#&. shocklashandshoot / all that you are is all that I’ll ever need.
atombuiilt · 7 years
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atombuiilt · 6 years
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As soon as Atom knew that they were able to finally leave the bunker after what felt like forever, receiving word from Octavia that his girlfriend had infact made it after being part of Bellamy’s group that went to space, there was only one person that he really cared about seeing. HARPER. Being separated for the past six years without even so much as a ‘goodbye’ after the two had argued about her decision to stay back at Arcadia with Jasper and the kids that were planning to overdose rather than allow the radiation to kill them had only filled Atom with guilt and regret. Knowing that he had to apologise and make things right with her. Taking a second to bask in the fresh air, sighing with relief that he was still alive, he quickly resumed his task of scanning the large crowd for the familiar blonde. His gaze falling on her after a few seconds as he noticed her running in his direction. Opening up his arms and just pulling her into his embrace, holding her close. Remaining silent as everyone around them reunited with family and friends.
Moving to cup the face of the blonde that stood before him, Atom was unable to wipe the smile from his lips. A content sigh slipping from his mouth as his eyes scanned over her face; taking in every little detail of the woman that he had been separated from over the past six years, admiring the beauty that she had always had but he hadn’t necessarily appreciated enough until this moment. For the first time since he had found out that all of their lives had been at risk because of Praimfaya and that they didn’t necessarily have a solution that would save them, he was filled with a sense of happiness. A sense of thankfulness and gratitude. His constant worry and the recurring nightmares of Harper not making it that had haunted him, causing many sleepless nights where he would just wonder around the bunker, were now distant memories in the back of his mind. His thumb gently brushing over the skin of her cheekbone while he breathed out softly, still currently unable to finally find the perfect words to sum up the relief that he felt causing him to just remain silent.
‘I don’t think you quite understand how hard the past few years have been without you.’
@shocklashandshoot  /  starter call.
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