#elvish language
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Here’s the thing.
Many Bagginshield shippers, especially in fics, focus on how Bilbo never got over Thorin, to the point where some describe Bilbo’s entire life as sad and empty and unfulfilled because of that loss.
Don’t get me wrong: I do agree that he suffered terrible loss and undeserved torment by the Ring. And the fact that he never married probably did have some connection to the memory of Thorin.
But, y’all, don’t forget or ignore the fact that, in Tolkien’s text, Bilbo does move on from grief and live the rest of his life well.
He does not become bitter from his pain. He retains his kind heart.
He is generous with his wealth, helping in every way he can the very community that ostracizes him.
He sees in Frodo a kindred spirit and takes it upon himself to be the parental figure that Frodo so badly needs as an orphan.
He and Frodo develop an uncle-nephew (really more like father-son) relationship built on trust, keeping no secrets from each other, to the level where he tells Frodo the truth about his encounter with Gollum. (And probably the truth about his feelings for Thorin, too.)
He and Frodo have so much fun, going for walks every day, studying the Elvish languages, and throwing big birthday parties to show the community a good time. It’s plain to see that caring for Frodo filled that massive void inside Bilbo, finally giving him someone to love and devote himself to looking after, after his first chance at that (albeit the first being a different kind of love) was taken from him.
He does not see himself as superior to the lower class despite his riches, and always treats the Gamgees with the utmost respect.
He teaches Sam to read and write.
He tells his story to the younger hobbits, inspiring more of them to want to learn more about the outside world and not be so sheltered and ignorant…an effort which ultimately saves Middle-earth because the Travelers learn from him to be curious and interested in the lands outside the Shire, and he inspires them daily, as they constantly say to themselves “if Bilbo could go there and back again despite great danger, so can we.”
He even learns to love having a tarnished reputation, ultimately taking advantage of being “mad” to play a fun prank.
When he is no longer at rest in the Shire, he gifts Frodo all his property which will ensure Frodo is set for life, and through all his passive aggressive gifts to his relatives, he gives the Gaffer genuinely useful items that he knows will help him, including ointment for creaky joints.
He gets a peaceful retirement among his Elven friends, which he spends writing his memoir so that future generations will know all about his lost friends.
And ultimately, he embraces the special gift of an exception from the Valar and rare permission to set foot in the Blessed Realm for one last adventure, where he will continue to look after his beloved nephew.
And the fact is, he never would’ve gotten any of these things if he’d stayed in Erebor. He would never have developed that special bond with Frodo - he may never have even met him - and consequently, Frodo may never have met Sam.
Yes, a lot of his life was lonely and somber. But much more of it, even after experiencing such a tragedy, was full of love and joy and fun and excitement. He became an invaluable caretaker and mentor to the next generation of hobbits, got a taste of fatherhood, passed on his expertise and his story, and spent his last years surrounded by friends and family.
Bilbo Baggins may have lost the love of his life, but he did not give up on life itself, and he lived a full one. Don’t forget that.
#lotr#jrr tolkien#lotr books#lord of the rings#the hobbit#bilbo baggins#frodo baggins#bilbo and frodo#hobbits#samwise gamgee#elvish language#red book#the valar#valinor#tolkien elves#bagginshield#thorin x bilbo#samfro#frodo x sam
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Sindarin words for fanfic writers
I used parf edhellen and a few other websites all listed at the bottom!
Includes: greetings & goodbyes/ questions/ commands/ terms of endermeant/ compliments/ insults/ family titles/ clothing/ body parts/ years & months/ numbers
Greetings/ goodbyes
Well met - Mae Govannan
Greetings - suilaid
My heart sings to see you. - Guren linna chen cened.
My pleasure to meet you. - Glassen na chen govaded.
Hail - Ai
Welcome - Nathla/Nathlo
A star shines upon/on the hour of our meeting - Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn
You are welcome here - Gi nathlam hí
Farewell. - Navaer.
I hope you have a good journey. - Harthon gerich lend vaer.
I hope useful winds will speed you on. – Harthon huil vaer chen horthatha.
Fair winds! - Suil vain!
I hope you will have kind seas. - Harthon gerithach aeair vilui.
I hope you will have a good hunt. - Harthon gerich rui vaer.
I hope the leaves of your tree of life will not wither. - Harthon i laiss en-Galadh e-Guil chîn ú-belithar.
I hope you will have green paths and a breeze behind your body. - Harthon gerithach raid gelin ar chwest adel thraw chîn.
I hope you will have paths green and golden. - Harthon gerithach raid gelin ar velthin.
Nothing will stop the weeping of my heart until our reunion. - Unad nuithatha i nîr e-guren nalú aderthad vîn.
I hope you will have sweet waters and joyous laughter until our next meeting. - Harthon gerithach nîn velui ar lalaith veren na-lû govaded vîn.
I hope you will have sweet dreams tonight. - Harthon gerithach elei velui nef fuin hen.
I hope to see you there. - Ennas harthon chen cened.
I hope to see you at this time. - Harthon chen cened na lû hen.
Do you speak elvish? - Pedig/Pedil edhellen?
Where are we? - Mi van me?
What are you doing? - Man ceril?
What did you do? - Man agorel?
When? - Na van?
Which one? - Man pen?
With what? - A van?
Who is leading? - Man tôg
Why? - Am man?
Why? (For what purpose?) - Am man theled?
Why not? - Avo garo am man theled?
Be gone - Ego
Run - nor-
Halt - Daro
Let’s go - Gwaem
Come near the fire - Tolo anin naur
Come with me - Tolo ar nin
Come, join us - Tolo, govano ven
Release me - Leithio nin
Save me - Edraith enni
Don’t be afraid - Av-'osto
Terms of endermeant
My sweet heart - Guren vell
My love - Meleth nîn, mil nîn, melethen, or milen.
My friend - Mellon nîn or Mellonen
My friends - Mellyn nîn or Mellynen
My Lord - Brannon nîn or Brannonen
My Lady - Brennil nîn or Brennilen
Foe of my foe - Coth o chothen
Friend of my friend - Mellon o mellonen
Little father (dwarf) - Adar dithen
Bearded one (dwarf) - masc. Fangon fem. Fangil
Mighty one - masc. Belegon fem. Belegil
Valiant one - masc. Gornon fem. Gornil
Ancient one - masc. Iauron fem. Iauril
Wise one - masc. Saelon fem. Saelil
Loyal one - masc. Sadron fem. Sadril
My champion - masc. Thalion nîn or Thalionen fem. Thaliel nîn or Thalielen
My beloved - masc. Melethron nîn or Melethronen fem. Melethril nîn or Melethrilen
Love of my life - Meleth e-Guilen
Lovely one - masc. Miluir fem. Miluis
Compliments (literal translations)
It is my joy to see you. - Glassen na chen cenin.
You did well. - Mae carnen
You have a heart like a lion. - Gerich ‘ûr sui raw.
You are a mighty and brave warrior. - Ech maethor veleg ar gornen. (Gornen constructed from the noun gorn “valour”)
You are an archer skilled and sharp-eyed. - Ech pengor vaen ar maecheneb. (Pengor in feminine form is Pengel)
You are as beautiful as a rainbow. - Ech vain sui ninniach.
Your radiance shines like the moon. - ‘Law chîn síla sui Ithil.
Your love glitters in your eyes. - Veleth chîn thilia mi chinech.
Your radiant eyes conquered my heart. - Chin gelair chîn orthernir guren.
Your beauty took my breath away. - Thîr vain chîn darn thulen.
Your head is empty. - Dhôl chîn nâ cofn or Dhôl chîn nâ lost.
Cowardly dog! - Hû ú-gaun!
Go kiss an orc! - Mítho orch!
I hate you! - Chen ú-vilin!
Listen to my laughter! - Lasto al lalaith nîn!
Much wind pours from your mouth. - Súlon 'wanna nîf chîn.
Son of snakes! - Lýgion!
You disgust me! - Chen fuion!
You’re ugly and your mother dresses you. - Thiach uanui ar naneth chîn chen hamma.
You are stupid. - Ech uchand.
Orc lover! - Orvelethron! Or feminine orvelethril!
You are hideous! - Thiach uanui!
Family titles
Father - Adar
Mother - Naneth/Emel
Parent - odhril
Sister - Nîth/ Neth/ Nethel
Sister in law - bethres
Brother - Hanar
Brother in law - bethren
Sibling - hest
Half-brother - perhanar
Half-sister - pernîth/ perneth/ pernethel
Half-sibling - perhest
Pair of twins - Gwanûn
Grandmother - mam
Grandfather - dâd
Kin - rennas
Kinsman - gwanur
Family - nothlir/ nothrim/ nos
Clothing (I couldn’t find much for these)
Jewel - mîr
Jewellery - mîrith
Ring - corf
Necklace - sigil
Ringlet - laus/ loch
Crown - rî
To crown/ coronate - rìnada
Boot - saeb
Shoe - habad
Clothes - hammad
Body parts (also couldn’t find much for these)
Hair - findë
Face - thîr
Eyes - hen
Lips - pemp
Nose - nem
Body- Rhond
The month of January - Narwain
The month of February - nínui
The month of March - gwaeron
The month of April - gwirith
The month of may - lothron
The month of June - nórui
The month of July - cerveth
The month of august - urui
The month of September - ivanneth
The month of October - narbeleth
The month of November - hithui
The month of December - girithron
First age - mein andrann
Second age - edwen andrann
Third age - nail/nelui/neil andrann
Monday - orithil
Tuesday - orgaladh/orgaladhad
Wednesday - ormenel
Thursday - oraeron
Friday - orbelain
Saturday - orgilion
Sunday - oranor
“There were two different number systems in use in Middle Earth; the duodecimal system (base 12) and the decimal system that we use today. Interestingly Tolkien tells us that although "in Common Eldarin the multiples of three, especially six and twelve, were considered especially important" the decimal system developed first - "and eventually beside the decimal numeration a complete duodecimal system was devised for calculations".
Although he goes on to say that "the special words for 12 (dozen), 18 and 144 (gross) were in general use" we don't have any record of what that special number for 18 might have been in any language. Tolkien further noted that "for general purposes the numeral names were decimal in origin". This is why the numbers for 20, 30 and so on mean 'two tens', 'three tens'.”
The numbers 13-19 are reconstructed from Quenya.
1 - min
2 - tâd
3 - neledh
4 - canad
5 - leben
6 - eneg
7 - odo/odog
8 - tolodh/toloth
9 - neder
10 - cae/caen/pae-
11 - Minib
12 - Ýneg
13 - Neleb
14 - Canab
15 - Leben
16 - Eneph
17 - Odoph
18 - Toloph
19 - Nederph
These then, are the deduced numbers 20 - 90 using Tolkien's later material. I suggest that these are for Sindarin as spoken by the Elves, and the original forms as written in the King's Letter are Gondorian Sindarin
20 - Taphaen
30 - Nelphaen
40 - Cambaen
50 - Lephaen
60 - Enephaen
70 - Odophaen
80 - Tolophaen
90 - Nederphaen
100 - Haran
Numbers like 33, 67, 82 etc. can be formed like this Nelphaen a neledh = Thirty and three (33) or Neledh a nelphaen = Three and thirty
Enephaen a odog = Sixty and seven (67) or Odog a enephaen = Seven and sixty
Tolophaen a dâd = Eighty and two (82) or Tâd a dolophaen = Two and eighty
For any number after 12 you just need to put -ui on the end to form the ordinal, e.g. nederphaenui = 90th
1st - Minui
2nd - Tadui
3rd - Nelui
4th - Canthui
5th- Lefnui
6th - Enchui
7th - Othui
8th - Tollui
9th - Nedrui
10th - Paenui
11th - Minibui
12th - Ýnegui
#sindarin#Tolkien#lord of the rings#the hobbit#tolkien languages#linguistics#elvish#elvish language#fanfiction writing#lotr#the silmarillion
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I keep talking about it with my friend that is a literally has an Arwen quote tattooed on her shoulder level LOTR fan how funny it is that back in 2020 I learned how to read/write Tengwar as a language along with a lot of elf lore without picking up any actual plot of Tolkien’s works. It was my way of honoring my grandma who had passed that year and was a huge Tolkien fan (proof: her shelf after shelf of official and unofficial books, artwork, maps, etc) while I sort of struggled through the first parts of Fellowship.
I was out here transcribing all my friend’s names into one of the ultimate nerdy alphabets of the world without knowing more then “LOTR is about Frodo more than Bilbo” and “Tom Bombadil is a chad” absolutely insane behavior
#It’s like if someone learned how to make some crazy dessert without ever having tried a cookie#mini reads lotr#tolkien#lord of the rings#the hobbit#tengwar#sindarin#elvish language
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Tengwar used for Writing High Valyrian 🤣
I think it is cool but kind of weird 🤣
(Tengwar is the name used for talking about the "elvish" letters from LOTR, created by J. R. R. TOLKIEN)
Images from Omniglot
#high valyrian#high valyrian language#valyrian language#sindarin#quenya#lord of the rings#tengwar#Elvish language
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does anyone know if there's an elvish word for planet? i tried searching it up on parf edhellen but it didn't come up with anything.
if not, may i suggest "gilran" from gil (S) meaning star and ran (S) meaning wanderer, as planets are like stars that wander through the night sky throughout the year
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My apologies up front to the Baldur's Gate III fandom, fanartists, and fan writers, as I put this out into the world at 8:30 pm Mountain Time on a Saturday night: the "little star" thing is super cute but I'm LITERALLY TOO NERDY to be able to embrace it.
I've spent too much time in Middle-earth to be able to equate Astarion's name with Greek rather than Quenya.
"astar" = faith/loyalty and "-ion" = son.
Anyway, uh, I'm gonna go hide in a bunker.
(Something that kind of delights me with a proper Elvish interpretation of Astarion's name, is the parallel with Miraak's in Skyrim. In Dovahzuul, "mir" = allied/loyal and "aak" = guide. I'm sure there's no actual connection there, I don't believe in any way that this is a sneaky little Skyrim Easter egg that Larian slipped in. It's just that from November of 2011 until 28 July, 2023, when I finally bought the EA version of Baldur's Gate III, Skyrim was my favourite video game*.)
*it was my favourite, but it was never the best game I'd ever played; BG3 now has the unique distinction of being both the best and my favourite!
#astarion bg3#baldurs gate 3#elvish#elvish language#it's not that deep#and I'm too nerdy#but also D&D takes too much from Papa Tolkien for us to pass him over like this with Astarion's name
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Ready for blind guardian in Sydney. Say hi if you agree :3
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Just wait until you get to the midterm!
How am I suppose to identify the predicate based solely on a water color of a songbird? What does the smell of moist earth tell me about dangling participles? No, the "happy sigh of antiquity" cannot tell me anything about the accusative case. That's your job, Mr Autumnheart!
i took elvish in school and i fucking hated it. the teacher was like 700 years old and he'd like take us on field trips to sit on the banks of babbling brooks and watch the fall of sunlight through the leaves. my friends in spanish class were like conjugating verbs and shit and meanwhile i was in an old-growth forest being overcome with awe at the sight of a majestic stag. like uhh yeah mr autumnheart when are we gonna learn like any grammar "listen to the murmur of the wind in the treetops, and you shall find the grammar you seek" like fuck dude your pedagogy leaves much to be desired
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“Elvish Yadav” के जेल जाते ही बदल गए Anjali Arora के सुर, क्रिप्टिक पोस्ट शेयर कर कही ये बात आईये जाने
Anjali Arora” ने बीते दिनों जब ‘Elvish Yadav’ का मेक्सटर्न उर्फ सागर ठाकुर से झगड़ा हुआ था!
तो उनका समर्थन किया था और कहा था अन्जलियंस तुम्हारे साथ है… अब जैसे ही एल्विश यादव को 14 दिनों के लिए रेव पार्टी में सांप का जहर सप्लाई करने के मामले में जेल भेजा गया तो तुरंत ही, Anjali Arora के सुर भी उन्हें लेकर बदल गए ll
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#lotr#jrr tolkien#lotr books#lord of the rings#lotr theories#elanor gardner#arwen undomiel#lotr appendices#elvish language#sindarin#samwise gamgee#lotr poll
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Faux nose ring I made with sterling silver. The stone is a vintage garnet that has been cut and out of the ground for 70 years with no piece of jewelry to call home ❤️🌹🎀
#forest#space#sky#moon#nose ring#fake piercings#jewelry#jewellery#elvish language#lotr#silver#garnet#gemstone#gothic#goth aesthetic#grunge
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Gandalf, who can understand everyone perfectly fine, is just keeping to himself smoking his pipe and enjoying the show 😉
Legolas pretty quickly gets in the habit of venting about his travelling companions in Elvish, so long as Gandalf & Aragorn aren’t in earshot they’ll never know right?
Then about a week into their journey like
Legolas: *in Elvish, for approximately the 20th time* ugh fucking hobbits, so annoying
Frodo: *also in Elvish, deadpan* yeah we’re the worst
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I've finished my Dragon Age elvish/elven/elvhen/el'vhen dictionary. And 99% of it is posted. I just need to clean up the primer and post that.
I have a linguistics minor and broke el'vhen down into its component parts. It started as just a list for me, but took on a life of its own.
Anyway. Hopefully, this will give us more words and tools to work with.
#dragon age#dragon age inquisition#dragonage#dragon age 2#da2#dao#dragon age origins#fan fic#fanfic#language translation#dragon age language translation#ao3fic#ao3 feed#ao3feed#ao3#ao3 fanfic#dragon age elvish#dragon age elvhen
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Ok, ok, ok! So, what if Lucanis doesn't realize that Ashwyn knows Antivan! Ash is a Grey Warden, one that comes straight from Weisshaupt and has a Ferelden accent but Ash learned their father's (read; Zevran’s) native language. So once Lucanis gets to a point where he realizes that he really likes Ash he starts complimenting/flirting with them in Antivan (it's easier in his native tongue). Ash realizes what's going on pretty fast but doesn't correct him. Instead they compliment/flirt with him in Elvish. Until one day Lucanis says something so out of pocket Ash forgets how to breath, face bright red and then the secret is out. Ashwyn has to spend the next several days translating all their elvish flirts to make it up to a mortified Lucanis.
#dragon age#dragon age the veilguard#rook thorne#ashwyn mahariel#lucanis dellamorte#rookanis#rook x lucanis#lucanis x rook#antivan#elvish#language barrier flirting#but not really#zevran arainai
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I found the digital deluxe character sheets....
did....did y'all know Astarion speaks... not only abyssal but also. orc?
#bg3#baldur's gate 3#little mr overachiever here knowing 5 languages??#like i EXPECTED common elvish and thieves cant#but why tf abyssal? and orc?#also gale??? speaking giant?#the fanfic possibilities with this......
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now, would anyone stop me to learn sindarin language??? I genuinely think it's an interesting language and want to learn it but idk if it's worth it ( pls if anyone hv learn it, tell me how do you feel abt it )
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