#elsword pvp
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sinberyls · 5 months ago
i forgot that laby was cursed af in elsword pvp
i could usually win against them but the skill difference because she was a newer chara at the time was insane LOLL
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anonraja · 1 month ago
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incorrectelswordquotes · 9 months ago
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Apparently at some point, we managed to hit over 2k followers since I last checked this blog! That's crazy to me???
Thank you all for sticking with us through bouts of inactivity, unfunny posts, and all those Elsword updates (the good and the bad!) Here's some fun stats about the blog:
We have a total of 1, 202 original posts since this blog started, and more yet to come in the queue!
All those posts? Yeah there's a total of 87,968 notes between them all. That's like a viral post number.
Our most popular post has 672 notes so far!
The first post was made on April 18, 2015! This blog is the age of a 9 year old child.
In 2020 and 2021, we made 0 posts. Self explanatory. We've posted every year otherwise though!
Since this blog started Tumblr both got rid of the iconic blue, got rid of porn, and also updated us with a dogshit UI, but we all make mistakes. <3
The only mods really left are Mod WT and Mod RF. Round of applause for the mods who have moved onto bigger and better things, for all the funny posts they've made throughout the years, we salute them! We wouldn't be where we are today without them.
And here's some Elsword updates that have happened to the game since the blog was created, in no particular order!:
3rd jobs became a thing
We got an anime!
The item level system was replaced with the Combat Power system, and now character stat equipment is a lot more streamlined.
The magic wardrobe was released so you don't have to sacrifice stats for fashion anymore!
So many new characters and regions have been introduced!
The mystery of Solace and the El Lady has been solved, and the rest of the El Masters have been revealed too!
Multiple dungeon revamps that: gutted earning ED, removed old dungeons, changed dialogue/story as a result, and removing multiple fields and rest points between villages.
4th jobs!
Raids and raid weapons were introduced!
Theres a new blue and white UI!
Mount racing and Pet PvP???
The item mall had a bunch of items removed at some point.
Guilds were revamped!
You can both fish AND farm now!
The in-game economy is in shambles.
They also got rid of forums (but have a discord now?)
Some of these things are really cool! Others? Not so much, but oh well! It's crazy to see how much Elsword has changed over the years this blog has existed. If you still laugh at our funny posts but stopped playing years ago, thank you! And if you just found us the other week, thank you too! We hope to have put a smile on all your faces. :)
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mamasplat · 7 months ago
As tradition when I have two interests I will now be forcing them to overlap
Assigning the XY Rival Cast Elsword Mains.
This is based on a multitude of factors, from gameplay lore and most importantly; vibes. Going in order of who I think plays the most/longest.
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Calem | Chevalier Ciel
I almost gave him Ain (Bluhen) or Rena (Daybreaker) because even I will admit this is very self indulgent as I have been a die hard Lu/Ciel main since day 1 and Calem is a literally me type of character, but then I realized this would give me a future excuse to draw Calem in Royal Guard’s outfit. So we are running with it.
Casual player for the most part, but he’s been playing for nearly a decade so he knows what he’s doing and is (partly) the reason for introducing the game to everyone else.
While Lu/Ciel is a two person character, one being Lu, the other being Ciel, he has a Ciel lean in combat. Preferring the Gunblades over Lu’s claws.
Played solo and mainly did PvE for years until Tierno ruined that fact.
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Tierno | Furious Blade Raven
There isn’t another character out there I could see tierno picking up, raven is the obviously cool looking pick and he would want to play the obviously cool character.
Pried the information out of Calem that he played this game and then joined him against Calem’s will.
Then proceeded to spread the information about Calem’s mmo habits to everyone else, quickly forming a long term party.
Is objectively bad at most end game dungeons and PvP, but he is having the time of his life so it’s fine.
Enjoys the elstar mini games more than anything else.
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Shauna | Metamorphy Aisha
She would pick up laby as an alt when she released, but she is a magical girl through and through. This is a clear cut pick.
Despite having no experience with a sidescrolling MMO, Shauna is a natural in dungeons. As long as Calem handles the equipment stuff, she can be a handy team carry without even noticing.
Most of her EP goes to making outfits.
“Do you wanna marry me for the dungeon buff?”
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Serena | Prime Operator Rose
She would pick up Rose because Rose looks the most like her and that’s Serena’s priority in video games. Making an accurate persona.
She comes in swinging, often playing solo in her downtime.
Pew pew pew, guns, robots, pew pew pew.
Heavy in PvP.
While a lot of her EP goes to costume stuff, she is putting more care into being strong than pretty. But she will do both.
Might splurge a little if a cute collection releases in the item mall, she’s only human.
Might even get an ice burner…probably has a nice house too.
Definitely buys most of her stuff off the board, she is the ultimate farming girl here.
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Trevor | Pale Pilgrim Noah
He had a hard time getting into the game up till Noah released.
A little afraid of online games, especially if he’s in a party with random people and messes up.
He still doesn’t play much, still stuck before his final job path.
Overly cautious with item usage.
Panic gameplay.
Everyone enjoys hearing him try his best, it’s very amusing.
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lordtheodorexiii · 1 year ago
Ever since PSO2 died I don't have a game to "default to" anymore and I've been trying to fill that void to no avail.
I played MapleStory but progression is slow there and bosses are the focus, which generally don't pass my vibe checks. (The monetization doesn't help) I'd play MonHun but the weight behind character movement and stamina meter feels like there's concrete in my character's shoes, regardless of class/weapon/wirebug. I played a bit of Elsword and Mabinogi but those failed to keep my attention. I have Black Desert Online but the mixed reviews are a big push factor. I played Vindictus on a potato and maybe I should try again...
The FPS games I play don't scratch that itch either since they're all PVP.
And I'm not paying routinely for FF14.
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Okay this post is a small post of ideas, I personally want to see changes for Code Ultimate since it's my favorite Eve path ever since I started Elsword way back when.
The first one is optional, but I have mentioned over on the discord that Eve should just launch the Black Hole from Generate Black Hole, someone brought up the idea of it exploding and leaving a spatial distortion I forgot what effect it would have for "clearing utility" due to...............most endgame mobs seem unaffected by suction effects??
Critical Strike or what it should be renamed to in NA is Psycho Kinesis. I would rather we remove the bleed and the retract skill option, and it should just be CU's other bossing skill, the Pink Orbs are indicator of "extra" or "true" damage and their rotation could be random. I haven't really given it full thoughts.
Edit: There is an idea for Critical Strike, replace bleed debuff for defense break.
The BIGGEST clear change I would do is make Explosion Impact different. is Eve can use this skill at any time even in the air, to use the whip and launch an Electron Wave, the first one, then a 2nd one for later. BUT the Enhanced effect gives her a special Pink Electron wave which not only travels longer, and it has a large reach, it can do splash damage, this is a bit much for a new player or someone playing CU's path, but this would be a reasonable skill for Eve to rely on. but since it has to be used once before using the third, this means you can save onto it or use it whenever you need but reminder after the 2nd/3rd Electron Wave, it will be in cooldown.
Edit: instead of a Super-Armor, just make invincible for when she uses the skill to launch the Electron Wave
This next change will be controversial.
Converting Queen's Throne as its OWN passive at level 30, this means it will be replaced for a new skill in its place, but what it gains, is once you Awaken you will activate Queen's Throne like Proto-QQ. Since you'll retain Queen's Throne's effect, I was considering Eve gaining the ability on her X commands for her to have a chance to launch some Pink Electron Balls which are just a stronger form of Electron Balls. ( I know Antithese has her own but this is for CU.) And before someone says "This is unfair", look at Yama Raja and her 7 passives and then come back to me again, or we could "give" everyone else an extra passive and skills.
Due to the changes, I will change Queen of Vengeance to a set duration of how long you remain in Awakening. On paper this seems way too strong for an Eve to use, but this is strictly a limit that we the players can't influence more on Eve is, for an amount of time you remain in Awakening you gain an amount of All Skill Damage Increase plus MP Cost reduction, the max you can even get is 10% increased Skill Damage and 15% MP Cost reduction on skills the value will never change above that. But in PvP it will most likely be reduced to 5% each.
Edit: the other option is just keep the idea of awakening for an amount of time for the ASD increase. but keep MP Cost reduction as a given passive number.
Since Queen's Throne is changed I have no idea what skill for Eve to replace that with.
Edit: I have considered giving Eve a Nasod Blade as a replacement, but that's more work than already needed.
Reinforced Nasod Weapons is a hefty change which is, only activated during Awakening. the added Nasod Spear weapons are Explosion Impact (New) and Iron Scraps plus mod. But we're renaming Nasod Spear weapons as Ancient Nasod Weapons.
My other changes are Iron Scraps [mod] needs to linger and have a far larger range to even be considered a "homing clearing skill" not that many people use it as such but it has no reach.
Extreme Cutter (Mod as well) AND Assault Spear Judgement needs more damage, and a faster speed to be considered useful for damage potential and possible clearing potential.
After all of this and a really tired brain, I said my part of what changes could be done. Code: Ultimate is the Nasod Ruler of her own kingdom. The Metal Overlord that she cannot even reach because her baby sisters have some kits at their disposal that she doesn't have or doesn't do enough in.
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vermilionvector · 2 years ago
I'm moving to a new sheet since the old one is getting a bit too long. This sheet will focus solely on Base Elsword and KE. To see the archived log, please see here.
Disclaimer: This is only my personal suggestion and is not related to official information.
Change log May 20, 2023:
Double Slash - Added a conditional damage increase effect: If the first strike only lands one hit, the second strike's damage will be increased. (+4000% and +650% for PVE and PVP respectively). "Landing one hit" means that the damage number shows up only one time. If you hit an enemy with multiple hitboxes when using the skill, it will not be counted as "one hit".
Warrior Physique - Levels are deleted to reflect my revamped Skill Tree suggestion. The value is also changed as follows:
- (Previously at Lv. 4) Max HP increased from 20%/4% to 30%/5% (PVE/PVP) and Damage reduction increased from 14%/4% to 20%/5% (PVE/PVP).
Counter Patience - Levels are deleted to reflect my revamped Skill Tree suggestion. Debuff duration reduction is now considered as a part of Counter Patience buff and has a definite duration.
Gigantic Slash: Removed Wind Slicer activation cooldown decreased effect (only cooldown reduction activation cooldown remained).
Awakened Will: Lord Knight - [Knight's Protection]'s tooltip is added: [Knight's Protection] cannot overlap and will be renewed with the latest caster's status. The reason for this change is to prevent feedback loop from the new Persistence effect where if multiple KEs use Iron Body at once the damage shared will just keep being mitigated. By limiting Knight's Protection to be activated by only one person, the damage shared will only be transferred to the latest KE who uses Iron Body. In addition, max HP increase effect is changed from being affected only by Stage 1 - 3 to Stage 1 - 4.
Absolute Judgement - Added effects: [Sword Aura Augmentation] skills' effects will be enhanced by 50%. Additionally, allies do not need to be in the aura created by the passive Awakened Will: Lord Knight to receive [Knight's Resolution].
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neophix · 6 years ago
Elsword PvP Stereotypes: 2nd Edition
Alright. It’s been a year and a half. Let’s do this again, sure.
Unlike last time, where people salting at me during the match contributed to a large portion of the character stereotype, I only have their gameplay to work off of this season. Mostly. Rage whispers have gone down significantly which honestly is a change that's good for everyone. {Nod nod.}
{Additional commentary by @demos-cloud​ will be in braces}, and my responses to her commentary will be italicized, since I’ve ah. Ranted to her about a lot of these before, and asked her to help proofread.
Elsword: Bullheaded, stubborn, and does not think very far ahead.
This is mostly thanks to the amount that they've built up Elsword's defensive options lately. The changes to Autoguard mean that Knight Emperor doesn't really have to worry even if he gets caught (I've had more games turned around thanks to that than I care to admit). Infinity Stoic is still a thing, not in the least helped by the large number of quick, stoic approaches and normals he has. Melee Elsword gameplay basically rewards LEEROY JENKINS. Rune Masters are surprisingly rare.
Aisha: Still Bullies.
This has always been the case. Though lately I've come to the realization that Aisha, and Void Princess' line in particular, usually stays out of PvP unless she has access to something dangerously close to hacking. Meditate+Trans slot cooldown drops are always popular, but Oz Sorcerer lives and dies depending on whether she can pretend-hack or not (looking at you, Angkor Millions and Shadow Body). Metamorphy's population likewise dropped drastically as soon as they nerfed the stoic on her >>X(Z). {Her damage output was also hit hard by the Impact Zone nerf in PvE.}
Rena: Slime.
There's been a lot of complaining about the changes to the NF system, though honestly it's probably better for PvP-health in the long term. Now, instead of basically being guaranteed to eat 3 cancelled Violent Attacks to the face in the middle of every single combo, you probably only have to worry about it happening once or twice per game. They're still really slippery, thanks in large part to physics bending over backwards around her and >>Z being so fast, though their PvP numbers have taken a drastic drop since the nerf.
Basically only the oldest Raven mains are left, a corps of elite veterans who know their character and yours inside and- oh and I guess you have the bandwagon RH horde. {Man the bias is practically dripping out of your mouth here Ketsu.} The majority of my Raven matches are against players who I recognize on sight, though. The canon Raven has certainly been getting spoiled, comparatively speaking, though the fact that KoG nerfed M.Maximum Drive almost immediately is a good sign. RH is still probably the most consequence-free Raven at the moment; he doesn't really have to worry about taking combos because it's extremely likely he'll be able to mash a Spread out and revenge-catch you if there's even the tiniest delay or mistake.
{PvE is full of old, rich, Ravens as well. BMs/FBs especially are the oldest and most funded. Yeah they know their class in and out, but they’re also not above shelling out $200 to +11 that glorious Void weapon. VCs are dead.}
Eve: Nasod Bitch. Runs on money. {はい、はい。}
Eve on the whole is very confrontation-adverse, and all three of her classes avoid direct combat. Good thing for her, too; aside from the Exotic line Eve's combo game is so poor she can barely hold anyone in place on her own. All three Eves have very strong utilities kits which are supposed to come with a weak damage-per-hit ratio, but Eve players are already very strongly conditioned to spoil her rotten. Nobody's ever been accused of spending too little on her, after all. Codes 4v1 and Sariel both just dunk on melee-centric characters, and Ultimate has enough unsafe-cancels and core synergy that you'll be spending more time eating lasers than spears. {Like I’ve been saying for the past four years, Eve’s Core Release system was built for CN. Of course she has the best Core synergy out of all Eves.} Illusion Thorns' debuff field really should not trigger core. Raven's lingering skill effects (grenade fires and smoke clouds) have NEVER triggered his core, and those at least deal damage, but I guess even KoG isn't tired of spoiling Eve just yet. {Maybe it’s because Illusion Thorns’ debuff area only lasts a measly two seconds compared to Raven’s lingering AoEs (dead laugh).} Raven’s lingering AoEs also only last for a couple seconds, too, though. {oh.}
Chung: HERE I GO. {HERE I GO!!}
Hoo boy. Okay. After the absolute Chung dominance in the 1v1 tournament, there's been a significant rise in Chung PvP populations. Sure, Base Chung has Heavy Stance to mitigate being slow and getting caught, but these three basically never have to deal with such puny things as "consequences" and Heavy Stance itself has actually been vanishingly rare. {DC really should not have so many Heavy Stance/stoic opportunities, given that his whole backstory is based around being faster and thus, being less defensive. IP’s ridiculously high attack speed is abnormal and needs to die. Even back in S1 it was a pain to deal with…} Back Blast and Reload are core skills not because of utility or reload, but because they're such hard to deal with panic buttons when strung together. Cannonball management is a total farce. Super spoiled, getting amazing tools and mod skills with each update. A few significant differences between them:
Comet: Basically indestructible. Will not die. A rocket powered turtle who can strike you from anywhere in the map and always has an advantageous position. The new goddess of PvP, stripping Yama Raja of the title. You could just tell that a couple of the tournament finalists were screwing around and winning anyway, and that flagrant disregard for consequences has been adopted by the bandwagoners. {I feel like having one of the IP semifinalists intentionally handicap himself of the class’ best skills, fool around, and still manage a strong victory.. Really says a lot about the class’ current standing.}
Phantom: Homing Ruthless attacks for days. Mod Shooting Star caused a lot of passive ruthless to get stripped, but I guess there was enough of a Chung tantrum that they got it back on base Shooting Star AND in M.Burning Punisher. Could probably win a game blindfolded thanks to all the high-damage homing at his disposal. A non-berserk awakening is so rare you honestly think it's a glitch. {Remember when it was only like a 25% activation chance. lmao.}
Centurret: After a long and arduous process of moderately intelligent cockroaches bashing on keyboards tested every possible configuration, tactics have been finely reduced to "if your dog craps on enough lawns, someone is going to step in it." Instant-hit Grav Shots are far more than any character deserves, especially when they have practically no vertical limit, and whoever approved of this as an Siege mode option should be spaghettified.
Lately, the number of Aras who fully depend on the X or ^X loop has gone down. Devi is still incredibly oppressive, able to basically slam their face on the skill bar whenever they're in trouble to turn it around with any one of their many, many incredible utility actives (with skill storage). Shakti populations have been on the rise in comparison, though as a Shakti main myself I can't really comment on any other trends without being... more biased than usual. {Dead in PvE, though very willing to shell out money. More-so than other Ara classes, I find (even Devis, yes!)} Apsaras generally rely way too much on Kite or Suppression and barely have two brain cells to rub together, having godawful combo maintenance outside of the aforementioned X loop, despite Ara's strong kit. {They changed how ZZXX works how else am I supposed to do fancy combos nowwwww} It feels like if they did have any more to work with they would've job changed to Devi by now.
Population is in decline, but still powerful. Empire Sword still has some of the most safe combo maintenance in the game, and it's exceedingly rare for her to make anything remotely resembling a mistake. {The fact that she has such a high DPS ratio in PvP really hurts, what gives.} INJECTION finally got the nerf it deserved and is starting to sound like a word again. Fire Wallsis is still horrifically oppressive if it goes off, however, and reduces many games against her to "play perfectly or die."
Doom Bringers are vanishingly rare. Dominators basically all spontaneously ceased to exist once Charged Impulsar got nerfed and they realized they'd actually have to try in PvP again. Paradox is, once again, the most popular PvP Add, and for some reason still has an infinite. Purple is the color of bullies, it turns out. {Death to purples.}
Lu: Almost as Leeroy Jenkins as Elsword, but not a large sample to work with.
If the dive that magnetically homes in on targets wasn't enough of a giveaway, Lu's ability to zero in on a target is still very high. Diangelion's switch-attacks have the same bizarre hitboxes and gravity as ever. Lu in general seems to be about throwing giant hitboxes around the map and hoping they hit something, and her combo game is so safe that there really isn't need for precision there, either. {If she can’t hit you with a command normal or a skill, she’ll lag you out with her FPS-killing abilities. Surprisingly not very high up on the whale list, and even lower on the whales-for-fashion list.}
Ciel mains still don't exist. {Nobu would be sad to hear this.}
Rose: Rich, but shallow.
You're basically not even a Rose main if you don't have an 11+, the same way you're basically not a Chung main if you can't get 4+ X-drops in a single launch. {I am apparently no longer a Rose/F. Gunner main. Okay.} Their gameplay shows no personality to speak of, and you'll be fighting the same kind of Rose tactics at Rank C that you will at Star. Despite being the only non-Chung in the 1v1 Finals, Minerva has actually seen something of a population decrease lately. I imagine a lot of players disliked the fact that the player got to finals by using a Freeze Grenade infinite. 
{POs seem like one of the most funded Rose classes, despite being lowtier in both PvP and PvE. About 20% of them have an elitist complex, and another 40% only play her because “OMG MECHA WAIFU”. I’ve only encountered like two POs who acknowledge that she feels and plays nothing like her DFO counterpart, and the fact that I had to argue with a super stubborn NA forumer about this is flat-out stupid. Ah, also. TBs are dead now. Unsurprisingly.}  PvP Rose is actually mostly TB thanks to her pseudo-meditate.
Ain: I was horribly, terribly, no-good very bad wrong about the prediction last time.
PvP Ain is as homogenous across all three paths as Rena: {はい、はい。} Base Ain normals are so strong that the only ones his other classes really use are dives. Otherwise, you can treat all Ains the same. Watch out for airdashes, stomps, Xes, and basically a full kit of backwards melee hitboxes (we got rid of that on the Polar Bear suit for a reason, right? Right??) which are all so strong that, even though the bug has been patched out, Schwert Platzen is still a core PvP skill for all Ains. Bluhen is very rare in PvP, due mostly to the fact that he doesn't have a dive combo. Richter basically plays "The floor is lava" the entire game. The stomp noise is as annoying and stuck in my head as Aisha's "HYA" voice clip now and is a standout among Ain's generally obnoxious sound design. {Maybe if KoG gave us more combo options my fellow Richters wouldn’t have to sink this low.}
his german is off but i appreciate the effort.
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cakie-world · 7 years ago
OMG ORIAX SAVES DREADLORD LIFE?! [Elsword] Dreadlord & Deadly Chaser 2v2...
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askpurple-magicians · 8 years ago
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The pvp system is nice ! Too bad, some pvp players are niceless...
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elsword-confessions · 5 years ago
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So I started playing PVP on Elsword, didn’t played loong time ago tho…After 3 minutes toxicity came…And I was like: “Yep that’s how I remember it, didn’t change at all! 😂” and at the same time “Yeaaaah, nah, not gonna play it, sticking to dungeons was always a good idea!” xD
Submitted by Anonymous
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kimthekittycat · 5 years ago
Why is leveling up an artifact so painful-
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There is a bunch of drama going on. But tbh, I don't play PVP nor have I ever wanted to. And whether the developers are garbage or not, I will likely continue obsessing over this game until well after it is truly and invariably dead. And it's not like I can play it anyway since my computer is out of commission. So I will be continuing on as normal.
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kunkaii · 5 years ago
I played an arena for the first time in years and got brutally murdered but point is my heart is practically outside of my chest rn lmaoo
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xxlunaticartistxx · 8 years ago
Too much spinning?
K, so u know like in pvp when u z loop with ur character that look like they are spinning around a lot Ex: DWs Z loop and GAs X loop Does anybody ever wonder if they get sick after doing that? LOL, spinning around 24/7 with their loops
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Elsword 2v2: IllIIIllIl is hacking
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