#el is 👀👀
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aeon-uriel · 8 months ago
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plutonicbees · 2 years ago
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young just us: the game 👾
based off of the scott pilgrim video game, i wanted to play around with the idea of what the yj98 team would look like in the same style.. mostly i just wanted to draw everybody as silly little pixel sprites
(character sprite pngs + mount justice landscape under cut)
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damienns · 1 year ago
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henry-fox-biggest-stan · 6 months ago
I have been thinking about how come than there is nothing than shows mike’s attraction to women.
“Oh but, he’s dating El!” True, but what I mean is than all the other heterosexual characters (you can have all the headcanons you want, but they have been shown over and over to be attracted to the opposite gender) all have moments than show their attraction to men / women, aside from their romantic partners.
We have Max dating Lucas, yes, but she also, for example, looks at a shirtless Steve with binoculars. She is a teenage girl attracted to men, and it makes sense she wants to see this older guy shirtless. She also talks about how Ralph Macchio from karate kid is “so hot”
We have Lucas dating Max, but in s2 while playing at the arcade, Lucas mentioned how princess daphne was still his, a female character who, tbh, is kinda sexualized and mostly serves as eye candy. The typical “hero needs to save princess” trope. A preteen / teenage boy attracted to women would find her attractive
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We have Dustin dating Suzie, but he also had a tiny crush, or at least, interest on max at the start of s2. He asked a girl to dance at snowball, he talks with Steve about girls, etc.
We have Steve who is just constantly reminding us of his attraction to women, he dated nancy, he talks about girls, he mentions liking boobs, etc
We have Nancy dating Jonathan, and she dated Steve before, but she also has a Tom Cruise poster in her room, who was very popular among girls during the 80s, and the first time we see her in s1 ep 1 she’s talking to Barb over the phone saying things like “yeah he’s cute” about a boy, probably Steve.
But with Mike, the opposite happens, he’s dating El, sure, but he shows rejection to the opposite gender. He doesn’t care about Max at the start of s2, he doesn’t seem interested in princess daphne, and then there’s the lingerie scene paralleling the sauna scene in s3. Lucas (attracted to women) is the first to enter the lingerie store. And Mike (attracted to men) is the first to open the sauna (full of men). (This is not me saying mike was attracted to those men, he wasn’t, but having him have the idea and open the door is interesting)
Same with Will, except he’s canonically gay now. A girl wanted to dance with him at snowball and he reluctantly said yes, but he didn’t seem too focused on her, a girl is interested in him in California, and still, he doesn’t care. He welcomed max in s2, but in a completely different way than Dustin and Lucas did.
Hell, even Robin has scenes showing her attraction for women. She mentions a crush on Tammy and the next season a crush on Vickie, but she also talks about how Julie Christy is “bonkers hot” in doctor zhivago, or how “these ladies are hot, they’re so very hot”.
Instead what does Mike have? Posters of buff, shirtless (male) dragons on his walls
Basically: Mike’s attraction to women is just like my attraction to men, nonexistent.
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Timmy: So, you're bisexual?
Manny: Yup!
Timmy: And yet you're STILL single?
Timmy: Dude, you're not bisexual, you're bi-yourself
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chirpsythismorning · 9 months ago
El being *12 hours earlier* than the Cali timeline when she arrives at Nina. Will saying ‘it’s been 9 hrs’ in the scene following his monologue in the van.
We know that at some point their timelines merged when they arrived to save her…
But we don’t know when exactly those alignments took place when they were still apart… which just makes you wonder…
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frownyalfred · 3 months ago
About the Reverse Injustice being triggered by a meta killing Dick...and possibly destroying Gotham...
I can't bear to have Clark kill Dick, mind control or red kryptonite or whatever, so...thinking it could be Kon.
TimKon is a thing, or they're BFFs, whatever, either way there is good reason for Kon to be in Gotham often enough (possibly unknown to Bruce) to get in the Joker's radar.
And unlike Clark, Kon is a teenager and comparatively inexperienced - he would be far less able to maintain or regain control under, say, a Red Kryptonite or fear toxin situation.
Dick might die protecting Tim or trying to stop Kon...
Extra heartbreak for Tim because his boyfriend/best friend killed his brother, his hero...
For Clark because his parent/brother/who-knows-what but protective relationship with Kon, and he basically co-parented Dick...
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh why does this make so much sense too….
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dailydccomics · 11 months ago
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Superman and Lex Luthor by David Nakayama
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ratatatastic · 8 months ago
"can i say it in spanish?" "well spanish AND englis-" "LETSGO FINLAND🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮" "somos campeones" "yeah somos campeones would you both- have a great time guys out there congratulations" "gracias gracias" "v...vamos gatos" "vamos gatos" "vamos gatos gracias" "vamos gatos"
Panthers Championship Parade | 6.30.24 (x)
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k0rt-j3st3r · 3 months ago
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fun fact: it is actually cold as balls where I'm at so I've decided to make Thad suffer with me
I imagine he'd be just as intolerant to this weatger as I am <3 <3
(close ups underneath cut)
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 2 years ago
Who would win in a hand to hand combat (and knife) Jade or Valeria?? 🙌
(this ask got me sketchin' ✍️✍️✍️)
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Some points that I thought about :
Both of them are brolic fighters. The difference is, I think Valeria is more brutal while Jade uses more effective and sneaky attacks.
Valeria has the power advantage, but speed-wise, Jade has the lead.
Valeria is taller with a longer wingspan and It's an advantage. But Jade's defense is not to be messed with.
Jade uses Karambit knife which is very versatile in every angle + harder to get off of her hands.
Experience-wise, though Valeria is older, Jade started training at early age. Both are on par with each other.
Endurance - both Valeria and Jade were ex-special forces and ex-MI6 black agent with non-stop assignments. They can take any punches and still go at it.
Mental battle - Valeria will talk shit in the middle of the fight, but Jade will also clap back with British sarcasm. These two won't stop until the other is down for sure.
I can't really be certain 🤔🤔What do you guys think?
(heck yea I'll finish that art)
Edit : Forgot there's a poll feature on Tumblr wow. I wanna see who y'all bet on. Valeria or Jade? 👀 (don't take this too seriously alright)
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brutermonger · 2 years ago
We found him..
The Wolfwood that ever Woowoo'd 😮🐺✝️
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cigamfossertsim · 2 years ago
tim: youre a lot smarter than any of us give you credit for, kon
kon; its not my fault that none of you can see past my pretty face
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mattmelloweek · 3 months ago
(I don't know how to post things and I hope this is the way, I've been on Tumblr for a week 💔)
(espero esta sea la forma correcta de publicar,llevo como una semana en Tumblr y apenas puedo abrir la aplicación 😭)
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latinotiktok · 1 month ago
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chirpsythismorning · 10 months ago
Something I noticed editing the other day was a contrast between El when she’s battling Vecna vs. when she’s saving Max.
They focus on El right before both of those instances, from a medium close-up, where Jonathan and Mike are both holding onto her shoulders for support.
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But when she’s about to save Max, there’s a shift.
Instead Mike has moved his hand to join his other hand in holding hers. But near the end, they choose to focus on this medium close-up again, as opposed to a close-up with her and Mike’s hands joining.
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For some reason they wanted to make a distinction from this angle specifically, with an almost before and after element, because this shot is literally followed by El sitting beside Max, meaning it's important. They are connecting these two moments together, ie. Mike and Jonathan's hands both there to support her, and then Mike's hand missing. It's almost as if they are separating Mike from what is about to happen.
It honestly feels like they’re acknowledging the fact that El never needed this grand love confession from Mike in the first place. In order for her to even focus on saving Max in the end, she had to ignore Mike begging her to wake up and acknowledge him, hence why he was probably not included in that shot.
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