elros · 11 years
I was tagged by youwerestitchinguptheseams to whom i apologize for the heart attacks :) So here are my 5 facts:
1. I love storms. I actually go outside when there is one and then go back inside drenched and cold but happy
2. I rarely can make my mind up, in the end I choose randomly my course of action.
3. I love potatoes.
4. I sometimes have these really weird dreams. I wake up and the only thing  I think is what the actual fuck was that?!?!?
5. I have an allergy to pink. Once me and some friends were at this store and every time I saw something pink I sneezed. I couldn't control it and it was kinda creepy.
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natsufollowsme · 11 years
1: My favorite Pokemon is Lucario.
2: I suffer from leukodomaphobia (fear of totally white rooms).
3: I collect BIC mini lighters.
4: I am a supporter of marijuana/hemp legalization.
5: I can eat lasagna for my whole life.
6: I love chocolate but I hate chocolate ice cream.
7: Mi parolas Esperanto.
8: I went skiing once. HUGE MISTAKE.
9: I sniff Play-Doh in my free time.
10: I think flamingos is the most fabulous animal in the world.
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featherblessings · 11 years
rainboii started following you
harmonyleeutapri started following you
Thanks for following!
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soramarus · 11 years
kyaaaaaaa kawaii anime blog \(^o^)/
adslkncl thank you!
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elros · 12 years
Tag You’re It
Rule 1: Post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make eleven new ones.

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post.

Rule 4: Let them know they’ve been tagged!
1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?
Well there are so many places but i guess most of all i want to live in the UK.
2. What’s your opinion on poetry?
Not really my thing... but there are some works i like.
3. A food you never get tired of eating.
Anything with potatoes... i have a really weird obsession with potatoes
4. Favourite item of clothing.
Hmm....My favourite scarf which i am wearing now. I simply love it.
5. If you could direct a film based on any book, which book would that be?
Hmm... Jonathan Stange and Mr Norrell
6. Favourite class at school?
Biology and physics to some extent.. :) 7. A language you wish you could speak, but can’t.
Japanese (i know its quite cliche)
8. A historic event you wish you were alive to have seen.
WWII (though i do not think i would have survived it)
9. What’s your favourite smell?
Oh gosh...i cant choose but i guess the smell of winter :)
10. What was Tom Bombadil?
One of J.R.R.Tolkien's characters in Lord of the Rings who didnt appear in the movies. There is also The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.
11. I made you google it, didn’t I.
You wish.... :P
1.In which country are you right now?
2.Favourite books?(As many as you like)
3.Which is the most disappointing movie you've ever seen?(really wanted to see and it sucked)
4.Do you have a tattoo and if no do you want one?
5.How about piercings?
6.How many and what languages do you know?
7.What is your favourite instrument?
8.If you could meet anyone right now who would it be?
9.What special ability would you like to have?
10.Have you ever seen a ghost?
11.What is your dream life?
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