#either way I’m kinda hurt right now and I know I don’t really have a right to be but I am anyway because I’m stupid
cyten0 · 3 days
A Symphony in Crimson
Act 1: A Movement in Black
Chapter 8
✸ “Welcome back stardust! So, how can I help you this time?”
✦ “Hm… Let’s see… So, I assume you saw the chat with the king?”
✸ “Of course! Always keeping an eye on things. That said, about the Wishcraft lead. I’m afraid I’m drawing a bit of a blank on anything besides that term.”
Ugh, just talking about it hurts your head a bit. But it’s critical information, so you endure.
✦ “Right. I guess it’s a way to… Craft wishes? But that’s about it.”
✸ “Right, so that just leaves either seeing if we can’t spark that memory somehow, or find information on it. Both seem tricky, but not impossible.”
✦ “Guess talking more with the king could help with that first angle. He wants to remember for his own reasons.”
✸ “True! Just make sure he doesn’t find out about you! Wouldn’t want him dropping your secret, now would we?”
✦ “I’ll be careful. Oh, on a side note, you mentioned something strange earlier?”
✸ “Yes! You remembered, thank you! Right. So far, you’ve looped for two reasons. Dying, or talking to the head housemaiden. But. When Odile found you. You didn’t die.”
Huh?!? Wait, their right, you didn’t!
✸ “Once is an outlier, twice is something to investigate! If death isn’t the only reason you loop, then finding out the other reason, or reasons, seems rather important, wouldn’t you agree? It’s just a theory right now though, so if you have any ideas...”
Wait, there was one other point that almost was one, you think.
✦ “When Isa confronted me, I nearly looped that way too.”
✸ “Oh! Now isn’t THAT some juicy data! Hm… Well, The Head Housemaiden doesn’t seem like she found you out, but it’s worth keeping an eye on. I’ll keep theorycrafting and see if I have any ideas. Meanwhile, feel free to help your friends! Who knows, just might do something!”
Right! Your looking forwards to that! Might as well use these loops to do something nice! You grab a meal from loop, grabbing the powerful duo from the second floor to get yourself a little extra. Stars your so hungry you devoured it in seconds and it’s not enough it’s never enough- Stop. Clear your head. Breathe. And head out.
Right! Mirabelle. She should be first, given she kinda started this whole thing. You greet her, talk for a bit, and then-
✦ “So, which will you choose?”
You point to the pile of papers, to clarify.
◉ “Wha- WHAT?!?!?!!!! HOW! WHAT DO YOU KNOW!??? ANSWER ME!!!!!”
!!!She has her hand on her rapier!!! She’s going to- QUICK!!!!!
✦ “Y-your choosing someone for something, right?! It seems important, maybe I can help?”
She pauses, and pulls her hand from her rapier. Oh thank goodness. You never thought she’d pull a sword on you unless she found you out, your glad you kept calm.
◉ “I...I guess… You most likely have more experience then I do. Alright, I’d like your help, if you’ll give it.”
Hm? Experience? Oh dear, now your worried. What if it’s something Siffrin is good at that you can’t mimic? You guess you’ll just have to improvise if it is, and hope for the best.
✦ “Sure!”
◉ “Okay, but this might take some time!! So, Um…”
✦ “Don’t worry, I have time!”
Honestly too much time… And too little… You feel your stomach ache... Ignore it, you have time. You can eat at the bathrooms later, and that will help. This is important. You take a seat next to Mira. She looks nervous. Hm… Your not good with stuff like this. Um. Maybe. Asking a question will help?
✦ “So… What are those papers?”
◉ “Oh! Um…. Their… Bonding proposals?”
!?! Wait, you remember bonding, you saw a thing about that earlier! It’s… Kinda like Marriage? Your not quite sure of the nuances of... either of those really? So, does that mean Mira’s looking for a partner?
◉ “NO WAIT THAT’S NOT EXACTLY IT PLEASE STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!! ...It’s… more like dating profiles? I-I’m not looking to be bonded just yet.”
Oh, Okay that makes more sense. Dating is still not your forte, it kinda confuses you, but it wasn’t really Siffrin’s strong suit either so your not too worried. You like the idea enough you’ve looked into it, sort of a false hope, but you should be able to help a little? Maybe? Still your a little surprised Mirabelle is interested in that. She never seemed to care before?
◉ “Okay so… Before all this started with the king… I decided I wanted to, uh, try! To date someone. So I asked a company that does that sort of thing, and they sent a bunch of profiles, for people I could date… I haven't gone through them yet, and I figured now would be a good time. Keep my mind off tomorrow. But I could use a second pair of eyes. Or just the one eye. As long as it’s not my eyes doing this alone.”
Right. Hm. You have no idea what Mirabelle is into, and she seems to be struggling as well. So, time to do testing! Just gauge her reactions, respond in ways to probe for more information, and go from there! You’ve got this Siffrin!
✦ “Alright, let’s take a look, see if we can’t figure this out.”
She pulls out a HUGE folder, and hands it to you.
◉ “Ok! Here’s a few of them, we can take turns! You can go first, and I’ll go after. So uh… Here!”
She grabs a profile of a big buff masculine figure. Plenty of muscle, probably very tast- WOW Okay you need to focus. Hm. She seems to be the same mount of nervous as before, so not a big reaction. Let’s see…
✦ “Kinda looks like Isa.”
◉ “...Ew yeah, nevermind.”
That Ew kinda boggles your mind, but oh well, she’s got her own preferences. So perhaps not into more masculine types. Hm…
✦ “Well, let’s try someone more effeminate, see if that works. What do you have?”
She shuffles some papers around and hands you a lovely gentle lady. Likely tender and- Focus. Hm…
✦ “Kinda looks like you.”
◉ “...Your right, Ew.”
Again with the Ew? You don’t have much to work with here. You might have to get a bit more blatant.
✦ “Any ideas what kind of person your into?”
◉ “Oh I don’t have a type, I love all people equally!”
✦ “...That’s… Not much to work with…”
◉ “I um… would like someone… Nice?……. And…. Pretty?…….and….. Who… likes me?”
✦ “……. Mira.”
◉ “Nononono let me think a bit more!!!…. I…. want…. Someone who……”
She thinks for a while.
◉ “W-Well, what are you into?”
OH STARS you are NOT getting into that! You have no idea if Siffrin had any, and yours are EXTREMELY weird and messed up. Being attracted to tasty people is REALLY not okay for SO MANY REASONS, but your brain just doesn’t care, and past dating you have no idea! You’ve specifically avoided any form of dating because of it, you are not telling her that, what would she even do with-?… Wait a second.
✦ “Wait. Are you just going to copy my answers?”
◉ “I! Um!…. Okay. You got me. I… Really don’t care about dating.”
Fantastic. Well that solves that issue you guess but then...
✦ “Then why are you worrying about it?”
◉ “…… So…. Siffrin. You know the Change belief means a lot to me… It’s all about changing, becoming better, and most importantly… trying new things. It’s why the house offers so many different classes, you know?… So… I’m trying something new! Sometimes, doing that is something fulfilling, and easy, but you can’t just do that kind of stuff forever. That won’t help you change much. Sometimes you have to do things that are scary, or make you… Uncomfortable… Things you don’t want to do at all.”
… You know, when she faces the king, she’s committed to accepting the bad of life as well as the good. But. If she doesn’t like this that much, it seems unnecessary…
✦ “And… Dating is a part of that?”
◉ “Yes! Romantic love is supposed to be the biggest way to change! It’s supposed to change you, give new experiences and… And I have to, right? To be a good Housemaiden? I have to bond with them, I have to do things with them, I have to get bonded and have children and love them in this specific way and… and…”
✦ “And it’s not working…”
Like woodcarving, like crafts, like talking, like your body under your skin, like the small details of your face and body, like the gnawing hung̷̯͝er always clawi̵̻̿ng at ẙ̶͈our b̶̡͊ody̸̪͌ and mi̶̯̊n̷͓̄d…. You understand that feeling more then you’d care to admit.
◉ “...And it’s not working… I can’t, Siffrin, I just can’t! I can’t get myself to feel right about it, no matter how hard I try! I don’t want to do any of it, but I need to do this right? To change..”
...But… The idea of this being so needed for this faith… You remember the Keyknife. No. You aren’t okay with this. You don’t care if it’s what the faith said, it shouldn’t! If even Siffrin wouldn’t feel welcomed by this, then…
✦ “...Do you think the change belief is unaccepting? Of anyone?”
◉ “h-HUH?!?”
✦ “I don’t know about the romance, but I’ve never cared about doing things with people.”
Siffrin wasn’t, and right now your speaking for them. And while you aren’t good evidence, you don’t think you’d want to either, probably.
✦ “There must be a bunch of people who don’t. The change belief should accept that. Because if any part of being alive isn’t allowed then… What’s the point? That’s… Something I really like about it. That anyone, and everyone, is accepted.”
...She’s looking at you in surprise. Oh! You just realized you kinda just tried to argue faith to a housemaiden! Uh!
✦ “A-At least that’s what my thoughts are. I get it’s complicated a-and messy but…”
◉ “Y-You mean it? I… I wasn’t even sure there were others like me at all! With how much pressure gets put on us housemaidens to do that, I… The fact that someone understands at least that.”
You nod in agreement.
◉ “...But. Still, there’s pressure to change in every way you can. I mean, we have yearly festivals for showing yourself as a new person. Every Housemaiden has changed at least once. Except me. I find comfort in being myself! And we really are encouraged to change in EVERY way, from clothing to hairstyles to bodies to personalities and… and… Sometimes I wonder if the change god understands that sometimes, I’d like just just stay the same…”
...You had no idea Mira thought this way about the change belief… If only you knew what to tell her… Something stirs at the back of your mind.
✦ “...This might seem a bit… weird… to say. But someone once told me… That if everything changes, nothing really does.”
Mirabelle looks at you in confusion. Stars, it hurts your head to remember this, so much more then normal, but…
✦ “In order for a change to matter, it has to make a difference. Otherwise, it’s barely a change at all. But if everything changes, then it makes no difference how much it changes. And…”
In the end…
✦ “In the end, we are always ourselves.”
You release the memory. The pain subsides. But. You think the words were worth it. Whoever said them. Thank you.
◉ “… That… I’ve never heard that angle before. Hm… Then…”
She smiles at you.
◉ “I guess... maybe I can let some things stay. To make the parts I do change matter more. I’ll just… have to make up for it.”
✦ “I’m sure you will. Besides, Less things to change just means you can focus more on what you do! Sounds like fun.”
◉ “hehe! I guess your right!…... Siffrin, do you have… Something like this? Something that makes you happy, but also that you struggle with?”
… Humanity. It’s hard, playing this part. Putting yourself back together in the right shape. Maintaining it just right so it never looks uncanny. Figuring out what people mean when they say things. Trying to figure out their emotions. Making sure your expressing your own correctly... But every time they look at you as a friend, it’s worth the effort. Every single moment.
✦ “...Yeah. But. I’m glad I stuck with it. I wouldn’t have met you all if I didn’t.”
◉ “Oh! Do you want to talk about it?”
You can’t tell her it all but…
✦ “Just. Talking to people. It’s always been a bit tricky for me, but. I’m glad I’ve kept trying. It would have been very lonely without you all.”
◉ “Really? A bit like me too, huh. Well. I’m glad we met you too… Thank you Siffrin. Thank you, for talking to me.”
You nod, and both just kind of sit there for a half second.
◉ “Oh, wow, look how long it’s been!… You probably had other things to do, didn’t you? Don’t let me keep you any more. I could stand a little alone time, I have a lot to think about…. I’ll see you later, OK?”
You nod, and head off. Your so glad you did that. It felt nice, to get some of that off your chest… And that memory… You felt something warm from it… Your glad you got to have it, even if just for a second.
...A-Anyways, you should go help Odile next! That book seemed important to her.
It was quite a mess getting this book! You were half tempted to bite a few people on the way, for more then a few reasons. But here you are. Odile found this nice clearing to read in, which your happy about, less smells to worry about. But. She’s just looking at it while closed.
✦ “Aren’t you going to read it?”
◆ “… They said I could have it until we had to leave Dormont, so I have time, but…”
She just continues to stare at it… It clearly matters a lot to her. But it’s intimidating as well, you suppose? That must be why she’s hesitating. Hm. Time to deploy the old reliable for diffusion! Jokes! And the most reliable joke for something Odile being focused on something is...
✦ “Is it related to your research?”
◆ “… Sorry, What?”
✦ “Is the book related to your research?”
She gives you this look of contemplation…. Wait, it wouldn’t actually be, right? Not something this mundane. Hm... Well you guess it’s working so… Success?
◆ “Ah, well… I suppose I’ve kept it secret long enough. Don’t tell Isabeau, alright?”
You nod. If she’s willing to tell you now, you figure you have a pretty good idea what it is. Had your suspicion it was either highly dangerous and secretive, or….
◆ “There is no research. I’m not researching anything.”
✦ “Heh, knew it.”
◆ “Really? You figured it out?”
✦ “Kinda. A normal researcher wouldn’t be able to resist talking about it otherwise. It was either top secret, or you were making it up.”
◆ “Clever. But yes, when Isabeau suggested I was here to research something, I figured it would be easier to just play along.”
✦ “Huh, yeah, that does leave the question. If not to do research then…”
◆ “Why leave Ka Bue and travel for years? Well… I’m here in Vaugarde, to find out more about myself, I suppose… I suppose it must not be very obvious to you, but… My mother was Vauardian.”
◆ “I’ve lived my whole life in Ka Bue. My father was Ka Buan, my mother Vaugardian. I have no idea how they met, he never told me, but all I know is she never wanted a child. She left very early on, and I never saw her again. Good riddance, as far as I’m concerned. But… she didn’t leave anything behind. Not a single thing. It was alright, my father was a good man and raised me well. Ka Bue was my home”
Nothing left huh. You understand that. Painfully well. There’s nothing to get back, no matter how hard you try. And it stings you, every single time you notice something missing.
◆ “But one day, a Vaugardian merchant came by, and I saw a book that she wouldn’t sell. A familytale. And she explained what they were. Stories of generations of family members, recorded for their decendants. And halfway through, I found out I was crying. I never knew I cared about my other side till then but. I knew. I wanted it. That connection to a history that should have been mine. But was stolen from me. And I’d never have a link to it, ever.”
✦ “Unless you chose to make one.”
You made your link to there. Carved it into your body with your own bare hands. Horded what little pieces drifted up in your wake. Held tightly to every memory you could scrounge…
Oh. She looks at you a little surprised.
◆ “I… Yes. The king took over shortly before I arrived, which made things difficult. But While traveling with you all, I got to see more and more of Vaugarde. Got to learn more about the country, the people, it’s faith… And. Half of me is from here. It should be like looking in a mirror but… I felt no connection. It feels awful. Like I should have a place here, and I don’t. My roots were cut without my consent. Like I don’t belong anywhere.”
… Not belonging anywhere… You get that… You nod at her, in understanding.
◆ “But… I found that’s okay. I’m not the only one. Vaugarde is filled with people from other lands. Sure, my features may look off in Ka Bue, but no one minds here. I’m still other, but I am accepted none the less. And have found many who are in similar positions. And I’m very grateful for that.”
She’s lucky. To be able to see that herself. You sometimes wish you could go there, but… Even thinking about trying hurts.
◆ “What about you, Siffrin? Are you learning more about yourself here? It’s alright if you’d rather not tell.”
✦ “… No. And… Yes.”
She gives you an odd look?
✦ “I don’t have ties to Vaugarde like you. But. I do have a place I’m trying to connect to. It’s just. There’s nothing left of it. Just scraps.”
◆ “Nothing left?”
✦ “The island to the North…”
She pauses for a moment, contemplating, before she stops in realization.
◆ “Ah, I see…. that… Oh Siffrin. That must be rough. I can’t even imagine…. At least I still have Ka Bue….. To have such a massive portion of you lost. With no way to recover it…”
A memory surfaces. Something that means something important here. Something you didn’t even realize has been helping you, even as it hurts your head to remember.
✦ “Someone once told me… We tell people who we are with our actions. The rest doesn’t matter in the end.”
She looks at you, surprised.
✦ “If I keep moving, It gives my history some life. What pieces I have might inform my choices, but… It’s what we do that matters the most in the end. And… Traveling through Vaugarde. I might have only learned tiny pieces about my home. Scant scraps I could dig up or barely remember. But… We’ve done so much. With each other, with others, with the very places we’ve gone. I’ve left my mark. Even if my home isn’t remembered, I might be. And in making that path, I got to rediscover myself. So in some way, in Vaugarde, in traveling, I learned more about who I am then I could have anywhere else.”
You played the part of Siffrin so long, you started to learn more about how they would act. What mattered to them. And even if sometimes the differences feel glaring, you still cherish what bits of them you’ve kept alive, even if it’s just how their memories affected your own path…
You notice she’s just looking at you. And starts to chuckle.
◆ “ I guess in a way, you came to the same conclusion I did, hm? Different route, different words, different methods. But. Yes. Where your from doesn’t determine who you are. It’s who YOU are that matters most. To be fair, It does matter, but mainly in how they’ve formed you. I might be both Ka Buan and Vaugardian, but in the end, I am myself. And that matters far more then anything else.”
You nod. Your glad Odile is who they are. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
◆ “Hehe… I feel so much lighter now.”
✦ “Glad to find that familytale, huh?”
◆ “Maybe. But more then that, I’m glad we talked... Thank you. For listening to me. And finally opening up. It’s funny, finding out how similar we are, yet how different as well. It’s nice to know you a little more. Maybe some point, I’ll help you a little finding out about your own roots.”
You nod, and smile. It felt good to talk about that. Even just a little.
◆ “… Now get out of here! I have a familytale to read before we meet up for our sleepover!”
You chuckle a little, and head off.
Okay. Time to help Bonnie!
Ok, so you got the foods right, and Bonnie brought you out of Dormont to help them. But. Why? And Why towards the castle? What do they need out here?
✿ “….Frin you… You said I could ask for anything, yeah?”
Right… Your getting more worried by the second. But. You’re sure you can handle it.
✦ “Of course! Whatever you need!”
✿ “Okay, well…. I-I need you to teach me how to fight!”
OH. Uh. Okay. That’s. Uh.
✿ “I know Dile’s gonna say I can help tomorrow, but It’ll be from far away, right? I wanna help! To actually help!!! And… for that I’m gonna need to fight! And your gonna help me!”
Stars okay you don’t know how- How are you- this is- WAIT NO their running towards a sadness!!! You start moving as fast as you can!
✿ “L-Look, I’m not scared! COME ON!!!”
Bonnie starts muttering under their breath, your still trying to close the distance!!! The sadness strikes! Before they can deal any real damage you tackle into them, and crush their throat under your bare hands!!!! BLINDING-
✦ “WHAT WE̸̺͑RE YOU THIṈ̴̎KING???̸̤̅?”
You instantly get to healing the wound, you can smell the blood in the air, it’s driving you mad, you hate hate hate hate smelling that it gives you all the worst thoughts especially from Bonnie and you are not having any of that, what were they blinding thinking-
✿ “i-i’m sorry.”
...Their shaking, and scared. You… You probably shouldn’t have yelled like that. You make sure the injury is fully healed first, so you can have a clear head.
✦ “...Sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled, but…”
Oh okay softer voice isn’t helping enough, their still shaking. Maybe…
✦ “Breathe with me?”
They nod, and you both begin to breathe, in and out. In. And. Out…. The smell of blood is gone, Bonnie doesn’t feel like a scared animal. It’s fine.
✦ “...Ok… I’m willing to teach you, but you need to not rush ahead. Otherwise I can’t keep you safe, alright?”
✿ “O-Okay. I’ll listen. Teach me.”
Alright. That’s better. Step one... there’s another sadness nearby. Hm. To properly train, You need to make it so that it feels like a real fight, but remove the danger… You have an idea. The king has some control over the sadnesses, so this should be believable, if your careful. It’s also not nearly as effective on sadnesses as it is living beings, but it should be enough to force it to pull it’s punches.
✦ “Alright. I’m going to go to that sadness over there, and use a very special craft skill. It’ll let me have a little control over it, so we can fight it safely.”
✿ “Wait you can do that?”
✦ “Yeah. It’s not as good as what the king does to them, but it’ll keep it from doing anything really bad to you. Once I’ve got it, you can come in and fight it properly, okay? I’ll still be by your side, and give advice, and if it goes wrong, I’ll be ready to take care of it. Sound good?”
Bonnie seems a little surprised, and nods in agreement. Good.
Okay. You head towards the sadness. It tries to take a swing, and you dodge to it’s side, circling behind it. You then thrust your claw into the back of it’s neck, and reach for what mimicry of a spine it has. You leave a part of you in there, as it fuses itself to the sadness’s false nervous system. You then sing in the special voice no-one can hear. And watch as the sadness starts to stumble and twitch, as the piece of you in it’s brain puppets it’s thoughts to your melody. Good.
✦ “You’re up, Bonnie!”
Bonnie, who was just staring in awe this entire time, shakes their head, and starts charging in. Meanwhile, you try and focus in on Siffrin’s memories. They were trained professionally, much like the rest of their family you think. You try and focus in on memories of their training, see if you can’t guide Bonnie, while you keep singing your song to keep the sadness from attacking before it’s time. It’s trying to fight you, but you don’t give it an inch.
✿ “O-Okay, what do I do?”
✦ “First, check it’s craft type. It’s hands are in a scissors sign, so it’s weak to rock. Looks like we got lucky, that’s a perfect matchup against you. Now. Steady your breathing. Focus. Keep your grip steady, and watch it’s movements. Keep your feet firmly planted, and make every movement count. Ready?”
They nod, and you let the sadness loose a little. It takes a swing, but Bonnie dives to the side, out of the way. It tries to take a swing as their tumbling, but you stop it dead in it’s tracks. Bonnie turns up just in time to see the shaking sadness inches away from their face.
✦ “I did say, Feet firmly planted. Step, jump, or run. You can even block, your pan’s tough enough for it. But big moves like that can leave you open. Now. Back on your feet, I’ll let it go, and this time, stay on your feet.”
Bonnie nods, still a little nervous clearly, but not nearly as bad as last time. They get up, this time they step back, just out of range of the sadnesses swing. It stumbles a bit, perfect!
✦ “Attack!”
Bonnie swings and thwacks the sadness to the side.
✦ “Good! Make use of when your enemy messes up. As you saw earlier, one bad move can leave you open, and that goes both ways!”
Okay. This takes a bit of focus and energy, but you have this down pat. You keep going, slowly easing up the control as Bonnie gets more confident, until they land the finishing blow. The sadness dissolves, your little fragment falls, but with a single note you have it dissolve too, so Bonnie doesn't notice. It leaves a bit of a bloodstain, but it’s otherwise unremarkable.
You watch as they take in the victory.
✿ “I… I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!”
✦”Well done, I barely had to do anything by the end of that!”
✿ “Really? You mean it?”
✦ “Of course! You’re a genuine fighter now!”
✿ “CRAB YEAH!!!!…. Um. Hey Frin? Why aren’t we allowed to touch you?”
OH! Uh. That’s…
✿ “Dile and Za and Belle said it’s cause it makes you jump, and you do jump, but I was wondering why, cause it means we’re not allowed to high five or anything.”
Ah. Right. You always get nervous when it comes to touch. Getting that close makes you worried you’ll act up, or they’ll notice something’s wrong. You wish you could feel safe like that, but you just can’t. And at this point…
✦ “I’m not used to it. I’d like it, but just. I get worried. And. Scared I’ll mess something up.”
✿ “How to you mess up touch?… Well, if your not used to it, we can do what me and Nille do!”
✦ “Nille?”
✿ “My sister! Her names Petronille, but that’s dumb so I just call her Nille. Anyways, she also jumps at touch, but if you tell her first she’s okay. She’s really cool and touch, but gets cared really easily. One time I touched her shoulder when she didn’t know I was there, and she screamed really loud! Like UGHYARGH!!!! But she told me after to let her know first so she doesn’t hurt me on accident.”
Oh! That! You get that!… That works? Huh! That… Makes sense! Why does that feel like it’d work? You can keep steady if you know it’s gonna happen, probably?
✿ “It’s also why I wear big shoes, so she knows where I am! Heheh… heh…. I don’t want to talk about my sister anymore.”
✦ “You don’t talk about her often.”
✿ “She’s frozen in time and she’s not here, so I don’t want to talk about her. She says talking about people behind their backs is bad. Also, talking about her makes me sad.”
✦ “Understood.”
They seem happy to drop the topic. You get that, you wouldn’t want to talk too long about those your missing. They’ll get Nille back, but that doesn’t make it easier.
✿ “Anyways, if you can see me, and I tell you I’m gonna touch you, then it should be fine, right?”
✦ “Yes! That should work.”
✿ “Okay then! I am going to touch you!!!!”
Bonnie pokes you in the stomach. It’s a bit strong of a poke? And even if your a little nervous at Bonnie being this close to you, it’s nice! Your being touched! Like a normal person! Yay!
✿ “Okay! Let’s fight another Sadness! I’m ready to learn more!”
Alright!… Hm… You just realized something. Bonnies fighting style isn’t very mobile. Their fast, but their pretty defensive, and their still gonna be at the backline. So…
✦ “I just realized, you might want a ranged option, since you’ll be in the back a bunch. Fighting up close is good to know in general, but you’d have to actually get up there for that to matter unless things go wrong.”
✿ “Oh. Yeah but... I don’t know any crafts like that.”
✦ “Good thing I’ve got just the tool for that.”
You pull out your old Craft Revolver. Guns aren’t well known in Vaugarde, so it’s probably an islander device, but you remember what it does! Good weapon, can stay in the backline, and doesn’t take a lot of effort from the wielder except steady hands! Besides, you weren’t using it yourself. Your much better at fighting up close.
✦ “This is a special device called a Craft Revolver! You charge up the little chambers with craft energy, and when you pull the trigger, it’ll shoot it out. You just need to focus on aiming it, and can charge it up when we aren’t fighting. Oh, and very importantly make sure this little switch is off when not in combat, and on when we are. It keeps it from firing on accident.”
✿ “WOAH. That’s cool! So I can shoot stuff with craft like Odile! That’s super cool!”
✦ “Yep! And it’s accurate even from pretty far”
You look around. Perfect! A sadness not TOO far from here.
✦ “Okay, see that sadness over there? You can stay right here, and I’ll distract it. Take your time aiming, keep it steady, hold it tight with both hands, and be prepared for the device to jump back a bit when you fire it. Take your time, and we’ll see how long it takes to get the hang of it.”
✿ “Okay!”
You head over to the sadness, and start fighting it. You don’t put any effort into your attacks, and you try to keep the sadness in place, so Bonnie can shoot it. But… Your not used to fighting out here. You’ve been fighting in the house for quite a while. And… You trip and fall over a branch. The sadness tries to go for the opening!
The sadness crumples to the ground and dissolves, a hole right through it’s core. A perfect shot! And on their first time! You turn to congratulate them when-
✿ “FRIN!!! FRIN!!! ARE YOU OKAY!?!!!”
Oh stars they have tears in their eyes! And their panicking!
✦ “Y-Yes Bonbon I’m fine! I just tripped!”
✿ “R-Really? You promise?”
You nod. Oh stars, you didn’t mean to worry them! You can tell their scared.
✿ “okay….I… you haven't called me bonbon in forever… only Za calls me that now…”
✦ “Oh uh, sorry, I don’t know if that’s okay.”
✿ “nono it’s okay you can…. You promise your okay? It just… reminded me of before…”
Before?…. Hm. Likely a sadness fight, but that’s happened a lot.
✦ “Which before are we referring? We’ve fought a lot of sadnesses.”
Oh right. That was a little messy!
✿ “AAAAAAHHHH You stupid crabbing- See!! I told you!!! Your so crabbing stupid!!! You think it doesn’t matter!!! you keep getting hurt because of me and you don’t care!!!”
Right… You were the only one who could do anything. Bonnie was in danger. You can fix injuries like that no issue, but healing an entire eye isn’t exactly believable. So you played along, made a scar like any other notable injury they saw, and moved on. But. You guess it mattered to them.
✦ “It’s fine! It was worth it.”
✿ “It’s not fine!!! You got hurt because of me!!! And I don’t like it, you should have just let me get hurt!”
✦ “You would have died!”
✿ “It doesn’t matter!! If I had died, it would have been fi-”
✦ “NO. It would NOT. It would NEVER have been fine!!!”
You can’t believe they would say that! Never! Never in a thousand years are you going to watch someone die again!!!
✦ “STARS Bonnie, I could NEVER just leave you to die!!! What would I tell your sister? The others? MYSELF??? If I let you die I’d regret it every day of my life, always thinking about what I took from you!!! Just letting you die is no better then doing the deed myself!!!!! And I’ll take your life over a stupid blinding eye any day!!! I just…”
You look at them. Their sad. Their lost. Their alone. That guilt. You know that guilt so BLINDING well. The guilt of someone getting hurt because of you.
✦ “I know it hurts. It hurts seeing people hurt like that, because of something you did. But it’s exactly the same for what you don’t do. And if I’d let you get hurt like that, I’d be the one in your position. Hurting every time I remembered what could have been. An eye you can move past. You can manage with, eventually. But... you can’t bring back the dead, no matter how hard you try.”
You’ve tried. So very hard. Every day. Every second. Every step. But you can only settle for this.
Another memory starts to come forwards. More words from those you’ve forgotten. Those you killed. Couldn’t protect from yourself. Coming to help you even now.
✦ “Someone once told me… Ignoring those you could save is never the better choice. You’ll always regret it. So… We just have to make sure we can all protect each other.”
Bonnie looks up at you.
✦ “I’m stronger then back then. And so are you. And we can make sure it doesn’t happen again. I can protect you, and make sure nobody gets hurt. And you can help make it easier, and help protect them too. Together, Okay? So nobody is lost. So nobody is hurt. So we don’t have to regret a thing.”
✿ “...promise? Promise you won’t get hurt?”
✦ “Of course! I promise! Super Duper Promise!”
✿ “...Okay. Then… As long as you promise, it’s fine! And… I can help! I can protect!”
✦ “You certainly did a good job back there! First time and you got a perfect shot!”
✿ “Wait. I DID!! OH CRAB YEAH!!!! Yeah! I can protect people! And you can protect me! And… and we can protect everyone!!!”
You nod, and ruffle their head. You do take a quick second to check… They did! They remembered to put the safety back up after! That was the one thing you were worried about, really. And given they didn’t do it while you were talking, they must have done it right after the sadness was dead. That’s good!
✿ “hehehe! You see me right? I’m gonna touch you now!!!”
They jump at you and give you a big hug!!! You freeze, not expecting that! You don’t know how to hug right! You… Okay. You gently, and carefully, hug them back. They look up at you.
✿ “See? You do know how to hug!”
✦ “I-I guess I do!”
You smile, hug for a little longer, before you both head back to Dormont.
Just one person left!
Isa takes you to this open field. You hope whatever they have for you won’t be too much effort. You’ve spent a lot of focus today. Your tired, hungry, and still nursing a headache from all those memories you’ve been having. And with Isa, you really don’t want to have anything go wrong. But you can pull it through. Just a little longer. And then you can eat, and sleep, and recover. You can even slip out during the night for a bit if you need to. Loop can’t get proper food then but you at least wouldn’t be tempted. Just. See what Isa needs.
✦ “So, what do you need me to do?”
▲ “Huh? Oh, um… Lay down with me?”
You lay down, and he lays down with you. You look at him, confused.
▲ “And now, Look up!”
You look up.
Oh. Oh. The Stars.
Their… Their so clear. You all around. Stretching forever. It’s… You… Their so….
▲ “When you asked me what I wanted earlier, I couldn't think of anything. Had everything handled. But then I saw you helping everyone out, and I thought it seemed fun! So… I decided maybe we could just hang out!”
You… You don’t know what to say… He just… wanted to be with you? Nothing else? You…
✦ “I… And… the stars?”
▲ “Right! You often mentioned them, and I didn’t know what that word meant at first, so I took some time trying to figure it out, and someone told me eventually! And then I realized you talk about stuff like this a bunch, stars, planets, the sun, and so on. And that you’d often take time to look out at the night sky. So uh. I figured you’d like a nice place to look at them together!”
He… he did this…. For you…? You… Can’t help your tears… It’s….
▲ “Oh crab! Is it okay? I didn’t mess it up, right? I-”
✦ “Thank you.”
▲ “Huh?”
✦ “Thank you! So much. Isa. I… I don’t know what to say…”
He stops, and starts to laugh. Stars, you love it when he laughs. You started making jokes just because it made him laugh. It was the first time you realized you could be human right. And every time you hear it, it brings back that memory.
As the laughter subsides, you just start to drink in the view. He really found such a perfect stargazing place. Away from all the lights, nothing to fade away even the smallest dot. You feel them so closely now. Hear their faint melodies that you’ve always heard. The song you weave into every melody you sing.
▲ “By the way, I heard some people can see patterns in the sky. Not sure about what their called. Conste-something?”
✦ “Constellations! Their very special.”
▲ “Really? Do you know any?”
You think. It’s hard to remember any at all. But. You do know one. It was very special to Siffrin for some reason… You grab a leaf, and craft it’s pattern into it, then hand it to Isa.
✦ “Yes, this one. See if you can spot it!”
Isa takes a bit, before pointing up at the sky.
▲ “Oh! There it is! It kinda looks like a tree!”
✦ “Yep! In fact, it’s where Favor trees gain their strength from.”
▲ “Wait really?”
Your starting to unearth this memory just a bit. It hurts a little, but it’s just too interesting not to talk about!
✦ “Yes really! Those stars together like favor trees, and if you know how to call their attention, and believe in what you want strongly enough, they can help give you the extra push needed to grant your wish.”
▲ “That… huh. I suppose I have to thank them then. I’ve asked for quite a few favors.”
✦ “We repay the favor in kind, even if we don’t know it. We’re a star in the sky to them, just as they are to us. And what tiny bits of strength we don’t use can be called by them when they need it. Nothing on it’s own, but with all the stars in the sky? We’ve probably helped grant hundreds of wishes we never knew about.”
▲ “Wow… How do you know all this?”
You have to fight through a little more headache for that… Oh. So that’s what Siffrin’s field of study was. No wonder you find it so interesting!
✦ “I think I studied it a bunch when I was younger. It’s not common knowledge anymore, and I don’t remember the details. But… Once I learned even a tiny bit, I had to know all there was.”
▲ “I can see why! It’s really compelling…”
You both sit for a bit. It’s nice to remember that… You look at Isa. They glance at you a few times. Stars! You shared all that, and didn’t ask them anything!
✦ “Well, I’ve said something important about me! Your turn!”
▲ “OH!! Uh… Hm. Well, you know how I’m from Jouvente, right? Lived there my whole life, big city, way more then Dormont… Anyways, you might think it’s surprising but when I was Bonnies age, I was the nerdiest kid around. Massive smarty pants. Like, really, imagine it! Big glasses, neat braids, always knew the answers to any test or question the teacher would give, perfect grades all that. Always too shy to even make a friend on the playground.”
Hm. Now that he mentions it, you did realize he was pretty smart. What changed?
▲ “Yeah. I… Didn’t like myself. Cause I was smart, but I hated being shy. Being alone. Not even being able to ask a classmate for a pen because I was so paralyzed with fear. I would have lived the rest of my life like that. But. One day, I looked at myself in the mirror, and thought… Is this it? Is this who I want to be?… I decided I didn’t. Made a wish on a favor tree, come to think of it. That I could be a better person. That I could change. Day after, I headed to a house of change, and got started. That’s what they help you do, you know? Learn new things, do Bodycraft, practice being who you want. And when you come out, nobody will bat an eye. I threw myself into it, just like I did anything else I learned. Lifted weights, practiced my confidence, changed my body to be bigger, stronger, louder! Told myself in the mirror that ‘I’m the Coolest!’.”
So that explains it. Hearing their heartbeat like you do, you notice their far more nervous then they act. So often they feel like a rabbit, but it’s only in small moments. But it happened enough. Nobody else would notice it. You always knew there was remnants of someone else under who he is. Just like you.
▲ “...Change is destruction, you know? To bring change, you might hurt people. Might hurt yourself even. So you always have to be careful, make sure it’s worth it. So, I decided. The person I was... I made them disappear. Killed them with my own bare hands.”
✦ “...So the person you became could live. And the one from before would never come back…”
▲ “… You understand?”
… You… You shouldn’t say it. You can’t. But… But… It’s Isa. You can’t help it...
✦ “I… Promise you won’t tell a soul?”
Isa looks at you firmly, and nods. You… You trust them. Enough to...
✦ “...I… I wasn’t always a good person. One day, Someone died. If it wasn’t for me, they’d probably still be alive. I was the only one left left who would remember them. So… I took their name. Gave them a second chance. Took up everything they knew. Borrowed every piece of them I could. Learned everything they would know. To save at least part of them. And bury the one who let them die… I... still worry the old me will come back. That someone will get hurt because of me…”
▲ “Sif...”
Isa doesn’t know what to say to that for a while.
… It’s fair. Even if he only knows one kill, it’s still more then most humans would ever have. You’d get it if he judged you for it.
▲ “… Sif… I don’t know who this person was. But I hope you know. I still care about you. You might not be them, but… They kept you alive. Helped protect your old you from themselves. Your new self is like armor, shielding the old one. I still know that little shy kid from before is still in me. And their still an important part…”
A memory surfaces. Something simple, but important. It hurts again but… One more time today.
✦ “...Someone once said… Strength comes in many forms. But the strongest is from those of others. I guess we both found people to cover our weaknesses, didn’t we?”
▲ “Heheh… Guess we did…One day, I’ll balance it out, be a mixture of both. Be smart and strong. Because they both matter. Their both a part of me… I don’t know where you are but… I hope, whenever your ready, you’ll get to do that too. Because I know that every single thing about you has been worthwhile.”
You… He… You weren’t wrong, were you? At the end… He really does… He wouldn’t though, if he knew what you were. Not really. Maybe what bits peak out seem okay for now but… He has no idea… But still…
✦ “… Same here Isa. I have always been glad to know you. The way you laugh, the way you talk about things you like, the way you can make everyone around you at ease, the way you get all nervous at times when you think no one can tell. The way you notice all the little details about people’s feelings. Just…”
You don’t know what to say. You… You can’t say it.. You want him to say it… To make it real, because if you say it now, you don’t know if you’ll believe it when he does… Even if it’s just once, even if something happens and he forgets it, you need to hear him say it.
▲ “I… Sif… I… I also…”
Something catches your attention, in the corner of your eye, as does his.
✿ “AHAH! See, I told you all they’d be here!”
◆ “More like you heard Isa mumble to himself about it earlier. Nice spot, by the way.”
◉ “Hi Siffrin, Hi Isabeau! We figured you’d be here! Can we join!”
Oh! Everyone’s here! You were kinda hoping to see what he’d say, but that can wait till tomorrow.
✦ “Sure! We just finished talking.”
✿ “I brought food! So we can eat here!”
◉ “A nightly picnic!”
▲ “Oh, I can smell the Samosas!”
✿ “Here Frin! I made extra for you! As thanks!”
◉ “Siffrin sure was busy today, weren't they? Thank you!”
◆ “Yes, thank you for earlier. You’ve been a great help today.”
You feel glad to be praised! It was worth every bit of effort.
✿ “Frin taught me how to fight earlier! So I can help you out tomorrow!”
✦ “Yep! Turns out with the right tools, their a natural!”
◆ “High praise, coming from you. Consider me intrigued.”
◉ “What about you, Isabeau? Did Siffrin help you out today too?”
You both look at each other. He smiles. So do you.
▲ “Heh. Yeah. I think we both helped each other.”
… That he did. They all did. You trust them. And… and they trust you…
Your glad you did this. You know it might not last but… Your glad you did it all the same. And maybe. Just maybe… Nah, you doubt this would stop the time loops but… It’s worth trying at least.
You’re at the clocktower, getting cleaned up before bed. You make sure to clean up normally, then open up your disguise to clean the undersides, just in case. Never know for sure. You put yourself back together, then check the mirror.
Blind it. That damn horn. It’s poking out of your head again. Ugh. Why is it so hard to keep hidden? It’ll just pop out of the right side of your head if you don’t pay attention to it long enough. Stars why don’t you just-
You reach to pull it out but stop. You can’t. That stays. You promised.
...You promised? Who would you have ever made that promise to? Who would even care? But… You know you did. And… Your head hurts so BLINDING much thinking about this.
… You just push it back in. It’s fine.
Your having a harder time keeping Siffrin together. You only managed this long because you always get put back in place at the start of the loop. You don’t even know if you’ll be able to heal damage right for long. You’ll need to start getting creative… It’s fine. You can mange for now. You’ll just have to see how it turns out.
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merevide · 1 year
thinking about killing eve again. thinking about eve. and her inhabitions and how she was so repressed and unfulfilled and her only true escape from that was her extensive research into female assassins and through that and getting fired and then rehired she meets villanelle and they basically bring out the worst in each other obvi but that’s also kinda their best selves because all villanelle wants is to be understood and that’s also what eve wants but she denies and denies and denies and she basically keeps denying everything until it’s too late and she’s left alone, again, screaming out in the water.
#like this shit is tragic IF ONLY IT WAS WELL WRITTEN. my god#i haven’t even rewatched this show ever since the last episode aired how do i have all of this just stored away in my brain#eve is such a wasted character because she’s literally so interesting#and then they just kinda fuck it up because they couldn’t really commit to her and her desires#which is also reflected in the show through her character bc she denies and denies and denies until it’s too late#too late being villanelle ending up dead and villanelle was basically the personification of all of eve’s dark desires#like villanelle kinda fucked up her life and killed her best friend and hurt so many of the people eve loved#and eve still was in her orbit because. BECAUSE!!!!!#i’m literally ranting right now and i don’t even know why#like i could go on and on but none of u wanna hear that#like eve is alone in a mental sense in the start and she’s alone in a literal sense in the end#like lol. this isn’t even talking about the romantic aspects of it either#don’t even hit me with that their obsession went deeper than romance sit they wanted to fuck each other let’s get real#i kinda need a reboot of killing eve but with good writing all the way through#i dunno. i dunno why i’m even talking about this#like i’m gonna be 80 and still babbling about killing eve and toxic yuri madness in the nursery home#this show wasted literal years of my life i’m never gonna get back….#BLEGH. sick sick sick sick sick sick sick SICK#killing eve#my text
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insanechayne · 1 year
~ ~ ~
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xosannie · 21 days
ateez’s reaction when you accidentally mark/scratch them bcs it feels so good and you just cant help it
☆a/n: sorry if this took so long I wanted it to be good🤞🏻also look at me posting fics back to back🤭
☆Genre: smut 18+ MDNI
☆Pairing: ot8xfem!reader
He might not comment on it, but the feeling of pain definitely encourages him to keep going. Dare I say it turns him on.
It’s no surprise that Hongjoong likes to tease you. Giving you light touches and avoiding the area you need him the most, and if he does touch you where you crave him it’s at an agonizingly slow pace. So when finally, he has you pressed against the bed holding your legs open as he thrusted into you, you can’t help but gab onto whatever body part of his you can reach. In this case you hold onto his bicep, laying limp on the mattress as you let out whiny moans. It all just felt so good, finally having his cock slamming into you that you couldn’t help but drag your nails down his skin.
“Fuck,” he grunts.
You can feel his dick twitch in you and his hips drill into you at a faster pace (you didn’t know that was possible). In return he would lean down to dig his teeth in your neck, if you mark him he gets to mark you. You yelp at the feeling, clenching around his dick as you feel your orgasm creep up.
”You’re mine, remember that.”
If you had a dick you’d be so bricked up right now cause wtf he’s so hot for that.
He doesn’t give it much thought when you scratch him, but once you start biting him… it’s game over
Seonghwa likes to hold you close while he fucked you, he loved the feeling of your skin rubbing against his as you moaned in his ear. In this particular situation you were trying to quiet down your moans while Seonghwa fucked you deep and slow. It was the middle of the night in your hotel room, you definitely didn’t want the other members sleeping next door to hear how good you were being fucked by their hyung. You held on to Seonghwa as your thighs trembled around him. You weren’t thinking when you suddenly dug your teeth in the crook of his neck to silent your moans. Seonghwa let out a choked moan and hips stilled as he pulled away slightly.
“Wait wait… don’t do that,” he whispered.
You looked up at him worryingly, afraid that you crossed a boundary you weren’t aware of.
“Why? What’s wrong?”
“I almost came,” he breathed out.
Holy fuck- YOU almost came after hearing that.
He’s sort of in the middle ground, it doesn’t affect his deeply but he doesn’t hate it either. He does encourage it though, especially when he sees you resort to biting yourself.
You were always too scared to accidentally hurt Yunho during sex, you would just feel to bad. But you had this habit to want to bite on something when you felt too good. So when Yunho kneeled behind you while he fucked into you, you couldn’t help it when you raised your own hand up to bite down on it. Yunho noticed and he tsked at you, leaning forward so his chest pressed against your back. The new angle made you moan louder, this way Yunho was fucking even deeper in you. He reached forward to gently remove your hand from your mouth.
“No baby don’t bite yourself, here.”
He covered your mouth with his large palm, you were so fucked out that your brain didn’t fully process it when you bit down onto Yunho’s flesh. He grunted, kissing the side of your head.
“There you go, if you need to bite I’m right here okay?”
Afterwards, when you both finished and Yunho cleaned you up, you noticed the bite mark on his palm. You gasp, holding his hand gently to inspect the bite.
“I’m sorry baby, does it hurt?”
“No, it’s okay sweetheart,” Yunho chuckles.
You already felt a pang of guilt and Yunho noticed, cupping your face to reassure you.
“Heys it’s really okay baby, it honestly doesn’t hurt.”
“Are you sure?” “Yes I’m sure,” he kissed you softly. “Besides, it’s kinda cute when you feel so good you resort to biting.”
“If you call me cute I’ll get horny again.”
He doesn’t necessarily like the sting of the pain, but he wouldn’t want you to stop. He knows that if you’re marking him it means he’s doing a good job, and that turns him on.
Yeosang loved to pleasure you, one of his favorite ways was to have you sitting in his lap, back pressed against his chest as his fingers moved in and out of your hole. He loved to hold you, pressing soft kisses on your neck and cheek while you moaned at the feeling of his fingers fucking you. You threw your head back, resting it against his shoulder. You never purposefully hurt Yeosang, you weren’t thinking when you dug your nails in the skin of his forearm. He tries to hold back a whimper, pressing his lips together to keep the noise in.
“That feel good baby?” He asks in his deep yet soothing voice.
You nod eagerly, unable to form words from how good Yeosang fingers felt inside you.
“Yeah? I can tell. Mmm I love pleasing you.”
Of course after everything you apologize repeatedly while kissing the marks you left. He would just laugh and assure you that it’s okay.
“Don’t worry about it baby, you did it cause you felt so good. It means… I did good,” he says the last part shyly.
You pause at his words, heart exploding at how cute he looked.
“Im sucking your dick.”
He definitely doesn’t mind if you scratch or bite him, but his favorite if when you mark his body with pretty hickies. He loves the feeling of your tongue on him, lips sucking at his skin. It’s just so arousing and intimate.
You were just so horny, you haven’t seen San in days due to how busy he was. So when you both were finally alone, your grew too desperate when your soft kisses turned into a heated make out session. You both already tore each others clothes off before he pulled you closer to straddle his lap. You subconsciously rocked your hips against him, causing him to groan when he felt the way your wet pussy dragged against his bare thigh. He gripped your hips, guiding them back and forth making you to moan against his lips. You didn’t know if it’s because of how needy you were or if you’re just a sensitive slut, but the way your clit rubbed against the taut muscle made your head reel.
“I missed you so much baby, come on mark me up, let everyone know that I belong to you.”
You let out a small whimper, hiding your face in his neck to suck at his warm skin. You heard him groan at he feeling of your tongue, hands gripping tighter when he felt you nibble him just a bit.
“Yes there you go, good girl.”
”Call me a good girl again and I’m cumming on your thigh.” San laughs, placing a kiss on the side of your head.
Honestly he doesn’t pay any mind to it since he’s too lost in the feeling of your warmth around his cock. Although, when he’s eating you out, that’s a different story.
You legs trembled around Mingi’s head as you entangled your fingers in his hair. The way he licked at your gushing hole while his long nose rubbed against your clit made your back arch. Your legs closed around his head but Mingi didn’t mind, he loved with when you trapped him against your pussy. You felt yourself getting closer to release, eyes rolling in the back of you head as you dug your nails in his scalp. Mingi whimpered against your core at the feeling, closing his eyes shut as you came all over his tongue. After your high was over, you realized how much you were hurting him so you massaged his scalp worryingly.
“Sorry Mingi, did that hurt? It just felt so good I couldn’t help it.”
“No don’t apologize,” he breathed out, pulling himself up to smash his lips on yours. You felt his throbbing cock press against your thigh.
“That was so hot, I want to fuck you but If I do I won’t last very long.”
Aaaand, you’re horny again :/
Oh this man would looove it. He’s a pain slut just as much as you are. He loves the sting it feels good to him and he especially loves seeing the marks you left the next day. ~
You grasped tightly onto Wooyoung’s shoulder while you bounced on his length. He gripped your hips tightly, stilling your movement to drill up into your hole. You fell forward, hiding your face in Wooyoung’s neck as he grunted loudly. The feeling was so overwhelming you needed to ground yourself. You couldn’t help it when your nails scratched across his upper back leaving red trails on his tan skin. He moaned in your ear, hips stuttering for a moment.
“Do that again,” he commanded. You couldn’t comprehend what he said, getting lost at the feeling of Wooyoung fucking you just right. He slapped your ass making you yelp.
“I said scratch me again!” This time you did as you were told, scratching him without hesitation. The noises that came out of Wooyoung made you cum on his cock.
Like literally, you came so hard.
He wouldn’t say much about it in the moment… but boy does it do something to him. He just doesn’t like to show it.
Jongho held your legs up while he thrusted inside you. You couldn’t stop squirming from how Jongho’s thick cock was hitting the perfect spot. You reached down, gripping his thighs and digging your nails in his skin just to drag it down scratching him. He would wince quietly but the sound would be drowned out but your loud moans. It wasn’t until hours later, when your both snuggled up on the couch after a shower that he speaks up.
“I really liked when you scratched me earlier.”
You turn your head to him, a little shocked by his confession. His gaze didn’t even meet yours, still fixated on the TV screen
“Really? I felt a little bad when I saw the mark I gave you when we were showering.”
“No don’t feel bad, keep doing it from now on.”
He pulled you in closer and you smiled at his attempt to sound nonchalant.
“Whatever you say bear,” you kissed his cheek and he fought back a smile.
Why was he so cute? :(
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maxtermind · 3 days
“your opinion of me won't change, right?” + lando (who kinda has a fuckboy reputation but fell for the reader)
“your opinion of me won't change, right?”
( event masterlist \ main masterlist \ drop a request ) ★:summary:: the one where a fuckboy gets turned into a loverboy? ★:feat:: lando norris x reader ★:genre:: hurt/comfort
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the knock on your door comes around midnight when you're almost going to bed. you don’t expect anyone, especially not him.
for a second, you stand still, unsure of what to do with heart thudding. but the persistent rapping doesn’t stop, and despite the days of silence between you two, you already know who it is.
when you swing the door open, lando stumbles in, his shoulders slumped, eyes clouded with alcohol and something darker. his hair is a mess, damp from the rain, and he reeks of whiskey and regret.
“y/n,” he breathes out, almost as if he’s relieved to see you. but you’re not relieved at all. you’re angry, confused, and hurt and looking at him really hit you so hard that you had to squeeze the ends of your his t-shirt to not stumble.
you close the door behind him, and he sways unsteadily. he’s drunk—drunker than you’ve ever seen him. his clothes are disheveled, his usual cool confidence replaced by something pitiful, something raw.
"lando, what the hell are you doing here?" your voice is sharp, meant to sting, because his presence alone already rips at the wounds that haven't even started healing yet.
he doesn’t answer right away. instead, he looks at you with those familiar blue eyes, the same ones that once made you weak in the knees, but now… they just bring back the pain. his lips tremble as if he’s about to say something, but he doesn’t.
"you—" lando slurs slightly, stepping forward, hands outstretched. "you weren't… supposed to leave. you—" it washed over you like a bucket of cold water and you're already moving away from his touch.
"don't." your voice cracks, and you hate how fragile you sound. you take another step back, putting more space between you two. "don’t come here like this again."
lando rubs his face, pacing around your small living room slowly, stumbling over air. he’s spiraling, trying to collect his thoughts, but the alcohol muddles his brain and you can see the struggle on his face.
“i didn’t mean to… i didn’t want you to leave,” he mutters. he turns to you, desperation in his eyes. "i messed up, okay? i know that. but i… fuck, i’m trying, y/n."
you cross your arms, every muscle tense. "trying? you’re drunk, lando. that’s not trying."
his face crumples at your words, and he stumbles back, this time collapsing onto the couch like his legs can’t hold him up anymore. his hands run through his hair, pulling at it in frustration, in agony.
you vividly remember what happened a few nights ago when a girl texted him asking if he was up for 'another' great night. it wasn't easy being with someone while knowing he could have anyone in the entire world and with his past, you were already always on the edge of letting your insecurities out.
it just led to a bigger argument where instead of assuring you how you were the only one he ever wanted, he asked you to either start trusting him or leave.
so you left.
"do you know how much i fucking hate myself?" his voice is hoarse now, barely above a whisper, but the rawness in it cuts through you like a knife as it brings you back to the present. "i tried to be better for you. i… i tried."
you swallow the lump forming in your throat, trying to stay firm, but it’s hard. it's always been hard with him. "you have a funny way of showing it."
he lifts his head slowly, tears brimming in his eyes now, and the sight is enough to make your resolve crack just a little. you've never seen him cry before. not like this.
“your opinion of me won’t change, right?” his voice breaks, and you freeze. the vulnerability in his question sends a jolt of pain straight to your chest. he sounds small, defeated, like the weight of everything he’s been carrying has finally crushed him.
“lando…” you whisper, but he doesn’t let you finish.
"because everyone else—" he pauses, taking in a shaky breath. "they all think they know me? that i’m just some… some asshole who doesn’t care, who’s not capable of… anything real? but i’m not. i’m not, y/n. you know that, right?"
the room feels heavy, like the air is thickening with every word. you want to say something, to tell him that you believed in him once, that you saw the good in him, the real lando, but it’s not that simple anymore.
"i fell for you," he says, voice trembling, eyes glistening as he stares up at you like you're the only thing that can save him. with the rapid blinking of his eyes, tears start to fall and so does your resolve. "i wish i didn’t put you through this, but i did. and i didn’t know how to be that guy… the one you deserved. but i tried. i’m still trying."
it’s quiet for a moment, just the sound of his ragged breathing and your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
you look at him, really look at him. his face is flushed from the alcohol and the tears, but beneath that, you see something more. he’s broken in ways you never let yourself see before.
all the cockiness, the bravado, the charm—it was all just a shield. he never thought he was good enough for you either, and maybe that’s why you left. you repeat it to yourself but it was a losing war.
the old lando wouldn’t be here, in front of you, crying and baring his soul. he wouldn’t have admitted any of this. isn't that reason enough to give him another chance?
he was selfish before, reckless, hiding behind his reputation as the playboy, the fun guy who never cared too deeply about anything. but now, now you see the cracks. you see the vulnerability he’s tried so hard to bury and it kills you to give in but the words leave you before you can stop yourself.
"i thought you didn’t care," you admit softly, feeling all your defenses start to crumble. "that’s why i left, lando. i didn’t think you could care."
"i fucking love you," he lets out a bitter laugh, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. not believing what you were saying at all. "i care too fucking much. i just… maybe i don’t know how to show it right."
you sigh, sitting down beside him on the couch, still keeping a little distance between you. "it’s not about showing it right. it’s about showing it at all."
he looks at you, his gaze softer now, more open. "i’m sorry. i know i’ve been… i know i fucked up. but i’m… i love you, y/n. i really fucking love you. and i didn’t know how much until you weren’t there."
his words hang in the air, and for the first time in weeks, you don’t feel anger or hurt. you just feel… sad. sad for him, sad for you, sad for all the misunderstandings that led you here.
you reach out, gently brushing a lock of his hair from his forehead. he closes his eyes at the touch, leaning into it like he’s starved for your touch. he probably is because so are you.
"i’ve changed," he murmurs, his voice thick with exhaustion. "i swear loving you has changed me."
you don’t respond right away. instead, you lean forward and press a soft, lingering kiss to his forehead. his skin is warm beneath your lips, and the simple gesture feels more intimate than anything you’ve ever shared before.
when you pull back, lando looks at you through heavy-lidded eyes, his emotions raw and exposed. "i love you too," he mumbles, his voice barely audible, like he’s falling asleep or slipping into a dream where things are better, where you’re together again.
you don’t know what’s going to happen next, or if you can really fix what’s broken between you. but for the first time in a long while, you feel like maybe… just maybe, you can try.
and maybe this time, it’ll be different.
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©maxtermind // do not copy, rewrite or translate any of my work on any platforms.
★:a/n:: thanks for the request love! feedback and reblogs are appreciated :3
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avocado-writing · 20 days
Not sure if this is enough to go off of but I loved the poly!poolverine fic where they rescued the reader. I was wondering if we could get some more of them being protective of the reader 🙏🏻
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The bar is pretty crowded tonight. You nurse a rum and coke and hope Logan and Wade are able to find you in the corner booth you managed to snag, because you know the second you go to order another some opportunistic patrons will take your spot - and you’ve been on your feet all day at work so there’s no way in hell you’ll let that happen.
You take a sip. It’s warm now, ice long since melted in the heat of the room. You grimace at the taste as someone slides onto the bench next to you. 
It is not one of your boys. 
“Hey, baby.”
He’s big. Kinda guy who goes to the gym every day big, which isn’t inherently bad - but from the way he uses his size to press up against you there’s a little bit of unease rising in your chest. He puts his elbow on the table so that he can rest his jaw in his hand, biceps flexing in the tight shirt he wears. 
“I’m waiting for someone,” you say, as calmly as you can, hoping this will deter him. It does not. 
“So? We can have a little talk, can’t we? Not hurting anybody.”
His hand goes to cover yours where it rests on the table. You snatch it back. He frowns. 
“Dunno who you’re waiting for, but they probably shouldn’t have left you here alone. Looks like they don’t care about you, honey.”
“Jesus Christ,” you mutter, annoyed, deciding it’s not worth it. He won’t go so you will. You slide out the free side of the booth - but you’re forced to stop when he grabs your wrist. 
“I wasn’t done talking to you yet,” he says. Okay. Now you’re panicking. You manage to shake yourself free of his grasp and quickly push through the throng of people, hoping to lose him in the crowd. No such luck. He knows where you’re heading. 
The air is cold on the street as you speed up; not running, never running, that might incite a chase. He’s on your heels anyway. 
“Hey, are you just gonna keep ignoring me?”
“I told you I’m not interested!”
He grabs you again, harder this time. A grip you can’t break free from. 
“You know, you should learn not to be such a bitch —”
“Oh! Isn’t this fun! Sorry to interrupt this little show of misogyny in action but it’d be great if you could let go of our pookie.”
You’ve never been more relieved to hear Wade’s voice. Suddenly you’ve got someone either side of you: the brick which is Logan on your left, and the snark which is Wade on your right. 
The guy who’s holding you does not drop your arm. He frowns. 
“Who the fuck are you?”
“They’re who I was waiting for,” you say quickly, as if this will deter him. The man laughs, loudly, cruelly.
“Sorry, you’re in some kinda threesome with this old fucker and whatever this dude is? Fuck, honey, you really need someone to show you what a real man—”
He does not get a chance to finish. Logan’s fist has collided with his face with such ferocity you can hear his nose break. The man yelps and staggers backwards, you bring your hand to your chest for safety. 
“Should’ve let go, bub,” he mutters, massaging his knuckles. Wade deflates. 
“Aw, I wanted to get the first hit in!” He peers over at where the guy is laid out flat. “Go on, get back up. If I don’t throw a punch it emasculates me, and I’m very sensitive about it.”
You roll your eyes, tugging at his sleeve. 
“Let’s just go, guys. I don’t think he’s gonna follow us.”
“One sec.”
Wade strolls over and puts his boot on the guy’s chest, pushing down until he’s wheezing.
“You wanna apologise?”
The guy groans out a sorry, and you give a curt nod when Wade turns to see if you’ve accepted it.
“Don’t do this bullshit again, with anyone, or I’m gonna find you, rip your dick off, then feed it to my adorable, hideous dog.”
They cage in around you as your turn, two loyal hounds at your beck and call. You throw a couple of glances over your shoulder as you leave but it’s as you suspected: the guy remains on the cold concrete. When you’re far enough away to feel safe they slow to a stop. 
“You okay?” Logan asks, lifting your chin with a finger so that he can get a good look at you. You nod. 
“Yeah. Thanks for being there in time.”
“I’m sorry baby, we should have got here earlier, but peanut here tore a guy’s arm off so we had to go and clean up first—”
“Oh god, stop,” you say, pulling a face. You don’t want to know about their line of work, very happy for the business and personal life gulf to be a wide one. “Let’s go get some pizza and head home.”
“Anything you want,” says Logan, squeezing your hand. 
Anything where you’re between them is what you want. Safe and happy, they’ll make sure you’re both. 
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catherinnn · 1 month
Can you please do a fic where Eddie and reader get into a fight over stupid jealousy, and Eddie brings up the fact that the reader had a history of sleeping around before they started dating and uses that against her. She gets speechless and leave and Eddie realizes how bad he messed up, tries to chase after her but she's already gone. He spends days trying to get her to talk to him and she just keeps avoiding him several times. Robin and Steve seeing how distant both Eddie and Y/N have been, decide to work together with Eddie to help him get Y/N back.
(this is inspired by how you get the girl)
That's How It Works
eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: so so so much fluff, fighting, slut shaming, hurt-comfort.
words: 1.3 k masterlist
a/n: thank you so much for requesting <33 I'm catching up with the other requests too, i promise :)
“You were all giggly with him” he interrupts.
“Eddie, we were just talking-“ You try to explain but he wasn’t listening.
“I laughed cause he made a joke!” You could laugh right now from what he’s accusing you of.
If someone told you you’d be coming back to the trailer after Eddie’s performance in The Hideout going at it fighting instead of all over each other, you would have been surprised.
But this is where you are right now. He’s jealous that you ran into an old friend while he played. However, he’s not only accusing you of flirting with him, but also of not even paying attention to his show.
“You cannot tell me that douchebag made an actual funny joke” he contradicts.
“What is this big problem you have with him? You don’t even know him” you complain.
“How do you know him?” he asks in a tone of accusation, you answer either way.
“He was an old friend from high school”
“Just a friend?” he asks again looking pissed, like that wasn’t the answer he was looking for.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He shrugs clenching his jaw. You wait for him to explain himself.
“Giving your history before you met me, forgive me if I have some trust issues” he reproaches angrily.
You laugh bitterly. “Did you seriously just said that?”
“N- no, wait-“ he sighs and then tries to make it better but it’s a little too late now.
“I’m out of here” you say grabbing your jacket again and opening the door.
“Wait, sweetheart-“
“For your fucking information, he was just a friend. Hopefully, that helps you sleep better tonight” you say sarcastically and storm off.
Eddie stays pondering on what you said realizes he went too far. He goes after you but as he gets outside he sees your car already driving away.
He waits a few minutes until what he thinks will take you to get home and starts calling, no one answers.
He keeps trying for a couple more days but you either hang up as soon as you hear his voice, or not answer his calls all together. 
“Boy, I need to use the phone” Wayne says after Eddie’s been calling three times in a row.
“Fine, just let me leave a message” Eddie says and Wayne stays there waiting.
“Do you mind? It’s kinda personal” he says. Wayne rolls his eyes giving him his space, mumbling “What the hell did he do now?”, but he can already imagine.
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“Hey, Munson” Steve greets him once he sees him entering Family Show.
“Hey, can you call [y/n]?” Eddie asks.
“Uhh sure, but why can’t you call her?” Steve asks confused.
“I kind of… fucked up and she won’t answer my calls” Eddie admits embarrassed.
“Oh no, what did you do?” Steve sighs.
“Do you really need to know?”
“Yes, and actually wait here” Steve asks before going to the back room only to return with Robin.
“You fucker” it’s the first thing she says as she sees him.
“You know already?” Eddie complains.
“Of course I know, she called me right away” she explains. “You have some fucking nerve”
“I know, I know. I was so stupid and mean and I didn’t even listen to her-“ Eddie regrets himself.
“What happened?” Steve interrupts and Robin explains as Eddie covers his face in embarrassment wanting to die right here and now.
“Dude, what the fuck?” Steve complains after Robin fills him in.
“I know, I fucking hate myself right now” Eddie says. “But I’ve been calling her ever since that same night to explain how sorry I am and she doesn’t want to listen”
Robin wants to make a comment saying ‘you had it coming’ or something like that but as she sees him almost crying as he says all that, she decides against it. Plus, she knows you listen to every voice mail he leaves you almost cuffing yourself so you don’t call him back.
So she decides to help him.
They give him tips on how to get you back; like going to your house instead of calling you —Steve said to do it tonight because it was supposed to rain and it would be more dramatic;— they told him to say cheesy lines like ‘I broke your heart and I’ll put I back together’. He was wary about all of this but Robin ended the list with a proud smirk saying:
“And that’s how it works, that’s how you get the girl”
So he decided to trust her. He bought the flowers, and waited until it started to rain.
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You stayed watching a movie tonight. Normally the rain helps you sleep like a baby, but lately it was harder and harder for you to finally get some sleep. Ever since the fight.
You were wondering if it was time to pick up one of his calls and talk, but you wished he would do something more. Something that showed how sorry he actually was.
You were watching some cheesy rom-com where they are always more dramatic and romantic. Right in the middle of his love confession you hear a knock on your door. It was late already and raining like crazy so it must have been a branch or something.
Unbeknownst to you, Eddie was soaking wet on the other side praying to Ozzy Osborne that you open the door and not one of your parents. He keeps knocking, cursing Harrington under his breath for this idea, until you finally open the door.
“Are you insane?!” you ask him once you see him. His curls no longer defined because of the water soaking them. The flowers he held in his hand were still looking pretty, only damped. His hellfire shirt almost see through from how wet it was, showing the tattoos underneath.
“I’m sorry” he tries to start but he’s shaking. You let him in, but before you can go grab a tower he stops you.
“Eddie, you’re shaking!” you complain.
“Just listen, please” he asks. “Here, these are for you” he hands you the flowers and you take them.
You stand there astound at his confession. Not only that but the way he did it and the words that he said.
“It’s been a long week, and I missed you like crazy” he starts and you let him explain. “I’m so so sorry for what I said, I- I lost my mind." he takes a deep breath.
"I want you, I don’t even fucking care about your history before, and I’ll make it up to you until the day that I die." he promises
"I understand that you’re angry at me but I’ll wait for you. Forever and ever” he finishes.
He always made fun of you for loving those silly rom-coms and romance books where they’re extra-cheesy. He didn’t like it, they made him cringe. But he understood now. The romantic gestures and love confessions.
After a few seconds you smile, almost mocking him. “How cliché of you, Munson”
He looks at you, not knowing if this means you’re cool now. But you don’t let him overthink it for a long time. You run to his arms, rolling your eyes smiling because he knew just how to make it better.
He engulfed you in his arms, squeezing you. “I’m so sorry sweetheart, I was an asshole”
“You were, yeah.” you agree. “Can you start trusting me more from now on?”
“Yes, I promise” he says nodding repeatedly.
“I didn’t know you could be so sappy” you joke and he rolls his eyes playfully.
“Don’t tell anyone”
“Oh but I will, Gareth and Jeff are gonna die with this information” you laugh imagining all the jokes they will make.
“Oh come onnnn” he complains.
“But I love it though, so don’t feel ashamed” I confess sweetly.
“Only for you, you little tease”
“Alright, let’s go watch Nothing Hill now. Julia Robert’s speech has nothing on yours!” I mock him.
And that’s how it goes. That’s how you get the girl.
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klovesyall · 6 months
Oh my. My brain is full of ideas, but I can't write.
Spencer, but it's his first time showering with his gf? Either she casually invites him to join her, or maybe she's also a member of the BAU and was injured and needs some assistance?
AN: oh absolutely hun. I wasn’t sure if you wanted nsfw or fluff so I went with fluff for a safe option. Also I’m so sorry if this lowkey sucks. This is definitely my first rodeo with writing and I know it’s not perfect but I hope you kinda like it?
OK MORE RECENT AN: im sooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry this took so long. I don’t even have an excuse. And I’m so sorry because this is ASS. But I feel bad not giving you anything so here you go
Warnings: Fluff, swearing? , talk of nakedness and stuff idk
Spencer had been extra protective of you ever since you got hurt. He didn’t want you to lift a single finger, even though you were perfectly capable. He made you food , carried your bags, hell- he even offered to carry you if your crutches got too annoying. All of this to say , he was willing to do anything to make you comfortable.
“Spence, I’m gonna take a shower.” You say with your back turned as you grab some pajamas out of the dresser drawer.
“What?” His voice was filled with concern, as it often was. When you turned around toward him he had the same amount of concern written on his face
“I have to shower Spencer, my hair is so dirty it looks wet.” You haven’t washed your hair in a few days, relying on dry shampoo and braided hair to get you by.
Spencer was thinking for a moment , you could tell by the way his brow furrowed slightly. He finally answers “Let me help you.”
You were slightly taken aback by his response. Spencer wasn’t usually confident enough to initiate or out right suggest anything intimate. And taking a shower together was definitely intimate. Not to say you were opposed to the idea though
“Are You Sure Spence? You do know I shower naked right?” Your tone was some what joking but also kind of not. Regardless you hear the little chuckle you love so much
“Yes I know. I dont want you to fall and get hurt any more than you already are. If you don’t want me to thats fine I just-“
You cut him off
“That would be really helpful, thank you.”
You see Spencer’s worry ease from his face and it’s replaced with a little curve of his lip
You give him a little smile before returning to grabbing your pajamas and walking to the bathroom. Spencer graciously follows you inside, locking the door behind him. When you turn to the counter , Spencer is quick to slip past you, turning on the shower for you.
“Do you take your showers warm or hot.” Spencer asks as if it’s so incredibly normal
“Uh hot I guess? It’s ok I can-“
He stops you when you begin to walk over
“Let me Take Care of you. Please.”
You sigh “you know I can do it myself.”
Spencer takes a step toward you, placing his hands on either side of your shoulders
“I know, but I don’t want to risk anything. You do so much for me and you deserve to be helped as well, especially when your injured. So please let me do this for you.” His voice is soft but you can tell how strongly he feels about this
“Ok, I’ll let you handle it.” I say
He smiles “can I take your clothes off?”
I Nod “You don’t have to ask.” You said that a lot, and it didn’t matter how many times you did. Spencer always asked
He grabbed the bottom of your shirt and you raised your arms. He pulls the shirt off your body and folds it before placing it on the counter. He does the same with your pants. Your standing only in your underwear now
“Do you want me to do the rest?” You ask
He shakes his head “turn around for me.”
You turn so your back is facing him and he unclasps your bra, sliding it down your arms until it hits the floor. He hooks a finger under your underwear on either side of you, pulling them down and helping you step out of them. He smiles when he meets your eyes again
“See something you like pretty boy?” You raise an eye brow in a teasing manner.
“Always.” He replies before walking you over to the shower. Holding his hand, you slowly take a step inside until your under the water. Once inside , Spencer takes a step back and sheds his clothes as well before joining you in the shower.
Spencer had ensured that you had a shower bench installed into the bathroom you shared when you moved in together. He said it was for safety reasons but, you still wondered if it might be for other things.
“Sit.” Spencer says, leading you to the bench.
When you sit down he detaches the shower head and wets your hair. When it’s what he considers wet enough, he lathers shampoo into his hands and begins to massage it into your scalp.
This man has very capable hands, many uses. And washing your hair just got added to the list of them. You close your eyes from a moment letting out a contended sigh
“Feel good sweetheart?” Spencer asks gently
“Mhm, definitely.” You reply, barely opening your eyes.
Spencer rinses out the shampoo and conditions your hair. He helps you wash off and when you finally stand , you wrap your arms around his neck. His hands lace around your waist
“Thank you Spencer, you’re an angel.” You say pressing little kisses to his jaw. You can see the blush creeping on Spencer’s face.
“You’re welcome, I’m always happy to help you.” He says peering down at you.
The two of you exit the shower. Wrapping towels around your selves and getting dressed- well Spencer refuses to let you dress your self so he helps you. He even blow drys your hair for you because he knows you don’t like going to bed with it wet.
You lay in bed on your side facing him as he looks back at you. You reach out and brush a strand of his hair out of his eyes.
“You should stay home tomorrow.” Spencer says breaking the silence.
“Absolutely not. I’m perfectly capable of going into work. Plus Hotch would have my head if I didn’t go.” You say and Spencer sighs
“I don’t like the idea of you out on the field” he says once again with concern
“You’ll be with me. I’ll be fine.”
He sits up “I don’t want you to be fine I want you to be healthy.”
You sit up and scoot close to him “Spencer I’m going to work. If it makes you feel better I’ll stay back with Penelope and help her.”
Spencer relaxes a little “yea. Ok that makes me feel better. But don’t go doing anything stupid. That means no trying to entertain Penelope with” Spencer throws up air quotes “crutch tricks”
You groan and lay back down “whatever you say.”
You can hear Spencer’s little laugh as he turns off the lamp.
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jamdoughnutmagician · 2 years
All The Way Down.
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Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Female Reader 
Summary:Bucky reminds you just how much of a super-soldier he really is.
Warnings:Smut, 18+, Oral Sex (F Recieving), Face-Sitting, Mentions of shitty past ex-boyfriends, Dirty Talk, Bucky eats pussy for his own pleasure
Word Count:1,232
Authour’s Note: I kinda wanted to try to get back into writing for Bucky since I hadn’t done so for a while so it might not be the best writing but it’s here and it’s filthy, so there’s that
also this is for all my fellow thick-gals who just want a super-soldier bf to tr-eat them right.
When it came to you, Bucky was insatiable. He was perfectly happy to be spread out on the bed on his stomach, with each of your thighs thrown over his shoulders whilst his tongue and fingers worked their magic on your pussy.
When he was in one of those moods, then there was very little that would be able to separate him from you.
And tonight he seemed to be in that particular mood, as he licked his tongue through your folds, gently as he helped to ride out the aftershocks of your second orgasm of the night. 
“Doll..Want you to sit on my face…please..” he mumbled as he placed sloppy kisses to the inside of your thigh.
That was something that, until now, you had been avoiding. He’d politely asked you about it before, trying to get from you what he so badly desired. You so far had swatted away his advances with a kind smile and a little white lie that you had been too tired. You’d always assumed that you were too heavy, and past boyfriends and hook-ups had been less than kind to you when it came to how to handle a bigger girl in the bedroom. So from then on, you tried to save yourself the embarrassment and opted rather to either lay back or to be on the giving end of pleasure.
Bucky couldn’t lie, your rejections had hurt his pride, but he couldn’t help but feel like there was a reason why you didn’t want to do this with him, and it wasn’t because you were too tired. 
His mind ran through all the times you’d been together in the bedroom (and the few occasions outside of the bedroom too) and all the things that you’d done together, when he suddenly came around to the thought that not only had you never ridden his face, you’d also never been on top of him. That wasn’t right, he thought to himself. That needed to change right away and he was going to get you on top of him one way or another.
“It’s okay, baby, you don’t have to do that.” you say sweetly as you run your fingers through his hair from between your thighs.
“No, I know I don’t have to do it, but I want to. Want you to ride my face, Sweets.” he says with such a sweet earnestness that it almost breaks your heart with how much he loves you and wants to please you.
“Buck, please…”  you say as you withdraw your legs from over his shoulders and pull them up to your chest, sitting at the head of the bed.
“I’ve never pressed you about this, I’ve never wanted to make you feel uncomfortable, but you’ve never wanted to be on top..like ever…and I just have to ask, why?” his steely grey-blue eyes looking at you in question.
You felt safe with Bucky. Safer than you had ever felt with any of your past boyfriends. He was sweet to you, and he deserved the truth. 
Huffing out a breath to steady your nerves you looked at your boyfriend before speaking.
“I know I’m not the daintiest of girls, okay? I’m bigger and heavier than most girls, and I guess past boyfriends always made me feel insecure about being on top.” you explained.
Bucky listened carefully as you talked through your feelings.
“So, just to save myself the embarrassment and stop the insecurities creeping in, I always decline to get on top. I know most guys aren’t going to enjoy being squashed underneath me” you chuckle that last part, trying to lighten the mood.
“I’m not most guys, Doll.” He says to you confidently. 
You look at him, not totally understanding where he was going with this, so you let him continue.
“It seems as though you’ve forgotten that your boyfriend is a super-soldier, Doll.” he smiles “I promise you I’m strong enough to handle anything you throw my way, and believe me when I tell you that I would be happy man with a pretty thing like you sat on my face. I wanna fuckin’ drown in you, sweets.” he finishes, his voice dropping to a seductive growl and coming over to you to place a hungry kiss on your lips.
Looking deep in your eyes once more, he gives you a cheeky wink before laying on his back stretched out with his head resting on his hands 
“C’mon dollface, what are you waiting for? Your throne awaits.” His cheeky charm never fails to make you blush. 
You make your way over to him, cautiously swinging your leg over his body until you were straddling his chest, hovering over him.
“My face is up here, Sweets” he says, tapping his fingers to his chin to prove his point.
You shuffled further up his body until you’re hovering over his face, and you could see his lazy smile between your thighs.
You feel both his strong arms wrap themselves around your thighs, the contrast of the warmth of his hand and the metal of his other hand is a strangely grounding feeling that you welcome wholeheartedly. 
“I said sit on my face, sweets, none of this hovering, I want you to sit all the way down.” he growls before he locks his arms around your thighs and pulls you close.
His tongue ran the length of your pussy, lapping up the dripping wetness of your arousal. He was tasting you as though he was a man starved, the rumbling vibrations of his moans and groans sending shivers down your spine.
Suddenly you found your hips rocking themselves against your boyfriend's face, the tip of his nose nudging at your clit had you letting out shameless moans above him.
You can feel his cheeky smirk underneath you.
“That’s it sweets, ride my fuckin’ face…Taste so fuckin’ sweet…” his words are slurred as his tongue drinks you in.
He flicks his tongue over your clit a few times, before swirling around and then moving to suck it between his plump pink lips. The feeling of his scruffy beard against the soft skin of your thighs is a pleasing burn as your thighs clench themselves around his head.
Your hands have found themselves tangled in his hair, thankful that he had chosen to grow it longer again, needing something to ground yourself as you found your head swimming with pleasure.
He knew you were close, he’d seen you desperate for release many times before, he continued tonguing your clit as you whined above him.
“Fuck…Baby Please..feels so good..” 
“That’s it doll, let go for me, sweets..let me taste you..” he slurs continuing to help you roll your hips over his face.
It all felt too good. Too good and too much. The tightening knot in the pit of your stomach snapping, and your orgasm rushing over you as your hips slow to stuttering movements. His tongue laps slow stripes over your wet cunt as you come crashing down from your high.
You swing your body to lie next to him, your chest heaving with breaths you break the silence that had fallen between you both.
“I do believe it’s my turn to return the favour, Sarge” you say sweetly as your lips begin kissing a trail down his toned abs.
“Well…I ain’t ever gonna say no to that, Dollface.”
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star-girl69 · 8 months
The Last Time
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!Demigod!Reader
Part One - The Last Time
Part Two - Cowboy Like Me
Part Three - Tomorrow Never Came (coming soon!)
Part Four - Living Legend (coming soon!)
Part Five - Pretty When You Cry (coming soon!)
synopsis: the last night you spend with clarisse before she goes on a quest
a/n: had to put my own take on the clarisse leaving reader behind to go on a quest SORRY Y’ALLLLL this is like devastating fr tho i’m kinda sorry like 😭
The Last Time - Taylor Swift (Feat. Gary Lightbody of Snow Patrol)
warnings: angst, like so much angst i’m gonna say it 5 times, angst angst angst angst angst, angst, hurt comfort and also hurt NO comfort bc i’m evil, kissing, cutesy until it’s not but it never really is, i felt like choosing pain, y’all should start calling me she-devil this is just so mean and evil, swearing, fighting, allusions to death, daddy issues lol, tell me if i missed anything!!
June 4, 12:08 PM
It’s a cold summer night. You sneak out of your bed, sheets slipping off of your shaking body, the same memories playing in your mind. It always comes down to this, the nights.
In the dreams, she doesn’t come back to you, and the nights without her are so cold, so lonely, so horrible you can stand it. They’re only in your mind, but they hurt just as bad. It’s not every night you slip into each others beds, but whenever you have a nightmare, you find your way to hers. Whenever she has a nightmare, she finds her way to yours.
You both have nightmares about the same things.
The usual cryptic prophesies, the various monsters you just can’t seem to kill, and losing each other. Demigods die. They die easily. You both know that.
Some people swear off love.
And Clarisse told you she wishes she could, she wishes she could pretend you aren’t her entire heart, but she never had a choice. You are her Achilles heel, her one weakness.
You couldn’t either. You took one look at the beautiful daughter of Ares and never looked back again.
Still, there’s a certain desperation in every demigod relationship. Touches are just a bit tighter, hugs a bit longer. Because you all have lost so much, and you all feel absence heavily. Every time could be the last time.
Your footsteps creek against the porch of the Ares cabin. You open the door only a crack, slipping in silently the way you always do, avoiding the creaky floorboards.
Clarisse is awake in her bed, the corner of the cabin. She’s staring at the moon fiddling with her fingers. You frown, but Clarisse turns to you.
You’re sure you look as wrecked as you feel.
“Oh, baby,” she murmurs. “C’mere, what happened?”
You always ask each other, but you both know.
You crawl towards her, sitting in between her legs, arms around her neck, head pressed to her chest. She holds you up so you don’t have to. You can’t, not right now.
She kisses your forehead and her hand smooths down your hair.
“You went on a quest,” you whisper. You miss the way she stiffens. “You didn’t come back.”
She doesn’t tell you she’s not going on a quest. She doesn’t tell you she’s going to come back.
“I’m here,” she says. “Do you feel my heart? I’m here, and I feel yours. It’s beating so fast, baby, you have to take a deep breath.”
Tears well in your eyes. You dig your nails into her soldiers.
“Oh, Gods, please don’t leave me,” you cry.
She doesn’t tell you she won’t.
“I’m here, I’m here right now. I’m here right now, listen to my heart, baby, listen to my heart.”
Clarisse swallows back the bile in her throat. She tries not to lie to you, she tries. But sometimes, on cold summer nights when you find your way into her bed, and she doubts you’ll remember this in the morning-
“I’ll always be here, Y/N. I’ll always be here.”
June 11, 5:46 PM
If you thought the nights without Clarisse were bad, then the days are even worse. You miss her. You never realized how much she was there, silently, always watching, not until you told her to stay away from you.
You sit at the dinner table, the sun setting. Most of your siblings have left- but you’re here with May, sitting there as she watches you like a hawk and interrogates you.
“You haven’t been the same. Not since, like, last week. And something happened with Clarisse, it’s obvious. I gave you a few days because I thought you were just having a fight, but you’re not.” She sighs and grabs your hands. “What happened?”
“You’ll find out soon enough,” you dismiss. She stares at you with such heartbreak in her eyes.
May is the sibling you’re by far the closest with- you like similar things, and people sometimes think you’re actual full-blooded siblings because you look so alike. She was the first person you ever met at Camp Half Blood, and after Clarisse, she’s the first person you run too. But now that Clarisse is leaving, and she’s already gone, May is all you have left.
You squeeze her hands. Your best friend, you want to tell her, but saying the words aloud makes them real.
She’ll find out tomorrow.
June 8, 10:57 AM
She tells you privately, she smiles softly and leads you into the woods, she holds your hands and touches your face and kisses you like she’s not about to break your heart.
“Why are you bringing me out here?”
You know her like your own mind. You spend so much time with Clarisse, next to her, it’s like you have a window to her heart tattooed on your arm. You know, even when she doesn’t want you to.
“I just have something to tell you. And I wanted privacy.”
She doesn’t tell you it’s not a bad thing.
Your stomach sinks and you hold her hand tighter, and even though she’s about to break your heart she kisses your cheek and squeezes your hand.
“Just you and me, pretty girl. I just wanna talk, okay?”
She leads you to a clearing with a beautiful view of the strawberry fields and you smile, sitting down and letting your face feel the sun. You can feel her looking at you, but the beauty of this place and each other only blinds the two of you temporarily.
“Okay, what do you have to tell me?”
There’s stones in your stomach. Your heart is squeezing, you can physically feel the tension and anticipation in your organs.
You look in her eyes and you pray to every God that it’s nothing.
“I love you, you know that?”
Clarisse never says I love you, and your stomach twists more.
“Of course I know.”
She lays down on her back and opens her arms. She sighs when you lay your arm over her stomach, head on your chest. Her hands grip onto you tight.
She doesn’t speak for another minute, like she’s just soaking you and the sunshine up, like it’s the last she’s ever gonna get.
“Chiron… a week ago, I think, he called me to the Big House.” You hum, staring at the treetops. “Him and Mr. D… they… uh.”
“You can tell me,” you pretend you aren’t scared.
“A quest,” she blurts. “They have a quest for me.”
“Oh,” you mumble, stupidly.
A quest could mean a million different things. It could be an errand for Chiron and Mr. D, or it could be something preordained by the Fates.
She could have a choice or she could not.
“It’s three children of Ares. It’s about some sort of ancient blood feud between my father and- it doesn’t matter. But it- it doesn’t look good-”
You sit up. She follows you, eyes wide, hands splaying around where your body used to be on hers.
“‘It doesn’t look good’? Clarisse, what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
She grabs your hands. “It’s dangerous, like any quest-”
“It’s not like any quest though, is it?”
She presses her lips together. “No. No, it’s not.”
“You didn’t accept it, did you?”
She stares into your eyes.
She looks so pretty today, her hair half-up half-down. Her eyes always shine so brightly in the sun- they reflect it. Sunny days with her make your heart squeeze, because it always looks like she’s got suns for eyes.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I am-”
You tear your hands away from her.
“Why- why would you- Oh, my Gods, Clarisse, why would you do this?”
You cry, and she reaches for you, her face twisting into something painful. But how can she expect you to run to her when she’s the one hurting you?
“Just- just not right now. Not until the 13th, let’s just have this together, okay?”
“How, Clar, how?”
She grabs your hands and doesn’t let you pull away.
“My father asked for me, he asked for me. I have to go. I can’t refuse my father, Y/N-”
You rip your hands away. “He doesn’t care about you, Clarisse. But I do. I care about you.”
She rubs her temples with one hand, the other still reaching for you, eyes screwed shut.
“Please don’t be like this. Don’t be selfish, I have to this. He asked for me, Y/N. This is such a huge step-”
“A huge step to him loving you? He’ll never love you. Our parents will never love us, because they’re incapable of caring about us. But you have me, Clarisse. You have me, and I love you so much-”
“You don’t know that,” she whispers. “You don’t know they can’t love us.”
“And neither do you.”
She reaches out to touch the tears falling down your face.
“Clarisse, please,” you cry. “I’m here. I’m always here, and just- just don’t put your father over me, please don’t, not anymore-”
She grabs your face. “I’m not going to choose between you and him.”
You’re full on sobbing now, and Clarisse never cries, but just the look on her face at seeing you cry makes you cry more.
“But I’m here, Clar, I’m here, I’ve always been here, please-”
She shushes you and tries to hug you, but you can’t, not when your mind is spinning to fast, not when you want nothing more than to be in her arms because you know if she just holds you then you’ll shut up and forget. But you can’t, you can’t, not this time.
Not when all the pieces are sinking together.
The only time you see her is when you sneak into each others beds, dates in the woods, secret looks across the courtyard, pulling each other into the bathrooms or sheds or something to make out.
You needed her so bad you didn’t realize that you were never first. You didn’t care, but at least she was still there.
“Did you even think about me when you said yes?”
She tries to hug you again. You stand on shaky legs.
“Y/N,” she whispers, half-broken, half-disbelief. “Don’t do this.”
“I just need a day,” you say, but you both know what this means.
She laughs, runs her hand through her hair.
“I can’t believe you’re doing this. Fuck, I know it’s not perfect, we’ve never been perfect, but I need you right now. Don’t walk away. Don’t be like that.”
“And if I asked you not to walk away? If I asked you not to be like that?”
“I’m not being like anything!” she yells. “You’re the one who’s being a selfish brat.”
You cross your arms and look at her. You want the ground to swallow you whole. You want to jump into her arms and never leave.
“Don’t, okay. Just don’t. Stay, and we’ll talk, I’ll try, you know I’m not good at this but I want to try, we have to try for us.”
“Clarisse, there’s no us anymore. You’re leaving.”
“Not until the 13th, Y/N. We could have something so good if we just… pretend.”
You could play pretend with her for hours. You could be married and you could live in a place where no monsters can touch you, where there’s no one to hide from. Where there’s no memory of her father, no axe hanging over you.
“I don’t want to pretend. I want you.”
But it’s Clarisse. It’s the girl you love, and you’re young so you believe you can fix this.
“Don’t go,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest.
You’re both glaring at each other, stupid teenage girls who fell in love too hard too fast, and now you’re scrambling at the world changes around you. You love her so much, but you finally realized that she doesn’t care about you, you’re her secret, and you haven’t had a backbone for so long but you will have one now.
“He asked for me. I already accepted. I need you right now, so stop being selfish and accept it.”
“How am I being selfish? How am I being selfish for not asking you to kill yourself? For asking you to put me first, for once?! You never put me first. I see that now. You never-”
She scoffs. “We both know that’s not true.”
“But I don’t, Clar. I don’t know that’s not true. So tell me, show me, make me believe it’s not true-”
She crosses the distance between you, even though it feels like a thousand miles, and plants her hands on your face. She kisses you, she kisses you like she loves you but not enough to stay.
But you kiss her back. You kiss her back, because she’s the love of your life. You’ll always come back like a kicked dog, like a ball on a chain. You’ll always come back to her like you go back to your bed each night- mindlessly, wordlessly, because it’s routine. Because you sleep in your bed and you need sleep to live, you need her to live.
She pulls back, breathing heavily against your lips.
“You are the only person who matters to me.”
Your grab her wrists and take her hands off your face. She tries to resist you, keep touching you, but it’s halfhearted because she’ll always end up doing the little things that you want.
“Only because the Gods aren’t people.”
“Y/N, stop.”
“Why do you go back to him? Why? Again and again, you go back even though he feels nothing for you- and you know it-”
She steps back, takes your hands off of her wrists.
“I-I’m sorry,” you breathe, you see the hurt on her face. “I didn’t mean it, I didn’t, it’s just, I love you-”
She blinks and stares at you like you just broke her favorite toy.
“I-I should go.”
You want her to say something, you want her to protest, you want her to kiss you again.
“Maybe you should,” she agrees. “Before we both say more things we’ll regret.”
Her face twists back into what she lets everyone else see, that hard mask of indifference, of cruelty and ruthlessness.
How can she hold you so tenderly and look at you like this? How can you pretend you’re still the girl she loves when the fog clears and you realize what you said?
You turn and leave the clearing, you can’t look at her hurt face anymore, tears streaming down your face. Clarisse stays there. You swear you hear the sound of muffled crying.
June 12, 3:46 PM
Chiron announces the quest. It’s dangerous, that’s what he says, and he didn’t want to cause commotion in the camp by letting it come to light.
Are you horrible for wishing you had found out now? You would have had this untainted time with Clarisse. You would have loved her. You wouldn’t have had to pretend, because it would be real.
She’s selfish at every turn. She only tells you when it’s convenient for her to tell you, when she knows it’ll ruin it, ruin you, and lose this time together.
Her and her siblings stand next to Chiron.
She stares at you the entire time, and you don’t look at her once.
May hugs you when she hears, and you don’t speak, because how can you speak when everything is wrong? Everything is broken?
The mirror is broken, and what you thought you saw is no longer there. You only see your shattered self.
June 13, 12:38 PM
You lasted maybe 20 minutes. You went to bed early, slept fitfully for a few hours, and woke up gasping about another nightmare- the same one you had the last time you slipped into Clarisse’s bed. You barely remember the nights you have nightmares, but you always know you go to her bed and she holds you, tells you it’s alright.
The dream, anxiously waiting for her to come back, spending your nights alone but warmed by anticipation and hope- and she just doesn’t. She doesn’t, and it all becomes dark and dull in the dreams and they turn into nightmares.
You cry and you scream and you curse the Gods for not bringing her back to you, but no one can hear you. You’re laying in your bed screaming and your siblings are gone, you know Clarisse is, and you feel so alone.
Feeling so alone it makes your bones shaking is terrifying. And you should be used to it. But you got used to Clarisse and her warm body. You got used to her touches, her words, the way she made you feel even just being in her bed- you could always sleep in her bed because she was there.
After she leaves, would anyone notice if you snuck into her bed? Would anyone notice if you laid your head on her pillow and pretended it was her chest? Would anyone notice if you slept in the shirts she left behind?
You last 20 minutes staring at the ceiling before you’re up.
You don’t care if Chiron will catch you. You don’t care if the entire camp will see you, you never did, but a private relationship was nice. It was yours and hers and no one else’s.
Private is different from secret.
Your feet sink into the soft grass, wrapping your arms around yourself, legs freezing in a cold breeze. You stop, looking at the Ares cabin.
The Ares cabin is just a house full of the best fighters at camp. Everyone looks at it and feels a little safer. You look at it and feel safer.
You’re filled with dread but you don’t care, because you know she’ll let you in, you know she’ll let you into her arms.
The door to the Ares cabin whips open.
Clarisse is there, feet turned left, toward you and your cabin behind you.
She stops and stares.
“Sorry,” you breathe. “It’s your last night, and I…”
“I know,” she says.
You step forward, all you want is to forget, all you want is one more peaceful night. As soon as you step up onto the porch Clarisse grabs you and pulls you in tight for a hug.
Her hands are spread wide across your shoulder blades, her body is pressed to yours, her head hooks over your neck.
“You’re so cold,” she whispers, because that’s all you can say when you don’t want to talk about the things that really matter. Of course she’s warm. She’s like your own personal heater, always warm and always comforting.
She lets go after a moment, hesitantly, but winds your fingers into hers. She leads you to your bed, you avoid the freaky floorboards better than her-
“I never have to be quiet in here,��� she whispers. “It’s funny.”
You hum, she urges you onto her bed and climbs in behind you. You face the wall, breathing in heavily, shivering as she wraps herself around you. You didn’t realize how cold you were until she was holding you.
You didn’t realize how damaging this relationship was until you were so wrecked by it.
You didn’t realize how much you loved her until she was leaving.
You can feel her wanting to say something.
“Shut up,” you mumble, holding her hand.
She laughs.
“Okay, whatever you want.”
You remember this might be the last time you’ll ever hear her laugh.
This might be the last time she ever holds you.
“Don’t cry, please,” she begs, kissing the back of your head. “If I can’t talk you can’t cry, I hate when you cry.”
“I can’t,” you breathe, shoving your face into her pillow.
“Hey, hey,” she murmurs, flipping you around so you’re facing each other. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
You don’t think she’s ever apologized this much in her life.
“It hurts me too,” she continues, you press your face into her neck and feel yourself exhale against her warm skin. “If it didn’t have to be like this…”
“It doesn’t,” you mumble. “It doesn’t have to be like this, so don’t let it, Clarisse.”
“I’m leaving tomorrow,” she whispers, her voice cracking just a bit. So quiet only you can hear it because you’re pressed up right against her.
You want to just climb into her, make a home for yourself in between her ribs where you could always feel her heartbeat and always know she’s there.
“Can’t I just come with you?” you cry.
She grabs you a little tighter, like she’s annoyed just by the thought of you being in danger. “No, Y/N. No, you’re going to stay here at camp, and you’ll be safe. I made my siblings promise to look after you, you’ll be okay without me-”
Her siblings are the only ones who know, but that’s only because every once in a while Clarisse won’t let you leave and you’ll oversleep and they’ll see you in her bed.
She swears them all to secrecy and as their cabin leader and their sister, a fellow child of Ares who’s doomed to want someone they can’t have, doomed to hide in the shadows- there’s so many campers who sneak into the Ares cabin at night, and you all ignore it.
There is a certain desperation with demigods and love. Every time could be the last time.
You wish you could swear off love, you wish you could, but Clarisse has you so wrecked you can’t breathe without thinking about her. You run on her, like she’s coffee or sunshine, she’s the IV stuck into your arm, and you don’t want to imagine living without her.
You think of a future without her and it’s just blank.
She holds you tighter and let’s you cry, louder and louder, muffled into her neck. She says she’s sorry but she doesn’t mean it, she can’t, and you don’t care. You can’t care, not right now, not when this is the last time.
“But I’m here right now, okay? I’m here right now, so just listen to my heart.” You grab onto her, trying to keep her here with you- but she won’t. She’ll go. She’ll leave you, and there’s nothing you can do.
You realize with such a startling finality that this is the last time. How deeply you feel it in your heart, not a pain but just an ache, an emptiness- it’s almost beautiful how it washes over you like a wave, like your heart stops and you’re just left a shell.
You breathe in wildly, but you can’t catch your breath, not when she’s half-here, you’re stuck in this hazy reality. Fading in and out. Her heartbeat. Her breath. Her touch. Her voice.
“I’m here right now,” she says. “I’m here right now,” and it’s the last time.
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss
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x0xomady · 5 months
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the after party
pt. 2 - 🌟
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚˚ ༘ ೀ⋆
summary: 1 month after the breakup you go to a frat party with your best friend. of course it’s harry’s frat.
warnings: smut, p in v, dirty talk, kinda public sex (car), degradation, MANIPULATION! cursing, TOXIC love bombing, alcohol. 18+
song inspo: ✧˖°.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚˚ ༘ ೀ⋆
“please don’t make me go” i groan. my best friend, y/bsf/n, is running around my room trying to find a cute dress and heels for me to wear.
“shut the hell up y/n you’re going” she rolls her eyes and continues shuffling through my closet. i sigh in defeat and lay down on my bed. maybe if i play dead…
“oh my gosh this is perfect! harry is going to lose his shit when he sees this!” she squeals and pulls out my navy blue, satin, mini dress. i had bought it for harry and i’s 2 year anniversary, but obviously we didn’t make it there.
“no. i’m not wearing that.” i roll my eyes and shake my head at my best friend. “plus im not trying to make harry jealous or upset. this isn’t about him.”
“ugh! come on y/n! you have got to move on! it’s already been a month. besides, i know you want to get laid… this could be your opportunity!” she smiles and tosses me the dress while walking back to the closet to find me some heels.
i sigh and look down at the dress on my lap. it is really pretty i have to admit it. the dress has little sequin details and is strapless.
“cmon y/n you know this is important to me! we can’t miss a party like this. especially this one.” she smiles and tosses me matching navy blue heels.
y/bsf/n is right… this is THE party. every year harry’s frat throws a big blow out party right after we get out for spring break. everyone goes and tries to get in… but usually only people that know the frat get in.
“i’m just worried. what if it’s awkward when i see him? the last time i saw harry was 3 weeks ago and we didn’t even make eye contact.”
“babe don’t worry! you guys didn’t end on bad terms there’s no reason for it to be awkward. just be yourself and talk to people.” she gives me an encouraging smile and walks to the bathroom to do her makeup so i can get dressed.
one night out couldn’t hurt…. could it?
we arrived at the party at 10:30. it was the perfect time to go to a frat party. everyone was already there and drunk. seeing as this is the biggest frat on campus and the most anticipated day of the year for most guys, it was packed to the brim.
as soon as the door opens we are met with hundreds of people crammed in the large house. there’s music playing loudly and music booming throughout the room. i despise frat guys. it all seems like one big cult to me. so why did i date one for two years? good question. i have no fucking idea.
we walk through the familiar large house together. there’s bottles, bags, and trash scattered across the floor. people are dancing, making out, and drinking.
ugh kill me now.
it’s so dirty. i carefully step over broken bottles in my stiletto heels. usually for frat parties i would just wear a jean miniskirt and a cute top, but tonight was different. it was like prom for college students.
y/bsf/n has already run off to find her current boyfriend, zayn. he’s one of harry’s good friends.
ugh. harry.
the nagging in my stomach and anxiety in my mind was slowly creeping up on me. harry and i hadn’t ended on the most amazing terms but we hadn’t ended badly either.
it’s a weird situation.
harry and i have a bit of a toxic cycle we like to go through. every couple of months harry gets distracted or bored so he dumps me. then about a month later he comes crawling back begging for me to take him back because he ‘loves me’. it’s not all his fault, no matter how many times this has happened, i go back to him each time.
my eyes are eagerly scanning the room. maybe it’s in hopes of seeing the curly headed boy. maybe it’s dread of seeing him. either way i just wanted to get this long night over with so i could lay in bed depressed about the break up.
usually when i come to frat parties i would make a b-line to the couches where all the frat members and their significant others sit and drink. wouldn’t it be weird if i did that now though?
however, it’s only been 10 minutes and my feet hurt like a bitch. i need those couches.
i make my way past the dance area and bar towards the living room.
there, i see y/bsf/n and zayn talking and drinking, as well as our other friends talking, but no harry.
my eyes scan the large room quickly but i see no sign of him.
“hi petal”
my heart stops. harry.
i would recognize his deep voice anywhere. my breathing catches in my throat as i turn around to see him.
there he is… harry. after 3 weeks of no contact and trying to get over him, it all hit me like a bus again.
“you look-” harry stops and looks down at my dress. “really fucking perfect”
blush instantly paints my cheeks as he compliments me.
fuck fuck fuck! no don’t fall for his bullshi-
“seriously… this dress- fuck.” harry smirks and carefully lets his hands rest on my hips.
“don’t.” i push his hands off my sides and take a step back from the oh so tempting man in front of me.
“don’t what?” he smiles at me innocently and steps towards me again.
no y/n. NO.
i’ve worked so hard over the last 3 weeks to forget him and move on… if i gave in all of that would go to shit and i’d be right back where i started… desperately in love with harry.
“i’ve missed you so much” harry leans down and whispers in my ear, his cheek brushing mine.
“well that’s too bad” i roll my eyes and avoid eye contact with him.
“cmon petal look at me.” harry grabs my chin gently and moves my head to look at him. reluctantly i sigh and look at harry. his piercing green eyes meet mine and it all comes back to me.
“what do you want harry?” i ask while looking into his eyes.
“you.” harry smiles and nudges my nose with his. his ring adorning fingers make their way from my chin across my face. harry holds my jaw and cheek gently.
“well that’s too bad. you had me and you fucked that up.”
“i know i did… im so sorry y/n.” harry looks into my eyes innocently and caresses my face carefully.
suddenly the room feels 10x hotter and my dress feels so constricting. i needed to get away from harry.
i step away from harry and walk out towards the large main room. people are everywhere, so it’s not hard to escape from him.
“y/n wait-”
i ignore harry and continue walking. my body carefully brushes past people as i maneuver my way through the dancing and drinking. my eyes spot the large front doors and i sigh in relief.
without hesitation i push myself through the front door and walk out onto the large lawn. the cold air instantly hits my body and i feel a huge relief run over me.
there’s still a line of people trying to get into the dumb frat party. i pass them and head down the street. the street is almost empty… it has to be at least 12:00 right now so it’s not surprising the streets are clear.
my feet mindlessly make their way down the sidewalk towards the familiar park. seeing the big empty park ahead of me brings a smile to my face.
i walk into the park and make my way over towards one of the benches. it’s as beautiful as i remember it. the large trees cover the sky making it look dark and eerie. the only light being the small lampposts that line the path.
my body finally relaxes when i sink back against the chair and let out a breath i didn’t even realize i was holding in.
however, that peace is ruined when i hear the familiar roar of a certain someone’s car.
“y/n! what the hell?!” the car shuts off and i hear the crunching of footsteps make their way towards me.
i don’t look up at him and instead continue looking down at the ground. harry steps in front of me and squats down so he’s in my eye line.
“why’d you run away petal?” he asks while looking at me from where he’s squatting.
“it was hot in there.” i roll my eyes and lean back against the bench. “did you follow me? that’s creepy”
“i didn’t follow you.” harry shakes his head with a smirk. “i just knew you would be here. you would come to this damn park after every argument we had.”
fuck. he looks so beautiful like this.
the moonlight was peaking through the tops of the trees carefully painting his face. harry stands up from where he was sitting and plops onto the bench next to me.
“why did you come after me? you should’ve stayed at your party.”
“because i love you.”
there it is.
i don’t respond at first. my eyes continuing to make their way throughout the park, in a desperate search for escaping this.
i wanted nothing more than to scream and yell at harry. i wanted to hurt him because he hurt me, but the fact was i couldn’t. i could never yell at harry… i love him just as much as he loves me, probably even more.
“don’t say that.” i glare at harry and then look away quickly.
“why not? you love me too. we both know it’s true.”
yeah. he’s right. it fucking pains me to say… but harry is right.
i loved harry more than anything and anyone on the planet. him simply existing made me more madly in love with him every single day.
“cmon petal… come back to me. you know i love you.” harry whispers into my ear and kisses my cheek.
goosebumps fill my skin as his soft lips trace my cheek. harry’s warm breath danced across my skin making my heart flutter.
“harry stop it. you can’t do this.” i put my hand on his cheek and push him away from my face gently. “you always do this! you break up with me and then come back trying to hook up a few weeks later."
harry pushes out his bottom lip playfully and puts his hand on my waist.
“please baby? i miss you so much. i was so stupid i'm sorry.” he whispers and wraps his arm around my waist. the internal conflict starts swirling through my brain.
on one hand i know that harry just wants to fuck and then date for a few months before dumping me. however, on the other hand, i want nothing more than to jump on him and forget we ever had a fight in the first place.
harry can sense my temptation because he grabs my hips and pulls me towards him so i’m sitting comfortably on his lap.
“see? we can have our own little after party.” harry smirks kisses me right below the jaw.
i know i should shove him away and run, but i REALLY don’t want to.
harry puts one hand on hip and the other holds my jaw tightly. the cool of his rings against my flushed skin makes shivers run down my spine. he pulls me against him more so our lips aren’t more than few centimeters apart.
fuck it
i grab harry’s face and pull him to me. the second our lips touch my entire body erupts and i feel the love i have for harry rush back to me. i feel harry’s cocky smirk against my lips last only for a second before he’s pushing his tongue into my mouth.
the kiss is intense, three weeks of pent up anger and frustration sits in my stomach as i run my hands through his curls.
harry holds my jaw tightly while kissing me thoroughly. i tug lightly on harry’s curls resulting in him releasing a whimper.
i move my hips forwards so i’m sitting right over harry’s prominent bulge. harry lets out a breathy moan and kisses my neck.
“h-harry” i sigh and wrap my arms around his neck.
“hm?” he doesn’t bother pulling away from my neck, instead biting my shoulder softly. i moan and press my core against harry in a desperate search for release. harry smirks and kisses my collarbone. “so fucking needy petal. thought you hated me?”
i roll my eye my eyes and lean into harry’s kisses. as much as i hate to admit it, it feels so fucking good to have him kiss me like this.
“just shut up and take me to your car curly."
“as you wish.” harry grins and scoops me up. my legs are wrapped around his hips for stability.
harry quickly walks down the path and towards his truck. we get situated in the backseat of his car quickly. im laying on my back on the seat as harry slams the door and crawls over my body.
in no time harry’s pants are off and my dress is hiked up to my waist with the top of it pulled down to expose my tits.
harry grabs my thighs pushing them open and looks down with a strained facial expression. he moves his head down towards the spot between my legs but i stop him.
“don’t harry. just fuck me already i need it.” i whine and wrap my legs around his hips.
harry chuckles and pulls my panties down my legs. “see? so fucking needy. such a pretty little slut hm? i missed you.” he kisses my neck hiking my hips up to rest on his thighs.
i moan softly as harry presses the head of his cock against my folds. harry, being harry, has to tease me before he can do anything. “so fucking wet. s’ pathetic baby. i haven’t even touched you properly yet and your little panties are soaked to the core."
harry runs his tip from the bottom of my slit to my throbbing clit. i whine and buck my hips up to get some sort of relief from harry. he grabs my hips and holds them down.
“shh need to make sure your little pussy can take me baby. i haven’t filled you up in so long. might not be able to fit it all.” harry smirks and nudges the tip of his cock in my sopping hole.
“stop it h! just hurry up and fuck me!” i whine and try pressing my hips up but harry’s strong hands are holding them down against the leather seats of his car. harry continues teasing me by slowly inching his cock in.
“yeah? okay baby i’ll stop teasing you.” harry punctuates the end of his sentence by bucking his hips up into me pushing his cock to the hilt. i groan and grab harry’s hair tightly as he fucks up into me.
harry is quickly in a rhythm of fucking me hard. the sounds of his hips hitting mine and breathy moans from the both of us are the only thing heard in the tiny confines of the car.
“harry need more please.” i groan and wrap my arms around harry's neck as he fucks me harder.
“do you have any idea how much i missed you? your little pussy does fucking wonders on me i swear- ” he lets out a muffled groan while he pushes his face into the crook of my neck.
i try to ignore it… but i can’t. the flutter in my heart grows as i look at harry who’s busy keeping the pace of his hips steady. he has no idea how much i love him.
“how are you this damn tight? it’s like i’m fucking you for the first time all over again. gonna have to loosen up this sweet thing all over again.” harry moans while increasing the speed of his hips. his pelvic bone hits my clit perfectly and i buck my hips up in desperate search for stimulation.
“yeah? my baby needs me to play with her little button, hm?” harry smirks and snakes his hand from my jaw to rub tight circles on my clit.
the stimulation from harry’s thick cock fucking me deeply and his rough fingers playing with my sensitive spot, i feel my orgasm approach quickly.
“harry!” i gasp as he deepens his thrusts pushing all the way to the hilt.
“cmon petal cum for me. i can feel you clenching. milk my cock.” he squeezes my hips and continues thrusting into my warmth relentlessly.
i’m too fucked out to even respond. i just sit there and let harry continue the sweet assault on my pussy.
“oh that’s it cum for me baby.” harry groans as i cum around his cock. he looks down at our adjoined body and watches the milky ring of my cum sit at the base of his cock.
harry thrusts a few more times before pulling out and releasing his cum across my chest.
we both lay there and harry grabs his shirt wiping up the mess between my thighs and on my carefully. i sigh and sit up slowly pulling my dress up to cover my top again. the guilt of what i just did slowly starts creeping up on me.
“don’t baby just let me love you okay? i’m sorry for everything. i love you.” harry kisses my cheek and fixes his pants.
i pause for a moment thinking about everything that just happened but reluctantly i nod. “okay… i love you too."
the cycle always repeats itself and i let it
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚˚ ༘ ೀ⋆
we love some toxic harry
-xoxo ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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tenjikufag · 25 days
gojo caught cheating on reader with getou?? need angsttt
Gojo Satoru x Male Reader
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-angst, hurt no comfort, cheating, love bombing, reader actually fighting back I refuse to let you be a doormat!!, vomit mentions,
-thank you for the request, I typically don’t write cheating fics as they aren’t my thing or personal preference but I thought I’d give it a try. Not proofread, and kinda sporadic.
You knew what was happening. You knew all along, as soon as it started, down to the day it progressed past a best friend dynamic.
It was a hard truth, knowing you were being cheated on. Satoru was your first love, and he claimed you were his but you’d assume that was another lie that fell from his lips- Suguru was his first love and he hadn’t gotten over it.
Suguru didn’t love him back, he still didn’t, he didn’t really even like his best friend at this point in time. That much you were sure of. Suguru was treating your partner as a toy, an experiment without any ties on his end but Satoru was hopelessly following him whilst still dragging you along.
Graduation was soon.
Once you were out of the dorms, you were sure you’d be able to leave him but it was almost as if he knew what you were trying to do.
Small things of yours would go missing, only to find them in Satorus dorm when he managed to drag you into it..
The gifts, dates, physical intimacy were being pushed onto you the closer you got to having to move out and be away from each other..
You never gave into having sex with him anymore, feeling disgusted at the aspect of not consenting to “share” him.. shivers ran down your spine while his hands clung to your waist..
“We should go on a date later! You’ve been so busy lately.. no time for your boyfriend!”
He was playful in his teasing, the proposition forcing a lump in your throat and the pressure spiking your anger. You weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing you break down over this. You’d done it enough in your room, taken it out on the training grounds and very clearly spent yourself dry against field curses.
“I’m busy studying, I’ll take you out for a nice date after exams.”
The white haired male buzzed in excitement, squeezing you tightly before intertwining his hand with yours. You held it limply, now used to pulling yourself away instead of leading him with a tight hand and a smile.
Approaching the school building, you pulled your hand away- ignoring the way he pouted and reached for your hand again. You shoved your hands into your pockets, lightly glaring at him and walking ahead.. Satoru frowned deeply.
He was troubled. You were ignoring him recently, gapping a distance between you, he no longer felt the undivided love from you that he’d become accustomed to. No kisses, no hugs from you that he didn’t initiate, and no form of intimacy.
It broke his heart, even if he knew that he was getting his karma for what he had been doing behind your back. You didn’t know, right? You would tell him if you did.. right?
Furrowing his brows, he followed closely behind you and found himself standing awkwardly beside you while you conversed with your friends. They weren’t friends of his, and they didn’t seem to like him all that much either by the way a pair of them sneered at his intrusion.
Before he could ask you to walk him to class, you turned to him with an almost annoyed face.
“Why don’t you go find Shoko? Maybe Getou if he isn’t late.. I’m busy here.”
His heart thumped anxiously, why didn’t you rope him into the conversation like you always did? Why were you letting your friends look at him with such disdain? Why wouldn’t you accompany him to class.. you always did. This is the third time this week you’d dismissed him.
“No, Shoko came early and is studying in the cafeteria and Suguru is always late..”
It hurt his heart, your reply only being a laboured sigh through your nose.
“Yeah whatever Gojo, just go ahead of me and I’ll catch up.”
Gojo? What the hell! It’d been years since you called him anything but his first name- there was definitely something wrong.
“Satoru. I’ll wait for you.”
He corrected, and stood his ground. Stepping closer to you, your friends snickered at him.. he wasn’t used to being treated like this. Being laughed at, being judged, and being anything but the focus of all your attention..
“Ugh! I’m telling you I’ll catch up with you later, can you just go?!”
You pushed him away from you, glaring and turning back to your friends who led you away from him.
‘Come on! Just leave him already, it’s sad seeing him act like that!’
You weren’t sure if he’d heard it, but he did. An ache in his stomach arose and made him almost puke in his own hands. You didn’t spare him a second glance like your friends did, who only watched in amusement when he ran into the school- rushing to the bathroom.
He heaved, gagged, and gasped for air as he emptied out the small meal he had into the toilet. Sweat beaded on his face, legs trembling under him..
Even if you didn’t know, were you already planning to break up with him? Dating post high school is difficult but he was sure the two of you would make it.
Both of you had spent late nights speaking of your future together, already having long term plans of moving in together.. he already had a place picked out to show to you after graduation!
Pushing himself against the stall door, he tried to steady himself.. he would ask you during the first break.. even if you shared classes, you never sat beside each other..
He felt jealous, watching you enter the classroom smiling and laughing with one of your male friends.. the other man clutching your arm to keep himself from falling over laughing..
Satoru waved at you, giving a signature smile to you.. you glanced at him briefly, the look of joy and laughter leaving your face as soon as your gaze met his.
Suguru sat beside him, resting his head on his wrist against the desk.
“Trouble in paradise?”
Suguru chuckled, amused at the look of horror his ‘friend’ gave him.
“Do you think he knows?”
“Probably, but I also wouldn’t blame him for leavin’ ya after graduation regardless.”
“What? What does that mean?”
He choked out, eyes shaking and eyebrows twitching
“He’s too good for you, Satoru. We all know that much.”
We? Who is we? Did everyone really think this? Did everyone know of his affair?!
He couldn’t worry about that, he needed to worry about your relationship.
Even if he was a cheater.. he still loves you. Sleeping with Suguru would never change that- he couldn’t rectify anything at this point and often times he wondered why he even started this all.
When he was with Suguru, he thought of you. Thought of you ontop of him, thought about all of Sugurus moans as yours.
Why did he do it?
He couldn’t even remember anymore..
But it was all catching up.
“Hey, are you okay? You’ve been.. kind of ignoring me recently..”
Satoru sheepishly inquired, approaching you outside during break.
“Hm? Yeah I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? Because-“
“I’m fine Satoru. Drop it okay?”
He bit his lip, not even interested in the sweet bun you’d brought for him.
“It’s just.. I feel like you’re-“
“I don’t wanna talk about this right now. Eat the damn bun, we only have 5 minutes left.”
The packaged bun was shoved into his chest, leaving him to catch it while you walked away. Again.
He didn’t catch up to you until the end of the day, grabbing your hand without a thought. Tears welled in his eyes when you flinched away and limply held his hand..
You hummed, not sparing him even a second of a glance.
“Are.. are we okay? I heard what your friend said-“
“No. We aren’t. Let go of my hand since you wanna talk about it.”
He didn’t even have to let go before you ripped your hand from him.
“I know about you and Suguru.”
His heart dropped, his body tensing and saliva pooling in his mouth from nausea.
Walking into the dorms building, he kept shooting questions at you, following you into your own dorm.
“What do you mean you know?! Why didn’t you tell me?!”
Slamming your bag down, you whipped around to glare at him. Your eyes held a rage he’d never seen in you before, not even thinking you’d be capable of sending him such an emotion.
“Why didn’t I tell you?! Why did you do it?!”
“You should’ve broken up with me to go fuck around! If you didn’t love me anymore I would’ve much preferred hearing that than having to learn you’re fucking cheating on me!”
“But I do love you-“
Shoving him away, your frantic hands started to gather all the gifts he had given you and started to throw them at him.
“Love?! You don’t love me! No one who loves someone does this!”
Heaving heavy breathes, you threw a final gift from him at his head. He brought a hand up to rub his head where it hit, wincing and opening his mouth to speak again
“Shut up Gojo! Don’t you dare speak a word to me.”
You spat, pure venomous rage in your tone
“I didn’t want to fight with you like this. But I guess you’re happy huh? Getting some sick fucking satisfaction seeing me like this?”
Growling, you paced around the room.
“No, this is breaking my heart.. I never wanted to hurt you-“
“Well you fucking did! I was waiting until we graduated to fuck you over like you did but it’s all out in the open now.”
Throwing your arms up, a delirious smile itched at your lips. You felt lightheaded, spurs of adrenaline shocking every cell in your body.
“What do you mean? What are you doing?”
“I’m leaving Gojo. That’s what I’m doing. I’m moving far, far away.”
Smiling at him, he trembled under your gaze
“I was going to disappear after graduation. Leave you wondering where I went, and maybe, just maybe, you’d feel the sickly heart break that I’ve been feeling this whole fucking time!”
Satorus eyes welled up in tears, imagining what it would have been like for him to lose you like that.. dread in his heart at thinking you’d magically disappeared but now you were outright telling him you were leaving. It didn’t ease any of the dread, he was still losing you.
“Where are you going? I can fix this, I can make it up. Please, you can do whatever you want to get back at me, don’t leave me! You can even sleep with a hundred men, just stay! Please!”
He begged, tears flowing down his cheeks- trying to reach out to you only for his hands to get slapped away.
“Like I’d tell you. I’m leaving to get away from you. The life I built here isn’t worth it anymore because it’s been stained by you.”
Sneering at him, you walked over to your drawer and picked up a small velvet box.
“If you hadn’t fucked me over like this and ruined my fucking life, this was going to be yours.”
Pushing the box out, you dropped it into his hands and he opened it- exposing a sleek silver band.
“But I guess I’ll let you have it anyways. I couldn’t imagine giving someone else a band that was for a cheater.”
It broke your heart, it really did. Even if you’d thought you were slowly getting over it or coming to terms, this fight had opened just barely scabbed over wounds. Your emotions and words pouring out of each cut and gash he’d left your heart with.
“Now get the fuck out. Don’t talk to me again. Have fun with Getou.”
Grabbing the back of his shirt, you shoved him out of your dorm- throwing him into the hall.
It was over.
It was done.
You weren’t his anymore, and he hadn’t been yours for some time.
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chaotic-mystery · 11 months
Dark Angel | J.M.
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Joel Miller x f!reader
summary: Joel's too soft on you and he finally let's you see the real him.
warnings: SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI! porn w a tiny speck of plot, implied age gap, unprotected p in v, vanilla sex gone bad, choking, spitting, oral (both m & f receiving) loads of pet names (you and Joel both refer to him as daddy, pet, baby girl, little girl, slut, stupid, etc etc) playing with rope, bound to the headboard, breath-play, begging x100, rough nasty sexy time, slight arguing, nipple play/smacking, possessive!Joel, face fucking, cum eating/play, swearing, dirty talk, no physical description of reader other than having hair Joel can grab a fistful of and yank. NO USE OF Y/N (let me know if I've missed any.)
| word count: 2.5k | notif blog | main masterlist |
Getting it through Joel’s thick head that you weren’t made of glass and he could be a little rough on you was a job cut out for you. He was always gentle, too gentle at times. Like one time, you had to beg him to spank you while you were on top riding his cock, and he fought you so hard on it. He was scared he was going to hurt you, his sweet baby. Joel always asked if what he was doing was okay, if you were in pain, and as always you had to respond upset at the fact you weren’t in a little bit of pain. 
With the growing frustration of not getting handled how you wanted, you figure now was the best time for you to get your way, to see what he was hiding deep inside himself.  As usual, Joel was on top of you between your legs with his arms on either side of your head to hold himself up, trying to get inside you just right so he didn’t have to contort your body so much. “God, baby I missed you so much.” He panted as he slid inside you, slowly thrusting and asked if it felt okay. 
A grin grew across your lips and you wrap your arms around his neck, looking him deeply in his eyes. “Baby, would you maybe choke me? I like that, ya know. I think it’d feel go-”
“No, sweetheart, I-I don’t wanna hurt’cha. A pretty lil angel like you is into that kinda stuff?” Joel’s caught off guard but not enough to stop moving his hips back and forth. 
“Yeah, honey. I like that, it’s easy…see, I’ll show you..” Your hand moves down to his neck, giving a tender squeeze, the thrill of maybe getting somewhere with him had rushed straight to between your thighs. 
Joel groans in irritation, grabbing your wrist to pin it above your head. 
“Baby, c’mon, don’t ruin what we got goin’ on right now. I’m sorry I just don’t wanna hurt you.” He protests and stops his hips from moving but doesn’t take himself out of you. 
You roll your eyes at him and shake your head, groaning to cut him off. 
“Joel, all I’m asking is for a little bit of a squeeze, not for you to take the air from my windpipe…you did it once before and you’ve never done it again. Why?” 
An aggravated sigh falls from his lips and he sits up on the corner of the bed with his hand running along the nape of his neck. “Can we not talk about it, please?” 
Why was he running away from talking about this? He wouldn’t even have a conversation about it without shutting down on you. 
“Why, Joel? Why not? Stop running from this and just talk to me, I’m not made of glass you know.” 
The room falls silent and you tug the thin grey sheet up under your arms, your eyes grazing over Joel’s naked back, his muscles flexing every few seconds. 
“I did it once, I was a little rough with you, seeing how much you liked it…it scared me. It scared me knowing how much I liked seeing you whimper and cry, beggin’ me to stop spankin’ your ass because it hurt.” 
Joel’s back tensed as he finished muttering his sentence. 
This whole time he’s been burying who he really was inside, not wanting you to see how fucked up he really is.
“Jus’..unlocked a whole new way for me to imagine you. Absolutely hopeless and willing to do anything I say or want.” 
Hopeless and willing to do anything. 
Sitting up and pressing your chest against his back, you hooked your arm around his neck and hugged him, kissing the nape and crook of his neck slowly at first but it turned hungry and desperate in a matter of moments. 
“Would you like that, Joel? Clawing at your body to get your cock inside me like a needy little slut?” The words purred against his soft skin made him groan in excitement. 
He turned to you, cupping your face gently as he spoke calmly, “do you want me to show you that side of me, baby? I just need to know you won’t hate me afterwards, especially if I hurt you a little too much..” 
With Joel’s thumb rubbing your cheek softly, you turn to kiss the inside of his palm.
“Joel, I could never hate you. Show me the real you, daddy.” The words poured from your lips and they were like beautiful string ballads to his ears. 
“Are you 100% sure?” 
You place your hand on his and nod softly.
“I’ve never been more sure about anything until you.” 
Joel gave you a warm smile and without any hesitation, he grabbed your neck roughly and tossed you on your back, sinking into the sea of pillows and blankets.
With every harsh grab at your legs to get you right where he wanted you, he grunted lowly and soon enough he had that devilish smirk you once knew. 
“Stay there, be a good pet for me.” A sloppy kiss was pressed to your cheek and Joel dips out of the bedroom, going downstairs for what felt like forever. You could feel your thighs collecting your sticky arousal and it takes every ounce of willpower you have not to touch your aching cunt. 
He was back before you could act on your thoughts and in his hands was a bundle of rope, worn and tattered but still strong enough for what he needed it to do. 
“D’ya know how many times I’ve thought about tying your ass up and just takin’ you however I wanted? Punishin’ you for that smart fuckin’ mouth you got on ya and the way you think you can talk to me sometimes, the way you wanna argue  when you think you’re right and you aren’t.”
Joel’s hands carefully tie your wrists to the headboard and he pulls hard when he makes the knots, small groans escape from him as he does. 
He leans back down close to your face as he holds himself up above your body. You can feel his hard cock against the inside of your thigh and all you can think about is how you need him inside you before you explode. 
“I know I’m gonna enjoy every single second of this sweet girl… just like I know you will too.” Joel grabs a fistful of your hair and yanks your head back so you have no choice but to look him in the eye and he grins at your slight pain, kissing your forehead before he trails down your neck, nipping and sucking at your skin to elicit whimpers from you. 
Joel’s mouth finds your left nipple and like a magnet he takes the hard bud in his mouth, sucking and flicking his tongue against it roughly. Your eyes watch him the entire time and your brows furrow in such pleasure, meanwhile Joel’s are peacefully shut as he’s groaning against the pillowy flesh of your tits as he swirled his tongue around your overly sensitive nipple like it's a toy. 
Fuck. You were his toy until he was done with you. 
“J-Joel-please I need you baby, please.” You were lifting your hips up in his direction to try and get any sort of friction you can against his cock. 
Joel’s eyes shoot open and his strong hand snatches your jaw tightly, your nipple popping from his mouth as he squints at you. 
“You need daddy’s cock in you that bad, sweetheart?” He coos at you, shaking your jaw a little. 
With furrowed brows you nod eagerly at him, muttering yes over and over again.
A glimmer in Joel’s eyes makes your heart race even more than it was, you could practically feel it in your throat. 
“Beg for it, little girl.” 
Whimpers fly from your parted lips as you muster enough energy to beg him, your wrists tugging harshly at the restraints. 
“Please, fuck me-ah-I need you, I need you to fill up my tight pussy and have your way with me until you’re done using me, daddy.” 
You swear Joel’s brown eyes shift to pitch black as you whine more and squirm. 
“Mmmm, you make it hard to say no to you.”
Joel reaches down and takes two of his thick fingers and forcefully rushes them inside your dripping entrance, looking for your g-spot he was no stranger to. 
His eyes fall heavy as he watches your face flush with ecstasy, your mind seeing stars and planets and everything else he was keeping you from for so long.
You were stuttering and moaning for him to go faster and instead, he replaced his fingers with his cock, hitting that spongey piece of flesh harshly. 
Your back arched off the bed and he chuckled at you, wrapping his arm around you to hold you against him. Your top half draped over his arm and his mouth finds your nipple once more, lapping at it while he pounds into you. 
“Fuck baby-ugh- you feel so good wrapped around my cock like that, stretchin’ your tight little hole out. Tell me who this pussy belongs to, honey. Go on…say it.” He growls and bites your nipple, his groans vibrating on your skin.
“I-it belongs to you, daddy. Fuck- this is your pussy I swear, no one’s ever fucked me the way you have, never. I’m all yours daddy, always.” You could hardly get all your words out before Joel laid you back down, grabbing your hips to lift you up a tad and ram his cock right into you. 
With the bed frame bumping the wall, it only made him want to go harder and faster to see if he could put a hole in the spot it was hitting. 
“No one is ever gonna fuck you again, you got that? You are mine. Once I’m done with you, you won’t be able to even think about anything else, just worried about the next time my dick will be buried in this sweet little pussy that belongs to me.”
No one had ever been this possessive with you before. Joel had his moments of the occasional man looking at you and him threatening to beat the guy up, but it didn’t even come close to this.
“Daddy I’m-ooh, ssshit-I love y-”
You were cut off by Joel’s hand letting go of your hip and gripping your neck roughly, squeezing so hard you had to stop talking to focus on breathing correctly. His hips pound against the back of your thighs as he squeezes tighter, chuckling lowly as he could see the air slipping further and further from your lungs, the vein in your forehead protruding the harder he applies pressure.
“My sweet little slut, beg me for your life.” As Joel’s eyes look into yours, the corner of his pink lips curl into a sly grin, what a sick fuck. 
The tightness on your windpipe made it damn near impossible to choke out the words he wanted to hear, the sobs he was impatiently waiting on. 
With tears in your eyes you were so fucked out and unable to glue words together that there was not a syllable coming from your windpipe, just raspy squeaks and moans. 
“Didn’t think you could, stupid little girl. Look at’cha. So willing to get this old man to do whatever he wants, don’t even care if you fuckin’ pass out.” A harsh slap to your nipple with Joel’s freehand was enough to make you gasp deeply, your lungs puffing up again. 
The burning ball of pressure was deep inside your stomach and you wanted to come so badly, to scream his name so loud everyone would know who was fucking you. 
“Fuck baby, you squeeze me so good, makes me wanna come inside ya. Would you want that, honey? Full of my cum to the brim and make you carry my babies?” Joel’s balls smack against you and his groans almost cover the sound but it's still faint and noticeable. 
You stopped struggling to get your arms free and your legs wrap around Joel’s waist as you start to shake and come all over him. You sob as your orgasm makes you feel so animalistic, like you can’t control yourself. 
All Joel does is go harder, forcing you to feel everything inside and out. His hands run all over your body while his cock rams into you. He’s amazed by you, so enamored the way you sob and shake and beg for him to stop. 
“What’s that baby girl? You want me to stop?” He rhetorically asks before slipping out of your pussy with a groan and his tongue latching onto your clit instantly. He sucks your clit into his mouth and moans as he shakes his head from side to side.
“Joooel! Ple-ase please please st-top!” You cry out, your throbbing clit so telling you’re about to come again. Joel licks your clit mercilessly before spitting on it and comes back to your lips, his beard coated in your sweet slick.
Wet kisses of slick and spit cover your mouth and tongue and you can’t get enough. You lick inside his mouth and all over his tongue, getting every last bit of you from him. 
“Open your mouth.” He murmurs on your puffy lips and gets off you, standing on the side of the bed, grabbing the top of your head forcefully to turn your face towards him. 
“Fill that smart ass mouth with my cock, since you always wanna run it. Well now I’m gonna fill it.” His hands on his hips await you to put his cock in your mouth without hands and the growl Joel lets out when he feels your lips wrap around him. 
You moan on him and move back and forth causing his knees to lock and move closer towards you, slightly fucking your face. 
“Such a pretty baby while you suck on me like that- fuck, sweet girl.” Joel sucks in air through his teeth as his cock twitches, his hips dip slightly and before you can pull away, Joel’s coming in your mouth. The slightly salty liquid pooled in your mouth as Joel jerked himself off until every last drop was gone. He bends down slowly and closes your mouth for you, pressing your jaw up so you can’t open it. 
“Swallow it all like the good girl I know you can be for daddy.” He gets close enough to lick what little was dribbling from the corner of your lips and with watery eyes you look at him and swallow hard. 
Joel’s hand pulls down your jaw slightly and you smirk as you stick out your tongue to show it's all gone. His tongue finds yours once more and you moan in each other's mouth, so drunk on lust and love. 
“You’ve been holding all of that back from me?” You joke and Joel’s head drops with a chuckle. 
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alexa-fika · 8 months
Pops reacting to childreader 💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💸💸💸🪙💰
I have been cliff hung 1 to many times...
*this part opt but I have a feel either dragon or winged reader would be kinda scared at first.. cus he's built fucking different bro*
Wandering Dragon pt2 (Whitebeard Pirates x fem!reader)
A/N: Homie you got me dying with the comment uou left on the last post and the request made me cough out a lung 😂. What do y’all think bout this one? Cause I think I COOKED, it’s really wholesome
Part one With Whitebeard pirates and revolutionary army
Dividers by @/saradika
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“And you know what? Even if you are only 8, I’m sure Pops isn’t going to turn you away. He’s gonna love you, Reader. You are just that darn adorable.”
She digs her head in his shoulder.
He snickers, feeling her face hearing up
“Aww. You’re so cute, you know that? What happened to the bold rascal?” he teases, gently stroking her head and hair.
The only response he receives is a gentle swat from her tail
Ace laughs even more.
“Aww, is that your way of saying you’re shy? “he says, pulling her closer.
“And a bit of a brat, aren’t you? Don’t think I missed that tail swat. But I can’t stay mad at such a cutie, now can I?” Thatch snickers, ruffling her hair
“Hmm... I need to bring you to Pops. You’re getting clingy already.”
She gasps and shoots up
“Am not!”
Ace laughs a bit.
“Are too!” he says, playfully poking her nose.
She pouts
Thatch grins at their interaction and gestures to Ace, who nods slightly; he approaches the girl slowly and suddenly digs his fingers in her.
She shrieks as he starts tickling her as she tries to wriggle out of Ace’s grasp
Thatch laughs loudly at seeing her struggling.
“Heh.. that’s adorable,”
She begins flapping her wings, getting out of his grasp, and flies up and out of the Storage room, giggling
“H-Hey, come back here.”
She laughs, looking back at them as they try to catch up to her, a similar emotion on their faces; as they chase her, she fails to notice where she is going, crashing right into someone.
“Ow, So…rry?” she begins, but her words die out as she sees who she crashed into, as right in front of her was a man the size of a mountain.
She wraps her wings around herself, coiling her tail around her body in a similar manner as she tries to hide from the man in front of her in fear.
The man is none other than Whitebeard himself, looking down at the young stowaway.
“Hm... who are you?” he asks, glancing at the men who run and stop behind her.
Ace laughs, pointing at her.
“We found her below deck. She says her name’s Reader. Looks like she was exploring before we happened upon her. Probably didn’t even know she was on our ship.”
She whimpers, wrapping her limbs tighter around herself until someone slowly steps closer and kneels down next to her; she takes a peek, spotting a man whose appearance reminded her of a pineapple
Marco smiles at the girl.
“Hey, kid. Don’t be scared. I’m not gonna hurt you,” he says softly in a soothing tone for her.
She stares at him but makes no movement to release her defensive stance
He approaches slowly before squatting in front of her.
“Look, I’m the first division commander of this ship. It’s fine. You’re in safe hands. And that guy you crashed into...”
He points at the big guy.
“That’s our captain. Edward Newgate, but most of us just call him Pops. He’s a real sweetheart. But he can be a bit of an intimidating when you first meet him.”
She sniffles, glancing at the man towering next to them and back to Marco, and then glances at Thatch and Ace behind her
Ace and Thatch smile, seeing her look at them.
“Don’t worry,” Ace says gently
“Pops, he’s not gonna hurt you either. No way.” Ace confirms
“Marco’s right. I know he may look intimidating, but he’s like a father to all of us; he would never hurt you,” Thatch says, backing his crewmates up
She glances back to Marco in front of her
He’s still smiling softly at her, not pushing her to come out of her defensive position.
“Do you want to come say hi to him?”
She nods, slowly unfurling herself
Marco gently grabs her hand, walking her right up to Whitebeard himself. He gently nudges her forward so she and the captain can meet each other.
She glances up at him, stretches her wing, and slowly flies up so that she is face-to-face with him
“..ny…mi…ter” she mumbles
He raises an eyebrow
“What was that?”
“You look funny, mister,” she mutters
Whitebeard laughs uproariously.
“Haha! Do I look funny? That is quite an interesting description, young lady. I mean, I suppose I look a bit weird but funny? You’re the only person to ever say that to me.” he snickers
“I like this one, bold one,” he says, glancing down at his sons
“And she’s pretty feisty, I can tell. Not too many kids can call Whitebeard funny,” Thatch adds in
“She’s one of a kind, that’s for sure,” Marco says, smiling at her
“She’s a clingy one, too,” Ace adds
This snaps her out of her shy, fear-filled state as she flies down and barrels into Ace
“Am not!”
Ace laughs, catching her.
“See, clingy!” he says teasingly.
“And a brat, can’t forget that,” Thatch scoffs.
Whitebeard laughs louder, amused by his crew’s responses
She hmph fluttering away from the pair and closer to the giant; she began buzzing around him
Whitebeard chuckles, amused by her playful behavior, as he begins playing with her, making her flutter around.
“Heh, you’re a real-spirited kid. Almost reminds me of a certain someone I know,” he says, looking over to Ace.
“Are you a dragon? You’re big like one.”
Whitebeard laughs at her question, amused by the comparison.
“No, I’m not a dragon. I’m a Human, just a very, very big one.”
“Do you know much about what a devil fruit is, kid?” he asks her
“Yeah! Mister Sabo told me about it! They give you these superb powers, right?”
Ace’s eyes widen
“Oi kid, come over here a sec.”
“Hmm?” They dive down towards the three men
“Who did you say told you about a devil fruit?”
“Mister Sabo!”
Ace grins
“By any chance, did this Sabo tell you if he had a devil fruit?”
“Yeah! He said he had a Mera Mera fruit. I thought he was a dragon since he could make fire, but he said he wasn’t a dragon.” She pouts as she says this
“He just ate the Mera Mera and was a fireman! And it’s so funny, 'cause there was this grumpy guy called Dragon, and he wasn’t a dragon either! I was so sad,” she rambles on
Ace burst into laughter, igniting his hand on fire in a similar fashion Sabo had done back then
She looks at it and glances between the flame and Ace’s face a few times
“It’s you!”
Ace grins at her before extinguishing the flames on his hand
“It is me,” he says, confirming the little girl’s discovery
“Mister Sabo said you and him had the same mera mera fruit, which is never heard of!”
Ace nods
“Yup, that’s about right. Me and Sabo both ate a specific type of fruit known as the Mera Mera no Mi; I got really hurt a while ago, was gone for a minute there, which is why we think the mera mera appeared again, and he ate it, so now we both have it’s power” he said pointing to a big scar on his chest
“That’s so cool!” She squeals
“Ah! Are you okay? That looks like a pretty big scar!”
Ace chuckles
“I’m fine now; got seen by the best doctors to get a look at it; one of them is the guy behind you!”
She glances at Marco
“Mister Pineapple did?!”
Marco stills as her comment slight red tint growing on his face while Ace and Thatch start laughing uncontrollably; even Whitebeard lets out a snort at her exclamation
Marco sighs, shaking his head with a slight smile on his face
“Really are a little Rascal,” he mutters
“Yes, I helped patch him up a while back, used my devil fruit,” he said as his body ignited in flames
She gasps
“Did you also eat Mera Mera?”
Marco chuckles
“Not quite. I also ate a devil fruit, but unlike Sabo and Ace, I ate the Tori Tori no Mi.”
“Wah? There’s more than one type?”
“There are hundreds, if not thousands, of them. Each grants you a different power.”
“Superb! Mister Pops, what about you? What fruit did you eat?”
“Me? Well, I happen to have eaten the Gura Gura no Mi. It was a long time ago when I ate it, but it’s a very powerful one. It allows you to control earthquakes and vibrations.” Whitebeard explains with a smile on his face
“That's so cool,” they squeal
“It certainly is,” Whitebeard says, smiling.
“I can do all sorts of things with it, like this.”
He raises his hand, and a massive shockwave emanates from it, shaking the Moby Dick to its core. It even causes the little girl to fly backward into Ace’s arms.
The tiny child squeaks, her coordination being thrown off at the sudden movement
She takes a second to get her surroundings straight but marvels at Whitebeard’s display
“Haha, see what I meant? Pretty potent fruit, huh?” Whitebeard asks, seemingly pleased that the girl is so engaged by his abilities.
Ace takes this as a chance to play around with the little girl a bit, holding her and swinging her slightly as she lands in his arms.
“Ah, that reminds me, Reader, you hungry? I can prepare you something. Got you this in the meantime,” he says, throwing an apple her way
“Thank you! Here!” She says, coughing; the others look worried; their worried stares soon turn into something else as she coughs up some gold coins, offering them to Thatch
They just stare at it dumbfounded as she coughs up gold coins.
“What the hell?!” Thatch exclaims
“Watch your language around her,” Ace says, slapping the back of his head
“Why you…” he growls as they begin brawling
Reader flies above them, laughing at their interactions
“You have a wild family, Mister Pops”
Whitebeard sighs, chuckling at his son’s antics.
“Oh, you have no idea, girl,” he chuckles
Marco laughs quietly at the both of them,
“Settle down, boys,” he chides them, not moving to try and settle the argument between the two of them; as Reader continues laughing at the chaos unfolding, Whitebeard glances at her.
“Man… you’re gonna be a real handful for all of us, aren’t ya?” Whitebeard chuckles
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I was intending this to be a real short one but then I couldn’t find a place to stop it without it being to sudden so I just kept going I found a place I could have cut it but then I was like nah, we need more.
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highvern · 11 months
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x reader
Genre: angst? humor, idiots in love
Warnings: jealous reader, mingyu is kinda an fboy but not really, Seungkwan is a readerxmingyu stan, alcohol mention
Length: ~1.5k
Note: another Drunk Goggles prequel! its a twin piece to bite the bullet bc they're both dumb jealous idiots but this is still very early on in their relationship.
If looks could kill then the nameless girl chatting with Mingyu at the bar, tracing her manicured nails down his bicep as she giggles obscenely, would be six feet under by now. 
She technically isn’t doing anything wrong; you and Mingyu aren’t a couple, you have no right to be upset when someone flirts with him. It's a given that someone as handsome and charming as him has a line of people bidding for his attention. But it doesn’t stop your mood from turning to shit when it happens. Frowning into your watered down drink, you swallow the remaining liquid, wincing against the bitterness. If you’re gonna watch people throw themselves at him tonight you’re definitely going to need something stronger than what’s in your cup.
You make your way to the far end of the bar, away from Mingyu and his new “friend,” ordering yourself two shots of tequila to extinguish the fury igniting your veins. The burn of liquor hurts far less than what you witness from the corner of your eye. Mingyu’s back is to you, obscuring his face but not the face of Yeji or Yeri or whatever her name was. She’s smiling at him coyly, blinking up from under her lashes as she leans a little too far into his personal bubble. Mingyu is an idiot if he can’t tell how much this girl wants him to take her home. Her less than subtle squeeze of his bicep sends your eyes rolling and an indignant scoff living your throat. You’ve seen more than enough.
Pushing away from the sticky wooden surface with a new drink in your hand, you creep back towards the table your friends are spread around. Luckily, most are either caught in conversation and don’t notice your tense expression or they’re kind enough to ignore it.
Keyword: most.
Jihyo hones in on your attitude change in zero seconds. And because she is about as subtle as a bull in a China shop, she jumps up to snag your hand and pull you towards the bathroom without a word before anyone else can say anything (re: Seungkwan who is about to kick Mingyu’s ass on your behalf).
“Mingyu’s an idiot.” Jihyo states calmly once she’s locked the door. 
She watched Yerin approach Mingyu at the bar and knew the second you saw there would be a meltdown. Jihyo won’t judge you, she never does. But she will wring Mingyu’s neck the next time he comes to her for advice about you. This was definitely not something she would have suggested to him.
“I’m not upset!” You cry, but it’s no use.
“Oh please,” she snorts. “I saw you at the bars. You only drink tequila when your feelings are hurt.”
“He can do what he wants, it’s not like we’re dating.”
“So? You like him, he likes you. If he’s gonna act like a dick in the meantime then he should have at least done it where you wouldn’t have seen.”
“If he likes me so much, why is he flirting with some girl?” You warble.
The tears forming in the corners of your eyes are sponsored by shitty tequila and a long island iced tea.
"Because he’s a dumbass.” She raises her voice. “He adores you, but he’s a dumbass.”
“He can adore my foot up his ass.”
“He probably would.” She contemplates. 
You snort. Jihyo knows exactly how to make you feel better. 
“If you wanna go home, I’ll come with you. I hate this bar.”
“No you don’t, but I appreciate it.” 
“Alright then, can we please get out of here?” 
“Yeah, it smells like vomit.” Your face twists as you dab away the tears on your cheeks.
“I thought that was just you.”
“I hate you.”
“You love me.” Jihyo argues. “Now, let's go show him what he's missing!”
You raise an eyebrow but leave the cramped space nonetheless.
It's difficult to hide your shock when you approach the table and find Mingyu getting an earful from Seungkwan. You can’t make out what he’s saying but Seungkwan's face is red with either alcohol or anger (probably the latter given the way he’s gripping Mingyu’s collar). Mingyu’s eyes are wide in fear as he’s shaken to and fro by the younger man.
But when Mingyu sees you approach over his friend’s shoulder, the fright melts away, leaving a beaming drunken smile. It’s really hard to be pissed off when he looks like a puppy whose owner just came home. Seungkwan looks around to see what interrupted his lecture to find you staring inquisitively, to which he just rolls his eyes before settling back in his seat, diving into the heated exchange between Jeonghan and Chan.
Mingyu throws an arm around the back of your chair after you settle next to him. His fingertips trace the peak of skin next to the strap of your tank top, raising goosebumps and evaporating the rigidness in your posture immediately. Damn him.
“Missed you.” He mumbles close to your ear.
This time your eye roll is obvious. Mingyu thinks you're being playful but you remember how he was pinned to the bar only a few minutes ago and steam is threatening to pour out your ears again.
“Seems like you had decent company.” Your words are pointed and the way his eyes grow wide and his smile drops almost makes you feel guilty.
“Yerin?” He furrows his brows, “She was nice but not really my type.”
“Pretty girls aren’t your type?”
“Not when they aren’t you.” 
The smirk on his face is lazy and confident. Knowing Mingyu, he’d high five himself if he was less trashed. 
A cough covers what suspiciously sounds like a snort on the other side of his seat where Seungkwan is.
You bite your tongue against the scoff in the back of your throat. Mingyu’s got balls, you’ll give him that. But if he thinks he can flirt with you right after letting someone feel him up where everyone can see then he has another thing coming.
“You think I’m pretty, Gyu?” Your voice is sickeningly sweet, encouraging Mingyu to fall into your trap.
You turn towards him, letting your eyelids lower and lips pout. One of your hands drops to his thigh as you twist to see him better. It's exactly what Yerin was doing to him earlier but you can immediately tell that he is much more receptive to your antics than he was to hers.
The shock on Mingyu’s face makes you wish for a camera. It’s an effort to keep from laughing when his jaw falls open as his gaze follows the pattern your hand traces on his knee. You’ve never touched him like this before, but if this is how he reacts you’re more than happy to continue.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “The prettiest.”
You hum in acknowledgement. Mingyu is free flowing with compliments whether he’s drunk or sober but it always leaves you breathless. 
“Prettier than Yerin?” It’s petty but you’re feeling the shots you downed and logical thought isn’t your priority.
His face has moved into the crook of your neck, chin resting gently on your collarbone, sigh ruffling your hair as he gets cozy in the warm space and allows his nose to trace the curve of your shoulder.
“Absolutely.” His lips tracing the word on your skin makes you shiver.
“Then why’d you spend all night talking to her instead of me?”
Disappointment seeps into your voice; as much as you deny it, he’s hurt your feelings and wounded your pride.
“I—,” Mingyu swallows.
“Hmm?” You’re being mean but he started it.
“No need to apologize,” you coo in his ear. “Looked like you were having fun.”
“Have more fun with you.” He’s stuttering, flustered at how easily the words slip from between his lips.
“Where’d she go anyway?” You turn your head to locate her but she's nowhere to be seen.
“Don’t know,” Mingy rasps, mind focusing more on the way your nails tickle the inside of his knee through the fabric of his jeans than your questions. “Don’t care.”
“Don’t be mean.” You chide.
“I really don’t though.” 
“Well, Jihyo and I were thinking about heading out.” You feign a yawn. “It’s late.”
At the sound of your threat, Mingyu is immediately up out of your neck and staring at you with puppy eyes. 
“But you just sat down!” He pouts.
“I’ve been here for hours.” You mirror his expression. “I’m tired, Gyu.”
“I haven’t gotten to talk to you all night!”
“Maybe you can talk to Yerin again.” You smile with venom in your eyes.
The shock on Mingyu’s face informs you that he is now realizing how much he fucked up. 
“Bye, Gyu.” You coo sweetly, giving his thigh one last squeeze.
Jihyo watched the entire scene play out much to her own horror. She’s ready to go the second you stand, preparing the lecture of a lifetime once you're on the way home. But the shit eating grin on your face makes her proud.
What you two don't see is Seungkwan leaning over to whisper a “told you so” in Mingyu’s directions as they both watch you walk towards the exit and into the night.
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moneymartin · 4 months
・❥・- just for you.
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summary: kate takes her anger out on you after a hard loss. (more gentle tho cause she doesn’t have the heart to hurt you 😞😞😞) + lil bit of aftercare at the end ;3
warnings: 18+ ASFUCK! SMUT MDNI! strap on use… lol
a/n: ik i been lacking recently but i’ve grown some more motivation to do something since i’m kinda stuck at home. also almost broke my arm yesterday hahah 🥸 also not much dialogue tbh i’ve never been good at that cuz i dont talk to ppl 😭 AND i didn’t know how to end sozzzzzz!!!!
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it was the toughest lost of kate’s college career, especially considering the fact that it was her last year at UOI. the only thing she wanted was to have the championship title, just once. but the team couldn’t do it.
you saw her put all her blood sweat and tears onto that court. the way she tried to make as many shots, as many blocks as she could, and as many fouls as she could draw. the way you watched her cry while she walked into the tunnel absolutely broke you.
when she got home the air between you two grew extremely thick. you couldn’t tell if she was angry or even over it at all. she wasn’t crying, just real quiet. and being the good girlfriend you were, you didn’t bother to push any of her buttons, no matter how much you wanted to just keep her company.
kate would either be sitting on the couch, on her phone, continuously walking around the apartment, sitting in random spots on the floor, in the kitchen. she’d be anywhere and everywhere. all she wanted to do was get her mind off of it, for a little bit.
“are you okay?” you speak amidst the quiet environment that had been lingering for god knows how many hours. you didn’t try to speak either because it felt like she’d just ignore you or give you a nasty look cause she wasn’t feeling so good about it. “i’m fine.” kate murmurs and looks up at you from the clasped hands on her face. the tone she gives you makes it known that she isn’t.
“yeah, right.” a scoff leaves from your lips and the mood changes almost immediately. your eyes dart towards kate and the look that she’s giving you makes it feel like a million daggers are being dug into your back. her face stiffens up and so does your body when you realize that she’s 100% angry.
you know that it isn’t your fault, but now it really feels like it was. “do you think that’s funny or something?” when you hear that, it’s obvious that you’ve fucked up. you can’t muster up anything in response cause you know that it’ll make it worse. not for her, but for you.
but there’s just something about kate that drives you insane when she’s fired up.
“no.” you swallow.
“exactly! don’t fuckin’ go around and laugh about it, if it isn’t funny! are we clear?”
she grunts and lets out a heavy breath when you stand there all quiet and unresponsive. she hates that. its the one thing that makes kate tick the most, other than losing a game that important to her. “answer me.”
you don’t respond. and the look of anger on kate’s face grows much more apparent. “c’mon!” she groans and quickly slides off of the bed. her fingers grip at the collar of your shirt, her rapid breaths brushing harshly against your face.
she tugs your body up against hers and a small whine escapes from in between your lips. kate is giving those eyes that make you shiver all over the place. “y- yes, we’re clear…” you choke out and look away. you can’t stand seeing her angry but its also the fact that it turns you on too.
your voice makes it seem like you aren’t very sincere about saying that though, and that makes her tick even more. kate’s teeth grit together and a sharp breath makes its way through them, her fingers inching closer towards the waistband of your jeans.
“yeah? you sure?” kate teases and starts to unbutton them. her voice deepens and the cold air that meets your now exposed skin makes the shivers feel more like a billion daggers going through your body. her hands cup your waist, a newfound lust taking over the look in kate’s eyes. “doesn’t seem so sincere…” she husks out.
“i mean it! god, you can’t believe me even when i mean it the most.” you sigh and stare at the jeans puddling around your feet. when you bend over to pick them back up and put them on again, kate’s fingers wrap around your sleeve and she pulls you up, drawing a quiet ‘tsk’ sound from your mouth. “just… let me fuck your brains out until i get you to really mean it.”
she tugs you up against her again, her front subtly grinding against yours. and now you can actually feel it. her stupid fucking strap. your eyes dart towards hers momentarily before they inch away. the embarrassment you feel is incredibly strong. you’re wet, and now you can’t even look her in the eyes.
before you even get a chance to speak, kate’s hand falls on the dip of your back and you’re face first into the foot of the mattress. the side of your head presses against it again to get a breather, the sound of kate unzipping her jeans rapidly, and the tip of the strap making contact with your body.
one of her hands grabs both of yours and pins them backwards, the other hand trailing up and down your body and towards the waistband of your panties. in one swift movement, they’re off and on the floor. you have no clue where, but they’re somewhere in that room. as much as you’re trying to resist, you can’t
“c’mon, baby. don’t fight it, please.” kate pleads and leans over your body to bury her face into your neck. her teeth dig into the side of it and you let out a wince, struggling to move your hands while she keeps them in a lock. kate’s breath tickles at your skin while she pulls away, the hand she has on your waist moving away to line herself up with your entrance.
she doesn’t even give you a warning before she slides in. the only thing that makes it known that you’re getting absolutely filled up is the groan kate lets out when she goes in all the way. you let out a huge whimper and eventually start to feel it. “fuck!… oh my god.” you babble and feel kate leaning toward your face again, her breathing hitting your skin, leaving behind dark marks on the base of your neck.
the more you moan and whine into the sheets, the more it fuels her to keep going. she thrusts into you as hard as she can, her hand letting go of the two she’s been holding, and yanks at your hair to pull your head up. “you fuckin’ feel that, baby? that’s all for you.” kate grunts, smashing her lips against yours and pulling your hair again. “just for you..” a hurried ‘mhm’ escapes your lips, your voice left limited.
your whimpers mix into the kiss as you constantly punch at the bed the harder she drives into you. her teeth tug at your bottom lip and your head moves away the more you feel yourself start to sweat uncontrollably. hair sticks to the side of your head and to your forehead, kate gently brushing them out of your face to keep that prolonged eye contact.
“you’re so beautiful, i swear.”
“hmphh—! you’re going too-“
you get cut off the second you feel the turns in your stomach and the blood rush to your face. that familiar feeling burns brightly in your belly and the knot that had been there forever finally becomes undone. you end up finishing, the overwhelming sensation dying down almost instantly.
kate rolls off of you and notices the water buildup in your eyes, her thumbs running across the bottom of them to wipe them away. she lets out a small sigh and scoots a little bit closer to you, eyeing down the hickeys she left on your skin. “i’m sorry, baby.” she whispers softly and cups your face with her palms.
her lips connect onto your neck and she peppers gentle kisses all over each hickey. the contrast from her rough nature to eventually turning into that natural soft, sweet woman you fell in love with the second she sees you like this. “let me fix you a warm bath, okay? for the troubles.” she whispers in between smooches, her hand snaking up your shirt, and her nails dragging softly against your back.
“duh. you know just how i like it.”
“why would i not.” she lets out a scoff and pulls away quickly, a small smile crossing her face when you agree. “was that a scoff?” you mutter and raise your eyebrows. hers do too, and her lips narrow into a straight line. “what about it?”
well, that was the small thing that got you here in the first place.
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