#el bruc
useless-catalanfacts · 4 months
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Photos by Marc Rovellada Ballesteros published in La Mira and Happyxais.
Daniel is a shepherd who has been hired by the City Council of El Bruc (a town in Central Catalonia) to graze in the natural areas between the area's towns. Like other shepherds who work in the traditional way, he practises transhumance (seasonal nomadism to take the animals to the best pastures), and when the herd comes to El Bruc their grazing is this job. In modern times, this job is usually done by the municipal brigade with chainsaws and string trimmers, but Daniel's herd can do it just as well. It consists of 150 sheep, 130 goats, 4 dogs and 1 donkey, as well as the shepherd himself. Grazing in this area, they keep the vegetation to a controlled level, making it safer and reducing the chances of a wildfire.
Shepherding and grazing have been used in this way for millennia, uninterruptedly in many places, and now a few urban areas like El Bruc are joining again in what is being called "silvopasture". Grazing in urban areas is more demanding for the shepherd, because he has to be careful with cars, domestic animals, and neighbours, but in the end it is a mutually-beneficial arrangement.
Daniel shares snippets of his job in his Instagram account Happyxais.savall.
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unamarredeamor · 2 years
¿Cuál es el significado si sueñas con Estar En La Carcel, preguntas al tarot del amor certero
¡mi nombre es wendy la bruja! Soy una bruja de sanación espiritual empática psíquica. ¡Doy respuestas psíquicas e intuitivas al pasado, presente y futuro, así como hablo con seres queridos y animales pasados ​​y análisis y consejos de personalidad! ¡Uso la astrología del tarot y las cartas de los ángeles! ¡Es importante encontrar el equilibrio entre la luna/la energía divina femenina y el sol/la energía divina masculina a través de la sincronicidad!
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 months
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Puerta El Bruc en Cataluña, ESPAÑA
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angel-amable · 9 months
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El gay Geremaro puso en práctica el famoso refrán brasileño: "La buona fortuna ricade sugli uomini che nel penultimo giorno dell'anno si tuffano nelle calde acque del mare" (La buena suerte recae sobre los hombres que se zambullen en el agua cálida del mar el penúltimo día del año). Aparentemente funcionó. Al día siguiente ya tenía un novio. Pero a fecha de hoy no tiene claro si ha tenido suerte. Su nuevo novio se pasa el día haciéndole fotos. Fotos en el Paseo Marítimo. Fotos en Montjuïc. Subiendo hacia el gay eixample, fotos en la Sauna Bruc. Fotos en las Ramblas. Fotos, fotos y más fotos. En Barcelona, los gay se fotografían en medio de la calle. No por es frivolidad, es Amor.
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nevenkawarning · 1 month
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El Bruc
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sansfeargaldin · 5 months
4x33 Grandes misterios; Montserrat
Buenas a todos, quedáis invitados a nuestras jornadas el 11 de mayo a las 18h en el parking del hotel del Bruc, en Montserrat. Esperamos que os guste y os esperamos en Twitch; saga_galdin, donde grabamos el podcast en directo. Síguenos en instagram @sagagaldin para enterarte de cuándo y qué estamos preparando. Saludos. Podéis acceder a este contenido en nuestra sección de Podcast o directamente…
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clubmusicweb · 6 months
La cantante Gisela da a luz a su primer hijo, Indiana, a los 45 años
“Te estábamos esperando desde hace tanto que no nos lo podemos creer… ¡¡Eres nuestro sueño hecho realidad!!”, aseguraba Gisela Lladó (El Bruc, Barcelona, 45 años) este domingo 31 de marzo en su perfil de Instagram, en una publicación para dar la bienvenida a su primer hijo, Indiana, que nació el día 30. La cantante ha aprovechado el texto, que acompaña una foto en la que sostiene la mano del…
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Are cats important in Catalunya? Barcelona's mascot (they sadly never use) is a cat, and the mascot for the Olympic games in Barna was a cat too. Or is it just coincidence? :eyesemoji:
First of all, I'm very glad to see someone getting the city's shortened named right (Barna). I had almost accepted that it's a lost battle to get foreigners to stop calling it Barça! (Barça means the football team, not the city).
Cats are used as a symbol of Catalonia sometimes, because Catalonia is shortened to "Cat": think for example how the internet domain for sites in the Catalan language is ".cat", how the government of Catalonia is named Generalitat de Catalunya but gets shortened to "GenCat", or how some people cover the E of Spain in the driving plate with a sticker saying "CAT" (this last one used to be very popular in the 2000s and until the early 2010s but stopped because the police got serious in fining the people who had it).
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Example of what a Spanish licence plate looks like (all EU countries have the blue band with 1, 2 or 3 letters that identify what EU country it's from) and an example of a plate with the CAT (Catalunya) sticker over the E (España) band.
For this reason, a cat was used for years as a symbol of Catalonia:
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It was created by a Catalan independentist organization Lliga Anticolonial (Anti-colonial League) in the late 1990s or early 2000s as a response to the symbolic occupation of the Toro de Osborne (Osborne Bull). For context, the Osborne Bull is this:
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The bull is a symbol of Spain. These gigantic (14 metres tall!) billboards in the shape of the bull species used in bullfighting (a Spanish tradition of torturing and slowly killing a bull in public while people cheer, seen as a national symbol of Spain and Spanish manhood) were set up by an alcohol brand since the 1950s. There were dozens of them, next to the highways and roads everywhere in the state of Spain, and this silhouette quickly became a symbol of Spain just as much as the Spanish flag. In fact, you'll find many Spanish flags used by fascists include this bull silhouette at the centre. There are also all types of merch with it and Spanish nationalists often put a sticker in their cars with this silhouette (used to be very popular in the early 2000s, the stickers in cars in general have stopped being so popular nowadays).
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In the 1990s, there were new laws in Spain against billboards on roads/highways, because adverts distract drivers and result in accidents. However, this bull had become such a symbol of Spanish nationalism that they made an exception for it. All the billboards in certain places were taken down except for the Osborne bulls.
Meanwhile, as you can imagine many people in the nations occupied by Spain were not happy to have these giant symbols of Spanish nationalism around our land, it feels like a symbol of occupation. Like a "remember we own you". For this reason, independentist groups in the Catalan Countries and the Basque Country often cut down the bulls or sprayed murals and political slogans of liberation on them. When the new laws against billboards came, everyone was expecting to finally have to stop seeing our land branded with these symbols of occupation, but as I said before the Spanish courts did an exception. Then, more people than ever before decided to get organized to cut down the bulls, but they kept putting them back up and persecuting the "vandals", and the Spanish Justice System even gave the Osborne Bull billboard in El Bruc the legal condition of national heritage to legally protect it and be able to persecute activists who protested against it more! (El Bruc is a town in Catalonia that is very symbolic for Catalan people because of the folk tale of the Catalan resistance against French invasion that is one of the most widespread folk tales in Catalonia, but in this town the Spanish Army has had its biggest army headquarters in Catalonia so it has become a place of occupation and stronghold of the Spanish army).
During all of this battle of symbols, the occupied nations came up with their own symbol to symbolize their resistance: the cat and donkey in Catalonia, the cow in Galiza, and the ardi latxa sheep in the Basque Country. Organizations sold stickers of these symbols to raise money for good causes related to our cultures.
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(I explained why this autochthonous species of donkey is a symbol of Catalonia in this previous post).
But, in the end, cutting down the bull billboards was successful and many weren't put back up. The last bull billboards in Catalonia was cut down by activists in 2002. Nowadays, you can still find about 100 bull billboards around Spain, but not in Catalonia.
The cat and donkey kept being popular for some more years, but eventually they lost popularity once the bulls were out of our daily lives. For some reason though, the donkey has remained popular as a symbol of Catalan-ness in Northern Catalonia (the part of Catalonia annexed by France, so the one that never had the Osborne Bull in the first place!). If you visit Northern Catalonia, you'll still find many cars with the donkey sticker and many souvenirs with the donkey.
There's the reason why the cat is a symbol of Catalonia, it used to be a very popular one but it has lost popularity nowadays. I must say that it's with this ask that I've seen Barça's mascot for the first time. I didn't even know they had one, but yes, it's a cat. But the mascot for the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona (called Cobi) was supposed to be a dog drawn in cubist style. But you're right that it looks like a cat 😅
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VKM Ingeniería Industrial Penedès-Garraf
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porticada · 9 months
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(vía Bohigas y Martorell: Escuela ‘El Timbaler del Bruc’, - Búsqueda de Google)
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nevenkawarning · 4 months
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El Bruc
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vkscertificadorases · 10 months
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VKS Certificadoras Penedès - Garraf
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gaecommerce · 10 months
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GA Ecommerce Penedès-Garraf
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VKS  Lavandería Industrial Penedès-Garraf
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vksiluminacionledes · 10 months
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VKS Iluminación LED Penedès - Garraf
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vksescueladepilotoses · 10 months
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VKS Escuela de Pilotos Penedès-Garraf
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