survivormoves · 6 years
@ellaofskaikru hit that heart
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    “ You’ve grown. “ came the comment of the male, lips curling upward momentarily as he peered over at the child ( except she wasn’t a child anymore, was she? ), no a teenager now. A teenager off to war, like they all were... “ How uh... How are you. “
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rainkilled-a · 6 years
@ellaofskaikru 5x04 starter
“I’m right behind you.” He promised her softly as he clicked the harness around her waist. “Listen to me.” He pulled her close for a second. “We don’t know anything about these people. You get up there, You find Bellamy or Clarke, or someone that you know, and you stay close to them until I get up there.” He gave her a look that said he wasn’t going to argue about this. Soft kiss on her head and he stepped back. “Be careful.”
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razingeden-moved · 6 years
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        Back on the Ark, Eden had never found it difficult to admit her own mistakes. She may deny her larger issues, but the little things she did day to day, fuck ups at work - she owned those. She knew to take responsibility for what she did wrong and to fix what she could. But this mistake? She couldn’t really take responsibility for the evils that were wrought upon the 100 -- no, it was less now, wasn’t it? Another mistake to add, perhaps - inside the mountain. 
        How was she to know that they’d be abducted? How was she to know that there were survivors not only above the ground, but beneath it as well, watching their every move? Well, she had known someone was watching them, and she supposes knowing those people were no more should bring her some small comfort but --- no, there were no more comforts for her, no more of her ‘usual way’ to get out of being the responsible ‘adult’ she was supposed to be when they first landed. 
        She failed them, her delinquents. She’d failed them and there was no fixing this, and so she was just running away from it, from them. Or at least she tried to anyway.
      “Ella! What are you...what are you doing here? It’s late, you should--you should...” she stammers and stutters, something she never did before. Her stomach twists just looking at the small girl’s face, and so she looks anywhere but.
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atombuiilt · 7 years
@ellaofskaikru​ || season one starter call.
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Today had been the first snowfall since the delinquents had returned to the ground. The snow had only ever been something that the group of youngsters had read about, so to witness it firsthand felt pretty surreal; the flakes falling around them were enough to distract the camp from the thought of a possible upcoming attack by the grounders. A blanket of white covering the surfaces around them hid every little fault that their new home had. It covered the unmarked graves and helped with closure, if only for a short time. Noticing one of the younger delinquents sat on a fallen branch by the side of the dropship, Atom grabbed one of the thick blankets from the extra pile of supplies and carried it over to her. Unfolding it on his journey over to her before draping it around her shoulders, making sure it was covering her enough. “ hey, little one. If you're going to sit outside, you should probably try to keep yourself warm. we don't want you freezing to death. ” He muttered, slightly protectively, as he rubbed his hands together before slipping them into the pockets of his jacket. His gaze not once moving from her. Since Charlotte and her actions, he was aware that most of the delinquents didn't really trust the younger members of the group - though he refused to treat them all the same, especially when she had done nothing wrong.
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omousvarii · 7 years
¯\_(ツ)_/¯:        do you have any tumblr friends? if so, who are they? 
UM. yES? SO MANY BECAUSE YOU’RE ALL SO LOVELY?? obviously you, name twinnie !! and @jobikilled @spiritkeepcr @earthkeepcr @saviorbuilt @leaderbuilt @survivorbuiilt @ginaofthe100 @headstrongblake !! i mean i talk to you lovelies the most, but legit anyone i’ve talked to on here, i absolutely adore and hope to become closer with !!
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trueheda · 7 years
ellaofskaikru replied to your post: whispers @ t100 fandom go rp with the vikings...
i played Laga for a while :D but back then the Vikings fandom consisted of 6 people haha
i played hvitserk for like a week so ! lol i wanted to join earlier but yeah it was such a small squad im just glad theyre all p much open to rping w/me anyway
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thclcstgirl · 7 years
@ellaofskaikru liked for a smol
“Do you think they’ll find another soccer ball on this trip or do you think the two they had were it?” 
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survivormoves · 7 years
continued for @ellaofskaikru
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His lips pursed momentarily when he felt her hand smack his own away, brows knitting together. He remembered the girl that had toddled after him back when he had spiralled down so much. Back when everything was too much and he COULDN'T give her the attention she needed, even if he had tried.  And then when the Ark had came down, he had tried to be there for her. But he didn't KNOW how to. Didn't THINK she'd need him anyway. So he left with the knowledge she'd be safe with Bellamy. That Bellamy cared far more than he showed outwardly...
And now? His jaw clenched for a second, fingers clutching into a fist before he took in a deep breath and finally reached out again, taking a grasp of her wrist with a stern look to his face. He had GROWN in his absence. " It did happen. And now you are HURT. So suck it up and let me help you so help me-- " he started, bristling. " Just because someone LEFT doesn't mean they no longer CARE. " he added, tending to the wound. " So yeah, I still care. Sucks to say, but you can't stop another person from caring for you. "
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atombuiilt · 7 years
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jobikilled-a · 7 years
You are worth every word of love. Worth every good deed, worth every smile, every tear of joy. You are worth the suns rays and the warm air, you are worth the happiness and the laughter. You are worth everything good and beautiful. You are anything but worthless. Give everyone and anyone this message, go to random blogs, someone you don’t even know, stretch your ask limit, anon or not, tell them they are worth it. Because the world needs more love. ♥
I  LOVE  YOU  WOWIE.  WE  NEED  THINGS ? ??? ? ? ? 
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motherbuilt-blog · 6 years
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Hey so I slept most of the day and forgot to make a post but yesterday was the one year anniversary for me moving Lou to her own blog! She has been a muse I’ve roleplayed before this but being able to roleplay her on Tumblr has been just an amazing experience.
Over this time I’ve gotten to develop Lou in everything from personality to backstory. Along the way, she has shifted and I can honestly say has become one of my favorite muses. What has helped me is all of the amazing support from you guys! You’ve helped me with various plots, roleplays, and questions to help me figure out who she is. So thank you for a year of helping me shape Louisiana into the girl she is now!
I may forget a few people and if I do I am so sorry but I just want to thank you lovely people for Loving Louisiana and of course Delia.
@ragingicarus // @icebitxh // @tostxyalive // @rainkilled // @waldenborn // @ontcri // @azhefa // @darkestbeforedxwn //  @cosmicfell // @harpermcintyrc // @algaenotwar // @tasdoesthefuture// @betterthaanhim // @galaexies //  @mcmachine @darkestbeforedxwn // @diablesetanges // @omousvarii // @lunarsought // @wolveshonor // @ellaofskaikru // @chemicalcasualty // @cvckroach //  @maunplana // @surviivorforged // @portectorisms // @saviorbuilt // @gonatombom // @soldiiermade // @jobikilled // @thebvdguys
This is just a short list but honestly if you’re reading this right now I adore you and I want to thank you for following. It has been an amazing year and I ahve every single one of you to thank for that. It may seem repetitive but thank you so much to everyone!
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rainkilled · 6 years
“You are not going back out there.” He growled at her, knowing that some of them would want to. Hell, he wanted to. If anyone went, Peter would be alongside them. But no. Not Ella. He shrugged her bloody hands off his injured arm with a sharp look. “It’s fine. I’m fine. Other’s need you more right now, Ella.” He understood that she wanted to look after him, but the bullet in his shoulder was unlikely to be fatal, meanwhile others were quickly loosing their lives. “Please, Ella, Just let me be and help Jackson. He needs as many hands as he can get.”
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azhefa-moved · 6 years
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sadly,  i  know  how  original  characters  can  be  under-appreciated. which  is  completely  crazy  to  me.  why?  because   it  takes  a  lot  of  extra  work  so  few  people  acknowledge.  you  have a to  build  up  a  character  completely  from  scratch.  and  on  top  of  that,  find  a  plausible  way  to  fit  them  into  the  fandom  and  form  connections.  it  takes  a  lot  of  time  and  love.  and  i so  admire  many  of  you  for  the  wonderful  work  and  effort  you  have  put  into  your  babes. 
@tempercd //  @louisofthe100  //  @cageworn  // @cagebuilt  //  @cagekept  (  and  your 123421 other beautiful babes  ) // @motherbuilt  //  @waldenborn  //  @skybotanist  // @maunplana // @azenkru  // @sandstained  (  and also your dozen other ocs  )  // @argoworn  // @rainkilled  //  @chainsmcker  //  @ellaofskaikru  //  @novafeign // @shapeshiftiing  // @moonsworn  // @valourled  // @azgona  // @oftreascn  //
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kingfallena · 8 years
@ellaofskaikru liked for short fluff
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     Roan squats near the girl as she sits on one of the crates, somehow it seems she has been overlooked by any of the Skaikru healers. Though, as he understands, Wanheda is the only one here and is already stretched thin. But still, the girl is so young he wonders how no one has noticed the way she is coughing. He hands out a water canteen to her with a simple, unusually quiet, command “Drink.” 
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