#electric plush patrol
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ishootthemdown · 9 months ago
Quelle raison pourrais-je avoir pour déconsidérer plus que personne les pantins booléens, si c'est parce que je ne me prête pas qu'aucun autre à l'illusion? Il faut dire que La Chambre Noire Lycanthropique n'a jamais été assez conne comme une valise. Comme d'habitude, le discernement de cettes i n t e l l i g e n c e s est presque aussi fin que que les filtres de papier toilette. Quel échec cuisant! Tomber dans vos propres pièges, juste ce à quoi nous nous attendions de la part de cerveaux si rapides!
Vos cauchemars ne sont pas réels. Vos illusions sont faibles, prétentieuses et ridicule. Si vous pensez pouvoir nous effrayer aussi facilement, vous devriez peut-être simplement abandonner et reconnaître que vos faibles et débiles tentatives de vous faire la pâle réplique de tous les dérision sont vouées à l'échec!
I'll say again what I've been saying from the beginning. Nothing and nobody will ever bring to an end the love between me and him. I LOVE HIM! AND HE LOVES ME! Pre-eminently. Profoundly. Passionately. Preternaturally.
Neither time nor tide, nor the wantons of this wretched world shall ever extinguish the vigorous flame that burns between our immortal selves, a love that eternally transcends over the existential spatial limits of worlds beyond worlds and is manifested in a language that only us can understand.
Il s'agit de l’ombre, pas de fantômes intermédiaires qui jouent toujours dans des pièces de théâtre et des spectacles occultes faux, non autorisées écœurant et haïssable. Vous ne l'aurez jamais!
Les cinq yeux de la bête
de la maison rouge
sont devenus aveugles.
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galactia · 1 year ago
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@electric-ecclectic | unprompted soft | always accepting!
It was rare for Signe to have a morning in, as duty so often called early in the morning for a Knight of Favonius. The light filtering through the curtains cast a warm glow on the bed, suggesting that it was later in the morning; it also drove Signe further under the covers, trying desperately to gather what little extra sleep she could. She could feel Kaeya's warmth tangled around her, and despite his usually cooler body temperature, the warmth felt cozy, compelling her to snuggle impossibly closer. It was unusual for him to be here with her so late into the morning, and so she found herself snuggled into his chest, breathing in his warmth, soaking up his company for the time being. His hair brushed against her form, and the faintly earthy scent of his cologne lingered in his bed. That's right, she began to remember, I hadn't gone home last night. He'd found her at the Ordo late last night, rummaging through texts and tomes to gather up whatever last-minute information she could on her current project. The Captain's apartment was far closer than her own, and she'd taken up his offer to spend the night - landing her here, waking up next to him. "We need a vacation," she mumbled into him, muffled by the closeness of skin. "Don't wanna get up..."
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Kaeya rarely slept in, anymore. Dreams, insomnia, a sleep schedule ruined by burning the midnight oil... whatever it was, he typically rose with the light of morning, except (it would seem) when Signe was in his arms. He wasn't really awake when she began to wiggle, trying to burrow her way deeper into the warmth beneath the blankets, chasing the last fleeing whispers of sleep. A sigh passed his lips, and he coiled his arms more securely around her, tucking his face into the mussed wisps of her hair and the thick, plush layers of bed linens.
He wanted more than anything to ignore the way sunlight filtered through the dark of his curtains, hardly bright enough to sting their eyes, but enough that he could guess at the hour...
Late, at least for rising. He would not make the Ordo on time, or the Good Hunter for the left-over of their best coffee blend, or even assembly for the passing out of the patrol schedules.
Their legs were a tangle of his and hers, and he seemed to bring her nearer, tighter, warmer, almost unconsciously.
"Vacation?" Came the husky murmur. It was clear he had drifted back off. "Hm-mh..."
It took a moment more, but he finally blinked open one eye (golden, hazy) and then the other. He watched the way morning shadows played on the wall, and in the quiet, his fingertips loosened the end of her braid, weaving into the strands,
"I know of another way to arrange a vacation-" He offered gently in a tease, pressing his lips to her forehead in a gentle kiss, "A honeymoon would necessitate, don't you think?"
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tteokdoroki · 4 years ago
had it | k.bakugou.
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♡ pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader.
♡ word count: 4.5K
♡ rating: everyone.
♡ genre: pro hero!au, married!au, fluff, comfort.
♡ summary: your pro hero husband is a show off, always has and always will be... but when his big ego gets in the way of you doing your job, you give him little piece of your mind..
♡ warning(s): please read ! mentions of violence, i gave reader a quirk?? bakugou with a daughter ok literally nothing. oh and angst if you squint.
♡ author’s note(s):  hi besties!! happy birthday to meee!! today i’m dropping a fic that’s been a long time coming, its a short and fluffy little piece with domestic baku bc i love him with babies n kids ok ok!! i hope you all have a lovely day <3
♡ masterlist | requests | kofi
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some say that working for a pro hero is an honour, no matter what the position is. some may work behind the scenes— creating gear and suits that support the pros protecting their cities or livelihoods. others are in charge of things like reports, PR and even physical health. everyone plays an important role in a hero's career. there’s never a dull moment working in a team supporting the pros, especially if that pro was dynamight.
the offices for katsuki bakugou’s hero agency were always buzzing; usually because the clean up team were rushing through with stacks upon stacks of receipts and paperwork from the damage done during bakugou’s patrols— other times it would be his secretaries gossiping about how good he looks in his winter costume because damn did that tight black shirt do his arms justice but usually it was just because of the PR team contacting media outlets with excuses for bakugou’s potty mouth.
working for the hot headed blonde was more laid back than it seemed however, the man himself was rarely ever in the office as the number two hero but out on missions instead, the pay was pretty decent and no one ever really faced his angry wrath nor his sailor like mouth unless they had royally fucked up on their job. katsuki bakugou was someone to admire, he never gave a damn about what people had to say about him— he only cared about getting the job done and maybe that’s why most people enjoyed their time under the dynamight agency.
particularly this time, right around noon.
the doors to the floor of the secretary offices fly open, crashing loudly against the walls and drawing the staff from their daily work. this office space is around ten floors up and somehow you’ve made it in record time today. “where is he?” your voice crawls through the entrance of the room, settling over the workers like a thick fog— commanding, menacing and soft all at the same time. newbies cower in their boots, confused at what’s going on and it’s safe to presume those who have been working here for years have yet to give them the run down. “don’t make me ask again.” you add, eyes darkening as you cast your gaze across the room.
an intern approaches you, visibly shaking with fear which makes you loosen your stance and raise an eyebrow toward them. “he-uh... he just went for his lunch break—“ the stutter, gulping under the stare of another highly ranked pro hero. “in his...office— ma’am!” they stumble through their words, hiding behind the ungodly amount of paperwork that's been dumped into their hands. you make a mental note to chew bakugou out on the load his interns have been getting as well as your prior reasons for coming to his agency.
nonetheless you shake your head and drop the frown, a sweet smile quickly replacing the look that could put anyone six feet under if you really tried. with a tap to the side of your head, the visor to your hero costume rises above your eyes— allowing you to give the poor little intern a cheeky wink as thanks. “‘ppreciate it darling, have a good one!” you thank them properly with a ruffle to their hair, resuming your previous stance as you march the rest of the way through the office and kick open the door at the end of the room.
the intern sags, a whimper of relief passing from tired lips while they wipe at the sweat forming on their brow. they’d not even encountered their boss yet and they’d already come face to face with a top pro hero. “w-what’s her deal?”
a chuckle to the left of the poor kid startles them out of their mind; but they relax upon realising it’s just another one of dynamight’s secretaries— haruto, who’d apparently been working at the agency since it started up. “that’s nightsky, her quirk is lullaby, which allows her to control certain people if she hits the right note. she can also put them to sleep, if she really wants to,” the intern now perks up, remembering you from countless interviews on tv. you ranked pretty highly too, managing to the reach the top five this year along with others like shoto and deku. “she owns the hero agency across the street, herself and dynamight have been going at it ever since. it’s like they’re elderly lovers or somethin‘.”
“d-do you think they are? lovers like you say?” the intern asks a little too excitedly, touching at their messy hair from where you’d ruffled it. a crimson blush warms their cheeks, the idea of two pros playing enemies to the public eye but being lovers in secret seemed like something right out of a romance novel. how romantic.
haruto only chuckles at the newbie, standing to ruffle their hair as well before heading over to the coffee stand to fix himself a cup. “beats me,” he mumbles cheerily as he walks away, arms crossed behind his head. “but with the way yn bursts in here at the same time everyday to scold bakugou, and leaves with a huge smile on her face— i wouldn’t put it past them. they probably have a whole life together.” he taps his nose once as if he’s given away too much information, turning away without a word.
the intern hums, seemingly happy with their superior’s answer and easily heads back to work from there.
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katsuki bakugou was bored out of his mind.
being a successful pro hero was all he’d ever wanted— being the number two pro hero just came with that. bakugou wanted to get to the top and show everyone he was the best of the best and with him being blessed with a powerful quirk there was no way he couldn’t be where he was today. yet, now that he’d finally achieved his dream all he wanted was a fucking break. the blonde stares down at his microwaveable bowl of home cooked stew, a frown cutting deep into his cheeks. it was his lunch break for crying out loud, but instead of scarfing down the delicious meal before him, the hero was forced to watch it cool as some dumb fuck reporter asked him questions over the phone.
the telephone interview ( or a waste of his fucking time, as katsuki had called it ) , had been set up by his PR team right after he’d taken down a couple low level villains downtown earlier this morning. katsuki had called it nothing but apparently the whole world and their mother had been on his ass, watching as he took the criminals down with ease and raving about how glorious dynamight was during that fight. the reporter drones on about said event, asking the same old questions and it takes everything within the hot headed pro not to blow a casket— he’d been promised a few extra days off from his manager if he could finish the interview without blowing something up and only god knew how much katsuki needed a break from dumb paps and some overly obsessive fans.
‘so, final question, how does it feel to be the number two?’
bakugou grunts, buying himself time to formulate an answer. what he really wants to do is kindly tell the reporter to fuck off and ask more original questions; but with the prize of a longer weekend hanging in the balance he bites his tongue for the sake of freedom. “well i—“
“katsuki bakugou.” your voice cuts through his sentence before he can finish, vermillion eyes land on your hero costume clad form as you burst into his office. a lazy smirk now decorates the hero’s lips, brow quirked with piqued interest. “i have a bone to pick with you, you motherfucker.”
the reporter on the other end falls silent as katsuki watches you, leaning back in his plush leather chair. you look slightly disheveled, costume torn in a few places, scrapes littering your skin as you pant heavily from exertion— chest rising and falling with every breath, it seems ragged and bakugou makes a mental note to remind you to get your ribs checked out later. “you’re late, shitty woman.” the number two sits up a little straighter as you enter the room, leaning up to look at you while you slam your hands down on the smooth marble desk— the force rattling the items he has neatly placed on it.
‘uh-? mister...dynamight-? sir?’
your eyes sweep the room while the pro before you deals with the reporter, mentioning to her that they’ll have to continue their call later. in the meantime, you note that katsuki’s office is meticulously clean, not a single book, folder or pen out of place— it’s high up with a perfect view of the city and the large windows allow golden beams of the sun to light up the room. the sound of a phone being placed back on its hook brings you from your thoughts; annoyance settling deep in your veins as you turn to face bakugou again.
“i had it,” you growl lowly, jumping the gun before he can even register what you’ve said. “i’m a grown woman, katsuki, i can handle a couple of criminals myself, you know.”
the blasting hero does nothing but smirk even wider at the irked tone that litters your voice, standing up as well to tower over you. bakugou still wears his own hero costume, considerably in less damage than yours— not a single tear had formed in his suit, mind the small scratches on his face no doubt from his stupid explosions creating some debris. leaning over the desk between you, bakugou uses a forefinger and thumb to tilt your head up, bringing you even closer than before. “clearly y’didn’t sweetheart, or otherwise that icyhot bastard wouldn’t have needed to back you up ‘fore i got there...” his timbre voice sends sparks of electricity through the air in the room, it’s low and gravelly which is enough to send shivers down your spine but you’re not about to let katsuki bakugou know that he makes you flustered— it’d go straight to his head, the cocky bastard.
nonetheless; you roll your eyes at the mention of your old classmate and fellow pro hero— shoto todoroki. yourself and shoto got along fairly well, even back in high school, so it was normal for you to work together from time to time; you both made a great team and your skill set complimented each other’s well. katsuki was just jealous. he never really got along with todoroki like that. “he didn’t back me up, we were working together,” you snap back at the blonde, shaking yourself from bakugou’s grasp and flicking him right between those alluring vermillion eyes. “something you might not be familiar with, mister number two.” bakugou backs away from you completely ( only wincing slightly ), making you smirk in victory. you’ve struck a nerve. deciding to leave the conversation at that, you turn to make your exit as he collapses back into his seat with a deathly scowl and a quiet ‘tch’. “like i said, i had it, dynamight. next time, don’t jump in uninvited.”
happy that you got the last laugh, you open the door to leave his office but pause when a wave of heat hits your back. you should have known, katsuki bakugou was never one to back down from a challenge and you certainly weren’t an exception. well shit. when you turn around to face the blonde, small explosions spark from his right hand and he has some what of a look of a feral pomeranian, blood red eyes full of rage.
you visibly gulp and katsuki growls out his next words with the upmost venom, designed to hurt and cut at your feelings. “well maybe y’sudda let the actual pros handle shit like this,” bakugou begins, voice rising in volume with every syllable that passes his lips. “we both know you’re no good at short distance attacks with your quirk, shitty woman, you couldn’t have taken those villains down without me.” the blonde finishes with a short ‘tsk’, settling the explosions that spark in his palms. now it’s your turn to be pissed. you could handle katsuki’s jealousy, his petty reasoning for joining you on your patrol and taking the credit but bashing you and your quirk? no way in hell would he get away with that.
“what? the fuck y’still here for?”
you roll your shoulders, gracing the blonde with a devilish smile as your eyes light up mischievously. “why are you hitting yourself, bakugou?” you sing, hitting just the right notes that will have him under your spell, the tone in your voice as smooth as chocolate. katsuki’s eyes widen in horror and before he can stop himself, his free hand comes up to slap him across the face. that was your quirk, lullaby. you had the ability to sing your way out of any situation— adjusting the tune of your song to control the actions of certain individuals or groups of people. it was near impossible to resist but the more people you used your quirk on, the weaker your control over them was. that doesn’t mean you weren’t going to use it on bakugou from time to time. the blonde tries to fight it, he really does, but he’s no use up against your ability— losing all control of his own body. he grunts on impact, looking bewildered for a moment as he moves to grab his own wrist to stop any impending blows. “not so cocky now, are we dynamight?”
“h-hey!” he stammers, refusing to accept defeat against you. “shitty woman, no fuckin’ fair. you know i can’t use my quirk against you in here.” he was right, while your quirk was poor against short distance attacks ( meaning you had to result to hand to hand combat ), bakugou couldn’t use his own in enclosed spaces without hurting anyone he didn’t want to. especially you, he would never hurt you intentionally unless you were sparring.
“shoulda thought about that before you decided to taunt me, you know better than to piss off your wife, katsu.” you chide, still smiling just as brightly as you were earlier, before taking a seat on his desk and folding one leg over the other. it was quite amusing to watch your husband of four years fight against himself— everyone knew katsuki had an unbelievable amount of strength even without his quirk so he was definitely beating himself up ( literally and figuratively ).
bakugou looks up at you through gritted teeth while he struggles to keep the wrist you have control of down and you almost feel bad for the guy. “turn it off, dammit!” he curses at you, said hand rising above his free one to tug at his own sun kissed locks.
feigning interest in the objects on your lover's desk, you ignore his pleas for you to release him from the holds of your quirk and hum “apologise.”
“f-fuck... fuck y-you.”
you sigh knowingly, picking up a hand crafted paperweight, covered in glitter and sequin stars,  inspecting it carefully. bakugou could hardly ever say the word ‘sorry’, it was just in his nature and he’d been that way since you were young. part of you knows it’s because of how he was treated as a child where people praised him for his quirk. that meant he became prideful yes, thought highly of himself too and struggled to admit when others were right...but he had his own way of apologising— through actions instead of words.
like when you first moved in together and he had broken your favourite mug, instead of saying he was sorry, he spent all night super glueing it back together for you to use in the morning. to him, actions were louder than words but you right now; you were being mean and just wanted to hear him say it.
“fuck fuck, fine. alright. ‘m sorry.” bakugou lets out a strained growl as the hand you control gives a particularly hard yank to his hair. “i’m sorry for lying about your quirk. it’s not shitty…’n ‘m sorry for... barging in on your patrol. again.” you grin, satisfied with his answer and grab the hand he keeps down with his wrist. you press a simple kiss to the skin, making your husband blush as you release your hold over the limb. katsuki shyly yanks it from your grip, rubbing over the area that you’d kissed, shooting his gaze to the side in the process. “jesus shitty woman, if i don’t die from being a hero or of old fucking age, i know for a fact you’ll be the one to kill me first.” he mutters harshly under his breath, but you know he’s only kidding from the way his hands now fall to your thighs and his fingers rub small circles into the exposed skin.
“pro hero nightsky murders number two pro hero dynamight in cold blood!” you joke as if you’re reading a headline in a news article, katsuki only glares up at you— making no effort to curse you out because of your shitty joke, which causes you to frown while leaning  forward to brush some of his hair away from his face. “you know i’m only kidding right? is something wrong? did i come at a bad time?”
it’s only now that you notice the exhausted expression that paints your lover’s face. he’s always up to playing this game with you, at the same time every day— you come to bother him about some trivial matter, tease him a bit and leave with a kiss. but today, you can tell he’s trying to hide something from you. something that bothers him.
bakugou shakes his head, leaning into your touch as you play with his hair— a habit he’d picked up from even before you started dating back in high school, although he’d never admit that to you if you’d asked. “nothin’, just this stupid fuckin’ interview the PR team want me to do about the fight today. the one i took from you,” your husband smirks slightly at the thought and you roll your eyes for what seems like the nine hundredth time that afternoon. “didn’t get to finish my fuckin’ lunch but they promised me a couple days off if i got the interview done.”
“better the number two than me, eh? but don’t worry, i’ll order us some take out tonight,” your suggest, voice coming out as soft and mingling with your slight giggle— a quiet melody to katsuki’s ears. your only reply from him is a grunt, so you stop your fingers in his hair and watch as he scowls up at you. you quickly press a kiss to the explosive hero’s lips, pulling away to reveal his blushing face. you smile, knowing that you’re the only one who can make him flush red like that. “there’s something else bothering you, isn’t there?”
if there’s one thing katsuki bakugou hates, it’s how you read him like an open book. one look at him and it’s like you know exactly how he’s feeling. he can never hide anything from you— sometimes that both pisses him off and reminds him of how much he is loved by you. he hesitates with his words at first but decides to confide in you anyway, knowing that you’ll get it out of him in one way or another. “‘m worried about you, dumbass.” he mumbles, nudging your hand with his head as if to ask you to continue your earlier actions. “i know you had it, yer fuckin’ powerful but you looked so tired in that fight today ‘n i thought something bad was gonna happen to you, y’fuckin’ shitty woman.”
he toys with the tears in your costume now, smoothing over scars from your bumps and scratches as a result of combat. “oh lovebug,” you mumble, cupping his cheeks to make him look up at you. “you know i can handle my own, they just took a lot out of me today. i promise i’ll—“
“that’s not it, fuck,” katsuki cuts you off, brows furrowing deeply as he grabs your wrists— pulling your from his desk and into his lap. he holds you close, burying his nose into your neck as if you’re going to disappear. you sit still, a little shocked by his actions and his quick change of mood, but wrap your arms around him anyway and slowly fall silent. “it's just that...we’re both pros now and at the top of our ranks ‘n we both have a lot to lose.” you instinctively cling tighter to katsuki, mind flickering to the homemade paperweight you’d spotted on his desk earlier... causing your heart clench.
your daughter had made that for him during her time at preschool for fathers day; something your husband cherished with his whole heart, even if the thing was still sticky with glue when he’d gotten it.
katsuki loved taiga more than anything in the world and if something had happened to her because of your line of work, you don’t know what either of you would do. “what if something were to happen to you? or to me? or shit...both of us? who would look after taiga? you know what happens to kids who end up in the fucking system.” bakugou pauses, the same tired expression from earlier now sitting heavily on his face. “i just want you to be careful, stop pushing yourself so much, y’fuckin’ dumbasss. we have a family take care of. it’s not just you and i anymore.”
you nod, grasping onto your lover’s clothes tightly. the air is flooded with a comfortable silence, the pair of you holding one another right the way through it. you treasure moments like this, where the world stops and katsuki shows you another, more vulnerable side to him.
he would never admit or show this to anyone; but he cares , more than he lets on... especially for you and especially for your daughter. he was attentive, paid attention to you and your weaknesses and helped you overcome them. it was something you couldn’t stop loving about him. “i promise to be more careful, for you and for taiga,” you say quietly after he’s done scolding you, brushing your lips against the side of his head in a soft peck. “that must’ve been why jumped in earlier, you were worried about me?”
“somethin’ like that, you crazy woman,,” bakugou whispers, there’s a tinge of fondness to his ruby eyes as you pull away to look at him, his hands settling on your hips while he moves up to press a soft kiss to your awaiting lips. “didn’t want you getting yourself killed.”
you stay with katsuki in the office for a little longer than usual, laying on his chest as he prattles away about everything and anything even though he should be working. you make sure he eats his lunch, despite how cold it is and promise him a boat load of take out when he comes home later— your sweet cuddling session only being cut short by a call from your assistant to tell you that your daughter is ready to be picked up from school. “better finish that interview katsu, taiga’ll be happy to know her daddy’s getting some time off to spend with her soon,” you remind him as you gather yourself together, your husband pouting ( he swears on his life he wasn’t ) from the loss of your warmth in his lap. “she has a lot to tell you.”
the blonde quirks a brow, watching you as you head for the door. “yeah? like what?” a hand comes up to cover your mouth as you giggle at his curious face. sometimes, when you look at katsuki, you could see how much your daughter resembles him, right down to his mannerisms. she had somehow inherited the shape of your nose and the brightness of your smile ( the only reason barely anyone realised bakugou had a kid, he never fucking smiled. ) but the bakugou genes were incredibly strong so there was no way she’d miss out on those crimson eyes and uncontrollable, untameable messy blonde hair.
she even acted like him. a very brazen little girl who knew what she wanted and how to get it, so she had her daddy wrapped around her stubby little fingers.
you grin, eyes sparkling with the same mischief as before. “oh y’know, just her little crush on midoriya’s boy.”
“yer fuckin’ kiddin’ me.”
“i would never joke about such a thing,  just make sure you’re home in time for dinner, number two!” you squeal, dashing out of the office before your husband has time to demand more answers from you. slamming the door shut, you chuckle at the melody of curses that leave your husbands mouth before heading off to pick up your daughter.
on your way, you admit to yourself , that maybe you didn’t have this fight in the bag. but what you did have; was a loving husband, a beautiful daughter and the best life you could have ever imagined.
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extended ending:
“so, taiga... daddy hears you have a little... crush on someone.”
you’re in the kitchen, washing the dishes from tonight’s dinner as bakugou wipes tentatively at your little girl’s messy face— she was a poor eater but it’s something you didn’t mind, not when your husband was so soft with cleaning her up. you can see them from where you stand, watching katsuki knowingly.
taiga looks up from the colouring you’d set out for her when she finished up her meal, crimson eyes shining brightly as she fixes her gaze on her father. “mhm mhm!! he’s mister deku’s son! and i’m gonna marry him!”
“no yer not.” bakugou answers simply, looking close to popping a vein.
“why not?”
your husband scoffs, throwing away the tissue he’d used to clean his little girl up before joining her in her colouring. “‘cause daddy says so ‘n boys are gross, especially ones who’s dad’s look like broccoli.” the older ash blonde seems satisfied with his answer, grinning to himself as you dry the dishes with an amused smile.
but taiga isn’t finished, swapping her green crayon for a red one to finish up her drawing. “but you’re a boy...and mommy still married you!”
bakugou pauses, lost for words as taiga continues to colour— humming the theme song from a commercial for some of deku’s merch. you can tell it’s taking everything katsuki’s got not to combust right there on the spot, but he can’t stay mad at taiga for too long, not when she’s describing her wedding and how her daddy is going to walk her down the isle.
setting the dishes to dry and towelling your hands; you smile to yourself as you admire your family. some would say you had it all, and looking at the pair of bakugou’s now, who were you to deny the truth.
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sanjasinai · 3 years ago
Diamonds and Rust
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A grey mist crept into Gridania before Sanja arrived from the south, rolling like a billowed skirt through the moss covered stone and trees that grew out of the city, silent watchers all of them, whispering to the conjurers bent in mediation deep within Stillglade Fane. The familiar lace of greenstuff clung to every branch and signpost from the aetheryte to Nophica’s Altar, and it was there before the polished wooden basin beneath a hole in the canopy he stopped to rest.
He’d seen enough stars tonight, frankly, and when he turned his eyes to the sky he saw only a blessed blanket of slate as far as the leaves allowed. Any other place would have been a silent crypt of a city at this hour, but Gridania lived and breathed on the whims of the elementals, and dutiful brothers and sisters in conjury could be seen at any time, some born and raised nocturnal, like him, and some not.
A carved stump bigger than a house lay frozen before him, carved with conjuring iconography and blessed with a massive boulder atop its rings inscribed with the symbol of the Matron Nophica, in the hopes that she might impart a bit of her love and grace to those who ventured down the winding path.
The guildmaster was probably there. Sanja couldn’t recall a time he hadn’t seen E-Sumi-Yan surrounded by students in quiet contemplation, except in times of great action. Was this one of them? Would he come back to his old school and find things as they always were, with curious folk in cotton robes sitting cross-legged on the wood, the smell of rose hips mingling with wax in the braziers that lined the heart of the conjuror’s guild? Or would it be electric, like an ant colony, with frenzied, panicked people thick with despair and determination both, unable to sit still for fear they might collapse? Would he see the liaison from the Twin Adders there? A name burned deep in his memory; a red hot brand he hoped would never cross his lips again.
He heard the footsteps too late. His ears flicked back to catch the sound of soft leather boots slowing to a stop just a few fulms behind him. Something tickled the back of his neck and arms and stood the hair there on end, tail flicking from side to side in agitation or anticipation, or both.
Sanja squeezed his eyes shut. 
The forest was silent around him. No night birds, no patrols, not even the whisper of wind to play at his ears. It was as if the fog had stilled the altar with its presence, and left the world a bubble just for him. An imagined presence, then. He took a breath and turned on his heel.
The elezen before him was dressed, as always, in a smart officer’s coat, its silver buttons gleaming even in the low light and buttoned to the stark white collar. The brilliant yellow of the Twin Adders was offset by a deep chocolate brown and black plush fur around the shoulders, belted at the middle and held by a heavy clasp depicting a coiled branch. The boots were buttoned up over the knees, hidden by the tail of his coat. Hard to forget.
His face was slender and defined; high cheekbones and a strong jaw that twitched whenever he was annoyed. His nose in profile was aqualine and thin, pointed, never broken. Copper hair fringed his brows from beneath his black officer’s cap, and beneath that a set of glass blue eyes, cold and sharp, staring down from high above.
“Captain Laurent.”
The elezen stood still as the Fane itself, unblinking, looming over the quiet conjurer like an oak after the storm; its roots exposed to the wind and rain. A lifetime passed between them before the captain moved again, taking one deliberate step to the side and continuing on past the altar, cool eyes sliding to the opening at the mouth of the stump.
He stopped just briefly, a quick turn of the shoulders and head, to regard the smaller man from behind. His voice was low and smooth and cut with age but impossible to mistake, as if the decade spent apart had been nothing at all. A day, an hour, a minute. But he spoke with a bitterness in his familiarity, as if recalling a name like that was poison on the tip of his tongue. 
And then he moved on again, into the darkness of the Stillglade path beneath Nophica’s sigil, focused on the work he loved above all else. As if that was ever a question.
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violetnotez · 5 years ago
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Hawks x reader
⤷ Genre: Fluff
⤷ Word Count: 5300+
⤷ Warnings: mild cursing
⤷ Synopsis:  Hawks is completely head over heels when he meets the new side kick of Mirko, y/n, hero name Angel. After meeting y/n, Hawks begs Mirko to train the young hero himself, and starts a friendly relationship with her. But now Hawks wants to take it to the next level, and what better than a milkshake date to make her his.
This fic is for the @bnhabookclub Bingo Event! Here’s my masterlist to see all my work for this event!
Bingo Slot: Milkshake Date
This is my first time writing for Hawks, so hopefully its not too ooc! Also Im sorry if its kinda wordy? I feel like I just kinda went overboard!
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Hawks sighed, his hands cradling  his head lazily in boredom.
Another mind numbing meeting to suffocate his precious hours.
It was hard not to be a little annoyed at these weekly hero meetings he was somehow tangled up into. He could be doing so much more with this time, like working on his own missions or even catching up on some very over do paperwork. But With the LOV and other various villain organizations on the rise, the heroes have noticed that now more than ever, citizens are desperate for some stability and reassurance from their beloved heroes. So, with the help of various hero agencies, they had devised a plan to have heroes patrolling the streets frequently, way more frequently than before to promote the image that “the heroes were in control” and “more powerful than ever before.”
What a load of crap that was.
Hawks fought the urge to roll his eyes and interrupt this pompous executive who had the nerve to preach to heroes, and the top rated ones at that. He was amused looking around, seeing how many well known heroes were still attending these obnoxious meetings-every one in the top 20  was in this room, including Endeavor and Mirko. That was typical for these heroes, since approval ratings were so important, but today was a little different. The size of the group had expanded, the seats now occupied with a few lower rank heroes, a couple sidekicks, and a few newbies that were gaining some popularity.
Hawks watched as the stiff looking executive pushed his glasses back to his nose tightly, a small cough clearing his throat.
“Now, I think it would be a wise time for all the newest joining heroes in our mission of peace to stand and say a few words,”
Oh great-now it was show and tell.
Hawks was  fighting the urge to outright humiliate this man in front of him for wasting so much of his time- it wasn't quite in his nature to keep his mouth shut. But, he had to admit that this was partially his fault: he had volunteered to be a part of this, and he had to respect the commitment he signed up for.
The man turnd to his right, his eyes trained on the Rabbit Hero herself.
“Miruko, would you like to introduce your sidekick first?” he asked, his voice monotone and serious.
Hawks instantly perked up at the man’s statement- so Miruko did bring along her sidekick? 
He had heard a little about the stir Miruko had worked up in the media when she announced she had a new sidekick. Miruko has notoriously built the image of “working alone”, so the fact she had taken on a new partner had thrown everyone in quite a loop. He personally wasn’t quite interested in digging himself too into the dramatic headlines, he was way too busy for that, but from the bits and pieces he heard, you showed promise.
Your quirk was powerful, you were great with civilians, and you were pretty efficient in battle. He was mutually intrigued by you, especially since your introduction was the one thing he found remotely interesting in this whole meeting.
Miruko grinned devilishly, her red eyes gleaming. 
“Sure thing,” she answered good naturally, her tough body standing up to introduce the person beside her. “As you all know by now, this is my new side kick-Angel,”
Oh and what a angel you were.
Hawks was completely enraptured by you, his eyes widening as he watched you stand up, your face coated in an incident look of nervousness and your pretty lips formed in a shy smile.
Man, if he knew how drop dead gorgeous you were, he would have made you his sidekick. 
He rested his head deeper into his gloved hand, a quiet whistle escaping his lips. 
And that hero suit wasn’t too bad either- your hero costume was sexy yet sleek, with a plunging white neckline and metal armor shaped like feathers that protected your shoulders. It was beautiful, elegant, and tantalizing to his eyes, his pupils hovering over each plush curve and indent of your tight body suit. 
Something caught Hawk’s eye, though, and he leaned in slightly to see what it was-something white and fluffy was twitching on both sides of you, the curve extremely familiar-until he realized: you had wings.
They weren’t anywhere as large as his, but they were much more, well, angelic than his. His wings were loud and prideful with their overpowering size and rich blood red color. They were durable, tough, and screamed for attention.
Your wings though were silent beauties, barely noticeable yet once seen took your breath away. The feathers were a delicate white like snow, and with careful inspections had a shimmer to them like stained glass in a cathedral. They were absolutely mesmerizing, and Hawks found himself staring at those wings as you began to introduce yourself.
“Hello,” he watched you timidly speak out. It was adorable to watch, your shoulders trying to show strength by being puffed out like a prideful little bird, but oh the way your smile trembled and your digits fidgeted showed just how wracked with nerves you were. “I am the Angelic hero-Angel. My quirk is that I can create a calming effect on people, as well as fly” 
Your eyes ghosted over the heroes in front of you, each face more stony and cold than the last. You finally gave a small glance at Hawks, his heart jumping in his chest. 
Your eyes were so warm and enticing, wanting to swallow him whole with those pretty irises swimming with pure sweetness. His cheek was pushed up against his hand as he sent you a mischievous wink your way, a  grin blossoming against his lips as he watched you become even more flustered than before.
His chest puffed up with pride as you sat down, knowing he had made a small impression on you. Maybe it was the dreariness of this meeting, or the fact he hadn't had any romantic endeavors in ages, but he had already gained a liking to you.
You walked out of the meeting, your head swarming and your heart pacing. Your first real hero meeting! You could practically scream with giddiness, electricity ebbing from your fingertips as you walked alongside your mentor, Miruko. 
It was a dream to be working alongside such a skilled and likeable hero as herself, and you couldn't be more thankful for the bunny hero for seeing potential in you. Being a year out of UA, it was expected for you to start interning or even becoming sidekicks in order to get a  headstart in the hero business. Even though Mirko was notorious for turning down any and all interns, you had applied to her agency and surprisingly has gotten in. 
Now you were working with one of the top dogs of the whole Hero industry, and the pressure of that was both exhilarating and terrifying.
“So, what do ya think of your first hero meeting?” Miruko asked, her red eyes gleaming as she walked alongside you as the rest of the heroes crowded out of the conference room.
“It was-interesting” you spoke carefully, your tongue trying to find the best words. It was exhilarating to be around all these heroes, from up and coming to even the #1, but you had to admit it wasn't as intense as you had imagined it to be. 
“Hella boring, huh?” Miruko interjected truthfully, her voice booming and unapologetic. “Eh, don't worry, these aren't every meeting. The team ups are better- alot more interesting things go on in those ones-”
Just then, a man dressed in a simple white shirt and black pants came up to the Bunny hero, a badge connected to his belt. 
“Hey detective, what can I do for you?” she asked goodnaturedly, her slim fingers wrapping around her hips.
“Im extremely sorry to bother you on such short notice, but we have a case currently revolving around a few villains you reprimanded last week and needed a testimony from you about their quirks-”
“Sure thing!” she grinned, her red eyes traveling from the detective down to you, ,”You think youll be okay? Ill only be gone for a few minutes,”
“O-of course! Ill be fine,” your smile wavered slightly, a small gulp being emitted from your throat. 
Alone? Around all these heroes? You didn’t feel too ready for that- but you had to start somewhere. It was time to rip off that band-aid and be one with the heroes.
You began to feel your hands get clammy all ready as you watched the scene in front of you, feeling like a goldfish in a tank of sharks.
“An actual angel walking on the ground-never thought I’d see the day,” you heard a male voice next to you, the tone nonchalant and mischievous. You turned to your side, the wind getting kicked out of your chest-
No. Damn. Way.
“Your Hawks-the Winged Hero,” you breathed out in shock, 
The hero smiled at you, his wide grin playful as he gazed at you with those piercing yellow eyes
“The one and only,” he said cockily.
You werent going to lie-Hawks was one of your favorite heroes, probably your all time favorite. He was so successful for his age, being only a few years older than you. His quirk was also extremely powerful, and he was a huge inspiration for you since his quirk was so similar to yours. Also, the fact that he was known to be kind of a flirt, on top of him being incredibly handsome, made you the biggest fangirl for him.
“Gotta say babe, your wings are pretty impressive-surprise you didn't apply to my agency,” the winged hero commented, his voice extremely calm and inviting.
But wait-did he just call you ‘babe’? Oh god-your heart began to pound against your chest, your cheeks feeling warm from the small word. 
You grinned slightly at the hero, your expression small and almost shy.
“How do you know I didnt?” You quipped, trying to sound calm as the attractive hero continued to give you that playful smirk.
“Oh believe me-I would have remembered if you did,” his voice almost dropped, sounding way more huskier than before. 
Christ-he really was a flirt. You could practically feel your heart banging against your rib cage, your hands feeling clammy and your cheeks quite warm.
 He was too teasing for his own good-but it was almost endearing, like he was trying to impress you.
It reminded you of birds during mating Season, the ones who would sing the prettiest songs in order to attract a mate-and really any mate. Hawks was probably just like that-say a few pretty things, and had some fun trying to get a girl hooked under those ruby red wings.
“But I don't blame you for going with Miruko,” he admitted,” she's one hell of a hero, probably the one of the best ones around,”
You cocked your head in confusion, a short wave of shock circling your body. Hawks seemed too cocky to say a positive remark about a hero-most of the time he was preaching about how the heroes played it too safe and the hero world needed a desperate change. He seemed to group all heroes into a category and gave himself a whole one to himself, as if he was different from everyone around him. 
So yeah, it was a little strange to hear him congratulate any hero really, but it feels your chest with pride-you definitely had to have made a good decision going with Miruko if the most judgmental hero in Japan seemed to approve. But you still felt a little guilty for making him think you only cared about getting in with Miruko and not any other hero.
“Well, I was planning on applying to more agencies,” you stated, an apologetic smile playing on your lips, “yours was on the list,
The hero chuckled at your remark, not taking you quite seriously. “Oh I bet-”
“It was, I promise!” You smiled at him, your tone trying to be reassuring. 
God, why did he have to be so-well-pretty? He was looking at you strangely, as if he was drinking you in as you continued to talk. His lemon yellow eyes were glazed over with adoration, and you couldn’t t help but be flustered by the sight.
“Its just-she took me on so quickly,” you gulped out, trying desperately to calm your beating heart, “ it was kinda shocking. I honestly was so excited I just took her offer and didn't think of going to other agencies,”
“Awww, Not even mind, angel?” He cooed out, his feathers vibrating with the small sound, “It would have been fun having you around-
“I promise, I would have applied to your agency in a heartbeat if she didn't accept me,” you reassured the hero.
He simply nodded, an accepting grin playing on his face as if he finally took your word for it. His gloved hands were hidden into his pant pockets, his Stance calm and comfortable.
“So, angel,” he asked, changing the subject,   “how long have you  been interning with Mirko?”
Something about this hero calling you “angel” felt different-of course it was your hero name, and of course he would call you by that but-it felt different coming from him. It sounded playful and flirtatious as if he was calling you by a secret little pet name only reserved for you. It may because of his coy antics or his seductive smirk, but it was making you feel warm and comfy inside.
“This will be my 3rd week,” you replied, your blush getting much worse 
“Third week, huh?” he said, his voice genuinely curious, “Has she been teaching you alotta things?”
“Oh yeah she's amazing!” you exclaimed. 
Mirko was the most amazing mentor and even more. Most sidekicks or interns had the worst time with big time heroes, always left on the back burner to do the heroes paperwork or simply do tedious errands for them without ever learning a single thing. But with Miruko, this wasn’t the case at all. 
This was a blessing and a curse-since you were always out on patrol with  the hero, the media had seem to take a liking to you. Not only were you always beaten up and tired, you had to now deal with being in the limelight since you were Miruko’s new sidekick, something the media never thought they’d see.
 “I’ve been patrolling, working on small cases, even being able to actually stop a few crimes- I think that's why the press is so on me,” you added, a nervous chuckle escaping your lips.
You heard the hero chuckle slightly, his wavy blonde hair shaking as he shook his head
“Aw, you really are a little baby bird-” he cooked at you, your eyebrows cocked in confusion.
A baby bird? 
He seemed to notice your confusion, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.
“Ah don’t worry angel, I don’t mean anything bad by calling you that,” he stated, “You're not used to this whole hero thing. But promise me, you'll get used to it-,”
“Especially when they make dumb scandals about you-”
He added on, his tone more tired. It was true with Hawks being one of the Top 10 heroes and being as young as he is, he had his fair share of conspiracies and allegations revolving around him.
“Oh, like the one about your favorite food being chicken? I thought that one was hilarious”,” you giggled.
Hawks turned to you, his cheeky grin now turn to one coated in seriousness,
““Oh no, babe,  that one is completely real,”
You whipped around, your eyes blown out wide with shock
“What? Your joking-“
“Completely serious!” He laughed, his grin wide and mischievous, “Who doesn't love fried chicken! It's the best food in my opinion-ya can't go wrong with it,”
You gave him a playful look of distaste, your noise scrunched up.
 “Really? But it’s kinda, well, weird-“
Hawks groaned, but that smile was still plastered on his face. 
“Don’t tell me your siding with those tabloid writers,” 
“This time-maybe,” you giggled, a smile you were sporting uncontainable.
“Aw, Cmon angel, I was beginning to like you!” He chuckled playfully along with you
Finally as your laughs began to die down, a thought crossed your mind, and you turned to the Wing Hero With the question playing on your tongue.
“Ya know I've always wanted to ask you something,” you said, your eyes meeting the sun yellow orbs of Hawk’s
That smile was still tugging at his lips, making him look adorably young and boyish.
“Lay it on me babe-”
You swallowed thickly, a miix of nervousness and embarrassment filling your stomach.
“How to do you use your wings? In battle-or when you fly?”
It was Hawk’s turn to look confused, his fluffy eyebrows angled softly. He seemed to understand what you meant by how self conscious you look, a hint of sympathy playing in his eyes.
“Wait-” he said slowly,  “you mean you don't know how to use your wings?”
You cringed, hating how blunt the sentence sounded. It was true, you never really got the hang of using your wings. It was embarrassing to admit it, but it was something you had to work through. If you wre going to be a high ranking Hero you were going to need to be at 100% of your potential.
“Wll I-I do, I can float but I cant fly very high up-,” you stumbled out,” nowhere near your height though. And I want to be able to carry people and well- I just don’t know how to start,”
Hawk’s nonchalant girn was again on his face, “See, little chickadee, this is why you should have applied to my agency,” he joked.
You sighed exasperatedly 
“I know,” you smiled, “you have a  good point there,”
The gloved digits of Hawk’s hand wrapped around his chin, his lips pouted slightly in thought.
“Honestly, it took me a little bit to really get the hang of it- Ive been using my wings since I was a kid- so it might be some time for you to get the hang of yours”
“Id be up for helping you with some pointers,” He turned to you, a playful grin plastered on his cheeks. That smile would be the death of you- it somehow made your head feel incredibly cloudy and your legs feel like jelly. 
“ but you gotta promise me one thing,”
You cocked your head, your eyebrows stitched in confusion
“Whats that?”
You had never seen a more shit eating grin in your life- Haws gazed up at you, his eyes glinting devilishily
“Don't fly too high up-Can't be having an angel going back up to heaven” he said, making your cheeks incredibly hot as he walked away, knowing full well he had made you too flustered to even talk.
Damn- he really was a flirt
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“Great job, chickadee, your really getting the hang of this!” Hawks yelled out, his hands cupped over his mouth.
Your cheeks were red with pride and nervousness, your wings flapping against you as you hovered in the air. You were probably 3 stories high on Hawk’s agency building, your eyes trying to desperately to not look down. 
This was exhilarating to be so high up, but- it was terrifying!
Your heart was pacing against your chest, a heavy drum that was painfully raping against your rib age.
Don’t look down, don’t look down….damn it.
You caught a glimpse of your feet in midair, your steel plated boots almost floating over the street below as cars honked at each other and pedestrians walked along the asphalt.
The extremely hard, durable asphalt that could turn you into a human pancake in a matter of seconds.
The image of that terrible idea made your head swarm with panic- your wings flapping haphazardly as you flew backwards back to the safety of the balcony.
This was too much-this height was insane. Hawks was insane- how could he even fly comfortably at this height!
Hawks had been training you a few days a week, something you were extremely grateful for- you were know working as a sidekick with one of the top heroes and having private lesson with the #2 hero?! You honestly couldn't be more grateful-
Until he decided to make you fly by yourself on top of an extremely high building. On your 5th lesson! How crazy could this man be?
You weren't even noticing how fast your wings were flying backwards until your feet hit the firm tiles of the balcony. It took you by surprise, another pit slamming your chest as you tried to catch yourself from falling on your face, your feet shuffling backwards in an attempt to find some grounding.
So you chickened out of an exercise (something Hawks was definitely going to joke about) and now you were going to bruise your ass from falling in front of your favorite hero /crush. Just great.
“Whoa there, babe, slow down!”
You felt a pair of gloved hands grab ahold of your waist, the hands firm and tight against your ribcage. You could practically hear the laughter in Hawk’s voice, as if he found your fail incredibly amusing. 
Your cheeks were heating up, realizing how close you were to the hero- his chest was pressed up against your back, and you could feel his chin grazing against your windswept hair.
“So,” he asked, his voice taking on a more husky tone, “how’d it feel when you fell from heaven?”
God, that voice- hearing him flirt so close to your ear made his words sound way too intimate, making your back tingle and your cheeks blaze red.
An exasperated groan slipped from your lips, your body pushing away from Hawk’s as he began to chuckle at your flusteredness.
“You were just dying to say that, huh?”
“What, you can't blame a guy!” he said between laughs, “you did set me up for it.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, your back turning away from him in an attempt to hide your obvious blush.
“You're still a little scared to fly high, huh?” Hawks tone was calm and nonchalant, making you feel grateful that he wasn't too mad at you for freaking out so suddenly.
You tucked a piece of hair self consciously behind your ear. It was so frustrating to you- you were gifted with these wonderful wings, yet you could barely use them “Yeah, a little,” you sighed, “its just-I don't know how to get over it, and it feel like I'm not improving fast enough-”
Hawks sent you a sympathetic smirk, his lemon yellow eyes gleaming in the golden rays of sunset. 
“Ah dont put too much pressure on yourself Angel, you'll get it eventually!”
“And besides,” he added, “you have been getting better- before we started you could barely flap your wings...now look at you! You flew over a whole street for almost 5 minutes!”
His smile was beaming, his tone so supportive and kind. Times like this you almost wished you had chosen to apply to be Hawk’s sidekick- he was so carefree and positive about everything. he somehow made every situation feel like a milestone, no matter how little you improved, and it made you feel a little better about your progress.
You gave him a meek smile, the cruddy feeling of failure still sinking in your chest.
“Aw, don't give me that sad face, angel,” he cooed, “you're gonna be just fine- you'll see,”
Still- you couldn't seem to get out of your saddened daze, even with his overwhelming positivity. 
Hawks seemed to notice, the usually chatty man suddenly quiet. It was strange to see him like that,as he rubbed his pointer finger against his stubbled chin, deep in thought.
“Ya know, I think I know just what you need,” he finally said, his tone warm like honey, “you need a small break- something to take your mind off of all this.”
“There’s a little diner on the West side of town- it's got the best comfort food you've ever tasted, and you can really taste the flavor in their meals,” Hawk sent you a glimmering smile, one that could stop your heart in a matter of seconds.
 “What do ya say, angel, down for some grub? It'll be my treat, promise.”
Free food and you get to spend time with your mentor/crush? You sighed, a smile creeping onto your lips. 
“Sure, why not,”
  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
And thats how you ended up here, in a little whole in the wall diner near Hawk’s apartment.
The restaurant was decorated to look relatively old, 1950’s memorabilia plastered on the walls and even a jukebox playing dance music from the era playing softly in the background.
The place was quite adorable in your opinions, and you really couldnt understand how Hawks had even found the place.
Until you realized- they had the best fried chicken you ever eaten in your whole life
Hawks wasnt lying when he said the food was good-it was incredible, the flavors and textures so warm and crisp as they dissolved on your tongue. 
You two had gobbled up the meal, hungry from a days worth of training. The milkshakes Hawks had ordered for you two after was just was as amazing as the food itself, the creamy dessert cooling against your throat and making your whole body tingle with joy
It also helped that Hawks was the best partner to eat, with his bizarre stories and crazy antics having you giggling between bites, sometimes making you forget to eat as you got sucked in to his crazy retellings.
You two had finally finished, your stomachs full and genuine smiles gracing your cheeks.
You sighed in content, a smile gracing your lips 
“The food was amazing Hawks, thank you-”
You had honestly never seen Hawks looks so domestic- he was sporting a simple white tee and dark jeans, a gold watch adorning his wrist. You guessed the hero had to always wear something somewhat flashy but still- it was strange to see him so casual. 
But you werent complaining- it made him more approachable and lovable in a way, making your dinner feel less like a meal between colleagues but between close friends.
You watched Hawks wave his hand, stopping your sentence in its tracks.
“Call me Keigo,” he interrupted, a playful grin plastered on his cheeks, “since I took you out to dinner, I think its only right for you to call me by my actual name,”
You gulped, your eyes wide with shock-the Hawks gave you permission to call him by his real name?
The fangrl in you wanted to scream and to jump up and down like an excited 12 year old. Thankfully, the practical side of you pushed those urges deep down, only the shock of his sentence riddling throughout your body
“Right uh- Keigo,” you gulped out, “-I definitely owe you one for showing me this place,”
“Your welcome angel, its my pleasure,”
You smiled softly, your lips pursed slightly from nervousness.
“Ya know,” you said, your tone soft and open. “you dont have to call me by my hero name either if you dont want to,” 
If he was being so welcoming with you, shouldn't you do the same? He had taken you to dinner after all, and even paid for you, even after you had insisted he didnt have to. Hawks-Keigo- was being so kind to you, you had to at least do something in return. 
“- you can call me by my real name,”
A hum rumbled from Hawk’s chest, his hand stroking his stubble chin.
“Thats true but the thing is- I like calling you angel”
He sent you a flirtatious smirk from across the table, making your heart stop beating in its tracks. Keigo was a piece of work to understand- one minute he was being supportive like a mentor would be to their student, and the next he was flirting with you like he was trying to pick up a girl at a bar. Was this really how he acted with everyone? Or just-you?
You cocked your head in confusion, your cheeks hot from his sentence.
He grinned, his sultry yellow eyes trained on yours.
“Its like Im calling you by a pet name, like ‘babe’ or ‘dove’,” he explained, taking a pause to place his words correctly,” but it's more...personal.”
That shit eating grin was evident on his face again, making him look boyish as he leaned in towards you.
“its also kinda cute when you get all flustered when I say it,”
“I-I dont get flustered,” you stuttered, making your lie blatantly obvious.
The man chuckled, obviously loving every second of this.
“Then why are you blushing angel?” he taunted sweetly,
 “Don't think for a second I didn’t notice your little crush on me,”
Oh no.
This wasnt good.
God, you knew you blushed alot but- how dumb of you to not assume he knew you liked him! You wanted to crawl in a hole, to just dissolve into the ground and disappear.
“I dont have a crush on you- your just my mentor, your just helping me-” you denied his accusation, your voice desperate to prove it to him and yourself.
You didnt have feeling for this Hero, you couldnt, he was just someone who helped you, you shouldnt like him like this-
“Aww lets not lie to ourselves little dove, you dont have to be so defensive,” he was smiling at you so wide, as if he was being reassuring. But something was different about this smile, and the way he looked at you- it was so tender and almost-nervous?
“Why do you think I took you to this place? It wasnt just to get your mind off of training you know,”
You stared at him in complete confusion.
That was why he had taken you here right? To cheer you up-but then again, Keigo didn't have to do this. He could have just patted you on the back and said “Good job.” He didn't have to take you to his favorite restaurant, buy you a meal, and even dessert, and tell you all his most interesting and sometimes embarrassing stories. He didn't have to lend you his jacket that you were wearing right now after you said you were cold, or promise to drive you home once it was got dark. He didn't have to do any of these things-but he did.
“Wait- This-this is a date, isnt it?” you stated bluntly, the revelation hitting you like a ton of bricks.
Keigo smiled timidly at you, the first time you had ever seen him look so nervous
“Only if you want it to be,” he chuckled, trying to sound nonchalant.
He sighed, clearly riddled with nerves as  his eyes staring down at his watch, trying to find the best words
“I-I know this is kinda sudden,” he finally said, “ and I should have told you straight before taking you here, but- I like you. Your fun ,and snarky, and so goddamn beautiful it makes my head spin. You make me smile so much, and I-I want to be with you.”
Hawks looked up at you, those bright hazel eyes staring at you with such love it took your breath away. You felt your whole body feel warmth, like honey was now flooding your veins. You honestly never imagined the hero to ever have feelings for you, but with this confession hanging in the air, you couldn’t feel happier.
“What do ya say, angel,” he asked, his hand stretching across the table and encasing yours, “ wanna give this a go?” 
You stared down at that hand, seeing his digits wrap so effortlessly around yours. It felt natural, yet exhilarating , a low, pleasant buzz forming from the small touch. It just felt-right.
“Sure,” you smiled, your fingers now curling around his, “ lets do it,”
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Taggings (if you want to be added to the tag list, just shoot me an ask! Im also trying to work on an official tag list post, so you might see that soon! ) 
@weebartistinc @orokayagi @leeeah-loooser @bakarinnie
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katsuflossy · 5 years ago
Misguided Spark
Pairing: Kaminari Denki x black reader
TW: Suggestive themes, some obscenities, Becky
A/n: Why do I always get inspired by Tiktoks 😭😭 but anyways I’ve been giving Mr Bakugo wayy too much attention and neglecting our shocky boy Denki. So please enjoy!!! 💕
P.S. credit to my bb @iiminibattlehero for giving me a title when my brain was pooped😣
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You’ve been with Denki for two years. After joining Uravity’s agency, you’ve met the bolt of lightning that struck through your beautiful black heart (this was after many failed pickup lines and one failed date that resulted in your favorite shirt getting seared off.) Denki did nothing to conceal you, in fact, he showed you off despite your protests; the few couples photos on his Instagram told the story of your love life—not secret but it’s none of your business. 
So why do his fans pair him up with every other hero?!
You would’ve understood if he was shipped with his friends and other heroes in the Big Leagues; your reputation being Uraraka’s sidekick had granted you some fame but you hadn’t reached the big pond yet. 
However, his mass of fans and reporters paired him with everyone under the sun—heroes and sidekicks alike—except you. Just last week Mina nearly choked out a reporter because he trailed her during her patrol, asking what she and Chargebolt did last night. Who knew a simple drink with close friends would spread like wildfire over the news. Oh, not to mention you were there too, holding Kaminari’s hand and laying your head on his shoulder. Your brown face and body had been cut out from every magazine seen the next day. The picture of Mina and Kaminari at an older drink night resurfaced on your timeline, showing Mina slapping his back as he choke-laughed on some beer. 
You didn’t tell Denki your insecurities about the whole world romanticizing him with other very pale—except for Mina’s case—heroes. You can picture his exact laugh, his hand falling on your cheek while affirming you had nothing to worry about. You’re his lovely lady forever and always. 
However, tonight was a different kind of irritation.
The bedroom finally fell quiet, your steamy session released the sexual tension during today’s joint practice. Kaminari’s eyes followed your heavenly molded ass all around the gym, and your own followed his nicely sculpted back when it was angled in your peripheral view. The deed was done now. Your finger made pointless drawings on his naked chest as you laid against his stomach, looking thoughtlessly up at him and his blonde glory. Two nude bodies curled against each other in comfortable silence.
At least that was the case until your phone pinged due to a notification. Your phone glowed the Twitter symbol, the only app you used to keep up with the hero scene and news. One glance at the title and you wished you had put your phone on Do Not Disturb.
Chargebolt's with a civilian fiancee?! Read more about the Electric hero dating top American chef, Becky Gudhear, and their secret relationship.
Your lips formed a scowl at the picture. The blond female chef was entering a car as Denki held her umbrella above her head, the rain clattering against the umbrella as he smiled at the lady. Only for you to remember the next two minutes after the photo was taken; Denki snatched you up, running through the rain as both screamed in delight. 
You shot up from his muscular chest, the middle of your brows creased and your brown thumb scrolled through the hashtags. Denki looked at you before going on his own phone.
Deku’s ratty shoes @noticemesemmpai: “I didn’t know Denki liked white girls *this goes completely with my fantasy*”
Ground zero’s harem girl @otakuforevaava: “Not him cheating on Mina.”
Ground zero’s harem girl #2 @lemmebiteacrumbofdatass: “@otakuforevaava Nah, he’s with Jiro. Did y’all not see when she gave him that hug?”
Your eyes darted from one ship to another, none ever mentioning you, before throwing your phone on the mattress. You swung your legs over the edge of the bed, removing yourself from its comfort to pace around the room in frustration. Denki cocked a brow at your strange behavior; you weren’t usually this upset and if you were, you’d simply just watch baby videos until you perked up. The screen glowed through the mattress despite being faced down, holding the secret of your furrowed eyebrows and sharp glare. He took up the phone, showing all the news outlets, fan mentions, and titles creating a relationship not with his black girlfriend but with some random lady that he helped out of the kindness of his heart. 
“Damn, they’re really going bonkers over this one act of kindness. Is Chivalry that dead?”
“As dead as their brains are.” You grumbled out, flopping back on to the edge of the bed.
“It’ll die out in a week. Give or take.” 
“Or not at all. They always come back when they spot you 6 feet from this lady, then resurface this same picture or even better crop me out and photoshop her in it!” Your outburst was met with silence and a wide-eyed, very concerned lighting wielder. 
“...but it’s cool tho.” 
“(Y/n)? Why didn’t you tell me this’d been hurting you?” Your gaze averted to your fingers, twiddling as your embarrassment heated your cheeks.
“I didn’t want to because I thought you’d think I was silly for thinking like that. Plus, I was the one that told you that being with a superhero like you will make me look like a whore trying to climb the ranks.”
“Silly? Baby, I nearly threw your teddy bear across the room because it was looking at your ass too much. If anything I’m the silly one.”
“You didn’t nearly throw Parker across the room, you did throw him across the room.” Two pairs of eyes went to the slumped bear at the opposite corner of the room. It’s patched tongue ratty due to the force it was a victim to.
“... And I’d do it again.” Your attempt to sigh only released the giggle in your throat as Denki continued.
“And baby? Fuck what these tabloids are saying. You’re a skillful fighter and Ochaco’s number one sidekick! If that isn’t a fine, brave, amazing woman then I don’t know what is.” Your body tingled in warmth, unable to hide the physical effects of his compliments as wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him straight on his lips.
“Thank you Denki, I really needed to hear that.” 
“Oh, I’m not done yet.” He moved out of your embrace, kneeling to set his phone up on the bedside table. The lamp was used as support, showing the front camera the entirety of the room. 
“Denki? What are you doing?”
“Don’t worry doll, just sit there and look pretty.” He continued to tap against the screen before a familiar symbol popped up.
Tiktok, one of Denki’s favorite apps, met your eyes as it began to start up. Denki was one of the only pro heroes on Tiktok, which garnered him 5.5 million followers, and at least a million views each video he made. He swiped and scrolled until his eyes lighted up.
“Go put on my shirt. I don’t want them seeing any parts of you only for my pleasure.” You raised an eyebrow at the request but still complied. 
“Now come here, sexy.” Your footsteps hesitantly approached his side of the bed, unknowing about what scheme he made up in his brain. You stopped right where the camera couldn’t see you but you were too far for his liking, so he grabbed the plush of your thigh, pulling you close enough to bury his nose into your flesh. 
“That’s more like it. You ready?” 
“Denki I swear to God you better answer me. What are we doing—”
He tapped the screen, unaffected by your threat, and began to record. The beat was all too familiar before your eyes widened and your face erupted in heat. Sex Talk?!
“Aye uh...ahhh.” He wasted no time getting into character, sticking his tongue out as he winked at the camera. Your melanin-rich thigh stared back at you through the phone, making it known that the leg Denki held indeed belonged to a black person. His hand, under the shirt, kept firm on the back of your thigh to ensure that you stayed within the frame as he continued his Tiktok.
“Aye, bad bitch tastes like cherry kiwi, real big titties these double DDs.” He sings out the song, pointing to your very exposed thigh. Your face hot, the thought of this going online burned your face with not only embarrassment but also excitement. You buried your face in your hands as Denki skimmed your leg with his nose.
“Mwah…” He pressed his lips against your flesh, the epicenter sending tingling waves through your body as he looked straight up at you. His eyes twinkled with mischief as the sound ended. He grabbed the phone before you could reach it, hitting ‘post’ before you could snatch it out of his hand.
“Denki! Your PR manager is so going to kill me.” You scrolled through his phone frantically; it was already pinging with likes and comments from the video posted just 10 seconds ago.
He plucked the phone from your hands and placed it down on the table.
“Never mind that baby girl. The song said a bad bitch tastes like cherry kiwi and I suddenly forgot how that taste. Maybe I should sample you again…” Without ceasing he pressed his lips against yours, ready to start the night off again. 
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(H/n)’s footstool @blackshipper: @theeofficialy/n this you? *Chargebolt’s new TikTok*
Chargebolt and (h/n) sittin in a tree @comegetyalljuice: I fucking knew it! (h/n)’s living our Chargebolt fantasy.
Stream Sex Talk by Megan @kpophoebutnotondalow: If your man ain’t kissing up your thigh like Chargebolt did with (h/n), is he even your man?
Mirko’s left rabbit foot @westanMirko: Guys, that’s not @theeofficialy/n, that’s Mirko duh…
You rolled your eyes at the tweet before scrolling through the rest of them. Denki’s chest raised and lowered as he looked through his own phone. Suddenly, you received an email notification. Your eyes widened as you read its body.
“Denki! Some talk show wants us to come in and talk about our relationship. They finally recognize that I’m your partner!” He craned his neck to face you, offering a smirk at your excitement.
“Good, that’ll show Parker who you’re real man is!” The teddy bear stayed in the corner it was thrown, now laying on its side, looking solemnly at the bed. 
“You’re annoying.”
“You still love me though.” A smile spanned your face as you inched closer to Denki’s. Your lips met his in a soft embrace before withdrawing. 
“Yeah, I do.”
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grim-faux · 4 years ago
17_The Loudest Silence
 It’s not the sounds or anxiety that forces him from the memories of sleep. It is the odd sensation of needing no more rest which roused the child.
 He exhaled dryly and opened one eye, mind fuzzy though his thoughts felt very concise. Through the next few minutes he laid there, struggling to pull together what happened and where he was. The first piece that fluttered in his mind was the lack of static and buzzing. Everything felt very ordinary and dull, a great relief. Though… he did wonder, where…?
A large plush toy was plastered to his side. He pulled it over so that it was laying on top of him, and then his eyes struggled with the reaching black that soaked into everything. Dry wood, fiber, wallpaper, decayed room. Ugly place. But quiet. And there persisted no smells to make his heart thrum with alarm. For the time, he only didn’t know where he was.
 He has to wake up. His head is muddled with confusion and questions, but he has to wake up. He’s very hungry, he left all his foods…. It’ll be hard to find foods, especially when hungry.
 The plush toy flopped over when he shoved himself up. Mono tried to rise fully, but he was stiff and sore. When he fought to stand his legs folded under him, and he had to catch the arm of the recliner before he toppled over the side. It was so tempting to lie down and return to sleep, the air chilly and miserable. But foods. He would get worse without foods.
 He scratched the back of his head, and realized he needed a new hat. Hats were tied to the inside of his coat, adding a bit of cushion and protection. The rain cap would be the better choice, but it was… color. He tucked it back into his coat, and chose the flat cap.
 It took some time for him to figure his way out of the room within the dark. He could see a bit after spending so long there, but the handle to the door was too high to reach. There was the bookcase aside from the desk, but the desk itself was impossibly big. He had to figure out a way to jump from the desk at the right angle, with a run, to catch the slick handle.
 This small room entered into another large room, but not much was in there. The only door there was a no go, it was demolished and crammed with what must have been stuff from that once resided in the room, neat and organized. Mono dismissed this fiasco, and instead located a tight crevice that he could crawl into. Within the space, lights flashed through from other rooms. It offered guidance and kept him from cutting himself on the sides of the walls in his passage
 When he emerged from the nook, it was from beneath a break in the wall where wallpaper frayed and fell away. He had to push out the rotten material to reach the corridor. He gave the area over his usual examination but heard none of the noises that would warrant attention. He tilted his head back, blinking at the harsh light. The corridors are badly decayed through neglect, and are a few spaces sat visible where he can cram into if he needs. At the end of the corridor was a window, and he climbed from a cracked crate to reach the sill. It wasn’t raining for once. He didn’t need the rain cap. He plopped off the window and went through the first door that was open, on his right.
 The whole floor got a search over, of all the doors he could access. None of the rooms had areas for foods, just boxes. Some good news, the elevator only needed a button hit. He collected a metal canister from one room and chucked it at a random button.
 He panicked at the abrupt weightlessness and darted around, as the lift dipped quickly. Until it reached the floor it stopped on, and the doors opened. He remained plastered to the wall for several seconds, baffled. That was scary! Why was that scary?
 The doors began to shut, prompting him to dart out into the large room awaiting. It was a little too well lit, so he found his way to the wall and shuffled around to shadows. Though the rain had stopped for a time, the floor was still soaked. To one side of the room stood a tall desk, some demolished furniture, and clothing laid out. Off somewhere, the dull scramble of a television uttered about its day.
 It’s the scent of foods that drew Mono’s interest. He went straight to a barricade of furniture and debris at the farther side of the room, and gave it a brief go over. Beneath this obstruction, there was a small space that he could squeeze through. Before poking his head up at the other side, he lay on his stomach and checked the vicinity.
 Chairs. Tables. Counters. A kitchen place? There were cabinets, but not good space to hide. Off to one side, a Viewer stood admiring the television placed on a sofa. As long as the Viewer is preoccupied, it should be fine. It was risk, but not enough to bypass.
 Still, he kept his distance from the adult, and strafed the wall to the countertop edge. He pulled out a chair and pushed it towards the benches side and climbed up. Plenty of containers and boxes are present for him to go through, eliciting some hope he’d find something that wasn’t too far gone. Not a lot of what he does find is salvageable, he pulls the edibles out first and then goes back to sift through it.
 He broke apart some circular bread things and regular bread slices. He finds a hard plastic container, which he can break easily with his teeth and inside is gooey sweet stuff. It’s soooo… sweet, not particularly good. But he scarfs it down anyway. He’s not particularly fond of bird eggs, but they are the freshest thing there.
 Carefully, he cracked the eggshell on the counter, eyes intent and watchful of the Viewer – they gurgled, content to bask in the white bombardment of signal.
 He drained out the clear goop – yuck – then took some grain flake stuff, and dunked it in the remaining yolk inside the shell. It wasn’t that bad, at least not with something more viable. He licked his fingers, and grabbed another handful of grain stuff. He dumped it in the shell and stirred it around.
 The yolk was nothing but a thin film inside the eggshell bottom, when the television flashed and the crackling hum on the air changed. Mono was at immediate attention, uncertain where let alone what the Viewer might do now that its program was cut. Was he far enough out of range to go overlooked? He braced himself.
 A pair of hands pressed against the reverse side of the screen. Meanwhile, the Viewer wound around and shrieking, searching for a new fixation.
 Mono leapt from the counter and landed on the nearest table. The surface was slick with dust and damp, he went skidding and made a graceless fall to the floor. In short time he was up, racing to the secure barrier of furniture and dipped into a slide at the last second. Just in time, his body buckled. He was crawling, struggling to get away, get far away. The intense drum of white noise crowding his senses, becoming all that rattled within his panicked thoughts.
 From within the room, a wailing screech blasted forth – sending him back. Hauling him all the way to the day he lost Her. When she reached for him, and all that he could manage was cower right in the face of her peril. Useless. It was hard to connect with her in speek, but that shriek. When she was stole, and he was disregarded. He wanted to stop, blot it out, curl up and bar off the clamor and sensation of electric current burning in his bones. But he wanted to escape more.
 With one final row of his arms, he heaved out from beneath the barrier and ran.
 This… reckless child.
 In a room, with a Viewer no less. A denizen of the signal, barred from thought and rational. Rabid. How annoying. Careless, brash youth.
 The Thin Man adjusted his hat, as he stepped by the clothing settled on the table and floor. With a flicker and crackling surge, he flashed through the mediocre barrier. For now, the lobby was vacant, he examined over the floor and walls seeking movement. Where did he go? How is it something with such short legs, could move so swiftly?
 He was not far, he could sense the transmission. Cautiously, he patrolled the room over, going first to one wall and walking towards the corridor to the elevator. Rather deviate that way, he ventured to the other side and checked the lounge chair. He suspected the desk, though that was too obvious.
 Ah, there he was. One of the doors of a cabinet behind the administrative desk creaked open, and a face peered out. He pivoted around to face the desk and tilted his head. Amusing. He stepped closer, but the child fumbled inside the cupboard, about to draw the door shut.
 The Thin Man stopped, and reached into his coat pocket. He pulled out… the racoon cap.
 Mono’s interest was garnered instantly. He pushed the door open further, looking from the hat to the Thin Man. It was nice to see that nose crinkle up in annoyance. He could inch a little closer now, and Mono glared at him with unwavering intensity. This had somehow become a hostage situation over a hat. Frowning was all the Thin Man could do to keep from cracking a smug grin. When he was close enough, he tossed the hat up.
 The child lunged out of the cabinet like a jack-in-the-box, one hand remained locked to the inner side of the cabinet – he caught it! The cabinet door snapped shut, for what the Thin Man suspected would be a costume change. It wasn’t long before the cupboard popped open once more, and Mono peeped out from the crack.
 His chore fulfilled, the Thin Man spun away and began walking. After only a few steps, he’s taken by utter surprise when something snagged the ankle of his slacks. He stumbled aside and stared. How did something with such short legs MOVE SO FAST?
 Mono cowered away several paces but looked back. His hands dropped from his head, but that coil of flee remained in his spine. The child shrugged.
 “Did you need something?”
 Mono tipped his head. “Where go you?”
 The Thin Man pinched the bridge of his nose. “I need to take a stroll. Alone. Have a look around. You’re not coming, nor are invites available.”
 “Not coming?” echoed the child. He inched a little closer. “Stroll? Search?”
 “No.” He edged a leg out, and the child scampered away from his polished shoe. “That will be the last aid I offer. There’s no more you can do for me, as there is no more I can do for you. Understand?”
 “Not.” The boy scurried to the lounge chair and hefted himself up the side. It didn’t give him an impressive height clearance, it just made him look all the smaller. “Miles? For miles?” He looked around, as if speculating with the word. Then, held up a forefinger and thumb, pinching them together. “And, erm… no a’lot’n.”
 Mono climbed to the backside of the chair and stood by the wall. “Fore-feet me to follow.”
 This would be a problem. Without a word, the Thin Man teleported a meter backwards – the sudden fluctuation and distortion caused Mono great alarm, and possibly pain. The child sprang off the chair, hands clapped over his cap. He landed poorly on the scuffed carpet and swayed.
 The Thin Man set his hands behind his back and leaned forward. “ It is not a strain to myself. You cannot follow.”
 It took a moment for Mono to smooth out the fur on his skin cap and shake the tension from his muscles. But at last, he stood. “Not fair,” he hissed. “S’not fair.”
 “Apologies,” the Thin Man hummed. “There is nothing in this world, but unfairness, as you are so well versed now.” The boy was actually shaking, but he doubted it was fear. That lethal glare glinting beneath the cap, was one he knew all to well how to wear. He turned away and resumed walking, unperturbed should the small child begin to follow once more. He suspected he learned his lesson.
 “Don’t give me that look. I kept you from doing reckless, I afforded nothing else beyond the Tower. That was all I said I would spare. In future, you should do better of choose friends.” When he reached the collision of furniture, he glanced over at the minuscule rasp.
 Mono had thrown the fur cap to the ground and was stomping away. He described it as stomping, while in truth the child was just walking – albeit with his shoulders bunched up – he headed back around the side of the lounge chair. The hair on the nape of his neck was practically standing on end.
 The Thin Man turned his lips down, but reframed from responding to the scene. He shifted through the barrier and left this encounter where it was.
 When the familiar surge and crackle-snap signaled the Thin Man’s departure, Mono snapped himself.
 He ran back to the fur cap and stamped it down into the floor, then kicked the flattened hat away. He glowered down on what was once one of his favorite and most useful hat. His fists, clenched like vices at his sides, trembled with such ferocity. Even his whole body quaked, despite not being the slightest ounce of cold. And he didn’t… know if he was frightened, being left like this. In truth, he didn’t know what he felt.
 It was like the numbness when the whole world exploded. Close to the curse of weightlessness that overtook him, and he wondered endlessly why. Why? WHY! Or, what it was like as the whole building toppled, and for a brief spell he knew nothing but fear and hate.
 So numb. So angry. Powerless. Overwhelmed. Unable to stop. Unable to grapple with himself, what he felt. This weird hopelessness he couldn’t shake. The world so weird, a twisted nest of false reprieves and cruel tricks.
 At last, he folded down into a heap and slumped back against the sofas base. A complete and broken wreck. He tugged his knees in close and looped his arms over his head. He pulled every inch of himself in as tight as he could manage, to bar out every gnarled claw of the world seeking to rip away the remnants of his spirit. Quiet. He must be very quiet. Something would hear. Noisy children die. It always happened; it was law.
 He did allow a soft, little whimper to escape. Probably annoyed he wasn’t actually hurt. Thought it was funny. The strange child. Should’ve fought. Should’ve done the ‘anticipated’. Should’ve done… anything. Anything was better than… this.
 Everyone left. Or, everyone stole. Cursed. Nobody wanted him. Nothing and no one, wanted a thing to do with him. This was everything he knew, and everything he should come to expect. Don’t fight so hard, it’s always the same story. The same ending. The same. Nothing.
 He didn’t care he was practically in the middle of the room, out in the open. No good cover. He would be silent, and he… it would be all right. This is how it would be. It hurt, it would always hurt. But there is nothing left, but him in this world. Pain was better than being… he wasn’t sure what. Pain was just better than not feeling.
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thecosmicsen · 4 years ago
🎂  happy belated birthday month to fellow ghosty boy,  aka the soft boy Jaewoo is stuck to in any AU,  the one and only @phantombs​  !  🎂
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*  :  ✮ ┆   the one in which they both bond with the afterlife  .
call it the synchronisation of two backgrounds harmonising that cultivated this very moment of Jaewoo enthusiastically bursting through Cường’s front door.  the trust that Cường has in him to provide key access speaks volumes of unfathomable confidence despite the striking contrasts between what the two deem as amicable greetings.  typically,  Jaewoo is akin to a sudden blast of nippy wind that tends to slap someone across the face with its sharp stinging icy breeze whereas Cường is the type to snore through category five typhoons.  this indisputable fact about the elder male is what provides Jaewoo with the brazen guts to invade his home so unabashedly since he knows that nothing will stir the unconscious figure.  as according to plan.
detecting the lump in the midst of the blankets,  Jaewoo now enters stealth mode as he navigates his way around the bedroom.  setting down the canister of helium with a slightly louder thunk,  he sucks in his cheeks in horror as he tersely waits to see if it elicits a stir or two out of Cường.  it doesn’t.  with a smug sense of achievement,  he proceeds with the first step of filling up confetti-filled balloons so he can robustly tie them in batches of three with blue ribbons.  what the true finishing touch is the polaroids of the abundant pictures he has taken of Cường over the span of time they have spent together.  besides the absolutely candid shots varying from Cường overlooking the speckles of freshly budded cherry blossoms to him randomly snoozing in an upright position on the park bench,  the polaroids consist of vintage filtered memory snapshots ranging from . . . 
one.  tiny coffee puddles lingering at the bottom of almost emptied mugs.  licked up cupcake crumbs.  overcast cherry blossom shadows merging with the tabletop.  the lining of plush armchairs overlooking the open cafe balcony.  pink-tinged cheeks from the open breeze.  a slumped over snoozing figure,  his mouth slightly agape as he snugly fits in the width of his chair.  it’s ironic really,  sleeping right after a caffeine dose  ?  classic Cường.
two.  rain-streaked panels.  the lazy streaks of dusk filtering through clearing horizons.  idly bustling of Cường’s back faced to him as he gently rifles through his collection of mugs.  thick woolly covered socks perched up together.  a low hum of a cheery tune.  the cheeky grin he flashes when Cường turns around with the familiar scolding look.  “  you’re going to be chilled to the bone,  wrap up the blanket tighter around yourself.  ”  the elder male warns him and he obliges.  
three.  dusted piano keys.  a pair of hands gliding across the ivory.  the other pair patiently listening,  and listening,  and listening.  time stands still in the air,  the concept being sapped away between the gaps of the keys as Cường plays the tunes of a piece so bittersweet.  reminiscing curls his lips downwards until Cường gently grabs hold of his hand and gingerly swaps it with his own.  “  learn to play with me,  ”  he jerks Jaewoo out of his transfixed spiralling stance that threatens to plunge him into a nostalgic dimension. 
four.  flash.  flash.  flash.  another piercing flash.  it washes him out,  bringing out the sallow side of his physical manifestation.  he’s suddenly very self-conscious.  all he is doing is walking along the river,  breeze tickling through his hair.  the only person he notices is Cường with his mobile phone pointed in his direction.  “  wait,  I’m not ready for a picture.  ”  Jaewoo protests,  immediately raising his hand up into a peace sign with a chirpy grin.  Cường snaps a few more before shaking his head,  a fond smile taking over.  “  you silly boy,  does the sun ever need to prepare its shining brightness  ?  nor do you.  ”
five.  buzzing electric hums crackle.  indignant yells from preteens cause a crease between Cường’s brows.  blaring beeps and glowing neon signs cram up any leftover space in the arcade.  they promise many bountiful rewards.  get your hands dirty,  you might win an oversized stuffed narwhale.  Jaewoo rubs his hands gleefully,  akin to a persistent fly about to dig into a tasty feast.  “  I know just the thing you need on the days you sleep for fourteen hours.  ”  pivoting to the flashiest claw machine with Line characters packed like sardines,  he eagerly hunches over with his tongue sticking out in concentration.  he will win this.  inserting his leftover cash in enthusiastically,  he aims the metallic grip of death to the nearest stuffed bunny.  taking in a noisy deep inhale to quell his adrenaline,  he jabs at the pretentiously gaudy red button for the claws to suffocate the bunny to victory.  it works  !  he didn’t expect it to in full honesty but now he can smugly brandish it to the amused male.  “  let’s call him Lele.  now you will never be alone.  ”
. . .  a shrill whistle sounds from Jaewoo as he clambers towards Cường’s bedroom window.  a hoard of worn out older dogs struggle to float up to the window’s height.  but with the aid of Jaewoo’s awaiting palms,  they are safely directed into the warm haven of Cường’s birthday setup.  what’s left is the lighting of candles and the birthday.  the ghost had considered buying a massive rectangular cake to fit the few hundred candles on it but he reckoned that Cường wouldn’t be up for using all of his lung power on blowing out that many candles so he settled for placing fifty seven instead.  not a jibe to the other’s age at all.  
clapping his hands together,  Jaewoo motions at the expectant dogs to go huddle up against the sleeping figure in bed.  beyond eagerly,  they all contentedly clamber besides Cường as they are familiar with the man and his previous visits to the shelter.  the wholesome sight warms his heart and he hurriedly moves to snap a picture of the cosy sight before Cường can object.  by the looks of it,  he still hasn’t fully stirred from his slumber yet so Jaewoo takes the cue to finally begin the slow singing of the birthday cheer. 
“  happy birthday to you,  happy birthday Choi Cường,  happy birthday to you.  ”  the dogs happily grumble along to Jaewoo’s trilling voice in an unique harmonisation to celebrate the cheer of Cường entering another year of life yet again.  
Cường finally arises with groggy eyes,  hair sticking out in random tufts and incomprehesible noises that only those fully acquainted with deep sleep can fathom.  Jaewoo approaches him with his birthday cake,  eyes glazed with delight.  
“  make a wish !  ”  Jaewoo shoves the cake in front of him and Cường indulges him by huffing out the candles in three goes before tugging him onto the pile of puppies on the bed.  “  please don’t tell me you wished for more sleep.  ”  
alas,  Cường has already fallen back into a half-drowsy state but it’s okay.  the cake can wait.  
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*  :  ✮ ┆   the one in which they both bear the weight of the crown  .
huff puff.  huff puff.  huff puff.  look at what lengths the young prince goes to.  it takes a lot of cautious scrambling on the ivy-clad bricks.  it surely would have been a call for an immediate plummet to death. had the prince not been thoroughly experienced with years and years of experience in exiting the castle grounds for invigorating quests for adventures,  he wouldn’t have made it beyond a single ledge.  as lithe as a cat,  he even managed to maintain his hold on a staggering wide window ledge that showcased an approaching candlelight,  presumably one of the many patrolling guards.  security had greatly intensified ever since that eye-opening hectic night of ultimate meetings of meetings.  the only leeway he was able to breakthrough and finally make through the fortress was through months and months of extensive study with the aid of prince Cường’s silent cues on illustrating ways on how the other may keep visiting him in his lonely desolate tower.  
evidently,  the legwork pays off since Jaewoo is able to navigate his way through the labyrinth of tenacious security personnel.  it’s extraordinarily exciting to be going through such leaps and bounds to visit your secret werewolf best friend,  son of the rival kingdom that your family swore an oath against  !  
entirely pleased with himself and his progress,  the young prince proceeds with his voyage to the grand tower window after ensuring with a peep that the patrolling guard has moved on.  he makes a quick mental note of how the fourth floor garrison seem to take around seventy five seconds for a quick sweep before moving on with his cat climb. 
it must have been a nasty shock for Cường to have his grand balcony doors thumped on frantically in the dead of the night.  Jaewoo can faintly make out the startled grunt followed by groggy scuffling towards the set of gold-plated doors.  the sight that Cường is faced with upon opening the doors with hesitance is one straight out of the many books that he’s read with Jaewoo in their more relaxed princely hang out sessions.  the moon crescent gently laminates Jaewoo’s tall and proud silhouette with its sheer pearly luminescence glimmering off the many encrusted jewels on his figure. 
“  prince Cường,  head of all mythical protection,  the defender of deep sleep and all other his realms,  you have officially lived to see and enter another blessed year  !  ”  Jaewoo enthuses,  his eyes dancing wild in delight with his self-perceived inspirational opening.  “  despite the beast inside,  quite literally if I may add,  you have persisted and floated through the face of adversity.  a very very joyful and happy birthday to you.  as my gift to you,  I must insist on you going out with me on this clear mid spring evening.  ”
to be expected,  Cường stares at him incredulously before opening his mouth to come up with a gurgle of excuses ranging from it being too late and the best birthday gift he can give is to have the longest nap.  this is all naturally dismissed by Jaewoo with a wave of hands although he switches up his tactic with pleading beseeching eyes. 
“  I swear in the name of all things that I love,  this will be a minimal effort journey for you,  your highness.  ”  Jaewoo holds his hand on his chest to declare his oath.  “  outside your grounds,  I have brought a sled with a comfortable makeshift that I specially made for you.  please please please.  I shall carry you along the entire time.  you only need to walk the distance to and from your bedroom to outside the grounds but even for that,  I can piggyback you for when we are out of sights from your garrison.  ”  
Cường sighs in defeat,  knowing that it takes far more energy to Jaewoo who doesn’t take no as an answer either way.  the duo had been continuously going out for either one of Jaewoo’s gutsy expeditions in his quest for seeking fantastical legends or heading for a cosy hangout in his secret shed hangout.  so it is a familiar cause-and-effect process that Cường has grudgingly gotten accustomed to.  
soon enough,  the two are bundled up warmly and exit their usual and lesser dangerous route from within the castle instead of dangling off precariously on tower walls.  as they veer near the edge of the perimetres of the castle grounds,  Jaewoo begins to piggyback him as promised.  with Cường’s thick plush cape enveloping his body too,  Jaewoo enthusiastically leaps towards the awaiting royal sled concealed underneath the moss of an oak.  
“  see,  I made it like almost exactly like your real bed which you love to lay in so much  !  “  Jaewoo gingerly lowers down Cường after ensuring every speck of leftover moss is flicked off.  almost immediately,  Cường nestles himself underneath the main heavyweight blanket with his eyes flitting shut which is a sure sign that Jaewoo must have accurately devised a mobile sleeping quarters for the lethargic prince.  with the toothiest grin,  Jaewoo leaves his nap to him in peace before securing the sled to his armour.  
as they traverse through the grounds,  a route that Jaewoo deliberately scoured for its even ground to avoid jilting Cường too much,  the night begins to sink in deeper.  an expert in creating handheld torches,  Jaewoo lights the way for himself and his drowsy reluctant companion through the sweeping grand grounds of eclipsing trees.  thankfully, the destination in mind for the birthday isn’t too far off so much of the night isn’t wasted on the journey time itself.  
they arrive to a clearing that opens up the dull moonlit night with a large lake in sight.  there is already a boat awaiting for them  (  a product of Jaewoo’s meticulous birthday planning  ).  the barely illuminated body of water does not do justice for the usual daytime blue-green depths as the night overcasts its murky shadow.  in fact,  it would have been totally understandable if Cường was to believe that Jaewoo dragged him out in the midst of the night to kill him in this open valley.  ironically,  the birthday boy does reflect similar sentiments as he questions Jaewoo as to why they have come here but he does thank Jaewoo for bringing him out in the open air.  
“  behold my dear friend,  you shall see why I brought you here.  ”  Jaewoo holds out a hand in plea before sticking the burning torch into the ground near the docked boat.  “  I’m going to transfer you to the boat now.  I made it extra comfy for you,  do not fear.  ”   admittedly,  the wooden boat does look slightly shabby from what the torch’s amber lighting shows up.  yet the confines of the boat are layered thick with nothing but fleece plush-lined winter blankets and opulent feather pine-stuffed pillows directly from Jaewoo’s palace.  
transferring Cường to the boat takes no more than a second,  the birthday prince not weighing more than mere grapes to Jaewoo who is amped up on adrenaline.  blowing the touch out,  must to Cường’s skepticism,  he hops into the boat eagerly before grabbing the oars to paddle them out and away from shore.  the atmosphere drastically dips to an eerie cloudless night with not a source of light to be found yet Jaewoo keeps on paddling and paddling and paddling.  
“  what do you bring me here for  ?  ”  Cường questions yet again,  sounding helplessly bewildered.  Jaewoo swats at him.  
“  ssshhh,  you’ll see in a moment.  don’t be too loud now  !  ”  Jaewoo playfully jibes despite being several pitches higher than Cường.  setting the oars now with definitive decisiveness,   he stops paddling as he opts to shoulder another blanket around himself.  “  any moment now . . .  ”
as if just to vehemently rebel against Jaewoo’s words,  the pair are left in the sweeping frigid silence in the enveloping darkness.  the lake is completely still.  the air almost stagnant from its lifelessness.  Jaewoo frets about Cường falling asleep again.  before he can reach out for Cường’s arm to harshly pinch.  it begins to appear.  
the fireflies begin to leisurely appear.  each warm glow emitting slowly one by one until it begins to reflect against the clear lake depths,  stark in its crystal clear glowing luminescence.  it starts off with ten good fireflies darting around until a few hundred more show up to entirely brighten up the entire body of water like one of the radiant lantern festivals celebrated in the kingdom.   some begin to glimmer near the boats which causes a cascading effects of pale yellow to light up all around them.  finally Jaewoo can glimpse the entirety of Cường’s face who looks utterly in awe.  he gently holds a finger out,  witnessing how a firefly immediately beckons to his fingertip.  it warms up the features of his face significantly.  
this once,  Jaewoo remains serenely silent as he soaks in the magical sight of the fireflies and their endless etched out glittery reflection on the still lake’s surface.  glancing back to Cường,  he brings out the hidden sack of pastries so he can gingerly stuff one in his mouth. 
“  happy birthday,  your highness  !  ” 
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*  :  ✮ ┆   the one in which they are both reliant on coffee and stacks of books  .
yeah,  birthday,  it's your birthday.  if I die,  bury me inside the Louis store,  they ask me what I do and who I do it for and how I come up with this shit up in the studio.  all I want for my birthday is a big booty hoe  !
it is six in the crisp fresh early morning.  the scatter of April’s cherry blossoms softly breeze past the windows.  in the far off distance,  the blue buses agilely shuttle to their timely scheduled stops.  what is there to greet the overambitious joggers is the bountiful stretching of the clear blue skies and its cheery sunshine companion.  what a landscape of utmost urban tranquility. 
skrr,  skrr,  wrists movin,  cookin',  gettin' to it cookin', I'm in the kitchen,  yams everywhere  !
this lyric accurately reveals where the culprit of the booming bass music is located.  what should be another college boy routine of panicked last minute waking up,  rolling out of bed,  brushing teeth and forgetting to comb before running out of the house is not happening.  it’s pulverised along with the vibrating bass that resonates through the tight budgeted walls. 
ah,  Yeezy,  Yeezy,  how you do it,  huh  ?  it's my birthday,  I deserve to be greedy,  huh  ?
whether the actual birthday boy is begging for the chance to be greedy or the chaotic sound source in the kitchen is debatable.  the April birthday boy is was soundly fast asleep in his bedroom underneath the newly gifted weighted blanket and he must be too groggy with early morning drowsiness.  he groans as the bass violently shakes his bed before waiting a few moments to see if the music will miraculously switch off.  perhaps this spring day will bless him with a power shut off to banish the ruckus.  
I show up with a check to your work place then hand the valet the keys to the merces.  tell the DJ play your song,  this shit come on.  what I'm seeing from the back I can't front on.  they ask me what I do and who I do it for  !
as fast as Cường’s lethargic feet will transport him to the kitchen despite it being a mere few steps in their apartment,  it feels like eternity to him.  as he languidly inches towards the kitchen,  the deafening birthday song begins to ring his ears.  it elicits a slight grimace out of him.  his only plan is to lower the music volume to five before noiselessly dragging himself back to bed to flop down to prolong his sixteen hour nap. 
however,  his plans are rapidly crushed to itty bitty microscopic bits the moment he stumbles across the sight of Jaewoo haphazardly dancing along with ardent strong passionate strokes in the midst of the glammed up kitchen.  stray confetti and metallic balloons litter the countertops and corners.  a stack of presents line up on the island as a standout centrepiece on the counter set up for two.  the warm scent of fresh souffle pancakes fill up the air and berry compote compete to overwhelm senses along with the brewing green tea.  when Cường is set to open his presents after breakfast,  he will come to find out that Jaewoo has purchased a drawstring hoodie pillow,  an interesting choice of a pillow,  another ostrich pillow for classes,  an aromatherapy eye pillow,  microwaveable slippers,  a book light for philosophical bedtime reading,  a golden ratio notebook,  a poster,  and a self-heating coffee mug. 
“  finally,  I was beginning to wonder how long it would take to bait you out of bed  !  ”  Jaewoo chirpily waves at the dopy figure in the middle of his twirling hands up motion,  who is seemingly flabbergasted.  it’s an overload of various stimuli to all take in at once at six in the morning.  but to his credit,  Jaewoo begins to lower the volume to a decent level that won’t burst eardrums.  
“  who are those presents for  ?  they better be for you.  I told you,  you didn’t have to do anything for me.  silly boy.  ”  Cường finally remembers how to vocalise after awakening slightly.  
wiggling his finger at him,  Jaewoo jubilantly shakes his head with a smug smile before grabbing hold of the other’s shoulders to steer him to sit down on the island stool.  “  so you are allowed to do whatever you want for my birthday but I can’t do the same  ?   if you do not accept these presents then I will have no choice but to start playing Tinashe at full volume.  you know how her songs get me going.  ”
it appears to be that Cường receives the message so he expectantly grabs his chopsticks.  with a triumphant grin,  Jaewoo pours out a cup of green tea to him before pouring out a bowl of seaweed soup for him.  “  eat up birthday boy,  live a very long healthy prosperous life.  who else will I take to astronomy club  !  I need you alive  !  ”  with his eyes sparkling mischievously,  he then whispers out one final.  “  happy birthday Cường.  ”
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hobbitsnapes · 5 years ago
The Red Hoods Protègè chapter 6
Older Damian Wayne x ofc
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(Photo made by my lovely friend @bakketsux)
Summary:Red hood has taken a young vigilante under his wing and subsequently changes Damians life forever. (I suck at summary’s)
As Damian goes down the steps of the cave he hears his father talking to Grayson, the conversation coming to a halt once he enters the large cave.
He walks over to his suit and takes his shirt off to slip into his uniform. “You’re not going out tonight, dick is going with me this time.” He turns around and looks at his father as if he has grown another head. “Why aren’t you letting me go out tonight?” He asks as anger bubbles in his chest, why wouldn’t he want him going tonight? “You’ve been reckless lately, going too far with others and endangering everyone around you due to your temper.” “Are you talking about her, is that what this is all about?” “Yes it is. I can’t understand what it is she’s done to anger you so much and I’m tired of it Damian.”
Now his anger has doubled at his father's confession. “Why doesn’t it bother you that her and Todd are out and killing! You used to be SO angry every time I came close to it and now you couldn’t give a damn at what they are doing!” “Because they are adults and there’s nothing we can do about it Damian!” His father's voice booms around the cave as his anger grows. “Yes there is and you know it!” “We do NOT EVER do that again Damian and you know that! You know what that costed us by making that mistake!” The two yelling at this point. “WELL IT FUCKING WORKED DIDN’T IT!” “”I SAID WE WILL NEVER GO THAT FAR AGAIN DAMIAN! JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE DOES SOMETHING WE DON’T APPROVE OF DOESN'T MEAN WE GO THAT FAR! YOU ARE NOT IN THE LEAGUE DAMIAN! YOU ARE NOT A DICTATOR!” Bruce’s face is red with anger and a vein pops out of his forehead as he yells at his son.
Damian storms off and out of the cave. He goes into his room towards the bathroom and rests his hands on the sink. He bows his head as he tries not to shake at the anger filling him. Why doesn’t it bother him? Why is he letting them do these things over and over but would get furious if Damian were to do it himself?
His anger rises until he hears his door open. He looks at the door and sees dick walking over. “Come on, come and sit.”
Damian walks to his bed and sits down beside him and puts his elbows on his thighs, resting his head in his palms. “Why doesn’t it bother father at what they do?” Damian asks. “Well why does it bother you so much in the first place?” “I don’t fucking know, maybe it’s that they’re out killing people!” Damian feels his anger bubble up again at the idiotic question. “Or is it that you’re bothered that Bruce doesn’t care as much but would be angry if you did it?” Damian says nothing at what he says but looks at the ground. “Jason’s been this way ever since..well..that night. Bruce has tried time and time again but it’s never worked. He can’t change Jason no matter how hard he tries. He holds that standard higher for you because not only are you his only true son, but also because he doesn’t want to fuck up like he did with Jason. He’s said before that what happened to Jason to be his greatest failure. He doesn’t want something like that or worse, to happen again.”
A tear gathers at dicks eyes at the memory, the pain of finding out his brother was murdered so brutally. And the pain at what he became from being so broken.
“I guess you’re right grayson. Sometimes you can actually be intelligent.” The two chuckle at that. Growing used to mocking one another. “Once in a blue moon dames.” A silence fills the room until dick looks over at Damian again. “Are you angry at the fact that she’s your age and doing this?” “No of course not! It doesn’t matter how old or who she is to me grayson.” “Alright then, I’m heading out before he comes up here to drag me out there. I’ll see you later Damian.” “See you later.”
The soft plush of the bed along with the soft cushion of the pillows did little to nothing for the pain in her side.
Each intake of breath brought a sharp pain no matter how softly she tried breathing. Each time she moved she felt the sharp pain again it and made the young woman groan. ‘It’s just a cracked rib, how can it hurt so badly?’ She thought. Though it might also be from the costochondritis from running after the crack.
She slowly starts to sit up, a groan leaving her as the pain shoots through her side. Before she can reach for her medicine on her nightstand, her door opens and in comes Jason holding a new ice pack.
“Thanks dad” she says as she grabs it from him to lay on her side. “Your welcome, do you need anything else?”
He says as he stands beside her bed looking around her table, looking to make sure she has enough water and aspirin. “I’d honestly feel better if I was out in the living room, I feel like I’m going mad just laying in bed all day like this.” “Okay here let me help you up.”
Jason bends down and puts a throw pillow on her side and another hand in hers. “Okay easy easy easy.” He says as he slowly helps her up, a small groan leaving her as she rises to her feet. He puts his hand that was holding the pillow to her back and walks her to her door and opens it for her.
They walk through the kitchen and into the living room, he lets go of her as he piles the pillows up on the couch so she can sit up. He holds the pillow again as he helps her onto the couch.
He runs off and enters her bedroom and walks to her nightstand. He grabs her old ice pack and her medicine and walks to her door, but before he leaves he looks at her bed and notices the plush bear on her bed and grabs it, he steps out of her room before shutting her door.
She smiles as she sees him walking towards her holding her stuffy and medicine. She grabs the bear from him and brings it close to her and inhales in the scent. It still faintly smells of the familiar perfume if she really tries to find the scent and a small smile graces her face.
“When was the last time you took your medicine?” He asks as he looks at the clock on the wall. “I was just about to take some more before you walked in actually.” She says as she reaches for the bottle. She takes out 4 and takes them with a large gulp of water, a wince leaving her at the pain of them going down. “Hey be careful.” “Yeah yeah yeah I know dad, it’s just a cracked rib.” She smiles as she rolls her eyes at how protective he’s become over her. “And inflammation to the cartilage. I don’t like seeing you hurt is all.” He says as he takes a seat at the foot of the couch. “I know dad, but don’t worry so much, remember I’ve been through worse before.” “And if I could I’d make sure you’d never get a cut or a bruise. I hate knowing it’s my fault that you got hurt.” He looks down as he says the last part, a somber look taking over his face. “And I was the one who went out to help you. You can’t keep blaming yourself each time I get hurt, remember I chose to take this life.” “And sometimes I wish I never let you.” A small laugh leaves her at his words. “Yeah and how well would that have worked at stopping me?” He chuckles at that. “Yeah don’t remind me, you’re as stubborn as a fucking Mule sometimes.” “Oh yeah and you aren’t?” She says with a chuckle and a raised brow. “That’s besides the point missy.” He laughs.
A small silence comes over the two. “Wanna watch a movie?” He asks as he looks at her. “Sure.” “Lord of the rings?” He asks “always”
He sits up and goes over to the movie rack that seems to be getting larger each week. He pops in the fellowship of the ring, she smiles as he knows this one to be her favorite of the series.
He goes back to her and sits at the end of the couch and presses play. The two sit and watch the first half of the movie before a yawn escapes her mouth. “You tired bub?” “Yeah just a little bit. Can you hold me?” She says as another yawn comes out. “Alright come here then.”
He moves off the couch and helps her scoot forward as he settles behind her and lays her head back into his stomach. A hand going into her hair and scratches her scalp. A hum leaving her as her eyes grow heavier. “Get some rest okay” “okay, I love you dad.” “I love you too bub.” He says as he bends forward to kiss the top of her head. His other hand going to her face and running his finger over the sides of her face. The motion slowly putting her to sleep.
He looks down at her and smiles at the peaceful look to her face. Her eyelids flutter and he can’t help but wonder what she’s dreaming. His hand still Combing through her hair.
He looks around the room and smiles, the apartment feeling less like a bunker and more like a home as he looks at the pictures on the wall. A wide smile breaks out on his face at his favorite. It’s of the two at the state fair, he’s holding the camera High above them and both with wide smiles covering their faces and his arm holding her close to him. He remembers the day as if it was yesterday.
She hadn't been there long, being a father to her for only a month at that point and still trying to figure out how to bond with the young teen. Him failing miserably each time he tried as it felt like each time he tried it’d push her away further. A sorrow taking over him each time she’d retreat back to her room.
He was at a loss on what to do. Until one day on patrol he noticed a flyer on an electric pole for the Gotham state fair. He mentally hit himself over the head at not thinking of it.
When he got home that night he found her in the kitchen at the counter, eating what appears to be yogurt. “How was it tonight?” She asks as she looks down at the floor. Shocking him as she rarely speaks. “It, it went well. Hey, are you doing anything tomorrow?” “I don’t ever leave, so no.” She says as she looks at him. He scratches the back of his neck, hoping this will work. “Well the fair is tomorrow, do you wanna go?” She perks up at the question as a small smile graces her face. “Um, yeah I’d love to. I haven’t been since I was a child. Do you, think I’ll be well enough to go?” She looks down again at the question. He puts a hand on her arm and looks her in the eyes with a warm smile on his face. “I think you’ve been well enough for a while bub.” She looks up at him with shock at the nickname. He panics at the realization of what he called her. “I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say-“ “hey hey it’s fine, I don’t mind it” she reassures him with a smile on her usually blank face. “Alright then, how about you get to bed now, wanna go at 8?” He asks. “Yeah that’ll work, and okay, have a goodnight.” She starts to walk away and he turns around to head to the bathroom but stops in his tracks at the feel of her wrapping her arms around him from the back. He turns around and hugs her back, a large smile on his face. “Thank you. For everything.” She mumbles into his chest. “No problem bub, get some rest I’ll get you at 7:30 okay.” She let’s go of him and hurried back to her room. A large smile on his face.
He hasn’t ever seen her smile so much in the month she’s lived with him. She’s a ray of sunshine as she looks around at everything with the largest smile on her face.
He can’t help but mentally take photos of her as she wins a plush pink dolphin at a dart game that he swears is rigged. He laughs at the gleeful laugh she lets out on all the rides they go on. He bits his nails in worry as she climbs the rock wall climb and lets out a cheer as she reaches the top.
It’s getting late as the two go to the Ferris wheel as their last ride before heading home. A smile on her face as they strap in and head up. He watches her as her face is full of aw at the lights below her once they reach the top. “Thank you, this has been one of the best days I’ve had in a long time.” “It’s no problem, I’ve had a lot of fun too.” She looks down at her lap and picks at her nails. “You okay?” He asks. “Can, we take a photo?” She asks as she looks up at him. “Of course we can.” He takes out the camera he bought for this very purpose and wraps his arm around her and flashes a huge smile at the camera as they head down.
He smiles at the memory and looks down at her. He can’t believe how much his life had changed in a year all because of her entering his life. He never thought he deserved happiness after all he had done, he had given up on almost everything until she came in. A small tear gathers at his eye at the idea of what life would be like without her in it. Before he knows it tears are running down his face at the thought of losing her, what would he do if she was gone? What if he made a mistake one night and she left or, he can’t stop the pain in his chest at the thought was too hard to think of until sobs wracked his body.
She wakes up to her head being shaken and the sound of broken sobs alerts her awake. She looks behind her and fear fills her at the sight of Jason with tears running down his face.
She sits up fast and ignores the sharp pain as she wraps her arms around him. He wraps his arms around her and shakes as he is now sobbing fully. “Hey hey hey, what happened are you okay dad?” “I’m so scared I’ll lose you. I’ve, I’ve lost so many people and I’m so afraid you’re next.” She clutches onto him tighter at the confession.
She lets go and hold his face in her hands and looks him in the eye. “Hey listen to me, you won’t lose me, I’m never gonna leave you okay, I made that promise remember?” “But what if, I fuck u-“ “no you won’t dad, you won’t I promise. I’m never gonna die on you, do you hear me? I won’t because I couldn’t do that to you ever.” She goes and hugs him again. “I love you so much bub.” “And I love you dad. I’ll never let go jack.” “You did NOT just make a titanic reference.” “Yes I did.” The two laugh together as they hold onto one another.
As the days of not being able to move without help go by she grows excited at the idea to do things again on her own. As days turn into weeks and weeks turn into 2 months she hardly feels any pain anymore from her rib.
The cut on her thigh healed within 3 weeks of the night and as she can become more mobel she goes out of the house more and more again. She starts going to the park again to do her daily jog to bring her endurance up again. And after a week she’s back to how she was before and excitement grows at the prospect of going out at night again.
As she jogs along the sidewalk she hears the sound of paws hitting the concrete behind her until she looks down and sees the same large black dog she saw those months ago.
She bends down to the large pup and scratches behind his ears again “hii big baby, you miss me? Cause I’ve missed yooouuu.” She coos at the dog and he again falls onto the ground and rolls over. She scratches his belly as his tongue falls out his mouth as happy pants escapes him. “You’re just the cutest little thing aren’t ya, ohh you love the scritches ohh don’t ya!” She laughs as he sits up and starts licking her face. “Oh someone loves givin kisses. Such a pretty baby.”
“You know I swear, he likes you more than me.” She hears someone laugh from behind her and sees Damian. A smile on his face at the sight of the two.
She looks at him and can’t help but look in aw at the sight of the man. Once was he wearing a dark suit he’s now dawning a black long sleeve turtleneck that hugs his muscular frame and accentuates his envious waist and form fitting grey dress pants. His hair free from the gel he had the last time, his hair looking soft as the wind blew it back. His once scruffy face now clean shaven and showing his impressive bone structure.
“Maybe it’s because I have a magic touch then?” She chuckles back.
Damian laughs as he bends down to rub Titus belly. The dog overjoyed at the extra love he’s getting from the pair.
Damian looks at her and can’t help but take her in. Her crystal blue eyes being the first thing he notices, they’re a step lighter than a sapphire gem. Her face having a light dusting of faint freckles that are most prominent on her nose, her lips a stunning shade of a fresh rosebud. Her cheeks taking on a faint red as his green eyes take her in. Her jet black hair no longer in a small bun like the last time but taken down and shortened. It now grazing her cheekbones as soft curls taking over and giving it bounce. She’s wearing an ivory blouse with 3 buttons on the front and stretchy jeans that accentuate her strong thighs.
“Would you like to go sit on the bench over there with me?” Damian asks. “I’d love to.” She says with a smile.
The pair standing up and walking over to the dark grey bench. They sit as Titus jumps up and sits in her lap, a loud laugh bubbling up from her at the dogs obvious love for her. She scratches his head as he closes his eyes at the touch.
“He really seems to have taking a liking to you.” “I’m afraid he has hasn’t he.” “Tell me, what’s your secret?” Fear takes her over at the question, thoughts running through her mind at what he means. “How did you get my dog, who usually doesn’t like new people, to fall in love with you so fast?” Damian says with a smirk. Fear no longer coursing through her as a chuckle leaves her. “Don’t know Mister Wayne, maybe it’s my charm.” “Please, that’s what people call my father. Just call me Damian.” He looks at her again with soft smile and even softer eyes. “Okay then Damian.” She chuckles. “I was wondering, are you preoccupied with anything tomorrow evening?” Damian asks, his heart beating faster as he asks the stunning girl next to him. “Matter of fact I’m free tomorrow evening. Why do you ask?” A smile gracing her face. “Well I was wondering if you’d accompany me to this Italian restaurant that’s opening.” A wide smile takes over her face as she looks down. A strong shade of red taking over her cheeks at the question. “Would Titus be joining us then?” She asks with a knowing smile on her face. “I’m afraid not, it’ll just be me this time.” Damian says with a smile at the game she’s playing. “Welll, I guess I can do that.” She says as she looks him in the eye. “Well then in that case, I guess I should write down the address then.”
Damian says and stands up and heads towards the picnic table that isn’t far and grabs a napkin from its holder and sits back down beside her.
He writes down the address to the restaurant and hands it to her. Their hands meeting briefly and a warmth fills the two at the touch. “Meet me there at 6:30, just wait at the door and I’ll be there.” He says as they stand up. “Alright then, I’ll see you then.” “I’ll be looking forward to it.” He says with a smirk. “As will I, Damian.” She says as she walks away.
As she runs up the stairs of her apartment she’s greeted by one of the neighbors that appears to be leaving. She waves at them and unlocks the door.
She looks around and sees Jason in the kitchen cooking a thing of chicken and onions. “Hey buttercup, how was your run?” “Really good actually, and hey I’m gonna be gone tomorrow night if that’s okay.” She says hopeful. He smiles at her shyness. “Of course you can, just be careful okay?” “Thank you! I’ll be in my room for a while okay.” “Alright, love you bub.” “Love you too dad.”
As she walks by him she kisses his cheek and a smile covers his face.
She runs to her room and shuts the door and looks at the napkin that was in her pocket. She reads the beautifully written cursive and sees something she didn’t notice at first. Below the address on the corner it reads ‘if possible wear a dress but don’t worry too much about how you look. I bet you’ll look amazing either way.’ She beams as a giggle escapes her as the excitement grows in her. She can’t wait for tomorrow night.
Tags: @comic-nerd-dc @psychovigilantewrites @bakketsux
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beammeup-spidey · 5 years ago
Peter’s Mission - P.P
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Pairing: Husband!Peter x Wife!Reader
Warnings: Language, and fluffiness ^-^
Summary: You leave clues around the house whilst Peter’s out doing his daily neighbourhood patrol, and when he comes back home it’s his mission to follow the clues to find you... and someone else.
A/N: Just wanted to say hi, and I hope you enjoy the story >.<
It was at this time that your husband should have come home from his afternoon patrol. He'd always come home to you there, adorning a massive grin upon seeing his presence.
This time when he came home at his usual hour, something was different. He ripped his mask from his face, quickly running a hand through his damp locks.
"Hey Y/N, I'm home!" He called, throwing his mask across the living room, till it hit the plush sofa sitting in front of the couch. He frowned. Usually you'd be in the living room, and would occasionally catch the mask if he'd thrown it that way. When there was no response he stopped walking, waiting for a sound to let him know you were there, but again there was nothing.
"Babe?" Only one of his brows raised, as yet again no sound came.
He walked toward the couch to grab back his mask, though as he did so he found a note attached to the back of piece of furniture. It was obviously written by you, and so his lips curled upward at the sight. Moreover, the note was carelessly ripped by the margin which nearly made him laugh, because you didn't put in much care into the presentation.
He read the first few lines of your handwriting. After you read this line, please read out loud the rest of the clue.
"Oh so this is a clue," He said out loud, piecing together that you must be hiding somewhere close by. "I will find you, I'll make it my mission!"
He turned back to the piece of paper and read it in a loud voice, "You have found the first clue, but this is only the first of four. Peter, I know you must be wondering... why the hell isn't my wife here right now? Well, you'll have to work your way to earn my attention--" He shook his head with a laugh "--To find the next clue, you'll have to search where the monsters hide. Quickly, before they collect your screams for electricity."
He checked the back of the note. That was the end of clue number one.
"'Where the monsters hide'." He laughed again, running another hand through his hair, "I love the Monsters Inc. references, babe!" With the mask and note in hand, he made his way to yours and his bedroom. Peter was curious as to whether there was a surprise by the end of the mission or not. In any case, if this strange treasure hunt was just you being bored and trying to have fun then he wasn't complaining, because so far he was beyond excited.
He placed the mask onto the foot of the large bed and got down onto his knees. A small gasp passed his lips as his eyes made contact with the second clue, positioned under the bed. Slowly, he made his way to sit onto the soft mattress, reading aloud for you - wherever you were - to hear. "Congratulations, Spider-Man -- Thanks, Y/N -- you've found clue number two! The answer to this question should help you continue... Why did the bee marry? This is a joke, right? I must have said to her before." He paused for a moment to think. "Aha, Because he finally found his honey!" His shoulders jiggling with small laughter as he stood up. "So, is the note in the kitchen? Maybe?"
With that conclusion, he sped through the apartment past the living room into the kitchen. All the while his smile grew and his heart pounded against his chest at the thought of getting closer to you. Just as the clue had prompted the next note was folded under the jar of honey, close by the fruit bowl on the counter.
He took the note and flattened it out onto the table. "Getting closer, love, getting closer. Just you wait, Y/N! You better be ready once I find you..."
Peter quickly closed his mouth, and froze, listening in to any sound, a hint of movement perhaps. Nothing again. You were certainly good at hiding.
He read on with not a minute to waste, "The fourth clue may well be in your hands. That is, I retrieve this item by the couch where I stand. When you come through the door and I give you kisses that are so grand. I hope this clue will help you, I know you'll understand... And a winky face, that can't be a good sign."
With a sigh he leaned back from the table and fiddled with the gloves of his suit in thought. He closed his eyes, picturing the moment he'd walk through the door every day. "When I come home Y/N is usually by the couch. But she's never holding anything... 'I retrieve this item'... OH! My mask!" He ran back to the bedroom, and snatched up the said item, looking inside, shaking it, trying to find a note, a piece of paper, anything. He hadn't noticed anything inside it while on patrol, so how could you have put a clue in it?
Peter's eyes widened in a revelation and he slid the material over his face.
"Hello again, Peter."
"Did Y/N get access to you in the past few days?"
"Yes, a day ago, in fact. She told me to keep it a secret until you'd find the third clue."
He smirked, loving the way you managed to get to his suit when he wasn't looking. It was rather thrilling and made you more endearing.
"Can I please see the fourth clue?"
No more was said by the Artificial Intelligence, instead a video popped into his mask's vision, zooming in and then playing.
You were there, most likely holding your phone to film. Your smile was cheeky, and you wore the same outfit from two days ago.
"So... you found the last clue?"
Peter snorted at your Captain America impression.
"It feels weird filming this now, knowing you'll only watch it in a few days, but anyway, you're probably wondering if there's even a catch to this whole..." Your voice drifted off, trying to find the next few words, "this whole mission or quest. Well, I'm happy to let you know that you haven't wasted your time. There is something waiting for you. Now, you'll have to be very patient..."
"What is it?" Peter giggled. Your voice had slowed dramatically and turned very soft.
"Because our surprise won't be here for nine months."
"N-N..." His heart flipped, cartwheeled, somersaulted, finally putting pieces together. Recently in the mornings you looked 'green around the gills' as Peter observed, and you'd picked up strange cravings. How had he not seen it sooner? He needed to see you.
"Peter." Your voice snatched him from his thoughts and his wild heart beating. Only, it was still you from the video talking. "Take off your mask, love."
He didn't need to be told twice as he yanked the mask right off, making it fly through the air and land on the ground with a small splat.
"Y/N, get over here now. Where the—?"
Two small taps on his shoulder ensued, and as soon as he felt your familiar touch, he spun around. Laughing heartily as he scooped you up into his arms, hugging you tightly. You let out a little squeal at his sudden action, however quickly laughed along with him as he swayed you from side to side.
After a moment he stopped, looking down at you with literal heart eyes, only they were slightly blurred by the edges.
"You're fucking pregnant." He whispered.
Not knowing how to respond due to the sheer excitement of having finally told him, you nodded in response and bit your lip.
"You're really pregnant..." Not even believing his own words coming from his mouth a joyful tear rolled down his cheek, making you both share a giggle. "Oh my God, I'm so happy. I'm—."
With a pull of his neck, you planted your lips onto his. It was short, but let Peter know how much you loved him without having to say anything.
The kiss lingered on his lips when you pulled away, and he wanted you to do it again.
He placed you down onto the bed behind him, and then knelt down between your legs which hung over the side of the bed. "Why didn't you just tell me straight up, instead of putting on this mission thing? Baby, how long have you known?"
"I wanted it to be fun," You answered sheepishly, fiddling with his gloved fingers. "And I've known for a week now."
"A week? Just to set this up? I mean it was fun but... slightly flawed in that you should've just told me, or showed me the test result, you know?"
His cheeks rose further up his face when you responded with a laugh. He leaned forward and kissed your forehead.
"I hope you don't plan on telling everyone else the same way you told me."
"Oh, not a chance!"
He squeezed your hands, "You haven't told May yet have you?"
"Of course not. You know she wouldn't be able to keep it a secret from you."
"You're right. I'm the only one who knows, right?"
You nodded, "The only one."
"God, I love you." He leaned forward again and kissed your lips, letting his hands rest on your hips.
"I love you too, Pete." You brushed a hand over his forehead, moving any stray hairs back away from his eyes, and wiping a tear "So much. You're going to be such an awesome dad."
His eyelids hovered in a loving gaze, thankful for your compliment. In a smooth motion, Peter had let his hands fall to your waist, close by your belly, causing you to lean slightly back, allowing him access to your midriff.
Your heart melted, as he began to speak. "Hey little one. It's your dad, haha. I hope you don't give your mum too much trouble during these nine months. I'll be right beside her, and supporting her, but I'll need you to do the same because she's going to be doing a lot of work."
When he said 'mum', he looked up at you in pure adoration. It made your heart melt all over again, and your stomach to fill with butterflies - the same butterflies that had appeared back when you were both 17 years old, the first time he confessed his feelings for you.
"We're super excited to meet you, baby." With that said, your husband placed a kiss on your stomach, despite the material of your oversized shirt covering your bare skin. You grabbed his hands and put your lips on his knuckles, looking down at him with a suggestive eyebrow.
"Should we tell Aunt May now?"
Permanent Peter Parker Taglist (cross out means I can’t tag you ;-; ): @grandmascottlang @skittles-anime-123 @starlightfound @angelpparker @spidey-shit @just-a-random-fangril @commandertrek @sillyrayofdarkness @panicnowandrun @ukulele-tea-and-ocean @built4broadway @angelias134 @parkersmichelle @noir-spiderr @someshadeofblack @tom-parkers-girl @dani5216​ @robin-obsessed​ 
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obiwns · 5 years ago
Maybe...Ben Solo as a rebel meeting the reader on a mission? He wants to be with her but he doesn't want her in danger.
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a/n: small mention of blood. super long and unrevised.
word count: ~3k holy shit i’m so sorry
how could ben be so foolish? he didn’t know what had gotten into him. whatever it was, it was costing both him and the resistance their future. he knew he should’ve called in for reinforcements and taken what information he got, but he wanted to prove to his mother that he could be out and trusted on high profile missions - ‘like poe dameron,’ he thought. he assumed now that it would be out of the question if he returned. if.
labored breaths and electricity shot up his sides as he weaved through the crowds of the lush planet he hadn’t cared to memorize. that was his first mistake. he could already hear the condescending and hushed tone of his mother reprimanding him for his carelessness. never mind, he had to focus on finding somewhere safe to stay.
the angry shouts of city-goers dragged him to the present as he twisted and turned down dingy alleyways. he turned left, a small but inaudible ‘fuck’ slipping past his chapped lips as he stared down the dead end that jeered at his rash decision. ben looked around frantically before his hand reached towards his belt, feeling for the handle of his blaster - ‘a last minute resort,’ he deemed.
“runnin’ from the troopers?” a gentle voice broke the silence. he pivoted quickly, brows furrowed but brown eyes widened with uncertainty. his shoulders dropped in relaxation when he noticed that you posed no immediate threat to his life. you raised your brows when he didn’t reply. he nodded, swallowing thickly as you offered him a slight smile. you moved towards your door, sandy robes dancing behind you as you switched which arm was carrying the weight of the woven basket you held. the man before you rushed in behind and shut the door. just then, the sound of a patrol rounded the corner and loudly voiced that they lost the rebel to their comms.
after a moment when the dust settled and the quietness of your street had returned, ben peeked through the curtains of your windows. he released a sigh of relief when he noticed their absence. he turned around, eyes adjusting to the dimly lit living space. it was nice, more or less, and it seemed to fit someone of your aesthetic. it felt like a home.
by your voice, the silence was broken, “you promise you’re not a murderer?” you ask, turning around to point a knife at him accusingly. the rebel released a breathless chuckle as he threw up his hands in mock surrender. the lightness in your voice told him that you were joking. he hoped.
“keep one eye open tonight,” he quipped in response. ben raised a hand to gesture around your home, “your home is very nice- oh! and thank you for the help. i’m ben.”
you smiled at him and observed his frame carefully. he stood tall with a leather jacket hugging his torso and two weapons holstered to his hip. your eyes squinted as a small cloud of steam rose from his arm. with a faint head tilt of growing confusion, ben’s gaze followed your own and his jaw dropped at the sight of torn fabric and felt a sudden pool of warmth at his bicep. his opposite hand reached up and gingerly touched the laceration. sure enough, blood.
with astonished chuckles coming from both of you, you put down the knife. the groceries within your basket were long forgotten as you trailed away to the lavatory. the jedi followed you tentatively. you pulled out an ointment and a clean cloth, presenting it to ben. he moved out the way, still following you as you moved to the dining area. you gestured for him to sit, which he complied with.
you turned, washing your hands in the sink before drying them off. you grabbed a spare, clean cloth and returned to ben’s side, helped him shrug off his jacket. the hiss of pain made you grimace.
you rolled up his short sleeve and winced at the sight of the cut. you glanced up at him through your lashes as if to get his confirmation that he’s ready. he gave you a small nod. continuing, you gently dabbed at the wound, cleaning away the excess blood. you unscrewed the lid to the ointment, fishing out a small glob of the white paste before dabbing it gently onto the cut. his bicep tensed.
“easy,” you hum gingerly. you took the bandage, wrapping the cloth around the gash before patting his shoulder carefully. “there you go. all better?”
ben smiles at you, “yeah, thank you.” there was a pause as he thought carefully of his next words. “you never told me your name.”
“(y/n).” you got up, discarding the bloodied rag. you washed your hands once more before returning to the basket on your counter.
“it’s nice to meet you. do you mind if i stay here? until the heat dies down, at least?” he asks, his fingers flexing slightly as he spoke. you pondered of his question thoughtfully, your gaze travelling to eye level to stare out the covered window in front of you. ‘it would be nice to have company in such a quiet home,’ you thought.
you turned your head, a smile on your lips, “of course not.”
as the distant sun began to settle beneath the western horizon, you thought about all the things ben had to you. he was talkative and possibly too excited about what he did for his own good. he told you that he was a part of the resistance. some part of you guessed that he was an important character in their ranks by the way he spoke and carried himself. you hadn’t been around many important officials of either side, but you assumed this is how they acted.
now here he was, asleep and relaxed on your couch. you caught yourself smiling at how adorable he looked. due to the heat that seeped into your home, little beads of sweat collected across his face, his black hair curled and stuck to his face.
despite the uncomfortable warmth during the day, the weather changed dramatically at night on your home planet and prompted you to bring a bunched up blanket to bens side. if he needed it, it was there. you stepped away, bidding him a soundless goodnight before padding to your room.
it felt like only moments ago when your head burrowed into your plush pillows and you body relaxed into the cool sheets. too soon had the valiant sun made its trek around the planet, for it’s golden rays began to trickle through the blinds and chase away the darkness the night brought.
yours eyes open tentatively, sleepy eyes taking in the same surroundings and ears straining to hear gentle morning rush of foot traffic. it was routine but you found comfort in the familiarity. you stayed still, contemplating whether or not to sleep in – the thought of a guest forgotten in the haze of your mind.
you stretched, your stiff muscles awakening and rushing with warmth accompanied by the simultaneous popping of your joints. you sighed contently and swung your legs over the side of your bed, pushing yourself off the kip. you moved out of your doorway and down the hall, where the delicious aroma of fresh produce and quiet swears emitted.
“’morning ben,” you spoke up when the sight of his broad back came into your view. startled, he whipped around and hit his knee on a corner, soliciting a ‘fuck’ under his breath. you stifled a giggle and moved towards him, snatching a ration. 
he rubbed sheepishly at his knee, “good morning. you slept well?” you nod as you open the package. ben watched you carefully as you prepared your morning meal, his nose crinkling slightly. you looked up as you took a bite, your brows raised as you made eye contact. the rebel offered you a smile, “what else is there to do on this planet?”
“didn’t read up on your homework?” you ask after you swallow, clearly amused by his boredom. he gave you a lopsided smile, crossing his arms and shrugging.
“not exactly.”
“there’s not much, in all honesty. i often read, adventure, or do house chores. you can’t do one of the above so.. find what suits you,” you offer, taking another bite of your meal. “when do you return.. home?”
ben shrugs once again, glancing away and leaning against your countertop, “whenever the coast is clear, i guess. until then, you’re stuck with me.”
“fine by me,” you hum, finishing the rest of your mean quickly before discarding the packaging. “come on then ben, we have stuff to do.”
much to your surprise, ben was a rather fun and spontaneous addition to your daily life. you laughed often and did things out of your comfort zone. one night, he convinced you to stay up at night and climb the rooftops to stare at the constellations in the sky. he showed you new things and made you see the world in a bigger picture with all the stories he told. he mentioned his uncle luke and his friend rey, along with two droids. he often told you how he wanted to be a pilot instead of what he was now. you also noted how he didn’t answer your question about what he did - he was a revolutionist, yes, but he never told you what he specifically did for them. you decided it was best not to pry.
as the days passed and the threat of stormtroopers busting down your door in search of the spy became less and less apparent, your stomach began to turn at the reality you were facing. ben was going to leave. selfishly and unrealistically, you thought he’d stay and keep you company forever - his life as a rebel long forgotten. you knew he had to go home at some point and the thought of someone waiting for him made you uneasy.
were you in love or just comfortable with the idea of ben? your guess was as good as anyone elses.
“(y/n?)” bens soothing voice spoke up, his smile slightly faltering when he noticed your hesitancy to respond to his call. “it’s your turn.”
you managed to let out a little ‘oh’ and placed down a playing card, causing ben to groan and throw down his card in defeat.
“how are you so good at this?” he demands, beginning to collect all the cards and shuffle them together. he laughed to himself and looked up, his brows furrowing when you didn’t join in on the laughter. ben set down the cards down, forgetting them instantly at the sight of your glum features. “(y/n)? what is it?”
great maker, your heart strings tugged at the sound of his voice; soft and concerned. you offer him s ghostly smile, revealing the rest of your cards before putting them in the pile he assembled.
“why would you think something’s wrong?”
“because you always laugh or smile whenever i do, but you’re not now.” ben shuffles closer to you, his hand moving close to yours. your breath hitches in your throat as your caught in your small lie and you move your hand away. he practically whines quietly, “(y/n).”
you inhale slowly, already feeling that your stoic expression was failing you. the threat of tears became apparent as your eyes watered. you looked down at your hands, watching them wring each other as you thought about your next words.
“i don’t want you to go.”
ben is both relieved and crushed when he hears your revelation. he doesn’t want to admit it but he thought about it once or twice whilst with you; calling his mother on the little device he kept tucked away, telling her that he was safe and reaching happiness. it didn’t sound like a bad idea then and now, but he loathed the idea of putting you in harms way.
he was the son of general leia organa, a rebel, and on top of that, a jedi. if an officer of first order wouldn’t have come around, there was still the threat of bandits, and - despite his uncle’s beliefs - siths. he could keep you safe, yes, but what if it was a repeat of history? ben shivered at the thought.
“i have to,” he responds, sadly and truthfully. he dares to look up at the your disappointed look. he knows that you wanted him to say something different, but he couldn’t bring himself to. reason over feelings, he could hear his uncle mock the jedi code. ben’s band moves closer to yours and when you made no motion to move, his large hand engulfed yours.
some part of him wishes that he could just wave his hand and make you forget about him, but the other part of him knows he couldn’t live with leaving you in such vulnerability.
ben sighs, his thumb rubbing your hand. he almost jumps when a slow trill comes from his jacket pocket. he frowns and glancing at you, noticing the way your body quivered at the wave of emotions that crashed over you. begrudgingly he got up and moved towards it, fishing it out and receiving a holographic video of his mother.
“ben.. it’s time to come home.”
he doesn’t say anything but nods, shutting off the correspondence and placing it back where he found it. he stands still, his mind racing with thoughts. he turns back to you and his heart tugs to see your saddened state.
“that was her, wasn’t it?” you ask quietly, your hand coming up to wipe away the stray tears that fell from your eyes. he nods and opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. you snivel and wipe your nose with your sleeve, a sigh attempting to smooth your uneven breaths. “we knew this was coming.. might as well get it over with.”
ben didn’t like your tone, but he can’t help but agree.
“maybe you can come with me,” he offers, his eyes almost pleading you.
a small voice in your head tries to convince you, but you shake your head. bens posture seems to drop in defeat at your response.
“i can’t leave everything behind.”
he knows that there’s nothing for you here, but he doesn’t want to anger or upset you any further. he hates that he’s just accepting defeat.
“i understand.” he doesn’t, but he assumes it the best thing to say when you’re letting something go. ben turns and slips his jacket on over his shoulders, his hand smoothing out the ruffles. his chest rises as he sucks in an even breath.
he turns to you and opens his arms wide, which you rise from your position on the floor for. you slide in easily, his arms snaking around you and gently pulling you in tight. he doesn’t want to let go but he doesn’t want to make this any harder than it already seems to be.
ben pulls away slightly and gives you a gentle kiss on your temple, his lips lingering as he thought of ways to savor the moment. after a brief period, you unravel your arms from him and step away. he digs into another part of his jacket and gives you an old but working device. you take it with a puzzled look.
“it’s so you can reach me,” he answers your question shyly, his leg kicking out slightly as he avoided your gaze. “so we’re not entirely apart.”
your heart melts at the gesture and you can’t help but go in for another hug. he chuckles and returns the hug, adding a gentle sway this time. as you both pull away, you give each other sad and loving smiles.
in such a short time, you would’ve never guessed you would be attached to someone - then again, ben was charismatic and handsome, something you didn’t find often around you.
“it’s not a goodbye,” you interrupted, your hands clasping together at the front of you. he appeared shocked at first, but then smiled as he understood what you were trying to say before you said it. “it’s a ‘see you soon.’”
he mutters something in agreement, then sighs contently.
“see you soon, (y/n). hopefully soon.” ben reluctantly moves out of your door with you following him.
“it better be soon. don’t leave me hanging out here to die of boredom,” you quip, playfully shoving his back as you lean at the doorframe. ben turns around with a lopsided grin on his face, his nose crinkling and his umber irises twinkling with the suns reflection. he licks his lips, his gaze glancing down at your lips before he moved forward with uncertainty.
you managed to smile, closing the small gap between you both and delivering a chaste kiss upon his lips. his grin only broadens and he comes closer to give you another longing kiss.
he wishes he did this before.
ben slowly pulls away, his eyes fluttering open to peer into yours. he wants to beg you to come with him once more, but he doesn’t.
he glances off into the distance and sighs. he turns to you, smiles, and bids you a weak ‘see you soon.’ ben pivots quickly and with long strides, he walks away.
you watch him, a smile growing on your lips. you knew deep down this wasn’t the last time you would be seeing him.
“see you soon, space prince.”
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vannahfanfics · 5 years ago
Dawn and Dusk Part III
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Before you read, here’s Part I and Part II!
Category: Romantic Fluff, Angst
Fandom: Yona of the Dawn
Characters: Yona, Soo-Won
Requested By: Cherryblossom98 (Ao3)
As Yona knelt amongst the fur-lined blankets and feather pillows strewn across the tent floor, she could not help but wonder if she had made the right decision. 
Alliance. The word bounced around in her otherwise empty cavern of a skull. Such a simple concept, yet for Yona, it carried enough implications to capsize even the stoutest of packhorses. An alliance with Soo-Won. His name was both titillating and dreadful. It made her skin crawl like a parade of ants marched over it, but also sent a pleasurable shudder traveling up to her spine to the base of her neck. Though it had been so long ago, Yona could recollect their night in the encampment so vividly, as if it had occurred only yesterday. Her body hummed with the ghosts of his hands roaming over her clothes. Her lips burned with the phantasms of his hot mouth and tongue. Her heart raced as his whispers echoed in her ear.
"If not forever, then just for tonight?" 
Yona's head rolled on her neck as another tingling tremor rocked her body. Her eyes then snapped open, and she released an affronted gasp. Her nerves ceased their singing as she forced every memory of that night from the forefront of her mind. Screaming irately, she flung one of the throw pillows across the tent. The fabric rippled with the blow, and as it was close to the flap, the entrance fluttered wildly to allow some of the cool evening air to whoosh into the tent and kiss her pink, heated skin. 
I am venturing into dangerous, unknown territory, she lamented woefully. 
Yona had realized that to discover the hidden secrets and nuances of her country, she would have to do some rooting in Hiryuu Castle- and carefully observe the new king, Soo-Won. Thus, she had proposed an alliance between the Sky Kingdom and the cohort of Celestial Dragons. They were a long way from home, and so after marching all day, the soldiers had thrown up an encampment for them to rest for the night. Yona had been given her own tent at Soo-Won's insistence, pitched several yards from her dragons' and Hak's. She had already seen the shadow of the Thunder Beast flicker over the fabric walls as he stubbornly patrolled the perimeter. 
Ironically, or perhaps purposely, Soo-Won's royal tent was also nearby. Yona could see its flags lazily flapping in the wind from the entrance of her tent. The realization that Soo-Won rested within walking distance from her position produced a visceral reaction with her. That dichotomous disbalance she had experienced the last time she had been under Soo-Won's care reignited within her; she had the urge to run to him, to throw herself at him. Yet she also had the desire to wrench up her tent and pitch it as far away from his as she could. 
The roiling emotions exhausted Yona. The cushions and comforters embraced her as she sprawled onto them, lying on her back to frown at the pyramidal cloth ceiling. Dusk was descending; she could tell by the red-gold light filtering in through the fibers, and how the glow faded with each passing moment. She fingered the tassels of the embroidered pillow that cushioned her head as nausea twisted her belly into painful knots. Tears prickled in the corners of her eyes. With a woeful sniffle, she rolled onto her side and hugged a pillow to her chest. 
Yona wanted to be strong, for her country and her people and her friends. Yet, it was so hard to be strong when the weight of so much responsibility crushed her. During moments like this, when the world and darkness came closing in, Yona would allow herself to brood on this thought: I wish none of this had ever happened. I wish Father were still alive, and Soo-Won was still Soo-Won. 
Of course, she knew such wishes were incredibly selfish. Her people had suffered needlessly under her father's reign, and Soo-Won's intentions- regardless of if they were surrounded by murder and secrecy- were to restore the country to peace and prosperity. However, Yona was but a young girl thrust into a world of betrayal, war, and strife. She could only bear so much weight upon her small shoulders until she collapsed. Yona would eventually dry her tears, dust off her kimono, and rise to carry the responsibilities again. Yet, for just a few short moments, she just wanted to be a normal girl allowed to wail her frustrations into the plush of a pillow. 
The fabric was surprisingly breathable as she buried her face into it, and shrilly screamed. The fibers muffled the sound, but it accomplished the intended effect. Yona felt the tension melt from her muscles, and the tears stopped flowing as readily. With a petulant sniff, she pulled away to find smudges of water and snot staining the wine-red material. She turned it over to the clean side before laying her head on it, arching her back to stretch her aching spinal and shoulder muscles. Perhaps they were phantom pains from her imaginary load, but they hurt, nonetheless. 
Just as Yona was beginning to drift into the twilight of half-sleep, she heard the flap of her tent flutter. She peered through the gloom to see a tall shadowy figure framed by the starlight. In her bleariness, she assumed it to be Hak, and so that was whose name she uttered. Her dawn-red eyes fluttered rapidly as the figure stepped into the tent, and she caught the flash of long, straw-colored hair and kingly white robes. 
"No, Yona, it's me." 
Yona jerked up as Soo-Won spoke. All traces of weariness flushed from her system as adrenaline gushed into her veins. Holding the pillow to her torso like a shield, she regarded him warily. With the fading light streaming in through the now-open tent flap, she could see a sad frown on his fair features. "You still fear me?" It was an honest question, not laced with the false croons of manipulation. Soo-Won genuinely lamented the idea that Yona feared him. 
Pursing her lips, she adjusted herself and rested the pillow on her lap to feign ease. It wasn't that she thought Soo-Won would do her harm; she feared to let her guard down around him, because her old feelings were drudging up again. She had to be careful and sound of mind, lest they swallow her entirely so that she drowned in euphoria and things that she wanted so badly but could never be. 
"It's not that. I was nearly asleep; you just frightened me."
"I see." His voice rang hollowly, devoid of emotion. Perhaps he believed her; maybe he didn't. Either way, he crossed the small tent to kneel a respectable distance away yet close enough to reveal familiarity. "I came to see if you had settled in well,” he reported simply. Yona shuffled her legs underneath her to keep her calves from growing numb. 
“Yes, indeed. I thank you for your hospitality,” Yona uttered robotically, just reciting the gratuitous words that had been ingrained in her as a child. Soo-Won continued to gaze at her measuredly. His piercing eyes unsettled her deeply, causing her to fidget and squirm relentlessly. Her skin flushed, and her nerves tingled with the expectation of his hands wandering the planes of her body. Her tongue flickered out to wet her lips. Immediately, Soo-Won’s eyes dropped to stare at her pink mouth with a raw intensity. The passionate look made Yona’s hot body flush further with want. 
Just as she found herself leaning forward to crawl towards him, she stopped herself. 
No! Yona, do not yield to such base temptations! She scolded herself. If she could have slapped herself, she would’ve. As her muscles tensed, Soo-won’s gazed raked back up to her dawn-red eyes. “As I told you, I was nearly asleep. I’m quite tired,” she grumbled. The order, unspoken, burned within her words. Soo-Won continued to stare levelly at her with no apparent intentions to move. Must I speak it plainly? She thought with a scowl forming on her lips. “Soo-Won-”
“Do you love me, Yona?” 
Her face flushed nearly as red as her hair. She pressed her lips together to form a thin white line. Her mind flew to their passionate encounter in the tent just across the border from Sei. I love you. She had almost uttered the words. Of course she loved him. Of course she loved him. She had loved him for so long, and despite everything that had happened so far, she still loved him! Frustrated tears sprung to the corners of her eyes and her bottom lip wobbled. She didn’t want to say. She couldn’t say, because if she did, everything would change. 
Yet say it she did. 
“I do love you, Soo-Won. I love you so much it pains me,” she whispered. A tense silence settled between them, broken only by the chirping of the crickets inhabiting the long grasses surrounding the tent. Slowly, he crawled forward until he was seated in front of her, knees just barely brushing hers. Yona stared forlornly at her hands, which were clasped in her lap, to watch the tears puddle on her skin as they dripped down from her chin. Soo-Won’s fingers came into her circle of vision to wrap lightly around her own. His index finger trailed along the side of hers, and the tender touch sent electric sparks jumping along her nerves. Her red eyes watched as his finger continued to lightly stroke over her skin. “Soo-Won,” she sighed quietly. 
“I know,” he frowned. His hands slid up Yona’s arms, pushing up the long cotton sleeves of her modest kimono. Goosebumps rose in the wake of his touch, making her nerves wail in reverent choir along her forearms. “You can’t forgive me.” Yona swallowed thickly as a hard lump formed in her throat, and she gave him a tiny nod. Every time she would even consider forgiving him, she would envision her father’s body slumped on the floor, a puddle of blood slowly forming around him and staining his kingly clothes ruby red. His hand suddenly brushed over her cheek, and she automatically sought out more of his touch, pressing her face into his palm. Her tears smeared over the soft plane of his hand. 
Why? She lamented. Why do I love him so, when I should do nothing but despise him? Well, it was because she knew it was complicated, the little voice in the back of her head chimed helpfully. It was oh so complicated. He held both her cheeks now, leaning forward to press his forehead against hers. His voice was softer than the first breeze of spring carrying the aroma of the budding flowers. “Yona, I never intended for you to get hurt. More than anything, I wanted you to understand, and be by my side to watch this country of ours return to former glory.” A flood of acid burned her mouth at the word ours. He was the king, and she the princess, so grammatically it was correct. She still loathed the idea of sharing responsibility for her people with Soo-Won. Yet, that was the reality- their reality. 
“I don’t understand anything anymore,” she whispered back, sniffling. “The further I delve, I just grow more and more confused… Please, Soo-Won, just tell me plainly- why did you murder my father? What are you trying to accomplish with your rule? I must know!” she begged. Her hands leaped forward to curl into the silk fabric of his robes, twisting them into tight knots. A shadow darkened Soo-Won’s face as he lowered his head such that it rested against her collarbone; she had to crane her head back to avoid getting a mouthful of his pale gold hair. His arms slid around her waist to hug her tightly. He remained silent for several seconds.
“I can’t tell you, Yona,” he said finally. Yona’s body slumped down with a cold rush of disappointment and defeat. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back further to peer up at the pyramidal ceiling of the tent. Dusk had descended in full; the light gracing the world was now a soft silver. No, she thought morosely, of course you can’t. Yona would have expected a visceral reaction to his words- anger, hurt, frustration. Instead, she just felt cold and numb. The emotions swirling around in her body- the love, hate, desire, and fear- exhausted her thoroughly. 
“Not yet. Not yet.” She looked down at his head, and her eyes widened. Soo-Won’s entire body slumped heavily against her, and his fingers clawed into the back of her kimono, as if he was clutching onto her to avoid being swept out into a stormy and perilous sea. Yona regarded him piteously; he looked so… weary. 
“Soo-Won,” she murmured. Slowly, she leaned down to press a light kiss to the top of his head. In response, he tightened his grip on her. Yona stared silently down into his straw-colored waves of hair, and then slipped her fingers into the threads to stroke them absentmindedly. It was true that Yona bore a heavy burden, trapped in this web of mystery, but undoubtedly Soo-Won bore the weight of the world as well. She rested her cheek against his head with a small exhale. “I cannot forgive you… But I can understand that you have regrets,” she murmured. He shifted against her, pressing his nose into her sternum. 
“There is so much right now that I don’t know and don’t understand,” she said thickly as the tears sprung to her eyes. They beaded across Soo-Won’s hair like dewdrops as she buried her face into it. It was all too much to bear. For a few short moments, Yona wanted to pretend that everything was all right, and she could love Soo-Won freely. “But I know that I love you. So I shall stay with you, at least for tonight.” 
Soo-Won’s body stiffened like steel in her arms. 
“Are you sure, Yona?” His voice was a low rumble that vibrated deep in her bones and made her eyes flutter sensually. The tip of his nose nudged aside the front of her kimono to trail along her collarbone before traveling slowly up the column of her neck; Yona craned her head back to allow him access, only responding with a small simpering whine. His hands secured around her hips to hold her solidly in place. She felt her mind descending into a hazy, blissful fog. 
No political games, no cat-and-mouse chase, no murder plots or kings and princesses embroiled in a struggle for a throne. Simply Soo-Won and Yona, like she had always wanted. Perhaps it was unwise of her to submit to her feelings, but Yona had committed to flinging herself into the pit of oblivion. 
I just want to imagine that things can be between us, if only for one night. 
Yona didn’t recall falling backward, but in the next moment, Soo-Won had her pinned underneath him. He peppered searing, open-mouthed kisses up the length of her jugular; the titillating sensation made her keen and mewl and paw at his clothes. Finally, he pulled himself up so that his face hovered over hers. Yona’s face was flushed and heated, and she panted slightly with expectation. Tenderly, he brushed the pads of his fingers over her lips. 
Then he dove down to capture her mouth with his own. Yona’s back arched as he swept her into a passionate, messy kiss. One of his hands pushed into her tresses of dawn-red hair while the other coursed over her curves, stroking harshly over the soft fabric. The tip of his tongue swept over her bottom lip, pleading for entry, and Yona readily complied. The muscle fervently tangled with her own, and every swirl within her mouth sent pulses of heat through her already flushing body. That cascade of emotion began rippling through her, the confusing waterfalls of hurt and sadness and happiness and hate and love that pooled together in a chaotic maelstrom. As it took hold of her, her movements became sluggish and half-hearted. 
She wanted to keep kissing him, but oh, how she desired to shove him away and curse him and taint his name with obscenities. At one point, her eyes cracked open to see Soo-Won’s sea-green eyes boring into hers. It felt like he could see into the depths of her very soul. Those blue irises were like a tremendous oncoming wave of reality and accusation that threatened to overtake her any moment, and Yona felt panic flood through her veins. Her body stiffened, like she had been petrified. 
Did she really want this? Or was it just pure escapism? 
Yona wasn’t sure how long they kissed, but he finally pulled away in that moment. She sucked in a big gulp of air, chest heaving for oxygen. 
His eyes were lidded as he nosed her cheek. With her red eyelashes fluttering, she peered wearily at him. His sea-blue eyes regarded her with a rapt fascination, like he was drinking every minute detail of her face; his index finger continuously stroked her other cheek in feather-light touches. Yona was not aware she was crying until she felt the wetness roll down her cheek. The tear caught on his fingertip as it moved over her cheekbone, spreading the salty water over her skin. Soo-Won smiled wanly as he again rested his forehead against hers. 
“You hate me, don’t you?” 
The heavy mist that had descended over her mind was clearing, leaving behind the bitter taste of regret. Yona’s throat bobbed as she attempted to swallow the hard lump in her throat, but it remained stubbornly lodged there. The teardrops clung to her red eyelashes as they flapped repeatedly. Soo-Won had obviously sensed the complicated feelings gripping her and had ceased his actions accordingly. She wasn’t sure whether she was disappointed or relieved. 
Hate. Yona had never considered how strong the word was until that moment. She worried her bottom lip with her teeth as she pondered the question. 
“You? No. I don’t hate you. I hate what has become of us,” she murmured finally. She knew she could never bring herself to hate Soo-Won, not really. She could only direct all that hate to the complicated reality that had developed between them as a consequence of her naivety and ignorance. How pathetic of me, she thought wryly. Yet, that was the reality of it, something Yona had to live with. Soo-Won smiled dryly and slowly sat up. His blond hair was soft as it brushed over her exposed neck and shoulder. 
“That’s an eloquent way to put it,” he chuckled. The iron edge to his voice cut through Yona like a knife. With a weary sigh, he swept his hair behind his shoulder. He then glanced out of the flap of the tent, which was still flapping in the night breeze. The white moonlight streamed in through the triangular-shaped gap to bathe over Yona and ignite her red hair into ruby threads. While she basked in the light, Soo-Won was framed by the shadows. The darkness cast harsh lines onto his face, making his usually soft and pretty features hard-edged and intimidating. His eyes glinted at her like chips of aquamarine, thoughtful. “I hate what’s become of us,” he echoed, but more like he was analyzing the statement than agreeing with it. 
Though Yona had offered to stay with him, Soo-Won rose to leave. She knew that it was for the best; it was unwise to complicate their situation any further. She rolled onto her side as he made for the entrance of the tent. Resting her head on the wine-red pillow, she closed her eyes and exhaled deeply. Her heart still hammered in her chest, reacting to the ghosts of Soo-Won’s hands on her body and his lips against hers, hot and heavy. 
“Yona,” Soo-Won called suddenly. She opened her eyes to peer curiously at him. He smiled faintly at her, silhouetted by the moonlight. “See you at dawn.” Then he was gone. He pinned the flap behind him, and the tent became enveloped in darkness. Yona stared at the place he had been for several seconds. Then, she sighed deeply and rolled onto her back to stare up at the ceiling of the tent again. 
There was nothing to do but what for dawn to come. Dawn, after this long, long dusk that Yona had been trapped in since the night of her father’s death.
Enjoy this oneshot? Here’s Part IV and Part V! Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
Tag List: @deliathedork​
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meaninglessblah-writes · 5 years ago
46. Midnighter/Jason please.
Thanks for the prompt, anon! (And sorry for taking so long to smash this one out). Hope you enjoy a little bit of domestic Midnighter/Jason ♥️ 
46: “Hey, have you seen the..? Oh.” 
It’s a relatively uneventful patrol, just as M had predicted (supercomputer precognition be damned), and Jason calls it quits sometime around 2am, shouldering into their apartment as he divests himself of his outer layers. The lights are on in the kitchen - M always makes sure he has somewhere bright to come home to - and there’s a half-made cup of tea waiting for him on the counter when Jason pads into the room. 
He can hear the faint sounds of M moving in the other room, apparently awake despite the early hour. So Jason clicks on the electric kettle and checks himself down for any of the more persistent scrapes and bruises. There’s a gash on his elbow from where he’d clipped a broken pipe in an alley in the Narrows, weeping languorously down the length of his forearm, but he’s otherwise unscathed. 
Jason hums a low note, rolling back his sleeve and twisting for the box of tissues next to the kettle, which have miraculously vanished. He frowns, casting his gaze over to the other counter, and then checks out to the living-dining room, just in case M’s moved it while he’s been out. 
It doesn’t materialise beneath the sweep of his eyes, so Jason turns back to run his arm under the faucet and dab the rest dry with the tea towel on the draining board. Then he folds it, sets it aside, and wanders over to the single bedroom, where he can see the glow of a lamp filtering out into the hallway. 
Jason tucks his head around the door frame and calls, “Hey, have you seen the…? Oh.” 
The glare that greets him from the mountain of blankets and pillows could have skinned a man alive. It’s all Jason can do not to burst into laughter as he eases out from around the frame and steps into the room. 
“What on earth,” he snickers. 
M gives him a petulant grunt from within the monstrosity of a pillow fort, wriggling deeper into the plush cosiness of the bed. Jason can see the tips of his socked toes where they peek out from the edge of the comforter, curling off the end of the mattress. He can just make out M’s humongous bulk from within the layers of blankets, sprawled out over the entire width. 
“I have a cold,” M bites out, the burning wrath on his expression somewhat marred by the twitch of his bright red, agitated nose. His eyes are puffy around the edges, sinuses swollen and irritated. He looks like a very grumpy bunny. 
“You have a man-flu,” Jason teases, crossing to the end of the bed to survey his partner in a better light. There’s a malicious glint to his eyes that tells Jason he’s going to throttle the first person he gets his fists on, and that makes Jason’s lips curl in an unquenchable grin. “I thought the superhuman supercomputer wasn’t susceptible to the common cold?” 
M mumbles something through a pout that Jason doesn’t quite manage to catch. Then he fumbles for the nearest tissue box, face twisting into a sneeze as he ricochets up off the pillows and doubles over with a bellow. 
Jason bleats a delighted laugh that earns him a dark look as M slumps back and recedes into his nest. “You want some hot cocoa?” 
The blankets rustle, some nameless limb moving within them until M thrusts a single finger in his direction. 
Jason rolls his eyes good-naturedly, stepping around the bed and lifting the comforter until M can tuck his arm back within its warmth. He smooths the sheets down with one hand, setting the tissue box on the side table until he can occupy the sliver of mattress not piled high with pillows. 
“I’m serious,” he says, softer this time, and brushes a crooked knuckle down the vigilante’s tense jaw. “Cocoa will help warm you up, and it’ll taste pretty damn great too. Alfred taught me his secret recipe the week I caught pneumonia. Got to watch him cow the unrufflable Batman too, when he found out B had let me patrol in the scaly panties in sub-thirty temperatures.” 
That earns him a twitch of a smile, though Jason’s not sure if it’s for the thought of Bruce getting chewed out, or for the thought of Jason in the Robin outfit. There’s definitely a lewd tilt to it that has Jason smirking. 
“There he is,” Jason coos in a low murmur, ducking down to plant a kiss on M’s forehead. M takes it with a barely-there protest, most of his sulk bleeding away at the touch of Jason’s lips. He tries not to feel too smug about that. “How about this: you choose a show on Netflix, and I’ll make you a cup of cocoa while my tea is brewing. Then I’ll climb into this bed with you and we can pretend to watch it, hmm?” 
M’s brow pinches in gratitude, a rumbling whine crawling up his throat as he turns to press a kiss to the back of Jason’s fingers when they shift free from his forehead. Jason pulls to his feet with a soft smile. 
“You’ll be over this in no time, don’t worry,” he promises wryly, heading for the door. M’s gaze follows behind him - or, more likely, his behind - as Jason pauses in the doorway. “Plus, if you’re bedridden, that means I get to play doting wife. Been looking for an excuse to wear that apron - and only that apron - for weeks.” 
M’s eyes sparkle with intrigue from within the pile of blankets, and Jason lets his grin grow before he turns back for the screaming kettle, stripping down to his boxers as he goes. He’s more than a little excited not to be the resident space heater for once; he intends to capitalise on his captive lover while he can.  
And Jason’d be lying if he said he wasn’t looking forward to a few days snuggled up to M’s side, ankles intertwined beneath the sheets. Just hot tea and warm cocoa - and maybe later, he’ll wrangle together some chicken soup - to see them through. 
Yeah, Jason thinks as he scoops up their mugs and heads for his bed-bound patient, just what the doctor ordered. 
If you want to ask me more questions, check out my list of prompts and quote the 6-digit number in the tags :)
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addytheheartbreaker · 5 years ago
Yandere! Joen x Addy x Overprotective! Nicol part 3
(Warning: this part story is angsty and trigger warning themes for only 16+ contains mild swear words, violence, hurt and comfort and death mentioned of the following story that you are reading. Please advice you to not read it if you are uncomfortable of this topic, thank you.)
(This is gunna hurt me as hell, believed me)
*Joen's POV*
Early morning, a perfect time to wake up since I couldn't sleep properly. I haven't got thoses sleeping irritation since my asylum days. Anyway, waking up early on 6:03 am, I wore my comfortable and simple straightjacket that could fit me if he came to happen on my way, the amusement park is still closed yet I'll be back to open on afternoon once I am done with him. I couldn't help but excited to see her.
Teleporting on my way inside to the Dog mansion, I am outside Doll's door. The halls are quiet then I ever expected, I was expecting his step siblings or one of the dog brothers to patrolling or sensing a presence throughout the hallways or around the mansion to guarding any intruder to their property. Thank the lord for having this gift of power to be able to get inside without going to this place with my own feet. That would be the pain in the ass you know?
I teleported again inside with my sleeping beauty covering with transparent curtains around the mattress. My guardian angel is wearing the same pajama dress and she is surrounded with her stuffed toys as some of her other stuffed toys fallen at her bed alone. Picking up those plushies to return back to the owner of these plush toys, I moved the curtain to get her fresh air to her sleep as I sit beside her sleeping form.
She sprawl up straight with her head tilted on her right slumbering so peacefully. Is she supposed to wake up early this hour? She told me she will sometimes wake up so very early either 2 or 5 o'clock in the morning for no reason on her own head. Maybe insomnia or a sleeping disorder? Her own guts that woke her so early? It is complicated to understand herself with those situations to notices her issue. She looks so very tired. Did she wake up all night again or her work from her gang's status checking if her whole empire is under control with Doll still hiatus.
It doesn't matter to find out myself when I look at her as I started fuzzy again with my own feelings for her. I want to confessed to her. To be honest though, she looks just like Jessica Rabbit but much more different and better then I ever have in my life. Addy, my guardian angel, the Doll who saved me, company me my lonely days at the asylum, listen and understand me. But the only one thing that would complete the list is loving me dearly. The real Jessica Rabbit loves her husband Roger Rabbit, not by the looks but loving him for who he is honestly. She doesn't want to loved a man by their looks like some girls attracting to guys with muscles and charming features. Jessica loves Roger of everything about him, making her laugh and make her life happy.
That is what I thought of. I've been imagining myself as Roger Rabbit since that is what everyone called me before and my favorite childhood cartoon character. A silly, goofy and charming rabbit who makes everyone happy with my humorous tricks and magic to entertained them. But what is missing is my own Jessica Rabbit. That is where Addy came in. I noticed of how much she acted just like the female cartoon that I like. I said it many times in my own head: beautiful, lustrous, elegant, kind and gentle, a strong woman, serious, simple and a true babe she is. Doll is somehow a much more better version of Jessica. I liked a girl who is a bit shorter than me, simpler and unique, a good girl who secretly a bad girl inside and a wonderful personality.
Gazing on her sleeping position and hearing my own heart beat ringing through my ears and sweating a little as I gazed on her. Her long hair, her petite body, the feeling of love replaced it with longing and lust. I don't wanna rush things from her, but I couldn't help but gazed on her face until I stare at her lips.
Those pink lip of hers looks very divine and sweet through her well manner and shy/confident voice. I gulp while I keep staring at her lips as she sleeps very still. My heart and mind is telling me that makes me bite my own lip, I couldn't help myself no more as I leaned onto her carefully not to interrupt her slumber. My heart beats much more faster and my own guts twisted in excitement, I couldn't say no to her lips finally I leaned closely to her face with the help of my hand to cup her cheek to get a better angle as I finally kiss her.
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My body twitch like an electricity spreading through my own body and heated up while I kissed her. Just as I thought about her own lips, so sweet and soft like a bunny. I kissed her deeply for more, I wanted more from her yet it so wrong if she woke up witnessing me kissing her without her permission. But I couldn't controlled myself of how much I needed her. God damnit, I could feel something underneath me painfully then my own hand started roaming down to caressed her abdomen and down to her hips.
Is this? Oh fuck it is happening. I wanted to kiss her even further to slip my tongue at her. I need her, no, I WANTED HER SO BADLY! SO BADLY THAT I WANTED HER AS MINE! I MIGHT GO FUCKING INSANE THE MORE I CRAVED THIS DOLL GIRL!
God, why did you make such a precious angel to make me feel this way, make me fallen to her beauty and kindness? She did deserved better then staying with that unstable mutthead, she belong to my wonderland where she can be safe and happy with those horrible people who had broke this masterpiece of a doll. How fucking dare they for destroying her and killing her several times while she is at her own era.
I didn't realized that have been kissing her for like an hour or long. I let go the kiss to stare of her lovely face again with a smile.
I snapped out from my own fantasy to hear someone interrupting the moment that I eagerly prepared for her just until I recognized voice then quickly glared at the person leaning back beside her door.
Oh that fucking asshole.
*Nicol's POV*
I couldn't sleep properly already, it was 6 o'clock in the morning and I can't get back to sleep. I always sleep on 12 o'clock but why didn't I sleep? Maybe I just worried to much? Maybe my problems are coming back? I already go through rehab to stopped drinking alcohol and drugs since 3 years ago. Why can't I sleep already?
I grunt myself angrily as I flop out from my bed as I lazily went my way to the kitchen to drink something to soothes me. Tea would be great to calm my nerves which only takes 15 minutes to prepared it. *sigh* such a nice aroma and taste, a bit bitter if I wish to add suger. Suddenly something feels wrong, very wrong. It felt like someone is inside the mansion unawared and possessive. I quickly finished my tea to investigate who the hell invaded my territory without my permission.
To my horror when I used my dog instinct to track down leading to Dollface's room. Prepared and ready myself in combat from the door and do a sneak attack to protect her. No one is going to hurt or kill my Dollface from me, I'll bite who evers faces to shreds real hard till I could taste copper tingling through my tongue.
The horror to my eyes suddenly changed into anger quickly. I quietly lean back beside the door, cross my arms, wearing my death stare look as I speak in a cold tone.
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"What are you doing here, Rabbit?"
*No ones POV*
Joen glared straight into Nicol's eyes. Their eyes connected as sharp as a knife ready to stab to the death. Giving them silence between the two most former dangerous animals since Rivalry era, the two couldn't take their eyes off just until Dog's death stare breaks to analyzed what is going on. The Rabbit stands up from Doll's bed to greet him with his signature friendly greeting to pretend he had came in too early even if it means lying on his face.
Joen: ah, Nicol Mcgilles! I was just came here to check on Doll if she is safe. Well I guess she is still sleeping, I was wondering if yo-
Nicol: Cut the crap and stop lying to me Joen Roger. I know your game we used to played you Trickster.
Joen: *thought* did he just insult me? Wow, what a bastard he is. Well that is rude of you while I explained ya. *chuckles* if you could acted more nicely to me, I could have explained to you, ya crappy dogshit.
Nicol: *thought* grr that son of a- oh I knew he had hide something behind my back. That face that he was wearing. I repeat that again Psycho Bunny. What are you doing in Addy's room? Answer me with no shitty dodges yo got that?
The conversation became intense inside Addy's room, the atmosphere is not safe when the two keep their voices louder inside her room almost waking her up. Joen notices her movement still haven't waking up from their argument as the rabbit man dodges the dog man with a excuse.
Joen: why don't we go somewhere other than having our conversation here. Its very inappropriate for us to have this chitchat of ours while Doll is still asleep.
Both look down to checked Addy moving her head a little due to the noise which almost caught them from their loud voices if it keeps on going here. It is a good idea to go somewhere, but this pissed Nicol since she needed to stop the two from fighting. He hates to unleash his oldself back, but he had no choice however, he couldn't help but wanting to beat up Rabbit a lesson or two.
Nicol: yeah, good idea. Come this way Psycho Bunny, I'll escort you somewhere open to continue our discussion peacefully.
The two left Addy's room carefully not to disturbed her. Nicol escorted Joen through the hallways, guiding him the room much more open and a good choice to echo outside if anything happened, the dance room. That is where Nicol teaching Addy to dance since she haven't dance for a longest time and trained her to be ready for his performance in the Masked Singer. Two men face to face like a tournament ready to a fist fight, the two begin continuing their conversation earlier.
Nicol: okey where are we? Oh yes, What are you doing at Addy's room? Like I said, no shitty dodges for your nonsense of a lie. You are really bad at lying.
Joen: yeah, yeah I heard ya loud and clear Dog. I'm just here to get something what is mine.
Nicol: and that it?
Joen: taking Addy for myself. You actually just neglecting and forgetting Doll for a reason, for a reason of what? Your issues? your old self has coming back to ya? Oh that's right, your are just as horrible of day care as your old fucker doing when he is alive!
Nicol: don't you fucking dare mentioning the old geezer in this conversation, I am not like my ex master like that! I did what I did for her sake alone!
Joen: your sake, my ass! That is why you are getting in my way since you are a selfish, heartless and irresponsible motherfucker to leave her behind almost to her death!
Nicol: I don't understand Joen! What is it have to do with Addy anyway god damnit? Yes, I failed to know her unstable mentality is getting worse and her mental breakdown but I don't get the fact you kissed her. What is it have to do with her after I saw you kissing her?!
Joen: you always getting in my fucking way when you are beside her! I'm jealous for your closeness to Addy just like your own jealous of me and my brother's healing and strong bond together! I wanted her so badly to become as mine yet you happen to keeping her from me!
Nicol: *realization* are you saying you have a crush on Addy? Dude, do you have any fucking idea what you are doing right now with your head? You can't just kiss her while she is asleep. Just don't come near Addy with those creepy-
Joen: *thought* and that is what I am trying to fucking telling ya, yo mindless asshole! Don't you take my girl away from me!!! *grip tighten hands through raged* Fuck this and fuck you Nicolas! I'm taking her myself!!!
To be continue.... Coming up....
Joen's ending
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whiskeyworen · 5 years ago
Sonnya - Feline Friend
It felt good to be home again.
It had been so long since Sonnya had walked the familiar, symmetrically aligned, mathematically perfect cobble of Rata Sum. The gentle thrum and throb of energy conduits in the walls, in displays. The glorious golden sun leeching through the habitat illuminator passages, filling the Asuran city with natural glow. She couldn't help but pause for a moment near a planned waterfall, listening to the water flowing down over the specially-shaped platforms into the depths below. Someone had once told her that the positioning of the platforms the water met on its way down was set up to maximize the relaxing sound of the crashing falls without the need for dramatic splash, as well as to increase vaporization as the water misted every time it hit a platform.
She breathed deep, the petrichor scent making her smile. Sonnya personally loved that earthy, fresh smell. Almost as much as she loved the smell of ozone from electrical arcing. Just the scent of either reminded her of the amazing storms that sometimes swept through Maguuma, and the lightning she got to see. Natural lightning was so very different from the kind elementalists threw around. There was just...something...about a natural lightning strike that put one in awe.
The hustle and bustle of the city had not diminished in her absence. Citizens still walked the street, heading for personal destinations, or just relaxed, chatting amicably. The Peacemakers still patrolled the streets; you never knew when someone's lab experiment might 'get loose', or when lab drama might spill over. Sonnya wandered the streets, sidestepping apprentices that ran pell-mell between krewes. With a chuckle, she noted just how many had a frantic, terrified look on their faces. She remembered being an apprentice too, so long ago. How many years had it been?
Still, Rata Sum was a living city. A city full of a people that never liked to just sit still and never change. And so, the city itself was changing. When she'd arrived, she'd already noted that the exterior size of the city had expanded another hundred acres or so; new layers were being added to the outer edges of the city as it expanded and reconfigured internally. There had been a news report on the 'ticker' she had passed by; something about adapting the Rata Novan style of fiber-optic cabling to bring light inside to the city. From the jist of it, the Arcane Council was concerned that as the city, expanded, the illuminator passages would grow too long to permit proper internal lighting. To save cost, they were going to fill a number of the passages with optic cable.
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It wasn't a bad idea, but she hoped they wouldn't entirely PLUG the holes with fiber optics; part of the wonderful part about Rata Sum was that those tunnels also permitted air circulation, and kept the air in the city fresh and clean. Maybe a partial fill would be suggested? Sonnya made a note mentally to send her Statics representative on the council a suggestion. It might not mean anything, but at least she'd have tried.
There were other changes, of course. Old bars and shops had closed down, to be replaced in turn by new shops and bars. Her old drinking hangout from college had been turned into a toy shop for progeny looking to build golems. That was a disappointment, but such was life.
As she turned the corner of a support pillar near Research Point, she blinked in surprise. Without realizing it, her new optic gear immediately had highlighted an unusual object in her vision. It was a simple book cart but... it wasn't Asuran made. It looked almost Krytan. Maybe Norn, but if it was Norn it was on the small size.
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"Interesting..." She said thoughtfully, slowly walking up to it. There were at least a hundred books, maybe more, stacked chaotically on its shelves. The Obsessive-Compulsive cleaner in her instantly wanted to reorganize and straighten everything, and it took Sonnya a moment to reign in her instinct, instead settling on picking up a book.
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It was a simple thing, bound in pressed wood-fiber rather than the traditional leather, but the reason for that became immediately clear. The fanciful, adorably cute, chubby cat on the cover, with his bright yellow eyes, monocle, and little bowler hat, dancing with an equally adorable quaggan pup was evidence enough; it was a child's book. " 'Chauncey and His Pal... Shooshadoo?' " Sonnya read aloud, more amused than anything else. It was not what she expected at all. The name of the quaggan rang a bell, but she couldn't put her finger on why. She couldn't help it. She flicked through the well-loved book, and felt a moment of nostalgic glee, remembering instantly what it felt like to read books like this when she was just a little one. There was a pang of sadness there too; Sonnya had so far passed that little tyke that she had been once, that she had almost forgotten those things that made her happy back then. With reluctance, she put the book down, and reached slowly for another. Surprisingly, it too, was another progeny's reader. This one was 'Chauncey and the Plush Pillar', a silly tale about the cat heading north to see, of all things, a big pillar covered in what seemed to be soft wool. The picture of the cat, done up in a fluffy, poofy winter parka, staring up in obvious awe at the pillar, eyes wide in a very recognizable 'I'm gonna claw that' expression, made her giggle in spite of herself. Was this cart nothing but children's books? Sonnya wondered a bit, reaching for another, then another book. It seemed it must be, which was fine with her; the progeny in Rata Sum should read something other than texts and manuals, after all. Let them have their childhood. There was a book cracked open under another one near the front end of the cart, where the tow bars were. She eased it out from under the pinning book and looked at it. The cover was ruined, unfortunately; whatever artwork had been on it had been scoured away by age and neglect. Flipping it open to a random page, she expected to see more child-level language, but was surprised to see what appeared to be a partial treatise on ley-line magical 'intoxication' and abberation in living things poisoned by ley energy. It was written in a dramatic prose, like some kind of hard, realistic novel, even though there were only a dozen or so pages to the book! "What the Cog?..." Sonnya muttered, puzzled, as she flicked back and forth through the pages, skimming text. Most of the pages were ruined too; entire segments had been washed away or scoured away, leaving a few words here or there. "What IS this?" "Having fun reading?" A voice playfully purred from somewhere above her. With a start, Sonnya stepped back, her eyes flaring blue as the optics flicked on again, isolating the speaker. It was... another Asura. She was lounging on top of the flat top of the book cart, one arm hanging lazily off the edge while the other propped her chin up. She smiled at Sonnya, and flicked the her hand that was hanging off the edge a little. "Well? Were you enjoying my collection?" There was something distinctly feline about her, Sonnya decided immediately. Everything from her posture on the cart, to the shape of her eyes and irises (were those contacts or was she born with slit eyes?), to the very coloration of the spots on her face screamed 'CAT'. Well, that and the pair of kitty ears attached to the headband the woman had on. That kind of was a giveaway too.
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"I-uh." Sonnya stammered for a second, glancing down at the book in her hand. "Well, yeah, I suppose? They reminded me of when I was little. It was....nice to look at them. You know?" She tapped an armored finger on the cover of the book she still had in her hands. "But... this one doesn't seem to belong. I mean, if this is a cart of kids books, this one is...well... it seems more like it was meant for an older reader?" The cart owner rolled lazily off the roof, dropping with practiced ease onto her feet with an economy of motion that was quite impressive. She seemed to move like she was more like a fluid than a person. Once again, Sonnya was struck by how very feline that made her seem. Feline grace? She found herself attributing to this individual.
She meeped, jaw snapping shut as the cart owner suddenly sidled up to her, very much in her personal space, to take a look at the text in the book. By 'very much', she actually hooked an arm around Sonnya's armoured shoulders and leaned against her while looking at the book. "Hmm?... Oh yes, that one. Hehe. No, that's a kiddy's kitty book too."
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Almost as an afterthought, she turned her head and looked at Sonnya directly. "Oh, I'm Netto, by the by."
Too close too close too close! was all that ran through Sonnya's mind. She could actually see her own heart rate skyrocket in the corner of her vision, because this Netto was almost nose to nose with her. What kind of person gets that close to a perfect stranger?? At the same time, a small part of her realized Sonnya herself wasn't remotely trying to step back to a safer 'personal space' distance. Which raised all kinds of questions in her own mind. Deal with that later!
"I-uh... I'm Sonnya?" She blinked awkwardly, ears back. "But... what do you mean, this is a kid's book?" Netto chuckled and slid around in front of her, clasping the book, and by chance, both of Sonnya's mailed hands (and causing another instant skyrocket heartrate), and began turning the pages, using Sonnya's hands like puppets. "Because it is. You didn't read far enough yet!"
She made Sonnya turn to one of the last pages, where, sure enough, there was a partial image of a very proud looking black and white cat, with hat and monocle standing before a very sneaky looking grey cat. Chauncey, once again. "See? There's Chauncey, and Shadow."
Sonnya's jaw dropped for the second time in as many minutes. How could something the seemed so seriously written be for mere progeny? "I...don't understand. This is a child's book? But the rest of the text in it that I can read is..."
Netto sighed, taking the book out of her hands, and closing it. She stroked the cover sadly. "Yeah, I know. It doesn't seem like the others. But it was written by the same author as the others! I think this might have been an attempt to break into a more 'adult' market, like tweens or young teenagers."
She pursed her lips, frowning. "This is the only copy I've been able to find so far. And it spent ITS time in a water-logged basement in Beetletun."
"It's that rare?"
Netto shrugged. "Maybe. Yes? No? I might find a better copy some day, but until then, this one is gonna stay in my collection." She waved a hand idly at the cart. "The others are all mass-produced regularly, so I can actually sell those. This one... is more for me." She smiled. "And to tempt people into reading more, like you!"
Before she could say anything, Netto was right up in her face again, eyes bright. "So, does that mean you like cats too? I mean, you were reading all through my Chauncey series!"
"Y-yes. I do like cats." Sonnya admitted nervously, blinking. "I can't own one though. I don't have a residence. And they don't let pets stay in Vigil Keep." She paused for a second, thinking, before shrugging. "except ranger pets. But those are different."
"Aw, that's such a shame! Cats are the best!" Netto spun away, the book clutched to her chest, before she put it back on the cart. "What was the first book you read here? Was it 'Plush Monolith'?"
"Uh, no, I think it was... Shooshadoo? Yes, it was Shooshadoo." Sonnya began to step closer, ready to point it out.
"Shooshadoo! One of my favorites!" Netto exclaimed gleefully. She was immediately back to hanging off Sonnya's shoulder, while she held up the book. "Every time I read this, I think of all the little adventures I used to dream up when I was little!"
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Netto was so close she was almost talking directly into Sonnya's ear, which she desperately tried not to flick up or down or anything like that. She really hoped the cart owner couldn't see her blush, because of how close she was. If there was one thing in the world Sonnya wasn't used to, it was physical closeness like this. Especially from someone so... emotionally 'personable'. "Y-yeah. Me too. It made me think of when I was little and I'd read to my sisters." "Aw, that's so cute!" Netto purred, giving her shoulder an affectionate shake. She leaned in conspiratorially, this time actually whispering into Sonnya's ear. "Tell ya what. Because this book is both of our favorites, I'm gonna do something naughty."
"Naughty?" Sonnya squeaked, swallowing heavily. Netto's eyes were locked on her, and there was a deviousness buried there. "Like... what?"
"I'm going to give you the book." She whispered, carefully placing the book into Sonnya's hand and making sure to close her fingers over it. "Free of charge. From one cat fan to another. One nostalgia to another."
"You're just...giving it to me?" Sonnya asked, her puzzlement coloring her voice. She stared at the book now in her grasp. "But...why?"
"Because I saw the way your face lit up when you realized what you were reading." Netto explained, smiling. "And because it looked like you hadn't been happy in a while." She cocked her head to the side, the kitty ears almost seeming to twitch in thought along with her real ears. "I saw you walking around, and the smile you had on before was nice, but kind of surface-y. But the moment you started reading this book."
She grinned broadly, and moved in front of her. "It was like you became a whole other person."
Sonnya actually ducked her head in embarrassment at that. There was no way she was going to hide her blush at a comment like that. "Well... thanks. I feel a bit silly though, taking a kids book and adding it to my library."
Netto's smile faded and she looked Sonnya squarely in the eye. "There's nothing wrong with hanging on to the things that make you happy. The one thing people forget is how to BE happy. They think that they need to abandon the trappings of childhood to become an adult." She shook her head. "Even I did that, until I realized that the things that made me happy also helped balance me as an adult. We all need to decompress, to release and feel simple, happy, and free."
Her smile returned, and she swung an arm back at the book cart. "I realized I only needed to let my love of cats come to light, and not be shamed by such a 'childish impulse', to be happy. Now I collect and sell kitty books to kids...adults..." she said the word meaningfully, tapping the cover of the book. "...to make them happy as well. I also collect cat-related items, just for fun!"
"Cat related articles?" Sonnya repeated. She was still trying to process Netto's rather profound speech about maturity. It made sense, on some level...but could she pull it off too? Could she just...let go and be free like that? It felt almost impossible.
Netto reached up with both hands and tugged on her kitty headband's ears. "Like these! And statues, toys, holos, furniture!" She laughed. "Oh, if you were to see my residence... It's literally all cat now." "That sounds... actually kinda fun." Sonnya admitted, smiling. She tried to picture the typical asuran hab residence, all done up some how with cat related materials. "Kinda wish I could see it."
There was a momentary pause as Netto looked at her, considering her as if for the first time. "Well, in that case, how long are you in town, little miss Vigil?" That really caught Sonnya offguard. She hadn't expected a question like that at all. "Uh, I'm actually on extended leave. This is actually my first day back in Rata Sum... I haven't even arranged for lodging yet."
That glint was back in Netto's eyes, and it made Sonnya's heart skip a beat. Oh no. What is she planning?
"Interesting." Netto purred again. She tapped a finger against her lips, chuckling. "Well, it just so happens I have a spare room. It hasn't been cat-ified yet, but if you are up to it, you can bunk with me. Then I can show you all the different kitty-related things I've got. How does that sound?"
"You'd be willing to take in a perfect stranger?" Sonnya asked, unsure.
Netto shrugged blithely, raising an eyebrow. "You're Vigil. Don't come much more upstanding than that, am I right?"
"True, there IS that." Sonnya admitted, running a finger down the cover of the book while she thought. "Well... if you're offering..."
"And I am..." Netto supplied, smirking a bit.
"...Then I accept your offer." She tapped the book. "Both your offers, I mean. Including this gift."
Netto grinned and clapped her hands happily. "Wonderful. Simply wonderful."
She darted over to the cart and pulled a small device out, before stepping back to a safe distance. "Just let me lock down the cart, and we'll be off."
Before Sonnya could ask what she meant by 'lock down', Netto pressed a button on the device, and eight little pyramids shot out of the device, surrounding the cart. Once positioned, they seemed to link up with lasers, before reflective barriers were erected, sealing the cart in. "Just a bit of security. I don't like having to pack and unpack the cart every time I want to go do something or have a bite to eat. So I made this little projector set."
She offered Sonnya a grin over her shoulder. "The projectors are on the inside of the barrier, so you can't just break them on the outside. Gotta use the remote for that."
Putting the remote in her pocket, Netto slid back over to Sonnya and linked elbows with her, beginning to drag her off. "Now! Let's go show you your new room, roomie!" --- Writer’s note: There really was no purpose for this story. I was wandering around Rata Sum and found Netto, made some screenshots, had an impulsive story idea, and wrote it out. It’s not part of my canon...but it could be? I’m not sure. I usually don’t like using ‘real characters’ from the game as direct contacts with my own. Especially not hinting ships. Too high a chance of friggin’ Mary Sue-ing things. But this felt cute, so I did it. I still haven’t honestly decided what Sonnya’s interests are, so this could totally be true. XD What say you, reader? Should I make this part of my story world’s canon? Or leave it as a cute one-shot?
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grim-faux · 4 years ago
18_Collecting Days
Fool child. What business did he get up to in his absence? Rhetorical question, he had a suspicion of what he could be up to when left to his own devices.
 However, he admitted only to himself that he was relieved that the boy hadn’t been physically harmed. That made his shutdown all the more annoying. Nonetheless, that much blood was reason for concern, and it had been one of the key leads he followed to wander close to Mono’s proximity. Perhaps he tricked another adult to their demise. Often, children did whatever was necessary to safeguard their survival and welfare. He shared in those experiences.
 In the least, he seemed recovered in that regard since the… treachery.
 The Thin Man dithered in his wandering to shift his stance and check the Signal Tower, far in the distance. Clouds swarmed the spire above, gravitating to an electrical current or frequency the lost denizens were drawn to. On the roof ledge below his perch, Viewers gawped, enthralled by the mesmerizing siren call. Hopelessly lost, aimless and unable to return to the television screens that would deliver them to that fantasy realm they craved more than air or foods.
 What had the child been up to? If not for that tempering pull, he might never have the opportunity to realize a direction. In the entirety of the city, and stall of current pulsing through the televisions. Perhaps this was all blown out of proportion. The blood. It might’ve been some animal, the city had an abundance of rats. Not that it mattered where it came from. It still unsettled him, the child’s reaction.
 It would be wise to keep tabs on him. The paradox continued its work, nothing had been ceased as of yet. No diversion, stall, or corruption – this he remained steadfast certain of. Alas, without the sanctuary the Tower provided, the young Mono was susceptible to the threats that all children faced. He couldn’t speculate clearly if this was indeed the case, his knowledge extended only to the point of resignation to the alure of protection – his fantasy and solitude. Mono did not share that fate as of yet, and what this meant at all… perplexed him. Had there been a point of time that the Thin Man and Mono existed simultaneously, until destiny wound them into a concurrent fixture?
 He sighed and stepped away from the ledge. Below, one of the Viewers plunged.
 Avoidance could be the answer he sought. Or not. The cycle could continue its sad trill, he wanted no more part of it. If he could help it.
 The corridors winding through the building are hushed, with only the creaks and groan of the walls was they sway against the harrowing gust outside. Some rooms have sprung leaks, and water trickled down the walls – a sinking ship, weeping of its fate. Discarded items lay about, some suitcases, duffle bags partially emptied. In a room, the snow flashed across a pair of trousers and shirt, laid out neatly as if set aside for a short spell.
 At a breach in the wall, a lonely stuffed toy sat upright. Some of the threads in its head have come loose, it sagged sideways. Its been hours, it might’ve been abandoned. However, it could await till the end of time, or until the building collapsed entirely. Whatever came first.
 Within the heart of the hole, a shadow fluttered. Then a head popped out, dark scraggily hair matted and dusty. The shape ducked back shortly, in order to evaluate the hallway once over. There was no such thing as being too careful. After a moment of checking that all the gloom was in place, the cracks were unchanged, and no door had shifted; the boy crawled out fully.
 Mono hurtled into the plush and hauled it off the floor. The legs dragged as he marched down the corridor, flittering between dark spaces in the wall. He had a light stride, swift. He made his to the passage that led to the jammed room, the bear he dragged all the way through.
 Over the last few days, he preoccupied the time with scouting through this place. Browsing through all the rooms he could access easily, bypassing those that seemed permanently sealed. Every so often he patrolled through, assuring himself no noises and televisions lingered within. He found this one corridor on this floor was practically deserted. The floors below it, only where the elevator reached up to… that is where the danger lurked. There wasn’t much a reason to visit those places, unless he wanted to take stock how many televisions were in the place. He reserved trips to the ground floor, and the café. When he was in the mood, he did check the abandoned rooms, and sometimes found treasures.
 Like the small wooden cart thing he carried under his arm.
 He shoved the bear against the side of the recliner, and then sat with the little wooden cart. Other toys littered the familiar room, such as a large top, a flashlight, some wooden animals, this faded boat. Items he pilfered from the rooms he could get into, and were relatively safe.
 The familiar room wasn’t his first choice of shelter, but it was accessible only to him. It also had no windows, for wicked towers to peer into, or lights. It didn’t stave of insomnia, but it did make him feel more at ease.
 Most days he spent dozing in the dark, while he had that precious time to recuperate. Venturing to the ground floor was always suspenseful, he didn’t know what would be there. Viewers were frequent visitors, and that might be the reason why no other children stayed in this place. And also, it was a hazard to remain too long in a single location. Foods shortage was a serious issue.
 He carried the bear around to the backside of the recliner, and set him down. He tucked the flashlight against the plush waist, so that it offered clear light to the wall. The bear observed, while Mono added some more pictures to the hard wood. He could tolerate the bear, and the bear could tolerate him. He’s not very good at keeping track of days. In the speek he recounts some of the scenery he’s seen, the pleasant views. The sky and the trees, the different colors of tepid water. On the wall would be some buildings, far in the distance and tiny; a place he could never hope to reach. Even some landscape he caught eye of, in some flimsy paper thing.
 Time blurred. He subsisted in the familiar room, venturing out when he was hungry, exploring sometimes, but always returning. Never leaving, unless gnawing hunger gave him absolutely no other choice. He played with the toys. Sometimes, he climbed onto the arm of the recliner and dropped the top. He wanted to see how long it could whirl on the carpet. Sometimes, his hardwired sense of wandering forced him to roam endless and slow paced laps around the room, where he explored every inch of the wood and rotted wallpaper with a hyper critical eye. He knew the room so well he could navigate with the toys present, and not stumble a fraction.
 The room across from the familiar room, had an open doorway with a balcony. The bear sat in the doorway of the room, watching a barricaded door. In case someone came in unannounced.
 Sometimes Mono liked to sit out there, even in the rain. It washed the dust from his wanderings out of his coat, and plastered his hair to his scalp. Cold water. Of course, this side didn’t face the Signal Tower, or he wouldn’t bother. He liked to sit and watch the clouds during the night, enjoyed the way colors shifted, the way the sky was ever changing. The city was such a dreary place. No hope, no stars, not even a moon. But clouds, they were nice too.
 Then the downstairs room ran low on foods. He’d watched his dwindling supply, eating less and less of the meagers scraps that hadn’t gone rancid.
 For what had to the ninetieth time, he scrounged deep onto the cabinets searching for a missing box or canister, anything to ward off the inevitable. It was no use. There wasn’t a point, nothing changed what was no longer present. If he prolonged this, he would get too weak to wonder. Where would he find the next substantial foods? No one knew.
 He perched on the counter chewing on the cardboard that still smelled of biscuits. That only served to make him hungrier, but it alleviated some tension for a while to chew on something.
 The bear was waiting for him, faithful as always, when he crawled out of the breach in the wall. The toy was rough along the edges and losing thread from all his rough treatment, but the stuffing held tight within.
 He shoved the bear onto the recliner seat first, then hauled himself up. The bear sat at the edge, tall and to attention. Even though he didn’t have eyes. Mono ripped the eyes out, leaving only thread tethers. He didn’t like the bear watching.
 Mono curled down behind his companion. The fitful sleep isn’t pleasant. A sound alerted him, a creak of the wall. Shifting shadows, his eyes seeing things that are not there. Sometimes, it’s a shift in the stall air, a brisk draft. More than once he has to get up and take a brief hike around the outer rooms, confirm with his own muggy eyes that nothing is present. Crisis averted, he returned to the familiar room and the bear. It’s like this every night. The plush toy is a marvelous guard, but he still has no eyes.
 When Mono can’t stand the restlessness, he takes the bear and checked the balcony room to judge the day. It’s not raining which he knows won’t last, but for now that is nice. It is a good day to set out, though the moment he is well on his way, it should start the intense showers again.
 Before he can leave though, he has to take the bear out on another patrol. Just the one floor they nest on, the safe floor. They visit all the usual rooms, though he knew well nothing occupied them. He wondered, did the people on the higher floor vanish first? He had so many questions, doubts and curiosities that would never be satisfied. That might be for the best, though.
 Once they gave the safe floor the usual safety stamp, Mono hauled the bear back to the familiar room. It was weird hauling him back through the crawlspace he knew so well, he could zip through without a thought. He pushed the bear out and towed him through the doorway and, beneath the desk. He goes off and collected the crayons, from the various places he discarded them. Aside from the flashlight, which will be useful later, there isn’t anything else in the familiar room he should take. Not even the crayons, they’d weight him down and take space.
  Then, between he and the bear, he clicked on the flashlight. He took a breath and sighed.
  “I have… I'm in leave. I’m….” He shrugged. Squat on his knees, he inched over to the clear space of the wall and pried away some of the wallpaper. “This is hard. I don’t want, but if… I take you. Not safe. Understand?” He switched colors, carefully filling in the outline. “You're’n safe here. I’m… not safe. Not there.” He colored quietly for a while, concentrating, taking his time. When he finished the picture, he scooted back.
  “But not alone. See.” He dragged the bear over, and showed him the picture. “Remember you. I’m in remember. S’not for good. I'm here. Right here.”
  He didn’t want to go. He didn’t want to leave. This was more like a good place now. This was the familiar place.
  “S’not safe,” he repeated. And pulled the bear in and wrapped his arms tightly about its horrid head. He almost popped the seams in its neck. Hot tears soaked the grungy fiber. “I wish you come with. I want you come. I don’t not want you. It hurt, in leave. I won’t forget.” 
When it was time, he ushered the bear away and set him next to the picture. He fluffed its head a bit, poked some of the stuffing back into its face. Then, took the flashlight and clicked it off.
 Silent as always, cautious as ever, Mono crept down the corridor. It was so empty and menacing, without his bear. The garish thing made everything feel a little less imposing, even thought he couldn’t risk him in the lower floors. Something about that short distance, with it, dissolved fear.
 He did stop a few times, to look back. A slow biding glimpse, just to make sure the passage remained clear and unchanged. As if it might’ve warped into a ghastly hollow or writhing flesh, so many eyes, and teeth like squirming zippers.
 Nothing was there, the empty hall was nothing but decrepit and miserable. It wouldn’t be safe, he reminded himself. He had to let him go.
 That was the last he’d spare a look. Mono dried his face with a sleeve and went on, to the breach in the wall. He only liked it because it was warm, and still smelled like smoke. He’d be better off without it.
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