#elderly lgbtq+
53v3nfrn5 · 4 months
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An elderly lesbian couple finally get to apply for a marriage licenses and exchange wedding vows after the New York State Marriage Equality Act goes into effect. (2011) photog. Stewart Cairns
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September 26, 2022 - Congratulations to the Cuban people for voting in favor of the Family Code! [article]
The new code guarantees the right of all people to form a family without discrimination, legalizing same sex marriage and allowing same sex couples to adopt children. Under the new code, parental rights will be shared among extended and non-traditional family structures that could include grandparents, step parents and surrogate mothers. The code also adds novelties such as prenuptial agreements and assisted reproduction.
The Code promotes equal distribution of domestic responsibilities amongst men and women and extends labor rights to those who care full-time for children, the elderly, or people with disabilities. The code establishes the right to a family life free from violence, one that values ​​love, affection, solidarity and responsibility. It codifies domestic violence penalties, and promotes comprehensive policies to address gender-based violence.
The Code also outlaws child marriage and corporal punishment, stating that parents will have “responsibility” instead of “custody” of children, and will be required to be “respectful of the dignity and physical and mental integrity of children and adolescents.” It also asserts that parents should grant maturing offspring more say over their lives.
The new code also expands the rights of the elderly and people with disabilities. It recognizes the role of grandfathers and grandmothers in the transmission of values, culture, traditions and care.
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tefeckincraicen · 3 months
No, grandma, the new age isn't iPhones, it's pegging
-me to my grandma 2 years ago because she doesn't understand non straight sex ✌🏻 (this is fake, I am lying to you. Well, only a little, I did have a very embarrassing in depth talk about homosexual sex with her and almost died of embarrassment, but I didn't say this to her, I just had a funny thought seeing on Snapchat that this happened 2 years ago)
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neechees · 10 months
Whats so gross about white liberals and zionists justifying the genocide of Palestinians with "Well theyd kill queer people in Palestine!" Which isn't true anyway, but they say it with such glee and smugness at the idea of lgbtq people dying and being murdered in x West Asian country that they'd support a genocide against it. Why does that make you happy? Why is that hilarious to you that you'd use it as a snide "comeback" against other lgbt ppl who support Palestine?
How does Isntreal bombing Palestine help the Queer people there exactly? How is Isr*el murdering lgbtq Palestinians more justifiable and "progressive" than if Palestine was apparently doing it?
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koalatysleep · 3 months
That time Togashi straight out told us the real story in YYH is in the subtext, through - what else - subtext 🤣
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This was in the manga chapter immediately after Kuwabara seemingly defeated Toguro in the Yukina rescue mission, after he seemingly falls in love with her at first sight without even knowing her name or who she is. 🤣
In case you're wondering what this seemingly throwaway reminiscence from Togashi is referring to, here's the "translation" of his subtextual meaning: 🤣
Togashi in above notes: "I wasn't the type to blatantly and directly defy school regulations... I'm the type who live to defy the law in indirect and clever ways that eludes the notice of the teachers so I can play right under their noses without getting caught or having my fun (manga, games) taken away from me."
What Togashi means: "I'm not the type to blatantly defy the authorities like the censors or the powers that be at Shonen Jump by blatantly writing the real story in the main text, I'm the type who defies the authorities by cleverly hiding the real story in the subtext, which eludes the notice of the authorities so I can have fun right under their noses without losing publication or being forced to stop."
As though to make sure we understand that Yukina is a proxy character for Yusuke where Kuwabara's feelings are concerned, the official Chinese manga even has fourth wall dialogue to tell us through Hiei that Yukina was captured by slavers because she broke the rules to play with animals in the mountains and was easily discovered while playing.
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Yup, Togashi told us through this fourth wall dialogue that he'd lose his freedom to play (i.e. tell the real story he wants to tell), just like Yukina lost her freedom, if he makes the Kuwameshi love story too easily detectable, coz that's against the rules. 😭
Also, the fact that Toguro was the one to inflict emotional torture on Yukina by killing her bird friends foreshadows how he's the one to torture Yusuke emotionally by killing Kuwabara in the dark tournament. Yup, the narrative itself uses Yukina as a proxy for Yusuke, just like Kuwabara expresses his feelings for Yusuke through the proxy of Yukina. And oh yeah, birds are a symbol of Kuwameshi romantic love in YYH anime. The depth of subtext is always mind blowing 🤯😜
As for what the real story is - well, Togashi & Anime Studio Pierrot told us this countless times throughout canon, through subtext that shows us what the real story is about, while telling us the narrative misdirection (i.e. the cover lie) of what the story seems to be about, fourth wall dialogue that straight out tells us things they want to make sure we don't miss 🤣, sequence of events which reveal cause-&-effect and thus True Character Motivations, mirror & proxy characters, body language cues, even lighting & background music of scenes, choice of clothing & colors for characters, etc.
Ya know, basically all the same techniques that are used in storytelling outside of anime in good live action films & series for adults, which makes YYH a Truly Great Work of Art that bears repeated viewings, because the subtext is so rich & deep, I guarantee it will blow your mind ;P
If you take nothing else from this post & ain't the type to read meta or subtext, just "trust me bro" on this 🤣- YYH is about Life and what makes life worth living, Death and what's worth dying for, all the ways in which we can destroy ourselves and each other, all the ways in which we can save ourselves and each other, the complex nuances and grey areas that people exist in outside of the simple duality of "Good" vs "Bad", Kindness, Mercy, living by your own Moral Code and standing up for it, Friendship, Family both biological and found, Humor, Tragedy, Marginalized & Misunderstood people and how at the end of the day we're more alike than we think, all the bittersweet ways Life can break your heart while filling it to the brim... but most of all, Yu Yu Hakusho is about LOVE.
Tagging @sadique-angel coz you enjoy YYH subtext and the way Togashi did it here with his seemingly throwaway reminiscence is brilliant 🤣❤️👌
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offonaherosjourney · 1 year
Can't let Pride month end without talking about one of my favorite parts: on the Pride parade I went to I was pulled aside on seven occasions by bystanders who asked me what the flag I was wearing (it was the bi flag) or that other people were wearing meant. I don't know what exactly about me screams "I WILL EXPLAIN QUEER VEXILLOLOGY", but I'm strongly considering getting it into a t-shirt for next year
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lgbtq-archives · 1 month
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woolfinbooks · 1 year
Elder Queer Book Recommendations
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purplecreeper01 · 2 years
For context, I’m a CNA taking care of the elderly in nursing homes.
Lately I’ve noticed I’ve been seeing more LGBTQ+ elderly coming into rehab and long term care. When I first started just 5 years ago I rarely ever saw openly gay folks come in. It just makes me happy because it means there’s more of us surviving to old age.
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acepandemi · 3 months
Between Aunty's recent stay in hospital and subsequent check-ups, my own medical issues, and various things I needed, I've been schlepping around the city centre a lot more than I'm normally comfortable with recently.
But one of the things that makes it worth it is this really cool traveling art exhibit that I discovered (and continue to discover) in one of the busier areas.
It's called "Oud Roze" or "Antique Pink", and the best way I can describe it is that it's a tribute to elderly members of the LGBTQIA+ Community. A series of colourful, sturdy bill-boards arranged in three "arms" extending into the streets around a small square-like area, featuring beautiful photographs of elderly people (in their 70s, 80s, or even 90s), who are all LGBTQIA+. Next to each photograph is a story this person wants to tell, in first person POV, like they're telling it to the reader personally, in both Dutch and English. Elderly Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Intersex people, white people, people of colour, born in the Netherlands or immigrated or fled here later in life, telling about their life experiences, how they realised they were not cishet, what the community was like in their day, those first waves of activism, things they'd like the younger generations to know, etc.
Every time I pass by I stop to read one or two of the stories (because unfortunately I don't have the energy right now to take it all in at once), and they're endlessly fascinating. Yesterday on the way back from the library I read the story of a Black Genderfluid ballet dancer, and an 80-year-old Intersex person who now finally has a name for something people in their family had learned to hide and be ashamed of for generations. Today on my way back from the hospital and Aunty's check-up (doctor is quite satisfied about how her body is healing), I read the story of a Lesbian woman of Chinese descent whose family ended up in the Netherlands after much wandering around the globe, and who told about how disconnected WOC like her had felt from the white feminists and Lesbians in those days, and about the organisations they had founded in response. She'd worked for one of these organisations, and mentioned it had originally started out as focused on music and dance, because the founding members hadn't liked the music being played at white "Women's Parties" (aka parties organised by feminists and Lesbians for like-minded women). I also read a really cute story from a 70+ Gay man originally from the Dutch Antilles who, after describing the Dutch Gay scene in those days a bit, told about his response to the Netherlands legalising same-sex marriage in 2001. He immediately called up his then-boyfriend, who was abroad on business, to propose, but the line cut out before he could hear his bf's answer. So then he had to wait on tenterhooks for his bf to call back with his response, poor man! The response, btw, was "I've already started designing our wedding outfits!"
There's about thirty photos in total and I've read about half of them so far. I think it's a really cool art exhibit. (My only criticism so far is that I haven't found an asexual person yet, but I'm not through yet so who knows?)
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fixed211 · 1 year
I went to a wedding today for a college friend with some mutual friends (3 Females & 1 NB). During the reception 2 of the bride’s high school friends & an elderly lady sat with us for dinner. When the MC was announcing the order in which the tables are released to go get food (it was buffet style) our table was announced to be last.
The elderly lady, “Well ladies, looks like we are last to get food”. *Looks over at friend in a button down & slacks* “My apologizes, Ladies & Gentle-person, we are last to get food.”
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krisgoatpher · 1 year
i think the world would be a little better if we just talked to older poc + queer ppl more often
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dumblesbiansworld · 2 years
i wanna be visibly queer but im just so scared
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addasparkle · 2 years
Seeing queer people over the age of 30 always makes me so happy. Like you exist. You can be an adult and still queer
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lgbtq-archives · 1 year
A short stream of thoughts by Rich Haluschak on importance of 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 for aging LGBTQ.
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