your mind on what you’re going to do?” He asked, kissing my nose as he pulled me to his chest.
“I’m going to go to his house tomorrow. I can’t tell him anything, but I need him to know I’m still his friend and I still love him. He’s one of my closest friends, his love is tough but its true you know?”
“I know.”
“How are you feeling?”
“everything’s getting calmer, but the red leech is still circling, these hikers need to learn to stay on the trail for their own sake.” He laughed; it wasn’t a happy laugh but an exhausted one. “Plus, Quil really might shift soon, I’m not sure how I feel about you going to see him in person.”
“I’ll be okay.”
“Doesn’t make me worry any less.” He was holding me so close, our legs intertwined.
“He knows me better than anyone, which is scary but I won’t talk to him about the fight it doesn’t matter to me anymore. I can’t not have him in my life, it feels so good to be known so well. And not in the way you know me,” I clarified, “he knows me in a way that is tried and true, its not as intimate as how you know me, Quil challenges me, I challenge him. I can’t stand ignoring him.”
Paul nodded, he understood. He just hoped he didn’t shift in front of me.
“I love you.” He whispered into my hair.
“I love you more.” I whispered back, falling into a perfect sleep.
“Are you happy being with Paul?” Quil asked, grey hoodie swamping his tall figure.
“Yes.” I replied, arms crossed over my chest.
“I’m not surprised.” He sighed. Then, crossing the front room he looked out of his front window. “You really hurt me, you know.”
“I know.”
“And you can’t even tell me why!”
“I’m sorry.”
“You, Embry and Jake can’t tell me a single thing!” he yelled, still not looking at me. I had prepared for this, for him to hate me. I just didn’t expect it to feel so horrible.
“I’m sorry, Quil, I really am.” He looked at me, eyes desperate.
“I’ve missed you.” He whispered. Tears in my eyes I ran to him, colliding with his chest we both cried on each other. “Remember we’re not keeping score, no arguments-”
“No winners.” I finished; we didn’t keep score.
As he pulled away, we both wiped at the tears streaming down our faces.
“Lahote? Really?” he laughed; I punched him in the arm. “Ow! Okay, okay.”
For now, everything was okay. I could handle okay.
pauls pinterest board
an:// i hoped you all loved reading this as much as i loved writing it! you can see why its taken me so long to actually write this :') Tumblr always gets rid of my paragraph spacing it kills me:( the word doc for this fic is 19 pages long! this is the longest fic i've written, im very proud of it!! requests are open, take care of yourself. i love you- em x
@ribbons-in-your-hair @notperfect-justme @thebestrouge [you guys asked me to tag you if i wrote anything about this headcannon! i hope you enjoy it!]
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crazyk-imagine · 9 months
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Pairing: Paul Lahote x Fem!reader
Characters: Fem!reader, Paul Lahote, Sam Uley, Emily Young, Jared Cameron, Embray Call, Tiny Tim (made up)
Warnings: Reader knows about the supernatural, implications of dead parent, ex's inspire people, Sam and Emily are adorable, am I making them my favorites bc of the way I write them lol, Paul and Reader are adorable, Paul is a little shit, so is Embry and Jared, no one can act normal around a sassy person
Word Count: 1,231
A/N: Was I listening to Mean by Taylor Swift? You can't prove anything
I've had this ready for a week, but shit kept happening at work man ughhhhhh
It was meant to be, or so you thought.
You blink, staring at the ceiling not sure why your ex came to mind.
He was partial to the reason for your move the gloomy town (which you enjoyed more than the sunny state you were in) but not the entire reason.
If only your mom could see you now, working hard and still keeping true to who you are.
You push yourself out of bed, needing to get started on your day.
You finish up and jot down another line, knowing it's slowly turned into a "revenge" song.
You exit your place and hop in your truck, heading down to your favorite person's place.
"Emily, your other honey is home."
Sam lets out a dry laugh. "Funny as always."
"I know, it's one of the perks of being my friend."
"Are going to do..." You snatch a muffin from the tray. "Sam things?"
The couple glance at one another, curious if you know.
"Yeah, we won't be back till later-" He doesn't finish as the boys burst through the door. Almost all ignore you, not aware of your presence.
You mumble, "now I know why you're ready to feed an army."
The boys freeze, all conversations stopping. "Uh-"
"Who's the girl?" Jared asks, snaking a muffin.
You raise a brow, picking at the muffin, breaking it into bite size pieces. "What a question."
"Who's the sassy girl?" The same guy asks.
"How do you deal with idiots?"
Emily snickers, scanning over the pack for their expressions.
"Good thing Paul's not here or else he'd flip a lid," Embry mutters.
You push yourself off the stool and grab your bag. "Later, Em. Bye bye, Sammy."
You wave them off before glancing at the group. "Such an interesting... gang you have here."
You spin around, smirking to yourself, not wanting to let the cat (wolf) out of its bag. "I heard there's going to be a full moon tonight."
Or maybe you don't care if they know you know.
"Does she-"
The door slams shut.
You shake your head, smirking to yourself, proud of your teasing. You bump into a body, not entirely paying attention. "Sorry." You pass by the person and hop in your car, not realizing the electricity he felt in that simple touch.
You look up after putting your keys in the ignition, only to find a dark pair of eyes on yours.
The subtle feeling through your body alerts you.
"Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap." You have to force your gaze away from his. "Please don't be able to read lips. Oh, crap. They can hear." You start pulling out and make it back to your house.
Weeks go by and you screen another one of Emily's calls.
"I'll call her when this passes," you mutter, writing another line. You slam your pencil down, "who am I kidding? It's never going to stop."
You don't want to answer her and send another lie.
Boo Thang #2 <;3
'Sorry, not feeling good. Will text later.' 2:59pm Sent Read
A knock on your door surprises you.
You carefully make your way to the door, scanning through the peephole. Your back's flat against the door. "Why the hell is he here?"
"We need to talk."
"I don't think so."
"You know more than you let on."
"We need to talk."
"Can I just call you?"
"No, Emily's been trying for days, and it hasn't worked. Let me in."
You scoff, "not with that attitude."
He growls under his breath, "fine. Please let me in?"
"You're testing my patience."
"Go test it out with someone else."
"That's not what I meant, and you know it."
"You gotta be more specific bud."
"I don't like that name."
"Stop it."
You smirk, "bud."
He knocks on your door with more force, trying to get one of your neighbors to come out so they can tell him to stop and make you let him in.
You snarl as the door swings open, "stop it you, idiot." You yank him in, earning a confident smirk from him.
"I don't like this look on you. You think you've won."
"Who says I haven't?"
"Me. I am the one who decides since this is my place."
"Living here alone? Really?"
You shrug, "parents died."
"Oh," he clears his throat, "sorry."
"It's fine. Not your fault."
"So, uh- what do you know?"
"I used to visit when I was a kid and heard the stories because of my cousin."
"You know?"
"That we happen to be united forever essentially, kind of hard not to, not gonna lie."
"Are you upset?"
You furrow your brows, "what do you mean?"
"Your imprints with the hothead. The one with "anger" issues. The list goes on." His brows furrow in annoyance, the pout on his lip making him look... cute.
He shocked you don't know who he is. "Lahote?"
"Paul?" You ask, not entirely sure if you got the right name or not.
"Oh, so you do know."
He sighs, "great."
"Barely, I just remember your guy's names from the elders at the meetings."
"How long has it been since you were in town?"
You shrug, "few years. I haven't been out of the house as much since my life went to crap," you offer a sarcastic smile.
"I feel like I've brought the mood down, do you- do you want to go out? I know this one place with uh- with decent music." He tells you the name and it takes all of you to not smile.
"Let's go, but we take my car."
He lets out a dramatic sigh, "fine."
You two arrive half an hour before you have to go on stage.
You make up an excuse and say you're going to be right back, needing to use the little girl's room.
"Next up, is one of our favorites," the mc, Tiny Tim (your favorite guy there) announces.
You walk across stage, confusing Paul but not Emily and Sam (who told him to take you there if he got far enough). They cheer you on while listening to your song.
All you are is mean And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean
You make it back to your seat beside your wolf.
"Where'd you learn to do that?"
You shrug, not liking the attention on you.
"That was- that was amazing."
"It was nothing."
"No- no, that was really good." Emily sneaks up behind you. "And that's saying something, Paul doesn't like to use his words to express his emotions."
The man frowns. "We get it. We get it."
You roll your eyes, "stop it, you two."
You two make it back your place. "I should at least drop you off."
He shakes his head, "I'm not that far from you."
"I don't know if I believe that."
"Then believe ne when I say I can run and not get tired."
You narrow your eyes before turning your head to hide your chuckle. "Get out of here, you idiot."
You hear him close the door and stare into the woods, hoping to catch a glimpse of him.
The only wolf standing between the path of trees sticks out and you know it's him.
You shake your head, going into your home. "Idiot."
You swear you hear him huff.
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blackbirdie1234 · 7 months
Brothers Best Friend Pt.2
Sam Uley! x Fem!Reader!
A/N: Part Two of a two-part series where Sam is your brother's friend. Slightly based on the plot of New Moon. Emily is Sam's cousin in this. Sorry this took me so long, I've been super busy. Sorry if this sucks lol I didn't proofread but I hope you like it. Feel free to comment, I would love feedback! Stay tuned for my Fred Weasley fics soon!
Warnings//: Profanity.
Summary: Sam is your brother's best friend. What happens when suddenly you start hearing rumors that they have joined a gang and gone off the rails.
B/N=Brothers name (make one up if you wish
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"I only have one, why did my brother attack Sam like that? It was out of nowhere, I couldn't even react. It all happened so fast," you ask with confusion trying to wrap your head around all of this.
She looked at you a bit stunned as if she didn't know that piece of information, and you had just said something bizarre. 
"He what?" she stuttered. "Wait B/N attacked Sam? Is that why they shifted? I thought the boys caught a whiff of....... never mind" she trailed off, not meaning to slip up.
"Caught a whiff of what?" you ask, staring at her intensely. She looks up at you like a guilty child getting caught doing something wrong by their parents, she avoids your eyes and stands up starting to clean up what you assume was lunch, until the boys were interrupted.
"Of what, Emily" you press, a bit more sternly.
Just as Emily was about to speak, all of the boys barged into the house playfully pushing each other around. You search the group for your brother and Sam. They must still be outside. You sit there as Emily laughs at the boy’s antics and kisses her boyfriend Jared. They all turn to look at you. 
“I guess the Wolf’s out of the bag” Embry remarks with a smirk.
“Sorry if we scared you Y/n,” Quil says with a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. 
You smile shyly at them  
“ It’s okay, I think the initial shock is gone,” you say with a breathy laugh.
“Sam and B/n are on the porch if you want to go talk to them,” Jared added, moving to sit at the table and grabbing a muffin. 
You nod your head and stand up, walking to the front door nervously. You could hear your heartbeat booming in your ears. You were more nervous to talk to Sam than anyone. Ever since you made eye contact you couldn't get him out of your head, you feel guilty but your brother barely crossed your mind. You should have been worried about B/n but you couldn’t help but worry for Sam, wondering why B/n would attack him and if he was okay. You near the door and before you can open it your brother walks into the house. You stare at each other for a while, he can tell on your face that he isn’t the one you were hoping to see. He doesn’t say a word, only tossing his head back to the porch and continuing to walk into the kitchen. You continue to walk out of the house and see Sam sitting on the steps with his head in his hands. He looks up when he hears your footsteps. You sit next to him and look out at the trees, not saying a word.
“I assume Emily filled you in” Sam begins, hesitation clear in his voice.
“She did, at least part of it. I know what you and the rest of the boys are. I don’t know why, or what any of this means though.” You answer. You hear him sigh, and when you look over at him you can see he’s restraining himself, like he wants to say something but is hesitating heavily. Trying to find the right words before he begins. 
“I need you to trust me, I need you to listen and I need you to promise me you won’t take off running before I finish explaining” He breathed. 
You stare at him momentarily, a bit scared and shocked at what he is saying. You already know he is a werewolf, what could he tell you that would make you run when you haven’t already? 
“Okay, I promise” You accepted. You were nervous, but you couldn’t help the pull you felt towards Sam. You could sit there for hours not saying a word and be perfectly content. You tried to push your feelings down in his moment, now was not the time to let your emotions take control. 
“Growing up with the stories of our tribe, you already know what we are��� but there are things, secrets, only the pack members and elders know.” He sighs, breath shaking from nervousness. 
You sit waiting patiently for him to continue. 
“None of this was a choice, not a single one of us chose this for ourselves. I don’t think any of us would choose this life if we did have a say in it.” He takes a moment to glance at you, then continues. “ In our world, there is something called an imprint. An imprint is a person that you have a special bond with. When you meet this person,  it is no longer gravity holding you to the earth… it's them. Having an imprint is like having a best friend, a lover, a sister, or anything that the bond decides that you are. It's not always romantic, it can be whatever the imprint decides they need. We wolves go along with it, we are happy to. On our side of things, we will be whatever the imprint wants or needs. We act as a built-in protector, friend, family member, or…lover.” he trails, glancing at you to read your face.
“ So what does this have to do with me?” You say confused. 
“You are my imprint Y/N, I understand all of this is shocking and crazy. If you need time to figure things out I will support that and whatever else you need. Just say the word and I will back off.” He says rushing, trying to be clear that you have a choice even if he doesn’t. 
“Do you even like me? I mean I know you said that it doesn’t have to be romantic but do you even want me to be your imprint?” You said, insecurity dripped from your words. You didn't mean to sound so rude or disappointed but you wanted to know that these feelings were not one-sided. You had feelings for him and now you’re bonded, but he is making it seem like he wouldn’t have picked you if he had the choice. 
He doesn’t have a choice. This thought repeats in your head filling the silence that takes over until he begins speaking again. 
“You’re my best friend's little sister” He heaves a sigh. He puts his head in his hands and grips his hair before looking up at you again. 
“Fuck it” He mumbles before grabbing the back of your head and bringing you closer to him in one smooth motion. You can feel the heat coming off your body, your cheeks become warmer and you become more nervous under his intense gaze. He looks down at your lips and then into your eyes, waiting for you to pull away or tell him to stop. You sit there shocked for a second, mind racing and body not fully responding to what is happening. 
“Yes,” you speak barely above a whisper, answering his unasked question. 
That's all he needs before he connects your lips, grip still on the back of your head. Your eyes close and you sink into the moment. All the years of pining suddenly become clear as the kiss deepens. Two people who have tried to keep their feelings hidden finally let them flow as their mouths move perfectly in sync. The kiss is aggressive, hard, and fueled by fire but also soft, warm, and loving. Contradicting itself but turning into the perfect blend of yin and yang. It was a representation of the people who made it.
You both pull away out of breath but longing for more. You open your eyes, catching your breath. You push on his chest softly and back up. As amazing as the kiss was, you needed to hear him say how he felt. You needed to know that it wasn’t just the imprint bond.
He quickly realized what you were searching for and smiled softly, moving his hand from your head and taking your hands into his own. 
“I’ve been in love with you since we were kids” he said blushing, looking down at his hands and then looking out to the beach in the distance.
 “I knew since the day your brother and I were playing with BB guns and he shot me in the forehead. Even though it was an accident you screamed at him and called him stupid for not being more careful.” You both laugh softly at the memory, he smiles at you before continuing. “You took me inside and gave me a bag of frozen peas to put on my head. I was embarrassed but you looked at me with the purest look in your eyes and told me that ‘everyone got hurt and it was okay to let someone else help you every once and a while’. I realized how special you are, I wanted to be around you to feel that comfort that you so easily gave. From that day on my feelings only grew, but I didn’t want your brother to find out. I thought that he would hate me, I thought that I would be a bad friend for even considering liking you. So I hid it, and slowly I started ignoring you. I feel horrible for it but I had to, I couldn't talk to you or even be near you without feeling like I was going to slip up and reveal what I was trying to suppress. I also never even considered that you would ever feel the same. So I’m sorry I never told you and I ignored you for so long but I didn’t feel like I had any other choice” He finishes his rant letting out a long breath 
You smile widely, gazing at him lovingly. You reach up and turn his head to face you, taking his face into your hands. 
“ How did you not realize what was right in front of you, I've felt the same way for so long I can't even begin to tell you how long I've felt this way.” You breathe out a laugh. “I understand, why you did what you did. I did the same honestly, I was scared of how B/N would react so I pushed down my feelings and tried to act normal. Sam we don’t have to hide ourselves anymore. I want this”
 You take his hand in your own squeezing it slightly. “If this is what you want, you have a choice in this as well,” You say kindly. 
He looks at your hands interlinked and then back at you smiling softly. “Of course, this is what I want, this will always be what I want Y/N” 
You share another loving kiss before you hear loud cheering and hollering coming from inside. You both turn your heads to see the boys celebrating and acting like it’s New Year's. They start plummeting towards you both, patting Sam on the back and pushing him. 
“Yeah, yeah. Chill out guys” Sam demands, smiling and shoving them backwards. 
You stare at them smiling and laughing at their antics, until you see your brother standing in the doorway. 
“You have my blessing by the way,” He says with a smirk. 
“Like I need it” You retort rolling your eyes at his cockiness. 
You stand up and follow him inside, while the boys continue to gush about how they can finally stop hearing Sam’s sad and depressing thoughts about you. 
Your brother tells you that he didn’t mean to react the way he did but the wolf can be hard to control. He informs you about all that he’s been going through these past months and how he wanted to tell you and your parents for so long, but since Sam is the alpha what he says goes. You tell him to go see your parents tomorrow and how much pain he has caused the family. 
After the talk, you both head down to the beach and sit around the fire. You’re cuddling with Sam, surrounded by everyone laughing and enjoying the clear-skied night. You realize this is exactly where you want to be. This is exactly what you’ve wanted for a long time. You’re going to love this new life that is forming in front of you.
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babygirlbites · 6 months
Their Reaction to the Vampire Dairies
Wolf Pack Headcannons
Can’t explain why this is so important to me, it just is….
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Sam is definitely not the type to sit down and watch vampire dairies off his own accord.
That being said; Sam IS the type to want to spend every waking moment with his imprint.
The compromise being that he must deal with your favourite show being re ran every single time you face even a minor strain in your every day routine.
Sam will sit there silently, respectful enough to not grumble at your choice of viewing material but not particularly taken in by the idea of vampires being sex symbols.
He’s not a fan, but he knows you love it and he loves you, so it’s a bareable consequence.
Although I don’t think he’s particularly watching, he is definitely a team Stefan - this being the only topic he speaks up on, both surprising and assuming you when he does
It’s the Delena kiss scene at the end of season one (Damon and Kathrine, but Sam doesn’t understand the doublegagger plot yet, give him time)
“This is all wrong” he says, between mouth fulls of salty popcorn
You turn to look at him, a questioning look on your face,
“She should stick with the other one” he mutters under his breath, eyes returning to his bowl of snacks
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Unlike Sam, Paul can’t HELP but get involved.
Yer okay, he gives you shit for watching a teen romance about vampires,hybrids and the like, but he literally can’t keep his mouth shut when it’s on.
He’s FAR to involved; it’s got him gasping, laughing, often shouting at the screen.
I believe Paul to be a team Damon, he’s also a klaus fan.
Special mention to his HATRED for Tyler Lockwood; which has you a little confused until you realise it’s just Paul looking in a mirror.
Maybe an emotionally agressive, reactive werewolf is a little too close to home for Paul to enjoy.
When the pack bring it up, seeing the two of you cuddled up in front of another TVD marathon, he tries to deny his enjoyment of it but is also very defensive of the fact that it’s NOT for teens
“It’s pretty spooky actually, I only watch it to keep (you) from getting scared”
It’s a lie, and they all know it.
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Jacob is similar to Paul but HEAVY on the team Damon.
Thinks he’s a Damon, he’s actually a Matt, not that you’d be the one to tell him.
He’s the kind of guy to say he’s not watching and then ask you questions through the whole thing
“So what’s his deal again?”
“Is he trying to bang her?”
“What happened to her parents”
He’s so busy sending you tiktoks about the show he accidentally sends one to the pack group chat and it’s all either of you hear about at every meet up or bonfire for the next 6 months.
He definitely has a big crush on Elena, not as big as his crush on you of course, but a close second
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Embry & Jared
Rolling these two into one because they are both unapologetic vampire dairies fans
Jared has actually already seen the whole show, and recapped it twice by now, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t willing to watch it again with you - from start to finish.
He’s also seen the originals and legacies - Jared isn’t messing around guys, he’s a super fan.
I don’t believe Embry has seen anything TVD before you, but you suddenly realise you’ve unlocked something in him that you never expected to see.
Embry lives and BREATHES the show.
Unlike Jacob , he sends the tiktoks to the pack on purpose, hoping to get them into it too so he can talk about it when he’s on patrol.
Jared is team Stefan, Embry is team Damon - they fight (physically) about this often.
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Seth and Quil
Simp simp simp
These men are both rocking team t shirts in public
Quil gives team Stefan to me but I feel he eventually will change sides with elena - by the time we get the hotel scene/kiss he’s a full fledged team Damon.
Seth is team whoever, he just loves love. He’s happy to see any of them with anyone as long as they are happy - but he does really like the Stefan redemption arc of season 3.
I feel like both the lads would be caught watching the show without you, which would lead to apologies and promises to never do it again.
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Leah is a reluctant fan; like many of the others she’s not a fan of a vampire centric plot - but you’ll win her over with quality time, in bed cuddles and the Damon/Elena pipeline eventually.
Not so much a fan, but she watches it for you.
She knows you like to talk about it so she watches closely to be able to give you her educated opinion .
I feel she’s more team Damon but I KNOW she’s a Katherine apologist!
Elena tends to remind her of Bella, so she has a bit of a prejudice against the main character. Leah, as a general rule of thumb, has an issue with Mary sue type characters.
Katherine, being the anti Elena, steals Leah’s heart immediately.
There is three people in this relationship now, you will just have to accept that.
Also a fan of Rebekah!
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theaskywalker · 6 months
hi! I had a small idea with Seth, reader (if you could do fem that would be amazing!) was in Russia for 4 years for her studies, for her coming back. she wanted to Suprise Seth by coming over in his jacket he gave her before she left:) I was thinking in that moment he looked at her (her eyes to be exact) he imprinted on her. (I would love for reader to have really sharp canines, not a vampire but almost like it! that's how my teeth have been and wanted to see someone include it in a fic:)
Seth Clearwater x Fem! Reader
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Thank you for the request ghosty-boo-shh! It was an interesting idea and very fun to write. Hope you enjoy it! 😊
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❥ You had always been close with Seth Clearwater.
❥ Having grown up in the same neighborhood and with your mothers being best friends it was no surprise that the two of you became practically inseparable.
❥ Sitting together during classes.
❥ Passing notes to each other when the teachers seperated you.
❥ Having lunch at the cafeteria.
❥ Studying together after school.
❥ Spending the weekends chilling at the beach or indoors watching movies and playing video games.
❥ Leah always joked that you acted like a married couple.
❥ Which turned the both of you into blushing fools.
❥ Seth liked to call you his little Dracula due to your extremely sharp canines.
❥ He loved that characteristic about you.
❥ And constantly reminded you of how cool it was.
❥ You in turn called him all sorts of silly nicknames referencing his favourite pop culture elements.
❥ By the time high school rolled up, you had fallen hopelessly in love with your best friend.
❥ You wanted to confess your feelings but the fear of him not returning them kept you silent.
❥ That's when everything changed.
❥ Your impressive academic record had won you a scholarship to attend one of the most prestigious colleges in Russia.
❥ It was your dream to study there and you were ecstatic.
❥ The day before you left, Seth came at your house to say goodbye.
❥ He surprised you by giving you his leather jacket that you had been admiring since the day he bought it.
"Something to remember me while you're at Moscow" he said.
❥ Without thinking you kissed him hard on the lips.
❥ A kiss that he reciprocated after a moment's hesitation.
❥ You confessed your feelings afterwards and Seth did the same.
❥ A long distance relationship wouldn't be easy.
❥ You promised to call him everyday and send emails in-between.
❥ And he promised to wait for you as long as it was needed.
❥ At first the communication between the two of you was daily.
❥ But after several months Seth's responses became less and less frequent.
❥ You didn't understand what caused this change in behaviour.
❥ Phone calls became non existent.
❥ And emails would be replied once a week at most.
❥ You patiently went along with it hoping that everything would go back as normal when you returned to Forks.
❥ After 4 years of studying abroad you finally graduated and made the long journey back home.
❥ The first thing you did after arriving in Forks was to go at Seth's house to surprise him.
❥ You had planned this little surprise beforehand by telling your parents to keep your return a secret.
❥ You even wore the jacket Seth gave you before leaving, thinking it would be nice to show him how much his present meant to you.
❥ Sue Clearwater greeted you warmly and explained that Seth and Leah were at the beach with friends.
❥ You went straight to La Push and saw the Clearwater siblings sitting across a fire roasting marshmallows together with Jacob Black, Quil Ateara and another boy.
❥ Leah was the first of the group to spot you and happily called you over.
❥ You gave Leah a hug and greeted Jacob and Quil, who introduced you to the third boy, Embry Call.
❥ Shyly, you turned to Seth and greeted him with a nervous "hello".
❥ The moment Seth locked eyes with you time freezed and gravity no longer held him in place.
❥ You were equally awestruck and unable to utter a word.
❥ Seth had loved you for years but nothing had prepared him for this extraordinary feeling that took over him.
❥ It was like your soul had touched his in an intimate way and nothing would ever be the same.
❥ Jacob Black broke the silence by asking you and Seth to collect more firewood.
❥ The two of you agreed.
❥ As you silently collected twigs along the beach, Seth noticed the jacket that you wore and grinned.
"You still have it after all those years"
❥ You smiled at Seth and told him that the jacket was a reminder of all the beautiful memories you had together.
"And I hope that it will be the start of many more to come" you added.
❥ Seth looked at you with adoration and claimed your lips in a gentle kiss that gradually grew more passionate.
❥ By the time the two of you made it back to the group with the firewood you were tasked to collect, one thing was certain.
"This is the beginning of something good"
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wolfpackss · 1 year
I LOVED your last post! May I request Jacob with a deaf imprint? She was born deaf but is offered the chance to get a cochlear implant and the first thing she wants to hear is Jake's voice(could be her parents are gone so he's the closest thing she's got.💖)
Please and thank you!
You come up with the best ideas! It’s not that long because I don’t have much experience with deafness, so many information is from google.
Thank you so much! Hope you enjoy
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Your entire life you’ve wondered what it would be like to hear your own voice, to hear your own heartbeat, to hear your loved ones tell them they love you. When you were little, you remember your father asking you what would be the first thing you’d like to hear if you’d ever get the chance. The tears burn in your eyes as you remember your answer, the only thing you signed being “mom and dad.” You have something that’s called CHL (Conductive Hearing Loss). You know it’s treatable with a hearing aid or a cochlear implant so you signed up for every treatment you could find but never got accepted. Two years ago, your world changed as your parents lost their lives in a car accident meaning you’ll never get the chance to ever hear their voices. Depression followed and it took a while for you to get your life back together. You didn’t know it came with the help of a man who could shift into a wolf. Six months ago your life changed for the better when you ran into an old friend from school who invited you to have dinner with her at her cousins house. There you met the love of your life, who took you into his world of the paranormal. Exactly 36 days ago you got the call that you’ve been waiting for. You’ve been approved for a cochlear implant. Now all you want is to hear his voice.
“Babe? You nervous?” Jacob rests his hand on your thigh and squeezes it. You give him a shaky smile and nod your head. “You’re gonna be fine, sweetheart. I’m here every step of the way.” You can see Jacob struggling with his signing and it makes you giggle. The moment Jacob found out you were his imprint and that you were deaf, he started sign language classes. He’s even teaching the pack some off the thing he’s learned so they can communicate with you better. Today is the day the cochlear implant will be turned on, two weeks ago you had surgery for your internal implant which they placed on your brain. The specialist walks in the door and informs you and Jacob how it’s gonna work. Not long after she turns the cochlear implant on. “First you’ll hear a beep, which means it’s turned on, okay? Now, it may sound loud, but you’ll get used to it very soon. Okay, here we go!” The specialist smiles at you and works her magic on the computer. She looks over at Jacob and tells him to start talking.
“Hi baby, i love you.” Jacob grips your hands and squeezes them. For a moment time stands still as your brain wraps around the sound of his voice. You don’t even feel the tears streaming down your face but notice them when they fall onto your hand that’s clasped in front of your mouth. “Your voice.. it’s beautiful.” Your shoulders start shaking from happiness, Jacob wraps his arms around you as the specialist smiles and gives you the information you’ll need for the next couple of days. You make an appointment for a checkup in a couple of weeks and you’re ready to go.
The moment you step in Sam’s house, everybody looks at you with wide eyes. “How did it go?” Embry is the first one to speak up. Jacob smiles while squeezing your hand tightly. “It went well”. Everybody jumps up as you speak, happy you can hear them without having to sign.
“I’m gonna tell you how much I love you, every second of every day.” Jacob kisses your lips. “I can’t wait to hear it.” You smile at each other.
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xetlynn · 1 year
Jacob Black x fem!Reader
Anything For You
Warnings:kind of angsty, cursing.
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You’ve been best friends with Jacob for years, being so close with him his friends were your friends. Even Billy counted you as family. Especially due to your parents always being away for business oriented reasons, never having time for their daughter.
But as of lately Jacob has been distant, only because of an old friend back in town. Bella Swan. The girl who made your best friend ditch you for every plan you guys have made these past weeks.
Something you didn’t realize was truly bothering you until you called him one night. The one night you begged him not to miss and he did. It was the night of your concert for your school orchestra. A thing you took pride in.
When you looked in the crowd to find Embry, Quil, Seth, Paul and Billy. But no Jacob. His excuse was that he had forgotten, simple mistake.
Simple mistake that crushed you beyond belief.
It was one thing for your parents to miss your concerts, to not even come home for dinner. But Jacob doing this was a betrayal even you felt childish for being upset about.
And then today, you waited outside where he said he would meet you after dropping Bella off at home. He said that he would be there at 3 pm. As it is now reaching 5:30 you pulled out your sketch book. You talked to your school counselor who gave it to you, telling you to draw or write down how you feel.
Today you wrote, filling two pages front and back about how you miss your best friend.
Who you thought even at one point could have been more than your best friend. Thinking you guys were just reaching that point in life.
“[Name]!?” The voice made you hopeful but once it actually reached your ears you frowned slightly as it was not who you were waiting for. “Hey, Seth.” You forced a smile.
“Hey, uh Embry, Quil and I were gonna go to the beach. We noticed you’ve been sitting here a while. We wondered if you wanted to join?” His eyes looked hopeful.
The boy had a crush on you, he’s had one for a few years. Knowing who your heart belonged to he never said anything but everyone knew.
Even you.
“Uh, I guess.” You shrug, getting up from your spot.
Trying to enjoy yourself with the thoughts in the back of your mind was irritating, forcing yourself to laugh along with their jokes you actually didn’t understand.
The four of you tossed a ball to each other, Quil now had it in his hands and you sighed. Waiting until it came to you. “Hey, you alright over there?” Embry shouted with a grin on his face, not knowing you actually were not doing well.
“Oh, I’m fine!” You wave a hand to motion you were okay. Quil raised an eyebrow. “You sure it has nothing to do with Billy Blacks son?” He questions and your eyes spiked open from what he said.
“What?” Was all that could form out of your mouth.
“We’ve seen how much of a douche he’s been, [Name] we aren’t blind.” Embry tells you, not meaning to be so harsh but it just came out that way. You glance down, catching the ball from him. “I uh, didn’t know other people noticed.” You gripped the football, not wanting to make eye contact with them.
“Of course we noticed, especially when he fucking didn’t come to your concert you’ve been non stop talking about.” Quil rolls his eyes.
You laugh,
“It’s whatever, he’s happy hanging out with her. I can’t rely on him all the time.” You try to force up a lie on how you feel. “Yeah, okay. Throw the ball, princess.” Embry winks.
Taking in a breath you chucked it at Seth, not realizing how hard you threw it. And the fact that he wasn’t ready it hit him right in the face. “Oh my god!” You gasp, covering your mouth as the other two burst into laughter.
He groans, holding his nose, checking to see if it was bleeding and luckily it wasn’t. “I’m so sorry, Seth!” You run over to him. Trying not to laugh now as the others bent over holding onto each other as they can’t contain it.
“It’s okay,” he waves it off but you shake your head. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah.” He says and you pull him into a hug.
“You got one hell of an arm.” Embry snickers.
“Shut up.” You mutter silently to them as you hold the younger boy.
“Im really okay, [Name].” He tells you as his face burns hotter and he grows flustered.
“That’s what’s going to give him a nosebleed.” Quil teases and the two laugh again.
“Oh leave him alone.” You tell them then look down at him and your mouth goes into the shape of an ‘o’ so you let him go. The boy clears his throat. “I’ll go get the ball now.” He announces but as he turns around Jacob was standing there handing him the football.
His face laid no expression. Your heart races from him just being near.
“Can I talk to you?” His eyes meet yours and your posture straightens. “Can it wait for later?” You nervously glance at the other guys who stand awkwardly.
“We will just go.” Embry says, grabbing Seth nod pushing him away, Quil follows. You mentally curse at them for leaving you.
“Please, just hear me out.”
“What is it Jake?” You snap, acting impatient wanting to get whatever this conversation will be to just happen.
He reluctantly pulls out your sketchbook and your eyes widen. You instantly run to your bag, digging through it to find that exact same book, not believing you actually left it back at the house.
“[Name] why didn’t you-“
“Oh don’t give me shit! I can’t believe you read through my book!” You snatch the book back, throwing it on the ground. “Why would you read it?” Your voice cracked as tears threatened to peak through. Trying to shove the feeling down.
“Hey, calm down.” He steps closer but you step back and a pained expression shoots across his face.
“Go vent to Bella about it.” You sat on the sad, picking the book back up and staring at it.
“Please.” He comes closer. “What!? Just say what you need to say. Get it over with since you obviously won’t give up.” Tears fall and you quickly wipe them away as you feel ashamed and embarrassed.
“I.. I didn’t realize I was being such an asshole.” He says, he follows every movement you make, “[Name] there are no excuses to how I have been treating you.” He falls to his knees in front of you. “No, there’s not. No excuse for going through my shit either.” You point a finger in his face, hiccuping as you cried.
“I know,” he sighs. “I don’t know why I got so excited when Bella needed me. I don’t know why I left you out and forgot your fucking concert. It was unexceptional of me.” He tries to get closer so you would look at him but you turned your head to stare at the waves of the water, gripping the book.
“You’re worth more than that. You’ve been my person- my number one for years.” He takes the book out of your hands, throwing it aside and holding your wrists. You don’t resist. You close your eyes, not wanting anymore tears to fall in front of him. “I got confused, I… I realized I need you. More than anything, more than the food I eat, the water that graces this Earth, I’d rather lose sleep that’s how much I need you. I need you near me or I can’t breathe. The distance that pulled us apart was slowly breaking me and I didn’t even know that feeling was because I wasn’t with you.” He expresses, his voice wavering throughout his words. Your body shutters as your silently sob, your lip quivering as you shivered.
The look on your face physically hurts him, his body feels like crumbling knowing that this was because of him.
“I want- need you to know I will do anything. Anything to make it up to you. To never see these tears fall from those pretty eyes unless they were happy ones.”
Your eyes follow from his hands holding tightly to your wrists, going up his torso then to his lips, and then lands on his eyes.
For the first time, the world shifted. Everything grows brighter, his touch burning but you don’t move an inch. An energy switch from wanting to hate him more than anything to just wanting him around you. Even without speaking you’d be okay.
A small noise escapes passed your lips, then you speak. “As much as I want to punch you, to tell you to go away and never speak to me again after you hurt me. I don’t truly wish for that. I want to trust every word and don’t look back.”
His eyes soften, he lets you go slowly. “Please forgive me.” He whispers, his voice trembling which breaks you. You pull him into an embrace, one hand stabilizing himself on the ground and the other wrapped around you. “[Name] there’s nothing in this world I won’t do to be yours.” He holds you closer.
“Just be here. With me.”
Then pushing him back to look at him again. “Always.”
Like magnets, force brings you two together, his lips on yours. Igniting a fire from every touch you lay on his skin.
Pulling away his fingers wipe away your tears and you grin at him. “More of that and I’ll forgive you for everything.”
He laughs, pulling you onto his lap. “Anything for you.”
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
I Know Why Your Shirtless - Paul Lahote
Part 2 AU
Paul x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,169
Requested: hi!!!! just wanted to ask if its possible to have a part 2 to that Paul Lahote imagine??? the "I know why your shirtles" imagine?? like the BH pack visiting and could you make the reader an evolved wolf and she tells Bella and Paul that Scott's her alpha??? thanks its ok if its want to though ^-^ - @imcravingchocolatesrn
Authors Note: I wrote this years ago but lost it! Sorry! Thank you for requesting I put it as AU because the plot was requested and I don’t know if this is where I would’ve taken it if i decided to make a part 2 on my own cause it was kinda a one and done one shot.
Twilight Masterlist
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“I’m so glad you all could make it.” Y/n said opening the front door to see all her friends from Beacon Hills on her doorstep.
“Well you are part of our pack.” Stiles stated with a smile as they entered the home.
“Yeah, but I’m so far away.” Y/n added as she stepped aside letting them all enter the small Forks home.
“Your my beta, of course I’ll come visit you.” Scott smiled bringing Y/n into a hug.
“And your our friend.” Lydia smiled, pulling her into a hug after Scott.
“Your family now.” Derek stated he had a soft spot for the Swan girl. They had a lot in common.
“Well, I should warn you guys that there is another pack that lives in the area. On the Rez, but their not like us.” She explained as she shut the door.
“What’s that mean?” Scott asked with a furrowed expression.
“There more like shapeshifters. I have a back on them and there history.” Y/n told the pack.
“Great! So we can look it over during pizza.” Stiles clapped his hands together, ready for food.
“Pizza?” Derek questioned with a raised eyebrow. Did all he think about is food?
“Yup. Cause we are ordering pizza.” Stiles spoke as he turned with crossed arms to face the sourwolf, as he calls him.
“Y/n, who are all these people?” Charlie asked confused on why he came down the stairs to his living room full of teenagers and a adult.
“Dad, these are my friends from California.” Y/n smiled as she had told him they were coming to visit. But she didn’t blame him if he forgot. Work had been crazy for him.
“Nice to meet you Mr. Swan.” Lydia smiled
“Do you like to be called Mr.Swan or Sheriff Swan?” Scott asked as he reached out to shake the older man's hand.
“Either one’s fine.” Sharlie shook the hand of the young man. To Charlie the kid was just being polite but to Scott he was trying to make a good impression on his beta’s parent.
“That's right, you're a sheriff. My Father’s one to.” Stiles smiled at the comparison.
Charlie nodded awkwardly. “That's great. Well, I have an extra long shift tonight so don’t wait up. But don’t stay up to late either.”
Y/n nodded smiling. “Got it dad.”
“Bye Mr.Swan.” Scott and Stiles called out as Charlie left through the front door.
^     ^     ^
“I can smell them.” Paul stated as they ran through the forest.
“Me to.” Quil agreed
“We all can.” Jared said coming up behind them.
“Who are they?” Embry questioned as they watched the group of teens.
“That's what we need to find out.” Sam stated before the pack left back towards Emily’s to talk.
^     ^     ^
“Do you hear that?” Emmmet asked as the whole Cullen family and Bella stopped on their walk through the woods.
“Yeah.” Rosealie nodded in acknowledgement.
“Is that a wolf?” Bella asked as they all looked out in the distance.
“Its not part of the pack.” Jasper stated
“No, it’s smaller. But it seems off. Not animal like.” Carlisle agreed, stepping in front of his family.
“It smells different.” Rosaelie added.
When the wolf took off, the Cullens and Bella decided to follow the creature. From far enough away they stopped watching from a cliff nearby only to be very shocked.
“Oh my God.” Alice gasped, how did she not see that in a vision before?
“Isn’t that your sister?” Edward asked, looking at Bella in slight shock.
“Uh huh.” Bella nodded as she went to walk down the near by hill towards the clearing her sister was standing on as she just turned back into a human. She was very shocked and confused. The cullens followed also curious. “Y/n?”
Y/n turned around shocked to hear her sister's voice and see the Cullens behind her. “Bella. Everyone.”
“What- I don’t-” Bella shook her head in disbelief. How was hee sister able to turn into a wolf and how did she not know?
“I can explain.” Y/n said as she looked at all of them. Ready to explain.
^     ^     ^
“Your a werewolf?” Rosealie questioned a s Y/n sat across from her in the Swan residence. Cullens on one side and Y/n and the Beacon Hills pack on the other.
“Yes.” Y/n answered
“But not like Jacob?” Carlies asked, tilting his head in curtotisy.
“Very different.” Y/n nodded
“And this happened because he but you?” Emse looked on concerned about the girl that had become a good friend to her family.
“Yes. An he did it to save my life.” Y/n smiled softly towards Emse to show she was okay.
“You saved her life?” Alice turned her attention to Scott after Y/n’s statement.
“Uh, yeah.” Scott nodded sheepishly at all the yes on him.
“Thanks.” Bella nodded at Scott, gratefully for saving her sister.
“No problem. She’s my friend, practically family.” Scott smiled.
^     ^     ^
“Is that them?” Quil asked as the pack hung out at La push with Bella.
“It smells like it.” Jared nodded as they saw the group walk onto the beach.
“Is that who?” Bella asked confused on what they were talking about.
“With your sister.” Jacob pointed out.
Bella looked over. “Oh that's her pack.”
“Her what?” Paul looked over to Bella in shock.
“So she's a wolf?” Embry asked curiously.
“And you didn’t know this?” Sam asked, turning his attention to Paul.
“Yeah, Paul. She is your imprint.” Jacob smirked at the slightly older wolf.
“I was a little busy imprinting to notice.” Paul fired back defensively.
“Well, let’s go talk to her.” Sam stated as he, the pack, and Bella headed over to the Beacon Hills pack that had gone down by the water.
“Hey.” Y/n nodded to her sister as they approached her and her friends.
“Hey.” Bella nodded back.
Y/n looked around at the pack of shapeshifters, noticing their body language Y/n asked. “Okay, what's with the standoff?”
Paul decided to just come out with it. “You know we’re mates. Don’t you?”
Y/n nodded. “I felt it. Yes.”
“You didn’t mention your a wolf as well.” Jake pointed out.
“Different type but, it didn’t seem like the time to say anything about it. Not like you can just go around telling anyone or everyone.” Y/n explained and it seemed they understood. 
“An this is your pack?” Sam asked, nodding towards the people behind her.
“I’m a part of it, yes. These are my friends. They are like my family.” y/n nodded glancing back at them as they all stood around behind her ready to protect her if necessary.
“Who's the alpha?” Jared asked curiously though he had a hunch between two of them who it could be.
“I am.” Scott stated stepping forward, next to Y/n.
“This is Scott.” Y/n introduced him as he stood beside her. “Scott Mccall. He’s a true Alpha.”
@gruffle1 @padawancat97
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Would you consider doing a fic about a unicorn? One of the few remaining. Who is obsessed with you. Follows you and scares persuers away. Haughty and possessive ethereal and charming. I you're his and if he has to keep you captive to help you see that he's your mate, he will.
I love unicorns!!! I was never a horse girl, but unicorns I can get down with. <3
Word Count: 4k
Ainsel (Unicorn) x F Reader
W: minor character murder, light kidnapping, yandere behavior, sfw yandere fluff
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“Ainsel, pay attention,” the unicorn’s father growled as his eyes drifted over the display, “do you want navy or white?” 
Ainsel sighed, blinking his bright blue eyes slowly. 
“I don’t care, father,” he said, “just pick something.” 
His father turned on him impatiently. 
“This is important Ainsel,” he snapped, “you are one of the last marriageable unicorns on the planet. You need to be serious about choosing a wife. The Embry’s have one of the only female unicorn daughters in existence. You have to make a good impression.” 
He rolled his eyes. 
“If she is one of the last, why should it matter?” he huffed, “we don’t really have a choice do we? I marry her and have as many babies as possible, or else. It shouldn’t matter what I look like.” 
His father pinched his lips into a fine line. 
“There are other males interested in her,” he went on, “if you don’t make a good impression she’ll choose another and there won't be any other options.” 
Ainsel shrugged carelessly. 
“I could marry a human,” he said, “they will birth a unicorn baby.” 
His father took in a sharp breath. 
“You will not marry a human,” he snarled, “I won’t have our bloodline sullied with human genes. We’ve been full blooded unicorns for generations!  A half human baby will have weak magic…then what if the next generation copulates with a human? And the next? We’ll be diluted to nothing.” 
Ainsel had heard this speech a hundred times before, from both his father and mother, but the truth was he couldn’t care less the purity of his bloodline. Especially if he had to marry a mare he hardly knew. He’d seen pictures of Elaine, but she didn’t stir his blood. He hated his parents for forcing this on him. He wanted to live his own life…make his own choices. He wanted to be happy, not a miserable baby maker, shoving his half limp cock into someone he had no interest in to produce heirs. 
“I’m sorry it’s taking so long,” you apologized, entering the large dressing room where the two wealthy unicorns were looking at suits, “Mr. Scott had to take a call, but I can help you. Here are the other options he wanted you to try.” 
You hung up a powder blue suit and a cool gray one on the rack for them to look at. 
Ainsel was not looking at the suits, however, he was looking at you. 
His father grumbled a bit under his breath about having been waiting forever, but turned his attention to the powder blue suit. 
“I think this one is best,” he said, pulling it off the rack and holding it up to examine the stitching. 
“What do you think, miss…?”  Ainsel asked, hoping you would give him your name. 
You cleared your throat a bit nervously. Your job was usually tailoring the suits, not selling them. 
“(Y/N) and personally I think the white one will have the most impact, but it should reflect your taste, not mine. Any suit will look its best when the wearer is confident and comfortable in it.” 
He couldn’t help but smile at your sweet, full cheeks and bright, sparkling eyes. 
“You're the expert,” he said, taking in the flattering little paper bag pants and white blouse you were wearing. You looked so neat and tidy with your hair swept away from your face. He couldn’t help but think you were adorable. 
You bit your bottom lip, considering the suits you’d brought in very carefully, wrinkling your brow just a little. The gesture made his cock stiffen in his pants as he imagined that little wrinkle between your eyes as he made you cum over and over again. 
“I just think you can’t go wrong with a white suit. Especially if you want to stand out. It looks clean and eye-catching without being tacky.” 
He only half heard what you were saying, his attention on the way your lips moved. He envisioned them stretched around his cock and had to step forward and angle his body away from you to pretend he was examining the white suite, so he could adjust his pants. 
“Well what do you think?” his father huffed impatiently, “I don’t have all day.” 
“I’ll go with the white one,” he said. 
His father looked relieved. 
“Alright,” the elder unicorn turned his attention to you, “Mr. Scott knows my account. Just charge whatever else he needs to that. I have other things to do.” 
He glanced back at his son as he made his way out of the dressing room. 
“Don’t be late for dinner!” he snapped and marched out, leaving the two of you alone. 
“I can help you get dressed,” you said after a moment of silence, “once I’ve taken the measurements for the tailoring, we can look at a tie and shoes.” 
Ainsel was happy to undress for you, eager to show off his assets. He knew he was beautiful, all unicorns were. He had a tall, lithe body packed with firm, corded muscles. Women fell over themselves for him whenever he went out. You couldn’t help but blush when he yanked the t-shirt he was wearing over his head, revealing his sculpted chest. 
“You look like a model,” you sputtered to your own embarrassment. 
“I mean- the suit is going to look great on you,” you said quickly. 
Ainsel gave you a bright white smile and flexed his muscles just slightly hoping to draw even more stuttering words from your mouth. 
With warm cheeks you quickly turned your attention to getting the suit ready instead of watching him undress. When you turned back around, he was only wearing gray boxer briefs that left nothing to the imagination, you could see the very clear imprint of his rather large cock, pressed against them and you blushed again. 
“Um…” you muttered, almost dropping the black button up shirt in your hand. 
There was a long silence while you took his body in, which he ate up, grinning at you from ear to ear. 
“The shirt?” he asked playfully, stepping forward and brushing it with his fingertips, making sure to graze your smaller hands. 
“Right!” you said, “um, let me help you.” 
He liked the feeling of your warm fingers just barely touching his skin as you hurried to pull it over his shoulders and let you button it up for him. Not because he couldn’t, but because he liked your scent drifting up to him. You smelled sweet, like peaches. 
“Um…it looks like we’ll have to take it in a little,” you mumbled, as you helped him into the pants, then the jacket, “but it looks good on you.” 
His clean scent, something like spicy ginger and citrus, made you feel a little dizzy. You tried to brush the feeling away and focus on taking his measurements and securing the areas with pins that you would need to work on. Your cheeks heated when you bent in front of him to work on his inseam. 
“My family is new to the area. What do you do for fun, when you’re not working?” he asked suddenly and you glanced up at him to find his bright, almost glowing, blue eyes focused on you. He was so beautiful, it was hard to believe he was real. His deep olive skin had a bit of a sheen to it, as if he was dusted in fine glitter and his raven hair reflected rainbow colors in the light. 
You shrugged. 
“I’m probably not the right person to ask,” you said, returning your attention to your work, “I’m a bit of a homebody except tonight, I guess.” 
“What are you doing tonight?” he asked. 
“Oh…um, my friend invited me out to a new bar. It’s the grand opening. I wouldn’t normally go, but he’s the owner…so…a few of us are going to support him.” 
Ainsel didn’t like “he”, but he schooled his expression. 
“Can I come?” he asked with the confidence of a man who never got turned down. 
You blinked for a second unsure what to say. 
“I’ve been incredibly bored,” he went on, “I don’t know anyone here my age…” 
You nodded as you stood, not able to come up with a reason he couldn’t come. 
“Sure…I guess. I don’t know how good it will be…” you mumbled and he reached a hand out to you. 
“Give me your phone, I’ll put in my number,” he said, so you fished it out of your pocket and handed it to him. 
“I’ll pick you up,” he said as he tapped his number into your phone and sent himself a text message from it, “just send me your address.” 
You were too flustered by the ethereal unicorn wanting to go somewhere with you, your common sense had gone out the window. No one who looked like him had ever paid you any attention before, so when he handed it back, you put in your address and hit send. The name on the contact just said Ainsel with a unicorn emoji. 
“(Y/N), I need you in the back!” Mr. Scott, barked in his gruff voice as he marched back into the room, “I’ll take over from here.” 
“Of course!” you squeaked and scurried off before even saying goodbye. 
You groaned at yourself in the mirror as you tried to put eyeliner on, finally giving up and just going with mascara and some dewy looking blush. You weren’t sure if this was supposed to be a date or if Ainsel really just wanted someone to show him around, so you struggled over what to wear. 
You didn’t want to look like you tried too hard, but you also wanted him to think you looked nice. You tried to shake the thought from your head that it was a date. No one like him would want to date you, you thought. Still, you ended up picking a cute little vintage dress that matched your eyes and some comfortable low heels. You jumped when the doorbell rang, hurrying to smooth down the flyaways in your hair before answering the door. 
Ainsel’s eyes drifted down your body and back up again when he stood before you and in his hands was a thick bouquet of assorted flowers in a glass vase.
“I didn’t know what was your favorite,” he said, handing it to you, “so I told the florist to use them all.” 
He smiled at you, looking you up and down again. 
“You look beautiful,” he said, his voice low and a bit husky. 
“Oh.” was all you managed to get out, as you accepted the vase with shaking hands.
You turned to find a place for them and he followed you inside. 
“This is cute,” he said, sauntering around your living room while you pushed some things off of your coffee table to make room for the flowers. 
“It’s nothing special…I got a deal,” you mumbled, eager to shoo him out of your messy apartment, “we should go before it gets late.” 
“Of course,” he said, placing a hand gently on your lower back as he guided you out of the door. 
You swallowed thickly at the contact. 
You made polite conversation in the car, asking how long he’d been in the area and where he moved from. The conversation came easily. Ainsel was charming and casual. He put you at ease, even though you were still stunned he wanted to come out with you. By the time you reached the restaurant he had you giggling over his silly stories about growing up a unicorn. 
“Who is this?!” your friend Leslie asked with a knowing smile when you walked in the door with Ainsel on your arm. 
Before you could introduce him, he stuck out his hand and told her his name. Your girlfriends were smitten, all asking him questions about his life and being a unicorn. You tried to stuff the little bit of jealousy down that they were giving him so much attention, but who wouldn’t want to talk to him? He was handsome and good at conversation, if not a bit aloof. He spoke with his head held high, always with his hand resting on your lower back, as if you were already a couple. 
Ainsel couldn’t help but keep his hands on you. Truly, speaking with your friends was tiresome. He’d rather be alone, talking to you more, but he knew women paid careful attention to how their potential mate interacted with their friends. He wanted to make a good impression to get their approval, nothing more. 
He only let you go when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Ainsel slipped out of the busy dining room to the small hallway where the bathrooms were to take the call. 
“Where are you?!” his father snarled into the phone, “Elaine has been here waiting for you for an hour!” 
Ainsel let out an impatient breath. 
“I’m out, father,” he said, sounding bored, “I won't make it tonight.” 
“You are seriously standing up one of the last female unicorns on the planet?” his father hissed back. 
“Yes.” he said plainly, which prompted his father to devolve into a tantrum cursing him, that he’d ever had him, and how he planned on cutting him off if he didn’t drop what he was doing and make his way home immediately. Ainsel finally just hung up the phone. It buzzed immediately as his father tried to call him back, but he just turned the vibration off and sauntered back into the dining room. 
A growl bubbled in his throat at what he saw. 
Your friend, Josh, who owned the restaurant had you wrapped in  a big hug, lifting you off of your feet. 
“Um…yes, it’s very nice, Josh, I like the decor,” you said, taking a step away from him when he put you down. 
“I’m just so happy you could make it,” he beamed. 
Ainsel shouldered past him, grabbing you by your elbow and pulling you against him possesively. Josh’s face fell just slightly at the contact, but he forced his practiced smile back on his lips. 
“Who’s this?” he asked tightly. 
“Oh, this is Ainsel. We met at-” you started to say, but Ainsel cut you off. 
“I’m (Y/N)’s date,” he said, a smug aura hovering around him as he pulled you even closer and tucked you under his arm. 
Your body tingled under his touch and your heart skipped in your chest. 
“Oh…” Josh said, “I didn’t know you were seeing someone.” 
“Well we just me-” you again started to say and again Ainsel cut you off with a kiss on your temple. 
“I’m already starting to think of her as mine,” he said, squeezing your shoulder and making all of your girlfriends giggle and shoot you mischievous smiles. 
You blanched at such a direct declaration, completely unsure what to say. Your mouth just hung open as Josh glared at Ainsel. He grabbed your chin lightly with his long fingers so that you were looking at him. 
“Why don’t we get out of here?” he asked, “I’ve been wanting to show you my other form.” 
You blinked up at him, both incredibly flattered and confused. 
“Um…but we only just-,” you mumbled as he winked at your girlfriends and told them goodnight, talking right over you while he guided you out of the bar, his arm still wrapped around your shoulder. 
“Bars are no fun,” he told you as he stuffed you back into his sports car, “let’s go someplace quiet.” 
You were a bit miffed at leaving so early, but you were curious about his unicorn form, so you didn’t say a word as he started up the engine and drove the two of you to a pretty spot overlooking the city. 
“This is much better,” he beamed, opening your door for you and helping you out of the car. 
He pulled you into a clear spot and winked at you. 
“I don’t show just anyone my unicorn form,” he said with a smile, “this is just for you to see.” 
Your cheeks burned as he took a few steps away from you. You blinked and there he was, a lovely black unicorn with a pretty horn, reminding you of the inside of an abalone shell sticking out of his forehead. 
He dipped his head and stepped towards you, encouraging you to touch him. You smoothed your slightly shaking hand over his cheek and ran your fingers through his silky jet mane. His eyes were the same illuminated blue. He bent down at the knee in front of you and it took a moment to realize he wanted you to climb on his back. 
You carefully climbed on, making sure you didn’t tug at his mane too much as you straddled him. When you were comfortably seated he walked with a slow saunter, so similar to the way he walked as a human, into the sparse forest nearby. 
The night was a bit chilly, but Ainsel was very, very warm, so you found yourself leaning down to press more of your body against him. This closeness pleased Ainsel immensely. 
You had no way of knowing, but unicorns long ago would steal pretty maidens like you with just the tactic he was using then. As his magic surrounded you, invisible to you, you felt yourself getting a bit sleepy, relaxing even further against him. Soon your eyelids slipped shut and you fell asleep with a soft sigh. 
“Mmmm,” you murmured as you slowly woke. 
Firm fingers were carding your hair, which felt nice. You sighed and a deep chuckle hit your ears. Forcing your eyes open you met Ainsel’s blue irises looking at you. 
“Have a nice nap?” he asked, with a smirk. 
Blinking you looked around, trying to get your bearings. You were laying in a large soft bed in a pretty room that had definitely seen the touch of a professional designer. 
“What- where am i?” you asked, groggily, sitting up. 
Ainsel cupped your cheek gently before he answered. 
“My bedroom,” he said, “exactly where you should be.” 
“Where I- what?” you stuttered, trying to make your sleepy mind catch up with Ainsel’s words. 
He scooted closer to you on the fluffy comforter that he’d tucked you under. 
“You’re mine (Y/N),” he purred. 
You blinked at him, confused. 
“What do you mean by that?” you ventured and he pulled your hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles, before turning it over and dropping light kisses over your palm. 
“I want to be with you always,” he explained as his blue eyes flickered up to meet yours, “I don’t want anyone else to touch you. I don’t want you to smile for anyone but me.” 
“Ainsel,” you said, letting out a nervous laugh, “that’s impossible…of course I’m going to smile at my friends.” 
His brow furrowed. 
“Why?” he snapped, clutching your hand tighter, “I’ve worked so hard to keep you. Done things…” 
He trailed off, kissing the inside of your wrist. 
“Done what?” you asked. 
At that he brightened, eager to show off. Scooping you up in his arms he walked with a clip out of his bedroom. The mansion he lived in was beautiful and modern with lots of glass and chrome. He carried you down a flight of stairs and to what appeared to be an indoor swimming pool. Only the water was pink and something…some things…were floating on its surface. Your heart turned to ice when you realized what you were looking at.
You recognized one of the bodies floating in the pool… Ainsel’s father, the man who you’d met just hours before was clearly dead, his face marked with deep cuts. You glanced up to see the jagged hole in the glass ceiling where the two of his parents had fallen through. They must have broken their necks hitting the ceiling before they even made it to the pool. 
“What have you done?” you whimpered, your voice wan. 
Ainsel kissed your forehead. 
“They wouldn’t let us be together,” he said, with clear disgust in his voice, “but it’s all better now. I think I’ll bury them beneath the rose bushes. My mother always liked roses.”
Your instinct was to escape and you thrashed in Ainsel’s arms, beating at his chest with your fists. 
“Shhh…shhh,” he hummed at you, “I didn’t mean to upset you, love. I should have guessed you’re sensitive…that’s sweet…Just calm down. I’ll take care of everything. You’ll never have another worry as long as you live.” 
Your breath kicked up and your heart pounded in your chest. 
“Ainsel,” you gasped, staring at him, your face cold with fear, “you’re- you’re a murderer!” 
He clucked at you, pressing you into his warm chest. 
“That’s such an ugly word. I don’t want to hear you say it again,” he corrected you while he stroked your hair, quite pleased with himself, “I did what I had to do to make sure we could be together. My parents were horrible people…the world won’t miss them.” 
“B-but…” you stuttered. 
“None of that,” he chided, silencing you with a heavy kiss. 
You froze against him, letting his mouth move over yours. His lips were warm, supple and you wanted so badly to give in. He was doing something to you, your body relaxing and your eyes fluttering as you tasted the mint of his mouth on your tongue. 
“You’re going to be a good little mate, aren’t you?” he asked, pulling away, “I won't have to lock you in the basement, will I?” 
You quickly shook your head, you didn’t want to be locked anywhere. 
He twisted his mouth at you. 
“Say, ‘No, my love.’” he ordered, his voice firm and with a bit more gravel than his usual tone. 
“Um…no…my love,” you repeated quietly. 
He rewarded you with a big smile. 
“You are a good little mate!” he beamed. 
You couldn’t stop your body from trembling in his arms. Would he kill you too if you didn’t behave? 
“Poor thing, you’re cold,” he pouted, “don’t worry I’ll keep you warm!” 
He carried you back to his bedroom, deciding to deal with the corpses in his pool later and set you down. Manipulating your stunned body like a doll, he unzipped your dress, letting the silky fabric pool at your feet. Pulling you back into his arms he tucked you under the large, warm comforter sliding in after you. His strong fingers made their way all over your body, greedily groping the bare flesh. He lay behind you, spooning you next to his larger form, while he sprinkled dappled kisses over your shoulders and neck. 
“That feels nice, doesn’t it?” he asked, lightly nibbling your shoulder. 
Terrified, you could only hum in agreement. 
“We’re going to have a long, perfect life together, aren’t we little mate?” he asked, his breath stirring the bits of loose hair tucked behind your ear and making tingles shoot up your spine.
You gasped on your words, scared and unsure what to say. 
“Just say ‘yes, my love’,” he whispered. 
“Yes, my love,” you finally agreed after a moment. 
“Good, little mate,” he purred, “you’re so obedient…we’re going to get along just fine.”
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crazyk-imagine · 2 months
Flickering Lights and Bonding
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Pairing: Paul Lahote x Enhanced!reader
Characters: Enhanced!reader, Paul Lahote, Sam Uley, Emily Young, Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Embry Call, Quil Atera V, Jared Cameron, Brady Fuller, Collin Littlesea, Reader's sister (briefly mentioned), Unnamed Aunt (briefly mentioned)
Warnings: Angst, fluff, this is cute, Paul will submit to his queen, he is absolutely infatuated with the reader, the reader still loves him but doesn't want to admit it, two idiots in love, reader tries to push him away but he ain't budging, there's an ending to the ending, this was cute, I love him, I'm fine, paul be acting like paul, he's lowkey a whiney boy, hehe get it, paul is soo protective, the boys are idiots, the pack is literally a mosh of crackheads, literally these boys i swear, our not so dicky boss is hilarious
Word Count: 4,060
They glance down and find you've passed out against her.
He smiles, watching as you lay there relaxed and not upset with him.
"You've always loved her, haven't you?"
He nods, "yeah."
She smiles. "I'm happy you found your future in her, you're the only one worthy of her time."
He scoffs. "That's not how I see it."
"She's been through a lot."
He grunts, she doesn't know if he agrees with her or not.
"It's not my place to tell you but you need background information in order to fix your bond with her." She sighs, "her sister hasn't called in a few weeks because of their aunt, and she's been... losing herself."
"Losing herself."
Emily nods, "she's been depressed because of it, not to mention the fact that it’s their anniversary."
She furrows her brows, "what do you mean?"
"Who's anniversary?"
"Were you not there for the funeral?"
He straightens his posture, shocked at the tid bit of information she shared. "There was a funeral?"
She sighs, realizing she's shared too much. "You do know her parents are gone, right? That's why she's been hanging out with Sam and I more."
His jaw drops, "she- when- what happened?"
She shrugs, "the only thing I could find out was that they were in an accident and didn't come home for the girls."
She hums, thinking back to a different time. "A few years ago, you two were in sixth grade, I think."
"Why didn't she tell me?" He glances at you.
"It happened just a few months after you gave her a new nickname."
"I said that was an accident."
"Yeah, just like you always having feelings for her was fate planning on making her to be your imprint."
"I- how has she been here?"
She understands he's referring to the house and likes the fact that he's trying to look out for you and rekindle your relationship.
She's been worried since her world changed with the whole imprint and shifter situation came into play but now, she can ease up just a smidge since he's imprinted on you.
“She’s been in the house for a few years now and it’s been hard. Since you guys shifted, our relationship became a little strained and since you imprinted on her, I can imagine she won’t be too happy with what I tell you.”
He wants to ask but can see with the way she’s talking; he should just shut up.
“Has it ever seemed strange that the lights go out when she’s upset?”
He furrows his brows, “I mean, sure but I’ve never really-”
“She’s different.”
He pauses.
“The only reason I’m telling you is because I want you to understand why we’re here and not at mine and Sam’s. Since her parents passed and their aunt took her sister to California, she’s been upset.”
He nods.
“Which makes sense because it was a hard thing for her to go through, but it’s amplified some things.”
“Things? What kind of things?”
“Her parents were waiting to tell her when she got older,” she sighs.
She turns to look at the lost shifter.
“What did they want to tell her?”
She takes a deep breath, “she has abilities.”
His brows rise causing his forehead to crease. “Like our abilities?”
She shakes her head, “no but they are tied to her emotions, kind of like how your guys are.”
She hums, “it is starting to sound like she’s a shifter but she’s not. She has energetic abilities that cause me to have a stock of light bulbs in the house.”
“She blows up the lights?”
Emily nods, “yeah, and now that you’ve imprinted, her emotions are more out of control.”
“How does this help me?”
“You’re going to apologize and make amends before trying to make a bond because I know you can help her.”
“How do I do that when she won’t even talk to me?”
“You say you’re sorry, leave a note saying the same thing. Slowly build to it until she talks to you.”
“Isn’t that considered harassment?”
She scoffs through her nose. “Paul, you want her to in your life, right?”
He nods.
“Listen to me.” She glances down at your calm, sleeping figure. “I’m speaking from experience.”
He smiles watching over you.
She glances over at him and can't help but wonder- “Don’t you have patrol?”
He lifts his head, his fondness for you falls. “Sam made me come here.”
She smirks, “you wouldn’t stop thinking about her?”
“I don’t want to get into this right now.” He pushes himself off the couch, searching through your pantries for food, finding a few items to call snacks.
He makes a mental note to buy you some groceries.
By the time he returns to the couch, Emily’s fallen asleep.
He lifts the blanket over you, not wanting you to be cold since he knows you wouldn’t appreciate him being close to you.
He sighs, closing his eyes, wondering how everything went wrong between the two of you and how long you’ve been struggling.
His mind becomes more silent; head feeling heavy, unable to support it anymore as he falls asleep.
You awake the next day and find him curled up with an inch of space between you two.
You gulp, staring at him, wondering how it would be if you two were still friends.
You reach out to move his hair the way he like(d) it and stop yourself. You push yourself off the couch and search for the bathroom.
Paul opens his eyes, watching as your body disappears around the corner of the couch.
He pushes himself up, sighing as he rubs his hands across his face.
“I’m leaving, fix this before it hurts the both of you.”
He rolls his eyes at Emily’s words.
“I’m leaving so breakfast will be ready for the boys before they get too hungry,” she shouts.
You lean over the bathroom sink, keeping your eyes closed. “Okay!”
You pray he left with her, you don’t know how you’d be able to face him.
Why did you have to stay?
You knew you should have left earlier but you couldn’t bear to leave after seeing her puppy dog eyes, which you thought was ironic for her being a shifter’s imprint.
She suckered you into staying with one of her infamous home cooked meals, something you could never get over.
“How’s work?”
You stir the mix with a little more vigor than you should have. “Fine, work is work.”
“Care to explain more about that?”
You shake your head, “nope. Everyone is still an idiot, my manager is still a dick, and I am still struggling to pay bills. Need I go on?”
She sighs, “okay, I get it. But remember if you ever-”
“Need anything just ask. Sam and I can take care of you.” She smiles, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “And it’s true.”
After putting the treats in the oven, you run out to Emily’s truck realizing you left the new baking pans you bought earlier.
You search the bed of the truck and find nothing, realizing that you left them in the back seat.
You close the door and walk back towards their place, pausing when you see the group of boys making their way out of the edge of the woods.
A few of the younger ones were playfully pushing the others back and forth.
Your heart stops when you notice him.
He’s laughing and shoving a couple of his buddies away from himself.
Brady looks away when he almost trips over his feet and looks up, catching your gaze.
He starts waving like a mad man, calling out your name.
You suck your bottom lip in, biting the skin where your lip and inner mouth meet.
His head snaps up, finding your gaze and that’s when it happens. Brady and Quil run towards you.
They always love having you around, not to mention the fact that you’re the nicest person they ever met.
“Hey, we didn’t know you’d be here today,” Brady starts.
“We’re happy you’re here,” Quil adds.
You blink and remove your gaze from Paul’s.
“Are you and Emily cooking?” The shorter of the two asks.
“We are.”
They glance at one another and smile, they always love coming over when you’re there; now you may love Emily’s food but the boys love when you two cook together, nothing can top it (sometimes not even their own mother’s food).
Brady takes the bag out of your hands as he and Quil head back into the place.
Emily smiles at the sight of them, happy to know the boys and her cousins are back safe and sound.
“What happened?” She asks, noticing the paleness in your face.
The door opens and the others walk in.
“I need to go outside.”
She furrows her brows, knowing you only go out there when you need a break and don’t want to blow up any of her light bulbs.
You brush past the others, not even looking to see if he’s with them.
“What happened?” You faintly heard her ask, too into your thoughts to hear Jared answer her.
He knocks on the door when your heartbeat quickens. “Hey.”
You flinch, not expecting him to still be here.
The light flickers.
“You okay?”
“Go away.”
"You know I won't leave."
"You're worse than a dog."
"I’m not and I’m not leaving till I know you’re okay.”
“Paul,” you sigh, opening the door. “Don’t you have wolf things to do.”
“I can do them later. I want to talk.”
You enter the kitchen, rifling through the fridge and pantry, finding no items that could go together for a meal. “Yeah, well. I don’t, sound familiar?”
“How many times do I need to tell you I’m sorry?”
“Not anymore because I’m over it. I just can’t wrap my mind around why you want to talk so badly.”
“You know exactly why.”
You whirl around, staring into his eyes. “You’ve never once wanted to talk about your feelings or anything important for that matter or even bow down to someone since- ever since I met you and now all of a sudden you’re mister therapist, I don’t think so.”
You spin around and head towards the sink, cleaning the dishes you didn’t do yesterday.
Bone cracking comes from behind you, and you spin around to see him on his knees, staring up at you like he’s losing a battle and can’t win.
You turn off the water and wipe your hands on the dish towel near the sink. “Get up.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “You’re right. I don’t talk about… emotions or stuff like that and I’ve never once given anyone the opportunity to talk about something serious with me. I’ve never come down to their level so I’m doing it now.”
You gulp, stepping closer. “Get up.”
He doesn’t move.
You sigh and shake his shoulders, “get off the ground and go home.”
He reaches for you, wanting to hold whatever part of you he can; holding you close by the back of your thighs.
Your hands move, cupping his face, giving you the unfortunate opportunity to stare into his eyes; the same ones you always knew you could count on because he’d never let anything happen to you.
You grit your teeth, muttering under your breath. “Stupid imprint bond.”
The corners of his lips twitch.
“Don’t smile you, butthead.”
“I’m your, butthead.”
You thin your lips, trying to figure out how this is going to work. “I’m not letting you in right away. You got lucky coming over last night.”
He nods, grip slightly tightening. “I won’t push you.”
“Yeah, or else Emily will be on your ass.”
He pulls you closer, bury his face into your stomach; hugging you before letting go.
“You need to go before Sam comes looking for you.”
“I know.”
You can see hesitation in his body posture. “What?”
“Can I come by later?”
You blink once. “Why?”
“I want us to start over where we should have grown up.”
You raise a brow. “How do you expect that to happen?”
“Leave it up to me.” He smirks at you before groaning due to the pack link. “I have to go before Jared barges in. I’ll see you later,” he pecks your cheek before running out the door.
You stand there for a few seconds before raising your hand to touch your cheek, tracing along where he kissed you, swearing you feel a tingling sensation.
You avoid talking to Emily and Paul for the rest of the day, barely able to avoid the other pack members as Jared, Brady, Seth, and Embry walk into the diner.
You take a deep breath before heading over to their table. “What are we having today boys?”
They glance around at one another.
“The usual,” Embry answers.
“With a side of stupid imprint bond,” Seth jokes before pausing when he realizes it wasn’t the time to joke like that. “I wasn’t supposed to say that, was I?”
Brady smacks the back of his head. “No, you dufus.”
He whines and smacks the boy.
Jared pulls them apart before you could kick them out. “We were hungry and wanted to stop by.”
“Emily’s been trying to call you,” Embry tells you.
“I’ll call later.” You head towards the back, taking deep breaths to stop the lights from flickering.
The boys’ glance at one another, sensing they should tell Emily… maybe even Paul.
“Should we-” Seth starts.
Embry and Jared shake their heads.
“I mean, it’s not like we can hide this any longer,” Brady adds.
“What do you mean?” The youngest asks.
The older three boys' glance at one another.
“Paul already knows and is on his way now,” Jared tells him.
“Oh, right the bond.” Seth’s cheeks flush, “does that mean, you guys can see everything?”
They send him teasing smirks.
“You mean, can we see if you play with-”
Jared shoves Brady. “Shut up, man. No, Seth. We haven’t seen anything like that.”
“But remember, we always can,” Embry adds.
You hold their plates, “you four need to calm down or make these to go orders.”
“We’re calm,” Jared and Brady told you at the same time.
You narrow your eyes to them. “I’m holding you boys to it; I don’t want to have to work another double because of you.”
“You worked more because of these idiots?”
Your shoulders tense at the voice of the one person you didn’t want to talk to yet.
“We didn’t mean for it to happen,” Embry starts.
“But it just-”
Paul stops Jared from saying anymore. “If you say it just happened, I’m making you take over my shift tonight.”
“But it did.”
“Yeah, you’re taking tonight’s shift.”
You place their plates and aim to head towards the counter when a warm hand on your wrist stops you.
“When do you get off work?”
You glance back towards the kitchen, finding your boss staring at you. “I have a couple more hours until I’m done.”
You turn towards the other members, “you boys enjoy your meal.”
You walk away, expecting Paul to sit down and not follow you.
“Have you eaten dinner yet?”
“I’ll figure something out when I get home.”
He stops in front of the cash register, “let me come over.”
“Why should I?”
“I want to make sure you eat something and the only way I know you would is if I come over.”
“You gonna cook for me?” You ask with slight amusement in your tone.
He nods, “I am.”
Your expression falls, you weren’t expecting to want to take care of you. “I- uh- don’t you have patrol tonight?”
“Jared’s covering me.” He smirks when his packmates grumbles come through the pack’s mental link.
“I’m going to sit on your porch, watching over your house whether you want me there or not.”
You roll your eyes, “fine, you can come over once I’m done.”
He offers a genuine smile, “great. I’ll take you home.”
You nod before your brain processes what he said and turns back to him only to find him pushing Seth and Jared further into the booth so he can squeeze in.
“You finally got a boyfriend?” Your boss, Leonard (who happens to be Brody’s older cousin) asks.
You purse your lips, “nope, just got another annoying pain in the neck to deal with.”
“He’s cute.”
“Not into you.”
“I know, he’d rather have you.”
You elbow him in his ribs.
“You’re not denying it,” he wheezes.
You walk out of the back room and find Paul still in the booth even though the others had left a couple hours ago. “You didn’t need to wait for me.”
He lifts his head, staring at you with an expression you’ve only ever seen in movies. “I didn’t have to, I wanted to though.” He slips out of the booth and stands before you, placing a hand on your back.
You don't want to admit that you've missed him the last few days, if not the last few years but something about this feels domestic; almost like it's something you've been missing.
He opens the door to his truck, waiting until you're situated before closing the door and makes his way around to the other side.
You didn't know what to say and kept quiet, staring out the window, watching at the trees slip past you.
Paul didn't want to say the wrong thing and cause a fight.
He steps out of the car to open the door for you, when he turns the corner, the doors already open. "I was coming to open it for you."
"I got it."
"I wanted to treat you."
"I'm fine, Paul."
He sighs, keeping his mouth shut.
"You brought me home and now you can go." You don’t know if you can handle him being here with you now.
He shakes his head, "I'm staying." He makes himself at home by laying on your couch.
"There's no threat, I'm obviously fine, so you can go?"
"I'm not leaving until we talk."
"Talk about what?"
"You're my imprint and we haven't talked in years; I don't want us to be awkward or make this feel- I don't want it to be forced."
"I-" You sigh. "I have nothing to say."
He pushes himself off the couch, stepping closer towards you. "That's bullshit and you know it."
"I'm not the person you should have imprinted on," you set your bag down.
"That's not for me to decide-"
"Yeah, I know it's the universe but maybe it was wrong."
"It's never wrong."
"It is now."
He follows after you, standing outside of your bedroom door. "You know I-" He huffs, listening to the way your heartbeat quickens. "I used to have a crush on you."
"What?" You whisper to yourself, not sure why he's admitting this but also about the fact that he had a crush on you.
"I like you that's why I- I didn't know what happened but then I couldn't stop it."
You furrow your brows at the sight of his shoulders shaking, knowing the story behind Emily’s scars, you shouldn't take a step closer, but the caring voice inside tells you otherwise.
You step closer, slowly reaching out for him.
Your scent engulfs the room, calming him a bit until your hand touches his arm.
The red slowly leaves his vision and it's almost like he can see clearly when he turns his head towards you.
The lights stop flickering when you make eye contact with him.
"Better?" Is all you can ask, barely able to form any other words.
He owlishly blinks, "what?" He asks with a gruff tone.
"I- you seemed like you were going to lose it and I didn't want you to break my living room," you add, joking with him to calm him a bit.
The corner of his lips curve as he tries not to smile. "It doesn't seem like there's much worth breaking," he teases.
You scoff, "you ass."
"I am sorry though," he tells you with an honest tone as he bows his head in shame.
You gulp, "I appreciate that. I'm just sorry it happened now."
"I'm not."
You furrow your brows, partially offended.
"I wasn't ready for this, what we're making now. I- you wouldn't have liked me then. I didn't but," he reaches for your hand, hovering to give you the opportunity to accept or decline. "I hope now we can work on that... on us?"
You stare at his hand, remembering how many times you wanted this with him and how you pushed him away, leaving him alone.
You wrap your arms around his neck, tucking your head in the space between his neck and shoulder. "I've missed you, you idiot."
He chuckles, resting his cheek on your head, breathing you in. "Not as much as I've missed you, sweetheart." 
The boys make their ways up the path to your door with Sam and Emily in tow.
They're practically bouncing like none of them have stopped eating sugar.
"Do you think it finally happened?" Embry asks.
"Who knows? We're about to find out." Jared tells him before shoving Brady out of his way.
"Why'd we bring them again?" Asks Sam.
Emily smiles and shakes her head. "We had no choice."
"There's a body," Seth says. "I see an arm... and a face... it kind of looks-"
"That's your reflection," Quil smacks his arm.
"Hey, no hitting him. Only I can," Leah adds.
"Uh oh," Jared says.
"What?" Sams asks.
"Incoming," Seth, Jared, and Embry mumble in unison.
"You all need to leave," Paul hisses, slowly closing the door behind him.
"Looks like someone-"
"Finish that sentence and you're dead, Black."
Jacob backs away with his hands raised. “Someone’s grouchy.”
“We just had a decent talk last night and you all are not going to ruin this for me.”
Brady, Jared, and Embry turn around, nonchalantly whistling.
You place a hand on his shoulder, wanting him to stop blocking the door. “Paul, stop.”
He lowers his arm with an annoyed expression on his face.
“I know you all are excited but it’s not even seven yet. I still have to get ready for work and-”
“I brought food,” Emily interrupts as Sam lifts the basket.
You avoid Paul’s gaze as you snatch the basket from him. “You all may enter.”
His jaw drops. “I’ve been tossed aside for food.”
Jared pats his shoulder. “At least it wasn’t a blood sucker.”
Jacob glares at him.
“Too soon?” The man shrugs, “my bad man. Look I’m-” Jared takes off around your house before any of you realized what was happening.
“Is it always going to be like this?” You ask her.
She offers a sheepish shrug, “I mean, more at our place but close enough yeah.”
You shake your head, ripping another piece of muffin and shove it in Paul’s mouth before he could complain. You continue talking with Emily while simultaneously feeding him.
You glance down as another muffin makes its way to your hand. “Have you been giving me more just so I could feed you?”
He pauses, almost as if he’s bashful. “No?” He takes it from you and shushes, “don’t read into it.”
He shoves half the muffin in your mouth, and you take it like a baby does its pacifier.
Emily, Leah, and Embry stare at you with perplexed looks.
You pout. “You know I thought when Paul found his imprint he was going to calm down,” Brady interrupts. “But you made him weird.”
Neither of you respond to that.
Jared screaming in the background doesn’t disrupt the calmness in the air... even as he cries calls out for help.
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@kmc1989 @gilbertgirl13
Previously: Part I
Paul Lahote Master List
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all4seth · 9 months
seth clearwater x female reader
lower case intended
i sat down at one of the empty tables and let my right shoe slip off my foot for a moment. it hurt my feet; my dress was also too tight and it started feeling itchy, my hair wasn’t sitting right and i could have ripped my bracelats off my wrist right then and there.
i closed my eyes and replayed seth’s promposal in my head. he had brought me flowers and asked me in private, because he knew i would get shy if it had been in front of other people. of course i said yes; seth has been my boyfriend for so long now, yet it didn’t feel boring, not one bit. my love for him only grew day by day.
i opened my eyes and searched through the crowd. there were so many people, many of whom know my boyfriend, yet i know none of them. i wish it was easier for me to talk to people.
seth was out there, surrounded by his friends. he looked so happy. he patted one of the guys’ arm and then his eyes quickly searched for mine. when his gaze met me, a huge smile grew on his face, and i couldn’t help but smile back.
i got up from my seat and waited for him to reach me, and when he did, he gently caught my waist and spun me around as he kissed me.
“you look so beautiful” he whispered.
“thank you. i love you”
“i love you too, baby”
“who’s the pretty lady, seth?” a voice asked from behind us.
we flinched and quickly pulled away, only to see the group of guys that seth was talking to earlier.
they burst into laughter once they saw our faces.
“don’t be jerks, guys. this is y/n, i’ve talked about her to you” seth said.
i could feel my face getting red.
“we’re joking, of course we know who you are”
“seriously though, seth talks about you all day, every day” a shorter boy said.
“quil…” seth murmured, faking annoyance while he was clearly embarassed.
“he’s driving us nuts” an older boy laughed “i’m jared cameron”
“i’m y/n. wait, actually, you said you know who i am. sorry, i’m a little nervous” i giggled, stiffly.
seth rubbed my arm, in an attempt to calm me down.
“we won’t bite” embry laughed.
“speak for yourself” jared replied.
seth gave the boy a dirty look; you could see just how jealous he was.
i intertwined my fingers with seth’s and squeezed his hand.
he looked at me with soft eyes, as if asking “do you want to go somewhere else?”
i nodded.
“it was great meeting you” i told the boys that were still joking around.
“see you guys around” seth greeted them and the two of us walked away.
“leaving so soon?” paul pouted, as a joke.
seth rolled his eyes in annoyance but kept on walking.
“i was just getting to know your little girlfriend, too bad she doesn’t speak much” paul added, but no one laughed this time.
my heart sank. not when paul’s words reached my ears, but when seth turned to him, his body shaking, trying as hard as possible to keep composed.
“don’t speak about her like that” seth demanded.
“calm down, dude” paul mocked.
i brushed my fingers against seth’s and he instantly calmed down, just as our eyes met.
he and i left the school without adressing another word to paul.
seth drove us to my house and entered with me.
my parents were gone for the weekend, meaning it was only the two of us. we made our way to the second floor, into my room.
he was still visibly angry so i rubbed his back, but he didn’t look at me.
“oh, seth” i sighed and kissed his cheek.
he looked into my eyes and i could see the anger vanishing, sadness taking its place.
we sat in silence, as i rubbed his back, replaying tonight’s events in my mind. i didn’t want seth to feel pressured into talking to me, so i silently let him know he could talk to me, whenever he felt ready.
“you know paul wasn’t actually hitting on you, right?” seth said “i’m not saying you’re not pretty or anything, because you’re obviously the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen, but he’s just such a jerk and i-“
i kissed him.
“i know, baby, it’s ok. i only want you” i reassured him.
he kissed me back, more passionately this time. his tongue made its way into my mouth and i ran my hands through his hair. his right hand was holding my waist, while the other was cupping my face. his left hand fell on my waist as well.
he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.
“i love you, y/n”
“i love you too”
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how the pack feels about having children :3
Loves kids, is terrified of being a dad. His worst nightmare is turning out like his own father, so he would be very careful with his children.
One or two would be great, a boy and a girl if he was extremely lucky, but only after the rest of the world settles down a bit - when he won't have to constantly worry about their safety.
Oh goodness, he would love to have a little group of kids one day. He always wanted siblings of his own and never got them.
Kids also love him!!! He doesn't know why, but kids always flock to him in public spaces despite his size and threatening stature.
Doesn't like other people's kids; would love his own children to death. Doesn't really know how he would be as a parent, but hopes he would be a decent one. He thinks - hopes - he would be stern but fair.
Very wary of children in general, if only because he doesn't know what to do with kids. How many times do they have to eat? How do diapers work? Did you know that you have to watch them like 24/7??
He thinks it might be because he was never around young kids, but he would have to think a loooooong time about whether or not he would want one of his own.
Jacob honestly goes back and forth. Some days he definitely wants kids, other days he doesn't. He thinks it really might depend on whoever his significant other is.
Likes kids, but likes being able to return them to their parents at the end of the day, you know? But also thinks that it's probably going to be different when it's his.
Would be an AMAZING dad. He loves children to pieces, he really does, always has.
The only problem when it comes to Quil and kids is that he is NOT a disciplinarian. He would happily let them get away with anything because he just can't say no.
man, Leah loves kids. The thought that she won't have them makes her want to bury her face in her hands and cry.
Would like to have two or three and she would absolutely spoil them rotten. She would teach them to be strong and powerful and would never let anyone hurt them.
Really would be a great mom, if a bit overprotective.
too young to even think about children. He thinks that maybe a long time from now that he might want kids if he meets the right person, but right now, he doesn't even want to think about it.
They're always sticky and they smell weird and he just doesn't want to deal with that.
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trumpkinhotboy · 7 months
i think it’s an unofficial wolfpack tradition to gather for a Wii tournament on rainy days (and this is how I imagine it would go)
I feel like Paul and Jared would compete like craaaaaaaaazy, to a point where it would be really bad. Except that you’re also very competitive, and RIDICULOUSLY GOOD at Wii games. It is your greatest pleasure to kick their asses.
Quil would probably be a little clueless about some of the games, but he'd turn out to be pretty good at them. Which infuriates Paul and Jared lol. Plus, he's fun to play with since he's not a sore loser. A little muffin thrown in by Emily, and he'd be back to his carefree self.
Embry wouldn’t be all that interested in playing. Instead, he loves betting on everyone. He would create this elaborate system, organizing every tournament, keeping scores, all the good stuff. At first, you thought he was forcing himself because he wasn't enjoying himself. Once you realized he genuinely was, you let him have his fun in peace.
Seth would be the goofball, always joking and lifting everyone's mood. He would also have a secret talent for Mario Kart and bowling on the Wii. No one. I mean no one, can beat him. Which again, infuriates the two competitive ghouls and, let's admit it, even yourself. Whenever he got tired of Jared and Paul's attitude, you would let him lay on your lap while you played with his hair until he dozed off.
Sam would probably be in the kitchen trying to help Emily, even though he's not talented in the culinary arts. What can I say, he loves to be around her. A few times, you’d all scream for Sam and Emily to come play. They would both be pretty bad, but they were good sports about it. As the official parents of the group, they loved to hear everyone laugh at their silly mistakes.
Jacob also loves to play, but he is the BIGGEST, SORREST loser on EARTH. Paul and Jared get intense, but they can appreciate when someone wins fair and square and show their domination (sigh, of course). When Jake realizes he’s about to lose, he gets angrier by the second. You would nudge him on the shoulder when that happened, give him a big hug and feed him some sweets until he stopped sulking. The guys told you he only keeps acting that way so you continue taking care of him. You usually laugh it off and accuse them of being jealous little babies, but you never notice the smirk Jake addresses them after.
Leah adores making fun of him for it, both that he lost and that he's faking being upset because of you. They usually have at least one fight every time. After awhile you realized it was a waste of time to try and stop it. Better let them fight so everyone else could have a turn while they were at it. Leah is also the incontestable winner. She is the BEST at EVERY game (except bowling and mario kart, damned Seth). On your first tournament, you realized that for some reason, she had never played, but aced every game. Finishing either first or second in every round. She is respected by every player.
Game day tournaments usually end up with big pizzas shared between everyone and a movie where you all cuddle up on the couch in one big pile of human (ish) bodies.
And those usually are the best days.
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