#elden ring chain 2 part 1
Elden Ring Chain 2, Part 1
This time we did the chain a little differently. Two people got the same prompt, but instead of letting eight people do one chain with eight entries, we split them in two groups. Once the first half was done, the other group did receive the last art piece/fic and continued with it, so we got two chains for the price of one ^^ Please be aware that one of the chains is an entry short, because I, the mod, had to drop out thanks to life circumstances. For now, let's start with the first chain. Prompt: A tale of Godwyn's favoured Servant, Fia
Title: A Banished Companion
Prompt: A tale of Godwyn's favoured Servant, Fia
Limit: 4k 
Length: ~2500
Fia’s departure from Leyndell is sudden and unwanted, but even after the tragic death of Godwyn the Golden, all is not lost.
Very sad. Canon character death.
In proper Fromsoft fashion, the only concession I’ve made to early English is to use thee/thy for informal speech. “You” is used between strangers or to mark that the speaker is of less rank than the listener.
This isn’t meant to be a full reflection on the role of Destined Death - rather, it’s an attempt to view the effects of Marika’s rage from the outside. In her anger and grief, she shatters more than she knows, and sows the seeds of her own destruction.
Fic Body
Before, Godwyn, demigod ascendant, pride of his family, was called the Golden.
Before, he was the conqueror of dragons, the bosom companion of fearsome Fortissax. He took after his father in charisma and his mother in might. As the only child of the Eternal Queen and the Elden Lord, he was welcome everywhere, favored everywhere. Of course he had enemies, just as She did. Of course the divine family expected his grace and power to protect him.  
When the Black Knives came, the accolades and expectations all proved hollow. 
That bleak morning, Leyndell was in chaos. The gold-and-white banners lay limp beneath black mourning streamers that had not flown since the end of the war against the Gloam-Eyed Queen. The knights were out in force, patrolling the streets in threes and fours and shouting at everyone who stepped out their doors to go back inside.
Fia was in the lower city’s sole Church. All three of the active Deathbed Companions stayed there, along with their Revered Mother. Along with Fia herself, whose apprenticeship had ended so recently that she had not yet performed her rites. 
The sanctuary was empty this morning. The Companions, fresh from their morning prayers, occupied a half-circle of chairs before the ornate seat of the Revered Mother. Light poured in the windows and the open door from the Erdtree, brighter than the sun. The plain walls and waxed wooden furnishings made a homelike setting, and the five black-clad figures huddled together, trying to understand what was the matter.
No black-clad messenger came to ask the Companions’ boon. No noble scion or spouse lay grieving on the front steps, begging to have a beloved relative borne back to life. Instead, knights clustered around the Church in ominous silence, and sent groups down the nearby alleys as if searching for something.. 
“What has befallen us?” The Revered Mother, Sarah, spoke from her chair. “Will one of ye go and ask the knights what it is they are doing?” She looked to rise, but her vigor had faded years ago, and it would not be easy for her to walk even so far. 
“Of course, Mother.” Fia rose. Iris, one of the older Companions, followed along behind her.
“Sir knight?” Fia called through the Church’s open door. The nearest one turned, crisp, hand on his weapon. 
“Go back inside,” he commanded. “This is no time to be out.” 
“What news, sir? Please - we haven’t heard.” Fia stepped obediently back, peering around the door. Iris, behind her, leaned to peer out too. 
The knight shook his head. “You don’t know? The Golden lies slain, by some foul-” 
Whatever he would’ve said was cut off. With a clap of wings like thunder, the dragon Fortissax cruised low overhead. Toward the base of the Erdtree! The knight ducked by reflex. Iris squeaked and hid behind the door. Fia stepped back into shadow, hand over her mouth. In moments, the dragon was past, the shattering noise gone.
Fia closed the door with a mournful creak of hinges. Iris slumped against it. “No,” she whispered. “It can’t be-.” 
Fia crouched by her side, patting at her shoulders. “He is a god,” she said, barely believing. “Yet even gods may die.” 
And dead he was. 
The Companions spent their afternoon trying to guess what would be next. While Leyndell tolerated Those who Live in Death, it seemed past belief that the Eternal Queen would recommend one of Her own for the ancient, sacred practice when She could grant Erdtree burial instead. And how had the Golden fallen? They, who studied death and knew it intimately, had not known he was close to his ending.
They split for a time, the Companions to their quarters to worry and to prepare. Fia stayed with the Revered Mother, tending to her needs. 
A knight came as the sun was setting, tacked a bill to the door under the Golden Seal, and left without speaking a word. Fia retrieved it and handed it to the Revered Mother. A handwritten note was wrapped inside it. When Sarah read it, her face went pale. 
“So it is true.” She sagged in her chair. Fia, anxious, moved to pat her thin hand. The Revered Mother said first, in a flat voice: “I am not to show this to you, or share this warning.” She put the first, handwritten slip of paper into a candleflame, watched it crumble to ash, and read the formal bill aloud: 
“Mourn, Leyndell! Godwyn the Golden lies slain by a blasphemous conspiracy. 
He will be buried in two days’ time at the foot of the Erdtree. His faithful companion Fortissax shall attend his grave, as is the custom among dragons. All loyal citizens of Leyndell may attend ceremonies on the grounds of the Church of the Order. All faithful of the Golden Order are welcome within the Erdtree Sanctuary or upon its grounds.
Fear, traitors and blasphemers! Ye shall bow to the wrath of the Golden Order, and all those who practice the arts of Death shall fall beside ye. 
Heed now my words: Never again shall Death sully the Divine.” 
Sarah laid the scroll across her knees. Below the final line, the seal of the Eternal Queen glowed golden. Fia stood stock-still, stunned. 
“Apprentice mine. My last, precious student.” Sarah grasped both her hands. “Gather the others, now.” 
Iris was easy to find in her quarters, reading a book before her long mirror. Shannon was examining his wardrobe. Ciara was at the altar, as was so often the case. Fia called them all together, and the four Deathbed Companions knelt before their leader one final time. 
Once again, she read the dreadful scroll. Sarah waited for the gasps and soft cries to finish, and folded her withered hands over her knees. 
“My little ones. Faithful Companions all, who have borne so many back to life. This is the last assignment I will ever give ye.” 
Iris stifled a sob. 
“Flee now, Companions. Flee before the knights come, or Death will hold us all before morning.”  
“Revered Mother.” Shannon spoke through a handkerchief of black lace, held over his mouth. “What of you?” 
“I will remain.” Sarah lifted her chin in pride, white hair curling over her shoulders. Her beauty had outlasted her vigor.
“May we not stay beside you?” 
“Lovely Shannon! Someone must speak for Death, but it need not be thee.” Sarah leaned forward to place a hand on his head. “Flee Leyndell. Go far and fast.”
Only Ciara did not speak, but knelt with head bowed, silent and still. Tears streamed in silent protest.  
“Go now, Companions.” Sarah rose with difficulty from her chair, and walked to the door. “I do not know how long we have.”
“Come, Shannon.” Ciara was standing in a flash, holding a hand out. Shannon grasped it and they made haste for the door. Iris followed after. 
“Fia? Aren’t you coming to pack your things?” 
“No. I’m going now.” Fia looked from her elders to her Revered Mother, and saw pride in Sarah’s pale eyes. Her cloak, her stipend - 
Well, she would figure out a way, if only she had her life. There was no reason to believe the knights would hesitate. 
“Good girl,” Sarah whispered. “Go with my blessing.” 
Fia fled. 
Leyndell lay unrestful in the evening. 
Fia left the Church by an entrance she had used as a child: a gap where the wall did not quite meet a mighty limb of the Erdtree. As a girl, she’d scrambled through that gap to play among the golden leaves. Now, the limb was bare, and she used its bulk to hide from a patrol of passing knights. Working fast, she stripped her distinctive headdress off, tucked it into her dress for safekeeping, and let down her hair. Her Companion’s dress might give her away, but there was no time to change it. 
That group of knights formed a loose line around the front of her Church, her home, and paused. Their superior, notable in a golden cloak with the Erdtree’s emblem woven in white, walked the line in approving silence.
Out of sight but not out of hearing, a mailed fist hammered on the wooden door. The hinges gave their mournful creak. 
Fia slunk down out of sight, took to the road, and ran for all she was worth. 
Within the area around the little Church, all had been quiet. When she reached one of the main thoroughfares, she found it packed with people. In the throng, she was only a pale woman in a black dress, one of many. Some, tears on their faces and offerings in hand, were going to the Erdtree Sanctuary. Others, wearing cloaks and bearing bundles on their backs, were heading for the gates. Knights on horseback tried to control the crowd, to little effect. 
Fia put her head down, feeling the lack of her headdress like a pressure on the back of her neck, and stayed as far from the mounted knights as possible. The currents of the crowd would bear her toward the gates, if only she could avoid notice. It was a long walk in the best of circumstances; she guessed it would be hours, if all the roads were so crowded.
Snatches of conversation came to her ears. 
“I can’t believe it-”
“Blasphemy against the Eternal!”
“He’s going to prepare their home in Caelid-”
“Who would do such a thing?” 
“Heard it was a demigod…”
“That can’t be right.”
“Liurnia is nice this time of year.”
“The Heir is fallen too, didn’t you know?” 
“Whole Order is up in arms, it’s war, no mistake.”
“We need to go.”
Dire news, if it was true, and Leyndell gave her no reason to believe it wasn’t. Everywhere, on every tongue, murmurs of blasphemy and conspiracy. The notices were everywhere, posted on doors all through Leyndell. With her heart in her throat and a burning blur in her eyes, Fia wondered how many others had been taken by Leyndell’s knights. She couldn’t let herself think of the Revered Mother or her friends and fellow-students, or she would betray herself and them with her grief. 
Grief, and anger. The Eternal claimed that the Gods would never again be touched by death - but was she not a mortal queen, before she took the throne? Was not her consort, father of that so-beloved son, a mortal man? She claimed immunity from something she could not begin to understand! Like anyone, the bereaved mother screamed and beat at the coffin, as if it would bring her son back to her unchanged. 
But unlike just anyone, Marika’s fury had consequences. She had, with a stroke of a pen, consigned Fia and all those who she loved to the very same fate she would not admit for herself. Banned the arts of Death! Why, as well she could outlaw Death itself. Forbid anyone to die! And in such ridiculous fashion, doom the whole world to stagnation.
And, insult to injury, strip away the purpose of one woman she’d never met. 
Never had Fia lain with a noble; never had she completed the sacred rites and borne someone back to life. Now, she never would. No longer could she call herself Deathbed Companion, if the Eternal had declared all the arts of Death anathema. Would her gifts even work, without the blessed perfume? Without the ceremonial bed in its gorgeous drapery of brocade?
No, she thought. They were components of the ritual for good reason. 
She was just Fia, now and always. Just Fia. Just a silent, resentful enemy of the Eternal Queen herself.
Fia passed the gates in a crowd so thick that the knights could not stop everyone, not without spilling blood and making the situation a hundred times worse. When one of Leyndell’s mighty sentinels lowered his lance for a barrier, she and half a dozen others ducked under it, so close the breath of his huge steed ruffled her hair. 
“Stop!” cried the knight, but nobody did. To pursue would have been to let even more of the milling crowd flow out. The knight stayed in his place, shouting at the tide of people to slow down.
The golden road across the Altus Plateau lay open. Fia left it as soon as she could and hid. She shivered unseen in a hollow beneath a tree until she was sure the knights were not coming for her. 
Morning came, and Fia realized she was hungry. 
Hungry meant alive. Waking meant she’d slept. Her sore eyes and dry mouth said she’d wept for the Companions, for Godwyn, for herself. 
As she’d been trained, she hovered between sleep and awake, and took stock of what was around her. Hard earth below, barely cushioned by fallen leaves. Birdsong, distant. The itch of an insect bite. The shush of rain, falling just outside her leafy shelter.
The sound of someone breathing, very nearby. 
Her eyes snapped open unbidden. Every muscle tense, she saw-
Another woman, perhaps twenty years her senior, anonymous in a heavy cloak of thick grey fur. The stranger had shoulder-length hair of an indeterminate shade and appeared no more prepared than Fia herself. 
“Shhh,” she said. 
Fia, half a heartbeat from leaping to her feet, trembled with the effort of staying put. “Who are you?” she hissed. 
“Just another traveler fleeing Leyndell ‘fore it gets any worse. I don’t want to be found any more than you do.” The traveler tilted her head. “So, please- let me rest here where it’s dry.” 
“All right.” Fia lowered her head. She couldn’t stop the traveler, and making a fuss would just draw the sentinels down on them both. She was no longer a Deathbed Companion, to cloister herself away. Her home, her friends, her pride, all gone, with Marika’s fury to ensure she would never return.
“Hey,” came the soft voice. “Hey.” 
Fia did not look up. 
“Is there some way I can help you? I’ve got food, drink. Even a little sorcery.”
“What confidence you have,” Fia managed, in a choked voice. 
“Well, I’ve been on the roads before.”
“Then, if you will - let me hold you, only for a moment.” The cadence of her training came back, easing the words. “Share your vigor with me, and I’ll ask for nothing more.” 
The stranger smiled, quizzical. “Is that all you want? Well then, by all means.” 
Fia uncurled, surreptitiously dabbing her face with a sleeve, and spread her arms. 
There in the hollow of the golden-barked tree, she took a confident stranger into her arms. There, for the first time, she felt the rich force of another’s life flow into her body, given by that willing touch. 
Even without the rituals, without the blessed perfumes or the embroidered baldachin to hide her from profane eyes, she was yet a Deathbed Companion. The raw loss of her church and title, even her Revered Mother, became just a little more bearable.
She was Fia, Deathbed Companion, and some day, she would bring the truth of Death home to the very gods.
The stranger sighed. “I’ll stay a moment longer.” 
“Please,” said Fia, and began once more to don her veil.
Character notes
Sarah: Revered Mother of the Deathbed Companions. Taught all of the current active Companions as well as Fia, the apprentice. ~60 years old.
Iris: eldest Deathbed Companion. ~38 years old. she/her
Shannon: active Deathbed Companion. ~34 years old. he/him
(I hope this doesn’t offend anyone; my hc is that Deathbed Companions are not restricted to women only)
Ciara: active Deathbed Companion. ~29 years old. No pronouns. 
Fia: newly made Deathbed Companion. ~18 years old. she/her
Note: Fia may be a diminutive form of “Delphia,” meaning ‘womb’ 
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Fia was sitting in the fields of Leyndell, in the shelter of a hollow tree, waiting.
How long had it been since she had been forced to leave her homeland? How ironic it was, that she, a deathbed companion, whose whole existence was to lie with corpses to grant them a second chance at life, was chased away once her own corpse had stirred again, awakening still hugging the noble she had tried to revive back then.
A Tarnished she was now and therefore she had come to the Land's Between, in search of her purpose and soon she had found a purpose.
It could be said that the Land's Between were a broken land... and one of the things that were broken was the concept of death. That had led to a bunch of corpses reanimating, not as Tarnished, but simply known as “Those who live in Death”. Fia had been drawn to them, maybe because she always had laid with corpses and it was in her nature?
She didn't really know the reason, but she knew that she had to protect those beings that were neither alive nor dead... even though the ruling order of the Land's Between, the Golden Order, was very against their existence.
Fia had taken up residence at the Roundtable Hold then, the place at which Tarnished gathered. She had offered her services to the many champions that came along, starved for a gentle touch, and in return taken their vigor. At first she hadn't known who to revive with all this vigor that she had collected, but then she had met Rogier.
Sorcerer Rogier... a very sweet man... who had come to take her services quite often... and then he had talked to her, told her about things that he had found... below the castle of Stormveil...
It was how Fia figured out the origin of “Those who lived in Death”. Their origin, a prince whose soul had been killed but not his body, forever being trapped in a state that was neither alive nor dead...
Fia was sure of it, if she would lay with him, she could change the order of this world.
And thus, she was waiting. Before she could go down to the depths, to fulfil her purpose, she needed her champions once more... it would have been easier at the Roundtable Hold for sure, but she had killed that awful D, that had made it his life purpose to hunt and kill those that she protected... she wasn't able to stay there anymore.
However, her champions were finding her regardless... and soon she was hugging the last of them, taking their vigor. Once they left with the Baldachin's Blessing, she knew she was ready. All of the Tarnished who had her blessing... they would be able to be summoned for her trial, to make sure that the one she had her eyes on would find the child she was about to create.
Soon Fia was waiting again... but this time not for her champions. This time she was waiting for the one Tarnished. The special one. The one that had managed to collect not only one, but several great runes.
Her eyes were on the not yet living, not yet dead body of Godwyn the Golden as she waited. She had it with her, the cursemark of death that had been carved into him... but it was only half of it. A true death had been denied to him. She could only breathe new life in him if he would be fully dead... and for that she needed the help of the Tarnished.
They came, eventually, facing her champions. A variety of all of the ones that she had taken vigor from... even sweet Rogier was there... even though the deathroot eventually got to him, his phantom was still helping her out, that was how sincere he had been about helping her and “Those who live in Death.”
And after the Tarnished had bested her champions, proving to her that they were strong enough, she braced herself. For there was no guarantee that they would help her... If they would cling onto the teachings of the Golden Order, Fia would accept her death at their blade...
So she asked them a question. She directly provoked them, telling them that they intended to deny her and her children. Their answer, however, surprised her.
No, I want to be held.
So she held them and whispered to them, she told them about the hallowbrand, that there had to be the second half of it anywhere, somewhere... and they left and Fia was left waiting again.
It might have felt lonely for anyone but her. She was used to lying with the dead, the ones who didn't talk, didn't even know she was there. The solitude felt like a part of her, so it barely bothered her that she had to wait... even though she never knew if the Tarnished came back, but a part of her just knew that they would come back.
After all, in a Land as cruel as the Land's Between, which warrior didn't crave to be held?
And just as she had predicted, they came back, carrying the other half of the cursemark of death. She didn't know how they managed it, how they found something so small in a land so big, but she thanked them nonetheless. With one last hug. They were her true champion and she made sure that they would know about the child she was about to bear inheriting their warmth...
And so, Fia laid with Godwyn. After he was finally granted a proper death, she could use all the vigor and warmth that she had collected from the champions and raise him as the lord of the dead. After a good while, her child was born... the beautiful rune of death. Now the Tarnished only had to claim it... but Fia couldn't talk to them anymore. Laying with Godwyn had taken a lot out of her and she had to rest... only her dreams were telling her what was going on...
The Tarnished came indeed back, but before they could claim the rune, a dragon was in their way... ah, the Lichdragon Fortissax, an old companion of Godwyn... but of course the Tarnished managed to overcome this challenge and they could claim the rune.
Fia wished for them to become the Elden Lord, that they would make it possible for “Those who live in Death” to not be hunted anymore, so that they might find peace...
That was the last time Fia ever sensed the Tarnished... in fact, the last thing she managed to notice was a voice that she thought had been quieted by her... and this armour set and... the sword...
Fia was helpless against the revenge of this figure that looked like an exact copy of D. But it was fine... she had done her duty. The rune of death had been created. The Tarnished had taken it and would integrate it into the Elden Ring... She felt like she was ready to leave now...
Because what greater blessing could there be, but to be born a Deathbed Companion?
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INT-DARKROOT DEPTHS A stone coffin opens up near a white river surrounded by dark roots ancient ruins and an overbearing stench of death and decay that welcomes the Tarnished to this strange new land. Leaving the coffin, the wanderer stares in awe at the sight of a kingdom long forgotten, like something was built on top of it and it had no choice but to sink further into the underground.
Who were the people that used to inhabit these forgotten structures and how did they lived? Those were some among the many many questions that the Tarnish asked themselves as they crossed the ruins, went up a root path leading to a cliff and reaching a stone archway leading to a massive open area where the stench of death and decay is stronger than ever. The Tarnished at first hesitates in entering due to not only the smell of death, but also due to a much bigger factor: A massive deformed body, twisted and tangled up on dark roots catches the Tarnished’s eyes as they tremble at the sight of it. After taking quick breaths in an attempt to gather courage, they go in, still trembling at the sight in front of them and hand on their weapon’s hilt ready for whatever that comes next.
The Tarnished’s caution was well founded for within the open area, some spirits made their appearance and started to attack the lost knight, with one of them being a familiar face. It was Rogier, the sorcerer the tarnished met at Stormveil castle and who perished due to the deathblight he caught there. Despite the familiar face present in front, the Tarnished unsheathed their longsword and one by one, each spirit that was protecting the area, including Rogier himself, fell to the knight’s blade. Rogier didn’t seemed to have recognized the Tarnished, but they knew him and driving their longsword to the sorcerer’s chest left the Tarnished sad for a couple of seconds before returning their attention towards a new spirit that has emerged, one wearing a massive steel hat shaped helmet, a round chest piece and using a rapier as his weapon of choice. His weapon attacks were fiercer than any of the other spirits that were summoned to protect the area and the magic he used had the same feel as the area the fought, one of heath and decay concentrated within each bolt cast.
This was the tougher battle the Tarnished had to deal with, but after many back and forth, after lots of blows traded, the knight of the massive steel hat falls and the Tarnished comes out victorious, falling on their knees, gasping for air and breathing in the stench of death and decay that surround this large open area.
After catching their breath, the Tarnished stood up and walked towards the massive deformed figure, only to find a familiar face, one whose skin is as pale as a bone, whose dress is as black as the night sky, one whose stare is as fierce and cold as death itself. It was Fia, the tarnished who once resided in round table hold and who left of her own accord after the death of the knight D.
FIA: Ah...there you are. I knew you would come. What is it you intend? To deny us, and our ways? Like the dogmatic brutes of the Golden Order? 
The Tarnished, who is visibly tired, walks towards the lady. Their arm is dragging their longsword down, too tired to wield it properly. Their feet drag through the ground, too tired to lift them. Then they fall on their knees and stare at Fia’s eyes. Their eyes, covered by their helmet, can’t hide the sadness and exhaustion they endured up until now. 
TARNISHED: Fia, I have travelled far and beyond only to have stumbled upon this place. Never would I have thought to find you here of all places. Your missing presence was felt for too long, I wish to be with you, I wish to stay at your side forever. 
Fia’s eyes widen in awe at the Tarnished’s words. It’s almost like they were asking her hand for marriage. 
FIA: I am the guardian of Those Who Live In Death. Iam called a foul and rotten witch by many. Yet you… 
Fia Is suddenly interrupted by the Tarnished grabbing her tightly around her as their head rests on her cold shoulder. The arms, unable to control their strength, wrap Fia with the strength of one who crossed a desert and found a source of water. The grip of the Tarnished’s fingers is felt as they grab her shoulders with the strength of someone who’s been starving for too long. 
FIA (Subtly Surprised): You are an odd one indeed. But your warmth is just as comfortable as it was when I fist held you. 
Saying that she wrapped her arms gently around the Tarnished. One hand behind their back and the other behind their head. The gentile hug of Fia is a massive contrast when compared to the Tarnished, more similar to a caring mother or a grieving widow, and just as honest as the Tarnished’s hug who starts trembling, as if they’re crying. 
FIA: I don’t wish to ruin this lovely moment, but I have a request for you. 
The Tarnished raises their head and looks at Fia’s eyes. 
FIA: Many who live in death also live in fear of the Golden Order and its brutes. What I ask, I ask because you have more than earned your place as a champion of the unfortunate. Fia caresses the Tarnished’s helmet that covers its face. 
FIA: Once you become Elden Lord, I ask you to replace the Golden Order, so that we who live in death can roam freely in these lands. 
The Tarnished looks at the massive deformed figure above them and then at Fia, giving her a simple nod. Fia, satisfied with the answer, puts her other hand on the Tarnished’s head and approaches her head towards the Tarnished’s. 
FIA: I will never forget this act of kindness, my lord. Lord Godwyn and I will forever be grateful for your kindness. 
Saying that, Fia removes the Tarnished’s helmet and kisses them on their lips.
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The Kaiden sellsword heaved a breath, dragging his latest kill through the sand.
Something at the edge of his vision glittered, but he paid it no mind at all. He knew he needed to devote what little energy he had left towards trudging his way back to his meager camp, for his heavy boots still struggled slightly within the shifting sand. Every step forward was a wearisome challenge, despite his eagerness to return and quell his still-growling stomach. Admittedly, if it weren’t for the emptiness within his gut, he surely wouldn’t have even found the motivation to leave his little campsite in the first place. Not that it truly provided him much shelter at all; he hadn’t even a spare blanket to his name. But at the very least it was out of sight from those monstrous crabs...
Pausing only briefly to catch his breath, he set his tiny bonfire alight using one of the firebombs he had tucked away for safekeeping and promptly tossed his lunch over the flame. The man glanced up towards the sun with a grimace; ‘twas only noon, and here, he had eaten a second breakfast mere hours ago. Stifling a sigh, he collapsed to a seat beside the fire, his eyes only barely open enough to watch his crab cook.
He ran a hand over his heart.
Ever since receiving that Baldachin’s blessing…
He grew ever more hungry and weary by the day. Would it ever end?
But still… he frowned, considering.
No, it was all worth it.
For Fia, he would bear it. Would do anything.
It was odd, though.
Admittedly, he had never felt such for anyone... aside from his sweet wife, in the short years they had spent together. Her life had been taken by wolves, back when their homeland had first become ravaged by ever-worsening conditions. Even he, hale as he was, was eventually forced to flee, with the soil unable to sustain him and the creatures of the wilds growing yet deadlier as time passed.
He felt no love for Fia, certainly not like that which he had held for his dear wife, but he could not deny that there was something there. Something he couldn’t quite describe, but rather, felt, deep within his very soul.
She made him feel… Even now… his soul felt... alight.
Fia. And it was all because of Fia.
He rose uncertainly, kicking sand over his fire. His lunch was not quite finished, but such trivial things could certainly wait.
Yes, he truly wasn’t quite so hungry now, and, yes... he needed to see her.
His steps light, he rushed along the shoreline, and, somewhere in the back of his mind, he realized all the terrible creatures were gone; the beach was laid bare for him. For them.
But such things truly didn’t matter. At the end of the day, it was all because of her. Fia.
He soon reached a little grotto, a place he would never have noticed, were it not for her and her subtle guidance, reaching out to him, as if he were within a dream.
“Fia…?” he called, his voice uncertain, and quiet, so as not to disturb the inherent peace of the place. He could practically smell the incoming rain in the air, but the heavy clouds still allowed for a tender light to spill through. For the delicate foliage in her hair nearly appeared to be shining, or perhaps... ‘twas merely his fondness for her shining through instead.
She was seated just within the mouth of the cavern, and he could see her face, pale and bright within the fading light. That was when he realized: he had never before seen her face. She was always shrouded, her features hidden away beneath her cloak. And now he knew for certain: she was even more beautiful then he had ever imagined possible.
“Fia…” he whispered and abruptly noticed tears upon his cheeks.
Wordlessly, she held out her arms to him, her expression unchanging from a gentle smile. She already knew; how he felt, how they fit together, in that certain way only they could.
He felt himself collapse to his knees before her, tears still streaming from his eyes. “Fia…”
She guided him into a loose embrace, and he felt himself collapse upon her more so than return the gesture. A sob caught his throat. “Fia…”
“Thank you, my dear…” she whispered, turning her gaze towards the sea.
For soon he would be waiting for her... among the waves
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14 notes · View notes
glassbirdfeather · 3 months
Complaining about the final boss in Shadow of the Erdtree, both in terms of lore and mechanics. Spoilers for the end of Shadow of the Erdtree:
Part 1: The Lore
I think the ending is really good and foreshadowed well in it's own story. I think it is fitting and well told. But it isn't living in its own bubble. It exists in context to a previous story directly connected to it. In the context of the entirety of Elden Ring, it sucks.
If we were just dropped in the Shadow Realm and the main game didn't exist, it would be really, REALLY good. The problem arises when also having the context of who Miquella was in the base game. His motivations in the DLC retcon the motivations from the lore of the base game. And the retcon is worse. The thing that made him fascinating was that he was the only compassionate character among Marika's children, the only one who didn't care about petty power plays because he was focused on helping people and helping his sister. That it is revealed he is just as shallow and self-centered as the rest, so much as to be willing to endanger his sister in exchange for a consort after all the lore surrounding how he wanted to help her, takes away the facets that made him unique.
This may also contribute to why there are two general camps of people who like or don't like how Miquella is portrayed. There have been a couple of years between the original game and now. Memories of the original game's lore--if people even read those particular bits of item descriptions in the first place--have had time to fade.
However, I acknowledge that item descriptions in Elden Ring intentionally have author biases. It could be said that every Miquella-related item description was told from the perspective of someone bewitched. That would make a lot of sense.
So in the end, this also is a personal preference. I think that Miquella turning out to be a brat who will sacrifice his sister for his consort is much less interesting than him being motivated to do bad things for his sister.
This leads into the overlap between pure lore discussion and mechanics.
The last boss fight is shit. Part of what convinced people that the leaks were fake, not considering lore implications, is that many people looked at the attacks that were happening and judged them to be bad.
As someone with a passing understanding of editing animations and moves in a game, something that can be done with little modding skill to create a new enemy is to use existing animations and add new effects to them. People were convinced the fight was fake because of how many moves looked similar to ones from previous FromSoft bosses with lightning effects glued on. I cannot speak to the alleged copied animations in this fight, since I don't have experience with every FromSoft game, but I don't actually think reusing old bosses and animations is inherently a bad thing. The real complaint was that it looked to be both reused animations and extra effects.
Stretch new textures over existing enemies, increase the speed of their attacks, and then add events to those attacks that spawn a bunch of effects like explosions, or lightning bolts. These are all things I could do with my limited knowledge. These are the things that some mods have done, and have gotten ridiculed for. The ridicule is because doing that demonstrates a shallow understanding of what makes a fight not just hard, but fun.
I'm no master of boss design myself, but I can say with confidence that spamming incredibly long attack chains containing effects that blind the player and prevent them from seeing the next move in the chain is bad game design. Something that has been established as an unspoken but understood rule in souls-genre games is that you should be able to dodge an attack while standing point blank in front of the enemy. Whether this is by rolling, jumping, or running away, you know what's happening from seeing the start of the enemy's animation, and you should be able to escape being hit by the attack. I also argue that by this metric, Waterfowl Dance is a badly designed move, but I digress.
Waterfowl Dance is one move in an otherwise stellar boss fight.
In the DLC final fight, I. can't. see.
The screen is covered in lightning for at least 1/3rd of the battle, often making dodging a game of guess and hope. I 100% acknowledge that I was not good at that fight, and that many of the attacks that hit me were dodge-able if I'd learned them more. But some of them were chains of attacks that demanded I blindly learn a random rhythm of button presses. On account of all the lightning from the previous attack hiding the next swing.
One of the things I actually did like about the fight was the grab being a guaranteed 2HKO regardless of health values. It would have been a great gimmick on a better fight. Where I had a better probability of seeing it so I could dodge it.
I also liked the warp-in speed effects of the boss jumping in, although such warps felt very buggy.
Were the lightning effects transparent or otherwise did not obscure the battle so terribly, I wonder what kind of fight it would actually be. Maybe the attack chains only feel unreasonable to dodge to me because I cannot see what is happening in them. It is possible that the fight itself is just bad, and the lightning is, just like in a bad mod, being used as a crutch to hide a very boring, simple moveset.
But it is impossible for me, in the game's current state, to imagine how that fight might play.
Because I can't see shit.
Part 3: The Remembrance
Turning in the remembrance and a duplicate of it just to end up with a total of 3 Radahn swords I think really shows the lack of creativity under the lightning. That is what the essence of the DLC final boss distills down to: 2 variations of a sword we already have.
If the fight had been something COMPLETELY different, perhaps we would have gotten something interesting from Miquella's side of the pair. Something that bewitches a struck enemy? I don't know.
The last fight was a spectacle, but only due to all the fancy effects that it vomited everywhere. Remove them, and I suspect there exists an uninspired base.
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katyspersonal · 3 months
i genuinely wished if they did go with the blasphemous route with Messmer instead of making him another loyal hound of Marika, like everyone is doing Marika's bedding then get betrayed/abounded by her, that's boring and uncreative
"Boring" is a strong word here, because in grand scheme of things it isn't that many characters and each carries unique context! Godfrey and his champions got stripped from grace when there were no more wars to fight in the Lands Between, and sent off so Tarnished become the powerful army of the Elden Ring! I am not sure about this counting as betrayal completely; he loved her, but he ALSO loved battles! Maybe their spark naturally started to die down because as the OG warmonger (with Radahn being just a fanboy -_-) he would have nothing to do and become depressed 😔 Again, since Radahn adored Godfrey, not Hoarax Loux, I assume Serosh only did that much for chaining his violent personality!
Maliketh was created by the Greater Will as her shadow, and from what I pieced together 1) she was broken by the death of Godwyn and several others Demigods 2) it was kinda awkward that it only happened because he allowed the Destined Death be stolen from him 3) she gave him a hope to redeem himself by telling him to go eat Death everywhere (to reclaim it?) 4) turned out that it was just a lie so he'd be far away when she shatters the ring and thus can't stop her as creation of Greater Will (remember his dialogue towards Marika "Marika... why... wouldst thou... gull me? Why... shatter..." if you kill him as Gurranq + the paranoia sequence about Blaidd who is also Shadowbeast). Not only this betrayal came from a place of reasonable fear, but also technically Maliketh deserved it gfhgf The girls LOVE the sentiment of "It doesn't matter if you didn't mean it, acknowledge that the damage IS done!", and the damage here is a lot of deaths in her family.. Betrayal is betrayal, but the nuance here is strong!
...I don't count divorcing Rennala as betrayal either, because it is just divorce that kinda happened because Marika needed a Lord! The fact that after Godfrey she couldn't find anyone better than literally herself is really telling though fdgrxn Alternatively, it was a Radagon thing, not Marika, depending on how different are they! Nor I count Morgott and Mohg being hidden from the world as Omens, because they were not doing her bidding and then betrayed; they were discarded from birth! As for her betraying the Hornsent in the end, I don't recall them stated on "doing her bidding"! It was careful planning to finally get to the Divine Gates and finally obliterate them all.
So, I think maybe Messmer is, in fact, merely a second example of her betrayal! He is another extention of her terribly flawed personality and bad mother skills, that much is true, but she was trying to love him and did a lot of things to ease his burdens! Eventually she just grew too fearful of the power within him, and that is expected from the person who started war on Fire Giants only because they might have burnt the Erdtree, or ordered burying Nomads alive because some random Leyendell asshole (Shabriri) said they worshipped Frenzied Flame! 🤦‍♂️ These darn cursed fire powers always put her at risk of losing everything again.
That all being said, I'd also loved to see Messmer being an awful person and Marika being justified in abandoning him for another reason than her being a MILF Gwyn but with fire rather than darkness paranoia before cursed fires powers! Like, if Messmer himself attempted burning Erdtree for one reason or another, or did God knows what else that he had full control over unlike with the horror that lives inside of him that made him deserve worse punishment than simply abandonment! But this is my own wish and the writers got their own vision! Marika's reactionary paranoia haunts the entire story, and it is fun in its own way!
The "uncreative" part could be how much he parallels Malenia, but the use of parallels in Soulsborne games is a reoccurring trend! Not only that, but it is always masterfully done to show the trap of the vicious cycle and how people are bound to repeat mistakes of the ancestors/family/others whether they've learned from them of not!
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girlballs · 1 year
In your opinion what makes for a good boss fight?
hm. it fully depends on the Type of boss tbh. assuming it's a straightforward 1-on-1 fight with no particular arena gimmick or anything like that, and that we're talking about soulslike stuff or something similar:
boss's moveset needs to be reasonably varied relative to the options you have as the player. so like with Sekiro as an example, a boss that tests you on at least 2 out of 3 types of perilous attack and also the lesser-used "sprinting away from danger" tactic while also having varied deflect chains
unreactable attacks that don't have a consistent setup to them absolutely should not be present. like if a boss has some attack it can do from neutral that's like 11 frames of startup before you take damage then that's bullshit, but if it consistently follows some other action & and can learn the timing then it's less bad (shouldn't do a ton of damage though since you're basically guaranteed to get hit at least once by it)
personally i think that like "testing you on performing the correct response to an attack" is more engaging (and also more fundamentally accessible) than "testing you on having frame-perfect reaction times" although i Get that people exist who enjoy the latter style. they're wrong but they do exist
animation readibility is also crucial. if i can't tell when a boss is starting to attack, or what part of an attack animation is the actual This Hurts You part, then the boss immediately becomes less enjoyable. same goes for awkward attack timings that are clearly done just to fuck with you (looking at you, elden ring)
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temnospondyl-corpse · 3 months
I've been noticing that a lot of people have been having trouble with one particular boss from the Elden Ring DLC, and I feel like it's my duty as a Souls veteran to offer some tips. If you've been getting your ass kicked by Sonda the Unchained at the end of a spoilery area, this is for you.
1. All of her most delayed windups start with her dragging her mace on the ground, or at least holding it very low. She still has a fast attack that starts that way too, but at least you know if she holds her weapon to the side or over her head you can dodge pretty much right away.
2. If you've almost managed to beat her, you've probably seen her most dangerous attack. You might be tempted to make some distance as it starts, but that chain is longer than you think and she can close the distance really fast. You're better off trying to stay behind her as long as possible or tanking through the first few seconds to stagger her with a charged attack if you can.
3. If you haven't made it far against her yet you wont have found this out the hard way. It is very important that you turn on all the lights in your house before fighting Sonda. Make sure to lock the doors and windows and close the blinds, and even then you should not look at the windows for any reason. When you get her to about half health, you might start to get the urge to look behind you. Do not look, even if there's just a wall behind you, no matter what you hear! Before you say "why not just play during the day" you have to understand that this is a tag team battle when played during the day and you really dont need to make it that hard on yourself. I dont know if anyone can beat Sonda's familiar, that thing cheats like hell. Do yourself a favor and wait till after 10 PM or so to start the fight.
4. Sonda is weak to ice, but as you've probably learned she's really good at punishing you when you create distance. It's best to go for weapon buffs or only the fastest spells.
5. I'm adding this as a separate point because a lot of people have forgotten or glossed over this part. Before starting the fight you should turn on all the lights in your house, however, the kitchen light should be left off. If your kitchen is connected to another room such as a dining room, you may want to use a candle or table lamp for the connected room so less light bleeds into the kitchen. And it can be a problem if you live in a small home with no distinct kitchen. Whatever room has the functionality of a kitchen needs to be kept dark, while every other room including the one you play in needs to be lit, so you might have to play in the bathroom or something.
6. All of her damage is strike damage so you only have to worry about one kind of defense. One of the more forgiving aspects of this boss.
7. Lastly, I reccomend using the Sword of Reconciliation you can find in the previous area. It feels almost perfect for this fight with its innate ice damage and fast ice based projectile attack. That said, it's a light weapon with limited stagger potential, so you might go for something else depending on your strategy.
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conklin03 · 1 year
i want to like dark souls 3 honestly but i just can't. undoubtedly, it holds its place as the worst souls game in my eyes, for a variety of reasons.
- too many enemies (common complaint for dark souls 2, which i never noticed)
- delayed attacks and input reading (common complaint for elden ring which weren't nearly as bad)
- the volume is either too loud or significantly too quiet (along with numerous jumpscares throughout certain sections of the game)
- the graphics are dull, wet, and boring. they lack the charm the previous two dark souls games held, and lack a fitting context like bloodborne's graphics.
- the game feels uninspired, partly due to being the last game in a trilogy, and partly due to general laziness with designs. areas and bosses often feel too "stereotypical rpg"-ish, and most twists and lore conventions have already been used, and can be seen coming if you've played the previous two games. in other souls games, i have an urge to find out the lore of both the game itself, and its areas and bosses. most of dark souls 3 does not offer such an urge.
- similarly to the last point, the soundtrack also feels uninspired. it's like they went for dark souls 1 and then just threw some medieval dark fantasy rpg elements in, without any uniqueness. this is one of the few things dark souls 3 shares with dark souls 2, though dark souls 2 gets a commendation for at least not trying too hard.
- poor difficulty progression/management. for the most part, dark souls 3 is one of the easier souls games, but this is offset by the game often throwing two or more powerful enemies at you, for no real reason other than to offset low difficulty. for example, the crystal lizards in untended graves, the lothric knights at the beginning of the castle, every single silver knight in the game, other than the one to the right of the anor londo staircase, the cathedral knights before oceiros, irithyll dungeon, etc. these all feel unnecessary, and most are in such a fashion where you cannot just drag one away and fight two one on one battles.
- the general dislike of dark souls 2 and the scrapping of everything good dark souls 2 had going for it. powerstancing was incredible. bonfire ascetics were incredible. both of these were scrapped, and replaced with either dull versions (paired weapons), or never replaced with anything.
- the overbearing push for it to be just like dark souls 1 and bloodborne. it tries way too hard in this aspect, and yet it fails miserably at both.
- embers are a pointless addition, serving only to continue the chain of "consumable item that has something to do with your character directly" (humanity, and human effigies). the extra health makes it so dying is extremely punishing, given that you are at a massive disadvantage without them. dark souls 2 also suffers from this, though the 5% decrease is much more manageable than the 20% (?) decrease, especially given dark souls 2's higher level format.
- the dlcs are the worst in any of the games as well, especially ashes of ariandel. in the end, despite my criticism, i still do enjoy dark souls 3 for the most part when doing a run, but i genuinely despise ashes of ariandel. ringed city isn't too bad, just boring.
+ bosses are kinda fun though, but are overshadowed by some bosses from the first two games, most from bloodborne, and almost all from the games that come after it, sekiro and elden ring. i would fight ten erdtree avatars in a row over a dark souls 3 boss once any day.
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jdog410 · 2 years
10 Games I Liked the Most That I Played in 2022:
>numbers are the date I finished the game
Deaths Door (1/3) - A Zelda/Souls/Metroidvania that I would skip 9 times out of 10 but loved the art direction and general atmosphere. Nearly got the true ending but couldn't find the last 2 seed pots I was missing.
Forgotten City (1/11) - I play games for stories and Forgotten City is a well written game. You can see and feel its Skyrim roots which gives me a strange nostalgic feeling.
Pokemon: Legends Arceus (2/14) - Pokemon finally did something different. I have never completed a Dex but I was by far the most motivated to by this game. SIDEQUESTS.
Elden Ring (4/7) - It's Elden Ring.
Bugsnax (5/30)  - One of the two games I got all achievements for. Nice puzzle gameplay with a bizarre plot and fantastic characters. Highly recommended.
DMC V (6/15) - I want to love this style of game but I am not very good at them. That being said it's clear that DMC V is mechanically dense in such an interesting way offering multiple weapons and characters to try out. The kind of game that makes me want to replay games more.
Death Stranding (8/6) - The gameplay is unarguably dull, the story is ambitious (perhaps to a fault) and complex. A game that created a burning desire to see what was around the next corner.
AI The Somnium Files nirvanA Initiative (8/30) - I have a soft spot for puzzle-visual novel games. Shocked that the original got a sequel but enjoyed another convoluted mystery.
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories (9/27) - Played this on my phone and was not enjoying it until I connected an Xbox controller. After that I couldn't put it down and even took the controller to work one day...
Citizen Sleeper (12/24) - Comparing it to Disco Elysium is tired but it is still the easiest way to describe it. The short time to complete a circle (day) helped me stay engaged. Reminds me of the social sim part of persona.
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bora-in-tamriel · 2 years
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"Your blood, nor your roots, never scared me, Morgott. And I hope you’ll one day come to believe that.
Even if that day is not today, may my love one day settle into your heart and grant me passage to be by your side. I know you may never see yourself like I do and that’s no fault of your own.
But should your thoughts ever become too venomous to bare, should your doubts nestle in the deepest parts of your mind, know you can come to me any day, any time. And I will hold you and show how wrong they are, how much I truly love you, each and every time.”
Elencett (Eleina, Lancer, Morgott lol) piece is finished!!
The rulers of the Lands Between, the God King Tarnished, the Grace-Given Elden Lord and the Erdtree Maiden (she doesn't rule, but she's a part of the trio)
More lore below once more
Morgott and Eleina got two parts of drafted lore, though I'll refine them here (part 1, part 2) -
Morgott found Eleina when he was a young boy, during his attempt at escaping the sewers to find a way out for him and Mohg out of Leyndell Capitol. He was chased into a dead end by the guards, where he found a hidden chamber that sealed away a golden sapling engulfed in light. The light was magical and though it itself was blindingly bright, it lit the chamber in a warm soothing glow.
Upon reaching into the light, Morgott awakened Eleina briefly. She did not speak, only gazed softly, curiously at the young boy. A lanky young lad with horns and a heavy cloak blanketing his body. He shrunk away from her, but she reached out to him.
The guards found Morgott inside the chamber and he was returned to his prison, where he was chained with golden shackles due to his attempt at escaping. The guards filled the chamber to protect the woman within, unknowing of her purpose. But she rested atop a sapling of the Erdtree and thus, warranted protection.
Years later, Morgott escaped again, shackles no longer holding his body, allowing him to return to Eleina. Mohg had escaped years prior on his own, leaving Morgott by himself in the sewers. Guards still resided within the chamber, but Morgott was bigger now. He was stronger. And so he emptied the chamber and decided to guard it himself. He scarcely left for any reason, sitting by the golden sapling, waiting for the woman to awaken again.
When the Shattering happened, Morgott was forced to leave, to watch over Leyndell in his parents' absence. He obtained a Great Rune and became too busy to remain in the chamber as much.
Next time he visited the sapling, it was dull and dry, the woman gone. He didn't know what happened to her, though he sought and sought everywhere, he could not find her.
Cut to present day, Lancer wanders the Lands Between and meets a mysterious woman glowing with Holy light. She tells him of her visions of his potential, his future. He was her champion and he would claim a crown to bring about a new age.
All he had to do, was obtain the Great Runes, be seen by the Two Fingers, repair the Elden Ring and return Eleina to the Erdtree. Simple enough, right?
It would have been, were it not for Death, Frenzy and the Impenetrable Thorns of the Erdtree. And the fact that Lancer was an Empyrean, dubbed by the Two Fingers. His purpose was not to become Elden Lord, he realized. Eleina meant something completely different when she said "bring about a new age".
Eleina had no memory of Morgott until much later, but unfortunately she forgot him again when the Erdtree was set aflame, her with it.
Lancer obtained all Great Runes in the end, Morgott surrendering his own by the end, to repair the ring and for Lancer to become it's vessel. He took Morgott as his consort, though the Omen was conflicted for many reasons.
Now they're in love, Eleina's back and they kiss, The End //confetti popper//
Theme song for the ending climax of fighting, then becoming God King, and then marriage, I chose the HTTYD2 song Two New Alphas
One day I'll design Lancer's shadow dog guy, but today is not that day.
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moodymisty · 2 years
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❗Requests are 𝕮𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖉! I am taking a break, thank you!❗
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𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔤 𝔒𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔦𝔢𝔴:
✦ Hello! I'm Misty, or Jordan, whichever you prefer. I'm an constantly exhausted Software Engineering student and luster of men in varying types of armor, with a love for writing and drawing in my spare time. I have a deep love for video games, so many things here will be in that area.
Writing gets posted around once or twice a week, but it might be more or less depending. I also tend to post things that aren't in my main wheelhouse to Ao3, so feel free to go give that a look if you're interested in some more niche content.
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✦ Tips for sending requests
✦ A note regarding my Star Wars writing
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Deciding to take Despair for a joyride
Giving War a nice massage because he deserves it
Strife fluff
Some Lewd content™ with War
Strife's chapter of the 'steal their horse' series
Strife comfort
Cute domestic moment with Death
Calling Death 'Deathy' because you have a death wish
[HCs] Horsemen reacting to you being stressed (from work/something similar)
[HCs] Samael's human getting nabbed
[HCs] Learning magic in secret then gifting them an enchanted gift
[HCs] Horsemen realizing they have a crush on the reader
Death's Reaper form meets Reader
Strife and his favorite human have a moment alone (NSFW)
[HCs] Death and male S/O
Fluff with War
Samael and his starry eyed s/o
Snuggling with Strife
Love on Death (NSFW)
Death returning to the one he abandoned post Well of Souls, Part 1, Part 2
Some random Strife fluff
-Full Fics/Oneshots
"Tree in Bloom" A Strife/Fem!Reader Series
(Chapter 1, Chapter 2,) Canon typical violence, Post-apocalypse, Eventual romance, Eventual smut maybe, Friends to lovers, Strife is clingy and emotionally rockheaded
"Death's Door" A Death/Fem!Reader oneshot
SFW, Only warning is Death is a crusty ol git
"R&R" A War/Fem!Reader oneshot
SFW, Canon typical violence, Light blood and injury, Absolutely tooth rotting fluff at the end
"Fiery Chains" A War/Fem!Reader oneshot
SFW, Fluff without plot, Toothrotting amounts of fluff, Ruin expressing the feelings that War is too grumpy to show
"Off the Beaten Path" A Death/Fem!Reader oneshot
NSFW, it’s like 20% porn if that, Porn with feeling, No use of y/n, Outdoor sex, Established relationship, Fluff
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Perturabo Masterlist
Guilliman Masterlist
Konrad Curze Masterlist
Sanguinius Masterlist
Lorgar Aurelian Masterlist
Angron Masterlist
Rogal Dorn Masterlist
Lion El'Jonson Masterlist
Mortarion Masterlist
Leman Russ fluff
Corvus Corax being a naughty crow (NSFW)
Vulkan with pregnant!S/O fluff
Sevatar hunting you
[HCs] The Legions reacting to their Primarch having a lover Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Jaghatai Khan realizing he's maybe falling in love
Magnus coming across his s/o trying to do sorcery
Unnamed Black Templar and his little mortal
Cuddling with your Black Templar in the freezing cold
Yandere Horus getting jealous (NSFW)
Asking Ferrus about his arms (vaguely lewd but not nsfw)
Getting cornered by 5 Luna Wolves (slightly nsfw)
Playing around with some Space Wolves
Some random Jaghatai Khan HCs (NSFW)
Ferrus Manus returning from a crusade (NSFW)
Willingly giving your blood to an unnamed Lamenter
Corvus and his very pregnant beloved
[HCs] Random Primarch courting HCs
Getting bullied by Cato Sicarius (slightly lewd but not nsfw)
AlphariusOmegon voice kink (slightly lewd but not nsfw)
Sugar daddy Horus (NSFW)
Getting taken by Tyberos (NSFW)
Comforting your Raven Guard master
Giving some blood to a hungry Blood Angel (NSFW)
Getting reassured by your Aqulian Shield protector
Some sugar daddy Horus propaganda (NSFW)
Worrying for Fulgrim as he slowly falls to chaos (NSFW)
Cato Sicarius getting jealous over you and a Space Wolf (Part of the Bully Cato Sicarius plotline)
Trapped by Typhus the Traveler (NSFW)
Triggering a squad of hungry Blood Angels with your blood
Getting teased by Artyom the Wolf(OC) (NSFW)
Getting a Tattoo for your Night Lord
Sleeping with a Space Wolf while Russ is away (lewd but not nsfw)
Sicarius getting cucked by Titus (NSFW)
-Full Fics/Oneshots
"Remember Only Me" A Salamander/Fem!Reader/Night Lord series
(Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 soon) Hints of nsfw at points, Yandere, Size differences, Very toxic suffocating relationship(s), Some knight/princess dynamics, Demeaning language, Both these guys have hero complexes, Violence blood and bruises and possibly death to say without spoilers
"I Don't Care What You Think, As Long As It's About Me" A Cato Sicarius/Fem!Reader series
(Chapter 1, Chapter 2 soon,) NSFW, Degradation, Sexism/misogyny, Choking, Size difference, Toxic relationship
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Fandom: Resident Evil
"Thank you" A Merchant/Fem!Reader oneshot NSFW, Oral (male receiving), Porn without Plot, Praise Kink, A hint of deepthroating, Guess you could call it unsafe sex you barely know the man lol
Fandom: Transformers
Jealous Starscream
Fandom: Elden Ring
Messmer finding you in a flower field
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