#em theorizes
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15-lizards · 8 months ago
So in his subconscious Daemon only sees Rhaenyra as a child but Laena is a grown woman but dressed like she was in her youth…what does it mean
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tadc-harlequin-au · 7 months ago
I feel like the man in the red coat might be able sue to the little tuff of blue in the center of his costume.
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ragnarokhound · 1 year ago
I’ve already left a comment on intricate rituals, but I just realized I forgot an important part. Having experience with toys but not other people is such a fun solution. My fave. Yes he can take it (yes you will be the first). The possessiveness of it all!!
But also from author’s perspective being like. Nah I don’t wanna deal with That. Absolutely valid <3
frank discussion about sex & the porny bits of my fic that got. really long somehow? below:
Hehehe yes - when I was writing, I hadn't necessarily intended that to be read as 'Tim's never bottomed before', but I realized belatedly that even if he's bottomed in the past, he certainly hasn't ever bottomed for an alpha >:3c
a lot of Jason's 'we don't have to, babe 🥺' came from anxiety about pushing for too much too fast as much as it came from the practical sentiment of 'knots are a lot to handle when ur body isn't made to take them' lmao
(because, well. look at his behavior for the entire fic, the boy spent six months gently boiling the frog of their relationship. the kind of wretched anxiety that spawns that behavior doesn't go away after one lousy love confession OTL TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE)
And Jason's been all up in Tim's business, so he KNOWS Tim hasn't been having a lot of sex because uh. He'd be able to smell it for one fjdslafjs and Tim would probably tell him about it for two fdjlafjk they talk about everything ugh they're soooo married in this fic it's disgusting lol
but like! Tim's never been with an alpha before!! of course he's never taken a real knot!! Jason would be the first OwO And it was one more way to shove another possessive omegaverse trope about Jason being jealous over Tim without it actually being awful fufufu
Hearing that Tim would be able to take his knot gave Jason extreme whiplash from 'wait what, how would you know that, who's been touCHING YOU' to 'holy fuck you've been prepping yourself? for me? that's so hot' and I am very here for any opportunity to indulge in possessive tropes with mostly just sexy consequences, especially with these two ;)
On another note, I genuinely think toys are great for testing out what you like, without fear of judgement and without worrying about 'doing well' or whatever. You can focus on yourself! You can see what works for you! You can discover your size kink-
- or lack thereof without it being tangled in complicated feelings or anxieties.
I looove the image of control freak Timothy Drake figuring himself out with toys once he knows that's an option (though imo he also doesn't give a fuck about what other people think enough that he'd be fine exploring with another person djslfa but i digress) and I love the image of control freak Timothy Drake wanting to experiment specifically with his partners to figure out all the ways they experience pleasure @_@ he wants to know how they're compatible, and he wants to know what makes them tick!!
*COUGH* anyway thank you!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the fic, and that you enjoyed that part specifically <33!!
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neonsbian · 1 year ago
i keep thinking abt why kangs dad is so weird around saifah, like it can't just be the asking his patients to buy him nice things thing, like maybe it'd be a point of concern but theres no actual evidence of him stealing shit and it can't be bc he just hates poor ppl bc he's never had a problem w sailom and idk, if i was a rich dude working on a political campaign i wouldn't gaf abt one of my many employees unless they specifically did something to piss me off which he didnt really so im just wondering if they have a connection we just wouldn't know since the storys mostly in kanghans and sailoms pov
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lookwhatyoudidithasanxiety · 5 months ago
//Hello, everyone! As long as everything pans out ok this evening, I'm planning to be on tonight!
I've also updated the character playlist post and added a couple new ones :) //
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taintedcigs · 6 months ago
“shes announcing the engagement soon”
“they are already secretly married”
“shes pregnant”
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brilliantfantasticgeronimo · 9 months ago
@sunshinedaysforever #how dare u all drag me into this tho burn with me >:)
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redshoes-blues · 2 years ago
I thought of a Roy/Keeley/Jamie thing and need to yell about it into the void. Spoilers under the cut for that article that has posted unaired Ted Lasso s3 quotes for tonight’s episode. I’m speculating heavy about what one of them could be referring to. This is coming from someone who’s a bit of a Give Keeley Two Boyfriends truther, so there’s that. Basically I look like that unhinged plotting guy here, enjoy!
The quote in question: “I just want to know if I can bang him, babe.”
This is in ep4. Sounds like something Keeley would say, or possibly Shandy? Fits the way the two of them talk more than any other characters. I guess it could be Sassy (talking to Rebecca about Ted???) but why would she ask this when they’ve already banged? She’s an adult and doesn’t need permission.
So that makes me think… why would someone be asking this? Because the guy she (I’m assuming it’s a she, doesn’t seem like something one of the guys would say, but who knows) is talking about would be Forbidden or something. I can’t imagine who Keeley would be asking about, which leaves me with one option: Shandy and Jamie.
Not about them being a thing. At least I hope not! I don’t think that’s where they’re going with this, but maybe Shandy asks Keeley if she can bang Jamie to see if she’s okay with that, since they’re exes and all. It’s a good friend thing to do. And then Keeley is conflicted because she has feelings for Roy but maybe it makes her realize she still feels something for Jamie as well. I guess there’s the possibility Shandy is talking about one of the other guys (maybe Zava?) but why would she ask permission about it?
It also sounds a bit exasperated, as if someone asked once, the person replied something vague, and now they’re asking a second time. So maybe it’s something like Shandy asks Keeley about Jamie and Keeley kinda has a realization about her own feelings, vague-answers, and then Shandy has to repeat herself.
Anyways. No way of knowing until tonight! We’ll find out in four hours, but I just couldn’t stop thinking of that possibility and how it could maybe bring Keeley’s feelings for Jamie back into the picture. Because she hasn’t mentioned how she feels about him since he said he loves her, and it’s a big thing to leave unresolved. We also had that scene in ep3 where she’s watching Roy and then Jamie — all seemingly setting up a love triangle again. And I have all kinds of ideas about how they might resolve a love triangle in a way that’ll subvert expectations and tropes, but that’s a whole other topic. If there’s one thing we know, it’s that the writers love to subvert people’s expectations!
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He is me trying to find a way to make the ot3 a thing, or to at least give Keeley to boyfriends. The girl has two hands for a reason!!
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galacticstarjump · 1 year ago
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She’s cool :)
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blueorchid-95 · 5 months ago
is there anyone out there who thinks the “Luxord is KHUX Player” theory could actually be pretty fun in canon, or is it just me? Like hear me out on this:
It gives Player a greater sense of agency in the story. Most of the time throughout KHUX, they were a passive protagonist, rarely doing anything to advance the plot. When they did, it was usually only for the benefit of other characters. Now, Player (in the form of Luxord) is advancing their plot and the plot of others, especially via the wild card he gives Sora at the end of KH3. He plays a key role in his own fate, and it is no longer decided at the whims of those around him.
While I’ll concede that it erases some of the charm of the Player being a being of our own creation, them transforming into Luxord does NOT negate this. In fact, it opens up avenues for Luxord to be explored as a much deeper character from several angles, especially as relevant from the character. For example, he 100% inherited their stubbornness—he openly shows his upset about the situation he’s in to Xehanort when the latter is telling him and the others about their associations with the past. Essentially, Luxord becomes an entirely new, unique character in the context of a resurrective association with Player, and can be imagined as such. Hell, I’ve already started cooking up an AU on this concept.
Considering that Player is heavily associated with Lauriam and Elrena, it explains Luxord’s association with Marluxia and Larxene. The latter two may not know it, but they were friends once, and Luxord cares enough about them to fight by their side.
Both the Player and Luxord use trinkets as they fight, all through their lifetimes—the KHUX protagonist utilizes medals, the Missing Link protagonist utilizes pieces, and Luxord utilizes… whatever gambling item is closest to him at the time. Considering that the other members of Organization XIII tend to get powers that are primarily associated with them. Marluxia (Lauriam) got flowers and nature, which his sister was obsessed with. Larxene (Elrena) got lightning, which matches up with her sharp, hostile nature. As the “Gambler of Fate”, his association with the small, otherworldly trinkets that have shaped his growth as a Keyblade Wielder and as a person does not seem coincidental.
It would be absolutely hilarious if Xehanort unwittingly made his own parental figure into himself
Please remember that this is just my opinion! And thank you for reading it. :)
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i-am-columbus · 5 months ago
I’m pretty sure whizzer did kiss baseball boy. I saw them sharing cigarettes on the oval a few times and they hold hands a lot.
I don't know if I believe that. Whizzer could get any guy he wanted but he's not a cheater. At least I don't think he is...
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emmkayyy03 · 3 months ago
✨ How Your Dominant Planet Secretly Shapes Your Teenage Brain ✨
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Have you ever looked back at your late teens and wondered why you were so obsessed with certain things? Like, one friend was glued to their guitar and poetry journals, another was training for their fifth marathon, and you? You were probably neck-deep in your thing. Here’s the deal: your dominant planet was pulling the strings behind the scenes, shaping how your mind worked and what you gravitated toward without you even realizing it.
Let’s break it down:
🌞 SUN Dominant: "I need to shine—what’s the point otherwise?" Late teens for Sun-kissed folks are like a personal hero’s journey. You’re obsessed with figuring out who you are. Your brain’s constantly asking, Am I good enough? Do people see my worth? You might’ve been the captain of the debate team, the drama club star, or just that person who somehow made walking to the cafeteria look like a runway. How your mind works: Everything feels like a stage, and you want to perform your best—even in front of yourself. You seek validation, yes, but deep down, it’s about finding your inner confidence.
🌙 MOON Dominant: "I feel… everything. Is that normal?" For Moon folks, the late teens are an emotional hurricane. You’re all about understanding feelings, whether it’s yours or everyone else’s. You probably overthink texts (why’d they only reply with “k”?), cry over movies you’ve seen a million times, and have deep, borderline-therapeutic convos with your bestie. How your mind works: You process the world emotionally first, logically second. You’re learning how to handle your empathy without drowning in it.
🔥 MARS Dominant: "Let’s go! But… where are we going?" Mars kids are powered by action and passion, and your late teens are when you’re learning to channel that fire. Your brain thrives on challenges, so you probably signed up for every sport, pushed yourself in the gym, or got way too into proving someone wrong in an argument. Impulse control? We’ll work on that later. How your mind works: You process through doing. Sitting around theorizing makes you twitchy. You need action, even if it’s messy. Picking fights on the basketball court because the ref made a bad call, then realizing you’re actually just mad your crush didn’t text you back.
💬 MERCURY Dominant: "Wait, how does that work? Tell me everything!" Mercury-dominant teens are curiosity machines. Your brain’s like a search engine that never stops running. You want to know why, how, who, and what if. You’re that kid who can’t let a fun fact go without looking it up. Debates? Bring ’em on. Trivia? Your jam. Group chats? You run them. How your mind works: You connect ideas at lightning speed. Learning isn’t just a necessity; it’s your love language. Staying up until 3 a.m. watching YouTube videos about conspiracy theories, then showing up to school explaining why aliens totally built the pyramids.
💎 VENUS Dominant: "Why settle for okay when life can be beautiful?" Your late teens are a crash course in pleasure, relationships, and aesthetics. You’re probably experimenting with your style (cue questionable fashion phases), figuring out love (hello, hopeless romantic), or diving into art and music. Life needs to feel good, or it’s just not worth it. How your mind works: You’re tuned to beauty and connection. Your decisions are emotional but driven by desire—whether it’s for love, art, or the perfect selfie.Spending an hour perfecting your eyeliner just to go to the grocery store because what if you meet someone cute?
🌍 SATURN Dominant: "I’m too busy for nonsense." While your friends are out making impulsive mistakes, you’re busy building your future. Saturn-dominant teens have an old-soul vibe. You’re focused on responsibility, probably working a part-time job while juggling school and worrying about saving for college. Fun? Sure, but only if it’s productive. How your mind works: You crave structure and long-term success. While others wing it, you plan 10 steps ahead. Skipping a party to study for finals because failing isn’t an option—not because of pressure, but because you expect better from yourself.
🚀 RAHU Dominant: "What’s the wildest thing I can do right now?" Rahu teens are like explorers charting unknown territory. You’re obsessed with breaking rules, chasing thrills, and doing the forbidden. If it’s edgy, you’re into it. You’re the one sneaking out, dyeing your hair neon green, or trying things that make adults nervous. How your mind works: You’re wired to seek more. More excitement, more knowledge, more of life’s extremes. Going on a spontaneous road trip with friends, breaking the rules, or getting into something your parents wouldn’t approve of—just because it felt like the next big adventure.
🌌 KETU Dominant: "I’m here, but also not really here." Ketu teens are all about spiritual detachment. You’re introspective, reflective, and a bit aloof. While everyone else is chasing their dreams, you’re figuring out why dreams matter at all. Meditation, tarot, or even just staring at the stars for hours—you’re vibing on a higher plane. How your mind works: You reject surface-level stuff, diving into the depths of existence. But you also need to learn to be present. Skipping out on big social events to sit at a park by yourself, journaling about the mysteries of life, or getting into spiritual practices like meditation because they felt more authentic than anything else.
🚀 JUPITER Dominant: "Knowledge is freedom, and I’m going after it!" Jupiter-dominant teens are all about growth, knowledge, and the bigger picture. Your late teens were likely filled with plans for the future, exploring new ideas, and constantly looking for ways to improve. You may have been the one always talking about your next big trip, your dream career, or the philosophies that shaped your world view. How your mind works: You crave expansion and understanding. Learning is your path to freedom. Deep-diving into a topic you just discovered, researching potential career paths, or discussing ideas about travel, culture, and self-improvement with anyone who would listen. Your teenage years were wild, weren’t they? Which planet had your brain on lock? Reblog with your planetary dominant and let’s compare chaotic late-teen stories. 🌠
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the-original-skipps · 5 months ago
|| Babe, peel my orange. || Kaiju No. 8 Reactions ||
more kaiju trio incoming! i swear they are so fun to write lol i also have an idea for a series but im worried i cant commit lol btw the white veins on the orange are called "pith" apparently hahaha
Orange Peel Theory: If your partner can perform small acts of service such as peeling an orange. Indicates your partner’s willingness to please and care for you. Theorized to be a sign of a healthy relationship.
: Ichikawa Reno. Narumi Gen. Hoshina Soshiro.
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❥ Reno sees you walking over to him with an orange in your hand, he immediately knows what you are going to ask him. As you stood in front of him before you could even utter a word, Reno kindly asks you if he could take the orange. Stunned, you give him the orange only to see him masterfully peel it, even going as far to take out the pith. In only a matter of moments he hands you a cleanly peeled orange, which leaves you in awe. Your eyes turn soft as a bright smile graces your face, you peck him on the cheek as a thank you - offering to share the orange with him. Reno flushes red, trying to decline your offer but you already held an orange piece to his lips. He didn't know if he could blush any harder but now he can practically feel the heat coming from his cheeks.
"O-Oh umm, thank you... Is it o-okay if I feed you some too? It's o-okay if you don't want me to! You want me to? Umm, o-okay...!"
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❥ Narumi sits on his futon, his eyes glued to the screen before him. He doesn't even notice you come in and sit beside him. Maybe he did but he's too busy with his game. The volume of the game is loud, slightly raising your voice you tell him that you felt like eating an orange but you didn't want to peel it. At first, he doesn’t hear you replying with a "huh" - so you scoot a little closer. You ask him again, he takes a while to think before responding that he's busy - eyes still fixed to the screen. You pout, disappointed at his lackluster response. So you leave his office, slamming the door with a loud bang which has Narumi grimacing. He puts down his controller with a sigh, he knows he's screwed up big time. You spent the rest of the day entirely ignoring him. Only to open the door to your office to be met with Narumi groveling on the floor with a plate of freshly peeled oranges in his hands, begging for your forgiveness.
"I fucked up, I'm sorry...I'll buy a whole crate of oranges and even peel em too, if that's what it takes for you to forgive me! N-No? P-Please, (Y/N)…! What am I supposed to do with all these oranges?!"
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❥ Hoshina looks up from his paperwork to see you standing over him. You give him a shy smile as he patiently waits for you to speak. You tell him that you want to eat an orange but you don't want to peel it. Hoshina takes a moment to think then placing his pen down and standing up, gesturing you to follow him. You feel giddy at how easily your plan working as you trail behind him. He takes you to the break room. He then takes an orange from the bowl that sits on the counter, silently peeling it. You could see his nails slightly staining with juice but he pays no mind to it. The gesture brings a warm feeling to your heart. When he's done he hands you the orange but before you could reach out and take it, he takes a huge bite out of it. That feeling is quickly snuffed out.
"You should have seen the look on your face!! Hahaha, I'm just messing with ya! I'll peel you a new one. I'll even peel you three, what a steal!"
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⋆˙⟡taglist: @stunies @maruflix @hayatoseyepatch @17020 if anyone wants to be added lemme know!
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gingerale13 · 2 months ago
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I churned this out so fast excuse the quality.. anyways there's a cheesy ass note to my mutuals + followers under the cut bc I love you guys 🧡🧡
This year kinda whizzed by for me! A lot happened in my personal life that I don't want to share online, but throughout all of the highs and lows I was always able to come back to this wonderful fandom. It's been a huge comfort seeing other people theorize and discuss my favorite characters!
I've meet a lot of awesome people through Tumblr & Ao3, cosplaying, and various TF2 groups. As of writing this post I've got a solid 260 followers, which is an insane number to me when this blog simply started as a place to organize my creative works 😭
All of the little tags and comments on my stuff have seriously kept my life whimsical (for lack of a better term) and I would like to shout-out some notable people and works that kept me going through 2024!
First up, and probably the biggest one, is the lovely @aussie-bookworm and their fic, Going Through The Motions. These updates seriously made my day, and I couldn't have been happier you accepted my offer to proofread. It's been super fun discussing the differences between our countries, yapping about the Mercs, and different AUs. I hope to read many more of your works in 2025 B)
Next, another fanfic author, is AhChunta! If you like slow burns, mystery, and Speeding Bullet, I would really recommend Stolen Pieces. It's a super cool crime boss AU that I've been enjoying this year. Plus it deserves more attention!
Another awesome artist is @800db-cloud, who is honestly CARRYING the Freak Fortress fandom. I love how silly your depictions of those freaks are 🧡 and also YOUR ARTSTYLE IS SO COOL AND SATISFYING TO LOOK AT ARGHHH.. You're just super awesome 👍 also shout-out to @riskreward1, my chillest mutual. I think your Getting Milk comic series is hilarious and amazing, but seeing all of those other fandoms you draw is like a gateway drug to me because it's drawn in your KICKASS artstyle‼️plus you like The Mountain Goats and that's based
@thechocolatearmor!! The other Medic Cosplayer I met at my first con!! My friends still mention the in-character convo we had, you were hilarious and I'm so glad I got your Tumblr because I love reading all of your takes on reblogs. I hope I see you again so we can be insane together again 🔥
also @mikimel, I admire how silly you are 😭 I still have that little doodle you drew at the con, and I wish your Tomodochi Miis well <3 AND THE SOLLY FIGURE. He's beautiful. Your fashion sense is fire, and I hope to see more of your cosplay projects! :0 (specifically Soldier Miku. If that's still a thing hehe)
@ivvyzzspark you. You know what you did.
Another HUGE thanks to my very very patient proofreader @emiette for helping me make Crates readable! Em dashes are my new favorite form of punctuation.
And lastly I would like to thank @mvabank because you were the one who made me start rotting over TF2 in the first place 🫶 Magmas were always so fun with you and the image of your little sona with the big ass eyes is forever seared into my brain <3
Maybe it's because 2025 is divisible by 5, but I have a feeling this year is going to be a good one. Stay safe out there, people! Cheers 🥂
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starflungwaddledee · 11 months ago
reblogging this one because i want to highlight some of the really really phenomenal deetective work that @graycoin is doing on their blog (for many posts, not just this one!)!
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these snippets taken from here and here, but there's much more! just pulled out some of my favourite parts. the cranberry sauce line made me giggle a lot 😂💖 very excited that my five word answer generated so many thoughts!
hullo!! do you think that starstruck is a solider, poet, or king?
easy question. she's a soldier.
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risestarkissomega · 9 months ago
now that you've voiced your thoughts on canon!Peepaw Donnie, how about canon!Peepaw Raph? methinks he's rocking the outfit, eyepatch (& "eyeliner" hsisjwjs) so well!
I love it! And here's why...
When it comes to fashion, in my humble opinion, Raph seems to gravitate towards a more simple yet functional fit.
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His clothes serve a purpose. Actually, I've always theorized that he wouldn't wear clothing if it wasn't for a specific reason, which helps to explain why in "Man vs. Sewer," Raphael was the only turtle not wearing swim trunks or a beach outfit. Because, why?
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There's no need for swimming gear when he's already perfectly suited to go swimming as is...
Anyways, my point is this:
When you compare the future outfits of Donnie, Leo, and Raph, their tastes in clothing have not changed in the slightest!
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Donnie's clothing choice makes a huge statement and leaves a lasting impression, as per usual. 😌😅💜
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Meanwhile, Leo's design is grandiose and flashy with his ascot-cape combo. It screams "hero." It screams "main character." It screams, Leo. 😂💙
But, what about Raphael?
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He's wearing the least common dominator in the form of his regulation pants and the standard "Mad Dogs" belt, the only addition being his eyepatch.
It's simple, straight-forward, and it serves it's purpose.
It's perfectly Raph. 😌😁❤️
(Additionally, if you'd like my thoughts on his luscious lashes, I made a "Rise Rambling" about 'em here. 😊)
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