#emblem3 preference
E3 Preference #55?: Snowed In
Keaton: She snuggled closer to him as she could feel the cold air around her. He pulled the blanket around them as he held her close to him. "Morning" he whispered. "Morning" she looked up at him. "I think it snowed last night," he said. "Really?" she asked as she sat up. "Yea that's why it's so cold, '' he said as he looked at her. "Are you sure it snowed?" she questioned as she got out of bed. "Yea I am. It was snowing when I went to bed last night" he said. "Why didn't you tell me?" she said as she wrapped her robe around her and went downstairs. He smiled as he got out of bed and followed her downstairs. She opened the back door and the whole yard was covered in snow. As well as the porch and stairs, it was a beautiful sight. "Keaton look," she said. "I see babe" he smiled as he walked up behind her. Placing his arms around her, resting his head against her shoulder. "Looks so perfect," he whispered. "Yea it is, but not too perfect to go build a snowman," she said. "Let's have breakfast first then we can go outside," he said. "Alright," She nodded and closed the door. He started breakfast as she sat at the kitchen table. She was on her computer and everything was shut down, it was a bad snowstorm. "Babe everything is closed," she said. "Really?" he asked. "Yea" she nodded. "Guess we are truly snowed in," he said as he walked over to her, kissing her softly. "Yea I guess we" she smiled. "You are such a big kid when it comes to snow" he smiled as he went back to cooking. "I have always loved snow," Aubrey said. "It's cute," Keaton said. He finished cooking breakfast and put it on two plates. He placed hers in front of her and placed his down next to her. He went to get drinks and made his way back to the table. Kissing the top of her head before sitting down. They started to eat and once they finished she cleaned up. After she cleaned up they both went upstairs to get dressed for the snow. "Got to make sure you stay warm," he said as he helped her size up her coat. "You too" she smiled as she kissed him softly. "Of course," he said. They went downstairs and went outside. They started to make a snowman, making him as big as they could. "We surely won't make a small one," she chuckled. "Never," he said, picking up snow and making it into a ball. He threw it at her, she gasped and looked at him. She smirked and picked up snow and made it into a ball, throwing it at him. "Oh it's on," he said. "Totally" she laughed as she took cover. They started throwing snowballs at each other. Laughing when it would hit the other one, the neighborhood kids came over and started throwing snowballs as well. "Hey that's not fair," Aubrey said as she ducked behind the shed. "You can't gang up on me," she said as she threw another snowball. "I can't help it, they are on my side, '' Keaton said. "We got your back," another woman said. "Thank you," Aubrey said. They continued to throw snowballs at each other. Aubrey walked towards Keaton but she ended up slipping and falling into the snow. "Aubrey, are you ok?" Keaton asked as he made his way over to her. "Yea I think I am," Aubrey said as she started to make a snow angel. "Help me up," Aubrey said. "I got you," Keaton said as he helped her up. "Oh ouch," she said as she couldn't put her foot down. "What?" Keaton asked. "I think I hurt my foot, I can't put weight on it," she said. "Let's go inside," he said as he picked her up. He took her back inside and sat her on the couch in the den. He started the fireplace so it would get warm, he helped take off her shoes. Placing her foot on the couch before going to the kitchen to get ice. He came back and sat down next to her, gently placing her foot on his lap. "Is it broken?" she asked. "No, you just sprung it, '' he said as he placed the ice on her foot. "Whoa, that's cold," she said. "I know but it will help," he said. "Thank you, baby," she said. "You want hot cocoa?" he asked. "Sure" she nodded. He got up off the couch and went back to the kitchen, making them both hot cocoa. He finally brought it back into the den where she was. Handing her the cup before sitting back down next to her. The rest of the day they snuggled up together on the couch, in front of the fireplace.
Wes: "Man it's coming down outside '', said Wes. "It is isn't it?" She asked. "Yea it's a blizzard," he said. "It's so pretty," she said. "I know it is," he wrapped his arm around her. "Guess we are building a snowman tomorrow" she leaned against him. "I guess so," he smiled and kissed her forehead. "Love that we put our bed in front of the window" she played with his hand. "Yea especially on nights like this," he said. "Yea" she looked up at him. "I love you," he said as he looked at her. Leaning down, kissing her softly as they cuddled on the bed. She started to drift off to sleep in his arms. He kissed her forehead and laid her back on the bed, covering her up with the blankets. He got up and closed the curtains before getting back in bed. Cuddling up to her and falling asleep as well. In the morning he woke up without her in the bed. "Baby?" he groaned as he rubbed his eyes. "I'm in the kitchen," She replied. "Come back to bed" he groaned. "I'm hungry," she replied. "Ok eat then come back to bed," he said. "Maybe," she said. "Please," he said. "Get up, Wes," she said. "Ugh," he groaned and pulled the blanket over his head.  "I made waffles," she said. "Fine" he groaned and finally got out of bed. He made his way into the kitchen, leaning against the door frame just watching her. He smiled to himself as he realized how lucky he was. "Well look who is up" she smiled as she walked over to where he was standing. "Yeah I'm up" he smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist. She leaned up and kissed him softly, wrapping her arms around his neck. "So where are these waffles you said you made?' he asked. "Still cooking" she looked at him. "I love you Jordan" he tucked her hair behind her ear. "I love you, Wes" she leaned up and kissed him again. She pulled away from him and went to finish cooking. Putting the waffles on the table and grabbing two plates for them. He grabbed the syrup and the drinks before sitting down next to her. Once they finished eating he cleaned up the kitchen. She moved to sit in front of the window with her cup of coffee, just looking at the snow. "It's peaceful," Wes said. "So beautiful," she said. "Just like you," he said as he moved closer to her, kissing the top of her head. "I don't know if I have to go into the office," she said. "Check your emails or call them babe," he said as he placed his arm around her shoulders. "I will," she nodded as she looked up at him. He leaned down and kissed her softly. She got up and grabbed her computer, checking her emails. "Well the whole town is closed," she said. "Everyone is snowed in," he said. "Yeah, I guess so," she smiled. "This would be so perfect if we were in a cabin" he pulled her to him. "We have everything a cabin has" she wrapped her arms around his neck. "True," he said. "What do you have planned?" she asked. "What?" He responded. "I know that look," she said. "Nothing, just how I'm going to beat you at building a snowman" he chuckled slightly. "Oh really?" she said. "Yea" he kissed her nose softly. They both got ready to go outside in the snow. They started building a snowman, Jordan won because she was used to this weather. "When you have three brothers, you learn how to win," she smiled. "Good job," he smiled. She threw a snowball at him and he returned the favor. He ran over to where she was before she could grab any more snow. Picking her up and spinning her around. She laughed as she held onto him, once he returned her to her feet she grabbed more snow. Pushing it in his face and laughing. "Oh so that's how it is," he smiled. "Of course," she smiled. He grabbed snow and put it down her shirt, she screamed at how cold it was. "That's not fair," she said. "Sorry" he laughed. "Fun in games right?" she said as she grabbed snow and shuffled it down his pants. "AH," He yelled. 'Exactly' she said as she started to laugh. After a while, they both went back inside to get warm. He warmed up in the den with the fireplace and she went to take a shower. Once she got out of the shower she got dressed and came downstairs to where he was. Snuggling up on the couch in front of the fireplace, she ended up falling asleep against him. He gently laid her down and went to start planning dinner. Once he finished he came and gently woke her up. "Babe come on," he said. "Uh?" she rubbed her eyes. "I have a surprise for you," he said as he grabbed her hand. She got up and followed him, from the window she could see he set up a candlelit dinner in the snow. "Wes," she said. "Because I love you," he said. "I love you," she said as she hugged him. "Come on" he handed her her jacket. They went outside and had dinner together, it was cold but perfect. "Moonlight dinner" she looked at him. "Because you are my moonlight" he stood up. "You came into my life when I was so low in life, turning my world upside down" he moved closer to her. "I'll spend forever trying to make you happy. Will you marry me Jordan?" he asked as he got down on one knee. "Wes" she covered her mouth with her hands. The tears fell from her eyes as she nodded her head yes. He slipped the ring on her finger and he hugged her. "I love you" she whispered in his ear. "I love you" he held her close to him. After dinner, he cleaned up and she went upstairs and noticed he had rose petals everywhere. He came inside and wrapped his arms around her waist and guided her up to their room. They spend the rest of the night tangled up in bed together.
Drew:She snuggled down in the bed, keeping the covers close to her. She shuffled slightly to realize that she was alone in the bed. She sighed and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. Unfortunately, there weren't any messages from Drew. She heard someone downstairs and making their way upstairs. It was Drew but he didn't come with coffee as she thought he would. He dumped snow all over her. She sat up and screamed and pushed him away from the bed. "OH MY GOD," She said. "Wake up" he smirked and kissed her softly. "Asshole," she said as she pushed him from her. "Oh come on" he sat on the bed. "That's cold," she said. "Just means I get to warm you up" he wrapped his arm around her. "You are such an asshole" she grabbed his chin. "But mine" she smiled as she kissed him. "So we could take a hot shower or go outside and continue to get cold," he said. "I'm already cold so why not," she said. "Good answer," he smiled. She got up and got dressed to go outside in the snow. She grabbed some snow and made it into a ball. Throwing it at him the moment he walked out the door. "Damn," he laughed. "I move fast," she said. "Yea you do," he said. He came down the stairs and grabbed her before she could get any more snow. Wrapping his arm around her waist, spinning her around. He placed her feet back on the ground, slowly leaning her back. She laid back in the snow and started to make a snow angel. "My angel," he smiled as he watched her. "Help me up" she reached for him. "I got you," he said as he grabbed her hand, helping her up. "Wow, perfect," she said as she looked at it. "Because you are perfect" he wrapped his arms around her, placing his head against her shoulder. It started to snow again, she looked up watching the snowflakes fall. He turned her to face him, placing his hand against her cheek. Brushing his thumb against her lips before leaning in towards her. Kissing her softly, she wrapped her arms around him and kept the kiss between them. "If you are cold we can go inside," he said. "You got me out here now" she smirked as she grabbed more snow, rubbing his face in it. "It's on," he said as he grabbed snow and threw it at her. She ran away from him taking cover behind the shed. Throwing snowballs at each other. "Ok I surrender" he came out with his hands up. "You do?" she asked as she looked at him. "Yea I do," he said. "Good," she said as she came out from her hiding spot. "No I don't" he smirked and threw another snowball. "Hey," she said. "Sorry," he said. "I'm cold and going inside," she said. "Alright babe," he said. "Do you have keys?" she asked as she realized the door was locked. "What?" he said as he walked up the stairs. "Keys" she looked at him. "No I don't, I thought the door was unlocked," he said. "What are you serious?" she asked. "Yes I am," he said. "Drew I know you, stop playing," she said. "I'm not playing this time," he said. "Great, we are locked out," she said. "We have a key under the doormat," he said. "Wait really?" she asked as she bent over to get it. "Oh wow," she said as she found the key. "Yea my secret key just in case you ever kick me out," he said. They finally got inside the house, she took off her shoes at the door. She didn't want to track snow all over the house. Took off her wet jacket and placed it in the laundry room before making her way upstairs. He also took her shoes off and placed his jacket in the laundry room. He followed her upstairs and grabbed her as she walked into the bathroom. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her cheek softly. She smiled as she pulled away from him and started the shower. Allowing the water to warm up before they got inside. He kept his promise and got her warm in the shower. The rest of the day it was just snuggles and hot chocolate.
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daisysnoopy032699 · 3 years
Tumblr media
@besuxodymyze253077 @diddyscooter @airxo @rachel-emblem3 @premiumguitargear @groovygarbage @onlyfoolsarenegative-blog @smalllightbulb @fastlifelavar @liveyouway @shadow-g @concertgal @batmanlikessuperman @elysianysl-blog @essataldeisis @music-all-i-need @teamembleminspires @e3-preferences @young-lava-mountains 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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parrishh · 4 years
Dig a little deeper
tagged by @gcralts​ thank u libby ily
i’m putting this under the cut because it’s long!
1. do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? blue!
2. would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? oh i’m definitely a city gal (to be totally honest, i’m actually a suburban homebody, but i couldn’t live in the country)
3. if you could learn a new skill, what would it be? i have owned a guitar for...five years? and have never learned how to play it so that would be good
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? tea sometimes, coffee always
5. what was your favorite book as a child? oh gosh i had so many...ella enchanted by gail carson levine (still my favorite book), the children of noisy village by astrid lindgren (but in polish, the english version is missing too much of the story), & stargirl by jerry spinelli come to mind first
6. do you prefer baths or showers? showers, definitely
7. if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? i just want to be a witch/wizard, that’s all
8. paper or electronic books? oh, god, paper, no question
9. what is your favorite item of clothing? i have this oversized forest green sweatshirt from the park my family goes camping in every year and it’s my favorite thing ever
10. do you like your name? would you like to change it? i...really don’t love it, but i don’t think i would change it at this point in my life
11. who is a mentor to you? i mean, to take this question very literally, since i was a new teacher this past year i was assigned a mentor teacher at the school i work at and she’s so wonderful! i text her with so many questions all of the time and she never loses patience with me
12. would you like to be famous? if so, what for? it’s my dream to publish a book one day and of course i’d want it to do well, so, yes, i’d like to be famous for that
13. are you a restless sleeper? i mean, kind of? i’m a light sleeper but i don’t think i move around that much in my sleep
14. do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? very much so, yes
15. which element best represents you? earth earth earth
16. who do you want to be closer to? this is probably not what this question is asking for but i wish my good friends on here lived closer to me (or at least on the same continent) so i could see them irl
17. do you miss someone at the moment? of course! covid has kept me away from so many of my loved ones
18. tell us about an early childhood memory. i remember standing in my grandparents’ living room back in poland when i was probably around two. my grandma gave me a bag of clothespins and i was throwing them out the window for my grandpa to catch and i thought it was so fun! they’ve both passed since then so it’s a memory i cherish
19. what is the strangest thing you have eaten? i ate an entire post-it note once? just because someone told me i wouldn’t
20. what are you most thankful for? i was in a dark place in my life for...a long time, so i’m incredibly grateful for the wonderful people i have in my life now who help keep me away from that place
21. do you like spicy food? yes but my tolerance isn’t as high as i’d like to think it is
22. have you ever met someone famous? literally the most random people. wesley stromberg from emblem3, kaylin white from kaylin and miles, & alli simpson (???) come to mind. also, one time, at a concert in, like, 2013, i met a bunch of youtube beauty gurus i used to watch back then. i don’t even remember who they all were, but one of them was claudia sulewski and i still adore her. i’ve met the members of my favorite band (the maine) multiple times, as well as cameron leahy from the downtown fiction (that was many, many years ago) and the members of the griswolds. ooh, and i met the 1975 at an album signing! 
23. do you keep a diary or journal? i used to! i had one of those “one line a day” journals and i wrote in it every day for five years, but i finished it last year and since then i haven’t journaled at all
24. do you prefer to use pen or pencil? pen
25. what is your star sign? taurus
26. do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? um, soggy cereal can stay far away from me
27. what would you want your legacy to be? i just want to inspire my students and my future children, if i have any, to make the world a more equitable place
28. do you like reading? what was the last book you read? do i ever! i just finished crooked kingdom by leigh bardugo
29. how do you show someone you love them? if i love someone, i want to share pieces of my life with them, so i’ll reach out about things i’ve read or watched or thought about with them on a regular basis! also, when it comes to being in person, i’m very touchy-feely with people i love
30. do you like ice in your drinks? sure, but it’s not a must for me
31. what are you afraid of? something happening to my younger brother (i have nightmares about it all the time, for no good reason), never finding someone i want to spend my life with, finding out that people i care about are only pretending to like me
32. what is your favorite scent? everyone always comes for me for this but warm milk
33. do you address older people by their name or surname? surname, i guess, but i just try to avoid addressing them by name if i’m unsure lol
34. if money was not a factor, how would you live your life? jeez, i don’t know...i’d travel! a lot!
35. do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? pools! now if you asked me pools vs. lakes, that would be a different story
36. what would you do if you found $50 in the ground? i’d probably just keep it but it depends on the likelihood of determining where it came from
37. have you ever seen a shooting star? did you make a wish? yes and probably
38. what is one thing you would want to teach your children? how not to be an asshole
39. if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? i already have two! i do want more, though! the next one i have planned is something related to my favorite band (the maine), and i want it on my ribs
40. what can you hear now? air conditioning, and someone rummaging through a bag in the kitchen
41. where do you feel the safest? i’m not sure, but the first thought that came into my head was in the backseat of the car, at night, while my dad is driving
42. what is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? i’ve been telling myself that i should go see a therapist for the past, i don’t know, ten years, so i want to actually overcome my fear of taking that leap and just go
43. if you could travel back to any era, what would it be? i’m as content as i can be in this era, things used to be even more messed up than they are now. if i had to time travel, i suppose i’d like to experience being a young adult in the 70′s or 80′s (the music scene UGH)
44. what is your most used emoji? 😊 or 🙃 or 🥺
45. describe yourself using one word. persevering
46. what do you regret the most? something i’m not ready to share
47. last movie you saw? the hate u give! 
48. last tv show you watched? love, victor!!!!! it was so good!!!!!!
49. invent a word and its meaning i’m lame but i literally can’t think of anything
tagging: @hathawaywrites @gcndalf @remusjlvpins @phantomness @louvegoods @kazbrekkerrs (only if you want to, no pressure!)
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Everything & Gravity
A/N: Weird introspection at the judges’ houses. Originally dated from June 2013. This is...literally almost exactly 6 years old. 
Demi was seated comfortably on the couch in the rented apartment for the home shows, worrying her lip slightly as she watched Jillian cross the room to stand in front of her. She wanted so badly to be able to send her through, felt so honestly connected to the girl who was just like her. But she knew she had to be honest, and fair. No favorites. Come on, Jillian, she thought, show me something I can work with.
“And what are you going to be singing?” she prompted with a reassuring smile. Beside her, Nick looked on, interested.
Jillian hesitated for a heartbeat, then said into the microphone, “Gravity, by Sara Bareilles.”
Demi nodded. “Go ahead.”
The young singer started out quietly, her voice slowly growing in confidence as she delivered what was really a beautiful cover of a beautiful song. Demi tried to focus entirely on the performance from a judging position, taking note of Jillian’s movements and delivery as well as her vocals.
“I never wanted anything so much, than to drown in your love, and not feel your reign.”
A little pitchy, and Demi knew she should have been taking notice. Instead, something about the lyric had punched her squarely in the chest, and she was mentally a thousand miles away.
In the background, Jillian kept singing, unknowingly providing the soundtrack to a montage that should not have been going through Demi’s brain at that moment. Or any moment, really.
“You touch me for a little while, and all my fragile strength is gone,”
She remembered the butterflies in her stomach the first time she met him, but those were out of nervousness for the commitment she was making. The fear she was already feeling at the idea of having the fates of girls like Jillian’s in her hands. She remembered looking up from the contract in front of her to meet his eyes, flashing him a nervous little Demi smile. And she remembered the way he smiled back, eyes dancing as if he was already calling her ‘brat’ in his head.
She remembered the first time she wiped out in spectacular fashion in front of him, and the way he hastily hooked an arm around her waist to keep her from hitting the ground. “Come on, now, brat,” he’d said, lips quirking up at the edges, “I know it’s a difficult concept, but, you see, standing is generally how this works.”
She remembered slapping at his chest and the first time it occurred to her that she liked being in his arms.
She remembered the banter of auditions and the feeling of his calloused hand in hers--right before she spat a mouthful of mints into it. She remembered looking at the utterly shocked expression on his face and her heart doing funny things in her chest.
She remembered the agony of late night debates about cuts at boot camp made easier with the gentle touches he was always giving her, pinching at her nose in jest or just rubbing her back.
She remembered the feeling of bolting straight up on the plane here with a sudden ‘oh, shit’ moment as she realized that she’d been dreaming about him, sleeping peacefully against the window with her travel pillow. And the music playing in her headphones was all love songs and she couldn’t get her mind away from the thought track.
And now here she was, spacing out during the most important audition of a young woman’s life because her music had sent Demi’s mind running straight to Simon freaking Cowell. Who was never in a million years going to love her.
“You okay?” Nick broke into her thoughts, looking at her in concern while Jillian walked away. Evidently she’d spaced out a bit longer than she thought.
Demi smiled quickly, her hands unconsciously spinning her phone in her lap. “Yeah, of course. I just--really like that song.”
She could call him...make up some urgent excuse about judging and find a way to hear his voice, just for five minutes. Stop it, Demetria Devonne.
“Oh yeah?” Nick looked amused. That was the problem with their friendship. He could read her all too well. “Who is it, then?”
Demi fought the blush that she knew was already burning up her cheeks. “No one.” With more effort than she was proud of, she set her phone down on the coffee table and straightened up, waiting for her next singer to come in.
He’d never admit it, but Simon was pouting. Outside his mansion in Miami, he’d just watched one of his groups deliver a lackluster performance, and while that in itself was something he could live with, it only made it more obvious that he didn’t have his little brat with him to complain to.
That much he would admit; he missed Demi a lot more than he’d expected to. They were literally filming on opposite ends of the country for this portion of the show, and not even being out of a hotel and back in his own property could make up for the lack of her laughter to brighten things. In honesty, he’d rather be in a hotel if it meant she’d be down the hall.
Simon scowled at himself. Since when had he become such a sap? What on earth was Demi turning him into?
Grateful for the distraction, he refocused his attention on the three member boy band as Emblem3 walked out onto the patio.
“Go ahead,” he prompted them simply.
They shuffled for a moment, getting into position, and then the track started. Simon barely stopped himself from throwing his head back and rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses, if only because he knew the cameras were on. The performance was solid, and this damn song reminds me of Demi wasn’t an acceptable answer for a reaction like that. Oh, bloody hell, he thought, safely in the privacy of his own head.
“Every little thing she does is magic, every thing she does just turns me on,”
They’d missed a cue briefly, and Simon valiantly tried to focus on that, to focus on judging the performance happening in front of him.
“I resolve to call her up a thousand times a day,”
He certainly had. In fact, he’d nearly rung her at four in the bloody morning yesterday, stopped only by the rational side of his brain screaming at him that she was probably asleep. And that ‘I couldn’t sleep’ was not a valid reason to call a girl who worked for him, who was half his age, who was most definitely not in a relationship with him. No matter how much he wished otherwise.
“Even though my life before was tragic, now I know my love for her goes on,”
In over fifty years, and more short-lived relationships than he cared to count, he’d never felt truly in love with anyone. Not, at least, the all-consuming emotion that everyone was always singing about. And maybe that did make his life a little bit tragic, but he didn’t think so. Love wasn’t for everyone, and he was perfectly fine with his life as it was. He was fine with that bit-of-a-playboy persona, or he always had been.
But he’d never met anyone like her before. He’d never felt this way about anyone before. He’d never in his entire life had someone that made him want to call her and tell her the stupid things about his day--though he much preferred it when she was already there with him. He’d never had the experience of seeing things and immediately wanting to find out her reaction. He’d always been self centered enough that thoughts of ‘so-and-so would like this’ didn’t really cross his mind, until her.
And he missed her laugh and her bright smile, and the way she always tried to be positive even when a contestant was a disaster. He missed the clumsy moments and the excuse to hold her, the way she fit into his arms like she was made to. He missed her teasing, the way she breathed life into a room the second she walked in, missed the honest moments backstage. Even missed her tears, though he’d witnessed them infrequently.
Bloody hell, Simon thought, I’m in love with Demi.
A nudge from Marc beside him snapped him back into the present. Three pairs of nervous, excited eyes were staring at him, waiting for him to do what he was there to do and judge them instead of daydreaming about a crush. “Got away from you a bit, did it?” he finally blurted out, hanging on to the one moment he’d bothered to remember from the performance he didn’t really watch.
They made their exit and Simon sighed in relief, eyeing his phone on the arm of the chair. No, he wouldn’t bother her now. She was probably listening to her contestants, just as he was. And anyway, why would she want to hear from him? He was just her boss, her fellow judge on the panel, a friend to tease on camera. She’d never think of him the way he thought of her. And maybe that was for the best.
Still, he’d admit it to himself. He couldn’t wait for the live shows, just so he could see her again.
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makaylawilk-blog · 8 years
Ship requests!!
Almost forgot one more thing! If you’d like a ship, hop in my inbox telling me some information about yourself and I will tell you who I ship you with and why.
Don’t forget to specify who you’d like for me to choose from. - Dolan Twins - Omaha Squad - Janoskians - Emblem 3 - etc.
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mysticsrose · 6 years
tag games pt. 1
I was tagged by @newtinna and @leiaaorgana a long time ago, tysm!!
Rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people
coffee or tea
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
silver or gold
pop or alternative
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks (neither)
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
egyptian or greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
eyes or lips
witch or fairy
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macaroons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten letters
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
london or paris (really can’t choose)
vincent van gogh or claude monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party
Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire 🎶 library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up, then choose 10 victims.
tagged by: @roxanne-mortons , tysm!!
dreams by dua lipa
gonna get better by fifth harmony
obsessed by emblem3
new americana by halsey
sweet despair by cher lloyd
last christmas cover by ariana grande
centuries by fall out boy
sober by selena gomez
liability by lorde
rip 2 my youth by the neighbourhood
Tagging: @lahnister @oliviasdunham @mindfulelys @blackwidocw @tywinlcnnister
@lokiofasgcrd @lehsnherr @thriteenthdoctor @michael-langdon @thestral
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lespetitesmortsde · 7 years
Sequel to the superhero au maybe?? When you have time 😊
Chloe manages to snag a booth fairly quickly, and orders two coffees and a side of fries before she’s even sat down. She’s not sure how long it’ll take the spandexed lady to wiggle out of her costume (although, Chloe can’t help but let her mind wander briefly about how much help she could give Beca) and into whatever her regular-person clothes are.
Surprisingly, it’s barely five minutes before a bedraggled and growly looking brunette is slumping into the booth across from her, eyes already narrowed, hands in her hoodie pockets.
With a tilt to her head, Chloe studies her. “You’re shorter than usual.”
Beca growls a little, exasperated already. “Converse don’t have as much of a heel as my superhero shoes.”
“Oh, what brand do you use? I’ve been looking for some new ones. Do you know if they make flame-retardant ones?”
Beca just sort of blinks at her, slowly. “Dude, I was joking. The suit adds about an inch because of extra fabric or whatever, I dunno. I’m not in charge of the suit.”
Chloe lets out a sad sort of huff. The server returns with their coffees and a dish of creamers and sugar.
“Oh my God, you already ordered coffee?” Beca’s glee is undeniable as she leans forward to cup her mug and inhale the steam rising from the mug. “You might be my new favourite person.”
Amused, Chloe watches Beca sniff the coffee again before taking a small sip. Her nose wrinkles and she reaches for the cream and sugar.
“I know that, like, the quality of the coffee has nothing to do with you, but it still kind of reflects on your life choices, so I’m going back to reserving judgment,” Beca announces, as she pours in one packet of Sweet n’ Low and one 2% creamer. She pauses, raising an eyebrow at the mug like she’s evaluating it before grabbing another Sweet n’ Low and pouring that in, too.
“I guess I’ll have to do better next time,” Chloe says, and then continues before beca can say no, “if you haven’t contracted diabetes by then and are able to leave your bed.”
Beca scoffs and takes a sip of coffee. “What’s wrong with never leaving your bed?”
Chloe’s whole face lights up. “Oh, I wouldn’t mind you never leaving my bed, Becs. I just didn’t think we were there yet.”
The look of panic on Beca’s face is priceless. “I-What-But-I didn’t-”
Chloe laughs and places a hand on top of Beca’s. “Relax. I’m only kidding.”
Relief washes over the brunette and she relaxes against the back of the booth.
Mercilessly though, Chloe can’t help herself. “For now. It’s more of a third or fourth date kind of thing, and this is only the first.”
Honestly, Chloe’s surprised Beca’s jaw only drops a little bit. “This is a date?”
Chloe shrugs, taking a sip of her coffee. It’s not great, but she does feel like Beca was being overly dramatic about the quality. “I mean, we’ve done it in the wrong order. You’re supposed to go for food, then kiss, then go fight bad guys. Or food, fighting, then kiss. But we hit all the requirements.”
Beca’s eyes roll. “I’m pretty sure people don’t include fighting bad guys into their dates, Red.”
Chloe puts her coffee down to look intently at Beca. “We’re not normal people,” she says, leaning in. Unconsciously, it seems like Beca leans forward too, trying to match the intensity. But Chloe leans back to try and lift Beca’s comfort level. “Maybe you haven’t gotten this far yet, but you’re going to try to live a normal life and go on dates and go out with friends and bad guys are always going to pop up when it’s the worst timing ever. You might as well plan for it so you expect it, instead of getting disappointed when they show up.”
Beca’s eyebrows get closer to each other and her lips purse a little. Her eyes get a little more glossy. “That’s… pretty sad, dude.”
Chloe’s saved from having to answer by the server who returns, asking if they know what they want to eat.
“You go first,” Beca says to Chloe, fidgeting as she glances at the menu. Chloe takes in her nervousness and knows that she’ll get like one side salad because she doesn’t want to be any trouble.
“Okay, so we’ll get one bacon cheeseburger with onion rings, one chicken club with yam fries, one pulled pork poutine, and one Cobb salad, dressing on the side,” Chloe orders without even picking up the menu. Every diner has, more or less, the same menu. She glances over at Beca, “Think that’ll be enough?”
Beca nods, eyes wide, mouth firmly closed. She hands her menu to the waiter before Chloe does and waits for him to leave.
“Dude, are you insane?! That’s, like, four meals’ worth of food!” She leans in, keeping her voice low but outraged.
Chloe just looks at her like she’s being ridiculous. “And?”
Beca deflates a little. “That’s going to be so expensive, you can’t buy all that, let me chip-”
“Nope,” Chloe pops the ‘p’ with finality.
“No.” Chloe lets a little steel edge into her voice. “You’re hungry, I’m hungry, I’m good for it, I invited you here, and I don’t want either of us to leave without being fully satisfied.” She adds a flirtatious wink because she can, and Beca almost instantly leans back, blushing.
The server returns before Beca can respond, sliding a basket of hot, salty fries onto the table between them. He also deposits a bottle of ketchup and a side dish of mayonnaise before gliding away.
“Wait, we didn’t order these,” Beca says, slapping Chloe’s fingers away as she reaches for a fry. “Ugh, he’s out of earshot.”
Chloe snakes her other hand around to snag a fry.
“Chloe! Those aren’t ours!” Beca admonishes, looking around frantically for someone to rectify this mistake.
That’s about all Chloe can take before she bursts out laughing around a mouthful of fry. “Becs, I ordered these when I came in with the coffees. That’s why none of our meals have fries. Well, potato fries. I got all the sides because I didn’t know if you had a preference yet.”
Again, Beca colours, shrinking a little in her seat, squeaking her butt a bit against the red vinyl upholstery. “You could’ve said something before I tried to give back our honest fries.”
“Now, where’s the fun in that?” Chloe asks, taking another fry for herself and offering the basket to Beca. The brunette levels a soft glare at her, Chloe can tell because she’s been on the receiving end of a few of Spider-Man’s glares before, and this one doesn’t carry the same heat. Beca takes a fry.
“So, if this is a date, is this where you take everyone for the first date? A neighbourhood diner with questionable coffee and an evening of flirting and sass?” Beca grumbles a little as she dips a couple of fries into a pool of ketchup Chloe’s squirted into a corner of the basket.
“Please,” Chloe states, “my date game is much stronger than this. If we were on a date, you’d know it, and you’d be begging to come back to my place after.”
Chloe takes great satisfaction from the fact that Beca visibly gulps, and in doing so, almost chokes on the fries she’s eating. Chloe’s very intuitive, if a little blurry about borders, so she can see the dusting of fear in Beca’s eyes. But, there’s also no mistaking the teeny sliver of interest.
Instead of trying to fill the silence as she usually does, Chloe lets the silence build and for the first time she can actually hear the music the diner’s playing. She doesn’t know whether to groan or laugh when she realizes it’s “Chloe” by Emblem3.
It appears Beca’s also recognized the song because she wheezes a bit with a smile on her face and Chloe decides that while it’s not a very attractive kind of laugh, it is pretty endearing and clearly genuine. She likes it.
“I didn’t know they took requests for the music here, Becs,” Chloe says, pointing a fry at Beca’s face.
The pleasure drops from Beca’s face. “No, I didn’t-”
“It’s okay, I don’t have a sister, and you’re not the first one to try to woo me using this song, but I’ve already told you, Becs,” Chloe pauses for a moment to build the suspense, “If you want in my bed, all you gotta do is ask.”
This time, it’s Beca’s turn to be saved by the server, who’s brought a friend to help carry all of their food to the table. Chloe digs in, as soon as they step away, cutting each sandwich in half before grabbing half of the club and taking a bite. If there’s one thing that distracts Chloe, more than everything else that is, it’s food. Especially since she got her firepower, but even before, Chloe’s always loved tasty things. Now, she has the metabolism and the energy expenditure to really indulge. It’s good and bad, because if she’s ever unable to light it up, her eating habits will kill her within a few years. Probably.
Beca’s shy about the food at first, choosing to nibble a little at the salad even though her face scrunches up with every bite. Chloe looks up from what’s left of her half sandwich and pauses just long enough to tell Beca, “Oh my God, please eat something so I’m not alone in this and also because there is a ton of food on this table.”
So Beca grabs half the burger and a few of the onions rings and finally loosens up.
It only takes about fifteen minutes and one coffee refill for the ladies to finish their congratulations-for-not-dying, after-battle snack. Chloe leans back into the vinyl with a contented sigh. “So good.”
Beca nods, echoing the sentiment, “Yeah, really fucking good.”
They wait a few more minutes in post-food silence before Chloe starts digging out her wallet. It’s still a little warm when she gets it, but seems to be intact. She opens it up and pulls out a few twenties, happy that they haven’t spontaneously incinerated inside the wallet from the heat.
“Ready to go, Becs?” Chloe asks, already sliding out of the booth.
“What?” Beca asks, clearly full of surprise. “Oh, yeah, of course, you probably have other things to do tonight,” she scrambles out of the booth quickly.
“Relax, Becs, if you still want to hang out, we can,” Chloe reassures her, pulling a napkin from the dispenser and stealing a pen from the servers’ station. She writes down her number and hands it to Beca. “Just give me a call, or send a text, you seem like someone who prefers to text. I have to go before transit shuts down, and I assume you do, too, but we can pick this right back up any time.” Chloe smiles warmly at her new friend. “We don’t even have to fight anyone beforehand.”
Beca hangs onto the napkin like it’s precious, and her cheeks flush a little before she asks quietly, “What if we save the fighting bad guys for after dinner?”
If Chloe’s surprised at Beca’s reference to dating, she doesn’t let it show. “I think I can make that work, as long as the kissing comes after the bad guys.”
Beca nods. “Yeah, I think that’s the best order, too. That way you don’t have to stop.” Beca slaps her hand over her mouth like she can’t believe she said that.
Chloe laughs, “Exactly,” she agrees. “Glad we’re on the same page, Becs.”
The two walk out of the diner.
“Don’t forget to use that,” Chloe reminds her, gesturing to the napkin Beca’s still holding onto tightly.
“I won’t,” Beca promises. Chloe turns to walk away, but then thinks better of it.
“What the hell,” she says and kisses Beca, for real this time, on the lips.
It’s quick, definitely a peck even though it lingers a little, and Beca barely has time to register that it’s happening before it’s over.
“Until next time, Spidey,” Chloe blows her another kiss and sets off into the night.
Beca stumbles backward, hitting her head against the brick wall of the diner. “Ow, fuck.” She doesn’t dare take her hand off the napkin the entire trip home.
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music-my-angel · 7 years
Schedule for December
December Schedule:
Saturday 2nd Dec – 5sos: Luke Centric - Can you do one please of Luke gets mono and is really run down ans the guys are being jerks ans hoes to feldys cause he always treated him like family along with rest of john fam. Bday dec 2nd.
Wednesday 6th Dec – O2L: Trevor Centric - Hey boo so I wanted to know if you could write an o2l trevor centric about them going to vidcon (or some other YouTube event/interview.) and Trevor gets lost in the crowd and he gets hurt and the boys find and take care of him (preferably Sam and Kian) and if you could have it done by my birthday Dec.2nd that would be great thanks xx
Saturday 9th Dec – Janoskians: Jai Centric - can you do a janoskians one based on the slippery twister game? Where Jai says round of applau and gets upset and Luke comforts him?
Wednesday 13th Dec – Magcon: General - Hey girl! So I was wondering if maybe you could do a magcon one shot? Hayes, Jack J, and Nash are all sick and the rest of the boys take care of them? Nash wants to take care of Hayes even though he’s sick and Hayes just wants his big brother Nash. Hayes has it the worst of all three and Jack J keep wanting Jack G??? Sorry if it’s confusing. If it’s not too big of a burden could it be for my birthday on December 15? Thanks!!!!
Saturday 16th Dec – Mixed Oneshot: Niall Centric - 1d5sos niall was in vegas when shots were fired and he got hit and luke becomes hid best friend whrn 1d went on bresk and luke gets the call. Bday dec 15 please.
Wednesday 20th Dec – Mixed Oneshot: Reece Centric - My birthday is December 21, can you do a one shot where reece goes back to public school and gets bullied. Then OTY see the bruises and think that his band is beating him up so they don’t allow anyone to see him. Then the boys finally get to reece and he starts crying and tells them what is really happening and fluff. Thanks
Saturday 23rd Dec – The Wanted: Jay Centric - Could you do a Jay (TW) one shot where he’s in a car accident on the way to meet up with the boys, nareesha and Kelsey and it’s really bad and maybe he has to get a leg amputated and the boys help him through physio therapy and getting a prosthetic
Wednesday 27th Dec – Emblem3: Keaton Centric - Can you do a Emblem3 story where Wesley and Keaton are in a orphanage and Keaton is like 14 and Wed sees him getting bullied by the other boys there and he protects him
Saturday 30th Dec – IM5: Cole Centric - Could you do a IM5 one where cole and will are in a car crash and everyone thinks will was injured worse but it turns out to be cole
Humble request: Please if you have a birthday prompt that you want it to be written on a specific date please send it way before (like a month in advance) and to those who didn’t see their prompt on the list (whether it’s a birthday prompt or anything else) kindly wait for the next schedule to have your prompt written.
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Youngblood Album First Impressions
These are my initial thought after listening to the album for the first time.
I was at work when the studio version of this song first dropped, I was standing in the foyer as I waited for campus transportation to arrive. I was familiar with the song because I had listened to live recordings to prepare me for my concert, which at the time was three days away. My jaw dropped. The live version was good, but the studio version was a killer. This song is a  deserves to be danced to, HARD. In concert, I don’t feel like this song goes as hard, and for that reason, I prefer the studio version. It’s funny because I thought this song went hard, I WAS NOT PREPARED. 
I think this was an excellent title track and song to start the album. It encapsulates the feel of the entire album from the production, singing, and the lyrics. 
Favorite Lyrics:
“Surrender my everything/'Cause you made me believe you're mine“
This line is so vulnerable and it tugs at my heartstrings.
“When you looking at those strangers/Hope to God you see my face”
I am a sucker for these lyrics after making eye contact with Luke during the concert, but I also relate this to the crush that at had at the time, and the friends that are no longer friends.
Want You Back
When I first listened to  this song I was like wHo iS tHiS bAnD?? I think this was a good lead single (had they known the success of youngblood that might’ve been better, but it might not have gotten as popular if it came out of nowhere) to introduce the new song. Compared to rest of the album this song is fairly tame, I’ve listened to it so many times that ofc this is 5sos. I just wow I’m so proud of them (imma try not to write this through the entire post bc thats basically what I did on twitter all night)
Favorite Lyrics:
Is it tears or just the fucking rain? (who am I liking explicit lines, I am a changed woman)
And the way that I used to make you laugh/'Cause you know every morning I wake up/Yeah, I still reach for you/I remember the roses on your shirt/When you told me this would never work
Lie to Me
Out of the non-singles performed on tour (+valentine, talk fast, moving along), this one is my favorite. I fell in love with it instantly. It makes me think of Come Back… Be Here which is my second favorite Taylor Swift song. Ngl, hearing the studio version was a tad disappointing because I was hoping that there would be piano in the song, even though why would there be? Lol. It’s not like there was piano in the live version. Listening to the studio version made me understand the boys when they talk about the contrast the sad lyrics with the happy beachy vibe instrumental. I still LOVE this song, it was just a bit of a shock because I had unrealistic expectations for the studio version (I think I was thinking closer to Ghost of You vibes), regardless, I will request they release a piano cover of the song. The short clips of Luke on the piano is not enough. The harmonies in this song are so good and my hear hurts over the lyrics. 
There is violin in this song and that needs to be appreciated. There’s also a certain sound at the end of the chorus that sounds like something else but I can’t remember what.
Favorite Lyrics:
And I caught you looking too, but you didn't look twice
This song took me a while to get into. 1) The rhythm is very different from anything else I have heard by them 2) The word choices in the chorus, there are some words that automatically turn me off of songs they just sound cringy to me. After listening to the song enough I have gotten us to it and enjoy the song.
I don’t know why it took me so long to realize, well I do, it’s because I had to get used to the lyrics, but this song is HOT. Another good song to perform on tour to introduce how SEXY this album is, literally. It’s funny because I normally am not a fan of albums when they’re too sexual but I am so in love with this album and they also address the topic in a classy, normalizing way, that doesn’t just focus on being horny, there’s an additional psychological dimension within their song.
Favorite Lyrics:
We know we're classic together like Egyptian gold/We love us
Talk Fast
This was the only song they sang on the tour that I hadn’t heard the studio version, my jaw was on the floor (I mean it was for most songs but lol). This was my second favorite non-single song they performed on tour, it has a fun ‘80′s inspired feel. The bass (and the drums) stand out in this song. 
Favorite Lyrics:
Leave all of your indecisions with you at home/Don't see you're doing me a favor
lol me. 
God dammit we look good together
Moving Along
This song also took me a little while to get into, besides the beat, I think it has to do with the more talk quality of the song. And again, the interesting lyrics. But now you see me bopping. I feel like they chose very unique songs to perform on tour and I appreciate that it also gave me the time to love them, so now I can properly enjoy them now that the album is out. 
Favorite Lyrics:
For this song, my favorite lyrics has to do more with what part of the song is the most fun to sing along to.
I know I’m the stupid one who ended it/And now I'm the stupid one regretting it
I've been thinking about you lots, lately/Or are you moving along?
If Walls Could Talk
This is the first new song that I heard and it was so exciting. From the first listen I knew that this is going to be one of my favorite songs. Which makes me scream because this is a straight sex song. This song just makes me smile and makes me want to dance. 
This is the first song that Ashton has a proper feature and it makes me so happy :) I love the drums and the piano in this song. Michael’s guitar part during most of the song brings a lightness during the song but then during the bridge it brings the gritty, we're getting down and dirty aspect to the song. 
-Disclaimer- I will not talk about bass enough through this post bc I do not have the best ear for bass, I am just not as familiar with the instrument. I can tell in some songs, but in others, I have to listen very closely but even then I don’t necessarily hear it (I mean I’m pretty sure Cal will be playing the piano in this song so... it makes sense)
Favorite Lyrics:
Bodies are hoping to get addicted to sound
I love this line. This is a song that makes you want to put your head back, dance and get lost in the music. It is a perfect representation of the song. 
If these walls could talk, I'd hope they wouldn't say anything/Because they've seen way too many things
This lines really brings perspective. I find this song to be very vulnerable. The line is saying that it’s seen everything you’ve done within these walls, the sex, the desire, but also you break down crying, the look of falling in love, anger, and frustration as you hit the wall… The walls know your everything.
Better Man
Another Taylor Swift reference? Lol. But actually, this song reminds me of Ed Sheeran. I even feel like how it’s sung gives me ed vibes, the guitar, down to the mhhh. 
This song is so cute. 
Favorite Lyrics:
New friends again and again, gone when the morning comes/Demons I try to defend, but I couldn't get enough
This line stood out right away it was sad and relatable. 
Wrapped in your arms, I swear I'd die for you
im not emo.
Another fav. This song goes so hard. It reminds me a little bit of ONE OK ROCK. There is a heavy guitar part, Ashton kills the drums at the end, and there's a shaker?? in this song too.
I mean... this is about Luke. It can easily apply to the other boys, but there’s a reason why this is a Luke dominate album. 
Favorite Lyrics:
Enemy lines are drawn, lines are drawn
I love how Calum sings this line
I like a lot of lines in the album, the first verse is a standout, idk, this is a very sad relatable song.
Why Won’t You Love Me
Lol the first few seconds makes me think of Chole by Emblem3 
This was the first song where I was still and entranced while listening to it. This is a very cinematic song, which is very beautiful but also makes me think of someone (cough cough) staring out a rainy window.
While I have never been in a relationship I can relate to this song, specifically to friendship. Sometimes people change or need something better even if nothing actually went wrong. I think this is something important to remember with any relationship, sometimes “It’s not you, it’s me” is as true as it gets. 
The ooh at the end is cute. 
Favorite Lyrics:
You say you can't wait and need to make a change
I check my phone to see your face/Staring back as if to say/Don't worry, you won't be lonely
Woke Up In Japan
I can’t help but think about my time in Japan while I listen to this (Even though I am actually visualizing China bc we were in a hotel for a short time, while the dorm we were in Japan was more like an apartment). This song is good, they lyrics standout the most, but it defs doesn’t stand out as much as other songs. It’s an interesting contradiction that I am trying to wrap my head around. It’s all over the place. The song is about amazing sex, the ecstasy of a night out while being in a bad mental place in another country. (even though japans probs metaphorical in this context)
Favorite Lyrics:
It was more than just a neon weekend
Empty Wallets
This is another song that does stand out too much but it’s still GOOD.
Favorite Lyrics:
Dancing on empty wallets
I love the visual 
Shoulda caught a break/The fluid ain't to blame/For the sugar causing pain
Ghost of You
I’m not dying, I am already dead. This song pulls at my heartstrings so much. I can’t. It also reminds me of songs that they play in ‘00 movies which makes me emo (closest I can think of I’ll be, but that’s not exactly the feel I’m going for).
This is a masterpiece. 
Favorite Lyrics:
The verses. I can’t pick. 
Monster Among Men
Michael starting of the song. Yes.  This song is funky and fun. I really enjoy the instrumental arrangement in this song, Ashton’s drumming goes hard, mikey’s guitar solo, cal on the piano. It’s amazing. This isn’t my #1 but it’s defs up there (as with the next to songs)
Favorite Lyrics:
one, two, three, four 
I love how this switches with the beat. The oh no’s in this song also go hard.
it's time for me to admit/That I'm an asshole, so here I go
boy…wyd? At least you’re being honest. 
Meet You There
The chorus, the beat drop. YESSSS. I also love the attitude of whatever will be will be, the universe will choose our destiny.
Favorite Lyrics:
I would break in bed, if you wanted me to
Calum F it up. The intro to this song. I had heard that a song sounded like FOB, my friend made the direct reference last night, but not until this morning have I finally been able to hear it. Sounds similar to centuries which is one of FOB’s best songs (that I’ve heard).
Favorite Lyrics:
The entire second verse 
I'm tired of the feud, your short fuse, my half-truths are not amused/I wish we had a clue to start new, a white moon, no residue/The color of our mood is so rude, a cold June, we're not immune/But if we're way too faded to fight, you can stay one more night.
And there we have it, folks. I am so incredibly proud of these boys. This album was life-changing for them, their excitement feed off to us, and it followed through. I don’t think I’ve enjoyed an album so much since Made in the AM and that was back in 2015. Well, this will all I will be talking about for a long time. So I am sorry in advance. 
Ranking to hopefully come later in the week.
Album Review/Ranking Masterlist
0 notes
E 3 Preference #54: Your child calls him daddy
Wes: I had Jordan when I was 17 years old. I thought it could never happen to me but it did. It was hard raising a child but it also was one of the best things I've done. He bought so much joy into my life, he gave my life purpose again. I meet Wes when Jordan was almost 3 years old, I could easily say this was the best relationship I had ever been in. For the first six months of our relationship I kept Jordan a secret, I didn't want a lot of people in and out of Jordan's life. I wanted something stable in his life, I wanted to be sure Wes was someone good. I never expected to fall in love with Wes so quickly, of course Jordan loved him. "Wes is here" I called up to Jordan. He came running downstairs trying to open the front door. I smiled as I opened the door, Wes standing right in front of us. "Hey little man" Wes said as he picked up Jordan. "Hi" Jordan hugged him. "Hey babe" I smiled. "Hey" Wes leaned in kissing me softly. "Ew" Jordan said as he placed his hands over his eyes. Wes came in closing the door behind him, placing Jordan down on the couch. He placed his arm around me, pulling me close to his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I moved closer to him. "Daddy?" Jordan asked. "Yes buddy?" Wes said as he kneeled down. "You play with me?" Jordan asked. "Yeah, sure, let me talk to mommy real quick ok" Wes said as Jordan ran upstairs. "I'm sorry, " I said. "For what?" Wes asked. "Him calling you daddy" I nodded. "It's ok, I was going to ask if that was ok" Wes said. "If you are ok with it" I looked at him. "I am" Wes smiled slightly. "Thank you for being so amazing" I moved closer to him. "It's part of my job, " he kissed me softly. "I love you, " I said against his lips. "I love you, " he smiled. I let him go upstairs to play with Jordan, I never thought he would be cool with being called daddy. It was nice that he wanted to ask me how I felt about it. It just made me fall more in love with him, he was perfect for us. I loved my little family, I never knew happiness could happen after heartache. Keaton: I knew Keaton forever it seemed like it. He was my best friend, my rock when I needed it. When I got pregnant at 19 by someone who abused me Keaton was the one there for me. He got me out of that situation even if it meant I moved in with him. I gave birth to Isabella a week before my 20 birthday. It was one of the best presents I had ever gotten, she was perfect in every way. Im pretty sure all parents say that about their child, she was exactly what I needed in my life. I wanted to straighten up my life, be a better person because of her. I went back to school when she was 6 months old, trying to stay on track. Of course Keaton was right by my side through everything, he adored Isabella. "Can I ask you something?" Keaton asked as he sat down next to me. "Sure" I nodded. "Would you ever give us a chance?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I looked at him. "I mean date, relationship" he said. "Its kind of like that now" I responded. "But this would be more loving" he said. "We could try" I nodded. He placed his hand on my chin, titling it up towards his. Placing his lips against mine, I smiled into the kiss. There was a spark between us, sometimes the one you need is right in front of you. "Wow, " I pulled away from him. "Yeah, wow, " he smiled. "I guess we are dating now" I looked at him. "Yeah, " he nodded. I heard Isabella crying so I went and picked her up, bringing her back to where Keaton was sitting. I sat her on my lap as she started to calm down, Keaton picked her up placing her on his lap. "I love you Isabella" Keaton said. "Thank you for being there for her, " I said. "I couldn't allow you or to stay in that situation" he said. "Still, thank you" I kissed his cheek. "Dada" Isabella said as she grabbed Keaton's chain. I just looked at him, not sure what to say or what he would do. "She said Dada her first words" Keaton had the biggest smile on his face. "Are you ok with her calling you that?" I asked. "I was the only daddy she has, blood doesn't mean anything" he said. "She deserves the world, " I said. "And I'll give it to her, I got you both, " he wrapped his arm around me. We were a team and even though blood didn't tie them together, Isabella and Keaton grew close, that was her daddy no matter what anyone said. Drew: I was working a double shift at the club, that's where I meet Drew. I could tell something was different about him plus he was very easy on the eyes. Once I got off work we started to talk, there was something between us. I couldn't explain it but I knew I wanted to try just to see if there was something between us. It had been over a year since that day and we are still going strong. It took me forever to allow Drew to meet my five year old son Jasper, I didn't want to rush that relationship. To my surprise they got along great, Jasper adored Drew and I could say the same for Drew. I kind of kept Jasper in the dark about his real father. Since his father died in a car accident when Jasper was a year old. I was sitting up for Jaspers 6 birthday party, I invited mainly everyone that Jasper knew. "Mom?" Jasper said as he came downstairs. "Yes?" I responded. "I want to ask you something" he said. "Ok baby, go ahead" I said. "Can I call Drew dad?" he asked. "Well you would have to ask him that" I said. "Ok Ill ask him" Jasper nodded. "Ok baby, get ready for your party" I sent him back upstairs. I finally finished decorating for the party just as people started to come in. Jasper finally came down to greet everyone who came in. "Drew?" Jasper asked. "Hey buddy, Happy birthday" Drew said. "Can I talk to you?" Jasper asked. "Sure" Drew took Jasper to the side. "I already asked mom and she said you have to be ok with it" Jasper said. "What is that?" Drew asked. "Can I call you dad?" Jasper asked. "As long as your mom is ok with it, then you" Drew nodded. "Really?" Jasper started to get excited. "Yeah, I've been in your life since last year" Drew said. They finally both came into the back yard and everyone yelled out happy birthday. Jasper went over to play with his friends as Drew came over to me. "Did he ask you?" I hugged Drew. "Yeah, and I said yeah, you cool with that?" Drew asked. "As long as you are, " I nodded. "Of course, I see myself being with you guys life for awhile" Drew admitted. "I would like that" I smiled. The birthday party went off great, and Drew was always there for us. I couldn't ask for a better male figure in Jaspers life.
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blackmirrorwrites · 7 years
rules: answer all the questions and tag 20 other blogs [ tagged at the end of the post ]
tagged by: @fmlforeverwrites
1. DRINK: chocolate milk 2. PHONE CALL: i think to wish my grandfather happy birthday?? like... weeks ago?? 3. TEXT MESSAGE: my brother not fucking want to be mean and tell this girl he doesn’t want to see her anymore and not knwing what to do like... bro. she was awful. stop. 4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: End of the Summer by Emblem3 5. TIME YOU CRIED: therapy yesterday 6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE: we didn’t “date” per say but that’s because he was a fuckboy and i should have known. but sophmore and junior year. #rygret 7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: st patricks day was the last time i kissed someone, questionable about the regret 8. BEEN CHEATED ON: cant cheat on what u dont have 9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: this is just v vague so idk... death wise? few years 10. BEEN DEPRESSED: bits of this morning, yesterday, day before... 11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: sometime in vermont
12. army green 13. rose gold pink, idk how else to describe? 14. black
15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: Yes (question is if i kept them?) 16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: lol 17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: maybe? 18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: think so 19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: shoutout to the bosses 20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: for the most part 21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: not this year
22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: 99% 23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: two schnoodles 24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: i did for awhile, thought erin fit me better until i started to go by tori (irl) 25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: got way too fucking drunk, lots of tequila, rode a mechanical bull, lost my jacket, ran away from my friends who had to lure my drunk ass back with pizza, passed out before like 10 26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: 10 (was on phone for like an hour+), napped again and up at 12 27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: being salty in the bachelorette twitter world #teampeter 28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: when i can go back to panera 29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: 5 min ago 31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: people cutting our neighbors lawn 32. HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: my uncle 33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: my dad with school shit 34. MOST VISITED WEBSITE: tumblr 35. HAIR COLOR: dirty blonde 36. LONG OR SHORT HAIR: prefer long but rn mine is ‘short’ at shoulder length(ish) 37. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: yes and no. old feelings die hard but not an active thing at this point 38. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: i am a good admin fuck the haters 39. PIERCINGS: ears 40. BLOOD TYPE: fuck if i know 41. NICKNAME: vic, biv, bic, doodle, tori, queen lugnut 42. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: lol 43. ZODIAC: scorpio 44. PRONOUNS: she/her 45. FAVOURITE TV SHOW: black mirror 46. TATTOOS: nope, would only do white ink if i did 47. RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED: depends on what it is, right for the most part but sports i’m a lefty 48. SURGERY: 32 stitches up in my lip/chin because my brother pushed me off the couch and onto the glass coffee table when i was like 3 50. SPORT: gymnastics when i was younger, skiing, and golf 51. VACATION: take me to fucking hawaii, would go back to alaska and belfast 52. PAIR OF TRAINERS: these sketchers shoe i have are cool
53. EATING: had a peanut butter sandwich 54. DRINKING: there’s water next to me but its old? 55. I’M ABOUT TO: go to the movies 56. WAITING FOR: it to be time to go to the movies 57. WANT: to go to the movies (and panera mac and cheese, can i eat it everyday?) 58. GET MARRIED: lol looking like i’m gonna be the drunk single aunt 4 life 59. CAREER: writing ideally, going for hotel management
60. HUGS OR KISSES: depends? 61. LIPS OR EYES: eyes 62. SHORTER OR TALLER: taller 63. OLDER OR YOUNGER: older 64. NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: stomach? 65. HOOKUP OR RELATIONSHIP: depends on where i’m at? 66. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: drunk me vs. sober me
67. KISSED A STRANGER: aw yus 68. DRANK HARD LIQUOR: aw yus 69. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: i have no idea where my glasses r rn 70. TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: it was great 71. SEX ON THE FIRST DATE: yup. the one and only date. #howyadoingJoe? 72. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: i made a german cry 73. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: partially? superficial if anything 74. BEEN ARRESTED: not yet 75. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: yes 76. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: ....don’t @ me.
77. YOURSELF: lol depends 78. MIRACLES: idk if i’d call it that 79. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: no? 80. SANTA CLAUS: shoutout to my mom telling me in toys r us 81. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: yea 82. ANGELS: ghosts
84. EYE COLOR: hazel 85. FAVORITE MOVIE: depends on what i’m in the mood for but generally love The Prestige
tagging: lol nah
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lameiskate · 7 years
Facts you would never know if you didn't ask
1.) applesauce or pudding? it depends on the day tbh
2.) what was your initial reaction when you first realized that your parents had to have had sex to have you? ...IDK tbh i was probably just like ok
3.) if you could create ANY mix-up or mythical animal and have it be brought to life, what would it be? UNICORN but u know what half unicorn and half dinosaur would also be cool
4.) what kind of bread do you prefer? rye
5.) describe a moment that is a prominent memory, but didn't have a strong impact on your life. idk y this is the first one i thought of but i remember in 8th grade the boy sitting next to me in math took my book out of my hands as i was reading it and i didn’t even realize he was trying 2 be mean to me bc i was just like LOL GOOD ONE MAN
6.) what is the quote/lyric that you relate to most? ok there’s this character from this kdrama called age of youth and the main girl is literally me and it;s fuckin scary but idk a quote from her off the top of my head but ik there’s one about needin 2 man up and speak up for herself and i was just like wow me!!!!
7.) if there was one problem/issue you could wipe off the face of the earth, what would it be? OH MAN I CAN ONLY PICK ONE UMMMM ima go w all terrorism that sounds good im lookin at u white boys who never get a proper punishment
8.) do you think everyone in our lives serves a purpose, or are some people just there? ...u know this is a hard question tbh i think we’re all just out there man
9.) Favorite knock-knock/cheesy joke? KNOCK KNOCK WHOS THERE???? UNDER UNDER WHERE??? LOL UNDERWEAR
10.) how do you feel about getting your picture taken? I HATE IT JFC
11.) most embarrassing poster you've ever owned? probably the one direction one morgan (????) gave me that’s still hanging on my door
12.) what are the 3 worst movies of all time? THE ROOM, tbh idk any after that
13.) when was the last time you were in a public setting and a stranger annoyed you? ALL THE TIME
14.) strangest pet peeve? i dont think any of them are strange?????
15.) what is a quirk you find cute in a significant other? .....idk
16.) if you could make a guest appearance in ANY show, which one would you choose? ELLEN SHE GIVES AWAY A LOT OF STUFF
17.) who do you think is the most underrated comedian? idrk anything about comedians srry fam i only know the well known and overrated ones
18.) based on your personality, what do you think your spirit animal is? DEER IN HEADLIGHTS IF IM ALLOWED TO BE THAT SPECIFIC
19.) color combination that you hate? idk orange and blue was the first one i thought of
20.) what is your favorite childhood memory? I HAD AN HP THEMED BIRTHDAY PARTY WHEN I WAS LIKE 10 but tbh i think i cried idk y i picked that one
21.) what cartoon character do you most resonate with? CARL FROM JIMMY NEUTRON
22.) what game do you never lose at? I LOSE AT EVERYTHING
23.) what does your dream home look like? im too lazy for this question tbh
24.) Honestly, do you love your family, like them, dislike them, or hate them? I LOVE THEM THEYRE JUST ANNOYING
25.) pettiest argument you've ever been in? WHO KNOWS
26.) what is the weirdest article of clothing you've ever come across? idk
27.) what is your favorite day of the week? NONE THEY ALL SUCK
28.) Do you feel offended by swear words? not really
29.) Stupidest dare you've ever done? i dont do dares :)
30.) Did your parents ever compare you to your siblings or cousins growing up? Did that affect the way things turned out? no
31.) You get to be any person in the world for a whole week. Who do you choose? whos the wealthiest person is itstill bill gates ill be him and pay off my own student loans :) 
32.) one food you hate that should be destroyed at all costs? ANY FOOD WITH SALAD IN THE TITLE THAT ISNT A TRADITIONAL SALAD
33.) What is your favorite past time for each of the four seasons? i’m too lazy 4 this one too but honestly i do all the same things regardless of the seasons aka laying in bed and wasting my life away
34.) what is something that will always make you laugh? THAT VIDEO ABOUT THE IRISH PUG WHO CAN’T RUN
35.) what does your pet look like? fuck u i don;t have a pet
36.) describe your favorite outfit. my light washed jean shorts w a black t shirt and cream colored cardigan w gold colored dangly earrings and my black wedges
37.) most annoying noise you've ever heard? CHILDREN CRYING
38.) at what age did you learn to drive? LOL 22
39.) What is something that you own which you know you probably shouldn't? i have a shirt that says bitch on it?????
40.) last thing you made with your own 2 hands? what idk
41.) Favorite time of day? day. not morning but not evening???? does that mean afternoon
42.) Do you believe in ghosts, spirits, or any kind of afterlife? OH GOD DONT ASK ME ABOUT THIS PLS
43.) what sports did you do in school? I DIDNT i played softball once when i was younger to impress my dad but he didnt go to a single game :)
44.) if you had been voted for a 'superlative' in your last yearbook (class clown, laziest, most likely to become president, etc) what would you have been voted? TRIES HER BEST BUT FAILS but also doesnt try as hard as she tries to make it sound :)
45.) reality show idea that you would most definitely watch on television? idk but i want the x factor to come back to america but w judges who actually know what theyre doing thats right im calling u out demi paulina and britney and sometimes simon (ok yall but remember that mess he made emblem3 do w a mashup of my girl and california gurls to the music of what makes you beautiful)
46.) do you still own a landline phone? my parents do???
47.) scariest storm you've ever had in your town? idk
48.) skill you wish you had? THERE ARE A LOT OF SKILLS I WISH I HAD
49.) what is something you wish you could talk more about, but don't for fear of what other people would think? MY AFTERLIFE THOUGHTS that sounds weird
50.) last book you read? well if we’re being specific rn i’m rereading goblet of fire and the last one i finished was prisoner of azkaban
51.) what does your calendar have on it? i dont have a calendar i only have one when school is goin on
52.) what do you do if you get stopped by a person selling something from a mall kiosk? i usually pretend i cant hear them oops :)
53.) infomercial you're beyond tired of seeing? i can’t think of any i don’t usually watch real tv????
54.) what was your first stuffed animal/doll's name? baby bear
55.) have you ever said something out of anger and instantly regretted it? probably
56.) how do you feel about raising minimum wage? HELL YEAH
57.) how would you spend a perfect day with your best friend? ...............................i.......... do not know.......................
58.) when was the last time you changed the oil in your car? i do not have a car
59.) did you ever have to do speech therapy? no
60.) something you're looking forward to in the future? GRADUATING COLLEGE
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music-my-angel · 8 years
Cold as ice
Prompt - Can you do one of Emblem3 where its winter time and they are outside their tour bus and they find a frozen lake and they go on it but when they do Keaton falls through the ice? And Wes and some of their security people help get Keaton out but he was in the water to long that he passes out and when they get him out of the water they have to do CPR on him and he comes back. And Wes is brotherly protective and there’s brotherly love too. Thank you your writings are awesome!
Ice skating is totally fun. Wes always loved it. It was the only good thing about winter according to Wes. Keaton, on the other hand, liked ice skating but he wasn’t too big of a fan. He preferred safe places to ice skate instead of Wes who as he finds a frozen place would be up for having a little bit of fun. Recently, the boys had been returning back from a concert when they found a frozen lake. Who was going to stop Wes from exploring that place?
Grabbing his skating boots, Wes had dragged Keaton out of the bus to the lake with Drew following close behind.
“It’s too cold to be out” Keaton whined.
“Come on Keat. Come skate.” Wes tried coaxing his brother.
“It’s so fun. Don’t be a spoilsports” Drew teased Keaton.
Wes and Drew shared a smile as they watched Keaton take a hesitant step on the ice and start skating towards them.
What a had been a ‘mission accomplished’ smile was soon going to turn into a horrific gasp as Keaton stumbled, following a face first and disappearing under the ice.
They heard the sound of Keaton falling face first on the ice and winced in sympathy but that sound was soon followed by a cracking sound that could only meet that the ice had cracked beneath Keaton. And soon, the boy was falling through the ice.
“Keaton” Wes gasped.
“He fell under?” Drew asked.
“Oh God” Wes exclaimed, hurrying to get to his baby brother.
While Drew shouted for help from the security guards, Wes was on his knees trying to find his brother through that ice.
Wes didn’t even feel the tears rolling down his cheeks as he finally managed to get hold of Keaton’s arms.
“Let the guards help, Wes” Drew shouted as he along with the two guards helped Wes pull Keaton out of that icy water.
“He is cold as ice. He isn’t breathing” Drew realized as he patted Keaton’s cheeks to wake him up.
“No… No… No…” Wes panicked as he quickly did CPR on his brother to wake him up.
“Come on brother, you can’t die on me. You have to wake up. You’re my whole life buddy. What would I do without you? Don’t you dare give up on me! Come on, work with me please. Come on brother” Wes pleaded with his baby brother.
Wes was a mess of tears and panic as he continued with the CPR until the ambulance arrived with the paramedics having to pull Wes off Keaton.
“It’s okay son… We got him. He’s breathing” One of the medics said.
Drew’s arm around Wes’s shoulders were probably the only thing keeping Wes up at that time.
None of the medical staff had been able to keep Wes away from Keaton for long. After managing to get Keaton stable enough, the doctor had allowed Keaton to move to a room, thus allowing Wes to see his brother.
Wes had sat through the whole night holding onto Keaton’s hand. He had come too close to losing Keaton and was not going to let go of his brother any time soon.
The next day when Keaton woke up, it was to a hug and quick brush of lips to his forehead with Wes whispering, “Don’t you dare scare me like that again!”
“Love you.” Wes mumbled with another kiss to Keaton’s forehead before saying, “Don’t you dare tell this to anyone though.”
Smiling as he shared a look with Drew in the doorway, Keaton muttered in a raspy voice, “Love you too.”
Keaton didn’t need to ask how bad the incident was.
This ice skating incident had been one that scared Wes a lot. He had come so close to losing his baby brother. He definitely wouldn’t want to feel his brother’s cold as ice body again. It was way too cold, way too scary…
Hope you all like it.
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E3 Preference #53-The Suspense of getting caught
Wes: We walked towards the mall after parking the car. He took my hand as I laced our fingers, he opened the door. I smiled slightly as I walked in front of him, he caught up with me. He took my hand in his once again. We walked towards victoria secret, he grabbed my hips as he walked behind me. I grabbed a few panties, his lips against my neck. “I like you naked” he whispered in my ear. “I know” I bite my lip slightly. “What else are you getting?” he asked. “I need some new bras but I would have to try them on” I smiled as he pulled me closer to him. I pulled away from his grip as I walked through the store. I felt him walk up to me. He hand hitting against my ass as he grab my hip with his other hand. His lips pressed against my neck, pulling me back against him. “Wes” I slightly moan. “What” he moved his hand to stomach. “Stop” I bite my lip. “You know you want to” he smirked. I pulled away once again grabbing the bras I wanted to try on. He followed me closely as I got a dressing room. I tried to shut the door, but he slipped into my room, shutting the door behind him. “I want to see, ” he said as he sat down. “I’m sure you do, ” I looked at him. I rolled my eyes as I pulled my shirt over my head. Of course he undid my bra, allowing it to fall to the ground. I tried a few bars on and he loved them all, but he loved my naked better. I slipped off the last bra before I could grab mine, he pulled me to him. He pulled me onto his lap, his hand against my neck. I leaned down to kiss him softly as I grabbed his shirt. He was the only one that loved the other naked. I pushed his shirt up as he took it off, his lips against mine. His lips moving from mine down to my neck sucking gently. I let out a slight moan, but he placed his finger against my lip. “You have to be quiet, ” he said as he laid me back on the bench. I nodded my head slightly as he moved over my body. I lifted my hips up slightly as he took my shorts and panties off. He sat up undoing his pants, taking his dick out of his pants. Moving back over me rubbing his tip against my clit. I bite my lip, trying to keep myself from moaning as he pushed himself into me. He moved quickly and deeply as he placed his lips back against my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he moved faster. My breathing picked up as I tried so hard not to moan. “Shh, ” he kissed my lips. “Anyone in there?” someone asked as they knocked. “Yes, I’ll be on in a minute, ” I struggled to get those words out. He kept thrusting into me deeply as he held my legs. “Wes” I bite my lip. “I know baby, ” he whispered. He kept hitting my spot and I climaxed against him, biting down on my lip. I grabbed his arm as it was intense and I wanted to scream. He kept thrusting and soon he climaxed as well, resting against me as we tried to catch our breaths. He pulled himself out of me placing himself back into his pants. I laid back on the bench as I tried to gather myself together. “You ok?” he asked. “Yeah, just intense” I said as I finally got dressed. He kissed me softly before we left the dressing room. I finally checked out and we left the mall soon after. He always loved to do it in the dressing room, plus it was more intense with the thought of being caught.
Drew: I slipped my dress on as I looked at myself in the mirror. He walked behind me placing his arm around my waist. His head resting against my shoulder as he looked at the mirror. “Beautiful” he smiled. “Thank you” I smiled. “Can I suggest something?” he asked. “What?” I asked. “Take these off” he pushed down my panties down. They fell to my ankles, I looked at him and I knew it would be a good night. “Sure” I bend down picking them off my feet. “Good girl” he grabbed my ass. “You are always naughty’ I bite my lip. "And you love it” he kissed my neck. “I do” I said. He made his way back downstairs as I finished getting dressed. I slipped on my shoes and made my way downstairs. I grabbed my bag as he opened the door for us. Once the door was locked he grabbed my hand leading me to the car. He also opened the car door allowing me to get into the car. We soon were on the road and going towards our favorite fancy restaurant. His finger tips running along my leg and up my dress, I kept pushing his hand away. “Babe” he pouted. “You will get me excited and cant do anything about it” I said. “Who said I cant do anything about it?” he asked as I allowed his hand to go further. He parted my lips with his thumb as he found my clit. I moaned slightly as he rubbed my clit faster. He kept his eyes on the road as he kept his thumb against my clit. He brought me close to a climax but pulled away as we pulled up. “Don’t worry”“ he kissed my cheek before getting out of the car. I took a deep breath in before getting out of the car. He lead me into the restaurant and we got our table. I loved this place because it was beautiful and peaceful, plus the table clothes covered the table. I sat across from him as we both looked at our menus. I finally decided on what I wanted as well as he did. We placed our orders in as the waiter took at menus. "So how was your day?” he asked. “Great” I smiled slightly. “Want to finish?” he smirked. “I always want to finish Drew” I said as I bite my lip. “That’s what I wanted to hear, ” he said as he dropped his fork. He moved to the ground to pick it up, but instead of coming up he went under. He moved my legs apart, I gasped at his touch. He parted my lips once again with his thumb finding my clit right away. He slipped his fingers into me replacing his thumb with his mouth. Sucking against my swollen clit, as I bite my lip to stop moaning. He curled his fingers into me as his tongue swirled around my clit. “Would you guys like wine?” the waitress asked. “Yes please” I said with a slight moan. “White or red?” she asked. “Red’ I nodded as I gripped my seat. "Are you ok Mrs?” she asked. “Yeah, fine” I smiled slightly before she walked away. I took a deep breath in I could feel myself edge closer to a climax. He started to move his fingers faster bringing me to a climax. I closed my eyes as I felt my knees buckle, I took a deep breath in. He soon came from under the table and returned to his seat. “I just can’t seem to find my fork” he said. “They will bring you a new one” I looked at him. Our food finally arrived and our dinner went on as planned.
Keaton: We could never seemed to decide on what movie we wanted to see. We finally decided on the lastest box office hit and got tickets. Since we had tickets we didn’t have to wait in the long line. We walked straight in and got our drink and of course popcorn. We finally found our theater and went in, climbing the stairs to get to the top. “Seems to be a quiet night” he said as he sat back in his seat. “Seems to be that way” I smiled. “Just us so far” he took a sip of our drink. Only a few other people came into the theater we were in as the movie started. “Want to make this moore interesting?” he whispered. “Like how?” I looked at him. “Take your panties off” he smirked. “Keaton” I pushed his arm slightly. “Come on, no one will know” he said. I rolled my eyes slightly as I took my panties off. He smirked as he watches me take them off, his hand on my leg. He stood up moving in front of me, grabbing my hips, pulling me down in the seat. He unzips his pants, allowing his head-on out, easing into me. His lips against mine as he thrust into me, faster and deeper. I moaned against his lips, trying to be as quiet as I could be. He moved his lips down to my neck as he held onto my legs. I edge closer to my climax as he thrust faster. I gripped his arm as I felt myself cum against him. He slipped himself out of me and sat back down on the seat. He grabbed my arm moving me onto his lap. My skirt over draped his lap so no one could see. I started to move my hips back and forth as he gripped my hips. He kept me moving as he started to edge closer to his climax. We both finally climaxed together as I lay back against him. “No seat sharing” the guard said. “Sorry, ” I whisper as I got off his lap after he put himself back in his pants. We finished watching the movie giving ourselves time to actually catch our breaths. There was just something about being caught that made it more intense.
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keatonandi · 10 years
Tumblr media
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keatonasfuck · 10 years
So I have a preference in my drafts from when I first made this blog and it's not to bad it's a keaton one, should I post it? I also have a drew one but idk if I should post that. Please message me telling me if I should or shouldn't :)
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