mona-the-monkey · 7 years
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Quote source: Eleventhwhovian.
How true this is.  Whether it’s the dark night sky or the circumstances on our own dark world, the stars shine so brightly amidst the darkness.  And the qualities of the one who stole my mind, heart and soul is of such quality that she shines as brightly as a super nova.
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bagofcoldnoodles · 11 years
The other day my friends and I were goofing off while doing homework so I had a goofy answer on there and I handed it in and it FUCKING SAYS:
What happened in 1892?
The Mishapocalypse, Much died, Many tragic.
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gr85 · 11 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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windygal · 11 years
im sorry if youve tried messaging me today i had a really awful and tiring day and ive fallen asleep in my ap us homework like at least once and i have a headache and my body is killing me from pushing myself too hard at swim practice and i have homework and a speech to prepare for and i had to make an extra run into town which is a p big deal cuz i live twenty minutes away in the ruralish parts just for pizza and i had to fill my car up with gas and my phone is water damaged p bad and i just. yeah. im sorry im so sleepy and not in the mood to talk gomen but lets shoot for tomorrow ok? ily all for being understanding assuming you are uvu
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tvnnelsnake · 11 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
tipsygnostalgicrolal (9%)
eleventhwhovian (8%)
thecrimsonalchemist (8%)
mikasa-su-kasa (7%)
heresthefuckyoubutton (7%)
lutecely (5%)
raging-liz (5%)
espeons (4%)
egberts (4%)
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ravesexuall · 11 years
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Terezi was around for most of the day too
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hotteastudio · 11 years
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My Crushes:
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elros · 11 years
I was tagged by youwerestitchinguptheseams to whom i apologize for the heart attacks :) So here are my 5 facts:
1. I love storms. I actually go outside when there is one and then go back inside drenched and cold but happy
2. I rarely can make my mind up, in the end I choose randomly my course of action.
3. I love potatoes.
4. I sometimes have these really weird dreams. I wake up and the only thing  I think is what the actual fuck was that?!?!?
5. I have an allergy to pink. Once me and some friends were at this store and every time I saw something pink I sneezed. I couldn't control it and it was kinda creepy.
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searauber · 11 years
tagging thing
Rule 1: Post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
tagged by evil-rabbits
1. Favorite anime/manga series? ah, free! or ouran high school host club
2. Most recent cute thing you saw. my youngest brother wearing my oversized cardigan
3. Do you snore? nope
4. Laptop, tablet or PC? notebook/laptop
5. Have you ever killed a puppy? (pls tell me you didn’t..) um no
6. First word that pops into your head when someone says tumblr? gays
7. First word as a baby? commisary
8. Do you like your feet? they're okay i suppose though they're not very soft bc i run all the time
9. Thoughts on socks and sandals. socks are nice, sandals not so much and a combination of the two is hell
10. Have you ever cut your own hair? yeah i cut my bangs every few weeks
11. If you could fly what color would you have wings or just float around… blue? or black or something idk
questions for the tagged
1. single/taken?
2. if you could dye your hair any colour w/o consequences, would you & what colour?
3. favourite book & why?
4. favourite word?
5. favourite name?
6. dream job?
7. play any instruments? if you don't, what would you like to play?
8. do you love/have a crush on someone? describe them without saying their name.
9. what was your proudest moment?
10. what are causes that you care about?
11. what school subject are you/were you most interested in (regardless of how well you did in that particular subject)?
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hello friend, i noticed the anon you'd gotten previously, and i am also from wisconsin (and happen to be an intense Packers fan and lover of cheese) beer, not so much due to underaged-ness, but i recognize it's influence in our area (: i wasn't aware i'd been following someone else from my home state, you're awesome, keep up the epic blogging!
Whoa this is weird. Is there anyone else that’s from wisconsin? I was just asking those things because they’re kind of our stereotype so you don’t have to like them:) but I was actually planning on going to saturday’s game if it hadn’t been in st. louis, so I like the packers. Cheese is aight and i haven’t had beer either lol. I didn’t know that someone with such a cool url followed me! Thank you so much!!
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bagofcoldnoodles · 11 years
//casually whispers surprise
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trickstersheir · 11 years
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i doodled cecil, and I'm gonna do carlos later too
for Megan 
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windygal · 11 years
alright i gotta bounce, buses to catch, events to swim, talk to yall later uwu
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armandmaxxing · 11 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
eleventhwhovian (2%)
goldembers (2%)
do-you-have-a-flag (2%)
buscusfilms (2%)
deanismadforhisangel (2%)
design4living (1%)
thetardisinlorien (1%)
raggedyarchangel (1%)
eddeha (1%)
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kdm13 · 11 years
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This is from forever ago but I only recently found my camera cord to get stuff on the computer.
Life is a balancing act.
I dunno. XD
Wasn't long after this that we found a bee...
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moonlitdrmr · 11 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
tumblr babes :* especially @sonnenn
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