#eli says shit
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earthisgreat · 1 year ago
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Someone shared this tweet in a discord I'm in. I had to. I had to do the Tumblr thing of putting a tweet next to a character from a TV show.
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titan-god-helios · 9 months ago
my hands smell like chicken pho and my thighs are huge. who wants me /lhj
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earthisgreat · 5 months ago
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My baby
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titan-god-helios · 9 months ago
i love saying "[blank] be upon ye" when gifting someone something. real or virtual. goodness be upon ye. happiness and warmth be upon ye. one thousand feral bees be upon ye.
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givemedamage · 3 months ago
#ELIIIIIIII YOU CANT SAY THAT ELIIIIIIIIIIII#audiof from not even emily latest video go watch literally its so fuckingfunny#dont even ask me how eli fits in hance' 5'2 dad's clothes pls ok#my art#digital art#oc art#anthro art#not even gonna lie i thfought i wasnt gonan finish this but we pulled thru#if quality gets murdered i will cry#swhy are all my favorite drawings baby sugar and eliyah interacting#i like themb#i was gonna add fucking comical cartoon slipping noises when her antler popped off but imovie literalsly. it didnt work it wpuldnt let me#vid too biggy#also noahs ark esque announcement for ppl thta read my evil ramble tags i miiight nuke sanguinary univers bc i love my ocs too much to like#like i dont wanna marry my first idea and i love them too much to box them into a project I PERSONALLY FEEL LIKE I FUMBLED LIKE#OK LITERALLY NO INSULT WHATSOEVER TO ANYONE WHO MIGHT LIKE IT BUT IT WAS my firsy ever comic and i feeeeel like i can do betteeerrr a#meowweooww#like if it was small things i wanted to change i could juts panel edit but its like. major things like when i started chapter 1 i had#LITERALLY NO PLAN JUST MY nerdy vampire obsession. which is still present. giggle h#breaking news boygirl learns that they arent rlly proudof the writing in comic thye started when they were a teenager#ALSO I LITERALLY HAVE LORE THAT IVE. BEEN MAKING THAT CONTRADICTS THINGS (? PROBABLY) SO ok trust me ok just trust m#also yes this is what i’ve been working on except that animatsuon i mentioned with eli crying because priorities or someth#not except wtf i mean insyead or some other shit#also i just looked at this wall of text on mobile and like ew shut up little gay
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earthisgreat · 1 year ago
It's also not a date if both parties agree it's not. You can get dinner or coffee with someone and it not be a date.
i know the 'is mcdonalds a date' questions making its rounds but i feel kind of insane bc thats never even been a metric for me. a date is just when someone says its a date. i went on a date w someone to smoke in a building w a caved in cieling in the rain, shoplifted from a gas station paranoid as hell to get them a soft pretzel and then we chased a rat around. where is your sense of adventure people
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hansatorium · 6 months ago
super self-indulgant edit of blondie and tuco because I'm sort of insane about them <3
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lelelego · 2 years ago
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he says, it's mine to give, but it's yours to choose you're gonna sink or swim, you're gonna learn the truth
no matter what you do you're gonna learn the truth
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earthisgreat · 3 months ago
Maybe he's like The Doctor from Doctor Who, and it's all of the above.
Is Grinch like his name or his species or his race or his occupation
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sholmeser · 6 months ago
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ary scheffer / justus knetch / snake & ocelot
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heytheredeann · 2 months ago
Rules: Without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favorite films, then tag ten (or more) people to do the same.
Thank you for the tag @justabigoldnerd! Look, I'm doing one of these only hours after getting tagged, QUICK MAKE A WISH
Anyway LOL, I actually don't watch that many movies but, in no particular order:
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Tagging: @yallwildinrn @too-young-to-fall-in-love @pippinoftheshire @falling-into-peril @okilokiwithpurpose @imgoingtofreakoutnow @ikeepwatchinghelicopters @belgianfry @cha-melodius @huggiebird (no pressure!)
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stackslip · 5 months ago
utterly inconsequential discourse but every time i see it these last few days it pisses me off: i think it's very very stupid to claim that if the singer of a band dies or leaves they are the sole member of the band that cannot be replaced, and the band should disband or do something else. what a dreadful way to think of bands, and what a way to reveal you only think of vocalists as worthwhile musicians with every other form of musician being replaceable in your eyes!
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earthisgreat · 1 year ago
Our snake man was the kindergarten teacher's son!
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lucy-frostblades · 11 months ago
me hitting fabriz shippers with my cane: LET!!!!! CHARACTERS!!!!!! BE!!!!!!! ARO!!!!!!!! ACE!!!!!!!!
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a-sad-mage · 3 months ago
How rich is the Shane Gang?
In the early episodes it's implied they don't have much, and actively save up to buy equipment.
Like Pronto admitted to 'borrowing' money from the others in the Club Slug episode, and Eli expressed his hesitance in trading slugs for equipment when they were short of money.
And then, like I wana say about six to seven months later when the whole thing with Dana stealing from Blakk and the Gentleman being set after her, Eli offers the Gentleman dubbled what Blakk payed for their plan to fake Dana's work.
Double What Dr. Blakk, the owner of a successful business and Railway that makes presumably millions not including the endorsements of Slugterras richest, was willing to pay.
And again
Because the show takes place in a years time, Eli basically went from a broke teen hero, to rich enough to pay off one of the top assassins in the Caverns, in like 12 months.
Keep in mind, while Eli knows there are stashes hidden all around Slugterra filled with things he might need one day(not necessarily money) he has no idea where like 98% of them are.
And while sure, there is clearly stuff the gang gets up to in their off time, and going on adventures to find these Shane Cashes is plausible, how much are we willing to bet they found a cash with a comical amount of money?
Like I have no problem believing the gang have not only their personal savings, but a group fund for communal stuff/supplies. Or that, ever now and then, they get paid for some of the missions they do.
But it's been like, at least six months or so leading up the whole thing with the Gentleman, and unless Blakk was paying him the flattest of fees, how is it possible for Eli to pay double.
I would imagine that an assassin's fees aren't cheap either.
All I'm saying is that someone on the team won the lottery, got lucky chash hunting for Shane deposits, or something because dear god I have questions about their financial situation.
And no, Pronto technically being a King don't mean shit, it's been made pretty clear, for all his ego, Pronto isn't 100% cool with being King, and he is not smart with his money seeing as how he falls for scams.
Edit Nov/20/24: my brain is running on fumes- the 'double the pay' line is form a different ep but my bullshit about Eli being able to double any sort of pay at all still stands.
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earthisgreat · 7 months ago
Our cat gracefully falls off @rebel-ryan desk. I was hoping to get a video of how he cutely meows when he jumps off things. Instead, I got this.
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