maximusboltaqon · 11 months
so since im rewatching i figured i would make a list of things i love about this show in no particular order:
-lockjaw teleporting bb in the middle of a road and the two of them just kinda look around confused until a crash happens.
-bb acting like he has absolutely no idea what cars are, but when medusa calls him and he holds up his watch, she immediately recognizes the sound of traffic.
-gorgon calling the rover a little baby car.
-gorgon going to the beach, calling triton's name like twice, and then just walking into the ocean. where he immediantly starts drowning because he cant swim.
-the surfer guys who save gorgon hear gorgon say he's looking for his cousin who fell off a cliff after getting shot at, but now he needs to return to the moon from the mission his king sent him on, and completely earnestly believe him and are instantly willing to die for him.
-maximus asking crystal where their family is. crystal does not answer. he moves her to her apartment, then to the throne room. crystal asks maximus where their family is. maximus, obviously, does not answer.
-i think the writers just really dont know how karnak's powers work. why does he have like a yellow mind compass. what is happening.
-eldrac teleporting auran into a rock fence and smiling to himself about it.
-bb being on earth for like ten minutes and in that time causea a car crash, shoplifts, assaults like two people, and causes thousands of dollars worth of property damage.
- "do you know what kitang's last words were? they were a sort of guttural, gurgling noise. not exactly words."
-maximus asking bb if he was going to "kill your only brother" as if bb killing maximus would be totally acceptable and conceivable as a plan if they just had another brother.
-that flashback that makes it seem like bb was planning to die in battle to allow maximus to be king instead. like that was just the only option he could come up with.
-medusa asking an atm if she could please have some money
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thecityonthemoon · 2 years
Eldrac has every right to have an attitude. He entered the mists and was turned into a fucking door
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inhumansforever · 6 years
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Inhuman of The Day
March 30th - Eldrac
Eldrac is an ancient Inhuman who was born on Old Attilan many years ago.  Terrigenesis transformed Eldrac into an ageless, giant totem-like head.  Opening its mouth creates a portal that can teleport people and objects over great distances, even into other dimensions.  The nature of Eldrac’s ability to transport others is not something that can necessarily be controlled or predicted.  It seems teleport individuals to where it feels ‘they need to go’ and not always necessarily where they want to go.  
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Eldrac played a critical role in the evacuation of Attilan during The Infinity Event where Black Bolt detonated the Terrigen Bomb that destroyed much of Attilan.  The majority of the population of Attilan fled through Eldrac and were teleported to many places all about the world (and elsewhere).  
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Although gravely injured, Eldrac was able to survive the fall of Attilan and was found among the ruins of the old city.  It transported Medusa to Inferno’s location in time for her to save Dante and his sister from the renegade Inhuman, Lash.    Later, Eldrac transported Medusa and her forces to Orollan where, following a violent skirmish, Medusa and Lineage where able to persuade Lash to discontinue his pursuit to cull those new Inhumans he found lacking.  
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More recently, Eldrac entered into a pact with the new Inhuman, Lineage.  Lineage had promised to provide Eldrac with a mechanical body, bestowing onto the ancient Inhuman a long desired ability for autonomy and to go off in search of something yet to be revealed.  In return, Eldrac did Lineage’s bidding, sending Medusa and he colleagues into a trap.  
Eldrac ultimately saved Medusa and the others, transporting them back to New Attilan in time to foil Lineage’s scheme.  Eldrac then walked to the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean, where it removed its head from the mechanical body returning itself to an inert state.
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Eldrac remained there undisturbed for many months  until recently.  The new Inhumans, Iso and Inferno were fleeing from The X-Men’s siege of New Attilan with Angel and Wolverine in pursuit.  Desperate to evade capture, Iso unearthed Edlrac’s sand-covered facade and pleaded that it assist them and transport them away to safety.  Eldrac ultimately relented to Iso’s plea, teleporting her and Inferno to Alberta Canada just as Wolverine was bearing down on them.  
This was the last Eldrac has been seen from and it is presumed that it continues to reside on this secluded shoreline of the eastern seaborne.  
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In the Inhumans television series, Eldrac was portrayed by actor, Moses Goods.
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agent-42 · 7 years
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I wonder if Eldrac and Maximus will have a conversation on who has the worst power.
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ethanyca-blog · 5 years
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Gaudi's signature designs often includes a gecko or lizard. This famous statue is nicknamed 'El Drac'. . . . . . #gaudi #antonigaudi #lizard #gecko #eldrac #parkguell #park #parcguell #barcelona #catalonia #spain #canonsg #canonspain #letsguide (at Park Güell) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2aPGnAHeoU/?igshid=1eju2rh21udtt
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truerespite · 5 years
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National Independent Beer Run Day aligns with our Fruit Crushers and El Drac releases! Don't forget to stock up on your favorite local beer for the 4th of July holiday! . . . #seektheseal #drinklocal #mytruerespite #fruitcrushers #eldrac @brewersassoc #mdbeer #marylandbeer #mocomade #mocobeer #madeinmaryland (at True Respite Brewing Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLzbhShl7n/?igshid=5a88jqvf2di7
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flamyangelwings · 2 years
Uncle Clay AU: The ""Deep Lore""
In which Drayden's family is.....complicated.
To begin: The family history
The SIlvermane family has lived in Unova as long as anyone can remember
-Rumour has it they’re actually descended from one of the Twin Princes
-Yes, that name is a direct reference to the fact that their hair is apparently naturally that colour 
--Also it just sounds rad and appropriately regal
-They’ve served as lorekeepers for just as long, passing down the legends of the region from generation to generation
--As well as things such as folk songs about said legends
-They’ve also running the Opelucid Gym as long as it has existed
--Basically, if B/W + B2/W2 had happened 50 years earlier, Drayden’s grandfather, Eldrac, would have been the Lore Giving NPC
Eldrac was an only child and only had one child, Arrden, who had no interest in any of that
-Sure, the stories were fun when he was a kid, but they’re just stories
--Basically, he’s a Pokemon atheist/sceptic. he doesn’t believe in the Legendaries as anything other than really rare/extinct Pokemon
-And while the occasional battle is fun, he doesn’t want to run a Gym
 Arrden wanted a very different life than the one he was born into. 
-No constant battles, no reading and rereading and rerereading old stories
--Especially no constantly being drilled on those old stories to make sure he remembered them ‘right’
-Eldrac was sure Arrden would grow out of that ‘silly fit of rebellion’ and accept his role in life eventually
--Eldrac wasn’t cruel or anything just very stubborn and prideful
---He loved his son and wanted the best for him, he just didn’t realise that ‘the best for him’ wasn’t the life Eldrac had envisioned for him
Arrden went on his Pokémon Journey at 13, at Eldrac’s urging, but didn’t really try. He didn’t care for battling and wanted nothing less than having to challenge the Gym Leaders who all knew him as ‘Eldrac’s kid’ and expected him to take over the Opelucid Gym
-The Gym Leader in Nacrene was the first adult to take him seriously when he said that he had no plans to become a Gym Leader and encouraged him to follow his dream and not just stick with the path his father was forcing him on
The day of his 18th birthday, Eldrac told Arrden it was finally time for him to take the first step to taking over the gym, a Pilgrimage to the top of Dragonspiral Tower.
-Arrden put his foot down. He told Eldrac, for the hundredth time, that no he was not going to do that because he was not taking over the Gym
--It turned into a shouting match that ended with Arrden storming out of the house with a bag and climbing into his best friend, Reyna’s, great-aunt’s car.
---Eldrac expected him to come back within a few days
----Instead he came back from work a few days later to find almost all of Arrden’s things gone
-----He rushed out to try and find Arrden right away, but found no trace of him, and as he was an adult who had left of his own accord, according to all his friends, he couldn’t open a missing person’s report
Arrden and Reyna spent two years travelling before getting married and settling down in Reyna’s hometown of Anville Town, where they moved into the house her parents had left her before their deaths
-Eldrac was beyond surprised to get a wedding invitation
--Also super relieved. This is the first he’s heard from Arrden since he left
---He had been worrying non-stop
----I repeat, he was a good dad, he loved his son, he was just stupid stubborn and kind of willfully oblivious to Arrden’s feelings
-----He’s had two years to ruminate on all this and understand where he went wrong
-He goes to the wedding, where there is a tearful reunion and apology.
--Eldrac hasn’t done a total 180, but he accepts that Arrden doesn’t want to take over the Gym
---He doesn’t quite accept that Arrden still thinks of the legends as myths, but keeps his mouth shut, since he doesn’t want to lose his son again
A year later, they had Drayden
Drayden's Youth
To Arrden’s eternal consternation, Drayden developed a fascination with the old legends at a very young age
-Really, it was his own fault for using them as bedtime stories 
--But better that than Goldilocks and the Three Ursaring
-And the old folk songs as lullabies
--Drayden’s favourite being When Truth and Ideals Clashed
---Think something of a similar feel to Misty Mountains Cold from the Hobbit movie
-Eldrac on the other hand was delighted, though Arrden and Reyna very firmly told him that Drayden’s future was up to Drayden
--If Drayden, when he was older, wanted to dedicate his life to knowing those old stories then he could, but Eldrac was not to try and lead him to that decision
---Eldrac agreed, not wanting to risk losing his son again due to his own actions
When Drayden was eleven years old, only a year before he planned to go on his Pokémon Journey, Arrden and Reyna discovered they were expecting another child
-Naturally, they were ecstatic and Drayden decided to put off his Pokemon Journey by a few years to help with his new baby sister, Alveria
 And so at fifteen years old, Drayden began his Pokemon Journey
-On his way to challenge the first Gym, he met Clay who challenged him to a battle. And Drayden thoroughly trounced him
--Clay challenged Drayden to a rematch after the second Gym, which Clay won
---And then they bumped into each other again and had another rematch, that Clay won again
----And another, that Drayden won
-----And another, and another, and another
------It seemed that no matter what they were doing, they’d always end up running into the other
------And battling each other was fun, they were very evenly matched, even with Drayden being three years older
When he finally reached the 8th Gym. Drayden was shocked to find out that the Gym Leader was his grandfather.
-His parents never told him and Eldrac always assumed he knew
After Drayden won the Gym Battle, Eldrac took the opportunity to ask if he still liked the old legends like he had as a child.
-The answer was an enthusiastic yes, and Drayden started to tell Eldrac about his favourite legends. 
--All of which Eldrac knew by heart, but was happy to sit and listen to his grandson enthuse about in a way his son never did
-Then Eldrac mentioned that the stories Drayden had heard were passed down through the family, offered to let him look at the materials he had on them after the Pokémon League
--He respected Arrden’s stance on not trying to pressure Drayden into making any decisions but, at the same time, he wanted Drayden to know it was an option
--Drayden was, of course, ecstatic at the idea of learning more about his favourite subject
Finally it was time for the Pokèmon League Tournament.
-Both Drayden and Clay made it to the Quarter FInals before losing.
--If they’d both won that round they would have faced each other, so both were pretty disappointed at not getting to have another rematch
 Drayden went home for a few months, stopping at Opelucid on the way back with a promise to return, and tells his parents he wants to go back to Opelucid and study the ancient legends more
-Eldrac had phoned Arrden as soon as Drayden left for the Pokemon League telling him about Drayden’s visit and that he’d made the offer. 
--Arrden had already known it was coming, and he and Reyna had resigned themselves years ago to Drayden probably spending most of his time in Opelucid after his Journey
Drayden came home to visit fairly often, in the beginning at least; holidays, weekends, any special occasion
-Sometimes even managing to bring Eldrac with him
-But as the years passed and he got older, he grew up and by the time Alveria was old enough for her own Pokémon Journey, he was really only returning to Anville for holidays and birthdays.
Ten Years Later: Snapshots of Alveria
Alveria was never that interested in battling, much like her dad
-She still went on a Pokemon Journey, and did end up with a full team of six Pokémon, but she was far more interested in taking photographs of Pokémon than capturing them or doing the Gym Challenge
--This is how she met her soon-to-be best friend and eventual husband Duke
---He happened to be on the same hill as her with his own camera trying to get shots of a meteor shower happening during a lunar eclipse
----The two of them became rivals, in their own way, competing to get the best photos of every Pokémon in the region.
-----As well as just cool shots of beautiful landscapes or cool events
--She travelled with a large group of other kids, some of whom were doing the Gym Challenge, others were Coordinators, as well as one kid who wanted to become a Pokemon Researcher
---Her friends were beyond confused when, despite not really caring about any of the Gyms before, Alveria was practically rushing them to the eighth Gym
----They were even more confused when the elderly Gym Leader and his apprentice greeted her enthusiastically
-----They were mortified when they found out it was her grandfather and older brother.
------Well, less so her grandfather, but Drayden was young, fairly attractive, and semi-famous. Alveria had had to suffer her entire Journey with her friends talking about how attractive he was.
Alveria and Duke would continue to attempt to one-up each other the rest of their youths, singing postcards back and forth of their best and newest photographs, and meeting up to see who could get the best shot of such-and-such special event
-Duke would, in fact, propose to Alveria during one of these meetups when they were 19
--He signed them up for a bus photo tour while on vacation together, and arranged with the tour guides to have his Pokemon waiting around a bend on their path with signs
---Tour Guide: And we have a chance to see something special around this next corner, everyone! Be sure to get your camera’s ready!
---Alveria: *camera ready, staring through the lens, hyper focused*
---Duke: *Getting down on one knee and pulling out the ring box*
---Everyone else on the tour: *Noticing Duke and aiming cameras at him and Alveria*
They got married at 20, and would continue to travel Unova, as well as other regions, taking photographs.
-They stopped for a long while after the twins were born, when Alveria and Duke were 24, but once the twins turned four and were old enough to understand that they’d come back, they started occasionally leaving them with friends overnight for slumber parties and having ‘date day trips’ 
--They planned to start bringing the twins once they were 6, and would actually remember the trips
---Unfortunately, that would never happen, as Alveria and Duke would die when Ingo and Emmet were 5
Drayden and Alveria never had a truly close relationship 
-He was her ‘cool older brother’ and she his ‘baby sister’, and they loved each other, but:
--There was 10 year age gap between them and he practically moved to Opelucid when she was three
---Meaning she only saw him on holidays and weekends
----He felt less like an older brother and more like a cousin to her sometimes
--He had little interest in photography, and she had little interest in battling or mythology
--And he was often very busy, having taken over the Gym shortly after she turned 12.
---When she got older and started travelling freely, she started making the effort to try and visit him whenever she was in the area for a trip, but their schedules seldom matched up
----Especially since the summer was his busiest time, since a lot of kids did their Pokémon Journey during summer break
-As such by the time she had Ingo and Emmet, when she was 24 and he 34, they really only saw each other once or twice a year, and phoned every few months
--At the time Alveria and Duke die, Drayden had met his nephews maybe a dozen times, only a handful of those that they’d actually be old enough to remember
---Though he did send them their first Pokémon for their fifth birthday.
----Much to Alveria's chagrin. When he said he wanted to send them Pokémon, she thought he meant like a Lillipup or a Purrloin to share
-----Not a Litwik and a Tynamo
------She was very vocal about that on their next phone call
At the time of their accident, Drayden would be the twin’s only living relative
-Eldrac having passed away in his sleep two years after Alveria got married
-Arrden and Reyna died in a shipwreck when the twins were two
-Reyna’s parents died when she was a bay and she was left in the care of her great-aunt who died when she was a teenager
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allwillbeone · 5 years
Me, a comic reader vs ABC’s “Marvel’s Inhumans” show ep 1 & 2, a live blogging at Discord(revised version)
Me, watching the cursed Inhumans show in few minutes and Triton got shot while Black Bolt and Medusa are having sexy time: I can't, I can't keep up with the show anymore
This is bad, I can tell the show is bad in these few minutes No I'll finish it in spite
[Under the cut because it’s a long post with a bunch of nonsense, tldr: The X-Men didn’t suffer for this]
And Medusa ignored the important call because they are having sex I can understand why the audience rooted for Maximus at first
Now for 4 minutes? The sexy time is ended but I got really cheap CGI cityscape The show is worse than I expected
The city of Attilan is uglier than any brutalist apartment And the lunascape scene looks like a Play Station 2 game, not even 3, PS2 Maximus' first appearance looks so... basic, if I didn't know he's Max I thought him one of the citizens
I really feel sorry for those actors, they are doing their job amazingly but the writing and costumes and setting and CGI and props are bad, so bad, stupidly bad
The X-Men and the Royal family didn't suffer for this
8 minutes and here we go, eugenics shit against one of their family members? And were you expecting I'm going to root for the royal family, writers?? It's really bad... I'm watching the show only 10 minutes and it already makes me hate the show
I mean, it was 2017? and this shit is worse than in 60s comics
Yeah they can't keep romani people and asian people's ethnicity but keep slavery and eugenics shits I even don't understand why MCU so much loves those facial hairs on non facial hair characters
Gorgon: let's destroy the moon rover Karnak: Wow, how mature Humans: Oh no it looks like a hoof that crushed our rover Medusa and Max: shit... BB: Okay do nothing
Umm... is this why Max thought he has to be in charge...?
Medusa, you ignored a really important call and stopped your husband to answer the call because you gave your priority to sexy time, and now you act like you are a dignified queen with authority This show makes my eyes roll hard
Suddenly Karnak starts bubbling on some nihilistic nonsense in the middle of the terrigenesis ceremony and Gorgon being a eugenicist shit against a family member again. And they'll wonder why one of them revolt against them? I also wonder why...
The scene of Lockjaw's first appearance is something off...  he moves like a bad animatronics Ummm, why Crystal has to cover her hand with a cloth if they just grab terrigen crystal with the bare hand from a box?
I'm not sure I can finish the show... this is worse than what I heard...
Well, no one sans Max willing to engage the boy that seems gets nothing from terrigenesis, even the boy suddenly collapsing and having a seizure on the floor... wow, so cold. While Crystal is fawning over that cheep CGI butterfly wing girl, you are so basic, Crys
They've lost my respect one by one Only Triton and Max keep me have some respect as characters but I'm sure the writing will also screw them Poor Triton
And Triton's makeup is also... bad
The actor of Maximus really had the charisma and the charm in his acting, alas the plot and the writing are so bad
Oh Max starts his "revolution" as a pep talk to lower caste people, and he's smol, smoler than the boy, so smol, they got  the actor that could represent him perfectly but Marvel was stupid so they gave him that boring superhero movie black leather and ugly facial hairs instead of iconic Jack Kirby armors or evil mad scientist lab coat
In dinner or lunch or idk, Karnak is being rude and gross out of nowhere to a female servant, and I can't understand what did the showrunner want to describe by the scene
He and Gorgon are dicks to people without any reason
Yeah, and only asian man being a dick to a white lady out of nowhere.... it seems really... a red flag And only black man being an extremely eugenics scum to his family member is... also... a big red flag
Now Max reveals Triton's death and apparently the mission was secret to even Karnak so BB is getting accused at the dinner table. And BB's excuse is "Oh no you never know he really dead" lmao And he thought it's good to invite nuhumans to the moon because "They are family" while treating your moon people with useless/no power as slaves because of the limitation of the resource? Oh yeah, you go Max, you notice the obvious problem
And BB's answer is "Not now, trust me" Oh yeah, maybe going to Earth is "not now", but "getting nuhumans from earth because they are our family uwu" is also not now imo
It's still over 20 minutes and I can't believe I can find those stupidness from the show easily
I need to eat mushrooms to survive this
Maximus: -Calling out his big bro's BS and storming out of the dining- Karnak: Maximus is dangerous, but I'm loyal to you, trust me
Karnak, it's not a good way to gain people's trust
BB takes a big gun out of Gorgon's hand. Gorgon... a gun... Crystal's dress looks like nipples are showing throw the fabric It's just a fold on the fabric apparently but uh...
Medusa: You can't trust Maximus, we can discuss that BB: -signing, apparently he doesn't want to discuss this-
Oh at least he loves his lil bro to some degree
Everything in the show looks fake af, but yes Medusa's hair is the worst
Oh no I didn't notice the scene is switching to the flashback scene because the switching sequence is bad, and it means oh no that scene
[Flashback scene: BB and Medusa first meeting] aaaaaaaaaa Um, not yet... just a short "first contact" scene...
I'm afraid Max starts wooing Medusa out of nowhere, um...
To be honest it doesn't make any sense in the narrative of the show so far but anything didn't make sense in the show so I can let it go
It's kinda ironic that Max was the one who got precognition power in comics, while he saw the chance in the boy with precog power in the show
Umm, this Iso look-like character is... Auran...?
And Auran got killed by Max(with BB's power) in comics, wow ironic
Attilan in comics: Sci-fi city with a bunch of weird spires and alien buildings Attilan in the show: Are these... maximum-security prisons???
The scene is supposed to be in the rooftop garden on the palace, but it looks like a patio in a prison.
An old guy from the genetic council: It's treason, Auran arrest him, I'm really sorry things become like this Auran: -beat the old man til death-
idk why but it feels kinda comedic...
Then the scene is Oahu island because maybe Triton is there? Wow, nice vacation Triton
While Karnak is playing with a moon rover and guarding people are like "Hey, king Maximus' order, bitch!" and Karnak is like "king Maximus? ... oh shit" lmao
Wow, Max, you are the one who made those humans shoot Triton? And now you are trying to kill Gorgon? ... well, this Gorgon has been an extremely eugenicist scum to you and never stop being a dick, I can't blame you about Gorgon in the narrative, go ahead
And those henchmen are really incompetent, where are the suspense and drama
Karnak: Maximus betrayed us and the royal guards with him Gorgon: wtf I'm the head of the royal guards Wow Gorgon, apparently you have no popularity with them...
Now the royal guards are trying to get Medusa and a fight scene begin... the CGI on her hair is soooo hideous, it's almost comedic And playing "Paint It Black"? Seriously???
Finally someone in the royal guard uses their power to take down the target instead of attacking people like humans that they are disregarding
Max, holding a hair clipper: I have no choice Medusa: If you do this I never forgive you Max: (Surprised Pikachu face meme)
TBH Medusa's line here sounds really... stupid... he's committing a coup against your husband, do you think he would mind of your feelings about your hair??? But apparently, he would mind because idk whatever reason And why they just leave her, at least confine her or do something, you are committing a coup!
Oh no THAT SCENE!!! [Flashback scene: BB killed their parents with "WHY"]
wait, is the man in the left is... younger Max? He looks like an adult man here and much older than younger BB
(No apparently it's the present BB watching his younger self, it's really confusing and I have mild prosopagnosia)
So now, royals get Hawaii vacation, congrats
And BB makes a scene in the middle of Honolulu, and Lockjaw just disappeared before things got into a big mess, bad dog
Medusa: I have to find Black Bolt -riding a bus with tourists- Karnak: I have to find my king -trying to go down a cliff and fall-
Wow, Max is talking Crys about her privilege and propagandas Crys: You make me sick, you are just a human Wow, this Crys is worse than comic Crys
not because of his personality or something, but because he has no power??? Oh yes, she needs a mediocre human's dick even she can be a eugenicist scum to her own family member The show is really bad
They only keep the bad parts of comic canon in the show
It's already over 50 minutes so far, and I can't find any good part in the show... other than those unfortunate actors' acting skills
Gorgon is walking into the sea and battling with crashing waves in vain because he feels emo for Triton
And nice surfers rescue him because... apparently... he can't swim...? And those surfers are too nice and chill, they knew Inhumans already because of plot or something like that and just listening Gorgon's story while sharing beers. They are too nice
Crys can contact Medusa because Auran just dropped her comlink and leave it? Those people are supposed to be elite guards but they are so incompetent, even can't hold their childish princess Oh apparently it was Auran's plot to catch Medusa, much better
Gorgon: You should leave Surfers: Why we have to leave our beach Gorgon: because I challenged my cousin and here will be the battleground
Umm... in that case who has to leave the beach is you, Gorgon...
Oh Eldrac was in the show, I wonder how's he now Max wants to kill BB and Gorgon especially, and not mention to Karnak, he's fine with Karnak being alive... while he's not with Gorgon, lol
[Eldrac, looks like Doh the boss character of a retro video game Arkanoid] ...is this... Eldrac...? What they have done to you, you are boring here
BB feels awkward with his outfit and tries to change to norm clothes is definitely funny, finally I can find a good intentional comedy in the show... And he steals those outfit and hurts security guy, wow
[BB is getting arrested by Honolulu cops] Definitely they should make the show as a superhuman sitcom Like make Max a fabulous mad scientist and let him commit a coup in every week, and BB and co overthrow him and take back the throne at the end of the show. In Every Week.
[BB is running away from the cops and police cruisers] This is definitely a comedy material Marvel, are you telling me this is not a comedy show?
Police officer: Taser! Taser! -shoot taser- BB: Oof -destroying a police car accident because he can't hold his voice-
This BB is a weakass, comic BB has endured far worse, how could you have sexy time with your wife if mere human taser let you lost your control!?
[Police officers are beating the shit out of BB] Wow, be nice to an alien robber, honolulu police officers
Max grabbing his hand makes the boy see those visions, but putting an assuring hand on the boy's shoulder causes nothing and they are just okay...? Hmmm...
[Auran snaps a bus driver's neck] Auran you shouldn't kill a human just because they are trying to stop you entering a bus, people will be suspicious
Auran: -finding Medusa's broken comlink in the empty bus- Me: Oh yeah, Medusa ditched the comlink to hide her whereabouts and went to search BB Medusa: -appears behind the bus and attacking Auran and starts catfighting- Me: wtf
Medusa stubbed Auran with a pocket knife... isn't she supposed to be an elite royal guard!? Why everyone is stupid and weakass Medusa takes a comlink from Auran and tells BB she'll find him and kill Max, with tearful eyes, but I even don't feel any sympathy toward those slave owners... especially to that king who tried to invite more people while many people under his rule are already suffering the overpopulation...
And the mine scene... they are supposed to be a civilization with highly advanced tech, but they have to use their own bare hands and simple tool for mining? What about letting them use more safe and effective machines? Is it too much to ask?
Oh yes, they have no tech guy other than Maximus, apparently. This was why they depend on his technology for their city defense even he'd use it for his future coup(and show!Max is not a tech guy here, so they don't have any tech guy apparently)
Okay, I can see what they wanted to do. Jenkins and Lee's Inhumans second series and Hines' Silent War. I can see many references from those comics. But they couldn't make any coherent plot and story from them.
The showrunner thought their version was "more complicated, more real, and more compelling version" than comic Max and miserably failed because they wanted to do Inhumans vol.2 and Silent War and the very core part of the story is "Max has a point but his twisted mind and impulsiveness made his execution totally bad" It's sad that Once and Future Kings haven't written before their production This is why you are the worst showrunner in the MCU, mister Buck
So... this Auran has healing factor... she doesn't have anything that makes her Auran but okay...
I finished Episode 1 & 2, it feels like eternity
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diyfluffies · 7 years
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I received the spanish version of Amigurumi’s Naaien! I will be giving away one book soon! #muñecosamigurumidetela #mariskavosbolman #detela #muñecosdetela #sewing #sewingbook #sewingforkids #editorialeldrac #eldrac #naaien #naaipatroon #nähen #diy #diyfluffies
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maximusboltaqon · 1 year
so is there anything stopping lockjaw from like... teleporting into a wall or something. what happens if he's trying to take a group of people into a room that's too small to fit them all. can lockjaw detect this and prevent it from happening or is that just like a risk you have to consider
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thecityonthemoon · 2 years
It’s the reason why I like the concept of terrigenesis so much
For many people it includes a big physical transformation that may not even have anything to do with the actual gift (thinking of like, San and Panacea and Swain for example) and it can be uncomfortable or even painful and it can be inconvenient (see San again, or Triton, and even Daisy in AoS has her gift hurt herself at the start).
And yet, it is usually shown at a first glance to be voluntary, despite all of this (just first glance because when you consider that many people were exposed to it as children - like the whole royal family - and the social implications - the fact that social status is linked to one’s gift, the expectations that one should want terrigenesis, you certainly can’t refuse it when you were one the few chosen in a place like Orolan or Utolan, and of course the many people who were in contact with the cloud who didn’t even understand what was going on)
I really like San’s story for high lighting it. He was an athlete and expected to enter the royal guard like his father and his transformation not only fated him to a completely different career without any of status (artist) but also he became physically unable to do things he could do before. And then in the show we have Black Bolt and Maximus on opposite ends of “how powerful” they are and it brought different kinds of pain for both - and yet they had it much better than they would have if they weren’t the King’s sons. And in AoS where Daisy and Raina, similarly, have different levels of physical transformation but both describe it as painful. And Reader, who like Black Bolt got a very powerful gift that brought destruction and pain to those he loved and childhood trauma for himself. Eldrac became a door. Hub became an engine. Swain doubts anyone could ever truly love her. Inferno gets burned by his own powers and they leave scars. Triton can’t breath out of water and is often isolated from his family as consequence. Multiple people died mid-transformation.
I am usually not into the “actually, getting super powers is not that fun” genre but none of the stories I’ve seen that contained it managed to hit me this way. These people are different degrees of fucked up because of it and so are the different societies they built centered around it and yet it isn’t something they ever managed to distance themselves from. The process of terrigenesis is so important to their culture and identity that they can’t imagine a future in which their children don’t get the chance to gamble in this lottery that has so many ways of messing their lives.
(And are they wrong? It’s a part of who they are. There are parts of my genes that messed up my life but they’re part of who I am and I would be very offended at the suggestion of changing them (if it was possible).)
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inhumansforever · 8 years
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Inhuman of The Day
March 15th - Eldrac
Eldrac is an ancient Inhuman who was born on Old Attilan many years ago.  Terrigenesis transformed Eldrac into an ageless, giant totem-like head.  Opening its mouth creates a portal that can teleport people and objects over great distances, even into other dimensions.  The nature of Eldrac’s ability to transport others is not something that can necessarily be controlled or predicted.  It seems teleport individuals to where it feels ‘they need to go’ and not always necessarily where they want to go.  
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Eldrac played a critical role in the evacuation of Attilan during The Infinity Event where Black Bolt detonated the Terrigen Bomb that destroyed much of Attilan.  The majority of the population of Attilan fled through Eldrac and were teleported to many places all about the world (and elsewhere).  
Although gravely injured, Eldrac was able to survive the fall of Attilan and was found among the ruins of the old city.  It transported Medusa to Inferno’s location in time for her to save Dante and his sister from the renegade Inhuman, Lash.    Later, Eldrac transported Medusa and her forces to Orollan where, following a violent skirmish, Medusa and Lineage where able to persuade Lash to discontinue his pursuit to cull those NuHumans he found lacking.  
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More recently, Eldrac entered into a pact with the NuHuman, Lineage.  Lineage had promised to provide Eldrac with a mechanical body, bestowing onto the ancient Inhuman a long desired ability for autonomy and to go off in search of something yet to be revealed.  In return, Eldrac did Lineage’s bidding, sending Medusa and he colleagues into a trap.  
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Eldrac ultimately saved Medusa and the others, transporting them back to New Attilan in time to foil Lineage’s scheme.  Eldrac then walked to the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean, where it removed its head from the mechanical body returning itself to an inert state.
Eldrac remained there undisturbed for many months  until recently.  The new Inhumans, Iso and Inferno were fleeing from The X-Men’s siege of New Attilan with Angel and Wolverine in pursuit.  Desperate to evade capture, Iso unearthed Edlrac’s sand-covered facade and pleaded that it assist them and transport them away to safety.  
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Eldrac ultimately relented to Iso’s plea, teleporting her and Inferno to Alberta Canada just as Wolverine was bearing down on them.   This was the last Eldrac has been seen from and it is presumed that it continues to reside on the secluded shoreline of the Atlantic.  
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spideytorchbigbang · 7 years
Spideytorch Big Bang 2017 Masterpost
,Between the Smoke and Ruins by gleesquid 
The Fantastic Four: Heroes. Villains. Gods. Ghosts.
Oh, how the mighty do fall.
In which Johnny Storm tries to save his family, Spider-Man tries to save the world, and they might as well save each other along the way.
Art by lamoscadomestica and Teshumai.
I Think I Need A Little Change by balancingbookact
Peter Parker is an average guy when he meets, and begins dating, Johnny Storm, of the darling Fantastic Four. With Johnny up in the sky and Peter down on the ground, Peter begins to question if he can ever fit into Johnny's super-powered life. Everything changes, however, when Peter is bitten by a certain radioactive spider and becomes Spider-Man. This should solve all of Peter's problems, right? The only issue: Johnny hates Spider-Man. Misunderstandings and hilarity ensue.
Art by Millielitre.
The Spider Prince and the Morning Star by Traincat
“Folks like to say there’s a monster that lives in the forest,” Old Swenson said the next day when Johnny told him his story. Johnny worked in his shop, when Swenson could afford to pay him. He fixed things, clocks and broken carriages. Johnny wasn’t good for much, but he had a hand for repairs. “And that it’ll grant you wishes, for a price. Folks will say anything, after a drink or five. Don’t listen to that kind of foolish talk, Johnny.”
When Johnny makes a deal with the monster that lives in the woods – himself for his sister’s happiness – he doesn’t expect the giant spider to take him to a beautiful castle, or to reveal himself a cursed prince. There’s only one catch: he’s only a man in the darkest night, and Johnny can never see his face.
Art by johnny-storms-hair and Pariah's Dream.
Happy Family Planning by amaronith
Peter always thought he’d have more of a say over when he had a kid, that it would be something decided between him and his hypothetical lover some time down the line. But between his board of directors insinuating that the public doesn’t trust a single and child-free CEO, and a rather insistent alien queen wanting him as some kind of stud male to save her people, Peter’s ‘someday maybe’ plan has ended up becoming 'no time like the present’ when said alien queen gifts Peter with an egg. In the face of Johnny’s depression over his still missing family, Peter invites Johnny to live with him as the baby’s nanny, because living with the guy you have over a decade and a half of repressed romantic feelings for and raising your daughter together under false pretenses is a plan that can’t possibly back fire.
Good Job, Pete.
Art by @millielitre and @haziart.
hope and fear, i think there is a pattern here by summerdayghost
As far as Johnny was concerned the notorious Spider was nothing compared to that Peter Parker, girlfriend stealing menace. The facts that Peter has no clue what Johnny is talking about when Johnny calls him out for it and that Johnny sort of sees the appeal do not make things better.
Or an au where Peter Parker chose to be a villain instead.
Art by Sciderman.
The Long Road Home by Bookdancer
A witch turns Johnny into a yellow lab, effectively leaving him in the middle of New York City with four paws, no way to communicate, and oh yeah - a dog that can flame on isn’t exactly inconspicuous. All his instincts scream for him to run home, but to his confusion, his paws aren’t leading him to the Baxter Building. Aka Johnny Storm turns up at a run down apartment only to discover that the place belongs to one Peter Parker. Only problem is, Johnny doesn’t know that Peter is Spider-Man, and Peter doesn’t know that Johnny is a dog.
Art by meereswiederkaeuer and hazirart, and a collaboration by them here.
This ain't no fairytale by theKasiaLin
When Peter gets dragged by Gwen into the Central Park in the middle of the night to look for a body he doesn’t expect to be bitten by a werewolf (it’s not like they exist, right?), but that’s exactly what happens. His life takes rapid turn, he’s lost his uncle, a crazed killer alpha werewolf is trying to get to him, and he can’t even control his own body. To make the matters worse the fate seems to like playing with him as it turns out that the only person who can calm him down is none other than Johnny Storm, a self-absorbed cheerleader who seems to embody everything that Peter hates. But maybe being a werewolf won't be as bad as Peter thought...
Art by @balancingbookact and intern-gershwin-palmer.
don't throw away my love by lamujerarana
When Johnny and Peter step through a magic doorway, the Inhuman Eldrac, they are sent on a trip through the multiverse where they encounter version after version of themselves, all at different stages of their lives…all of whom are deeply in love. Could Eldrac possibly be trying to tell them something?
*** “So how did you figure out you were in love with your Johnny?” Peter asks.
“Huh,” Elderly Peter says. “You know what, kid, it’s easier if I just show you.” He takes two steps over to the bed Peter's sprawled out on and whacks Peter on the back of the head, good and hard, and then barks, “You’re in love with him, you idiot!”
“Ow!” Peter complains, rubbing at the back of his head. “That hurt!”
“Well,” Elderly Peter says, not sounding very sorry at all, “you have a very thick skull. It’s going to take a while for that to sink in, but it will eventually.” He sighs. "Make that a very long while."
Art by Pariah’s Dream.
A big thank you to all of our participants! 
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comicsdune · 8 years
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You send people where they need to go. It's your gift. #Eldrac #Inhumans #TheInhumans #InhumanRoyalFamily #InhomoSupremis #Inhumanity #Tilan #Terrigenesis #Nuhuman #Attilan #NewAttilan #TerrigenMist #Medusa #QueenMedusa #MedusalithAmaquelin #RulerofAttilan #MadameMedusa #DarkQueen #AForce #CouncilofElders #Earth616 #Superheroes #Comics #ComicBooks #Marvel #MarvelComics #MarvelUniverse #JoeMadureira #CharlesSoule #ComicsDune
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lamujerarana · 7 years
by lamujerarana [formerly timeladyromana]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fantastic Four (Comicverse), Spider-Man (Comicverse) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Parker/Johnny Storm Characters: Johnny Storm, Peter Parker Additional Tags: Jealousy, Possessive Behavior, Mutual Pining, Humor, Angst, Matchmaking Summary:
When Johnny and Peter step through a magic doorway, the Inhuman Eldrac, they are sent on a trip through the multiverse where they encounter version after version of themselves, all at different stages of their lives…all of whom are deeply in love. Could Eldrac possibly be trying to tell them something?
*** “So how did you figure out you were in love with your Johnny?” Peter asks.
“Huh,” Elderly Peter says. “You know what, kid, it’s easier if I just show you.” He takes two steps over to the bed Peter's sprawled out on and whacks Peter on the back of the head, good and hard, and then barks, “You’re in love with him, you idiot!”
“Ow!” Peter complains, rubbing at the back of his head. “That hurt!”
“Well,” Elderly Peter says, not sounding very sorry at all, “you have a very thick skull. It’s going to take a while for that to sink in, but it will eventually.” He sighs. "Make that a very long while."
So I just posted my finished Big Bang, and so many thanks to @pariah-arts and @maryjanewatson for their beautiful artwork! 
I was so excited about both, and thanks for your hard work!!! ❤️
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regalsleonor · 4 years
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Feliç dia de Sant Jordi 🌹📚🐲 #santjordi #feliçdia #elcaballer #eldrac #laprincesa #llegendes #larosa #🌹 #elllibre #📚 #regalsleonor https://instagr.am/p/B_UG85eJs-6/
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