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retroscifiart · 1 year ago
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Art by Brom 'Elkhorn' for Global Games (1997)
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oldschoolfrp · 5 months ago
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Special characters, the good guys -- Elkhorn the Dwarf, Strongheart the Fighter, Mercion the Cleric, Peralay the Elf, Ringlerun the Magic-User, and Figgen the Halfling (A collage of characters by Tim Truman, Jeff Easley, and Larry Elmore, all linked to the D&D/AD&D toy lines, given stats in AC1: The Shady Dragon Inn by Carl Smith, TSR, 1983) The text describes Strongheart as a paladin, but that class was exclusive to AD&D rules so he is statted as a fighter for this BECMI D&D supplement.
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vintagerpg · 3 months ago
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Elkhorn is another of the small stature figures from the LJN Dungeons & Dragons line — he was first wave, 1983. My first Elkhorn was pulled out of a bin of toys a friend was getting rid of and there is something really appealing about the heft and movement of his sculpt, which contributed to moving my casual interest in D&D toys to a more completionist footing.
I like the atypical choices for a dwarf. For starters, I always thought Elkhorn would be a better name for a ranger or elf. For next, he comes with a sword instead of an axe or a hammer. I also think his shield is not particularly “dwarven” to me. And he’s got a blue beard! All these things come together to make a toy I really like.
As of this writing, the NECA Ultimates version of Elkhorn is in pre-order and I am psyched to see how it turns out! (Spoiler: really well)
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nebraskas · 11 months ago
4/26/24 Nebraska/IA Tornadoes
a continuously updated list of resources
last updated 4/27/24 at 8:13 AM CST; find how to help those affected at the bottom
If you are disabled and impacted by tornadoes, call Disability & Disaster Hotline 800-626-4959 or email [email protected] (per The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies on X)
Nebraska Humane Society can house animals that need emergency shelter. Contact Animal Control at 402-444-7800 ext. 1. (per NE Humane Society on X)
Images and videos from across the storm's path.
Three Timbers Church - S 2nd and Warehouse Street, St. John's Lutheran Church - N Molly Street and Howard Lane, and City Hall - 156th Street and Warehouse Street are all locations to find assistance. (per KETV7)
Clean Up
13505 N. 216th St. in Bennington needs to keep several things in mind:
The landfill will be open 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday.
Green debris limbs must be cut into pieces 4 feet or smaller.
Debris can be mixed.
Home appliances and hazardous materials are not accepted.
(per KETV7)
The Red Cross has set up a location at First Lutheran Church at 2146 Wright Street (per KETV7)
A Facebook page where people are offering resources
Common Ground Recreation Center at 1701 Veterans Drive will serve as an overnight shelter for those affected and pets. (per KETV7)
Anyone needing relief or assistance due to the storms, St. Patrick’s at 204th and Maple Street is your go to. Do not go for unrelated reasons. (per Omaha Scanner on X)
Command Post has moved to 204th and West Maple in St Patrick’s Church parking lot. Media staging is now at the Walgreens parking lot at 202 W Maple (per OPD on X)
Currently there is a reunification center being established at Elkhorn Middle School located at 3200 N 207th street for parents. (per Douglas County 911 on X)
PETS: PetSmart Veterinary Services is at the Walgreens at 202nd and Maple in Elkhorn for pet triage and stabilizing services for animals needing care from tornado injuries. (per Brian Beech on X)
Clean Up
Pheasant Point Landfill as a debris drop-off location, closes at 3 PM today (per KETV7)
Residents who have suffered damage to their homes in today's severe weather event should call 2-1-1 or go online at http://dogis.org/211 to make a report. (per Douglas County on X)
Heartland Hope Mission has two locations in west and south O that offer help. West - 15555 Industrial Road, South - 2021 U Street (per KETV7)
How to Help
NE Humane Society is taking food and litter donations at 8929 Fort Street; also accepting monetary donations. (per NE Humane Society on X)
On 4/27/24 at 7:30 AM there will be a meeting at Relevant Church 21220 Elkhorn Drive held by Rapid Response America to help with disaster relief. Bring your own PPE (gloves, long sleeved shirts, closed toed shoes) and you will have to sign a waiver. More info here.
A Facebook page where people can offer help
My City Church is partnering with other area churches to offer assistance. It's asking for volunteers to help in a variety of ways:
Meet at the Relevant center at 212th Street and West Maple Road at 7:30 a.m. Saturday. Volunteers are asked to bring chainsaws, trucks, trailers, shovels, rakes, brooms, garbage bags, etc. to help clean up
Meet at Brookside Elkhorn Campus at 9 a.m. Saturday. Volunteers need to bring necessary tools and work gloves.
(per KETV7)
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agelessphotography · 10 months ago
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Cal, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, Danny Lyon, 1966
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archivist-crow · 3 months ago
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Beast of Bray Road
Werewolf or were-animal creature seen in Wisconsin. A cluster of sightings from 1989 to 1992 ignited media interest. The sightings may be related to other, much earlier were-creature sightings elsewhere in Wisconsin and also in Michigan.
The Beast of Bray Road was so named because early known sightings and encounters were clustered around Bray Road, a one-mile stretch of isolated country road near Elkhorn, in southeastern Wisconsin, a small town of 6,500 residents. Rumors and gossip circulated primarily among teenagers. The story received media attention when Linda Contrey, a writer and cartoonist for a weekly newspaper called The Week, started collecting eyewitness testimonies and writing about them. Articles also appeared in Strange magazine. Sightings have been reported in a much wider geographical area, even as far away as Milwaukee.
Various descriptions of the Beast have been given, but common traits are its size and the fact that it stands, walks, and runs on hind legs, and also on all fours. Upright it is over six feet in height, even seven to eight feet. The figure is humanlike with clawed and hairy humanlike hands, and a wolfish or wolf head. It carries a revolting smell, and has sharp, canny, slanted and evil-looking eyes. It stares at people and smirks at them, giving them the feeling that it is intelligent and self-aware in a human way. Eyewitnesses say it is demonic and hellish.
The Beast is most often seen at night, but also has been seen during the day. It has menaced people and chased them, and has been seen kneeling by the road while apparently eating roadkill. No one to date has actually been physically harmed by the creature, although some eyewitnesses say they were certain the creature could have killed them had it chosen to do so.
One of the earliest encounters on record dates to 1936. Mark Schackelman was a night watchman at a Catholic convent, St. Colleta, near Jefferson, Wisconsin. He had two encounters with a bizarre creature resembling the Beast, both occurring around midnight. He spotted the creature atop a Native American burial mound, which it was clawing with its hands. The creature fled when Schackelman approached it.
But the second night, the creature—again found clawing at the top of the burial mound—stood up and faced Schackelman. The humanlike figure was over six feet tall and was covered with dark hair. It had a muzzle, prominent fangs, and pointed ears on the top of its head. It gave off a horrible smell, like "long-dead meat." The creature stared at him and made a guttural sound like "gadarrah" and growled. After an agonizing stare down in which Schackelman earnestly prayed to God for rescue, the creature turned and slowly walked away.
In 1989 a 24-year-old woman, Lorianne Endrizzi, got a good look at the Beast while driving on Bray Road at about 1:30 A.M. She saw what she thought was a person hunched over by the side of the road. Slowing to a crawl to look, she was startled to see that the figure was part human and part wolf. The face was long and snouty and the eyes glowed yellow. It had a wide chest, pointed ears, big fangs, and a covering of gray-brown hair. The limbs and appendages were humanlike: The hands looked like human hands with claws; the hairy calves were muscular. The creature's arms were jointed like a human's, and it was holding what appeared to be roadkill in upturned palms. The creature stared at her until she drove away. Later, Endrizzi found an illustration of a werewolf that closely resembled the Beast.
Other sightings have yielded similar descriptions.
The Beast also has been described as bearlike, and ape-like and baboonlike, the latter giving rise to speculation about its relationship to Bigfoot (Sasquatch), and to legends about hairy "wild men" said to live in remote, wooded regions. According to Godfrey, the beast has striking similarities to the Dogman of Michigan, to the Lobizon of South America, and to other were-dog creatures reported in diverse locations around the world. It may have a relationship to the European lore of large, spectral black dogs or "hellhounds," such as Black Shuck of England. Black dog lore migrated to America: For example, the Snarly Yow is a spectral hound that haunts parts of Maryland. In Chippewa lore, the Witchie Wolves are spirit dogs that guard the sacred graves of warriors. Native American burial mounds are associated with a host of paranormal phenomena, including haunting ghosts and spirits, strange lights and noises, and mysterious forms.
Other strange creature sightings similar to the Beast are of a were-deer, or a hairy biped that runs with deer.
Reports of strange lights in the sky—possible UFOs—and mutilated domestic dogs and cats have been reported in areas where the Beast has been seen, but there is no conclusive link among the phenomena.
Animals mistaken for supernatural creatures do not seem a likely explanation for the Beast. According to Godfrey, one explanation put forward has also been advanced for other mysterious creatures and for Bigfoot: It may be a remnant of prehistoric times, an indigenous dogman creature who somehow survives in remote areas.
Text from The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters (Checkmark Books, 2005) by Rosemary Guiley
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doomandgloomfromthetomb · 8 months ago
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Drew Gardner - Cygnus A
The Elkhorn boys can be tough to keep up with — for several years now, there’s been a steady stream of excellent releases for an array of labels, working in a wide variety of settings. And then there’s Drew Gardner’s killer solo work, too. Cygnus A is his latest and it is very much worth your time. Here, Drew adds mbiri and zither to his arsenal, creating a gorgeous, moody song suite. Hypnotic, minimal, beautiful — somewhere in between Laraaji and Alice Coltrane. Get into it.
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dustedmagazine · 7 months ago
Elkhorn — The Red Valley (VHF)
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Photo by Sam Erickson
The two guitarists of Elkhorn meet up again for a bout of mesmeric drone, the sound this time more electric than pastoral but as open-ended as ever. As always, Jesse Sheppard mans the 12-string, whether acoustic or electrified, while Drew Gardner plays the six, as well as a few other instruments notably zither and vibraphone. Gardner is responsible, as well, for the pounding, grounding percussion in The Red Valley, nothing complicated but a key component of making this duo sound like a band. And finally, Jesse Sparhawk contributes lever harp and pedal steel. It’s a lush, enveloping sound, nothing minimal about it.
“Black Wind of Kayenta” runs dark and more turbulent, building ominous, western-tinged expanses in distortion blasted low-end runs. An acoustic dances atop these shadowy foundations, bending and flowering in high blues licks. I hear a sunset here, the air darkening, the clouds lit up with brilliance, a few stray rays of sunlight still on hand but not for long.
“Inside Spider Rock,” by contrast, is a prickly blossom, all pizzicato runs and trebly flourishes, aided by Sparhawk’s lever harp. This is an instrument favored by Celtic musicians for its quick, hand-manipulated tunings (as opposed to the classical harp which works with pedals), and Sparhawk makes the most of its sparkling, note-flurrying radiance, an excellent match for the ethereal overtones of 12-string.
Elkhorns roots are in blues, folk and country, though you won’t hear much of the latter until “Jackrabbit Hops” with its eerie masses of pedal steel (Sparhawk, evidently) and bent notes melting like Dali’s clocks. A jangle of bells, a slash of cymbals works as atmosphere, but not really as timekeeping. This track moves on its own schedule, stretching minutes out like taffy and snapping back in quick rhythmic bursts.
“Gray Salt Trail” is the long one, quiet reverie that sits at the intersection of blues, folk and raga, very much the neighborhood Jack Rose inhabited when not in Dr. Ragtime mode. There’s a bit of rock churn in the way that the guitars roar up, a bit more distortion and dissonance than on, say, “Cathedral et Chartres,” but the vibe is similar. The song goes on for more than nine minutes, but who’s in any hurry when the shimmer hits the shadow like this?
Jennifer Kelly
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faguscarolinensis · 10 months ago
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Euphorbia lactea 'White Ghost' / 'White Ghost' Milk Tree at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University in Durham, NC
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sambarsky · 2 years ago
156.) My Lake Elkhorn sweater. Not a famous place, but we have taken walks around Lake Elkhorn from time to time since before we were married and I always though it would make a nice sweater. #sambarsky #sambarskysweaters #sambarskyknitter #knit #knitting #knitter #art #artist #sweater #lakeelkhorn #elkhorn #columbia #columbiamd #columbiamaryland #goose #geese
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lastenline · 2 years ago
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Finished painting Elkhorn the dwarf. He’s one of the Valor’s Call DnD set of miniatures by Galeforce Nine.
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aquariumdrunkard · 2 years ago
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The Lagniappe Sessions :: Elkhorn
With the remarkable On The Whole Universe In All Directions, Elkhorn continues its constant state of growth and mutation. Built on a solid foundation of drums, vibraphone, and booming 12-string guitar, it charts a path from American primitive folk-isms toward galactic, psychedelic cosmic vistas. The duo’s first Lagniappe Session offered a grab bag of interpretations of songs by the Dead, Sonic Youth, and Robbie Basho, but this one devotes itself fully to just one, epic-length composition: a cover of David Crosby’s “Guinnevere,” as played by Miles Davis.
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vintagerpg · 2 months ago
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So an assassin, a dwarf and a goodie-two-shoes walk into a bar... 
This week on the Vintage RPG Podcast, we're catching up on NECA's Dungeons & Dragons toys that have come out since the last time we talked about NECA's Dungeons & Dragons toys: Zarak, Strongheart and Elkhorn Ultimates. We'll cover the Super 7 D&D toys soon, promise!
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brandacelynn · 2 years ago
Family day 'Danish Roots'
My fathers family gets together to touch our family's history.
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vintagewarhol · 2 days ago
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doomandgloomfromthetomb · 2 years ago
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Elkhorn 2023
A very busy year so far for the Elkhorn guys. Let's get caught up ... First, the duo has a new LP out on Centripetal Force — On The Whole Universe In All Directions, which features Drew Gardner on vibes throughout instead of his usual electric guitar. The change-up works magnificently. (Oh and I reviewed it in a recent issue of Uncut.)
Next, we've got some Aquarium Drunkard action: a great Transmissions episode with Gardner and 12-string-er Jesse Sheppard chatting with Jason P. Woodbury for an hour and change. And! The pair also taped a fresh Lagniappe Session for AD — just one song, but it's a doozy, an inspired re-interpretation of Miles Davis' interpretation of David Crosby's "Guinnevere." Did you get all that??
What else? Definitely head over to NYC Taper to dig into a recent Elkhorn live set taped by Kliked at Tubby's; here, Gardner and Sheppard are joined by ace drummer Ian McColm for a set of heavy/heady jams.
And definitely get Gardner's latest solo album, Flowers In Space, where the guitarist reunites with the all-star rhythm team of Andy Cush (Garcia Peoples) and Ryan Jewell (everybody) for four long and groovy explorations. Brent Sirota calls it a "slab of sympathetic magic from what amounts to a veritable dad psych supergroup." And he's right!
Finally, there's The Return, a previously unheard archival release from a Gardner group that played together in San Francisco in the 1990s. Over a quarter century old, but its spiritual jazz modes sound as fresh as ever.
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