#elizabeth of hesse
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thehessiansisters · 7 months ago
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Painting of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia by François Flameng, 1894.
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ykzzr · 10 months ago
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Ernst Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine, his wife Victoria, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine and their daughter Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine, his sisters and their children, Princess Victoria of Battenberg, her two daughters Princesses Alice and Louise, her son Prince George of Battenberg,Princess Irene of Prussia, her sons Princes Waldemar and Sigismund of Prussia, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodrovna. Wolfsgarten 1896.
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empress-alexandra · 9 months ago
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Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia, 1890s.
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teatimeatwinterpalace · 4 months ago
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Princess Alice with her second daugther, Elizabeth, later Grand Duchess of Russia, 1864-1865.
Darmstadt, November 7, 1864 | The little daughter was but a momentary disappointment to us, which we have quite got over. We console ourselves with the idea that the little pair will look pretty together.
November 20, 1864 | Louis's mother is to be godmother, because it is customary here to ask someone of the name the child is to receive to stand on the occasion. We liked Elizabeth on account of St. Elisabeth being the ancestress of the Hessian as well as the Saxon House.
November 26, 1864 | I am very well and very careful; all people say I look better, and have more colour than I have had for long, and, indeed, I feel strong and well, and by fat Baby does perfectly, and is a great darling.
November 29, 1864 | I ought to mention the christening. My mother-in-law held Baby all the time, and it screamed a great deal. Victoria stood with us and was very good, only kneeling down and tumbling over the footstool every two minutes, and she kept whispering to me, 'Go to Uncle's.' I thought so much of the christening last year, when Victoria behaved much better than her larger dark sister. Ella measured twenty-three and a half inches a fortnight ago, and she had not grown then.
Kranichstein, July 10, 1865 | Ella already says, since some time, 'Papa' and 'Mama' and calls herself, and crawls, and is very forward and merry - such a contrast to Victoria, who is so pale and fair, and now thin, for Ella's eyes are so dark blue, and her hair of such a rich brown, that you would never take the little things for sisters. They are very fond of each other, and so dear together, that they give us much peasure. I would not change them for boys, if I could; this little pair of sisters is so nice, and they can be such friends to each other.
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foreverinthepagesofhistoryy · 2 months ago
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Royal Hair Challenge 2025 🤍
Day 2: Favorite Updos of the old British Royal Family
⋅⋆ ♡ ⋆ ⋅
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roses-of-the-romanovs · 7 months ago
Alice and Alix
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Alice on her daughter:
“She is a sweet, merry little person, always laughing, with a deep dimple in one cheek just like Ernie.”
“She is quite the personification of her nickname “Sunny”—much like Ella, but a smaller head, and livelier, with Ernie’s dimple and expression.”
“‘Sunny’ in pink, was immensely admired. She is still improving in looks since you saw her.”
“Aliky is very handsome and dear.”
Alexandra Feodorovna on her mother:
“I cried when I thought of my mother; this [the wedding of her brother Ernst] was the first festival since her death. I seemed to see her everywhere.”
“Darmstadt is only a little spot in the garden of my memories, but my mother died there, so I can’t really be blamed for liking Darmstadt.”
And one final tribute:
“The Empress’s boudoir, known as ‘Le Cabinet Mauve de l’Imperatrice,’ was a lovely room … Lovely pictures adorned the walls—and one of the Annunciation, and another of St. Cecilia, faced a portrait of the Empress’s mother, the late Princess Alice of England, Grand Duchess of Hesse-Darmstadt.”
“The mauve boudoir was flooded with moonlight, which fell directly on the portrait of the Empress’s mother, and on the picture of the Annunciation. Both seemed alive.... The sad eyes of the dead woman watched the gradually unfolding tragedy of her daughter’s life, whilst the radiant Virgin, overcome with divine condescension, welcomed the angel who hailed her as blessed among women.”
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the-last-tsar · 3 months ago
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Prince Wilhelm of Sweden, Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna (the younger), Tsar Nicholas II, Princess Victoria, Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich and Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.
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duchesssoflennox · 10 months ago
"Regal Lookalikes: Uncanny Resemblances Among Royal and Imperial Figures"✨️🌞❤️‍🔥🤍
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EXTREMELY rare photos of Princesses Victoria and Elisabeth of Hesse and By Rhine, early 1870s
Royal Collection Trust / © His Majesty King Charles III 2023
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polishdynasty · 9 months ago
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Four wives of Casimir The Great x Four wives of Ladislaus Jagiello
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saganshy62 · 1 month ago
Louis IV, Grand Duke of Hesse with his daughters Elizabeth and Alix and son Ernest. St-Petersburg. 1888.
Louis IV, Grand Duke of Hesse with his daughters Elizabeth and Alix and son Ernest. St-Petersburg. 1888. by Tatiana Zakharova Via Flickr:
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thehessiansisters · 11 months ago
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Full length portrait of Grand Duke Louis IV of Hesse and by Rhine, with Princess Alix and Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia, 1890s.
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ykzzr · 2 years ago
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Princess Victoria of Battenberg and her husband Prince Ludwig of Battenberg and their children Louise and George with Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna.
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empress-alexandra · 6 months ago
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Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia, 1894.
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teatimeatwinterpalace · 3 months ago
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Princesses Elizabeth and Victoria of Hesse, 1878.
'As Elizabeth and the other grew into adolescence and traveled around the courts of Europe, they became notorious for their riotous daredevilry. At first it was Victoria, as the eldest, who led the children's wild horseplay and ruled them all "with a rod of iron". She was becoming a tomboy, reveling in physical games and competition. She loved to tell and hear heroic stories, Arthurian and Homeric legends. Elizabeth, on the other hand, preferred "nice little girl stories" and the dolls and girlish things that Victoria loathed. She was more feminine and becoming prettier than her elder sister, though less practical or clever. But as she grew she began to rebel against Victoria's iron rule. One day Victoria gave in and agreed to share her authority with Elizabeth. Underneath her docile front Elizabeth had gained a character at least as strong as her sister's and tougher than those of the younger ones.' Elizabeth : Grand Duchess of Russia by Hugo Mager.
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thepaleys · 6 months ago
The Funeral of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich
My uncle was buried on the morning of the twenty-third of February. My uncle’s brothers, as well as his sister-in-law, the Dowager Empress, expressed a desire to attend but found at the last moment that they could not do so. Disorders were feared; strikes were breaking out one after another in all the great industrial centers. Any gathering of royal persons would only invite new catastrophes. A cousin of my uncle, the Grand Duke Constantine, took the risk, and so did the Duchess of Saxe-Coburg, her daughter Beatrice, and the Grand Duke of Hesse and his wife. Finally, my father, in his banishment now installed in Paris, asked the Emperor’s permission to come. It was granted.
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Dmitri and I went to see him at the railway station and received him with sobs, which could not lessen the joy we had at seeing him again. We took him back to the house. The meeting between him and his sister-in-law was painful.
My aunt had conceived the idea of building a chapel in the crypt of the Miracle Monastery to shelter the remains of my uncle. While waiting for the chapel to be built, she obtained permission to place the coffin in one of the convent churches.
The funeral service was celebrated with great solemnity. Officers with drawn swords and sentinels were stationed around the bier. The Archbishop and the high clergy of Moscow celebrated the mass, a service so long and tiring that I almost fainted, and my father had to take me out. The church was full of people; wreaths and flowers were heaped around the coffin and on the steps of the catafalque. By this time, I had reached such a degree of physical lassitude that I could hardly think or feel anything. We had lived for six days in a state of nervous tension that never relaxed. At the end of the service, the coffin was carried to one of the little churches of the monastery, and here, for forty days and nights, prayers were said. We attended them every evening.
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Some days later, my father and other members of the family departed. Little by little, life took up its normal course. "Normal" is an expression only relatively exact, for my aunt never left off her mourning and rarely went out.
"Education of a Princess" - Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna Jr.
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