#elena gilbert || doppleganger
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vervainandvampires · 7 days ago
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vervainandvampires · 11 days ago
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𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
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vivianleighwishesshewasme · 3 months ago
Soul Bound-7
Team Jacob or Edward
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Team Jacob or Edward? 
“Aww, I think it was so cute that you said that!” Caroline, Bonnie, Sophia and I sat at a little table on campus going over the date I had with one of Mystic Falls most eligible bachelors.
I rolled my eyes. I had royally embarrassed myself. Even Sophia had facepalmed when I told her that had come tumbling out of my clumsy mouth. 
“Men like to know where they stand. If Elijah didn’t want to see you again then he would have told you no, to your little, “It’s a date.” comment.” Bonnie seemed very confident in her answer. She was a new addition, one I really liked, might I add. She’d known the other two for years, but Sophia and I found her light hearted and kind. 
Everyone in this little town seemed to be connected and have some history with one another. It was odd at best. A lot of them seemed to date each other too at some point. 
“So Sophia, can anyone peak your interest?” Caroline asked her, bumping subtle into her shoulder to physically nudge her on.  My sister laughed and tossed her natural beach waves blonde locks. 
“Nah, he wasn’t interested in me. I’m a free bird right now.” She said, I could hear the disappointment. 
“Not a bad thing.” Bonnie added, seemingly genuinely pleased to hear of Sophia singleness. “You can see whoever you want whenever you want.” She added. 
  That was honestly more in tune with Sophia’s philosophy on love. 
“What about all of you?” Sophia asked, putting the other girls on the spot. I am enjoying myself now.  
“I’m seeing Damon.” Elena said, taking a big sip of her drink. I felt the energy shift slightly. Caroline looked irritated then turned her attention back to me. 
I looked at Sophia. There was history there. She’d caught it too. 
“So has he texted or called you since? It’s been what…four days?” Bonnie asked me. I laughed. She really was invested in this. 
“I texted him yesterday telling him I hoped he had a good day. Klaus had come into the coffee shop  to chat with me while I worked and mentioned something about him being moody and business in New Orleans.” I commented off handedly. 
“Ohh.” The girls said in unison. I hated being on the spot like that. 
“He just texted that he was looking forward to Saturday. I dunno, maybe I overstepped.” I added hastily. I had honestly felt awful about his response since. 
“So do you think there is a supernatural bond between you two?” Bonnie asked again, grilling me with more questions.
 “My grandma says the bouchard are pretty strong witches in their own right.” I knew about the Bennetts. You didn’t mess with them. 
I scoffed. The Bouchards hadn’t had power, not like what she was thinking for over sixty years. We were dwindling wiccans at best. 
“I dabble with my mom.” Sophia said getting the attention heaped back on her. I was grateful for that.
“Not you Gina?” Elena had thrown me off. I smiled tightly. I really hated taking about this. 
“I prefer science and logic over magic.” I hoped my comment and low tone would stop the conversation. I had been enjoying myself. 
“So you don't believe in doppelgangers or soul mates then?” The brunette was fishing hard, like with dynamite. 
“Elena.” Caroline scolded her quickly and from what I could tell kicked at her under the table. “Ouch!” 
“Not really I don’t.” I said. I was ready to leave even though college was done for me and Sophia for the day. The only thing keeping me was my sister who loved to talk about such silly things. 
“I do.” Sophia piped up sounding extremely interested. I would have kicked her only if I knew she’d kick back. 
“We’ll chica you moved to the wrong town then.”  Caroline's statement got the other to giggle and laugh like a pack of hyenas. She said it nicely but I was getting into one of my moods. 
“So do you like any supernatural trope? I see you read fiction." Bonnie asked Sophia and I. Her head turned to us both. 
“Like werewolf love stories..?” Caroline asked, looking at us both. 
“Or vampires?” Bonnie laughs. 
There was a joke here and it was at my expense. I could feel it. I sighed out loud. Sophia laughed at me.
“Oh, come on! I like witches and werewolves. Maybe the occasional hunter story where they fall in love with the supernatural they’d usually go after.” Sophia’s comment was garnering a lot of interest. Not enough unfortunately to save me from Caroline, Bonnie and Elena’s curious gazes. 
“We'll I will play this silly little game if I have too. I would think of vampires over werewolves.”  One just seemed a bit more glamorous then the other. 
“Interesting….why” Caroline asked. I could tell she was enjoying my answer .
“Dog hair, I don't need it on the couch.” I answered.
The girls giggle hysterically. 
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loveschaosworld · 1 year ago
🖤𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓪 𝓟𝓮𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓿𝓪 🔪𝓘𝓽 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵💋
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little-miss-buffy · 1 year ago
Ft. @the-last-doppelganger
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Bangel & Stelena Parallels Pt. 3
*none of the gifs are mine*
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nicoleshifting · 1 month ago
my vampire diaries dr
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·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
about me:
name: nicole violet evermore
age: 23
birthday: october 1st, 1987
closest friends: elena gilbert, caroline forbes, bonnie bennett
love interests: klaus mikaelson, elijah mikaelson, katherine pierce, rebekah mikaelson
(please note I have no scripted definite relationships with anyone mentioned above! just all potential flings or s/o's)
powers: telekinesis, levitation, and the ability to conjure energy. however, my powers were suppressed at birth by a witch.
I am a phd student at whitmore college studying folklore and mythology with a masters in arcane history and a concentration in mythology in the modern world.
whitmore college is just outside mystic falls, virginia, the small town I grew up in. I live in a small house on campus not too far from elena, while caroline and bonnie both live in mystic falls and work there.
some songs I associate with this dr:
✩terrible thing- AG
✩headlock- imogen heap
✩bitches brew- crosses
✩dead weight- PVRIS
✩snap out of it- arctic monkeys
background info:
(plot wise if you are familiar with the show, this is basically the end of season 1, beginning of season 2)
when I first shift to this reality, it is early september 2010. I have just started my final year of school at whitmore college when things are getting a little... weird. elena gilbert and I are the last remaining two from our friends group still at school, me completing my phd and elena still in medical school when the salvatore brothers start infiltrating our lives.
damon salvatore starts showing up at every turn I make, appearing in classes I have never previously seen him in, and once conferring with elena about this, she says a random guy has been showing up in her classes as well, borderline stalking her. we later discover that it's stefan, damon's younger brother.
upon confrontation, both salvatore brothers admit that they have been following us only because through the grapevine they have heard rumblings of klaus coming back and feared for elena's safety (me... well I'm just kinda there at this point. but they figure if they are also roping elena's closest friend into this it will persuade her to trust them more).
elena and I are utterly confused, but we get caught up to speed quickly as our lives are turned upside and we are thrust into this world of supernatural. elena takes a little more convincing than I, who is floating on cloud nine that the very thing I have spent the last six years studying is actually real.
the salvatore's know nothing about me or the powers I had suppressed at birth, and are more focused on elena being the doppleganger and keeping her safe, and me by association.
klaus and the rest of the mikaelson's end up coming into our lives. klaus quickly becomes very obsessed with me, convinced that I am some kind of special supernatural being that he can use to his advantage. elijah and rebekah end up becoming close to me as well, desperate to keep me away from their brother.
(mind you I am trying to finish getting my phd. the loans have been taken out. classes are IN SESSION. and I have vampire's breathing down my neck every second. talk about applying your studies to the real world...)
at some point later in time, I do end up dying with vampire blood in my system, which in turn breaks the suppression on my powers. so not only do I find myself in transition as a vampire, I am now filled with this newfound power and abilities that no one is familiar with.
I did rescript the ages that most every main vampire involved died at (most ages are somewhat unknown in canon in this reality so I just scripted what I felt seemed right) :
stefan salvatore- 23
damon salvatore- 27
klaus mikaelson- 26
elijah mikaelson- 30
rebekah mikaelson- 23
katherine pierce- 24
I am leaving most of this dr up to the universe and what my subsconsious wants TRULY so this is all I have for now!! xx
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elenasharemofmikaelsons · 4 months ago
Member Fic: Playing Doctor (Chapter 1)
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A brand new chapter of a multi-chapter fic shared on behalf of Elena's Harem of Mikaelsons Discord author @anara-wilde
Title: Playing Doctor (Chapter 1) Author: AnaraWilde | @anara-wilde Posted: October 31, 2024 Chapters: 1/? | Words: 2,000/?
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Summary: Elena Gilbert isn't a grieving, lovesick, vamp-bait teenager anymore. She's been sacrificed by the Original Hybrid, murdered by an Original Vampire, turned into an undead bloodsucker herself, and somehow managed to come out of all that far, far away from Mystic Falls human, with a ton of student debt, a medical license, and a boss who looks uncannily like Elijah Mikaelson's doppleganger.
That last part is the universe just fucking with her. Again.
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crimsonlyinglilly · 5 months ago
Painful Hug | Moment of Clarity | "I did good, right?"
Here's Day 15 of @whumptober 2024, Mikael counts as a childhood trauma for the Mikaelson.
Taste of sin Part 3 - Kol.
Kol wasn't going to admit he was worried as Elijah failed to answer his phone again.
Elijah was fine.
Nothing could’ve hurt him, he was probably distracted chatting up the doppelganger after having talked them out of the stupid plan to bring back Silas. It was the whole reason he had reached out to his oldest living brother, but he couldn't explain the growing feelings of unease, so he had decided to go to the Gilbert house. It had been long enough that his appearance wouldn’t undo Elijah’s work and contrary to the belief, Kol could control himself, he just rarely bothered to.
It’s words he catches first as he get closer to the Gibert house.
“Fine. You can gloat and multitask. This place is a disaster. Starting with a horrific burnt corpse.“
He pauses for a moment because what could have pushed his ‘soft for dopplegangers’ brother to kill the latest before his mind forces him to think.
Elijah wouldn’t had set either of them on fire, sure he had used fire before, removing his ring to set the fire himself but he wouldn’t have used that for a pair of teenagers.
Finn had burnt, he had been told, when they staked him.
He wouldn’t accept even the idea of that as his heart started to beat heard and he forced himself to move.
Nik’s voice as a comfort until the words hit him
“Tyler's mother is dead. So is my brother.-“ 
The rest of the words were lost as a rushing filled his air, he finished the journey to the open door of the Gibert house
Nic stood facing the girl as the first or was it last of Klaus’ hybrids stood further back, a sheet laid over a body on the floor, he didn’t cover everything.
One of Elijah’s cufflinks sat on the burnt suit cuff.
“How delusional are you?” the blonde- Caroline was speaking, she had been the one to cover his brother with the sheet. He thought about sparing her for giving his brother the respect but the brief idea flew away.
Elijah was dead, he wanted to paint the town red.
Maybe if he killed enough, made enough of a mess Elijah would beat death itself to return to yell at him.
“You killed his mother.” The girl kept talking unaware she was wasting her last words. “And let's not forget that we're standing in a house where Elena's aunt Jenna used to live. Or did you think that your charm-”
“What’s this then?” he asked, forcing a carefree smile onto his face 
“Kol!” Nik called, sounding oddly concerned.
“You're labelling my brother’s crime and he has done many, but who's body is under the sheet?” he ignored his brother to look at the two teenagers.
Nik’s first hybrid lunged for him whether to fight or flee, Kol didn’t care as he threw him back.
“Come now.” he called grinning, before it failed and rage replaced his false mirth “ I asked a question, maybe I should try another, who killed Elijah?”
The girl threw herself forward, red eyes and fangs on show,Nik had described her as a natural vampire. Maybe in a few centuries she could have been in an entertaining fight, a possible challenge. Kol caught her with a hand around her heart and tore it out, stepping over her body as the hybrid screamed.
He wasn’t in the mood to play.
Tyler's mother is dead. So is my brother, So is my brother, So is my brother it was echoing in his head. 
There was only one other brother left by now.
He called Elijah to help, he was the reason Elijah came back- he- Kol got his brother killed again.
Only this time it was permanent.
The hybrid screamed, throwing himself at Kol, all rage and grief, Kol’s heart reflected those feelings but his face betrayed nothing as he looked up at him.
Elijah had always warned him about showing too much, would he be proud to see him now?
Kol decided to end the fight quickly after the hybrid avoided his hand by throwing himself backwards and stepped on the edge of the sheet covering Elijah’s body.
Elijah deserved better.
He lets the hybrid get past his guard, allows him to bite, letting out a scream of pain even as he reaches out and grabs the hybrid’s head. He tore it from his shoulder and let it fall with the body.
The house was silent following the thump.
The bite burns and throbs but he ignores it.
Kol found he didn’t like the silence as it left him alone with his thoughts staring at the white sheet.
That couldn't be Elijah but it was.
Horrific burnt corpse, Elijah shouldn’t -couldn’t -
“How?” The word leaves his mouth without any plan, he ignores the burning feeling from the bite, he had dealt with werewolf venom before.
It was nothing compared to the wrongness of the burnt body on the floor.
“What happened?” Klaus demanded in return. “Why was Elijah here?” 
Kol almost laughed, Klaus must have come here to stop Kol, had he been disappointed when Kol wasn't the one dead.
Elijah was dead.
“I asked him for help, to speak to them and make them understand why Silas can’t be-” he cut off his explanation to snap back “How is he dead?”
“They were prepared for you, wanted the death of your sireline to complete the tattoo.” Klaus told him and he felt the ground slip out from under him.
Kol should be concerned about the finished map about Silas but he couldn’t.
He was human again, terrified and confused as Finn lay dead on the floor and father turned towards them with the bloodied sword. Elijah moved between them, telling Kol to run but he had frozen until he watched Father's sword stabbed through Elijah's back.
Blood dripping from the blade he had watch father sharpen days before had haunted his dreams, now was it going to be Elijah’s burnt body or the short last phone call that would do the same now.
“He died for me again.” The words threaten to choke him coming up.
“The night we were turned, we saw father kill Finn and instead of running Elijah put himself between father and I. I watched his sword come out Elijah’s back.’ he recited, eyes stuck on the body hoping Elijah would just get up, sighing in disappointment at the state of his suit.
The body remains still.
He's not sure if the shiver that racks him is from the memory of that night, Elijah body falling or the Venom, it seemed a hybrid venom was worse than normal wolves.
“Kol, come here you need my blood.” Klaus' voice is oddly soft as he calls, wrong Klaus doesn't talk to him like that, the last time was after Henrik.
“‘Lijah.” He can't help the name escaping him, sounding like a child even as his body moved on autopilot towards his older brother.
His last brother.
He was the last left, the last of Mikael's blood sons, the one who took after him the least.
Three left of seven, he had wanted to be part of their ‘always and forever’ but not like this.
If he wasn't in shock, if he could tear his eyes from the burnt husk of the person he took his first steps for as he stumbled away, he would have noticed the dagger dipped in white Oak ash.
Kol should have questioned it more when Klaus cut his neck, when a wrist would have worked but he was stuck on the realisation as he leaned in to bite. 
Klaus was his only older brother left, his only brother, out of four.
He can almost feel Nik’s blood chase away the venom but as he goes to pull away Klaus' hand moves to cupped the back of his head and he isn't that surprised when a sharp pain erupts in his heart. 
The dagger is only a fraction compared to aching grief.
Klaus is gentle when he daggers him yet Kol can’t think of anything but the idea of how wrong it is to have Klaus hand on the back of his head not Elijah’s.
It's a moment of clarity.
It's never going to be Elijah’s again. 
The dark nothing is a blessing over the yawning ache in his chest.
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cherryanony · 1 year ago
IN DEFENSE OF ELENA GILBERT: Why Do Yall Hate Emotional Women?
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Vampire Diaries - Elena Gilbert pictured doing nothing wrong
I started watching The Vampire Diaries back in 2016, right as it was coming to its long overdue close. To say I was obsessed was an understatement.
I would spend hours, days, WEEKS, consuming fan content, rewatching episodes and scenes over and over agin, discussing stupid plot points and writing descions that were made and throughout all of that one question has always dangled over my head...
Why does everybody hate Elena Gilbert?
Despite The Vampires Diaries being a dark supernatural teen drama filled to the brim with freaks & weirdos, murderers, psychopaths, evil forces and THE ACTUAL LITERAL DEVIL... Elena Gilbert reigns as the most hated character on the show by viewers.
But, why?
Elena Gilbert starts off the show as a 17 year old teenage girl who just experienced some of the craziest trauma any person, let alone TEENAGER, could ever go through. She was in the car with her parents when they died off Wickory Bridge and now suffers from a serious case of survivors guilt, a trait and mo motif she struggles with and must come to terms with throughout the show.
She falls for two vampire brothers who bring nothing but more hell into her life, she finds out she's adopted, her birth mother is a vampire and a piece of shit, her birth father is her insane negligent Uncle John, she's lost more loved ones than one can count over and over again, and she's constantly paranoid and never safe because she's a doppleganger with special blood that many dangerous supernatural creatures want.
"But she's whinyyy and a crybabyyy😩..."
As if one of her friends or family aren't on the brink of death every episode. Elena didn't do enough crying if we're being honest.
Elena is by no means a perfect, innocent character. A lot of people are right about her flaws; she can be very selfish with a what-about-me & and look-at-me-this-isn't-you complex and she's constantly getting away with a lot shit since she's the main character. And a lot people say she never faces any consequences but.... she does.... and it's called...
THAT'S IT! That's where everyone says her character went completely wrong, her character completely falls apart. But I'd argue that Vampire!Elena is a culmination of all her descions coming back to bite her in the ass.
Throughout S1-3, Elena struggles with survivors guilt. She should've gone off the bridge with her parents. She's depressed, she's moody, she's "whiny" all while feeling like the supposed "love of her life" is trying to "fix her" when she's not ready.
In season 4 episode 10, Elena clearly states that Stefan looks at her like she's a broken toy that needs to be fixed. I could go on a whole rant on what I think Stefan's problems are but to sum it all up — Stefan turned into a vampire at 17 years old — a teenager — and spends his entire vampire life struggling with his heightened personality and his Ripper Gene which led him down a path to losing everyone he's ever loved.
(He killed his own abusive father, lost his best friend due to his own brother who he forced to turn with him and now wants him dead after a wedge is driven between them.)
I say all that to say I get Stefan's character. He's scared and insecure, similar to Elena, to be alone and lose everyone he cares about. However, all of his efforts to better himself and relationships only drives people away. People bring up Damon killing Elena's brother, Jeremy, all the time
But NOBODY talks about Stefan endangering Jeremy and almost getting him killed by forcing him to continue the Hunter's Mark because he thought Elena being human again would make her be in love with him again. (sorry but that's fucking insane😭😭😭!!)
Stefan wasn't only afraid of losing Elena, he was also afraid of losing her to his brother. All these efforts drove Elena away, right into the arms of the person he wanted to keep her away from.
I think Elena felt as if Stefan was just like everyone else who wanted "the old Elena" back. The person that Elena use to be before the accident that the show alludes to in the first season. But that Elena is dead and gone, she'll never be the same person she was before going off that bridge. Apart of her died that night and again when she went off the bridge for the second time and became a vampire.
Elena struggles with being a vampire and basically dying twice and instead of being supportive Stefan immediately wants to fix and change her. Damon is the only one she feels free and alive with. A statement Elena makes herself throughout the show. Despite the stupid discourse over the Sire Bond, Damon was the one she felt the safest with after that plotline was resolved.
But enough about comparing those brothers, this is about ELENA! You know who she gets compared to..?
Before you raise your pitchforks, I love Katherine. Great character, great villain, but she's a loser!
People LOVE to compare Katherine and Elena!
"Katherine's such a badass and Elena is a whiny crybaby." But I would argue the opposite.
See Katherine's backstory here, despite everything Katherine's been through, the show makes a point that while, yes, Katherine is a survivor, she's also an avoidant runner. She spends 500 years running from the big bad Klaus and once he fianlly lets her go she continues torture, manipulate, and harrass people.
She continues her streak of only whining and complaining about the life she never had because of the things that happened to her, which... fair!
However, despite being given several chances with a romance with Elijah, a life with her daughter as a mother, all the people she's ever wronged helping her and forgiving her on her death bed, taking over Elena's body and essentially starting over in a new life and even being THE QUEEN OF HELL... it was never enough. Nothing was ever enough for Katherine.
She was given many chances to change, to finally LIVE HER LIFE but she chose to continue down her path of destruction. Which, in my opinion, is fine for her character! LET KATHERINE BE THE SAD AND TRAGIC CHARACTER SHE IS! She doesn't have to be some anti-hero badass.
The contrast of Katherine and Elena, two girls who had their lives and innocence stolen from them at a young age thanks to tragic events out of their control and two vampire brothers, is great and executed as well as TVD writing could do (infamously known for shitty writing and plot holes but I digress).
The pieces to the K/E puzzle were so obviously placed, Katherine who was jealous of Elena living the life she never got, chose the path of selfishness and power, and Elena chose the path of love and regrowth and not letting her past define her.
But viewers missed the big picture. Katherine is a survivor but where did that get her? Dead and unloved. Besides freedom from Klaus, she didn't get a single thing she desired. Not a life with Stefan or Elijah or as a mother with her daughter or as Elena Gilbert or Queen of Hell! No! She lost everything and blamed Elena. SHE LOST! SHE'S A LOSER!
She survived, but she didn't live.
In my opinion, Elena is the real survivor. She didn't let her past consume and lead her to a similar fate as Katherine. She chose to be selfless and to love again after being hurt.
She chose to be alive.
Why do y'all hate emotional women?
"Elena has experienced more grief than anyone I've ever met." - Sherrif Liz Forbes
Every character has went through a lot and have done similar, if not worst, things as Elena as a result yet she's the most hated character?
There's a pattern of fans hating certain female characters who are more sensitive and cry instead of bury their feelings and just punch a man and suddenly get crowned "Most Badass Female Character". Characters, not just female, expressing their emotions is strong and badass and might inspire audiences to do the same and not keep grief in and become self destructive. It's healthy and natural and makes the character not so one note.
It's not fair to compare Elena's trauma and experiences to other characters (espically not Bonnie, that's topic for a whole other post). But why do other characters get a pass despite being ten times more flawed and problematic?
Why are certain characters able to cry, complain, self destruct, fuck someone over, etc but Elena can't?
Genunine question.. let's discuss...
-*- I wasn't able to fully delve into my thoughts on Elena and certain TVD characters, plot points, theme, etc because this post will be 50 pages long. This is the brief version.
***There will be a part 2 to this post where I delve deeper into the trend of hating characters like Elena.
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floripire · 3 months ago
🍒  + the last person to send an ic meme in your inbox
i love you cherry much (redux) / @lycancursed for @elenva (& as always, if you've been tagged & want to be untagged, please let me know)
i promise that i'm not just going to talk about kiki's added twist to elena being an old soul (which comes from the night world books, which i unironically adore) but i do want to start out with that because i feel like that just ties everything together so perfectly and i will perish on that hill if i must! ;)
honestly, i think the most important part here is that kiki's love for elena also bolstered my own love for her and made me see her in a more compassionate light. made me realize just how much stuff she went through in such a short period of time. made me realize just how much depth there is to her.
kiki's love for elena and portrayal of elena made me realize that being a doppleganger and being the beacon of a lot of supernatural drama must be such a heavy thing to carry on top of all of the other losses she's endured and continues to endure.
other than that, i also just really enjoy the writing in general. it has that elena gilbert tm vibe and i just really enjoy reading it! from stelena to other ships to the headcanons to ask responses and little nudges that reveal so much more about her than one might think (i.e. elena stealing her partner's clothes if she's dating them / elena doesn't do casual, entwined souls or nothing - that strikes me as quite the romantic outlook, for instance).
i'm really glad to have kiki as a mutual - you're so cool! - and i look forward to plotting and/or writing more together across the board!
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wvsteria · 3 months ago
aurora de martel & elena gilbert @strawbrryrush
"you- you're one of the dopplegangers." aurora remarked as she noticed the other's face. hadn't seen very many of them personally but knew the history and how they were connected to the mikaelson's. "which are you?"
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kmuiyato · 1 year ago
i already decide to read the 4.2 datamine before the update bc i was so nervous after all the BS so far... but they actually managed to surprise me and make it worse than i thought it could be T.T
i was already prepared for and willing to accept if furina is the surviving half of [REDACTED], but this is worse. she's not even part of [REDACTED] she's just a doppelganger AND she wasn't ever making the decisions and helping the master plan///// i hate this this feels like it was written by a woman hater. it just pulls the rug out from under everything. i hate it. it feels like they just used this quest to introduce multiple new factions of powerful potential gacha units for more money
First of all, hi!
Secondly, I understand your disappointment with the quest, you're valid to have a negative opinion. I, myself, was taken by surprise with the things that happened, but... I'm not angry or anything. It was a good quest imo, for me the best one I've seen in Genshin up to date and that's coming from someone who is also a Honkai Impact 3rd fan. It was the first time I cried in Genshin while in Honkai I cried multiple times.
And I disagree about Furina. She wasn't a "doppleganger". A doppleganger is a situation like Elena Gilbert is to Katherine Pierce in The Vampire Diaries. Furina has been stated clearly, multiple times in the AQ, to be Focalors' Human Half. The consciousness in the Oratrice was the Divine Half of Focalors, she even calls herself "Focalors' Divinity". The difference between Furina and the Oratrice Half is that Furina didn't get Focalors' memories, but the Oratrice Half did. It was all part of the plan, just like it was said "To deceive the Heavenly Principles you must first deceive yourself". Even Zhongli in his VL about Furina says "she made a contract with HER OWN SELF". Please don't ever think that Furina is unimportant, she was the key to the solving of the prophecy, without her everything would have been destroyed.
Yeah, I don't see Furina and the Oratrice Half as different people, they're two halves of the same whole. Paimon also says about Focalors "She sacrificed herself in the end as a God and she suffered through all these years as a human". Maybe it's also my Christian upbringing speaking here but for me, Focalors - Furina - Oratrice Half are literally a parallel to The Father - The Son- The Holy Spirit a.k.a the Holy Trinity- three personas, but all 3 are the same God.
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scienter · 1 year ago
" Second, the writers ignored thought-provoking story arcs for the side characters in favor of reductive storytelling."
*sigh* This is exactly what I have thought to console myself,since TVD ended,into accepting a lot of narrative choices with regards to Caroline ( & Bonnie),the finale included.
"I know this probably wasn’t the answer you were hoping for. You asked me about Caroline and I talked about Damon."
Haha! But I thoroughly enjoyed reading your thoughts on Damon and it made me realise why I always struggled to care about his character at all.Huh! TVD is a hot-bed of lost potential and giant plot craters with 5 billion  romances(mostly poorly written) as plot twists.
" How did Damon go from having an existential crisis because he missed being human to not wanting to take the cure because he doesn’t want to be human?"
Damon's desires almost always centered around some woman especially a Doppleganger. In 1864,his desire for vampirism was motivated by his desire for Katherine.Once Katherine was gone,he was against completing his transition.In the modern timeline,his desire for the cure centered around Elena Gilbert.In s4*,he refused to take it because Elena didn't but in s6, his desire for a human life came back because Elena wanted to be human.
   As for his existential crisis,I think it popped up because Rose expressed her desire to be human in the dream(2×12), that Damon gave her, when she was dying.Once that chapter closed,his existential crisis conveniently poofed into thin air!
*In s4 finale,if I'm not wrong,Damon was dying from werewolf bite which was why Elena asked him to take the cure.Correct me if I'm wrong because I don't remember much of s4 and its convoluted mythology,but how exactly was a cure for vampirism going to protect someone from werewolf toxin?It could turn a person human.But the venom would still be in their system,right?If the venom is fatal for a vampire,should it not be even more fatal for a human?Who knows what poisonous toxin their bite contained that could instantly off a vulnerable human![Although this was Elena-logic,the girl who went from attending occult studies and having no basic fire safety skills to becoming Dr.Elena Salvatore! Hope she keeps Caroline's blood stocked in her clinic! *side eyes* ]
Or is it one of those UNO reverses the writers loved pulling instead of making an actual effort in creating a compelling narrative?You know like the one they did with Stefan in s8! Give him the cure so he is not a ripper anymore! Problem solved forever not because the conflict is resolved but because the conflict is magic-ed away by default! Who cares if Stefan never overcame his ripper issues!
P.S: Kmze reblogged my ask!!!
*pops champagne*
 In 1864, his desire for vampirism was motivated by his desire for Katherine. Once Katherine was gone, he was against completing his transition. In the modern timeline,  his desire for the cure centered around Elena Gilbert.  In s4*,he refused to take it because Elena didn't but in s6, his desire for a human life came back because Elena wanted to be human.
Yeah, that’s why I loved Damon’s existential crisis in season 2 – it wasn’t tied to Katherine or Elena. Damon's missing being human was an added complexity and nuance to his character. Delena (and Datherine) reduced Damon into a one-dimensional character, which is one of the reasons why I disliked that ship so much.
   As for his existential crisis, I think it popped up because Rose expressed her desire to be human in the dream (2×12), that Damon gave her, when she was dying. Once that chapter closed, his existential crisis conveniently poofed into thin air!
I think Rose’s death sent Damon into a tailspin, but his existential crisis makes sense because Damon only wanted to be a vampire if it meant being with Katherine forever. He had no interest in vampirism beyond that. Furthermore, it was established in flashbacks that Damon hated being a vampire for the first couple of decades. Damon existential crisis (Damon missed being human more than anything) was consistent with that characterization.  I’ve pointed this out before, but starting in season 4 the writers used Damon as a plot device, resulting in an inconsistent characterization. The writers retconned Damon’s characterization (his desires, motivations, and backstory) to suit the plot rather than writing a plot that suited his established characterization. (You aptly described this as the writers pulling UNO reverses.) Using Damon as a plot device in the later seasons caused his character to swing from one extreme to another. It drove me nuts because Damon’s character was all over the place in the later seasons. There was no logical character arc for him.
I don’t remember why Elena wanted Damon to take the cure at the end of season 4, but either way, Damon’s attitude change was never explained. Damon went from “I miss being human” to “I don’t want to be human” with no onscreen explanation.
P.S: Kmze reblogged my ask!!!
*pops champagne*
She sure did! 😊
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little-miss-buffy · 1 year ago
Ft @the-last-doppelganger
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Stelena & Bangel Parallels Pt. 4
All of the Bangel talk on my blog today inspired this. 
*none of the gifs are mine* 
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mystichillsfm · 1 year ago
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NAME Katherine Pierce FACE CLAIM UTP (our suggestions: Nina Dobrev) AGE UTP, mid to late twenties SPECIES Vampire OCCUPATION UTP
Katherine Pierce is a nearly 600 year old Vampire, and doppleganger to Elena Gilbert. She was believed to have been locked away in the Vampire’s Tomb in 1864, but managed to escape without anyone knowing. She was previously in a relationship with both Stefan and Damon Salvatore, and turned both of them into Vampires. She claims to have returned to Mystic Hills for Stefan, though the true motives behind her actions are as unclear as they are chaotic. Katherine was the one who turned Caroline Forbes into a Vampire.
the role of katherine pierce is open.
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elenasharemofmikaelsons · 4 months ago
Member Fic: Playing Doctor (Chapter 2)
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A brand new chapter of a multi-chapter fic shared on behalf of Elena's Harem of Mikaelsons Discord author @anara-wilde
Title: Playing Doctor (Chapter 2) Author: AnaraWilde | @anara-wilde Posted: November 7, 2024 Chapters: 2/? | Words: 2,071/4,069
Summary: Elena Gilbert isn't a grieving, lovesick, vamp-bait teenager anymore. She's been sacrificed by the Original Hybrid, murdered by an Original Vampire, turned into an undead bloodsucker herself, and somehow managed to come out of all that far, far away from Mystic Falls human, with a ton of student debt, a medical license, and a boss who looks uncannily like Elijah Mikaelson's doppleganger.
That last part is the universe just fucking with her. Again.
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