#elaina banks
bizarrebazaar13 · 1 year
fuck it. here’s Elaina Banks, the Discreet Tailor.
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she is a tailor for the masters, and has seen too many things she wasn’t supposed to for them to fire her now.
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chaotic-nerd-93 · 10 months
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let me introduce you to the gang from the book I'm writing...
Finnly Grey- 16, blonde, anxious, funny, athletic, compassionate
Jacson Towers- 16, ginger, depressed, writer, anger issues but kind
Callie Rose- 16, brunette, ADHD, artsy, very kind
Theodore Visour- 17, teal/ dark blonde, addict, working on himself very slowly
Luna Banks- 16, brunette, anxiety, loves sarcasm
Elaina Visour- 17, purple/ dark blonde, resentful/ distrustful, helping get her brothers life together
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conradscrime · 3 years
Who is Princess Doe?
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January 12, 2022
On July 15, 1982, in the rear of Cedar Ridge Cemetery in Blairstown, New Jersey, the body of a young white female between the ages of 15-20 was found by a gravedigger named George Kise. It has been said that the young girl could also be as young as 14. 
The girl was lying on her back over a steep bank that led to the creek below. 
The girl’s face had been bludgeoned by an unknown object, making it impossible to recognize. Her eye colour is undetermined due to this. She was around 5 feet 2 inches tall, and around 110 pounds at the time of her death. She was the first unidentified decedent to be entered into the National Crime Information Center. She has been known to the public as Princess Doe.
There have been various reconstructions done of Princess Doe, some depicting her with blonde hair, and others with brunette hair. Investigators believe the most recent reconstruction of her has the most accuracy. 
The girl was wearing a red short-sleeved shirt, and a peasant style skirt was found lying on top of her legs. No undergarments were found nearby or on her. There was no evidence of sexual assault, though this is difficult to determine because of exposure of the body. 
A gold cross necklace was found tangled in Princess Doe’s hair, and she had two earrings in her left ear. Red nail polish was painted on her right hand, but not her left and she had no surgical scars, birth marks or tattoos. If she had any scars or marks on her face or head they would not be determined due to the the face being unrecognizable. 
Princess Doe’s front two teeth were slightly darker than the other teeth. The girl’s appendix and tonsils were both intact and she was determined to not have been pregnant or had ever given birth in her life. A forensic anthropologist determined she was most likely between the ages of 14 and 18 at the time of death. 
A toxicology report did not reveal any traces of drugs but was slightly inconclusive due to the time lapse between the death and discovery of the body. The body was either discovered 2-3 days after or even weeks, it was hard to determine because the weather was extremely hot and humid at the time. 
There was trauma on her hands and arms, determining that the girl likely fought back or tried to defend herself against her attacker(s). 
For years, many believed that Princess Doe could be a teenager named Diane Genice Dye, from San Jose, California, who went miss on July 30, 1979. This theory was popular among law enforcement officials in New Jersey, who even at one point held a press conference identifying Diane Dye as Princess Doe. Lt. Eric Kranz, who was Princess Doe’s original lead investigator claimed that Diane Dye was not a viable candidate to the identity. Diane’s own family also believes she is not Princess Doe, and in 2003, DNA from Diane’s mother determined that she was not. 
In 1999, a man named Arthur Kinlaw, and his wife, Donna, came in the spotlight as potentially being the people responsible for Princess Doe’s murder. Donna had been arrested in California for attempting to commit welfare fraud using the name “Elaina” which was traced to a Long Island woman. 
Police questioned this woman and she gave them details about the murder of a girl named “Linda.” This testimony put Arthur and Donna behind bars, and Donna confessed to two murders that her husband had committed, of two females who were unidentified. 
Arthur was then facing a death sentence, and Donna told police that he had killed another woman, a sex worker in 1982. Donna claimed she was with Arthur in the cemetery and watched him kill her. Donna also said that in July 1982, Arthur had brought home a teenage girl, left the home and returned later without the girl. He apparently had disposed of his clothing and cleaned his car. He supposedly threatened Donna, telling her that if she didn’t go to her job he would kill her like the other girl he brought home. 
However, there was a lack of corroboration so Arthur Kinlaw was not charged. Lt. Stephen Speirs, a member of the Warren County Prosecutor’s Office, said that Arthur had claimed responsibility for the girl’s death but there was no physical evidence. 
Speris also did not believe the confession from the Kinlaws because they did not have a name for Princess Doe despite having spent a period of time with her. Speris does not believe Princess Doe was from Long Island. However, Donna did meet with a forensic artist who created a sketch of the girl she claimed to have met, and it does resemble the most recent composite of Princess Doe. 
Others believe that Princess Doe could be a runaway and might have been using false names while working at a hotel in Ocean City, Maryland. Six people came forward with who they suspected Princess Doe to be. In 2012, a sample of Princess Doe’s hair and a tooth were examined through isotope testing, and determined she was most likely born in the United States. 
The sample of hair indicated she lived around 7-10 months in the Midwestern or Northeastern US. The tooth indicated she could possibly be from Arizona. It was also believed that she may have spent a long period of time in Long Island. 
After seeing images of Princess Doe’s clothing, a woman reported that she saw a girl wearing the same clothes on July 13, 1982, two days before the body was discovered. The woman said she was shopping with her daughter at a store across from the cemetery. The shirt and skirt were traced and found to be from a manufacturer in the Midwestern US, though the brand labels were missing. 
Three other people reported that they had bought similar clothes at a Long Island store that is now closed. It is unknown if the store was specifically in Long Island or possibly had multiple other locations. Princess Doe’s body was exhumed in November 2020 using a grant, and she is currently undergoing DNA extraction to be used in genetic genealogy. 
Princess Doe was buried on January 22, 1983 after being unidentified for 5 months. Donations were used to pay for her coffin and headstone. On July 15, 2012, a memorial service was held for the 30th anniversary of Princess Doe’s discovery. Over 100 people attended, as well as reporters and cameras. The victim’s clothing and reconstruction photos were displayed for the public to view. 
Princess Doe has remained unidentified for almost 40 years, and no one has ever been convicted of her murder. Many John and Jane Doe cases have been solved recently, as genetic genealogy testing has been improving extraordinary, though it takes time. Because Princess Doe’s DNA extraction began in November 2020, I am hopeful that results will soon be released. I have a feeling that without a doubt, Princess Doe will have her name back soon. 
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belovedgamers · 3 years
ive been listening to pvris again and same soul (minus the romantic stuff) vibes v reincarnation au imo. them *lies down on the floor*
also, i’m working on an eret-specific playlist!! any recs? i dont listen to a lot of artists so im struggling a bit
(see attached goose and elaina image. it is not relevant but it is important)
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Oh my goodness... Uhhh...
Unknown to You and You Keep Me Going from Jacob Banks. Unknown to You kind of fits Eret's guilt about their past, You Keep Me Going is more of a romantic song but when I listen to it I hear Eret speaking to regret.
Androgyne by Quartango will always be my go-to for Eret instrumental angst. Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart from Mitski is another good song! Dandelion by Gabbie Hanna has good vibes too!
For artists that cc!Eret has listened to on stream, Tardigrade Song by Cosmo Sheldrake gives me big Eret feels, especially before the betrayal ("Why live in the shrubbery when you could have a throne?").
Uhhh those are all the ones that come to mind for now! I have to really think on this more!
Thank you for the Elaina and Goose omg
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Hello, I’m Corinne/Daniëlle, started playing in 2015, been here on ssoblr since about 2019, and have been on a quest to get people to read the books since 2020. :D
Find my guides, moodboards, AU’s, playlists, OC’s, fics and more underneath the cut!
Simple guide to shilling-banking
Small guide to outfit-making
My Keepers of Aideen Lore
The Mission Team
Dream Circus AU
The post that started it all
The effect of the Circus on the Children
Ask: Ydris headcanons
Ask: Can they leave the circus?
Little Ravens
Ask: Will OC’s be accepted?
AO3 Tags Moodboard
Auxilia AU
Post that started it all
Expanding on the first post
What does the AU’s name mean?
Ghost AU
Basic rundown of the ghosts
Corinne Eaglebridge
Halloween 2020
Christmas 2020
Dark Core
Anne von Blyssen
Alex Cloudmill
Lisa Peterson
Linda Chanda
Mystic Herd
Forester Herd
Warrior Herd
Explorer’s Campfire Playlist (not specifically made for sso but could possibly be used for a Jorvik Rangers vibe)
POV: You’re riding on the Red String Trail
Feya Elfchild
Keepers of Aideen
Mr. Sands
Path of Terra
Path of Runology
Path of Whimsy
Ssopromptober 2021 Masterpost
Corinne & Judith
Katja (made before redesign)
Sabine (made before redesign)
Jessica (made before redesign)
My OC’s + Their name’s meaning
Dream Circus AU
Road + Tree (SSO promptober 2020)
Sand + Rain (SSO promptober 2020)
Mystery + Ranch (SSO promptober 2020)
Everlee Songbird
Feya Elfchild
Elaina Hawkwatcher
Zoe Silverborn
Athena Peacecry
Anise Pistrina (SSOblrCraft)
OC Introduction Posts
Corinne Eaglebridge
Elaina Hawkwatcher
Everlee Songbird
Zoe Silverborn
Feya Elfchild
Athena Peacecry
My AO3
• SSO Character Alphabet Prompts
• SSOtober 2022 writings
• SSOtober 2023 writings
• Make the Yuletide Gay
• Circle Horrors
• Several standalone oneshots!
Character Alphabet Prompt List
KoA Trainee Headcanons (OUTDATED)
My best screenshot yet
What’s up with the moon sister?
Outfit Prompt/Challenge Generator
Last update: 23-08-2024
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yugirl-with-dragons · 3 years
How caothic are the game night at the Fudo, Atlas and Hogan house (today board game is: Monopoly)
Fudo house:
Kaori is most of the time in charge of the bank bc she hates losing
Hikaru’s got a strange luck when it comes to monopoly
they usually invite over Risa, Claire, Ken, Elaina or Taka when they’ve got time (or they bring out the game when they’re already there)
Taka used to come more often when he and Kaori were together, obv
Aki and Yusei used to join more often in the past bc it was useful to teach them the basics of economy 
Also they would catch the flying houses Kaori would throw in Hikaru’s face (she doesn’t care about their age gap. She really doesn’t.)
I might have bias bc I grew up as a twin but anyway
bad jokes: “Hey dad ended up in jail!”, “Kaori, no...”
Atlas house:
Carly LOVES it bc it gathers the family together
Rikiya owns the bank most often bc he likes bullying everybody
Taka (un?)surprisingly likes it a lot
Risa is a bit lost at times, but she’s got luck on her side
Carly is the most dramatic about it
Jack doesn’t play unless someone begs him to
Carly is so happy when she has guests bc she can play with more people and drag Jack more easily to the table
Hogan house:
the winner is whoever can tolerate Elaina to the end (she’ll learn, give her time)
Elaina goes for actual financial strategies. Too back she’s very unlucky and that hurts her pride so much
Claire is so LOUD and laughs out loud so MUCH
Ken used to play a lot. He avoids it at all costs in the present time. He’d play only with guests when they ask him to
Claire loves the tiny houses and all the small gadgets. They’re too cute.
Crow and Sherry play a lot with them too! They both find it funny
Crow is victim of the jail jokes even more than Yusei
Beside the shenanigans, it’s a joyful moment for most of the family. Claire’s good humor is contagious
They invite the Fudo and Atlas kids very often, so that’s the house where the biggest monopoly battles happen
they also learned that they can never put together Rikiya and Kaori again. Things went flying. Claire cried bc one of the gadgets went lost. The damn play board was ripped in two. Never again.
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butasformeblog · 3 years
From The 'Dear God' File
"Back in 2019, as only the patriarch of the world’s most delusional family could, Donald Trump told The Atlantic about all the jobs that he’d wanted to give his daughter Ivanka, ones for which she wasn’t even qualified to do an unpaid internship. Ambassador to the United Nations? Ivanka “would’ve been great,” just “incredible” at the job, Trump explained to reporter Elaina Plott. “I even thought of Ivanka for the World Bank,” he added. “She would’ve been great at that because she’s very good with numbers. She’s got a great calmness...I’ve seen her under tremendous stress and pressure. She reacts very well—that’s usually a genetic thing, but it’s one of those things, nevertheless. She’s got a tremendous presence when she walks into the room.”
But according to a new report, Trump was actually dead serious about naming Ivanka, of the Ivanka Trump clothing line, the president of the World Bank—and had to be stopped from doing so.
Trump very much wanted Ivanka as World Bank president, and it was [Treasury Secretary Steven] Mnuchin who actually blocked her ascent to the leadership role.
“It came incredibly close to happening,” said one well-placed source."
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 4 years
elaina so pretty she could ask me for a dollar and i would give her all the money i have
If Elaina asked me for a dollar I would convert my entire bank account for her
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theanimeview · 4 years
Comic-Con@Home - Manga Publishing Industry Roundtable - Notes!
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (PDT) | Thursday 23 July 2020 (6:00pm - 7:00pm):
Panel Description: While COVID-19 negatively impacted most book and comics publishers, one of the few bright spots in book sales in Spring 2020 was . . . manga!? What are the factors contributing to manga's resiliency, and what are its prospects for the future? Get a taste of what's hot, what's not, and what's next from the perspective of top publishing pros, including Ben Applegate (director - publisher services, Penguin Random House), Kevin Hamric (vice president - marketing sales, VIZ Media), Mark de Vera (sales and marketing director, Yen Press), Masaaki Shimizu (general manager and publisher, book publishing division, Square Enix), Ed Chavez (publisher, Denpa Books), Tomo Tran (marketing director, Kodansha USA / Vertical), Erik Ko (chief of operations, Udon Entertainment), Dallas Middaugh (executive editor and co-founder, Mangamo), and Matt Alt (translator and author, Pure Invention: How Japan's Pop Culture Conquered the World). Moderated by Deb Aoki (Publishers Weekly, Anime News Network). (LINK: https://youtu.be/gerWLm3hru4)
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Releases and Other Available Titles:
Yen Press:
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun - Print and digital available now
I Don’t Know How to Give Birth -  Print and digital available August 2020
Re:Zero Starting Life in Another World - Print and digital available now
Square Enix Books
Soul Eater Perfect Edition  - Available July 2020 (so now!)
Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina  - Available 28 July 2020
Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers The Art of Reflection--Histories Forsake  - Available 28 July 2020
Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!  - Print available now
A Man and His Cat - Print and digital available now
VIZ Media
Fangirl (the manga adaptation of Rainbow Rowell’s book)  - Print and digital October 2020
Remina  - Print and digital available December 2020
The Drifting Classroom - Print and digital available now
Eagle: The Making of an Asian-American President
given - Print and digital available now, a SUBLIME title
Haikyu!! - Print and digital available now
Persona 5 - Print and digital available now
Kodansha Comics/Penguin Random House
Heaven’s Design Team - Print available September 2020, digital available now, anime to debut July 2021
Wave: Listen to Me - Print and digital available now
10 Dance - Print and digital available now
DENPA books
Heavenly Delusion - Print available now
The Girl With The Sanpaku Eyes - Available 28 July 2020
An Invitation From a Crab - Print available now
Super Dimensional Love Gun - Print available now
Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji - - Print available now
UDON Entertainment:
Otherworldly Izakaya NOBU - Print Available now
Anne of Green Gables (Manga Classics adaptation) - Available September 2020
Kodansha Comics/VERTICAL.
Weathering With You - Print available September 2020
With a Dog AND a Cat, Every Day is Fun -  Print available September 2020
Japan Sinks 2020 - Available now as is its anime adaptation!
Loving Yamada at Lv999 - Available now
I Wanna Be Your Girl - Available now
Doraemon - digital available now
Dorohedoro - Print and digital available now
Pure Invention: How Japan’s Pop Culture Conquered the World - publication done with Penguin Random House
What’s hot now? Manga Publishing Trends in North America
Everything! Manga has become popular across mainstream and so genre interests have greatly widened over the last few works. Of course, genres like horror, action, and such have remained some of the best-sellers but every genre has seen interest in today’s world. Indy works included!
Things to note about the industry: 
One issue some publishers have with licensing for print is you may connect with a series that will only have a set number of volumes. It’s hard to invest when you aren’t sure how long the series will last, which is why companies like Mangamo prefer digital. Using digital platforms, the cost of print becomes non-existent and can allow companies to expand their pub-list without necessarily breaking the bank. While print is unlikely to disappear, there will probably be a huge push for digital moving forward across all of publishing.
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elainahalevy · 5 years
Sitting in the driver’s seat of her car, Elaina’s thumb swiftly flicked across her phone screen, a small smile playing on her lips as she looked down at the photographs. 
Her and her father, her and Noa, her and Tahir.
It was all Elaina had not to stuff her phone back into her pocket and drive back home. Instead, she opened the glove compartment opposite her and tossed her phone inside, locking it for added measure. The only thing the Commandant was banking on for this to work was to keep her identity a secret. Her signet ring was at home, safe and sound in her jewelry box next to her engagement ring. Or, rather what should have been her engagement ring. The Rutherfords had made sure to take that opportunity away from her. The Russians had stormed into town, not only wreaking havoc on the city but going after the people Elaina loved most.
While Daniel beating the pulp out of Maksim had been satisfying, it wasn’t enough for Elaina. She wanted them to suffer.
Stepping out of her car, Elaina checked her reflection in the side mirror before walking the few blocks up the street towards the pub. It wasn’t very full, which made spotting Anatoly that much easier. Taking a deep breath, she managed to plaster on the most convincing smile she could as she approached his bar stool.
“Is this seat taken?” she asked, eyes glancing over at the vacant stool sat beside him.
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bizarrebazaar13 · 9 months
remember the horticulture hell fic I started in September?
chapter 2 is up now. featuring arguing bats, Veils being Veils, and what I suppose is technically hurt/comfort.
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nsula · 6 years
Spring 2018 Honor Roll
NATCHITOCHES –  One thousand and ten students were named to the Spring 2018 Honor Roll at Northwestern State University. Students on the Honor Roll earned a grade point average of between 3.0 and 3.49. Those named to the Honor Roll listed by hometown are as follows.
 Abbeville -- Kyle Baudoin;
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland -- Adrian Borel;
Atlanta -- Jamie Wagley;
Alexandria -- Raven Adams, Iris Barrera, Samantha Bergeron, Ariyanna Bonton, John, Jasmine Brown, Kayla Busby, Keana Byone, Joshua Cain, Alyssa Carpenter, Brandy Danzy, Josyf Das Neves, Anne David, Joshua Dorsey, Tai Fletcher, Bailey Gaspard, Mallory Halford, Adrienne Jett, Jasmine Johnson, Tadriel Jones, Leslie Katz, Dean Mayeux, Claudine McGlory, Olivia Mosley, Deasheneire Payne, Kellie Pebbles, Madeline Pharis, Ragan Richey, Imani Ricks, Kenya Sariale, Nadage Scott, Taijha Silas, Carlos Sykes, Payton Tassin, Alexander Trotter, Hailey Urena, William Welch, Tashiana Whitehead, Elaina Williams;
Anacoco -- Ryan Blanton, Alysia Copen, Shelby Mcelveen, Jason Ortiz, Ireland Slocum, Tyler Stephens, Erica Wade, Cameron, Emily Williams;
Arabi -- Cursten Smith;
Arnaudville -- Ariana Broussard, Bailey Dautreuil;
Athens -- Ryan Carroway;
Atlanta, Georgia -- Tremayne Flagler;
Atlanta -- Jackson Teal, Kara Teddlie;
Ball -- Brittany Breland, Katherine Cohenour, TyKiera Fikes, Kaitlyn Humphries, Will Salinas;
Barksdale AFB -- Aleigh Rosenberry, Kimberly Ventura Gonzalez;
Bastrop -- Kayla Bonner, Haleigh Irby;
Baton Rouge -- Aubrey Barrett, Rosa Campbell, Coe Castello, Marquise Foster, Cameron Hooper, Ethan Johnson, Syera Lane, Daniel Midyett, Rachel Monsour, Victoria Simmons, Julia Soileau, Jordan Williams;
Beaumont, Texas -- Christian Bluiett;
Belcher -- Jessica Herbert;
Belle Chasse -- Hayley Barbazon, Denim Reeves;
Belmont -- Ashley Hill;
Ben Wheeler, Texas -- Cheyenne Brown;
Bentley -- Joshua Ellis, Heather Jones;
Benton -- Ali Hedgepeth, Elizabeth Jones, Abigail Lauterbach, Jackson Mathews, Blaine Reeder, Maegan Ross, Hannah Schott, Audrey Trujillo;
Berwick -- Brittany Vidos;
Bethany -- Emily Lafitte;
Blanchard -- Carrie Johnson;
Blue Ridge, Texas -- Amber Bishop;
Bogalusa -- Brittany Galloway;
Bossier City -- Austin Averitt, Adriana Avie, Colton Bailey, Ashley Bennett, Leah Benoit, Jontil Benson, Mickayla Blue, Alexandra Borrmann, Kayli Brewer, Alexander Brooks, Courtney Brooks, Takeynea Brown, Mckay Crews, Karla Cruz, Marda David, Jordan Davis, Kasey Dice, Kelly Flores, Courtney Giddens, Sydney Gootee, Jacob Hammons, Adrianne Hampton, Asylynn Henderson, Angelo Hurtado, Haley Joncas, Emily Larosee, Mikayla Lehane, Savannah Lewwe, Rance Mason, Claire McMillan, Michelle Moline, Brittany Morris, Reondrick Owens, Michael Phelps, Khayla Pugh, Nigmeh Rahman, Sierra Richard, Johnathon Schluter, Sydney Shannon, Allisyn Steele, Crystal Tuggle, Tomaya Turner, Jacory Williams;
Boutte -- Jose Del Rio;
Boyce -- Hannah Aslin, Seth Baggett, Brooklynn Basco, Devin Hilliard, Amanda Land, Lizabeth Lee, Eli Maffioli, Alexandra Morgan;
Breaux Bridge -- Braylon Daigle;
Brookland, Texas -- Paige West;
Brownsboro, Texas -- Brice Borgeson;
Brusly -- Dominique Bennett, Emma Wallace;
Bunkie -- Kelsey Coulon, Haley Laprairie;
Bush -- Serena Bonnette;
Calhoun -- Marissa Barentine;
Callisburg, Texas -- Maycy English;
Calvin -- Erin Price;
Campti -- Zachary Friday, Dalton Parker, Donta' Turner;
Carencro -- Jhonae Thibodeaux, Harold Williams;
Cartagena, Bolivar, Colombia -- Sebastian Alfaro Fontalvo, Edwin Castro Frias, Valeria Correa Meza, Victor Lopez Ramos, Jair Morelos Castilla, Cristian Paez Geney, Alejandro Restrepo Cardozo, Alejandro Dager Carrasquilla, Veronica Perez Espinosa;
Carthage, Illinois -- Nicole Clark;
Carville -- Megan Tallo;
Castor -- Loxlie Dodd, Hogan Nealy, Kaycee Collinsworth;
Central -- Hayley Tarver;
Cheneyville -- Laiken Haggart;
Chesapeake, Virginia -- Chandler Monk;
Choudrant -- Krislyn Mardis;
Church Point -- Meghan Bearb, Hayden Bourgeois, Kristian Burrow;
Clarence -- Jalicia Small;
Clifton -- Alaina Smith;
Cloutierville -- LaKrisha Burrell;
Colfax -- Mikayla Richardson;
Colleyville, Texas -- David Fry;
Columbus, Georgia -- Jonathan Williams;
Columbus, Mississippi -- William Taylor;
Conroe, Texas – Zachary Krolczyk;
Converse -- Corey Dixon, Kimberly Dobbs, Victoria Gasper, Jared Jagneaux, Noah Sepulvado, Delia Smith, Triston Waldon;
Copperas Cove, Texas -- Patrick Murphy;
Corsicana, Texas -- Sasha Ballard;
Cotton Valley -- Nicholas Smith;
Cottonport -- Shelie Canoe, Brikeysha Duskin;
Coushatta -- Kori Allen, Elizabeth Cummins, William Jordan, William Lee, Aston Lester, Amey Sepulvado, Mikailah Smith;
Covington -- Rachelle Baham, Kayla Keys, Marissa Rogers, Alina Smith, Crystal Tucker;
Dallas, Texas -- Tiffany Calhoun, Blayne Fugere, Amy Renteria;
DeBerry, Texas -- Jonathan Morris;
Delhi -- Ashley May, Saniah Parker, Jasmine Poe;
Denham Springs -- Ross Dougherty, Lenni Kunert, Brandi Robertson;
DeQuincy -- Hayden Robertson;
DeRidder -- Samantha Barr, Breanne Brauer, Sheridan Douglas, Bobby Guichet, Genna Higginbotham, Mckynzi Hill, Kenyon Johnson, Christa Mccormick, Jessica McManus, Ashley Miller, Julie Ramos, Shynikia Roberson, Shynikia Roberson, Scott Stearns, Emma-Leigh Webster, Mandy Wilson, Ashley Wisthoff, Tyler Wright;
Deville -- Joni Burlew, Kayla Dewilde, Colton Johnson, Ashtyn Knapp, Jordan Paul, Marcia Rogers, Haley Spilker, Destiny Zito;
Dobson -- Melanie Thomas;
Downsville -- Abby Fordham;
Dry Prong -- Cobi Bolen, William Bordelon, Ariana Christopher, Taylor Kight, Ethan Lewis, Jared Price, Lindsey Weatherford;
Duson -- Desmond Prejean;
Effie -- Hailee Kyrou;
Elizabeth -- Sadie Perkins;
Elm Grove -- Jacob Dunn;
Elmer -- Garrett Holt, Brennan Mays;
Elton -- Maia Lacomb;
Erath -- Elizabeth Touchet;
Evans -- Lakin Smith;
Evergreen -- Miracle Oby;
Farmerville -- Julia Legrande;
Flatwoods -- Jennifer Desselle, Jasmine George, Lindsey Willis, Stephanie Willis;
Florien -- Hillary Charles, Jennifer Cotten, Cullen Hopkins, Tyler Johnson, Elizabeth Squillini, Jordan Weldon;
Folsom-- Alma Diaz, Shaylee Laird;
Forest Hill -- Rachel Humphries, Claudia Marie Musgrove;
Forrest City, Arkansas -- Michael Mcgruder;
Fort Belvoir, Virginia -- Quindarrius Thompson;
Fort Polk -- Jamie Curtis, Amanda Dhondt, Laura Gee, Amanda Kuhn, Jennifer Lara, Donna Mareeh Milsap, Stephanie Reid, Desirah Ritchie, Genesis Rondon Torres, Jeffrey Ruiz, Jenna Silvius;
Forth Worth, Texas -- Jessica Sharp;
Franklin -- Zabreana Daniels, Jalena Kelly;
Franklinton -- Aron Stephens;
Fresno, Texas -- Shalandrea Martin;
Friendswood, Texas -- Malik Sonnier;
Frierson -- Austin Barnes, Nicholas Parham;
Gadsden, Alabama -- Damian Thompson;
Garland, Texas -- Adriana Velarde;
Geismer -- Brenna LeGlue;
Georgetown, Indiana -- Ellisa Rof;
Gibsland -- Madison Shidiskis;
Glenmora -- Eric Baker, Tiara Baker, Bailey Johnson;
Gloster -- Jennifer Simmons;
Gonzales -- Jennifer Enloe, Courtney LeJeune, Corley Payne;
Grand Cane -- Kayden Booker, Brittney Cross, Brittany Davies, Ciana Mcintyre, Brittany Miller, Emily Miller;
Grand Prairie, Texas -- Charles Harris, Kori Levingston;
Granite City Illinois -- Megan Obrien;
Gray -- Triston Johnson, Austin Pierre;
Greenwood -- Rachel Hermes;
Gretna -- Brandi Bealer, MyDung Hoang, Trinity Velazquez;
Guston, Kentucky -- Shelbie Jantzen;
Hahnville -- Imani Butler;
Halifax, Virginia -- Kyle Lacks;
Hall Summit -- Ashley-Kate McNatt;
Hammond – Raqual Cockerham, Laura Sharp, William Woodworth;
Harvey -- Jesse Coats, Tyrone Johnson;
Haughton -- Kelsy Baker, Bailey Boyd, Darius Brock, Arneshia Brooks, Payton Curry, Haylee Douglass, Makayla Feibel, Shelby Grubbs, Daniel Langen, Alyssia Mobley, Angie Nguyen, Hannah Robertson, Hunter Woods,
Haynesville -- Destiny Burns, Trenton Franklin;
Heflin -- Kendall Brunson, Haley Shepherd, Rachael Vickers;
Henderson, Texas -- Christina Marie Colley;
Hessmer -- Ryan Armand, Daren Dauzat;
Hineston -- Victoria Carroll;
Homer -- Amberly Banks, Shannon Rhodes, Lakota Smith,
Hornbeck -- Erin Gentry, Joshua Hughes, Logan Hughes, Haley Killian, Megan Martelle, Ariel Rodgers,
Hosston -- Kylie Moore;
Houma -- Gavin Bergeron, Courtney Chancellor, Kyle Siddle;
Houston, Texas -- Alexander Allen, Bruce Beth, Julio Galvan, Rashuad Powell, Crystal Turner;
Ida -- Genesis Thomas;
Jamestown -- Ieshia Thomas;
Jeanerette -- Kennedi Boutte, Mary Rochon;
Jefferson -- Emily Ricalde;
Jena -- Braegan Burlew, Candace Decker, Erica Hebert, Lakerielle Kittlin;
Jennings -- Ashton St. Germain;
Jonesboro -- JaVonna Lawrence, Tia Moore;
Jonesville -- Julie Odom, Erin Wiley;
Kalaupapa, Hawaii -- Kamamalu Nishihira-Asuncion;
Keithville -- Laurilyn Crossland, Mary-Kathryn Fuller, Taylor Hughes, Latavein Kennedy, Jerry Parks, Taylor Rose;
Kenner -- Shannon Drake;
Kerens, Texas -- Cody James;
Kilgore, Texas -- Jonathan Hubbard;
Kinder -- Kelsey Frank, Katharyn Hebert, Nicholas Moldovsky;
Kingwood, Texas -- Alexandria Bailey;
Klamath Falls, Oregon -- Bradley Baker;
Labadieville -- Logan Simoneaux;
Lacombe -- Casey Casler;
Lafayette -- Hayley Aymond, Luther Brooks, Sasskia Chassion, Oliver Conday, Adele Hebert, Tyler Jones, Hudson Laborde, Robert Middleton, Josef Raines, Dhaija Smith, Stuart Suffern, Hannah Travis;
Lake Charles -- Jennifer Arabie, Landon Dore, Anna Eaglin, Daryan Gibson, Brandi Hansard, Kateen Hilliard, Maysen Linscomb, Savanah Moses, Michael Thomas, Destany Washington, Laura Wilkins;
Lake Providence -- Lakarven Pitts;
Laplace -- Melvin Bates, Darian Cline;
Larose -- Peyton Guidry;
League City, Texas -- Lacee Savage;
Leander -- Karissa Boswell;
Lecompte -- Ikeia Johnson, Hannah McCann;
Leesville -- Heather Alexander, Jebediah Barrett, Katrina Brinson, Damion Brown, Rachal Brown, Jonathan Bruce, Victoria Carbaugh, Jacob Cart, Brandon Fredieu, Beatrice Green, Robert Green, Cheyenne Grigg, Morgan Hall, Brianna Harperhoward, Britney Harvey, Taylor Helton, Angelica Hilton, Meghan Jones, Lane Koury, Constance McManus, Stephanie Miller, Miranda Mize, Taylor Newman, Brittany Paris, Pete Rodriguez, Cesar Santos, Brandy Sherman, Marissa Skursky, Joseph Slaughter, Payton Soto, Britnie Stroud, Marissa Weldon, Lana West, Chyla Winslow, Cheyene Wise, Jacqueline Young, Michael Zschach;
Lena -- Kamryn Glenn, Justin Williams;
Lettsworth -- Landon Benton;
Libuse -- Alysia Hawthorne;
Lillie – Jesikah Ford;
Little Elm, Texas -- Hunter Gagnon, Kaitlyn McCullough;
Livingston -- Cody Cambre, Chase Crane;
Lockport -- Malaina Falgout;
Logansport -- Charles McClintock, Jessica Thompson;
Lone Oak, Texas -- Kaylee Isenburg;
Longview, Texas -- Deja Moore, Travis Pope;
Loreauville -- Tiffany Trahan;
Luling -- Macie Barrios;
Machesney Park, Illinois -- Alicia Teran;
Madisonville -- Zoe Almaraz, Sarahjane Ladut;
Mandeville -- Maci Burt, Anthony Pastorello, Hunter Swent;
Mansfield -- Rowdy Burleson, DeAsia Maxie, James Sowell, Markeit Steverson, Devin Vanwinkle, Stanley Woodley;
Mansura -- Beau Barbry, Cori Hayes, Magen Hegger, Adrienne Prevost;
Many -- Chancee Branam, Salvador Cruz Montellano, Destinee Dowden, Kelsi Horn, Clayton Kelley, Ashley Lafitte, Mayci Lewis, Chase Manning, Adina Manshack, Johnathan Medine, Chelsea Parrie, Andrew Penfield, Anna Porterfield, Lisa Scott, Hannah Webb;
Marksville -- Regan Balius, Javoanta Batiste, Aaron Bergeron, Leah Dupuy, April Gaspard, Olivia Johnson, Makayla Laborde, Sara Lambert, Shelby Lemoine, Victoria Lucas, Jessie Negrotto, Paulette Thomas;
Marrero -- Tara Brown, Lorena Martin;
Marshall, Texas -- Alexis Balbuena, Matayzsha Dorsey, Abagale Godfrey, Khari Jenkins, Michelle Sarubbi, Sydney Swilley;  
Marthaville -- Dylan Daniels, Erica James, Thomas Lirette, Kendrick Moore;
Maurice -- Adele Vincent;
McKinney, Texas -- Jasmine Dansby, Tyler Gatewood;
Melville -- Alexis Barker;
Mer Rouge -- Tequilla Winston;
Meridian, Mississippi -- Reed Michel;
Merryville -- Kyleah Franks;
Mesquite, Texas -- Kaleb Fletcher;
Midland, Texas -- Channing Burleson;
Midlothian, Illinois -- Daniel Hlad;
Minden -- Peyton Gray, Chelsey Harper, Lauren Holland, Donna Law, Jerryca Law, Rakeem Moore, Jesse Seymore, Lamonica Smith;
Monroe -- Caroline Aydelott, Trinity Butcher, PetraAnne Carpenter, Ty'Esha Coleman, Jaquita Davis, Taylor Edwards, Breonna Gibson, Parron Jones, Ashley Murphy, Tia Smith, Skylar Sorrell, Treniya Wadley, Ronnie Wells, Asia West, TaMya Williams, Gail Wilson;
Montegut -- Nicole Cohen, Megan Pellegrin;
Montgomery -- Miranda Bartlett, Morgan Bartlett, Tyler Cotten, Logan Lambert, Morgan McManus, Hannah Vercher;
Mooringsport -- Jo Anna Fisher;
Moreauville -- Reginea Alexander;
Murrieta, California -- Brittany Caserma;
Natchez -- Shaneda Armstrong, Brandi Carpenter, Jackson Carroll, Deshon Ficklin, James Rougeou, Brittany Slaughter;
Natchez, Mississippi -- Henry Cooley;
Natchitoches -- Shelton Adams, Ariel Adkins, Austin Aldredge, Daniella Angulo Martinez, Kayla Arnold, Abbie Atwood, Thomas Balthazar, James Bankston, Ramon Barralaga, Jacob Bartels, Terrius Bell, Allison Berry, Megan Berry, Christopher Billiot, Janieya Bobb, Keaton Booker, Andrew Boyd, Samantha Broughton, Keyana Brown, Morgan Burris, Kezia Butler, Thomas Celles, Halley Chapa, Kaleb Chesser, Lane Clevenger, Jacob Dahoff, Kenneth Darcy, Ajeahnell Dempsey, Chasity Dupree, Eric Fredieu, Matthew Gallien, Jasmine Hall, Rodney Harrison, Tyler Henry, Saul Hernandez, Jared Hulsey, Maina Ibn Mohammed,  Retsel Jackson, Michael James, Anthony Jones, Casey Jones, Hannah Jones, Haley LaCaze, Cristofer Larcarte, Tarah Lott, Alyssa Martin, Madelyn Matt, Andrew McAlister, Melonia McDaniel, Amanda Metoyer, Jasmine Milsap, Joshua Minor, Samantha Muncey, Donovan Ohnoutka, Chaka Palm, Zachary Parker, Kenneth Penrod, Meredith Phelps, Michael Raymond,  RaeGan Rogers, Paula Sanchez Luna, Emily Sitarz, Athena Smith, Rachel Smith, Shannon Smith, Skyler Speer, Hollie Spillman, Cierra Stephens, Blake Teekell, Alexander Thibodeau, Rebecca Thomisee, Angelo Vergara Otero, Garrett Vienne, Huey Virece, Naloni Walker, Brianna Watermolen, Anna Waxley, Leah Wilkins, John Williams, Lanae Wilson,  Laurence Wynder, Ashtin Youngblood;
Navasota, Texas -- Shelton Eppler;
New Iberia -- Courtney Cotone, Shania Dauterive, Madison Romero, Kira Tobias, Madison Willett;
New Llano -- Undrea Beasley, Deja Castille, Tristan Thorman, Alyssa Turner;
New Orleans – Nyasha Brown, Maya Dolliole, Felicia Franklin, Taylor Gibbs, Karrington Johnson, Trevor Morgan, Jonae Skinner, Rishard Winford;
New Roads -- Landry Davis;
Newllton -- Chasity Glasspoole,
Noble -- Joshua Ray, Thomas Rivers,
North Richland Hills, Texas -- Cody Germany,
Oak Grove -- Tonya Creech;
Oak Hill, West Virginia -- Jessica Limer;
Oakdale -- Clayton Ashworth, Tia Dixon, James Obrien;
Oberlin -- Morgan Gradney;
Oil City -- Chaddrick Thomas;
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma -- Jasmine Juarez;
Olympia, Washington -- Kimberly Delatorre;
Opelousas -- Caleb Allen, Keylee Boone, Matthew Collins, Kelsey Gallow, Haley George, Kayla Pitre, Sydney Stewart;
Orange Beach, Alabama -- Elizabeth Gilliam;  
Otis -- Joshua Poston;
Oxnard, California -- Kateen Starman;
Paincourtville -- Hannah Brister;
Palmetto -- Destiny Celestine;
Panama City, Florida -- Adam Normand;
Paradis -- Kaitlyn Dunn;
Parma -- Tracy Hromadka;
Pearl River -- Joseph Lagreco;
Pineville -- Emily Bordelon, Victoria Bordelon, Latasha Cain, Jasmine, KataraRiana Clark, Payten Collins, LaShundra Duncan-Williams, Selena Ferguson, Katelan Gossett, Trey Joseph, Cedrick Lott, Sonya McClellan, Shaqunda Peters, Victoria Peterson, Bonni Rayburn, Glynn Sillavan, Courtney Squyres, Micah StAndre, Emily Wiley;
Pioneer -- Kayla Rockett;
Pitkin -- Preston Brown, Braydon Doyle, Jayce Doyle;
Plain Dealing -- Ja'Mela Williams;
Plaucheville -- Hailey Brouillette, Rachael Martin, Philip Pepiton, Brittany Taylor;
Pleasant Hill -- Montana Binning, Makenzi Patrick;
Pollock -- Allie Frost, Whitney Jenkins, Kari Taffi;
Port Allen -- Evan Daigle;  
Port Barre -- Skylar Guidroz;
Prairieville -- Hannah Beason, Otha Nelson, Jacob Townsend, Mikayla Tudor;
Princeton -- Keeleigh Bennett, Chelsea Morris, Katelyn Nattin, Ty Shilling;
Princeton, New Jersey – Hannah Bradley;
Prosper -- Gabriella Gamboa;
Provencal – Carson Custis, Katlynn French, Jamie Litton, Taylor Trichel;
Rayne -- Mary Peltier;
Reno, Nevada -- Olivia Marazzo;
Richfield, Minnesota -- Leah Barnes;
Ringgold -- Joseph Hays, Kylee Love;
River Ridge -- Rachel Chimeno, Toni Hebert;
Robbinsdale, Minnesota -- Rachel Stoks;
Robeline -- Arica Ammons, Jonathan Comeaux, Willie Garcia, Patricia Goodwin, Hannah Hennigan, Kristal Lachney, Mallary Lester, Alyssa Maley, Megan Maley, Courtney Rachal, Madelyn Rachal, Morgan Rachal, Fawn Slaughter;
Rock Falls, Illinois -- Cody Donoho;
Rosepine -- Emilee Johnson, Jamie Nelson;
Ruston -- Stormy Dickey, Phynecha Richard, Lara Schales;  
Saint Amant -- Kylie Nix;
Saint Cloud, Florida -- Sage Leffew;
Saint Francisville -- Ryan Reed;
Saint Martinville -- Emily Guidry, Chaselyn Lewis;
Saline -- Makayla Jackson, Aaron Savell;
San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Honduras -- Jose Bustillo Aguero;
Sarepta -- Katie Ingle;
Savannah Georgia -- Larry Johnson;
Shreveport -- Tiara Anderson, Keyln Andrews, James Baldwin, ShyMiracle Ball, Desean Britton, Rachael Bryant, Breonnica Collins, Madison Connella, Audrey Copeland, Daniel Crews, Hannah Crnkovic, Taylor Davis, Kevin Denks, Zandria Douglas, Chenara Dredden, Lauren Edwards, Keiauna Evans, Meghan Fry, Lauren Gabour, Tyler Gardner, Cassidy Giddens, Rebecca Gilcrease, Savon Gipson, Andrell Green, Ricci Haltom, Jaimee Henderson, Monica Holloway, Kimberly Housley, Meghan Jelks, Drake Johnson, Zachary Johnson, Ainsley Johnson-Braden,  Bethany Jones, Quanese Jones-Young, Haley Joyner, Luis Juneau, Colton Kennedy, Tradeya King, Mallory LaLena, Princess Lane, Shermaria Lewis, Rukiya Lewis, Katherine Lind, Jakobi Malone, Alexis Mason, Kristen Massinburg, Mozell Mcduffy, Janna Mclellan, Samantha Metoyer, Alison Mitchell, Myles Mitchell, Dylan Molenhour, Shanautica Montgomery,  Terrye Moore, Maria Moreno Ponte, Ellison Mullen, Hillary Nicholls, Karina Pena Morla, Elizabeth Peterson, Patrick Pierce, Dalton Randolph, Nahjee Reid, Mollie Reynolds, Carribean Richardson, Jasmine Roberts, Savonya Robinson, Chekayah Samuel, Jasmin Samuels, Zachary Sanders, Fredricka Seawood, Latrice Smith, Chaniqua Smith, Vincent Spinks, Asia Stevens,  Keyaunta Stewart, Jordan Taylor, Shakari Taylor, Rodnisha Terry, Angela Thomas, Gabrielle Thomas, Ashlea Trosclair, Rhiannon Venable, Isabella Vines, Earnestine Walker, Gia-Caroline Weber, Kristin Welch, Charity Wesley, Victoria Whaley, Crystal Williams, Destiney Williams, Lajayda Williams, Shamolia Williams, Tre'Darius Williams, DeShaun Wilson, Ansonia Wisner;
Sibley -- Madison Mouser;
Sicily Island -- Jalisa Johnson;
Sieper -- Alexis Williams;
Silsbee, Texas -- Carson Fuller;
Simmesport -- Olivia Draper, Elise Normand;
Simpson -- Christina Snider, Carleigh Standifer;
Slidell -- Juliana Garcia, Whitney Legier, Cameron May;
Spring, Texas -- Madelyne Mangum;
Springfield -- Brian Pickett, Tyler Pigott;
St. Martinville -- Asi Gachassin, Maleik White,
Starks -- Melina Royer;
Stephenville, Texas -- Natalie Damron;
Stonewall -- Alexandria Cole, Emma Delafield, Mallory McConathy, Stephanie Parker, Heather Schiller, Spencer Tatum;
Sugartown -- Madison Budnik;
Sulphur -- Madeline Fortenberry, Trevor Molitor, Shelby Sullivan;
Tallulah -- Christian Cobb;
Tatum, Texas -- LeAndrea Allison;
Terrytown -- Katlynn Klein;
Texarkana, Texas -- Sydney Cowgill, Miles Powell;
Thibodaux -- Gabrielle Dantoni, Cierra Winch;
Tioga -- Lorali Hebert;
Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania -- Brianna Morosco;
Tomball, Texas -- Cylandria Clemons;
Tool, Texas -- Kimberly Kidney;
Trout -- Harley Lisenby, Andrea Walters, Garett Walters;
Vidalia -- Evandria King;
Ville Platte -- Tre Fontenot;
Vinton -- Autumn Hanks, Madison Zaunbrecher;
Washington -- Kyeishia Evans, I Ambrieanna Lazard;
Waskom, Texas -- Mary Alexander, Colton McCracken, Jonas Richardson;
Waynesboro, Mississippi -- David Hodo;
Welsh -- Alisha Ledoux, Katherine Salassi;
West Monroe – Taylor Cox, Aubrey Gamble, Bailey Hargrove, Tyler Hortman, Rachel Simpson, Melissa Taylor, Christopher Wynn;
White Castle -- Kiosha Elzy;
Winnfield -- Mia County, LaTerrion Green, Saquan Jenkins, Brooklyn Johnson, Morgan Martinez, George Parish, Trakita Rainwater, Chinna Thompson;
Winnsboro -- Samira Wiley;
Wisner -- Jordan Price;
Woodworth -- Ashley Ortiz;
Yigo, GU -- Mary Szabo;                                                
Youngsville -- Devin Forestier, Lorin Prejean;
Zachary -- Darryl Anderson, Alyse Quebedeaux, Alaijha Trim;
Zwolle -- Kamryn Bedsole, Dayton Craig, Cheyanne Ebarb, Addison Garcie, Emmalee Lewing, Ethan Morgan, Deidre Rivers, Chyna Sepulvado, Rylea Sepulvado.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
POLITICO Playbook: The case for tuning out the White House
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POLITICO Playbook: The case for tuning out the White House
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— THE WSJreported a few days ago that the president was looking to buy Greenland. The White House brushed it aside, saying it was just idle chatter, and then PresidentDONALD TRUMPsaid: “It’s not No. 1 on the burner, I can tell you that.” The president also said bluntly: “We’re going to Poland and then we may be going to Denmark — not for this reason at all.”
THEN TUESDAY NIGHT,the president pulled out of a trip to Denmark, because the prime minister said Greenland wasn’t for sale.
— THE WASHINGTON POSTreported Monday evening that the White House was considering pushing for a payroll tax cut to juice the economy. Shortly after that, the White House said to ignore the chatter, because there were many ideas floating around, and this was no more serious than any of the other proposals bouncing around the building. Then the president said this Tuesday: “Payroll taxes — I’ve been thinking about payroll taxes for a long time.”
— THE PRESIDENTsaid for a week or two that he was serious about bucking his party and pushing Congress to create a new background-check system for gun purchases. He said he was going to listen to both Republicans and Democrats and get something done in the wake of the tragedies in Dayton and El Paso. Then on Tuesday, he called the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre and told him he would not be pushing for new background checks, The Atlantic’s Elaina Plott reported.
IF THE PRESIDENT MAKES A PROCLAMATIONand then reverses, what is the use of the proclamation in the first place?
WE DID A ROUND OF PHONE CALLSTuesday to people in Hill leadership and at the White House to find out how seriously we should be taking the payroll tax idea. The answers ranged from “not seriously” to “no one has any information on it.”
— CONSIDER THIS: BARACK OBAMAsigned a payroll tax holiday into law in early 2012 after a frantic December trying to squeeze it through a divided Congress. What hasTRUMPpassed through this divided Congress — the one that’s on the brink of impeaching him — that gives you the inclination he could get this through?
Good Wednesday morning. SPOTTED:Paul Ryan on a delayed flight from DCA to Chicago.Pic
— WAPO: “Trump postpones Denmark trip after prime minister declines to sell him Greenland,”by Felicia Sonmez, Anne Gearan and Damian Paletta: “People familiar with the president’s interest in Greenland said he had been talking about the potential purchase for weeks.
“Senior administration officials had discussed the possibility of offering Denmarka deal in which the United States would take over its annual $600 million subsidy to Greenland in perpetuity, said two people familiar with the talks who were not authorized to reveal the internal deliberations. They also discussed giving Denmark a large one-time payment as well to incentivize the transfer, the people said.” WaPo
— CNN’s @kylieatwood:“Trump & Macron spoke over the phone today & agreed they wanted to invite Russia to the G7 next year, a sr admin official said. Trump is expected to broach the topic w/ world leaders at the G7. Today Trump told reporters it would be ‘appropriate’ for Russia to re-enter G7.”
— THEY’RE BACK! … WAPO’S PAMELA CONSTABLEin Kabul andKAREN DEYOUNG:“The U.S. is nearing a deal with the Taliban. But another major threat looms in Afghanistan: The Islamic State”:“The official government line here is that the Islamic State has been defeated.
“The local branch of the extremist Sunni militia,Afghan officials say, has been corralled into a mountainous area near the Pakistani border by Afghan and U.S. forces and can no longer control populated areas. They say it has been reduced to staging suicide attacks against ‘soft’ targets, like the wedding party bombing here on Saturday that killed 63 people and wounded 190. …
“But local leaders in the border provinces of Nangahar and Konartell a different story. They say Islamic State forces continue to terrorize villagers in areas under their control, forcibly recruiting boys and banning girls from school. They and U.S. officials say that Taliban and Islamic State forces have continued to fight each other, but that they also fear that some Taliban fighters will join the more ruthless Islamic State forces if Taliban leaders make a deal with U.S. officials.” WaPo
READING FOR JARED AND GREENBLATT … NYT’S TOM FRIEDMAN: “How the Palestinian-Israeli Peace Process Became a Farce”:“Last week’s ugly mess involving the abortive visit to Israel of two Democratic congresswomen was useful for only one reason: It exposed how much the Palestinian-Israeli peace process has become a pathetic festival of magical thinking, performance art, reality denial, political fund-raising and outright political fraud. It’s become about everything except what it needs to succeed: courageous, fair-minded, creative diplomacy and leadership.
“At the official U.S. level, Jared Kushner has spent three yearsginning up a peace plan that he still won’t show anyone. So far, his only achievement is an Israeli-Palestinian economic conference in Bahrain that no Israeli or Palestinian officials attended.
“Kushner actually seems to believe that the problemcan be solved by the Israelis and Gulf Arabs funding a leveraged buyout of Palestinian aspirations for sovereignty and statehood. Kushner deserves some credit for fresh thinking about how to attract investment to the West Bank, but he lapsed into magical thinking when he allowed all the diplomatic features of his plan to be dictated by the political needs and desires of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.” NYT
— AP’S JONATHAN LEMIREandDARLENE SUPERVILLE: “Trump: Any Jew voting Democratic is uninformed or disloyal”:“Showing a fresh willingness to play politics along religious lines, President Donald Trump said Tuesday that American Jewish people who vote for Democrats show ‘either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.’
“Trump’s claim triggered a quick uproar from criticswho said the president was trading in anti-Semitic stereotypes. It came amid his ongoing feud with Democratic congresswomen Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, both Muslim.
“Trump has closely aligned himself with Israel,including its conservative prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, while the Muslim lawmakers have been outspoken critics of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. Tlaib is a U.S.-born Palestinian American, while Omar was born in Somalia.
“‘Where has the Democratic Party gone? Where have they gonewhere they are defending these two people over the state of Israel?’ Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. ‘I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.’” AP
NEEDLESS TO SAY:Jews — like everyone else in America — are not subservient to an ideology, political party or person.
WHAT DINA POWELL’S UP TO … FT: “Goldman Sachs claws its way into contention for Saudi Aramco IPO,”by Anjli Raval and Andrew England in London, James Fontanella-Khan in New York and Simeon Kerr in Dubai: “Goldman Sachs has clawed its way into contention for a role in Saudi Aramco’s planned stock market listing, after a months-long charm offensive by top executives, including former Trump administration official Dina Powell, said several people briefed on the matter.
“Ms Powell, who left Goldman in 2017 to work at the White Houseand came back to the Wall Street bank a year later, has leveraged her knowledge of the region and relationships with the kingdom’s highest authorities to seek business for Goldman, said one person close to the Saudi state energy giant.” FT
HEADS UP … NYT’S MIRIAM JORDAN:“As early as Wednesday, the Department of Homeland Security is expected to issue a sweeping new set of regulations for detaining migrant children, replacing more than two decades of protections that were put into place as a result of what happened to Alma and her fellow detainees in 1985. The new standards could allow the government to detain children and families for longer periods, revise the minimum standards of care and end the 22-year-old consent decree, known as the Flores agreement, that has protected the nation’s youngest and most vulnerable new arrivals.” NYT
SCOOP … NANCY COOK: “Trump team braces GOP donors for a potential ‘moderate and short’ recession”:“At a fundraising luncheon this week in Jackson, Wyo., headlined by both Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney acknowledged the risks to the GOP elite behind closed doors. If the U.S. were to face a recession, it would be ‘moderate and short,’ Mulvaney told roughly 50 donors, according to an attendee.” POLITICO
2020 WATCH …
— CHICAGO TRIBUNE: “Presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg’s overwhelmingly white crowd at event on Chicago’s South Side reinforces his struggles to draw support from black voters,”by Bill Ruthhart: “South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg held a self-described grassroots campaign rally in Bronzeville on Tuesday night, but the overwhelmingly white audience he drew to the event in a historic black neighborhood reinforced the difficulty the Democratic presidential hopeful has had in connecting with African American voters.
“Buttigieg did not acknowledge the makeup of the audiencein his remarks or in answering questions from the 1,000 people at the sold-out event, but did touch on it briefly as he closed the hourlong rally with a plea for his supporters. ‘Find the people who don’t look like most of you in this room and let them know they have the chance, not just to support this campaign, but to shape it,’ Buttigieg said.” Chicago Tribune
BIG CASH ALERT(big July donations):RNC:Sheldon and Miriam Adelson gave $142,000 each. …NRCC:Sheldon and Miriam Adelson gave $142,000. …NRSC:August A. Busch gave $110,000.
— REP. LIZ CHENEY (R-WYO.)in theWAPO: “How to lose a war, but not end it”:“President Trump knows a bad deal when he sees one. He extricated the United States from President Barack Obama’s disastrous nuclear accord with Iran. He pulled us out of an arms-control agreement with Russia that Vladimir Putin repeatedly violated. But if news reports are accurate, the State Department is about to capitulate to the Taliban, al-Qaeda’s longtime ally, as U.S. forces are withdrawn from Afghanistan. The president should reject this deal.”
— MITCH MCCONNELLin theWSJ: “We Stand With Hong Kong”
DANIEL LIPPMAN: “Inside Trump’s feud with Anthony Scaramucci”
— BTW … WHAT HAPPENED TO JOHNNY MAC? … PER DANIEL:Earlier this summer, Scaramucci let Trump’s former body man, John McEntee, use his office for six weeks. “He is creating a lifestyle app and he just needed to have a place to hang his hat for a little while,” Scaramucci explained.
— BACKSTORY:After McEntee left the White House in March 2018 over concerns about his gambling habits, he was named “senior adviser for operations” on the Trump campaign. But he quietly left late last year, according to a former White House official. (Although he’s friends with Scaramucci, McEntee is “by no means is a Mooch sympathizer” in Scaramucci’s current feud with Trump, this person said.)
— NEW GEORGETOWN INSTITUTE OF POLITICS AND PUBLIC SERVICE FELLOWS: Jonathan Burks,Paul Ryan’s former chief of staff … former Kansas Gov.Jeff Colyer…Olivia Alair Dalton,SVP of communications and marketing for the Human Rights Campaign …Karen Travers,ABC White House correspondent …Stephanie Valencia,co-founder of EquisLabs.
THE PRESIDENT’S WEDNESDAY: TRUMPwill leave the White House at 11:15 a.m. for Andrews, where he will fly to Louisville. He will arrive in Kentucky at 1:25 p.m. and go straight to the Galt House Hotel. At 2 p.m., the president will speak to the AMVETS 75th annual convention. At 3:05 p.m., he will leave the hotel for the Seelbach Hilton Louisville and will participate in a roundtable at 3:15 p.m., and speak at a fundraiser at 4:15 p.m. At 5:25 p.m., he will fly back to Washington. He’s due back at the White House at 7:10 p.m.
JULIA IOFFEinGQ: “The Summer of Warren”
MORE 2020 … “Outside money flows into race for Susan Collins’ Senate seat,”by AP’s David Sharp and Brian Slodysko: “Money is pouring into Maine’s high-profile Senate race, threatening to upend the state’s reputation for genteel politics and giving way to a new era of partisanship. … Advertising data shows Democrats plan to spend at least $1.2 million on ads through December, including a spot that aired for the first time this month that accuses Collins of failing to protect Medicare. A newly formed GOP group, meanwhile, has $800,000 already in the bank, thanks to a small group of wealthy financiers.” AP
EPSTEIN LATEST — “Jeffrey Epstein lawsuits offer sordid details, including sex while on work release,”by the Miami Herald’s David Ovalle: “While serving a lenient jail sentence in Palm Beach County, wealthy financier and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was allowed to leave jail for ‘work release’ — at an office at his own organization, the Florida Science Foundation.
“But at the foundation, according to a newly filed lawsuit,Epstein and his web of associates repeatedly arranged for sex with at least two girls, including one he met when she was 17.”
— BOSTON GLOBE: “At MIT, more fallout from the university’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein”:“A well-known member of the MIT Media Lab plans to resign over revelations that the research center and its top leader took money from Jeffrey Epstein, the deceased financier who was accused of trafficking in underage girls.
“Ethan Zuckerman, director of the lab’s Center for Civic Media,last week told officials at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology of his plans.” Boston Globe …Zuckerman’s Medium post
MEDIAWATCH — “Tucker Carlson’s Fox News Show Loses More Advertisers,”by NYT’s Tiffany Hsu: “The Monday episode of ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight,’ the host’s first since he left the airwaves for what Fox News said was a planned vacation two days after making the remarks on white supremacy, had fewer commercials than usual.
“There were spots for turmeric drink mixes, ear wash systems and cup-holder mountsfor smartphones, as well as ads for Dyson, Raymour & Flanigan and USAA, but none for products from SoFi, Calm or SteinMart. Those companies advertised on the program earlier this summer but said in statements in recent days that their commercials would not appear during Mr. Carlson’s nightly hour.
“A Monday night episode from one year ago,the broadcast of ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ on Aug. 20, 2018, had 16 minutes of ads, with 38 commercials that aired across the nation, according to iSpot.tv, the television ads measurement company. The Monday night episode this week, by contrast, had 13.5 minutes of commercials, with 23 nationally aired spots. Eight of the 23 were promotions for other Fox properties.” NYT
— CNN: “Playboy columnist sues Trump White House over press pass suspension”
— Alexandra Robertsis now communications director for news programming at MSNBC.
Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at [email protected].
TRANSITIONS — Shawn Gaylordis now executive director of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus. He previously worked in LGBT advocacy at the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network and Human Rights First. …Tim Doyleis joining GuidePost Strategies as principal and general counsel. He was previously at the American Council for Capital Formation.
WEEKEND WEDDING — Sam Jammal,regulatory affairs director and counsel at Firefly, andJennifer Molina,press secretary for California A.G. Xavier Becerra and a Hillary 2016 and CAP alum, got married Saturday in Cartagena, Colombia. They met at a White House Correspondents’ Association reception and then reconnected at a friend’s barbecue before they started dating.Pic…Another pic
WELCOME TO THE WORLD — Matthew Borowski,an information graphics producer in the Fox News research department, andMelanie Borowski,a teacher, welcomed Lola Pearl Borowski, who came in at 5 lbs, 13 ounces. She joins big sisters Saige and Drew.Pic…Another pic
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Manuel Roig-Franzia,WaPo feature reporter.How he’s celebrating:“I’ll be celebrating my birthday with the love of my life, Ceci Connolly, my parents, my beloved 98-year-old grandfather and an enormous mountain of shellfish at the beach in Spain, just outside the city of Huelva, where I was born.”Playbook Plus Q&A
BIRTHDAYS:Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) is 63 … Steve Case, chairman of Revolution and the Case Foundation and co-founder of AOL, is 61 … Ken Mehlman, member and global head of public affairs at KKR and co-head of KKR Global Impact … Peter Hamby, host of Snapchat’s “Good Luck America” and a Vanity Fair contributor … NBC News correspondent Harry Smith is 68 … Arkansas Lt. Gov. Tim Griffin is 51 … Greg Bell … Ben Howard, deputy assistant to the president for legislative affairs (h/t dad Jack) … POLITICO’s David Beavers and Ian Jenkins … Vianovo’s Mike Shannon is 45 … Margaret Chan, former director-general of the WHO, is 72 … Elizabeth Stoltz … Brian Parks of Locust Street Group … Puja Murgai … Joe Minges … Hunter Lipscomb … Katie Brown … The Atlantic’s Elaine Godfrey … Rubén Olmos,president of Global Nexus LLC … Cheyne Worley … Mary Ann Naylor …
… Jana Winter,2018-2019 Boston Globe Spotlight fellow and Yahoo contributor …Joan Kirchner Carr … Marguerite Biagi … Alisa Maso … Sarah Rusciano … Business Insider’s Pamela Engel … Reuben Jeffery III … Robert Wells … Stephen Neuman, managing director for government affairs at American Airlines … Joe Mathieu … CNN’s Cameron Hough … Lindsay Fisher, student at U.Va. law school and Citi alum … Heather Hunter … Tericka Lambert, digital strategist at Authentic Campaigns … David Heifetz, chief comms officer for New Politics … Francine McMahon … former California Lt. Gov. Abel Maldonado is 52 … Paul Harstad … Larry Martin (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) … Lamont Black… Jack Kelly … Tom Houck … Adam Dubitsky … Rachel Hirschberg Light … Amelia Penniman, comms director for Senate campaigns at American Bridge … Katherine Perez … Bruce Evans
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vivarp-blog · 8 years
( open starter masterlist ) the open starters in this masterlist currently have the least amount of notes in the tag or are not showing up in the tag at all for one reason or another. members, please make sure you reply to every open starter you can so no one feels ignored or left out!!
the following open starters have less than 10 notes in the tags:
evangeline rowe’s starter
hazel williams’ starter
eva sloan’s starter
sailo milas’ starter
persephone flynn’s starter
jamie banks’ starter
jonny winchester’s starter
elaina marx’s starter
micah barbosa’s starter
jackson king’s starter
angelica rogers’ starter
the following open starters are not showing up in the tags:
none this time!
dear members: please remember that no starter should go unnoticed, and no one should feel left out because their starter gets the least amount of notes in the tag. if you see an open starter in the tag with less notes than the rest, please reply to it, especially if you are not already interacting with that character! remember to interact with everyone so no one ever feels like they’re not wanted here!!
thank you guys so so SO much, you know you’re the absolute best members a rp group could hope for and we love you so much for it!!
  please LIKE THIS POST when you have read it so we can be sure that you’ve seen it!!
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midnight-swan-98 · 8 years
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Melanie Martinez inspired outfit by dazzling-pink-elaina featuring a long sleeve cotton dress ❤ liked on Polyvore
Long sleeve cotton dress / Forever 21 socks / Lazy Oaf blue crossbody / Iridescent stud earrings / Bracelet / 11 Inch Baby Bottle Banks Pink / Ice Cream Cones / Trina Puff Heels
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