#el camino breaking bad
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lttleghost · 8 months ago
okay I'm like complaining again but I wanna hear other ppls thoughts on this because I'm too impatient to wait until I've gone through all the commentary for BrBa and BCS in search of answers to confirm or deny my suspicions but GOD A FEW THINGS ARE DRIVING ME INSANE and I apologize for this ramble being maybe a lil disjointed in advance
so like, first, this scene-
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if I look at this realistically it reads as Jake misinterpreting his and Jesse's parents talking about how Jesse's actions reflect back on them as genuine care, he's young, and I can imagine him having some insecurity in his parents care for him since we do know it is conditional, just Jake is currently meeting those conditions, but sensing that instability could've maybe influenced how he understood his parents talk of his older sibling.
but I just am having a hard time convincing myself that was intended when it was written... and this assessment from me could be unfair because - while I'm not quite sure at what point Jesse was no longer planned to be killed at the end of the first season - this does come from that first season, and I've heard there was a change in how Jesse was written after the first season and throughout the rest of the show there is NO evidence that Jesse's parents like, actually give a fuck about him, they actively make his life worse like when they kicked him out of his own goddamn house, and that all seems like those things have to be intended to make you think "wow Jesse's parents are awful!!!"
but then, not for me to complain about these two scenes in El Camino again but I'm gonna complain about these two scenes in El Camino again -
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followed by this not too long after
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because while if this movies thing of having blame being squared on Jesse's shoulders was just him talking to his parents it'd be easier to say "oh this is just a kid who was abused in a socially acceptable way not recognizing the abuse he went through and how that really did have a major effect on his life trajectory" but when these two scenes are put so close together it makes it really hard for me to not think that it's TRYING to say that Jesse is responsible for where he ended up even if they don't necessarily want bad things to happen to him
cause like I know, I know the writers are sympathetic towards Jesse but I don't think being sympathetic towards a character like him makes you immune to having harmful beliefs about addicts and criminals when they're so prevalent in wider society, like especially the idea that changing actions taken by individual people is the main problem that needs to be dealt with wrt addiction and crime instead of changing the structural problems that result in addiction and crime, like I've seen this mindset present in the fandom as well
I mean I know I have some evidence that at least Vince's ideas on justice aren't great with this bit from an interview about El Camino (also him having Jesse specifically say "I'm no cop killer" when Jesse would definitely know how cops are just another violent gang, like he could've just said "I don't want to kill anyone" instead of having cops on some higher level of innocence)
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like I dunno believing at all that there's a good way to end with Jesse in prison (and not as a way to show how awful prison is either, since he talked about the idea of Jesse finally finding some sort of peace in prison sleeping) is kinda fucked up!!! I do want to fight him for this alone!!! even if like glad he changed it but I dunno the fact that he believes this just makes it easy to believe that he really would!! blame Jesse to at least some extent for what he got into, like I think that he understands Walt manipulated Jesse but I just, I dunno!!! things in BCS kinda bother me too irt just general ideas of crime and drug use ect... but I'm much less familiar with that show in comparison to BrBa so I don't feel as comfortable pointing specific things in it
like... do Vince Gilligan and the writers of Breaking Bad see Jesse’s parents as shit parents who were abusive in a socially acceptable way? or do they really think that they really did their best? is it somewhere in-between? like "they were abusive but they still didn't know any better"? or maybe is it as bad as believing Jesse's parents tried their best and them being rich is supposed to show that he had all he needed to succeed and was just a fuckup (instead of it showing that his parents had all the resources they needed to help him and... didn't) am I just overreacting because I am protective of my girl and the people that I know exist like him and am suspicious of those writing about them if I don't know all their politics behind the subject? I know I've talked to some ppl who have vindicated me w/ some of this but please share ur opinions I want to know the wider ideas on this since I feel like I just don't see it discussed that often
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aphicidi0 · 9 months ago
i made that one meme lol!!!
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me fr like i literally CRIED during the end of brba & el camino but i still recommend it to every person i know HEHEH
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forthosetunedin · 2 months ago
OK well ill just keep putting jesse pinkman into my chemical romance until something else comes up
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drmadscientistmd · 2 months ago
I love breaking bad but the entire show is just
Walt: Jessie, good news, I found a dealer willing to sell our meth.
Walt five seconds later: Hooooooly fuck Jessie, this meth dealer guy? He's fucking crazy dude. I mean he's actually insane. We gotta kill this guy before he kills us Jessie. Holy shit, who could have possibly seen this coming—"
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mysticalcatpeanut · 2 months ago
Reminder that this would be the order if you wanted to watch the entire Breaking Bad universe in chronological order:
1. Start Better Call Saul.
2. Get to Season 6, Episode 9.
3. Start watching Breaking Bad.
4. Get to the end of the series.
5. Watch El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie.
6. Restart Better Call Saul from Season 6, Episode 10 and continue to the end of the series.
Enjoy your marathon
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kylejsugarman · 5 months ago
todd breaking bad kind of sounds like a guy invented for a tumblr post. like "ill be sitting at home and then be like 'ahhh fuck i forgot to feed my guy who i keep chained up in a hole in the ground today 😭'" is both a perfectly suitable modern tumblr post and a real experience that todd probably had multiple times
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years ago
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jesse-pinko · 1 year ago
We bring up “totally Kafkaesque” as a meme all the time and rightfully so bc it was a classic Jesse-ism but also like?? The thematic implications of bringing up Franz Kafka in the context of Jesse’s characterization? Franz Kafka, whose most famous work was about a man who turned into a beetle, and was abused and denied his humanity by everyone he tried to maintain a human connection with because they perceived him as monstrous and burdensome despite his pure intentions? A book that was written as a projection of Franz Kafka’s difficult relationship with his father, a book in which the father character is the protagonist’s primary abuser? A book about someone with a highly stigmatized condition who is made to feel as though they are undeserving of love??
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admireforever · 10 months ago
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El Camino
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yyshcul · 2 years ago
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fanart for a very obscure show called "breaking bad". i wouldn't blame you if you've never heard of it before it's pretty niche and indie
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cassowariess · 3 months ago
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aphicidi0 · 8 months ago
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faking bad lyrics stuck in my head (also i LOVE the first D.E.A song it's so catchy 😭 AND JESSE'S RAP !!! i need to draw accurate faking bad jane & jesse (yk with jane as a guy and jesse as a girl and all))
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sunsbleeding · 5 months ago
Should I watch Better Call Saul??? My breaking bad hyperfixation is taking over and I need more of that world, but if anyone’s watched it would you actually recommend it?
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declan-castle · 2 years ago
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“Would you just, for once, stop working me?”
Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul)
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doodlepede · 2 months ago
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i dont even have anything to say. just look at it
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kylejsugarman · 5 months ago
so fucked up that jesse "if im left alone with my own thoughts i'll kill myself" pinkman was put in a cage for six months and presumably left alone with his own thoughts. my guy went from smoking crack and driving go-karts just to avoid his own mind to laying in a dark hole in the ground for days at a time. lol. lmao even.
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