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Ninja Daily: AIC 39
It was very quiet inside the shrine. She sat down at a long table in a stiff silence. The younger priest left through a door to the left and came back with a bleak-smelling tea balanced on a humble tray. She took a cup and wondered if shrines were on the list of things she was meant to be funding.
"You seem to have a particular connection to death," the senior priest said. There were stress lines pressed into his forehead that didn't ease up when he looked at her. "Seeing and interacting with the dead… You can do this?"
Aiko took a sip of her bitter tea and nodded. "Yes," she said. "A while after I began summoning the god of death."
The old man flinched. "Pardon?"
She repeated herself.
The priest closed his eyes. He seemed to be chewing that concept over. "Why would you summon the God of Death?" His voice was faint.
Aiko thought about it. "It's cool," she said honestly. "And it was a very effective psychological tool against Orochimaru."
"It's ...cool," he repeated, lost.
"I also use it to revive people who I killed by accident," Aiko added guiltily. She squirmed on her cushion. "A lot of people in Kirigakure, actually."
He made a sound of comprehension, as if something he'd heard years ago was finally resolved. "You are the Mizukage," he said. He looked at her again, cataloguing her face and clothes. "I see." He said that, but his brow furrowed even further in confusion. "How do you summon a God?"
She grimaced. "I…" Aiko tilted her head to the side, trying to find a way to describe it that didn't sound insane. "I use my eyes. I have a set of eyes which let me do a lot of things, actually. I can use every chakra type that I know about and some really weird things that don't truly make sense, like summoning unaffiliated animals."
"And also a literal God?" His question came out bemused. "Why that God- as opposed to any other God, I mean. Did you worship the God of Death?"
She thought about it. "I kill a lot of people," Aiko said fairly. "Could that be connected?"
The elderly priest looked up through the open door to the garden behind her. "No," he said. "I do not think so." He tapped his fingers against his tea cup. "It seems that you have somehow affiliated yourself with a God."
"Like you?" Aiko asked. She gestured at the shrine around them. "You worship Izanami no Mikoto, right?"
He eyed her sideways. "This is a shrine to Amaterasu. There are no shrines for Izanami no Mikoto in operation these days."
Aiko felt herself frowning. "Isn't she the god who made everything?" she ventured. "My religious education was spotty, but I thought that was her."
"Izanami no Mikoto and Izanagi no Mikoto created the world and most of the beings in it," the junior priest agreed. "Izanagi no Mikoto sleeps, but he is worshipped. However, Izanami no Mikoto passed into the land of the dead in the early days of the world."
Aiko made a sound of polite comprehension.
'That seems like a raw deal. She's dead but not in the way we think of it, right? She's still a God.'
"I have to conduct diplomatic business inside of a shrine." Aiko laid her cards out on the table. "I am...concerned about complications stemming from my… association with the God of Death and my lack of general knowledge about religion."
"I don't think that you should have particular trouble." The younger priest was the one who answered yet again, while the old man looked out into the garden. "It is ..extremely unusual that you might have such a connection to a God. However, there are no wicked Gods. They are merely different."
"So no one has any kind of grudge against the God of Death?"
The priest opened his mouth and then closed it.
"We are not spokespeople for the Gods," the head priest said, dryly amused. "No one hears the voice of the Gods and transcribes their interpersonal grievances."
Aiko blinked. She eyed the two men uncertainly. "I hear his voice…" She trailed off.
They were looking at her incredulously.
"He doesn't like Orochimaru," she added helplessly. She shrugged and then frowned as she remembered. "He didn't like Orochimaru, rather," Aiko corrected herself. "He's dead now. Anyway, I think that Death doesn't like anyone who cheats Death… I wonder if he has feelings about Hidan," she mused.
"I think that we ought to start from the beginning," the priest said. He gestured to his subordinate. "While I take care of our duties, please speak with the Mizukage about the Gods and the earth."
Aiko left the shrine feeling unsettled. There wasn't any known precedent for what was going on with her. Chewing over the upcoming meeting had mostly led her to more questions.
Thankfully, however, some of the questions had been productive.
She breezed into her office and sent off an officer worker for information about their contacts in foreign countries. Kirigakure had nothing like Konoha's sophisticated spy network, but they were not totally hopeless. When she had the information in hand she chewed it over for a few hours and then wrote up 3 missions. She passed them off to the assignment desk, so that the next qualified personnel to show up for missions would get shuttled off to ask questions.
If Konoha wasn't talking out of their ass, they would have had to have already consulted with at least two other foreign nations. Otherwise, they would have no standing to threaten that there could be serious diplomatic repercussions for annexing Wave. Aiko put her feet up on her desk and stared at the ceiling, considering different angles. Who would the Sandaime go to? She didn't know him the way she knew Tsunade.
'He could even make it into an opportunity to improve his international standing,' Aiko realized. She twisted her lips into a scowl. 'I annex one little country and suddenly I am the villain.'
'I think that Kirigakure has long been considered the villain,' Sanbi pointed out. 'No one likes us.'
She paused for a moment, touched that Sanbi considered them in the same category.
'I misspoke,' he deadpanned. 'The important concept is that it is easy to dislike you.' He paused for a beat. 'Of course, I mean Kirigakure.'
She pouted, but accepted his point. They were an easy scapegoat.
'I am not a goat,' Sanbi snapped.
"It's just a saying." She sighed heavily and rolled her eyes.
Suna was the obvious answer. Konoha would turn to their longest ally for support in this. Kiri also had a decent hand in relations with Sunagakure for the time, given that she had custody of Gaara, but they would be wary about the possibility that she was a warmonger.
She considered it for a while. Would the Hokage have turned to the smaller villages for this?
She decided that yes, probably, he had. Konoha had solid relationships with a fair few of the less powerful countries, and it would have legitimized his claims of international consensus. She noted it and tabled it for later thought. Any one of the minor countries wasn't a huge issue. As a group it could become a problem, but some kind of holistic solution could address multiple problems in one stroke.
That left Iwa and Lightning. Would either of have possibly agreed to cooperate with Konoha to censure her?
She twisted her lips, not liking the conclusion she came to. She didn't have to worry about Iwa. Iwa hated Konoha far more than they cared about Kiri, and they were too far away to do more than laugh about chaos on the eastern side of the continent. Lightning, on the other hand, was fairly close.
Lightning wasn't as insular as Iwa. Lightning had always been involved in the affairs of other countries.
Aiko sighed and put her chin on her palm.
Lightning was probably willing to sign a notice advising Kiri to cease expansionist policies or face military consequences. They probably wouldn't initiate it on their own— sabotage would be much more their speed— but they would probably lend their weight to Konoha's protests.
The obvious solution, of course, was to get Lightning so pissed off at Konoha that any cooperation would go straight out the window. Aiko frowned at her window, turning over the possibilities. Konoha wouldn't do anything to endanger a deal they wanted to propose, so she'd have to frame them. Frame... impersonate?
She chewed it over along with a pastry and coffee. She knew Konoha and she knew their codes, she knew their paperwork specifications and communication habits. She could falsify incriminating documents. It would be convincing. It would require her to think up terrible things for Konoha to supposedly be doing, things that would leave a paper trail... and then she'd need a way for them to fall into Lightning's hands that wouldn't look obviously contrived.
It was a tall order.
And then she had an idea.
"Oh," Aiko marveled, "that would be bad."
Sanbi stirred, a silent question.
"I could just impersonate Konoha ninja," Aiko said. She leaned back in her chair. "I know a lot of them and their habits well, and I know distinctive Konoha techniques and jutsu. If I wander around where Konoha shouldn't be, start a distinctive fight, and escape, I can let Lightning come up with their own guesses as to what Konoha was doing."
Sanbi let out a laugh. "That is terrible," he said approvingly. "Who could you impersonate convincingly?"
She hummed, considering it. "It's only worth considering jounin, I think," she mused. "People who would be recognized. Kakashi for sure. Sen Tsurara is going to look exactly like his signature murder technique, as like as I siphon up the water afterward. Kurenai... I can do genjutsu on that level and I know her habits. Genma... he's a basic bitch and I'm mad at him, so I've gotta frame him for something... oh, Yamato." She giggled. "The world doesn't know about him, but if they see Mokuton, everyone will look at Konoha."
"That is a fairly conclusive list," Sanbi said. "However, it would constitute two teams at best. If you wish to spread havoc, perhaps more fake missions would be preferable. How about the turtle man?"
Aiko opened her mouth and then closed it. "No," she demurred. "I'm not going to mess with Gai. But.." she thought about her creepy, creepy eyes. "I have a perfectly good Sharingan. I could make it look like there's an extant Uchiha running around. And..." she trailed off and leaned back in her seat.
The Byakugan and Sharingan were supposedly related. Her Rinnegan allowed her to use any type of chakra, so they were clearly flexible... Given that her Rinnegan came with a Sharingan, was there a chance of using a Byakugan or something similar to imitate a genetic Hyuuga?
"Do I get a vote?" Sanbi asked, interested. "There's someone in Konoha that I hate."
She blinked, distracted. "You do?" She shrugged. "Yeah, sure. Who is it?"
"The frog man," Sanbi hissed.
"Frog... Toads?" Aiko checked. "Do you mean Jiraiya?"
The answer was a blank silence.
"The man with messy white hair who dances when he introduces himself?" She corrected.
"Yes, that's the one," Sanbi confirmed. "He has an extremely displeasing aura and crass mannerisms. We should punish him."
"You know what, that's fair," Aiko agreed. "He's my godfather."
"He is my enemy for life," Sanbi said. "And I will live forever, so good luck to the frog man."
"...did something specific prompt this?" Aiko asked.
"I find the way he giggles extremely distasteful," Sanbi said darkly. "He is a rude little man who puts his dirty feet on furniture. He must be made to face consequences."
...she had forgotten about that.
"Okay," Aiko hummed. She thought about how to do it. The toads were the most distinctive and damning identifier for Jiraiya. Sealing was fairly distinctive as well, but harder to have a reason to show off. "I don't have access to his summons contract, but I have his speeches and some of the dances memorized. I can just go be a loud idiot in front of a beautiful woman and it'll get back to Lightning somehow."
"He is a national disgrace," Sanbi murmured.
"No, he's an international disgrace," Aiko corrected. "He makes us all look bad, in one way or another."
...she had a sudden recollection. "I left him with Tsunade before I went off to fight Orochimaru last week," Aiko remembered. "They probably think I'm dead, huh?"
"All the more reason he will not understand it is you who has imitated his shameful mannerisms." Sanbi let out a pleased hiss, curling his tails in.
That wasn't what she meant, but it was probably true to some extent.
"I should go check on that." She made a mental note. Given that she had kind of exploded information all over Tsunade, she was pretty optimistic that there was a non-zero chance the princess was going to storm home and throw Danzo off a tower.
With that decided, she sent off a note requisitioning any authentic weaponry and armor confiscated from fire country in the last few years. When it was laid out on her desk, she picked through it for the bits that were authentic and fit at least one of her characters. There weren't any senbon in the pile, but Genma wasn't likely to let one of those drop for an enemy to find anyway. She could use any generic one, she decided.
Because she hated his stupid ass, Aiko decided to impersonate him first. She split off into a clone, which she disguised as Kurenai. She made her true body into an imitation of the assassin, and pushed past her cringe to hold a needle in her teeth.
"Interesting," said her secretary, who was still standing there. "Are you going out on errands?"
"Yes," Aiko agreed. "You can expect me back in a couple of hours. I'm going to go ruin someone's life."
Nishikawa grimaced just a bit. " Have a safe trip." He bowed.
"It will be safe for me," Aiko said absentmindedly, as she was immortal so far as she could tell. There was no response from Nishikawa because she was already on the outskirts of a border town in Frost Country. She shivered and threw up a genjutsu hood. It didn't help her with the cold, but it made it look like she was trying. The Kurenai clone to her left did the same, tucking pale hands inside a fluffy white coat.
'Can't stay here long, it's awful,' she thought. 'If I ever annex this country, I am going to light it on fire.' Aiko resisted the urge to let her shoulders hunch up, because it definitely didn't look like Genma's body language. She and her clone walked into town as if they belonged. They went to a hotel and got a room on a reasonable budget. They went to a ludicrously expensive bar where Aiko proceeded to rack up the kind of bill that would turn heads, paid, and then walked out leaving most of the food on the table.
That did the trick. She felt two notable chakra signatures approaching before a voice called out to her.
"Excuse me."
She turned to see not two but three people in the grey and purple of Shimogakure. When her eyebrows went up, it was a legitimate surprise at that show of competency. "Saa," she stalled, using her tongue to move the stupid senbon to the side of her mouth. She caught one of the shinobi follow the motion with his dark, suspicious eyes.
The one addressing her gave no reaction. "Sorry to trouble you," He said pleasantly. "Can I see your visa, please?" A passing civilian looked over with wide eyes and seemed to consider stopping to watch the interaction. A stern look from one of the Shimogakure patrol team had him moving on with the rest of the midday foot traffic.
She cocked her head to the side and deliberately did not make eye contact with her Kurenai clone. "Visa?" She repeated, as if she was unfamiliar with the concept.
"Yes, your papers and the designation given when you entered the border," he said.
She let her eyes slide shut in a smile. "Of course, of course." And then she flicked on the Rinnegan and thought about a flowering tree. In her mind's eye, she coaxed it gently out of the ground. Dark brown vines delicately wound up around three sets of legs and grew to the size of modest branches that hugged all the way up to her victims' chests. Someone gasped.
Aiko made a shhh sound, and had the branches blossom. The fragrance of ume blossoms spilled into the air with a soporific effect.
She opened her eyes just a little and stepped back, admiring her work.
Kurenai would have been proud of this illusion. Two of the three shinobi were limp, hanging up only because they believed that the trees were supporting them. The last was blinking furiously as he tried to stay awake. Aiko propped a hand up under her chin and waited a moment until the last chuunin was overwhelmed. His eyes slid shut and his head hung peacefully. It looked a bit like he had fallen asleep standing up.
They were in a little private oasis on the busy road. Pedestrians gave her a wide berth without knowing that they were doing it or that there was anything to avoid.
She lazily reached out to touch her Kurenai clone and brought them both to the opposite end of the country.
Frost Country was small enough that it was entirely plausible that jounin could cross it in a matter of hours. So she dismissed the clone, threw on a genuinely good henge, had dinner, and then put back on Genma's face to make an appearance in a bank teller line. She had picked the building at random, and it turned out to be far above the real Genma's budget. She took a deep breath of mercifully warm and fresh-tasting air while she waited in line. Her footsteps made a pleasing sound against the marble flooring by the door and then disappeared into luxurious, thick carpeting that she kind of wanted for her office. The counter was immaculate green marble. A black pen was attached to a white fitting on the counter via a silver chain. She pursed her lips. She wanted that too, just for the hell of it.
"You want to open an account?" The middle aged woman confirmed, checking a box. She had a black uniform and a green scarf neatly tied around her neck.
While the teller was looking down, Aiko took the chance to swiftly break the chain connecting the pen to the counter. "No, no," she demurred, "I want to ask about the process for opening an account."
The teller paused. "It is quite simple," she offered. "It usually takes about 15 minutes."
"What paperwork do I need?" She asked, not glancing up at the security camera. Casually, she put the bank pen into her back pocket, dangling chain and all.
"You're eligible if you have an address within the country. You'll need to show proof of residence. As for ID, either a copy of your family register or a government issued form will work." The teller recited it with a practiced cadence and a friendly smile.
Aiko smiled back, and then remembered that she was probably being a bit friendly for Genma. "Thank you for the information. I don't have my ID on me at the moment, so another time."
"Have a nice day, thank you for your patronage." The teller quietly scribbled something out on her notepad and gave a polite little bow goodbye. Aiko heard the sound of paper tearing as she turned and left the bank. She slipped into an alley as soon as she could leave the main road.
'I wonder if they'll bill Konoha for the pen. It looks expensive.' She rubbed her icy fingers at the back of her neck, frowning at the grey sky. 'Is this enough? An intrusion has definitely been reported by now. If they are competent, they'll have found me here. But if they're not, I'll have wasted my time. Should I put in another appearance? Stand on a tower and wave my arms a bit?'
It would be better to be thorough. But after a few hours in character, Aiko couldn't really ignore the fact that she was not doing a stellar impersonation of Genma. Her body language probably came off noticeably odd in a big man's body. The longer she imitated him, the more likely it was that discrepancies would pile up.
She shifted into Kurenai, opting for a red dress that looked more civilian 'date night' and less weird than the jounin's habitual bandage dress. She left the alley onto a street that was well-lit with very expensive-looking neon and ran a hand casually through her long, soft hair. This body was a lot more fun to wear.
For a moment, she thought that she had already been found. She caught people looking at her in her peripheral multiple times when she walked down the block.
'Oh, wait,' she realized. 'Kurenai is just really hot. This is so disappointing. Why don't they know that I'm a dangerous criminal interloper?' She glowered at the next person who looked at her too long. The middle aged man smiled back.
'Fuck, I don't have all night for this. What to do... Steal something? Break and enter? Get too close to somebody politically important?'
"Miss," a man's voice called out as she passed a bar. A few other men broke out in "ooohs". "Hey, miss, over here."
Aiko turned to face the speaker, lifting an eyebrow.
A group of young men were smoking against a wall. The one who had called out to her had a cocky expression and the optimistic start of what would hopefully become a beard one day.
She flattened her expression and tone to be utterly unfriendly. "What do you want?"
Mr. Whiskers showed he had very little sense of self preservation by kicking off the wall and taking a few steps toward her. "Come have a drink?" His peers made a truly obnoxious chorus of sound in either encouragement or mockery.
Aiko eyed the cigarette in his left hand and the beer can in his right hand. That was just sloppy behavior.
'Why get so close to a stranger when your hands are full?' she wondered. Instead of answering him, she reached out and took his wallet out of his pants pocket and immediately began walking away. Blithely, she flipped it open and removed all the cash. She heard a yelp behind her and a momentary scuffle as he probably tried to get someone to take his beer can. She shut the wallet and tucked the cash into her bra. "Hey, bitch! Hey!" He was closer now.
Aiko tossed the wallet to the side in a nice clean arc that even a drunk man couldn't miss. She heard him go after it.
"That'll get reported," she said to herself. She made a sharp turn into a side street and then scaled the wall. Someone caught the motion and looked up, but she was already halfway across the building by that point. She dropped down onto another street and walked into a building. It turned out to be a restaurant. No one was at the host stand to say anything when she walked directly into the restroom, shut the door, and used hiraishin to go back to her office.
After a few seconds, there was a knock on her door. Aiko looked up from where she was re-homing her new and expensive pen in a prideful place at the exact center of her desk. "Yes?" she called.
Nishikawa's voice answered. "Did you have a good trip, Mizukage-sama?"
"I robbed a teenager," she yelled back. She dug the money out of her bra and counted it for the first time. "He had… Wow, this is more than I expected. Come here, I've replenished the office coffee fund."
#vapors#uzumaki aiko#electrasev5n#ninja daily#fanfiction#naruto fanfiction#clarity#AIC#Aiko in Canon
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Oh wow someone just liked this old post and brought it to my attention. I had forgotten about this post and the promise to attack me directly next time. Mixel doesn’t miss, even if it takes a year.
It’s so funny to me when people casually mention fic outside of fic communities (like on a YouTube channel otherwise not fic-focused or a blog from someone who doesn’t write or read much fic) and they’re like “oh noooo I just wrote 4k words of fic I’m so crazy teehee”
Like I’m happy you had fun writing. However. There are one million word SI fics out there fgkkncd
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༄ Weekly Fic Round-Up ༄
DCU (Batman)
DCU (Batman) & Danny Phantom Crossover
The Scum Villain's Self Saving System (SVSSS)
The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold
DCU (Batman)
do I dare disturb the universe? by Hinn_Raven
Part 6 of Cassandra Cain Works
Cassandra Cain was falling, and there were stars. When she landed, she found herself stranded in a universe where there never was a Batman. Good thing that she’s a detective.
show me yesterday, for i can’t find today by indent
Then: The year is 2013. Jason Todd is alive, fourteen years old, and about to follow Sheila Haywood, his birth mother, into the hands of the Joker. All he wants is to save her life. Now: The year is 2018. Jason Todd was dead. But now he's a nineteen year old vigilante about to take down the latest C-Lister rogue. Unfortunately for him, its a rogue that specialises in time-travel technology. And what starts as an easy takedown...ends as a time travelling phenomenon. The two Jasons swap places.
Retrograde Motion by Lysical
All Jason wanted was a case that was simple, clean, and far away from the latest mess in Gotham. Magic wasn't the Outlaws' area of expertise, but they soon found themselves investigating a dark wizard with a penchant for organ harvesting. When an accident on the case leaves Jason as a clueless seven year old with a memory that's spotty at best, what else can his team do but go to his family for help?
ghost story by envysparkler
Jason Todd dies in Ethiopia. Well. Kind of.
The Right Substitution is Key by AddictedApple
Part 1 of The Right Substitution is Key
“The Red Hood has been good for Gotham,” Robin continued. “Crime in Park Row decreased by sixty one percent almost as soon as you showed up, and that’s even taking into account all the crime you commit. Drug overdoses have decreased by twenty two percent in adults and seventy nine percent in minors. Homeless minors are ninety two percent less likely to—” “Kid,” Jason interrupted. “Enough statistics. What the hell is this about?” Robin slowly lowered the tablet with his powerpoint presentation and looked up at Red Hood. “You care about Gotham,” Robin summarised. “Gotham needs Batman. Batman is missing and so is Nightwing. We need you to fill in for Batman.” “You want me to cover Batman’s patrols?” Jason clarified. “No,” Robin said. “I want you to be Batman.” Jason bluescreened. (Or: Batman and Nightwing mysteriously disappear before Red Hood has even started antagonising them, Robin is desperate, Gotham needs Batman, and Red Hood is Batman-Shaped.)
Call to a Lonely Earth by Drag0nst0rm
There are no children left in Gotham. Not until the multiverse spits one out right in front of Batman, at least.
Impetus by Starlightify
Part 1 of to ground
Harley leaves the Joker. Somehow, the entire Justice League ends up getting involved.
Fatherless Behaviour by lemonlimemadness
Tim gets de-aged, and tells absolutely no one. He also, in no particular order, gets therapy, does a lot of crime, channels his inner cyberbully, steals another Batmobile, moves to Metropolis (temporarily), causes an Arkham breakout, gets kidnapped, kidnaps someone else, and accidentally becomes a supervillain somewhere along the way. Parental supervision is for losers.
DCU (Batman) & Danny Phantom Crossover
Housetrained by Redflagship (Electrasev5n)
A summoning nets some Gotham punks a tiny god, wrapped up in the packaging as the sacrifice they tried to feed him: a housecat. Robin takes him home and decides to train him to fight crime. Danny is like, vibing. Turns out that he's really good at being a housecat, maybe the best there's ever been.
The Haunting of Drake Manor by Faeriekit
Prompt from @cyrwrites (And then, I, like, tweaked it a lot.) From prompt: "Tim, as a kid, wishes for a new mom. Desiree didn't know her wishes could turn against HER, of all people. However, Tim's wish had turned her into something resembling a human form and now she felt obligated to take care of the little guy." * Timothy Drake, son of amateur archaeologists, comes into possession of an antique oil lamp. It's plain enough, despite it's historic value— and it takes nothing at all to figure out how to light it. Alone on his birthday and left alone with a flame, Tim makes a wish. *👻🪔👻* Desiree wakes up in the corpse of a human woman.
The Scum Villain's Self Saving System
Perfect Failure by travelingneuritis (archive locked) Part 3 of Heartbreak Industrial Complex
Gongyi Xiao's strong, disciplined cultivator's body has exactly one weakness: it can't stop getting sex-pollened.
Abyss Arc Speedrun (WR IGT NG+ glitch hunter safe strat) by pallas_rose
After the Immortal Alliance Conference, Shen Qingqiu eventually recovered from his grief. A reasonable man, he accepted his limitations. Of course, there were—other options.
never told you what I do for a living by savrenim
【 The System was successfully activated! Bound Role: Wu Yanzi, Demonic Cultivator and Master of— 】 Not his body. He remembered dying. An undeniable System, before it had bugged out. Okay. Okay, he could handle this. Transmigration. Demonic cultivator. Named… Fuck, he hadn't actually caught what he was supposed to be named. …..There was only one piece of media he was familiar with that was about demonic cultivators.
The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold
L'oiseau qui vole by hedda62
Aral, in a fit of wickedness, assigns someone to follow Simon everywhere and keep notes, to see how he likes it.
The Love Story of the Runner Up by Margo_Kim
“So you saw a white man in a trench coat pop out in an alley,” Paul says, “and you thought, what, ‘I want to see where this is going’?” “If you get hung up on details like that,” Miguel says, “it will take a very long time to get through this story. For a very weird era in his life, Miguel dates an angel who is in love with another man.
#me myself and i#fic recs#SVSSS#Batman#Danny Phantom#vorkosigan saga#Supernatural#SPN#weekly fic round ups#Jason Todd#Tim Drake#Cassandra Cain
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REC: Electrasev5n - Ghost Driver
URL: https://ift.tt/sDG4U6w by @redflagshipwriter After Jason leaves for his ill-fated confrontation with the Batman and the Joker, he goes MIA. Danny can only wait so long. He decides to go and find him. Unfortunately, Danny is, hands down, the worst secret operative that Gotham city has ever seen. (Words: 2,764; WIP) | Part 2 of Getaway Car !!!fandom, !!fic, |site:ao3, +fandom:batman.-.all.media.types, +fandom:danny.phantom, ::rating:teen.and.up.audiences, ~author:electrasev5n, relationship:danny.fenton/jason.todd, ::category:m/m, \no.archive.warnings.apply, ~ao3:dead.on.main.-.freeform
#i eat fic for breakfast#fic recs#via:pinboard#schrödinger's content warnings#q#danny phantom#dcu#danny phantom x dcu
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Stray Cat Slink
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50427592 by Redflagship (Electrasev5n) Tim Drake is the first to put together that the Red Hood is Jason Todd, who he had been totally normal about most of his formative years. So normal. He can't leave him alone. He's doing this to help him, promise. Meanwhile, Jason Todd is just over his head with a crush on this horrible little cat. Four-part story for Kinktober with a series of encounters. Words: 916, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English Series: Part 1 of redflagship kinktober 2023 Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Additional Tags: Size Difference, Leather Kink, Latex, Costume Kink, Lap Pillow, kinktober 2023, Tim Drake is Catlad | Stray, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Tim Drake is a Menace, Jason Todd is a mortifying teenager, Selina is Sir Not Appearing but very much important to the backstory, Bruce Wayne is Lost in Time read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50427592
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How (not) to meet a man
by Redflagship (Electrasev5n) Jason accidentally sets off a romance novel plot by getting too close to a magical ring that is absolutely dying to hook him up with the other half of his soul. The magic is insistent enough to drag them together right then, despite being states apart. If Danny had been intangible at the time, it would have just been a funny story right away. Words: 5377, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Jason Todd, Danny Fenton, jasmine fenton, Bruce Wayne, Vlad Masters Relationships: Danny Fenton/Jason Todd Additional Tags: Dead On Main - Freeform, Soulmates, a bit of body horror via https://ift.tt/J8yt57V
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I read this while drinking a fucking litre of cold coffee in my reclusive hideaway and suddenly felt better about both my career choices and my dreadful lack of social media presence.
circling back around to the issue of writers being expected to do all their own goddamn marketing via social media these days, because it completely nixes the possibility of writers being weird shut ins, off-putting eccentrics, or misanthropes. 80% of the literary canon was written by weird shut ins, off-putting eccentrics, and misanthropes. if you weed out everyone who’s the wrong kind of insane to maintain a twitter presence, who on earth is left
#if I have to reenter society I will riot#electrasev5n#electraposts#I will fight a god#any god#if it means I don't have to leave my house
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Patreon Ao3 other Tumblr Ko-fi
I have completed one story game, available here. It's totally free to play as Ji Min, a defensive and secretive auto insurance adjuster who also happens to have superpowers she uses for crime. If you play, I would love a review. I have more complicated story games in the works, including a reworking/sequel of that story, Moonstrike. This account is mostly for Naruto fan fiction, of which there is a lot available for any free member to read on my Patreon, but there is also content from other fandoms like Dragon Age and Inuyasha. I mostly post on my other account name now, in DC, Spider-man, and DPxDC fandom.
As mentioned, anyone who follows for free can see fanfic on my Patreon, which is my preferred place to post and host my stuff. There is also a large amount of original fiction there, which you can access for as little as $1. Please take a look. There are one shot stories, which tend to be horror and fantasy, a few long completed stories like the F/F romance/ghost story Queen of the Sky and Sea, and a few very long WIP in adventure genre like the medieval-fantasy vibe Swordpoint Diplomacy, an inheritance drama about magical royalty in the middle of a war.
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I love this so fucking much. The purple undereyes on her face and the Madara levels of shaggy hair are peak ruffled Aiko characterization. Yamato is Done, she is insouciant.

Not A Damsel
From this chapter of Vapors, by @electraposts. How I envisioned one of the many great, humorous scenes I’ve read in this fic.
“Do I look like a damsel in distress? I don’t fucking think so. I’m an independent lady. Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I missed my check up and I’m going to go take a nap.”
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Fanfics From Reddit - Politics
I made an enquiry on r/narutofanfiction asking for political fics. These were the recommendations.
Compass of thy Soul by Umei no Mai
Direct thee to Peace by Umei no Mai
The Medic-Nin’s Guide to Casual Revolution by spideywhiteys
These are all SIs so far which I do not read but I will give them a look.
Kazua Densetu by ProfessorPalmarosa
Appears to be Post-Hashirama’s death which isn’t precisely what I wanted (I’m gathering recommendations so that I can look into other people’s takes on shinobi politics before I write my own Minato-Centric political fic) but I did say I wouldn’t mind them.
The Scorned Son by Calanor
The first user to give me their own thoughts: “It's on hiatus, though, but I found the inner work of the village's politics very interesting. It's not focused on Naruto, but it's on that timeline, dealing with what having a spy so ingrained in their midst that they would be an academy teacher(Mizuki) really implies and goes from there.(Also interesting to see the elders being portrayed like real people.)”
I think I’m looking forward to reading this one the most.
Great Lakes & Expectations (previously pull down your dreams) by Electrasev5n
Vapors by Electrasev5n
Clarity by Electrasev5n
More SI and OC. This user also gave a comment: “This has a bit of a slow start with the OC not knowing japanese. It might be a bit off-putting to some but once she's established in Konoha it really takes a hella interesting spin on the political climate in Konoha with an intricate exploration of shinobi and civilian life. And, I mean, it's Electrasev5n. They know how to spin an intricate plot and the devil is in the detail.Also the sequel to Vapors that they have is also pretty politically geared but more in the focus of village politics vs the rest of the world.”
Mythos of a Shepherd by Swiss Army Knife
Vainglory by kzusu
Uneasy Lies the Head by Hiiraeth
Five (or, a lot can change in a year) by Karaii
The Girl From Whirlpool by SilverShine
These are more what I was after, I think. Five is a web comic as well which is interesting.
Redemption in a Worthy World by Lightbringer34
It’s a self recc and the user was a little self deprecating but it’s a time travel I haven’t read yet, looking forward to reading it
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Kind of want to write a phat snk fic, kind of inspired by vapours by ElectraSev5n, where an SI OC is reborn as eren's twin? Would anyone even read it though?
#attack on titan#shingeki no kyoujin#eren yeager#levi ackerman#erwin smith#snk mikasa#fanfiction#Ideas
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REC: Electrasev5n - Shadow Bruises
URL: https://ift.tt/KgNQB84 by @redflagshipwriter Tim realizes that the dead Robin was his soulmate. He doesn't tell anyone, which leaves him in a bad position when he starts to suspect that Jason isn't all that dead anymore. The dead Robin takes a lot longer to catch on to the situation. Prompted by a request on Tumblr, for pride month. Premise of soulmate connection that varies depending on your personality. (Words: 16,631; WIP) !!!fandom, !!fic, |site:ao3, +fandom:batman.-.all.media.types, +fandom:batman.(comics), ::rating:mature, ~author:electrasev5n, character:jason.todd, character:tim.drake, character:bruce.wayne, character:dick.grayson, relationship:tim.drake/jason.todd, ::category:m/m, \graphic.depictions.of.violence, \major.character.death, ~ao3:hurt.no.comfort, ~ao3:hurt/comfort, ~ao3:soulmates, ~ao3:romantic.soulmates, ~ao3:lazarus.pit.mad.jason.todd, ~ao3:protective.jason.todd, ~ao3:angst.with.a.happy.ending
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I saw this and it made me want to write a little more of my Gaara. It's set after the AIC verse, but all you need to know is that Gaara is living in Kirigakure along with Karin as wards of a ridiculous ass woman.
It's Been One Week (since you left and made me ½ the Mizukage)
It was pointed out to me that when Aiko left AIC verse, she didn't actually tell everyone she was leaving forever. Christ, what an ass.
From that thought, this short story emerged.
Part 1 of 2
"She didn't tell me anything." Karin crossed her arms. She immediately uncrossed them. It looked too defensive.
Her "brother" gave her a doleful stare. She ignored it, because all of his stares were like that. She began to pace in the kitchen, circling the island like the world's reddest shark. Her hair fluttered behind her. "I'm starting to think she's really not coming back this time."
"That is what her assistant said," that asshole Suigetsu said. He grabbed a peach out of the dwindling fruit basket and gave her a toothy grin. "You're going to have to be responsible for yourself now!"
"Shut up!" Karin scolded. Her jaw cracked. "Speak for yourself, you overgrown ingrate." She huffed. "I'm responsible for a whole lot more than myself already! I revitalized the arboretum!" Calm, calm, she needed to stay calm. He was trying to provoke her. Because he was a jerk.
Even mad, she was smarter than to admit she'd also exposed and killed a traitor. That was over Suigetsu's clearance. It was probably over his head entirely. She lifted her nose.
"I don't know what those words mean." Suigetsu gave her a nasty little wink and sailed out the door.
Karin gritted her teeth. She deliberately unclenched her fists. She took one, two, three calming breaths.
"In Sunagakure, before Aiko-sama became my new mother."
She stared. She didn't dare move for fear it might stop the rare swell of unprompted words from Gaara.
He looked up at her finally, a line pressed in place between his brows. "I always knew I was the most fit to inherit, if Temari did not kill me first. Which one of us has become the Mizukage?"
"Well, I'm not killing you," Karin said, appalled. Then she thought about that and quickly amended, "and you're not killing me either." She resumed her pacing. When the answer appeared, she whirled back on her weird brother. "Both of us," she hissed victoriously. "If we are confident enough when we walk in there, no one is going to disagree."
It had always worked for Aiko, after all. She'd done much weirder things.
Gaara looked at her for a long second, weighing her words. He nodded solemnly.
So that was what they did. On Monday morning at 5:00, they entered the office of the Mizukage and started the coffee machine.
That took some doing, as neither one of them had operated a coffee machine in the past. But it had to be done. Aiko had talked about it often enough - I need to get in and start the coffee, oh we ran out of coffee early, etc etc.
What they made was…
"Bracing," the secretary said politely. He ushered them into their new office. "Here you go, welcome to the office."
"Our office," Karin said sharply.
Nishikawa-san inclined his head to her. He murmured something that might have been an affirmative, and he left quickly.
Karin put her hands on her hips and surveyed the office. Gaara drifted to the desk, trailing sand over documents. He stopped, picked one up, and squinted at it.
"What's that?" Karin asked, coming over to look.
Gaara shook his head, let sand lift the paper, and had it destroyed in his weird little sandball. "Evidence," he said gravely.
Ah. Karin nodded. "There's probably a lot of that," she sighed. She pushed up her glasses, wondering where to start. "About the drugs?"
Gaara shook his head.
"The coup in Wave?" She tried absently. She found a file of what appeared to be financial records going back years beyond Aiko-sama's tenure. That seemed useful as baseline knowledge.
"No," Gaara said again. Cooly, he added, "It was in regards to something called Crimetown."
Karin blinked, looking up from her tax records. "Crimetown? Can't be what it sounds like."
"A bit on the nose," Gaara agreed. He turned his face towards the door. He waited.
She didn't know what he was waiting for.
"Nishikawa-san," Gaara elaborated.
"Oh!" Karin crossed the office floor, flung the door open, and called out, "Nishikawa-san, what's Crimetown?"
He cleared his throat and loudly called back, "An initiative to relocate organized crime and illegitimate petting zoos to a district between Konoha and the Capital of the Fire Country."
"Okay," Karin said, because that was clear enough for her purposes. As she closed the door, she faintly heard a female voice say "an initiative to what?"
She turned back to Gaara. They made eye contact.
"She doesn't care for Konoha," Gaara offered after a moment.
Karin snorted. "Let's keep that one going, honestly."
"Not the drugs," Gaara said mildly.
She scoffed. "Definitely not," she agreed. "We don't have the means. But I think that there's actually a mission we can collect to stop the flow of drugs through bordering countries…" She trailed off, getting lost in background information while Gaara patiently assessed the current political state of affairs via reading Aiko-sama's correspondence and the ongoing missions.
"Wave," Gaara said. It was so long after silence had fallen that it took her a while to realize what he was saying.
"That's legitimate enough," Karin said absently. "She went through local intermediaries, didn't actually choose the new leader, and now she's gone so that's a lot of plausible deniability. We keep the new Daimyo, we keep our outposts there and expand."
Gaara grunted and put a disconcertingly thick envelope in a shorter pile. At a glance, Karin would say it was probably full of cash. Morbid curiosity got the better of her. "What's that for?" She asked, pointing at it.
Her brother had definitely already read it. Still, he looked at the notation one more time before bluntly saying "Pencils."
She blinked furiously. "Pen- that looks like a lot of money!"
"A chuunin's yearly salary," Gaara concurred. He looked disturbed.
There was nothing more to say about it. They finished the inventory in a troubled silence. They sent off the envelope for 40000000 yen in pencils.
"The worst part," Gaara said contemplatively, "is that I suspect pencil is not a code."
She swallowed. "Yeah," Karin agreed. They just had to live with that knowledge now.
At least it probably came from drug running money. It would just be sad if real work was funding that. It had to be a bribe, right?
"Oh, shit," Karin realized. She ran a hand down her face. "We might need some new, big income streams."
"Or more surprise unpaid secret diplomats," Gaara murmured. He drifted away before she could find the moral strength to say that they would not be copying that particular crime. Konoha already knew about it: getting away with it once was probably a fluke.
'They were super helpful, though. And a funny fuck you to Konoha.'
It was something to keep in mind.
They had challenges to their tenure early. First off all, they were both foreign nationals.
Karin scoffed at the councilor who brought that complaint. "Aiko-sama was the Hokage's daughter and retained Fire Country citizenship."
The tremendously old man looked at her. ".... Which Hokage?" He wondered.
Karin judged him pretty hard. "All but one of them were way too old to even be an adult's Dad," she said flatly. "Obviously, the Yondaime Hokage was Aiko-sama's Dad. She's not gone and died of old age, she just left us all forever for personal reasons that she didn't feel like mentioning."
He looked offended as he left.
The next type of challenge was to their qualifications. Neither was a Jounin in good standing, and Karin didn't have much international reputation.
"Nepotism," Gaara said flatly. "The relevant qualification is nepotism." He went back to very expensive order forms for a seal of office. It was proving difficult to commission. They were considering the argument that impersonating Aiko would be not only in her spirit but a fitting tribute.
The concerned office worker gave him an extremely tired look over her box of submitted complaints. "Aiko-sama did enjoy that," she allowed. "I'll see if that answer makes this stop."
The true test came 6 days into their self declared tenure, when Terumi Mei threw open the door to the office and narrowed her eyes at them. "Obviously you are not the Mizukage," she said. She was looking at Gaara.
"Of course not," Karin said absently. She was reading hospital budget requests. "He's half."
"Get out of my office," Terumi said flatly. "I'm her successor. She told me."
Karin put her papers down and made eye contact. "Did she tell anyone else that?" She challenged. She put as much condescension into her voice as possible.
The moment stretched on. Terumi seemed to be struggling with a twitching eye muscle.
Karin raised an eyebrow.
"Fuck," Terumi hissed, quietly and with feeling.
Anyone have any good Gaara fic recs?
My faves are
The First Shifting Grain by Cadel
New Wind Nation by Kyogre
Also, although he didn’t show up till later, I do like Vapors by Electrasev5n and the continuations of it.
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Shadow Bruises
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48046879 by Redflagship (Electrasev5n) Tim realizes that the dead Robin was his soulmate. He doesn't tell anyone, which leaves him in a bad position when he starts to suspect that Jason isn't all that dead anymore. The dead Robin takes a lot longer to catch on to the situation. Prompted by a request on Tumblr, for pride month. Premise of soulmate connection that varies depending on your personality. Words: 3051, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Additional Tags: Hurt No Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Soulmates, Romantic Soulmates, Lazarus Pit Mad Jason Todd, Protective Jason Todd, Angst with a Happy Ending read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48046879
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The Proposal
by Redflagship (Electrasev5n) Jason is compelled by a ghostly instinct he doesn't understand to make a series of offerings to a grungly college freshman he has never even spoken to. It's really awkward. Based off a Tumblr prompt developed by Faeriekit. Words: 2731, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Danny Phantom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, The Joker, Bruce Wayne Relationships: Danny Fenton/Jason Todd Additional Tags: all tagged characters aside from pairing have minor roles, such as bringing a pan, complaining about a bad smell, dying off screen, or being optimistic about a phone call, Dead On Main - Freeform, midwestern food, do not think this is a safe place for midwestern food slander btw, these are all from my grandma's repertoire, tw American food lol via https://ift.tt/apnzwrd
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Aang isn't there when Zuko comes to the South Pole and Azula takes a more direct interest in protecting her place as the heir apparent. These two facts set off a chain of events that changes everything. There's no going back. Estimated word total of about 160,000. Fem-Sokka centric story with plenty of interest in Zuko as well.
author: ElectraSev5n
wordcount: 107,984
rated: T
#fic rec#ffn#atla rec#ElectraSev5n#author: ElectraSev5n#T#rated: T#Aang#Zuko#Fem!sokka#Sokka#Katara#Toph#Iroh
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