#eli writes stuff
rose-thorns-corner · 1 year
snippet from a fic i’m working on
“Of course, Juno, although I did skip eating so I could get to on time, so perhaps we could go to a restaurant first?” Juno threw a box of cold, leftover takeout at him.
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sunflowerrex · 6 days
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It wouldn’t be a proper return without my Eli Vanto doodles!! This is what I do instead of paying attention in class tbh.
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My terrible, godawful brain: Dick Grayson, Kate Bishop, Luther Hargreeves
My terrible godawful brain: no wait Diego Hargreeves, Kate Bishop, and Jason Todd!!!
Me: nooo what about Kate/Ben/Noh????
Me: Allison, Kate, and Eli
Me: Klaus Kate and Loki
Me: Victor Kate and David
Me: Tim Kate Five
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sinful-karateka · 10 days
I'll bite and talk about something that doesn't get enough spotlight in general, which are Demetri's and Eli's family life. So obviously several fic authors have their own twists and flavors to this, but if I may sell you something for a sec.
So far into the series, what we've got are these facts:
Demetri's Mom is the only family member to be mentioned in the show.
Eli's parents were mentioned a couple of times.
That should be enough context to deduce two things:
Demetri could be an only child to a single mother, and;
Eli's parents involve themselves in the stuff that he does — including karate, who knows — though they tend to be tone deaf with his actual needs.
There's strong evidence to why the boys act the way they act (brain functions notwithstanding, but this isn't the post for that), which is why I think these deductions make sense. How their hypothetical upbringing is part and parcel to how characters behave in this series. Of course societal influence comes in second because obviously you've got a show that encourages learning karate as defense against bullies, but this show is also about generational chains and traumas! So why wouldn't their home life inform the way it informs the LaRusso's, Lawrence's, and Nichols'? But I digress.
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In the span of the entire series, I've held onto this headcanon that Demetri's neuroticism and ability to anticipate his actions carefully stem from a household that needs these systems in place, much more for someone who likes to be on top of things. Since he's just a student, the only authoritative figure who can make executive decisions... is his mom. Add to the fact that she may be a working mom, so when Demetri tells Daniel about certain restrictions in learning karate, what could have made her decide to just write a letter instead vs. taking the time out to go with his son herself? I know I know it's narrative writing but like do you seeeee where I'm at here
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Eli's family life is by far gave us early indications of his dynamic with his mother — but not so a father — in earlier seasons. It's possible that his mom is a stay-at-home one, but if I were to push the bounds of this box even further, I'd even speculate that she's retired early if it meant that Eli's dad is the one making most of the living. Like of course they'd get mad at Hawk for getting a tattoo at his age, I think any parent would! But the way he tells Aisha to exclude him from her stories tells us that there's not a lot that his parents know about the life he lives as Hawk. At this point we all know the kind of effort it takes to successfully carry it out because he has to go home every night. It's either he a) puts in a lot of effort into concealing this identity once he gets home, or b) his parents are rarely ever home, which again, feeds into another assumption that maybe Mrs. Moskowitz works certain hours.
All we know is they're never around a whole lot for these boys, which is sad! and also again, very Indicative of their classification as awkward nerds pre- and early karate. When I read along certain fics that consider and include how the rest of their characters besides the found families they've formed, it gives much more depth and potency to writing them, their flaws, and how they think.
For all we know, Mrs. Alexopoulos could be a lesbian making fun of her son for not slinging pussy like she does being rizzless unlike her, but don't let me explain that when we have @demetriandelibinaryboyfriends!
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fan wikis for big fandoms are like a godsend and fan wikis for small fandoms are a desert with tumbleweeds
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cloudbunny · 1 year
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please read Project Compass by Distant Storm it's so fucking good,,, slow-burn fic where Ezra and Thrawn go to the Ascendancy post-purgil, and Eli gives Thrawn the cold shoulder -- it's written so fucking well and all the characters are in-character and just!!!! it's so good!!!!!!!!!!!! and the romance is so worth the wait weh
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Every day we get closer to the last book in the Vicious trilogy and I swear that keeps me fucking alive
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best screen adaptation of Baxter?
I mean, to be completely & brutally honest. There aren't really that many options. But as far as best writing goes... I'd have to say 2003 STILL holds up to this day.
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Despite all of his own unique differences from his comic counterpart, he's still the best & honestly, the most FAITHFUL version of him outside the comics. Using the mousers for a similar purpose, taking crap from nobody (as much as it backfired horribly), being considered a legitimate threat especially with how he just won't go down so easily no matter how much you throw at him. Or as he puts it, "not so easily dismissed". Scott Williams is still an amazing voice actor & did his thing every time he was in an episode. Not to mention he was the first version to actually HAVE a backstory & development as a villain, person & character in the end. Plus the things this man says still live rent free in my head till this day.
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And I do feel like it helps that Peter & Kevin did work on this show themselves from time to time, mostly on being the showrunners go to for approval on certain character designs & stories so it goes to show the 2003 writers truly cared about what they were doing with these characters, Baxter included!
Other options are still gonna be pretty tricky to pick through considering the fact that Baxter isn't in a lot of eras as you probably think he is. And even when he is, he's rarely written with relevance or ANY care at all because most of the writer's go-to source when it comes to adapting him is the 1987 & recently 2012 cartoons. He's only been in 3 movies & 2 original video games & all of them either: weren't really big roles & gave us much to work with or just had him there for the sake of 87 fanservice. As for the other cartoons. I'm gonna be deadass when I say STOCKBOY was also a better adaptation too
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Was he 100% accurate to his source material? No not really. Especially from an outside perspective. But he at least had EFFORT put into him! The boy nearly killed people for his own personal needs & then was nearly successful in revealing the turtles to the world a month later because he's petty & it meant more clout & benefits for him. And that is pure Baxter Stockman core if you ask me. Also he's the first cartoon Stockman that WASN'T paired with & made into Shredder's personal sock puppet and that should be followed on with more considering he never met Shredder in the first place in the comics. Stockboy is another great adaptation & we would have most likely seen more proof of this had Rise not been cancelled.
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retrogradedreaming · 18 days
Even if I were doing the exact thing I loved most in the world every day, the fact that I would be forced to do it to survive would make it hell
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discountsoysauce · 6 months
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Because I am notoriously awful at actually writing the things I'm thinking about, here is a list of ideas I have but probably won't get around to writing any time soon
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rose-thorns-corner · 1 year
Chapter 2 of my fic To Draw Blood From Steel is out!
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starryjiung · 4 months
I'm actually gonna post something soon wow, ely writing debut on here?? who would've thought
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dreamlandforever · 1 year
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@writersmonth Prompt: Day 31 - Fall
Fandom: Teen Wolf | Sterek WC: 1k
XXXI. Fall | Piles of Leaves
“Eli, please don’t…” Derek started, as soon as he saw the mischief in his son’s eyes when they passed a considerable pile of leaves on their walk through the preserve. He interrupted himself the moment he noticed his husband had already jumped on it, dry leaves flying all around Derek’s feet. He let out a sigh and counted to ten, giving himself a little space to calm himself before facing his husband again. Who was now making a leaf angel while Eli tried to do a belly flop on the leaves, landing half on Stiles instead. Derek was thankful for that, both because it broke his son’s fall before he landed on the ground, and because of the way it had left Stiles slightly gasping for breath. “Having fun, you too?” He asked, gently prying Eli off of Stiles so his husband could get some air, instead of Eli’s bony elbows to his stomach. 
“Yeah, it’s Fall, Derek! The best time of the year. Get in here!” Stiles said excitedly, throwing a bunch of leaves at Derek’s face, and taking Eli from his arms to set him on the pile of leaves next to him. “Make an angel with me, munchkin!” Stiles said excitedly, showing Eli how to make an angel on the floor. Derek simply watched as both his husband and son covered themselves in mud and dirt, finally allowing himself to laugh. He could really do without the mess, but he knew what he was getting into the moment he met Stiles. 
“I’m okay over here.” Derek said, stepping back to allow Stiles’ long legs to move more freely.
“Oh, come on! You are wolf. Be one with nature and all that.” 
“Papa a wolf?” Eli asked, trying his best to get back on his feet, but landing twice on his butt before Stiles could stop laughing enough to help him to his feet.
“Yes, Papa’s a wolf but it’s a secret, honey, remember?” Stiles said, placing a finger against Eli’s lips. Eli nodded hard enough that Derek kneeled next to him to hold his head.
“Secrets are for Pack only, aren’t they, son?” Derek coaxed, and Eli nodded again, but now that Derek’s hand was mostly holding him in place it was a lot less violent. 
“Eli!” Stiles called, and the boy immediately turned to him. “On three?” And Derek felt he had missed a full conversation. Until Stiles suddenly yelled three, and both Stiles and Eli grabbed his arms and pulled him until he landed on the leaves with them. 
“Don’t you love Fall?” Stiles asked, as Eli grabbed handfuls of leaves from around and used them to try and cover Stiles up, who simply allowed it to happen.
“It’s not specifically Fall I love.” Derek answered with a smile. 
“Oh, look at you being all romantic. I’m glad. Eli’s going to need a shower and he’s still terrified of them since that time he saw Malia trying to take one when she fell on the mud puddle and he thought she was a monster. “
“Stiles, you told him she was.”
“She looked like one! I didn’t think he would believe me. Also, she was coming out of the shower, I don’t know why he thinks the monster lives inside the shower.”
“Stiles, again, our son is three years old. He believes everything you tell him.”
“I’ve to teach him critical thinking.” Stiles decided, intertwining his fingers on top of his chest and coming up with different ideas.
“Again, Stiles, he’s three.”
“And he’s ours. He’s smart. And much too trusting. He believes everything Jackson tells him. The other day, he was looking for the Tooth Fairy.” Derek barked a laugh at that.
“You know, I actually think I trust Jackson the most with telling Eli all kinds of things.” 
“Yeah, Scott tried to convince him that pizza is made out of broccoli so he could eat the last slice.” 
“You did not let our son be fooled out of pizza.” Derek said incredulously, turning to look at his husband, who was now mostly covered in twigs and dirt.
“Of course not.” Stiles snorted, upsetting a few of the leaves on his face, which Eli was quick to replace.
“No move, daddy! No move! I make pile! On daddy’s face!” Eli reproached, grabbing more twigs and placing them on top of his face. “Papa, daddy gone!” Eli laughed, turning around and pretending to look for Stiles.
“I can only hope, son.” Derek answered softly, low enough that only Stiles heard him. 
Stiles was still unable to speak, because he was hidden, so he settled for slapping his husband on the face as hard as he could without moving too much. It wasn’t too hard, but it got message across. Derek laughed, catching Stiles’ hand in his and kissing it softly. “I will always find you, my love.”
“You better, you asshole.” 
“I found him!” Derek called at Eli, raising Stiles’ hand in his to show his son. 
Eli laughed excitedly and jumped on top of Derek. 
“You found daddy!” 
“He always does, champ. And he’ll always find you, too.” Stiles promised, doing his best to get out of his dead leaves tomb. 
“That I will. Now, how about a shower ? Daddy smells like the forest.” Derek proposed, getting to his feet and placing Eli on top of his shoulders, before helping Stiles to his feet.
“And you love it, Sour Wolf. But I do need a shower. I think I have dirt inside my underwear.” 
“What’s underbear?” Eli asked, and Stiles decided the best option to answer that question was to explain to Eli how underwear came to be. Eli watched attentively, holding on to Derek’s hair. And Derek just led them both back home, waiting patiently to when Stiles would be done with the story, and Eli would nod and ask an incredibly weird question, and then ask the original question once again, this time for Derek to answer in a way Eli would understand. And he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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alien-mil · 8 months
Ok so since we’ve established there is no mention of a mother for either Eli or Junjie (probably because Junjie’s parents died when he was the dark slinger but that’s angst for another day) And the only mother figure that’s mentioned is Trixie’s mum and the only mother figure we see is Lian who was controlled for most of the eastern cavern special.
Junjie and Eli being sad children and Lian coming in being all motherly. Junjie loving it because he missed her a lot. Eli feeling undeserving because ISSUES… ending with Eli being a little more confident in accepting affection from Junjie, Lian and the Shane gang in general.
Am I going to write this? Most defiantly. Will I post it? No
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angelwiththeblue-box · 10 months
you ever just cry about jatp
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rocketboots564 · 18 days
Teen Wolf OC: Enrico Mahealani
Here’s a bit of writing I made for a Teen Wolf OC of mine: Enrico Mahealani, the son of one of Danny’s cousins, who comes to live with him after his father’s death. This takes place after the events of the Teen Wolf Movie, and is part of a sorta fix-it au of mine that I’ve been brainstorming over while watching Teen Wolf for the first time.
You can check out his info, and other work I’ve written about him with with this Masterlist
Chapter 2: Breakfast
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“All hapiness depends on a leisurely breakfast,” –John Gunther
To Enrico, morning routines were an imperative, crucial structure to follow. It allowed him to be efficient, not just with his own physical and mental wellbeing, but the day-to-day lifestyle and the certain occupation he held.
It’s why he’d wake up early during the weekdays, and stay asleep until noon or later over the weekends. It’s why he’d rinse himself down in the shower, use proper exfoliating face wash, and even make sure to buy specific deodorant and toothpaste that met his needs.
As such, it became irritating when this routine, the imperative steps taken to start his day, was interrupted by something.
And, much to his dismay, something had interrupted: his dreams, or visions rather. A reoccurring nightmare that hung in his sleepless, once stagnant mind. In his eyes, they were a haunting omen that plagued his nights.
The bad news was he’d taken a huge dent in his sleep schedule, waking up hours earlier. There was also the looming air of dread, the anxiety and fear that came with deciphering his visions and dreams.
The good news was simple: he’d always hated a stagnated mind.
The blonde girl, the dark-skinned pretty boy, and the man with blue eyes. They were all spirits, ones who’d lingered in between life and death, unable to pass on. They were calling to him, calling out to do something. But what exactly? was the question that rang in his head, every morning since the dreams began.
“Save the pack. Find Stiles. Find the son,” he muttered to himself, repeating the words that had been shouted to him in his sleep. Images of the older man flashed in his mind, from his pointed ears and fangs, to his glowing blue eyes. The desperation in his voice as he burned alive made him wince, as he could feel his pain, his very soul crying out.
“Find who?” A voice asked behind him, as Enrico’s spine tingled, startled by the sudden intrusion. He turned to face relative and legal guardian, Danny Mahealani, as he groggily walked into the kitchen, the floorboards creaking beneath his feet with nearly every step he took. The man was still dressed in his pajamas, his shaggy shirt and a pair of polka dot sweatpants he’d been given as a joke gift.
“N-Nothing… just a dream I had,” Enrico responded in a quiet tone, handing him a plate of eggs and bacon. The boy had already prepared and eaten his own breakfast, as the smell of cooked food was the very thing that woke Danny up to begin with. Danny grabbed the plate with one hand and with the other, he lazily opened a kitchen drawer, his fingers shuffling through various silverware before grabbing a fork.
Danny had taken in Enrico after the loss of his father to a terminal brain tumor. The boy was his cousin’s son, but was relegated to being known as his “relative” for simplicities sake. It wasn’t worth the trouble of constantly explaining that no, he didn’t adopt him nor did he magically turn straight and have a kid. The constant assumptions had nearly gotten insulting to Danny. They could’ve done just assumed I was bisexual or pan, at least they’d be in the ballpark, he’d once said under his breath, right after running into some old high school friends, who were confused at the sudden sight of a 15-year-old kid, who looked eerily similar to him.
The both of them lived in Danny’s house on the outskirts of downtown. It was homely, with furniture that looked expensive, but was really just cheaply put together Ikea products. The place had previously been an Airbnb for true crime fanatics and ghost hunters, most of which were attracted to Beacon Hills for its past history of murders and unusual deaths. In Danny’s eyes, if nobody else was going to make a profit off his teenage trauma, he might as well do it.
Besides, his house was close enough to his real job running a gay club. It was the same club he used to frequent when he was younger, and way more reckless. But now? It became an ever present reminder of how far he’d come. He’d grown to adore the place and its people like family.
Sure, the man was far from being a werewolf, but he would be lying to himself if the friends he’d made didn’t feel like a pack to him.
“Oh god what time is it?” Danny groaned, checking his phone, “shit… Dal and Jenna are gonna kill me.”
“Already running late?” Enrico chirped up, a sympathetic grin on his face, as he adjusted the collar on his shirt. He’d expected Danny to sleep through his alarms. It was only natural, as he’d spent all night dealing with the Club’s finances and school applications for Beacon Hills High. Normally, he’d wake him up, but admittedly, his mind had been elsewhere, focused on his dream. Enrico set down a mug of coffee on the kitchen counter, one which Danny happily accepted with a grateful nod.
“And today’s the new renovations… ughhh,” he groaned, as Danny rubbed his already sore temple, taking a deep breath in. He took a sip of coffee, his other hand reaching for his phone as he began to rapidly text several numbers at a time, grumbling to himself, “I’ll let them know I’ll be running late.”
“Perfect. I am meeting with an acquaintance from school today,” Enrico said, cleaning up the stovetop and taking dishes over to the sink. Danny’s eyebrows raised, as he glanced over to Enrico, finishing up the last of his breakfast.
“Oh yeah! I heard you made some friends. And it’s only been your first week at school,” Danny smiled, standing next to Enrico as he turned on the hot water, rinsing his plate and fork under the steaming faucet.
Danny was uncertain how well Enrico would’ve adjusted to his new school. He’d had only moved in with him a month after his father’s passing. He knew it had to have been overwhelming for him. And putting high school of all things on top of that? It felt like he was putting this kid through a Herculean struggle. Danny had once tried to lighten up the thought by telling him stories his past misadventures as a teenager, but it usually ended with a judgmental side glance from Enrico followed by awkward silence.
“So, who is the lucky kid?” Danny asked, taking another sip of his brown liquid, savoring the perfect taste of cream and sugar as Enrico wiped his hands clean with a towel.
“His name is Eli Hale.”
At that, Danny nearly spat his coffee out.
Great, all that work to keep you away from Beacon Hill’s werewolf shit, and you picked a HALE to befriend, Danny thought to himself, a forced smile rising to his face. His hand clenched his mug tightly.
“Do you know the name?” Enrico tilted his head slightly, an eyebrow raised as he watched his relative shakily set his coffee mug down. “N-No! Just uhm… my coffee’s a bit hot is all,” Danny nervously chuckled, his gaze avoiding Enrico’s as he desperately grasped for a thought.
A lie? Interesting… Enrico thought, his eyes closely observing Danny, as he shrugged his shoulders, and tightened his tie and adjusted his shirt collar. He wouldn’t press his relative for information, he already had enough on his plate.
“I’ll be heading out. Eli and I have a sort of group project together that I want to get done,” He said, walking to the door with his backpack slung across his shoulders, “If I were you I’d take Southwest Street to the get to the club. Your usual route is probably crowded with traffic.”
“W-wait a minute, you’re already leaving?” Danny stood up, a concerned and confused expression on his face. This was already going way too fast for him to process, and it was freaking him out a little. But he knew he couldn’t loose his cool, not yet, not when he’d just gotten his cousin’s kid settled into his home.
“O-okay… that’s fine,” he paused, hoping the nervous sweat on his brow wasn’t noticeable, “But w-what was that about the road? What do you mean it’ll be faster?”
Enrico opened the door, standing out on the porch as he paused. His head turned back to Danny, looking over his shoulder as a grin widened to his face.
“Now that’s the kind of question I’ve been hoping to answer,” He replied, an almost devilish glint in his eyes. He spoke with an unusually enthusiastic tone, as if he’d been waiting to share the news all day. And, by the looks of it, he had. It was like something had finally snapped him out of the grieving, depressed mood he’d been in since he got here, like something had caught his full, undivided attention.
“Someone was murdered at last night. A girl, and new to town no less,” his smile widened. “I think things just got more interesting around here.”
And with that, he shut the door behind him, leaving his bewildered relative to drink his coffee alone in terrified wonder.
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Taglist: @fionajames
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