#el and papa
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gayofthefae · 10 months ago
In a fight with Mike, El begs him to tell her he loves her and calls herself a monster. That fight is not about Mike or their failing romance; it is about her hating herself. It isn't about Mike; she wants it to be from Mike but it isn't about him. She believes that she is an unlovable monster and she just needs someone to tell her "you are not a monster, people have flaws and that is okay. I acknowledge that and still say: I love you." And guess what, her prayers have been answered:
"You speak of monsters and superheroes. That's the stuff of myth and fairytales. Reality, truth, is rarely so simple. People are not so easily defined." "I care[d] for you; I love[d] you."
And it is the most disgusting thing in the show. I have watched scissors in a back, burning flesh, rats explode into goo and eat people's faces. That is the most disgusting thing in the show.
And they know it. Because that's the point. She is disgusted by it. And it causes her to realize what she thought she needed was actually just what she wanted and she doesn't actually need it at all. She is fine without it and she can leave. It is a wake up call for her. And she does just that. She leaves. She leaves knowing her worth and she is lovable enough that she doesn't need him to love her, she can do it herself.
I've talked before about the many usages of "love" leading up to Mike's - Jason to Chrissy, Nancy and Jonathan, Max signing her letter to Billy, Jonathan to Will - but none of those actually matter too much in how it affects his words.
It doesn't matter that other people have already said it. It matters that El has already heard it by the time she gets Mike. And it is exactly what she wanted to hear. And she hated it.
Mike's words mean nothing now. Because if Brenner can say them and believe it, Anyone can. "I love you" is no longer some great feat. It's something you can be wrong about with your whole chest. Because they cracked open the door, made Brenner an easier to swallow gateway and said "Remember: nobody ever said it had to be true. They just said he had to say it."
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lovely-menza · 11 months ago
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Art trade with @lil-hater 🖤🖤 (thank you so much for your drawing too :'')) Ig post: X
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ficandkaboodle · 5 months ago
I do wonder, though, if another reason (I headcanon) Copia doesn’t think he’s attractive is because he doesn’t meet the male beauty standards that were popular when he was growing up. In the 70s, slim men was where it was at. All the better to jam their flat asses into those tight little pants. And by the 80s, they went the other way with it by advertising real muscle men that were more top-heavy.
At the very least, this was how it was in America but I headcanon Copia grew up watching mostly American media and that would’ve morphed his perception of what a good-looking man ought to be.
Obviously, he wasn’t always physically like this but he’s likely always had a bit more of a “geek physique”. Add in his sharp nose, hair that was thick but couldn’t necessarily grow in the more fashionable ways, and some freckles, and he probably felt the only interesting thing about him was his left eye.
It puzzles him to learn that nowadays, a man with junk in his trunk and a soft tummy is hugely desirable in many spaces. He’s just so used to the pendulum never swinging in his favor. It also took him way longer to realize also that awkward “rodent men” were becoming more of a thing in recent years.
He still can’t quite wrap his head around it and accept it. Still assumes most of the “attraction” directed at him is superficial. Y’know, rather than the fact he’s actually quite adorable, awkward, oozes sex appeal by his confidence and actions, and also has one of the perkiest booties around.
He’s so oblivious, I could bite a wall —
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dollya-robinprotector · 2 years ago
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Also may I present to you: The teachers
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victor-the-vampire · 12 days ago
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New wife dropped and I'm normal. He's just so pretty,,,he's so religious trauma,,,I love him.
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evilhorse · 2 months ago
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Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #28
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howlingday · 8 months ago
Summer: It's time to straighten out these Arcs!
Summer: (Leaps with Maria and Ruby)
Grandpa Arc: Let's rock!
Grandpa Arc: (Leaps with Jaune and Papa) The way I've been humiliated by you is UNACCEPTABLE!
Maria: (Deflects, Sheepishly chuckles) Sorry.
Papa Arc: "Straighten out these Arcs"? Pathetic! No wonder I broke up with you!
Summer: Uh, I'm pretty sure I broke up with you.
Ruby: (Leaps at Jaune)
Jaune: (Clashes with Ruby)
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elbiotipo · 8 months ago
I do admit I'm a bit of a bastard sometimes.
Half of my worldbuilding posts: "Here's some tools that, from my experience, can give you ideas for making your setting more believeable!"
Other half of my worldbuilding posts: The Beatings Will Continue Until Worldbuilding Improves.
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strawberrybyers · 11 months ago
when karen goes missing in s5. when nancy and mike discover they’re related to the creels in the process of trying to find their mom. when el discovers henry is her dad because the lab secretly impregnated terry. therefore all of this putting another nail in mikeven’s coffin 😌
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sainzscrapbook · 3 months ago
They are so precious to me 🤍🥹
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rootbeermilktm · 4 months ago
i finally finished reading the trials of apollo since the libraries closed in 2020. this feels unreal. i loved this series so much. it took me so long to get through but i sorely want to read them all again.
apollo grew and changed so much. his voice was so delightful to read. there were some MAJORLY EPIC scenes in there too. so fun and exciting to read, rick writes action in such fun ways. and jason grace. dear gods. the last book id read in 2020 before the next book came to my library and the libraries closed was the burning maze. i sat on that death for years. i was so mad about it, it felt so pointless. but omg was his legacy so beautiful in the next books. lay me down to rest next to him rn for what this has done to me. the message about toxic fathers also. and rick casually and blatantly talking about queerness and acab and anticapitalism. my favorite book universe of all time.
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eesirachs · 1 year ago
can you talk about the holy trinity?
the triune god has one (aristotelian) substance, and three natures, or accidents. this is homousia: god is the father, god is the son, god is the holy spirit. one god. three natures, though: the father is not the son, son not the spirit, spirit not the father. the relationship they share is described as "perichoresis," a kind of dancing in and around and through one another. when jesus cries in the garden, it is a son pleading to the father to die. it is an auto-pleading too: jesus is god, after all. it’s rigid until it’s not; soft until it can’t be. here is a great book on it
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imjustchori · 8 months ago
Made some SATS album covers for fun (will reblog if I make more)
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first one is easy to guess what I based myself on but second is harder I think
Now 2 random SATS headcannons I guess
♪ Rita and Xandra were part of the group. Rita for back vocals and stuff and Xandra for secondary main vocals (I mean like some songs were sung entirely by her and not Scarlett, kinda how CDN has Roberto songs and Tavella songs)
♪ They used to do Vocasyn covers, Vocasyn is the papaverse version of Vocaloid
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karmicbias · 15 days ago
Who can I comm to redraw this as a Ghost style shirt design with Perpetua once we have a reveal?
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I am one million percent serious. Inbox is open.
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hawkinslibrary · 2 years ago
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I can save them.
2.07 | The Lost Sister and 4.08 | Papa
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howlingday · 5 months ago
Sun: (Chuckles) Aren't you a little old to be playing dress-up, Jaune?
Huntsman: I- I'm not whoever this "Jaune" is! I'm the one and only HUNTS MAN!
Huntsman: BEHOLD, EVILDOERS! I am justice's unswerving chaperone! Myes~... THE GREAT HUNTSMAN~!
Jaune: W-Wait? What? Dude, no offense, but... What in the world?
Ren: Jaune, what's the story with that ridiculous costume of yours?
Huntsman: Not you, too... Doesn't anyone think my costume is cool?
Huntsman: Well, what do you think, Oscar? Pretty cool, huh~?
Oscar: ...No comment, bud.
Superman: I fight for truth, justice, and the hope of all people~!
Huntsman: SO COOL~! I guess the other universe has their own defenders of truth and justice!
Adrian: Look at you, Uncle Jaune~! Awesome costume~!
Huntsman: (Chuckles) I know, right~?
Papa Arc: Jaune! Just look at you now! What's say we have ourselves a quick fight?
Huntsman: Let us fight, father~!
Ashe: UGH! Dad, get out of that stupid costume already!
Huntsman: Hey! I've got a secret identity to keep, y'know! ...Also, did you just call me "Dad"?
Pyrrha: There's something about that outfit, Jaune. The longer I look at it, the cooler it gets!
Huntsman: (Chuckles) Because you know what it means to be a hero, Pyrrha!
Huntsman: BEHOLD, EVILDOERS! I am justice's unswerving chaperone! Myes~... THE GREAT HUNTSMAN~!
Port: Ho ho~! Excellent posing, Mr. Arc! Enough footage and you'll be greenlit for your own series in no-time!
Huntsman: Miss, might I say you have got some stellar costume design! Though, I'd say The Great Huntsman has far, FAR greater style, don't you think? Eh~?
Penny: So you fight for your adoring fans, too~? Sen-sational~! I have high hopes for this battle~!
Penny: (Axe kicks Jaune through a building)
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