#emblem3 blurb
fastlanehqs · 2 months
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WELCOME TO MIDWAY, DUDE. Take a look our checklist for a few little deets before we get started.
Alias: mikey
Age: twenty-three
Pronouns: they/them
Timezone: mst
Triggers: [REDACTED]
What made you want to join fastlanehq? I made it.
If you aren’t chosen for your first skeleton choice, what are your second and third choices? [REDACTED]
Are you applying for a wanted connection? If so, which one? n/a
Anything else? there's something about the girl next door...something that i can't ignore - emblem3 my top picks would be i wanna be a free girl by dusty springfield/beautiful by carol king/helpless by buffy sainte-marie…as a matter of fact….let me link my playlist
[TAYLOR RUSSELL, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER] Well, well, well, [GWEN GOODWIN], after that stunt you and your friends pulled, half of town didn’t think you’d make it to graduation! Let alone turning [18]. You’re getting a reputation as [THE GIRL NEXT DOOR] you know, it’s all the talk around [THE HUB]! Nevertheless, Principal Grauss announced your postgrad plans to [ATTEND THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN THE FALL] when you walked across that stage and got that diploma. Folks around Midway will always remember you as [MODEST, RESPONSIBLE] and [CAUTIOUS, INHIBITED]
Please choose at least one of the three prompts to respond to in character. There is no word minimum or maximum! 
It’s a new decade, the world is at war again, and your character has developed a recurring nightmare. Describe the nightmare and your character’s reaction to it.
gwen wouldn’t call it a nightmare, but an itch. sure, it started at the beginning of spring semester with a bad dream, but she only had it twice! she’d be preoccupied with [THE BOY NEXT DOOR] in the familiar mildew-y creases of his basement couch. gwen would weave her fingers into his hair lost in the moment of … being a teenager. [THE BOY NEXT DOOR] grew glass for teeth, or fangs, or something equally horrific, she didn’t ever check. gwen would discover this by way of blood gushing from her lip. immediately, she’d panic, scouring the basement for tissues while [THE BOY NEXT DOOR] stood by dubious, well meaning, and unhelpful. that was before he’d vanish all together. her punctured lip bleeds, and bleeds, and completely drains her– gwen recalled waking up from it the first time, tears in her eyes, unsure of if she wanted her boyfriend in that moment or never wanted to see [THE BOY NEXT DOOR] ever again. either way, this was where the spiral began. following the second nightmare, gwen was determined to get the source of it. in the morning, she was sure to ready herself for the day efficiently so to get to the school library as early as possible. gwen hurried down the steps only to be faced with her parents in the kitchen. she treaded cautiously, god this was going to make them so sad. “gwennie!” her papa immediately set his paper down neatly, and stood to meet her with a hug. gwen grinned and she gave her dad a kiss on the cheek as her mom chimed, “good morning!” she crossed to mama and gave her the same, polite, hug and kiss. time to bear the bad news. “morning! um..i can’t stay for breakfast, i gotta get to the library.” gwen hated lying, but she had to sell it. “we gotta big test coming up.” the understanding disappointment that fell over their faces was an extra knife to the gut. but before they could talk about it, she waved them off and rushed out the front door. gwen did follow the speed limit on her drive to school, her mixtape of joni mitchell and dusty springfield rattling in the cassette player of her dark green, 1969 two door chevrolet caprice. papa got it for her for her sixteenth birthday that year, brand new. mama gripped her arm tight and whispered in her ear not to ask how much it cost. it took her a mere three minutes to get from the school parking lot to the library. gwen really hoped the librarians weren’t mad at her for not making normal conversation when she got in. she’d make up for it once she checked out these damn books out. gwen figured, if she could get to the psychological root of the dream, she could get it to stop and everything’d be just peachy again. unfortunately. midway high didn’t have the vast selection gwen was hoping for, and she walked away with a pitiful hull of one book– the psychology of dreams. freud. who was…controversial in the least. gwen wouldn’t call herself a fan. despite that, she was already flipping through the table of contents and key pages that would lead her on to anything helpful– blood? death? boyfriends? nothing was jumping out to her. she was second guessing checking it out, but when she spotted [THE BURN OUT] strolling into the library, gwen was sold. she was not checking this out. yes, [THE BURN OUT] was her friend, and no, they weren’t as close as they used to be. but it didn’t bother gwen. really! not one bit! gwen didn’t want [THE BURN OUT] seeing her book and relaying it to anybody in the group. this felt personal. she really didn’t want it sniffed out and gossiped about. which was a feat in a small town. 
gwen managed to tuck the book back on it’s shelf and when she made eye contact with [THE BURN OUT] she awkwardly greeted them, “mornin’…i’m just…studying!” she explained…inexplicably. the other sort of awkwardly waved back, smiled, then walked off to their corner. gwen didn’t blame them. they were probably busy! everyone was expecting them to end up valedictorian. still, she felt awfully embarrassed. tail between her legs, gwen shuffled to her favorite librarian, retta. for a moment, she simply stood there pitifully, gulping, blinking, the whole nine yards. she couldn’t help but be sensitive. retta raised a concern brow and gwen finally piped up, “can we get a coffee in your office?” she was hopeful. retta sighed, then waved gwen back with a small smile. 
thank god.
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E3 Preference #55?: Snowed In
Keaton: She snuggled closer to him as she could feel the cold air around her. He pulled the blanket around them as he held her close to him. "Morning" he whispered. "Morning" she looked up at him. "I think it snowed last night," he said. "Really?" she asked as she sat up. "Yea that's why it's so cold, '' he said as he looked at her. "Are you sure it snowed?" she questioned as she got out of bed. "Yea I am. It was snowing when I went to bed last night" he said. "Why didn't you tell me?" she said as she wrapped her robe around her and went downstairs. He smiled as he got out of bed and followed her downstairs. She opened the back door and the whole yard was covered in snow. As well as the porch and stairs, it was a beautiful sight. "Keaton look," she said. "I see babe" he smiled as he walked up behind her. Placing his arms around her, resting his head against her shoulder. "Looks so perfect," he whispered. "Yea it is, but not too perfect to go build a snowman," she said. "Let's have breakfast first then we can go outside," he said. "Alright," She nodded and closed the door. He started breakfast as she sat at the kitchen table. She was on her computer and everything was shut down, it was a bad snowstorm. "Babe everything is closed," she said. "Really?" he asked. "Yea" she nodded. "Guess we are truly snowed in," he said as he walked over to her, kissing her softly. "Yea I guess we" she smiled. "You are such a big kid when it comes to snow" he smiled as he went back to cooking. "I have always loved snow," Aubrey said. "It's cute," Keaton said. He finished cooking breakfast and put it on two plates. He placed hers in front of her and placed his down next to her. He went to get drinks and made his way back to the table. Kissing the top of her head before sitting down. They started to eat and once they finished she cleaned up. After she cleaned up they both went upstairs to get dressed for the snow. "Got to make sure you stay warm," he said as he helped her size up her coat. "You too" she smiled as she kissed him softly. "Of course," he said. They went downstairs and went outside. They started to make a snowman, making him as big as they could. "We surely won't make a small one," she chuckled. "Never," he said, picking up snow and making it into a ball. He threw it at her, she gasped and looked at him. She smirked and picked up snow and made it into a ball, throwing it at him. "Oh it's on," he said. "Totally" she laughed as she took cover. They started throwing snowballs at each other. Laughing when it would hit the other one, the neighborhood kids came over and started throwing snowballs as well. "Hey that's not fair," Aubrey said as she ducked behind the shed. "You can't gang up on me," she said as she threw another snowball. "I can't help it, they are on my side, '' Keaton said. "We got your back," another woman said. "Thank you," Aubrey said. They continued to throw snowballs at each other. Aubrey walked towards Keaton but she ended up slipping and falling into the snow. "Aubrey, are you ok?" Keaton asked as he made his way over to her. "Yea I think I am," Aubrey said as she started to make a snow angel. "Help me up," Aubrey said. "I got you," Keaton said as he helped her up. "Oh ouch," she said as she couldn't put her foot down. "What?" Keaton asked. "I think I hurt my foot, I can't put weight on it," she said. "Let's go inside," he said as he picked her up. He took her back inside and sat her on the couch in the den. He started the fireplace so it would get warm, he helped take off her shoes. Placing her foot on the couch before going to the kitchen to get ice. He came back and sat down next to her, gently placing her foot on his lap. "Is it broken?" she asked. "No, you just sprung it, '' he said as he placed the ice on her foot. "Whoa, that's cold," she said. "I know but it will help," he said. "Thank you, baby," she said. "You want hot cocoa?" he asked. "Sure" she nodded. He got up off the couch and went back to the kitchen, making them both hot cocoa. He finally brought it back into the den where she was. Handing her the cup before sitting back down next to her. The rest of the day they snuggled up together on the couch, in front of the fireplace.
Wes: "Man it's coming down outside '', said Wes. "It is isn't it?" She asked. "Yea it's a blizzard," he said. "It's so pretty," she said. "I know it is," he wrapped his arm around her. "Guess we are building a snowman tomorrow" she leaned against him. "I guess so," he smiled and kissed her forehead. "Love that we put our bed in front of the window" she played with his hand. "Yea especially on nights like this," he said. "Yea" she looked up at him. "I love you," he said as he looked at her. Leaning down, kissing her softly as they cuddled on the bed. She started to drift off to sleep in his arms. He kissed her forehead and laid her back on the bed, covering her up with the blankets. He got up and closed the curtains before getting back in bed. Cuddling up to her and falling asleep as well. In the morning he woke up without her in the bed. "Baby?" he groaned as he rubbed his eyes. "I'm in the kitchen," She replied. "Come back to bed" he groaned. "I'm hungry," she replied. "Ok eat then come back to bed," he said. "Maybe," she said. "Please," he said. "Get up, Wes," she said. "Ugh," he groaned and pulled the blanket over his head.  "I made waffles," she said. "Fine" he groaned and finally got out of bed. He made his way into the kitchen, leaning against the door frame just watching her. He smiled to himself as he realized how lucky he was. "Well look who is up" she smiled as she walked over to where he was standing. "Yeah I'm up" he smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist. She leaned up and kissed him softly, wrapping her arms around his neck. "So where are these waffles you said you made?' he asked. "Still cooking" she looked at him. "I love you Jordan" he tucked her hair behind her ear. "I love you, Wes" she leaned up and kissed him again. She pulled away from him and went to finish cooking. Putting the waffles on the table and grabbing two plates for them. He grabbed the syrup and the drinks before sitting down next to her. Once they finished eating he cleaned up the kitchen. She moved to sit in front of the window with her cup of coffee, just looking at the snow. "It's peaceful," Wes said. "So beautiful," she said. "Just like you," he said as he moved closer to her, kissing the top of her head. "I don't know if I have to go into the office," she said. "Check your emails or call them babe," he said as he placed his arm around her shoulders. "I will," she nodded as she looked up at him. He leaned down and kissed her softly. She got up and grabbed her computer, checking her emails. "Well the whole town is closed," she said. "Everyone is snowed in," he said. "Yeah, I guess so," she smiled. "This would be so perfect if we were in a cabin" he pulled her to him. "We have everything a cabin has" she wrapped her arms around his neck. "True," he said. "What do you have planned?" she asked. "What?" He responded. "I know that look," she said. "Nothing, just how I'm going to beat you at building a snowman" he chuckled slightly. "Oh really?" she said. "Yea" he kissed her nose softly. They both got ready to go outside in the snow. They started building a snowman, Jordan won because she was used to this weather. "When you have three brothers, you learn how to win," she smiled. "Good job," he smiled. She threw a snowball at him and he returned the favor. He ran over to where she was before she could grab any more snow. Picking her up and spinning her around. She laughed as she held onto him, once he returned her to her feet she grabbed more snow. Pushing it in his face and laughing. "Oh so that's how it is," he smiled. "Of course," she smiled. He grabbed snow and put it down her shirt, she screamed at how cold it was. "That's not fair," she said. "Sorry" he laughed. "Fun in games right?" she said as she grabbed snow and shuffled it down his pants. "AH," He yelled. 'Exactly' she said as she started to laugh. After a while, they both went back inside to get warm. He warmed up in the den with the fireplace and she went to take a shower. Once she got out of the shower she got dressed and came downstairs to where he was. Snuggling up on the couch in front of the fireplace, she ended up falling asleep against him. He gently laid her down and went to start planning dinner. Once he finished he came and gently woke her up. "Babe come on," he said. "Uh?" she rubbed her eyes. "I have a surprise for you," he said as he grabbed her hand. She got up and followed him, from the window she could see he set up a candlelit dinner in the snow. "Wes," she said. "Because I love you," he said. "I love you," she said as she hugged him. "Come on" he handed her her jacket. They went outside and had dinner together, it was cold but perfect. "Moonlight dinner" she looked at him. "Because you are my moonlight" he stood up. "You came into my life when I was so low in life, turning my world upside down" he moved closer to her. "I'll spend forever trying to make you happy. Will you marry me Jordan?" he asked as he got down on one knee. "Wes" she covered her mouth with her hands. The tears fell from her eyes as she nodded her head yes. He slipped the ring on her finger and he hugged her. "I love you" she whispered in his ear. "I love you" he held her close to him. After dinner, he cleaned up and she went upstairs and noticed he had rose petals everywhere. He came inside and wrapped his arms around her waist and guided her up to their room. They spend the rest of the night tangled up in bed together.
Drew:She snuggled down in the bed, keeping the covers close to her. She shuffled slightly to realize that she was alone in the bed. She sighed and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. Unfortunately, there weren't any messages from Drew. She heard someone downstairs and making their way upstairs. It was Drew but he didn't come with coffee as she thought he would. He dumped snow all over her. She sat up and screamed and pushed him away from the bed. "OH MY GOD," She said. "Wake up" he smirked and kissed her softly. "Asshole," she said as she pushed him from her. "Oh come on" he sat on the bed. "That's cold," she said. "Just means I get to warm you up" he wrapped his arm around her. "You are such an asshole" she grabbed his chin. "But mine" she smiled as she kissed him. "So we could take a hot shower or go outside and continue to get cold," he said. "I'm already cold so why not," she said. "Good answer," he smiled. She got up and got dressed to go outside in the snow. She grabbed some snow and made it into a ball. Throwing it at him the moment he walked out the door. "Damn," he laughed. "I move fast," she said. "Yea you do," he said. He came down the stairs and grabbed her before she could get any more snow. Wrapping his arm around her waist, spinning her around. He placed her feet back on the ground, slowly leaning her back. She laid back in the snow and started to make a snow angel. "My angel," he smiled as he watched her. "Help me up" she reached for him. "I got you," he said as he grabbed her hand, helping her up. "Wow, perfect," she said as she looked at it. "Because you are perfect" he wrapped his arms around her, placing his head against her shoulder. It started to snow again, she looked up watching the snowflakes fall. He turned her to face him, placing his hand against her cheek. Brushing his thumb against her lips before leaning in towards her. Kissing her softly, she wrapped her arms around him and kept the kiss between them. "If you are cold we can go inside," he said. "You got me out here now" she smirked as she grabbed more snow, rubbing his face in it. "It's on," he said as he grabbed snow and threw it at her. She ran away from him taking cover behind the shed. Throwing snowballs at each other. "Ok I surrender" he came out with his hands up. "You do?" she asked as she looked at him. "Yea I do," he said. "Good," she said as she came out from her hiding spot. "No I don't" he smirked and threw another snowball. "Hey," she said. "Sorry," he said. "I'm cold and going inside," she said. "Alright babe," he said. "Do you have keys?" she asked as she realized the door was locked. "What?" he said as he walked up the stairs. "Keys" she looked at him. "No I don't, I thought the door was unlocked," he said. "What are you serious?" she asked. "Yes I am," he said. "Drew I know you, stop playing," she said. "I'm not playing this time," he said. "Great, we are locked out," she said. "We have a key under the doormat," he said. "Wait really?" she asked as she bent over to get it. "Oh wow," she said as she found the key. "Yea my secret key just in case you ever kick me out," he said. They finally got inside the house, she took off her shoes at the door. She didn't want to track snow all over the house. Took off her wet jacket and placed it in the laundry room before making her way upstairs. He also took her shoes off and placed his jacket in the laundry room. He followed her upstairs and grabbed her as she walked into the bathroom. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her cheek softly. She smiled as she pulled away from him and started the shower. Allowing the water to warm up before they got inside. He kept his promise and got her warm in the shower. The rest of the day it was just snuggles and hot chocolate.
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bigstarlittlestar · 11 years
Could you do a Wesley blurb where he wants to cuddle but you have to leave?
omg i love this idea
ok so you would like wake up and have to go to school and you’d try to slip out before wes woke up but as soon as you were about too leave he would pull you closer with his eye still closed and he would mumble stay with his groggy morning voice and you would stay for a few more minutes and try t get out again and you would say “wes i have to go to school” but he wouldn’t have any of it and he would keep pulling you closer and closer snuggling into your side nuzzling his head into your the crook neck. you would groan and tell him you have a big test today but he would give zero fucks and tell you to call in sick which is what you end up doing
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E 3 Preference #54: Your child calls him daddy
Wes: I had Jordan when I was 17 years old. I thought it could never happen to me but it did. It was hard raising a child but it also was one of the best things I've done. He bought so much joy into my life, he gave my life purpose again. I meet Wes when Jordan was almost 3 years old, I could easily say this was the best relationship I had ever been in. For the first six months of our relationship I kept Jordan a secret, I didn't want a lot of people in and out of Jordan's life. I wanted something stable in his life, I wanted to be sure Wes was someone good. I never expected to fall in love with Wes so quickly, of course Jordan loved him. "Wes is here" I called up to Jordan. He came running downstairs trying to open the front door. I smiled as I opened the door, Wes standing right in front of us. "Hey little man" Wes said as he picked up Jordan. "Hi" Jordan hugged him. "Hey babe" I smiled. "Hey" Wes leaned in kissing me softly. "Ew" Jordan said as he placed his hands over his eyes. Wes came in closing the door behind him, placing Jordan down on the couch. He placed his arm around me, pulling me close to his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I moved closer to him. "Daddy?" Jordan asked. "Yes buddy?" Wes said as he kneeled down. "You play with me?" Jordan asked. "Yeah, sure, let me talk to mommy real quick ok" Wes said as Jordan ran upstairs. "I'm sorry, " I said. "For what?" Wes asked. "Him calling you daddy" I nodded. "It's ok, I was going to ask if that was ok" Wes said. "If you are ok with it" I looked at him. "I am" Wes smiled slightly. "Thank you for being so amazing" I moved closer to him. "It's part of my job, " he kissed me softly. "I love you, " I said against his lips. "I love you, " he smiled. I let him go upstairs to play with Jordan, I never thought he would be cool with being called daddy. It was nice that he wanted to ask me how I felt about it. It just made me fall more in love with him, he was perfect for us. I loved my little family, I never knew happiness could happen after heartache. Keaton: I knew Keaton forever it seemed like it. He was my best friend, my rock when I needed it. When I got pregnant at 19 by someone who abused me Keaton was the one there for me. He got me out of that situation even if it meant I moved in with him. I gave birth to Isabella a week before my 20 birthday. It was one of the best presents I had ever gotten, she was perfect in every way. Im pretty sure all parents say that about their child, she was exactly what I needed in my life. I wanted to straighten up my life, be a better person because of her. I went back to school when she was 6 months old, trying to stay on track. Of course Keaton was right by my side through everything, he adored Isabella. "Can I ask you something?" Keaton asked as he sat down next to me. "Sure" I nodded. "Would you ever give us a chance?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I looked at him. "I mean date, relationship" he said. "Its kind of like that now" I responded. "But this would be more loving" he said. "We could try" I nodded. He placed his hand on my chin, titling it up towards his. Placing his lips against mine, I smiled into the kiss. There was a spark between us, sometimes the one you need is right in front of you. "Wow, " I pulled away from him. "Yeah, wow, " he smiled. "I guess we are dating now" I looked at him. "Yeah, " he nodded. I heard Isabella crying so I went and picked her up, bringing her back to where Keaton was sitting. I sat her on my lap as she started to calm down, Keaton picked her up placing her on his lap. "I love you Isabella" Keaton said. "Thank you for being there for her, " I said. "I couldn't allow you or to stay in that situation" he said. "Still, thank you" I kissed his cheek. "Dada" Isabella said as she grabbed Keaton's chain. I just looked at him, not sure what to say or what he would do. "She said Dada her first words" Keaton had the biggest smile on his face. "Are you ok with her calling you that?" I asked. "I was the only daddy she has, blood doesn't mean anything" he said. "She deserves the world, " I said. "And I'll give it to her, I got you both, " he wrapped his arm around me. We were a team and even though blood didn't tie them together, Isabella and Keaton grew close, that was her daddy no matter what anyone said. Drew: I was working a double shift at the club, that's where I meet Drew. I could tell something was different about him plus he was very easy on the eyes. Once I got off work we started to talk, there was something between us. I couldn't explain it but I knew I wanted to try just to see if there was something between us. It had been over a year since that day and we are still going strong. It took me forever to allow Drew to meet my five year old son Jasper, I didn't want to rush that relationship. To my surprise they got along great, Jasper adored Drew and I could say the same for Drew. I kind of kept Jasper in the dark about his real father. Since his father died in a car accident when Jasper was a year old. I was sitting up for Jaspers 6 birthday party, I invited mainly everyone that Jasper knew. "Mom?" Jasper said as he came downstairs. "Yes?" I responded. "I want to ask you something" he said. "Ok baby, go ahead" I said. "Can I call Drew dad?" he asked. "Well you would have to ask him that" I said. "Ok Ill ask him" Jasper nodded. "Ok baby, get ready for your party" I sent him back upstairs. I finally finished decorating for the party just as people started to come in. Jasper finally came down to greet everyone who came in. "Drew?" Jasper asked. "Hey buddy, Happy birthday" Drew said. "Can I talk to you?" Jasper asked. "Sure" Drew took Jasper to the side. "I already asked mom and she said you have to be ok with it" Jasper said. "What is that?" Drew asked. "Can I call you dad?" Jasper asked. "As long as your mom is ok with it, then you" Drew nodded. "Really?" Jasper started to get excited. "Yeah, I've been in your life since last year" Drew said. They finally both came into the back yard and everyone yelled out happy birthday. Jasper went over to play with his friends as Drew came over to me. "Did he ask you?" I hugged Drew. "Yeah, and I said yeah, you cool with that?" Drew asked. "As long as you are, " I nodded. "Of course, I see myself being with you guys life for awhile" Drew admitted. "I would like that" I smiled. The birthday party went off great, and Drew was always there for us. I couldn't ask for a better male figure in Jaspers life.
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E3 Preference #53-The Suspense of getting caught
Wes: We walked towards the mall after parking the car. He took my hand as I laced our fingers, he opened the door. I smiled slightly as I walked in front of him, he caught up with me. He took my hand in his once again. We walked towards victoria secret, he grabbed my hips as he walked behind me. I grabbed a few panties, his lips against my neck. “I like you naked” he whispered in my ear. “I know” I bite my lip slightly. “What else are you getting?” he asked. “I need some new bras but I would have to try them on” I smiled as he pulled me closer to him. I pulled away from his grip as I walked through the store. I felt him walk up to me. He hand hitting against my ass as he grab my hip with his other hand. His lips pressed against my neck, pulling me back against him. “Wes” I slightly moan. “What” he moved his hand to stomach. “Stop” I bite my lip. “You know you want to” he smirked. I pulled away once again grabbing the bras I wanted to try on. He followed me closely as I got a dressing room. I tried to shut the door, but he slipped into my room, shutting the door behind him. “I want to see, ” he said as he sat down. “I’m sure you do, ” I looked at him. I rolled my eyes as I pulled my shirt over my head. Of course he undid my bra, allowing it to fall to the ground. I tried a few bars on and he loved them all, but he loved my naked better. I slipped off the last bra before I could grab mine, he pulled me to him. He pulled me onto his lap, his hand against my neck. I leaned down to kiss him softly as I grabbed his shirt. He was the only one that loved the other naked. I pushed his shirt up as he took it off, his lips against mine. His lips moving from mine down to my neck sucking gently. I let out a slight moan, but he placed his finger against my lip. “You have to be quiet, ” he said as he laid me back on the bench. I nodded my head slightly as he moved over my body. I lifted my hips up slightly as he took my shorts and panties off. He sat up undoing his pants, taking his dick out of his pants. Moving back over me rubbing his tip against my clit. I bite my lip, trying to keep myself from moaning as he pushed himself into me. He moved quickly and deeply as he placed his lips back against my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he moved faster. My breathing picked up as I tried so hard not to moan. “Shh, ” he kissed my lips. “Anyone in there?” someone asked as they knocked. “Yes, I’ll be on in a minute, ” I struggled to get those words out. He kept thrusting into me deeply as he held my legs. “Wes” I bite my lip. “I know baby, ” he whispered. He kept hitting my spot and I climaxed against him, biting down on my lip. I grabbed his arm as it was intense and I wanted to scream. He kept thrusting and soon he climaxed as well, resting against me as we tried to catch our breaths. He pulled himself out of me placing himself back into his pants. I laid back on the bench as I tried to gather myself together. “You ok?” he asked. “Yeah, just intense” I said as I finally got dressed. He kissed me softly before we left the dressing room. I finally checked out and we left the mall soon after. He always loved to do it in the dressing room, plus it was more intense with the thought of being caught.
Drew: I slipped my dress on as I looked at myself in the mirror. He walked behind me placing his arm around my waist. His head resting against my shoulder as he looked at the mirror. “Beautiful” he smiled. “Thank you” I smiled. “Can I suggest something?” he asked. “What?” I asked. “Take these off” he pushed down my panties down. They fell to my ankles, I looked at him and I knew it would be a good night. “Sure” I bend down picking them off my feet. “Good girl” he grabbed my ass. “You are always naughty’ I bite my lip. "And you love it” he kissed my neck. “I do” I said. He made his way back downstairs as I finished getting dressed. I slipped on my shoes and made my way downstairs. I grabbed my bag as he opened the door for us. Once the door was locked he grabbed my hand leading me to the car. He also opened the car door allowing me to get into the car. We soon were on the road and going towards our favorite fancy restaurant. His finger tips running along my leg and up my dress, I kept pushing his hand away. “Babe” he pouted. “You will get me excited and cant do anything about it” I said. “Who said I cant do anything about it?” he asked as I allowed his hand to go further. He parted my lips with his thumb as he found my clit. I moaned slightly as he rubbed my clit faster. He kept his eyes on the road as he kept his thumb against my clit. He brought me close to a climax but pulled away as we pulled up. “Don’t worry”“ he kissed my cheek before getting out of the car. I took a deep breath in before getting out of the car. He lead me into the restaurant and we got our table. I loved this place because it was beautiful and peaceful, plus the table clothes covered the table. I sat across from him as we both looked at our menus. I finally decided on what I wanted as well as he did. We placed our orders in as the waiter took at menus. "So how was your day?” he asked. “Great” I smiled slightly. “Want to finish?” he smirked. “I always want to finish Drew” I said as I bite my lip. “That’s what I wanted to hear, ” he said as he dropped his fork. He moved to the ground to pick it up, but instead of coming up he went under. He moved my legs apart, I gasped at his touch. He parted my lips once again with his thumb finding my clit right away. He slipped his fingers into me replacing his thumb with his mouth. Sucking against my swollen clit, as I bite my lip to stop moaning. He curled his fingers into me as his tongue swirled around my clit. “Would you guys like wine?” the waitress asked. “Yes please” I said with a slight moan. “White or red?” she asked. “Red’ I nodded as I gripped my seat. "Are you ok Mrs?” she asked. “Yeah, fine” I smiled slightly before she walked away. I took a deep breath in I could feel myself edge closer to a climax. He started to move his fingers faster bringing me to a climax. I closed my eyes as I felt my knees buckle, I took a deep breath in. He soon came from under the table and returned to his seat. “I just can’t seem to find my fork” he said. “They will bring you a new one” I looked at him. Our food finally arrived and our dinner went on as planned.
Keaton: We could never seemed to decide on what movie we wanted to see. We finally decided on the lastest box office hit and got tickets. Since we had tickets we didn’t have to wait in the long line. We walked straight in and got our drink and of course popcorn. We finally found our theater and went in, climbing the stairs to get to the top. “Seems to be a quiet night” he said as he sat back in his seat. “Seems to be that way” I smiled. “Just us so far” he took a sip of our drink. Only a few other people came into the theater we were in as the movie started. “Want to make this moore interesting?” he whispered. “Like how?” I looked at him. “Take your panties off” he smirked. “Keaton” I pushed his arm slightly. “Come on, no one will know” he said. I rolled my eyes slightly as I took my panties off. He smirked as he watches me take them off, his hand on my leg. He stood up moving in front of me, grabbing my hips, pulling me down in the seat. He unzips his pants, allowing his head-on out, easing into me. His lips against mine as he thrust into me, faster and deeper. I moaned against his lips, trying to be as quiet as I could be. He moved his lips down to my neck as he held onto my legs. I edge closer to my climax as he thrust faster. I gripped his arm as I felt myself cum against him. He slipped himself out of me and sat back down on the seat. He grabbed my arm moving me onto his lap. My skirt over draped his lap so no one could see. I started to move my hips back and forth as he gripped my hips. He kept me moving as he started to edge closer to his climax. We both finally climaxed together as I lay back against him. “No seat sharing” the guard said. “Sorry, ” I whisper as I got off his lap after he put himself back in his pants. We finished watching the movie giving ourselves time to actually catch our breaths. There was just something about being caught that made it more intense.
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bigstarlittlestar · 11 years
guys you should request blurbs
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